#blackout [ verse ]
picavecalyx · 3 months
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their dynamic . @reiketsui
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tres-fidelis · 4 months
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Stinky alert!
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panther-os · 2 years
I once again have a whole giant plot that would be excellent as longfic, but zero ability to write longfic.
So here's the snippet of the inciting incident:
"Tervho, why is there a kid here?"
"This is Arpat, my foundling."
"Have they even finished their verd'goten?"
"They're getting a naur'goten and Goran told me to bring them."
"... Right. Why are you here, Goraniik?"
"What are the duties of the Mand'alor?"
"Fine. The Mand'alor is akaanalor, leader in battle; naakalor, leader in peace; kaipur'yamlor, who sees to the needs of their people's bodies; mirpelor and droten'bajur, who see to the needs of their people's minds."
"And the Gorane?"
"The Gorane are rejoruyor, who tell our histories; beskaror, who guard our hearts; ranovor, who keep the ancient secrets; demarunor and mandacabor, who see to the needs of their people's souls."
"The Vode will need them all to be separate."
"The Vode? Wh - you mean the clones? You're sure?"
"I've Seen it. That's why Goran sent me. You will teach the Kihlor'ike. I will teach the Kihran'ike. They will be a People."
"There are going to be at least a million clones. How by Stars will we know which ones they are?"
"I will Know."
"... Alright, then. I suppose I lost this debate when your Goran decided to send you. Welcome to Kamino."
Here's the snippet of Anakin finding out:
"Cody's name is Kote?"
"Ah, it's his Mando'a name. A handful of us were selected for verd'gotene and naur'gotene by a Manda-touched Goraniik who was an instructor's foundling. Afterward, they gave us additional names."
"Were you? Selected, I mean?"
"Ah, yes, sir, I'm one of the Vode's Kihrane, so I took a naur'goten and was named Mareyc."
"Close enough, though I'd prefer you call me Rex."
"Is Cody also one of the Kirawnay?"
"No, he's one of the Kihlore, he took a verd'goten."
"What's the difference?"
"The Mand'alor and the Gorane each have five main roles. Essentially, the Mand'alor sees to the mental and physical needs of the People and the Gorane see to their spiritual needs. For the purposes of the Vode, the Goraniik who trained us insisted on a different person filling each role. Kihlore, small Mand'alore; Kihrane, small Gorane. It's a good idea. If any of us fall in combat, the People we serve aren't crippled. Each company also has their own Goran and Ver'alor who each fill all five roles, but only for the members of that company. The Kihrane and Kihlore serve all the Vode."
"But you serve the Republic first, right?"
"Depends on the urgency. If my People need me to perform last rites more than the Republic needs me to take inventory, I'm doing the rites first. But if the Republic and the Legion need me to lead a battle more than my People need me to observe a ritual fast, I'm wolfing down ration bars with the rest of them to keep fit for duty."
"Well, as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties as a soldier."
"It hasn't yet. I've been doing this since I was decanted, sir - long before the war."
"Alright. I'm trusting you."
And here's a screenshot of my spreadsheet (image description wanted):
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Most of the Mando'a I'm using is my own contrivations from canon words, especially the use of the -or suffix to mean "leader" as opposed to the typical personification suffices -ir, -ad, and -da.
I almost named Rex Droten'karta ("heart of the people") for this verse but decided I still like Mareyc for him, despite this being so far unrelated to the Fordo's Kid AU.
Bacara is the temporary Demarunor while Neyo heals, but Neyo is the one who got the training straight from the source before Priest (detested) happened. With Arpat's blessing, he passed on the basics Bacara needed to be functional in his duties but Bacara would only take it with the understanding that Neyo will be taking on the role again once he's had A Lot of therapy. After learning about Priest's abuses, Arpat suggested Neyo's healing journey be his naur'goten ("birth of a forge") and he had to think about it but eventually agreed. (Originally, he was insistent that the trauma itself was life-changing enough to count as a "birth" but Bacara asked him if he really wanted Priest's actions to define his entire adult life and that's when he changed his mind.)
Arpat means "seed" since the idea of them was the seed of this AU. Training the Vode's Kihrane was their own naur'goten, so once Neyo takes up his role, they'll be a full-fledged Goran instead of a Goraniik ("baby Goran") and will leave their name behind. They're not in any rush, they have oceans of compassion for his situation, and if that means they don't complete their naur'goten until they're 30 instead of the usual 13, they're okay with that.
Leaving their name behind isn't a requirement for the Kihrane, especially not after Gree had a panic attack about it. Adjustments are made to suit the Vode as their own branch of greater Mandalorian culture rather than absorbing them into an existing branch such as the True Mandalorians or Traditionalists.
Jango is still indifferent to everyone but Boba, the Alphas, and the Kihlor'ike, and neglectful to everyone but Boba. However, Arpat's position as Goraniik grants them some authority among the Mandalorians in the Cuyval Dar and so the way the rest of the trainers treat the clones does improve based on their example, with some notable exceptions like Priest and Reau, etc.
Arpat is ten when they arrive on Kamino with their buir, so by the time the war starts, they're the same developmental age as the older clones and have successfully helped raise an entire generation. After the First Battle of Geonosis, they stay on Kamino to continue helping. Colt especially relies on them as a mentor for himself and as a Goran for the cadets. They also insist on finding Boba and ask their buir to adopt him.
I think that's everything I have?
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nightshadereaper66 · 8 months
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All of my poems and short stories in one place for you to binge-read. Will be updated when I post new things. Unless I forget.
Stories: The Great Sandwich Adventure: Three dysfunctional animals try to make some lunch. Tomfoolery ensues. Death's Gift: A man meets Death, who offers him a wish. Be careful what you wish for... Reflections: Waking up to something odd. In The Fume Hood: Too much homework. Too little sleep. An overly powerful (and possibly sentient) fume hood. Ethanol and Mothballs: The halls of the museum are quiet at night. The collections are a different story; organisms wake up and begin to explore...
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Poetry (from 2024): The Betta Fish What Could Have Been Blurring Together Fibonacci Poems Part 2 My Brain Gnome Is Disorganized The Baby Turtle I'm Still Here Atrophy (Slowly Wasting Away) Recycled I Am A Human Empty Room Hope is the T-Rex With Feathers Self Love Missing Common (Important) Things Leap Day Sticks and Stones The Half-Light Saturation Diver Miss Felicity Overcast Limbo Unknown Land Melted Rock Sensory Issues Zugzwang Perfect Illusions The Lake Behind the Dam Desert UNIVAC LARC Solid-State Computer Cancer Research Who Owns The Moon? Peel Off A Chunk of Skin Maggots I Gave It All Away Upshot-Knothole A Thousand Times The Dining Room Table Sidewalk Chalk Kerflugleshlog Puck Sprite Heatwave Where Graveyard Shift Lady Time Fallout
NaNoWriMo 2023 Poetry from 2023
Descriptions: Inner Peace
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(Thanks to @feelinkeeli for suggesting this clone!)
The entire point of Blackout’s job is to stay under the radar, so it’s understandable that he’s not terribly enthused about being asked to corral a Mandalorian “civilian” (he’s pretty sure most civilians don’t get the amount of security and access that this one does) with a giant axe who is practically itching to use said giant axe against the bounty hunter Durge.
“Is there a particular reason you’re trying so hard to get killed?” Blackout asks, dragging the alleged civilian behind a rock.
“Durge won’t kill me,” the civilian says seriously, dusting off their dark green leatheris kama. 
Blackout doesn’t know where that confidence comes from, probably from being a Mando. “And what about the rest of us, hm? You’re making it very, very clear we’re here. I can’t say I’m a fan.”
“I didn’t ask you to come with me.”
“Captain Maze did, though,” Blackout points out. “Sorry, but as long as everyone’s claiming you’re a civilian, you don’t outrank him.”
The civilian in question snorts loudly. “Funny how these things work out,” they drawl, adjusting their grip on their axe. “You can hang back, grab me before you deem anything is about to happen that you don’t like. Worst to worst, Durge’ll knock me around a bit and try to drag me off. You can pick me up before that happens.”
“You seem pretty sure about that,” Blackout says doubtfully.
They just stare at him, the oval of gold paint on their helmet and the dark t-visor making them look birdlike and uncanny. “You don’t like not having all the information, do you Commander.”
Blackout scowls under his own helmet. “I don’t.”
“Sorry I can’t be of any more help, then. I can’t say anything that your High Commander General,” they pause after saying that rank and he thinks he hears a strained giggle, “hasn’t signed off on.”
Blackout’s doubt about how much of a civilian this Mando really is grows. “Just… Don’t do something stupid.”
“Every risk I take is calculated,” the civilian says, amusement apparent in their voice, “and I assure you I’m very good at math.”
Blackout looks down at the axe and sighs. 
(I am not currently accepting clones to subject to Spar.)
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rejectshumanity · 11 months
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this heat wave is making him feel incredibly lazy. the kind of lazy where he only wants to lie in bed all night, with good books to read and fine wine to drink.
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tacko3d · 2 years
Hey y’all
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dr11ft · 1 year
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Kazumi (Japanese: カズミ, 和美) / "peace, beauty"
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organichotchoco · 1 year
You know how everyone's introducing Reddit to Tumblr culture? Reddit should do it too!
I don't want classics like Rimjob_Steve, The ol' reddit switcheroo, Disney_Vacation... CBAT..Coconut....Jolly Rancher...
okay nevermind we can just burn it all down/s
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thepathetickind · 10 months
the darkness arose like a curse, it sounded like the window was whispering something and the storm outside was laughing at my miserable figure, the big trees looked like monsters and the cold floor was crawling under my feet, I can already feel nightmares building up inside my head and demons hiding under my bed, a warm cup of tea won't make it better, fairytales with happy endings won't make me believe that there is always a way out, stories about brave knights won't make me believe I can be saved, insanity - I lie in my bed and hope to wake up to a completely different world, hope it’s just a bad dream blackout _by laurenmaerie
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universestreasures · 1 year
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Tomari Seto from Cardfight Vanguard Overdress/Willdress is being added as a Highly Active Muse!
Canon Compliment and Headcanon Expanded!
Verses for the original Cardfight Vanguard Series and Inuyasha coming soon! 
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needlxd · 1 year
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starter call! like this for a starter, and specify which verse you want form kit. multis please specify your muse too. no cap for now, so feel free to request however many you want.
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dionysiannights · 2 years
Tag dump 3
🍇 || I hope I didn't make for any inconveniences [Dusa]
🍇 || Dark as a blackout [Nyx]
🍇 || More of a cat guy myself [Cerberus]
🍇 || Bovine bother(in-law) [Asterius]
🍇 || Appreciate the finer things [Aesthetics]
🍇 || It's Yours Truly who puts on the best performance [Headcanons]
🍇 || I can recognize an invite when I see one [Asks]
🍇 || I propose a toast [IC]
🍇 || Cheers for picking up the tab [OOC]
🍇 || Wine makes everything more beautiful [NSFW]
🍇 || The feast is just getting started [Main verse]
🍇 || I'll drink to that [Promos]
🍇 || premium vintage [memes]
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ghostofaformerself · 2 years
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crimsononiarataki · 4 months
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"Hey now, you didn't do too bad, Sugar."
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redhead-reporter · 9 months
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(from tasm pete ...look he can make the coffee and it has caffiene but it might not be great)
º ✧ 。are you MJ'S TYPE ??? ft. @localwebslingers
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"brat enabler, huh? i certainly like the sound of THAT. why don't you come over here and show me just how much you like it?"
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