abysstainment · 2 years
.//tag dump #1
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There’s a Daisy Johnson cameo/Easter egg in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse!!
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Well, everyone that has read Invincible knows that during his fight against Levi, Mark gets thrown into the Marvel universe, bumping into a fight between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus. Let's be sincere, Amazon getting the rights to add Spider-Man was an almost impossible idea... But not entirely impossible. Yet still, we had to brace ourselves for small cameo in which the Marvel character would seem recognizable for the fans, yet ambiguous enough for lawyer teams. I was lowkey expecting that, but they decided to go further and have a more elaborate encounter... So... That's the thing: The either payed for those juicy Spider-Man rights or they made a legally distinct Spider themed superhero. Of course they went for the second option.
So... Introducing...
Agent Spider! Ugh...
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Look, I think it's unfair to be disappointed by them not being able to add Spidey. I get it, but it was a pipe dream...
... However...
This legally distinct character looks quite awful and unappealing, which is weird considering how generally good Invincible designs are (specially for the pastiche characters). I'm no rabid MCU hater, but this guy looks like the worst MCU design trends in an original Spider-Man design, minus all the basic Spider-Man elements.
Like, I get not making him look too close to Spider-Man — stuff like changing the colors or composition — but this looks WAAAY too tacky. And what's with that "agent" motif? Who came up with that random ass bullshit? "Agent" Spider? Why? That motif actually add the worst elements to the design. Like the stupid "A", or the harness, or the pouches, or the "tactical" lines of the... Is that a fucking helmet? Jeez.
What irks me the most is that making a good looking Spider-Man parody/pastiche is not really that hard, you don't have to overdo it. Look at the Brown Widow from Venture Bros.
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The theme makes more sense, as this chatacter is based on a specific type of spider and there is a comedic motif that doesn't take over most of the design. Yet still, it retains the simple siluette of Spider-Man and a basic notion of detailing and distribution of elements on the suit. Most importantly, THE EYES! The eyes scream Spider-Man, yet they give it their own spin to fit into their own motifs.
Whatever Spider-Man knockoff they would have added to the Invincible season 2 finale, it should have been something more like the Brown Widow, not that awful Agent Spider.
Well, at least they got Josh Keaton.
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ryder616 · 1 year
Plot-twist: the AoS fandom clowns for years for AoS characters to show up in the movies/D+ shows, but they actually return in Beyond the Spider-Verse (movie #3)
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abyssmalice · 4 months
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(something something in the pgr hole again and thinking of pgr verses for my tonitonis something something but just one muse and their one au already eats my entire brain something something but its still so fun to consider what that verse would look like something)
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gregorygerwitz · 5 months
Okay, no. You have to tell me about bruises verse mouse/Thomas ward, I am dying.
Yes, of course! I think about my collection of spoiled rich boys (and Matt) a normal amount!
Bruises 'Verse is an AU I developed back in my Marvel/Agents of SHIELD era set after everyone gets out of the Framework? But s5 and the whole time travel/space arc doesn't happen?
As per usual, under a read more because I can't shut up about anything ever
The very short version is that Leo Fitz leaves SHIELD to process all of that trauma, as well as the fact that Radcliffe is his biological father (anyone who followed me in that era knows my URL was holdendadcliffe, it's my favorite theory, I still think about it daily), and in a year moves to the PNW (some smaller town outside of Seattle, far enough from the city that he doesn't have to worry about anything, I was undecided on the details) and becomes a middle school science teacher. There, he also runs into his... they aren't exes, because they never defined their relationship, but they did go on a date before Leo got dragged into joining the field team with Jemma. He's my original character, his name is Matthew Scott, he's a good boy who has a medical degree but decided to give up on that dream and become a librarian, completely coincidentally, in the same small town that Leo ends up in.
I wrote a whole fic about it, but before his death in s3, Grant Ward (I love him, okay? I can and will write essays about him *Jay voice* in fact, I have. many times.) wrote letters for a few people in his life as a sort of... apology? He was really obsessed with the concept of "closure" in early s3, and I leaned into that while writing and developing this little universe. And those letters got left to Thomas, with the instruction to deliver the rest of them. He kind of just mailed off the others because *gestures to SHIELD and how they treated him* but he had to track down Leo because he didn't really leave a contact address with SHIELD and purposefully dropped off the radar because he also wants nothing to do with them.
And when Thomas drops off that letter for Leo, they kind of become friends? Thomas, who was floundering to get his life back after SHIELD disrupted it, who didn't want to go back to working at the bank they found him at because it's not a Safe Place anymore. So, he also moves to that little town, and does the first thing he can think of, which is going through the police academy and having a stable job so that he can hang out with friends (honestly, just Leo and Matt at that point) and pay rent and all that fun adult stuff that everyone hates.
Lately, I've been thinking about a lot of AUs where Mouse finishes his tour with the Army and returns to the States but doesn't go back to Chicago? I have thoughts about him going to Georgia, continuing his connection with the military and using it to get a job doing tech for them. I have thoughts about him going to Los Angeles and becoming a firefighter (the 911 crossover AU is NOT thought through yet don't ask about it for at least another week) or becoming private security or something for rich start up entrepreneurs. Things like that.
It occurred to me, a few months ago, that he could have also relocated to that same small town, and become a teacher (I especially thought about it after rereading @kitthekazoo's Community Garden fic, because teacher!Mouse my beloved) at the same school that Leo teaches at!
I just thought it would be funny if the tech boys with parental trauma and other causes of PTSD became best friends??? And Mouse and Matt would get alone great (tired homosexuals who are kind of over being dragged to the bar every week, because Matt is sober and Mouse is trying to avoid anything that might become a slippery slope for a while until he fully adjusts to being in Not A War Zone), and then... Thomas is kind of his type???
Detective? Complicated relationship with his brother? Pretty eyes?
Mouse is simple and I respect that.
Bonus: Matt and Tommy rolling their eyes when Leo and Mouse start talking about their students and completely forget that their boyfriends are there because they're unhinged little science nerds
I love the concept of smashing my blorbos together in a chaotic AU and seeing what my brain does. In this case, my brain said "boyfriends!" and now Mouse gets to actually date a detective and have friends and a life outside of that little cage he was in for most of his run on CPD, and I get to make him happy!
Fun fact: Tommy is a piece of shit (affectionate) and definitely calls Matt "Mascot" because Leo made the mistake of introducing him as "Matt Scott" and, uh... the joke was too easy he had to make it
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transitranger327 · 2 months
Agents of SHIELD fans, do y’all remember those synopsis images that recapped the episodes with fake dialogue? I’m talking these:
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Well I’ve decided to do a version of it for X-Men ‘97. The first episode will be up tomorrow on this very tumblr.
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sabohteurs · 2 months
@burygods / she was always told not to play with her food. but now, no longer a scared little girl too afraid of her father to dare disobey, she knew better. it wasn't about playing with it. it was about savouring it. and she got good at it. she stopped starving. she started hunting. paige was blessed with a pretty face and a pretty smile, and deep doe-like eyes. sometimes, she doesn't realise she's using them until it's too late to stop. other times, they're as affective as a gun.
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" don't you think i would tell you if i knew ? " head tilts, cocking to the side with a gently risen brow, lips forming the slightest of pouts as she fixes her gaze on the other. " i'm A LOT of things honey, but i'm no liar. truth bender, maybe- but a liar ? please. "
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disaster-bi-shan · 1 year
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oh yeah cipher suranga is having a bad time tm and also being a shit where he can about it
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— Starter for @awesomeuchuu —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
There was something that was just so wonderful about music spaces. Always in the middle of creation, always in a moment of vulnerability, in a place of heightened imagination. Like places where art was being created or places where plays were being hosted, places of music were wonderful in that way.
Rehearsals were boring in comparison, but he'd not quite gotten a chance to find them in a studio, so here he was now, watching them get to work. And maybe it wasn't as good as seeing them in a moment, but watching them working so hard to perfect their routine was just as nice.
"Didn't think I'd see you around here," A voice drifted behind him, and he turned to address their agent. "Does CAT have an interest in our group?"
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"Maaaybe~" he received a poisonous glare for that one, but it only made his grin stretch wider across his face. "Hey, don't sweat it. I just came to check 'em out. It's not like I'm here to review 'em or anything. You mind if I talk to 'em, once they're done?"
The agent gave him a deadpan look before turning away, "Fine. But I don't want to hear that CAT's trying to pull anything out from under them. You tell your artist that I'm not giving up any spotlight to them."
"As you wish~"
Hanekoma gave a playful bow then wandered out to where the performers were just finished up and taking a break. It wouldn't hurt to get a little bit of an insight into the energy that their souls were pouring out, and he could return the favor when he visited the Room of Reckoning later.
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"You look like you need some cheering up." Steve said, wrapping Peggy up in his arms. He could feel the stress coming off his love in waves.
"What can I do, Sweetheart?" (For Peggy)
"Steve?" She hoarsely croaks, clumsily attempting to pull herself upright in spite of the stitches in her lower-quadrant. "Thank GOD you are here!!!!!" She openly professes. He was a sight for her sore eyes!!!! Especially, since Howard, Jarvis, and Sousa were absolutely SMOTHERING her.
Bedrest is not something that comes naturally to the spunky brunette. With the rebar wound causing a lot of blood loss and then leaving behind an infection, she found herself irriatingly useless.
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Gingerly, Peg allows herself to melt into his embrace. With a shaky, but fond smile, she makes her petition known. "Can't you instruct them to do as I say?" She muses almost sarcastically. "I'm not an invalid. I need to get back to WORK." Fixing doleful doe-y eyes on him, she tacks on, "perhaps, you can help me start by finding my clothes?"
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empathbled · 10 months
tag drop.
↳ ooc ⸻ ❛ i can make myself look٬ but the thinking is shutting down. ❜ ↳ promo ⸻ ❛ everyone has thought about killing someone٬ one way or another. ❜ ↳ memes ⸻ ❛ you won't like me when i'm psychoanalyzed. ❜ ↳ starter call ⸻ ❛ wind him up and watch him go. ❜ ↳ crack ⸻ ❛ i feel crazy. ❜ ↳ queue ⸻ ❛ do you feel alive? ❜
↳ about ⸻ ❛ i felt terrified٬ and then i felt powerful. ❜ ↳ meta ⸻ ❛ i feel like i am spilling. ❜
↳ images ⸻ ❛ i'm not even sure if i'm awake now. ❜ ↳ music ⸻ ❛ i could use a good scream٬ i can feel one perched under my chin. ❜ ↳ desires ⸻ ❛ but it wasn't real٬ it wasn't real. ❜
↳ answers ⸻ ❛ it's not any easier. shake it off٬ keep on looking. ❜ ↳ speech ⸻ ❛ i know what kind of crazy i am٬ but this isn't that kind of crazy. ❜
↳ hannibal ⸻ ❛ do you believe you could change me the way i've changed you? ٬ i already did. ❜ ↳ abigail ⸻ ❛ never again. only in my memories sleepless in the dark shall i still tread the old paths. ❜ ↳ medicbled (gloria) ⸻ ❛ put me back together. fix my broken mind. ❜ ↳ survivorofhellskitchen (karen) ⸻ ❛ let me see you stripped down to your bone. ❜
↳ verse ⸻ ❛ special agent٬ this is my design. ❜ ↳ verse ⸻ ❛ after the fall٬ this is my legacy. ❜
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romulanslutempire · 10 months
When years later in my large-scale Star Trek: Strange New Worlds AU Ambassador Spock and Praetor Sera unify Vulcan and Romulus after forging a new lasting alliance and peace with Admiral La’an of the rebuilt United Federation of Planets, I will know peace.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
I remember reading somewhere you said Carrie had Stockholm syndrome
V e r y.
Her brain isn't all there yet either. But its considerably better than it was before.
in @secretagentstevenau her brain is scrambled like eggs. Not like brain dead scrambled. But she does have trouble recalling a ton of things. if its not repetitive, she'll forget just like that.
Reason why she remembers her name..or rather the name carrie(bc she just "took" that name cuz it sounded nice from her perspective) was because she kept saying over and over again. She tried relating other things like the people she knew and small things like songs she remembers hearing once before.
Eventually between them poking at her brain...literally...and just overall trauma one gets from being in a place like that, her brain just blocked all that info out. All she was left with was remembering all the test and experiments she had to go through so she decided not remember any of that and kept just silently repeating her name in her head
(basically building mental walls to keep what was left of herself safe.)
So when Becky introduced her self it took Carrie a bit to remember her name. She grew fond of the child and didn't want to forget her so she started repeat her name in her head also.
In short Her memory is trash although it does start slowly improving as the story goes on...
@ninjastormhawkkat @chaoticerisstuff
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tellnxlies · 2 years
Jingles Fae!Naomasa at people.
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xenovair · 2 years
am i thinking of big buff modern sierra as a firefighter ? Yes, perhaps
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