#Val gets tagged
valenshawke · 2 months
6 albums I’ve been listening to a lot lately! Plus one track from each that I’m especially fond of.
I was tagged by @captainhunnicutt. Thank you!
The Mandrake Project - Bruce Dickinson - "Many Doors to Hell" I waited 18 god damn years for this album. And while Iron Maiden has released four albums in that time period, I'm actually a bigger fan of Bruce's solo material. This song in particular does hit on a lot of things I liked to write about around the time his last solo album was released. A vampire who wants to be human again. Not quite, but I did (and do I guess) like to explore the blessing and the curse of being a vampire.
Vessels - Starset - "Telepathic" & "Telepathic (Acoustic Version)" Starset was the band @telekinetic-issue recommended to me after I recommended Ghost. So the great music exchange of 2022 lead, what is currently, my favorite Starset album. This song hit very close to me I listened to it obsessively as it very much captured my feelings towards my former best friend, before I finally managed to let that friendship go finally even though we hadn't really spoken since 2015.
72 Seasons - Metallica - "Lux Æterna" Probably the first Metallica album since, uh, forever where I truly feel like they band tried to put out a quality song every track (don't argue with me about Load & ReLoad, there was ONE solid album if they made better track selections and had a bit tighter arrangement). As for "Lux Æterna," it's one of those pick-me-up songs that motivates me to try to get my life together.
Infestissumam - Ghost - "Year Zero" In terms of album, it was this for Prequelle, Meliora, Impera. Impera, burned out listening to and absolutely hate one song on that album. Meliora benefits by having the Popestar EP on it, and thus having "Square Hammer." Prequelle has "Faith" and "Miasma"/"Dance Macabre" (you really need to listen to these two tracks back-to-back), and "Witch Image." Infestissumam I listen to the most and regularly since it has my all-time favorite Ghost song, "Year Zero" and the "band" at this time was more focused on using religious imagery in such a dark way that hits the bitter ex-Catholic heart of mine in such a way that no other band can.
Once - Nightwish - "Planet Hell" Tarja's last album with the band. Probably their last great album (no disrespect to Anette Olzon, Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum were good albums). But a song about the contradictory nature of humanity and the notion that hell is really simply planet Earth? Yeah, that's a song for me.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex OST + - Yoko Kanno - "Lithium Flower" Yes, I'm trash. I know this. I'm Tumblr. I came to Tumblr because of anime and manga. But this song is just 1. Amazing. 2. And based solely on one line, it's like the character song for my blorbo. But Yoko Kanno is one of those composers where, once you hear her work, you just bow to her brilliance. Her mixing of styles and finding singers to fit whatever vision she has is nothing short of amazing. But this song is one of those that when it comes on, just don't bother me because I will ignore everything to listen to the song in full.
And I'm no-pressure-tagging: @beardedladyqueen, @spoczkot, @anisaanisa, @albatrossisland, @connie-rubirosa, @byronicbi, @transgalvantula plus anyone else that wants to do this!
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onesidedradiostatic · 15 days
can we talk about how the weirdest part of staticmoth isn't even the fact that they're toxic to each other?
it's how they both react to each other's toxicity with nonchalance.
like. first, during val's tantrum, val throws a glass at vox, or well, in his vicinity.
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then vox just... steps away like it's nobody's business, barely bothered by it.
and later, when it's vox's turn to be angry, he roughly pulls val down, shakes him, and shouts at his face.
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then val just... shrugs it off.
usually when you think of a toxic relationship, you'd probably think of person A being toxic to person B then person B biting back just as toxic until it's a back and forth of toxicity, a full-blown fight.
but that. that's not staticmoth. staticmoth is fucking weird in that when one is acting toxic towards the other, the other acts nonchalant and doesn't retaliate. then they switch roles on who the toxic one is and who the nonchalant one is.
I am not at all denying the toxicity in their relationship, but they certainly are a really fucking weird brand of toxic that is just. so hard to describe.
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snowyh2o · 19 days
Just a random thought about how Alastor and Vox must’ve been really good friends before everything fell apart. Because Alastor knows how to make a video ad, he knows how to set things up for a movie/video shoot, things that had nothing to do with his medium, that he probably learned how to do because of Vox, because he was willing to try and learn from or for Vox. And Vox literally welcomes Alastor back home when he finds out he’s returned, has literally counted the years Alastor’s been missing when no one else seemed to know, and fashioned his clothing style to match Alastor’s (assuming it’s not just a case of everyone gets a pinstripe suit!), uses the same techniques Alastor taught Charlie about how smiling can be a tool to keep you ahead of the game.
And how it all fell apart and it wasn’t just Vox that was hurt in the process. Because you can’t tell me the man who hates TVs and modern tech due to its association with Vox doesn’t feel anything for what friendship they had and lost. Who snarls at the mere sight of him on a screen (admittedly while also dissing Alastor), who went straight back to his radio tower to diss Vox right back (and absolutely crush him lol), before threatening him against taking action, privately, twice. Alastor’s just better at hiding how much it’s affected him, and doesn’t let the bitterness of what used to be consume his every waking thought.
And maybe that’s the difference between how they view their old relationship and how the fandom seems to view it. Alastor’s upset about it, sure. He’s bitter now about Vox and everything Vox represents because he’s a past friendship that failed, but he’s also moved on with his life. Vox hasn’t. Vox still obsesses over Alastor, in the way he dresses, the way he talks, how he presents himself. It’s all reminiscent of Alastor. And when he finds out Alastor’s returned, the first thing he does is draw attention to how Alastor’s back! Talk in a roundabout way about how much he’s missed him! Has wondered where he’s been? Sends a spy into the hotel to, well, spy on Alastor! And when that doesn’t work, Vox continues to stalk Alastor through his drones instead. (And then gets off on seeing Alastor get beat up.)
Vox very much has not moved on from whatever friendship they’d had before. He hasn’t moved on from Alastor. (Or from his heavily implied obsessive crush).
We don’t know what happened between them, aside that it’s complicated and sad, that they were friends, and now they’re very much not, and that maybe part of the reason why is because Alastor rejected Vox’s request to join his team (upend his entire life to partner with Vox, assuming Alastor always worked solo and what the Vees currently have is what Vox had wanted with Alastor with his request). We can assume maybe part of why they fell apart was because Vox wanted something more from his relationship with Alastor, something Alastor could not and did not want to give him. Or maybe they just grew apart, grew distant. Vox constantly upgrading and changing and keeping up with the newest trends, chasing whatever new Thing that’ll keep him relevant, while Alastor remained set in his ways because he’s not looking for the approval of the masses.
Anyways, all this to say: when I, and I assume most other OneWayBroadcast fans talk about one-sided radiostatic, it is specifically about how Vox has a one-sided romantic/sexual attraction/crush on Alastor, that Alastor does not return, that has now turned into a one-sided obsession over Alastor. Not that their entire friendship was completely one-sided. I think saying that Vox was the only one who was ever invested in their relationship is a rather bad faith interpretation of Alastor’s character, but also does not do their relationship justice at all. It minimizes Vox’s responsibility in the fallout of their friendship, and puts the blame only on Alastor. It takes away all the juicy complexities of Vox’s character, how he’s bad person who’s done and is doing bad things, and paints him as an innocent victim to “Alastor’s manipulation”.
That’s not to say Alastor was completely innocent in the fallout either. But I hear a lot more about how the fandom woobifies Vox in their relationship than I do Alastor.
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tantumm · 8 days
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happy pride LGBTQ+ people. i hope your straight friends gave you all their money on this fine month.
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luoniiel · 10 months
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gloriousmonsters · 3 months
if Vox decided he wanted to be able to understand/communicate with Val in spanish he would be soooo obsessive and abnormal about it. We start off by engaging in a series of probing yet casual conversations and web history digging to figure out what dialect of Spanish Val speaks, then he'd independently study for months, then drag in people whose souls he owns and make them sign NDAs on top of that in order to practice it in conversation. if any of them hear him misspeak or mangle grammar too badly they get fed to the sharks. He obsesses over whether he has an accent and what class and background he's going to sound like he comes from. overall he spends two years on it before spending another four months debating the best way to reveal what he's learned to Val in both an impressive and totally casual fashion, gets a word wrong when he first speaks because he's so in his head about it, and tries to throw himself out a window
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static-quo · 3 months
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Okay listen,,, I’m just saying if Vox had a full demon form Val would ABSOLUTELY be all over that shit- 😏😏😏🩵
🔞🔞🔞 Below links are N S F W, absolutely no minors 🔞🔞🔞
Full artwork is available Here on Twitter and Here on Stash ôwô
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veetowervaporwave · 3 months
Everyone's always talking about Val throwing the glass in Vox's general direction and breaking his phone, but the same people are awfully quiet about the fact that Vox literally physically put his hands on Val and dragged him around by the hair (fur? fluff?) just so he could scream in his face.
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milkyandromedas · 5 months
having the world's grandest and silliest time in skyrim via bringing 21 and soon to be 22 followers around with me at all times. narrow hallways are a nightmare. sometimes upon entering an area i spawn one to two floors above or below the group. everyone is always talking to each other and to me. i have music on in the background i don't know what anyone's saying to me ever. but they are my friends.
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atomkatzchen · 11 days
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Yeah, what kind of fucking god DOES call himself John?
(totally not the product of my art block nooo)
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bloodcoveredbutch · 12 days
hello danger days fandom. tell me why everyone hates val velocity
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valenshawke · 4 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
I was tagged by @captainhunnicutt (thanks!).
Last song I listened to: "Ghost River" by Nightwish. Such conflicted feelings to this band. Admittedly, they were one of two that got me through grad school, but firing Tarja and Anette, losing Jukka and Marko... I don't know.
Currently Reading: Okay... so... how much I read is based on two factors. How much work is interfering with things and where my headspace is. And, uh... yeah. I'm really behind on 3 series. The last book I read was Unbreakable by Mira Grant. I need to catch up on the Wayward Children and InCryptid series by Seanan McGuire. And a whole bunch of others on my to-be-read pile (spreadsheet).
Currently Watching: In terms of anime, Nana. In terms of movies, this weekend if John Wick 2 through 4 and probably The Glass Menagerie since Sam Waterston is in it. Live action TV: I tried Bates Motel and I stopped after six episode. I'll try to get back to it.
Currently obsessed with: *gestures at mess of a blog* Arcane, Blue Eye Samurai. Pretty much been, "No thoughts, only Arcane/Blue Eye Samurai."
Tagging: @albatrossisland @radarsteddy @anisaanisa @blue-scorpion-king @claremikas @haxo-wolfie @s0lareuat @ancientrimer @wallowingnewt
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popfizzles · 6 months
"Mugman bit me yesterday while I was taking his head apart" is certainly a sentence to say out loud in front of god and everyone ASDFGHJL it's funnier without context but what on earth happened
Okay well
Long story, Yootooz has? Had? A run of Cuphead Show plushies!!
I bought Cuphead and Mugman; Cup arrived a few months ago and Mugman got here yesterday!
This is them on my bookshelf, they're decently sized and probably the cutest Cup and Mug plushies I own so far <:)
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However, I ALSO ordered. A second Mugman. For nefarious reasons.
The reasons were that I wanted to take him apart and copy the pattern to see if I can make my own. I'm basically the "You Wouldn't Download a Car" meme but for a Mugman Plush
Its my first time ever using a seam ripper and I wasn't convinced I knew what I was doing, so I did some googling about it.
One of the tips I found was to Not underestimate and disrespect the seam ripper. Because it's sharp as hell and it WILL slice you open and make you bleed everywhere. And I don't know if you've seen what a seam ripper looks like but it is the most innocuous looking tool I've seen. It's a little hook on a handle basically, the pointed end isn't even that sharp!! I poked my finger with it multiple times while working!
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However... the point of the hook is not Supposed to be the sharp part. The inner crook... is the sharp part. And I found that out the hard way. <:) I was lucky I caught it before I bled all over everything.
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And that's how Mugman bit me while I was taking his head apart.
Here's some extra photos of me dismantling Mugman because I think it's hilarious
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wastelandhell · 1 year
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fireyartccoon · 19 days
Prismatic Parallel shenanigans
this is probably going to become its own little thing
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this was for no particular reason, just felt like posting
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There are 2 wolves inside you: one is the biggest poly vees shipper to ever exist who loves the dynamic between all 3 of them and doesn't want them separated, the other physically cannot ignore the fact that, based off of ONLY what we've seen in canon and ignoring theories that MIGHT NOT BE TRUE, Val is a LOT worse to Vox and Velvette then either of them are to him, and finds that deeply troubling.
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