#Valentine's Rarepair Fest
final-milf-ratchet · 7 months
Thinking about Skyfire rn... So in honor of Valentine's Day here's a fic I wrote for Skyfire/skywarp for tf rarepair fest last year!
Yes the title is edgy! That's because usually when I think about skysky it gets very edgy lol. Anywho, hope you enjoy!
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smubbles-etc · 2 years
February 2023 Smubbles: Rarepairs!
We've planned the next smubbles-writing fest to coincide with Valentine's Day, for anyone who'd like a distraction from that particular holiday. (And anyone who just wants an excuse to make things!)
That means that the next smubbles collection will open for works on 13 Feb 2023, and be anonymous until 16 Feb 2023.
As always, even after authors are revealed the collection will remain open indefinitely for anyone who's running a bit late, or just wants to add things in the future. And as always there are no restrictions on content — we certainly encourage you to create rarepairs, and smut, and drabbles, but honestly anything goes!
In the meantime feel free to join us on Discord for plotting and planning.
In related events:
The @witcher-rarepairs prompt fest will be open for posting fills on AO3 from 1 Feb 2023, if you're looking for inspiration. And if you know of any other ongoing or planned rarepair-focussed events, give them a shout in the notes and we can add them to the schedule!
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JSAMN Rarepair Fest 2023!
It’s becoming tradition, so brace yourselves!
This year we’re starting the Rarepair Fest off a bit later because of... reasons! But because of this there will be a new aspect to the exchange: a MAXIMUM WORDCOUNT for authors!
For artists it will not be Big Bang-style “illustrate a fic fill”, but more like an art exchange where you interpret your given prompt in any way you wish.
Everyone in the exchange will receive either a fic or a piece of art based on one of their prompts.
The guidelines:
Please do not ask for these pairings. These are the 5 most popular and dominating pairings in the “Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell & Related Fandoms” tag on AO3 from the last 3 years. We love these pairings, but this is a chance to tread new ground and to make rarepair fans very happy indeed! You can use these as background pairings, but please not the main focus of the fic.
BANNED PAIRINGS: John Childermass/John Segundus John Childermass/Henry Lascelles Tom Levy/John Segundus Gilbert Norrell/Jonathan Strange Arabella Strange/Jonathan Strange
Any other pairings or ratings allowed! If you’d prefer gen-fic focused on a particular under-loved character then that’s great too! For single-character prompts, please also avoid any characters mentioned in the pairings above. If you’re struggling for inspiration, the Learned Society has kindly provided a crowd-sourced list of possibilities which you can peruse here.
Any ratings allowed
Maximum fic length of 2000 words.
Art fills must be a finished piece on unlined paper/digital, no sketches.
Age limit of 18+ due to explicit submissions
You will be allocated an exchange participant based on your pairing preference selection (more below!)
All fics and art will be uploaded to the AO3 collection, although you are very much encouraged to also post fills to tumblr/social media account of your choice
To participate you must:
Have an AO3 account (for artists, too, so we can keep all the final products together in this collection!)
Be over the age of 18
Love the underappreciated characters of the Clarkeverse!
Work well on a deadline!
To sign up, please send an email to speakingskies [at] gmail.com specifying in the body of the email:
Your AO3 account name
A list of up to three pairings or characters wish to receive a fic about  or art of (please stick to three maximum for admin reasons!)
A brief (200 words max) prompt for each pairing, one that can be conceivably covered in a 1k fic or single piece of art
Any triggers, squicks or NOTPs?
Are you signing up as a writer or an artist? (Or if you are multi-talented, if you will make up your mind based on the prompt you receive)
Are you up for being a pinch hitter if someone drops out?
The deadline for signing up is 14th January 2023. After this a Google Form of submitted pairings will be sent out to you. You will rate your favourites and will be allocated a recipient based on your selections – if two people rate the same pairing as their favourite, the first person to have completed the form will be given that as their prompt, and the second person will receive their second choice.
You will be sent your pairing and full prompt before 21st January 2023.
The submission deadline for entries is 12th February 2023, and submissions will be revealed on the 14th.
You will upload your submission to the JSAMN Valentine’s Rarepair Fest AO3 collection, and gift it to your recipient.
The works will remain anonymous for a week after the reveal. After that, the authors will be unveiled.
Reminders will be sent a week before the deadline, so please do contact me using an email that you check regularly, or set up forwarding or alerts for that email. Please note that these are all hard deadlines. If you need to drop out for any reason, please let me know at the earliest opportunity.
If you have any questions please do DM me or email on speakingskies [at] gmail.com
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palavapeite · 2 years
AO3 wrapped
Friends, Romans, countryfolks, nobody tagged me, but I saw @ilthit do this and went digging for the full questionnaire. A new year of GYWO starts today and true to form I’m too tired to get any actual writing done, so time to reminisce it is!
works published: 10
words written: 103,913
hits: 8,787
bookmarks: 344
most popular by kudos & hits: Leggy Blonde, you got it goin' on (MOST THRILLINGLY there is art for it by @jimjamdraws!!)
longest: Only by the Grace of the Sea (despite my best efforts :P)
shortest fic: The Duty of Dust
most comments: Only by the Grace of the Sea (MINDBOGGLINGLY)
fic that made me cry: Take me high and I'll sing because it was a pain to write, much as I enjoy taking the piss at Izzy :P
fic that made me smile: You, who stole my solitude (bat!viago. how can you NOT smile?)
4 written:
The ichor that resides in me for @ilthit
One path there to be known for the unsuspecting @thebeautifulsoup
The Duty of Dust for @fol-de-lol, a remix of his amazing fic above the earth, below the sky
You got the peaches, I got the cream for @ararelitus
As a wind in the mountains assaults an oak by @ilthit (JSAMN)
Wildflowers of the Heart by @cinnamonseadragon (JSAMN)
Self-Possessed by @nocompromise-noregrets (LotR/The Hobbit)
Do You See Me? by @nocompromise-noregrets (OFMD)
Seven Sugars In His Tea by @nocompromise-noregrets (OFMD)
Clitoral Attaché by @thebeautifulsoup (Flight of the Conchords IT’S THE MURRAY-GETS-PEGGED FIC)
Our Flag Means Fashion by @slow-burn-sally (OFMD)
collaborations: none that made it to AO3.
events taken part in: 3
JSAMN Valentine's Rarepair Fest 2022
Jonty Scratch & DJ Norrell - A Fandom Tribute Fest
Learned Society of Pirates Book Swap 2022
 Coming in 2023: I don’t want to make promises, ever, because projects die and get born on me all the time, but I am hoping for Leggy Blonde 3 to write itself, please, and the vianton sequel that covers the other half of the plotbunny if possible, and maybe mumble mumble something band AU if that ever evolves beyond me writing fake lore.
Knowing me, it’ll probably be none of these things.
Since I didn’t get tagged, I’m not going to tag anyone either, but I would love to see any of my writer and artistically gifted friends do it if they want!
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ilthit · 2 years
AO3 wrapped
Note: I have excluded categories that were in the original meme but confused me.
Works Published: 33 (published or finished this year, that are available under my username on AO3 right now)
Word Count: 303,562
Hits: 53,595
Bookmarks: 2,026
Most Popular by Kudos: Bonus Material (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, one-shot, 12K, Shen Yuan & Shen Jiu)
Most Hits: The Makings of Fate (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, 8 chapters, 36K, Tianlang-jun/Shen Qingqiu)
Longest: Chasing the Bat (Righteous Blood Ruthless Blades TTRPG, 11 chapters, 62K, original characters) (but that's co-authored by minutia_r, so if only half count, then it's The Makings of Fate)
Shortest: (not counting art posts) Viimeinen sana (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, drabble, 100 words, Shen Qingqiu/Luo Binghe)
Most comments: The Makings of Fate
Collaborations: The Lin Moniao series with @minutia-r
Events: MXTX Rarepair Exchange, JSMN Valentine's Rarepairs Fest, Smut 4 Smut, The Third Annual Femslash Kink Fest, MDZS Two Cakes Drabble Event, Jonty Scratch & DJ Norrell - A Fandom Tribute Fest, MXTX Exchange, Multifandom Doodle Event (both rounds), Every Woman, Just Married Exchange, Scum Villain Summer Solstice Exchange, Do It Like They Do On The Discovery Channel, Scum Villain Winter Solstice Exchange
Tagging: Anyone! Also apologies for not including the whole list of Wrapped questions.
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alicetallula · 1 month
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Big Bangs, MiniBangs and Reverse Big Bangs :
Billy Big Bang 2024 - 1/5
DBH Reverse Big Bang 2024 - 3/5
DeanCas Big Bang 2024 - 1/?
DeanCas Horrorfest 3 - 4/4
Destiel AU Reverse Big Bang 2024 - 1/?
Eddie Munson Big Bang 2024-2025
SPN Reverse Bang Bang 2024 - 2/?
Stommy MiniBang 2024-2025 - /6
Stranger Things Sapphic MiniBang 2024 - 1/4
Bingos (with and without deadlines - or ones that ended but I still want to finish my card ) :
HankCon Bingo 2024 - /11
Hannibal Bingo (no deadline) - /9
Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo 2024 - /25
Metalsandwich Bingo 2024 - /9
RK1700 Bingo 2023 (no deadline) - 1/25
Other Events I'm in :
HallowRen 5 : A New Chapter - /2
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Differents type of events I hope to draw something for (some being crossover between events - in bold and same color) :
Artsy Halloween Exchange 2024
Barry 2024 Prompts List
Harringrove Kinktober 2024
Nightmare Fuel Prompts Fanfest 2024
Metalsandwich Movie Mania - November 2024
OFMD Dress Week 2024 - September 2024
OFMD Kinktober 2024
Reddie Week 2024
September's Stobin Extravaganza 2024
Soft Steddie September 2024
Steddie Smutty September 2024
Steddie Spooktober 2024
Steddyhands Week 2024 - October 2024
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Goals for past Big Bangs and Reverse Big Bangs :
Bottom Cas Big Bang 2023 - Daylight by PapiChuloDean - More art - /4
Bottom Cas Big Bang 2024 - Betting Against The House by SamandDean76 - More art
Companion fic to Betting Against The House by SamandDean76 - Stacking The Deck by SamandDean76 - More art (especially smut)
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DeanCas Big Bang 2023 - Sunlight by Desirae - More art
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Detroit : Become Human Big Bang 2023 - Cinnamon & Cardamom by sevdrag - More art
Detroit : Become Human Big Bang 2023 - In His Sights by AnonymousEDward - More art - /2
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Rewrite The Ages Big Bang 2024 - The Viking And The Hermit God by SamandDean76
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Steddie Big Bang 2023 - Best I May by MixAddams - More art - an artwork for chapter 2
Steddie Big Bang 2023 - the bite that binds (the gift that gives) by VibrantVenus - More art
Steddie Big Bang 2023 - I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name by ohthejomanity - More art - at least 2
Steddie Big Bang 2023 - “What happens when people open their hearts?" by ainsalaco - Making art for the story, at least a banner and one artpiece
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Sterek Big Bang 2023/2024 - forever and then some by EvanesDust
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Stranger Things Big Bang 2022 vol.2 - Let's Be More Than Strangers by DrowningByDegrees - More art - 1/5
Stranger Things Big Bang 2024 - InCONsistencies by Mayalaen - More art
Stranger Things Big Bang 2024 - We're A Miracle, But Baby, There Are So Many Hands To Hold by gala_apples - More art
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Stranger Things Rare Pair Big Bang 2023 - Hot For Teacher by TheMadcapLaughs - More art - an artwork for chapter 2
Stranger Things Rare Pair Big Bang 2024 - A Tale of Ranching and Fossils by ainsalaco - Making art for the story, at least a banner and one artpiece
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Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - A Dream On The Way To Death by Arbeds Ghost - More art - at least 2
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - Jurassic Disaster by ainsalaco - More art - at least 3
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - HIM by mashawisotsky - More art - at least 2
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Goals for past Fandom Events :
A Stranger Summer 2024 - 4/33
Aug-Kissed 2024 - 1/12
Billy Hargrove Bingo 2022-2023 - 5/10
Buckleway Appreciation Week 2024 - 1/7
BylerWeek 2022 - 4/8
Bylerween 2023 - 1/7
Captain Allen Appreciation Week 2020 - 4/7
Corroded Coffin Fest 2024 - 1/31
DBH Rarepairs Week 2024 - 1/7
DBH Seven Kisses Prompts Challenge 2024 - 1/7
DTIYS by Klayr - Midam
DTIYS by Klayr - Destiel
DTIYS by Klayr - Reed900
DTIYS by Josebean - Android Corpse Husband
Eddie Munson Bingo 2023 - 3/10
ElMax Week 2023 - 1/7
EndverseTober by Klayr - /13
HallowRen 4 : The Final Chapter - 2/8
HankCon Bingo 2023 - 1/9
Harringrove Kinktober 2k23 - 1/31
Harringrove Lovefest 2024 - 1/7
Harringrove Summer Bingo 2024 - 3/9
Heavy Metal Valentines 2024 - 1/?
Hellcheer Anniversary Week 2024 - 1/17
High Seas Event 2022 - 1/8
Jargyle Bingo 2023 - 3/9
Jbbuckybarnes's Kinktober 2020 - 13/33
Metalsandwich Mocie Mania 2023 - 1/7
Metalsandwich Movie Mania 2024 - June - 1/14
Mungrove Kisses Bingo 2024 - 1/25
OFMD Kinktober 2023 - /31
Reddie Week 2019
Reddie Week 2020
Reddie Week 2021
Reddie Week 2022
Reddie Week 2023 - if the prompts inspire me for more drawings than I did - 7/7
Remembrance of IT - 2021 - /14
RK1700 Blooming Event 2021 - 3/5
Steddie Angsty August 2024 - 1/31
Sterek Bingo 2023-2024 - 4/9
Steve Harrington Bingo 2023 - 4/9
Stevie Week 2024 - 1/7
Stizzy Week 2024 - 1/45
Stobin Month 2023 - /31
Stobin Month 2024 - 1/31
Stommy Week 2024 - 1/4
Stranger Thing FemSlash Week 2023 - 1/5
Stranger Things FemSlash Week 2024 - 1/5
Stranger Things Monsterfucker May 2024 - 1/?
Stranger Things Sapphic Summer 2024 - 3/14
Stranger Things Rarepair Roulette 2024 - 1/?
Sub Eddie Week 2024 - Non-Sexual Prompts List - 1/7
Sub Eddie Week 2024 - Sexual Prompts List - /7
Vianton Lingerie Week 2024 - 1/?
Villainous Valentines - 1/?
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emmyllou · 2 years
@fol-de-lol non-tagged me! (I love that phrase so I'm stealing it)
works published: 5
words written:  149,585
hits: 910!! (I love my small fandom I love you all)
bookmarks: 4!!!! (thank you I love you)
most popular by kudos: Beneath a Sinking Moon
most popular by hits: ALSO Beneath a Sinking Moon
longest: The Grove of Broken-silence
shortest fic: Chicory
most comments: also Broken-silence!
fic that made me cry: I don't really cry at my own fics? Tom Levy was crying in Staccato and in Dr. Foxcastle's Board Game Club Band though
fic that made me smile: I really enjoyed writing A Lustre in the Sky. I had a lot of fun writing poor sad Segundus reading poetry and pining. I also had a good time writing Eynsford in Beneath a Sinking Moon. Johannites and their doomed rebellion my beloved.
gifts given: 3 official ones, 1 unofficial!
Beneath a Sinking Moon
Anything Goes
A Lustre in the Sky
Chicory (not officially listed as a gift but it was written for @fol-de-lol's delightful JS&MN advent calendar!
received: TWO WONDERFUL FICS AND ONE GORGEOUS DRAWING given on AO3 as gifts! I think there have been some other unofficial gifts on discord and such.
 Marry a nice Jewish boy
John Segundus Gets a Massage (among other things)
The Dance
collaborations: none =(
events taken part in: 2!
JSAMN Valentine's Rarepair Fest 2022
Jonty Scratch & DJ Norrell - A Fandom Tribute Fest
(thank you Alex for providing the links so I don't even have to go to the effort of linking them myself. It's the same two events.)
coming in 2023: More TomJohn! More WillHurf! More Johnsquared? Various flavors of Starecrossed Lovers. More Chronicles of Amber references! Maybe I'll finally finish Broken-silence. Maybe.
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thebeautifulsoup · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped
Hello friends!
Both @palavapeite and @fol-de-lol didn’t-tag me in this meme, so I thought I’d do it as I try to steel myself for going back to work tomorrow. SO, here we go!
works published: 9
words written:  76,954
hits: 11,868
bookmarks:  475
most popular by kudos & hits: Summer Dream
longest:   The Gentleman PI (Rates vary, enquire for details)
shortest fic:  A Reminiscence as Fond as Obsidian
most comments:  Summer Dream
fic that made me cry: I haven’t written anything particularly angsty or sad, but  In the Back of My Mind probably came closest?
fic that made me smile: I had such a blast writing so many things last year, but  The Gentleman PI (Rates vary, enquire for details) is the one that had me grinning like a loon and hooting while I was writing it. 
3 written:
The Gentleman PI (Rates vary, enquire for details) for @slow-burn-sally
Clitoral Attaché for @palavapeite
A Reminiscence as Fond as Obsidian for @ilthit​, a remix of her wonderful Mr Strange's regrets upon leaving Cambridge
Received 4 AMAZING GIFTS: 
One path there to be known by @palavapeite (a SURPRISE GIFT???!!!)
Beneath A Sinking Moon by @emmyllou (I’m still in a state of shock it’s SO BEAUTIFUL)
ten years gone by @ararelitus​ (PERSUASION AU MY BELOVED!!!)
PODFIC OF one little room an everywhere by KninjaKnitter (who I don’t think is on tumblr, but I am always overwhelmingly delighted when someone decides to make a podfic of my writing (the twice it has happened)
collaborations: None 
events taken part in: 4
Learned Society of Pirates Book Swap 2022
Jonty Scratch & DJ Norrell - A Fandom Tribute Fest
Five Gross Friends Shoe Porn Bonanza
Organised but didn’t write for  JSAMN Valentine's Rarepair Fest 2022!
Coming in 2023:  Who knows!!! I’d like to get some more Paddleboardverse written (the Christmas one isn’t happening it seems), but other than that I have no real plans for anything in particular. I’d love to get stuck into more JSAMN fic, but the pirate brainrot is real and continuing, so we’ll see where the winds take us.
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speakingskies · 3 years
JSAMN Valentine’s Rarepair Fest 2022!
Last year we had a great time celebrating the lesser-spotted pairings and characters in our little (but sprawling) fandom, and I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone step outside their usual comfort zones again!
This year we’re starting the Rarepair Fest off a bit earlier to give participants a bit more time, and are also (very excitingly!) extending participation to artists, too!
For artists it will not be Big Bang-style “illustrate a fic fill”, but more like an art exchange where you interpret your given prompt in any way you wish.
Everyone in the exchange will receive either a fic or a piece of art based on one of their prompts.
The guidelines:
Please do not ask for these pairings. These are the most popular and dominating pairings in the “Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell & Related Fandoms” tag on AO3 from the last 3 years, meaning over 20 fics have been published in that timescale. We love these pairings, but this is a chance to tread new ground and to make rarepair fans very happy indeed! You can use these as background pairings, but please not the main focus of the fic.
John Childermass/John Segundus
John Childermass/Henry Lascelles
Gilbert Norrell/Jonathan Strange
Arabella Strange/Jonathan Strange
Emma Pole/Arabella Strange
John Childermass/Gilbert Norrell
Any other pairings or ratings allowed! If you’d prefer gen-fic focused on a particular under-loved character then that’s great too! For single-character prompts, please also avoid any characters mentioned in the pairings above. If you’re struggling for inspiration, the Learned Society has kindly provided a crowd-sourced list of possibilities which you can peruse here.
Any ratings allowed
Minimum fic length of 1k words, no maximum.
Art fills must be a finished piece on unlined paper/digital, no sketches. 
Age limit of 18+ due to explicit submissions
You will be allocated an exchange participant based on your pairing preference selection (more below!)
All fics and art will be uploaded to the AO3 collection, although you are very much encouraged to also post fills to tumblr/social media account of your choice
To participate you must:
Have an AO3 account (for artists, too, so we can keep all the final products together in this collection!)
Be over the age of 18
Love the underappreciated characters of the Clarkeverse!
Work well on a deadline!
To sign up, please send an email to speakingskies [at] gmail.com specifying in the body of the email:
Your AO3 account name
A list of up to three pairings or characters wish to receive a fic about  or art of (please stick to three maximum for admin reasons!)
A brief (200 words max) prompt for each pairing, one that can be conceivably covered in a 1k fic or single piece of art
Any triggers, squicks or NOTPs?
Are you signing up as a writer or an artist? (Or if you are multi-talented, if you will make up your mind based on the prompt you receive)
Are you up for being a pinch hitter if someone drops out?
The deadline for signing up is 26th November 2021. After this a Google Form of submitted pairings will be sent out to you. You will rate your favourites and will be allocated a recipient based on your selections – if two people rate the same pairing as their favourite, the first person to have completed the form will be given that as their prompt, and the second person will receive their second choice.
You will be sent your pairing and full prompt before 10th December 2021.
The submission deadline for entries is 11th February 2022, and submissions will be revealed on the 14th.
You will upload your submission to the JSAMN Valentine’s Rarepair Fest AO3 collection, and gift it to your recipient.
The works will remain anonymous for a week after the reveal. After that, the authors will be unveiled.
Reminders will be sent a week before the deadline, so please do contact me using an email that you check regularly, or set up forwarding or alerts for that email. Please note that these are all hard deadlines. If you need to drop out for any reason, please let me know at the earliest opportunity.
If you have any questions please do DM me or email on speakingskies [at] gmail.com
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camelove · 3 years
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CAMELOVE is back for 2022 with a twist! This year, we’re celebrating both Valentine's Day and Aromantic Appreciation Week on two separate weeks. There are no sign-ups, minimums or restrictions. Feel free to create anything that you think fits the prompts, whether that be fanfiction, gifs, edits, poetry, character or episode analysis.
Don’t forget to tag your submissions with #camelove2022 so we can reblog and show our appreciation for your submissions, and feel free to put anything you post on AO3 in the Camelove AO3 Collection.
For a more comprehensive description of each prompt, click the “keep reading” button at the end of this post. And if you have any questions, feel free to check out our FAQ or send us an ask!
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Feb 14: OTP Day | Have a ship you’ve been rooting for since the start of time itself? This is where you scream yourself hoarse. Your OTP doesn’t have to be a popular ship nor does it need to be romantic! | Merlin x Gwen x Arthur, Gwaine & Percival, Sefa x Kara
Feb 15: Rarepair Day | On this day you’re rooting for the ships that you think don’t get enough appreciation in the fandom. Feel free to use your own definition of a rarepair! If you think there isn’t enough content for a pairing, that’s more than enough reason to create for it. | Ygraine & Nimueh, knights!polyamory, Leon x Mithian
Feb 16: Non-ship Day | You know those pairings you normally wouldn’t ship? How about we put up with them for one day and make something out of goodwill? We all like different things, and that’s completely fine! Let’s all extend our hands in fandom shipping solidarity.
Aromantic Appreciation Week Celebration
Feb 21: Aromantic Day | Aromanticism can take on many forms and have a different meaning for each person. This day is designed specifically for your aromantic readings of the show. Have a character you headcannon as aromantic? Does an action someone does in the show relate to you as an aromantic person? Do you read aromantic themes in subjects the show touches on? Share your thoughts!
Feb 22: Platonic Day | Let’s throw amatonormativity out of the window. We’re breaking the notion that romantic love is the highest form of love and showing people the beauty of non-romantic bonds, whether it’s a familial relationship, friendship, QPR or something else entirely!
Feb 23: Aplatonic Day | Who said love or attraction is necessary for happiness, an essential part of being human or an important factor in experiencing life? There are so many things that make life beautiful besides love and attraction. This day is dedicated to aplatonics, loveless aromantics, and people who don’t feel different tertiary attractions, or any of them at all!
Thank you to @arthurpendragonns and a friend of ours, both members of the aromantic community, for their advisory help with the fest.
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sitp-recs · 4 years
Rarepair Recs:
Draco/Albus Severus
Draco/Ron | Dron with endgame Drarry
Dronarry Fest 1 & 2 | Dronarry pt 2
Harry/Blaise + Harry/Draco/Blaise
James Sirius/Teddy Lupin
Ron/Viktor Krum
Pansy/Hermione (long fics)
Pansy/Hermione (smut)
Bill Weasley Appreciation
Teddy Lupin Appreciation
Draco & The Weasleys (Ron, Bill and Charlie)
Cross gen (long fics) | Cross gen (age gap)
Dirty kinky smut
Femslash 1 & 2
Rarepair Romance for Valentines Day
Age gap
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Go explore the rarest of pairs and support your Learned Colleagues! 💕💕💕
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torchwoodfanfests · 4 years
Torchwood Fan Fests presents: The 2021 Femslash Fest!
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The first fest of 2021 will be a Femslash Fest!
Starting today and until February 20th, we will be running a fest dedicated to all the wonderful ladies from Torchwood and putting the focus on the much underrated world of f/f ships!
While ‘femslash’ generally denotes either romantic or sexual relationships between women, we explicitly want this fest to include adjacent variants of gen fanworks as well - from gen explorations of the sexual identity of female characters to fanworks which highlight female friendship and the intricacies of the found family dynamics of this dysfunctional bunch of bisexuals - it’s all welcome! So make that art of the team at pride! Write that fic about a character coming to terms with her queerness! Make that edit featuring your fave wlw ship! We want all of it!
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This will be an open fest, no need to sign up, all you need to do is create a fanwork inspired by the theme and submit it to us at any point for the duration of the fest (submission link will be in the notes and in our header, as will be the link to the ao3 collection).
We have come up with 20 optional prompts for this fest. We provide these prompts with the intention of helping creators by hopefully sparking some interesting ideas; however, we will not require that submissions fit into one of them, so long as they fit the general theme. You can take them or leave them!
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The prompts are: 1) workplace crush, 2) minor character/rarepair, 3) sexual identity, 4) found family/friendship, 5) polyamory, 6) valentine’s day, 7) AU or canon divergence, 8) black and blue, 9) fix-it, 10) first date/first kiss, 11) confession, 12) genderbend, 13) fluff, 14) pink/red, 15) the future/future fic, 16) hurt/comfort, 17) courage/fear, 18) undercover/fake dating, 19) non-human AU, 20) fantasy.
We are accepting any and all types of fanworks, with the usual requirements: minimum 500 word count for writing (fic, meta, not!fic, and headcanons; poetry is exempt from this requirement), and 3-songs minimum for playlists plus a short explanation for why you picked each song. There are no requirements for art, gifsets, edits, etc. Just remember our content warning policy! (link in the notes)
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If you have any questions, our askbox is always open!
If you’re looking for the links, they will be in a reblog of this post, so check the notes!
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ofmagicandmusic · 3 years
Hello and Happy Valentine's Day! Ninjago Creators Anonymous here 🥰 Are there any self-indulgent tropes/fics that you've written? Doesn't matter if they ended up being a crowd pleaser or not! Any that you'd like to write?
Thanks for the ask! I think most of what I write is very self-indulgent, especially since I stopped focusing on fests. Nowadays I try to mostly write things that really excite me, such as all the Kai focused stuff, especially the red shogun fic I have coming. Trope-wise I tend to go for hurt/comfort or I used to do a lot of fluff. Also I got into fic to write for a rarepair so that’s all been pretty indulgent too
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slow-burn-sally · 4 years
2021 JSAMN Valentine's Rarepair Fest Exchange Fics!!
I’m sharing all of these because they were all so good! And if there are any rare pair enthusiasts out there, pining away for more fics of these rare pairs, you really are in for a treat!
so fill up your glasses for those who were kind - John Childermass/Hannah -  Rating: M - Author: @palavapeite
Where I Lay My Hat - Hettie Pleasance/Vinculus - Rating: T - Author: @shoreslip (Ilthit on AO3)
Echo Without A Source - John Segundus/ Jonathan Strange - Rating: G - Authors @feastofchildermass and writing partner Kat (GreyNarcissus on AO3)
Stay - John Segundus/Jonathan Strange - Rating: E - Author: @fol-de-lol (touchmytardis on AO3)
The first waltz - Stephen Black/Emma Pole - Rating: T - Author: @pudentilla (PudentillaMcmoany on AO3)
A Friend In Need - Colquhoun Grant/Jonathan Strange - Rating: E Author: slow-burn-sally (Slow_Burn_Sally on AO3)
I hope people enjoy these as much as we did! 
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palavapeite · 4 years
Valentine’s Rarepair Reveals
Reveals for the JSAMN Valentine’s Rarepair Fest are up! 
Which means it is once again time for PIE CHARTS! 
Who do you think wrote...?
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