#Value Maximization
marketxcel · 5 months
The Ultimate Customer Value Optimization Guide
Unlock the secrets to maximizing customer value with our comprehensive guide. Learn proven strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, boost retention, and drive business growth. Discover the key to long-term success in the competitive market.
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philosophybits · 9 months
There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness, revelry, high life.
Arthur Schopenhauer, Counsels and Maxims
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max1461 · 11 days
@gamingavickreyauction Oh, right, here's one trouble I have with expected value maximization:
Say there's a lottery A, and in this lottery I have a 1 - ε chance of getting my right arm ripped off and going blind. This is pretty bad. Say it has utility to me N, where N is a negative number of large magnitude. There is also an ε chance of something really really good happening, something extravagantly good like world peace and I live forever and get everything I want. Let's say the utility of this outcome to me is M. So the expected value of playing this lottery is E(A) = N(1 - ε) + Mε.
Now, N is pretty big, but it's still finite. Getting my right arm ripped off and going blind would pretty thoroughly fuck up my life in every way that I care about. So I really don't want that. But it's not the Christian hell, it's not infinitely bad. Fix ε to be some very small number 0.00000000000001 or whatever. With N and ε fixed, we can always choose some M such that E(A) is greater than zero. In fact, we can choose M so large that E(A) dominates the expected utility of my entire life.
Suppose I was offered a chance to take the lottery A with this ε. Would I do it? I strongly suspect that I would not, no matter how big you make M. You can chalk this up to a failure of reasoning on my part, a failure to truly internalize the bigness of M. But it feels to me like, no matter how big you make M, participating in the lottery would basically just be signing up to get my arm ripped off and go blind. Like that's just definitely what would happen, I would totally not get M. The expected value is a mathematical abstraction, and I'm not signing up to more-or-less certainly get dismembered over an abstraction. I think I would not accept this lottery! And I think probably most people wouldn't.
I believe this goes against one of the Von Neumann–Morgenstern axioms.
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year
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If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he becomes bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked.
Arthur Schopenhauer, Counsels And Maxims.
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taconafide2 · 5 months
hsr players will see one passive that caters to a mono element/path team and will think that is the best and only use for an unit
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esspurrr · 1 year
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jeniffercheck · 7 months
i know many artists have no control over the marketing of their own music but "secret tracks" & vinyl variants piss me the fuck awffff like you're not preserving the art of analog music it's just a cash grab to destroy pockets of tweenagers' parents and every one else who loves your music too much to not participate
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economicsresearch · 1 year
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page 538 - birdie with a short beak.
I am so mad. And I'm pretty sure that other blogger is to blame.
I think.
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againstpollutions · 10 months
just saw a post that said people should be able to eat good food that makes them happy without worrying about nutritional value.......my brother in christ I see where youre coming from but if you don't worry about the nutritional value you're not going to feel happy you're going to feel like shit
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aeide-thea · 2 years
the eternal, often-unsuccessful struggle to separate 'hm i personally am not enjoying Thing because it smacks of Unpleasantness to me' from 'i actually dislike Thing because it's Inherently Problematic, amazing how my personal taste is an unfailing radar that way' 😔
#like i can't tell you how often i've seen people on this website go 'minimalism is elitist!!'#and i'm like 'you could just as easily call maximalism elitist tho‚ have you ever checked out a little thing called uh. roman catholicism'#when really the reality is—both aesthetics are possible to link to Problematic Ideologies.#both aesthetics come in expensive and inexpensive versions.#ultimately taste *can* be about elitism‚ as most things can‚ but the relationship between the two isn't a hard-and-fast rule.#i personally do appreciate a certain degree of minimalism‚ and i could tell you it's bc my mother was a hoarder and bc i have adhd#so less-busy spaces make me feel more like i can think and like i have some control over my own space—#and all of that would be true! but also: my personal preference for a certain degree of minimalism is value-neutral.#i don't need to offer up excuses for it‚ as long as i'm not a dick to other people about it.#i don't judge people who have different preferences#but if you keep your space beyond a certain level of (what i experience as) clutter i will probably not want to spend a lot of time in it.#(VERY much @-ing myself here also‚ lol. time 2 clean my room.)#anyway these tags have gotten off-track but i just am like. really thinking a lot lately about 'i' statements#both wrt my own blogging and wrt things other people do/say that rub me the wrong way a little‚ lol#and i just think like. it's very easy to make sweeping claims and i'm not remotely immune to the allure of that!#it feels clever and analytical and like you've Taken a Strong Stance!#but increasingly i think—socmed culture has taught a lot of us to make claims about insidious‚ sometimes invisible harm#and i think we'd do better‚ or anyway i would‚ to instead make more claims about how things feel *to me*#harm is often imaginary tbh whereas 'you guys can do what you want but thing X makes me personally feel Y' is indisputable#not to mention easier to garner sympathy for!#(i mean in theory. i definitely have gotten some eyerolls/subtweets etc#but i THINK that's largely bc i still haven't gotten the 'i' statement thing down well enough. v much a work in progress there.)#(though tbh there IS a thing where even ppl who've been told *they* were oversensitive will turn around and do it to you)#(bc we're all steeped in this culture that's like. is yr discomfort/unhappiness etc Objectively Reasonable)#(or are you just a humorless pussy who oughta suck it up)#anyway idk. it's all about balance really. which is hard when everything's dizzyingly rough!#just some sunday nite thots.#sorry to be so long-winded in tags but like. at least those are by default collapsed unless YOU opted to expand them lol#opt-in verbosity!
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Y'know what I really like Tyrant Dragon and Horus the Black Flame Dragon. When it comes to DM era Dragon-type monsters in Yugioh, Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon dominate the conversation, and that's understandable, as they are the classics, but Tyrant Dragon and Horus have surpassed them in my heart this year as my favorites. Tyrant Dragon was likely designed to represent, y'know The Dragon, as a concept. Several of the Dragon support cards introduced in Legacy of Darkness feature Tyrant Dragon in their artwork, and to me it looks like it was designed to be the boss monster of general Dragon decks. Meanwhile, Horus came out later, but was the centerpiece of the new LV monster gimmick, and outshined the others by actually being kind of good! Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 is still an incredibly powerful card, but my favorite thing about it is that it not just enables a very fun aggro-lockdown strategy, it also has some absolutely beautiful artwork. Tyrant Dragon is a classic dragon with all the essential characteristics, which is great, but what's also great is Horus, with its design applying Ancient Egyptian imagery and visual styles to the anatomy of a more European-styled Dragon, and the result looks fantastic. It helps that they're both Fire attribute too!
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squiddity3 · 1 year
making a poll and signing off like “please if you love christ baby jesus the Lord you HAVE to reblog if you do not reblog this I will DIE actually i am a sociologist and this is for wORK and if you do not reblog I won’t get PAID and my family will STARVE would you LIKE THAT so reblOG for my FAMILY :)”
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switch · 1 year
i was watching that forest of illusion video about the harvest moon translation proto and surprised he was talking that directly about his dealings with the previous owner unless they changed their mind about private game hoarding since normally preservationists have to handle collectors with kiddy gloves to avoid alienating them, and then it turns out yeah the guy died suddenly and nobody knows if whoever his collection was legally left to knows what it is or what to do with it.
how do wata game hoarder morons never think about that? it's so short-sighted. i've thought about what's going to happen to my collection when it's not in my hands anymore and the fact that most of it will probably just end up dumped somewhere someday, that's just how it is. that's a huge problem for collectors of any specific items, letalone something with a digital and physical component and the added complexity of making sure the tech isn't ever broken. how often do you see valuable or rare shit donated or tossed out by people who don't know what to do with it and can't be assed? man.
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righteousdelusions · 2 years
(this was in my drafts but per my last reblog I have to release it to the world).
like i graduate as a psychologist next week, trust me when i say that i don't really get why people think he's sooo weird when half the shit he says sounds fake af, and also he's literally a creative person whose work is to think creative shit
#like excuse the creative man for thinking out of the box#also chainsaw man and fire punch aren't that bizarre....#csm is every shonen but with a voice of its own (which should be more regular i do admit)#oh it's such a weird idea~~~#what exactly? a boy that made a deal/got involved with a dark entity? and now he has to fight more of those entities to stay alive?#yeah never seen before except when naruto kaneki from tg yusuke from yyh tanjiro from kny light yagami from dn ichigo from bleach etc etc#did it before#like yeah tg is a seinen whatever look at me in the eye and tell me they don't read each other works when berserk is inspired in rov#and that's the thing if thess stories were a seinen truly non one would bat an eye#they just... maximize shock value#that's it#it's insane because fujimoto takes any idea and says: ok how can i be even more unhinged#he sees his story as legos but the type of playing where you smash things to make it look cool as fuck#he's soooo talented and i don't mind calling him crazy i call him crazy i call him insane#but what DOES bother me is people saying#ah he's crazy of course he wrote that#oh i get why csm is like this only a weird story can come out of a weird mind#that's such an annoying mindset#like it kind of devalues his work because??? it takes creativity and work#like even if it was true that he 'wrote whatever in fire punch because he liked the idea of people overanalizing it like eva'#which idk where it came from but let's assume for a moment it's true#like that still requires thought!#also it's... kinda obvious in fire punch that he was doing whatever and just showcasing the flow of his minds and pushing the bounderies of#where his ideas take him#it's pretty existentialist stuff but that's not really crazy as smart#anyway yeah#but i also can tell he looooooves being think of as a weirdo like he loves it so much that's why he's that way#and in a sense that's it#it's a performance#because if he were truly not sane he wouldn't be working
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kajmasterclass · 14 days
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