#Vambrace cold soul
leodoodling · 1 year
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The Magics of Blood
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cjcraziness · 1 year
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Evelia Lyric from Vambrace Cold Soul and her Vambrace.
*whistles as runs away* Arms... What are arms?
(I forgot how to draw arms and hands and everything apparently XD)
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goga-je-pieroga · 2 years
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Vambrace: Cold Soul (2019)
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venississaram · 4 months
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Has anyone played these games before?
Deltarune is from a friend of mine but the other two are ones that i discovered myself.
So far "The Coma" looks cool,it reminds me of the game next to it "Vambrace: Cold Soul"
Anyways,i ask this bc i hadn't used my switch so i came back to it today and bought the coma bc of it being in my wishlist.
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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Vambrace: Cold Soul
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skyfallscotland · 5 months
This somehow takes place both within and outside of BRV at the same time. Because unexplained time travel. That's why. It's also completely unpolished because it's 2am and I don't know what I'm doing here.
intertwining souls (we were never strangers) - part one
In the seconds that have passed since he appeared from the tunnel, restraining my hands behind my back, a slight breeze has picked up, blowing my hair over my shoulder. Fuck. Silver-tipped brown strands float out towards him, as if reaching for his hand the way my heart aches to. I know immediately he’s made the connection. “There’s a very reasonable explanation for this.” I croak, my pulse fluttering with fear as he closes the distance between us, drawing one of his twin swords from his back. 
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“Oh fuck,” I curse, groaning as I hold my forearm tight against my closed eyelids. The cold texture of Sgaeyl’s scales is soothing against my throbbing temple and I let out a low whimper, rolling onto my side to press my head into the soft grass. “Holy shit.”
“Lía…” I groan aloud, listening for the heavy beat of wings over the buzzing in my ears. I can’t hear any. Did I blow my eardrums out? Carefully, I reach up with my other hand, feeling for any moisture. Nothing. I falter a little upon the realisation that I can hear wings in the distance, but not…here…
“Lía?” I call out, forcing back the bile that rises in my throat. I’d…fallen. I’d fallen and she hadn’t caught me and…she hadn’t followed me down at all. Slowly, I blink my eyes open, the fading sunlight sending a sharp pain rippling through my head. As I sit up, I run a hand over my hair. My braid’s come loose and the silky strands are now fluttering in the slight breeze, meaning I’ve lost the poisoned wire I usually wind through it. There’s no blood though, at least, so it must just be a concussion. 
My brow furrows as I close my eyes, reaching. I reach…and reach, but…nothing. A panicked gasp escapes me. There’s nothing there. “Lía!” I call more urgently this time. The sky is empty. No. No, no, no, no. Even the time I’d been dosed with that awful serum I could still feel her there, lurking—as if hidden behind a frosted pane of glass. Now though…it was as if I’d never bonded her in the first place. 
Frantically, I look down at my arm, sighing in relief as I see the green dragon relic twisting up and around my bicep, the Daggertail hidden beneath my vambrace. Ok, so we’re still bonded, I just can’t sense her. I don’t think anything could have happened to her—if it had, I’d be dead already—so…what, then? 
The last thing I remember is being knocked off her spine from behind. I hadn’t seen it coming in the slightest. We’d been practicing my balance just over the flight field as she took to the sky, so I hadn’t been strapped in. Did she…not have time to catch me? That doesn’t make sense! Even if she hadn’t caught me in time, she’d still be here now—and so would the rest of my squad for that matter, Liam and Deigh were just ahead of me!
Gingerly, I pull myself to my feet, rotating my sore joints. Maybe I was…dreaming? Or I’m in a coma now, because there’s no way I actually fell from the back of my dragon and slammed into the ground without breaking anything. 
In the time I’ve been contemplating, the sun has gone down fully and the moon has begun to rise, the entire sky a blanket full of stars. I turn on my heel, determined to get back to my room and find someone—anyone—who can tell me what the fuck is going on, when there’s a slight crack and my head snaps up in the direction of the hidden tunnel linking the field with the academic wing. 
For a moment, panic thunders through me and I grip the dagger at my thigh in a closed fist, but then there’s a familiar cool brush against my skin and my spine relaxes. “Xade?” I call out, a slight frown on my face. “What the hell, it’s Wednesday!” I hiss, storming toward the tunnel. “You should be—”
I’m shoved backward, barely able to keep my balance as I trip over my own feet, shadows restraining me in the dark. “Fuck,” I curse. “That’s not funny.” I snap. “I have a concussion and Lía won’t answer me and I can’t channel so don’t—” He steps into the moonlight and my jaw drops. Malek deliver me. “Xaden?” My voice cracks.
He looks so cold, so closed off I barely even recognise him. It’s been a very, very long time since he looked at me like that, if he ever did. There’s movement at his side and Garrick steps through, followed by…Masen. “Oh gods.” If my hands were free, I’m certain one would be over my mouth right now. My eyes quickly run over their uniforms—cadet’s uniforms—and I realise I’m in big, big trouble. They each have two, small silver stars on the shoulder. Second-years. 
“No. No, no, no, no.” I mutter. 
“Yes.” He finally speaks, his eyes trailing over my form from head to toe. “And who might you be?” My partner—but not—paces toward me slowly, his lips tilting up viciously as he croons. “You’re wearing rider black and a wingleader’s jacket, but I’ve never seen you—” He pauses, his eyes widening slightly. 
In the seconds that have passed since he appeared from the tunnel, restraining my hands behind my back, a slight breeze has picked up, blowing my hair over my shoulder. Fuck. Silver-tipped brown strands float out towards him, as if reaching for his hand the way my heart aches to. I know immediately he’s made the connection. “There’s a very reasonable explanation for this.” I croak, my pulse fluttering with fear as he closes the distance between us, drawing one of his twin swords from his back. 
“Xaden, please!” I beg, panic muddling my senses. Something furious flickers in his eyes. “Baby, listen to me—” His shadows slip for a split-second as if in surprise and almost simultaneously, the ground shakes, rattling my teeth together. Half a sob escapes my mouth and I turn on my heel and run. I don’t know what makes me think she’s the better option, that she’ll recognise me when my partner, the love of my life doesn’t. 
“Sgaeyl!” I yell, boot-covered feet carrying me full-tilt toward her. “Sgaeyl!” His shadows tug at my ankles and I don’t know if it’s a happy accident or if he meant for it to happen, but it means I go flying into the grass just as her teeth snap shut where my head once was. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I shriek. 
“LÍA!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “LÍA!”
“Quiet!” Xaden snaps, his shadows smothering any sound I attempt to get out. “Fucking Sorrengail.” He crouches in the grass, his hand on my throat. “That’s who you are, isn’t it? You’re one of Lilith Sorrengail’s.” I snarl at him, lifting a leg to kick him in the groin, but his shadows catch my shin before I can do any damage. 
Gold-flecked onyx eyes stare down at me without an ounce of recognition. “Who’s Lía? Is that your…” Slowly, he stops as if realising for the first time where he’s heard that name before. I stare up at him pleadingly. His hand trails over my arm, tracing the relic at my shoulder. “Lilith Sorrengail’s youngest aren’t old enough to have bonded dragons.” His hand slips down further to the vambrace on my wrist and he picks it up, turning it to face the moonlight. “What the…” He drops it like it burns him. 
Hot steam wafts over me and I hold still as a giant blue-scaled snout drops down to sniff at me. “That’s impossible.” Xaden snaps and I almost feel sorry for him as Sgaeyl shoves him backward onto his ass. Almost. 
“You…asshole!” I seethe, launching myself forward. I don’t feel even a little bit bad for the crack that sounds through the air as I punch him in the face. Serves him right. I pull my arm back again. “You’re in so much fucking trouble, you hear me! I’m going to—” 
A throat clears. “I’m going to have to ask you to stop doing that.” A familiar voice says, tinged with amusement, before adding, “whoever you are.” 
I huff. “Shut up Garrick. Buzz off and tell Imogen how you feel.” A choked sound escapes the man beneath me. “I’m not kidding.” I tell him when he doesn’t move. “Take Masen and give us some space. I want you out of hearing distance.” 
When I glance up, the older man is gaping. “Who the hell are you? Why would I listen to you?” A warm nudge at my back has me unbalanced for a moment, but I manage to hold my ground, straddling Xaden’s torso. 
“Remi Sorrengail.” I tell him, reaching out a hand behind me to press it to Sgaeyl’s maw. “And you’re going to listen to me because it’s in your best interest. Shoo.” He mouths the last word to himself disbelievingly, before his eyes flit over my shoulder at the Blue Daggertail behind me and my hand currently resting above her nose.
“Ok. You’re on your own, brother.” He says succinctly, before turning on his heel and heading for the rocky outcropping they came from. When I look back down, Xaden’s eyes are narrowed and his mouth is downturned and twitching slightly. He’s definitely arguing with Sgaeyl. Impatience not in the least bit tempered by the one hit I’d gotten in, I slip my hand from his shoulder to his jaw and tug, leaning down to claim his lips with mine. 
For a moment, he’s still, his body rigid beneath me and I feel something in my chest shrivel and die. Desperately, I pour every ounce of love and fear I have into it, begging, willing his soul to recognise mine. Slowly, tentatively, his lips part. My fingers reach up to tangle in his hair and by the time we part for air, I’m curled over him, my eyes just inches from his own. “Look at me.” I demand, my thumb stroking over his cheekbone before I drop my voice to a low whisper. “Read me.”
He jolts, his eyes widening. It’s…clumsy almost when he reaches out toward me and I realise with an aching heart it’s probably because he hasn’t had much, if any practice at this point. He’s only twenty-two. Holy shit. Patiently, I push a memory to the forefront of my mind—laying in each other’s arms, trading bites of chocolate cake on his favourite hillside in Aretia. 
“Holy shit.” He whispers and my lips curve upward. 
“Hi.” I murmur quietly, dropping a chaste, gut-wrenching kiss to his lips. “I’m Remi.” My throat tightens as I force back tears. “And one time you told me it was love at first sight. I’m starting to think that you lied.”
He stares. 
“I’m sorry.” I whisper, climbing to my feet. “I know this isn’t—that you don’t know me.” I choke out. “But I don’t know what happened and I can’t feel my dragon and I’m scared, Xade.” Slowly, he climbs to his feet and takes a step toward me, closing the gap again. 
A hand reaches out to brush my hair behind my ear and a wet chuckle escapes me. I guess some things really don’t change. “Where—when are you from?” He finally asks, his eyes glued to my face.
“Two years from now.” I whisper. “Give or take.” I glance at the two stars on his uniform. “My twin and I—” I pause, my mouth snapping shut.
“Your twin…Violet, right?” I nod, mutely. “Listen, Sorrengail,” he begins and it sounds so strange coming from him that I flinch.
“I don’t know how much I should share.” I blurt. “What if…if this is time travel, then should I be keeping everything to myself? Just in case…” Just in case it changes things. My eyes flit over his shoulder for a second to where Garrick and Masen stand and guilt flares in my chest. I should want to tell him everything, to tell him every detail so he can try and prevent people from getting hurt, but I…I’m selfish. I worry if I do tell him anything further, maybe it will change things and he won’t…love me. 
“Are there things you think you should share?” He asks archly and I chuckle, the sound almost hysterical even to my ears.
“You have no idea.” I croak.  
His lips tilt up, just slightly. “I think I have some idea.” He says softly. “It must have been a pretty crazy two years for me to end up with a Sorrengail.”
I lift a brow. “Because you could never be cordial with a Sorrengail?” I glare, arching a brow. It takes a moment before it clicks and his mouth forms a small ‘o’. “Yeah, that one was fun to find out after almost dying.” 
“You almost died?” He says immediately, his eyes running over me again from head to toe. I shrug, noncommittally. “What can you tell me?” He asks, exasperated and I grin, looking up at him adoringly. 
“I love that tick in your jaw, this one right here.” I carefully slide my thumb across it. “I used to be such a common cause of it.” 
I’m faced with a deadpan expression. “Somehow, I’m certain you still are.” 
I laugh aloud. “Maybe.”
Sgaeyl takes to the sky behind me and I whip around, my eyes following her form as she disappears in the direction of the Vale. “She’s going to get your Lía.” He informs me, his voice low. “To see in person if she knows anything—feels anything from you.” 
I shake my head immediately. “I don’t think so. I can’t feel her at all, like she’s not even there. Although…” I trail off contemplatively. “If anyone in the Vale can help, it might be Andarna.” 
Xaden’s eyes turn distant for a moment before he focuses back in on me. “Sgaeyl won’t tell me what that means.” 
I nod. “She shouldn’t.” I reply simply. She’ll know. I glance over his shoulder once more. “Heading out on a drop?” I ask, noting the bags by Garrick’s feet. 
My partner stiffens. “You…”
I smile up at him fondly. “I really wish I could tell you the story of how I found out right now.” 
“You could.” He suggests. 
“No.” I deny, leaning in to wrap my arms around him. He’s still for a second before slowly, carefully he brushes a hand over my hair, stroking softly. I tuck my face into his neck, breathing him in. 
“We’re…serious, then?” He asks and I can feel his free hand tracing over the Riorson family crest on my vambrace. 
“Very.” I laugh. “You’re going to marry me one day soon.” When I look up, I’m sure my eyes are bright. “Because I’m the best thing that ever happened to you, not because someone else thought it would be a good idea.” 
His lips part slightly. “You know…” 
My heart sinks a little. “I know.” I confirm. “Xade?” I lift a hand to his chest, resting it gently over his heart. “Promise me something—don’t go to Cordyn.” I beg. “If they want to renegotiate just tell them no, don’t go there.” I plead. 
“Why?” He asks carefully, in that way of his that means he’s hiding something.
“Just…promise me.” I beg. “Or promise me you won’t be alone with her, I just…Xaden.” I hold his gaze, pleading with my eyes. 
“Ok.” He relents. “I promise.” I sigh in relief, tension draining out of me as I bury my face in his neck. Maybe it’s selfish, to try and change this and only this, or maybe it won’t make a lick of difference—perhaps whenever this…anomaly is over, I’ll simply go back to my time and he’ll forget ever having met me until that day on the parapet. 
But if there’s even a chance I can change it—this one thing that affects no one and nothing but him—I’ll take it. “Thank you.” I murmur, pressing my lips to his throat. When I pull away slightly to meet his gaze again, I let my thumb trail reverently over his lips. 
“I love you.” I whisper. “I need you to know that.” I smile sadly at the broken, desperate look in his eyes. “I love you more than anything—anyone—I’ve ever loved or ever will love. There is no me, without you.”
Slowly, he lowers his lips to mine of his own volition and my soul sings.
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Part Two
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everlastingdreams · 8 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 36
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title: Et Nos Cedamus Amori
Notes: This is spicy, I believe 🌶️
Special warnings: Scent-Kink. Foreplay. Unprotected sex. Consensual. Strong language.
Warnings: Grief. Violence. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. !!!!Spicy and smut!!!! parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +220K
Chapter:  36/41
Thank the Hidden he was still holding on, because you felt a little unstable on your feet after hearing that.
Your eyes locked on his, “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel rushed or-”
With a kiss he silenced the doubt and took his time to feel the softness of your lips. He parted from them only to speak, “I am certain.” His thumb graced over your bottom lip, “Will you have me?”
He was offering himself, body and soul, yours to have and keep. Surrendering his very being to love instead of war.
You gently cupped his face whilst nodding. “With all my heart.”
It was impossible to ignore how you felt him tremble, or maybe it were your own hands that did.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” It was something you hated to admit.
“Shhh…” He hushed, as if he was calming a frightened animal before it would run off.
He reclaimed your lips, gifting a searing kiss upon them. All the fears you’d felt regarding a coupling faded to the background the longer the kiss continued, as if he somehow took them away. Sometimes you even felt the markings under his skin threaten to rise to the surface, but they never did, they were merely responding to feeling the pads of your fingers on his neck.
The cold steel of the vambraces chilled your skin when he slid his hand under the hem of your shirt as much as the bodice allowed for it. To be restrained in the leather was bothering you, there was no need for it’s protection now.
You broke away from him and took a few steps back, mumbling more to yourself, “I’m taking this damned thing off…”
He looked somewhat lost, until you started to undo the cords at the front of the bodice. The cords could be a pain to undo, especially if you felt rushed or nervous. Taking a few steps away from him was better than accidentally elbowing him in the chest or arm whilst focusing on the task.
Your hands stopped trembling after a few seconds and you felt more comfortable to let him near again. By sending him your most sweetest shy smile, you hoped to draw him in closer.
The Ash Man appeared indecisive, but certainly intrigued. He cast his eyes to the side, forbidding them to watch, when the temptation became too strong he pressed them shut for a moment.
It had to be overwhelming for him to see you begin to undress. You proceeded slowly, giving him the time he needed to adjust. By the time you had finished unlacing the bodice, his eyes were open again.
You held the leather in your hands, “Do you want me to stop what I’m doing?”
Those weeping eyes fell on your face, then on the bodice, his mouth opened but not a sound came out.
He shut his eyes briefly again, to collect his thoughts, “Do you… want to stop?”
It had sounded like he was asking about the weather, it must have taken quite some effort for it to sound so normal.
You saw the tinting present itself on his cheeks. “I feel safe enough with you to continue.”
His eyes opened, and he drew an audible shaky breath through his nose. Even though he did not come closer, anyone could see that he wanted to. You slowly crossed the small distance and put the bodice in his hands.
The leather was still warm…
He could not help himself, it was as if instinct took over when he lifted it to his nose to pick up your Fey scent it carried.
Your heart’s pace increased upon seeing the change in him, the instinct of the Ash Folk presented itself before your very eyes. He lowered the bodice, his jaw tensed at the sensation it had awoken.
For the tiniest moment, you felt like prey that had just given a wolf the invite to eat them. The urge to take a step back was strong under the darkening of his eyes that the scent had caused, but you forced your feet to stay where they were.
With a couple of quick silent breaths, he calmed himself down, clearing his mind as best as he could. The feeling that had settled in him however was there to stay.
With shaking hands, but determination, you touched the leather straps that held his cloak secured. He read your eyes, and let the bodice find company with the floor, freeing his hands to aid you in taking the cloak off.
A life of constricting layered clothes had never bothered him as much as it did now. Still, he found comfort in your patient pace.
His cloak was on him in a different way than you were used to, it did not close at the neck, the straps crossed at his chest to keep it in place.
One arm freed, then the next. You took the cloak by the hood, careful not to have it get caught in his hair, and moved it back until it fell into a puddle around his boots.
After a moment of silently facing each other, the evidence of how nervous you both were was plain to see. Both planning ahead and deducing what would come next. By taking his hand, you drew him closer, he followed your lead with blind faith.
“May I?” You inquired, while touching the belts that held the weapons at his side.
There was a small arch to his brow, he breathed out the answer, “You may.”
Leather was pulled through metal, it dawned on you how heavy the belts were to hold all the steel in place. In fear of waking up half the fort, you bend down to put the belts on the floor quietly.
Your next target was the belts that kept his jerkin closed. His hands moved a bit clumsily before they began to help you with them too. It seemed that any skills your hands or his possessed was lost in that moment. The belts proved an obstacle that needed, not one, but two nervous people to get past. A quiet silly laugh escaped you at the fidgeting. Whilst both your hands did the work, your lips got engaged again and he smiled against them. It felt like a victory when those belts were finally open. He took over, taking the jerkin off and letting it fall on top of the bodice.
A look was shared, then as if he had read your mind, the both of you began to undo the vambraces. His experience with them was clear, he knew exactly how to take them off in a short matter of time.
You were still trying to figure out how to undo the one on his right, they were indeed beautifully crafted. His fingers came to help and plucked at the fine leather cords that held it together.
You often caught him looking at you, to see if you were still alright. Nervous? Yes. But alright.
It wasn’t long before you had both the vambraces in your hands, and you placed them on the small bedside table with the respect such craftsmanship deserved. You never stopped feeling his eyes follow, not once. They fell upon your face as you stood before him again.
With a little tug at the front of his shirt, you let your intentions be known. Your fingers hooked under the hem of it and began to lift it up. When it was halfway up his torso, he freed himself of it by pulling it over his head swiftly. It was evident how quick his breathing was now that the shirt could no longer hide it, he seemed to be a little tense as well and quite alert.
By brushing your lips against his chest, you hoped to calm his nerves, you trailed them up to his neck. When reaching his collarbone he stroked over your neck in appreciation, then took a light hold on your throat, holding you still so he could give your neck the same treatment.
He preferred the spot just under your ear, one of the places where your scent was the strongest. It would be a lie to say that he didn’t taste the scent of your skin just a little with his tongue.
One sound from you and he brought his mouth to yours again. You placed a hand on his chest to make him halt. Once he did, you gestured to your shirt. By getting close and turning around, you hoped he would not see the hint of self-consciousness in your eyes. Your back was almost against him, while slowly taking off your shirt. It felt more comfortable to not having to be in his full view bare like this. You held on to the shirt for a moment, he held your upper arm softly in encouragement…
After propping the shirt into a ball, you tossed it on the foot of your bed. There was nothing to hide behind now, only your arms.
He had seen your bare back before, on the night you had escaped the paladin camp together. He trailed his index finger right next to a scar that the whip had left on your back, and leaned in to kiss the back of your head.
“The wounds on your back from the lashes have healed well.” He quietly mumbled the thought that escaped his mind. They never should have been there in the first place…
You felt him trace them, they no longer hurt but they were oddly sensitive still.
“I am sorry.”
“I have forgiven you.”
He kissed the back of your head again, then the side. His fingers hooked under the waistband of your trousers and slowly pulled until your rear was against him. Your face burned when feeling him hard against your behind.
An arm came around to hold you close. His mouth latched onto your neck again and send your mind into a spin. You teasingly bumped into him when his fingers tickled at your waist. He grunted at the pleasant pressure it caused, and his hand skimmed down to your rear.
He was very careful to touch it, he had not forgotten that the last person who had done so had ended up with their nose broken. Thankfully, your response to him was much more pleasant.
The hunger in him was present in the way he lavishly moved his mouth over your neck. It was perhaps the first time he had touched your rear on purpose, you did react surprised and jolted a bit, but then surrendered when hearing how content he sounded to be allowed to do it. The sound of his breathing, that deep humming…
All of it because he wanted you so much. It had an effect on your body…
“I believe I am stirring something in your loins.” The cocky twit’s senses were on point.
It had been something you had said to him once to get on his nerves, how could you have known back then that you would fall for him? Or that he would be able to pick up on such a thing?
You turned into his arms, still hiding behind your own, and rolled your eyes a little, “Are you gonna bring that up for the rest of our lives?”
He had a sudden hold on your waist and made you walk backwards until you were
against the wall next to an old painting. You were still trying to hide your bare self behind your arms, he noticed but did not comment on it.
“I should. For I want you to know that I can sense your needs, and I shall tend to them.” He made the vow.
And you were oh so clearly in need tonight. Even if he had not been focusing to pick up on the change in scent, he still would have noticed. Tonight his heritage was a blessing.
You didn’t know where to look and cast your eyes to the floor. Your witty mouth had abandoned you, the only thing left was the building shyness that threatened to silence you.
“You’re very bold for a former monk.” You fired.
He smirked at the return of the fire in you. “You are usually not this shy.”
You would have smacked his arm if you didn’t need your own to stay where they were. “I’m bare in front of you!”
His smirk changed a bit as his gaze went a little lower, a slight involuntary quirk in his brow. Not completely. Not yet…
You needed no magic to know what he was thinking, that look said it all.
With the knuckle of his index finger he stroked along your jaw to your chin. “And you are beautiful.”
Hearing it healed some of the pain inside that rejection had caused. You bit your lip, feeling your eyes get a bit watery but refusing to let the tears go. “So are you.”
He cupped your cheek, running his thumb up and down over it as he leaned in to put his lips to yours. With nerves wrapping your stomach into a knot, you moved your arms and brought him closer, until his chest was against yours. Mouths slid together, teeth over lips over tongues, slow and intimately. Your fingers trailed over his arms and chest, sometimes you could feel him shiver because of it.
The hand at your waist moved to your abdomen, where it slowly went higher until it cupped a breast. He did it with so much caution, as if he feared you’d push him off otherwise. You dared to bite down on his lower lip, never hard enough to draw blood, just enough to remind him who he was with. The sound he let out did not make it seem like he disliked it, quite the contrary. Gingerly he dragged his hand down your front again, to the waistband of your trousers.
“May I?” His question was a breath on your lips.
You gave a quick nod. “Please.”
As his mouth slowly traveled to the bottom of your jaw, his hand sank into your trousers. With the use of his index and middle finger he massaged the ache between your legs.
Being against the wall now was a blessing, for your body felt like floating away the longer he worked on it. It was tentatively slow, he took his time to figure out what sort of touch you preferred. The patience and devotion he displayed towards your pleasure greatly helped to calm your nerves.
Just like in the forest, he could feel the arousal on his fingers. He would see to it that you would not go to sleep unsated.
“You’re really… good at that.” You meant it.
At hearing the praise, he kissed your temple and smiled against it. “It is a very rewarding practice.”
That cheeky…
It did make you chuckle, but it turned into a moan when he got just the right angle. The bastard even hushed you, you shot him a glare, he grinned back. Of course he did not prevent it from happening again, he was the one still causing it. You held on to his arm as that pleasant feeling build inside again.
“Will you let me feel you?” The question tumbled out of him.
It was confusing, he was doing so already. You barely got the question out without it turning into a moan, “Feel?”
His hot breath was on the shell of your ear. “Inside.”
Your answer took a couple of seconds to come, “Yes.”
He stroked you some more before doing so, coating his fingers in the wetness. If he were to bed you, he wished to know if it would hurt you or not. He would not be comfortable bringing himself inside if he didn’t know you could take him. If he could already please you this way, it would take away some of the anxiousness he felt towards copulation.
The tip of his finger announced itself and you grabbed a hold on his shoulder, putting your head against it. This could hurt, books and talk had warned you of it. But the curiosity was stronger than fear, and the thought of him trying to make you come undone was highly arousing. Your hips still wanted to rock into his hand, seeking the friction you now missed. He generously used his thumb to aid in your search. With care, his index finger slid inside easier than expected. He still went achingly slow, and there was a slight burning sensation that got better every time his thumb began to tease. He let your hips control how deep he went, feeling you rock into him carefully.
His trousers had become tight on him, of course he imagined what it would be like. To have you, to hear you moan into his ears…
The pace was slow, even when he started to slide it in and out. Biting your lip was the only way to keep yourself quiet against his shoulder.
“Tell me how it feels.” His voice shook.
You doubted that you could.
“Good.” You croaked out. “Please…”
He increased the pace only a little, and felt your hips match it eagerly. You tried to undo the knot in your trousers, but it was difficult like this. He noticed and began to help free you off them, whilst continuing his task. They glided down your legs once the knot was loose.
Bare and vulnerable before him, a display of your trust, it was enough to bring him to his knees. But it was the arousing scent that clouded all his senses.
He withdrew his digit carefully and left a hollow feeling behind.
Your breathing was quick, and your mind was spinning. “Why-”
He hushed you and sank to his knees to the ground.
“What are you doing?” You reached down for him, a little alarmed, but mostly confused.
His fingers trailed over the scar of the wolf’s bite at your ankle. He trembled at feeling the warmth of your legs under his palms. “Kissing you.”
The confusion went away when he began, and you experienced exactly how strong one of the Ash Folk could be affected by scents. He kissed your thighs first, dragging his mouth to where the scent lured him to.
Moaning was risky, but that was exactly what happened within seconds of him using his mouth. With a hand on his shoulder, you tried to keep yourself from collapsing at the pleasure it gave. He had once mentioned that he would taste you too, but for it to mean this… to feel like this…
It was done so patient and lovingly, that any shame simply vanished.
He could feel the quiver in your legs and hear the quiet whimpers of pleasure, it was the first time he was on his knees and his silent prayers were heard. Sometimes he could feel you try to close your legs, all while still moving your hips more into him, in return he used his tongue to remind you why keeping them open was worthwhile.
After a while his face emerged and he let his thumb circle over you, gingerly sinking his digit inside again. He massaged, stroked and curled it inside. Leaving you to pray that you could stop yourself from making too much noise.
It brought you to the brink of despair, making your thoughts slip out in a whisper, “Gods… why don’t you just fuck me…”
Many crude things had come from you, but none like this.
He was on his feet instantly and pressed you against the wall with his body, “What was that?”
Oh no…
“I’m sorry.” You quietly said, not wanting to upset him, or make him think this wasn’t enough.
He looked genuinely stunned, perhaps even a little bothered by the profanity he was taught never to use. “That was the most inappropriate thing you have ever said to me. And you have said many.”
You felt like shrinking. “I’m sorry-”
He stopped you from apologizing over it again, “Did you mean it?”
There was only curiosity in his eyes now, it took you a few seconds to be brave enough to nod.
His eyes took you in for a moment, that disheveled state…
His hand sneaked between your thighs and he reinserted his digit, watching your expression in response to it, a gasp forced it’s way out of you.
He still worried. “I am more than what you feel now.”
You were clinging to his arms when it curled just right. “I know.”
As he seemed to decide, his thumb worked you further, it worked too well.
Your hand wrapped around his wrist suddenly, his eyes went to yours and saw how close your release was getting. If you wanted him to find the confidence to do this, you realized you would need to guide him a bit. If one was brave, the other would follow. From his wrist, your hand glided down to lace your fingers through his.
“Come.” You said, stepping out of your trousers that still hung at your ankles, and even when feeling quite exposed you walked into the direction of the bed with him.
The sight of the bed threatened to cause some fear, instead you turned and put your attention on him to remind yourself what you could have if you were brave.
“I feel very exposed.” Your smile was shy. “If you don’t want this, I’ll understand, and just put my clothes back on. But you need to tell me what you want.”
For a second he looked down at the clothes scattered around your room. You let him have the time to decide, feeling the temperature in the room chill your skin. Then his gaze rolled over you, slow and memorizing. There was a slight tilt of his head to the side, a sign his interest was piqued. You crossed your arms over your chest, bothered by the cold.
He brushed his warm hand over the goosebumps that had formed on them. “I want you.”
You could barely hide how nervous you were to ask, on of the many questions in mind managed to escape, “How?”
That answer came much faster. “On the bed.”
The sheets were no longer warm from earlier as you sat down on the bed, you tried to stop shivering to no avail. You reached for the only warm thing in sight. Him.
He sat down beside you to remove his boots, you watched him in silence, the nervousness was radiating from him, and you let him take off the boots at his own pace. Once they were off, he stood up again and turned to face you. He took a deep breath and began to undo the knot that kept his trousers secured, he moved very slow, like he feared you’d flee otherwise.
You locked up into a pair of self-conscious eyes, and gave him an encouraging smirk. “Don’t be afraid, Ash Man.”
Even he, a fearsome swordsman, had insecurities. Your eyes remained locked on his as he took the trousers off and kicked them to the side a bit. From then on, it felt like he was curious to see how long before your gaze would drop.
You forced your gaze to the ceiling for a second, feeling the smile tug at your lips. He stepped closer and by reflex your gaze dropped while scooting backwards on the bed. Your guilty eyes lifted to his face, he was reading your expression.
“Oh…” It was all you could think of to say.
He gave a curious look.
“I’ve just never really seen… you know… not like this…” You smiled sheepishly.
He was understanding, even a blind man could see how flustered you were getting. His knee came to rest on the bed, and in one smooth movement he caused you to lay down and was hovering above you. His hands were planted at each side of you, to be bare now you felt more vulnerable than ever before.
“Nervous?” He asked genuinely.
“No. I’m used to this.” Your voice dripped with sarcasm.
He flashed a grin and let his mouth rain down on yours again. The longer he kissed you, the more he lowered himself. The cold was gone and replaced with a heat that spread through you, you lifted your knee to rest it against him. You felt him warm and hard against your inner thigh, and carefully brought your hand down to touch him. He let out a delicious grunt the second you did, heavens he was hard. Seeing the blue darken in his eyes made the ache return in your loins. As you stroked him, his tongue entered your mouth. He grabbed your rear and gave it a squeeze, causing you to jolt, but his mouth prevented any curses aimed at him from spilling out of you.
When he squeezed again, you moaned into his mouth. To not admit defeat, your grip on him tightened just a little and his hips jerked forward into the touch. His teeth grazed your jaw up to your ear, by moving his knee against the inside of your own and then under it, he proved how easily he could make your legs open wider for him. Your legs could not close like this, he had slid his knee under your thigh. It was a vulnerable position to be in, still it did nothing but arouse further. He had you right how he wanted you. Under him, groin to groin, chest to chest.
He plucked your hand from his cock and leaned back just enough to see your eyes clearly in the dark. You read the question in his own, and nodded while cupping his neck. He moved himself against your groin first, grinding into you somewhat. You held on to his arms and lifted your hips into him more.
The confidence had grown in him, he stroked himself twice before aligning. Your body got very still as he pressed his lips to your temple, and himself inside.
It did burn a bit to be stretched, your body fought your mind. He moved slowly, gripping the sheets between his fingers.
You winced when he was almost completely inside, and he halted immediately.
He saw the tear brim at the corner of your eye. “I will retreat-”
“Stay.” You grabbed his hip, not wanting to back down now that it’s gotten this far.
“I’m hurting you.” He stated what he could see.
“Please.” You pleaded with him, and told him what had been taught to you. “It’s normal for it to hurt a bit. It will pass.”
He looked so guilt-ridden, and seconds away of ending this amorous encounter.
You brushed a hand over his hip. “I can do this. I want this.”
After a moment of thought, he gave a shallow nod. “Tell me when it is too much.”
“I will.” You promised.
Before he would dare to continue, he began to kiss your neck and throat, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin just right. You melted into the affections like butter, tracing the scars on his back with your fingertips as if you were playing a harp. He moved after a while, a slight movement of his hips that made him slide in and out just a little.
It felt odd at first, he’d wait a couple of seconds to do so again. He repeated this pattern until you began to crave the movements to come. With an impatient lift of your hips, you signaled that you preferred not to wait so long again.
His hips rolled into yours, into a slow but constant rhythm. Gasps for air and quiet moaning filled the room. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as he reclaimed your mouth. His groans and moaning were both desperate and relieved. He was vocal, and worked to bring the sounds out of you as well. The burning had stopped, your hips met the pace of his with eagerness.
Only then did he try to thrust deeper, and saw that you took him well.
With grinding slow thrusts he caused the tension to build into your core. He made you expose your throat more as his mouth slid over the length of it up to your chin.
His teeth grazed the shell of your ear, his voice went down to a breathy husk, “Moan for me.”
The request was easy enough to indulge, the pace of his thrusts began to increase. You cupped his neck with both hands, his hot breath was right over your mouth. Your thumb dragged his bottom lip down before your mouth closed around it.
His release was nearing, the heat of you mixed with the sight of you was making it far too simple to come undone.
He kissed back with a fiery passion, and brought his hand down between your legs to help. You knew he was close, he had begun to tremble all over and his breathing had deepened greatly. The sight of him made the knot in your core tighten severely.
“Lancelot…” You kept your eyes on his face, panting against his lips.
The rhythm of his fingers matched the ones of his hips. The pressure that had build snapped loose inside you with one well timed thrust. Your nails dug into his arms as jolts of pleasure ran through you. He was almost too late to try and muffle the moans flowing from your lips by crashing his mouth to yours. His pace slowed as he felt the quaking and contractions of your body.
Slowing down was no use to stop his own release, he was too far gone and this was the last push he needed.
Just when your body began to calm down, he groaned and thrusted once more, a gasp left you when feeling him twitch and spill. His fingers clenched the sheets, low guttural moans came from him. He had lowered himself to prevent falling on you, a wise decision considering how much he was shaking, his forehead rested on your collar bone as he recovered.
It felt surreal, to be together like this, sweaty and spend. You felt his breathing get slower against your skin, so slow that you wondered if he felt as tired as you were. Your eyes fluttered shut to enjoy the dreamlike state you found yourself in. It was so easy to be tempted by sleep, so easy that when he finally moved again your eyes barely opened. Even when they were closed, you still sensed that he was looking at your face.
You hummed warmly and curled your fingers in his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. He moved and placed a tender kiss to your lips whilst he withdrew himself. Your body missed him right away, a new feeling. In your chest was a comfortable warmth now, and you touched your palm to his to see if it was warm as well.
His skin was flushed from his neck down to his chest, he was a sight to see like this. Finally your eyes made contact again, his were tired but filled with what you could only identify as adoration.
“I loved that.” You breathed it out. “I love you.”
He still was not used to hearing someone speak those words out loud to him. “And I you.”
Your eyes looked up and bathed into the blue of his.
His finger traced your cheek and nose in bewonderment, “Tired?”
You nodded and he moved to lay beside you. “I feel so good. Tired and good.”
It stroked his ego. He had never felt more wanted and appreciated. The way you looked now was the closest to divinity he would ever be.
You curled into him, head resting on his chest, “Did you enjoy it?”
He was massaging the back of your scalp. “I have never felt anything like it.”
In a good way or…?
You peeked up at him with inquiring eyes, Lancelot saw the silent worry in them.
“I enjoyed it.” He smiled down at you, “Very much so.”
A breath of relief left your lips as you made yourself comfortable in his arms. The silence between you said it all, to be close in the afterglow of this experience was enough. He was the first to fall asleep, no wonder as he had not rested tonight unlike you. The comforting rise and fall of his chest was of great help to fall asleep yourself a little while later.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda @stclairesplace @​​katjusja @isla-bell-blog @beebeerockknot @sahvlren
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kyberblade · 2 years
Everything (Din x Reader) - Back To You Drabble
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A/N: This is for Dincember 2022 days 3-5, Gloves, Fire, and Cold. It’s set in the Back To You universe, where? I have no idea…. (Is kinda a continuation of the first one.) I know I promised vambrace shenanigans, and we kinda get them, but this morphed.
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Din is once again a warning in and of himself in this one. Maybe like one or two light swear words? Space swearing. Brief mentions of an injury. (A small bruise.)
Word count: 1,867
Series Masterlist
You sat in your seat in the cockpit, watching the stars crawl lazily past as Din shouted expletives from the deck below.
“Dank farrik!”
You let out a sigh, rolling your head where it rested against the headrest to look over at the kid in his seat next to you.
“Patu?” He babbled, tilting his head just slightly at you before turning to the wide open doors leading to the lower level.
“Don’t worry, kid. Your father is just having a bad day.”
“Kriffing hell, son of a mud scuffer….” Something clanged a few times, followed by a muffled thud, then the sound of a tool hitting the floor of the Crest with a metallic bang. “Dank farrik!” He hissed again. 
“Eh?” The child squeaked, looking down the hatch toward the commotion, leaning one hand on the back of his chair, the other gripping his ball tight.
“What?” He bellowed, grumbling something under his breath as the sounds of the tool resumed.
“If the kid repeats any of that as his first words, I just may murder you.” The clanging stopped, making you smirk. “Fair warning.” When all you heard in response was a heavy sigh, you settled back further into your seat, your arms crossed over your chest adjusting slightly before you settled. “Want me to check under the console again?”
Silence, and then a quiet, “….no.”
You snorted in amusement. “It’s no trouble. While you work on the hyperdrive down there, I’ll make sure the switch didn’t just flip a breaker again-”
“It’s not a breaker!” He boomed, his tone dripping with frustration, and you just rolled your eyes.
“It was last week,” you mumbled. Then, a little louder, “Want some help down there?”
“No,” his quick answer came, the banging resuming before another muffled thud was heard. “Dank farrik!” He growled. 
You looked at the kid as he looked over at you. “Stay here, ad’ika.” Rising to your feet, you reached out and bopped his nose with the tip of your index finger. “I’m sure he’s fine. I’m just going to help.”
Shooting the child a wink as you descended the ladder and he babbled at you, you quickly dropped the last few rungs, landing with a thud. Turning, you found Din sitting with his back against the wall of the Crest cradling his hand. Beside him was an open panel, a mess of wires and circuitry hanging out like the ship had been mortally wounded.
Lowering onto your haunches when you got in front of him, you held out your hands toward him. “Let me see.” You kept your voice low and calm.
“Din….” You warned, gesturing again with your hands, raising an eyebrow for good measure.
“I’m fine,” he grit out through clenched teeth.
“Sure. All people who are fine cradle their hand like they’re injured,” you huffed, rolling your eyes before you rolled onto the balls of your feet to try and grab his hand and inspect it.
He pulled away from you. “Stop it.” He sounded annoyed, but you didn’t care.
“Din Djarin, give me your hand, you’re being worse than the child when we tell him to spit out a frog.”
Pulling his hand to you with the Force instead of listening to another excuse, you quickly inspected it for blood or immediate problems, but didn’t see anything.
He stumbled over a few words, not settling on any one complaint before he just let out a groan, his head thumping back against the panel behind him as he gave up and let you get a closer look.
“Can I take this off?” You looked up into his visor, lightly tracing your fingers over the fastener of his glove. 
“If I say no, will you listen?”
You tilted your head at him and grinned. “What do you think?”
With another groan he slouched further down the wall, freely extending his arm toward you the rest of the way and nodding his consent. He let out a sharp hiss as you tugged on the fingers to get the tight leather off.
You sucked air in through your teeth, grimacing at the bruise already forming along the back of his hand. “What did you hit it with?”
“That one,” he pointed with his other hand at a lone tool sitting next to the open panel.
Standing up, you released his hand and took the single step between you and the tool before you picked it up to examine it before putting it in the chest with the others. Continuing on toward the fresher, you grabbed the med kit off the wall before going back to sit beside him, making him scoot over so you could sit on the same side as his damaged hand.
Opening the kit, you grabbed a bacta cream and a wrap and got to work. “You’re lucky it’s not broken.”
“I’ve had worse,” he grumbled, hissing in pain when you cinched the wrap a bit too tight.
Apologizing, you adjusted it, keeping your eyes on his hand as you continued. “Why are you so desperate to fix the hyperdrive right here and now? We could turn around and be at Peli’s in a few days, she could fix it easy.”
“That would set us too far behind. I need to get you to….”
You looked up into his visor. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing. Forget I said it.” His words were hurried and tried to appear nonchalant, but they were heavily affected.
“No, Din. What is it?” You set his hand down in your lap, bandage halfway done.
He spoke so quietly, you almost didn’t hear him. “I was taking you to a forest planet. It’s the other half of the surprise, first the snow, then somewhere green like you’ve been going on about.” He had been staring at his lap while he spoke, but now he looked up to meet your gaze, and it made your breath catch in your throat. “But then the hyperdrive broke. And we only have enough fuel to either go get it fixed with Peli, or try and fix it now and then go where I planned.”
“Din,” you started, voice just as quiet as his, “I appreciate you thinking of that, I really do. I love that you heard my griping and understood something I didn’t even really know I wanted myself.” You lifted a hand to cradle the side of his helmet. “But you don’t have to do that. It costs so many credits, and time, and it’s risky, and-”
“And it’s completely worth it,” he cut in, finishing the statement for himself. “You’re completely worth it.”
All you could do was blink at him, your hand cradling his helmet came quickly back to your lap to grip his hand on instinct, making him yelp in pain. “I’m so sorry,” you rushed out, immediately releasing his hand, finishing off the wrap.
He shook his head, bringing the hand up to cradle your face before his fingers slipped around the back of your neck and into the hair at the nape of your neck before he pushed your forehead to his softly. “Don’t be,” he mumbled, sliding the hand more firmly around the back of your neck. “Totally worth it, if you ask me.”
You chuckled. “Well, I know when I’m beat. How can I help fix this floating hunk of metal so we can go see trees?”
It took a few more hours and lots of newly learned expletives between the two of you before the hyperdrive finally worked again.
It had ended up being something at the source, like Din had said, but also something under the console, like you had said. He conveniently ignored that last part, though. 
You’d touched down on the green orb in the middle of its night cycle, a sky blanketed in stars overhead drawing your gaze as soon as you stepped down the ramp. Shadows of towering trees filled the skyline everywhere you looked, silent giants in the dim lights of the Crest.
“We’ll go exploring tomorrow.” Din came up behind you, the kid in his arm, staring up at the stars just like you. “For now, let’s make a fire and eat something warm for a change.”
Your eyes flew to his visor. “Trees and warm food? You spoil me.”
Din chuckled, setting the child down. “I try.”
You began to shiver as the cool night air sunk in. You were dressed for the controlled climate of the ship, not a cool late summer evening on a planet you didn’t even know the name of. And you didn’t really care what it was called. Just that it was green. And it had your two favorite beings currently busy making a camp a few feet away.
“Care to do the honors?”
You turned to the modulated voice, finding him pointing at the waiting fire pit, and you grinned. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Holding your arm up to initiate the flamethrower in your vambrace as you walked to the edge of the ring, you pointed down once your toes met the rocks lining the outside, blasting a stream of fire to ignite the branches Din had collected.
Grinning down at your handiwork as it crackled, you looked up into his visor and found it already tilted fondly on you.
After eating and poking the fire back to something warmer a few times, the child fell asleep against your leg where he sat between them, his soft little snores puffing against your calf. You were lost in thought, staring down at him with a soft smile when a blanket came around your shoulders, the one you kept in the cockpit.
Looking up over your shoulder at Din, you smiled. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“Didn’t want you to get cold,” Din said offhandedly as he came to sit across the fire from you. The flames danced across his beskar, reflecting in magnificent shades that almost made you lose your focus.
You smiled. “I wasn’t just talking about the blanket.” He looked up, visor holding your gaze across the flames. “For everything.” Your eyes fell to his signet for a moment before rising back to his visor. “I don’t think I’ve ever had someone care about me enough to put as much effort in as you have.” You cleared your throat. “As you do.”
He gave a gentle shrug, the T of his visor falling to look at the fire. “You do the same for me and the kid every day. It almost doesn’t seem like enough to pay you back.”
“You know you don’t have to pay me anything.” You leaned forward slightly, trying to catch his gaze again.
“Maybe not. But we owe you everything.” His head lifted back up to meet your eyes, and an emotion you couldn’t quite define caught in your chest.
Smiling, you swallowed around the lump in your throat of all the things left unsaid. “Let’s just settle on ‘thank you’ for now, then.” Your smile grew. “Thank you, Din. For everything.”
“Thank you, mesh’la.” He looked down for just a moment before he lifted his visor back up to you. “For all of it.”
Tags: @ren-ni, @hoodedbirdie, @rennalouise, @kurlyfrasier, @what-the-heckin-heck, @deceiverofgodss, @Littleshadow17, @nghtwngs, @yourcoolauntie, @queenmalhinewahine, @lam-ila, @jesseeka, @come-hell-or-eldren-fire, @creativeautistic, @lemonsandraspberries, @heyitsaloy, @987coley, @marvel-sw-lover, @just-shut-up-kid, @1800-get-alife, @multifandomsw​, @oliviajdjarin​, @eeopxlt​, @tomskookie​, @venusacrossthestars​, @sanscas​, @veralii​, @a-rose-of-amber​, @i-own-loki​, @lil-writer-523​, @starry-supernova​, @qweenrogerina​, @darkenwolfie​, @mischiefnevermanaged94​, @tragerlover​, @pxl8ed​, @peonyophelia​, @fullmoonshadowwrites​, @Itsavicf, @professionalfangrrl​, @immortalbloodhuntress​, @scentedthingtidalwave​, @reiya-djarin​, @canvasandclay333​, @fordo-kixed-rex​, @jxvipike​, @anidiotwhoreads, @sgt-morgan​​ What’s This?
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tozettastone · 1 year
dear tozette
AO3 is still down
please tell us a story?
okay, here's a little bit of a fic—
I'm going to come back after I've cooked and write you a little bit more but I don't promise it'll be very coherent or especially good in the end hahaha
(I do promise you'll get an alt pov though)
Hyuuga Hinata doesn't know what to write to her soulmate.
When the patch of tough skin appears on her arm, it's in the late afternoon when the light in Konoha is soft and golden and the insects are singing sporadically in the sweet summer air. It's a few days before her graduation from the ninja academy, and when she feels the strange sensation of the mark, she simply sits in petrified silence for two hours.
What if her soulmate writes? Worse, what if they don't?
She has to tell her father. Hinata, at her core, is a girl who wants to please—and who wants badly for someone to be pleased by her efforts. She would never hide such important information from him.
At breakfast the following morning, Hiashi says: "Have they written?"
And Hinata shakes her head, no. They haven't.
Neither has she.
But he doesn't ask that and she doesn't offer the information.
He hums, disapproving, which makes her want to hide behind her rice bowl and hunch her shoulders up to her ears. But there's no hiding here. The Hyuuga compound may as well have no walls.
"Can I see?" Hanabi asks, bold.
"Hanabi!" Hiashi puts his tea down on the wood with a loud click. Hinata, watching, doesn't move her arm. "We do not ask to see people's soul marks."
"What? If they haven't written, it doesn't matter, does it?"
There's a long, still silence. Hiashi's face looks carved from marble.
"Apologise to your sister," he says at last.
This is not a common phrase in their household.
Hanabi clicks her tongue impatiently. "Sorry for asking."
A messenger arrives, sliding aside the door and bowing low. "Hiashi-sama!"
Predictably, Hiashi turns away from both of the girls. They are ignored for whatever is in the scroll delivered.
Hinata rolls her arm over and shows it to Hanabi. She leans over to see. For once, she's still wide-eyed and new to something. She prods the discoloured patch of skin with one finger, an act of daring that Hiashi either doesn't catch or (more likely) doesn't want to even begin to address.
"It's rough," she whispers.
Hinata nods. She doesn't know what it means. She only hopes they're a ninja. She can't imagine what her father might think if they're not even that.
Since that morning, she's picked ugly little scabs underneath the mark, nails wearing away at her skin. Her heavy, long-sleeved top covers the scratches mostly, but she's taken to wearing a single vambrace, too.
She isn't the only person who covers her soul mark. It's popular to hide any information, among ninja, and Kurenai-sensei tells the team it's a responsible way to avoid distractions while they're on missions.
But Hinata thinks she's probably the only person hiding her mark who's never, um, written anything on it. There's no danger of anyone accidentally getting any information from her soulmate. They never write her, either.
It's not that she doesn't want to write.
It's more that... if she writes, she's sure she'll do it wrong.
Team eight is in one of the grassy training areas, working on their individual skills. The summer air is warm, but Hinata feels like her skin is icy cold as she thinks about it. She can't write, she thinks, pausing in her methodical attacks on a defenceless tree stump. She'll probably never write.
I'm a bad soulmate, she realises suddenly, and then starts crying and crying while she's supposed to be practicing palm strikes. All she has to do is write something on her arm, and she can't even manage that. The crying overcomes her in huge, ragged sobs that she can't hide.
Helplessness and despondency overwhelm her all afternoon and, baffled, Kurenai-sensei sends her home. This is not particularly conducive to Hinata's self confidence.
"Perhaps tomorrow...?" Kurenai-sensei suggests delicately.
Hinata's team mates are less willing to offer her the dignity of a weird crying jag taken in silence:
"Is it a... uh, girl thing?" Kiba wonders, watching her leave. He probably can't tell she can see him as clear as crystal straight through the back of her own skull.
"No," Shino responds. "Why? Because we cannot smell it."
"I guess..."
Hinata blushes furiously, ducks her head down low and speeds up.
"That's enough," sighs Kurenai-sensei, disappointed but definitely not surprised by the direction of this conversation. "If you have breath to speak you have breath to run."
Hinata's soulmate writes to her.
It is in the middle of the night, a full month after their connection is forged, and the text reads only, 'HEY ARE YOU—' and then trails off into an inky mess. She cannot read anything further from it. The characters are too ragged.
Hinata stares at her arm and doesn't know what to say about that, either.
And then her soulmate, wherever they are, whoever they are, just smears it away.
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nerdnag · 6 months
A not so complete list of things that I've been into at one point or another in my life [to varying degrees], how many do you recognize?:
-The Witcher
-Dark Souls
-Vambrace Cold Soul
-Vampire in the Garden
-Tiger and Bunny
-Black Butler
-Catherine Full Body
-Detroit Become Human
-Life Is Strange
-Fire Emblem
-Stardew Valley
-Octopath Traveler
-Resident Evil
-One Punch Man
-Our Flag Means Death
-Mystic Messenger
-God Eater
-Demon Slayer
-The Wolf Among Us (The telltale game)
-Golden Kamui
-Jujutsu Kaisen
-Number 24
-Ace Attorney
-The Last Of Us
-Assassin's Creed
-Umbrella Academy
-The Legend of Zelda
-Yuri On Ice
-The Walking Dead (also the telltale game[s])
-Heavy Rain
Ohhh there are a few I don't recognize, but also several I've been really into! 😁
The Witcher - ooh, I really liked the show! I tried playing Witcher 3 though and didn't get into it that well.
Dark Souls + Bloodborne - haven't played any of those, but I've played Souls-like games heavily inspired by them! Like The Surge!
DnD - Have played a few times, though I'm not super into DnD in particular. I love TTRPG's in general though!! 13th age is my fave so far I think!
Detroit Become Human seemed really interesting to me but unfortunately I never played it!
LIFE IS STRANGE! YES!!! Are you kidding me I LOVE time shenanigans <33
Fire Emblem? Never heard about it. 🤔
Skyrim - tried it for a couple hours, it was fine! ^_^
I was really into Stardew Valley for a while!!
Octopath Traveler my beloved <3
Resident Evil - Have seen Let's Plays of a few of them!
Danganronpa I've played quite a bit but didn't get super into!
The Wolf Among Us was one of the first games I played together with my partner! It seemed really revolutionary when it came.
Ace Attorney, ofc!!!
The Last Of Us - haven't played, but watched a let's play and it was amazing
Assassin's Creed - you already know 😁
Watched a bit of Umbrella Academy!
Loved some of the DS Zelda games (I think there were several..?) and both Switch games!
PERSONA 5!!!!! <33 I have yet to finish it though... but I shall!
The Walking Dead - haven't watched the show, but I watched my partner play the Telltale Games many years ago!
As for the ones I've heard about but never interacted with: Hades, One Punch Man, Fallout, Halo, Heavy Rain.
Ones I never heard of: Trigun, Vambrace Cold Soul, Vampire in the Garden, Tiger and Bunny, Black Butler, Catherine Full Body, Thymesia, Palia, Our Flag Means Death, Mystic Messenger, God Eater, Demon Slayer, Dorohedoro, Golden Kamui, Jujutsu Kaisen, Number 24, Yuri on Ice.
Here are some for you:
My Time at Portia
Death Note
Eternal Card Game
Deus Ex
Dying Light
Disco Elysium
Professor Layton
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist
The Council
Slime Rancher
The Sexy Brutale
Papers Please
Return of the Obra Dinn
Star Craft
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bi-dykes · 9 months
Ok so you reblogged my Claire Francois post saying you don't know who that is, well I am now here to introduce you to her! She is from the sapphic anime I'm in Love with the Villainess! The protagonist is Rae who gets transported to her favorite game that is/was her form of escapism. Rae is supposed to be romancing one of the three princes from the game but she is a lesbian and she fell for her competition aka the villainess. Claire is bisexual! Claire is the deuteragonist and the romance between her and Rae is SO CUTE! I love the anime and I seriously hope we get season 2!
Also fun fact! The anime is based on the light novels with the same name and the author is apparently a transwoman! That is so cool!
Also Claire uses the word bisexual to describe herself too in the novels! That is so rare. And I was honestly surprised to find out about that like even in western books people are hesitant to use the word bisexual for their characters. I was very happy. Especially more so because we finally got a bisexual character in sapphic anime!
Hello hello my dear! Thank you so much for the ask. This anime sounds excellent. I would love to be transported to a video game lol. Either Castle Crashers or Vambrace: The Cold Soul
The plot twist is amazing, I love it when characters fall for villains. And Rae and Claire sound so so cute! I love bi4les ships sm. Fingers crossed for a second season! And that’s great that the novels were written by a transwoman.
AKSJJDJSKSKD SHE SAYS OUT LOUD THAT SHE’S BISEXUAL <3 I love that. That’s always so empowering for bisexuals to hear and see and read. Feel free to send me an ask if you have anymore examples of that!
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jeannahas · 2 years
Midnight Musings - 3
There are many odd thoughts that strike at 3:06 in the morning - distantly related but more than anything vaguely connected by the same general emotional thread. Tonights?
It is a true shame that it is not socially permissible to wear metal vambraces as a daily accessory.
As a man, I can say that I am broadly unimpressed with the wider spectrum of male jewelry - most jewelry is very effeminate, or whispy and pretty - I want something to indulge that inner dwarf that lives inside my soul, that craves glorious combat and the strength and cold comforting certainty of steel.
Consider- if metal vambraces were somehow normalized, there are so many options! so many styles! it wouldn't even need to be a male thing, but it would be a kind of jewelry / accessory that fits my aesthetic so much better than 90% of what I can find currently. :D And the salutes! Banging vambraces with a close friend, or clashing them together in an X as a little challenge or "fuck you" or as a salute if you are a Bridge 4 fan or a Wakanda fan - the options are endless!
How many people do you think it would take wearing metal vambraces or metal- decorated leather vambraces before this kind of a trend took hold? Crazier and more ridiculous things and hairstyles have become widespread... (looking sideways at the 70s and 80s hair and the weirdly multicolored and striped clothing from the 90s)
On a practical note, as a martial artist I have never felt closer to being a god than when I had the chance to wear full armor that articulated well and I sparred someone with steel blades- oh the satisfaction of catching steel blades on vambraces and deflecting them as sparks fly - dancing around people the entire time and landing shots in from angles they weren't expecting..... Intoxicating...
Just sayin - the possibilities truly are endless if this were to somehow become a thing.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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Jack Manifold AKA “Thunder1408” Jack Frost the guy who came back from hell.
Irit Inquisitor(Immolator)16 XP76800
Neutral (With LOTS of chaotic tendencies) Medium Humanoid Outsider(fire)
BaB+12 BMC+14 DMC+28
Racial traits: Native outsider, Darkvision 60ft, Fire affinity, Efreeti magic, Energy resistance fire 5.
Traits: Self reliant, Righteous indignation.
Class abilities: Servant of the flame, Judgment 6/day(Type I, II, III), Burnt offering, Exploit weakness, Teamwork feats(Lookout, Paired opportunists, Precise strike, Shake it off), Monster lore, Stern gaze, Cunning initiative, Detect alignment, Track, Solo tactics, Discern lies, Stalwart.
Spellcasting CL16 DC18 Spells per day 7/7//6/4/2 Spells known:
VI-Heal, Blade barrier.
V-Flame strike, True seeing, Break enchantment, Righteous might.
IV-Freedom of movement, Cure critical wounds, Divine power, Death ward, Restoration.
III-Searing light, Greater magic weapon, Heroism, Dispel magic, Magic vestment.
II-Blistering invective, Honeyed tongue, Interrogation, Invisibility, See invisibility, Flames of the faithful.
I-Lend judgment, Cure light wounds, Divine favor, Burst bonds, Shield of faith, sanctuary.
0-Guidance, Virtue, Detect magic, Acid splash, Create water, Disrupt undead. 
Feats: Instant judgment, Share judgment, Finesse weapon, Quicken spell, Fire sight, Craft magic armor and weapons, Combat expertise, Improved disarm.
Skills: Bluff+11, Climb+6, Craft(Armors and weapons)+8, Diplomacy+4, Disguise+4, Intimidate+19, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, (Dungeon)+11, (Nature) +11, (Planes)+11, (Religion)+11, Perception+27, Ride+8, Sense motive+30, Spellcraft+19, Stealth+8, Swim+6, Survival+12.
Languages: Common, Ignan.
Equipment: Mithral breastplate+4 of frost resistance 10, Wyrmslayer shield, Amulet of natural armor+3, Ioun stones: Dusty rose prism, Pale blue rhomboid, Sunblade, Repeating crossbow+3, 50+2 Bolts, Headband of inspired wisdom+6, Belt of constitution+2, Gloves of dexterity+2, Boots of speed, Cloak of resistance+3, Inquisitor’s monocle(shaped like 3D glasses), Inquisitor’s bastion vambraces, Handy haversack, Manual of understanding+2 (used), Rod of cancellation, Ring of sustenance, Potions: Cure critical wounds(4), Heroism(2), Inquisitor kit, Holy silver symbol, Blacksmith kit, 241gp.
Special: When Jack dies, he is not actually dead but he is instead plane shifted into the Nether or Hell. While there, Jack can travel into either cold or hot areas of these realms(any soulsand valley for the Nether and Cocytus for Hell are considered cold areas). Here, after spending a week he can return to the realm of the living but all his attributes change into the opposite of the area he is in(Hot to cold, cold to hot). All weakness, attacks, resistances, abilities, spells, items and also his subtype becomes of the opposite category. Jack can also decide to remain in an area of the element that he already is in order to keep his attributes. While there, he must perform a single task that an outsider requests him that must not take more than a week. If Jack does not complete the task, he must first complete the task in order to resurrect. He is then automatically returned to the world of the living. If Jack is slain while in the Nether/Hell, he dissipates and he is restored after a year, a month and seven days upon which he resurrects. Spells used to resurrect him must be performed in the exact spot where he perished the second time and perform a  caster level check DC22. If his soul is removed from his body via trap the soul, his body falls to the ground lifeless and when either his body or the gem containing his soul are destroyed before his soul return to his body, he goes in the Nether/Hell and must repeat the seven days process. While in there, he is immune to such effects. A miracle/wish spell requires no caster check.
Background: Jack Manifold is one of the many inhabitants of the land that somewhat looks like living running gag of walking content-relief. While for some he might appear to many as a walking joke he looks only for acceptance and good relationships(probably) even if he fails as an investigator. Jack was abused by Tommyinit too many times but somehow he always comes back to him, like a boomerang in both good and bad ways. For some reasons he both likes him and hates him at the same time wanting to perform all sorts of shenanigans on him, ultimately with the intent of killing him if his mood will ever allow it. He partnered with Niki when they attempted to use Tubbo’s nukes to “accidentally” kill Tommy to teach him a lesson failing by 30 seconds and making them actual secret partners in crime. In the end, all that Jack wanted was some attention and he sought to achieve this even by blowing up the Big Innit Hotel and framing Hanna for it. In the end, they also became partners in crime, another running gag. His determination goes a long way so much that he tried to become a guard at Pandora’s Box Prison so that he could get closer to Tommy. But his most impressive feat ever was him DEFYING death and hell itself as he somewhat self resurrected after losing his 3 canon lives by sheer determination and anger. Literally, too angry and/or determinate to die. Not only that, he also appear to have attained some sort of resilience to the corruption of the EGG. After his rebirth he also decided to kill Dream as well, because like Tommy, they are the reasons he lost everything. Despite his anger issues he has many other friends he loves to spend time with; Foolish, Tubbo, Antfrost, Ranboo and Wilbur are all like old time friends he meet from time to time and spend while not busy with his pub or New Manyfold Land. However Jack realized at one point that all he did was for Tommy and that somehow he was happy about it but he still not liked the fact as he felt that it went against his desires to kill him. He was at a standstill: kill him, or not kill him, be his friend or be his enemy. The person that somehow mostly detested also gave him reason to be and a reason to strive. As he was looking around his land a voice clung to his ear: “Friend or foe, you want both. What a though decision.” Jack tumbled down and almost died. “What the Fu**!? Tommy i swear to god this is the last joke of you life! I will…!” But there was no one as he looked around in disbelief. “You swear to me? I am flattered. But perhaps you want to hear this: I will grant you a wish. ANY WISH. If you find me that is. “ Said the voice. “Who FU…no…wait! Are you that green guy that flies around and mess around with people? The Exdee guy?” A little laugh was heard. “No, he is busy now. I am here tho. And the others have already accepted. Even that so-called frenemy of yours.” Jack realized that also Tommy could have this wish and used it against him, or worst. In his mind raced a single thought “THAT WISH MUST BE MINE.” He cleaned himself and fixed his shades. “Where do i sign?” A finger snap was heard. “If you are willing, you have already accepted.” The world changed and so he did, his conflicting thoughts pulled him apart and then reunited him in a single entity. “Oh this is interesting. Your determination is so strong on both sides it creates a dual-formed existence in the same spot. And i am all about surprises. I think i will like you A LOT”. And Jack finally was moved into a new realm. “Have fun. I will see you around.” Said the voice. Jack looked around as he took a big breath. “Be better. Be worse. Either way… it will be ME!” And we was off without a single remorse.
Link for the image: https://twitter.com/noranikoletta/status/1393243024059162625?s=12
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gamekoliknet · 6 months
Oyunların Bilinmeyen Hikayeleri: The Coma Recut
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Bu yazımızla birlikte oyunların bilinmeyen hikayelerine giriş yapıyoruz. Yazımızın ilk konuğu The Coma Recut olacak.
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Oyunların Bilinmeyen Hikayeleri: The Coma Recut Bu yazı serisinde sizlere oyunlarda bulunan ve insanların pek bilmediği oyun hikayelerini sizlere sunuyoruz. Serimizin ilk konuğu ise Türkiye’de oldukça niş bir kitleye hitap eden, anime grafikli, hikayeli yürüme simülasyonu oyunu The Coma olacak. Size oyunun bilinmeyen hikayelerini anlatmadan önce biraz oyunu tanıtayım.
Seri Hakkında Bilgilendirme - Oyunların Bilinmeyen Hikayeleri
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Oyun, normalde 2015’de Cutting Class ismiyle, Türkçe dil seçeneğiyle birlikte piyasaya sürüldü. Ardından oyuna yeni mekanikler, sesler, müzikler ve grafikler getirmek istediler. Bu sebeple oyunun remastered sürümü de The Coma: Recut olarak 2017 yılında çıkardılar. Daha sonra oyun dünya çapında belli bir kitleye sahip olunca, oyunun grafiklerini ve hikayesini daha da geliştirip, yeni bulmacalarda getirip 2.oyun olan Vicious Sisters’ı 2020 yılında çıkardılar.  Oyunun yapımcıları Kore menşeili Devespresso Games adlı bir indie stüdyo. Stüdyonun Scarlet Hood ve Vambrace Cold Soul adlı iki oyunu daha var. Bu oyunlar hakkında pek bilgi sahibi değilim ancak bunlarda hikayeli yürüme simülasyonlarına benziyorlar.  Son olarak stüdyo, The Coma serisinin başarısını görünce yeni bir oyun yapmaya daha karar vermişler. Bu oyun ise The Coma 2: Catacomb olacakmış. Hikaye, bu sefer ana karakterimiz olan Youngho’nun komadan uyanıp okula dönmesini ele alıyor ama işler burada çirkinleşiyor.
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Kısaca Oyunun Hikayesi - Oyunların Bilinmeyen Hikayeleri
Hikaye, ana karakterimiz olan Youngho adında koreli bir liseli ergenini anlatıyor. Bu arkadaşımız sınav haftasına çalışmak için sınavlardan önceki gün sabaha kadar çalışmaya başlıyor. Bu sırada kendisi gelecekte başına geleceklerin ufak bir yansımasının olduğu rüyayı görür ve uyanır. Uyandığında ise saat çoktan 8 olmuştur ve acele etmezse sınava geç kalacaktır. Hemen hazırlanır ve okula doğru yola çıkar. Okul yolundayken, okullarının önünde kendi üniformalarından farklı olan bir kızın okul duvarına dayandığını ve o şekilde beklediğini görür. Ardından kızla konuşmaya çalışır ama kız oralı bile olmaz. 
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Daha sonra okuluna vardığında ise bir kaza olduğunu öğrenir. Öğrencinin biri intihar etmeye kalktığını ve komaya girdiğini öğreniriz. Ardından Seho adındaki dombili arkadaşımızla sınıfımıza varırız ve sınava gireriz. Sınav sırasında karakterimizin çok uykusu gelir ve bir anda, sınavın ortasında, uykuya dalar.  Gözlerini açtığında havanın çoktan karardığını görür. Etrafı araştırırken öğretmeni Bayan Song’un onu maket bıçağıyla kovalamasına şahit oluruz. Ve oyunumuz başlamıştır.
Oyunun Evrenini Anlatan Notlar ve Hikayenin Arka Planı
Okullarda Taciz Vakaları
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Oyunu oynadıkça karşınıza notlar çıkıyor. Eğer bu notları dikkatli okursanız çok ilginç şeylerle karşılaşabiliyorsunuz. Mesela oyunun belli bir bölümünde okulun revirine gitmeniz gereken bir durum var. O revire vardığınızda etrafı dikkatli incelerseniz bir not bulabilirsiniz. Notun içeriği ise bir hayli iğrenç. Okullarda neler neler olduğunu bu notlar sayesinde anlayabiliyoruz.. Notları aşağıdan okuyabilirsiniz -Revir “Okul Hemşiresi Nah çok ateşli! Yirmili yaşlarının ortasında olduğunu ve bunun onun ilk okul işi olduğunu duydum. Onun gelişinden sonra birçok öğrenci birdenbire hasta olmaya başladı. Lanet olsun, sanırım bende hasta oluyorum!”  -Aşık Öğrenci tarafından yazıldı -Gizli Emir “Bu mesajı okuduktan sonra yok edin. Sinyal verdiğimde birinci kattaki güvenlik kameralarını devre dışı bırakın ve alanı boşaltın. Nasıl olduğu umrumda değil. Okul hemşiresiyle halletmem gereken bazı işler var. Sakın aptalca bir şey yapma! Size ve ailenize kimin para sağladığını unutmayın.”  -Okul Müdürü Mott tarafından yazıldı -Garip Buluşma “Merhaba bebeğim. Günün nasıldı? Umarım bu gece seni görebilirim. Ofisinde buluşalım mı? Lütfen öğrencilerin saat 17.00'a kadar gittiklerinden emin ol. Bu akşam okula olan bağlılığınızı tartışmak ve öğrenci kredinizi ödemek için harika bir zaman değil mi?” -Okul Müdürü Mott tarafından yazıldı Hemşire Nah’ın İtirafı “Bir itirafım var. Müdür Mott'tan büyük miktarda para aldım. Maddi sorunlarıma daha fazla dayanabileceğimi sanmıyordum. Büyük bir öğrenci kredisi borcu biriktirdim ve ailemden para isteyemedim. Teklifini kabul etmekten başka çarem yoktu. Ama bunu artık yapamam. Sonuçta ondan daha iyi değilim. Lütfen bunu düzeltmeme izin verin.” -Okul Hemşiresi Nah tarafından yazılmıştır.
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Oyunların Bilinmeyen Hikayeleri: The Coma Recut, Okul Kabadayısı Myung-gil Belli bir noktada hikaye giderek ilginçleşiyor. Dünyadaki her okulun olmazsa olmazı zorbaların, kabadayıların öğrencilerin hayatlarını nasıl etkilediğini görüyoruz. Myung-gil Mina'yı Seviyor “Merhaba Mina. Beni Hatırladın mı? Ben Myung-gil Kang. 1-B sınıfının en popüler erkeği benim, eminim ki sende farkındasındır. Sonuçta sınıflarımız yan yana. Her neyse, şunu bilmeni isterim ki, ortaokuldan beri senin çok tatlı olduğunu düşündüm. Sanırım bir ara dışarı çıkmalıyız. Eğer ilgileniyorsan bana mesaj at! Ben iyi bir adamım, bu yüzden tüm dedikodulara inanma... özellikle de arkadaşın Da-hyun’un söylediklerine...”  -Myung-gil Kang tarafından yazıldı Mina'nın Cevabı “Yani arkadaşlarımı taciz eden pislik sen misin? Da-Hyun bana her şeyi anlattı! Senin gibi yavşakla çıkmayı düşüneceğimi sana düşündüren nedir? MÜMKÜN DEĞİL!” -Mina Park'ın yazdığı Şantaj “Hey. TaeGOON. Son zilden sonra benimle gel. Konuşmamız gerek. Bunu başkalarına anlatmayı aklından bile geçirme!” -Myung-gil Kang tarafından yazıldı Yazımız buraya kadardı. Oyunu oynadıkça buna benzer birçok farklı not daha bulabilirsiniz. Bu notlarda da normalde okullarda dışarıdan bakanların anlayamayacağı sorunlar var. Gerek personellerin sorunları olsun, gerekse öğrencilerin. Tüm bunları öğrenmek için oyunu Steam'den edinebilirsiniz. Bizi takip etmeyi unutmayın. - Eu5 Ne Zaman Çıkacak? Eu5 Hakkında Bilinenler - Dota mı LoL mü? En İyi Moba Hangisi? Yıllardır Tartışılan Konu Read the full article
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lomodistribution · 2 years
Bridge constructor gameplay
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You can follow Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead on Steam. So hopefully their new spin will do just as well here. This isn't the first cross-over we've seen, as they did release Bridge Constructor Portal back in 2017 which was actually a lot of fun. Enjoy the physics-based frenzy and ragdoll animations as walkers succumb to the forces of gravity. Use movable level objects, explosives and baits to your advantage as you lure walkers into lethal traps and guide your survivors to safety. Team up with fan-favorite characters like Daryl, Michonne and Eugene, and create safe passage for iconic vehicles from the series. Build bridges and other constructions through bleak landscapes and ruined structures. Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead combines the legendary and challenging puzzle gameplay of Bridge Constructor with the post-apocalyptic zombie universe. Join a group of survivors as they fight against hordes of undead walkers and a hostile human community. It's already showing up for Linux on Steam too, and it's due to release later this year but no exact date just yet.
We spoke with the publisher, Headup, who confirmed it will be returning to Linux just like all the previous entries in the series which is great news. Make use of movable objects and explosives to lure walkers to their doom.YouTube videos require cookies, you must accept their cookies to view.Numerous brainteasing levels and countless brain-eating walkers.A captivating plot featuring new faces as well as iconic characters and vehicles from the series.Create elaborate constructions and lethal traps.AMC’s The Walking Dead meets Bridge Constructor™.Build bridges and other constructions through bleak landscapes and ruined structures. Bridge Constructor - 23 - First game I haven’t loved playing on the Vita (lots of crashes) but still had some fun puzzles. Prepare for the ultimate mashup experience! Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead combines the legendary and challenging puzzle gameplay of Bridge Constructor™ with the post-apocalyptic zombie universe of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Maidens of the Dead, Skilltree Saga, Slime-san, Slime-san: Creator, Everreach, Meridian: New World, Meridian Squad 22, Solar Shifter EX, Earth Atlantis, Trulon: The Shadow Engine, Safety First, Trapped Dead, Trapped Dead: Lockdown, Looterkings, Hero Defense, Greed: Black Border, Deadly 30, Future Wars, Shiny The Firefly, Onikira - Demon Killer, Tristoy, Dub Dash, Soulcraft, Viking Rage, KryptCrawler, Arson & Plunder, Game Royale 2 - The Secret of Jannis Island, Runes, Race.a.bit, Bunker Constructor, Sunny Hillride, Fill Up!Ībout This Game Experience the fun of KILLING WALKERS using the POWER of your BRAIN! Includes 57 items: Tinkertown, Pumpkin Jack, Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead, Bridge Constructor Portal, Bridge Constructor, Bridge Constructor Stunts, Bridge Constructor Medieval, Bridge Constructor Playground, Cardaclysm, Dead Age, Dead Age 2, Truberbrook, The Inner World, The Coma: Recut, The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, Vambrace: Cold Soul, Textorcist, OUTBUDDIES DX, Doodle Derby, Colt Canyon, Dead End Job, Pixel Heroes, Windscape, Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, Grotesque Tactics 2 - Dungeons and Donuts, Holy Avatar vs.
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lesserknownwaifus · 3 years
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Lyric from Vambrace: Cold Soul.
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