#Vander platonic
lovelybrooke · 5 months
If it's ok, could I request some platonic Vander headcanons? I just want some fatherly interactions
Platonic Yandere Vander (Yandere Arcane x reader)
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Vander screams father. Regardless of how tough he pretends to be, he instantly melts whenever it comes to children. I like to imagine that you were like Vi and Powder, an orphan, left in the streets of Zaun to fend for themself.
You met him completely by accident, running away from a man way older than you who accused you of stealing. You ran straight into him, hiding behind his back as the man screamed obscenities at you. The man recognized Vander immediately, apologizing profusely before leaving the scene.
Vander wasted no time comforting you, kneeling down to check you for injuries before asking you to tell if why that man was so upset with you. After explaining, he offered you a place to stay with his kids, and the rest was history.
Vander loves his kids, though he's too stubborn to admit it in words. Vander much prefers small acts of affections rather than loud proclamations. He keeps you safe, makes you meals, tucks you in at night. He doesn't verbally tells you he cares, but he likes to do things that reminds you he does.
Vander is fiercely protective of his children. He will waste no time doing what he has to in order to keep them safe, and that includes you. Most people don't go against him, they respect him, and that means leaving his children alone. However, if anyone was to hurt you, Vander wouldn't feel bad about hurting them back.
Vander wants you to get along with Vi and Powder. I could imagine Powder being a little jealous of you in the beginning, since she feels like she's being replaced. However, she quickly grows close to you, and you become good friends, which greatly pleases Vander. He doesn't want any animosity between you all, and he prefers when you're all friends.
Though, Vander doesn't like it when you're caught up into trouble because of Vi. She encourages you to go to Piltover with her, which Vander does not enjoy. He's worried for all of his children, but you're more likely to go along with their stupid adventures in the hopes of fitting in. Vander doesn't get angry often, but when you get hurt while Topside with them, it's like all he can see is red.
Vander isn't afraid to punish you either. If he specifically tells you not to do something, and you go ahead and disobey him anyway, he'll lock you in your room away from everyone until you learn your lesson. A part of him feels bad, but he knows you need to learn, it's for your own good.
Vanders not all that bad though, he does genuinely care about you, he just shows it in weird ways. He's protective, especially when he hears whispers about Silco all through the undercity. Days before his death, he keeps you with him everywhere, and If you pay close attention, you can see the pain in his eyes when he looks at you. Like he's afraid you'll leave him.
After Vander dies, you leave to Piltover, much to the annoyance of Vi. She calls you a traitor, of abandoning her, even though it pains you to remain in the place that killed your father. You don't tell her that you crave the freedom you were denied constantly in your youth, and that this is the first time you have the opportunity to be something more than you are now.
A/n: I don't really like this but I tried my best. Hope you enjoy.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Arcane request
platonic!yandere Vander and his kids kinda thing basically all of them being platonic yanderes for reader and what they’d be like
I have a max of one character per request now unless it's a rivalry/sharing thing. But I did what I could!
I apologize as I am going primarily off memory for this!
Yandere! Platonic! Vander + "The Kids" Concept
(Mentions Vander, Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Claggor)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective family dynamic, (Emotional) Manipulation, Paranoia, Clingy behavior (the kids), Isolation, Punishment, Dubious/Forced family dynamic.
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You are most likely the oldest of Vander's adopted children, being 18 years old.
As a result Vander may trust you with riskier jobs to get by in Zaun.
You are seen as an older sibling to Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Claggor.
Yet even though you're the oldest that does not mean Vander doesn't worry about you.
Vander appears to be a decent father to all of his children.
You end up helping a lot when it comes to wounds or watching after them.
If anything sometimes you take on a secondary parenting role while Vander is busy.
This is your family, ever since the Civil War you have considered Zaun your home.
It's your job to mend wounds, settle arguments, and keep your family safe.
In a way you do love Vander.
So he isn't entirely forcing you to be his child for the most part.
He's your father, has been since he found you.
In return you do what jobs you can in order to have money to spend.
In this concept I'm going to primarily explain how this family would be as yanderes.
Vander is the typical overprotective father of the group.
He'd rather you stayed in sight yet sometimes relies on you to do bigger jobs the kids can't do.
He gives you some freedoms, but they can easily be taken if you get yourself hurt or have a falling out.
The kids are primarily emotionally manipulative and clingy siblings.
Vi is protective of her family, including you
Powder is always asking to help you on jobs but you decline.
Mylo often complains that Vander gives you better jobs yet really is just worried.
Claggor is also one to be protective of you and the others, yet you reassure him you're fine.
Honestly, there's no real yandere signs until something happens.
The kids ultimately listen to Vander.
If Vander enforces a rule, they'll probably go along with it.
Especially if we assume they're just as bad as Vander.
Things would turn sour if there was conflict between you and Vander.
Maybe you got hurt and never told him, maybe you just disobeyed orders.
When Vander realizes his eldest kid is being too reckless he knows he has to do something.
Vander would be the platonic yandere father to ground you to one spot so he can keep an eye on you.
He doesn't want to lose you to death or you leaving on your own.
Even if you're an adult... he doesn't want you to leave his family.
Plus... the kids don't want that either, yeah?
If you're "grounded" by Vander, the kids often visit you.
They continue to do jobs even if you're forced to stay at Vander's bar.
Even though you now see this place as a prison... the kids do make you smile a bit.
They love you but don't want to go against Vander's orders.
Plus... they don't want you to leave them either.
Even if you thought of escaping, you may be guilt-tripped into staying.
Especially by Powder... you really don't want to leave any of them.
Yet Vander keeping you locked away makes you antsy.
Even when he pulls you aside to hold you or speak with you, you are distant.
Your love towards your family wanes the moment your freedoms are restricted.
Being stuck in Zaun is a cage enough... now you're stuck in a bar by your family.
You try to distract yourself from your isolation by interacting with family.
You hug the kids and Vander... you tinker to occupy yourself...
But it's all only temporary relief.
At some point, you'll find time to run off.
Yet Vander will know and track you down himself if he has to.
Who knows, maybe he'll even ask Vi to help him.
He keeps you hidden away for a reason.
If he has to drag you back and chain your ankle to your bed... then maybe that will get the point across!
Mylo is certainly the one to throw a fit at you for leaving while Claggor just appears hurt.
Vi feels bad as she understands you want freedom.
Yet Powder simply clings onto you and doesn't let go once you're brought back.
Vander can't have you being reckless... he plans on keeping his family safe....
He'll sacrifice everything if it means keeping you and the kids out of harm... even your freedom.
Plus... you being around more often makes the kids happier, right?
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Yknoe that song that goes like
"where not even the gods above, could separate the two of us"
So I heard that and now I wanna make a Jinx fic or Vander fic based around it where it's like either Jinx and reader on the bridge or Vander and reader dying together and like Vander and readers life where they stuck together through everything
And same through Jinx with like the song, basically reader sticky by her as powder and jinx
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insane-arcane · 2 years
Okay but guys try not to imagine Silcos kid calling Vander papa at one point and Silco gets so pouty and Reader just either doesn't realize they said it or gets immediately flustered upon realizing. Reader always calls Silco dada or dad so the papa for Vander just kind of slipped out. And Vander just picks you up before swinging you in his arms and he laughs cause that's the highest compliment ever.
Try not to imagine young Silco with his Revolutionist brother raising his scrappy but refined kid without a mom but being the best dad ever. People in the streets know you as Silcos kid as well as Benzo and Vanders so they better not start any problems unless they want two angry dad's and a crazy uncle after them.
Imagine him starting the Revolution because he wants something better for you and getting really occupied with the war. Vander, Benzo, and Silco absolutely spoiling you when they have time with you because their so busy with their Revolution that they have to have others watch you or keep you in a group of kids.
Try not to imagine little bab cuddling in their dads coat cause it's so warm and it's cold outside. And Silco just holding you close promising it'll be okay as he rocks you in his arms and kisses your forehead. Alternatively try not to imagine Silco being busy but Vander swinging by and doing the same. He just smiles holding you close as he wraps you in a tight bear hug. Either way you end up cuddling close and stare up at the Zaunite sky dreaming of a better tomorrow.
Don't think about Reader having their fathers passion and fire growing up with a desperate want to help the city. Don't think of them helping make supply runs to soldiers in the fight and delivering messages because they're small and fast and their dad won't let them fight but he can't stop them from helping.
Don't think about their first battle scar or wound and Silco worryingly bandaging them up and holding them close after peppering his baby with kisses.
Don't think about how his kids head was hit during a battle leaving them confused and alone as they stumbled across the bridge right into his enemies arms. And don't think of Vander who just betrayed their father, his brother and friend and caretaker of you watching you get carried away before he takes Vi and Powder into his arms and carries them the opposite way as Reader and them begin a new life.
Don't think of Powder seeing Reader and Reader seeing Powder and Vi before everything goes black and changes.
Don't think of the Silco Child Enforcer series I have yet to write but still think about !!! 😭😭😭
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owainbradys · 1 year
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Pact Ring Sweep!!!
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chairwritexv · 10 months
Fem Reader is another adopted kid silco took in (because young jinx insisted on it). The two are super close and deeply care for each other. During the statue scene she tells silco she'll offer herself up and take full blame for jinx if it means her sis stays safe and free. This way zaun is free, jinx is safe, and her dad finally gets his biggest wish. This is enough for silco to basically go "fuck that. You are my children and I will not give either of you away. Not even for Zaun. We'll think of something but I refuse to sacrifice either of you." And Jinx overhears all this.
the statue scene is when silco’s talking to vander’s statue, right? lol, my memory sucks…
tw ❦ angst
platonic ❦ romantic ❦ neutral
fandom ❦ arcane
character(s) ❦ silco, jinx
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“is there anything so undoing as a daughter?” silco’d asked as he took a sip of alcohol. you’d peeked your head out of the shadows as you listened to your adoptive father’s conversation with vander’s statue, knowing what you had to do. “dad,” you said as you walked up to him, your hands swaying by your side. silco immediately turned to you, slightly startled. “Y/N.” you took a deep breath. “i’ll do it.” “what?” “i- i’ll offer myself to the enforcers, so that jinx will be safe and-” you were only halfway through your sentence when silco started shaking his head, standing up, but you didn’t notice as your eyes were closed and your head was down. “-and then zaun is free and you’ll have your biggest wish and-” “No.” at this you looked up, staring your adoptive father in the eyes. “but-” “No. i am not giving either of my children away, not even for zaun. i’ll figure something out but i am not losing you or jinx.” you stood there for a moment, unsure what to say before you tackled silco in a hug, almost knocking him over. he flinched, but hugged you back. neither of you noticed your blue-haired sister hiding in the shadows, having heard everything. ☽ 【┘】 ☾ "jiiinnnnxx,,” you dragged out your sister’s name as you called her, your feet dragging behind you as you entered her “lair”. however, the place was empty, much to your surprise. you looked around, making sure she wasn’t hiding to scare you as she’d done so many times before. “jinx?” which is when you noticed the note scribbled on the desk. “ not letting you sacrifice yourself for me n dad. luv you, tell dad i love him too ꨄ ” you cursed and ran out of the room, running as fast as you could all the way to the bridge connecting zaun and piltover. after reaching the bridge you immediately spotted jinx’s bright blue braided hair, and the enforcers surrounding her with their guns raised. “JINX!!” you yelled out, catching jinx’s attention as she turned to you, her eyes widening. “WAIT!!” you yelled out, coming in between jinx and the enforcers, half of whom now had their guns trained on you. “wait, she’s-” “Y/N, no-” “she’s just covering for me,” you spat out, still panting heavily from the long run. “it was me. i did everything. jinx was innocent, she did nothing wrong. she’s just covering.” and that was all the enforcers needed to hear. they handcuffed you and forced you away from jinx, dragging you toward piltover. you looked back at jinx with tears in your eyes, giving your sister one last smile.
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hope you enjoyed! ♡ debating a part two lol
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itsmebytch001 · 10 months
I’m so happy you would write for arcane!! I love the fanfic that you write! So I can’t wait to read this!! ❤️❤️❤️ (I’m shaking, help me)
Can you right a platonic yandere Silco and jinx, with a similar reader to the “Smoking it away” reader?
Sure, Spoon person. I LOVE Arcane SM So thank you for this!
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Jinx and Silco had taken you in when you were young, maybe nine. Jinx had lived with Silco for not long now and hadn't settled but found you, a street kids precence soothing, she would seek you out to play together and bring you back to Silcos home to eat and sleep. And at some point you simply didn't really leave, Silco accepted you though you were never as close to him as he and Jinx were. And you weren't really as extrodanary as Jinx was, you didn't have any extensive skill in explosives, or war and though it was never said, you did feel useless, like dead weight. so you fought you'd find a way around it, a way sourced to you in the city, a constant prescene and a unstopping force in Zaun that turned average men in to beats and rage and later deform them and shrivel them up into only skin and bone, so you sourced it out, behind Silco and Jinx back of course.
So you started Micro dosing, just a few drops at any given time where you wanted to feel that pep of energy, you would find some where private, like your room that wasn't really private since Jinx would enter whenever she liked, or sometimes would sleep in your bed without you knowing and take out that one vile in your left pocket that you had been working on for the last few weeks, press the top of the vile on your finer, and then take that drop or purple liquid and press it on your tongue to feel that rush, that feeling of elecitricty running down from your mouth and across your spine setting you free from your uselessness.
And though Jinx may not have noticed, Sevika did.
She noticed the shakes, the paranoid looks around the room and massive weight loss, and she thought to tell Jinx, not to be kind, but to be a bit cruel. So she entered Jinx's lair, a extremely unusual occaronace, Jinx didn't notice her until she sat down next to her.
Jinx: "...Sevika?"
Sevika: "Hey"
Jinx: "...Hey? What brings you to by humble abode huh?"
Sevika: "I see Y/n's not here, you know where she is?"
Jinx: "No, but she's probably in her room or just hanging round Silco, Y'know, why?"
Sevika: "You notice anything...different about her recently?"
Jinx: "Youre being reeaally criptic Sevika, I don't like that" She said leaning away from her with her frog goggles.
Sevika: "She's always cold, always shaking, acting strangely don't ya think"
Jinx: "What are you getting at?"
Sevika: "I think she's using, Jinx"
Jinx: "Using, like shimmer?"
Sevika: "She's got all the signs of microdosing"
Jinx: "HA! You gotta be kidding, she would never do something like that with out telling me!"
Sevika: "Well maybe you two aren't as close as you think
Jinx: "Excuse me?" She said standing up, and stepping up to Sevika.
Sevika: "I'm just saying, if you paid attention you would see she's falling off, and you two were as close as you think, she would tell you that she's using"
Jinx: "Get the fuck out"
And so she did, she left without another word as Jinx stood motionless in her lair, glaring out into the darkness over analizing every single recent interaction.
Jinx: "She's not using, she' s just saying that to be cruel" but what if she is
Jinx: "No, NO! I would notice! I know what using shimmer looks like, I WOULD KNOW" so why is she avoiding you?
Jinx: "Avoding me? She's not avoiding me she's just busy! Why would she be using any ways, she has everything she could ever need, she has me! and she would never do that to me, and definetley not behind my back! hahah, No no no that's silly" What if she ends up like those bums down in the gutter
Jinx: "No, No that's not gonna happen baecuse she's NOT using!" What if she ends up like vander
Jinx: "NO!" She screamed pulling at her braids.
Maybe she's lying to you, maybe she's using to escape you maybe she wants to leave, she probably rather be high than with you
Jinx: "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She shriked into the void.
She'll be one of those scroungers begging for food shrivled and dying, covered in filth and all baecuse of you.
Jinx: "NO NO NO! No NO NO" She pulled herself into the fetal position rocking back and fourth so sooth the terrible thoughts again and again, she had to talk to Silco about it.
And so, later that day she bursted into his office, sitting on his desk while his chair faced her, looking out the window.
Jinx: " Sevika came to see me today"
Silco:"...At your lair? odd, Why?"
Jinx: "She said...She said Y/n was...microdosing"
Silco: "Shimmer?"
Jinx: "Yeah shimmer what else?! And I was like She's not using that's silly and she was like 'maybe your not as close as you think you are' You know all Sevika like so I-"
Silco: "Jinx, your starting one of your ramblings again"
Jinx: "Oh Yeah yeah sorry" She giggled to herself
Jinx: "Have you noticed anything off about her recently?"
Silco: "Well, she is spending less time with us than usual, I suppose it is possible"
Jinx: "But she wouldn't...She wouldn't!"
Silco: "Jinx, Instead of spinning yourself into a frenzie, go check her room for anything susbicious, anything strange"
Jinx: "But...What if I find something?" She whispered.
Silco: "we'll figure it out"
So Jinx found herself in your room scanning over how messy it was, how much dust had collected and how the windows where musted over, as she began to go through your wardrobe, throwing out you clothes onto the bed until it was bare, going through all your draws and vanity until she had basically destroyed the place with all your things stroon about the room. She huffed to herself wondering where, if not here it could be, until she was the glint in the corner of her eye, she swivled around to the air vent where something shined in the reflection of the sun. Jinx, being for to short to simply grab it pushed your vanity to step on inorder to open the vent to find a small metal lock box, standing back down onto the floor the took a hair pin out and jimmied the lock only to reveal what she despratley wanted not be there.
Two Vials of shimmer, she felt herself shake with rage and frustration, why would you do this, for how long were you doing this? In a flip act of rage she threw the box at the wall, casusing it to dent, holding the two vials in one hand so tightly they might shatter in her hand.
Now what are you going to do?
Hours later Jinx had found you back in the back room of that Last Drop like you often were, she heard you shuffling about as she slowly turned the handle to the room, with your back facing her as she entered silently as she watched silently while you again as so many times before took your half used vial, unscrewed the vial pressed the end onto your finger to rub the resedue onto your togue, but not before she stalked you from behind and placed a hand on your shoulder.
Jinx: "What are you doing?" She asked in her childishly calm voice.
Y/n: "I- I I'm Just, Jinx I-"
Jinx: "Oh Y/n" She sighed before whacking you over the head with her rifle, knocking you out.
Eventually when you woke, you found yourself in your bed, but not in your room...
You sat up to realise you were in Jinx's lair with your bed laying on one of the giant fan panneles, looking over at Jinx welding something with the sparks flying out in all directions.
Y/n: "Jinx?"
Jinx swiveled round in her stool smiling at you.
Jinx: "Your awake! I was worried maybe I hit you a bit to hard haha"
Y/n: "I- How did you"
Jinx: "So I found your stash"
Y/n: "Oh"
Jinx: "You thought you could hide that from me?"
Y/n: "Jinx I"
Jinx: "Ssssshh" She angrily shushed you, skipping over to your bed that had misteroulsy moved from your bed to here, flopping onto the covers climbing over you to trap you between the bed and her, staring you down.
Jinx: "How long have you been lying to me?"
Y/n: "Jinx please I"
Jinx: "nu uh, No No no" She placed her her finger over your lips.
Jinx: "No More talking, all you've done is lie to me" You winced ash she said it so aggressivly spit was coming onto your face.
Jinx: "Why would you do this? Why would you do this to me?! This is so selfish, I should have known, I don't know why I didn't see it, you were acting all sketch and going all quite and odd, I should have seen"
Y/n: "Jinx, I-I was only using so I could be..."
Jinx: "So you could what?"
Y/n: "I just wanted to feel strong, you know, like you"
Jinx: "HA! That's funny toots" She held your face squishing your cheeks together into a kissy face.
Jinx: "It's beacuse you want to leave me, you would rather get high than spend time with me!"
She wants to leave you
Jinx: "Shut UP!" she screamed to the left of her.
Y/n: "Jinx, I want to go back to my room"
Jinx: "This is your room now, why do ya think I had Sevika move your bed here, Silco will get his cronies to bring the rest of your stuff soon enough"
Y/n: "What?"
Jinx: "I can't be having you alone if I can't trust you, can I?"
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x-reader-things · 8 months
omg bro i’ve been actuallly dying for someone to do buff!reader x arcane characters headcanons - i’ve been working hard at the gym so i’d love to see it pay off with my fav characters pretty please !!
Hello! Thank you for requesting!!
I didn’t really get all of the characters on my list like I wanted to, so I just did Vi, Caitlyn, and Ekko. I lost motivation part of the way through and then Star Wars Rebels brainrot got to me and then I didn’t know what else to write, so this will have to to for now. I hope it’s alright.
I hope you enjoy too!! :DDD
“Look at you!”
Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko x Buff!Reafer [separate - could be perceived as either romantic or platonic]
Summary ; In which training hard gets their attention.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; None
Word Count ; 831
Vi is pretty buff in her own right as well as you.
I mean c'mon, we've seen her in a tanktop. We've seen her back muscles and arm muscles.
All that time running around the Undercity and keeping herself busy while she was still locked up in prison really paid off.
And while you didn't exactly have the time to train in a jail cell, you certainly did when helping Ekko with the Firelights. You helped him build, and train others since the start of it all.
You both knew each other before everything that happened with Vander and Powder - Jinx - Powder? Whatever she went by nowadays - and Milo and Claggor. You weren't as buff back then like you were now. So when Vi met you again years later after Ekko let her see the Firelight hideout properly, she was pleasantly surprised.
"Look at you!", she had said in quiet astonishment.
"Look at me.", you said back with a smile. She draws you in for a hug. You both squeeze each other tightly. It's been... a long time.
"You filled out well", Vi comments softly in your ear.
"I wanted to be strong like you were", you tell her. "Plus the muscles look amazing on me. Lotta hard work to look like this."
"Well your hard work really paid off - seriously, look at you!" She pulls back, looking at you up and down, eyes roving over the muscles you had toned for months now in endearment. "You're not wrong, they look great on you."
Caitlyn has had training herself as an enforcer. She's toned herself, but lean all the same.
The muscles are still visibly there, though, of course.
Now you, on the other hand? Buff. Bigger muscles, more sculpted but not to the point of what looks to be like dehydration. You've been working for them for months.
Years, even, at this point.
You weren't an enforcer by any means, but you were consistent in visiting the gym that Caitlyn usually trains at. That's how the two of you met, afterall.
Training in the gym.
One of the days you were both there, she was spotting you on one of the newer equipment that the gym had recently gotten. Courtesy of Caitlyn using her nobility status for personal gain.
And using friend privileges with Jayce who worked with the Piltoven council.
She was watching you as you worked, and her eyes caught onto the muscle she's seen you make yourself over the years.
Thinking back on it, she never really paid too much attention to the changes. It was gradual. She was already used to how buff you looked now, and however you looked before - which was probably still buff, but not as nearly as much as now.
She hummed with a proud look, patting your shoulder when you got off the equipment. "Sometimes I forget how hard you really work. Let’s go take a break and get some water. And maybe some lunch. I'll pay."
You can read through the lines when she gives your shoulder a squeeze. And you caught the way her eyes glanced over you. She was really proud of you, wasn't she?
"Lunch sounds perfect."
You’ve been training with Ekko and the rest of the firelights for years at this point.
Well, it’s been seven years, but still years nonetheless.
Your progress was gradual, subtle in the ways that Ekko was already used to you being buff, much like you with him.
He was buff as well, much like you were. But as said before, you both trained together with the firelights. It was normal to see him the way he was, the way he was determined to stay strong - in more ways than one - and disrupt Silco’s horrible Shimmer business and regime in Zaun.
But much like with Caitlyn, sometimes he notices your gains in strength.
How your training has paid off.
You’d be just moving boxes of supplies for everyone in the hideout with him, ranging from medical supplies and medicines, foods and stuff for drinks, and parts for whatever Ekko and a couple of the other engineers create. Even extra toys and supplies for all the other kids you guys kept safe in the Hideout.
And after setting a box onto a pile in the supply room, Ekko glances in your direction, and just stares for a bit, resting his elbow against a metal shelf in the room. A smile ends up pulling at the corners of his mouth, even more so when you notice him looking at you.
“Everything good over there?”, you ask, raising a brow. You turn away and pick up another, smaller box, and stretch up to put the container someplace higher.
“Yeah.”, he chuckles lightly, turning back to the shelf. He pushed a couple of boxes to the side, making room for another. “Everything’s good.”
He doesn’t say it verbally, but the glint in his eyes do.
You look good, and you work hard.
He was proud.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Could you do another chapter installation for Vander x Pregnant reader?
ᴠᴀɴᴅᴇʀ ᴡ/ ɴᴇᴡᴍᴏᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Pairing: Modern!Vander x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: A continuation of the headcanons of Arcane characters with a pregnant!reader; this is specifically for Vander and how he’d react to being a father figure once again!
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of labor, brief allusion to post-labor pains and fatigue, also a brief allusion to Vander 'handling things if a baby daddy pops up
A/N: Lord I lowkey forgot I did these headcanons, it was so long ago…back when I had my first ever case of baby fever lol. Not gonna lie it took me a while to actually sit with this one bc I don’t have the same drive as I did when I first made these headcanons, so I hope they sound alright. Also, this can be taken as romantic or platonic, I left it ambiguous on purpose for that reason.
Tags: @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @conretewings @vander-affectionate
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Vander takes special care in learning how to aid you during your pregnancy. His kids are his by bond; adopted from old friends and off the streets. He’s not familiar with the whole pregnancy process, so he tries to prepare himself. He is, in fact, not prepared.
You would commonly find him sitting at the kitchen table while waddling down the stairs for a class of water, sitting on his phone or at his laptop, looking at articles on how to prepare for being a newborn’s dad, or on amazon for things to buy for the baby’s arrival. He’s a very dedicated man!
You wanted to have an at-home delivery, of which Vander was originally against because he would much rather have had the professionals handle the delivery. Not that he didn't trust your judgment, that’s far from doubt…he just doesn’t trust himself. He’s about thirty years of rough edges and has only known harshness. He doesn’t know the first thing about infants, and the fragility of them scares the living shit out of him.
When the child is born he is absolutely mesmerized by them. How something so tiny can release the shrillest of cries, how they practically fit in the palms of his hand. This may not be his kid, but he knows for sure that the connection he feels to this tiny human in his hand is just as strong as any biological connection could be.
Being a mother is exhausting, Vander learns. The exhaustion that racks through you day in and day out from taking care of your newborn does a number to you, and he sees it. He tries to ease the burden by taking over night shifts so that you can sleep. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to overstep any boundaries but he gets the hang of it after a couple of weeks.
He becomes super dad very quickly - as if he wasn’t one already. He keeps the baby very entertained while you’re healing and getting yourself back together after the labor. 
In spending more time with the kid he also becomes protective, as one would suggest. So you better hope no baby daddy drama comes around…cuz Vander not having it at all. He will do some serious damage to that dude if he tries anything funny…and we don’t wanna see Vander get angry now.
But overall he’d ve a very loving and supportive person throughout the pregnancy and the first stages of your child's life in whatever capacity you want him to be in, whether it be platonic or romantic. Nevertheless, he does view your kid as one of his own and will always treat him as such.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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sandraharissa · 9 months
I’ve seen somebody call the dynamic between Cait, Vi and Jinx a love triangle and they praised arcane for utilizing it in a unique way that doesn’t solely involve romantic love. And I completely agree, but the thing is is that arcane did it so much that those love triangles are all over the place. It really is such a unique concept to apply this kind of dynamic to platonic relationships cos typically ppl don’t think of platonic bonds as exclusive, so how would the conflict of two relationships that are inherently in opposition to each other even work in that case? and yet, when arcane figured out how to do it they went all in.
Firstly and most speculatively we have Silco, Vander and Benzo. Vander and Benzo seem like best friends and Silco and Vander were ‘brothers’ but I get the vibe that Silco and Benzo never got along and there was no love lost there. They just purely dislike each other from what we’ve seen and it seems like the only reason they’d hang out is cos of both of their connections to Vander. If there was a deeper character choice there for Vander to make when choosing between the two that is not explored in arcane.
Then there’s Sevika, Silco and Jinx, and again, Sevika and Jinx are the two closest ppl to Silco and the only ones he seems to have any sentimental feelings towards, and yet Sevika and Jinx can’t stand each other, likely only hang out in each other’s vicinity bcos of Silco and would murder each other if they could. Again, there’s no love there and it’s almost like a competition for Silco’s favor. Sevika also represents his devotion to his dream and Jinx his devotion to her, his family.
And then there’s Silco, Jinx and Vi. With the two characters being the two closest bonds Jinx ever had and both being her care-takers. The two are in competition with each other over Jinx and are actively trying to kill each other. They represent the mutually exclusive options of morality/sanity and immorality/madness.
Then there’s the aforementioned Jinx, Vi and Cait. With yet again, the two being the absolute closest ppl to Vi in the world and yet themselves being mortal enemies to each other who’d kill each other if they were left together in a room. If I were to give these characters their thing then I think it’d be Cait representing morality, a future that Vi could have, hope and a healthy relationship where Jinx represents immorality, the past, guilt and a toxic relationship. Altho the finale and Jinx leaving wasn’t really a choice Vi was making between the two. And notice how so far it’s the first example of a romantic relationship being a part of these love triangles.
And lastly a shout-out to our Piltover characters with Mel, Jayce and Viktor being portrayed as tho the romance gets in the way of Jayce and Viktor’s friendship and vice versa. Altho so far it’s subtle cos shit hasn’t hit the fan yet.
I could be missing one but just the examples I already listed are so many, and they cover most main characters and all the most crucial players. Thinking about it, if they hadn’t cut out the Ekko flashback I’d probs be able to add Ekko, Jinx and Silco to the list. (Maybe even Mylo, Vi and Powder count, if Vi agrees with Mylo then Powder’s a jinx, if she protects Powder then Mylo gets his face bashed in and she just gets a pass. Also what about Vi, Cait and Cassandra? could they count? it's kinda underdeveloped but they kinda fit)
But anyway, great majority of the bonds involved in all these triangles are platonic and there’s always intricate character reasons why certain bonds, platonic vs platonic or platonic vs romantic, are actually mutually exclusive. But even stuff as simple as ‘they don’t vibe with each other’ is good enough to justify a completely platonic love triangle where a person has to choose between relationships that on the surface level don’t seem incompatible, like two friends or family members. Most of the competing relationships also typically represent two drastically different choices/life paths a person could choose, where the choice of one inherently excludes the other person from being a part of the character’s life, like a ‘going down a path I can’t follow’ situation. If Silco picks Jinx then Sevika wouldn’t be able to follow him anymore. If Jinx picks madness then Vi can’t follow her anymore. Etc. etc.
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mollysunder · 7 months
Silco, Vander, and Grace for the Ones Who Hurt Us the Most
Sometimes I feel like we all really need to sit with the fact that Silco was ready, willing, and wanting for Vander to return to his side after Vander tried and failed to kill him. What Vander did was a genuine life altering act of betrayal that Silco had to live with the mental, emotional, and medical consequences for years after. You can bet if Jinx hadn't shot Silco, the river toxins would've gotten him just a little later. And in spite of the ways Vander's actions ruined his life, that Vander admits to even (but doesn't apologize for), Silco rationalized it just as much for Vander as he did himself.
Silco decided that the man he loved the most nearly killed him (and in a way is still killing him) for a greater purpose, which didn't make everything okay, but it made it reasonable. And this rationalization has bled into every aspect of his life because the way Silco treats Zaun is the way he treats himself. If you're weak the people who love you and you love back will hurt you. They are right to permanently alter the trajectory of your existence to make the right calls, because as long you survive it, you will be stronger. He's made Shimmer the lifeblood of Zaun, because Silco is literally dependent on it to live as well. It works for him, so it works for Zaun.
The most warped part is, Silco was mostly right! He had violent rise in Zaun and completely changed the course of its development. Yet he managed to create a Zaun that couldn't be cowed or bullied either economically or militarily by Piltover the way it was in the past. I can't help but think how it all must twist and burn, because if Silco understood he was succeeding at the impossible, then doesn't that mean it all reinforced his logic around Vander? That this man you loved hurt you in a way that can't be taken back for the rest of your life, and he was right to do it? So that means Silco was right to change, to want to be back by Vander's side, because he was the one who needed to reinvent himself to be worthy of control, right?
No matter the success Silco reaped he had to recognize the dissonance between this logic and reality, because despite the bastard he could be, Silco would never do any of what was done to him onto Jinx. Sure Silco would simulate his traumas into life lessons and heavily sanitized rituals, but he never betrayed her or abandoned her when she became detriment to his position. Obviously Vander also never gave up on his kids either (#cinematicparallels), but we don't know if Silco was ever in a position to betray someone the way Vander did him, or if he ever wanted to prior to it. So even as Silco recognizes that Vander changed to protect the children he loves so much, he must wonder if the way Vander and he loved eachother just wasn't it enough? If the way Silco cared for Vander was reciprocal, a deep love whether romantic or platonic, then why wasn't Silco afforded a similar grace to stay by his side?
Silco had to live with all these contradictions and still chose to embrace Vander's memory. In a complete contrast to Vander, Silco didn't obscure who Vander was to Zaun politically or personally. Silco allowed a statue of Vander to stand, and went to it for comfort, he regularly talked about his life with Vander before and after the betrayal with Jinx. Meanwhile, from what the audience can see, Silco's presence was almost fully hidden from the newest generation sans the scar Silco gave him, which Vander hides with a bracer. All I can end up thinking is that must be easier for Silco to keep loving Vander like this, it's how he gives himself the grace for it.
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Masterlist 2
Here is the masterlist of all my works. Please enjoy.
Ni No Kuni, Wrath of the White Witch:
Marcassin Headcanons
More Marcassin Headcanons
Even more Marcassin Headcanons
Childhood friends to lovers with Marcassin
(Aged up) Oliver Headcanons
Cassiopeia Headcanons
Swaine Headcanons
(Platonic) Esther and Oliver Headcanons
One Piece:
Where Am I? (Part 1 Link)
Where Am I? (Part 2 Link)
Where Am I? (Part 3 Link)
Yandere Strawhats x readers
How you met the yandere Strawhats
Yandere Strawhats x Isekai reader
Strange technology
Average Day with the Yandere Strawhats
Strawhats with a distrusting reader
We'll always protect you
I refuse
Platonic Yandere Strawhats with FTM reader
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones
Platonic yandere house of the dragon x maid reader
Platonic Yandere House Stark
The Last of Us (Tv series)
Platonic Yandere Joel and Ellie Headcanons
Time for School (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
I’m your sister (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
Stars (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
Life Before (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
platonic yandere Joel and Ellie with a sick reader (requested)
The wrath of a family pt. 1 (requested)
The wrath of a family pt. 2 (requested)
Regret (requested)
Regret pt.2 (requested)
You're going to be okay
This is home (requested)
Growing up
Platonic yandere Viktor and Jayce
We could be a family (platonic yandere silco and jinx)
Home Sweet Home
Platonic Yandere Silco and Jinx
Platonic Yandere Vander
Persona 5
Platonic Yandere Phantom Thieves x reader
Platonic Yandere Goro Akechi
Yandere Haru x reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Platonic Yandere Gojo Satoru
Platonic Yandere Yuji Itadori
Gojo with a high cure energy reader
An exception
Platonic Megumi with his childhood friend
Platonic Sukuna with Yuji's Childhood friend
Yandere Gojo and Getou x reader
Avatar the way of water
Platonic yandere sully family
Family Sacrifice
Family sacrifice pt 2
Human Sully Meeting the metkayina Tribe
Tsireya and Aonung after family sacrifice
Ouran High School Host Club
How they knew
Yandere Ouran High School Host Club concept
Pretty Please?
Reader leaving for College
Demon Slayer
Yandere Demon Slayer Concept pt. 1
Yandere Demon Slayer Concept pt.2
Platonic Yandere Inosuke with polar opposite reader
The way things were before
The way things were before pt.2
Welcome home
Platonic Yandere Zenitsu headcanons
Demon Slayers with a foreign reader
I Can Only Hope
Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
Yandere Spiderman Across the Spiderverse Concept
Hanging out With Them
Be Careful
Watching Over You
Hobie with an Autistic reader (Platonic)
How they react to you getting into university
For the Multiverse
Platonic Yandere Miles Morales Headcanons
Reader having a secret partner
Hobie with a reader who suffers Auditory and Visual hallucinations (platonic)
Right were you belong
Death Note
L with an Aroace reader
Best Friends Forever
Aren't you excited
Twisted Wonderland
first years reaction to reader wanting to leave
second years reaction to reader wanting to leave
third years reaction to reader wanting to leave
Yandere Kieran x reader
Hazbin Hotel
Yandere Hazbin Hotel Concept Pt 1
Yandere Hazbin Hotel Concept Pt 2
Yandere Angels x immortal reader
Yandere Overlords x immortal reader
Elden Ring
Yandere Elden Ring Concept
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yanderefantasies3 · 4 days
Hi guys! Summer’s here and that means a lot of free time on my hands to take requests.
I will start taking requests for @ficsforgaza
My rules are as follows:
I only write for x readers, no character x character
I try to be as inclusive as possible: I write for female, male and gn! Reader, I write for Latin, black and Asian readers (please specify the reader’s ethnicity or country of origin, thank you). I write for gay and straight readers. I write for readers that are mentally ill as well. I also write for yanderes.
I take romantic and platonic requests, No NSFW. NSFW requests will be deleted.
I am okay with dark content, but nothing too explicit. If you want something like that then be warned I will not go into much detail.
For every dollar, I will write 100 words. So if you send me a request with a donation of $3, you will receive a blurb of three hundred words. I accept as little as one dollar and no more than eight dollars per request.
If you donate cents, that will be the amount I will write. For example, you donate $5.61, then I will write 561 words.
I don’t write WIPs, only requests. I also write one-shots, no on going fics. I might be inclined to write a part two tho.
Please be specific with your requests. I am not a mind reader. Tell me and be upfront and specific about what you want me to write about.
Please be patient. I will try to write as fast as I can. But I have a life outside of Tumblr too.
For more details on how this works, please visit @ficsforgaza on how to donate.
Fandoms and characters that I write for:
Alice In BorderLand:
Attack on Titan:
The scouts
Hange, Levi and Erwin
Soldiers from Marley ( the kids are only platonic)
The Jaegar family
Fire Emblem Three Houses:
All the house leaders
Both Byleths
The church staff (Cyril and Flayn is platonic)
All the students (Lysithea is platonic)
The dlc characters
No new characters from three hopes is allowed
Madoka Magika:
This fandom is only platonic
One Piece:
Boa Hancock
Sally Face:
Miles (platonic only)
Gwen (platonic only)
Pavitr (platonic only)
Hobie (platonic only)
Peter Parker (mention which actor)
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
I really REALLY need a fic where Caitlyns daiting fem!Zaun!reader and now reader always sneek into Caitlyns room to see her(this takes before vander died) and one say cassandra caught them and pointed her gun at reader,who got flashbacks from the battle on the bridge and she has a panic attack where cait comes in and shields her and trys to comfort her at the same time.
You dont need to do this request its just stuck in my mind currently.
Safety In Home
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Tags: 2k words, young!caitlyn, young!reader, fluff & angst, PTSD flashbacks, guns, death mention
You met Caitlyn while she was out with a man she called Jayce. She was hovering around him, picking things up and examining them. She asked questions about why he would need certain things while he gave her half answers, probably because of your obvious company.
Eventually she got tired of his not completely honest answers and turned to you. She started asking questions and you answered, asked some of your own. You quickly got on and eventually she started coming in to hang around the shop and occasionally buy things to take home. Then one night it was late and dark and you, used to the dangers of the Undercity, offered to walk her home and she said yes.
It was raining and you were both soaked by the time you arrived at the gated house. Your breath was taken away just by the sight of it. It was huge. All the houses in the era were larger and more fancy than you’d ever seen in your life.
“Well, this is me,” Caitlyn said, tugging at the bottom of her shirt.
“You’ve got a nice house,” you said.
“Yeah, maybe someday you can come inside,” she said, bumping her shoulder with yours. “I should go, my mom’s probably worried.”
“Yeah,” you said, a jealousy prickling your insides.
Caitlyn grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “I actually wanted to ask you a question,” she said. “Do you want to go on a date? You can say no! But I really like you and not in a platonic way but I really also wanna stay friends so you can say no if you think it’s too much or you don’t want to or—“
“I’d love to,” you told her and she smiled.
She brushed some of the hair stuck to her forehead away from it and squeezed your hand. “How about this weekend? Meet me at the bridge?”
“Sounds perfect,” you said.
You went back to the Last Drop with the smallest skip in your step.
“You look happy,” Vander said as you sat down at the counter. “What happened?”
You sat back in your seat. “Can I just be happy?” you asked.
“No, no, of course you can,” he said, moving to grab you a cup and make you a nonalcoholic drink. “Just wondering what made you come in with such a big smile on your face is all.”
You shrugged and looked off to the side. It wasn’t busy tonight. It normally wasn’t when rain was on the forecast, except for the occasional few who came in trying to escape it.
Vander handed you your cup and you took it before you went downstairs to find Vi, Powder, Claggor, and Mylo all sitting, sprawled out over the couches.
“You’re late,” Vi said.
You took a long sip of your drink and spun around as you debated whether or not to tell them before you just blurted it out, “I’ve got a date this weekend.”
Powder was the first to react, sitting straight where she was hunched over the table, a screwdriver and whatever she was working on once in hand now on the table. “What?!” she asked, no anger, simply excitement in her tone.
“You? You got a date?” Mylo asked.
“Congratulations,” Claggor said, “who is it?”
Powder stood up and grabbed your hand. “Can I help you pick out an outfit?” she asked, tugging on your hand once with every word.
“Huh,” Vi said as she relaxed in her chair.
Together, with all their help (Mylo being the least helpful and Ekko heard from Powder and coming in to help), you picked out an outfit. It was your only pair of pants that weren’t covered in patchwork or holes paired with a cropped, sleeveless shirt with frog buttons in a color Claggor and Ekko swore matched your skin tone perfectly and shoes that Vi helped you clean and try to shine. You also let Powder do your hair.
You met Caitlyn at the bridge and she looked at you with eyebrows high, eyes wide, and mouth low as a blush started to fork over her cheeks. She held out her hand and led you into the woods.
“I found this place while I was doing some target practice,” she said.
Eventually you got to a small pond. Caitlyn spread out the blanket she got while you squatted near the water. You put your hand under it and watched it drip off your fingers when you brought it out. You’d never seen water this clean, especially water that hadn’t been run through some piping system.
“This place is beautiful,” you said.
“I know, right?” Caitlyn replied as she started taking foods and drink out of a basket she’d brought. “It’s nice to get away from the cities, all the mechanical stuff and just bask in nature.”
“Yeah,” you said, agreeing absentmindedly as you looked up. You could see the sky, blue and clear, through the small clearing in the trees above you. “It really is.”
Caitlyn stood beside you for a moment. Then she hesitantly grabbed your hand. When you squeezed it, still taking in the sights more than you were processing what was happening, she leaned against you.
“Are you hungry? I brought food.”
You ate the best meal you’d ever had that day in company you enjoyed more than you enjoyed most. You laughed a lot. You smiled so much your cheeks hurt. You felt safe. You’d never felt that before but here, with Caitlyn, you truly, fully felt safe. It was a nice feeling to have.
You went back that night with your head in the clouds and recounted everything to Powder who hung onto your every word and Vi who scoffed and acted like she didn’t care but you could tell she did. You were, after all, the first of the group to go on a real date with someone you liked and who liked you, for now they’d have to live vicariously through you.
It didn’t take long into your tentative relationship for Caitlyn to start sneaking you into her room. It was large. A bed bigger than any you’d seen pressed against the middle of the wall, a dresser beside it, a desk in a different corner, a storage box parallel to it. It was huge.
Eventually though, you got into a habit of sneaking into her room after you were finished working and she’d bring you some of the high quality food prepared for a council member and her family for your own dinner. Occasionally you’d save any sweets she may have brought to give to the others. That was when Mylo finally admitted that maybe you having a girlfriend wasn’t a completely awful thing.
You were sneaking in one night when your foot caught the window and you fell. You muffled your own grunt and stayed still for a moment. You couldn’t hear anything, no footsteps, no talking. Maybe no one heard you.
You righted yourself and brushed off your clothes. You’d been trying to keep your clothes cleaned these past few weeks, if purely because you didn’t want to get Caitlyn’s pretty, expensive things dirty. Maybe it didn’t matter as much to her but just a couple things from her room alone could feed you and your friends for over a month in the Lanes.
You sat down on Caitlyn’s footstool and retied your shoe. It was stupid of you to not have done so earlier. You should know better by now. You did, actually. You should do better. Just because Caitlyn was your girlfriend and an alley didn’t mean everyone in Piltover was.
You shook your head as you finished your retying. Then you stood up.
You rocked back and forth on your heels as you debated what to do with your time spent waiting on Caitlyn. Obviously, it couldn’t be something that would draw attention. It couldn’t be loud or cause a lot of movement.
You sighed.
Then suddenly the door opened and a woman holding a rifle was in your face. You immediately stumbled backward.
Powder running for Vi. An enforcer with a rifle. You ran for her. Tackled her down just as a gunshot rang out. Losing sight of Vi in the process.
“Mom! Wait!” Caitlyn’s voice said as you fell to the ground.
Yelling voices drowned out by the sounds of fighting. Fire everywhere. Smoke filled your lungs. Powder’s hand in yours as you continued to search for Vi.
“She’s a friend. She’s my friend,” Caitlyn said as the sound of hurried footsteps drew closer.
Running towards Violet. A bomb sounded in the distance. She grew closer.
A hand gently touched your shoulder.
You grabbed Vi’s hand and yanked her and Powder out of the main thoroughfare of the fighting.
“Hey, are you okay?” Caitlyn asked. “Talk to me. You’re scaring me.”
A body next you. A body far away. Bodies everywhere. Your parents’ bodies. A broken cry for them to be okay, to wake up, they were scaring you.
Caitlyn called your name and ran her hands up and down your arms.
Your name being said, distant, so distant. A hand on your arm guiding you away.
Caitlyn’s hands cradled your face, wiping away tears you hadn’t processed fall. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe, I promise. You're with me.”
“You’re safe here with me, kid. It’s all over now. I promise.”
Caitlyn’s hand grabbed your own and held it to her chest. Your fingers twitched as you could feel her heartbeat, her chest rise and fall.
“Breathe with me,” she said before doing an over exaggerated breath.
“Breathe, kid. Breathe.”
You copied her best you could.
Slowly but surely you calmed down and she held you close. “It’s okay, you’re safe with me,” she said and you believed her. Surrounded by stuffy Piltover things, you believed her.
You slowly wrapped your arms around her and held her just as close. You breathed in the smell of pine trees and nuzzled your head against soft fabric.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” she asked.
“Please,” you said, voice broken.
She helped you up and you almost numbly suggest that she change, don’t want people to know that a Pilty is down in the Lanes. She dressed down as best as she could and dragged you through her front door, past her mom who she glared at and her dad who looked at you with sympathy you didn’t care to see.
For the first time, you led her to your home. Down the mineshaft and through the streets until you got to the Last Drop. You held her hand tightly the entire time and no one gave you trouble, recognizing you as one of Vander’s kids or not seeing you as prime mugging targets.
You opened the door to the Drop and Vander looked up immediately. His brows furrowed with worry and he stepped out from behind the counter.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling you aside and letting you drag Caitlyn along with you.
You didn’t say anything, just used your free arm to hug him. He hugged you back hesitantly, carefully, so gently. Caitlyn squeezed your hand.
“I should probably go,” she said when you pulled away.
“Nonsense,” Vander said. “It’s dangerous at the best of times. Wait until morning at least. Come on, let’s get you downstairs.”
Vander didn’t go back up until he saw you in the care of Vi and Powder who you immediately drew into hugs. You pulled Caitlyn into your bed with the duo of sisters and cuddled up to her while Powder and Vi settled next to you. Powder with her head laying on your thigh and Vi with her hand on your ankle.
Caitlyn gingerly wrapped her arms around your torso and rested her head against yours.
“I love you,” she said in a quiet voice. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know.”
You hugged her back tighter and fell asleep with her in your arms and the tight feeling in your heart just a little bit looser.
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imustbenuts · 1 year
A rando's pondering corner about Alear's story and journey
Spoilers for the entire game under the read more.
I don't think Alear ever gets their memory back by the end of the game. and I don't think it should matter either way after really thinking about it.
From the start I've thought of Alear as this person who was really struggling with the reality that they're a divine dragon or something more than an average person. It's because people around them and a woman claiming to their mother put so much faith and care in to them during their 1000 year sleep that Alear feels maybe obliged to at least try and step up to the title after Lumera's death.
I interpreted Alear taking up the mantle not completely because they are a kindhearted person, but because they are weak-willed as a result of complete amnesia. They need to depend on others.
It's kind of like a chick imprinting onto creatures around them, Alear needed others to be their guide as they journeyed around to get the rings back.
I say this because Alfred is suspiciously always close to Alear in seemingly every step of the way. Alfred is special in the story in that he's the only person who has been there from nearly the very beginning of their waking, who seems to have a stronger desire for friendship than servitude towards Alear. Starting from the first big incident in Alear's waking moment, he's there:
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Framme, Clanne, and Vander aren't even close to wanting to be platonic with them, I think. And I think it gets even more suspicious when I dig through Alfred's supports. Alfred understands wanting to hide unpleasant things and needing unconditional unquestioning support. Beginning with his C support I can see that he could be trying to help them up in his subtle, aware and conscious Alfred way:
Alfred: But look, isn’t there anything I can do for you? You’ve been awake a while, but it must be hard. Alfred: There’s bound to be a lot you’re still adjusting to. Tell your friend Alfred all about it! Alear: Let me think… Hmm. No, there’s nothing bothering me at the moment. Alfred: Good. Great. But if there is something, well, I want to be the first to know. Alfred: Before you left Lythos, you asked me as a friend to teach you things─to help you adjust. Alfred: And knowing you wanted to be friends just tickled me. Alear: Our friendship makes me happy too, Alfred.
Needless to say he's given presence and even a few lines in some of the serious cutscenes, like when Alear dies twice in that one chapter. But this platonic relationship ofc extends to a lot of other characters as well, though with Alfred's case it's about a dude and his dragon deity figuring out how to go forwards with a working friendship.
Alfred says to go to Firene, and everything begins from that one thread of connection.
So, that being the most explicit example out of the way, the other problem with Alear is just... their terrible heroic core for nearly half of the game.
And this is intentional. According to the interview with the devs, they actually overdid this aspect of Alear and Nintendo had to tell them to cut it down:
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Though they do get better over the course of the game, they don't learn fast enough to avoid succumbing to their hatred and falling into an obvious trap at Destinea Cathedral.
Marth warns them about charging in blindly, Alear says ok and will keep it in mind even before they stepped foot in. But then their rings gets swiped. Obvious trap is obvious. At this, Alear lets out a very childish, "Give... Give them back!"
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Then Sombron taunts them, turns their emblem evil one by one, and guess what, Alear. Succumbs. To. Hate. (one of the 3 big nonos in buddhism wooooo!!!)
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Vander even tells them to retreat, taking a leaf from Marth's wisdom. But Alear doesn't, and tries to claw them back, putting everyone at risk. They escape of course, but this is how weak in mental strength Alear really is up until chapter 11.
Alear at chapter 11 wasn't ready. Heck, Alear at no point prior to 11 was even capable of filling the shoes of the Divine Dragon. It's clear even in their class. They're a Dragon Child.
In fact, I never thought they were really ready until after chapter... I think 25? Yes, I do mean after reaching Solm, after accepting that Veyle was manipulated, after getting all Emblems back, after dying twice and being revived, after being an Emblem, after traveling to the past and only just after Lumera's second death.
In fact about the time travel thing: I humbly think, and argue, that there was no need to time travel at all if the writers intended to have Alear recover their memory in the first place.
Now, Marth's stance on Alear's memory seems to be 'ignorance is bliss', and it is. When the past is revealed by their past self, it sounds horrible. From the sounds of it, past Alear was messed up from watching countless of their siblings die in many terrible ways, including being fed to the Corrupted, and themself being nothing more than a tool for mass slaughter. So messed up that when past Alear expresses how they really don't want to kill Lumera, they just... break.
Their "Defect. Defect. Defect. Defect." line is very telling that if current Alear regains their memory, the trauma might come back with a vengeance that not even Veyle might be able to help.
Alear doesn't seem too keen in recovering that part of their memory either, and they have gotten enough information out of the people around them who has kept history alive.
In fact, speaking to any units after it's revealed that Alear was originally a Fell Dragon, many of them outright say that they do not care for Alear's past as a Fell Dragon, that only their present self matters. That their current efforts matters more than their past.
Which, if the writers then said Alear regained their memories, this whole segment would really be rendered moot, wouldn't it?
This is also fun in that it's about interdependence if you think about it. Alear has given his former enemies (All Elusians, Mauvier, Veyle Lindon! Lesser extent: Alcryst, Yunaka) forgiveness, and chose to judge them based on their actions after working together. Even support them. Alear's friends... pretty much returns this sentiment in kind!
Amazing! Wow! Beautiful!
(also guess what, interdependence is a big thing in buddhism whoooo)
About Lumera's Second Death
To recap: Veyle attempted to stop Alear from meeting Corrupted Lumera. I mentioned that Alear was not ready for the longest time, even after getting revived as an Emblem, but this was the trial Alear had to face. They cry about it as the fight begins, recognizing that there's no path but forwards with a sword through Corrupted Lumera's chest or something.
Veyle's attempt and failure was there to show how much Alear understood and was willing to face themself in a sense.
They do say hope is defiant and marred with scars and pain and all that. I think it's really at this point that I start to think, ah yes, Alear is now really gritting their teeth and walking forward no matter how much it hurts. Alear is ready.
It's only by finally being mentally strong enough, by finally being heroic enough, that Alear could get the closure they needed with Lumera as she dies a second time, as herself.
And again, this is another reason why I don't think regaining their memory is a service to Alear's character. There just isn't a need from a writing pov, or from a characterization pov at this point.
And so, Alear & co returns to the Somniel, to face Sombron
I rambled this in another post, but Sombron is really the complete opposite of Alear.
Sombron, when I take a step back and think about it, is just about the most pathetic villain I've seen in any video game, and I mean it in terms of his character.
When people attempted to lend a helping hand after he arrived in Elyos, Sombron rejects them and even kills them.
When his followers worshiped him, he actively takes advantage of them if it benefited, and does not seem to care for them. He never helps anyone at all, only ever using everyone as tools. Others may have supported him, but he never supports them back.
In the end, there was only one humanistic aspect about him, which is his longing for the one friend dead in the past. He doesn't move on, and he doesn't even have some egotistical grand ideology like 99% of villains out there worth rallying behind.
Sombron even argues that letting him go off into space would be beneficial to Elyos, because he's actually not interested in ruling. He just wants to find a copy of his long dead idol, who won't even be the same, having not experienced the same thing as his emblem.
And knowing that, Sombron still wants to do it regardless! From the sounds of it, it seems like he didn't even understand or formed a proper connection with that Emblem either. Alear had to highlight the possibility that the Foundation Emblem was protecting him rather than just showing off how strong they were to drive this point home.
And even then... It looks like Sombron learns nothing in the end. Doesn't even bother.
Truly, the most pathetic villain.
And it's... great! Because it mirrors off Alear so well that I have to clap my hands and go 'eee!' at how good the good dragon is.
Sombron craves and strives for true independence, whereas Alear has achieved interdependence.
And I think that is just about the neatest thing from Fire Emblem Engage's simple yet enjoyable storytelling. I really like Alear's hero journey and the whole premise of it, and the performance that their VA in both JP and EN brings in. Also Alfred, who is just good.
Imo, Engage hits everything for me. I think I'll come back to this one a lot in the future. Everyone who worked on this game has my love and appreciation.
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crankityart · 2 years
Arcane characters and how to make them laugh + their laugh headcanons PART 1
Feat. Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn, Jayce, Viktor + Heimerdinger
This was really fun! I love making up these quirky little hcs and this was just on my mind. uwu Stay tuned for part 2.
Note: reader insert and implied character x reader, platonic and romantic.
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Despite being a sarcastic person, Vi doesn’t laugh out loud too often
Most of the time she will react with a cocky chuckle or snort
Definitely enjoys way more making you laugh and listening to your sweet giggles
However, there is one thing that ALWAYS gets her: real-life slapstick
One day you went ice skating together and the first thing you did after bragging about how good you were at it, was accidentally fall flat on your ass
Vi immediately burst into laughter upon seeing you unhurt but absolutely dumbfounded by what had just happened
You were a bit flustered but hearing her unrestrained laughter echoing through the frost-covered park made you feel all warm all of a sudden
Eventually, she calmed down and offered you a hand to get back on your feet
Not without teasing you for the rest of the day about it of course
You wouldn’t expect it but Vi’s laugh is very similar to Jinx’s, raspy and high but definitely less hysterical and sometimes it even has some qualities of Vander’s if she does more of a belly laugh
She will even do a knee slap if something amuses her particularly
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She absolutely loves it when you do an impression of Sevika
Bonus points if you dress up as her with a cloak and something to substitute her robot arm for extra mockery
First Jinx will just be giggling, biting her lip while watching you put on a little show but by the end of your skit you will have her crying with laughter and kicking her legs 
She definitely has a childlike sense of humor and doesn’t shy away from letting herself loose
That involves hysterical giggling, heavy snorting, and cackling like a mad chicken 
Her laugh is definitely a lot and can be super annoying to the people around her
But not to you
Seeing her so genuinely happy is quite a nice change
Silco also doesn’t seem to mind it
Will also laugh her ass off seeing other people – especially those she dislikes – getting pranked   
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So … Caitlyn is quite experienced when it comes to retaining her composure
She doesn’t just burst out laughing even though in the past there have been a couple of close calls
Her mother usually cut her off when she started to giggle about something in an unflattering situation
When Caitlyn is not around her parents she’s usually much more comfortable showing her emotions
However … there is something she is insecure about: her laugh
You found out about it one time when the two of you were goofing around on the couch
You started tickling her and to your surprise, she burst into the biggest high-pitched dolphin laughter you have ever heard from anybody
You were taken aback and she was  m o r t i f i e d 
She explained to you that she hates her laugh but you assured her that it was the sweetest, most beautiful sound to ever exist on this planet
She just rolled her eyes, telling you to shut up while turning bright red  
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Jayce will laugh about anything really
Comedy shows? 
He will be in tears not even halfway through
You accidentally letting one rip? 
He will ROLL on the floor!
But something that will particularly amuse him and infuriate you (affectionately) is making you flustered
When he sees you blushing deep red, stumbling over your own words, and then putting on that hilariously pouty face he just can’t help it 
It’s TOO cute!
He will let out a hearty laugh at your expression, sometimes giving your a firm pat on the back or just wrapping his arm around you 
It’s hard to stay mad at him though because his laugh is just so charming
Like … this man is mocking you, how can he be so handsome about it?! >://(
Also claps loudly when laughing
And you always feel like your eardrums are gonna explode when he does it out of nowhere
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Oh boy, here we have a tough candidate …
Viktor has a peculiar sense of humor and it’s quite hard to make him laugh out loud
A soft chuckle or grin is the most you can get out of him usually
He is definitely one to cover his mouth and giggle in secret when people aren’t paying attention
However, there was this one time you accidentally called Heimerdinger ”Heimerdaddy” in front of the yordle’s face when you bid him goodbye
And much to your surprise Viktor just … lost it
It caught him so off guard that at first, he tried to keep his wheezing down, pressing his fist against his lips as hard as he could
But there was no way he would get a hold of himself anytime soon
It was just 10 minutes of suppressed wheezing and giggling only interrupted by him choking on his own laughter and coughing 
Afterward, he wiped away the tears from his face, apologizing about a million times
Weirdly despite your blunder, you didn’t feel embarrassed for being laughed at but instead felt a sense of pride for experiencing this side of Viktor that probably no one else has seen before
Needless to say you you never managed to make him laugh like this again sadly
+ Heimerdinger
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He will laugh at really corny jokes or witty wordplay
Thing is: he is always the one laughing for WAY too long
Everyone else will have moved on while he's still repeating the punchline of the joke in between laughing fits
It gets really awkward ...
His laugh is kind of a Santa Claus-esque ”Hohoho” 
Only if Santa Claus was a gerbil
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