#Vegas baby series
evan4ever · 1 year
Vegas, Baby
Part 11
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Warnings: negative perception of Emma Roberts so if that bothers you, you may want to steer clear of this one 😅
a/n: I’m so shocked by the amount of love this series is getting 😭 I honestly didn’t expect to make more than 3 parts and here I am making part ELEVEN LIKE WHAT?!!! You guys are amazing 🙈😩 JUST AN FYI I know Emma would never be this way, I literally love her sm but it fits the storyline and narrative so just go with it okkk😅
Part 10 here
The week was awkward. It was full of tension and discomfort on both ends after having sex the week before. Neither of you knew what you honestly felt or didn’t feel and neither of you were ready to dive into that conversation yet. Hormones? Maybe. Stubbornness? Absolutely.
You still spent the week looking at the different jobs that LA had, as well as apartments. You weren’t sure what the sex meant or if it meant anything at all. At this point, you knew you had feelings for him, and it scared you because this was never supposed to happen — you both made that clear in Vegas. It shouldn’t change just because you brought a life into the world together, right? It didn’t make sense. It just didn’t seem right.
And Evan gave no other hints that he was feeling the same. Besides the one kiss you shared and the sex last week, he was hot and cold. One minute he’d always be attempting to touch you whether it be a hand grab, a hug, forehead kiss, even times where he’d hold your waist whenever he was next to you or moving behind you. He’d always be feeling you somehow. Then other times, he’d seem cold and distant, like he didn’t want to be around you. He was careful not to start another fight, quick to apologize if he’d snap at all or say something that wasn’t the nicest.
You didn’t understand and you didn’t know how to go about it. Do you just come forth with your honest feelings? Or do you find a job and move out so he can have his space back without telling him a single thing? Nothing felt right.
“Do you want to join me?” You blinked a few times looking up at Evan who stood at the door zipping his light jacket up. Your mind was elsewhere that you completely missed what he had said, being so tired from the sleepless nights you’d been getting and almost not even seeing him enter the living room, where you were sat rocking Joey. He raised his eyebrows slightly in wonder.
“Sorry I didn’t even hear what you said..” You cleared your throat shooting him an apologetic smile. He let out a light chuckle and walked into the living room, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you, resting his arms on his thighs to hold him up while facing you.
“I said that I was going to head down to the studio and talk about an upcoming project I’ll be in, get a head start before being thrown back in next week. Was wondering if you’d like to come. You know, maybe get out of the house? We’ve been pretty cooped up.” He let out another small short laugh, you nodding in response.
“I honestly would love that” you sighed lightly at the thought of getting out and about. “But I’m not sure if we should take Joey out yet, you know with Covid and all the other viruses?” You questioned, furrowing your brows.
“Most still wear masks here. You don’t have to but that hopefully might put your mind at some ease? I’d really like to take you out and show you around a bit, let you meet some people. Sarah will be there, you know she’ll be all over Joey” you both giggled lightly, “might give you a small break?”
You knew he was right and that you would have to take short out of the house at some point, it just made you nervous. Finally you sucked in a deep breath and gave him another nod to which he replied with a wide grin and carefully took Joey from your arms.
“I’ll get him changed while you get yourself ready.” He insisted and you smile gratefully, turning and making your way to your room to change. You internally thanked yourself for deciding to shower today since lately showers were nonexistent. You just needed to put on some presentable clothes and do a quick makeup look.
You chose a simple outfit, slipping on some Jean shorts and throwing your sweatshirt over a cropped tank top and some sandals. It felt weird to be wearing shorts in December, but that’s LA living. It was a bit chilly for the area today, so a sweatshirt sufficed just fine. You threw on some light makeup, foundation contour concealer and some mascara. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, you felt like a human again. Your hair fell naturally down your back, your few freckles stood out, and it was like a breath of fresh air.
You quickly grabbed your bag and made your way to the car where Evan already had himself and Joey buckled in, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling your own seatbelt. You glanced at Evan feeling his eyes on you and shot him a quick half smile to which he sent you a wide one in return.
“You’re glowing” he stated, looking back to the window and backing out of the driveway and onto the road. You pressed your lips together at his statement, feeling butterflies erupt within your tummy, but couldn’t bring yourself to say anything more than a quick and quiet “thanks”.
The drive felt long, realizing how big LA really was and his current studio he would be at for his next project all the way across town. Though the ride was full of Evan explaining to you what every nearly every place and building you passed was. It was second nature to him, but as soon as he told you what things were, you forgot. It would take awhile to learn your way around this large city. Though you enjoyed the lightheartedness during the drive, full of light laughter and terrible jokes that you both would make. It felt good, normal even. For a moment you forgot all your previous stresses and you savored the time it would last.
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Once you arrived, Evan parked in a garage and shut the car off getting out and undoing the car seat to stick it into the convenient stroller that it could attach to, so you wouldn’t have to disturb your sleeping baby. You swung your bag over your shoulder while Evan put the diaper backpack on, you smiling wide at the site of him.
“You look like a total dad” you joked, him laughing in response.
“Good thing I am one now, suits me well don’t you think?” He asked as you followed beside him, nodding dramatically.
“Oh yeah, it’s definitely your style. Own it” you giggled, him shoulder bumping you gently as you teased him. You took in your surrounding, never seeing a parking garage this big or nice. It was shocking, really. And Evan quickly took note of your amazement.
“Some are even nicer. And others not nearly.” You looked at him when he spoke, your eyebrows raising high. He glanced at you and smiled again before looking back at where he was going, leading you to an elevator that took you down to the sidewalks of the outside, busy world. You walked about half a block before entering a large red building that looked like it could be brand new, following him closely down a few halls before entering through a door that led to a large open space.
You looked around in awe, noticing quick that they’re recording studios where many movies are shot, specifically action packed movies with lots of stunts. You were amazed, having only ever seen them on the videos you’d watch here and there when you came across them. You never expected to enter one firsthand.
“Evan!!” Your attention shifted when you heard a familiar woman, looking ahead of you both as Sarah herself came jogging over, immediately taking Evan into her arms, him hugging her back tightly. “I’m so glad you could make it!” She grinned, pulling back from the hug before turning her attention to you. “Oh y/n, you look fantastic! I’m so happy you decided to join us!” She then pulled you to her tightly, taking you by surprise. You giggled lightly, returning the warm hug, happy that this experience was much brighter than the last. When she pulled back from you, her eyes flickered down to Joey and she let out a small gasp, grinning at you again. “And you brought the little one! Oh my” she gasped again as she bent down so she could see him, careful not to wake him, “he’s just beautiful.”
You gleamed at her words, your heart feeling full of joy. “I think so too” Evan said, your eyes meeting his that were already on you, a proud smile on his face which you quickly returned. It made you happy that he was so proud of being a dad and proud of his son. You felt the same, but you couldn’t explain how it made you feel seeing it in your baby’s father. It was exhilarating.
“Please come join us!! We’re going over and getting our scripts now. I’m so excited for you to see what this industry is all about.” Sarah gleamed at you.
“I’m excited to get to.” You nodded in complete honesty. You always wondered what being an actor was all about and now you’d get to witness for yourself.
“Evan! Nice to see you!” An older man greeted Evan with a handshake and the man hug thing that guys did. You recognized the man but couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Happy to be here. Uh, Ryan, this is y/n. Y/n this is Ryan Murphy, he’s the writer, director and producer of American Horror Story, Dahmer, and many other great films.” Evan nodded, your eyes widening in realization. You were a fan, sure, but you never really got to know the faces behind the shows you watched. You usually only knew their names and Ryan Murphy was one of them.
“It’s great to meet you, y/n. Evans told me quite a bit about you.” Ryan nodded, shaking your hand.
“Wow it’s… really great to meet you too. I’m a fan of your work.” You admitted, your cheeks lighting up as a typical fans would. He gleamed down at you and gave you a firm nod of appreciation before looking back at Evan.
“Well how is fatherhood treating you? You look great!” You stood next to the two men as they caught up, your eyes wandering around the large open room and skimming over the many faces that filled it. You didn’t recognize many people, any really, but you loved the idea of being in a room full of actors and getting to see what they do.
“Do you act at all?” Your attention was brought back to Ryan who was looking at you again, your mouth falling open at his question and eyes widening.
“Oh no” you shook your head, “no I’ve never acted before. Well unless you count theatre arts in high school. I took a few years of that but that was a long time ago. It was fun but where I’m from there’s no opportunities so it never crossed my mind again after graduating and..” you cleared your throat realizing you were rambling and pressed your lips into a tight, embarrassed smile. “No, I don’t.”
“Ah theatre arts is where it all starts!” He rhymes, your eyebrows shooting up and nodding along with him, eyes flickering to Evan who stood with a pleased smile on his face. “Would love to see what you got sometime. Everyone can act, just a matter of finding the right people.”
You were awestruck at his request, clearing your throat again and simply nodding in agreement, at a loss of words.
“Great! We’ll set that up sometime. Anyways, Evan, your script is being held by Damien back there you are free to grab it and take home with you today. Until then, feel out the set and talk to your peers. Get to know each other!” Ryan called back as he walked away leaving you with Evan alone. You blinked a few times, unbelieving that all of this is even real.
“He loves discovering new talent.” You looked at Evan as he pressed his own lips into a smile. “Found me and helped me get to where I am. I owe him a lot.”
You smiled lightly at his honesty, admiring him in this moment.
“It could be fun.” You tilted your head in confusion, your eyebrows narrowing a bit encouraging him to elaborate. “If you got yourself a career in acting with his help. It might be fun. Endless opportunities here. Maybe consider it?”
“I don’t know if I could get past the stage fright” you laughed nervously, biting ahold of your bottom lip. You were honest, you never considered acting considering where you lived. In high school, theatre was a favorite class of yours. You dreamed of being an actor one day, but that dream faded after you graduated and were hit with reality. And, you were incredibly awkward and nervous around large crowds.
“You get used to it. Believe me. I’m still awkward to this day” he chuckled, resting his hand on the small of your back as he moved you along with him. You allowed him to lead you considering you had no idea what to do or where to go, leading you to a man who held a large pile of papers in his hand. Damien, you presumed.
“Hey man. Nice to see you” the man greeted Evan before shuffling through the papers and pulling out a paper clipped group of multiple pages and handing it over to him, Evan taking it with a thank you before turning back to you.
“What’s this movie, or series, about?” You asked curiously. Evan just shrugged.
“I didn’t get much info on it yet. Just one scene that I read through and decided to take. I’ll let you know once I go through these” he held up his stack with a quick raise of eyebrows. You chuckled and nodded.
“Do you apply for parts anymore? Or usually get offered them?”
“They’re mostly offered to me at this point. Perks of playing multiple roles over the years, I guess” he shrugs, giving you a small goofy smile that made your heart melt. You opened your mouth to reply, but quickly was cut off by a new female voice.
“Well hey stranger, or I suppose we can call you daddy now.” Both you and Evan turn to face the new voice, your eyebrows raising when you recognized the woman immediately.
Emma Roberts.
You were a fan of her work. You grew up watching her on movies and TV shows. You stood completely shocked as you faced her now. Evan, on the other hand, gave her a tight smile and a nod of the head. She walked up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, one of his arms giving her a quick hug back.
“Um well, my son can definitely call me that but anyone else calling me it would be weird.” He chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as his eyes flicker over to you before back to her. She took a small step back while the smile never leaving her lips. You only stood, feeling more awkward as each second passed by.
“Come on, it’s not like I hadn’t called you it before silly” Emma giggles, nudging his shoulder with her hand. He clears his throat and looks at you again.
“Uh Emma, this is y/n. Y/n… Emma Roberts.” He nods. You gaze at him a moment before looking at Emma. Her eyes were on him not meeting yours, not even acknowledging you.
“It’s nice to meet you Emma, I’ve been a fan for a long time—
“So you’re a dad now!!” She cuts you off talking to Evan enthusiastically. Your eyebrows furrow together feeling a bit disrespected, but your head quickly recollected the memory of the few pictures you had seen on them together a few years back. You had forgotten they dated. For awhile, if you remembered correctly. But obviously you didn’t give any time of your day to a celebrity couple; you never did. “How does that feel? Isn’t it just an amazing feeling? I remember the day my baby was born. Really, there’s no feeling like it.”
Evan glanced at you again apologetically at her cutting you off before looking back to her. “Yeah. Yeah it’s really great. And y/n is just an amazing mother. It came so naturally to her.”
Your cheeks heated up at his words feeling like he was trying to bring you into the conversation all while you silently begged him not to. You didn’t want to be forced into a conversation with someone who had no interest in talking to you.
“Mm. That’s great.” Emma’s own lips pressed together tightly as she now glanced your way before back at Evan. “I love being a mama. It was like my calling. Ugh! We should catch up. Let our little ones meet? What do you say?”
Your eyebrows shot up. This was definitely something that needed, or should, be talked about together — just you and Evan. You only stared at him waiting for his reply while silently hoping he’d respectfully decline until further notice.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah sure, I suppose. That would be nice, right y/n?” His eyes glanced back at you waiting for your own reply. Your lips pressed together tightly in a newfound annoyance, before forcing them into a smile and giving him a quick, aggravated nod.
He once again smiled apologetically, before Emma grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into her for a hug. You took another step back and crossed your arms over your chest.
He had every right to take Joey where he wanted and to let him meet whoever he wanted him to, but it would’ve been nice to have it discussed with you a little first. Especially with Joey only being weeks old, you weren’t too comfortable with it.
“Well, perfect!! I’ll text you where to meet and when. I know this perfect spot! It’ll be a great place for us to catch up. It’s small, so smaller the party better.” You catch her side eye at you before quickly looking back to Evan. At this point, you were over this conversation.
You grabbed ahold of the stroller and turned away from them, walking out of the large room and into a hallway. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you felt like you needed some air so you were going to find some.
You followed a few signs that eventually let you to an exit, walking out of the large but crowded building and instantly taking in a deep breath of the fresh, hot, air. You didn’t realize the way you’d been holding your breath in their, or the way that Evan’s interaction with Emma had made you feel. Claustrophobic? Uncomfortable? You weren’t sure and couldn’t pinpoint the right word but you knew it was an ill-intended feeling that you didn’t like.
You had no right to be territorial of Evan. He wasn’t your boyfriend. A friend who you happened to have a kid with that was letting you stay at his place. And occasionally had sex. That was all. Whatever that is.
You finally found your way to Evan’s vehicle, after what felt like hours. You leaned against it and checked on Joey, smiling at his sleeping self. He was such an easy baby, you thanked the heavens for it. So… laid back.
You covered him back up just as you heard Evan’s rather panicky voice call out to you. You looked up and watched him jog his way to you, stopping before you and resting his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. Your eyes narrowed slightly, confused.
He glanced at you with an unreadable expression. “What? Serious? You just took off! You don’t do that here! Not… not in Cali. This isn’t your small town anymore y/n, there’s a lot of bad people and bad situations that could happen and you’re a woman by yourself with a small child! You can’t.. you just..” he shook his head as he went over words in his head. “Just wait for me. Let me come with you.”
You blinked a few times, unsure whether to feel flattered or annoyed.
“I was tired of listening to Emma completely bypass me every way she possibly could, so I came to the car.” You shrugged nonchalantly, his head rolling with his eyes.
“Come on she wasn’t..” he shook his head, trailing off. He knew she was, but obviously wanted to make the situation better.
“You should definitely meet up with her.” You gave him a tight smile. He just looked at you confused, now.
“Well yeah, I told her we would—“
“Just you. You and Joey.” You smiled down at the covered seat before back to him. He was still utterly confused, not picking up your interior meaning. “She wants to reconnect, Evan. She doesn’t want me there. So if you’re interested in mending…things… with her. Go. I’m not gonna stop you?” You shrugged again.
You definitely weren’t being honest, you hated the thought of it. A but passive aggressive, but you weren’t going to stand in the way if it’s what he wanted it. It would give you a push to get yourself together and leave. It might be what you needed.
Evans mouth opened to say something but closed quickly. He was speechless, and that only confirmed your questions. You gave him another nod before opening the back door and placing the car seat back in. Evan slowly took the stroller and folded it, placing it in the back before glancing at you, watching you finish with Joey before meeting his eyes. You both stood on opposite sides of the vehicle, silent, staring.
You gave him a small smile before getting into the passenger seat, your eyes immediately beginning to water. You quickly placed your sunglasses on and buckled yourself in, turning your head towards the window to avoid Evan noticing the silent tears.
It felt like your chest was closing in. Evan wanted to mend things with Emma, his ex, whom he was with for years. You couldn’t blame him but damn, it fucking hurt. You wanted to think that maybe you were jumping the gun, putting words or thoughts into Evans mouth and head for him, that he didn’t actually feel this way and you were just assuming. But assuming the worst keeps you from getting too disappointed. And, if it wasn’t how he felt, he wouldn’t denied it or fought against it; encouraged you to come. That he wanted you to be there. But he didn’t say anything, didn’t object. Only stated as he put two and two together, obviously fond of the idea.
It hurt.
You could see Evan glance at you occasionally on the ride home; but never saying anything. You weren’t sure if he noticed the tears or change in demeanor. And you weren’t going to ask.
So you sat in silence next to him, quickly getting yourself and Joey out when he parked in his garage and making your way to your room, stopping at the fridge for the bottle and closing your door behind you.
You laid on your bed silently, admiring your baby as you fed him. His every little detail; small button nose, fuzzy dark hair, wide dark eyes like Evan’s. He was your proudest part of life. You barely got to enjoy him yet and he was everything you needed already.
But your mind kept wandering to the life you could have with Evan, as a family. A real, complete family, with another kid or two. Somewhere in the suburbs, riding skateboards and drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. It was the perfect picture, and that made everything hurt even more. It was fake, unreal, delusional. Evan didn’t want that? You weren’t sure if he ever wanted to settle down. Maybe he liked the new feeling every few months, and you made him have to tie down a bit. Could he resent you?
He helped. This was a two way street, he had just as much to do with making a baby as you did. So he could blame himself if he needed someone to blame. You just wished he’d tell you whether he wanted to have this life, be a dad, or not, so you could walk away easier than what he’s been making it.
Tags: @demxnicprxncess @quicksilversg1rl l @evanpetersfav @kylespencersvocalcords @evanpetersmood @totta69 @ava1262 @1109oo @laynna-mcknight @jjamesstar @yes-divine-ruler @littledreamybeth @bxbyalixo @mraes @prettywhenwedie @officially-em @liltimmytimx @a-s-h-t-o-n
166 notes · View notes
answermywearyquery · 6 months
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✨ big, a depressive pixie nightmare bodyguard ✨
loan’s kinnporsche 2nd anniversary: favourite supporting character: big + bonus kenbig:
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769 notes · View notes
chimivx · 7 months
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champagne confetti.
pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Female!Reader (ot7 minus two) (vegas addition)
summary: Jungkooks secret listening party is full of surprises.
word count: 7400
warnings: 18+, adults doing adults things and talking about adult things, no explicit sexual content, drinking, mentions of miscarriage/pregnancy talk, IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!
a/n: I was supposed to post this in the beginning of January. Apologies for the delay, been goin thru some things. Love you all. xo. This feels like an ending... But, I dunno... It also feels incomplete...
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~ october 11th, 2023 ~
It took three rings for her to answer the phone.
Leaning over the bathroom counter, iPhone propped up against the mirror, your lips were pressed together firmly, an unreadable expression as Sunny’s bright smile popped up on the screen and fell within milliseconds, her pink glossy lips frowning. Behind her, palm trees and sunshine, a backdrop she’s become accustomed to, one she belongs in front of.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, squinting. Voices chattered in the background, a prominent one belonging to none other than Khloe Kardashian herself.
Taking a deep breath, you asked, “You’re filming?”
“No, having dinner with the girls,” she spoke fast, her eyes locked on you. “What’s going on? You okay? Dae okay? I can fly back.”
A small smile broke onto your lips. Nerves jittered in your veins, your heart beating a little faster than it should be. “We’re okay, just finished breakfast. She’s running around my room right now, she’s obsessed with Kook’s dirty ass song. We’ve had to listen to it everyday. Everyday, Sun. I hate it.”
“The Jack Harlow one?” she asked, and your grimace answered for you, making her cackle.
“First Seven, now this,” you said, teeth clenched. “What happened to sweet baby Jungkook?”
Sunny’s laugh sounded through your phone once more, triggering the pitter patter of little footsteps to come barreling into the bathroom door. “Honey, you’re funny, you know who changed that man.”
Your smile grew, shaking your head because you knew damn well who changed that man. Glancing to your right down at the floor, a two year old in pastel yellow footed pajamas was watching you, holding onto the doorframe with her little hands. There were messy pigtails in her hair, black as night, the skinny rubber bands slipping out after a good night's sleep. Eyes wide, the ghost of a smile on her face, she knew who you were talking to. 
“Hi,” you said to her, and she giggled, her cheeks squishing her eyes like her fathers would.
“Dae?!” Sunny called, lurching forward in her seat. She excused herself from the table and hurried into whoever’s house she was at, walking into a hallway grander than your own. Your daughter’s lips parted, curiosity written all over the face she stole from your husband. 
“Who is it?” you asked, keeping your eyes on the toddler as she walked toward you, wrapping her arms around one of your legs.
“Where’s my girl?” Sunny’s tone was eager, all she could see was the top of your head. Crouching down to pick Dae up, you propped her on your hip and grinned as Sunny gasped. “Hello, beautiful!”
Dae smiled, looking down at the phone, then looked at you, putting a finger between her little teeth.
“Say hi to Sunny,” you nodded, brushing leftover crumbs from breakfast off of her pajamas. “Tell her you haven’t brushed your hair yet today.” Another dramatic gasp came out of the phone, catching Dae’s attention.
“Baby, you tell your mother I blame her for that.” Sunny clicked her tongue. “You can’t even reach your hairbrush, it is not your fault.” She squinted at the screen. “She had those rubber bands yesterday, Honey, get them out!”
Dae was laughing, Sunny’s silly tone making her giggle in your arms, subsequently making you giggle along with her. “Dae,” you said softly after a breath, your daughter pointing her gaze at you. “Tell Sunny we’ve been really busy.” Your Californiacated best friend froze, her sculpted eyebrows furrowing a bit.
“Busy,” Dae said, copying you, her listening ears on full alert. Her little voice soft, smooth, the words broken as she tried to pronounce everything correctly.
“I’ve been gone for two weeks,” Sunny deadpanned. “How busy can you be?”
A laugh escaped you, Dae smiling back at you.
“Hey,” Sunny whined, “I’m over here, girl party, I want in on the secret,” she glanced around the room she was in, “I’m alone, promise.”
Your girl threw her arms around your shoulders, burying her head into your chest. Taking a look at Sunny, you laughed again at how smushed she looked on the screen, like she was trying to push her way through. Tapping your daughters back a few times where you held her, she perked up, still wearing a smile.
“Do you want to show Sunny?” you sighed, the nerves spiraling out of control.
“Show Sunny,” Dae said, drumming her hands on your shoulder.
“Show me what?!” Sunny cried from the phone.
A sudden deep breath shot through you. Dae, studying your form, placed a hand on your cheek, getting you to look over at her. You’ve seen the sparkle in her eyes elsewhere, in someone you’ve been without for a few weeks now. Someone you both had to say goodbye to, a day you wished to never have to relive.
She was half his, Dae was. Half Yoongi. A part of him you could still hold onto during these long months he’d be gone. It was never certain when you’d get to see him again throughout his service, but you held onto to hope that it was sometime soon. Especially now.
“I love you,” you whispered to your baby.
Dae, without missing a beat, whispered, “I love you.”
~ november 4th 2023 ~
Music played throughout the room soft enough to still be able to hear the person next to you speaking, yet loud enough to keep conversations private. Dressed in all black, flowing pants and a long sleeved bodysuit, you walked throughout the room with your chin held high, eyes searching the place for a familiar face. You’d come with Sunny, but she was stolen away from you the second you stepped in the door.
The night was alive, this venue buzzing with excitement and happy vibes as people who were both close friends or acquaintances of Jungkook came together to celebrate his brand new album, Golden. After listening to him, and watching him work on this project for ages, it meant so much to be able to be a part of this night. He was the last one to put out any solo music, meaning this was a celebration for the end of an era, and you were not ready for the start of the next one.
The one where you’d have to do life without any one of the seven boys around.
Greeting a few familiar faces, and a few new ones who just started to pay attention to you this year because of what went down in February, you moved throughout the room with a sprinkle of attention on you. During Yoongi’s tour that you were very much involved with, your daughter included, your entrance into the media world exploded. After February and the announcement, of course word of his family spread like wildfire, but the tour brought it all to life.
Now that he was gone the people who spoke to you tonight gave you the sympathetic half smile and nod, asking you how you and Dae were holding up without him. To each and everyone of them, you’d grin and shrug, letting them know this was no different than him being on tour, or him going away for work. Time spent a part was the story of your life. Especially after the last three years with your daughter.
Though, you weren’t going to lie, this go around the time a part was rough. You aren’t able to call him whenever you please, nor was he able to jump on a plane, or get in a car and come home to you whenever he felt like he needed just twenty minutes of your time. He truly was absent, and it sucked. Your two year old didn’t understand it, though she was used to her father being away. That much she got, but when it came down to not being able to see him through a phone screen as often as she pleased, she became a pouty mess.
Within the last month Dae has definitely become more clingy than you’d have wanted, but you knew that was just because she was having some big feelings that she didn’t understand yet. Both you and Yoongi prayed that this wouldn’t have a large impact on her and her development as she got older, her father being gone for such a chunk of time in her early years of life. You made it a point to talk about him every single day, play his videos, play voicemails he left you in preparation for this, listen to his music, and show her pictures of them together.
It wasn’t a worry she’d forget about him, it was a worry that she’d forget how he loved her.
The two of you had just watched a video of him talking to her before you left the house to come to the party, the clip leaving you in tears. He was in his office sitting in the leather chair at his desk, his hair messy over his forehead and his eyes tired. The weeks before he left were brutal for you both. He spoke to her with intention, repeating on and on how much he loved her, and how much he missed her, that he was proud of her and that she would see him very soon.
He tried his hardest to not shed a tear, but it happened anyway, and in true Yoongi fashion he laughed it off. After speaking to Dae he turned his words to you, knowing you’d be watching with her. He didn’t do this every time, he left other things just for you, so it was a complete surprise. As expected, your husband declaring his love for you, in front of your daughter, left you in tears.
But, the story of your life, right?
Smoothing your hands over your middle, smiling at a group of girls walking past you who had bowed their heads, you approached the bar, finding exactly who you were looking for. The boy dressed in all white towered over you, the view of his back from behind unbelievable. He stood next to Namjoon who was just as tall as him, but not nearly as wide. The maknae passed him a while ago.
Pushing between both of them, just below their shoulders, a smile pulled at your lips as they stepped away from you, then gasped once they realized it was you.
“Honey!” Namjoon cheered, slinging an arm around your back to give you a hug. Throwing both of your arms around his broad shoulders, you pulled him close and squeezed him, standing on your tiptoes.
“Hi,” you said quietly, pecking a quick kiss to his cheek. “Missed you guys,” you sighed, turning to Jungkook who waited patiently for his hug. “You’re all too busy now.” You barely had your arms around him before Jungkook was lifting you off the floor, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Kook!” you giggled. “Put me down, I’m fragile!”
“Fragile,” he laughed, following directions, making sure you were balanced in your black boots before he let go of you. “I’m so glad you’re here,” he smiled at you, one that was all too big.
“Me too,” you returned the smile and snatched his hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“How’s the baby?” Namjoon asked, leaning against the bar with an elbow. Whirling around, you shot him a wide eyed look. “Dae?” His smile relieved almost every nerve that sparked in your heart.
“Dae,” you breathed. “She’s amazing.” The boys smiled, always happy to hear you speak of your daughter. “She’s… doing her best right now. We both are. She misses him.”
Namjoon pursed his lips and gave you the sympathetic nod so many other people have already given you. “Understandable,” he said. “It’s tough.”
“It is,” you shrugged. “But, we knew it was coming, so I’m… somewhat alright. It’s just hard to try to explain it to a two year old.”
A bartender sped by the back of the bar to refill glasses with Golden etched on them, placing down new ones for those who had just shown up, you included. Champagne bubbled in the glass that you were definitely heading home with. Jungkook grabbed two, holding one out for you to take.
“We’re not sad today,” he grinned. Glancing at the glass, you gulped and looked up at him.
“I’m not gonna drink, Kook,” you said quietly. Namjoon, already downing half his glass, perked a brow.
Jungkook nodded and turned toward the bar to place the glass down, but then froze, facing you without doing so. “Wait, hang on,” he said. “Where’s she at?” His eyes narrowed.
“Sunny?” you questioned. “Somewhere around here, I think-”
“No,” he cut you off, grilling you with his gaze. “Dae.”
A nervous laugh escaped you. “Kook, she’s not here.”
“Liar, where is she?” He did a once over of the room, his hardened gaze falling upon you again.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed, placing a hand on your hip. “She’s at home, probably begging Branson to play that god awful song you made about ejaculating on someone's face.” Behind you Namjoon lost his mind, nearly spitting out his drink. You shot him a look over your shoulder. “You’re not off the hook Mr. Smoke Sprite.”
Jungkook would have laughed if his jaw hadn’t fallen open in shock, a big ol’ smile behind it all. “She doesn’t like that song.” His whisper was laced with disappointment, eyebrows twisting into a knot in the center of his forehead.
Thinning out your lips, you nodded. “Loves it, Jungkook. She loves it.”
“Oh no,” he groaned, rolling his head back, taking a gulp of champagne. “Don’t let her listen to it, not my girl.”
“Now, whenever you feel like making a song like that ever again, you think about her,” you started to smile, knowing your words would make an impact. “You want someone to treat her like that when she’s all grown up?”
He scrunched his nose and pouted at you. “No,” he mumbled.
“Exactly,” you nodded once and took the champagne glass from him, taking a sip before stopping dead in your tracks. Processing your situation, Namjoon and Jungkook sandwiching you at the crowded bar, there really was no way for you to be sneaky about this. With the glass in your hand, you sideyed them both, a mouthful of champagne marinating on your tongue. Closing your eyes, you took a breath and accepted your fate, a stream of champagne falling from your lips back into the glass in your hands.
“I knew it,” Namjoon muttered. You could hear the smugness written all over his face. You gave him the quickest look without giving anything away, and turned to Jungkook whose face was screwed up, completely confused.
“Just drink it, Hon,” he laughed. “Dae’s home, you’re here to be you, you don’t have to worry about…” Voice trailing off, he paused and eyed you curiously. Then it all seemed to click at once. “Are you lying?” Testing the waters, he held in his jitters, but you could see it all building up beneath the surface. “You’re ly- Shit, no you wouldn’t do that… You’re… Honey, you swear?” 
Taking a long deep breath, you placed your glass on the bar and shrugged your shoulders. He exhaled heavily, a single laugh coming out with it. He held his arms out at his sides, putting his own glass down, trying to gauge how you were feeling by your body language. Namjoons eyes flickered between the two of you, allowing you your moment before he stepped in.
“It’s, like… brand new. Really brand new,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “Sunny knows, but that’s it. I’m not trying to… get anyones hopes up.” Speaking carefully, like you were warning them, Namjoon was the only one to nod in respect for what you had said. Jungkook understood of course, but his heart always got the best of him first. “I found out three weeks ago, I’m barely two months in.”
“Holy shit,” Jungkook whispered, pulling you into his arms. He shared a look with Namjoon, one you thankfully couldn’t see, a slightly worried one. Laying your head on his chest, the chains he wore cold against your cheek, you closed your eyes and let his hands on your back soothe some of the anxiety you’d been feeling since you saw the two little lines in your bathroom back in October. “I’m so happy for you, Honey.”
“Thanks, Kookie,” you said, painting a smile on your lips. “I haven’t been able to say the words yet,” you admitted, pulling back from him. Hugging Namjoon who congratulated you quietly, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Thirty years old and I can’t say the words.”
“That’s okay,” Namjoon said, embodying the word empathy.
Letting his calm, peaceful aura bleed into yours, you bobbed your head. “It is okay,” you repeated, not allowing you to gaslight yourself. Averting your gaze to the bar you shrugged your shoulders once more. “I just hope I have the courage to say them to him.” The boys were quiet, focused on you, listening intently. “It’s a shitty time for this to happen, I think, but not in the sense that… Well, you know what I mean?”
“Course,” Jungkook said, brows pointed.
“It’s just with Dae already having a hard time, Yoongi having a hard time, me, myself having a hard time,” you paused to collect your thoughts, squinting down at the wood. “What we just went through not even a year ago? I am just freaked the absolute fuck out that I’m going to go through it alone this time.”
“You can’t do that to yourself,” Namjoon spoke with ease. “Don’t add any more stress onto this. Timing may not be ideal, but it never was for you guys. If anything… this is right on point.”
“Shit, Joon.” The words tumbled from your lips in an exasperated burst. Throwing your arms back around him, you held him tight. All it took were two simple sentences to almost flip your mentality completely. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“I was totally thinking the same thing, by the way,” Jungkook said, making you smile. Turning toward him, he had his arms open waiting for you to jump back into them. Falling right into the trap, you pulled him close and kissed him on the cheek.
“I love you guys,” you said, grabbing both of them by the arm, giving them a small shake. “Keep it a secret, yeah? No telling boyfriends.” You narrowed your eyes and pointed at them playfully. 
Namjoon lowered his head with a chuckle and raised his glass in promise. Jungkook rolled his eyes and took a large gulp from his glass. “What boyfriend?” 
“Oh, come on,” you sang, tilting your head to the side. Jungkook settled his gaze on the party, eyes scanning the room with, you now notice, anticipation. “Kookie, don't do that to yourself.”
After another swig of his drink he twisted around to face the bar and smirked. “Promise I’m not a masochist… Even though he’s already got a song.”
“Hon-naaay!” Jimin’s high pitched, full of energy, singsongy voice flooded the air. Jungkook shot you a look over his shoulder as you pouted your lips at the same time.
Shooting your best smile at a now blonde Jimin you opened your arms, ready for him to fall into them dramatically as he would, but he stopped short. His own smile faded on his lips, to something soft while he looked you over, and it was like you could see the gears turning in his head. He held a glass of champagne in a Golden glass in one hand and the other found sanctuary on his hip.
“Hi, pretty,” you said in a voice you would use while talking to Dae. Jimin didn’t crack, he was honed in on you. Dropping your arms, letting them fold over your chest, you tilted your head to the side in question, though you weren’t sure you wanted, or were ready, for him to respond. 
In touch with his femininity a thousand times more than the others, the way his eyes scanned over you flipped your stomach. Jimin, like a woman, moved through his day to day like he was in touch with the moon, being guided through life by the space being without even knowing so. He made it through his days subconsciously following the twenty-eight day cycle a woman's subconsciousness was wired to.
He figured you out with one look.
Taking you in his arms tight, his head laying on top of yours, he sucked in a breath and released it with his words. “Hi, pretty.” Leaning back a bit, your lips parted to say something, but Jimin took a finger to your jaw to shut it. Then, he tapped your closed lips once and shook his head gently. He didn’t need the words.
“Taehyung not attached to you?” Namjoon asked, sipping his glass with composure, his curious eyes flickering over to Jungkook a couple times.
Jimin pulled away from you and shrugged. “He was, he probably found something better.” 
You weren’t positive, but you’re certain Jungkook mumbled, “Impossible,” under his breath.
“Sunny came with me,” you spoke up quickly to muffle anything else that would come out of the boy's mouth whether or not he had intentions of anyone hearing him. “He might be with her.”
Jimin’s eyes narrowed. “Mmm,” he hummed, shaking his head. “Don’t think so, she was hanging around Mingyu last time I passed her.” The name spewed confidently from his mouth, a subtle look of shock something you all shared, even Jungkook.
“Tell her she won’t have any luck,” Jungkook grumbled, having not turned away from the bar once. He hasn’t looked at Jimin since he arrived over here.
Swatting your hand at his shoulder with disappointment, Jimin gave him a somber look, the empath in him you knew was hurting too. Namjoon watched the scene ensue peacefully, waiting patiently for his moment to step in, if needed. They haven’t been a proper group for months, but that didn’t mean those dynamics were erased.
“Sunny is dating somebody, Kookie,” you said. “You know that. She wouldn’t ever hurt him.”
“Jin,” Jungkook said, finally turning around. “We can say his name. Jin. They may hate talking about it, but we can. Besides, he’s been away for so long now, bet she misses him. Not surprised she’d go for the biggest guy in the room.”
“Jungkook,” Namjoon chimed in, his glare one you never wanted to be on the receiving end of. The rest of the youngests second glass, that you’ve been around for, went down easy.
“I’m just saying,” he laughed to himself.
Both you and Jimin watched him in shock. Words like that, implying what he was implying, have never come out of Jungkook, nor has he ever thought them up before. The implication that Sunny would be untrue to Jin, that one’s partner being away for an extended period of time meant that everyone acquired, or wanted to act upon these thoughts.
“What does that say about me?” you asked, looking up at him, remembering the days of when he was a mere few inches taller than you.
“What are you talking about?” he shrugged sloppily. You could feel Jimin’s gaze watching you.
“I’ve spent more time away from Yoongi our entire relationship than Sunny has from Jin in the last year or so,” you said. “And I’m about to do it for another two-ish years.” Jungkook was silent. “In fact, until Jin comes back next summer, I’ll be without all of you. So, pick someone for me, Jungkook.” The boy didn’t move. “If we’re comparing sizes, who’ve you got?” A quick glance at Jimin. “Taemin?” A quick glance at Jungkook. “Jay?”
“From Enhypen?” Namjoon chimed in again. Cringing, you looked at him for a second.
“He’s a baby, nevermind,” you muttered.
“He’s also like, six feet tall,” Namjoon chuckled.
“Oh, I know,” you tapped Jungkook’s white jacket, “Your Seventeen boy can hook me up, it’s Jeonghan right? Always has longer hair? Think he’ll be into me?” Jimin held in a laugh, turning to keep it hidden. Jungkook sighed. “I’m married, I got one kid and another on the way, let’s see how well he plays daddy, huh?” 
“Okay, I get it,” Jungkook breathed.
“Jeonghan’s got that broodiness about him, right Joon?” Glancing over your shoulder, the eldest in the vicinity nodded without entertaining you with a smile. “He’ll fulfill the stereotype, it’s perfect! Dae might not even notice it’s-“
“Okay!” Jungkook turned up the volume, a couple party goers looking his way as they passed by. “I’m sorry! Jesus Christ, Honey.”
Pressing your lips together you smoothed a hand over his shoulder and gave it a squeeze, leaning in toward him. “I get you’re hurting,” you said just for him to hear. “But you keep bleeding onto everybody else, and that’s not fair. I love you, but saying stuff like that will only hurt others. Imagine if Jin heard that. He’s been in love almost as long as you, Kookie.”
The way he looked at you put a knife through your heart. “How do I fix it?”
“A lot has changed in the last year and a half. Really fast, too.” Wrapping your arm around his, you held him close. “We’re all adjusting in our own way, it’s a really weird place to be in. I mean… I have to go home with Jeonghan now.” He cracked a laugh, thankfully.
“You guys would pair up nicely.”
“Kookie, hush,” you laughed, shaking his arm. “You’re both about to go through a bigger change, together. Even if you can’t be… together, at least you can be together.” You squinted, hoping any of that made sense to the twenty-six year old.
He started to nod, easing some of the tension settling within your chest. “I get it.” He looked at Jimin briefly, who had taken a spot beside Namjoon, the two whispering about who knows what, and you wonder if it’s related to what you’re talking about now. “I’ll be with him most of the time too, until we get to Hobi, so…”
Your eyes widened as his did. “Hobi,” you both groaned together, falling into giggles shortly after.
“You’re really gonna need each other if you have to deal with him,” you said. “He’s a drill sergeant in rehearsals, good luck with him in the military!” Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut, throwing his head with a laugh. “I only wish you guys would get to see more of Yoongi,” you said after a breath.
Jungkook met your eyes, then his gaze traveled to the party behind you, a small smile pricking on his lips. “We’ll still get to see him, Honey.”
Toying with a zipper on his jacket you shrugged and took a deep breath. “I know, but I mean… I wish he got to be with you guys the whole time. He was worried about…” Looking up at him you paused, pressed your lips together with a smile, then shook your head. “Nevermind.”
Jungkook didn’t push on the matter, instead he bobbed his head in understanding and then ushered you to turn around in his arms. “Surprise.”
If your heart had the possibility to burst into flames, it would’ve. Swelling within your chest, your heart rate skyrocketing beyond belief, you didn’t even have the means to gasp in utter shock. Frozen where you stood, Jungkook's hands slipping off your shoulders, the three falling into quiet giggles, you couldn’t process any of it.
Dressed in all black, down to the thick knitted beanie on top of his head and the sneakers on his feet, Yoongi, with Taehyung's arm linked in his, had the tiniest smile on his lips as he came toward you.
“I come bearing gifts!” Taehyung cheered, giving Yoongi a small push closer to you.
Words escaped you, your mind unable to string any letters together to say something to him. Instead, you tipped your head backward and burst into tears.
A laugh slipped past his lips. He knew that was coming. Following your lead, he waited for you, and when you opened your arms he fell right in, scooping you off the floor, burying his face in your neck. 
“Hey! Careful, she’s frag-…” Jungkook’s voice tapered off quickly, his focus landing elsewhere, his lips pursed nonchalantly.
His words barely registered with either of you. There was very little anyone could say or do in this moment that would take away from the man you held in your arms.
Back on your feet you wasted little time, wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close into a kiss, one long and entirely overdue.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you whispered, pressing your forehead to his.
Yoongi’s gaze ate away at your face, his eyes studying you completely. “I wanted a drink,” he shrugged, and you smacked his chest with your hands, a smile corrupting you. He smirked. “Came to see my girl,” he cooed, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Don’t tell Jungkook.”
“He knows,” the youngest said from behind you. Yoongi laughed, and your heart was squeezed between your lungs, the beautiful sound warming your skin.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, you couldn’t believe that he was standing here in front of you, holding you, kissing you, smiling at you. It’d been a month and twelve days since you last saw him, since he held your daughter, and that thought fueled the tears that fell.
A month and twelve days has happened before, unfortunately a couple more days longer than this, but it made that reunion all the more sweeter. Of course that was before Dae, before marriage, so it didn’t cut as deep, but it was still hard. Holding onto him now, knowing your daughter was snug at home in the house you built together, unsure if whether or not he was able to come see her, you felt the need to squeeze him tighter, like your grip around him would keep him stuck here forever, and they’d never be able to take him again. 
Wiping the tears off of your cheeks with his thumbs, he kissed the tip of your nose and tried to twist you in his arms so you could both face your friends, but you wouldn’t budge. Laying your head on his chest as he tried to move, you heard him huff a laugh toward you trying to occupy the same space as him.
Your subconscious was screaming at you. The inner workings of your natural biology, your primal instincts if you will, were firing off like crazy, keeping you latched onto him. You needed him. And not in the way one would assume.
You needed his attention. You needed his care. You needed his protection, his energy, his love, his support.
Most reunions looked something like this, you and Yoongi unable to take your hands off one another, but this one was different. You were clingy, nearly shutting off your brain entirely because he was in the room and you didn’t need to do any of the thinking. The party became a distant noise to you, something you weren’t even worried about anymore, same for your friends behind you.
You felt Yoongi looking down at you, and when you tipped your chin up to meet his knowing gaze, the way you bat your eyelashes had him whisking you away to someplace quiet, a different room vacant of all people. He found a couch in the dimly lit room, a sitting area formed in front of a smaller, empty bar. Sitting you beside him, he smiled as you tried to crawl into his lap.
“Hi,” he whispered in the quiet, brushing his fingers over your cheek. Your arms found their way around his neck again.
Your gaze danced about his face, taking in every inch, every little imperfection, memorizing more so than you already have. “Hi,” you whispered back. The two of you watched one another for a minute, the music from the main party room thumping against the walls, laughter and happy chatter ringing just below it. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he said without missing a beat. “Dae’s not here, right?”
Gulping, you nodded. “She’s at home,” you mumbled. “Can you come see her?”
Yoongi flattened his lips. “I dunno.”
Your grip around him tightened. “S’okay,” you tried to smile. “She asks for you everyday.” Tears welled in his eyes, ones he blinked away. “When we’re not listening to 3D she asks for your songs.”
“3D,” Yoongi groaned, rolling his head back against your arms. “Still?”
“Still,” you deadpanned, and once he caught a look at you, you both broke into a laugh. “I gave him a talk, don’t worry.”
Yoongi sighed, shaking his head. “Nothing gets through his head now, Park scrambled it all up.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “They’ll be okay, though. I hope.”
Yoongi’s nod was solemn before he drug a finger beneath your jaw. “How ‘bout you? You okay?” The bad electricity sparkled in your veins, enough of a twinge to make you shift on his lap.
“I’m okay,” you said without an ounce of confidence. His smile was slick, his fingers dragging down the side of your neck now.
“Why you gonna lie?”
“I’m not,” your half shrug didn’t convince him.
Narrowing his eyes, his gaze somehow softened at the same time. “Honey,” he crooned, his voice like velvet. “Talk to me.”
“I’m…” You were hesitant, cutting yourself short right when the words were about to tumble out of you full force. He waited patiently. Swallowing the lump that lodged in your throat, hoping to ease the nausea that started to fester within you, you nodded, small, and whispered, “I’m pregnant.”
His expression didn’t change, didn’t falter, didn’t exhibit any signs of any other emotion other than patience. He only managed to whisper, “Yes you are.”
Your brows plummeted. “Who opened their mouth?”
Yoongi massaged the back of your neck with his fingers, sighing. “No one, Honey, it’s just…” he glanced between you, gesturing to how close you were to him. “You only get like this when you’re carrying one of my kids.”
Blinking, you purse your lips. “Do not.”
He laughed, bobbing his head. “Do to, it’s happened twice before.”
The words turned your skin to ice, Yoongi taking note of the utter fear that washed over you. Sliding his hand over the back of your head, he laid you on his shoulder, pressing his cheek to your forehead, taking a long deep breath. For a few minutes you both relished in the quiet, admiring the party from afar, the touch of one another enough to clearly communicate what you were both feeling.
Nobody knew what had happened in detail aside from Sunny and the boys. Branson knew bits and pieces, he was around for that week, helping to take care of Dae and the house if nobody else was able to. Not one of them talked about it. Even if you were to bring it up somehow, they didn’t linger on the topic long. It was for you and Yoongi to discuss, to share, to have. He was your son, you were the only two to ever know him.
“You don’t wanna know what I’ve thought about already,” you said. Yoongi gave your head a gentle scratch.
“Probably the same things I’m thinking right now,” he whispered. Looking up at him, his face still radiated patience, a calmness that radiated to you, though you could see the worries spinning inside his head. Curious about it all, you know you might not need to hear it. The one thought that gutted you both… He wouldn’t be here this time. “Mother fucker,” he mumbled, shifting his focus to you.
“Let me hear it,” you said.
“No, it’s just…” He collected his thoughts for a second, a laugh escaping him. “How is it this possible that we’ve got such… exquisite timing?!” He started to make you laugh. “You’d think by thirty we’d have it figured out, right? What’s wrong with us, babe!” Giggles galore. “At twenty-seven, the proposal planned, did it happen? Nope! Global pandemic and major surgery. Twenty-eight, my third album almost done, your projects lined up waiting for you, did they happen? Nope! We had a baby instead. Twenty-nine… You somehow say yes to marrying me. I think, finally, we’ll plan the wedding of your dreams. Did it happen?”
“Yes,” you chimed in, watching him in awe. He shot you a small smile with a wink.
“Thanks for that,” he breathed. “But, then the hiatus came, and the lawyers for the restraining order, and Dae turned one, and you were pregnant again, and I knew the announcement was coming after the Busan show, and…”
“And then we got married,” you said, sitting up to hold his face between your hands, delicately dancing your thumbs over his cheeks. “Saturday, November fifth. The most perfect day that happened a year ago, tomorrow.” He smiled, his cheeks squishing in your grip. “The trees were yellow, and orange, and bright and beautiful. The breeze held off until we finally kissed, making sure our guests were warmed by the sun before Autumn made an appearance.”
“Dae pulled the bow out of her hair during our vows,” he said, and you both laughed. 
“She is her mothers daughter,” you raised your eyebrows with pride. “I warned Sunny, I really did.” His smile settled, eyes gleaming with a sappiness that tugged at your tears. “It was the most wonderful day, D. Everyone was there, even your little boy.” A sudden breath shot through you. “Then, yanno, Jin left, and we had a month or so to pull ourselves together before I was thrown to the wolves.”
“It wasn’t enough time,” he muttered, and you nodded.
“I agree,” you whispered. “But, we made it. And after Hobi left we went on tour, and fuck, D, talk about the most amazing three months.”
“That really was the best,” he grinned. “Having you both there with me, jeez.” A happy roll of his eyes made you smile back at him. 
“Dae had more fun than either of us,” you scoffed.
“She sure did,” Yoongi said. “Remember the show Hope and Jin came to?”
“Of course I do,” you said. “That was the last one.”
“Yeah,” he breathed, a longing look spreading to his eyes. Questioning him with a small sound, he smirked. “It’s just… that show, that night… I thought, this is it. Thirty years of my life and I’ve got everything I’ve always dreamed of, everything I’ve always wanted, everything I could possibly need. You, Dae, the boys, Army… You.”
The tears were falling now, you could feel them.
“After everything we’ve been through, all that life has thrown at us- no, catapulted at us,” you both shared a laugh, “Onstage, I couldn’t help but realize, and recognize… Holy shit, we made it.” He wiped your tears, kissing your cheek. “And, I don’t give a fuck, Honey, we’ll make it again. And again. And again, goddammit. Unbelievably bad, shitty, fucked up timing is who we are. Since the start. July sixteenth, twenty fifteen.”
“A New York curb,” you whispered.
Yoongi beamed. “A dangerous New York curb,” he snickered. “Making people fall in love and shit?” A laugh came out of you within a breath, only Yoongi able to make you laugh and cry at the same time.
“Namjoon said something earlier,” you sniffled, taking his hands within your own. “Like what you just said, how the timing isn’t ideal, but that’s who we are. That this is right on point.” 
Yoongi let your words sink in, let his leader's words sink in, comforting him the same way they did you. “He’s right. He’s always right.”
“Unfortunately,” you joked and he cackled. “The only thing that’s keeping me from going totally insane is knowing that by June Jin will be here. Regardless of what schedules he’ll be involved with, if any, he’ll be here. Accessible.”
“That makes me feel better, too,” he sighed, then licked his lips. “How… How far are you? Do you know? When did you find out?” The questions tumbled out of him at lightning speed, each answer you had for him getting lost between each one.
After a giggle, you said, “October eleventh, I found out. Dae was dancing around our room, she left me to do it all alone, the stinker. 3D is more important to her, I guess.” Yoongi scoffed. “I wasn’t feeling so good, thought it was just leftover nerves after you leaving, thought I was late for the same reasons, but when I checked I was really late, so I took the test just to be safe. There were no hopes up or anything, no nerves because I really didn’t think it’d be positive…”
Yoongi listened with intent. “Didn’t think it would be, or didn’t want it to be?” He asked you genuinely, no discomfort wrapped around the question at all.
“I kept thinking… if this is positive, then what the actual hell am I going to do?” He nodded, his hands holding you carefully. “We didn’t say what we’d do, because we didn’t think this would happen. D, we need to start putting together plans ‘cause at this point I’m starting to think you could sneeze on me and I’d get pregnant, and if timing isn’t our thing then we need to be prepared for it all.”
Swiping his thumb over your lips he smirked. “Where’s the fun in that?” Giving you the smallest kiss, he said, “We could plan out every last little detail, babe, and I can ensure you, somehow, someway, the universe would laugh in our faces. Loud.”
He was right. Even on the day of your wedding, the most planned out day of your life, things went askew. The birth of your daughter didn’t go to plan, that entire fiasco turned into a legitimate emergency. You could have every detail splayed out, even the fine writing between the lines, and life would find a way to toss the cue cards in the air, laughing as it did. 
“This is a blessing,” Yoongi said, his voice shifting to something soft. “And, entirely on time for us, as fucked as that may sound.”
“It does make sense, doesn’t it,” you agreed. Sitting here with him, reviewing your lives, this brand new little one seemed to fit right into the insanity. The tiniest spark of hope ignited inside of you, one that you were nervous to share with your husband, but you were certain that he could feel it too. 
You both wanted a second child, you wanted Dae to have a sibling, a sister or a brother. The two of you realized during your first pregnancy and throughout Dae’s first year of life that you wanted multiple, more than two. However, after the last year you were content with just one more. If there were anymore to follow, so be it, but this second one was a must.
Deep within both of you you knew that this child would be your third, and that would be something you held close to your heart for the rest of your lives, letting Dae and your future children know that they once had a brother who loved them too much that he had to find solace within the clouds, so he could watch over and protect his family.
Yoongi nodded, slowly, knowing exactly what was going through your mind. As a tear slipped down his cheek he threw his arms around you and rocked side to side, pressing a hundred kisses to your shoulder. His lips traveled up your neck, making you giggle, until they found your lips, kissing you slowly, drinking this moment up, the both of you wishing you could drown in it. 
“An August baby,” Yoongi whispered, pulling from you with a breath. You smiled.
“An August baby,” you repeated. “The end of summer’s gonna get real busy for us.” Yoongi’s smile grew, it grew so big he had to laugh.
“Oh my god,” he exhaled, his words barely audible. He kissed you, and then he kissed you again. “I love you so much.”
Letting your hand fall down to his left shoulder, you gave him the gentlest squeeze, and smiled. “I love you too, D.”
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( I'm a slow updater. If I missed your tag please let me know, do not be afraid to send me a message to remind me <3 )
@jewelrnicorn @yoongisducky @all-american-fangirl @funkylittlebisexuall @ahewlett @damn-u-min-yoongi @my-dark-happy-place @wobblewobble822 @kaitieskidmore97 @yoooonie @bbyjjunie
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thank you so much for reading! i'd love to hear what you thought about this piece <3
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magicaldreamfox1 · 7 months
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“You and Macau aren't even worthy of being my sons.”
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kiiyuq · 1 year
A Countdown, Of Sorts
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And the taint of wine-red and copper bleeds and stains across the foreign skin, like a mark more damning that the kisses fluttered there previously.
Here's the artwork I created for @fleet-off's absolutely amazing fic, Passing Time, for the @kinnporschebigbang. It was such a great experience. The writing in here is incredible, I swear every time I read it I can't even breathe, its so, so, so good and well written.
A really, really special thanks firstly to Fleet for working together with me during this whole period. I loved talking with you about the fic, and getting to see your writing every time genuinely took the words out of my mouth, because I just didn't know how to express myself properly about it. This has been such a fun experience, and you've bought Pete and Vegas to life so perfectly. Another big thank you to the mods of the KPTS Big Bang event for all the work you've put in the past few months, and all of the organisation that's been happening behind the scenes, none of this could have happened without all of you. And an extra thank you to @no1petesimp and @xhangkyuns for dealing with all my screaming for the past few months as I got through all the rough patches, I love you two so much, you mean the world to me <3
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boysbeloving · 1 year
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The bike of home wrecking AKA the bike of Kinn's nightmares AKA Vegas' red bike 🙃
The KinnPorsche Anniversary Event
week 2 (april 10 - april 16): favourite supporting character(s)
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soup-scope · 1 year
i really hope that when alexis is introduced she’s introduced in a very. neutral manner
i don’t want her to be this cliche villainous that causes conflict between sam and darlin
alexis has been avoiding sam for 15+ years after she turned him. she doesn’t want conflict with him it seems
i lowkey hope that alexis has a small ‘talk’ with darlin. maybe just asking if sam is happy or smth like that. i just don’t want her to be a two dimensional villain when erik has clearly shown he likes to deal with his characters in shades ya know (example:vega)
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Maj. Kaidan Alenko With: Councilor Donnel Udina, Councilor Tevos, Councilor Laiel Sparatus, Cmdr. Armando-Owen Bailey, and Kai Leng And a Special Guest Appearance by: The Illusive Man But sometimes the way a thing goes down does matter, Sophie. Later- when you have to live with yourself. Knowing that you acted with integrity- then it matters. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#kaidan alenko#shenko#fshenko#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#james’s panicked face as the shuttle goes down you will always be famous to me bc you are so relatable#at this point i just know the normandy crew is not letting shep EDI or james near anything mechanical anymore#(something mechanical explodes around them on literally every mission at this point- cars.. bombs.. ships.. you name it!) :)#the way i didn’t even realize EDI and kaidan were wearing matching armor on this mission until i got to the elevator and i- 🥹 (blue crew!!)#but like- the way when soph gets off the elevator and kaidan has the gun drawn and she tells them to lower their weapons??#and EDI and james don’t even hesitate? THOSE ARE MY BABIES!!! THATS MY SQUAD RIGHT THERE!! THE LEVEL OF TRUST BETWEEN THESE THREE!! 🥹🥹🥹#and they don't raise their weapons again?? not until soph raises hers?? like it's the level of trust between her and them for me 🥹#i will say i talk a lot about how me3 shenko canon doesn’t really follow my own shenko canon (and my canon coup is MUCH DIFFERENT)#but something i noticed about the coup that i really liked? when kaidan has his gun drawn on shep you can see his hands shaking a little#it’s SO SUBTLE (and it’s easier to notice when you’ve got the video slowed down) but like?? the way his hands aren’t steady??#when he has the gun drawn on someone he loves?? i cried a bit making that gif ngl 🥺#the soft little ‘you won’t’ from shep after ‘i better not regret this’ makes me 🥺 every time.#there’s a canon reason soph doesn’t take the renegade interrupt but part of it is bc i like kaidan’s convo on the docks better :)#speaking of the docks the intro to the convo is a bit nonchalant but i like kaidan’s speech about integrity/living with your decisions#and the conversation between him/shep about what happened on the landing pad (though i wish it was a tiny bit longer!!)#there’s no ‘i feel like you would have taken me out’ line in the soph™️ canon but we supplemented it with some rewriting bc loose canon™️#(she never draws a gun on the landing pad either but that’s a story for the actual canon 🙃)#and yes i gif’ed the ass shot. there’s only one valid ass shot in the series and it’s this one! and you can quote me on that! ✨
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random-bean-allie · 2 years
People who aren't in some fandoms will say the weirdest things about the ships.
I mean, i'll never forget seeing comments like "you can't ship that!!! 😭😭 don't you see they're hurting each other? this isn't a healthy relathionship 😡😡" under hannigram posts.
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xxhappy-chickenxx · 2 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Tae Taechin Lerttravinont, Macau Theerapanyakun, Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun, Big (KinnPorsche: The Series) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega!Vegas, alpha!pete, and they're lesbians, literally what more could you want??, Unplanned Pregnancy, >:), Knotting, Heats, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Pete is Vegas' bodyguard, Bodyguard Romance Summary:
When her father dies, Vegas is the First Omega of the Minor Family, securing her and her sister's freedom. Things become more complicated, however, when her search for an Alpha goes horribly awry...
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evan4ever · 1 year
No more asks regarding Evan/Emma PLEASE.
I don’t care about their relationship. It’s over with, nothing to do with us anyways. Our opinions literally mean nothing to them 😅 so let’s leave it alone.
!! And y’all are starting to get nasty to each other, and me, something I won’t tolerate in my asks. !!
Vegas, Baby is a fanfic. Emma fans — if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Scroll past. It’s fanfiction, it’s not real, I made it clear that I don’t personally believe Emma would act this way but that it FIT the storyline. I will write my story as I please. You may block me if you need, means nothing to me lol.
On another note, I’ll start doing the ships now that I have a few. It took a hot minute for people to see I was doing them and now I have a good amount so I’ll get to those here soon.
Thanks for the love everyone!
Remember to be kind
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Ya know what!? I’m back again so quickly because I need to FANGIRL so hard right now with these Crave books!!! I just finished book 2 (Crush). Can we just, can we just talk about how Hudson is just written so well. Like I feel in love with his character as soon as he finds Grace. Just the banter it’s so great. And the way he cares for her is just so much deeper and idk more raw ? then Jaxon does. And and and SPOILER! can I also just say that one thing that sells me on Hudson & Grace is that they don’t have a mate bond and yet it’s there. It’s not so forced. I feel like at times Grace and Jaxon’s love is enforced solely because of their bond but with Hudson it seems to come naturally.
also! I wound pay so so so much money to see these books come to life. I wouldn’t care it’s movie or tv but I would throw my money at Tracy Wolff so quick. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ #sorrynotsorry
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Do you ever think about the fact that before Korn shot him Gun started to say something about Namphueng & whatever that was is probably the reason he killed him & yet they STILL haven’t announced Season 2????
Cause I do.
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kiiyuq · 1 year
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To wear your Crown, and Bear your Pain
I started this in April to procrastinate exams and finished it tonight to procrastinate exams……again lmao
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nanonkrpt · 2 years
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fandomdynamics · 1 year
Pete is truly submissive and there’s several reasons. This isn’t going to change at all. Whether Vegaspete continue their “pet” aspect or not, he doesn’t have the psychological ability to be someone like Vegas or Kinn. He’s a follower. He’s spent so long taking care of others, his personality lends to being taken care of.
He has no thoughts in his head. He can follow orders, can beat someone up but there’s truly not much else.
He left Vegas out of loyalty to the Main family. Why? Because it was his job. He was under orders. Once he no longer had orders, he chose Vegas.
My thought is…now Vegas is in a coma in the hospital. Pete has no direction. While Vegas is asleep, taking care of Macau gives him a reason to function and do things. Making sure he eats, watching over Vegas, he can do those things.
He’s thrown into the abyss after spending years working for a family who didn’t care about his emotions but knew how to give orders.
After Vegas wakes up, Vegas has to take over that piece. Pete has never been alone, never functioned alone. Meals, bed, board, all of it was taken care of. He doesn’t know how to do those things. He can provide physical comfort and emotional comfort but providing for himself lacks.
Vegas quickly realizes Pete has never lived alone, has no idea about daily tasks like laundry or anything in a home.
Vegas has more experience with having the required skills of a home. Avoiding his father meant not letting anyone near his things. You saw his room, the man is Type A. He’s clean, organized and has specific rituals for cleaning.
He never let maids or cleaners near his things lest they tell his father if they find anything. All of this was done as survival but now Vegas can use it to prove he can love. He’s never had to love someone who isn’t his brother but he wants to try.
Vegas is a leader. That much is very clear throughout the show. He took care of Macau, doing his best to protect him from his father. By doing so, he was the one parenting him, cleaning up after him.
After living with Pete for a period of time, he notices he doesn’t know how to do much. Without being a bodyguard, he lives in a state of “someone tell me what to do, I’m not sure. “
Vegas thought if someone had told him months ago, he would willingly take care of someone, cooking for them, cleaning for them, helping them function, he would have shot them in the head.
But now? Vegas has found a piece that was missing. Providing for someone else, being able to love someone else knowing they love him back starts to heal a part of him he didn’t know existed.
Vegas takes control, making sure Pete eats or cleaning or whatever he needs day to day. He shows Pete how to do things he never learned, shows him the skills. Pete does not cook well, never takes to it but Vegas finds he doesn’t mind. Pete knows it but he would rather be able to see Pete sitting down watching him.
He likes Pete just talking about his day while Vegas cooks, telling him something Porsche did or how Macau is crushing on some kid in university. Vegas loves just being able to walk over and kiss his forehead whenever he feels like it and seeing Pete just beam up at him and preen.
Pete doesn’t have a thought in his head but that’s okay Vegas will think for him.
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