#Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Market Growth
researchrealmblog · 4 months
What is the Future of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication?
Accidents are common on road with vehicles cramming like anything, some of them happens because of your negligence, and some due to others. Well, you know, these can be kept in check with V2V communication. Let’s read about the same in this blog.
 Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is a technique that helps in avoiding crashes. It makes use of vehicular ad-hoc networks, which are wireless networks enabling vehicles to communicate and share data about their driving methods. The data offers information about geolocation, stability, speed, and travel direction. Such technology plays a vital role in improving road safety by providing incident notifications before a driver notices them.
V2V communication enables vehicles to get data to send and receive signals using wireless mesh networks. Such nodes can detect traffic conditions up to miles ahead of a driver, and give sufficient time for drivers to manage their units. 
Vehicles that use vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology are buses, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles. The global demand for this technology will reach $77.1 billion by 2030.
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V2V Communication Technology- An Intelligent Transportation System
An intelligent transportation system is a system that uses onboard car sensors to deliver enhanced data, communication, and information technology. The information will help in improving transportation security and also decreasing the ill effects of public transportation on the environment, in the form of emissions.
V2V uses IoT and Wi-Fi services to communicate. The capability to integrate data for the connection of independent vehicle operations has been made possible because of technological advancements. Following are some of the advanced wireless technologies that allow vehicles to stay connected.
Satellite-Based Global Positioning System
Inertial Navigation System
Laser Illuminated Detection and Ranging 
V2V Communication Applications
The vital vehicle-to-vehicle communication applications are:
Roadside support as per your needs
Warning to drivers if they are drifting out of their lane
Information about traffic in real-time
On highways, automobiles will monitor the traffic and change their position
Advantages of V2V Communication 
Improving Traffic Management -V2V communication is important in helping the people to follow traffic laws as it offers traffic monitoring and management using real-time vehicle signals to relieve traffic jams. Cops use this technology to divert traffic accordingly, monitor speed limits, adjust traffic schedules, and track vehicle locations. For drivers, V2V communication aids drivers to avoid traffic jams and maintain a sensible distance from other vehicles.
Improved Fuel Efficiency- V2V Communication enables close-formation driving, which helps in reducing fuel consumption.  For Instance, as the platoon’s chief truck is the pack’s front-runner, and all other vehicles must follow the suit. All cars are forced to control their position and speed according to a communication stream by forming a continuous formation.
Future of Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication
Vehicle-To-Vehicle communication technology can aid to lessen traffic congestion in several ways.
First, the fact that cars connect with a central hub offers real-time traffic information to transportation establishments, letting them improve their managing services to maximize effectiveness and reduce congestion.
The V2V communication system can let vehicles collaborate on the road by moving closer together with other vehicles in a similar direction. Thus, roadways improve the capacity by adjusting more vehicles in the same amount of area.
Therefore, the ability of Vehicle-To-Vehicle communication to avoid traffic jams, help in reducing fuel consumption and also Improving traffic management which will in turn contribute to the industry growth.
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futuretonext · 1 year
The GCC Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 3.58% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The growth is attributed to the rising focus of the GCC nations to adopt digitalized & advanced cellular-based technologies in various industrial verticals, including automotive. Regional countries such as the UAE & Saudi Arabia are expected to register higher growth rates & hold a significant market share due to the growing uptake of the national governments & automotive manufacturers to boost the production activities of autonomous vehicles & boost their deployment in the national transportation services.
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
Dialogue Strengthening Methods
Dialogue serves as the lifeblood of any narrative, offering readers a window into the minds, hearts, and souls of characters. When executed effectively, dialogue not only propels the plot forward but also deepens character development and fosters emotional engagement.
Authenticity through Observation
Authentic dialogue begins with keen observation of the world around us. As writers, we are avid listeners and astute observers, capturing the cadences, quirks, and real-life conversations. For example, in a bustling market scene, the rhythm of vendors haggling over prices or the melodic lilt of a street musician's banter adds depth and authenticity to the setting.
Character Voice
Just as no two individuals are alike, each character in a story possesses a unique voice that reflects their personality, background, and worldview. Crafting distinct voices involves delving deep into the psyche of each character, understanding their motivations, fears, and desires. Consider the contrast between a grizzled detective who speaks in terse, cynical phrases and a wide-eyed rookie whose speech is punctuated by eager enthusiasm. By infusing dialogue with these individual nuances, characters come alive, resonating with authenticity and depth.
Beyond the surface level of spoken words lies a rich tapestry of subtext—unspoken thoughts, hidden agendas, and underlying emotions. Mastery of subtext allows writers to imbue dialogue with layers of meaning, inviting readers to decipher the unspoken truths that lie beneath. For instance, in a scene where a character offers a half-hearted apology, the tension between their words and body language hints at unresolved resentment or guilt. By harnessing the power of subtext, dialogue transcends mere communication, becoming a vehicle for nuanced storytelling and character development.
Showcasing Emotions
At its core, dialogue is a reflection of human emotion—joy, sorrow, anger, love. Capturing the emotional essence of a scene requires a delicate balance of words, tone, and context. Instead of explicitly stating characters' emotions, skilled writers show them through subtle cues—hesitant pauses, clenched fists, tearful eyes. Consider a scene where a parent confronts their child about a secret they've discovered; the trembling in their voice and the quiver of their lip betray a mixture of concern, disappointment, and love. By allowing emotions to permeate dialogue exchanges, writers forge a visceral connection with readers, eliciting empathy, laughter, and tears in equal measure.
Conflict and Tension
Dialogue thrives on conflict and tension, driving the narrative forward with relentless momentum. Whether it's a heated argument between lovers or a tense negotiation between rivals, conflict infuses dialogue with urgency and dynamism. Consider a scene where two political adversaries engage in a war of words, each vying for dominance and advantage. By pitting characters against each other, whether in overt clashes or subtle power struggles, writers create opportunities for growth and revelation.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
There’s little doubt that the American government has decided to slow China’s economic rise, most notably in the fields of technological development. To be sure, the Biden administration denies that these are its goals. Janet Yellen said on April 20, “China’s economic growth need not be incompatible with U.S. economic leadership. The United States remains the most dynamic and prosperous economy in the world. We have no reason to fear healthy economic competition with any country.” And Jake Sullivan said on April 27, “Our export controls will remain narrowly focused on technology that could tilt the military balance. We are simply ensuring that U.S. and allied technology is not used against us.”
Yet, in its deeds, the Biden administration has shown that its vision extends beyond those modest goals. It has not reversed the trade tariffs Donald Trump imposed in 2018 on China, even though presidential candidate Joe Biden criticized them in July 2019, saying: “President Trump may think he’s being tough on China. All that he’s delivered as a consequence of that is American farmers, manufacturers and consumers losing and paying more.” Instead, the Biden administration has tried to increase the pressure on China by banning the export of chips, semiconductor equipment, and selected software.
It has also persuaded its allies, like the Netherlands and Japan, to follow suit. More recently, on Aug. 9, the Biden administration issued an executive order prohibiting American investments in China involving “sensitive technologies and products in the semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technologies, and artificial intelligence sectors” which “pose a particularly acute national security threat because of their potential to significantly advance the military, intelligence, surveillance, or cyber-enabled capabilities” of China.
All these actions confirm that the American government is trying to stop China’s growth. Yet, the big question is whether America can succeed in this campaign—and the answer is probably not. Fortunately, it is not too late for the United States to reorient its China policy toward an approach that would better serve Americans—and the rest of the world.[...]
Since the creation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, several efforts have been made to limit China’s access to or stop its development in various critical technologies, including nuclear weapons, space, satellite communication, GPS, semiconductors, supercomputers, and artificial intelligence. The United States has also tried to curb China’s market dominance in 5G, commercial drones, and electric vehicles (EVs). Throughout history, unilateral or extraterritorial enforcement efforts to curtail China’s technological rise have failed and, in the current context, are creating irreparable damage to long-standing U.S. geopolitical partnerships. In 1993 the Clinton administration tried to restrict China’s access to satellite technology. Today, China has some 540 satellites in space and is launching a competitor to Starlink.
When America restricted China’s access to its geospatial data system in 1999, China simply built its own parallel BeiDou Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) system in one of the first waves of major technological decoupling. In some measures, BeiDou is today better than GPS. It is the largest GNSS in the world, with 45 satellites to GPS’s 31, and is thus able to provide more signals in most global capitals. It is supported by 120 ground stations, resulting in greater accuracy, and has more advanced signal features, such as two-way messaging[...]
American measures to deprive China access to the most advanced chips could even damage America’s large chip-making companies more than it hurts China. China is the largest consumer of semiconductors in the world. Over the past ten years, China has been importing massive amounts of chips from American companies. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, China-based firms imported $70.5 billion worth of semiconductors from American firms in 2019, representing approximately 37 percent of these companies’ global sales. Some American companies, like Qorvo, Texas Instruments, and Broadcom, derive about half of their revenues from China. 60 percent of Qualcomm’s revenues, a quarter of Intel’s revenues, and a fifth of Nvidia’s sales are from the Chinese market. It’s no wonder that the CEOs of these three companies recently went to Washington to warn that U.S. industry leadership could be harmed by the export controls. American firms will also be hurt by retaliatory actions from China, such as China’s May ban on chips from US-based Micron Technology. China accounts for over 25 percent of Micron’s sales.[...]
The U.S. Semiconductor Industry Association released a statement on July 17, saying that Washington’s repeated steps “to impose overly broad, ambiguous, and at times unilateral restrictions risk diminishing the U.S. semiconductor industry’s competitiveness, disrupting supply chains, causing significant market uncertainty, and prompting continued escalatory retaliation by China,” and called on the Biden administration not to implement further restrictions without more extensive engagement with semiconductor industry representatives and experts.
The Chips Act cannot subsidize the American semiconductor industry indefinitely, and there is no other global demand base to replace China. Other chip producing nations will inevitably break ranks and sell to China (as they have historically) and the American actions will be for naught. And, in banning the export of chips and other core inputs to China, America handed China its war plan years ahead of the battle. China is being goaded into building self-sufficiency far earlier than they would have otherwise. Prior to the ZTE and Huawei components bans, China was content to continue purchasing American chips and focusing on the front-end hardware. Peter Wennink, the CEO of ASML, stated that China is already leading in key applications and demand for semiconductors. Wennink wrote, “The roll-out of the telecommunication infrastructure, battery technology, that’s the sweet spot of mid-critical and mature semiconductors, and that’s where China without any exception is leading.”[...]
Former State Department official Susan Thornton, who oversaw the study as director of the Forum on Asia-Pacific Security at NCAFP, said: “This audit of U.S.-China diplomacy shows that we can make progress through negotiations and that China follows through on its commitments. The notion that engagement with China did not benefit the U.S. is just not accurate.”[...]
One fundamental problem is that domestic politics in America are forcing American policymakers to take strident stands against China instead of pragmatic positions. For instance, sanctions preventing the Chinese Defense Minister, Li Shangfu, from traveling to the United States are standing in the way of U.S.-China defense dialogues to prevent military accidents.
19 Sep 23
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canadian-car-shipping · 6 months
Exploring The History And Success Of A Canadian Car Company
Buckle up, gearheads! Today, we are revving our engines and taking a thrilling ride through the fascinating history and remarkable success of a Canadian car company that has left an indelible mark on the automotive industry. From its humble beginnings to conquering international markets, this company's journey is awe-inspiring. So, fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the exhilarating world of innovation, challenges, triumphs, and everything in between!
Impact On The Canadian Automotive Industry
Established decades ago, the Canadian car company has played a pivotal role in shaping and driving the automotive landscape within Canada. Its presence has bolstered the economy and fostered a sense of national pride in producing quality vehicles on home soil. The company's commitment to innovation and excellence has set new standards for the industry, inspiring others to push boundaries and strive for greatness.
This company has become an integral part of Canada's automotive sector by providing jobs, investing in research and development, and supporting local suppliers. Its impact ripples through various communities across the country, creating opportunities for growth and advancement. As a beacon of success in a competitive market, this Canadian car company continues to pave the way for future automakers to follow suit.
Expansion Into International Markets
The Canadian Car Company's expansion into international markets marked a significant milestone in its history. It opened up new opportunities for growth and global recognition, and by venturing beyond national borders, the company showcased its ability to compete globally.
With a strategic approach, the Canadian Car Company penetrated various international markets, adapting to different cultural preferences and regulations. This adaptability was crucial in establishing a strong presence in diverse regions worldwide.
The Canadian Car Company successfully introduced its vehicles to consumers worldwide through partnerships and collaborations with local distributors and dealerships. This approach not only boosted sales but also solidified the brand's reputation on an international level.
Expanding into international markets allowed the Canadian Car Company to showcase its commitment to innovation and quality across borders. The company's dedication to excellence resonated with customers globally, increasing demand for its vehicles.
Key Innovations And Technological Advancements
One key factor contributing to the success of this Canadian car company is its continuous focus on innovations and technological advancements. From the early days of manufacturing vehicles, they have strived to stay ahead of the curve by integrating cutting-edge technology into their designs. This commitment has allowed them to meet evolving consumer demands and set new industry standards.
The company's investment in research and development has led to breakthroughs in fuel efficiency, safety features, and overall performance. By harnessing the power of innovation, they have created cars that are not only reliable but also environmentally friendly. These advancements have positioned them as a leader in sustainable transportation solutions.
Moreover, this Canadian car company has incorporated advanced software and connectivity options into its vehicles through strategic partnerships with tech companies and suppliers. This forward-thinking approach has created smart cars that offer customers a seamless driving experience.
By staying at the forefront of technological progress, this Canadian car company continues to push boundaries and shape the future of automotive engineering.
Success Stories And Notable Achievements
One of the most renowned success stories in Canadian Car Company's history is its groundbreaking introduction of electric vehicles to the market. This bold move not only revolutionized the industry but also solidified the company's position as a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious automaker.
In addition, the company's commitment to innovation has led to numerous accolades and awards for its cutting-edge designs and advanced technology integration. Its dedication to pushing boundaries and setting new standards has earned it a loyal customer base around the globe.
Furthermore, their strategic partnerships with key players in the automotive sector have paved the way for collaborative projects that have further enhanced their brand reputation. These successful collaborations have resulted in mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties involved, showcasing Canadian Car Company's ability to thrive in competitive environments.
These notable achievements are testaments to the Canadian Car Company's unwavering commitment to excellence and continuous growth in the automotive industry.
Challenges faced by the company
Navigating the competitive landscape of the automotive industry, the Canadian Car Company has faced its fair share of challenges. From economic downturns to shifts in consumer preferences, staying ahead of the curve requires continuous innovation and adaptability.
One significant challenge has been balancing sustainability with performance in an environmentally conscious market. As regulations tighten, the company continues to address the delicate balance between investing in eco-friendly technologies and maintaining high-quality standards.
Moreover, global supply chain disruptions and fluctuating raw material costs have posed logistical hurdles for production and distribution. Finding efficient solutions to minimize delays and optimize operations remains a top priority for sustained growth.
Despite these obstacles, the Canadian Car Company's commitment to excellence and resilience has propelled it forward. By embracing change, fostering creativity, and prioritizing customer satisfaction, this iconic brand continues to make waves domestically and internationally.
As we reflect on its journey through history filled with achievements, innovations, and challenges, overcome, one thing is clear - the legacy of this Canadian car company will undoubtedly continue shaping the future of automotive excellence for years to come.
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rideboomindia · 10 months
RideBoom with a blow torch in the on demand ride share industry.
RideBoom, a leading innovator in the ride-hailing industry, is proud to announce a series of significant achievements and advancements that are reshaping the way people experience transportation services. With a commitment to providing exceptional customer experiences and revolutionizing the ride-hailing landscape, RideBoom continues to solidify its position as a prominent player in the market.
Since its inception, RideBoom has been dedicated to offering reliable, convenient, and safe transportation solutions to riders across chandigarh , delhi , pune, Kolkata , agra. The company's ongoing achievements include:
1. Unparalleled Service Quality: RideBoom has garnered a reputation for its unwavering commitment to service excellence. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, RideBoom consistently goes above and beyond to ensure a seamless and enjoyable ride experience.
2. Advanced Technological Solutions: Riding the wave of technological innovation, RideBoom has embraced cutting-edge solutions to enhance its platform. With a user-friendly mobile application and robust backend systems, RideBoom offers a seamless booking process, real-time tracking, and secure payment options.
3. Driver Empowerment: RideBoom recognizes the importance of its driver community and strives to create a supportive and rewarding environment. By implementing driver-friendly policies, attractive earnings opportunities, and comprehensive training programs, RideBoom empowers its drivers to deliver exceptional service to riders.
4. Safety as a Top Priority: Safety remains at the forefront of RideBoom's operations. The company has implemented stringent safety measures, including driver background checks, vehicle inspections, and real-time monitoring, to ensure the well-being of both riders and drivers.
5. Expansion and Market Reach: RideBoom has experienced remarkable growth and expansion, extending its services to new cities and regions. By broadening its market reach, RideBoom aims to connect more riders with reliable transportation options while creating new income opportunities for drivers.
"We are thrilled to celebrate these ongoing achievements and the positive impact we are making in the ride-hailing industry," said Harminder Malhi know as Harry Malhi , founder at RideBoom. "Our dedicated team, combined with our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, has propelled us to new heights. We are excited to continue revolutionizing the way people travel and providing a truly exceptional ride-hailing experience."
RideBoom invites riders, drivers, and partners to experience the future of ride-hailing by visiting the website or downloading the RideBoom mobile app, available on iOS/Android.
About RideBoom
RideBoom is a leading ride-hailing company dedicated to transforming the transportation industry. With a focus on exceptional customer service, advanced technology, driver empowerment, and safety, RideBoom aims to provide a superior ride-hailing experience for both riders and drivers. RideBoom operates in multiple cities and regions, connecting people with reliable transportation options.
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Ford ST : The Sportscar
Ford is a name that holds significance for drivers across multiple generations globally. Ford, being one of the leading manufacturers, has produced some of the market's most famous vehicles, ranging from high-performance hot hatches to durable SUVs.
Ford offers a wide range of vehicles, including their performance lineup which includes Ford RS and Ford ST models. Though they both have attracted loyal fans in the car enthusiast community, we will concentrate on the second one.
Let's delve deep into the background, features, and the different models available of the Ford ST.
The history of Ford ST:
Ford ST originates from the 1990s, during which Ford opted to add a touch of athleticism to certain models. The ST badge was launched in Europe to designate high-performance models in the Ford range.
The initial Ford ST model introduced in 1996 was the Ford Mondeo ST24. It had a 2.5-litre V6 engine that offered improved power and handling qualities in comparison to the regular Mondeo. The ST24 received positive feedback, paving the way for the growth of the ST line.
Throughout the years, Ford continued to enhance and improve the ST lineup by introducing additional models to meet the needs of various market segments. The UK car market witnessed the release of ST versions of well-known classic models, quickly becoming popular for their exciting performance and nimble handling. (Brown, 2023).
The ST line-up has a selection of Ford's most sought-after vehicles, such as:
Ford Fiesta ST A high-performance hot hatch that combines power, precision, and style for an unforgettable experience on the road.
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Ford Focus ST Turbocharged power, nimble handling, and an aggressive design that's sure to turn heads.
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Ford Puma ST Offering the perfect blend of practicality and performance, this dynamic compact SUV has a lot to offer.
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The 2.0-liter Ecoboost engine in the Ford Focus ST produces 184 kW and 360 Nm of torque. It takes 6.5 seconds to reach 0-100kph, with a maximum speed of 248kph. The fuel efficiency is calculated to be 6.8 liters per 100 kilometers. Auto-Start-Stop is included in the package as well, leading to an increase in fuel efficiency by as much as 6%. This motor is connected to a 6-speed manual gearbox.(Brown, 2023)
The Fiesta stood out with its easy power. The 1,6-liter turbocharged engine delivers 240 N.m of torque starting at 1,600 r/min up to 5,000 r/min. When entering Mpumalanga from Gauteng, simply press the right foot to overtake slower trucks. Having 205/40 R17 tires on its wheels and a firmer suspension setup to ensure the Fiesta ST stays stable on suitable road conditions, I did notice it felt unstable on imperfect pavement. (magazine, 2013)
The Ford Puma ST can be equipped with either a 1.5-liter turbo three-cylinder petrol engine generating 197bhp, or a 168bhp 1.0-liter Powershift version with mild-hybrid technology. The 1.5-liter engine has strong power at low rpm and increases power in a consistently linear manner. With an endorsed 0-62mph time of 6.7 seconds, there are faster sports SUVs available, but the performance is sufficient for it to be an enjoyable driving experience. The Powershift variant takes 0.7 seconds more to reach 0-62mph, making it seem somewhat ordinary compared to other models in its class. Although it remains fairly lively and adaptable for regular driving, there's a slight sense of disappointment when comparing it. Another important distinction between the two engines is that the 1.5-liter option is equipped with a six-speed manual transmission, whereas the Powershift model features a seven-speed automatic transmission. The manual transmission has quick gear changes and optimal gear ratios, allowing you to fully utilize the distinctive engine. The automated transmission smoothly and rapidly changes gears, but manual gear changes can be made using the paddles on the steering wheel if preferred. No matter which engine you choose, the standout feature of the Puma ST is its handling. If you ease off the gas pedal while turning, the car will gradually rotate on its front wheels, helping you steer it accurately out of the corner. (Cheung, 2024)
These 3 models of Ford's each have their own unique features and capabilities that can be used in different situations to their advantages depending on the driver's current environment and needs/wants.
https://www.carmag.co.za/driving-impressions-blog/ford-fiesta-st-5/ https://www.whatcar.com/ford/puma/hatchback/review/n22293.
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lyncotek · 1 month
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Vinyl wraps have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to maximize their Return on Investment (ROI). In today’s competitive market, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to attract customers and stand out from the crowd. Vinyl wraps offer a cost-effective and highly customizable solution that can significantly impact a business’s bottom line. From vehicles to storefronts, vinyl wraps provide a versatile marketing platform that can drive business growth in various industries.
Understanding Vinyl Wraps What are Vinyl Wraps? Vinyl wraps are adhesive-backed films that can be applied to surfaces such as vehicles, windows, walls, and floors. They come in a variety of colors, textures, and finishes, allowing for endless design possibilities. How Do Vinyl Wraps Work? Vinyl wraps adhere to surfaces using pressure-sensitive adhesive, providing a seamless and durable finish. They can be easily applied and removed without damaging the underlying surface, making them ideal for temporary promotions or long-term branding.
Benefits of Vinyl Wraps for Business Growth Increased Brand Visibility Vinyl wraps serve as dynamic mobile billboards, transforming vehicles into attention-grabbing advertisements capable of reaching a broad audience. Whether navigating the highway or parked amidst the hustle and bustle of an urban environment, wrapped vehicles effectively capture attention and enhance brand visibility.
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Versatility and Customization Options for full wraps, partial wraps, or decals are available, allowing vinyl wraps to be tailored to fit any brand or marketing campaign.. From bold graphics to subtle branding, their unique identity and messaging can be reflected by businesses tailoring their vinyl wraps.
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How to Maximize ROI with Vinyl Wraps Define Your Objectives Before investing in vinyl wraps, clearly define your marketing objectives and target audience. Whether aiming to increase brand awareness, drive foot traffic, or promote a specific product, align your vinyl wrap strategy with your overall business goals.
Design for Impact Create eye-catching designs that capture attention and communicate your brand message effectively. Incorporate bold colors, striking imagery, and clear messaging to ensure your vinyl wraps leave a lasting impression on viewers.
Choose High-Quality Materials Invest in high-quality vinyl materials and professional installation to ensure longevity and durability. Cheap materials or improper installation can result in premature wear and damage, negating the benefits of your investment.
Measure and Analyze Results Track the performance of your vinyl wrap campaigns using metrics such as brand impressions, website traffic, and sales conversions. The data needs to be analyzed to determine which strategies are effective and where adjustments might be necessary to maximize ROI.
Stay Consistent and Refresh Regularly Maintain a consistent brand identity across all vinyl wrap designs and marketing materials to build brand recognition and trust. Refresh your designs periodically to keep them relevant and engaging, ensuring continued impact and effectiveness.
Conclusion Vinyl wraps offer a cost-effective and versatile solution for businesses looking to maximize their ROI and drive business growth. By leveraging the benefits of vinyl wraps, companies can increase brand visibility, target specific demographics, and protect their assets while achieving measurable results. With careful planning, creative design, and strategic implementation, vinyl wraps can become a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, delivering long-term value and sustainable growth for your business.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) How long do vinyl wraps last? Vinyl wraps can last anywhere from three to seven years, depending on factors such as material quality, installation technique, and environmental conditions.
Can vinyl wraps be removed without damaging the underlying surface? Yes, vinyl wraps can be safely removed without leaving residue or damaging the surface underneath, making them ideal for temporary promotions or lease vehicles.
Are vinyl wraps suitable for all types of vehicles? A versatile marketing solution is provided by vinyl wraps for businesses of all sizes, which can be applied to almost any vehicle, including cars, trucks, vans, buses, boats, and motorcycles.
Can vinyl wraps be customized to match my brand identity? Yes, vinyl wraps can be fully customized with your brand colors, logo, and messaging to create a cohesive and impactful marketing presence.
How much does it cost to wrap a vehicle or storefront with vinyl? The cost of vinyl wraps varies depending on factors such as size, complexity of design, and material quality. It is best to consult with a professional installer for a customized quote based on your specific needs.
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apcseo · 2 months
Ovo Embraces Its Evolution: A New Brand Identity for the Energised Challenger
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In a defining moment for the energy industry, Ovo, the renowned challenger brand founded in 2009, is undergoing a remarkable transformation. As the company continues to evolve and expand its services beyond being just a “kilowatt-per-hour energy supplier,” it has decided to embrace its new identity as a major energy player while retaining its cherished challenger spirit. This bold move involves dropping the word “Energy” from its name as part of a comprehensive brand refresh that reflects its maturity as a business. Let’s explore the significance of this strategic decision and how Ovo is poised to solidify its position as a formidable force in the energy market.
Since its inception, Ovo has been a trailblazer in the energy sector, challenging the status quo and revolutionising the way consumers interact with their energy suppliers. What began as a small, audacious venture has now grown into a significant player in the industry, setting new benchmarks for customer-centricity, innovation, and sustainability. The decision to remove “Energy” from its name is symbolic of Ovo’s transformation from a scrappy challenger to a dominant force that has established itself as a major energy company.
The rebranding initiative is not merely a cosmetic change; it is a strategic move that aligns with Ovo’s growth and diversification as a business. Over the years, Ovo has expanded its offerings beyond traditional energy supply, venturing into new territories such as smart home solutions, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and renewable energy projects. By dropping “Energy” from its name, Ovo signals its intention to be recognized as a multifaceted energy solutions provider rather than limiting itself to a narrow definition of its services.
Francesca Danczak, Head of Brand at Ovo, emphasises that this streamlined name is a true reflection of the company’s current stature, symbolising its readiness to embrace its position as a major energy company. The brand refresh is a conscious effort to shed any perceptions of Ovo being confined to a single dimension and to showcase the broader range of innovative products and services it now offers.
While Ovo is keen on embracing its growth and maturity, it remains steadfast in its commitment to preserving its challenger spirit. The challenger ethos has been at the heart of Ovo’s success, driving its appetite for disruption and pushing the boundaries of the energy industry. Despite becoming a major player, Ovo is determined to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit that fueled its rise to prominence. This unique combination of growth and challenger mindset positions Ovo as a dynamic and adaptive company, ready to tackle new challenges and explore untapped opportunities.
As Ovo rolls out its streamlined name across all communication channels, the company is mindful of its customers’ experience and perceptions. Ensuring clarity amidst this transformation is of paramount importance, as any confusion or ambiguity could potentially impact customer trust and loyalty. Ovo’s customer-centric approach ensures that every aspect of the rebranding process is carefully monitored, and communication is transparent to all stakeholders.
Ovo’s decision to drop “Energy” from its name and undergo a brand refresh marks a defining moment in the company’s journey. From a scrappy challenger in the energy market to a major energy player, Ovo’s evolution is nothing short of impressive. This strategic move not only signals its maturity as a business but also underscores its commitment to diversification and growth in the energy sector. By retaining its challenger spirit, Ovo demonstrates its agility and determination to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and customer-centricity.
As the rebranding is rolled out, Ovo’s focus on clear communication and customer satisfaction ensures that the transition is smooth and seamless. As we witness this transformation, it is evident that Ovo’s energy will not just power homes and businesses but also drive the energy industry’s future towards sustainability and excellence.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
The SEC Approves Spot Ethereum ETFs: A Game-Changer for the Crypto World
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The crypto community is buzzing with excitement as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has finally approved spot Ethereum ETFs, set to begin trading this Tuesday. This landmark decision marks a significant milestone for Ethereum and the broader cryptocurrency market, potentially ushering in a new era of mainstream adoption and financial innovation.
Understanding Spot ETFs
What is a Spot ETF?
A spot Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is an investment vehicle that holds the actual commodity or asset—in this case, Ethereum—rather than derivatives like futures contracts. This means that when investors buy shares of a spot Ethereum ETF, they are essentially buying shares backed by actual Ethereum holdings.
Spot ETFs vs. Futures ETFs
Unlike futures ETFs, which are based on contracts that speculate on the future price of Ethereum, spot ETFs offer a direct exposure to the current price of Ethereum. This distinction is crucial as it provides a more straightforward and less speculative way for investors to gain exposure to Ethereum.
The Road to Approval
The approval of spot Ethereum ETFs comes after a long journey of regulatory scrutiny and multiple attempts by various firms to bring such products to market. Previous attempts were often met with rejection due to concerns over market manipulation and the lack of robust market surveillance.
However, growing institutional interest and advancements in market infrastructure have addressed many of these concerns, paving the way for the SEC's approval. This decision reflects a shift in regulatory perspective, acknowledging the maturation and increased legitimacy of the crypto market.
Implications for Ethereum
In the long run, the availability of spot ETFs is likely to boost Ethereum's adoption and utility. It makes Ethereum more accessible to a broader range of investors, including those who prefer traditional investment vehicles over direct crypto holdings. This increased accessibility could lead to greater liquidity and stability in the Ethereum market.
Broader Impact on the Crypto Market
Influence on Other Cryptocurrencies
The approval of spot Ethereum ETFs sets a precedent that could benefit other cryptocurrencies. With Bitcoin spot ETFs already available, Ethereum's addition could pave the way for more altcoins to be considered for similar investment products. This diversification could lead to a more mature and stable crypto market.
Market Confidence
Regulatory approval of spot ETFs can significantly boost market confidence, attracting institutional investors who have been hesitant due to regulatory uncertainties. This influx of institutional capital could drive further growth and innovation within the crypto space.
Regulatory Landscape
A Positive Signal from the SEC
The approval signals a more favorable stance from the SEC towards cryptocurrencies, suggesting a willingness to adapt and embrace financial innovation. This could lead to more supportive regulatory frameworks that encourage the growth of the crypto industry while ensuring investor protection.
Future Regulatory Decisions
This move might also influence future regulatory decisions, potentially accelerating the approval of other crypto-related financial products. A more open regulatory environment could foster innovation and competition, benefiting both investors and the broader financial ecosystem.
Investor Perspectives
Increased Accessibility
For investors, the introduction of spot Ethereum ETFs offers a more accessible and regulated way to invest in Ethereum. This could attract a new wave of investors who were previously wary of the complexities and risks associated with direct crypto investments.
Diversification Opportunities
Spot ETFs also provide a valuable diversification tool for portfolios, allowing investors to gain exposure to the crypto market without directly holding cryptocurrencies. This can help mitigate risks and enhance portfolio performance.
The SEC's approval of spot Ethereum ETFs marks a pivotal moment for the crypto world. As these ETFs start trading on Tuesday, the landscape of crypto investments is set to change dramatically. Increased accessibility, market confidence, and regulatory support are just a few of the positive outcomes we can anticipate. This milestone not only bodes well for Ethereum but also signals a promising future for the broader cryptocurrency market, building on the foundation laid by existing Bitcoin ETFs.
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
The growth of customer-owned solar and batteries can help to reduce wear and tear on the grid and save ratepayers money.
How much money? A new paper from University of Texas at Austin researchers shows savings of about 40 percent.
The lead author, Nick Laws, has experience translating his area of research into terms that regular people can understand. If he’s at a backyard picnic, he said, he’ll begin by pointing at overhead power lines.
“If you look at these wires and poles around us, they’re actually, in most cases, very old,” he said. “A lot of times the hardware on the grid is near the end of life.”
The paper is the culmination of his doctoral dissertation, completed in December, about extending the life of grid hardware by reducing the stress caused by periods of high electricity demand and long-term growth in demand. He and his colleagues looked at how best to encourage companies and individuals to invest in energy systems that help to diminish demand on the grid.
The utility-speak term for these systems is “non-wires alternatives,” which can include rooftop solar, community solar and battery storage.
It also includes electric vehicle charging systems, but only if the equipment is connected to the grid in a way that allows a grid operator to pause charging or draw electricity from the car’s batteries at times of high demand.
Another important resource is demand response, which usually applies to factories and other major electricity users who agree to reduce their power use at times of high demand.
Laws’ paper simulates the effects of electricity demand on a neighborhood-size part of the grid over 20 years.
His model found that the costs of providing electricity would be $7.2 million per year if there was no battery storage or other customer-owned resources to reduce demand. This takes into account many variables, including high market prices of electricity during times of strong demand and the need to buy new equipment such as wires and transformers.
Next, he looked at the costs if there were optimal incentives to get households and businesses to invest in demand-reducing tools. He estimated the costs, including the incentives, at about $4.2 million per year.
The savings, which would be passed on to consumers through their utility bills, is about $3 million, which is about 40 percent.
“It lowers the cost for everybody,” Laws said.
I want to call attention to my use of the term “optimal incentives” above because that’s a vital part of the analysis. Much of the paper considers how to calculate incentives, which would involve the utility or grid operator paying customers for using equipment that reduces electricity demand. The price would vary based on how valuable that reduction is.
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researchrealmblog · 7 months
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Market Will Grow Fastest in the LAMEA Region
The vehicle-to-vehicle communication market will power at a compound annual growth rate of 16.6% by the end of this decade. The total value of the industry will reach a value of USD 77.1 billion, in 2030.
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LAMEA will be the fastest growing region in the industry, in the years to come. This is mostly as a result of increased incorporation of telematics systems in passenger cars as well as the mounting consciousness and apprehensions of fleet companies for security of drivers and automobile tracking and diagnostics.
A key trend in the industry is the beginning of autonomous vehicle technology. The industry has already observed cutting-edge ADAS solution which has altered the face of driving experience.
For example, Autotalks Ltd., offers V2V solutions for safety and mobility applications. Through this, automobile shares drive info for example location, speed, path prediction to other automobiles on road. Therefore, letting automobiles to communicate and examine decisions in intricate traffic situations.
The commercial vehicle category will grow the faster in thevehicle-to-vehicle communication market, in the years to come. Factors like strict regulations of the government and rise in acceptance of cloud-based fleet management telematics solutions in advanced countries will power the industry, at a global level.
The OEM devices category led the industry in the past. This has a lot to do with the fact that almost all the vehicle manufacturers offer in-built systems in their vehicles. Furthermore, it provides unceasing network connectivity and extremely precise info using IVI and other systems.
North America was the leader of the industry, and it was led by the U.S. Factors such as increased regulations of the government together with higher use of advance technologies such as telematics and ADAS will advance the industry in the future.
Furthermore, the U.S. has a major chunk of the revenue till now, as a result of substantial investments by private and government organizations, also to promising policy frameworks.
Recently, key players have taken more than a few strategic measures for example product introductions, partnership, and facility developments to attain a viable edge in the industry.
For example, in November 2019, Visteon Corp. entered a partnership with Tata Communications Ltd., for receiving digital infra from Tata Communications. The partnership would permit Visteon Corp. to advance more secured and flexible telematics solutions for automobiles in addition to support it in geographical development.
Due to the increased adoption of connected vehicles all over the world and existence of supportive government regulations all over the world, the demand for vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems is on the rise. Thus, this trend will continue in the years to come as well.
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futuretonext · 1 year
The Global Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication System Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 36.85% during the forecast period, 2022-27. 
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bloggerkeke · 1 year
How is AI transforming every aspect of human life?
AI is transforming every aspect of human life by revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, learn, and live. Here are some key areas where AI is making a significant impact:
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What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that can perform tasks requiring human-like cognitive abilities. It involves machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and other advanced techniques.
How does it impact every industry?
AI has the potential to revolutionize every industry by automating processes, analyzing vast amounts of data, and making intelligent predictions. It improves efficiency, enhances decision-making, and drives innovation across sectors such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation.
How does it impact every individual?
AI impacts individuals by providing personalized experiences, virtual assistants, and smart devices. It enhances daily life through voice recognition, recommendation systems, and virtual customer support. AI-powered technologies make our lives easier, more convenient, and efficient.
AI is transforming every aspect of human life by revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, learn, and live. Here are some key areas where AI is making a significant impact:
1. Healthcare: 
AI is enhancing medical diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans. It helps analyze vast amounts of patient data, identify patterns, and provide accurate predictions for disease prevention and early intervention.
According to Accenture, AI in healthcare could potentially save up to $150 billion annually for the U.S. healthcare economy by 2026.
The global AI in healthcare market is projected to reach $45.2 billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 44.9% from 2019 to 2026.
2. Education: 
AI is revolutionizing education by enabling personalized learning experiences, adaptive tutoring, and intelligent assessment systems. It helps tailor educational content to individual student needs, track progress, and provide timely feedback for better learning outcomes.
The global AI in education market is expected to reach $3.68 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 38.17% from 2018 to 2025.
A study by the American Institutes for Research found that AI-powered tutoring systems have a positive impact on student learning outcomes, resulting in an average percentile gain of 28 points.
3. Transportation: 
AI is driving advancements in autonomous vehicles, optimizing traffic management systems, and improving transportation efficiency and safety. It enables self-driving cars, real-time navigation, and predictive maintenance, revolutionizing the way we commute and travel.
The global autonomous vehicle market is projected to reach $556.67 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 39.47% from 2019 to 2026.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, AI-powered advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) have the potential to reduce traffic fatalities by up to 94%.
4. Communication: 
AI-powered language translation, natural language processing, and speech recognition technologies are transforming communication. Chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation tools facilitate seamless cross-cultural communication and enhance accessibility.
The global AI in communication market is expected to reach $3.5 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 34.7% from 2019 to 2026.
AI-powered language translation technologies have advanced significantly, with Google Translate handling more than 100 billion words daily in over 100 languages.
Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant leverage AI to understand and respond to user commands, making voice-based communication more convenient and efficient.
5. Entertainment: 
AI is reshaping the entertainment industry with personalized content recommendations, virtual reality experiences, and computer-generated imagery. It enhances user experiences, facilitates content curation, and enables immersive storytelling.
The global AI in the entertainment market is projected to reach $5.5 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 25.4% from 2019 to 2026.
AI algorithms are used in content recommendation systems of streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify, which account for a significant portion of their user engagement and revenue.
AI-powered computer-generated imagery (CGI) has transformed the visual effects industry, enabling the creation of realistic and immersive experiences in movies, video games, and virtual reality.
6. Finance: 
AI is revolutionizing the financial industry with automated trading, fraud detection, risk assessment, and personalized financial advice. It enables efficient data analysis, real-time market insights, and improved decision-making processes.
A report by PwC estimates that AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, with the financial sector being one of the largest beneficiaries.
AI-driven automated investment platforms, also known as robo-advisors, managed over $1 trillion in assets globally in 2020.
7. Smart Homes: 
AI-powered smart home devices and virtual assistants, such as voice-activated speakers and smart thermostats, make our daily lives more convenient and efficient. They automate tasks, provide personalized recommendations, and create a connected and intelligent living environment.
The global smart home market is expected to reach $246.97 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 11.6% from 2020 to 2027.
Voice-activated smart speakers, powered by AI assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, have seen widespread adoption. As of 2021, there were over 200 million smart speakers in use worldwide.
8. Manufacturing: 
AI-driven robotics and automation technologies optimize manufacturing processes, increase productivity, and improve product quality. AI-enabled machines and robots perform complex tasks, enhance precision, and enable predictive maintenance.
The global AI in manufacturing market is expected to reach $16.7 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 49.5% from 2019 to 2026.
According to Deloitte, companies that invest in AI and advanced automation technologies in manufacturing can experience productivity gains of up to 30%.
AI-powered predictive maintenance can reduce equipment downtime by up to 50% and maintenance costs by up to 10-40%.
9. Agriculture: 
AI is transforming agriculture by optimizing crop management, monitoring soil conditions, and predicting weather patterns. It enables precision farming techniques, reduces resource waste, and improves agricultural productivity.
The global AI in agriculture market is projected to reach $4 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 22.5% from 2021 to 2026.
AI-powered agricultural robots and drones are expected to reach a market value of $1.3 billion by 2026.
The use of AI in agriculture can increase crop yields by up to 70%, according to a study by the International Data Corporation (IDC).
10. Cybersecurity: 
AI is strengthening cybersecurity measures by detecting and preventing cyber threats, identifying anomalous behavior, and improving data protection. AI algorithms analyze large datasets to detect patterns and anomalies, enhancing security measures.
According to Gartner, by 2022, 90% of security budgets will be allocated to addressing AI-powered cyber threats.
The global AI in cybersecurity market is projected to reach $38.2 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 23.3% from 2021 to 2026.
In summary: 
AI is transforming every aspect of human life, from healthcare and education to transportation, communication, entertainment, finance, and beyond. Its applications are vast and diverse, revolutionizing industries, improving efficiency, and enhancing the overall human experience. As AI continues to advance, it holds immense potential to shape a future where intelligent technologies seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, making them more convenient, productive, and enriching.
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suniastrology · 1 year
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Current and upcoming astrological events August/September 2023
What to expect…
At the moment we are under Full Moon phase (Full Super Blue Moon in Pisces), where emotions may be high, some tension could be around and we are easily influenced from others feelings and emotions. Projects may see results or endings. Good time for spiritual practices and healing.
Mercury (in Virgo) is in its retrograde motion since August 23, 2023 therefore, problems with traveling and transportation may occur. Communication issues and misunderstandings are likely. Be careful with communication devices and vehicles (from damage, breaks) as well as data, important documents, personal information, passwords which could be lost or stolen. Avoid signing contracts, if possible, if not double check the content for possible mistakes or misleading information. It is a good time for study and research. Mercury will turn direct on September 16, 2023.
Another retrograde planet is Uranus (in Taurus) since August 28, 2023 which suggest that it is a period of personal reflection and rather inner growth, and awakening. This could lead to important realisation and alternative prospective in our lives where we can make major life changes where necessary. Uranus will turn direct on January 27, 2024.
On September 4th, Venus is moving direct, finally…It will be a good time in terms of finances, love and relationships. It is also an appropriate time for beauty procedures and even late summer holidays. On this very same day, however, Jupiter goes Retrograde (in Taurus) which may cause delays when it comes to big- future orientated projects and ventures.
Long distance travels may also slow down or disrupted in one way or another. We may reflect, revise or reassess our believe system and philosophy of life, on a personal level and as a collective. However, this could be a great period of higher learning – further education, university study/degree; religion and philosophy or natural science. It is also a great time for spiritual practises, especially in nature or doing some charity work in food banks/supporting people with basic material needs. Jupiter retrogrades in Taurus could also talk about slowing down the economies, property market and land/agriculture businesses in a global level. On December 30, 2023, Jupiter will turn direct in the same sign.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL VIRGOS!!! Wishing you great health and successful birthday year.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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newstfionline · 6 months
Friday, April 5, 2024
Vocations (WSJ) Graduating high schoolers are flocking to the trades, with the number of students enrolled in vocational-focused community colleges up 16 percent as of last year. The percentage of students studying construction trades is up 23 percent and the percentage of those working in HVAC and vehicle maintenance is up 7 percent. Enrollment growth is vastly outpacing four-year college programs as a whole, which saw enrollments creep up a paltry 0.8 percent.
As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice (Washington Post) Jaye Rochon struggled to lose weight for years. But she felt as if a burden had lifted when she discovered YouTube influencers advocating “health at every size”—urging her to stop dieting and start listening to her “mental hunger.” She stopped avoiding favorite foods such as cupcakes and Nutella. “They made me feel like I was safe eating whatever the hell I wanted,” said Rochon, 51, a video editor in Wausau, Wis. In two months, she regained 50 pounds. As her weight neared 300 pounds, she began to worry about her health. The videos that Rochon encountered are part of the “anti-diet” movement, a social media juggernaut that began as an effort to combat weight stigma and an unhealthy obsession with thinness. But now global food marketers are seeking to cash in on the trend. One company in particular, General Mills, maker of Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms cereals, has launched a multipronged campaign that capitalizes on the teachings of the anti-diet movement. It has showered giveaways on registered dietitians who promote its cereals online with the hashtag #DerailTheShame, and sponsored influencers who promote its sugary snacks. The company has also enlisted a team of lobbyists and pushed back against federal policies that would add health information to food labels.
Biden Administration Presses Congress on $18 Billion Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel (NYT) The Biden administration is pressing Congress to approve a plan to sell $18 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Israel, as President Biden resists calls to limit U.S. arms sales to Israel over its military offensive in Gaza. The State Department recently sent an informal notice to two congressional committees to start a legislative review process for the order, a first step toward the department’s giving formal authorization for the transfer of up to 50 of the planes. The deal, which would be one of the largest U.S. arms sales to Israel in years, would also include munitions, training and other support.
At least 241 people have died in El Salvador’s prisons during the ‘war on gangs,’ rights group says (AP) At least 241 people have died in El Salvador prisons since the start of President Nayib Bukele’s “war on gangs” two years ago, according to the organization Humanitarian Legal Relief. Ingrid Escobar, director of the rights organization, said they received 500 reports of deaths in state custody, but they have confirmed about half, including two minors. In March 2022, Bukele announced a “state of exception,” waiving many constitutional rights to combat the gangs that have terrorized the Central American nation. Since then, El Salvador has arrested 80,000 people—more than 1% of the country’s population—throwing them into prison, often with little evidence of their ties to gangs and almost no access to due process. The prisons have been likened to torture chambers, with horrifying conditions.
Argentina’s Milei takes his chainsaw to the state, cutting 15,000 jobs and spurring protests (AP) Argentina said Wednesday that it had cut 15,000 state jobs as part of President Javier Milei’s aggressive campaign to slash spending, the latest in a series of painful economic measures that have put the libertarian government on a collision course with angry protesters and powerful trade unions. Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced the job cuts in a news conference, portraying them as key to Milei’s promised shake-up of Argentina’s bloated public sector. Hundreds of defiant employees—some notified of their termination last week and others before that—stormed their workplaces in Buenos Aires and nearby cities on Wednesday, beating drums, decrying their dismissal as unjust and demanding their reinstatement. Milei campaigned for president while brandishing a chainsaw—promising to fix Argentina’s long-troubled economy by chopping down the size of the state. However, his efforts have hiked inflation, making it even harder for struggling Argentines to make ends meet.
Pressure in UK to suspend arms sales to Israel (BBC) More than 600 legal experts, including three former UK Supreme Court judges, have called on the British government to suspend arms sales to Israel. The letter argues the exports must end to "avoid UK complicity" in potential breaches of international law, such as the Genocide Convention, citing South Africa's case against Israel at the UN International Court of Justice. Israel rejects the claim of genocide as "wholly unfounded". Scrutiny of arms sales follows the killing of seven humanitarian workers, including three British citizens, in Gaza in an Israeli strike on Monday.
After terror attack, Russia sees U.S. role (Washington Post) In the aftermath of last month’s terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, Russian officials not only have blamed Ukraine but also have repeatedly accused the West of involvement—even though U.S. officials insist they gave Moscow a specific warning that the Islamic State could attack the venue. If the U.S. warning was so detailed, it raises further questions about Russia’s failure to prevent the country’s worst terrorist attack in two decades. But rather than publicly confronting questions about their own actions, Russian security officials have disregarded the claims of responsibility by the Islamic State. Instead, they have insisted that U.S. and British intelligence were involved in helping Ukraine organize the strike.
The true toll of the war in Ukraine is measured in bodies (AP) The true toll of the war in Ukraine—and the odds faced by each side—can be measured in bodies. More than half a million people have been killed or seriously injured in two years of war in Ukraine, according to Western intelligence estimates—a human toll not seen in Europe since World War II. The question of who prevails is being increasingly shaped by which side can tolerate higher losses. By that measure, Moscow has the upper hand. Russia had 3.7 times more men of fighting age than Ukraine in 2022, according to World Bank data. That means that though Russia has sustained nearly twice as many casualties as Ukraine, according to Western intelligence estimates, on a per capita basis Russia’s losses remain lower than Ukraine’s. “Manpower is another currency,” said Nick Reynolds, a research fellow at RUSI. “The Russians with their industrial base and larger manpower can expend manpower and materiel at less cost.”
People jump into the sea to escape raging ferry fire in Gulf of Thailand (AP) Panicked passengers jumped into the sea to escape a raging ferry fire in the Gulf of Thailand early Thursday, and all 108 people on board were safe. The overnight ferry from Surat Thani province was about to arrive at Koh Tao, a popular tourist destination off the Thai coast, when one of the passengers suddenly heard a crackling sound and smelled smoke. Videos showed people hurrying out of the ferry’s cabin while putting on life vests, as thick black smoke swept across the ferry. It was later engulfed in fire. Rescue boats could not get close to the ferry out of fear of explosions. A passenger said people had to jump into the sea to be rescued.
Taiwan quake: Rescue efforts complicated by aftershocks, rainfall (Washington Post) Rescue efforts resumed at dawn Thursday to try to free more than 600 people who remained trapped after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of Taiwan, as aftershocks continued to rattle the area around Hualien, the epicenter, and forecasts of rain raised concerns about more landslides. The efforts have been complicated by a large number of aftershocks—at least 324—in Hualien county, a scenic coastal region popular with tourists and hikers, and where the damage has been the heaviest. Taiwan officials said aftershocks of magnitude 6.5 to 7.0 were possible over the next three days.
World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés says Israel targeted staff in Gaza ‘car by car’ (BBC) World Central Kitchen (WCK) founder José Andrés has accused Israeli forces in Gaza of targeting his aid workers “systematically, car by car”. Monday’s strike which killed seven members of his staff was not a mistake, he said, repeating that Israeli forces had been told of their movements. WCK workers from Australia, Canada, Poland, the UK and the US were killed as well as their Palestinian colleague. Speaking to Reuters news agency on Wednesday, the Spanish-American celebrity chef said this was not a “bad luck situation where, ‘oops,’ we dropped the bomb in the wrong place”. In a separate interview with Israel’s Channel 12 news, Mr Andrés said “it was really a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by everybody at the IDF [Israel Defense Forces]”. Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is in doubt after WCK—a key provider of aid to the territory—suspended operations. “America is going to be sending its Navy and its military to do humanitarian work, but at the same time weapons provided by America ... are killing civilians,” Andrés said.
Gaza is going hungry. Its children could face a lifetime of harm. (Washington Post) Gaza’s children are going hungry. More than 25 have reportedly died of complications linked to malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization. Hundreds of thousands more face starvation as Israel continues its siege. Doctors and nutrition experts say the children who survive the lack of nourishment—and the ongoing bombing, infectious diseases and psychological trauma—are further condemned to face a lifetime of health woes. Malnutrition will rob them of the ability to fully develop their brains and bodies. Many will be shorter and physically weaker as a result. “At the simplest level, if you have impaired nutrition and growth, your brain stops growing,” said Zulfiqar Bhutta, a physician and the chair of global child health at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. In the short term, even less sustenance will be available for the children of Gaza: This week, an Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers led several assistance organizations to announce they would suspend operations.
African Elephants (CBS News) For any fans of ancient Roman history, elephant warfare is back on the menu. Unfortunately, it’s the 21st century, so no army of elephants will be marching into Europe anytime soon—instead, Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi has threatened to ship 20,000 African elephants into Germany following a public dispute between the two countries over elephant conservation. It all started earlier this year when Germany announced plans to restrict imports of hunting trophies from Africa. Botswana, which is home to around one-third of the world’s elephant population, quickly objected to the decision because Germany is one of the biggest hunting trophy importers in the world. Botswana has long struggled with its elephant populations, as overpopulation can bring the giant animals into conflict with people. Annual quotas for trophy hunting can be used to control populations while also providing much-needed economic support for local communities, but Western conservationists are more concerned about protecting the vulnerable animals. Masisi said it was easy for German ministers to call for conservation without “elephants in their backyard,” but added that he was “willing to change that.”
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