#Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Market Share
researchrealmblog · 4 months
What is the Future of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication?
Accidents are common on road with vehicles cramming like anything, some of them happens because of your negligence, and some due to others. Well, you know, these can be kept in check with V2V communication. Let’s read about the same in this blog.
 Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is a technique that helps in avoiding crashes. It makes use of vehicular ad-hoc networks, which are wireless networks enabling vehicles to communicate and share data about their driving methods. The data offers information about geolocation, stability, speed, and travel direction. Such technology plays a vital role in improving road safety by providing incident notifications before a driver notices them.
V2V communication enables vehicles to get data to send and receive signals using wireless mesh networks. Such nodes can detect traffic conditions up to miles ahead of a driver, and give sufficient time for drivers to manage their units. 
Vehicles that use vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology are buses, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles. The global demand for this technology will reach $77.1 billion by 2030.
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V2V Communication Technology- An Intelligent Transportation System
An intelligent transportation system is a system that uses onboard car sensors to deliver enhanced data, communication, and information technology. The information will help in improving transportation security and also decreasing the ill effects of public transportation on the environment, in the form of emissions.
V2V uses IoT and Wi-Fi services to communicate. The capability to integrate data for the connection of independent vehicle operations has been made possible because of technological advancements. Following are some of the advanced wireless technologies that allow vehicles to stay connected.
Satellite-Based Global Positioning System
Inertial Navigation System
Laser Illuminated Detection and Ranging 
V2V Communication Applications
The vital vehicle-to-vehicle communication applications are:
Roadside support as per your needs
Warning to drivers if they are drifting out of their lane
Information about traffic in real-time
On highways, automobiles will monitor the traffic and change their position
Advantages of V2V Communication 
Improving Traffic Management -V2V communication is important in helping the people to follow traffic laws as it offers traffic monitoring and management using real-time vehicle signals to relieve traffic jams. Cops use this technology to divert traffic accordingly, monitor speed limits, adjust traffic schedules, and track vehicle locations. For drivers, V2V communication aids drivers to avoid traffic jams and maintain a sensible distance from other vehicles.
Improved Fuel Efficiency- V2V Communication enables close-formation driving, which helps in reducing fuel consumption.  For Instance, as the platoon’s chief truck is the pack’s front-runner, and all other vehicles must follow the suit. All cars are forced to control their position and speed according to a communication stream by forming a continuous formation.
Future of Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication
Vehicle-To-Vehicle communication technology can aid to lessen traffic congestion in several ways.
First, the fact that cars connect with a central hub offers real-time traffic information to transportation establishments, letting them improve their managing services to maximize effectiveness and reduce congestion.
The V2V communication system can let vehicles collaborate on the road by moving closer together with other vehicles in a similar direction. Thus, roadways improve the capacity by adjusting more vehicles in the same amount of area.
Therefore, the ability of Vehicle-To-Vehicle communication to avoid traffic jams, help in reducing fuel consumption and also Improving traffic management which will in turn contribute to the industry growth.
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futuretonext · 1 year
The GCC Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 3.58% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The growth is attributed to the rising focus of the GCC nations to adopt digitalized & advanced cellular-based technologies in various industrial verticals, including automotive. Regional countries such as the UAE & Saudi Arabia are expected to register higher growth rates & hold a significant market share due to the growing uptake of the national governments & automotive manufacturers to boost the production activities of autonomous vehicles & boost their deployment in the national transportation services.
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veronika-tserber · 2 years
3rd House Ruler Through the Houses
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The 3rd House in the Birth Chart Tells Us About:
How important communication is to us
How we express ourselves through spoken/written word
Our learning style and high-school education
Our relationship with siblings & the immediate environment
Our driving skills, as well as why we take short trips
We analyze the sign, the ruling planet of the sign, the degree, and any planets in the house (and their aspects). For this post, I am only asking you to look at the sign on the cusp and where its ruling planet is placed. This area of life is where your communicative abilities can shine the most.
E.g., if you have an Aries 3rd house, look at the house where Mars (also check out the modern ruler, Pluto) is placed, and read the explanation below.)
Some signs have TWO rulers, so read about both:
♈ Aries: Mars & Pluto
♏ Scorpio: Pluto & Mars
♐ Sagittarius: Jupiter & Neptune
♒ Aquarius: Uranus & Saturn
♓ Pisces: Neptune & Jupiter
3H Ruler in the 1H Your communication is closely tied to your self-image and self-expression. Others notice your manner of speech right away, and this could mean different things depending on the ruling planet. You express yourself best when you are able to freely speak up, and share your humor and opinions. You might learn best when you are physically involved in your learning. You can have a great sense of orientation and driving skills. Close relationships with siblings. Great communication is vital to you and your self-confidence. You could be a great writer/journalist/comedian or be involved in business and marketing. Short trips by yourself or for personal reasons.
3H Ruler in the 2H You probably like to think and talk about practical topics such as money, work, health, etc. You could also be skilled at crafting things and working with your hands. Similarly to the 1H people, you can have a "hands-on" approach to learning, and probably like to put any theory to the test. "Does it ACTUALLY work?" You might like to invest money into technology, education, cars/vehicles, and books. You could be interested in financial education, economics, real estate, or the arts. The financial state of your family affected your education and early environment. Your siblings ask you for financial support. Short trips for practical reasons.
3H Ruler in the 3H Communication and mental health are extremely important to you in this lifetime. Your immediate environment, education, and relationship with siblings play an important role in your life. You can be great at expressing yourself in verbal or written form and have the ability to sell goods, advertise, and be driven to learn things. You could be highly involved in your day-to-day life and love to find new and better ways to deal with everyday reality. You can be naturally skilled at solving everyday problems and fixing things. You could be quite fond of social media or the news - you like to stay in touch with everything that's going on in the world right now. Short trips with your siblings or acquaintances/schoolmates.
3H Ruler in the 4H You communicate best when you feel emotionally safe. You might be shy around strangers or people you don't "vibe" with. You could be interested in psychology and the themes of deconditioning, trauma, inner child healing, and family. You could've been homeschooled or you like the idea of homeschooling your children one day. A sibling of yours might've played the role of a mother/nurturer to you or vice-versa. You think deeply and love to see people open up to you and reveal their emotions and vulnerabilities. You could be interested in real estate, creative writing, and working from home. Your upbringing affects your communication and thinking patterns. You learn best in a safe environment that feels cozy and protective. You also might be a visual learner with strong emotional memory. You might be prone to thinking about the past a lot. You can be a skilled cook or good at fixing things around the house when they break. Short trips with the whole family.
3H Ruler in the 5H Your style of communication might be emotionally expressive, theatrical, and lively. You might love to draw people's attention by voicing your opinions or using your communicative abilities to entertain. You could be naturally skilled in the arts or want to go through formal art education. You might also have siblings that are artists. You love to talk about fun stuff, discuss art, movies, and flirt. You learn best when you are having fun! Communication with your own children is important to you, as well. You could have a "gambler" mindset or might like to take risks. You might like to buy or sell beauty/luxury items. Short trips for the purpose of having fun and enjoyment.
3H Ruler in the 6H This is double Mercury energy, so the importance of communication and service is amplified in your life. You can use your intellect and communicative abilities in your work or as a way to serve others in a practical way. In your education, you are punctual, responsible, and efficient. You love to learn! Especially about things that improve your day-to-day reality such as how to fix things around the house, how to improve your health, be better at your job, etc. You are probably a cautious driver, as well, and you can take short trips for work or for the sake of fulfilling other responsibilities. You could be interested in medical education/naturopathy but it really depends on the planet.
3H Ruler in the 7H Communication is crucial for you in your close personal relationships. If the planetary ruler isn't afflicted, you likely express yourself freely in front of others, and can easily forge new connections and partnerships. You can be a huge flirt! If the ruler is afflicted, you can struggle with self-expression. Nonetheless, people pay a lot of attention to how you think and communicate. You could potentially meet your future marriage partner during a short trip or thanks to your siblings/neighbors. You could also meet them while you are out riding your bicycle around the neighborhood, or buying coffee from your local coffee shop. Potential "high school sweethearts" placement, as well. You could have an education or a strong interest in relationship dynamics, and depending on the planet, that could be the placement of a counselor or a lawyer. Short trips with your partners, people close to your heart, or for business.
3H Ruler in the 8H In your communication, you like to go DEEP. You aren't satisfied with superficial information and you likely avoid social media, gossip, and small talk. You can keep a secret. You could potentially be challenged in your communication, and appear asocial or closed-off. It all depends on the ruling planet and its aspects. Nonetheless, you have an interest in the occult, psychology, sex, death, and other "taboo" topics. You could also come off as critical and sharp with your words. You could study and be interested in financial topics, and investments, or run advertising for a funeral agency. (I'm only halfway joking lol, and this is my placement, too 🤣) If the ruling planet is afflicted, you can be prone to accidents with vehicles or in your close environment. There could be issues in early education or perhaps strong bonds with some of the people you went to high school with. Possibly love-hate relationships with siblings, too. You like to take short trips with your intimate partners or by yourself.
3H Ruler in the 9H Your long-term goals and philosophy in life can be formed through your early education and experience of the early close environment. In your communication, you could be quite philosophical and might love to think about existential questions and the "big perspective" in life. You communicate and express yourself best in an academic environment of like-minded people/colleagues or with your professors. Alternatively, you could have issues there, depending on the ruling planet. You could be interested in foreign cultures, be multi-lingual, or skilled in literature or history. You could be the local tour guide for foreigners. You could pursue higher education in journalism, science, and writing, or decide to become a teacher, yourself. A lot of it depends on the ruling planet. Short trips for educational purposes and for the sake of adventure.
3H Ruler in the 10H Your communication abilities play a role in your career. Your education is the foundation of your profession and social status. Learning more languages, improving your practical skillset, communication, staying informed, and using social media constructively can help you advance career-wise. You could work in the field of trading, marketing, writing, teaching, and other Mercurial fields. It largely depends on the ruling planet. You could benefit (or suffer) from your ability to relate to authority figures and those "above you" on the social ladder. You probably like to feel in charge of your learning and education, but also love structure and measuring your achievements. You could have been ambitious and competitive at school. Taking short business trips.
3H Ruler in the 11H You communicate with pleasure among friends and like-minded individuals. This includes internet friends and communities. You love sharing your thoughts, visions, and interests with others, and engaging in inspiring conversations. You probably enjoy discussing social issues and topics and talking about your dreams and aspirations. You could also be prone to changing your interests a lot, and you could join many groups and communities over the years - especially in high school. You love to learn more about progressive ideas, technology, astrology, astronomy, science, etc. You might have a friendly relationship with your siblings. Regarding your learning style, you could be more fond of learning through the internet or working in a collaborative environment than sitting at a desk and having to "memorize" stuff. You could take short trips with friends.
3H Ruler in the 12H You could be really private with your thoughts. You could speak in a compassionate and gentle way that draws people in. Alternatively, you could be closed off and avoid communication or have some sort of a speech impediment/disability. You could be interested in learning more about spirituality, healing, art, mental health, etc. You could find that you tend to daydream a lot and your imagination is really vivid. It could be the placement for a painter, dancer, or creative writer, but it depends on other factors. Your education can involve the things above, plus psychology, energy healing, or the more traditional medical field. You could struggle in a traditional school environment. Your learning style is highly intuitive and may involve storytelling, metaphors, and visualization. You could definitely study better in solitude. Strong emotional memory. Great listener. You can take short trips to be by yourself and jam along to your favorite music.
The Ask Box is open for specific questions, folks! 😊
- Foxbörn
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boinkingbattlemechs · 24 days
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King Crab
Designed by Cosara Weaponries in 2741 at the request of General Aleksandr Kerensky for an assault 'Mech that could "cripple or destroy another 'Mech in one salvo," the King Crab is one of the most fearsome BattleMechs to have ever existed. Its primary weapons, super-heavy autocannons mounted in its arms, can strip the armor off of any 'Mech in a few bursts. Its secondary weapons give the slow King Crab the firepower to see off attackers attempting to pick it off at range, and while not sporting the heaviest armor of any assault 'Mech, there are absolutely no weak points to its protection. If there is a drawback to the King Crab, it's the reliance on ammunition for the autocannons, an aspect to consider on extended campaigns with no guarantee of resupply. If it runs out of ammo, most King Crab pilots will withdraw from the field, making it vulnerable to enemy attacks. The only reliable way to destroy a King Crab is with overwhelming numbers of heavy and assault 'Mechs, and casualties will be suffered in the attempt.
While an excellent close-range combatant, the King Crab proved to be less versatile as a command vehicle, a role eventually filled by the Atlas. Later production models eventually had the state-of-the-art communications systems swapped out for common systems more suited for the brawling nature of the King Crab. At the start of the Amaris Civil War in 2767 Cosara's Mars factory was destroyed by Republican forces, although its factory on Northwind managed to escape unscathed. When General Kerensky and the majority of the Star League Defense Force left the Inner Sphere on their Exodus, they brought with them most of the initial production run of King Crabs, including all of the prototype KGC-010 models. The number of remaining King Crabs was further reduced when the Northwind factory was destroyed in 2786, one of the early casualties of the First Succession War. Since the design used few Lostech parts, it was easier to repair than other Star League era 'Mechs. Still, by the end of the Third Succession War a mere handful of King Crabs were still in active service with the Great Houses.
When ComStar initiated the takeover of the Terra system, they were able to repair the King Crab factory on Mars, mothball it, and secretly secure a number of King Crabs in storage. By the dawn of the thirty-first century ComStar contracted Cosara Weaponries to resume production in order to restock their supply, which had begun to degrade with age and was later used to outfit the Com Guards. For the pivotal Battle of Tukayyid the King Crab was among a number of designs upgraded to meet the challenge of the Clans, the so-called "Clanbusters." The success of the KGC-001 model was such that ComStar allowed Cosara to begin general production from their Mars and Northwind factories and sell it on the open market in exchange for a share of the profits.
The Word of Blake brought about a radical shift in King Crab production, first by their own conquest of Terra, then a few years later when they blockaded Northwind, infiltrated and took over the factory in 3069. New variants of the King Crab were now being produced and shipped to the Word of Blake and its Protectorate, forcing ComStar to attempt something unusual for the once-secretive organization. They hired a small mercenary team specialized in corporate espionage and inserted them into the Northwind factory to steal the plans for these new 'Mechs. With the technical information in hand they then went to StarCorps Industries and offered them the chance to begin production of the new KGC-007 models. The company was thrilled at the prospect and accepted, building new King Crabs out of Son Hoa not just for ComStar but the Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance as well.
The King Crab's primary weapons are two massive Deathgiver Autocannon/20s, among the most powerful BattleMech weapons ever created. Each arm carries one of these massive weapons, and they are fed by two tons of ammo split between the side torsos. The firepower of these weapons is enough to destroy a medium 'Mech in one salvo. To protect the autocannons in combat, engineers designed the King Crab with simple hand actuators. In appearance and movement, the actuators are very similar to pincers or claws found on real crabs, a contributing factor to the 'Mech's name. To back up the autocannons, and provide some long-range capabilities, the King Crab carries a Simpson-15 LRM-15 launcher, mounted in the left torso and fed by one ton of reloads in the same location, and an Exostar Large Laser in the right torso. While not the most heavily armored 'Mech, the King Crab is still tough to crack, with sixteen tons of ferro-fibrous armor and CASE protecting its ammunition stores; however, the arms are probably the most susceptible area to receive damage and an internal hit is likely to knock an autocannon out of the fight. The 'Mech is also slow, with a cruising speed of 32 km/h and top speed of 54 km/h, and has been described as a "notorious hangar queen".
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At some point I wanted to make a comic that's just a slice-of-life depiction of a nomadic RV/van dweller village. Like the whole point is that these people are a solid community who just travel from place to place, who look after each other and each contribute to the village according to their own skills. There's a mechanic who repairs their vehicles as needed, people who do odd jobs at wherever they go to bring in money for buying the goods and tools they need from out of the community, a handful of people who can't do much but do simple tasks like keep an eye on everyone's solar panels while everyone else is doing other things.
Someone's good at spotting and finding scrap materials that people are throwing/giving away, another one is good at crafting pretty things from them, and a third one is a keen saleswoman who knows exactly how to get this kind of crafts sold at farmer's markets. Someone who knows how to forage for things like berries and mushrooms in the autumn, and for the rest of the year their job is to just drive the storage van where the village's shared and mutually used tools and goods are stored. Someone is a fully lisenced teacher who has managed to arrange a legally sound and valid school set-up for the kids to make sure they've got the basic education they need if/when they decide to move out and go live some other way.
No plot beyond depictions of their common everyday activities, showing how they pack up the camp and drive to a new location as season changes and set up into a new location, how they spend their time over winter and through the summer. Maybe some lore about how the community started with one family and new people gradually joined in, until they formed a whole village that has lived more or less like this for generations. Anyone with their own vehicle or someone willing to house them is free to join in, and anyone is free to leave the community as they please, but most of those who choose to stay, choose to stay for good.
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greenlifeinsights · 1 year
10 Easy Ways to Start Your Sustainable Journey Today
Embarking on a sustainable journey doesn't require a complete overhaul of your lifestyle. In fact, small, mindful steps can lead to significant positive changes for both you and the environment. If you're new to sustainability or looking for simple ways to make a difference, you're in the right place. In this post, we'll explore ten easy steps you can take right now to kickstart your sustainable living journey.
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1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
The classic mantra holds true. Start by properly recycling items like paper, glass, and plastics. Before tossing something out, consider if it can be repurposed or upcycled. Reducing waste begins with conscious choices.
2. Conserve Energy:
Switch off lights and unplug devices when not in use. Opt for energy-efficient LED bulbs and appliances. Even adjusting your thermostat by a degree or two can make a difference.
3. Ditch Single-Use Plastics:
Invest in reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and coffee cups. Say goodbye to disposable utensils and straws. These small changes can significantly reduce plastic waste.
4. Choose Sustainable Transportation:
Whenever possible, opt for walking, biking, or using public transportation. Consider carpooling or investing in an electric or hybrid vehicle if it aligns with your needs.
5. Support Local and Sustainable Food:
Frequent local farmers' markets, and choose seasonal, locally sourced produce. Reducing food miles and supporting sustainable farming practices benefit both you and the planet.
6. Unplug and Disconnect:
Set aside tech-free time to reduce screen time and energy consumption. Encourage family or friends to join you in reconnecting with nature and each other.
7. Practice Mindful Consumption:
Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it's a necessity. Invest in high-quality, durable items that will last. Choose brands with a commitment to sustainability.
8. Compost Your Kitchen Waste:
Turn food scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich compost for your garden. It's a fantastic way to reduce landfill waste and enrich your soil naturally.
9. Educate Yourself and Others:
Stay informed about environmental issues and solutions. Share your knowledge with friends and family to inspire collective action.
10. Get Involved Locally:
Engage with local environmental groups and community initiatives. Participate in clean-up events, tree planting, or sustainability workshops. Your active involvement can create positive change at the grassroots level.
Remember, sustainability is a journey, not a destination. Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to a brighter, greener future. So, start today, and together, we can make a meaningful impact. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on sustainable living from GreenLife Insights!
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rideboomindia · 10 months
RideBoom with a blow torch in the on demand ride share industry.
RideBoom, a leading innovator in the ride-hailing industry, is proud to announce a series of significant achievements and advancements that are reshaping the way people experience transportation services. With a commitment to providing exceptional customer experiences and revolutionizing the ride-hailing landscape, RideBoom continues to solidify its position as a prominent player in the market.
Since its inception, RideBoom has been dedicated to offering reliable, convenient, and safe transportation solutions to riders across chandigarh , delhi , pune, Kolkata , agra. The company's ongoing achievements include:
1. Unparalleled Service Quality: RideBoom has garnered a reputation for its unwavering commitment to service excellence. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, RideBoom consistently goes above and beyond to ensure a seamless and enjoyable ride experience.
2. Advanced Technological Solutions: Riding the wave of technological innovation, RideBoom has embraced cutting-edge solutions to enhance its platform. With a user-friendly mobile application and robust backend systems, RideBoom offers a seamless booking process, real-time tracking, and secure payment options.
3. Driver Empowerment: RideBoom recognizes the importance of its driver community and strives to create a supportive and rewarding environment. By implementing driver-friendly policies, attractive earnings opportunities, and comprehensive training programs, RideBoom empowers its drivers to deliver exceptional service to riders.
4. Safety as a Top Priority: Safety remains at the forefront of RideBoom's operations. The company has implemented stringent safety measures, including driver background checks, vehicle inspections, and real-time monitoring, to ensure the well-being of both riders and drivers.
5. Expansion and Market Reach: RideBoom has experienced remarkable growth and expansion, extending its services to new cities and regions. By broadening its market reach, RideBoom aims to connect more riders with reliable transportation options while creating new income opportunities for drivers.
"We are thrilled to celebrate these ongoing achievements and the positive impact we are making in the ride-hailing industry," said Harminder Malhi know as Harry Malhi , founder at RideBoom. "Our dedicated team, combined with our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, has propelled us to new heights. We are excited to continue revolutionizing the way people travel and providing a truly exceptional ride-hailing experience."
RideBoom invites riders, drivers, and partners to experience the future of ride-hailing by visiting the website or downloading the RideBoom mobile app, available on iOS/Android.
About RideBoom
RideBoom is a leading ride-hailing company dedicated to transforming the transportation industry. With a focus on exceptional customer service, advanced technology, driver empowerment, and safety, RideBoom aims to provide a superior ride-hailing experience for both riders and drivers. RideBoom operates in multiple cities and regions, connecting people with reliable transportation options.
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thetruearchmagos · 10 months
To make up for a lack in recent Worldbuilding stuff, I'm gonna take the time to rapid fire a few details and let people choose which one interests them most before I eventually decide to elaborate on them in turn.
Be warned, none of these are interesting:
1. Vehicles on the road drive on the left in the United Commonwealth, though when it comes to private car ownership that's basically non-existent.
2. The UC's currency, the Chequer, derives its name from its pre-Commonwealth history as promissory notes and cheques between the major financial institutions of the nations that would eventually form the UC.
3. I have a meticulously planned out history of Inter-World communication in the 12 Worlds that spans about two centuries, and which terrifies me everytime I think about explaining it.
4. So-called 'Kraken', which at the recorded smallest are as large as corvettes, swim across and between the layers of the Warp and various Worldly oceans.
5. Ash Shrub, once regarded as a hazardous wild grass prone to seemingly spontaneous combustion, briefly served as a source of fuel so effective as to rival coal and oil when put through the right industrial processes. While the sheer scale of the 12 Worlds' oil deposits have since assured black gold's dominance in much of the energy sector, Ash Shrub derivatives still hole some market share
And.... that's a wrap! Feel like doing more of these, they're much easier than the usual long-form articles.
Tagging @athenswrites @caxycreations @hessdalen-globe @theprissythumbelina @moonscribbler @thatndginger @lividdreamz @avrablake @imslowlydisintegrating
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researchrealmblog · 7 months
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Market Will Grow Fastest in the LAMEA Region
The vehicle-to-vehicle communication market will power at a compound annual growth rate of 16.6% by the end of this decade. The total value of the industry will reach a value of USD 77.1 billion, in 2030.
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LAMEA will be the fastest growing region in the industry, in the years to come. This is mostly as a result of increased incorporation of telematics systems in passenger cars as well as the mounting consciousness and apprehensions of fleet companies for security of drivers and automobile tracking and diagnostics.
A key trend in the industry is the beginning of autonomous vehicle technology. The industry has already observed cutting-edge ADAS solution which has altered the face of driving experience.
For example, Autotalks Ltd., offers V2V solutions for safety and mobility applications. Through this, automobile shares drive info for example location, speed, path prediction to other automobiles on road. Therefore, letting automobiles to communicate and examine decisions in intricate traffic situations.
The commercial vehicle category will grow the faster in thevehicle-to-vehicle communication market, in the years to come. Factors like strict regulations of the government and rise in acceptance of cloud-based fleet management telematics solutions in advanced countries will power the industry, at a global level.
The OEM devices category led the industry in the past. This has a lot to do with the fact that almost all the vehicle manufacturers offer in-built systems in their vehicles. Furthermore, it provides unceasing network connectivity and extremely precise info using IVI and other systems.
North America was the leader of the industry, and it was led by the U.S. Factors such as increased regulations of the government together with higher use of advance technologies such as telematics and ADAS will advance the industry in the future.
Furthermore, the U.S. has a major chunk of the revenue till now, as a result of substantial investments by private and government organizations, also to promising policy frameworks.
Recently, key players have taken more than a few strategic measures for example product introductions, partnership, and facility developments to attain a viable edge in the industry.
For example, in November 2019, Visteon Corp. entered a partnership with Tata Communications Ltd., for receiving digital infra from Tata Communications. The partnership would permit Visteon Corp. to advance more secured and flexible telematics solutions for automobiles in addition to support it in geographical development.
Due to the increased adoption of connected vehicles all over the world and existence of supportive government regulations all over the world, the demand for vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems is on the rise. Thus, this trend will continue in the years to come as well.
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
The SEC Approves Spot Ethereum ETFs: A Game-Changer for the Crypto World
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The crypto community is buzzing with excitement as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has finally approved spot Ethereum ETFs, set to begin trading this Tuesday. This landmark decision marks a significant milestone for Ethereum and the broader cryptocurrency market, potentially ushering in a new era of mainstream adoption and financial innovation.
Understanding Spot ETFs
What is a Spot ETF?
A spot Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is an investment vehicle that holds the actual commodity or asset—in this case, Ethereum—rather than derivatives like futures contracts. This means that when investors buy shares of a spot Ethereum ETF, they are essentially buying shares backed by actual Ethereum holdings.
Spot ETFs vs. Futures ETFs
Unlike futures ETFs, which are based on contracts that speculate on the future price of Ethereum, spot ETFs offer a direct exposure to the current price of Ethereum. This distinction is crucial as it provides a more straightforward and less speculative way for investors to gain exposure to Ethereum.
The Road to Approval
The approval of spot Ethereum ETFs comes after a long journey of regulatory scrutiny and multiple attempts by various firms to bring such products to market. Previous attempts were often met with rejection due to concerns over market manipulation and the lack of robust market surveillance.
However, growing institutional interest and advancements in market infrastructure have addressed many of these concerns, paving the way for the SEC's approval. This decision reflects a shift in regulatory perspective, acknowledging the maturation and increased legitimacy of the crypto market.
Implications for Ethereum
In the long run, the availability of spot ETFs is likely to boost Ethereum's adoption and utility. It makes Ethereum more accessible to a broader range of investors, including those who prefer traditional investment vehicles over direct crypto holdings. This increased accessibility could lead to greater liquidity and stability in the Ethereum market.
Broader Impact on the Crypto Market
Influence on Other Cryptocurrencies
The approval of spot Ethereum ETFs sets a precedent that could benefit other cryptocurrencies. With Bitcoin spot ETFs already available, Ethereum's addition could pave the way for more altcoins to be considered for similar investment products. This diversification could lead to a more mature and stable crypto market.
Market Confidence
Regulatory approval of spot ETFs can significantly boost market confidence, attracting institutional investors who have been hesitant due to regulatory uncertainties. This influx of institutional capital could drive further growth and innovation within the crypto space.
Regulatory Landscape
A Positive Signal from the SEC
The approval signals a more favorable stance from the SEC towards cryptocurrencies, suggesting a willingness to adapt and embrace financial innovation. This could lead to more supportive regulatory frameworks that encourage the growth of the crypto industry while ensuring investor protection.
Future Regulatory Decisions
This move might also influence future regulatory decisions, potentially accelerating the approval of other crypto-related financial products. A more open regulatory environment could foster innovation and competition, benefiting both investors and the broader financial ecosystem.
Investor Perspectives
Increased Accessibility
For investors, the introduction of spot Ethereum ETFs offers a more accessible and regulated way to invest in Ethereum. This could attract a new wave of investors who were previously wary of the complexities and risks associated with direct crypto investments.
Diversification Opportunities
Spot ETFs also provide a valuable diversification tool for portfolios, allowing investors to gain exposure to the crypto market without directly holding cryptocurrencies. This can help mitigate risks and enhance portfolio performance.
The SEC's approval of spot Ethereum ETFs marks a pivotal moment for the crypto world. As these ETFs start trading on Tuesday, the landscape of crypto investments is set to change dramatically. Increased accessibility, market confidence, and regulatory support are just a few of the positive outcomes we can anticipate. This milestone not only bodes well for Ethereum but also signals a promising future for the broader cryptocurrency market, building on the foundation laid by existing Bitcoin ETFs.
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aashirvad12121 · 2 months
Case Studies of Successful Mobile Apps: What Makes Them Stand Out
Successful Mobile Apps
The development of mobile applications has become an essential component of modern life.The mobile app market is saturated with millions of apps, but only a few manage to achieve significant success. Understanding what makes these apps stand out can provide valuable insights for developers and entrepreneurs looking to create their own successful applications. In this blog, we will analyze some of the most successful mobile apps and uncover the key factors behind their success.
1. WhatsApp: Revolutionizing Communication
Overview: WhatsApp is a cross-platform messaging app that allows users to send text messages, voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, and user locations.
Key Success Factors:
User-Centric Design: WhatsApp's interface is simple and easy to use, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Reliability: WhatsApp provides reliable and fast messaging, even in areas with poor internet connectivity.
Cross-Platform Availability: The app is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web, ensuring broad accessibility.
Encryption: WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption ensures user privacy and security, which has built trust among users.
2. Instagram: Visual Storytelling
Overview: Instagram is one of the best mobile app development projects that has changed the way people share photos and interact with each other online.Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service that allows users to share their moments with followers and discover content from all over the world.
Key Success Factors:
Visual Appeal: Instagram’s focus on high-quality images and videos has made it a favorite for visual storytelling.
User Engagement: Features like Stories, Reels, and IGTV keep users engaged and encourage content creation.
Influencer Marketing: Instagram has become a hub for influencers and brands, driving significant engagement and revenue through sponsored posts.
Continuous Innovation: Regular updates and new features keep the platform fresh and exciting for users.
3. Uber: Transforming Transportation
Overview: Uber is a ride-hailing app that connects passengers with drivers of vehicles for hire and ridesharing services.
One of the main reasons for the success of the Uber mobile app is its simplicity and user-friendliness. The app is user-friendly and provides users with an easy way to arrange their transportation. Moreover, the app’s real-time tracking features provide users with peace of mind.
Key Success Factors:
Convenience: Uber offers a hassle-free way to book rides with just a few taps on a smartphone.
Real-Time Tracking: Users can track their ride in real-time, providing a sense of safety and reliability.
Cashless Payments: The app integrates cashless payment options, making transactions smooth and efficient.
Dynamic Pricing: Uber’s surge pricing model ensures availability of rides during peak times, balancing supply and demand.
4. Spotify: Personalized Music Streaming
Overview: Spotify is a music streaming app that gives users access to millions of songs, podcasts, and videos from artists all over the world.
Key Success Factors:
Personalization: Spotify’s algorithm provides personalized music recommendations based on user preferences and listening history.
Extensive Library: A vast library of music and podcasts ensures that there is something for everyone.
User-Friendly Interface: The app’s intuitive interface makes it easy for users to discover and enjoy music.
Social Features: Spotify allows users to share music and playlists, fostering a community of music lovers.
5. TikTok: Short-Form Video Entertainment
Overview: TikTok is a social media platform for creating, sharing, and discovering short-form videos, ranging from 15 seconds to three minutes.
Key Success Factors:
Virality: TikTok’s algorithm promotes content based on engagement rather than follower count, allowing anyone to go viral.
Creativity: A wide array of editing tools, filters, and effects encourages creativity and content creation.
Community Building: Challenges and trends foster a sense of community and participation among users.
Global Reach: TikTok has a broad international user base, making it a global phenomenon.
Mobile application development has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Analyzing these successful mobile apps reveals several common factors that contribute to their success: user-centric design, continuous innovation, reliability, personalization, and strong engagement strategies. By incorporating these elements into your own app development process, you can increase the chances of creating a successful mobile application.
If you’re ready to take the next step,XICONET can bring your idea of mobile app development into reality with years of professional experience and learning. We have developed several flawlessly engineered mobile apps for start-ups and enterprises with great feedback. Consider partnering with experienced developers who can bring your vision to life. Book a 30-min call with our experts, and we can get started right away!
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carexclusive · 3 months
The Carefree Experience: Explore the Advantages of Joining Performance Car Club
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Supercars are able to reach peak speeds while navigating tight corners because of their unique aerodynamics. The vehicles' high-powered engines produce an exhilarating sound, adding to the pleasure of driving a supercar. The most cutting-edge automotive technology and safety features are found in top supercars such as Bugatti, Koenigsegg, Pagani, Ferrari, and Porsche. Additionally, the driver can unwind in the luxurious interior, adorned with numerous luxury features, while cruising at high speeds. When you join a supercar club, you can make use of their track days to test the boundaries of your vehicle and have fun behind the wheel. In addition, you can meet other people who are as enthusiastic about high-performance cars as you are and talk shop with them. To know the advantages of joining a performance car club, keep reading and find out which club is best for you.  
Advantages of Joining a Performance Car Club 
Community: Vehicles are perceived differently by some people. There is nothing people like more than sharing their enthusiasm for exotic models with others who share the same passion. The members of a prestige and performance car club like Performance Car Exclusive have always described themselves as a family, and it's not difficult to understand why! There's a lot of opportunity to mingle because they are a group of folks that get along great.  
Carefree Experience: Worry not about insurance, depreciation, detailing, storage, or upkeep; supercar clubs have got you covered. You should never worry about anything, even as small as a car wash! Just relax and enjoy the carefree experience of driving your supercar like an Aston Martin, Ferrari, Bugatti, Maserati, and more on the racetracks.  
Drive Amazing Cars: Take the wheel of a breathtaking assortment of supercars and receive the keys to a fleet that's regularly upgraded with cutting-edge models. Instead of settling for a single supercar, why not have access to a complete fleet that is regularly updated with the most cutting-edge models on the market? With a prestige and performance car club membership, you will be able to drive different supercars and have a thrilling experience on the track.  
You might want to consider becoming a member of the most prestigious supercar club in the United Kingdom, such as Performance Car Exclusive, if you are interested in experiencing the exhilaration of driving these muscle machines. By becoming a member of the club, you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with other people who have a similar interest in high-performance cars as you do. Individuals who are enthusiastic about living an adventurous lifestyle and own a supercar comprise a membership club for supercars. 
Membership of Performance Car Exclusive provides you with access to a variety of events arranged by the supercar club, as well as the opportunity to drive without any worries. During specially curated driving days, you will not only be able to have fun drives, but you will also be able to share drives with other people. In addition, you have the option of employing a motorist who can accompany you on your journey. At the beginning of each competition, you will receive an introduction to the coach as well as helpful advice on how to drive with self-assurance on the various tracks and circuits. 
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chandandhillon21 · 3 months
Business Operations Plan
At Chandan House Painting, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, personalized painting services to both residential and commercial clients in Timmins, Ontario. This operations plan outlines how we manage and grow our business, ensuring excellence at every step.
Business Location and Facilities
Primary Office: We chose Timmins, Ontario, as our base of operations because it offers a balanced mix of residential neighborhoods and commercial districts. The central accessibility and growing demand for renovation services make it an ideal location for our business.
Office Space: Our office is a small, well-equipped space where we handle administrative tasks, meet with clients, and plan projects.
Storage: We have a secure storage area for our painting materials, supplies, and equipment.
Vehicles: Our company vehicles are essential for transporting materials and equipment to job sites efficiently.
Products and Services
Residential Painting Services:
We offer interior painting (walls, ceilings, trim), exterior painting (siding, fences, decks), and custom finishes and murals.
Commercial Painting Services:
Our services include interior office painting, exterior commercial building painting, and specialized coatings (anti-graffiti, fire-resistant).
Operational Workflow
1. Client Engagement:
Initial Contact: Clients can reach us via phone, email, or our website to inquire about our services.
Consultation: We schedule on-site consultations to assess the project scope, provide recommendations, and offer a detailed estimate.
2. Project Planning:
Quote Preparation: We provide detailed quotes, including project timelines, costs, and materials.
Contract Signing: Once the quote is approved, we prepare and sign a contract outlining the project details and terms.
3. Project Execution:
Preparation: We prepare the site by covering furniture, taping off areas, and performing any necessary surface repairs.
Painting: Our team applies paint using appropriate techniques to ensure quality and consistency.
Inspection: We conduct a thorough inspection with the client to ensure satisfaction with the completed work.
4. Project Completion:
Clean-Up: We clean the job site, removing all equipment and debris.
Final Walkthrough: We perform a final walkthrough with the client to address any concerns and ensure complete satisfaction.
Feedback: We request feedback and reviews from the client to improve our services and build testimonials.
Staffing Plan
Roles and Responsibilities:
Owner/Manager: I oversee overall business operations, manage finances, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Lead Painter: Our lead painter manages painting projects, ensures quality control, and supervises the painting staff.
Painters: Our painters execute painting tasks, maintain equipment, and follow safety protocols.
Administrative Assistant: Handles scheduling, client communication, and office management.
Recruitment and Training:
Hiring: We recruit skilled and experienced painters through job postings, referrals, and local trade schools.
Training: We provide ongoing training on the latest painting techniques, safety procedures, and customer service standards.
Suppliers and Equipment
We establish relationships with local suppliers for high-quality paints, primers, and materials, such as Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore.
We source our equipment and tools from reputable suppliers to ensure reliability and efficiency.
Our equipment includes brushes, rollers, sprayers, drop cloths, ladders, scaffolding, and safety gear (masks, gloves, goggles).
Marketing and Sales Plan
Marketing Strategies:
Online Presence: We developed a professional website showcasing our services, project portfolio, and customer testimonials. We utilize social media platforms to engage with the community and share project updates.
Local Advertising: We distribute flyers, business cards, and brochures in the local area. We also advertise in local newspapers and community boards.
Referrals and Partnerships: We encourage satisfied clients to refer friends and family. We partner with real estate agents, interior designers, and home improvement stores for mutual referrals.
Sales Strategies:
Promotional Offers: We provide discounts for first-time clients and special offers for referrals.
Customer Loyalty: We implement a loyalty program offering discounts or perks for repeat customers.
Networking: We attend local events, trade shows, and community gatherings to network and promote our business.
Financial Management
We create a detailed budget outlining projected income and expenses.
We monitor cash flow to ensure sufficient funds for ongoing operations and unexpected costs.
Pricing Strategy:
We set competitive prices based on market research, cost of materials, labor, and desired profit margins.
We offer transparent pricing with detailed quotes to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.
We use accounting software to manage invoices, payments, and financial records.
We hire a professional accountant for tax preparation and financial advice.
Risk Management
We obtain comprehensive business insurance, including liability, property, and workers' compensation.
Regulatory Compliance:
We stay informed about local regulations and ensure all our business practices comply with legal requirements.
We maintain necessary licenses and permits for operating in Timmins, Ontario.
At Chandan House Painting, we are committed to delivering exceptional painting services through careful planning, quality execution, and a strong focus on customer satisfaction. This operations plan provides a roadmap for efficient management and growth, ensuring we meet our goals and exceed client expectations.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Sunday, September 3, 2023
No power and nowhere to stay as rural Florida starts recovering from Hurricane Idalia (AP) The worst of Hurricane Idalia left residents of a region of tight-knit communities trying to find places to live as they rebuild—if they decide it’s even worth it—and waiting potentially weeks for electricity to be restored after winds and water took out entire power grids. A power cooperative warned its 28,000 customers it might take two weeks to restore electricity. More than 100,000 homes and businesses in Florida and Georgia remained without power Friday, according to PowerOutage.us. And even with high temperatures below normal, the high humidity meant sweltering late-summer days and nights, with no power to run air conditioners. Emergency officials promised trailers would arrive over the weekend to provide housing in an area that didn’t have much to begin with.
Americans’ Ideal Family Size Is Larger Than the Birthrate Suggests (WSJ) What do you think is the ideal number of children for a family to have? Most Americans say the answer is two to three children, according to various surveys over nearly 90 years, even as actual birthrates drop lower than that. In fact, the share of people saying they want three or more children has risen as the actual number of children being born has dropped. Why aren’t people having the families they idealize or intend to have? All sorts of life happens, and you don’t necessarily end up with the family you expected theoretically in a survey.
.ai (Bloomberg) The Caribbean island Anguilla, a British territory, has made bank this year because their country-level domain address is .ai, and amid the AI trend they’re making a fortune off of new registrations. This year, registrations at the top level domain doubled to 287,432 on the year, which would mean that Anguilla will reap in the ballpark of $30 million for the year from selling the domains, up from $7.4 million brought in in 2021.
The Bolivian Job (Rest of World) An estimated 20 percent of the total vehicle fleet in Bolivia has been smuggled, mostly stolen in neighboring Chile and then driven across the desert to one of the 73 illegal markets that are remarkably easy to find. The Bolivian government is aware of the issue, and the car thieves have become a lifestyle of their own, called chuteros with their own TikTok scene and whatnot. Naturally, this has the Chileans furious, and local police are overwhelmed with reports. Chile’s even got a new AI-fueled startup, SafeByWolf, designed to identify boosted cars faster for the insurance industry.
More than 100 British schools may face danger of collapse (BBC) More than 100 schools in England are scrambling to make arrangements after being told to shut buildings with a type of concrete prone to collapse. The government gave the order just days before the start of the autumn term. Some pupils have already been told they will be learning remotely, in temporary classrooms or at different schools. Schools found with buildings containing reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) have been told they must introduce safety measures, which could include propping up ceilings. This came after the government was made aware of a number of incidents where RAAC failed without warning, not just in school buildings, but elsewhere too.
Russian students are returning to school, where they face new lessons to boost their patriotism (AP) Clad in white shirts and carrying bouquets, children across Russia flocked back to school Friday, where the Kremlin’s narratives about the war in Ukraine and its confrontation with the West were taking an even more prominent spot than before. Students are expected each week to listen to Russia’s national anthem and watch the country’s tricolor flag being raised. There’s a weekly subject loosely translated as “Conversations about Important Things,” which was introduced last year with the goal of boosting patriotism. A new high school history textbook has a chapter on the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and the “special military operation”—the Kremlin’s euphemism for the war, and some basic military training is included in a course on self-defense and first aid. “School ... is a powerful mechanism for raising a person subordinate to the state,” said Nikolay Petrov, visiting researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. “For a while the school was outside the active attention of the state. Today, it’s all coming back.”
As Ukraine’s Fight Grinds On, Talk of Negotiations Becomes Nearly Taboo (NYT) Stian Jenssen, the chief of staff to the secretary general of NATO, recently had his knuckles rapped when he commented on possible options for an end to the war in Ukraine that did not envision a complete Russian defeat. His remarks provoked an angry condemnation from the Ukrainians; a clarification from his boss, Jens Stoltenberg; and ultimately an apology from Mr. Jenssen. The contretemps, say some analysts who have been similarly chastised, reflects a closing down of public discussion on options for Ukraine just at a moment when imaginative diplomacy is most needed, they say. Given that even President Biden says the war is likely to end in negotiations, Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, believes there should be a serious debate in any democracy about how to get there. Yet he, too, has also been criticized for suggesting that it is important to talk to Russia about a negotiated outcome. “There is a broad and increasingly widespread sense that what we’re doing now isn’t working, but not much of an idea of what to do next, and not a big openness to discuss it, which is how you come up with one,” he said. “The lack of success hasn’t opened up the political space for an open discussion of alternatives.”
Pope, in Mongolia, laments earth devastated by countless conflicts (Reuters) Pope Francis, in words that appeared to be aimed at China rather than the neighbouring country he was visiting, said on Saturday that governments have nothing to fear from the Catholic Church because it has no political agenda. In an address to bishops, priests, missionaries and pastoral workers, he said Jesus gave no political mandate to his apostles but told them to alleviate the sufferings of a “wounded humanity” through faith. “For this reason, governments and secular institutions have nothing to fear from the Church’s work of evangelization, for she has no political agenda to advance, but is sustained by the quiet power of God’s grace and a message of mercy and truth, which is meant to promote the good of all,” he said. On Saturday morning, Francis called on leaders to dispel the “dark clouds of war.”
Typhoon Saola makes landfall in southern China but appears to cause only light damage (AP) Typhoon Saola made landfall in southern China before dawn Saturday after nearly 900,000 people were moved to safety and most of Hong Kong and parts of the coastal mainland suspended business, transport and classes. Damage appeared to be minimal, however, and some services were returning to normal by afternoon. Meanwhile, Taiwan issued a warning Saturday for a second typhoon, Haikui, which was expected to pass over the island Sunday, before traveling onward to the central Chinese coast.
Biden approves military aid to Taiwan under program normally used for sovereign states (NBC) On Wednesday, Washington approved a transfer of arms to Taiwan under the Foreign Military Financing program, which is normally reserved for use with sovereign states. Currently, neither the U.S. nor U.N. acknowledges the island nation as its own country in order to maintain diplomatic ties to China. Beijing voiced its “strong dissatisfaction” and “firm opposition” to the weapons sale, claiming that it hurt “China’s sovereignty and security interests” while damaging “peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.” Even as China-U.S. dialogue has picked up in recent months with multiple American officials visiting Beijing, the White House has continued funneling arms to Taiwan. Last month, Washington approved a $345 million arms package to the country, and is working to send $500 million worth of F-16 fighter jets to Taipei as well.
With wary eye on China, U.S. moves closer to former foe Vietnam (Washington Post) The United States and Vietnam are poised to significantly enhance their economic and technological ties, bringing the former foes closer at a time of increased Chinese assertiveness in the region. The deal, expected to be announced when President Biden makes a state visit to Vietnam next weekend, is the latest step by the Biden administration to deepen relations in Asia. For Hanoi, the closer relationship with Washington serves as a counterweight to Beijing’s influence. The establishment of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” will give the United States a diplomatic status that Vietnam has so far reserved for only a handful of other countries: China, Russia, India and South Korea.
The low, low cost of shipping (London Review of Books) The truth is that shipping is responsible, as Rose George put it in the subtitle of her classic 2013 book on the subject, for ‘90 Per Cent of Everything’. It is the physical equivalent of the internet, the other industry which makes globalisation possible. The internet abolishes national boundaries for information, news, data; shipping abolishes these boundaries for physical goods. The main way it does this is by being almost incomprehensibly efficient and cheap. As George points out, if you’re having a sweater shipped from the other side of the planet, the cost of shipping adds just a cent to the price. Another way of putting it would be to say that shipping is, in practice, free. This has had the effect of abolishing geography and location as an economic factor: moving stuff from A to B is so cheap that, for most goods, there is no advantage in siting manufacturing anywhere near your customers. Instead, you make whatever it is where it’s cheapest, and ship it to them instead.
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