#Veronica chased him up the tree...
ghost-qwq · 5 months
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Did I finish this in time? no... When did I start it?... Christmas day :(
You may be asking "Origin, Why isn't the tree decorated?" and my answer? um... shut up... They're working on it ok? Do you know how hard it is to find nice tree decorations in the Mojave wasteland????
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one-and-lonely16 · 2 years
More fall Klance for the soul
Apple picking this time
loved writing this one
Every autumn, the Mcclains took a family trip to the local orchard. Every Mcclain kid had taken a part time job there for the season when they got to the right age. Then, even when they grew up and moved away, they all tried to make time for the Mcclain apple picking trip, bringing their own family with them.
This year was the first year Lance was bringing Keith. 
Lance was thrilled. His family loved Keith almost as much as he did and his Mamá had been nagging him to bring Keith along ever since she realised his feelings for the other, let alone when they finally got together. 
Keith, however, wasn’t as excited. Sure, he loved the Mcclains and didn’t have anything against spending time with them picking apples, but the butterflies in his stomach were rioting.
“-I mean, what if i do something so horrendously wrong that your family despises me and casts me out? I don’t think I could handle that!” Keith rambled.
Lance glanced over at him from the drivers seat for a second before setting his free hand on the other's thigh.
“Babe. Take a breath. Relax. I don’t think it’s possible to mess up apple picking,” he reassured.
“You’d be surprised.”
“If Nadia and Silvio can handle it, I’m sure you can.”
Keith opened his mouth to argue, but fell short and snapped it shut again, scowling.
“Stop worrying. It’s apple picking. One of the easiest things known to mankind. Like, going back to the stone age and shit.”
Keith rolled his eyes with a fond smile. “Shut up and focus on driving.”
They were slipping into their wellies in the car park when the rest of the Mcclains spotted them.
“Tìo Lance! Keith!” Nadia and Silvio yelled, sprinting towards them as fast as they could whilst trying not to trip over in their own wellies. Lance beamed and Keith had a small grin of his own as they both caught a child each. Lance hefted Silvio up with a grunt as Keith lifted Nadia with way too much ease. His grin became smug as Lance scoffed. 
Lance’s smile brightened when he heard the familiar voice of Rosa Mcclain.
“Mamá!” He called back. Lance set down Silvio to wrap his long arms around his Mamá. She squeezed him tightly before letting go and holding her arms out to Keith. 
Keith smiled, all the nervousness from earlier gone and set down Nadia to let himself be brought into his future mother-in-law's arms. She squeezed him tightly before pulling away and pinching his cheek lightly.
“Keith, cielo, how have you been? Has Lance been treating you right?” she asked him.
“He’s been perfect and then some more,” Keith said fondly, glancing over at Lance who was greeting his siblings. Lance was a beanpole himself, but his brother Luis was easily a head taller, and was making Lance aware of it now, pulling him into a headlock and ruffling his hair. Lance screwed up his face and pulled himself free. Veronica and Lisa were standing off to the side, chuckling together, whilst Marco and Rachel were both doubled over, cackling loudly. They quickly yelped and started running when Lance chased them, prepared to give them the same treatment. Rosa stood alongside Keith, watching with a fond smile. She looked back at Keith, who still hadn’t taken his eyes off of Lance and was chuckling under his breath, grinning like a lovesick idiot.
She grinned knowingly at him, nudging him with her elbow. Keith’s face went red and he looked at her. 
“You’re good for him. I’m glad he has you,” Rosa said.
Keith pulled at the ends of his hair sheepishly. “Thank you. He’s good for me too.”
She did a little nose scrunch - a happy, familiar gesture Keith had seen Lance do so many times - and linked arms with Keith. “Come on, let’s go have some fun.”
“Oooo, Keith, let’s go to that tree over there!”
Keith was holding the basket which they were putting the apples in in one hand, and holding Lance’s hand in the other. Lance dragged him over to one of the tallest trees there. The rest of the Mcclains had spread out through the orchard. Lisa and Luis were the only ones still in sight and Luis was alternating between the twins who went on his shoulders to pick the apples. 
Lance made himself busy, picking all the apples he could reach. Keith held out the basket so he didn’t have to try and hold them all in his arms. Once Lance had picked all the ones he could reach, his eyes narrowed on the ones he couldn’t.
“Whatever you’re planning, no,” Keith interrupted before Lance could continue.
Lance pouted. “You didn’t even hear me out.”
“I don’t trust that look on your face.”
“Just hear me out.”
Keith raised an eyebrow and gestured for him to continue.
“Ok, so you know how Luis is putting the twins on his shoulders-”
“-Oh god-”
“-And how you’re like, super strong?”
“Lance, I am not putting you on my shoulders.”
“But the higher ones are always the best! And I know you can lift me,” Lance pleaded, though from the smug look on his face, he knew he had already won.
Keith sighed before crouching down and holding out the basket for Lance to take off of him. “Fine, get on.”
Lance grinned and grabbed the basket. He climbed onto Keith’s shoulders and Keith stood, grunting and forcing his knees not to buckle under his weight. He only wobbled twice but once he managed to balance Lance’s weight, he was fine. Lance ruffled Keith’s hair.
“Thanks, bubs.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, just hurry up.”
It was safe to say that Keith and Lance got the most apples. And they got first serve to Rosa’s apple empanadas, thanks to Lance’s quick hands and perfected puppy eyes.
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topgunruinedme · 1 year
Admiring from Afar
Relationships: Background Javy/Bradley, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Javy "Coyote" Machado, Robert "Bob" Floyd/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Reuben "Payback" Fitch/Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Word Count: 1.98k
Am I allowed to look at her like that
A gentle breeze brushed against his skin, causing the trees to sway and leaves to fall from their perch. Gleeful screams followed the wind as Jake’s voice travelled through the house, reaching him from his spot leaning against the doorway to the patio, slightly hidden by the kitchen but somewhere nice and quiet to take a moment to relax. Jake roared playfully and the kids screamed as they attempted to get away from him, squeezing between his legs or ducking behind furniture as they giggled. Clearly having the time of their lives. 
Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at 
He watched as Javy stepped past Bradley with a pile of plates slapping the mustached man on the back, momentarily pulling the older man from his conversation with Maverick to grin at each other. Maverick let out a small laugh shaking his head in amusement, taking a sip from his drink as he leaned back in his chair to catch the eyes of his husband nudging his head towards the pair. Callie and Nat were laughing together with Jake's older sister Veronica, the woman held a little blond babe on her hip. He looked like a spitting image of his mother, it almost hurt to look at. Her husband hovered by her side, his hand on her lower back as he beamed up at her. 
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
Mickey was lounging back on a sunbed, Reuben had somehow managed to curl into his boyfriend's lap his head on his partner's chest as Mickey tiredly ran his hand through the man's hair. Chuckling lightly as he talked to Neil and Billy, Neil was leaning against the pillars of the under cover patio while Billy had laid out on the grass taking in the sun. 
She tastes like apple juice and peach 
Jake's smile was simply blinding. He caught his niece around the waist lifting her up into the air with a dramatic grunt causing her to squeal. Her brother roared out a battle cry as he attempted to tackle Jake's legs causing Jake to stumble. 
“Uncle Javy! Help us” his niece cried out, unable to stop giggling as Jake's fingers attacked her sides with a grin. 
Javy glanced over at the pair shaking his head with a chuckle, “You're on your own kid, I’m not getting in the mud for you today” he turned back to Logan and Brigham, helping the men set out plates. 
She tastes like apple juice and peach 
It made his chest swell in pride with how far the blond had come. From that arrogant prick to see him like this in a family setting. It gave him hope. 
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
He took a sip of his warming beer, glancing around the yard with a satisfied smile. He let out a soft sigh as he listened to the family around him. There was no other way to explain it, they had all become so closer over the last year, to him. They were family.  
His silence was broken by the sound of a cupboard opening in the kitchen, hinge squeaking as someone shifted something around, he tilted his head when a cupboard shut in the kitchen, offering a smile to the woman who exited the room with an apron tied around her waist, her hair pulled back under a Stanton that he had quickly learnt was a family tradition. 
“Are you going to be joining us?” Mrs Seresin asked, stopping by his side with a crystal bowl filled with a salad.
And she means everything to me
Jake lifted his niece above his head, swooping her down in careful persecution, something he's seen the man do in his jet as he lifted her up again in the pre-tense of flying a plane. 
She laughed “Jakey! I'm flying!”. 
His blond hair glowed under the Texas sun, his skin had tanned slightly making him look all that much more of a god under his rolled up flannel. He let out a laugh filled with pure happiness grinning as his nephew chased them cheering them on. 
“Yes. yes you are Holley”. 
I'd never tell
No I'd never say a word
He shrugged quietly, “I wouldn't want to intrude” he offered. Shifting to face her fully, his mother having drilled manors into him at a young age that he still couldn't shake. The older woman was smiling at him gently, she tutted slightly, shifting the glass bowl.
“Nonsense” she scolded. She glanced past him to her son, “He’d want you to join us”. She huffed in irritation “That’s why you're here after all”. 
He frowned in confusion, tilting his head, the bottle falling limp in his hand knocking against his thigh, “I’m sorry?”. Why he was here?
“Jake, my son” her lips lifted in amusement, “The pain in the arse?” He snorted lightly, the woman laughed. “It’s why you're here, if he didnt want you, he wouldn't have invited you” she says bluntly. 
And oh it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt
“He invited you here,” she smiled. “He invited you all. It was quite a shock honestly” she let out a small laugh “Jake’s never brought anyone home before and now suddenly he wanted to bring an entire unit back” 
“Squadron” he corrected absently causing ehr to shake her head in amusement, 
“Two peas one pod” she rolled her eyes fondly, “You're too alike for your own good”.  
He blinked, glancing out at Jake. The man liked them enough to bring them home to meet his parents when no one else was worthy of it. His heart jumped seeing the blond play so well with his family, how family oriented the man was. He wanted the man to stand in their living room and play with their children like that. 
She smells like lemongrass and sleep
“He arranged the room’s you know” Mrs Serein added causally there was a mischievous hint to her smile. Almost as if she was saying something she shouldn't have.
He hummed questionably, where was she going with this? His brows furrowed slightly as he looked at his…friends? Mother who looked downright feral, terrifying with the calm sweet smile she gave him.  
She tastes like apple juice and peach
“We have a big ranch, lots of places to stay and make beds. Yet, he chose to double you up” she gave him a pointed look that he didn't understand, “You want to know where he put you? You were easy, first person he placed” she scrunched up her nose “Took him 5 seconds”. 
He felt weary, it would make sense to pair couples or by pilot and wso, it's not like they hadn't shared rooms before. But she made it sound so ominous. He still wasn't sure how Jake felt towards him. 
“He chose to room you with him, darling. To share a bed despite there being enough for all of you”. His heart jumped, chest warming as he yearned for the other man's affection. Jake chose him? Did he want him too? Or was he just the easiest to pair off?
“He chose me?” he asked hopefully. 
She leaned in and kissed his check, “He picked you honey”. She gave him a soft smile before moving back out the rest of the daggers. 
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
He wasn't sure how long he stood there trying to comprehend the information, his hands shaking slightly as he took a sip of his drink, starting when the glass side door opened. Jake entered, giving him a slightly concerned look. 
“What are you doing in here Bobby?” he asked brows furrowing but there was a carefully placed ensuring to smile and let him know he's joking. “Hiding?” he teased, coming to his side and nudging him gently. 
And she means everything to me
His lips curled up slightly as he tilted his head slightly to look at Jake, “I've just been talking to you mum” he said lightly watching as Jake shifted unconsciously. 
“Oh?” Jake prompted. 
“I‘m rooming with you?” he asked gently. Watched Jake glance around uneasily biting his lip. 
“I can move you if your not comfortable with that-”
“Jake” he interrupted firmly, catching the man's chin, forcing him to stop chewing on his lip due to the lack of a toothpick. Something he had noticed the man doing not long after the mission. He couldn't help but brush his thumb over the slightly stumble forming, the prickly hair brushing against his skin roughly. “It’s fine, it's sweet,” he added.
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
“Sweet?” Jake croaked. 
He hummed in confirmation refusing to enhance on it, his thumb gently brushing against his jaw fingers dancing across the skin of his neck feeling the man's pulse jump under his fingertips. 
His heart pounding in his chest, blood rushing to his ears as he smiled gently, “Like you” he admitted softly.
and I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
Jake swallowed thickly. The charged air between them was affecting them both. “Bob-”
“Foods ready!” Mickey shouts with a cackle as it was soon followed by a startled squeak.
He stepped back away from Jake, forcing on a smile “I'll see you tonight then…partner”. He ignored the sight of Jake staying there half leaning down, head bowed in his grasp letting him tug him around as he wished. Jake cleared his throat behind him before following. 
Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
He spotted Neil splayed out on the grass looking slightly dazed as Mickey dropped himself over the top of him happily. It made him smile briefly, he wondered how hard the tackle was. He had been on the receiving end a few times but he doubts they had ever used their full strength against him. Despite all his muscle and having proved multiple times that he could keep up with them, his baby face made them treat him like he was weaker, younger, like he needed protection.
He hated it. 
Cause she tastes like birthday cake, and storytime, and fall
But to her I taste of nothing at all
He took his seat down beside Natasha who tilted her head slightly at him offering him to cuddle into her side silently, she was too perspective. He could never get anything past her. He watched as Callie attempted to drag him into their conversation and get his attention of what could possibly happen tonight. 
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Jake was smiling as Javy leaned on his shoulder, kicking his leg out to cause Bradley to stumble. Laughing as the man swore violently on to be scolded by Mav and Iceman. The two older pairs had relaxed in chairs beside each other, although he had a suspicion it was really just Iceman keeping his husband on a short leash for when the fireworks were brought out.
You would find her in a polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
Jake glanced up smiling wide and caught his eye, there was something soft there. Almost as if the man had wanted to say something so desperately important but couldn't. He smiled briefly, turning his attention back to Callie, missing the way Jake's smile flattered.
Yes she means everything to me
His chest screamed as it tightened painfully, he refused to ruin this friendship, no matter how much he wanted to. No matter how much he yearned to wake up with Jake curled around him every morning. To see his soft tired face under the morning sun or how he wanted to kiss the man goodnight every night for the rest of their lives.  
She means everything to me.
He would just…admire from afar. 
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askrena · 2 years
of ice and men
event starter for @goldoandragonprince
      THE GARDEN, WHEN THEY ARRIVE, IS GORGEOUS. Each crystalline bead of the frozen trees glitters like diamonds, like a chandelier hanging above a ballroom. Sharena's hand runs along the sculpted ice bark of one, absently tracing the grooves and swirls. When the emperor speaks, however, she lifts her head up to listen. She must be careful-- if Anabelle finds herself nervous around this man, so should she.
"Welcome. I shall cut straight to the chase - no doubt you are wondering as to the purpose behind your summons." He doesn't leave much space for argument, hands laced behind his back. He stands tall, glancing up at a tree of ice, frozen still. Its tears glisten in the morning light. "I should like to ask you of my fiancée, Lady de Vaux. Is she well?"
      "She's well, your Highness." Sharena says with a nod, "Of course, there are a few parting pains that ail her—" she hums, "—But I don't think it's anything so out of the ordinary. It's completely natural for someone to feel this way before such a big event, after all."
      She gives him a small, courteous smile. "Needless to say, she's as wonderful as always. We're all lucky to have her."
He stews a moment before reaching for the tree and - in a moment of compulsion, perhaps - snapping off one of its frozen droplets. He doesn't look back as he queries, expression dark: "Parting pains?"
      Sharena flinches at the way he breaks away one of the beads of ice, a phantom finger running through her spine as she hears the soft snap. She doesn't like this way his expression darkens, or the way he repeats her words, his voice as cold as the frozen tree he admires. The Askran swallows; she knows who his sort are. Somehow, he reminds him of a young Princess Veronica– there's a hidden emotion in his voice, she just doesn't quite know what.
      She can't say it's easy consorting with them particularly. She much prefers someone as forthcoming as Anabelle.
      But she'll do so for her friend. However difficult it may be, maintaining this act and maintaining her cool, she'll do it.
      "Yes, your highness," she says, her tone as level as she can make it, "parting pains. It's something we all go through when things begin to change." she pouts, "Forgive me, if it sounded insulting. I swear that wasn't the case at all! It just didn't feel right withholding it from you, is all. I assure you it's not something you should take personally."
He listens, though it seems in some moments as though he is far away... Fist closes over the tear in his hand, and sparkles of ice flitter, flutter to the ground... He exhales. Turns to look at Sharena, expression both questioning and yet painfully neutral at the same time. "Yes, well, perhaps I will." Gestures for them to follow as he  continues again to lead through the ice garden. "What manner of parting pains? Specifically."
      Her eyes, when they meet his, present no challenge, but they don't exactly waver. At the very least, they try not to. She follows him through the garden when he begins to guide them, trailing a few steps behind him.
      "Well, your highness," again, there's that desperate trying in her voice-- that determination to remain calm and collected, in spite of how her feelings begin to tumult, "They mostly relate to Kurth and I. She fears we might grow apart once she takes her place in your palace. That's all." She speaks no further, however much she wishes she could. Speaks no more truth despite her knowing it's for the better. Sharena knows how some situations are better with her silence. She's certainly been taught as much, back in her own castle.
For the briefest flash of an instant, the Emperor appears taken aback, hand trailing to his lips in thought. "Is that true...?"
      The emperor's tone turns quiet– but it's not the enigmatic, cold sort of quiet that's so much like his garden of ice It's more thoughtful, almost furtive. It surprises her; just as Veronica's kindness once did. Sharena finds herself unable to give a proper response, instead turning to face Kurthnaga and giving him a nod, flicking her head towards the emperor as though to urge him to continue.
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zrtranscripts · 2 years
Season 9, Mission 22: Come Spy With Me
Drone on the run
[door clangs shut]
SAM YAO: So we are safe in here when you do the uh, the uh, thingy outside, right, Maryam?
MARYAM ABANI: Safe as we can be while we're still in Red Scorpion territory with a bounty on your head, Five here. Janine explained the whole plan to me. We're buying time for her and Mo to arrange transport to the Maghreb Protectorate for you, Five. This metal room is a Faraday cage. I'm setting off a small EMP outside to take down the cell tower we're in and all the drones around us.
SAM YAO: But that means all long-range comms will be down, right? Now what if Peter tries to get in touch with us? What if he's in trouble and needs us?
MARYAM ABANI: Janine said that's highly unlikely, Sam. He knows any communication could give his position away. He's strong! Well, [laughs] from what you've told me, he’s virtually immortal. He'll be fine.
SAM YAO: Hmm. I know, I know. And Veronica will be safe in here from the EMP, too. Okay. Yeah. You can go ahead.
MARYAM ABANI: Take my binoculars. You might be able to see it happen. Three, two, one, now!
[electricity zaps]
SAM YAO: Oh wow! Did you see that, Five? In the tree canopy, those things that look like big insects just-just plummeting! I count what, five? No, six of them.
MARYAM ABANI: This area is full of Red Scorpion drones. Now the cell tower we're in is out of action, not only are the drones dead, but no pictures can be transmitted from this whole area. Should be two or three days before Red Scorpion can fix it.
SAM YAO: And by that time, we'll be more than halfway there, Five. We can send someone back for Peter once we're safe. If they don't catch up with us using Mr. Trustworthy's tracker. [sighs] I can't believe Janine thinks we have to take Ernie with us. "Better than leave him to betray our location to our enemies, Mr. Yao." I mean, when she's right, she's right, but... I wish she were wrong. [door creaks open] You all right out there, Ernie?
ERNEST VAN ARK: Oh, um... yes, I suppose so. Thinking about all you've told me. It's... a lot to take in.
SAM YAO: Yeah, well, we can talk all about it over the next three days of hiking through some lovely forest mountains. Nature and nurture, good and evil. Why we didn't really uh, oh you know, trust you even before you planted a tracker on Five. Oh, lots of time for all that fun chat.
ERNEST VAN ARK: That's sarcasm, isn't it?
SAM YAO: Yeah, it could be. Hey, Five, never guess what I've got. Saved it for a special occasion, and I think this reunion is it. In my pack, I've only gone and got... a Curly Wurly! Let me just get it. [backpack unzips, drone whirs] What is that?
MARYAM ABANI: It's a drone! Must have hidden in your pack when we were in the Faraday room. It couldn't transmit in there, it won't have given us away before the EMP, but it could now. We have to stop it!
I've winged it, but it's still flying! We have to chase it down, Five. It'll have photos of you, proving to Red Scorpion that you're still alive. All Janine's good work undone! We need to get out of this cell tower and catch it before it gets in range of another tower. Run!
SAM YAO: All right, I'm climbing up the cell tower mast here with my binoculars. You're both hearing me okay?
MARYAM ABANI: Loud and clear, Sam.
SAM YAO: Right. Now that drone has a distinctive shape. Now I've got it in sight and you're heading in the right direction. Up the forest path ahead of you.
MARYAM ABANI: I'm a good shot. Years of... archery on the kids TV show I presented. If we have a clear sight of it, I'll be able to take it out.
SAM YAO: It's heading north toward the next communication cell over.
MARYAM ABANI: Janine left long-range monitoring equipment in my pack, Sam. If you get it working, you should be able to keep track of the drone all the way to the edge of the comm cell.
SAM YAO: Yeah, Ernie’s examining it now. Now I don't like letting him anywhere near any technology, really. I know he's not really Van Ark, and he turns out not to have been the boss of Red Scorpion... but he was grown from bits of Van Ark, so maybe he sort of is him?
MARYAM ABANI: Needs must. Just as long as we keep the drone in sight. There it is, Five! I just glimpsed it in a gap in the trees. We can catch it. Run!
ERNEST VAN ARK: Here, Sam, I brought up two of these little seats I found. Look. They fasten onto the tower, you see? So we can be comfortable and secure up here while we keep an eye on Maryam and Five.
SAM YAO: Hmm. Yeah, I suppose that is a bit better. Used them before at the base?
ERNEST VAN ARK: No, I-I just figured out how they work by looking at them. I'm good with... I've got a brain that's good with technical things.
SAM YAO: Figures.
ERNEST VAN ARK: I'm not him, you know. I don't remember any of the things you've told me, not at all. All I remember is Red Scorpion, watching Friends, looking after the plants. They never told me anything or showed me anything.
SAM YAO: But somehow you did manage to work out how to get the magnification working on Janine's long-range equipment.
ERNEST VAN ARK: It's easy, really. Look, you zoom in here. There's you, Five, and here's the drone flying low over the trees. I suppose they programmed them that way to evade detection, otherwise it would be too easy for them to be shot down. Did you say that's how I... the other me died? Shot down with a rocket launcher?
SAM YAO: Yeah, well, we don't know who did that. Five, Maryam, you're in a great position. You should see the drone overhead in around 30 seconds.
MARYAM ABANI: Okay, Five, hold my legs. If I stretch out between the trees, I should get a clear shot.
SAM YAO: Oh wow, Maryam, that's a really impressive position you're holding.
MARYAM ABANI: Yeah, I did a lot of circus skills for my TV show. Here it comes, Five.
[drone whirs, zombies growl, MARYAM screams]
SAM YAO: What's happened? Did you get the drone?
MARYAM ABANI: Zombies! Zombies in the trees! Tree-climbing zombies, they're all around! Five, we've got to get out of here. Run!
SAM YAO: Okay, keep heading north. You've outpaced the zombies.
MARYAM ABANI: Any sign of the drone?
SAM YAO: I'm sure I'll find it on screen again soon.
MARYAM ABANI: I can't believe I missed the shot!
SAM YAO: You were literally falling through the air with a zombie falling after you! We'll find it again.
ERNEST VAN ARK: I'm scanning, but I can't see it.
SAM YAO: We'll find it again.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Do you think it's possible I could have any of Van Ark's memories in me? Maybe that is how I worked out how to use this gizmo so quickly. In Friends, Phoebe remembered losing an arm in her past lives.
SAM YAO: We don't know. No one knows! You injected yourself with strange things that only you understood, and no one knows what effect they had on you. But somehow, Red Scorpion managed to regrow you from a teaspoon full of smeared cells. And this is not the time! We need to find the drone! Uh, yeah, what-what's that sound? That-that humming sound.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Backup generator.
MARYAM ABANI: What? A backup generator for the cell tower? That means it'll be back online within a few minutes!
SAM YAO: We don't know that's what it... wait, there are lights coming on below us. Yeah, yeah, that's what it is.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Look, on the screen. The drone!
SAM YAO: Northwest of you. Five and Maryam, take the left hand path. Go, run!
MARYAM ABANI: Oh, I can't see it, Sam! Not anywhere.
SAM YAO: No, I'm looking, too. That cell tower underneath us is making all sorts of beeps.
ERNEST VAN ARK: It's running through its setup. We've got about 10 minutes, I think, if that. I worked on some of the telecoms at Red Scorpion, that's how I know. I don't remember it from the past.
MARYAM ABANI: All right. If you know so much, what does it mean that they put a backup generator and backup systems here? Do they usually do that?
ERNEST VAN ARK: No, they usually only monitor these towers once a month.
MARYAM ABANI: Guillemette thought we might come this way, that's what this means. Sam, you've got Janine's equipment. It can connect to satellites.
SAM YAO: Yeah, but we don't have any satellites.
MARYAM ABANI: Input the following code: Z3H NB8 3419.
SAM YAO: Uh...
SAM YAO: I am... connected to the Maghreb positioning and monitoring satellite! It-it's sending me live images of where we are.
MARYAM ABANI: You should be able to see the drone with that.
SAM YAO: Maryam.
SAM YAO: You're not a doctor and children's TV presenter, are you?
MARYAM ABANI: Not entirely, no.
SAM YAO: So you're a spy, right? For the Maghreb?
SAM YAO: Yeah, yeah, this kind of thing happens to us all the time, Ernie. Try not to be surprised, or a bit upset. [sighs] All right. I'm gonna have to trust you, Maryam, even though you've uh, you know, been lying to us since we met you. Five, I see the drone on the satellite image! Take the right fork on the path now. Now! You can catch it if you run!
[drone whirs]
MARYAM ABANI: There, Five, I see it! Let me boost you up into the tree. [gunshot] You got it! Good shooting, Five.
SAM YAO: That's fantastic! Well done, everyone. Phew, okay. Okay Ernie, we can come down from our perch. And... and now we're safe. We've all learned a lot about each other today. Maryam, would you like to tell us anything about this-this being a spy business you've been up to?
MARYAM ABANI: I'm not here to betray you to Red Scorpion, obviously.
SAM YAO: Well, yeah. I presume you've had plenty of chances to do that. So... I guess everything you've told us about yourself was a lie.
MARYAM ABANI: Almost none of it was a lie. I really was a kid's TV presenter. Did I ever tell you what the show was about? We taught children all the little ways you can make the world a better place. And then the apocalypse happened, and Red Scorpion did what they did, and I thought I need to put my money where my mouth is.
SAM YAO: Yeah. Okay, yeah, I get that.
MARYAM ABANI: I promise, the Maghreb want to help you. Red Scorpion have... Red Scorpion think of themselves as the last outpost of the United States of America, maybe the last surviving one. No one knows what's happened in America.
SAM YAO: The Maghreb was at war with Red Scorpion, right? In the early days of the apocalypse?
MARYAM ABANI: If you call launching an unprovoked attack on us war. Their leadership is paranoid! Whoever their boss is has encouraged them to hoard what they have.
ERNIE VAN ARK: It's not me.
SAM YAO: Yeah, we know that. What we don't know is who it was. Abel has, uh... made some enemies over the years.
MARYAM ABANI: The boss might not be anyone you know. They're keeping close guard on their resources. They believe they have to keep everything they can until they re-establish contact with the USA.
SAM YAO: That's why they don't want to release the panacea to the world.
MARYAM ABANI: I was heading for New Agadir to do reconnaissance on Red Scorpion when I heard about you. You didn't exactly enter the country quietly. I realized you could help me get into the base, so I pretended I'd been sent to help you, just hoping you weren't in direct contact with the UK.
And it worked! I planted a couple of bugs in Red Scorpion while we were there, and I think I got a computer virus into some of the supersoldier's augments. Look, the Maghreb knew I was joining up with you. They told me to use my judgment. They will protect you if we get across the border.
SAM YAO: They'll release the panacea to the world.
MARYAM ABANI: Yes! I know they will.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Sam, I've packed up all our things.
SAM YAO: Okay. We should be moving out. Meet you at uh, the bridge half a click from where you are. I think we have a shortcut if we head down that... what's that, another drone?
MARYAM ABANI: Look, Five, on the horizon. Helicopters. Red Scorpion. Sam, Ernie, you have to get out of the cell tower now. Five, we're exposed here! We'll meet at the bridge. Run!
MARYAM ABANI: It's okay, it's okay! They're heading for the cell tower. They must just be here because it went out.
SAM YAO: Five, Maryam, good to see you.
MARYAM ABANI: We have to keep moving, up into the mountains again, out of this communication cell. Listen, I couldn't tell you this before, but I sent one of our people to pick Peter up. He's safe.
SAM YAO: What, really?
MARYAM ABANI: We're the good guys, Sam.
SAM YAO: And Red Scorpion still think Five and Janine are dead, so we're safe, too. For now.
MARYAM ABANI: I think so.
ERNEST VAN ARK: I don't think we are, actually.
SAM YAO: ... Listen, if we are gonna believe you're not evil, you have to not say things that are incredibly sinister and then just stop, okay?
ERNEST VAN ARK: Oh, sorry. I see what you mean. No, what I mean is that I think the cameras in the cell tower came back online just as we were leaving the building. I saw the red light come on.
SAM YAO: Maybe they didn't get a picture of us.
MARYAM ABANI: But if they did, if they know you're with us...
SAM YAO: Then they'll work out that you had a way to track us, and they'll use it, too.
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yhwhrulz · 12 days
Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, May 23, 2024
Whom Do You Trust?
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.1
When Josh was about nine years old, He and his uncle were out in the yard playing tag. Josh had tagged his uncle and was running as fast as he could to avoid being tagged himself. Josh was laughing playfully as he looked back at his uncle chasing and trying to catch him. Then he turned around and ran, face first, into a tree. The blow knocked him right off his feet as he seemed to have taken a bite right out of the tree bark. A couple of his teeth were loose and bleeding and Josh was crying uncontrollably. His mom, along with his aunt, tried soothing him; all the while reasoning with him - telling him the bleeding was temporary, and that his teeth would be ok… but he just kept on crying. Realizing their motherly comfort wasn't working, the forlorn uncle asked them to step aside as he sat on the bench beside him. He gently put his large hands-on Josh's shoulders and told him, "Josh, look at me." And he did. "Do you trust me?" asked his uncle. Josh nodded. "Josh… you're gonna be ok. Your teeth are gonna be just fine. Do you trust me on that?" He nodded again… and the tears began to dry up; with that he returned to the yard to play. All the reasoning in the world wasn't going to change how he felt. But his trust in his uncle did.2
Life works the same way. We trust our problems to friends, family, or sometimes even strangers, only to feel less than comforted. They give us advice and try their best to soothe our hurts, but we still walk away feeling badly. Sometimes we reject the comfort all together, hoping for another way. The Good News is that there is another way! Trusting God with our problems is the ONLY way to receive true comfort. When we're at our lowest and our troubles seem overwhelming, The Healer leans in, places His strong hands on our weak shoulders, and says, "You're gonna be OK… do you trust me on that?"
Suggested Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, human beings let us down, and we often place upon You the distrust, hurt, and pain that humans have caused us. Lord, I ask You to help me to truly and fully trust You so that when things do not go my way or look as I had hoped, I know that You are worthy of all my trust, and faith. Lord, I place my heart in Your mighty hand. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV).
Today's Encounter was written by: Veronica B
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
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When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2005-2023 ACTS International
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alice-honeysuckle · 2 months
3. The Need for Speed
     School was where Veronica had always fit in. She was pretty and kind and always had friends. The only thing? This was a Tennessee Public School.
As Veronica and Cozette walked in she could hear the boys catcalling. She giggled to herself and gave a sideways glance to Cozette. She was holding a hand over her face and hiding in her hair.
"Not much for attention, cowgirl? When did you become shy?" Veronica commented, her tone confused.
"These are teenagers. It's different when we're on the track." She replied.
     "You mean when you're focused on my brother?" She raised an eyebrow, causing Cozette to blush and hide her face.
Veronica giggled and parted ways with her. She had English first hour and Cozette had Math with Chase and the boys. She looked at the map of the school in her hands, but by the time she found the English III classroom she was ten minutes late.
She slowly opened the door, her heart racing as every face in the room turned to look at her. Her stomach turned with anxiety as a deep voice from the front of the room caught her attention.
"You must be Ms.Walsh. I'm Mr.Winston, the only awesome English III teacher in the universe." He grinned at her and her anxiety melted. Dimples shown on the corners of his cheeks, and muscles shown through the black button down he wore.
Veronica's breath caught at his eyes, they were a shade of green you'd only find in a beautiful lush forest where wolves ran rampant and birds cawed in the trees.
     "Veronica Walsh, I'm here with the NASCAR scholarship." She handed him her slip and he studied it. His eyes were so captivating, he soaked in the page with such intense emotion it was hard to understand. He glanced back up at her with a smirk. She realized she was biting her bottom lip.
"Well Ms.Walsh, welcome to St.Iverson."
"Chase come on! We're going to be late." Cozette huffed, her silver mini skirt shimmered as she slipped on orange cowgirl boots, and of course the matching cowboy hat.
"Do you really have to wear that much orange to a race?" Veronica raised an eyebrow, causing Cozette to look at her with a serious look.
"Fashion is important. You have to look your best. Now try on these shorts!"
She threw a pair of daisy dukes to Veronica with force and she huffed. She went into her small adjacent bathroom and slipped her sweatpants off and putting the shorts on. She'd chosen a orange bikini top that tied around her neck and then behind her back. The shorts showed off her ass beautifully, they had small little jean tassels. She slowly opened the door and faced Cozette, her cheeks burning with heat.
"What do you think?" She asked Cozette sheepishly.
"Girl," her mouth fell open "You are hot!"
Veronica smiled and grabbed her white converse and was putting them on when Chase and Sebastian came down the stairs. Her brother was wearing a brand new NASCAR fire suit. The sleeves were orange and white checkered while the Tennessee "T" and hound dog sat on his chest. His helmet was a bright orange with two white racing strips. Sebastian dawned a completely white fire suit except the orange designs up his arms. His eyes had fallen on Veronica the moment he'd turned the corner coming down the stairs. She blushed deeply as her brother looked at Cozy.
"Not bad, cowgirl." He gave her a playful smile, causing her best friend to blush bright as a tomato.
"Not bad yourself." Cozy squeaked.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Chase looked at his sister and his nose flared. She swallowed softly.
"It's a bathing suit top. Cozy let me borrow it for the night."
"You can not show that much skin, Veronica. These men aren't like the ones at the drag strip at home. They won't behave themselves."
"That's hillbillies for you." Sebastian coughed.
"Hey, my brother and father will be there!" Cozette yipped
"The point is Veronica, you're just a piece of ass to these guys. Don't go trying to find Prince Charming. Most of them are Santiago's friends."
"Chase," Sebastian hissed but Veronica had had enough.
"I don't need you to tell me what to do, Chase." She scoffed.
Cozette was giving Chase a death glare at this point. She seemed surprisingly upset at her brother. Chase backed down a bit from Cozy.
"Fine. Wear what you'd like." He snapped, pushing past Cozette and out the front door, it banged shut behind him and in the distance she could hear his car door slam.
"Don't worry about your brother, Roni." Sebastian huffed, "I'll talk to him."
Veronica nodded as Cozy smiled and took her hand, slipping something into her hand. She raised a confused eyebrow and looked at the objects laying in her palm. Car keys. Brand new cars keys.
"What's this?" She looked at Cozy with a startled expression.
"Happy late birthday!" Cozy squealed loudly
Veronica laughed out loud and rushed out the front door, hitting the button on the small remote and as she heard the chirp! She gasped.
"That is NOT a Ford GT." She gaped at the silky pink exterior of the car that has the design of a hellcat on the side in lime green with matching rims. She slid her fingers down the side of the car as it came to rest on the door handle, and she opened the drivers side.
"Oh my god, Cozy. You are an angel." Veronica choked up a little. It may have not been her dream car, but it was definitely faster and better. She turned and gave Cozette a hug hard enough to pop her back.
"Ow ow ow! You're..ow..very welcome!" She gasped for air and Veronica stepped away looking embarrassed.
"I'm sorry it's just..I've always wanted my own car. Thank you so much Cozy, really."
"Don't thank me, city girl. Sully was the one who mentioned it to Chase and I. Your brother wasn't so keen on it but you know I'll always have your back." She gave Veronica a wink and she giggled. It was nice knowing she had someone to always be on her side in the worst of times. Especially someone as amazing and kind as Cozette.
"Well, why don't we take her for a spin?"
Veronica flashed her brown eyes at Cozette as they gleamed with mischief and adrenaline. Cozy smirked and headed for the passenger side as she flung open the drivers door. She fixed the seat in a blink of an eye and their seatbelts fastened.
The car purred under Veronica's fingers as she turned the key. She pressed the gas a couple of times as the engine roared. She could hear the boys laughing as she let off. She watched as Sebastian hopped through Chase's passenger window and Owen slipped in the back seat. Her brother reeved his engine back at her, spinning gravel as he shot down the driveway. He was baiting her to a race. And she was not gonna lose. Just because her father didn't believe in girls racing didn't mean she hadn't learned by watching her brother's movements all these years. She didn't lose time as she popped the car into first gear and shot like a bullet after her brother's Challenger. She caught up easily and pressed her gas before shifting gears and made a quick left turn and spewing gravel across the paved road as she weaved around her brother and took off down the main road towards the highway. Cozette leaned over and quickly pressed the Bluetooth on the radio as she laughed hysterically. "What Was I Thinkin?" by Dierks Bentley filled the open air she glanced over at Cozette with curiosity.
"Let's beat these bastards!" She whooped and Veronica laughed, pressing on the gas as the car reared forward. She could hear her brothers challenger roaring behind them and she braved a look in the rear-view mirror. She could see Chase laugh as they hit a curve and he passed her in one swift shift of a gear and she glanced him flip a switch causing the Challenger to lurch forward and pick up speed as they hit the straightaway.
"He's using Nitro now?" Veronica cursed under breath and hit the gas, Nitro would only help her brother for a short few moments but they were coming up on the last curve before the Racetrack. Her brother's challenger weaves around traffic and disappeared for a second. Before Veronica could shift her gear to catch up Cozette gasped.
"Take Rattlesnake!"
"What?" Veronica shouted over the rushing wind and music.
"That road right there! Take that one!" She pointed to a small bypass cutoff. Veronica flipped on her turn single, changed gears and swung the wheel to turn on the road. She hit 80 at the curve and shot down a smaller highway and reached the pull in to the racetrack in less than two minutes. She slowed and pulled behind the traffic and parked the car behind Sully's box.
Veronica turned the key and the purring died to silence. Cozette giggled and looked to her friend. Her hair was wispy from the wind and cheeks flushed from adrenaline. She could hear Chase's car purr around the corner and shut off. Within seconds there was a tap on Veronica's window and her brother stood furious as she rolled it down.
"How in the fuck did you manage to get here before us?"
Veronica noticed Sebastian and Owen standing a bit behind her brother, looking dumbfounded. She busted out laughing as Cozette lost her composure, a snort escaping from her nose. Her brother fumed at her, but she didn't miss the small smile that tugged at his lips as he tried to hold his pissed off composure.
"Chase, my boy!" Sully's voice called as he approached.
"Hey Sully," Veronica waved from her window, he smiled softly in her direction before beckoning Chase over to talk to him. The girls got out of Veronica's car and went to stand with Owen. Sebastian sauntered over to join her brother and Sully's conversation. Owen watched them with intensity but stood his ground next to the girls. She watched how Owen moved, like he was positioning himself the best way to watch around them but keep an eyes on the girls and the others.
"Did my brother ask you to watch us?" Veronica blurted, causing Owen to startle. His almost black eyes landed on her with distaste.
"Why do you ask that?" He ventured, raising his eyebrows. He was challenging her too. Why?
"Hey Bear, C'mere for a sec!" Sebastian called out. He gave one last look over of the girls and then jogged to her brothers side.
The girls gave each other a look. First a new car, a race from her brother and now Owen as a bodyguard?
"Why don't we go get some drinks?" Cozette offered.
"Sure." Veronica replied, casting one last glance at her brother and the boys before following the blonde towards the stadium.
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bonniebird · 3 years
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Sweet Pea x Reader
Requested by Anon
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“Hello?” A gruff voice said as the phone on the other end picked up. You tried to be as quiet as you could. All the weird things that had happened in Riverdale, that you had managed to avoid. Now some sort of masked gang was invading the store you worked in.
If you thought you could have made it, you would have rushed to your apartment above the shop. Instead, you were cramped in the cupboard below the till, hoping that no one noticed you. When you realised that you still had the store phone clipped to your belt you tried to call for help but no one at the police station answered. When you’d tried again they said all the local deputies were in the area. You’d only heard of that happening during the last Riverdale riot. When you started to panic you recalled Betty Cooper saying that she and the Serpents owed you a favour. During the summer there had been a huge car accident and you’d hoped Jughead Jones, get out of the car he was in before it exploded. So you’d done your best to remember her number. After several attempts you thought that you’d gotten it.
“Is… Is this b...Betty … Is this the Cooper house?” You whispered in a shaky voice. “Yeah, but Betty isn’t home right now...” The voice on the other end paused when something in the room shattered and smashed. Laughter could be heard and you took in a sharp breath. “Betty said the Southside Serpents owe me a favour for saving Jughead Jones.” You whispered quickly. There was talking on the other end of the line and a quick reply. “What do you need?” “There are people, with these scary masks. They’re attacking all the buildings on our street and I think others. I tried the cops and they just said they’re nearby and …” Another shatter made you gasp as someone passed by the cupboard. “I don’t know how long it will be until they find me.” “Can you tell us where the store is?” When you stayed quiet you heard a rustling and someone saying what streets were having issues. They went one by one through the shops until you were able to make a noise and tell them where you were. There was a moment of quiet that was broken by motorbike engines. “Come on. Lets go smash some serpents.” You heard from nearby. The footsteps in the store faded away. After several moments you tried to peak out and see if the coast was clear. When you heard another person come in you slammed your back against the back of the cupboard. The door opened and you kicked at them, shouting and fighting until you saw the serpent symbol on their neck that they were frantically drawing your attention to. “I’m Sweet Pea. I came to get you. Betty is out with Jughead and FP, there’s a lot of problems going on right now, so we came to get you and as many people as we could away from here.” He explained. He pulled you out of the cupboard and looked around at the store. “Do you have any kids, family… dog or something?” “No.” you answered quickly. “Ok. You, live near here?” He asked and you nodded. “Upstairs, my apartment is above this one but I think they already got in there.” You said quickly and he nodded, spotting a few large bags. “I’m going to take one of these and see if I can get up to your apartment. Tell me what you’ll need ok. You take as much of this food and stuff as you can, my friend Fangs if just outside. I’m not sure when you’ll be able to get back to your home but you’ll need some stuff and I’m sure Betty will let you stay with her. We’ll sort you out ok?” He said quickly. You scribbled down a list on a crumbled receipt. Only clothes and the few sentimental items you had. You’d miss everything else but it could be replaced. After telling him how to get to your apartment he told his friend Fangs to help you. You took enough to fill the bags and decided to be sure to give out some of what you took to your neighbours once everything was settled. Fangs hurried you out as he took some of the bags and snuck you out to the back. You could hear people shouting and fighting. Up ahead you could see a few more Southside serpents helping shop owners and your neighbours away.
“What happened?” You asked Fangs who shrugged. “Ghoulies got a new leader and they wanted their turf back. We didn’t think they’d do this. FP had to send out everyone at the station. Some of the Serpents are there now.” He answered. You nodded, not really understanding what he was talking about. You were just grateful to be out and headed towards the Northside. It was starting to get dark and cold. You’d almost brought your coat to work. It hadn’t seemed an important decision at the time. “Where’s the other one? Um… Sweet Pea?” You asked as Fangs kept glancing back. “He should be meeting us out here on the way.” He said nervously. As the two of you walked the path the Serpents seemed to know, you both headed into the woods to a clearing. Several trucks and bikes were stowed away. You could see your much older neighbour sitting in the back of one of the people carrying and hurried ahead to give her one of the bags you’d carried. She seemed grateful but let out a shaky sigh when she saw the dog food you’d put in for her. Fangs called out for someone and waved as lights started breaking through the trees. People ran to the trucks and hurried to get in the vans. You smiled when you saw Sweet Pea. He had your neighbours cats zipped into his jacket. The older neighbor's dog was running along next to him, his dog bed tied to him and dragging in the dirt. You watched as they delightedly reunited. Sweet Pea had several bags of your things over his shoulder, a suitcase he must have found under your bed was dragging behind him. You could make out your Tv tied to his back with blankets and pillows. "I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed.” Fangs said as soon as he saw Sweet Pea. He helped take some of your things and find the owners of the cats before adding. “You just said you were going to grab a few bits of clothing!” “Fangs. There’s no way these people are going home anytime soon. I had to try and get the animals. I was on my way out with her stuff when I saw them.” Sweet Pea explained as he helped you onto one of the people carriers. Fangs huffed and shook his head as he sat up front with the driver.
As their convoy of vans, busses and people carriers pulled out of the clearing you saw FP and his deputies in their cars pulling up the road alongside you all. You could see Betty and Jughead on Jughead’s bike. You recognised Fred Andrews in FP’s car. Looking back you could see what you assumed was the Ghoulies chasing everyone. As soon as the cars passed onto the Northside they stopped the chase. The cars parked up at the town hall. You could see Betty’s mum along with Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews helping people into the town hall. “Hey, (Y/N) are you ok? Toni said that you had to call me for help?” Betty asked as soon as she hurried over to you. “I’d be worse off if Sweet Pea hadn’t come.” You mumbled. “Because of you, we knew where they were coming from, we managed to get almost everyone out to safety.” “All this because of a gang? It seems like something you’d see on a tv show.” You said quietly as she led you to sit down on a nearby bench. “We’ll get everything sorted and everyone home.”Jughead promised. “Yeah we won't let the Ghoulies get away with this.” Sweet Pea said sternly as he came over. Betty and Jughead shared looks with each other before agreeing with him. “Are you comfortable staying here with Sweet Pea and Fangs? We need to get everyone sorted. You should be able to stay with me for now.” Betty asked. You nodded and she got up, letting Sweet Pea take her seat next to you.
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ticklishraspberries · 4 years
Pocket 2.0 (JD/Veronica)
Summary: A sequel to this fic. (A commission I wrote for @your80sdate. I hope you all enjoy!!)
So, Veronica found out that JD was ticklish completely by accident, and now she won’t let him live it down. And all over a stupid pack of cigarettes in his pocket, too. If she had just asked him for the damn thing, he’d have handed it over, but no, she had to go rummaging in his pockets and brush her fingers just a bit too close to his armpit, and...Well, he hadn’t known peace since.
But the most embarrassing part about it was definitely the fact that JD didn’t hate it quite as much as he wanted to. Yeah, it was totally embarrassing and stupid and childish, but...He also thought it was kind of fun. And the way that Veronica lit up like a Christmas tree (if the Christmas tree in question was a brunette with a rocking body) when she heard him laugh was just too cute.
They were in his bedroom, laid out on his bed, a week or so after the initial pocket-incident, and JD could tell that Veronica was brewing a plan. Her eyes kept lingering on him a bit too long, and she kept not-so-subtly scooting closer to him, finding reasons to touch him. He knew it was coming, and he could stop her if he really wanted.
But, honestly, he didn’t want to stop her.
He saw it coming from a mile away, but when Veronica grabbed at his sides and squeezed, he still dissolved into a fit of giggles (yes, giggles was the word that Veronica would use, but JD would vehemently deny ever making such a noise).
“What’s this for?” he asked, words bubbling out between laughs. 
Veronica hummed. “You know, I didn’t actually have a reason, but now that I think about it...You wouldn’t stop stealing sips of my slushie yesterday. Consider this punishment.”
Her fingers slipped under the layers of his flannel and t-shirt, scratching at the bare skin of his sides, and he tipped his head back as his laughter kicked up a notch.
“Not fair!” he argued, but he didn’t sound like his usual intimidating self with the red face and helpless grin. “You cahan’t punish me for a crime before explaining the charges!”
“All is fair in love and war, darling,” she replied, grinning evilly down at him. “And I love your laugh too much to stop any time soon.”
JD let out a frustrated groan, his hands chasing her wrists as she darted her tickling hands between his ribs, neck, and hips, easily evading his (half-hearted) attempts to stop her.
Normally, he wasn’t so easy to fluster, but something about the way Veronica teased him just drove Jason Dean up the fucking wall, making his cheeks flush and butterflies form in his belly like a lovesick loser in a romcom.
He wasn’t really complaining, though. 
“Are you blushing?” Veronica asked, although she obviously knew the answer. “Aw, you’re so adorable. You know, I would have never guessed you’d be so ticklish, but I’m glad you are. It’s precious.”
“Shuhut up!” he said.
She looked down at him with raised eyebrows. “Oh, that’s how you wanna play, hm? If you’re gonna be rude, then I will be too.”
She grabbed his hands and wrestled them down on the bed until they were successfully pinned under her knees, her straddling his lap. “There, that’s better, don’t you think?”
He shook his head frantically, unable to fight the grin of anticipation off of his face as he looked up at her. “I don’t think ‘better’ is the word I would use,” he replied cheekily.
Veronica giggled. “That’s too bad,” she said, before her hands returned to the skin beneath his shirt, scribbling over his hips with her nails.
His laughter came spilling out before he could even try to hold it back, and his head shook back and forth. “Noho!” he cried, trying and failing to buck her off.
Veronica was tiny, but when he was tickled, JD seemed to lose all semblance of strength he had, weak with laughter and leaving him with no choice but to laugh his head off under her. Plus, he didn’t want to hurt her with his body’s instincts going wild...And, well, he didn’t even really want her to stop, although he’d never admit that out loud.
“This is a bad spot, hm?” Veronica asked, pinching at the bones of his hips, making his laughter grow more frantic. He didn’t grace her question with a verbal answer, figuring the desperation in his laugh was enough.
It made her grin, seeing him falling apart beneath her fingers. But she didn’t want to let him off easy, letting more teases roll off her tongue. “You’re so ticklish here,” she commented, using her nails to scratch at his hip bones with stupidly effective results, JD’s body arching and twisting as hysterical giggles poured from him.
She didn’t keep lingering at his hips much longer, hands darting to poke and prod his ribs for a bit before worming their way beneath his arms, the first spot she’d discovered he was ticklish, and wiggled her fingers.
JD squeaked, yes, like, literally squeaked, laughter coming out higher in pitch as the new spot was targeted. “Not there!” he gasped.
Veronica paused. “Do you mean ‘not there’ as in, ‘please actually don’t tickle me here’, or ‘not there’ as in ‘I’m really ticklish here but you don’t actually have to stop’?”
Catching his breath momentarily, JD couldn’t meet her eye when he said, “The second one.”
She beamed, and her fingers were moving again within seconds.
After another moment of taking him apart with tickles, Veronica stopped and rolled off his waist, laying down beside him on the bed.
JD curled up, arms wrapping around his own torso as if he could shield them from the phantom tickly sensations still setting his nerves alight. He caught his breath, and the blush on his face slowly subsided, and Veronica was already grabbing the remote to flip through channels like nothing had even happened.
He was grateful that she didn’t push embarrassing him further by asking questions. He had basically just granted her permission to tickle him, in an absolutely horrible spot as well, and he’d barely fought back or even begged.
The answers to the questions she may have were pretty obvious.
What she did do though was pop on a random channel before laying down on her back beside him, reaching out a hand to ruffle his hair.
“You alright there?” she asked.
He let out a sigh. “I think I’ll live,” he joked, giving her a grin.
Veronica giggled. “Good, I’m glad I didn’t kill you.”
She snuggled up to his side and rested her head on his chest, a content little smile on her face. It was almost too cute for JD to bear; how did he get so lucky?
He let himself relax, bringing a hand to wrap around her and rub her back.
“You know, it’s okay if you like it, right?” Veronica said, unprompted.
JD blinked. “Huh?”
“It’s okay if you like it when I tickle you,” she repeated, as if it were a totally normal conversation to be having. “I think it’s cute.”
He felt his face turning red, and his hand paused stroking her back. “I-”
“You don’t have to deny it either,” she interrupted. “I can tell you like it. You aren’t very subtle about it.”
She looked up at him, meeting his eye, and her expression was so soft and sweet, it could have killed him. “If I’m totally wrong, you can tell me, but if I’m right, you don’t have to confirm or deny. I’ll just keep tickling you when it seems like you want it.”
And because she said he didn’t need to confirm or deny it, he just nodded. “Okay.”
Veronica grinned, and skirted her fingers over his lower rib playfully, making him twitch and giggle.
Well, at least he didn’t have to really admit it out loud. JD wasn’t sure his pride would have handled it well. But, Veronica was understanding and sweet to him as always (perhaps more than he deserved). He was relieved to say the least.
And besides, she clearly found plenty of joy in breaking him down into a giggly mess, so it wasn't like it was a crazy request. 
The two of them wound up falling asleep in JD’s bed, cuddled close, and Veronica was the first to wake up about an hour later, and lightly scribbled her fingers over his stomach until he woke up, blinking sleep from his eyes, and already smiling before he processed why.
If he happened to roll the two of them over so he could get his well-deserved revenge, well, let’s just say that it was a good thing Veronica didn’t quite mind being tickled either.
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rovingpixels · 3 years
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Passing through town, they come upon an open air bar. Its dark interior is sunlit from the windows and a few strands of colored lights but lots of seating sprawls out onto the surrounding sand.
"Do you think we could get lunch here? It looks like a tavern. Can the children...?" Chelsea's not sure but she doesn't relish the idea of climbing the hill and then cooking lunch.
"If we sit outside, what could be the problem?"
Chelsea and the girls find seats while Noah goes inside to order food. Everyone's a little dazed from the long walk back, but the younger kids find the energy to work on a sandcastle. They're nearly done but they quickly abandon it when Joey sees Noah leave the bar with platters of food! Trix lags behind because she found shells that she thinks would make pretty decorations on their castle; she pockets them when she remembers how hungry she is!
Everyone digs in but soon, two young men approach them. They have smiles for the whole group but zero in on the young women under the canopy.
"Hello! How are you? Isn't it a beautiful day?" The speaker is young, handsome, and perhaps a little too glib. "My name is Afu and this is my friend Vaea. Are you new to Ohan'ali? Welcome! We would love to show you around"
Dee and Veronica say hello while Jackie is shyly silent. Chelsea and Noah say hello and the young men throw them ingratiating smiles but then turn their attention back to the girls. The younger kids are giggling.
"Are you from here?" Dee asks.
"Oh, yes, born and raised. If you have any questions...."
"Do you want me to chase them off?" Noah asks Chelsea quietly.
"They're a little unsavory, don't you think? Look at those shoes — if he's from here, why's he wearing dress shoes and socks in the sand?"
"Maybe they're all he has. Or maybe he's coming from work or from a special dinner at his grandmother's."
Noah gives her a sympathetic look. "You sweet, innocent kid."
"Maybe he's not from here but he just wants to impress them."
Noah wrinkles his nose.
Meanwhile, Dee has dismissed the young men. She has a way of staying in charge of a situation – they were interrupting lunch!
"They seemed a little old for us," Jackie says.
"That one was really cute though," Veronica insists.
Chelsea turns back to Noah. "See? They took care of it on their own and maybe they learned something. And they didn't cause an international incident."
Noah shrugs.
The younger trio have finished their lunch so they're off exploring the area around the bar. Bebe spots the chickens first and drags Trix along.
"We saw them this morning up at the house," Bebe tells her.
"They're so cute!" Trix feels kind of bad that she missed them earlier.
"The chickens are back!" Joey joins them but runs back to their table to get some scraps for the birds. When he returns, the chickens have crossed the road and gone into the underbrush. He shoves the pita into his mouth and the kids continue to explore.
"Do you think Mom would let us have chickens at home?" Joey wonders, the words a little muffled by chewing.
"Why not?" Bebe answers. "I bet they're good for the garden and you know how she looooves the garden!"
"Guys?" Trix is lagging behind. She has an issue. The kids look around and find a little shed behind the bar, kind of like their bath hut at the house.
"I guess everybody keeps their toilets in the yard here." Joey's adjusting his idea of what 'normal' is.
"Don't watch, please." Trix heads into the room but she's self-conscious about her siblings standing around outside.
"We'll head up the path," Bebe suggests. "Catch up!"
"Look at those big open windows, like at our house," Joey observes before they're deep into the trees.
Chelsea is planning the rest of the day with the older girls. They want to have the afternoon on their own.
"It's not a bad idea. You know the area now."
"Mom, about the WiFi...." Jackie is persistent.
"Not now, please."
Dee and Veronica are still discussing the young men from earlier, mostly at Veronica's prompting.
"But what about him was cute?"
"I don't know – his eyes maybe."
Dee does not see the appeal.
Noah is just sitting back, basking in the familial chaos.
When the younger kids return, the family finishes their plans. Chelsea reminds them there are rules associated with their independence.
"Stick with a buddy!" Joey pipes up.
"And don't swim alone!" Bebe adds.
"If you stick with a buddy, you can't swim alone," Trix observes. Joey looks at her, a little startled.
"Mom! What if you're with your buddy, but one of you is swimming and one of you sits on the sand? Is that...?"
Chelsea gives Trix the stink eye. "I think you've got it, Joey! Everybody make good choices and have a fun afternoon! Noah and I are going to walk back up to the little store from this morning if anyone wants to go."
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soyforramen · 3 years
“The Pincushion Man” Last ep was so football heavy I forgot to pay attention to the next episode. Whoops:
Ten minutes in and the only thing to say is Jabitha is cute y’all, even if they end up only being friends
Glen is blaming…. Hal? Who is … dead?? Glen is TBK
Ok but I’m p sure most of us have used the maple trees going dry as a plot point to some Blossom creepiness in fanfic before. What we didn’t have was Hiram in a mining hat with a pickaxe jfc this show
Maple mushrooms. That’s it. That’s the series.
Chad flew a helicopter crash while drunk, and Veronica thinks it’s because she wished him dead? What?
Idk some Varchie nonsense followed by creepy twin nonsense, I missed it because I had to chase down my mother’s puppy
Glen writes about the Cooper family serial killer ‘gene’. This is an academically approved paper. Isn’t sleeping with one of them a conflict of interest?
Glen, once more, is an ASS.
Idk something about shady military things
Chad tries too hard.
Reggie burns up the maple farm while a prison break occurs in the background
At this point I tried to explain to my mother what was happening, and her response was, “I don’t think I want to know anymore.”
Me too, mom. Me too
My dead(?) gay sons came to see their family and get married by Alice. Because Charles asked her to
Juniper obviously didn’t learn basic safety
Glen shows up and finally realizes he fucked up good
Charles decides to do a remake of Funny Games with Glen
Skipping through the Purge: Riverdale because no
Tabitha Gerald’s Game’s Jughead into writing. Except he’s haunted by the ghosts of ex’s past who turns into Mothman
Take that Stephen King
And there’s the Blossom (oc)cult I’ve always wanted
Chad is an ass. Also a terrible businessperson
Something something military bad. Archie Andrews goes to Washington, etc etc.
There’s a printer in the bunker and Jughead banged out a whole four episodes? Maybe?
Alice reads The Bad Seed. This is a reference to earlier. In case we didn’t notice Betty saying it before
Betty continues to terrify blue collar workers and sex workers. Because … ?
And it turns out Jughead has had a bad trip. In several different ways.
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yelmor-boots · 4 years
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(If you have an emotional attachment to Kaltenecker, do not read the following. It’s embarrassing to admit but I cried while writing this.)
Read it on AO3
It was one of the better days on New Altea. Nadia laughing as her uncle chased her around the field, Hunk and Pidge hunched over a picnic basket fighting over who got the last apple juice, Shiro and Curtis sitting side-by-side on the porch and gazing out across at all the Junniberries blooming. Keith could hear the distant echoes of Mrs. McClain humming to a Spanish song off the radio and Coran telling Sylvio of tales of when he was still a boy. He watched from beside the large tree up on the hill as the people he has come to love so much, smiled and laughed with each other. The stress of war and pain of loss vanishing from their shoulders as they spent time together.
He found himself comfortable with the large crowd. The many people working through the fields. The fresh scent of Junniberries in the breeze. Finally, the peace has come and the strife was gone. Everything they worked so hard to achieve right before him.
He absentmindedly played with the Junniberry tucked behind his ear. He had to sit through a minute of Veronica pulling his hair to get it braided through his hair. He wasn't sure why he allowed her to do it, why he felt okay with the contact. But one look at the people hurrying around one another, the friendly faces of people Keith could call family, he knew that it was trained into him from years of good memories.
But old habits died hard, and the noise of laughter and talking soon became overwhelming. He pushed himself from the tree and went to the one secluded part of Lance's farm. Sneaking past the barn doors, Keith walked up to one of the farthest stalls. He pulled up a stool and looked up at Kaltenecker. They've gotten her so long ago that she became one of their roots. A happy memory living right before them.
"Hey, Kaltenecker," Keith spoke in a hushed tone. Kaltenecker stayed quiet, chewing on the stack of grass in front of her. Something in the barn smelled... off. Keith excused it as just being a barn smell before running his fingers gently against the back of Kaltenecker's ear. "You enjoying yourself, girl?"
Usually, Kaltenecker would reply with a broody 'moo'. She always had a bored expression on her face. One Keith came to love. He still remembered sitting by her in the Castle of Lions and recounting some of his Blade missions to her. As a stress reliever. What seemed to be a temporary passenger has become a life-long friend and no one has ever objected to her stay.
But today was different. She was quiet. Her blinking was slow and tired. And that smell was still prodding at his nose. "Are you okay, girl?" Keith asked, running his fingers through her fur. "You're a little quiet."
She looked up at him as if just noticing he was there. Her ear twitched and she looked back down. The scent was distracting, to say the least. He let out a sigh before trying to identify what it was. Maybe some old food that Lance has forgotten to clean out, or a dirty stall. But his eyes flew open as his senses became acutely aware of the scent.
Living on Daibazaal had its ups and downs. Now that he was among other galra almost twenty-four-seven, his senses became much stronger. Smelling things almost seemed to pick apart the smallest details and it has come in handy to traitors trying to poison him countless times. But the scent he recognized wasn't one that put his mind at ease. Looking down at the elderly cow, he couldn't help but remember lost blade members. Walking through an alien hospital with a sour scent hanging in the air.
That's what it was.
He stared into Kaltenecker's tired eyes as she slowly chewed the grass before her. Her jaw seemingly not working like it used to. He got up from the stool and leaned over the gate, brushing his palm against his cheek. "It's time, isn't it?"
An exhausted 'moo' silently rung in his ears as Kaltenecker closed her eyes. Seemingly pushing into the touch. "It's okay. I get it. You're old now, girl." He blinked quickly as he felt the tell-tale prick of tears in the corners of his eyes. He brushed his thumb over one of her ears, studying her greying fur around her snout. "We love you, Kaltenecker."
Kaltenecker let out a small huff of acknowledgment. Her bleary eyes meeting his.
Hurried footsteps grabbed Keith's attention and he glanced over to the barn doors. "Man, that little girl can run," Lance laughed as he stepped into the barn. He jumped slightly when he noticed Keith standing there. "Oh, hey, Keith. What are you doing here?"
Keith turned back to look down at Kaltenecker, but not before Lance noticed the shining of his eyes. The glistening tears he was fighting hard to keep back. And just like that, it was no longer one of the better days on New Altea.
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jettingtothemoon · 4 years
Moonlit Embers
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➳ pairing: luminary x erik ➳ genre: fluff(?), smut ➳ warnings: smut, fingering, anal, orgasm denial, over-stimulation, swearing, oral, luminary named eleven, luminary speaks in this one ➳ word count: 1960 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which el and erik enjoy their time together under the moonlight. ➳ a/n: this started off kinda fluffy and romantic but then just went straight into filthy smut with no warning. oopsies  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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It was late when they made camp. A quick dinner and almost everyone was asleep.
Veronica and Serena lying side by side a little way from the campfire. Rab curled up asleep with one of his magazines. Sylvando softly snoring in an almost melodic tune. Finally, Jade with her back to the rest as she caught up on some well-deserved sleep.
The only two who were still awake were sitting on a log by the fire just a little away from one another. They had been sitting there for a while, not a word spoken between the two. They were waiting. Waiting patiently for everyone else to finally drift off to sleep.
When they were pretty sure everyone was asleep, their hands edged towards each other. Fingers walking along the log between them before they made contact. Erik's fingers settled on top of El's before the latter began to move his own, tangling them with the other boy's.
When they were certain everyone was most definitely asleep and would not notice them, Erik leaned to the side, resting his head against El's shoulder while their hand remained linked together.
They still sat there silently, a little closer than before, and watched the broken embers of the fire start to dwindle. No wood had been added in a good while and all that was left of the fire was a dull flicker, just lighting up the camp they had set up for the night.
Soon, the fire would die completely and it would grow cold. They should retire to their blankets but, they didn't want to let go of each other quite yet.
El leaned his head against Erik's, nestling into the blue hair beside him. It was comfortable, safe. Until Erik lifted his head, nose almost brushing against El's.
"Someone will wake up." El whispered, breath ghosting over Erik's lips.
Erik pushed forward, noses bumping as he quietly breathed out, "I don't care."
Just like that, their lips met. A quiet but hungry dance of passion, of need, of want. Erik pushed against El and the latter had it all to do not to fall from the log they were sitting on.
It had been days since they last slept at an inn. An inn in which the two boys would either already be sharing a room due to sheer lack of space or be sneaking in to meet each other. They didn't know if anyone else had noticed the different aroma that surrounded the two of them, the change in the air around them. If anyone had, they hadn't said anything of it.
Days since they were last like this. Days since they last held each other.
Erik finally stopped for air, tongue licking at the other boy's lips as he pulled away.
"I need you." He hummed, resting his forehead against El's.
El was unsure. He didn't want one of the others to be uncomfortable if they woke up and found the two of them like this. So close, so intimate.
He wrapped his arms around the blue-haired thief, twisting his fingers into his hair as he pressed another light kiss to his lips.
"Come with me."
He got up, fingers barely holding onto Erik's hand as he dragged him away from the dwindling fire.
There was a lake nearby. It was oh so pretty with the moonlight glistening off its surface, the twinkle of stars shining within the ripples. Hidden by berry bushes and tall oak trees. A place of serenity in a world of monsters and fear.
"It's so beautiful." Erik proclaimed although he was not looking at the scenery.
El smiled, oblivious that the words were meant for him, and stopped just before the lake. There was a cliff at the back of the lake, a sparkling waterfall elegantly flowing down into the almost still water. It was as if it fell so softly it barely made a ripple but, the sound of water running was just loud enough to mask the muffled noises of two boys holding onto each other in the darkness of the night.
The only light came from the fireflies, dotted about in the sky as they buzzed around peacefully.
El let go of Erik's hand and walked around the lake, disappearing behind the waterfall as he beckoned for the latter to follow. Of course, Erik wasted no time in chasing after him, his desire to hold the other boy growing with each passing second.
El was not completely surprised when he was pushed back into the cliffside, a pair of hungry lips once again colliding with his own. A tongue slipped into his mouth while a pair of needy hands went up under his shirt. Cold fingers slid against his warm skin, trailing over the dips in the muscles over his abdomen. The lips over his mouth were soon on his neck as two strong hands held his hips and pushed him further back into the cliffside behind him.
"Erik." He breathed with a groan, arms wrapping around the boy's neck to pull him closer.
Erik simply hummed against his skin as he pulled his shirt down over his shoulder, sucking a hickey into the soft skin of his collarbone. Once the circle of skin was a nice dark red, his hands moved upwards as he pulled the fabric of El's shirt up. The latter lifted his arms, allowing Erik to pull his shirt off in one quick motion.
Erik stepped back, taking in the body before him as his eyes scanned every inch of the boy's torso before locating the bulge in his crotch.
"Absolutely beautiful."
In an instant, their lips were together again. Tongues dancing together as hands roamed over bodies. It wasn't long before Erik too was discarding his shirt to the side, his fingers then curling around the hem of El's trousers. He pulled them down, underwear and all, exposing El's most intimate areas to the cold air around him. El hissed at the frosty air as his half-hard cock sprung free.
Lips connected again as they moved from the wall to the floor. El lied back against the damp ground, his naked body shivering at the touch while Erik climbed over him.
"Don't worry, I'll warm you up soon enough." He teased, pulling at El's bottom lip with his teeth.
El groaned, wrapping his legs around Erik to pull him closer, grinding up against him.
"Someone's impatient."
El wanted to scoff as it was Erik who moments ago jumped him like a dog in heat.
Instead, he brought his lips up to ghost over Erik's ear, tugging on his lobe as he groaned, "Just fuck me already."
Erik wasted no time in ridding his own trousers and briefs, his fully erected cock springing against his stomach.
El reached to the side, pulling a small vial out of his trousers pocket. He opened the little glass bottle and passed it to Erik, allowing him to cover his fingers in the liquid. He bit his lip in anticipation, spreading his legs to give Erik the access he needed as he pushed a finger in.
El whined, throwing his head back as his fingers clutched at Erik's hair. The finger in his hole moved in and out a few times before another joined it. He moaned when Erik began to scissor them inside him, stretching him out before adding another. He was fully hard by the time the fingers found his prostate. His back arched and his bit his own hand to stifle his moans.
Erik worked El right up to this orgasm but, before he could release, the fingers inside him were retracted and a hand tightly gripped his cock.
"Not just yet, pretty. We've not even hit the main event yet."
El squirmed and simpered beneath him, back arching as Erik finally pushed into him. If it wasn't for the tight grip on his cock, that alone would have been enough to make him come.
Erik knew this all too well and so, he didn't once loosen his grip on El's throbbing cock as he began to thrust into him.
"L-Let me come. P-Please." he stammered, breath hitching in his throat.
Erik smirked and released his grip, "Okay."
El came undone there and then but Erik's thrusts didn't stop. He just kept pounding into him, hips almost violently snapping into him. His body rocked back and forth on the floor. He wanted to scream out the moment Erik began pumping him again, trying to bring his erection back. The overstimulation was too much. It hurt but it felt so, so good.
"F-Fuck, Erik." He gasped for air, once again bringing his hand up to his mouth to muffle his moans. The others weren't too far away and, if he allowed himself to scream out, they would certainly hear and come running in fear of an attack.
Erik groaned, pulling El's hand away so that he could muffle his cries with his mouth instead. Erik rubbed his thumb over El's slit and it brought tears to his eyes. The blue-haired boy simply cupped his cheek and wiped the tears away with his free hand.
When his mouth moved away again, El was quick to cover his own with his hand once again, biting down into his own skin to stifle the sounds coming from him.
"I'm going to come inside. Can I come inside?" Erik groaned as his pace grew.
All El could do was nod, too afraid of screaming out instead if he dare tried to use his words. Although, the confirmation was enough and Erik came, his semen shooting into El, filling him up completely.
When Erik caught his breath, he felt the twitching in his hand, "Oh look, you're hard again."
With that, he began to crawl down El's body, pumping him with his hand until he was positioned where we wanted to be.
He looked at his own cum spilling out of the boy beneath him and ran a finger over his abused hole, collecting up some of the juices before pushing his finger inside once again.
El whimpered into his hand, back arching again when Erik placed a gentle kiss against his leaking tip before taking him in his mouth.
As his head bobbed, his nose brushed against El's unshaven pelvic bone. When he took his entire length in his mouth, he continued to thrust his fingers inside him, using his own release as more than enough lubrication as he pleasured the other.
Erik reached around with his free hand and began to massage El's balls, humming against his cock to top it all off. In seconds, he came. Of course, offering a strangled warning to the other boy but he simply remained to swallow it all up regardless.
When he pulled away, standing up to look down at El, he was in awe. The naked sweaty body below him was soaked in cum. He was breathing heavily, glassy eyes looking around with a dazed expression as he tried to come down from his high.
Erik crouched down and pulled him into his arms, kissing his forehead gently as he lifted him up off of the ground.
"Let's get you cleaned up and into bed."
El was so out of it while Erik washed his body in the lake, just holding onto his shoulders shakily to keep himself afloat. His head rested in the crook of his neck as he spread his cheeks apart and cleaned out his insides, making sure to wash away all remainders of his own semen before pulling El out of the lake.
Erik put him down and grabbed his own trousers, saying to wait there for a moment while he quickly slipped back off to camp. When he came back, he had a blanket and wrapped El tightly in it to warm him up and dry him off a little before helping him dress again.
Then, the two of them returned to camp and, no longer caring for who might find them all close and intimate, cuddled up by the now extinguished fire and fell asleep under the moonlight.
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devilatmydoor · 4 years
love is fatal part 10
a/n; hello all beautiful people, i hope you are all doing well. this was such a fun chapter to write. as always, let me know what you think in the tags, my ask or dm me! please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 
previous chapters- part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7  part 8 part 9 
word count; 4.4+ (just under 5k hehe)
warnings; smut, language, drinking/ drug use 
The view of the mountains in the distance as palm trees surrounded the resort, when they arrived at the resort it was nothing like he had seen before; they had their own villas with a kitchen, dining room and living room area, shower separate from the bathtub with a king sized mattress. There was a spa, golf course, gym, arcade, two separate dining areas and two different pools. They unpacked their belongings and got acquainted in the room before changing into their swimsuits. 
She grabbed their key and left the room hand in hand when they got to the smaller pool, everyone was sitting on lounge chairs or by the bigger pool. 
She set her key and towel down on the floor before she sat down on the edge of the pool as he jumped in. She giggled as she watched him swim around the vacant pool. He hummed as he swam up to her, she giggled as he moved closer slowly spreading her legs as his hands traced circles on her thighs. “Calum.” She knew exactly what he was thinking. He pulled her closer to the edge of the pool. 
He smirked as he moved closer slowly untying her bikini bottoms, She gasped softly as his thumb ran up her clothed heat. “I haven’t eaten since this morning” 
He slowly pushed her bikini bottoms aside as his thumb ran up her slick folds, “Baby, there are people here.” 
He winked as his finger continued to tease her, his thumb softly circling her clit, “And? What’s your point?” 
“We just got here, we can’t get kicked out because you’re horny.”
Her breath hitched as he softly kissed her clit, “I’m not the only one.”
He slowly licked a stripe up her folds as she bit her lip while he softly sucked on her clit as he gripped her hips. She gripped the edge of the pool as he sucked harder on her clit, she let go of her bottom lip and let out a soft whine. He spread out her lips as his tongue entered her causing her to throw her head back. He knew that with each stroke of his tongue drove her crazy as his casual switching from kitten licking to slow and sensual licking had her close, “I-I’m gonna cum.” 
His pace quickened as he licked up every ounce of her orgasm hitting his tongue, his pace slowing down as he rode out her orgasm.  She watched him as he licked her clean before moving her bottoms back as he tied them,  “You were so good for me, so quiet so no one would know how good I made you feel.” He winked as he got out of the pool and sat down next to her. 
Her hand rested on his thigh as she looked at him, “You couldn’t wait until we got back to the room?”
He chuckled as he kissed her lips softly, “Why would I wait for dessert when it's right there?” 
She shook her head as she kissed his lips softly, “Let’s go back to the room before I turn into a tomato.” 
He chuckled before standing up and helping her get up, she bent down to grab the towels and room key. He couldn’t help but smack her ass before she stood up straight, “Calum!” 
“What? Your ass doesn’t quit.” 
She shook her head playfully as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. They walked back to their room as he held on to her tight. She opened the door, he followed her inside as he watched her. She started drying him off as she left soft kisses all over his skin causing him to moan with each kiss. She grabbed the waistband of his swim shirts and pulled it back so it softly hit his skin, he looked at her with the familiar lust in his eyes. She slowly slid his shorts down to reveal his hard cock springing free. She dried off his thighs completely neglecting his cock before she softly kissed the tip of his cock before standing up straight. She grabbed the other towel to dry herself off causing Calum to groan loudly. She slowly took her top off as she dried off her breasts and stomach, following her arms. She untied her bottoms before letting them fall to the floor. She dried herself off as she maintained eye contact with him. 
She slowly kneeled down before slowly pressing open mouth kisses along his length causing his moans to grow louder. Her tongue traced the prominent vein on his cock before palming him. She swirled her tongue around his cock before she softly sucked on the tip of his cock as she continued to make eye contact as he moaned her name. She took as much as she could in her mouth as she bobbed her head as she palmed the rest of his cock, “God Veronica, you look so pretty around my cock like that.”
She bobbed his cock faster as he groaned loudly while his head threw back causing his vein to pop out of his neck. She continued as she felt cum dripping down her neck, she slowly moved his cock out of her mouth as she swallowed and sucked his tip as he groaned. 
“V-Veronica I’m gonna cum again.” 
She winked as she bobbed her head pushing his cock back in her mouth as she hallowed out her cheeks. She moved her hand to fondle his balls as he bit his lip and his second orgasm came rushing in as the familiar taste filled her mouth. She swallowed slowly as she let go of his cock with a pop. 
She licked her lips slowly before standing up straight making the space between them nonexistent. His thumb ran over her lips as he kissed her lips softly, “Are you gonna be a good girl and lay down for me?” 
She nodded as she led him to the bed and laid down motioning him closer; he smirked as he hovered over her and gripped her hips before kissing her jaw. He sucked on the soft skin as he softly nipped at it long enough to leave a mark, “You need some new hickeys angel, guests need to know your mine.” He softly growled as he kissed her sweet spot softly before sucking on her skin. He rubbed her hips as he left marks all over her neck. He licked up the valley between her breasts before one hand cupped her breasts as his tongue flicked at her nipple causing it to harden. 
He swirled his tongue around her nipple as he tweaked the other one softly tugging on her piercing, her hips bucking in response. Moans escaped her lips as his lips wrapped around her nipple as he softly twisted the other. She gripped his shoulders as he moved to the other nipple to do the same treatment. 
He kissed her jaw as his fingers ran through her slick folds as his thumb rubbed her clit, “So wet for me baby.”
She moaned as his fingers slid into her with ease as he pumped his fingers inside of her as his other thumb circled her clit. Her hands found a home in his curls as her eyes fluttered shut. “Come for me pretty girl.” 
His pace quickened with ease as he curled his fingers inside of her hitting the right spot causing her orgasm to rush through her body. “Fuck!” She moaned loudly as he slowed his pace riding out her high. He slowly took his fingers out of her as he licked them clean. 
“I know you’ve got more in you.” He smirked as he teased her folds with the tip of his cock before pushing in cock inside of her. She gasped as his thrusts were precise; hard thrust at a face pace. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she moaned his name, “Let me hear you baby.” 
He pulled all the way out before thrusting all the way in harder than before causing her to moan his name louder. He kept that pace as he gripped her hips, “C’mon baby, I want everyone to know who's making you feel so good.”
His grip on her hips tightened as he wasn’t letting up, his thrusts faster and harder, “Calum!” She moaned loudly. 
“Louder.” He softly growled as she could feel all of him simultaneously as he hit her g-spot.
“Calum!!” She yelled as her release rushed through her body, her head throwing back against the pillow as she bit her lip. 
He chased his own high as he came deep inside of her as his thrusts slowed, his grip on her hips loosened. He sloppily kissed her lips before pulling all the way out of her, “I’ll be right back, gonna get a towel angel.” 
She nodded as her cheeks flushed pink, he climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and ran it under warm water. He run it out and cleaned himself off and flipped the washcloth on the other side and walked over to the bed as she propped herself up on her elbows. He hovered over her and cleaned her up before kissing her forehead. He brought the towel back into the room and threw it in the hamper. He walked up to the bed as she patted the bed and he climbed on the bed and smiled at her, “You still need more hickies, c’mere.” He motioned her to his lap and she smiled as she straddled his lap and he held her hips. 
He sat up as he kissed her sweet spot before he started sucking on the skin as she held onto his arms, she softly moaned as his teeth nipped at her soft skin. 
He kissed the new mark on her skin as she looked in his eyes, “Yes baby?”
She bit her lip before she slowly grinded on his cock causing it to harden underneath her, he moaned as she winked at him, “I’ve got an idea that will make us both happy.” 
“What’s that pretty girl?” 
She stopped grinding on him before hovering over him and lining herself up before lowering herself onto him causing them both to moan, “Much better, continue.” She winked. 
He held her hips as she rested her hands on his chest as he continued to leave hickeys all over her neck down to her chest. Once he finished they decided to get dressed and go to dinner at the restaurant within walking distance from the resort. 
He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her as she wore a red dress with black heels, as they sat down to eat she looked at the menu and he was too distracted by her to bother reading it. She ordered him salmon and a salad as she ordered a calamari salad with soup. 
“You’re lucky I know what you like or you’d be starving tonight.” She winked as she grabbed his hand. 
He chuckled as his cheeks turned pink, “Not entirely, I always get dessert.” He winked causing her cheeks to turn bright red as her eyes widened. 
“Calum! I swear to god!” She giggled as she shook her head playfully before taking a sip of her sangria. 
“You love it.” He cockily smirked as he drank his whiskey. 
“Calum!” She chided as she gave him a look and he chuckled in response to embarrassing her. 
He chuckled as he winked at her as she shook her head playfully at him. Her blue eyes glistened under the lights as she smiled, “I can’t believe we pulled this off.” 
“I can’t either, thank god I didn’t give Mikey much of a choice.” He smiled before kissing her hand. 
“I didn’t give my manager one either, thankfully she owes me so it worked out,” She pressed her soft lips to his hand before tracing his veins with her fingertip, “You are the only man I’ve taken to our timeshare.” She blushed before sipping her drink. 
His eyes widened as he realized what she meant, every summer she’d come to Palm Springs whether it was on her own or with her family. Grayson had only gone once, “Really baby?” 
She nodded before kissing his palm, “Yeah, I don’t know how to explain why and have it make sense.” 
He grabbed her hand and kissed it, “You don’t need to explain it to me, I’m just happy to be here with you.” 
She smiled as she took another sip of her drink before she talked about her girls day with Penelope coming up. Grinning from ear to ear as she explained they both took the day off and spent the entire day together, half of the time her sister Tatum attended. Finishing their food he snatched the bill from Veronica’s hand as she playfully shook her head at him. 
“Before we head out I should run to the bathroom.” 
“That’s a good idea my love, I’m gonna go for a smoke outside. I’ll be waiting for you.” He smiled as she got up from the table and walked to the bathroom. He grabbed the receipt before standing up and walking towards the front door. Once outside he leaned on the wall of the restaurant not even realizing there was a bar next door. He grabbed a cigarette from the pack and lit it before inhaling. He exhaled as he looked around and inhaled, he saw a girl walking towards him. He exhaled as she stopped in front of him, it didn’t make sense to him why she stopped until she looked him up and down. He didn’t have any hickeys on him and he wished she had given him hickeys. 
“Hi!” She said abruptly. 
“Hi.” He replied as he inhaled his cigarette as they looked at each other. 
“You’re not from around here are you?”  She replied. 
“No, how would you even know if I was?” He was confused as to why she'd ask a complete stranger a question like that. 
“Because I live here and know most of the locals.” She mentioned as she moved closer to him causing him to step backward. 
“And? Your point being?” 
“I’d remember you if you lived around here.” The girl stated as she stepped closer to him, he took another step back. 
“Must have a good memory then.” He exhaled his cigarettes before shoving his hand in his pocket. 
(Veronica POV)
She put her phone back in her clutch as her heels clicking on the ground giving her confidence as she strutted to the front door. She didn’t see Calum as she opened the door, but she heard his voice when her gaze was fixed on him talking to a girl. 
Jealousy invaded her thoughts instantaneously as he didn’t notice her stepping out of the restaurant. Whether it was the girl standing in his view or him busy talking to her it ignited heat rushing through her veins as the girl’s hand touched his shoulder. She took a deep breath before making her move. She walked in their direction as his brown eyes finally met hers, she pushed the girl aside as she gently pushed him against the wall ignoring the girl's comments about watching where she was going. She didn’t give Calum a chance to speak before her lips met him in a soft and fleeting kiss as his hands held her hips. She heard the girl scoff before walking away, she kissed his lips again but playfully nibbled on his bottom lip as her eyes met his. 
Her fingertips ran over his jaw as she traced the moles on his cheek, their faces close enough together they shared breaths, “Hi.” 
“Hi pretty girl, what was that for?”
Her thumb traced his chin before resting her hand on his chest, “Nothing.” She didn’t want to admit she was jealous even though she knew she had no reason to be jealous but she couldn’t help it even if she tried. 
“That was nothing- Wait, were you jealous?” His cocky smirk made her giggle giving away her secrecy.  
She kissed his sweet spot and toyed with his collar, “Maybe.” 
He let out a low chuckle as he rubbed her hips, “Veronica.” 
Her eyes met him as she kissed his jaw, “Hmm?” 
“You were jealous of me talking to someone else weren’t you?” He smirked as he grabbed her waist and started to walk. 
She wrapped her arm around his waist and nodded, “Guilty as charged.” 
“It’s sexy that you're jealous.” He purred as he pulled her against him. 
“Hood you are something else.” She giggled as she kissed his cheek as they walked back to their villa, talking about their plans for the remainder of their mini-vacation. 
She flattened his shirt over her stomach before looking in the mirror. She hadn’t worn lingerie like this for him before and she couldn’t explain why it made her nervous. She slowly opened the door and stepped outside of the bathroom, his attention fixed on his phone. She cleared her throat and he set his phone down and looked her up and down before sitting up straight on the couch. She walked closer to him as his eyes fixed on her, “Hi.” 
He motioned her to come over to him and she followed, “Hi baby, I love seeing you in my shirts.” 
“I know you do.” She blushed as she straddled his hips and he held her hips, he toyed with the waistband of her panties and he let out a loud groan, “Oh baby.”
She ran her fingers along his jawline that she could swear could sharpen knives, “Yes?” 
His warm hands roamed up her shirt as he cupped her breasts, “All of this for me?” 
Her lips ghosted over his before she softly licked his lips before playfully nibbling his bottom lip, “Mhmm.” 
 She discarded his oversized top and he groaned as she felt him harden beneath her, she kissed his new hickeys returning her gaze to meet his. 
He looked her up and down and bit his lip. “Baby if we start I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing Hood.” She winked as she held onto his shoulders as she slowly rocked her hips against his as she felt his cock harden underneath her. He moaned loudly as he bit his lip, “Fuck.” 
She continued to grind on him as her panties continued to get wet from the friction, he gripped her hips, “Wanna ride you.” 
He bit his lip as he shimmied his boxers off springing his hard cock as she bit her lip, she shimmied her panties down before lining herself up with him as she teased the tip of his cock with her arousal before slowly sinking down as she felt him fill her up. Breathy moans surrounded them as she slowly rocked her hips as he groaned her name, “Fucking hell that’s it baby.” 
She moaned as her pace quickened, her hand rested on his throat for balance and she felt his hips buck in response.
“Oh fuck baby.” 
She added pressure before as she continued, his hips bucking as she kept the fast pace. She gasped as her stomach tightened before her orgasm rushed through her as her grip on his throat tightened. “F-Fuck!” 
His eyes fluttered shut as he came inside of her causing her to let go of his throat, “Fucking hell,” He panted as her pace slowed down. 
His hands moved up her sides as he took off her top before he cupped her breasts as he leaned forward to kiss her neck, “I can’t get enough of you on top of me.” 
She rolled her hips causing him to groan, “I’m gonna cum again fuck.” She repeated her actions as he gripped her hips as she felt his cock twitch inside of her as he came again as his fingertips dug into her hips. 
She kissed his jaw as she picked up the pace again as she felt her stomach tighten again as she rode out his orgasm as her second one rushed through her as she gripped his shoulders. His thumb rubbed her clit as intense pleasure rushed through her as he applied pressure to her clit as she squirted. Seeing stars pressed her forehead against hers as her fingers ran through his curls. She slowed her pace as she breathed against his neck, “Oh my fuck, Calum.” 
He panted as his grip loosened on her hips, “Yes baby?” 
Her eyes met his as she couldn’t even think of words, she just stared in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist as he held her. 
They finished dinner that they ordered from another one of Veronica’s favorite restaurants in the area, of course Calum refused to let her pay since she was paying for their stay. He refilled their champagne glasses before kissing her lips as his hand rested on her thigh, “To us.” 
She blushed as they clinked their glasses and then they took a tip, “To us.” 
His thumb traced soft circles on her thigh as they drank their champagne and talked about everything and nothing. His hand continued to trace circles on her thigh as her leg draped over his. She knew the night wasn’t going to last forever but she wished on her lucky stars it would. It felt as if the world had completely stopped as they sat in their room drinking champagne, her phone across the room as she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him as he laughed at her crazy stories from previous visits, his eye dimples as he laughed and when he covered his mouth made her cheeks hurt from smiling. Her stomach sore from laughing so much as she slowly realized Calum was getting tipsy because he was getting handsy, more than he usually is. 
She looked to see that it was past 2am and his eyes were getting heavier as he rambled about how he slept better on the mattress in their room than at home. She helped him stand up as she wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she walked with him to the bed, it wasn’t an easy feat since he was moving slower than normal. “C’mon baby, almost there.” His weight shifted against her as she walked him to the side of the bed as she laid him down on the bed as he looked at her. “Thank you for helping me baby.” 
She smiled as she reached for her bag with her pain medication and grabbed her bottle of aspirin before setting it on the nightstand. “I’m gonna get you some water baby.” She said before walking towards the sink and putting a cup under the spigot as she filled it with water. She walked back over to him as he sleepily looked at her, “Here.” 
He grabbed the water and took a sip as he waited for her to hand him the aspirin, she handed it to him and he swallowed it as he finished the cup of water. “Thank you for the water.” 
She smiled as she grabbed the blanket and draped it over him before kissing his forehead, “Of course my love, now get some sleep.” 
The look in his eyes was so soft and loving as he grabbed her hand, “You truly are the best my love. I don’t deserve you, I love you.” 
Her eyes widened as the last 3 words that spewed out of his mouth echoed in her brain. She wasn’t completely in shock but she didn’t expect it from him, he was drunk and he didn’t know what he was saying. Before she could respond he pouted and looked at her, “Veronica I’m in love with you, I love you. You’re supposed to say it back.” 
She looked at him as she felt her heart race skyrocket, she felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest as he sleepily closed his eyes and passed out. He’s drunk, he has no idea what he’s even talking about. 
His last conversation with Veronica replayed in his head and throughout his dreams the entirety of the night. He woke up multiple times to see if she’d left the bed or even left him completely. It wasn’t that he didn’t mean every word he said because he absolutely did in every sense he was completely and madly in love with her. Every passing moment with her made it clearer and clearer, he hadn’t remembered a time in his life where he felt like this. Her coughing brought her back in the room and he turned his body to face her. “Morning handsome” 
“Morning beautiful.” He smiled before pulling her as close he possible could before leaning forward to kiss her before she hid her face. “Baby I want my good morning kiss.” 
She squirmed in his arms before facing him, “I haven’t even brushed my teeth!” 
“And?” He chuckled before kissing her lips softly as she sighed against his lips. 
“You’d think I’d be used to your morning antics by now.” She giggled as she kissed his nose. 
“You should be baby.” He chuckled as he kissed her forehead. Looking in her beautiful ocean eyes reminded him of their last conversation. 
She slowly moved out of his arms and kissed his cheek, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom baby, I’ll be right back.” She smiled before getting off of the bed as he watched her walk to the bathroom. 
He sat up in the bed before climbing out so he wouldn’t sit and let his thoughts consume him. He walked to the kitchen and made coffee as he anxiously and nervously waited for her to return. He felt like he was going to burst before she stepped out of the bathroom and walked up to him. “I meant everything I said to you last night, I meant every single word. I don’t deserve you, you are too good for me. The way you make me feel is like how they describe it in movies. I love you Veronica, I am madly and deeply in love with you. I don’t want you to feel pressured into saying it back.” 
She held his face in her hands before sweetly kissing his lips before smiling bigger than he’s ever seen it, “I didn’t say it back last night because I didn’t think you meant it, I thought you were too drunk. I have never been the one to fall in love with someone as fast as I am with you. I love you Calum.” 
The words he had waited all morning to hear were music to his ears, he held her hips as his lips met hers in a passionate and loving kiss, she asserted her dominance as she pressed her body against his as he held on to her tight.
@pxrxmoore  @sublimehood @ghostoflrh @calumscalm @mellifluoushood @calumthomcs @twilightmomentswithyou @boytoynamedcalum @ohhmuke @calswildflower @highscal @sanrioluke @softlrh @flowers-on-the-graves @currentlyupcalsass @clemmings @tirednotflirting @highfivecalum @wastelandcth @himbocalum @feliznavidaddycal @icyicejuice @notinthesameguey @blackbutterfliescal @calumrose @tpwkatsumu
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advisortotheadvisor · 3 years
@nojohi hey, I was your holiday exchange person! I made some puckabrina fluff for you!
The first time it kind of happened was when Sabrina is thirteen.
She had been up since 5 AM because Daphne had woken everyone up banging on a pot and screaming that it was Christmas like it was new information the rest of the family hadn't been privy to until now. It was nearly 1 PM now and most of the adults were getting Christmas lunch ready, meaning that Sabrina (and Puck, kind of) was in charge of making sure none of the younger kids did anything hospital visit worthy.
Red was coloring quietly while Pinocchio talked her ear off about the new books he'd received; Basil chewed contently on the ear of his well-loved stuffed rabbit: Daphne had received a Nerf gun from ‘Santa’ and was currently doing her best to make it everyone else’s problem. Satisfied with the fact that nobody was in the process of burning the house down, Sabrina settled against the arm of the couch to watch whatever cheesy Christmas movie was playing and eat as much candy as she could until she inevitably lost her appetite trying to eat whatever food Granny Relda was whipping up. Unfortunately, a grubby hand stole both her peace and her candy cane.
“Your face is gonna freeze if you keep looking at me like that,” Puck responded cheerfully to her heated glare. There was a loud crunch as he bit the end of his ill-gotten treat. “You know, you humans like to pat yourselves on the back for all that lame stuff like going to the moon, but really your best achievement are these right here.” He waved the candy cane for emphasis. “Delicious and easy to sharpen into a weapon to use against your enemies? Genius!”
“Glad you're impressed,” Sabrina grumbled. “Now give it back.” She made a grab for it, but he simply leaned out of her reach. When she tried again, he fluttered away and hovered in the middle of the room. He shot her a smug smile and she saw red.
Oh, it was on.
She chased him around the room, nearly knocking over several stacks of books in the process. He would occasionally slow down, allowing her to almost catch him before picking up his speed again and leaving her in the dust with a high-pitched giggle. He finally stopped and hovered a couple inches above her, but before she could snatch the damn candy cane out of his hand (and maybe punch him a couple times for good measure), a loud, giddy voice interrupted them.
“Ooh, Puck and Sabrina are under the mistletoe!” Daphne cried, momentarily  distracted from shooting Nerf bullets at the empty soda can perched precariously on a stack of books. Sabrina looked up and, sure enough, there was a sprig of mistletoe strung up above their heads.
“Mistletoe?” Puck flew higher for a better look. “What’s it for? Does it give you some kind of horrible rash or something?” He asked, looking at Sabrina like hundreds of new prank ideas were already streaming through his mind.
“No, it-" Sabrina started to say, but was swiftly interrupted.
“Nope!” Daphne bounced over to them. “It's just a regular plant, but if you stand under it with somebody, you have to kiss them.”
“Kiss them? But that means…” Puck trailed off, eyes locking onto Sabrina's, and she could feel his blush mirrored on her own face.
“Whatever. It's just a dumb tradition,” Sabrina muttered, furiously shutting down any thoughts of her and Puck's decidedly less platonic interactions and the weird, warm feelings they conjured up.
Daphne looked like she wanted to protest, but, thankfully Granny Relda called them in for lunch before the conversation could get any more awkward.
(Her and Puck still avoid making eye contact for the rest if the day.)
The second time it almost happened, Sabrina was fourteen.
The wind bit into her nose and whipped at the exposed bit of wrist between the end of her sleeves and the start of her gloves. Snow had made its way into her shoes and was slowly soaking into her socks. Her fingers felt like icicles masquerading as a part of her body. But, despite the miserable weather, Sabrina was having the time of her life.
Why? Because she was in the middle of a free-for-all snowball fight death match.
It was almost 10 AM and despite the inviting warmth inside the house, nothing could beat the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Snowball fights might be relatively tame for other families, but add in a couple everafters and Grimms, and it became a dog-eat-dog world.
Sabrina panted as she hid behind a tree, fingers curled as tightly as they could around a snowball without crushing it. From her vantage point, she had a clear shot at Red and Daphne's hastily constructed snow fort. But, before she could make a move, a twig snapped behind her, immediately putting her on the defensive.
It was Puck, hiding behind his own tree only a couple feet away. She raised her weapon, but he shook his head frantically at her and pointed at Red and Daphne's fort with a raised eyebrow. Two years of battle strategies and living together meant that Sabrina could read the look on his place like it was a book; he was proposing a sneak attack. She nodded, and then held up three fingers. On the count of three.
Before she could lower her last finger, Puck transformed into a polar bear and charged. He roared and the little girls shrieked in response. They tried to fight back, but it was in vain considering that Puck was literally a fucking bear. He knocked the their fort down and then swiped at the snow with his paw, sending it showering over the girls. It was then that Sabrina attacked from the left flank, pelting them mercilessly.
But, just when it looked like victory would be theirs, Daphne reached into her pocket and pulled out a small ring. Sabrina's world was upended as the snow she was standing on rose up and then dropped back down on her and Puck.
“Using magic is cheating,” Sabrina said as she wiped the snow off her face.
“You never said that,” Daphne chirped.
“She's got a point,” Puck pointed out. “Good one, Marshmallow.” He shot her a finger gun and she shot one back
“Don't take her side!” Sabrina said, shoving his shoulder. “She's the reason we lost!”
“Aww, did the wittle baby wose the snowball fwight?” Puck cooed, his baby voice dripping with sugary sweet condescension as he shoved her back
“You lost too, dummy!” She cried, nearly sending him sprawling with her next push. It continued like that for a little bit, playful and pointless fighting without any heat behind it. But, despite the lack of heat in their argument, there was still a warmth settling into Sabrina's gut because this, this was easy as breathing. It sparked something deep inside that she didn't want to name.
But, when Puck tripped over a buried tree root and fell onto her, the spark erupted into a raging inferno because suddenly with him on top of her, their faces hovering only a couple inches apart, Sabrina couldn't feel the cold around her through the abrupt heat pooling in her cheeks. Puck stared down at and for a eternity of milliseconds, the only things that seemed to exist were the two of them and soft sounds of their breathing.
The moment stretched out long, too long, and if it stretched any longer it felt like everything they weren't talking about was going to bubble to the surface and spill over so Sabrina found herself pushing Puck away from her with a shout of, “Get off me, you gasbag!”
That moment was quietly added to the pile of Things They Don't Talk About and Sabrina swore to herself that the redness of her cheeks was a result of the cold.
Sabrina was fifteen when it finally happened for real.
Her and Puck were outside sword fighting with the swords Charming had gifted her. They were dull and blunted training swords, but still a definite upgrade from Puck's old wooden swords. Veronica supervised from the porch as their blades clashed.
Puck thrust forward with his sword and she blocked it, quickly twisting her own weapon into a disarming maneuver. Puck's sword fell to the snow with little fanfare and she snatched it up before he could even move to pick it up. Puck seethed, but couldn't do anything; they'd agreed before the match that all forms of shapeshifting and other magic were prohibited. She smiled smugly about her victory and held out his sword for him to take back and his hand closed around the hilt before she could move hers off. A warmth that juxtaposed the cold air around them filled Sabrina's body.
She didn't know who started it. Maybe he stepped forward first, maybe she did. All that mattered was that they were much closer than before and the only things between them were their hovering, visible breaths and all the things they refuse to talk about.
This next part though, this was all Sabrina.
She kissed him.
She decided that she was sick of this, sick of all these what-ifs and should-haves and almosts. She was sick of this game they were playing where they flirted and teased but never made any real progress. She was sick of saying nothing when she wanted to say everything they both already knew.
So she kissed him.
It made it sound simpler than it was. If she had to describe it in clichés, she would say it was all of them. Fireworks and butterflies and the sun going supernova all at once in her stomach. In that moment, she didn't care about the cold seeping into her fingers or the layer of sweat covering both of them or the fact that her mom was still outside with them. The world could have exploded for all she cared.
The kiss lasted five seconds and an eternity at the same time. Their lips broke apart, but instead of pulling away completely, Puck simply rested his forehead against her own.
“I always knew you had a crush on me,” Puck teased softly.
“Shut up,” she said, struggling to keep a grin off her face and out of her voice.
It might have taken two almost-kisses to get here, but hey, third time's the charm, right?
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general-fanfiction · 4 years
I Hate Christmas, But You Don’t.(Sweet Pea x Reader)
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Summary: Nobody can understand why Y/N won’t get into the festive spirit.
Word Count: 3,172
Gif Not Mine. Requests Are Open!
Warnings: Swearing?
December 3rd. No matter where I look I can't escape the festive season. Jovial Christmas songs ring out over the school speakers, tinsel hangs from ceilings and there is a rather large tree decorated with blue and white baubles in the corner of the student lounge. Everybody seems happier, cheerier now that Christmas is near. Students eagerly handing out cards and giving hints as to what their gifts are. I'm surrounded by the Christmas spirit and I hate it. Placing my books in my locker, I try not to watch as everybody shares giddy smiles with one another. Each discussing how excited they are now that December 25th is near. As I close my locker and press my back against it, I spot two of my best friends approaching me from across the hall. Veronica and Betty both look extremely jolly and as much as I am glad that they're happy, I can't help but wish the entire Christmas period could just end. As they stand in front of me with beaming smiles on their faces, I notice that they're both sporting Christmas jumpers. Both of which are hideous and presumably incredibly itchy. Why anybody would embarrass themselves like that is beyond me. "Y/N, we need a favour from you." Raising my eyebrows at the girls in front of me, I watch as Betty holds out a small bag for me to take. Upon opening it, I find myself pulling out a jumper just like theirs. An elf is printed on the front, complimented by a series of bells around the collar. It's potentially worse that Veronica's and Betty's combined. So bad in fact that I actually start to believe this may be a joke. Some sort of prank in which they wanted to capture my reaction on camera. "What the fuck is this?" I ask, shaking it slightly so that the bells ring together in chorus. Several students glance our way as I hold up the monstrosity that is the Christmas jumper. No doubt they're thinking the same thing as me and I genuinely begin to feel embarrassed even holding the thing. "It's a Christmas jumper. We want you to wear it and help out with the Christmas market. All of the River Vixens are doing it so you have to take part." Veronica states, the wide grin never leaving her face. "Even Cheryl is wearing one." Betty comments, pointing down the hallway. Turning my head, I spot Cheryl Blossom wearing a red jumper decorated with a snowman. She's paired it with a black mini skirt and somehow manages to rock the look, despite the complete ugliness of the jumper. "You see. You have to help now." Betty hesitates slightly as she notices the scowl on my face, her eyes pleading with me to say yes. Looking down at the jumper, I scream internally. I hate Christmas. I hate Christmas. I hate Christmas. As much as I want to help Veronica and Betty and the Vixens, I would much rather stay out of their festive antics. It's just not for me. "No." "What? What do you mean no?" Veronica asks, the smile on her face now replaced with a slight frown. "I said no. I'm not wearing this stupid jumper and I'm not helping out with your Christmas market." I tell them, shoving the jumper towards Betty before I stomp down the hallway trying to calm the anger rising within me. December 4th. Flipping through the channels on the tv I find myself groaning after realising there is nothing to watch. That's a lie. The only thing playing on the tv is the same five Christmas movies on every single channel. Throwing the remote at the wall, I lean back into the sofa with an exaggerated huff. "What did the tv do to you?" Sweet Pea asks with a chuckle, placing two steaming mugs of coffee on the table. Shrugging aggressively, I decide not to make eye contact with him as he joins me on the couch. We sit in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being the traffic outside of my house. Sweet Pea's hand cautiously moves over to rest on my thigh, his fingers delicately stroking my jean clad leg. "I saw you get mad at your Northside friends yesterday. Anything you want to talk about?" I roll my eyes as I push his hand away from me. Not wanting this conversation right now, I choose to take a sip of coffee hoping that he will get the hint that I don't want to talk. Alas, this is Sweet Pea I'm talking about and he never knows how to take a hint. Instead he waits patiently with his gaze locked on me, determined that I answer his question. "Why would I want to talk about it? Everything's fine." A soft laugh escapes his lips as I speak. Glaring at him slightly, I cross my arms over my chest and push myself deeper into the couch. The red tint on my face is most likely noticeable as I continue to listen to the sweet sound of Pea's giggles. No matter how discreet he tries to be, I still manage to hear him. "Babe, you threw a jumper at them. That isn't really normal behaviour." His hand moves again, yet this time it rests on my arm. He tries to tug me up ever so slightly. Simply so he can get a better view of my face, though I make this as hard as possible for him as I sink all of my bodyweight into the couch. "I'm not talking about this with you Pea." I admit, finally allowing him to pull me up so that I can face him. His eyes drink in my expression, as though he's making sure that he's reading me correctly. When a small smile appears on his face, I can't help but smile too. Even if I really don't want to. Pea presses a soft kiss to my nose, before taking my hands in his. "Aright. So when are you putting your decorations up?" He asks, trying to change the subject. "I don't want to talk about Christmas." December 11th. Sweet Pea, Toni, Cheryl and Fangs stand at one side of the park. Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Archie stand at the other end. The scene is peaceful, tranquil even. That is until the Great Snowball War of Riverdale commences. You would never guess that the eight of them were teenagers as they ran through the snow, huring it at one another with tremendous force. Wrapped up in my large winter coat, I stay perched on the bench. Fortunately I was able to stay out of the action due to their being an odd number. Hence why I'm sat on the bench with a warm drink in my glove covered hands. As I watch the gang in front of me, I laugh quietly as I see Sweet Pea tackle Fangs to the ground, pushing snow into his face. Even when they're on the same team they can't seem to play nice. I smile as I watch Sweet Pea dance around victoriously, thinking he won simply for his attack on Fangs. Though when Fangs, Jughead and Toni all dive at the taller Serpent it's evident that he is not in fact the winner. "You should join us. It's pretty fun, no matter how stupid we look." Cheryl says, taking a seat next to me on the wooden bench. Her cheeks are tinted red and her normally flawless hair is damp from the snow. Diverting my gaze back to the group I see that they all have Pea pinned to the ground, each of them taking turns to hold him down and shovelling snow on top of him. "I'd rather stay mildly warm, I don't particularly want to end up like my poor boyfriend over there." I admit, clutching the latte in my hands closer to my chest. Cheryl laughs slightly at my words, evidently watching the group in front of us. When I look back at her, I see that she's looking at me. A look of curiosity in her eyes, as though she's trying to figure me out. Figure out why I'm sat on a bench rather than enjoying the winter with my friends. "No. I'm sick of you being miserable. You are going to get in the festive spirit whether you like it or not." She tells me, determination written across her face. "Cheryl, that's not going to happen." Though as soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel her plant a ball of snow on top of my head. Cold drips of water fall down my face and I shake my head in hopes of ridding myself of the snow. Cheryl has a smirk on her face as she stands up, eyebrows raised as though waiting for me. I place my cup on the floor, shaking my head as I begin to follow her. "Cheryl Blossom get back here right now!" I yell, chasing after her as she sprints over to our group of friends. Grabbing a handful of snow I throw it in the general direction of the redhead, praying that I will at least hit her even slightly. When I look however, I see that the snowball landed directly on Sweet Pea's chest. Unlike when Jughead or Fangs threw a snowball at him, he doesn't look angry, rather he looks insanely happy. A huge smile spread across his face as he races towards me. Pea sweeps me off my feet in a bone crushing hug, spinning my round in circles. Ultimately leaving us both dizzy, meaning we have to stand still for several minutes before we regain our composure. Resting his somewhat cold forehead against mine, he hugs me tighter. "You have no idea how happy I am right now." He whispers, making sure that none of the others can hear him. A small giggle leaves my mouth and I lean up slowly, kissing Sweet Pea as delicately as possible. Despite the immense cold around us, the kiss is warm and gentle. It's perfect. Or it is until a snowball hits me on the side of the head, interrupting our moment. "Oh now it's on!" December 17th. "You are going to love your Christmas present!" Sweet Pea tells me, distracting me from my calculus homework. What does he mean Christmas present? I made him promise that we wouldn't get each other Christmas presents. December 25th is just a regular day, there's nothing special about it. At least not to me. Not to sound selfish, but I don't want a gift off Pea. "We said we weren't going to do presents." I say, staring at him from across the table. His eyebrows furrow slightly, confused as to why I'm so against the idea of receiving a present. I guess to him, and every single other person on the planet, people love presents. Just not me. It's not the presents I have a problem with. It's the whole ideology of Christmas. "You weren't serious about that? It's Christmas, I had to get you a present." Although I try my hardest not to, I can't help but scoff. Looking away from the boy at the other side of the table. Why could he not just listen to me when I said no presents? It's a fairly simple request and yet he can't even follow through with that. "I don't like Christmas Pea. I fucking hate it. So no, I don't want a present." I snap, sounding a lot angrier than intended. When I finally look back at my boyfriend, he has a sadness in his eyes. I hurt him. Unintentionally of course. Though I still hurt him. Grabbing my books from the kitchen table, I begin to throw them into my backpack. I'm at the door of his trailer when he speaks again. "Why don't you like it? I mean, even I like it." His voice is quiet, hesitant. Worried I'll snap again. How do I even answer that question? It's a long story and not one I want to relive. Yet I want to be honest with him. Sweet Pea moves to sit on the couch, motioning for me to join him though I stay completely still. Stood in front of the door in case I need to bolt quickly. "My parents used to argue a lot. Like a lot. It always got worse on Christmas. When I was twelve, the argument on Christmas was worse than any before. It ended with my dad throwing a vase against the wall before walking out of the door. He never came back. We haven't celebrated Christmas since, now do you understand why I don't like Christmas?" I ask, looking over to him where he sits with his head in his hands. "I'm sorry." "It's just a lot of shitty memories. Christmas is no big deal to me because I've never really had a proper Christmas." When Sweet Pea stays silent I approach him slowly, taking a seat next to him on the couch. He glances up at me with an expression of guilt on his face causing me to wrap my arms around his torso in an awkward side hug. "You've done nothing wrong Pea, I promise. I'm sorry that I ruined your Christmas." I whisper, nuzzling my face into his neck. Pressing a kiss against his Serpent tattoo, I inhale his scent. Cigarettes and cinnamon. Such a perfect combination. He holds on to my arm as I lean into him further. The tension in his body slowly releasing. December 22nd. Sitting in a booth at Pop's, I slowly take a drink of my strawberry milkshake as I listen to Betty tells us about her romantic Christmas night with Jughead. It's cheesy and slightly gross but I still find myself listening intently. "What about you and Sweet Pea? How are you two spending your Christmas?" Ronnie asks, three pairs of eyes suddenly turning to me in unison. I didn't know me and Pea were supposed to spend the day together. Personally, I was just going to spend the day in bed. Possibly catching up on any coursework. The thought never crossed my mind that perhaps Sweet Pea wanted to spend the day with me. Sure, I may not like Christmas but that doesn't mean he doesn't. "We're not doing anything." I admit, stirring my milkshake with the straw so that I don't have to look at the three girls. "You and Pea aren't doing anything? You know how much that boy loves Christmas? There's no way you guys aren't spending the day together!" Toni chuckles, her words hitting me hard although she doesn't know it. Sweet Pea likes Christmas. A lot by the sounds of it. The award for shittiest girlfriend goes to Y/N Y/L/N. All of this time I've been so focused on myself and how much I hate Christmas that I never even thought to ask about what Sweet Pea wants. "Speaking of you and Sweet Pea, if he loves Christmas that much then maybe now is the perfect time to ya know.." Betty trails off, causing me to look at her, evidently confused. "Have sex Y/N. You and Sweet Pea could finally have sex." Veronica states, a little too loudly in my opinion as the people in the booth next to us look over in our direction. Could Pea and I have sex? The topic has never really been brought up in conversation but thinking about it now would be the perfect time. Not only to make up for being a bad girlfriend but also as a sort of Christmas gift. Maybe this Christmas won't be so bad. December 25th. Knocking on the door of the trailer, I hear Pea shuffling about before eventually opening the door. He's wearing an oversized hoodie with a pair of sweatpants and although the look in only meant for comfort, it makes him look extremely hot. "Merry Christmas!" He's shocked at the sight of me stood on his doorstep at little past eleven in the morning. At first I begin to doubt whether he actually wants me here, but then the biggest smile appears on his face and I know I've made the right choice to come over. "What are you doing? I thought you hated Christmas?" He asks, stepping aside to let me into his heavily decorated trailer. "Yeah, but you don't. So I brought chocolate cake, a bottle of whiskey and also your present." Placing the cake and alcohol on his kitchen table, I hand him the box that I was carrying under my arm. Pea throws himself on the couch placing the box on the coffee table. He looks like a child, eagerly pulling away the tissue paper from the inside. He holds up the leather jacket, mouth open in shock as he sees the newly embroidered serpent patch on the back. "Your old one has seen better days so I spoke to FP." I admit, smiling contently as he pulls the jacket on over the top of his hoodie. Before I can process what is happening, his arms are wrapped around me. Engulfing me in a hug, the fresh smell of leather hitting me the moment he is near. I settle into the embrace, allowing myself to feel relaxed. Happy. "Does this mean you'll accept my present?" He asks hopefully, gazing down at me with nothing but adoration in his eyes. Nodding my head, he kisses my temple before running off into his bedroom. Taking a seat at the kitchen table, I only wait for a minute before he comes bounding back in with a small black box. Handing it to me, he watches me carefully. Making sure he can clearly see my reaction. Inside the box is the most stunning silver snake ring that I have ever seen. I never knew I could smile as much as I am right now and everything suddenly feels perfect. Pea takes the ring out of the box and slips it on to my finger, smiling down at me when it's on. "I love you Sweet Pea." It's the first time those words have left my mouth but it feels like the right time to say them. My heart is swelling with love and I know that I really do mean what I say. Pea looks as though he is about to burst from happiness and hungrily captures my lips in a kiss. "I love you too sweetheart." Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss him with more aggression than ever before. Gripping his hair, I pull at it until he groans in my ear. Giggling at the sound, I see his cheeks turning a dark crimson. "Don't start something you can't finish Y/N." He whispers, trailing kisses down my neck. "Who says I can't finish it?" I've always hated Christmas. Yet with you, I don't hate it nearly as much as I thought I did.
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