thedivinef · 11 months
As your vibration increases, the more you grow spiritually and become attracted to authenticity and less attached to illusions. Be original, express who you were born to be and be happy in who you are.
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theuniversalscat · 5 months
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trappedalive · 2 years
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conscious-pisces · 11 months
“The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.”
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loubella77 · 2 months
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Who’s ready? I am!
Dm me if you also wanna be a sex toy tester, I can send u to a REAL account 😎
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positivlyfocused · 1 year
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What Happens When Kundalini Tells You You’re Progressing
I’ve experienced strange phenomena in past weeks. Before now, I didn’t understand what they were. In a past post, I described them as “murmurations”. Now I know they represent divine energy that is part of me. They are manifestations indicating an impending spiritual liberation. A liberation born of the “Serpent”.
The “Serpent” is also known as “Kundalini energy”. “Kundalini” is an ancient word describing the body’s energy system. This energy system facilitates the physical body’s ongoing presence. Sensations I experienced recently, tell me I’ve unlocked a higher level of spiritual capability. So says research I undertook in hopes of understanding what was happening.
Triggering Kundalini experiences takes time and dedication according to my research. It usually happens through meditation or yoga under a Guru’s tutelage. My experience differs in that I’ve triggered my Kundalini energy practicing solo. I don’t care much about what that says about me.
What I do know is, my experience isn’t unique. And yet, it is special. Both the experiences themselves and my research confirm my Positively Focused approach works. I currently use no other approach.
So what happens when Kundalini tells me I’m progressing? I get excited, that’s what happens! Here’s more about this phenomenal experience.
More about Kundalini
Sources say Kundalini represents an energy pool of Divine Feminine Energy. That resonates because I perceive myself as mostly energetically feminine. This energy sits at the base of the spine. The energy usually lies dormant. Under the right conditions, however, it activates. When it does, it acts as a catalyst. It transforms the body’s nervous system. The energy “rewires” the body, preparing it for something special. That something special is an ascension into higher vibrational states.
Everyone’s Kundalini experience is unique. This post says it offers a complete list of symptoms. But if symptoms are individually unique, no list could really be complete, could it? I don’t think so.
As the energy moves up the spine, the body must react to the increased flow. Thus the symptoms. Meanwhile, people experiencing these symptoms become acquainted with their subtle body. The subtle body is the pure energy counterpart of our physical or “gross” body. People actually become aware of three different aspects of what they are. Their “gross” or physical body. Their more subtle, energy form. And, finally, their formless self.
This formless self is the “I AM” nature of what we all are. Awareness of the three aspects supports spiritual expansion. Expansion leading to supreme detachment from camouflage phenomena, which then allows a person greater leverage and power in their lives.
Here’s a great, basic description of what Kundalini is:
My experience
Symptoms I’ve had are included in that “complete” list above. However, I must add something important. During my entire spiritual journey, I have never experienced any significant negative or painful effects. Even during the many ayahuasca experiences I enjoyed, never once did I experience physical pain, nausea or vomiting. The point is, it’s not necessarily so that everyone experiences painful or negative effects of spiritual awakening.
The most prevalent symptoms I enjoy in my experience, include the following:
Crushing of the skull: A feeling of intense painless pressure buildup. It feels like my skull is collapsing from the outside in.
Body undulations: beautiful, blissful, involuntary fluidic flowing of my body, centered along my spine.
Body expansion: a feeling that my physical body becomes larger than it physically is.
Levitation sensations: a feeling that my body is preparing to rise off the bed.
Out of body preparation: sensing my subtle body preparing to separate from my gross body.
There are other experiences that happen too, including projections of my consciousness. These projections so far typically involve “landing” in random-seeming locations. Like this:
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^^A projection of consciousness that happened on Apr. 9, the day I edited this story.
All of these experiences I document in my spiritual journal. Recording such experiences is an important part of my journey. That way I can compare my experience with my clients’ as they progress too. 
All these experiences tell me I’m progressing. My research now also confirms this. So does my many, many dream experiences. Clarity and vividness of my dreams is now off the charts. So is the duration of dream experiences I enjoy. 
I know these all must have practical, everyday value. Already, I experience delightful epiphanies and manifestations. That value is beginning to show itself more and more through manifestations I experience.
The journey: More important that getting there
But I know the most important thing is the journey. Enjoying the journey and signposts along that journey. That’s what I consider these Kundalini experiences. They are signposts, not the destination. I’m not trying to get anywhere. After all, I’m eternal. There’s no “there” to get to. So instead, I’m learning more and more to soothe my impatience.
That’s because when I consider these remarkable experiences, I get excited about future ones. Seriously, if I can experience Kundalini phenomena, other seemingly “supernatural” experiences must be out there. Out there readying themselves. Readying themselves to reveal themselves to me. 
I get eager thinking about those. Sometimes, that eagerness turns to impatience. I mean really, wouldn’t you get impatient to do things like levitate, astral travel and teleport? I would. And I do.
But it’s better that I stay focused on progress I’ve made. And feel blessed where I am. Rather than getting impatient about where I’m going. That way, I remain joyful of the journey, rather than feeling impatient. Impatience, after all, introduces resistance. And resistance slows everything down.
Unlocking my Kundalini energy is a pretty cool signpost. I’m looking forward to more signposts along my journey that is my spiritual progress.
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librahenergy · 2 years
There more to water than what they tell us.
When we're in the womb we are in water. Our life starts in water. It is water without light, just like the deeper parts of the ocean. When they're searching for water in space, and they say a planet has water that must mean it is habitable for life. Which means water must mean life, that's the correlation that's made here.
The earth is 70% water right. There's no coincidences in life, so what are the chances that our body is made from 70% water?
They say we've only discovered 5% of the ocean. So about 95 some % of the ocean remains undiscovered. But how can you know a full percentage of something if you've never seen the maximum. You've never seen the entire thing.
There are many theories thats says that we only have access to 10% of our brain. But what if these are true? 75 to 90 percent of our DNA – is what's called junk DNA. Which means we don't have access to up to 98% of our dna. Whatever higher power you believe in put us down here with 98% of what's inside of us being junk?
Furthermor… Depending on the nature of the speech or thoughts directed at water, when the water is frozen its crystals will be “beautiful” or “ugly” depending on whether the thoughts were positive or negative. So… water holds memory. If you search this up, they'll tell you it's not true. However, elementally water is associated with emotions, energy and motion right. Emotions + energy = emotions.
This is a diagram of your brain.
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All right the upper half being your conscious mind, while the lower half being your subconscious mind, and your body.
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Current scientific estimates that around 95 percent of our brain activity is subconscious. This means 95% of your daily activity is subconscious. but your brain is not just your mind, your subconscious mind is also the body. The body of = water. Which holds memory and causes emotion.
So what are the odds that 70% of the earth is water, and 70% of our bodies are water. That 95% of the waters on earth is undiscovered, while 95% of our lives is subconscious and our subconscious being our emotions. Our memory = the water. The body of water that governs our life. Body of water being filled with what they call “junk dna”, which we don't have access to 98% of. Just like they don't have access to 95% of the waters on earth… Its NO coincidence.
The moon controls the waves of the ocean. Now imagine what it does to our body since our body is mostly water?
Idk where I heard this.
#motion #emotions #energyinmotion
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I can be what I will to be
The Master Key System
Charles F. Haanel.
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goodvibesatpeace · 2 years
How To Measure Your Vibrational Frequency – Hierarchy Of Consciousness
Your vibrational frequency is essentially your spiritual state. More specifically, it is a measure of your consciousness level and describes the dominant thoughts, moods, and values in your mind.
However, measuring vibrational frequency is difficult to do accurately due to ego bias.
You can get an idea of your vibrational frequency on your own through meditative contemplation, but finding someone with experience in the area will get you a more accurate reading.
Everything is made up of energy, and types of energy are grouped by how quickly they vibrate or oscillate.
The average level at which your energy vibrates is what we call your vibrational frequency.
Ideas, thoughts, and emotions all have specific vibrational frequencies, and the more desirable ones have higher frequencies than the basest, undesirable ones.
Hierarchy Of Consciousness
There is a sort of hierarchy of consciousness, a ranking of the various ideas, thoughts, and emotions that can dominate our minds.
700hz+ – Enlightenment
600hz – Peace
540hz – Joy
500hz – Love
400hz – Reason
350hz – Acceptance
310hz – Willingness
250hz – Neutrality
200hz – Courage
175hz – Pride
150hz – Anger
125hz – Desire
100hz – Fear
75hz – Grief
50hz – Apathy
30hz – Guilt
20hz – Shame
If your vibrational frequency is high, then this is because your mind and soul embody emotions higher up this list.
If it is low, then this is because you are falling victim to negative emotions at the bottom of this list.
The numbers are hertz frequencies, which measure how many vibrations happen every second.
Measuring Your Vibrational Frequency
You can measure your own vibrational frequency, but it is a challenging process that requires complete honesty with yourself.
Meditate on your dominant emotions. Allow yourself to feel how you feel without judgment, making a mental note of the emotions that occur, and how strongly you feel them.
Find your dominant emotion on the chart above, which is your rough vibrational frequency.
The more time you spend contemplating, the closer to the real number you will get. But to be honest, measuring your own vibrational frequency is never going to be accurate.
Ego Bias Prevents Self Measuring
The problem lies in ego bias, which is the tendency for people to inflate their own score simply because their ego wants their vibrational frequency to be higher.
Unless you have surpassed ego, self-measuring your vibrational frequency is going to be inaccurate.
The opposite can occur too. Poor self-esteem usually results in low vibrational frequency, but it also causes people to underestimate their frequency even further.
That’s why, if you care about getting accurate vibrational frequency readings, there is no substitute for an experienced practitioner.
A word of caution: it can be tempting to tie a lot of your self-worth to this number, the same way many do with social media.
But it is not the absolute number that matters the most; it is the direction it is moving in.
Spiritual Frequencies And Vibrations
Your vibrational frequency is the speed at which your soul resonates with the energies of the Universe.
It is a measure of how attuned you are to your higher self and how connected you are to the Divine.
The highest vibrational frequency is enlightenment. When you vibrate at this frequency, you align with your true nature and highest purpose.
There are many factors that contribute to your vibrational frequency, including your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions.
You can raise your vibration by choosing to think positive thoughts, feel positive emotions, and live in accordance with your highest values.
The more you align with your true self, the higher your vibration will be.
The vibrational frequencies of different emotions have been well-documented by Dr. David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force.
Hawkins states love, joy, and peace are the highest vibrating emotions, while fear, anger, and hatred are the lowest.
How To Measure Your Vibrational Frequency
There are a number of ways to increase your vibrational frequency, but there are no known ways to measure your exact vibrational frequency.
However, some methods can give you a general idea of where you fall on the scale.
Start a journal and take an emotional poll. Enter up to 10 times a day, how you feel.
Document the Hertz associated with each feeling you have and you will start to see a pattern over time.
Or for a quick instant check, simply ask yourself how you feel right now, and then rate your emotions on a scale from 1-10.
1 being the lowest vibrational state, and 10 being the highest.
If you are feeling mostly positive emotions, you will likely vibrate at a higher frequency.
If you are feeling mostly negative emotions, you will likely vibrate at a lower frequency.
To increase your vibrational frequency, simply focus on raising your emotional state.
However, there are some tools and techniques that can help you to do this more effectively.
One popular method is using a tool called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
EFT was developed to help us understand and overcome our problems.
It does so by tapping on the supposed pathways through which energy is believed to travel in the body (meridian points) to unblock obstructions.
EFT is said to work by helping us to access our higher selves, which vibrate at a higher frequency than our lower selves.
When we tap on the meridian points, we are said to be aligning our lower selves with our higher selves and thus raising our vibration.
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ciel-ladore · 9 days
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helthcareusa · 1 month
Unlock Abundance with The Pharaoh’s Secret: Transform Your Manifestation Journey
Discover The Pharaoh’s Secret, a groundbreaking program designed to elevate your manifestation abilities using ancient Egyptian rituals tailored for modern success. This program delves into reprogramming your subconscious mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and enhance your vibrational frequency. With easy-to-follow rituals and a step-by-step blueprint, you can overcome internal barriers and align yourself with your goals to attract wealth, health, and overall abundance. Experience a transformative journey with proven strategies backed by historical wisdom and contemporary research. Start your path to success today with a risk-free, 365-day money-back guarantee!
visit now:-
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thedivinef · 10 months
You didn't become selfish, you became harder to manipulate, Don't confuse the two.
You have a Divine right to live your own life. Clear the F.O.G. (Fear, Obligation and Guilt). This keeps you trauma bonded to toxic people and/or situations.
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brainwavesrituals · 1 month
Unlocking Success with Genius Waves: Align Your Energy Today!
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In today's world, the quest for success often feels overwhelming. However, a fascinating concept known as Genius Waves may hold the key to tuning into the frequency of success. By aligning your energy with these powerful waves, you can unlock your potential and achieve your goals.
What Are Genius Waves? Genius Waves are unique energy frequencies that resonate with our innate capabilities. They help us tap into our creativity, enhance our focus, and align our thoughts with our aspirations. By understanding and utilizing these waves, individuals can create a harmonious balance in their lives, paving the way for success.
The Power of Energy Alignment
Energy alignment is crucial for personal and professional growth. When your energy is in sync with your goals, you can:
Enhance Creativity: Genius Waves stimulate your creative mind, allowing new ideas to flow effortlessly. Increase Focus: Aligning your energy helps you concentrate on what's important, minimizing distractions. Boost Motivation: Tuning into these frequencies can reignite your passion and drive, pushing you toward your objectives.
Visit here to activate your genius waves to attract wealth and success as soon as 7 days
How to Align Your Energy with Genius Waves
Meditation: Spend time in meditation to quiet your mind and connect with the frequency of Genius Waves. Visualize your goals and feel the energy aligning with your intentions.
Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations that resonate with success. Repeating positive statements can help shift your mindset and align your energy.
Nature Connection: Spend time in nature to ground yourself. The natural world is filled with positive energy that can enhance your connection to Genius Waves.
Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Being present helps you tune into your energy and recognize when it aligns or misaligns with your goals.
Aligning your energy with Genius Waves can transform your approach to success. By tuning into these powerful frequencies, you can enhance your creativity, focus, and motivation. Start your journey today, and watch as opportunities unfold before you. Remember, success is not just a destination; it's a frequency you can tune into every day! 🌠
Visit here to activate your genius waves to attract wealth and success as soon as 7 days
Join the conversation: How have you aligned your energy for success? Share your experiences with #GeniusWaves and #EnergyAlignment!
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medicatrix-naturae · 3 months
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🧘‍♀️ https://amandhavollmer.substack.com/p/the-energy-lenders
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organichealingoils · 5 months
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minotaurmerkaba · 5 months
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