#Victor/Yuuri hurt/comfort
chezlinda · 1 month
Yuri!!! on Ice Fanfic Recs
Since MAPPA decided to be a bitch and cancel Ice Adolescence, here are some fics to ease the pain. I made sure to include trigger warnings but all of these still have happy endings
Alternate Universe – Different Meeting
All Our Time is Borrowed by Magrathea
TW: Suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, anxiety attacks
Developing relationship, series
Dream Weaver by aeriamamaduck
Developing relationship, smut, series
In Your Arms by Crowleys_Aziraphale2003
Established relationship, domestic fluff
Perspective by soupthatistoohot
Established relationship, anxiety
(Don’t) Wake me up by PrincessofU
Established relationship, anxiety attack, smut
Therapy by vitya_rabbit
TW: suicidal thoughts, self-harm
Established relationship
Domestic Bliss by BunniesofDoom
Established relationship, domestic fluff, series
The Domestic Life and Love of Yuuri and Victor by nerdlife4eva 
Established relationship, married Yuuri and Victor, domestic fluff, series
take all my loves, my love, take them all by sizhu
Established relationship, married Yuuri and Victor, domestic fluff, series
Your Touch Is My Temple by Crowleys_Aziraphale2003
Established relationship, anxiety attacks, domestic fluff, 5 + 1 things
If ice can burn, by ode2youu
Established relationship, dissociation, hurt/comfort
put your head on my shoulder by widomauk
Established relationship, domestic fluff
Sickfic/Major Injury
Homesick by ClosetedShipper
Established relationship, sick Victor
Leave It On The Ice by tothebatcave53
Established relationship, hurt Yuuri
TW: Suicidal thoughts, self-harm
Head over Toes by ClosetedShipper
Established relationship, hurt Yuuri
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 months
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It seemed he’d just boarded the flight from Zhukovsky to Charles de Gaulle when the flight attendants started opening the pull down shades. He’d finally fallen asleep, excitement racing through his blood stream when they came clanging through the aisle serving some strange breakfast designed to tighten his pants somewhere about the waste. They called it a croissant, served it with a hunk of plastic wrapped cheese, but Victor knew Christoph would have an aneurysm if he dared to indulge in the squishy, oddly damp roll.  Even the coffee was a dare, personally threatening his bowls as it lay ravage to his taste buds.
Trying to ignore the absolute disaster that was supposed to be food, Victor turned to look out the window. He could see the French soil, a stark mark of destination rising ever slowly upwards. As the plane touched down, he could feel himself getting excited. The taxing came with a prerequisite bounce before sliding to the gate and, as soon as the fasten seat belt sign went dark, people - especially those native to France - were  jumping to get off the plane. There was nothing got him to do but relax for the few minutes it took for those eager to be home to disembark. He used the time to get his thoughts together, then stretched himself into a stand before wrestling his carry on out of storage to begin his exit.  He was sleepy, the plane’s constant hum and his own excitement leaving him a little disoriented – and these feelings could last for a while.
Knowing there would be lines to wait in after he got off the plane, despite knowing the grand adventure waiting, Victor took his time. Out of idle curiosity, he looked over the seats around him, making sure that he was not leaving anything, but that if anyone else had, it would be found. You never knew what odd trinkets you could acquire when you took the time to open your eyes, he thought.
Then he started to go through the usual disembarking check. Did he have your passport? Wallet? A quick pat down confirmed he did, as well as a few hundred Euro, just in case. Nearly anything else could be replaced rather easily, but those first two things were essential. 
By the time he cleared customs, Victor knew he was in another country. Everything was immediately different. All the signs were in French, but fortunately for his still learning self, a few were in English as well.  What didn’t help was that the people who could speak both French and English didn’t seem to have time for people needing translations. He wound up lost in the bathrooms, and even those were different. Officers paced in long winding patrols, carrying automatic weapons, seeming to follow him around. He knew it wasn’t true, but it felt like it. Maybe that was the Russian in him, always looking for opportunities and always cautious.
Victor kept making his way from the plane through the corridors into what could only be called a mob of people at Border Police/Passport Control. He felt very wise for having used the facilities earlier. There was no cutting this line, and waiting would have tested his blatter in unsavory ways. Fortunately, he knew not to pull out his cellphone in this area, which he was thankful for as he watched those armed police come get a hapless tourist. He knew that, should they be allowed to stay, it would be without their phone and its camera. He was sure they would never be seen again.
After a while Victor made it to the front of the Tous Passeports/All Passports line, having spent the time watching a few unfortunate people reach the front of the Citoyens UE/Citizens EU line, only to be sent to the back of the all passports que. He greeted the  border patrol officer with a friendly “Bonjour,” then presented his passport. Typical questions followed. “Who are you traveling with?” (Myself.) “Where are you staying?” (With my friend in his apartment.) “How long are you staying?” (I am here for schooling and have a student passport.) They were pleasant enough, but they were border police – and they were serious. Before he knew it, the officer was stamping his passport, directing him to move past the booth, and head toward baggage claim.
Victor breathed a sigh of relief as he kept moving along following the signs for baggage claim Bagages – Sortie/Baggage – Exit and the obligatory symbol of the suitcase. It wasn’t long before he saw his familiar cases being gathered by a large, well manicured grip. His smile turned from plastic ‘please don’t shoot me mr. security man’ into a beatific heart of genuine relief. Christophe had cut his hair differently, grown his fashionable stubble into something as unique as his glitter infused eye liner.
“Christophe!” Victor called, waving his arm high. The man turned, his smile brilliant, and his eyes bright.
“Ah, Victor, mon ami! How many of these do you have?”
“Not too many. I shipped most of the things already.”
“Good, good. The place is already full of so many boxes and crates, I was wondering if there would be room left.”
“Fear not! It’s mostly furniture I can’t live without.”
“We could have got you things here. You did not need to spend so much to ship.”
“Not my drafting desk and work tables. They are special. I have sent my classic machine, and of course my tools and such I would not trust to a passenger plane. To unique.”
As they followed the signs to customs (douane, conveniently pictographed by an officer’s torso, cap on the head reaching into an open suitcase), Victor pulled one of his three massive suitcases, the other two were slung across Christophe’s back or pulled by him. Fortunately, they were able to pass through customs and out the door into the airport with no real fuss. 
Christophe led Victor through the park lot towards a cherry red Miata. Victor whistled long and low, then began to walk past it only to stop when the trunk popped open. Christophe stood there, putting the cases in, smiling with murth at the silver haired Russian’s dangling jaw.
“I… what? How?!”
Taking the last case and tucking it away, Christophe closed the trunk before slipping into the driver’s seat. “Sponsorship.”
“No. You did not get a whole car on sponsorship. Did you?”
“I did. Get in.”
Victor wasted no time. As soon as he was buckled up, Christophe began the stop and go drive to his home.
—------------------------- CHA 2
It took several trips up three flights of stairs to get everything inside. They had gone grocery shopping after picking up some last minute items to help make the place feel more homey to the Russian. In retrospect, it may have been better to have put that off to another day. Victor didn’t regret it. The silk sheets and velvet comforter were the height of luxury. He was looking forward to his first night under a Parisian sky, in luxurious splendor. He was also looking forward to whatever Christophe was cooking, its heavenly scent wafting through the small apartment, urging him to leave his unpacking until after his stomach was full.
“What’s this then?” he asked, propping his chin on Christophe’s shoulder to stare into the pan.
“Chicken, seasoned to perfection in order to grace a bed of fresh leafy greens, topped with delicate fromage, sprinkled with fruits and nuts seasonally selected in order to tantalize and tease the palate when paired with the most sumptuous white wine, and vinaigrette,” Christophe smiled as he tossed the chopped bird bits with flair.
“Bozhe moy, Christophe! You are wasted on photography! Write restaurant reviews!”
“You just want free meals from fancy places,” his friend teased.
“Can you blame me?”
“Not really. Now, if you don’t mind, the wine needs to breathe.”
“Ah yes! Let me!” Victor took two steps to the wine rack taking up over a third of the counter, selected a bottle, sliding a look at Christophe. When he didn’t receive a response, Victor grinned. He’d selected correctly. Plucking the corkscrew from its peg, he set about opening the wine, and setting the table, eager for a good meal in his new home.
As they ate, they talked. Places to go, things they just had to see. But as it always did, it soon turned back to the source of nervous energy that kept Victor bouncing. “Paris College of Art… It's so…” vague motions lifted Victor’s arms upwards, waving in larger circles with every sweep. “Vy ponimayete?”
“Oui. Essayez de pratiquer votre français. Cela aidera à s'y habituer en privé avant en public,” Christophe smiled into his wine. Victor blinked, slowly translating. After a minute, he took pity on the silver haired man. “We need to work on your French, my friend. You can get by with English, but it lacks in translation. Jeni se qua is key, Victor. Key.”
“Very well, I’ll practice. Still, I am very eager to get my things in place. Make sure my leads are not broken, my paints not cracked. I am eager to see the inside of the school.”
“You have seen it.”
“But not as a student. Not officially.”
Christophe smiled. “Makes a difference, yes?”
“Very. Three weeks. We have three weeks to prepare.”
“You have three weeks. I have a fashion shoot tomorrow.”
“You do? Should I let you rest?”
“No, no. It is your first night here. We will stay up and be fools, drinking wine and paying for it tomorrow. We are young. One night of foolishness will be okay, I think.”
Victor smiled. As soon as the dishes were cleared and clean, they stood looking at the messy array piled in the halls and bedroom. “I do not know where to begin.”
“Start with the foundation. Let's sort the things that are furniture, put them in place, and then we can take our time emptying the smaller boxes.”
They managed the bed, though they both cried out swears and curses when it fell apart the first few times. The art desk Victor focused on with all his might as Chrstophe placed the dresser and its massive mirror where he thought it should go. Then the drafting table and body forms were tucked neatly on their stands, occupying a windowless corner. Shelves were piled high, waiting to be filled with fabrics, tools, and chachkies. Looking at Victor as he struggled with a back bar meant to support a powerful light, he considered. He’d taken his shower an hour ago, but it seemed this desk was Victor’s undoing. Taking pity on his friend, he tapped his shoulder. “It’s beyond late. Why don’t you take a shower? We can finish the desk in the morning.”
“You have to do that shoot.”
“Yes. How about this,” Christophe sat on the edge of the bed. “You shower. I’ll make your bed. We’ll have a good sleep. In the morning we’ll have a proper breakfast, and you can come with me to the shoot. Get your mind off angles and parts, and see a bit of France with me. We can work on the desk again when we get back. It will be easier with a clear head, yes?
Victor sighed, set the bar down, then pulled himself up with a stretch until he stood on his toes. “Fine. But I want to see you work, not just stand around. It will be my first look at the underbelly of the fashion scene.”
Christophe chuckled. “Very well. Now go. I want to touch those sheets.”
Victor stuck his tongue out with a cheeky wink, then headed through a small antechamber into the massive bath, its clawed foot tub an inviting luxury.
(more to come.)
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Victor nikiforov and empathy:
Following my fifth (?) rewatch I found yet another reason to be completely in love with Yuri on Ice, and that is Victor being a wonderfully accurate and non-demonized example of someone with low empathy. Seriously as someone who’s autistic and can’t relate to the influx of “actually we’re all super in tune to other’s feelings and have the MOST empathy!”, watch these scenes because this is what it’s like.
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This line at first seems to be Yakov thinking that Victor is arrogant, but Yakov knows him extremely well. He knows that Victor has a hard time viscerally placing himself in another’s shoes, and that’s a major obstacle as a coach.
Victor has trouble understanding what to do in situations that are highly emotional for Yuuri. Instead of being able to directly consider things through Yuuri’s perspective, we see him rely pretty often on environment cues, behavioral cause and affect, or straightforward commands.
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He gets his habit of scolding yuri after a routine from Yakov because that’s what he’s familiar with. It’s not something Yuuri responds to particularly well, but it’s only when Victor pays attention to how others react when Yuuri finishes skating that he changes tactic. Victor sees how the crowd is going wild at the (Japan nationals) and it’s only then it occurs to him that Yuuri’s confidence may be jeopardized if he chooses that moment to criticize his performance. This is something he likely would’ve realized much sooner if he could share Yuuri’s stress easier instead of merely observing that it’s happening.
Then later on in episode 7, we get to the scene that actually inspired this post.
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At first Victor approached the situation almost like an experiment, trying out cause and effect to disastrous results. When you have a much lower threshold for being able to experience another’s feelings second hand, it’s difficult not to think of other’s negative emotions simply as problems that need to be solved. Problem: Yuuri won’t perform well because he’s too anxious, he will only be MORE upset if he loses, and Victor has already tried to reduce his anxiety to no avail. Idea for solution: raise the stakes and see if increased pressure can replace his nerves with resolve, causing a good performance. Afterward, Yuuri will be proud of himself and happy again. Execute plan, observe results, adjust accordingly. When comfort doesn’t come naturally, this tends to be kind of the default. From experience it comes from a genuine place of caring even when it backfires (and it actually doesn’t at times), basically trying to actually fix the thing upsetting your loved one instead of play acting feelings you don’t get.
… however Yuuri was COMPLETELY within his rights yelling at Victor because regardless of intent he picked the worst thing on planet earth to say in that exact moment. I mean I’ve had my fair share of “oh crap someone is upset and it’s my responsibility” fails but my fuck-
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He’s shown to be pretty shit at comforting Yuri/ detached emotionally from the situation, but he is neither coldly unbothered nor strategically hiding it. It may appear callous to bluntly say “I don’t know how to help you” to a loved one who’s crying, but as someone who’s been there, that’s an insanely vulnerable thing to admit. “I don’t feel your pain, I don’t get it. But I love you, and just because I’m not feeling it myself doesn’t mean I don’t care that you’re hurting.”
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When Yuri finally just straight up tells Victor what to do, he is relieved and simply does it. Things are different between them after this episode because Yuuri finds the power to communicate his needs clearly and effectively. Victor doesn’t speak “subtlety” well. Yakov and Yurio both speak their mind to him directly regardless of if it’s polite, Which is quite telling because they’re the two characters he has the longest history with. It shows us the kind of communication style Victor is accustomed to and needs to navigate interpersonal relationships.
I’m not making a statement that Victor is autistic or even disordered per say. I feel his unusual circumstances provide enough explanation, but I really do see that he consistently struggles with empathy in the same way I do. He’s probably the only character I’ve been able to see that aspect of myself in with scenes that aren’t played for jokes.
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otomiyaa · 14 days
Victor x Yuuri
Collab with @ticklygiggles
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A/N: This was our first ever collab! So old... Can't believe it would've been lost if @wertzunge didn't save it^^
Summary: Reupload from 20 Nov. 2016 - Victor still seems to be feeling guilty about the way he treated Yuuri. He had hurt him and made him cry after all. However, when Yuuri finds out Victor can be cheered up with tickles he doesn’t give his coach a break- not considering he’ll suffer from the consequences too! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.1K
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“Aah, finally back!” Yuuri sighed, and he plopped down onto his bed. He and Victor just returned to their twin bedroom at the hotel after celebrating his success at the free skate with a nice dinner and a couple of drinks, together with some of the other skaters.
“Yeah. Rest well, Yuuri,” Victor said with a smile, and he stretched himself onto his own bed. Yuuri watched his coach stare at the ceiling.
He thought Victor had been remarkably quiet during their drinking time with the others, but having linked it to his embarrassment of their intimate interaction in front of the whole world to see, he had thought the usual cheerful Victor would be back to his old self again if it was just the two of them. He was wrong.
“Victor?” he asked, facing Victor as he repositioned himself in a sitting position with his legs dangling off the edge of his bed. Victor hummed with a soft smile, letting Yuuri know he was listening to him, even though his eyes kept glued to the ceiling.
“Is something bothering you?” Victor didn’t answer, but the tiny smile faded as soon as Yuuri’s words reached his ears. Yuuri noticed and he couldn’t stop his mind to start overthinking about it.
Did he do something to make Victor upset? He did an amazing routine, Victor said so and they kissed, after all… Yuuri blushed at the memory but shook his head, trying to think about something else… Oh my God, maybe Victor was angry because he touched his head?
God, what if he was actually regretting kissing him? Yuuri knew he was very shy and awkward and he didn’t exactly kiss him back, but was that enough to make Victor this worried? No, it was probably something else… but what could- oh.
“Victor?” When Yuuri looked over at Victor again, he found his back facing him. Victor hummed again. Yuuri felt his cheeks heating up again as he slowly made his way towards Victor’s bed.
He wasn’t sure if he saw Victor jolting a little or if it was the movement of the bed when he took a seat at the edge.
“Victor, are you still thinking about what happened in the parking lot?” This time he did notice the way Victor flinched at his words and he did see how the tip of his ears turned a bit a red. So, that was it.
“You know I forgave you, right?” Yuuri sighed when Victor didn’t say anything back, and he fondly placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. When Victor - the usually affectionate and goofy Victor - didn’t react to the touch, Yuuri squeezed a little to make his touch of comfort a bit more firm.
“Victor, I forgave you. Please don’t worry about it,” Yuuri tried again, but Victor sighed and turned his head a little, eyeing Yuuri for a short moment before he turned away again.
“Of course I worry, Yuuri. I hurt you, I should’ve never done that…” An uncomfortable knot was forming in Yuuri’s stomach at the sound of Victor’s sad voice.
He wasn’t used to seeing him like this… what should he do? First thought was to poke his adorable thin hairline again, but Victor’s head was too much out of reach. Realizing this as he reached out his hand, he lowered it again, right onto Victor’s side and he poked him to get his attention.
However, it was anything but a snort he expected to be Victor’s reaction, and he watched in surprise how the young man jolted, his entire body tensing up and one arm squeezing against his side.
“Victor?” Yuuri asked in confusion, and he tried to wriggle his hand free which was now pressed between Victor’s arm and side.
His wiggly hand, though, made Victor flinch again, his arm pressing against his side even more and he curled on his stomach. Yuuri frowned at Victor’s strange behavior, but when he looked at the side of his face and saw the corners of Victor’s mouth trembling and trying to hide a smile, he couldn’t stop his own mouth to morph into a slight smirk.
“Victor, what’s wrong? I need my hand back,” he teased, adjusting his hand so he could give a proper squeeze at the curve of Victor’s waist, he chuckled when Victor barked out a laugh.
“Y-Yuuri!” Victor gasped and uncurled, trying to push Yuuri’s hand away, leaving his whole side and armpit unprotected.
Yuuri saw his chance and quickly reached up with his other hand, successfully wiggling his fingers under Victor’s arm, his other hand reaching down towards Victor’s hip. His coach arched his back, laughing loudly and clearly and cutely. Yuuri felt his cheeks blushing just one more time. 
His smirk changed into a fond smile as he watched Victor’s big wide smile, his elegant nose scrunching up at the sensations and his eyes squeezed shut. His slender body squirming ungracefully around the bed, trying to push Yuuri’s hands away. “Y-Yuhuhuuri!” his laughter brought Yuuri back from his stupor.
“W-Wahahait!” Yuuri chuckled, but he didn’t stop one bit. “What’s wrong? Can’t hear you,” he teased, and he playfully ran his fingers down Victor’s squirming body, wiggling them all over his sides and stomach.
“It ti-tihickles! Y-Yuhuuri stop!” Victor chirped through his laughter, and by now the fond smile on Yuuri’s face was really tugging at the corners of his lips so much it was almost starting to hurt. Seeing Victor laugh like this, especially after his dark mood just now, it was seriously the best thing ever.
Getting lost in the beauty of Victor’s laughter and cute reactions, Yuuri was too slow to react when his hysterical coach managed to finally catch one of his arms. Yuuri gasped when Victor tugged, and he toppled forward. For a moment his world was turning, and the next moment he was gazing up at Victor’s blushy face as he was pinned down by the taller man.
“V-Victor!” Yuuri brought out, blushing at the sight of Victor’s messy hair and his red face. Victor panted and held Yuuri’s arms firmly, pinning him down onto the mattress. His head sinking a little in Victor’s pillow, Yuuri nervously squirmed, now realizing he had just tickled the Victor Nikiforov without showing mercy…
He most likely wasn’t going to get away with this, he thought as he put up his most innocent smile.
“W-Wahait,” Yuuri giggled in anticipation, squirming and squeaking when Victor took a seat on his hips, straddling him.
“Y-You were sulking around! So, I was trying to make you feel bet- nohoho!” Yuuri jumped, pulling at his arms which were gathered in one of Victor’s hand, the other skillfully wiggling around his tummy.
“I’m sure you’re better with words than me, Yuuri. You didn’t have to use such a torturous way to make me feel better.”
Yuuri shook his head, giggling like crazy, his glasses falling off the bridge of his nose.
“You lohohohoved it!” Yuuri had his eyes closed, so he didn’t get to see the blush spreading on Victor’s cheeks at that very true fact. It was nice to loosen up every now and then, especially now that he was feeling really bad about how he made Yuuri feel.
He knew that Yuuri had forgiven him already, but he still felt the guilty tug in his gut whenever he looked at his little apprentice.
“Ack! No nohohot thehehere!” Victor chuckled when Yuuri bucked his hips, almost throwing him out of the bed.
He pressed his knees on Yuuri’s waist as he continued to prod and squeeze each bone on Yuuri’s ribcage, sending him into a frenzy of hysterical laughter.
“I think you’re way more ticklish than I am, Yuuri, don’t you think?”
Yuuri cackled and with a very hard tug of his arms, he finally broke free from Victor’s grip, his hands flying towards his coach’s hips, drilling his thumbs into the bones. Victor shrieked, laughing loudly.
“N-No you don’t!” he giggled, his hands changing spots to tickle Yuuri’s tummy.
Yuuri was arching his back, giggling adorably and tickling Victor’s hips at the same time, his head digging into the soft pillow as he squirmed and writhed around with his back still arched in an attempt to escape Victor’s evil fingers.
“I wohohoon’t lose!” Yuuri laughed. He had his eyes squeezed shut and he aimlessly wiggled his fingers from Victor’s hips up towards his sides.
“Ehehe! Oh, y-yes you wihihill!” Victor bent forward and squealed, one arm shooting back to cover himself up and fight off Yuuri’s hand while he used his other hand to attack Yuuri’s tummy with renewed determination.
He forced his hand under Yuuri’s shirt, exploiting his now flat tummy hungrily with fingers wiggling and scratching like spider legs. Both of their bright laughter filled the hotel room, warm enough to wash away the remains of their earlier conflict.
“Aaahh!” Yuuri yelped and he retreated his attacking hand to try to cover himself up, but Victor was already wiggling one finger in his belly button, and it was very effective.
“Alright alright! Stop! P-Please Victor!” Yuuri finally laughed, both his arms wrapped around his stomach but unable to fend off Victor’s tickly fingers.
“Say you surrender,” Victor said, vibrating his finger on Yuuri’s navel, making him shriek with laughter.
“I suhuhurrender!” Yuuri weakly tried to apart Victor’s hand.
“Say you forgive me?” Victor’s voice was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for Yuuri to hear it. He nodded hysterically, his body shaking with silent laughter.
Victor stopped his playful assault and stared at Yuuri until he was giggling sporadically and twitching a little, his round cheeks flushed pink and his mouth still into a happy smile.
“I- I already told you I forgave you, Victor!” Yuuri pouted, tugging his shirt down to cover his slightly pink tummy.
“I know- I know you don’t want to leave, I really know it and I don’t want you to leave either.” Their faces resembled red Christmas lights. Yuuri squirmed nervously when Victor didn’t say anything, so he squeaked when Victor suddenly cupped his face and leaned closer to him.
He looked at those shiny blue eyes until they were too close that his own brown eyes crossed painfully. Victor’s lips were warm against his and they tasted sweet. Yuuri gasped when he felt a soft lick all over his lower lip, Victor pulled apart, pouting.
“Yuuri...” he whined. “I can’t kiss you if you keep your lips closed that tight!”
He poked Yuuri’s lips with his long finger. “Buuuut-” Yuuri whined back, embarrassed like crazy, but Victor hushed him by lightly pressing down his finger on his lips, smiling his attractive trademark-smile.
Attracted to his smile, Yuuri then wrapped his arms around Victor’s neck and pulled him down, inviting him in a long, deep and loving kiss. Together they kissed, cuddled, talked for the rest of the night. And, of course, resumed their tickle fight once they had both recovered from the other!
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Epilogue (new)
Yuuri was enjoying his tea and looked out of the window of his shared appartment with Victor. Ah, living together... He couldn't get used to how happy it made him feel everyday.
"Yuuri~?" Victor entered and started to make his coffee.
"Vitya, good morning." Yuuri walked over and gave him a kiss, enjoying the scent of the coffee filling the room.
"Yuuri I had a funny dream. Do you remember our first tickle fight?"
Even though Yuuri didn't even take a sip from his tea, he choked and coughed, and he quickly put it down to be safe.
"O-our first tickle fight? Why do you ask?
"Well, do you remember? Do you remember who started it?"
Yuuri couldn't remember. It must've been so long ago. He and Victor had many many tickle fights throughout their whole relationship.
"I d-don't," Yuuri muttered. He backed away when Victor approached him with a predatory look on his face.
"I do remember. Especially after dreaming about it." Yuuri lost his balance and stumbled backwards, but luckily that was right where the couch was waiting for him, and he fell against it.
Victor closed him and and smirked playfully. "It was you, Yuuri. You started out first tickle fight. And while Yuuri would've asked him all the details of it, Victor was now busy with his apparent revenge on him.
"Vityahaha wahaha! It's in the pahahast!" Yuuri squealed, but Victor pinned him down on the couch and tickled him mercilessly, first thing in the morning while his coffee was getting cold in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, as he laughed and giggled, memories of their first tickle fight came back to Yuuri too. It was such a precious moment in their relationship, he wasn't allowed to ever forget it again.
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yoificfinder · 7 months
Hi! I'm looking for a fic about Yuuri's anxiety. In one scene, Yuuri breaks down in a hotel bathroom. Eventually, Victor brings him back by placing headphones on his ears and playing a very specific song - Dust to Dust by Civil Wars. It is very rare that I lose track of a fic I enjoyed and I'm sorry I don't remember much else, but I loved the fic AND have ALWAYS loved this song.
As always, gratitude and blessings for your service!
I hope someone else can help!
Update: Of Glass and Gold by smudgesofink / @thisvictoriangirl [T, 4K]
“Just hear me out,” Yuuri presses. He can feel heat burning behind his eyes and he grits his teeth, fighting back the tears. If he cries now, Victor will be too occupied with comforting him to actually pay attention to what he’s saying. “I want you to be happy.”
“I am,” Victor grounds out, confused and hurt. “I’m happy with you. What even gave you the idea that I’m not?"
“Because I’m never going to win gold!” Yuuri shouts. His words echo like a gunshot, and the silence that follows it is haunting.
(In which Victor is gold--magnificent, breathtaking, brilliant--and Yuuri is glass--transparent, thin, breakable.)
Tysm for the help, @rebekaknocks! 💙
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randomficrecss · 7 months
Victuuri fic rec
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Melodies Unheard, but Felt All the Same by Watermelonsmellinfellon
M | 100.3k | 39/39 | deaf!yuuri, ableism, sexual content, explicit language
Yuuri wanted to make history as the first Deaf man to win the Grand Prix Final. Of course he's a little skeptical of Victor Nikiforov's presence, especially considering the reactions from others who have learned about his lack of hearing.
But Victor proves to be different, and Yuuri appreciates that. Now all that's left is to tell the figure skating world about it.
The Fundamentals of Caring by braveten
E | 20.8k | 2/2 | sick!yuuri, hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
centripetal force by braveten
E | 85.8k | 10/10 | college au, roommates, sexual content, anxiety attacks, underage drinking
Victor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn't one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
like your french girls by ebenroot
T | 102.9k | 7/7 | artist au, slow burn, awkward flirting, pining victor, fluff
"Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem."
in which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram
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coolotplblogloadng · 1 year
Top 10 Fanfic - Multi-Fandom
No Particular Order
between the click of the light and the start of a dream by thepshycicclam
sterek (m/m) - Teen Wolf - 105,192 words - Rated E
Stiles starts getting haunted by something in his dreams. Derek gets overprotective. Pack feels and angst. I love it. I read it once a year.
who ya gonna call? by igneousbitch
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 24,563 - Rated E
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU. Need I say more? Harrow falls on her ass at least twice I recall. A masterpiece.
lucky jacket by chellethewriter 
catradora (f/f) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - 16,301 - Rated M
Explores the lore of Adora’s jacket after Catra may have done something to it. Very funny concept but shit hits the fan. Very cute and fluffy.
My Name of Your Lips by feelslikefire
victuuri (m/m) - Yuri on Ice! - 108,070 words - Rated E
Literally the ONLY a/b/o fic I ever liked and finished. High fantasy, magic, dragons. Yuuri betrothed to Prince Victor and plans on secretly fighting a tourney to get out of it...but then he catches feelings! 👀
horsebow moon by athousandsatellites
edeleth (f/f) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 4,765 words - Rated G
Edelgard finds Jeralt’s journal but turns out Byleth has made use of it as well! Really sweet and fluffy (some angst). But touched on stuff I wish the game explored. So *chefs kiss*
Due West by europa_report 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 27,284 words - Rated M
Suuuuuucccchh good writing from Krolia’s perspective how she feels about Keith and Lance’s relationship. Her and Lance are stranded on a planet. Feelings of motherhood. Angst. 👌👌
The Hurricane in His Veins by magisterpavus 
shklance (m/m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 265,040 words - Rated E
I had to put this one on. Main fic is only 187,481 words. But the world is just so great I gotta read all the fics in the series. Vampire Keith and Shiro and human(?) Lance. A classic, fabulous.
I Will Not Die For You by ghost_maiden_of_delphi
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 151,369 words - Rated M
Mafia boss Harrow, bodyguard Gideon. Cross country road trip full of pining, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual romance!! Gideon and Naberius fight and it’s the best thing I’ve ever read.
The Ninth Wave by Anonymous 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 12,535 words - Rated M
So sweet, so lovely. Snippets of them falling for each other represented by different waves. Shorter but oh so sweeter. 
Homesick by Beelzebumons
sidlink (m/m) - Breath of the Wild - 175,190 words - Rated E
Link dressed in Zora armor 24/7 being Sidon’s bodyguard? That has to take him on a tour of all of Hyrule? Canon divergent with interesting backstories and plot? Yes sign me up pls!
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thebookewyrme · 5 months
[PODFIC] you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be by @roserelease
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri
Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov
Katsuki Yuuri
Victor Nikiforov
Phichit Chulanont
Christophe Giacometti
Leo de la Iglesia
Ji Guang-Hong
Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Mila Babicheva
Sara Crispino
Michele Crispino
Emil Nekola
Lee Seung Gil
Minami Kenjirou
Additional Tags:
Fluff and Angst
Long-Distance Relationship
Non-Binary Victor Nikiforov
Demisexual Katsuki Yuuri
Nonbinary Character
Closeted Character
Complicated Gender Feelings
Happy Ending
Trans Character
POV Multiple
Slow Burn
Explicit Sexual Content
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Past Abuse
Aged-Up Character(s)
Language: English Stats: Published:2024-01-06Updated:2024-01-06Words:33Chapters:1/32Hits:0
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" More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov, aka Nike Cosplay. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him... It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry? (Except for when one fateful, lonely night, Viktor does.)"
I AM BACK IN THE RECORDING BOOTH* BABY!! It feels so good to be back recording podfic. And I'm super excited to share this excellent fic with y'all, truly this fic means so much to me, it helped shape my own relationship with gender (among other fics). All your genderqueer Victuuri dreams are here my dears! Now with a genderqueer voice to narrate them!
*Not actually a real recording studio, who has money for that, I just do it in my bedroom when the cats are asleep.
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fawn-eyed-girl · 10 months
How about Victuuri 💋 on a scar!
Neutron, my dear, dear friend, hello!!
I am more than happy to write this one for you! In fact, once again, I got a little carried away, so here is 3500 words of Victuuri fluff and hurt/comfort, all for you 🥺🥺 The full story, called "Scar-Kissed," is on Ao3, but here's a little preview for you, under the cut!
This story is rated T, mostly for implied mild sexual content and the hurt/comfort.
Please enjoy 💋
It was supposed to be the happiest time of Yuuri’s life. 
He had finished the previous season strong, and with the Olympics positioned to be the culmination of the current season, the hype surrounding him was a change from the vibe when he’d nearly quit the sport a few years before. Back then, he was alone, always away from home, always away from those he loved: a failure, both personally and professionally.
Now, though, he was a success, and he owed a large part of that success to the home he had found, both on and off the road:
His home, his beloved husband, Victor Nikiforov. And everywhere that Victor went, if Yuuri followed, he could. 
In his life with Victor, Yuuri had, for the first time, found a sense of peace. Even when the pressures of competition weighed heavily, all Yuuri had to do was come home—to a hotel most often, but yes, it was home when he saw Victor lounging in an easy chair, reading a book; or when he saw Victor and Makkachin, curled up together on the bed, sleeping; or when he saw Victor’s clothing tossed on the bed, the sound of the hotel shower running hot in Yuuri’s blood. 
There was a soft sense of contentment that filled Yuuri now, no matter where he was in the world, and no matter where he was in the competition. He could be first, or third, or sixth, and the same calm held steady in his heart. 
Because Victor was always there: a quiet voice stilling his fear, a gentle hand quelling his nervous shakes. Victor was always there, always with kind words: no matter how stern they needed to be, they always felt soft coming from Victor’s heart-shaped mouth and perfectly plush lips. 
So, yes. On the surface, Yuuri felt as though everything was wonderful, perfect—more than he could have ever hoped to have in his life.
But deep down, Yuuri was restless… Because Victor was hiding something.
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
So, I was sitting here thinking about Victor and Yuuri's wedding, as you do, when it occurred to me. That damned stripper pole is gonna make an appearance. I know it is. I see it. In my mind. Dose Chris carry that thing around like he's a secret BO staff fighter and he will dance off to save the world? This boy is a bard. He's a sexy dance bard. Bet he can stomp in 6 inch heals.
Anyway, that's not the point.
The point is, Otabek will not be caught dead doing that. 1: flexibility is not his strong suit and he knows it. Let others have their fun He's just be in the background contemplating the physics of it. 2: That is something he will *never* be suckered into because he knows they take photos. Nope. Big Nope.
But what he will do, as requested, is DJ the dance floor for the after party. Which means Yuri will not get to dance with him. Which is sad. EXCEPT. My head did a thing.
See, Otabek would totally be that one completely responsible, fire putting out, fixes stuff by walking thrugh a room and just correcting it person every wedding has. Even if all he does is direct the right person where they need to go so they can put out said fire. Takes a team, but the observant notice where they need to be. (I have been to so many weddings and I am telling you there is always ONE person who makes it all better by existing and OnE pErSoN who fucks it by by breathing.)
And like, I got so many head cannons about this. See, he wears a cravat, proper, for his competitions. Guess who's being tasked (along with Chris) to deal with people who cannot tie ties. Basic will not do. We're talking Fancy Tied Ties. FANCY. Yes, both Chris and Otabek can do these to perfection.
Guess who has to stop Yuri from climbing a wall when he's stressed because Yuuri is stressed and that makes Victor want to go comfort him, but he can't because he has to get ready for the wedding himself, and Yuri is supposed to stop Victor but Victor listens to no man save Yuuri and that's a mess he's tried to explain but no one seems to get but Otabek.
Guess who has to braid Yuri's hair to calm him down. Then has to tell Yuuri's mom - who is doing something else important at the time - what's up so it can be dealt with. Then has to deal with helping Yuri find where he threw his shoes in a rage.
Guess who has to go pick up the classic car they left to get detailed the day before instead of three days prior like he suggested and it may not be here on time because the delivery driver for it can't get anyone to drive him back, so he has to go and get it to the sight on time for when they 'go away' on the honey moon drive which is actually just a drive around the island so the pack of feral ice skaters can reset the scene for the after party. This doubles as having to pick up the wedding cake, and triples as getting Yuri out of there for a little bit so he can chill under the guise of holding the cake steady so it wont be ruined.
Guess who holds the ladders when they hang up flower decor because someone forgot they cannot en pointe to breach that last three inch gap between them and the hook for the flower arrangement. Seriously, you're gonna hurt yourself.
Guess who just sort of lugs boxes where they need to go with out a problem, and in general dose the dirty work quietly with everyone else, letting them set up - the fun part - while he considers this a light cardio day. Still shows up fresh and looking good, because of course he does.
And then he DJs and dose killer because you know he will, and everyone's having fun. All worth it.
But Yuri doesn't get to dance with him, and that's bothering Yuri, so Yuri hangs out with Otabek as he cleans up his set. Everyone else has decided to tear things down the next day. Not him. This shits expensive and he's not going to risk it.
And because Yuri pouts about it, Otabek sighs, grabs his hand, and with no one around just twirls Yuri's ballet doing ass about that floor in ways he's never danced before. Because while Otabek is not cut out for ballet, he dose dance. Far more varieties than Yuri. Lifts, spins, dips, twists. It's fast, and energetic, stuff to make Rodgers and Hammerstein drool. Then he just leaves Yuri drop jawed as he just walks back to his kit and finishes packing it up.
Yuri jumps on his back complaining all the way back to the place they are staying as he clings there like a particularly angelic daemon of a backpack about how dare Otabek hold out on him like that, and dose he think he can translate that to ice so Yuri can use it to kick JJs ass because he has to kick JJs ass, and also because that was so cool.
Otabek just shoulders his kit and says, "Maybe," but smiles just that little bit, until the lights show they are in range of people, his mask slipping back in place as he takes a sleepy Yuri to his room, dropping off his kit, and going to sit outside in the cool island air as an exhausted blond falls asleep still clinging to his back until he slides off from tired.
Otabek catches him. He always will. After a bit he takes him inside, and the rest of the party goes on... oh look. Chris did get out the stripper pole. Shaking his head, he continues to take care of Yuri before he wakes up from the tantalizing sent of possible blackmail pictures in the making. Because he would.
A sleep derived Yuri is a grumpy Yuri, and a grumpy Yuri just wont do.
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tifadoesnotblog · 11 months
My insane plot for a possible season 2 of Yuuri!! on Ice
Okay Yuuri on Ice stans, tear me to shreds xx
-set about two and a half to three years after s1 
-Yurio is setting up to go to the olympics for the first time and Yuri and Victor are still skating competitively
-Victor still has his whole complex about having to constantly surprise people and his big idea this year is for him and Yuuri to begin pair skating
-Yuuri is completely against this because I headcanon he’s a bit insecure in his masculinity due to his more feminine build and struggles with conveying traditionally masculine sexuality and traits. He’s is still a lot more confident in himself because of his arc in s1 but I think that’s a bit more tied to his abilities as a skater and the fact he’s just as talented and deserving of his title as anyone else
- so Yuuri is all like but Victor i would have to be the “girl” and idk if I’m comfortable with that
-Victor (because he’s still a bit of a self focused twat) brushes Yuuri’s insecurities off as silly, partly because he can’t comprehend the idea of anyone seeing Yuuri as anything other than the hottest most sexy man to ever, but also because he’s so wrapped up in this idea he cannot let it go
-so Victor is like please please please Yuuri we have to do this or I’ll die and spends a majority of the first episode haranguing Yuuri about it until he begrudgingly agrees
- I sort of headcanon that Victor kind of makes Yuuri insecure and intimidated in the sense that Victor is always so much and Yuuri consistently struggles to keep up (he might just be autistic but it  doesn’t matter either way) and this paired with the fact that Victor has a tendency to get wrapped up in himself and not think about other people's feelings leads to them not being on the same wavelength AT ALL and a good portion of their first season as pairs is absolutely dreadful because they both to refuse to communicate or even outright acknowledge these issues between them
-It gets even worse when Yuri’s grandad dies and Victor and Yuuri put their entire season on hold to fly out and parent this boy through his grief whilst managing his olympic training
-It all culminates when the pressure gets to be two much for Yuuri and like they’re in training and they don’t land a jump or something silly and small and Yuuri just blows up
- Yuuri screams to Victor about how he never wanted to do this and how he cannot cope with the anxiety having to skate as a pair is putting on him and Victor is so wrapped up in his own shit that he refuses to acknowledge Yuuri’s feelings in any meaningful way, and how this is all on top of them having to try their best to support Yuuri who has all of his own stuff going on and needs them because he’s at the peak of his career and it’s far more important than their stupid pais skate and Victor’s ego. 
-Victor gets angry too because Yuuri calls their pair skate stupid and goes off on one right back about how Yuuri is just being selfish and how he’s jealous that he’ll never shine as bright as Victor did. Loads of stupid petty things that he doesn’t mean and more so says because he struggles to comprehend the fact that what he’s done could’ve hurt Yuuri when he was doing it for the both of them (I think at this point since Victor is turning 30 he probably has a bit of a complex about being washed up and just doesn’t want Yuuri to feel the same way about himself which is why he puts double the effort into surprising everyone as he did prior to their relationship) He’s also probably angry at himself for having not realised he’s hurt Yuuri in such a big way. (I honestly headcanon Victor as having ADHD which is why he’s so forgetful and for lack of a better term muchy. And also why he struggles with empathy at times)
-Because of what Victor says Yuuri is rightfully really upset and they basically break up and go their own ways for a while
- I think Yuuri probably flies back home to Hasetsu and Victor finds himself wherever Yurio is (Wherever the Olympics is that year. The next winter olympics is in Italy so let’s say there)
-This bit of the plot get’s a bit muddy but I think Yuuri probably just mopes and Victor get’s a serious talking to from Yuri about how he’s a narcissistic pig and that Yuuri is constantly doing the most for him and he’s kind of ungrateful (this is all explained in a very angry Yuri way of course)
-Victor realises the error of his ways and probably makes some sappy Victor-esque comment about how proud he is of Yuri and how much he’s grown. But then he’s like But how could I ever apologise after what I’ve said s Yuri makes a joke about romcoms and grand romantic gestures
-Victor being Victor takes it completely seriously and flies all the way out to Hasetsu on a whim to apologise to Yuuri in a grand romantic gesture
-They talk it out and Victor apologises and reassures Yuuri that it doesn’t matter what stereotypes negate and that he’s a man if he says he is and nothing will ever change that and he’s beautiful irregardless of nonsense tradition (Victor Nikiforov gender non-conformities number one fan)
-Yuuri also apologises for not being more plain about his feelings and just expecting Victor to be able to read his mind
-They both make up and decide to finish the season together as equals 
- they make it to nationals by the skin of their teeth but once they’re there they are so gay and in love and perfect for each other that they skate their very best
-From here I can’t decide if they make it onto the podium and don’t win as a parallel to season one or if they do win and it just conveys how perfect they are and how much they love each other
-whatever happens the two of them are content because they did it together
-Nationals finish just in time for them to fly back to Italy and see Yuri compete
-He doesn’t win but it’s fine because he’s only 18 and has plenty of time to and they're both so proud of him anyway and his grandpa would be too
- From there they live happily ever after i guess
-I think maybe Victor and Yuuri retire and decide to just skate for themselves and for fun. I think they probably also become Yuri’s coaches
—--------Other things of note—--------------------
-I think throughout the season we do spend some time with Yuri and see him trying to cope with the loss of his grandpa
-Otabek and Yuri bonding because I think their friendship is something really special to Yuri
-Phichit is also competing at the Olympics because I love him and he deserves success
-I also think Phichit is the only person Yuuri properly confides in about how stressed out and dreadful he’s feeling so he emotionally supports him through a lot of that
-I don’t really know what Chris will do throughout the season but he’s definitely there because I also love him
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Forgotten Lands - files from Fanfic Island
Forgotten Lands - files from Fanfic Island https://ift.tt/qyJYkWi by HeyNonnyMouse Unfinished fanfics from Nonny's Archives. Help me choose which stories to finish. M/M and M/F pairings. Every fanfic trope you can think of. Mostly Harry Potter and Yuri on Ice. Too much plot, not enough smut. And then too much smut, not enough plot. The words "chapter one" too many times in a row, basically. Words: 28790, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Yuri Plisetsky, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Blaise Zabini Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Jean-Jacques Leroy/Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Nothing Is Complete, You Have Been Warned, WIP dump, Alternate Universe - Adventure, Hiking, Mystery, Magical Artifacts, Action/Adventure, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Jean-Jacques Leroy, Omega Yuri Plisetsky, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Explicit Sexual Content, Sharing a Bed, Sex Magic, Magic, Mildly Dubious Consent, Overstimulation, Dom/sub Undertones, Good Harry Potter, Like so good he's scary, Sex, Anal Sex, Choking, Anal Fingering, Anal Play, Rough Sex, Morning After, Master/Servant, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance, Minor Character Death, Period-Typical Sexism, Historical Fantasy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Rape/Non-con, Royalty, Courtship, BDSM, Dom/sub, Dom Harry Potter, Sub Draco Malfoy, Forced Marriage, Food, Marriage Law Challenge, Language of Flowers, Family Feels, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Persons, Sexism, Contemplations on Body Autonomy, Intrigue, Fake/Pretend Relationship via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/5S6Hbwx May 17, 2023 at 08:24PM
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To  @pierrotguru From  @zoneofrevale 
Of Unintentional Cat Filters and Birthdays
Summary: It’s Victor’s birthday but unfortunately, they’re snowed in. Fortunately, Yuuri has other plans. 
The bright light passing through the curtains wakes Yuuri, who has his arms and legs comfortably wrapped around Victor. He buries his head into Victor’s chest and groans, if he could only close the curtains himself and sleep in— but there was nothing worth exchanging being wrapped under the woolen blankets together with Makkachin sprawled at their feet. 
Yuuri closes his eyes and buries his head even deeper into Victor’s chest, he smells of cinnamon with wisps of pine. You smell good Vitya, he thinks. He takes a deep breath and clears his mind. 
But that doesn’t work either,  he lays there, wide awake. As he comes to his senses, he suddenly realizes something that almost sends him scrambling out of their bed. 
It’s Victor’s birthday. 
Scrambling out of bed might be an exaggeration, but the sentiment remains. Yuuri hurriedly reaches for his glasses on the bedside table. It hurts to pull away from Victor’s grasp, but Yuuri’s will firmly resolves itself. He was going to give Victor a warm, happy and enjoyable birthday in his own home. 
For the first time in years, they were back in St.Petersburg,  they had been away  the last few years, traveling for competitions, grand pines—while they celebrated his birthday in other countries— least to say, Milan was something. But it wasn’t the same as being in the comfort of their own home, together. 
Makkachin’s perks up, Yuuri gently pets her head. “Good morning, Makkachin,” he softly whispers, nuzzling her chin. 
It seems that it had woken Victor. “Yuuuri,” he says, weakly grabbing his arm. “Where are you going?” 
“I’m just going to the bathroom,” Yuuri responds. “I’ll be right back.” Well, he’ll be right back after he makes Victor breakfast. 
 “Mrhmhm,” Victor responds and again he’s asleep, Yuuri can hear his little snores, along with Makkachin’s breathing. The two seem to have something in common— falling asleep as fast as Victor’s folding laundry skills— Yuuri admits that he was surprised at the discovery. 
Yuuri quietly shuts the door and heads towards the kitchen. Humming, he opens the cupboard and takes the bowls and measuring cups and then the frying pan left on the side of the sink.  
He notices a note left on their messy refrigerator filled with old receipts, pictures and magnets from their trips. It was from two weeks ago, when Victor was away for a few days. It said: “Good morning solnyshko, I’m sad that I won’t be able to see you today but don’t forget to stay, drink water and rest well after practice. Have a good day! I’ll call you later~” 
Their refrigerator was filled with notes like that, both from himself and Victor, a mini-conversation spread out in the span of days. 
He smiles at the memory, taking out the eggs and butter. He pours flour into the mixing bowl then cracks an egg,  he almost drops the shell in the bowl once he looks outside the window. It was certainly a winter wonderland, with the snow falling and the sun making its ascent but the major snow banks accumulating on the roads with the less-than visible air didn’t make it any less viable to go outside. 
Even more so when Yuuri opens the weather app on his phone and sees a whooping -16 degrees with a windchill of -25 degrees at 20km/h. Winters in Hasetsu were cold, but never this cold. 
Yuuri opens his phone and quickly checks the group chat he made a couple weeks ago over the phone, made of friends from near and afar. 
Victor Surprise Birthday Party 
Mila Babicheva (09:27): Have you guys seen the snow outside??? It’s crazy. We haven’t seen this much snow in years. 
Yuri Plisetsky (09:30): Yeah, I’ve been helping my grandpa shovel the driveway all morning
Yuuri Katsuki (09:33): Guys… I’m really sorry to announce this but I’m afraid we might have to cancel the party. It’s too cold and dangerous to drive outside. Victor and I don’t want anyone getting to an accident of any sort. 
Yuri Plisetsky (09:34)  That sucks. I’ll just call him later and tell the old man happy birthday then 
Yuuri sighs and puts down the phone. “Crap…” he curses as he puts in the butter. “I can’t go out in this weather… There's too much snow. How am I gonna get his cake… what about Vitya’s surprise party?” He begins to mix everything and grimly dumps the mixed dough in the frying pan, a funny metaphor for his thoughts. 
A notification pops up on his phone: 
Christophe Giacometti (09:40)aWhy don’t you guys just do a video call? I mean… that’s what I was going to do with Victor later. We can invite more people that way. 
Yuuri Katsuki (09:45): Good idea Chris! I have all the decorations ready, but I’ll set one up later. I’ll send the link here once the part starts. 
Christophe Giacometti (09:47): Cheers to that. Can’t wait to bring my own wine. 
Christophe Giacometti (09:49): Also,Yuuri dear, do you have a spare pole at home?
Yuuri Katsuki (09:50):  Chris! 
Yuuri breathed relievedly, he didn’t think of that, as for the cake—well, he doesn’t know how good bakers they both were, but he was going to suggest that they try baking it themselves. He quickly finishes making both Victor’s and his own pancakes and places it on the table. He then begins to prepare a warm cup of hot cocoa. 
He’s pulled out of his thoughts once he feels a heavy pressure on his shoulder as he mixes the powder with the milk. “Yuuri,” Victor groggily says, pecking his neck. “You said you’d only be gone for one moment. Where did you go?”
“Good morning, Vitya,” Yuuri responds, kissing his forehead. “I was making breakfast for you honey. It’s your special day today.”
“Special day…?” Victor mumbles., still clearly half-asleep. “What special day? Did you finally fold the laundry faster than I did?” 
Yuuri hands a cup of hot chocolate to Victor“It’s your birthday, you dum dum,” he fondly says. “Happy birthday.” He sets down his cup and kisses Victor a kiss on the cheek. 
Victor nods, smiling. “Mhm, thank you Yuuri.” 
Yuuri bends down to pet Makkachin, who comes out of their room, her tail wagging. He takes out her bowl and places it just beneath their kitchen counter. He then sits down on their dinner table, and they both begin to eat. 
Victor’s eyes sparkle. “Yuuri!” he exclaims, hastily eating the pancakes. “You’re the best at making pancakes, you know that? It’s been five years and you still haven’t told me your secret to making your pancakes.”
Yuuri blushes. “Anything for you Vitya.”  He then again glances out the window, tapping his hand fingers on the table. 
Victor pours an unhealthy amount of syrup to his pancakes. “Yuuri, is there anything wrong?” 
“Ah— there’s nothing… it’s just that… never mind.” Yuuri shakes his head. “It’s nothing.” 
Victor raises his eyebrows. “Are you sure solnyshko? You can tell me anything.” 
Yuuri gives in and Victor gives him his puppy. “It’s your birthday today and I wanted to make a  special day for you… but I’m just disappointed that the weather sucks right now.” 
Victor nods thoughtfully. “You being with me today is special enough, it’s okay,” he says. 
“But still…” 
Victor’s eyes widen, and Yuuri realizes something— it was either going to be one of Victor’s genius ideas or an idea  that was going to end very, very terribly. “Ah! I just thought of something.”
Yuuri looks at him suspiciously. 
“Why don’t we try baking everything ourselves? It’ll be fun!” 
Yuuri sighs. 
There’s two things that are wrong with that plan:
1. Neither of them know how to bake. 
2. But they’re going to try anyway. 
And that was how their kitchen ended up being turned into its own winter wonderland.  
Victor knows that it was his suggestion to bake the cake themselves, but he didn’t anticipate the mess that it would create. Okay, maybe he did have a little idea of what their kitchen was going to look like, but he didn’t expect it to have it full blown covered in flour. 
Even sweet Makkachin was covered from flour head to tail. 
But there was something sweet, something sweet about baking together, baking his cake, together with Yuuri, who was as well, also covered in flour from head to toe. 
Of course, he wasn’t excluded from the equation as well. 
They try their best, really. Luckily, they have all the ingredients (to Yuuri’s surprise), they even find Victor’s vanilla, hidden in the farthest corner of the cupboards. In the end, despite the mess that they created, by some miracle of Yuuri, they had managed to bake a cake with an extremely detailed top, with an attempt to himself, Yuuri and Makkachin.  
(Victor does most of the icing). 
(But he is also the one who tries to eat all of the icing right after it finishes baking). 
As they wait for the cake to finish, Victor opens his phone and smiles. There’s a bunch of unopened messages. 
Yura (Sent 20 Mins ago): Happy birthday Victor, ur old now 
Chris (Sent 2 hrs ago): Happy birthday Victor~ 
Mila (Sent 11 minutes ago): Happy birthday Victor!
“Vitya!” Yuuri yells from the living room, buried beneath a fort of blankets. “The movie’s about to start!”  
“Coming!” Victor replies. “I’ll be right there!” He turns off his phone and makes a run for the couch, he topples the pillow fort and the effort that took a grand twenty minutes goes down the drain. 
Yuuri groans. “Vitya!” 
Victor wraps his arms around his husband as tight as he can. “Yuuuuuuri~” he says. “Moy miliy, I love you, you know that?” He drops kisses along his neck and shoulders. 
Yuuri hugs him back tighter, burying his face in his hair. “I love you too, Vitya.”
It turns out that Makkachin had also wanted to join in as Victor notices her stretching her legs, with a determined look on her face. 
“We love you too Makkachin,” they both say at the same time, laughing as Makkachin jumps on them. They 
Later that afternoon, Yuuri’s eyes darted from the desktop to their bedroom door . “Is everyone in yet?” he whispers. “Victor’s just finishing being on the phone with Chris in our bedroom.” 
Phichit unmutes himself. “Nope, Yuuri,” he wheezes. “Look at that state that this call is in, not any time soon.” He mutes himself and Yuuri watches him descend into a fit of laughter. 
 “Yakov!” Mila cries, there’s tears in her eyes. “Turn on your mic! Press the button that says ‘mute’!” 
Yakov clearly is having a difficult time as he attempts expressing himself through a cat filter, unable to switch. Only his eyes and lips move, creating a pseudo-image of an adorable kitten mixed with Yakov’s frustrated expressions. 
“Yuuri!” Yuuri hears Victor yell from across the hall. “Is your surprise ready yet?” 
“Almost!” he replies.  Yuuri unmutes himself once last time. “He’s coming, everybody please get ready!” 
Mila’s laughter echoes in the background. 
“Shut up!” Yurio bites his lip, trying not to laugh. “It’s about to start!” 
Yakov is still mutedly in the background, trying to figure out how to return to humanity. 
Yuuri gets up from his chair and lights the candle of their homemade cake, placing it on their dinner table just in front of the laptop.``Victor,” he opens the door. “The surprise is ready!” He holds up a makeshift blindfold made from a towel in their bathroom. 
“I wonder what it is~” Victor hums as Yuuri guides him down the hallway. 
“You’ll see,” he replies. 
Yuuri eyes the camera and nods with vigor. At least everybody had gotten themselves muted, but Yakov was still a cat, unfortunately. 
“You can take it off now, Vitya,” he says. 
Victor slowly takes off the blindfold, a flurry of mixed emotions on his face as he sees the laptop—happy, surprised, shocked. He puts his hand over his mouth. “What—“ 
Yuuri leans in. “Happy birthday, Vitya,” he says sweetly. He kisses his cheeks. 
Yuuri looks at the camera and nods, holding the cake. 
All at once, they all unmute: 
“Happy birthday Victor!” 
“Happy birthday to you~” they all begin to sing. 
Victor watches, Yuuri sings, and Makkachin excitedly dances. He listens to  the familiar voices of his friends, of his family. 
He’s happy. 
Birthdays were usually lonely, usually spent in a foreign city in a hotel room alone. Occasionally, there was the birthday dinner with Yakov or other skaters— but it wasn’t the same. 
Wasn’t the same as this. 
“Make a wish!” Chris shouts from the other end of the camera. “Don’t forget to make a wish!” 
Victor closes his eyes and thinks carefully— did he really believe in birthday wishes? He doesn’t know. But whether they could come true or not, he still wishes. 
Wishes that things could stay the same— here with Yuuri, together with Makkachin just the way things are. He knows that nothing lasts forever— but if things could just stay the same as they are now—peaceful, then he was okay with that.   
Victor smiles. 
He blows the candle. 
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yoificfinder · 2 years
hi love, hope you're well! i was wondering if you have any recs for slow burn or hurt/comfort type of fics? appreciate your work and hope you stay safe <3 -n
Hello dear n! I was steadily working on this whenever I have free time but this still took a long time. Thank you for patiently waiting.
A lot of fics I recommended under personal favorites actually fit your request. But here are some more fics (limited at 1 fic per author but check out their other works too!) tagged slow burn and/or hurt/comfort I rec:
All Our Yesterdays by @kitsunebi-uk [E, 1M]
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life?
Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive.
When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
Beside the Dancing Sea by lily_winterwood / @omgkatsudonplease [E, ?] *Being edited and reuploaded
He’s finally here in this lovely and quiet little beach cottage, and the rest of the year seems to stretch out infinitely before him. Time will pass, though, and it will pass faster than he realises, but in the meantime he will stop worrying about writer’s block and deadlines and not even having the foggiest clue what his next novel’s going to be about, and live.
New York Times-bestselling author Viktor Nikiforov arrives in the sleepy seaside town of Torvill Cove to cure his writer's block. After encountering local wallflower Yuuri Katsuki at a party, he discovers that this mysterious dark-haired man has a couple secrets up his sleeve.
And Viktor will be damned if he doesn't find out just what those secrets are.
Dot, Dash, Star* by saltwreath [T, 29K]
People with soulmates were blessed with lights like stars. Viktor Nikiforov was born without one, Katsuki Yuuri would have two, and Yuri Plisetsky pretended he had none.
They find each other anyway.
it's the side effects that save us by renaissance [T 71K]
After a sudden personal tragedy and a narrow defeat at the Grand Prix Final, Viktor is ready to throw it all away—until he sees a video of the skater who beat him performing the free skate he couldn't.
Or; plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
Love in Exile by @martymusesloveinexile [E, 99K]
Once a well know ballet dancer in St. Petersburg, Victor Nikiforov finds himself exiled to Sakhalin Island as a political convict in 1881. As a man sentenced to katorga he will never return to European Russia or his life on the stage. Known as the "Edge of the World," his life on Sakhalin could not be further from the life he once knew. Strange circumstances lead his path to cross that of a young Japanese man, one of the very few still living on the island. Katsuki Yuuri leads a life of exile of a different kind, one that is largely self-imposed. Drawn to each other, despite their differences, something slowly begins to grow between them. When a narrowly avoided tragedy leaves them stranded together for a long, cold Sakhalin winter, they are challenged to face what their relationship really means, and what future it could possibly have.
My Name On Your Lips by feelslikefire [E, 108K]
Yuuri Katsuki has been betrothed to the High King's son, Victor, since he was just a child; furthermore, as an omega, he's forbidden from practicing magic in combat. For years, he's been able to put off the former because the Prince was traveling abroad, and gotten around the latter by practicing with his mentor in secret.
Now Victor Nikiforov has finally returned home, and Yuuri is being summoned to the capital for their wedding. He needs a plan to put off marriage long enough to find a way to break the betrothal, while keeping his practicing from being discovered.
If only the Prince didn't have other ideas.
The Noblest Form of Affection by @lucycamui [E, 38K]
The duty of a valet appears deceptively simple on the surface: his sole job is to wait upon his master. Yuuri prides himself on his skills as a valet, but will the challenges and heartaches that come hand in hand with serving the lovely and eccentric Mister Nikiforov prove to be too great a hurdle?
Nuclear Hearts Club by butterbeerbitch / @the-tortellini-man [T, 84K]
He remembers his sister made being seventeen look like life was happening harder than it ever did. All those big, brutal feelings.
And he’s here now, and it's untangling in a pace too fast for him to hold onto anything. Something's starting and something's ending, and it makes sense until it doesn't, and he's stuck somewhere in the middle thinking it won't ever stop feeling like this.
All this changing in a town where nothing ever does.
Being seventeen in the middle of nowhere isn't supposed to be a walk in the park. Add being crazy in love with your brother's best friend to the equation, and it’s safe to say you’re cosmically fucked for life.
Good thing Yuuri Katsuki's not used to having nice things.
Rivals series by Reiya / @kazliin [E, 452K]
An altered universe where a single event changes the course of both Yuuri and Viktor's lives, a rivalry is formed that spans across many years and both of them tell a very different side to the story
same song, different dance by @crossroadswrite [T, 88K] *WIP
The line is silent for a moment, as Yuuri stands there, fingers getting progressively colder as he hears Minako breathe in his ear, not really willing to hang up first.
“The Grand Prix is just around the corner,” Minako says, her tone almost wistful.
He breathes out slowly to steady himself. “It is.”
“… Are you going to watch it?”
Yuuri shouldn’t. He knows it’ll feel awful to watch everyone he knows trying their best at something he loves when he can’t anymore. But it’s Phichit’s first year in the Grand Prix, and Victor’s competing, so…
“Of course,” he says, and is proud of how steady his voice comes out. He doesn’t know if it’s a lie or not.
(Or: in which Yuuri's Stammi Vicino skate never gets posted and he retires, Victor keeps himself skating for better or for worse, Yuri struggles with his debut, and missed opportunities have a way of righting themselves.)
Tadaima by @stammiviktor [T, 12K]
After decades of wandering, Viktor finds a home in the Katsuki family.
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ao3feed-yurionice · 2 years
Yuri Plisestky's Groupchat Family (One Shots (Mostly))
by TheFanficDreamingAuthor
JJ-style: Is it safe to come out now?
 Leo: onG! Yes! Go ahead bebeh, come out to your LGBTQ family!
 Christophe: Oh my God
 Phichit: PLZ LEO-
 Isabella: Aw baby, you're valid no matter what you are :)
 Mila: this bich
 Mila: Best fiance
 YURI. NEEDS. FAMILY! A collection of the skating family loving our boy, Otayuri cheering Isabella as she roasts her fiance, Phichit being a drama queen, Leo wanting out of America, Christophe might actually go to church, Yuuri being the badass mama of this group, Guang dealing with his man-child of a boyfriend, Minami being the sunshine he is, Seung Gil questioning why this chat is the way it is, Emil having no idea what he's doing, Michele unable to escape Mila and Sara's relationship innuendos, and Georgi being...single.
Of course, there's also angst...heavy angst most of the time- I'm me? What were you expecting?!
Words: 35583, Chapters: 14/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Yuri's Family Shenanigans (Yuri On Ice)
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Mila Babicheva, Georgi Popovich, Christophe Giacometti, Phichit Chulanont, Otabek Altin, Isabella Yang, Leo de la Iglesia, Ji Guang-Hong, Minami Kenjirou, Sara Crispino, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Lee Seung Gil, Michele Crispino, Emil Nekola, Potya | Puma Tiger Scorpion, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, Jean-Jacques Leroy/Isabella Yang, Leo de la Iglesia/Ji Guang-Hong, Phichit Chulanont & Lee Seung Gil, Mila Babicheva & Yuri Plisetsky & Georgi Popovich, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Michele Crispino & Emil Nekola, Yuri Plisetsky & Everyone, Christophe Giacometti/Christophe Giacometti's Boyfriend
Additional Tags: Team as Family, Family Dynamics, One Shot Collection, Katsuki Yuuri and Victor Nikiforov are Yuri Plisetsky's Parents, groupchat, Aunts & Uncles, Cousins, Brother-Sister Relationships, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Heavy Angst, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Social Media, Yuri Plisetsky-centric, Protective Skating Family, Self-Harm, Hurt/Comfort, Insecure Yuri Plisetsky, Trans Phichit Chulanont, Fashion Designer Yuri Plisetsky, Asexual Character, Genderfluid Katsuki Yuuri, Ear Piercings, Romance, Protective Katsuki Yuuri, Protective Victor Nikiforov, Protective Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont is a Little Shit, mama yuuri, Crying, Chaos, Demiboy Yuri Plisetsky, Overthinking
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39427821
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gildedfrost-ao3 · 5 days
Ebb and Flow - A Victuuri fic
My first fic for Yuri on Ice! I'm pleased with the writing and think I got a good voice down for Yuuri, but it's definitely a heavy fic for me to start with. Mind the tags.
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont, Yuri Plisetsky, Self-Harm, Recovery, Mental Health Issues, Trans Male Character, Trans Katsuki Yuuri, Coming Out, Anxiety, Depression, Cutting, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Detailed depictions of self-harm, Trust Issues, Secrets, Phichit Chulanont Is a Good Friend
Yuuri has long managed his anxiety by hurting himself. When the stakes are raised with Victor as his coach, so too are his emotions, causing his self-harm to spiral out of control. It gets a lot worse before he realizes how big the problem is and that he can't keep it hidden.
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