#Video Wall Processor
WA 0811 330 1819, Distributor Video Wall 46 Samsung Malang
WA 0811 330 1819, Distributor Video Wall 46 Samsung Malang
Distributor Video Wall 46 Samsung Malang Distributor Video Wall 46 Samsung Malang WA 0811-330-1819, Kami menjual 3X3 Video Wall Controller, 3X3 Video Wall Display, Video Wall 4X3, Video Wall 49 Inch, Video Wall 4X4 Kami Melayani pengiriman ke Malang, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Bandung, Banjar dan seluruh kota di Indonesia Distributor Video Wall 46 Malang Sebagai Informasi kami juga…
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avcit1 · 2 years
Mixing - 4K Modular Matrix Switcher
Types Of Mixing - 4K Modular Matrix Switcher
4K Video Matrix Switcher - 8x8
4K Video Matrix Switcher - 18x18
4K Video Matrix Switcher - 36x36
4K Video Matrix Switcher - 72x72
4K Video Matrix Switcher - 144x144
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parageist · 11 months
yknow, what really are these module things you see attached to iterators?
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i always assumed they were steam vents and thus make the torrential rains you experience, as when its rain time, they start steaming. but as ive played through more campaigns and revisited old areas, ive noticed some strange things about them
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like whats up with this one on the bottom? why is it cut in half like that?
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and sometimes the lighting makes these circle things in the background look like theyre protruding, so I assumed they were just the same steam vent things but viewed face-on, yet in this image (and in a lot of others) the lighting suggests the opposite - they're indentations on the structure. perhaps the vent things can be retracted in/out of the base?
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yet here in the outer expanse you can find them on train cars, and the lighting looks like they're protruding, which would either mean the train cars are extremely wide or theres an extreme amount of clearance between the rail and the walls of the tunnel.
and even if it was retracted into its shell, that would mean the shell itself is super wide to be able to house an object that long. also the retractable theory in general starts to fall flat when you never actually see them retract or extrude, which if they are steam vents, then shouldnt they pop out of their shells when its rain time? this makes me think the circles facing head-on arent the same vent modules we see. perhaps they're some sort of "socket" or attachment point for some other component? im not sure.
but anyway, back to the main point. what are these things?
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well, an important peice of evidence completely changes everything.
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YOU CAN FIND THEM (and the circle background thingies) *INSIDE* OF ITERATOR CANS
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(they're in/on moon's can as well, so there doesn't seem to be a difference between gen 1 and gen 3 iterator designs in regards to these modules)
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but anyway. why are there steam vents inside of their processors???
and you cant just deduce that they arent steam vents, cus they definitely are (as shown in this video)
but at the same time the ones inside their cans dont produce any steam. or at least, no steam that we can see.
but this leads me to a theory, once you keep in mind another major thing about iterators: they need a shit load of water to function, yet you never see any of the neuronflies, inspectors, or other organisms inside drink. so where the heck is all the water? (besides the lymphatic system)
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this makes me think that the steam vents we see inside of iterator structures are indeed steam vents, but the amount of steam they produce is a lot less. i assume they are basically giant humidifiers, which would saturate the air with so much moisture that the neuronflies and what not wouldnt need to "drink" as they would just constantly be absorbing water from the air. the moist air could also improve electrical conductivity between neurons.
so yeah that's my theory! it is kind of uncomfortable to think about the inside of iterator cans being absolutely muggy and miserable from the extreme humidity, but it makes sense knowing that being inside an iterator is basically like being inside a giant living organism's body; of course it's gonna be wet and slimy in there. it would also explain how the water pumped through the lymphatic conduits gets distributed to all the neurons and other purposed organisms - instead of having a separate pipe connecting every little creature to the water supply, you just saturate the air with it so they can "wirelessly" get water!
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Doing a kiss your best friend trend with (lwk all have the same reaction)
The moment your lips touch his he's lost. You try and pull away reaching for your phone but he stops you and pulls you into him kissing you like breathing is optional. I mean he is immortal.
Spencer Reid
He'd freeze the mega processor in his head has crashed, iq is -185. You smile at him as you end the video. He's starring at you like a lovesick puppy once the tiktok ends he reaches over and kisses you softly.
"I wanna do that again. And again."
He stops your hand and pulls you in kissing you hard. "Darling you can't expect me to just let you get away with that."
He grabs you by the neck and brings you back in muttering, "finish what you started flirt,"
Ghost/Simon Riley/Soap/John
You peck his lips softly and smile up at him. He lifts a brow before leaning in and only thing your followers see is him leaning in and total darkness. And a moan if they increase the volume hugh enough.
Derek Morgan
Kisses you back and wraps his arms around you. It's sweet. He then drops a peck and asks what brought this about. His dimples show and he winks at you.
"Okay Mama I see you."
James Potter
He's shouts. IN A GOOD WAY. He whoops and carries you in his arms and kisses you all over.
Sirius Black
Your lipstick smudges on his lips. A faint red brushes his cheeks. He pulls you in smiling against my lips.
"My pretty girl," muttering against your lips. "So soft. So soft. So soft."
Remus Lupin
You kiss him quickly and leap away from him blushing hard. He's shocked for a minute. "Dove?" You get your phone and before the clip ends he grabs your face and kisses you.
Barty Crouch
Kisses you back no hesitation, slight tongue. Ready to change the rating of the video.You manage to snag the camera before it becomes twitter worthy.iykyk
Regulus Black
Grabs your phone for you, asks if you meant it. EYES FULL OF HOPE. What does he do? You guessed it. He ends the clip tossing you phone onto your chair and pulls you in by (article of clothing) he looks you in the eye resolve slipping by the second.
"Come on love, one more."
Draco Malfoy
He's elegant with it. You kiss him, quick that's the idea. But the moment you swoop in he pulls you into his lap and kisses you back and due to the sudden movement the camera falls.
"In a minute you taste delicious."
Theodore Nott
You can taste his cigarrettes, you don't pull off immeadiately because it's just soo good. He gets off his chair, lips still connected and pins you to the wall. HE DOESN'T TOUCH YOU YET OH NOOOO. He's only kissing you till you ask him too.
Matheo Riddle
"And where do you think you're going?" he asks his hand sneaking up. He grabs your jaw and brings you in. "Come on don't go all shy now."
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sulrae · 4 months
Megatron likes Hip-hop
Megatron never really understood the Lost Light's love for human media. In part because of his...negative impact on earth. Therefore, he's left out of the several conversations and references that some (Rodimus and Swerve) bots tend to make.
He does eventually find interest in human poetry after receiving a datapad of earth's greatest literature, courtesy of Minimus. He goes through the likes of Emily Dickinson and Lewis Carroll with a fine tooth comb. He ends up learning a bit about earth history and culture as he attempts to interpret context and meaning. Arabic poetry leaves a tingle in his spark as the words of Maram al-Marsi's A Red Cherry on a White-tiled Floor has him enamored with human's relationship with love.
He pours over Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings several times that he has it memorized. He even finds video clippings of her performing the poem over the years.
Megatron ends up stumbling into Hip-hop through human forums.
A decacycle habit to observe discourse and theories gave insight to much of the works he had read. Perspectives surrounding word choice he never considered. There were times in which he wanted to take part. The lack of mechs interested in poetry left him itching for conversation. However, the concept of Megatron, former Decepticon warlord arguing about stanzas with humans would be frowned upon by many. So he was content with reading and mumbling to himself about his own opinions.
And then one of his forums becomes rife with discussion after someone posts a wall of text, filled with anger and passion on the disrespect of the music genre of hip-hop. A response that came from someone else's thinly veiled contempt towards an artist receiving a Pulitzer for his work. The poster goes in detail of how this form of rhythm and poetry combine in ways the require skill. How the stories of oppression and love are spoken with such intensity in one moment, and a quiet calm in the next. "You clutch pearls at the sight of it as if you don't rip them from the clams you so greatly detest". The scathing remarks provides enough intrigue for Megatron to finally look into music on earth.
He pulls up the Trapped by 2pac. It rattles the bones of his past. The words lingers in his processor for cycles after.
It takes no time at all for Megatron to dive into the rest of Tupac's discography. Once he's done with that, he takes in more. N.W.A lights embers that was similar to the early days of the war. Mobb Deep brings him back to the streets of Kaon. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill centers him a bit; allows him to simply sit with the album's beauty over a cube of energon one evening.
He picks through the more modern hip-hop and rap. Megatron can't seem to let go of the sound of the artists before, his expectations set unbelievably high. Very few could provide the same captivation of hearing Trapped for the first time.
Which was why it was fitting when Megatron finally reaches the artist that was so ardently defended.
Kendrick's music surprised Megatron at every turn. There was serenity in one verse that would build into a maelstrom of vigor and fervor. He was playful with intonation that any form of monotone required stillness. His lyrics melded with melody and the quick change of beats felt as though Megatron was listening to master craftsmen. To Pimp A Butterfly pushed Megatron to fill datapad after datapad with his own analysis and excitement. He gets through the DAMN. album and sits in silence after Duckworth finishes playing. Megatron almost misses his shift due to filling over 4 datapads worth of thoughts. One of them being that the album- while phenomenal- comes second to Pimp A Butterfly (The sampling of the interview with Tupac certainly adds to the bias).
It comes to the point where Megatron has to find someone to talk to about the genre. Minimus will spend too long on the vulgarity of lyrics. While Megatron thinks that while Drift would take delight in some of the music, there's still an air of tension whenever the two are around one another that suggests their relationship should stay professional. Megatron's at a loss with all of his thoughts when Grimlock of all bots catches him humming and goes, "Is that Outkast?"
It's a strange comradery they build, yet one that Megatron's delighted to take part in over energon at Swerve's. They've gotten a few stares that intensify anytime they have any arguments on which region's produces the best rappers.
("You can't deny the impact of west coast rap." Megatron had threw his hands up.
"And I refuse to let you consider southern rap artists as a 'paltry attempt' of emulating New York!" Grimlock pointed at Megatron.)
Magnus gently asked them to have their conversations somewhere else.
The Lost Light ends up encountering a human ship that isn't thrilled to see Megatron (even in a parallel universe, Megatron still finds a way to cause fear), but doesn't outright attack him on the account of the autobot badge on his chasis. They give him a wide berth while on the Lost Light. That is until him and Grimlock play Juvenile (at Grimlock's request), and have two human's peaking around the corner with shock and judgement. They ask both of them their thoughts on the genre that has Megatron stand a bit straighter as he talks for joors about his descend into hip-hop. One of the humans nod- still wary of Megatron but regards him with the respect. The other (Jeremiah) revels in this fact and is brought into the fold. The three meet every so often, discussing the state of music.
Then one day, Jeremiah rushes to Megatron with the rap battle of the generation.
Megatron smiles so hard at Kendrick's responses that it scares the whole Lost Light.
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parasolids · 21 days
productivity hack for the barely functional
hi i am a deeply unfocused person. i rarely get out of bed on weekends and often struggle to do work or participate in hobbies because i struggle bad with initiating tasks or even figuring out what to do. however i have figured out a trick to keep my chronically doomscrolling self in motion, both at work and in hobbies, and i would like to share. this is a combination of the things that got my failing self through college, and my completely dead self to start doing hobbies again
do you often find yourself unable to get started with studying/work because there's just so much to do and your brain won't power on? do you often find yourself laying on the couch thinking of how you want to draw/watch TV/listen to music/read a book/play video games so instead you just lay there doing nothing? this guide is for you and i'm confident enough in it that i'm using it right now to write this and also an email i've been dreading for a month
ok so basically this is a combination of a few different tricks i've used in my life: 1) the pomodoro method 2) the Just Do It For 5 Minutes method 3) the PUP system of prioritization 4) break it down into its tiniest parts. that all sounds very complicated but basically just
0) do not sit on the couch or the bed do not pass go. don't lay on the floor. sit at your workspace
bed is a glue trap you won't be able to get up
1) write down all the stuff you have to do. then break it down into subtasks
this works because it tells you exactly what you are going to do. great if you have a brain that can't start on a task without basically having a step by step instruction list
basically just what it says on the label. while you're booting up your computer or whatever, get out a sheet of paper/your ipad/word processor/notion/planner/whatever and just start writing down everything that comes into your head. then split it into subtasks.
the subtasks are going to depend on your energy levels. on a good day for me, they might look like "write emails" and the subtasks will be "email doctor / email coworker / send report to boss". on days where i'm really struggling, it will look more like "take laptop out of bag / take wire out of bag / plug in laptop / open email / find report in explorer / attach to email to boss / write body of email and send". this is great if you have a brain that struggles with not knowing where to start or needing very specific instructions to get something done! it feels stupid having a checkbox for "take laptop out of bag" but it beats sitting there for 30 minutes staring at the wall which is what i would be doing if i didn't write it all down
2) prioritize
this works because it basically tells you where to start
if you're feeling up to it: i found a neat guide online ages ago called the PUP system. stands for 'purpose, urgency, passion'. basically, on a scale of 0-3, rate each task (not subtask) on:
purpose: how much do i gain by doing this/lose by not doing this?
urgency: how soon do i need to be done?
passion: how much do i want to do it?
higher numbers mean it's a higher priority but you might weigh certain numbers higher (like i prioritize urgency first, then the rest)
if you're not feeling up to it, basically just focus on urgency. i highlight things that need to be done ASAP in red, things that need to be done soon in yellow, and things that are open ended in blue
3) mise en place
this works because it irons out the bump of "i need to do xyz but the items i need are in a secondary location" and then you don't move, also having the item in your line of sight makes it easier for you to use it
take out all your stuff that you'll need for your tasks so you don't get hung up on the roadblock of "i want to play nintendo but my nintendo is in my bag" or "i need to read up on music theory but i left my book downstairs"
4) pick 2-3 tasks and set a 5 minute timer and MOVE
this works because it's hard to sit down and focus on a task for a long time, but you CAN usually brute force yourself to stay on a task for 5 minutes. also, when you hit a roadblock on one task, you take a break from it and when you cycle back around to it you have a fresher mind. finally, variety means you'll be starting multiple things at once as opposed to just one thing. it's easier to keep moving on something once you've taken the first step
yeah basically set a 5 minute timer. i do this on my smartwatch cause i already have a timer shortcut on my watch face, it's silent, and it keeps me from getting on my phone. while the timer is running, take your first task and full send just do it nonstop until the timer runs out.
now when the timer goes off, if you feel like you're in a flow, KEEP GOING until you feel like you've hit a roadblock and then switch tasks. otherwise when the timer runs out don't silence/stop the notification right away. finish up your sentence or whatever, take a couple seconds to reply to a text, check your email, change playlists, etc, THEN turn off your notif. then hit the restart button and move to your task next task. once you've cycled through all 2-3 tasks, go back to the first one
5) after completing 5 blocks of 5 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break
easier to work when you know you have a break coming soon. self explanatory i guess
and yeah thats it. while writing this guide i also wrote and sent the extremely dreaded email, made a cup of tea, and grabbed my stuff from the car. normally i do literally nothing but doomscroll on weekends but the other day i managed to practice guitar and work on two drawings. today at work i got a lot of things started that i wouldn't have tried otherwise
go forth and do things
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bellygunnr · 1 year
Sawhorse and Firewall sheltering from a solar storm under the cut!
The shelter was hot, crowded, and loud, fit to bursting. High concrete walls kept everyone in, too collectively nervous to shy away from the screens that displayed the city and a timer to the end of the storm. Others took up corners to play games, or told stories, or badgered the current-volunteers for this or that. A pair of sparklings collected empty energon rations to listlessly build towers with.
You had no idea the apartment building had this many residents. Or maybe it didn't, and its underground bunker held mechs from the surrounding area. If they were able to get there in time, anyway.
An alarm bleeped once. The timer flashed, stamped a longer countdown. You rolled your neck and shoulders, cut a long look at your buddy, Sawhorse.
"We're fucked," you said.
He nodded. "Eh, maybe. Storm probably fried the sensors. I'd give it twelve hours."
Twelve hours. The clock said two days, give or take some change.
"Where'd your roommates go?" You ask instead.
Sawhorse hummed, a subsonic buzz. "Half of'em work for the city. Blink's at work at some country refinery, though. She should be okay."
Oh. You frowned. The temperature ticked a little higher so your internal fans clicked on.
"I can't remember the last time I had to shelter for a storm," you admitted. "Or, well..."
Delta, as the capitol, had the infrastructure to survive minor solar storms. When they did occur, the underground oval tracks opened up to the public and teams got some free testing in. Alpha only had a few circuits, all above ground. You weren't allowed in any of them.
Sawhorse pinged you a two-way comm session. You accepted it instantly, only to frown at the proposal.
"...Sawzer. Where the hell do you get this stuff?"
"Look, Omni Medical offers these up for free. And they pass the time!"
"We could watch a real show or something instead? I'll even watch ER Horror Stories--"
You loved Sawhorse, really. Even if his fascination with surgery training vods was weird. He was too good at his job for you to deride him for it.
Sawhorse puffed up slightly. You tweaked one of his rubber-coated cheeks, noted the faint cracking in the left bulge. Automatically, you pulled out a bottle of nanite-laced filler while he loaded up an episode of some medical show.
The video played between your processors while you pinned him down and cleaned up his finish.
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hifilounge · 8 months
Introducing The Revolutionary CI SERIES range From Naim!
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Hi All,
Just a quick blog to introduce the revolutionary CI SERIES range from Naim, which includes the CI-UNITI 102, CI-NAP 108, and CI-NAP 101. These innovative solutions are designed to blend seamlessly into any living space, enhancing your audio experience across all media, such as television, gaming consoles, and streamers. With these products, you can enjoy outstanding sound quality that will transform your listening experience.
The Naim CI Series has been designed to be the perfect complement to audio systems in the Integration market, and in particular to Focal integrated loudspeakers. These amplifiers combine power, versatility, compactness and ease of use, so you can experience an audio solution that's as discreet as it is powerful.
Please don't hesitate to contact Hifi Lounge if you would like to book a demo or to find out more 👍
CI-NAP 101 - Power amplifier
The CI-NAP 101 is an ultra-quiet mono power amplifier compatible with 70V/100V lines. Compact and rack-mountable for easy, discreet installation, it is ideal for powering subwoofers or integrated hi-fi speakers with high power requirements. Offering exceptional audio quality, it can also operate at low or high impedance, or can be combined with an audio-video processor for bespoke but ultimate installations.
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CI-Uniti 102 - All-in-one Streamer & Amplifier
The CI-Uniti 102 is a streamer-amplifier combining musical performance and versatility. Its mission: to fit discreetly into your living space, indoors or out, to amplify Focal integrated speakers and transform audio from all media (TV, streaming music platforms, video game consoles, etc.). Thanks to its integrated DSP, it allows complete calibration of systems and can be interconnected with the CI-NAP 108 and CI-NAP 101, adapting to all situations and offering sensational audio installations.
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CI-NAP 108 - 8-Channel Power Amplifier
The CI-NAP 108 is an 8-channel power amplifier designed to be the perfect complement to an integrated audio installation, in particular Focal in-wall hi-fi speakers. When combined with the CI-Uniti 102, it can be used to address several speakers in different rooms or amplify eight separate audio streams thanks to its local inputs for each amplified channel. It is the ultimate amplification solution for a system synonymous with uncompromising power and sound quality.
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south-sea · 1 year
☾ and ■ for Metal Sonic!!
game time
second chance metal because i don't know to live any other way WOO
☾ - sleep headcanon
in the simplest terms, he doesn't sleep. the closest equivalent he's got is defragging (anywhere from daily to once a week depending on how much has been going on) or going into standby (exceptionally rare).
you could consider defragging the equivalent of meditating. i like to think of it as if he's in his head sorting books (data) in an impossibly large library (his downright excessive stores of profiles/folders/subfolders/archives/etc). these days it's an almost nightly thing; now that he's in a safe environment, he finds it calming and almost ritualistic. compiling and categorizing data is one of the few things he genuinely enjoys, so to go over and review all the new things he's learned/records he's taken has gone beyond being purely a necessity and landed somewhere in the realm of plain rewarding (when things aren't going absolutely sideways, anyway).
the only downside is that while defragging, the rest of his internal processes are delayed. so if, say, someone were to speak to him while in this state, he won't actually 'hear' it until a few seconds later, and then would have to actually wind the processes down for another few seconds before being able to react. so to say it puts him in an incredibly vulnerable position is an understatement, hence why he'll only do it at night, and only so regularly now that he's in a safer environment.
standby/total shutdowns are both rare and not what he'd consider pleasant. before his upgrades, his processors were not exactly well-equipped to handle intense emotions/distress/vast amounts of incoming data, so there were times he'd just straight up crash. these days crashes don't happen unless he's critically overwhelmed.
when he's a bit older, there are times he sort of mimics the act of sleeping, but isn't in standby or anything. at most he's just got his eye display off and is quietly processing something or reviewing video records.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
he's got a little corner in the den of shadow's place (the origin of which is referenced here). metal maintains he doesn't want (or need) anything else, but shadow's really spruced it up over time, and now it almost resembles one of those fancy pet nooks with a big cushion, thin drapes around it almost like a canopy bed, fairy lights, and shelves on either wall.
over the past few years, metal has still yet to populate those shelves with anything. he still doesn't quite understand the value of having Things. if an item is important/practical to him, he just carries it with him in his bag of holding thing. what purpose does it serve, what need would he have of something, if its use is literally just to sit on a shelf? ... not that he minds. the inherent uniqueness of his designated space helps offset the fact that prior to this, he was mostly used to being stored in a plain warehouse more often than not.
other than that, they're both weird; neither of them make use of a bedroom (or traditional beds, for that matter) and just sort of chill in shared spaces like this. there's a built-in nest of sorts in the floor where shadow regularly sleeps, and metal's spot (when shadow is present) is just sitting on the floor with his back against the nearby couch. if shadow isn't home, then he'll stay in his little corner (or just go bug someone else).
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fatboysrecipes · 1 year
Strawberry Cheesecake
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Cups Metric CHEESECAKE BISCUIT BASE: ▢200g / 7oz Arnott’s Marie crackers or other plain biscuit (Aus) or 28 Graham Cracker squares (Note 1) ▢120 g / 8 tbsp unsalted butter , melted CHEESECAKE FILLING: ▢1 lb / 500g cream cheese , softened (Note 2) ▢2 tbsp plain flour (all purpose flour) ▢1 tsp vanilla extract ▢1/2 cup sour cream (full fat, sub sour cream) ▢1 1/2 cups caster sugar (superfine sugar) ▢Zest of 1 lemon ▢3 eggs , at room temperature STRAWBERRY TOPPING FOR CHEESECAKE: ▢500g / 1 lb strawberries , half diced and half halved ▢2 tbsp lemon juice OR water (Note 3) ▢1/2 cup white sugar ▢1/2 tsp vanilla extract ▢1 1/2 tsp cornflour/cornstarch ▢2 tbsp water
Preheat oven to 160C/320F (standard) or 140C/295F (fan/convection).
Get a 20cm/8″ springform cake tin. Turn the base UPSIDE DOWN (Note 4), butter lightly and place a square piece of parchment/baking paper on the base. Then clip into the springform pan – excess paper will stick out, see photos in post and video.
Butter and line the side of the pan.
Break up biscuits roughly by hand and place in a food processor.
Blitz until fine crumbs (Note 5). Add butter, briefly blitz until dispersed and it resembles wet sand.
Pour into the prepared cake tin. Use a spatula to roughly spread it out over the base and up the walls.
Use something with a flat base and vertical edges (I used a measuring cup) to press the crumbs up the wall almost to the top of the sides, and flatten the base.
Use a mixer or beater to beat the cream cheese until just smooth, no longer than 20 seconds on speed 4. (You do not want to aerate cheesecake filling as it causes cracks when it bakes)
Add flour, beat for 5 seconds on speed 4 until just incorporated.
Add vanilla, sour cream, sugar and lemon zest. Beat until just combined (10 sec max, speed 5).
Add eggs one at a time, beat in between until just combined (5 sec each), and after the last one, beat just until the egg is fully incorporated.
Pour into prepared crust.
Bake for 55 minutes. The top should be a very light golden brown, not cracked, and near perfectly flat. It should jiggle slightly when you gently shake the pan.
Cool the cake in the oven with the door open 20 cm / 8″ (Note 6), then refrigerate for 4 hours+ in the pan.
Remove sides. Use overhang paper to slide cheesecake off the cake pan. Then slide the cheesecake off the paper.
Place chopped strawberries, vanilla, sugar and lemon juices in a saucepan. Stir then bring to simmer over medium heat.
Simmer for 10 minutes until strawberries breakdown.
Mix corn flour with water, then add into saucepan and stir.
Add halved strawberries and cook for 1 minute to soften.
Sauce should be syrupy – remove from stove and cool. Will thicken as it cools.
Once cool, stir. Adjust thickness to make it the right “oozing” consistency with a tiny touch of water (be careful!).
Spoon onto cheesecake so it’s covered with a single layer of strawberries. Flip strawberry halves so they are facedown. Refrigerate 2 hours+.
Slice and serve with remaining Strawberry Sauce!
Recipe Notes:
1. Biscuits: Any plain crackers will work fine here, you need 2 cups of crumbs. Australia: Arnott’s Marie Crackers, Arrowroot and Nice are ideal, I’ve made it with all these. US: Use 28 squares / 14 full sheets, yes I measured it with my last Graham Cracker packet I brought back from my last trip. UK: Digestives are ideal, I LOVE digestives! 
The crumb should be like wet sand so when pressed, it stays packed firmly, especially up the wall. It’s delicate when uncooked but once the filling is cooked, it becomes much more stable.
2. Cream Cheese – In the UK and some parts of Europe, block cream cheese isn’t available. If you can only get spreadable cream cheese in tubs (softer than block), skip the sour cream.
3. Lemon Juice or Water – Depends on sweetness of strawberries. If they aren’t that sweet, use water instead.
4. Inverted cake pan with overhang paper: The base of springform pans have a slight ridge. By inverting it, there is no ridge which makes it easier to slide the cheesecake on a serving platter without ruining the crust. There is no risk of batter leakage as the crust is thick enough to hold it all in.
5. Crumbs: OR crush in a zip lock bag using a rolling pin or large can.
6. Cool in oven: This helps stop the surface from cracking.
7. Strawberry topping should be like jam consistency, not a set jelly. It should ooze slightly when cut.
8. Different measures: Cups and spoons vary slightly between countries (US and CAN are different to most of the rest of the world). I have made this recipe using both US and Australian measures, using Australia Marie crackers and US Graham Crackers. The Graham Cracker crust is slightly crunchier because the biscuit doesn’t crush to a fine sand like Marie Crackers do. Both are delicious!
9. Make Ahead / Storage: Cake is at its best consumed within 4 days, after that I feel like it starts getting denser but still really fab, most people wouldn’t notice a difference! Ideal to top the day or or day before. After 2 to 3 days, the top does start to “sweat” but it’s not very noticeable.
......................................Keeping Reading......................
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WA 0811 330 1819, Distributor Video Wall 4X2 Malang
WA 0811 330 1819, Distributor Video Wall 4X2 Malang
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elendiliel · 2 years
Friends and Foes
I should find a proper name for this crossover AU, if only for tagging purposes... (Suggestions, and feedback in general, are never unwelcome.)
“Scrap,” Arcee cursed. “That might make things more difficult.”
Glitch was more than a little inclined to agree with her. The two femmes were surveying yet another Vehicon fossil hunt from a crevice in a rock formation some way above the dig, just big enough for the small, agile two-wheelers. That was the fact that the hunt was being supervised in person – for once – by the Decepticon second-in-command, Starscream, who was bad news in any reality.
“What’s your version like?” ‘Cee asked to pass the time as both ‘bots made a more thorough assessment of their situation.
“A bit less dangerous and a lot more colourful, but otherwise pretty similar. Treacherous, devious and too clever by three-quarters – often too clever for his own good. Whenever he’s in play, there are at least three sides to any conflict.” Glitch had never met her universe’s Starscream, but the rest of her team had, all too often.
“Sounds about right.” ‘Cee wasn’t paying much attention; her focus kept swinging back to the silver flier ordering his troops about. Glitch knew why, and that she couldn’t let her friend become too focused on that target. It was a good thing she was never short of distractions.
“A while back, he cloned himself in another attempt to take Megatron offline, but ended up with five aspects of his own personality to wrangle. A coward, an egomaniac, a pathological liar, a sycophant and a female.”
Arcee turned to stare at the younger ‘bot in disbelief – then clamped a servo over her speech synthesiser to stifle a fit of giggles. Mission accomplished, Glitch thought as the tension left her teammate’s frame (for the moment); laughter was a sovereign remedy for anger as well as fear.
If only her own problems were that easy to solve. She’d hidden it from ‘Cee – she hoped – but that day was shaping up to be a Bad Day for her, and the capital letters were merited. Her processor was killing her, her frame felt like so many cables and springs under almost too much tension and every small sensory input drove her further up the wall. Back in Detroit, her team would have seen the signs by then. Her training with Optimus, Jazz and Ratchet would have been adjusted – not cancelled, as a real enemy wouldn’t care what sort of day she was having, but altered to be constructive but not overwhelming – Elita would have left her alone and Bee would have been far quieter than usual, and maybe even offered to take her shift on monitor duty, his least favourite chore (especially since Optimus had put his ped down about using the alternate monitor for combat training, i.e. playing video games on the television). With luck and care, she could get through her patrols and other duties without incident.
But Team Prime didn’t officially know about that (although one could never be sure with Prime himself; being paired with laconic Arcee, rather than a chatty sports car or noisy Wrecker, might not have been a coincidence). Glitch hadn’t told them more than necessary about her… differences. That was probably hypocritical of her, after the audialful she’d given Prime on a similar subject, but old habits died hard. For centuries, she had had to pretend to be normal as best she could just to get where she felt she was meant to be, fighting through every Bad Day for as long as she could without breaking down. The “cog in a machine” mindset that was common on her Cybertron affected even those who, like her, considered it so much bauxite, and a cog that didn’t turn as it should was usually thrown away. Optimus had given her a chance to leave that system behind, but on finding herself transported to a strange new universe she had automatically fallen back on what she knew, whether or not that was a good idea.
“Female? Seriously?” ‘Cee asked once she could get herself back under control, drawing Glitch out of her thoughts, not a moment too soon.
“Deadly. Almost literally, worse luck. Slipstream’s the most dangerous of the lot. Gave me this.” The smaller fembot indicated the scar on her chestplate, right beside her spark chamber. “Well, half of it. Ambushed Bee and me; I saw her first, so I was the one she pinned to a wall. Had to pull myself free to protect him.” Two digits traced the band of yellow, interrupted by a black stripe, around her right wrist. She’d need to touch it up soon; it was starting to wear away. “Bee kept me online long enough for our Ratchet to get there and stabilise me. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here.”
Arcee’s optics, which had been following Glitch’s servo, flicked up to her face and studied it for a moment. “Your Bumblebee – he’s not just your partner, is he?”
“No.” Glitch hadn’t wanted to discuss that topic too much with most of the team, especially the younger mechs, but ‘Cee was different. She’d understand, and wouldn’t tease.
“Bonded?” Another good thing about ‘Cee – she didn’t dance around the subject, but got straight to the point.
“Not yet, or engaged, but it’s a case of when, not if, I think. If he asked, I’d say yes in a sparkbeat, and as far as I can tell he feels the same way, but the time just – hasn’t been right yet.” And might never be.
Arcee smiled, but there was grief in her optics. “You’re lucky. Some ‘bots never find that special person. Whether you and your Bee do get bonded or not… hold on to him.” Her optics returned to Starscream as her expression hardened. “I’ve lost two partners now, and I don’t want you even to lose one.”
“I know.” Glitch had been fully briefed on ‘Cee’s recent history. “Which is why you’re not going anywhere near Starscream on my watch. I’ll pull medic rank on mental health grounds if I must. There’s needing closure and then there’s wanting revenge, and I’m pretty sure I know the difference.”
“What do you know about that?” The sudden anger in her friend’s tone was like a slap across the audial, but Glitch didn’t take it personally. She knew its real targets – Airachnid and Starscream. “When have you ever wanted to hurt someone as much as they hurt you?”
“Not recently, but I know a mech who has.” At least Arcee was still listening. “He was framed for espionage. Spent centuries in the cyber-stockade. Escaped and went after the ‘bot who reported him, not knowing that they’d both been set up. Tried to get even, but just made enemies of the only Autobots who knew he was innocent, other than the real spy. Eventually, he was so desperate for revenge that he let himself be used in an experiment that turned him into a techno-organic. There’s nothing wrong with being half-organic, but the transformation is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, even when it doesn’t end in a transwarp explosion.” She tilted her head as a thought struck her, and raced out of her synth before she could catch it. “Actually, one could say Wasp was my worst enemy back in boot camp. Resident bully, worse than Sentinel. At least drill sergeants are meant to be something like that.”
‘Cee stared at her again, then shook her head. “You’re unbelievable. First you go soft on Knock Out.”
“That’s not how he saw it.” In point of fact, the ‘Con medic had tried to kill the field-tech when she invaded his mind, despite the facts that he’d just done the same thing to her via cortical psychic patch and she hadn’t done anything but try to comfort him, realising that he was still grieving for his own partner. Glitch had filled Team Prime in on everything that had happened while she was in Decepticon servos, both for her own sake and to avoid anyone – especially a certain blue and yellow sports car – making up their own version of events.
Arcee carried on regardless. “Then you expect me to sympathise with a bully. And the craziest part is, it’s working.”
“Glad to hear it.” Glitch returned her attention to the scene below them. “I’ll draw Screamer away; you go after the bone. Sound like a plan?” It did – though Arcee agreed to it on one condition.
A few cycles later, as the silver Seeker commander wandered away from the tedious grubbing in the dirt he was expected to supervise (but not do, thank Primus), he caught sight of a distinctive bronze Earth motorcycle, the alt-mode of that new Autobot, trying to sneak around to the dig site. Even he couldn’t use his jet mode with so many rocks in the way, and by the time a Vehicon got there she’d have disappeared again, so he gave chase himself on foot (the terrain wasn’t ideal for her alt either), cornering her in a small box canyon. She transformed and activated her magnetic weapons, but didn’t have time to use them before his missile struck her in the chestplate.
And passed straight through, exploding against the rock wall behind her. Starscream had to shield his face from flying shards of stone, which hadn’t touched the accursed Autobot. Her wrists were bare - apart from a strip of yellow paint – but still… “Phase displacement armour?”
“No, hologram,” Glitch said, standing just behind him. She’d had that hologram projector for months, having inherited it from her predecessor Prowl, but had only used it to simulate a human rider or show movies – until recently. After her capture and rescue, she had started figuring out how to use it to create decoys, as Prowl had. It was remarkably intuitive, and extremely versatile. A copy of herself had been easy to make and control.
As Starscream spun round to face her, her laser scalpel sliced his other missile clean off his arm (the uneven terrain could be made to work in her favour); it clattered to the canyon floor, and was crushed under her ped before he could retrieve it. Vile thing. “Should have gone for the null-ray, or a sonic cannon. No need to reload after two shots.”
“Oh, they weren’t my only weapon.” Starscream’s razor-sharp claws swiped at Glitch’s neck, but she ducked the blow without really thinking. His actions were as loud as his voice to her, and much more truthful than his words. Her computational ability could give her a crucial advantage in combat – she could calculate, with a fair degree of accuracy, her opponent’s next move, often in plenty of time to block and counter it, and so fast and instinctively that it felt like an extension of her senses, as though she were “hearing” their intentions. Some people could “lie” – feint – very well; her sensei Jazz, straight as a spirit level in conversation, was an excellent liar in combat, when he “spoke” at all. Starscream, though, for all his deceptive ways, told the truth through his body language. And couldn’t shut up in either sense. “And I’m sure your friend Arcee told you how much I hate two-wheelers.”
“She did.” Glitch blocked an attempt to stab her in the chest, countering with a punch to the under-protected side of Starscream’s abdomen. “On the other hand, I’m none too fond of arrogant Decepticons without a shred of backstrut who can’t stop talking to save their sparks, so I suppose it balances out.”
“I’m surprised – what the spark was that?” “That” was a rapid-fire combination of kicks and punches that had left Starscream somewhat dented (he’d only intercepted a couple of strikes) and Glitch’s servos only a little more scuffed.
“Metallikato Sigma. I should’ve warned you, I trained under a cyber-ninja, as well as Sentinel Prime.”
“He’s still alive in your universe, then?” Blast. He knew where she was from, then. And she couldn’t use that line any more. Pity. It had been nice while it lasted. “As I was saying, I’m surprised she isn’t here, considering that I killed her partner.” He was altogether too pleased with himself about that.
“Which is exactly why I kept her away from you. For her sake, not yours. By the way, your counterpart was responsible for the death of Optimus Prime, so I’d say you’ve got some catching up to do.” The shocked look on his face was unsettlingly satisfying to see.
For the nanoklik before his previous anger returned. “Oh, do I? Well, I’d better start – with you!” She had made the mistake of taking her optics off him for just too long; three of his claws raked her left forearm, leaving three deep cuts from the servo-joint down to her shield, which they almost tore clean off. She managed to pull away before he could take one of her most useful mods, and her arm was still functional, but the cuts were sparking badly and hurt. He’d have been asking for it on a normal day, let alone a Bad Day.
For a few frantic cycles, she kept the upper servo as he struggled to adjust to her shifting from “calm and defensive” to “furious and half-feral”, but it quickly became clear that she had been right to keep ‘Cee away from him; despite having little to no history with the Decepticon SIC, too often her own rage led to carelessness that could have been fatal, as rash attacks left vital areas unguarded for almost too long. Pretty soon, they were back to stalemate; Glitch had acquired a few more superficial scrapes, while the tip of one of the spikes on Starscream’s knees had been sliced clean off, among other injuries – which didn’t hinder him nearly enough.
Commander Starscream! One of the Vehicons ‘Cee was fighting – the two Autobots had open comm lines to each other, so Glitch knew her friend was doing well – had finally managed to call his superior officer, not quite distracting him as he resisted his opponent’s attempt at a judo-style throw. We’re under attack by the Autobot Arcee. She’s destroyed the Predacon fossil. What are your orders, Commander?
“Retreat, you fool!” Starscream’s self-preservation instinct was strong in any universe, and he sometimes knew a lost cause when he saw one. “That Autobot isn’t going to be beaten by the likes of you. Transform and rise up, or whatever the stupid phrase is.” He took his own advice, shoving Glitch to the rock-strewn ground, shifting into a jet and soaring unsteadily away. The field-tech probably couldn’t have stopped him even had she not had other problems at that moment.
What’s he done to her? When Arcee finally tracked down her teammate – thank the Allspark the ground wasn’t all rock; tyre prints showed up well on grass and earth – she had curled up into a tight ball, eyes closed and hands pressed to her audials as though she were trying to shut out everything, and was rocking backwards and forwards slightly – completely out of character for the normally fierce, brave femme. If Starscream had caused that, he would pay.
Knowing the damage those hands could do, Arcee tried to pull them away from her friend’s head, but Glitch recoiled as though she’d been struck. “Don’t! – sorry.” Each word made her flinch, as though even the sound of her own voice was too much.
As gently as she could, Arcee asked, “What – how can I help?” She realised at the last moment that “what can I do to help?” was the wrong question. Sometimes, helping someone didn’t require doing anything – quite the reverse.
She was right. “Just – be.” Be there, Arcee filled in. “It’ll pass.” So Glitch had been expecting this. Which meant it wasn’t entirely Screamer’s fault.
She waited patiently with her comrade as seemingly endless minutes slipped by and the younger ‘bot slowly calmed herself and gradually uncurled – until, without warning, she practically threw herself at Arcee, wrapping her slender arms around her friend in an almost armour-denting hug. Arcee returned it, as for whatever reason Glitch now seemed to need to be touched and held, until the tiny medibot wriggled free to sit on the ground beside the taller warrior, looking much happier than she had all day.
“Better?” Arcee enquired.
“Much.” She sounded better, certainly. “Sorry you had to see that. It hasn’t been that bad for a long time.”
“That’s happened to you before?” Arcee had deduced that earlier, of course, but wanted to double-check. “So it wasn’t anything Starscream did?”
“Not exactly, and yes, now and then. My processor’s wired differently from most. Usually the main downside to that is only a bit of a problem with social things, optic contact, expressions and so on, but some days even simple tasks need all my focus, if I can do them at all – executive dysfunction, humans call it, I think. And some days, that happens.” Arcee waited again while Glitch lined her next thoughts up; without her realising it, that had become second nature. “There – isn’t much of a filter between my sensors and my CPU, and at times it breaks down completely and everything just becomes too much. I know the warning signs, and usually I can take it easy and get away with it – maybe space out for a bit, but that’s all. Today, though, I had to go on this mission and I had to fight Starscream. Result – worst meltdown in stellar-cycles. Worth it, I’d say.”
Arcee wasn’t so sure – though Starscream had been sent packing with his tailfin metaphorically between his legs, which might not have happened had Arcee, still furious with the ‘Con over her partner’s death, gone after him instead. She also decided to shelve her friend’s deeper issues until they could discuss them with Prime and Ratchet; they would know what to do about them. Besides, she was curious about something she’d heard over the comm. “Did your Starscream really kill your Optimus?”
“Technically, for the minute or two it took Sari to use the Allspark Key and the Allspark itself to revive him. He and Starscream were playing tug-of-war over the Allspark high above Detroit, and it got fed up and threw them both off. Damaged their systems, and Optimus fell pretty hard onto tarmac. Screamer, lucky beggar, ended up in the forest nearby – much softer landing – but stuck in stasis-lock, until a human girl found him.” Glitch’s familiar silly grin lit up her face for the first time that day. “He persuaded her to reboot his systems, but she insisted on fixing him up first – with makeup and a pink wig.” Arcee couldn’t help but burst out laughing, the image was so ridiculous – though another idea soon sobered her up. “I imagine he didn’t take that well.”
“He didn’t, but she countered his threats by promising to broadcast a picture of him “fixed up” all around the world, and possibly the galaxy, if he harmed her. Professor Princess might be about half Raf’s age, but she’s not to be taken lightly.” (Professor Princess? Half Raf’s age? The more Arcee heard about Glitch’s universe, the more bizarre it seemed.) Glitch tilted her head as another thought struck her. “I wonder when he found out she’d decorated his wings with rainbows?”
That, of course, set them both off again, dissipating any remaining tension nicely. Even when Arcee finally noticed the still-sparking cuts on Glitch’s arm, and insisted on calling for a groundbridge right away so that Ratchet could fix them, the two friends shared a good mood that no foe, however deadly, could altogether destroy.
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cyanocoraxx · 2 years
wrote this at 1.11 am because i couldn’t sleep. just a little drabble about neo and their siblings because i felt existential and was reminiscing about how writing the og fanfic made me feel
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moravec's paradox
generally speaking, it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult-level intelligence on intelligence tests or playing chess, and difficult to give them the skills of a human infant when it comes to perception and mobility. this observation is known as moravec's paradox.  
the obvious implications of this are that, although our technologies can be skilled at performing specific tasks beyond our own capabilities like flying at great heights and speed, for instance, or processing massive quantities of data - they're quite bad at doing things that most organic creatures do without thinking, like walking and picking up objects and opening doors, things that are really extraordinarily complex and demanding. an impossible combination of signals from the brain to the body, too difficult to replicate perfectly in another body. but perhaps this is self-centered thinking. perhaps it is possible, just not in the way we believe.
neo was painfully, but almost comically aware of this paradox as they simply walked down the hallway of their home. they were not made for walking - their feet were heavy and clunky, their movements rigid and although mechanically even, almost off-balance at the same time. their joints and fans whirred along with their precise movements.
one thing that organic beings have over machines like himself was evolution. all organic skills have a biological basis, machinery designed through natural selection. natural selection preserved design optimizations and improvements - and the older a skill is, the more time natural selection has to improve it. compared to a skill like walking, abstract thought developed a lot more recently. consequently, its implementation should not have been particularly efficient.
take a chess-playing AI, for example. because a chess-playing AI would be driven entirely by the maximization of its utility function - that being, to win at a game of chess - any scenario in which it might be shut down is one that it would be motivated to avoid, given that being turned off would drastically reduce its specific function. when a chess-playing robot is destroyed, it never plays chess again. there is no second round. such outcomes have a very, very low utility - and this machine would do whatever it could to avoid it, to avoid losing. so, you could build this chess-playing robot, thinking you can just turn it off if something goes awry, but you find that it strenuously resists your attempts to shut it down. this basis for survival is not akin to abstract thought, but rather, an almost instinctive desire to survive.
neo ruminated on this simple thought as he turned the corner to meet his siblings in the living room. he folded his arms, a very human gesture, as he leaned with one shoulder against the doorframe. silver sonic mk ii and mecha sonic, the quintessence of machines built for one task, enjoying a video game together. he watched them with a swell of pride and his optics glowed just a fraction brighter.
“you modded, mecha!”
“i did not. we are engaged in the exact same game as we speak.”
“you’re a stinky liar, mecha. you clipped through that wall. you’re a fake gamer and you know it.”
“that was merely a glitch in the game’s coding, brother. are you certain you are not glitching? must i run diagnostics on your processor again?”
mecha stared at him without speaking.
“ever.” silver finished, poking his tongue out at his sibling to rile him.
“i see. you are not glitching. your personality is simply defective.”
“rude. i’m a beacon of likable personality.”
“likeable is subjective.”
“your mom is subjective.”
“... what.”
neo was no stranger to emotion. no, emotion was very much fuel for his motivations. and he loved his siblings. he did. love, something once only thought to be reserved for humans and some other specific organic creatures - he had come to embrace it. he relaxed, gently, into the doorframe as he watched his brothers play a video game - a paradox in itself - a machine working a machine - tuned his auditory receptors as his youngest brother laughed loudly amongst their chatter. he was clearly trying to rile his stoic sibling to the best of his ability - and chaos, he was good at it.
what a piece of work was life, neo thought; what a paragon of dust.
silver sonic mk ii was sent tumbling gently into a row of cans by the wall, and he screamed in delighted outrage, before climbing up again. although created for nothing more than murder, there was a distinct gentleness - a deep brotherly bond - between the two machines. neo cast a look down to his sharp, steel claws - glinting in the light of the television - and pondered on that. looking at his design, some would feel an instinctive terror of predation, perhaps compounded with the knowledge that robots like him had been created with the intent to kill by one of the world's most powerful human beings.
and yet, there was softness. there was beauty in their power, in what they chose to be. chess-playing robots playing the game of life. creatures surviving in their environment through social bonds. dagger digits learned to close around objects gingerly to avoid causing undue damage to them. learned to move with precision to re-wire broken connections in his siblings’ parts when they needed it. yes, the soft animal bodies of organics had the benefit of evolution through millions of years of life - but artificial intelligence like them had the benefit of optimization through love. a love for what they did, for the bonds they created. an instinctive desire to survive through social bonds, through a love not created by organic oxytocin - rather, created through the perception of what the world was to them. what they deemed life to be.
none of this, neo felt, could be rendered in code. none of this, he thought, could be run on any other substrate. their beauty was bodily, in the most profound sense, in the most wonderful sense. he never loved his brothers more, he realized, when he thought of them as animals. he dragged himself, his animal body from the doorway to join them.
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This is an overview of what is likely to be Khatryr, a city left over from Falmer culture, inhabited by some snow elves and bosmers.
Khatryr is inspired by Falmer architecture, with the exception of the roofs that I borrowed from Dwemer architecture. I thought it would make for an attractive and elegant visual ensemble.
There are some models of buildings, which are characterized by not having internal cells. The concept here was to bring sounds and lighting directly from the outside and harmonize the internal environment with the external landscape.
It is a location to appreciate the aesthetics, generate some screenshots, and is characterized by including several sound effects of birds and other small insects that I captured here in my region and then edited using Audacity (thanks to the developers of Audacity for their hard work).
Khatryr is located on rock formations suspended in the air, supported by a powerful ancient magic created to save what little of the Falmer culture still remained. The presence of magical anomalies symbolizes the magic that sustains the great mountains in the air.
It's a city whose existence was unknown to the people of Skyrim and which has now been revealed. The city, therefore, is not lore-friendly, but I thought that architecture like this should have a more significant presence in the game.
The city's frame consumption is high due to the rock formations that ended up blowing up the textures, which forced me to intensify the use of frame-consuming objects, such as flowers and trees.
Regarding the trees, by the way, there are a variety of cherry trees created especially for this location, trees that were retextured using vanilla textures, including a cherry tree model whose crown - when looked at from a certain point of view - reveals the shape of a heart, a small tribute to someone I love who is currently very far away. I tried to create the most beautiful city I could with you in mind.
The buildings still need a final review, especially the side walls of the staircase (I'm not satisfied with the current work) and the door frames. The largest building needs to have its furniture organized on the second floor. There are still several NPCs missing to give more life to the place, as well as lines of dialogue. The blacksmith is not yet selling items. The library needs to have its internal cell revised, which is why it was left out of the video. I still intend to optimize the performance to gain some FPS. My computer uses an AMD A10 7850K processor, which together with my 16Gb RAM memory form the bottleneck of my setup.
Khatryr is one of the cities featured in the Between Mountains mod for Skyrim Special Edition. The mod is also intended to be available for the Anniversary Edition.
Between Mountains expands the edge of the outer world of Skyrim, connecting Falkreath to the outskirts of Markarth behind the mountain range created to form the original border of the game and which separates Skyrim from Craglorn.
Thanks to the developers of the Avidemux Video Editor software for allowing the editing of this video. Thanks to the developers of Outfit Studio, SSE NIF Optimizer and also Bethesda Archive Extractor, without these software the creation of new buildings and trees would not have been possible. Thanks also to Bethesda for the Creation Kit and to the Skyrim modding community for the learning I have gained so far.
Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, like, share and leave your comment or question. If possible, help in the development of this mod by joining Patreon. Thank you very much.
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govindhtech · 16 days
Huawei Mate-XT Foldable Phones Launch September 2024
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Disclaimer: This is a theoretical review based on possible features and market trends for smartphones, even though the Huawei Mate-XT has not been officially released. It attempts to give a thorough rundown of all that a device like that could be able to do.
Huawei, a tech titan, has innovated smartphones constantly. With the much awaited Mate XT, the Mate series known for its potent performance and upscale features is predicted to carry on this tradition. This article explores the features, design, and characteristics that might set the Mate-XT apart in the crowded smartphone market.
Design and Display
The Huawei Mate-XT is its design. Huawei optimized the folding mechanism for smoother, longer use. The Mate-XT‘s hinge design ensures a smooth fold after hundreds of folding cycles. The tiny hinge design makes it thinner and lighter than its predecessors.
When unfolded, the Mate XT’s 8.03-inch OLED display feels like a tablet. Due to its deep blacks, bright colors, and high contrast ratios, the OLED panel is great for streaming movies, gaming, and seeing images. A high resolution is also supported by the huge screen, providing clear and detailed images.
The Mate-XT has a 6.5-inch cover display when folded, which is more portable and useful for regular activities like surfing, texting, and making calls. The majority of tasks may still be completed on this secondary screen with ease because of its size and smooth folding and unfolding process.
Huawei Mate-XT Release Date
September 10, 2024 is the planned release date of the Huawei Mate-XT. It will be Huawei’s first tri-fold smartphone, having a huge, foldable screen and a beautiful design.
Hardware and Performance
A flagship-level Kirin 9000S chipset powers the Huawei Mate-XT. This 5nm octa-core processor uses less electricity and performs well for demanding workloads. Multitasking, editing films, and playing the latest games are easy with the Mate XT.
Due to its 12GB RAM, the Mate XT runs smoothly even with many apps open. The smartphone has 512GB of internal storage for apps, games, photographs, and videos. Huawei supports Nano Memory Cards for additional storage.
Gaming enthusiasts get Mali-G78 GPU on the Mate-XT. The GPU keeps games running smoothly at high frame rates and visual settings.
Camera Setup
The Mate XT’s triple-camera configuration rivals professional cameras, continuing Huawei’s smartphone camera history. The Mate XT’s 50MP Ultra Vision main sensor captures excellent detail in daylight and low-light. When lighting is poor, the big sensor size captures more light, increasing image quality.
For group and landscape photos, the Mate-XT‘s 16MP ultra-wide-angle lens compliments the main camera.Ultra-wide lenses show more in one shot.
The 8MP telephoto lens adds 3x optical zoom and 30x digital zoom to the camera system. Huawei’s image stabilization keeps photographs crisp at high magnification levels.
For selfies, the Mate-XT has a 32MP front camera. This high-resolution sensor takes clear, realistic selfies and enhances skin tones and lighting with AI-powered beauty features.
Battery Life and Charging
The Huawei Mate XT’s 5,000mAh battery powers its huge, high-resolution display and powerful internals. Despite its diminutive size, Huawei’s battery lasts all day under usual use.
66W rapid charging is available for the Mate-XT. This lets the device charge from 0 to 100% in about an hour, reducing wall time. Users may charge the Mate XT wirelessly at 40W without sacrificing speed.
Huawei has integrated reverse wireless charging, which lets the Mate-XT charge other smartphones. This functionality is ideal for charging smartwatches and wireless earphones on the road.
Features and Software
Huawei Mate-XT uses HarmonyOS 4, its own OS. HarmonyOS works flawlessly on smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. This ecosystem connection simplifies file, notification, and task sharing between devices.
HarmonyOS’s foldable-optimized interface is smooth. Apps adjust to the phone’s folded or unfolded screen size using multi-window mode, split-screen, and app continuity. HarmonyOS keeps video and document viewing seamless and straightforward.
Huawei has added clever AI to the operating system to boost performance based on user patterns. The system may prioritize commonly used apps, manage battery usage, and optimize multitasking.
Mate-XT Price
The estimated pricing of the Huawei Mate XT is $2,500. However, depending on the area, storage options, and availability, the precise cost may change. To find out the confirmed price information for your particular market, keep a watch out for official announcements.
In summary
A premium smartphone with exceptional performance, design, and photography is expected from the Huawei Mate XT. The Mate XT will please techies and power users with its strong processor, gorgeous display, and cutting-edge features.
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SINOSWAN SR130N Roadshow Truck—An Efficient Mobile Platform for Large-Scale Events and Roadshows
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The SINOSWAN SR130N Roadshow Truck is a highly versatile mobile performance platform, specifically designed for large-scale events and roadshows. With a vehicle length of 13 meters, it offers a spacious stage area measuring 8500×3000 mm, capable of supporting up to 400 kg/m², ensuring the safety and stability of both equipment and performances.Equipped with a 40KW generator, the SR130N ensures reliable power supply in any environment and supports an LED screen (3200×1920 mm) for displaying high-definition content. The entire platform can be set up in just 20 minutes, making the operation quick and easy, significantly enhancing event efficiency.
The sound system of this roadshow truck covers a wide area, accommodating 7000 to 10000 people. Additionally, it features a PC and monitoring system, along with a NOVASTAR HD video processor, providing robust support for live streaming.The SR130N also offers a variety of truck chassis options, including ISUZU, FOTON, JAC, DONGFENG, SINOTRUCK, and FAW, to meet diverse needs. Whether for large concerts, outdoor performances, or brand promotions, the SR130N Roadshow Truck delivers an ideal mobile solution for your event.
SINOSWAN make outdoor events easier quicker safer!Here's how the stage works:
①Park ready for set up.②Roof panels open.(Remote operation using remote control) ③All panels open.④Install sound, lighting banners,wind walls, and then lift the roof.⑤Roof & equipment fully raised. Install stairs, guardrails and add accessories. 
The wait is over now you can have fully hydraulic set-up at deck level for stage, LED Wall, sound & lighting equipment, banner and sets.
Benefits of SINOSWAN: - Smart Design: Durable, stylish, and affordable - Quick Setup: Ready in under 30 minutes with just two stage hands - Easy Transport: Suitable for both city and countryside locations - High Safety: Certified by USA Dot, Structure Engineer Stamp and Europe CE ICR Steel Structure - Stage Care Warranty: Five years free warranty on hydraulic system and stage body main structure, whole life technical support - Reputable Brand: Recognized as a fast-growing brand in mobile hydraulic stages
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