riftimp · 4 months
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X on Enchant’s shoulders because where else would he be…?
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waraueuphoria · 1 year
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genshin oc redesgins 😇
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bukimevieningi · 10 months
Kada pas Igną Vėgėlę bus atliekamos kratos ir uždarinėjamos sąskaitos?
Aš save laikau antisisteminiu, nes pas mane buvo atliekamos kratos, uždarinėjamos įmonių ir asmeninės sąskaitos, keliamos bylos, skiriamos baudos, su VSD pagalba buvo bandoma mane padaryti tautos priešu. O kiek dar iškeltų baudžiamųjų bylų… Ir čia tik šast – iš niekur atsirado “antisisteminis” kandidatas, gelbėtojas, Lietuvos viltis – Ignas Vėgėlė, kuris giriasi, kad labai gerai gyvena ir jam…
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badvintagecooking · 9 months
Yolk Of The Cosmic Embryo
Survival Into The 21st Century: Planetary Healers Manual by Viktoras Pisces Kulvinskas. Omangod Press (1975).
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dubljarnasims · 3 months
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Bisbee Jasaitis
Part of the 6th generation of my legacy, Bisbee is the oldest child of Viktoras and Aspen. No CC included in the download - please see the list and links below.
Parents: Aspen Fontaine & Viktoras Jasaitis Sibling(s): Lowell Jasaitis (twin), Tucson Jasaitis (twin); Avra Jasaitis (twin), Valley Jasaitis (twin) Partner(s): Arlington Amado Children: Clanton Amado
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Glasses - Luutzi | Rozika v1
Nails - Giulietta Sims | Rounded square medium duochrome nails
Pants - Clumsyaliem | Mia pants
Shoes - Delicious Things | Birkenstock boston clogs with socks
Top - KiaraZurk | Autumn sweater
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Bangs - Evoxyr | Nyx accessory bangs v1
Blush - Northern Siberia Winds | Blush N7
Eyebags - Obscurus | Eyebags n5
Eyebrows - Poyopoyo | Eyebrows n2
Eyelashes - Kijiko | 3D lashes version 2 uncurled
Eyelashes - Kijiko | EA eyelash remover
Eyeshadow - RemusSirion | N78 aris
Freckles - RemusSirion | Life’s a beach n3
Hair - Greenllamas | Sapphire
Lips - Pralinesims | Clear lipgloss pack n01
Teeth - Simbience | Teeth #1
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla default skin
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Sliders & Presets:
Breasts - Magic Bot | Default boobs slider 2v
Chin - Magic Bot | Default chin slider
Eyebrows - Magic Bot | Default eyebrow slider
Eyebrows - Miiko | Eyebrow slider
Eyebrows - Obscurus | Eyebrow sliders
Eyes - marsosims | Eye size slider
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Hips - Luumia | Hip shape slider
Hips - Vibrant Pixels | Hip dip slider
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Mouth - Teanmoon | Mouth scale slider
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Nose - Obscurus | Nose slider N2
Thighs - DaniParadise | Thigh slider 
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@clumsyalienn @evoxyr @giuliettasims @greenllamas @kijiko-sims
@laeska @luumia @magic-bot @marsosims @miikocc
@northernsiberiawinds @obscurus-sims @poyopoyosim @pralinesims @remussirion
@simbience @teanmoon @vibrantpixels @zurkdesign
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yama-bato · 6 months
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Rimantas Dichavičius
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dearest-painter · 1 year
A vampire’s true love PT.2
Summary:A widow and a father is the life of Spider-Vamp or Y/N O’Hara. When going to earth-1610 by pure accident and meeting his brand new lover he goes home happy, finally done grieving his late husband. When he and Gabriella meet old friends again and someone who looks like his late husband chaos ensues
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader has vampiric traits,Reader is Miguel O’Hara’s husband in his earth,Gabriella aka Miguel and Reader’s kid is alive,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader is dating Spider-Noir, Spanish will be used but I’m a no sabo kid so I’ll use Google translate so if I did something wrong tell me and please suggest me websites to use for proper translation,Reader was with the og spider crew during into the spider verse,people might be out of character,Nicknames like:Doll and Doll face are used as it makes sense for Noir,tell me if I need to add more
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Miles fell asleep on your shoulder so Noir put his trench coat over him. Noir saw you looking at Miles and he knew you were thinking of something so he kindly asked. “Doll, what’s on your mind?” You looked at him with a blank yet serious face. “I could’ve stopped this..I could’ve made sure that he never came here and was safe but now he’s here…I need to get him the watch I made so he can hide in my universe, I’ll kill them all if it means he gets to see his family” Noir sighed and nodded his head, Miles has always been a son to you so you always were protective of him and would do anything for his happiness and safety.
“I know you will…just..just make sure you tell me so I can help you Dollface” you smiled at Noir as you grabbed his hand. Gabriella was asleep on Miles..it was a cute sight that you couldn’t help but take a picture of. You picked up Miles as Noir picked up Gabriella, you two quickly made were able to go to your universe as you both heard Miguel. As soon as you got home or to your house Miles was put on the couch and was given a watch that you made. “It serves the same purposes as ours but it isn’t attached to Lyla but is instead attached to-“ “Whose the new kid?” You looked at your AI, she didn’t look anything like Lyla. She had short curly hair, sunglasses in bat wings, had a black sorta fluffy vest, brown thigh high boats, vitiligo, a gothic dress, and finally lacy gloves as she was made with inspiration of your late best friend, Lola Parker.
“Before I was so rudely interrupted my watch is attached to her or Viktora, Gabriella named her” Gabriella woke up rubbing her eye a bit as soon as she saw Viktora she waved and Viktora smiled and waved back. “It is nice to meet you Ms.Viktora” She looked Noir up and down then gave a half smile half ‘I’m pretending so my favorite people don’t get annoyed’ smile. “Same here anyways why is the 1610 kid here?” Noir left to put Gabriella in bed. “He accidentally was in the spider society then Miguel decided to chase him down for some reason!”
Viktora was surprised..Miguel? Alive? She knows about the multiverse but last time she checked the Miguel she knew died in your arms but maybe it’s because she’s trying to surpass it so that you are happy. She sighed as she looked at Miles. “Damn…Kid gonna need therapy that’s for sure but..how are you? You know after seeing um a version of your late husband alive?” You sighed as you sat on the coffee table and ran a hand over your face you stared at the ceiling. “I’m on the verge of breaking down..so many feelings are overcoming me but I’m mostly feeling sad and overwhelmed…..I accepted his death after I went through all the stages of grief and found a man I love but..seeing my husb-..dead husband alive I got so overwhelmed. I know he’s not my Miguel but when you see a man who looks like your first love you get all emotional….I still love Noir, he’s my dearest lover and I’ll love him still I just..I just need to get my feelings under control”
Viktora sighed and nodded her head, she knew how much you loved your Miguel as he made you feel safe and she hopes Noir can do that. “I’ll put the house on safety watch” “Thanks Vik, I’m going to get some blood” “Dont go to hard on your boyfriend” you blushed and slapped away her hologram making her laugh, you walked away mumbling cuss words. Noir was in your room as he was resting on your bed and you laid on him. He chuckled and kissed you head as you gently bit his neck for blood. He’s always allowed you to feed on him as you need it to love and you make sure not to make fo much. “I love you” you looked up at Noir and smiled. “Te amo(I love you)” you were telling the truth but your feelings of 2099 Miguel made you feel like your living a lie but you’ll deal with it later.
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mysticstarlightduck · 9 months
OC vs a Cockroach
Thanks for the Tag, @anyablackwood!
I'll answer it for Realms of Loss for this one, because I did this tag for Enchanted Illusions the last time!
Prince Archyvel of Sarythea: ????0/10 Are you kidding me?! This boy is the most spoiled person one could ever hope to meet, he's the baby brother of the King! Archyvel was raised with a silver spoon in a palace with an older brother who sheltered him every day of his life and their stepmom who was way too nice to him. If this kid sees a cockroach he's having the mental breakdown of the century - he'd scream, cry, nearly puke, and promptly run away, likely calling out to Mehri - his valet/assistant - to deal with the "revolting beast".
Mehri: 10/10 Would pick the roach up with his bare hands and gingerly lead it to the garden or somewhere far away from his prince. Is very adamant that "this little insect is just another sweet form of life that should be cherished, not hurt".
Nesrynna Alorai: 8/10 Has more important things to worry about so she doesn't bother, just walks away unless asked to do something about it. Will obliterate the roach if it gets too close to her personal space or starts to fly.
Gwain Vytris: 3/10 Hates insects, especially roaches because they feel unclean (he hates feeling/being dirty) and bring back bad memories of his childhood in the slums and forests of the Outer Cities. Usually, he won't have a breakdown or really show much of his disgust aloud, will step/jump on the thing until it's dead, or simply walk away. But if it flies and somehow gets in his hair lots of loud cursing, screaming and a lot of crying will be heard, though he'll carry on like nothing happened and stoically pretend he wasn't disturbed after the insect is dealt with.
Kassien Vann: 11/10 Somehow perfectly hits it with an arrow or drowns it with his magic, every time, he never once misses.
Adaria Vytris: 10/10 Goes full exterminator on the insect, with the wrath of a thousand suns. It won't even see her coming until it's too late. She also hates bugs, but instead of being scared/disgusted she just has a fiery hatred towards them. Will continue to stomp on the roach long after it's just goo on the floor.
Lucian Dhaeras: 8/10 Has one of his stray cats catch it and lets them play with it. If they aren't around, he is very weird about it: might set it on fire.
Drystan Earell: 10???/10 Will automatically consume its life force to fuel his magic, thus disintegrating it into ash.
Viktoras Aeravi: 7/10 Does nothing about it, just locks it in the room and makes it someone else's problem, like the little rascal he is.
Teivel: 9/10 Watches it silently from a distance and feels disgusted that a part of him - the one that was trapped in a dirty Avillorian cell for almost five years with little to no food and some days forgets he's free - even considers eating it. Feels depressed.
Delyan Sorkip: 2/10 Is the person who finds the roach Viktoras neglected to kill, usually after it crawled onto his bed at 2AM. Nearly has a heart attack, kills the roach like a normal person, and storms out of the room in tearful rage ready to start a fight with Viktoras and the Gods.
Sara Kallary: 4/10 Hates it with every fiber of her being, and even though she could probably destroy it to hell and back manages to miss it every time she tries to hit it and even if she does stomp on it the roach doesn't die. Angrily calls out to her murderous boyfriend Drystan to deal with the roach properly.
Gwynnifer: 10/10 Doesn't mind it at all and is unbothered about it. Will catch it in a jar, carefully study it and keep it alive like a pet for weeks until either: 1. it dies, 2. she sets it free, 3. she feeds it to her bonded Drakyna, who plays with it like the giant lizard-cat it is.
Tagging: @clairelsonao3, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @gummybugg, @meerawrites, @oh-no-another-idea, @tabswrites, @ashen-crest, @writernopal and @elshells
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Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745) - Litaniae Omnium Sanctorum, ZWV 153
I: Kyrie eleison 00:00 II: Pater de coelis 3:39 III: Sancte petri 10:04 IV: Propitius esto 12:56 V: Ab ira tua 14:55 VI: Peccatores 18:35 VII: Ut nos ad veram 20:29 VIII: Agnus Dei 27:20
Performers: Inégal Ensemble, Adam Viktora, Gabriela Eibenová, Marian Krejčík, Terry Wey, Cyril Auvity, Prague Baroque Soloists.
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janeblr · 4 months
Hockeytalia team!!!
Captain is Alfred, obviously, with Lu and Mattie as his alts. No team name yet- taking suggestions!
OH and for context: this is an experimental international team organized by the IIHF to compete in worlds and do diplomacy/global outreach stuff. most of the players are on teams in their home countries but they all take their position on the international team very seriously.
ETA: duh moment on the team name. World Stars.
Lines structured left winger - center - right winger
first line: ber - lu - eirí
second line: mads - al - timo
third line: toni - arthur - kiku
fourth line: raivis - vasch - peter
D-pairs structured left and right
d-pair 1: mattie and vanya
d-pair 2: gil and lars
d-pair 3: viktoras and feliks
starter goalie: fran
BUG: lutz
EBUG: Roderich(good at being a goalie but hates it lol)
power play unit: first line forwards, viktoras and feliks on defense
penalty kill: al and timo forwards, mattie and vanya on defense
Fran gives MAF energy lol. Delightfully whimsical, outrageously accomplished, and overall very talented goalie. Lutz is your classic autist goalie. Freaky net rituals, barely speaks to media and says the most oddball shit when he does, there’s rumors he’s actually a robot that has been programmed with exactly one task: stop puck.
First line: Lu and Eirí are insanely gifted hockey brothers but Lu HATES playing on the same team as his baby brother lol. The two of them are an INCREDIBLE first line with Ber because they’ve got some weird nordic soul bond going on. Locked in 100% of the time. Take their job very seriously. They go HARD on the power play.
Second line: The “FUCK YEAH, HOCKEY!!!” line. They’re all SO excited to play and are very physical forwards. Do whatever it takes to get that puck in the net, aren’t afraid to make or take a few hits to score. That’s why they’re so good on the PK- they can play a defensive offense well.
Third line: Not much to say here, they just have surprisingly good line chemistry! I think their different personalities and styles of play all balance out and create a well rounded line.
Fourth line: poor little meow meows 😵‍💫 vasch is an accomplished veteran who is taking it easy until his impending retirement and has been tasked with babysitting the two kids on the team lol. A surprisingly effective line because raivis is terrified of failure and peter has Daddy Issues and is desperate to impress Vasch.
The D-pairs are just *chefs kiss* lol. Mattie and Vanya are a fucking MENACE on the ice, dirty players and just huge guys. Vanya is fucking his captain. Mattie is the captain’s brother and roasts the both of them mercilessly over this. Gil and Lars are an unlikely pair- they’re both physical, but focus more on play tactics than brute strength. Very organized and excellent communication between each other and their forwards. Vi and Feliks are husbands that cannot be separated. They’re not particularly impressive looking at first but they just do. not. stop. Absolutely relentless.
Lovi and Feli are WAGs(HABs?) to Toni and Lutz respectively. Lovi hates all the WAG bonding shit but Feli goes all out for it- themed parties, matching jackets, active groupchat, etc etc. Mattie’s wife(Katyusha!) is the “head WAG” and coordinates all their events and charities. Erzsi plays defense on the Hungarian women’s national team so she isn’t too involved with the Heta-WAGs as she’s busy having her own sports career. The first time Eirí brought Lili to a game, the WAGs immediately adopted her into the fold. Even if he leaves the team, i think she’ll always be a Heta-WAG lol.
This is likely completely incomprehensible if you don’t watch hockey but 🤷‍♀️ i am incapable of enjoying things a normal amount.
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crossbowtrades · 1 year
“Hey Aetius, I don’t think I ever thanked you for letting me borrow the helmet, so uh, thanks! By the way, how is it that you don’t need a helmet, anyway? Is it something to do with how you can make yourself… alive?” - ZG
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[ Perhaps it is the protective layering of my own flesh that keeps me from burning in this light. ... But I cannot pretend to know. My son Viktoras would probably be able to figure it out if he were here. He was so curious and intelligent when it came to the undead foes of our time. ]
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[ It would be easier to see in... Despite the protectiveness of the helmet, i don't have thebest vision coverage in it. ]
[ But enough about helmets and fashion, perhaps we should try to scale this hole- ]
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[ ... ]
[ Well, we can use this to our advantage. ]
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kepeslajoska · 5 months
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2024. februárjában kirobbant a K. Endre kegyelmi ügy és napvilágra került az orbáni rezsim álszent aljassága, aztán hirtelen berobbant szintén februárban, majd azon napon a Partizán Magyar Péter interjúja.
Ebben rádöbbenhettünk arra, hogy az Orbán banda lop, csal és hazudik immáron 14 éve, nem mintha ezt mi nem tudtuk volna, de azért más, ha egy igazi fideszes, miniszterférj mondja ugyanezt.
Ezzel még nem lenne semmi baj, megjelent a „harmadik” erő, harcos, szókimondó, fiatalos, mint a 90-es évek Orbán Viktora, csak ez az erő kizár minden eddigi fideszbíráló irányzatot és elindított olyan megosztottságot, amin az eddigi bátor utcai harcosunk dolgozik igen hosszú évek óta,
Neki sikerült szembe állítani a külhoni, a magyarországi magyarokat, családokat, rokonokat, testvéreket, más országok polgárait és akkor jön Tiszamagyar Péter, aki ezt fokozza.
Nézve a közösségi oldalakat gyűlölet, gyűlölet hátán, a mostanig az ocsmány, hazug rezsim harcosai félelmetes módon egymásnak esnek, kitiltások, letiltások, átkozódások sora.
Jól van ez így?
Nem lehetett volna úgy indítani, hogy összefogásra szólítjuk fel a gyalázatos orbáni rezsim ellenfeleit annak érdekében, hogy tűnjön el örökre ez a XXI. századbeli magyar rémálom, amire példa nem volt „balsorsunk” történelmében?
Nézve a közvélemény-kutatásokat, az eredmény siralmas, a harmadik erővel együtt is a Fidesz vezet toronymagasan. Újra éled a gyurcsányozás, sorosozás, libsizés, Orbán Viktornak már nem csak Brüsszelben, itthon is lefőzték a kávét.
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bukimevieningi · 1 year
Vaidas Žemaitis. Apie "77" projektą (video)
Šį kartą pakalbėsiu apie socialiniuose tinkluose verdančias diskusijas apie naują projektą “77”. Tai kažkas panašaus į socialinį tinklą “Twitter” ar “Facebook”, tik lietuviškai ir, kaip skelbiama, be cenzūros. Pažiūrėkime, kas jo kūrėjai, kokia jų kompetencija ir pažiūros. Ar tikrai šiam tinklui pavyks išsilaikyti be cenzūros ir blokavimų?
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badvintagecooking · 10 months
Food Combining For Easyer Digestion - Eating For Happiness
Survival Into The 21st Century: Planetary Healers Manual by Viktoras Pisces Kulvinskas. Omangod Press (1975).
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dubljarnasims · 5 months
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Aspen Fontaine
Part of the 5th generation of my legacy, Aspen is married to Viktoras Jasaitis. No CC included in download - please see the list and links below.
Partner(s): Viktoras Jasaitis Children: Bisbee Jasaitis, Lowell Jasaitis (twin), Tucson Jasaitis (twin)
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Earrings - Blahberry Pancake | Refined
Glasses - Suzue | Miru
Nails - Blahberry Pancake | Short natural nails for female sims
Pants - sforzinda | Matinee chinps v1
Shoes - greenllamas | Offduty platform docs
Top - Rimings | Love what you have turtleneck & patterned cardigan
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Blush - Northern Siberia Winds | Blush N7
Eyebags - Obscurus | Eyebags n5
Eyebrows - S-Club | Eyebrows 201812
Eyelashes - Kijiko | 3D lashes version 2 uncurled
Eyelashes - Kijiko | EA eyelash remover
Eyeshadow - Obscurus | Eyelids n13
Freckles - RemusSirion | Life’s a beach n3
Hair - Sunivaa | Hallie
Lips - RemusSirion | N249 imide
Mouth - Miiko | Peachy mouth corners
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla default skin
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Sliders & Presets:
Breasts - Magic Bot | Default boobs slider 2v
Butt - CmarNYC | Enhanced butt slider
Chin - Miiko | Chin slider
Eyebrows - Magic Bot | Default eyebrow slider
Eyebrows - Obscurus | Eyebrow sliders
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Hips - Luumia | Hip shape slider
Lower Legs - CmarNYC | Enhanced lower legs slider
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Shoulders - Dumbaby | Shoulder height slider female
Thighs - DaniParadise | Thigh slider 
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@blahberry-pancake @greenllamas @kijiko-sims @luumia @magic-bot
@miikocc @northernsiberiawinds @obscurus-sims @pralinesims @remussirion
@rimings @s-club-tbr @sforzcc @sunivaa @suzuesims
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