#Villa Bottini
oubliettederien · 10 months
“An Act of Imagination ‒ Dubbi, domande e risposte su AI e creatività” è il titolo di un progetto di ricerca promosso da Lucca Comics & Games in collaborazione con IED – Istituto Europeo di Design sul caso della Intelligenza Artificiale, che è stato presentato durante un incontro a Lucca Comics & Games 2023 negli spazi di Villa Bottini.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Livorno: torna LibrArti al Museo Fattori, gli appuntamenti con i libri d'arte in Villa Mimbelli
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Livorno: torna LibrArti al Museo Fattori, gli appuntamenti con i libri d'arte in Villa Mimbelli. Prende il via venerdì 1° settembre, alle ore 17.00, la terza edizione del ciclo di incontri "LibrArti: appuntamenti sull'arte" tenuti nel parco di Villa Mimbelli, vicino alla Biblioteca del Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori. Si tratta di cinque conferenze con numerosi autori, dedicate a temi e artisti del panorama livornese. Gli incontri, ad ingresso libero, senza necessità di prenotazione, si terranno alle ore 17 ad eccezione dell'appuntamento del 16 settembre che avrà inizio alle ore 15. L'iniziativa è pensata per valorizzare il patrimonio librario della biblioteca del museo e passare alcuni pomeriggi all'insegna dell'arte nella cornice del parco di Villa Mimbelli. L'avvio di questa serie di incontri, il 1° settembre, vede come protagonisti il collettivo "Skimmers" un'innovativa avanguardia artistica labronica, che si presenta alla città di Livorno, dopo la mostra d'esordio a Trassilico. Segue la settimana successiva, l'8 settembre, la presentazione del catalogo della mostra "Sognando i corsari": esposizione, in corso fino ad ottobre ai Bottini dell'Olio, che indaga il rapporto tra la Fondazione Alinari con il territorio e la città di Livorno. L'incontro vedrà l'intervento della curatrice della mostra Rita Scartoni. Il protagonista del terzo incontro, il 15 settembre, è invece uno dei più importanti artisti del Novecento toscano: il pittore livornese Giovanni March a cui in quest'ultima primavera proprio nella nostra città è stata dedicata un'importante ed esaustiva mostra che qua viene riproposta attraverso la presentazione del catalogo, alla presenza del curatore Michele Pierleoni. Mentre il 16 settembre, l'appuntamento è pensato per i bambini con la presentazione della nuova edizione de "Lo Sciagatto e il collezionista di piume", a cura di Cecilia Biasci e Cristina Donnini. A concludere la rassegna LibrArti è la presentazione del catalogo di "Simone Bianchi. L'arte dei supereroi" martedì 26 settembre. Si tratta del catalogo della mostra aperta ai Granai di Villa Mimbelli fino al 12 novembre. Prenderanno parte Simone Bianchi, fumettista affermato ormai anche a livello internazionale e Giorgio Bacci, curatore della mostra. L'iniziativa è organizzata dal Comune di Livorno, con la collaborazione delle cooperative Agave, Itinera e CoopCulture e con la partecipazione di Fondazione Livorno. CONTATTI DEL MUSEO: Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, Via San Jacopo in Acquaviva 65, 57127 Livorno, LI. 0586/824602 - 0586/824607 [email protected].... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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guyclement · 2 years
URBEX Guy Clément VILLA BOTTINI VIDEO - Merci de vous abonner, c'est gratuit, et cela m'encourage! Thank you for subscribing, it’s free, and it encourages me! La ville est élaborée par Paolo Buonvisi à la fin du XVIe siècle, de forme parallélépipède surmonté d'une loggia belvédère. Elle fut abandonnée . Son propriétaire était le marquis Bottini de Lucques, ensuite Motroni Andreozzi et enfin achetée par la région Toscane et l'a revendue à la municipalité de Lucques. Maintenant, il y aurait des visites. A priori, elle est utilisée comme site représentatif de la Commune et abrite le siège de l'Office de la culture. La città fu costruita da Paolo Buonvisi alla fine del XVI secolo, di forma parallelepipeda sormontata da una loggia belvedere. Fu abbandonato. Il suo proprietario fu il marchese Bottini di Lucca, poi Motroni Andreozzi e infine acquistato dalla regione Toscana e venduto al comune di Lucca. Ora ci sarebbero le visite. A priori, è utilizzato come sito di rappresentanza del Comune e ospita la sede dell'Ufficio della Cultura. The city was built by Paolo Buonvisi at the end of the sixteenth century, of parallelepiped shape surmounted by a belvedere loggia. It was abandoned. Its owner was the Marquis Bottini of Lucca, then Motroni Andreozzi and finally bought by the Tuscany region and sold it to the municipality of Lucca. Now there would be visits. A priori, it is used as a representative site of the Commune and houses the headquarters of the Office of Culture. La ciudad fue construida por Paolo Buonvisi a finales del siglo XVI, de forma paralelepípeda coronada por una logia mirador. Fue abandonado. Su propietario fue el marqués Bottini de Lucca, luego Motroni Andreozzi y finalmente comprado por la región de la Toscana y lo vendió al municipio de Lucca. Ahora habría visitas. A priori, se utiliza como sitio representativo de la Comuna y alberga la sede de la Oficina de Cultura. Miasto zostało zbudowane przez Paolo Buonvisi pod koniec XVI wieku, o równoległościanym kształcie zwieńczonym loggią belwederską. Został opuszczony. Jego właścicielem był markiz Bottini z Lukki, następnie Motroni Andreozzi, a ostatecznie kupiony przez region Toskanii i sprzedany gminie Lucca. Teraz będą wizyty. A priori jest wykorzystywany jako reprezentacyjna strona gminy i mieści siedzibę Urzędu Kultury. Город был построен Паоло Буонвизи в конце шестнадцатого века, в форме параллелепипеда, увенчанного лоджией бельведер. Он был заброшен. Его владельцем был маркиз Боттини из Лукки, затем Мотрони Андреоцци и, наконец, куплен регионом Тоскана и продал его муниципалитету Лукки. Теперь были бы визиты. Априори он используется в качестве репрезентативного участка Коммуны и в нем находится штаб-квартира Управления культуры. Die Stadt wurde von Paolo Buonvisi am Ende des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts erbaut, von Parallelepiped-Form, die von einer Aussichts-Loggia überragt wird. Es wurde aufgegeben. Sein Besitzer war der Marquis Bottini von Lucca, dann Motroni Andreozzi und schlie��lich von der Toskana gekauft und an die Gemeinde Lucca verkauft. Jetzt würde es Besuche geben. A priori wird es als repräsentativer Ort der Kommune genutzt und beherbergt den Sitz des Kulturamtes. Retrouvez-moi sur les réseaux / Follow me for daily content: 👍 Facebook:  Urbex Guy Clement  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... 👉 Youtube  URBEX Guy Clément  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQ... 📸 Instagram:  @abandoned.urbex.world  https://www.instagram.com/abandoned.u...     🎵TikTok: @urbexguyclement https://www.tiktok.com/@urbexguycleme...     🐦Twitter: @GuyPellegrin https://twitter.com/GuyPellegrin   #amazing #lostplace #urbex
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limemagazineeu · 3 years
Il Cosplay torna alla conquista di Lucca
Il Cosplay torna alla conquista di Lucca
A Villa Bottini trionfa la simpatia e l’irriverenza dei costumi. E in San Francesco è tornato il tradizionale contest Ironici, colorati, esilaranti e graffianti. I cosplayers tornano a popolare la loro capitale per un anno. A Lucca Comics and Games 2021 il loro regno – la Villa Cosplay – è nel cuore del centro storico. Tra le antiche mura di Villa Bottini la simpatia e l’irriverenza del Cosplay…
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cento40battute · 2 years
L’estate è una pagina bianca tutta da scrivere
L’estate è una pagina bianca tutta da scrivere
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kenatthecon · 3 years
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Lucca Comics and Games 2021 - Cosplay (4 of 13)
More cosplay from the Villa Bottini area.
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LUCCAUTORI 2019 -- Mostra e interviste Il link del racconto "La foresta di Dio" premiato al concorso "Racconti nella rete" è in bio. #racconti #raccontibrevi #scrittori #scrittura #poesia #concorso #concorsoletterario #concorsiletterari #editoria #libro #libri #lettura #books #reading (at Villa Bottini) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3b0QBmC9g8/?igshid=1mjx45h1i6nx4
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koufax73 · 5 years
WØM FEST 2019: La Rappresentante di Lista e i FASK headliner a Lucca
WØM FEST 2019: La Rappresentante di Lista e i FASK headliner a Lucca
Saranno La Rappresentante di Lista e i Fast Animals and Slow Kids gli headliner del WØM FEST 2019, nei giorni 7 e 8 Giugno nel parco della storica Villa Bottini di Lucca.
In questa edizione il festival di primavera, organizzato dall’associazione culturale WOM, vuole puntare l’attenzione sulla parità tra uomo e donna, dedicando la prima giornata a concerti di voci femminili e la seconda a voci…
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uriello-bello · 6 years
"A historical chronological depiction from an imaginary Italy: a guess the reference game" Inspired thanks to P.J. Farmer, Alan Moore, John Myers Myers and Kim Newman. Edited! Expanded! Corrected!
Unknown: Pdor Mythos Unknown: Appears the superheroes gene "Vip" 10'000 A.C: In the Mediterranean basin lives a society of amazoness 71 A.C: Spartacus leads a slave rebellion 55 A.C: Tros of Samothrace takes the parts of the Breton resistance against the Roman conquest of Britain 50 A.C: Julius Caesar's complete conquest of Gaul finds resistance against a village in Armorica 11 March 44 A.C: Julius Caesar is murdered 80: Barbarian Ardarico's conquest of Rome miserably fails; Flavian Amphitheatre is inaugurated and Timo becomes a gladiator 128: Architect Lucius Quintus Modestus time travels until the 21st century and reachs the modern Japan VI century: King Alboin befriends and welcomes a sly and smart peasant to his court 726: Girolama Pellacani is raped by the Longobards 1050: Brancaleone of Norcia is born 1076: The saint hermit of Bismantova is sent to Aquileia in search of allies at the behest of Pope Gregory VII, but is hindered by the devil 1080: Brancaleone of Norcia takes part at the first crusade 1141: Baudolino is born 1150: Various supernatural events takes place at the castle of Otranto 1249: The company of Selva Bella participates at the mission to free Enzo of Sardinia 1271: Marco Polo begins his travel toward the Orient 1280: Marco Polo reaches the court of Kublai Khan and tell him about the 55 cities 1295: Marco Polo returns to Venice XIV Century: To win the maritime war against Venice, the Genoese captain Luigi Gottardi builds the underground canal of Meloria 1300: Poet Dante Alighieri visits, during a week, the afterlife 1327: William of Baskerville is involved in a murder case sets in a benedictine abbey 15 April 1452: Leonardo da Vinci is born 1478: Takes places the quests of the "Company of the Gallows" XVI Century: Arte Spalletti becomes an artist 1534: Two english brothers find a passage for a subterranean world where the time flows more slowly and is populated by a society of pygmies 1537: During the battle of Turin, a french soldier mysteriously survive to several deadly wounds 1570: To save her lover, war-prisoner at Famagosta in Cyprus, the duchess of Eboli wears an armor and under the alias of Captain Storm fights several battle against the Ottoman Empire 1595: The suicide of two lovers leads peace in a longtime feud between two Veronese families 1630: The black plague continues its killspread, Spanish local lord Don Rodrigo is found dead 1650s: Alchemist Girolamo Fumagalli develops the basic technique of thanatography 7 January 1730: In Siena is approved the Notice of Violante of Bavaria 1741: Totò Sapore invents pizza to bring peace between the French and Neapolitan armies 1750s: Armando Catalano seeks the treasure of the Templars 1764: Father Schedoni is involved in a conspiracy 1790: Scandal of the decayed noble Mazzini family 1798: Nobleman and ufficial Fabrizio del Dongo is born 25 March 1799: Jacopo Ortis dies 1801: Vampire Giovanni Nosferatu is born 1825: History professor Mercurio Loi disappears 1826: Dr. Weiss solves the Fritzheim case 1829: A frenchman discovers the Spada family's treasure located in Montecristo Isle 1850: Count Isidor Ottavio Baldassarre Fosco reaches England to plan a political conspiracy 1855: Teresa Uzeda Princess of Francalanza dies 1860: Wooden puppet Pinocchio becomes a real children 1863: Three persons, claiming to be part of a scientific expedition, are spotted been ejected from Mt. Stromboli 1864: Countess Marina Vittoria Crusnelli of Malombra gets possessed 1870: Enrico Bottini is born; Edwin Drood mysteriously disappears, leaving a secret still unrevealad 1874: As social experiment, some prisoners are released in a deserted island to create a self-managed isolated colony; Arsène Lupin is born 1878: Rosso Malpelo dies 1885: A frenchman from Tarascon survive to a fall during an attempt to reach the peak of Mt. Blanc 1887: Professor Sandrelli develops a substance that cancels gravity 1888: Full of remorse, baron Carlo Coriolano of Santafusca admits of being a killer 1889: Masked hero "Hidden Face" and Ugo Pastore take part at the Treaty of Wuchale; Escorted by english explorer Adam Wild, Count Narciso Molfetta explores Africa 7 December 1891: Vito Andolini is born 1893: Marco Pagot is born 1895: Architect Emilio Varelli starts the construction of the Three Mothers' manors September 1897: Giannino "Gian Burrasca" Stoppani is born 1898: The suppression of Milan riots are sabotaged by Tommaso Reiner 29 May 1899: Giuseppe "Peppone" Bottazzi is born 30 May 1899: Don Camillo Tarocci is born Early 1900s: Paolo Zeder hypothesizes the "K-Zone" theory; Actress Maria Sarti gains notoriety under the stage name Ninì Tirabusciò 1910: Architect Emilio Varelli finishes the construction of the Three Mothers' manors; Aldovino reaches the moon to marry the princess Yala; Count Emilio Ponticelli partecipes at the Daily Post air race 1911: Famous composer Gustav von Aschenbach dies during a holiday in Venice WWI: Flying ace Marco Pagot turns into an anthropomorphic pig and assumes the identity of Porco Rosso; Aviator Luciano Serra and aviator Matteo Campini take part at the conflict; Baron Cesare Stromboli helps the Triple Entente; Private Piero dies 1915: Air piratess Filibus terrorizes southern Italy performing several thefts 15 October 1915: Emilio Largo is born 1919: A man dressed in red and constantly speaking in rhyme becomes one of the richest italian 1920: Famous film director Guido Anselmi is born 1927: Dr. Artemio Zacchia founds a medicine and natural science academy and starts his studies on immortality March 1927: Detective Francesco Ingravallo solves the Via Merulana mystery June 1929: Fascist militia suppression at Fontamara 1930: Dominetta Vitali is born; Scientist Pier Cloruro de' Lambicchi creates a substance that gives life to the images 1933: Gastone Uliani investigates the Faun's case 17 July 1934: Ugo Fantozzi is born 1935: Italy's invasion of Ethiopia is obstacled by local spy Bara 29 September 1936: Lolito B. Lassica is born 1938: Benzino Napaloni signs an alliance with Adenoid Hynkel; The launch of hierarch Gaetano Maria Barbagli's expedition for Mars takes place; Primo Cossi chooses to undergoes at the EPRA experiment; Dr. Emilio Lizardo and Professor Tohichi Hikita build the oscillation overthruster, Lizardo trying to enter into the 8th dimension becomes insane 1939: Count Zero becomes a fascist agent; Film director Salvatore Di Vita is born 10 May 1939: Hierarch Gaetano Maria Barbagli and his troop land on Mars WWII: Captain Alberto Bertorelli, Captain Antonio Corelli, Sergeant Nicola Lo Russo, Marmittone and Galeazzo Musolesi take part at the conflict; Partisian Johnny loses his life; Partisan Natalino "Capellone" Tartufato saves the life of the english spy Charles Harrison, Private Antonio is considered as straggler in Russia 1940s: Marcella Valmarin becomes a famous actress under the stage name of Alba Doris 25 December 1942: Photographer Valentina Rosselli is born 1944: In a hidden palace in the Republic of Salò, tortures takes place by hand of four wealthy personality of the republic 1945: End of World War II in Europe and the prison camps are freed, Giosuè Orefice is among the survivors. 6 July 1945: Roberto "Rocky" Balboa is born 1950s: Bianca Castafiore is recognized as one of the best soprano in the world; Amelia Bonetti and Pippo Botticella become two renowned tip-tap dancers 6 September 1950: Salvo Montalbano is born 1952: In a laboratory it comes to life a creature made of rubber 1953: Michele Apicella is born; Exorcist Don Zauker lands in Livorno; During a diplomatic visit in Italy a princess escapes through the streets of Rome 1955: Criminal and con artist Mr. Ripley lands in Italy 1956: Painter Buono Legnani commits suicide 1959: Topo Gigio debuts and becomes a television star; Detective Nero Wolfe moves to Rome after some "problems" with FBI 1960: Authoress Enrica Valldolit wins the Nobel Prize in Literature 1961: A british spy agent kills the terrorist Emilio Largo; A cemetery man has a close encounter with the Death 15 August 1962: A young university student loses his life in a car accident caused by an overtaking 1963: Medic Duca Lamberti is expelled and imprisoned for practicing euthanasia; Calimero is born; "The Alphabet Killer" is caught 1966: Criminal Mastermind "The Fox" evades from prison 4 October 1967: Deboroh La Roccia is born 1968: Diabolik is presumed dead; Primo Cossi wakes up from hibernation and becomes a hitman related to the events of the Years of Lead 1969: A british criminal gang robs the FIAT industry 1970s: A criminal uses the sewer of a metropolis as hiding place and house; At Milan a group of bounty hunters form the C.T Association 1971: Fumagalli's thanatography is used to solve the four flies' mystery; Alberto Valle becomes the new Avio Motor CEO 1972: Somewhere in northern Italy, inside the Military Area 36, Professor Endriadi and his research team build the first AI February 1973: Four men commits suicide by eating up to death in a villa near Paris 1975: After months of shipwreck on a deserted island in the Mediterranean, the wife of the industrial Lanzetti and a sailor are saved; The corpses of the Crespi d'Adda cemetery are resurrected 1976: For having inflicts severe damages to the organized criminality all over Italy and in few years, mysterious killers murder the police commissioner Betti 1977: Virginia Ducci survives a murder attempt thanks to her clairvoyance 1978: Science fiction writer Della Spigola is abducted by the martians of Phobos; Discovered a breed of talking dog with a particular white fur with red spots; Famous chef Fausto Zoppi is killed by drowning; It ends the Filippo Carducci's kidnapping case 1980s: The ministry of the Great Hunt is founded; The imagination of a kid leads to the creation of creatures and entities 1980: "Caterina", an American brand of robotic housekeeper goes on sale; Neapolitan mafia boss "The Marseillaise" and his gang are killed after a showdown; Rocky Giraldi is born, so named in honour of the famous boxer 3 October 1980: Leonardo Zuliani is born 1981: The criminal known as "The Human Beast" loses his life in a gunfight 1982: The "K-Zone" theory is confirmed and Paolo Zeder is resurrected as zombie 1983: For the first time, alive peoples witness the "Palio of Siena of the dead contrade"; It is archived the case of the serial killer known as "The Killer Dwarf"; Naples F.C pays three billion for the acquisition of Brazilian footballer Paulo Roberto Cotequinho, he'll lead the Naples to the victory of its first championship four years later. 1984: Two men timetravel back until the 1492 August 1988: The first issue of "Bloody Eye" is published 1989: During a conference in Rome experts try to discover the truth about Edwin Drood mystery. 1990: FIFA World Cup scandal, the Italy team hires two pornstars to win; Salvo Montalbano becomes a police commissioner 1991: During the quadriennial Pallastrada world competition a prophecy comes true 1992: Sicilian gangster Johnny Stecchino uselessly resort to a person exchange to avoid death; During the annual Milan Film Festival, mystery fiction writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher resolves a murder case November 1992: Daria Marchesi is imprisoned for the Baldacci murder, Marino Strano becomes Bloody Eye's head writer 1994: "The Florence Monster" is finally arrested; A feud between two families ends with the use of a low-potential atomic warhead; After various vicissitudes experienced in India, Marco Donati is exposed at the Aquarium Berlin as "The boy with the gills" 1995: Marco Buratti aka "The Alligator" starts a new career as P.I. 1996: After his death Ugo Fantozzi returns to life until 1998 1997: Police agent Napoleone di Carlo abandons his profession and moves in Switzerland 1999: Ugo Fantozzi is cloned; "The Fish in Love" becomes an international bestseller 2000s: Jimi Dini works at the development of his videogame "Nirvana"; Dr. Bartolomeo Zacchia continues his father's studies 2001: A romanian vampire is sighted in Rome April 2001: Giorno Giovanna becomes the Gangstar of the mafia association "Passione" 2005: Police agent Rocky Giraldi enters in service 2006: Rise of nationalism in Italy brings the birth of Captain Padania July 2006: Leonardo Zuliani disappears 2007: Mater Lacrimarum is killed 2009: During a spiritual séance, Gualtiero Marchesi conjures the Emily Ann Faulkner's spirit 2013: Long Wei becomes a local hero for the chinese communities in Italy; Celestine VI becomes the new pope 2014: An amateur gang of smart drugs dealers is arrested; Michele Silenzi gains superpowers 2015: Low-grade criminal Enzo Ceccotti gets superpowers; Arsène Lupin's grandson is spotted in Italy 2016: Benzino Napaloni is cloned; Mario Bambea survives at his attempted suicide but develops an alter ego
|Cities&Places| The Seven Cities Meloria Canal Nepente Isle Bacteria Malapunta Vigata Montelusa The 55 invisible cities Pineta Frittole Sevalio Brigantes Sompazzo Monzurlo Salsiccia The Land of Toys Buffalora Kindaor Gualdana Pine Forest Roccaverdina Nofi Iliria Stranalandia Island Porcionia Desolation Isle Giancaldo Borgo Tre Case Borgo Dieci Case Accendura
|Fiction in Fiction| Cornelio Bizzarro (Writer) Leo Cordio (Writer) Franco Melis (Actor) Saverio Crispo (Actor) Giorgio Fini (Tenor) Tony Corallo (Singer) DJ Vomito (Rapper) Franco Fibbri (Soccer Player) Gli occhi del cuore ("The Eyes of the Heart") (Tv Series) La Bomba ("The Bomb") (Tv Series) Terrazza Italiana (Tv Show) Redenzione ("Redemption") (Movie) Sinite Parvulos (Movie) Paura d'odiare ("Fear to Hate") (Movie) L'usuraio licantropo ("The Werewolf Usurer") (Movie) La regina del pianeta nero ("The Queen of the Black Planet") (Movie) La palude del caimano ("The Caiman Marsh") (Movie) La vendetta del cobra ("Cobra's Revenge")  (Movie) I ragazzi del Bronx  ("The Bronx Boys") (Movie) Il caimano ("The Caiman") (Movie) Cataratte ("Cataracts") (Movie) Mocassini assassini ("Assassin Moccasins") (Movie) Maciste contro Freud (Maciste Versus Freud") (Movie) La mamma di Freud ("Freud's Mom") (Film) Natale con la casta ("Christmas with the Caste") (Movie) La polizia s'incazza (Movie) Margas (Movie) Space Queen Vega (Videogame) Il codice indecifrabile ("The Indecipherable Code") (Novel) L'albicocco al curaro ("Apricot with Curare")(Novel) La paura del giorno ("Fear of the Day") (Novel) Il pesce innamorato ("The Fish in Love") (Children's Book) Bloody Mario (Comic Strip) Bloody Eye (Comic Book) Megaditta (Company) Nosferatù (Company) Finmor (Company) Centovetrine (Company) Auto Avio Motor (Company) SOFRAM (Company) Tekne (Company) Wondercomics (Company) Tondello Spa (Company) Digitex (Company) Sbav (Company) Smack-O-Mat Corporation (Company) Longobarda (Football Club) Borgorosso (Football Club) Eat it! (Product) Fido Uomo (Product) Io Cane (Product) Cacao Meravigliao (Product) Cioccolato Spagnoli (Product) Acqua pulita (Product)
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rosehavethorns · 6 years
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Yesterday at #luccacomics2018 for #kingdomhearts3 in #villabottini ♥️♥️ "May your heart be your guiding key"~♥️ #kimgdomheartscosplay #kingdomhearts3 #kh3sharethemagic #kairi #couple #nerd #nerdcouple #love #playstation4 (presso Villa Bottini) https://www.instagram.com/p/BprCA7vnu8p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11i28wvpj9jb
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blogexperiences · 2 years
Lucca, Palazzo Ducale, Villa Bottini, Centro storico: Lucca Biennale Cartasia - LA PAGINA BIANCA
Lucca, Palazzo Ducale, Villa Bottini, Centro storico: Lucca Biennale Cartasia – LA PAGINA BIANCA
Lucca Biennale Cartasia | Immagini di archivio Lucca Biennale Cartasia | Immagini di archivio Lucca Biennale Cartasia | Immagini di archivio 31 LUGLIO – 25 SETTEMBRE 2022 LUCCA BIENNALE CARTASIAXI EDIZIONE LA PAGINA BIANCA Per tutta l’estate, torna a Lucca il più grande evento al mondo di arte e architettura in carta, con una serie di mostre, performance, laboratori, incontri e molto altro…
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Livorno Music Festival, in programma "Tra Bach e il Tango"
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Livorno Music Festival, in programma "Tra Bach e il Tango"   Venerdì 26 agosto ore 21 al Museo di Storia Naturale TRA BACH E IL TANGO, un viaggio che parte dal misticismo di Bach e si conclude con l’Histoire du Tango di Piazzolla, passando attraverso la musica popolare di Ibert, Bartók e Villa Lobos, compositori che hanno operato nel primo Novecento, con il primo flauto solista del Teatro alla Scala di Milano Andrea Manco e il chitarrista concertista Andrea Dieci con la partecipazione di quattro giovani talenti del Festival.   Info e biglietteria per i concerti Gli spettacoli si svolgeranno nel rispetto delle vigenti disposizioni Covid-19. I concerti in Fortezza Vecchia si svolgeranno all’aperto, in caso di maltempo si svolgeranno nei locali all’interno della Fortezza. I concerti al Museo di Storia Naturale si svolgeranno in Sala del Mare. Invitiamo a visitare il sito del Livorno Music Festival (VAI AL SITO) per mantenersi informati su programmi e informazioni. Ingresso unico fino ad esaurimento fino ad esaurimento posti; saranno disponibili posti a sedere non numerati. LA PRENOTAZIONE È CONSIGLIATA e si può effettuare tutti i giorni dalle ore 9 alle 17 via e-mail a [email protected] oppure tramite messaggio Whatsapp o SMS al numero 3279344731 scrivendo nome, cognome, recapito telefonico ed e-mail dei partecipanti. In caso di rinuncia dei posti prenotati, si raccomanda di comunicarlo.   Costo dei biglietti per i concerti € 10: posto unico non assegnato € 0,50: ridotto artisti e studenti del LMF Ingresso gratuito: under 12 Biglietti con convenzione per gli eventi in Fortezza Vecchia: € 10: concerto ore 21:00 con possibilità di apericena a € 9 al bar della Fortezza € 10: concerto all’Alba ore 6:30 con possibilità di colazione a € 2 al bar della Fortezza   I biglietti si possono acquistare il giorno stesso nel luogo dell’evento: dalle ore 19:30 per i concerti in Fortezza Vecchia dalle ore 06.00 per il Concerti all’Alba in Fortezza Vecchia dalle ore 20:15 per i concerti in tutti gli altri luoghi   Location concerti Fortezza Vecchia Piazzale dei Marmi, 57126 Livorno Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo Via Roma 234, 57127 Livorno Bottini dell’Olio Piazza del Luogo Pio 19, 57123 Livorno Chiesa di San Ferdinando “Crocetta” Piazza Anita Garibaldi 1, 57123 Livorno Museo Piaggio di Pontedera Via Rinaldo Piaggio 7, 56025 Pontedera (PI)... Read the full article
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Ginepraio sarà presente al Lucca GD Show il 20 - 21 - 22 Marzo nella bellissima cornice di Villa Bottini.
Ginepraio sarà presente al Lucca GD Show il 20 – 21 – 22 Marzo nella bellissima cornice di Villa Bottini.
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lauramomiji · 6 years
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E ora proviamo il gioco! #kingdomhearts (presso Villa Bottini) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpq74oBnSnY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uj5ebh2qej7o
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constanciabags · 6 years
In diretta da Villa Bottini Lucca Dimostrazione di come vengono lavorate ed incise le ns creazioni https://www.instagram.com/p/BoB4QkoiG-E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=177r493yowpe1
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kenatthecon · 3 years
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Lucca Comics and Games 2021 - The Town (6 of 11)
Strolling around the cosplay area in Villa Bottini.
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