#Village cooking tutorial
smoooothoperator · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger
03: The Name Of The Game
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 3.6k
warnings: fluff, too much fluff. flashbackks are on italics
Official playlist
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a/n: hello beautiful people! here we have this duo again. This are getting a little messy, right? don't worry, the best is about to come soon ;)
Every way of feedbask is very welcomed
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Don't think about him. Don't make a suspicious noise that would make him come. Don't. Don't. Don't. But those god damn blue eyes were staring back at me, so alive and so real.
"Uhg, no" I groaned, closing the sketchbook.
When I woke up I went as fast as I could to my art room, thinking that what I drew last night was some type of dream. That I was dreaming that I was drawing his eyes.
But no, they were real and captured on those thick papers, draws of his eyes from every angle I saw them. 
"You are so stupid, Lily" I groaned, face palming myself.
I wanted to tear off the pages. But… those eyes were so beautiful, and they were looking at me.
"God, you are acting like a teenage" I groaned, closing the sketchbook and leaving it on the table. "So annoying"
I sighed, opening the window and looking at the sea. So close but so far at the same time. It's like the sea is calling me to go but I know that it won't be possible.
I grabbed my phone, playing soft music on the speaker, and focused on the empty canvas that was in front of me. I want to paint, but I don't know what. I want to do something since I can walk around the village or go to work, keeping my mind busy.
"What should I do with you?" I sighed, grabbing a pencil and taking a deep breath.
I sigh and let my hand work, moving all over the canvas. 
Since I was little I always wanted to paint. My school notebooks were full of drawings. I secretly bought all the material I needed and hid it under the bed. I watched tutorials on the internet in the privacy of my bedroom.
I always did this alone.
"What the fuck?" I frowned when I saw what I was drawing. "No way, come on!"
It's as if my brain was letting my heart have the reins of my hands.
I groaned and grabbed an eraser, undoing everything that gave any type of hint about the crush of my brain. 
"How can I be so ridiculous?" I sighed.
Baking is good, I don't have to draw someone, not even the guy next door with beautiful eyes… Stop!
"Oh dear Zeus, help me" I groan, tying my hair in a ponytail. "Not you, Aphrodite"
I always felt that every type of handmade thing was my specialty. I can draw, I can make jewelry, I can bake and cook. I would be a perfect housewife, just how my mother wanted. 
Too bad I'm not that type of woman.
One of the things that really made me fall in love with Greece was the food. Those Mediterranean flavors were something addictive for me, and the pastry was something I needed to learn how to make.
"Shit…" I groaned, feeling the pain in my foot. 
I shouldn't be standing up, if Logan knew he would come and push me to the couch immediately.
Logan, Logan, Logan… why the hell I can't stop thinking about him? Maybe it is the fact that he came running to check on me, worrying about me. Maybe my heart is saying that it’s a signal of some kind of fate.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous” I scoffed at myself. “Fate with him? Don’t make me laugh”
The angel in my shoulder was saying sweet things through my ear to my brain, trying to convince it that this was something new. I could hear how the devil in my other shoulder was getting in the argument too.
“I need air” I groan, going to the balcony and looking at the sea with some kind of sadness.
I wish I could be there, I wish I didn’t meet my neighbor, I wish none of this happened.
I wish…
“I wish you were never born!” she exclaimed, slapping my cheek, making the skin burn like if someone lightened a bonfire on ot. “You bring dishonor to this family!”
“But…” I mumbled, feeling the tears blurring my eyes. “Mom I don’t want to…”
“You have to” she stated, mad. I could see her eyes getting red with anger, how the vein of her neck was getting more visible as she tensed her jaw. “It will be in a week. You better not embarrass us more that you already did”
I gasped blinking quickly the tears, surprised by my own memory. I sniffled quickly, brushing the furtive tears that escaped my eyes and ran down my cheeks, making me sigh and hug myself.
No. Don’t get back there, Lily. You are better than this.
“You okay?” I heard him from the other side of the wall that separated the balconies.
I sigh and roll my eyes, closing them. It’s really impossible to not think about him.
“Are you crying? Are you in pain?” he kept asking, making me bite my lip.
“I’m okay, Logan” I said, more sharply than I wanted. “I’m just hating the fact that I can’t go to the beach because of this stupid bandage in my feet”
“I get it” he sighed. 
I sigh and walk back inside the apartment, going around with the clutches. When I smelled that sweet scent coming from the oven I smiled, opening it and getting everything out of it. 
I smiled proudly, looking at the perfectly made baklava and how the scent of it made my stomach growl in hunger. If you want to make a woman happy, give her her favorite meal.
I looked at the clock of the wall, biting my lip. I should make lunch, it's time for it. Morning went by pretty quick, thinking about a certain someone and trying to distract myself. It was good, refreshing. Something I really needed.
Peaky Blinders was playing in front of me, but I stopped it when I heard the front door opening.
"Hello?" I frown, looking at the front door, getting surprised to see Logan there. "Logan? What are you doing?"
"Do you have scissors?" he asked, walking inside the kitchen and placing the bag he brought on the table in front of me. "Oh, it smells nice, what is it?" he smiled pointing to the freshly made pastry.
"Baklava" I frown, following his movements with my eyes. "What are you doing?"
"I'm searching for the scissors" he said, opening the drawers. "I swear I saw some yesterday… here!"
I frown, looking at him turning around with the scissors on his hand and walking towards me, sitting in front of me.
"Put your foot here" he said, patting his thigh.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I frown looking at him, confused. 
"You want to go to the water, right?" he asked me, sighing. "After you told me you were bad because you couldn't go to the beach I went back to the medical centre to talk with the doctor"
"You did what?" I mumbled surprised. He really did that?
"I talked with him" he said. "With the help of Google Translate, of course, and I had him on the phone with a friend that is physiotherapist"
I looked at him and swallowed thickly. Why is a stranger doing such things for me? I'm sure he feels guilty, because it was his fault I am like this. 
"The doctor said that it wasn't too swollen, he put the bandage to immobilise the ankle And my friend said that with injuries like that he likes to use elastic bandages that can be taken off" he explained with a smile, making me look at him. "So… that's why I'll cut the bandage and put this"
"You… you did this… for me?" I was surprised.
No one did this for me. No one cared for me like this. 
"Yeah" he nodded, opening and closing the scissors with a smile. "So, before I cut this bandage… Can I eat?"
"What?" I frown, suppressing a laugh.
"Yeah, I didn't have lunch" he said. "And that… thing looks and smells delicious"
"It's a musaka" I said looking at my plate. "I have more on the fridge"
"Okay" he smiled and got up, going to the fridge and opening it. 
He walked around my apartment like he was in his own house. If someone else walked inside my house and grabbed everything like that I would be annoyed, but he wasn't annoying me. There was something in my brain that didn't turn on the alarms. 
"God, you really are an amazing chef" he said after warming the plate and grabbing a fork, sitting next to me. "See, another thing I know about you"
There was something about him that didn't annoy me. Maybe it was his smile, how it reached his eyes. He looked friendly, shameless, open-minded. 
"Why are you doing this?" I frown, leaving the fork on my plate. 
"Doing what?" he frowned, talking with his mouth full and then swallowing it. "Eating?"
"No. This" I frown, moving my hands between us and them to the scissors and the bag. "Why?"
"You said you wanted to go to the beach" he repeated. "And I want to take you to the beach. That's it"
"Yesterday you said that I shouldn't go" I frown. "God, you are confusing me, Logan!"
"I felt bad when I heard you cry" he sighed. "I don't like knowing people feel bad, or are angry because of me. For once I want to make someone happy, even if that means doing a simple thing as going to the beach"
I look at him and sigh, eating again in silence.
No one did something like that for me. No one wanted to  gesture like that for me.
"Come on, Liliane" my mother said, standing at the door. 
"I don't want to!" I cried softly.
"Ah… don't act like a baby" she groaned, rolling her eyes. "Things like that happen. Dogs die and you'll keep living"
"He was my best friend!" I cried, hugging the small plushie he loved. 
"Stop being a crybaby and get dressed!" she exclaimed. "Your father is waiting for us! This is important, Liliane!"
"I said no!" I cried harder, hiding under the blankets.
No one tried to make me smile after crying. My father used to buy me things to make me shut up. My mother used to look at me disappointed.
"Thank you" I whisper, swallowing the lump  that memory left in my throat. "For doing this"
"It's okay" he smiled. "I'm bored, anyway. Some adventure and fun wouldn't be bad, you know?"
I smile weakly and nod.
Right, he's bored and now I'm his way of getting rid of boredom.
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I always hated to hear girls cry. It really made me sad. 
When my sisters cried when we were kids I always felt like a punch in my chest and I always tried to do something to make them smile again. When my friends cried because a man broke their heart I was always there for them.
And hearing Lily sniffling made my chest hurt. I don't know what it is, I don't know what attracts me to her, but I feel like an invisible force pushing me to her.
It's not a crush.
Or maybe it is? 
After all this time, being famous and having a lot of girls following me hoping that I would choose them, meeting a girl that doesn't know who I am and tries to avoid me, is something that makes me interested.
Hearing her music in the morning is something I would like to get used to. Or smelling the scent of the things she baked. 
Okay, yeah. Maybe I do have a crush on the girl next door that I barely know about.
"You shouldn't keep your foot down" I said pointing at her ankle. "Come on, put it here"
"But…" she frowned, looking at my thigh.
"No buts" I interrupted her, patting my thigh. 
She sighed and placed her leg on my thigh with the help of her hands, letting out a sigh of relief afterwards. I smiled looking at her, watching how her shoulders relaxed and how she ate in silence.
"See? It's fine, I don't bite" I said smiling.
Then I saw her smile, while rolling her eyes. But it was a smile. And I swear it was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my entire life.
"Okay, so this is the plan" I said after I finished eating. "I cut this thing, we put that thing and then we'll go to the beach"
"And you know how to put that thing?" she asked, pointing at the bag. "What's that, by the way?"
"Oh, it's an elastic bandage" I said, grabbing the box and showing it to her. "I bought it before coming here"
"You didn't have to…" she mumbled, and I could see the blush in her cheeks. 
"You wanted to go to the beach, then we'll go to the beach" I said, smiling. "I'll take you there"
"On the scooter?" she frowned.
"Yeah" I nod.
"Oh god, no. I think I changed my mind, I like to stay here and do nothing" she nodded.
"Very funny" I laughed. "I'm serious, Lily. I'll take you to the beach and you'll get in the water"
"You promise?" she asked, blushing and trying to not look at me.
"I promise" I nodded.
She giggled softly, finishing her meal and then looking at the kitchen counter. I looked at where she was looking and I got up slowly, leaving her foot on the chair where I was sitting, and grabbed our plates to wash them on the sink, washing them.
"You want to try the baklava?" she asked me.
"Oh definitely" I laughed. "What is it made of?”
“Basically pistachio and syrup” she explained. “It’s nice”
“Okay, then I want some” I smiled, grabbing two small plates and putting the portions on it.
There was something about her that made me want to be here, taking care of her and giving her my attention. It was like she put a spell on me, making my mind clouded. I can’t even know when it happened, when my heart and brain decided that I wanted to help her and take care of her.
“Oh fuck, it’s delicious” I gasped with my mouth full of this delicacy. 
“Thanks” she smiled.
When we finished the pastry I washed the dishes again, and then I sat in front of her, with her foot on my thigh. I washed my hands and then looked at her.
"Wait, you know how to put that bandage?" she asked me, stopping me before cutting the bandage.
"Eh…" I frown looking at the box. "No"
I looked at the instructions, but they were in Greek. She sighed and grabbed the box, her fingers touching mine, making me blush softly.
"Okay… Yeah, I get it" she nodded. "Cut the bandage, then I'll explain you how to put it"
"Okay" I nodded.
I started to cut the bandage slowly, placing my hand on her skin. It's soft, so soft. I heard her sighing relieved when the bandage started to leave her skin, leaving marks on it.
"God, so good" she groaned after her foot was free of bandage. "You have no idea how good it feels"
"I can tell" I nodded, watching her ankle. It's a little swollen, and purple because of the blood. "God… I'm sorry I made this to you"
"It's okay" she sighed. 
I smile weakly at her and sigh, grabbing the box and opening it. I did everything she told me to do, wrapping it on her foot and making sure she couldn't move it.
"Now go get changed" I said. "I'll get changed too, okay?"
"Okay" she sighed, looking at the bandage in her ankle. "Wear comfortable shoes to drive"
"I won't drive" I frown. "We'll go on scooter"
"Yeah, how innocent you are if you think that I'll go on a scooter with you again" she laughed, making me roll my eyes. "I have a car, we'll go on it. Plus, I still have to use the crutches, it will be easy to wear them"
"Okay…" I sighed.
I walked out of her apartment to get changed. Thank god I searched on the Internet where I was coming and packed beach things. 
I took a deep breath and started to get changed. But then I started to think…
What if someone sees me? What if they find me? We'll go to a beach with more people on it, right? If one of them knows who I am, I'm really fucked up. No, I can't go to the beach. I can't, I can't.
Why the hell do you do things without thinking first, knowing that you'll regret doing them, Lando?
"Hello?" I heard her knocking on my door. "Logan? Are you ready?”
“Eh…” I frown, being taken out of my thoughts. “Y-yeah”
I sighed, grabbing my backpack and hanging it on my shoulder. I opened the front door and I swear I nearly died. Lily was standing in front of me, wearing a baby blue summer dress and her hair tied on a braid that falls on her right shoulder.
God, please help me to control myself.
“Are you ready?” she asked me with a smile.
How can I say no to her? 
“Yeah” I smiled weakly, getting out of the apartment. “Do you need help?”
“No…” she frowned, looking at the stairs, then she sighed and smiled weakly. “Please?”
I chuckled and nodded, going some stairs down and she grabbed my backpack and put it on her back. I felt her hands on my shoulder and how she took a step closer to my back. I’ll have to hold her thighs, her body close to mine.
God help me please.
“My car is there” she said, pointing to a white car that was near us.
Of course it was a car that screamed Greece vibes. She’s the representation of what every girl wants to have after watching those Mamma Mia movies.
“Cool car” I nodded, walking towards it with her still in my back. 
“Very sarcastic” she said, patting my shoulder.
“No, I’m serious!” I laughed, placing her on the ground. “It’s a cool car for a place like this that have rocky roads near”
She chuckled and nod, walking to the backseats and leaving our bags there. 
Why do I have that feeling of being comfortable seeing her do something as simple as that? God, I hate those feelings.
“Let’s go” she smiled, sitting in the passenger seat. 
“Ehm… there’s a chance… to go to some type of small beach? Like… with not a lot of people in it?” I asked before starting the car.
“What?” she frowned, looking at me surprised. “Woah, woah… stop there you creep!”
“No! What? No! I’m not saying that” I exclaimed, understanding what she was thinking about. “It’s… well… I have agoraphobia”
Three lies already. Hoe can I be so fucking stupid?
“Oh… Oh!” she gasped. “And a beach full of people won’t help… I get it, yeah”
“Yeah” I smiled weakly. 
“Oh, I know one” she smiled, grabbing her phone and putting the GPS on it.
I took a deep breath and started driving where the GPS said, parking where she told me. At this point I’m praying that she doesn’t discover that I have been lying to her since the start. 
“Here we are” she smiled once we were in the sand. 
Only a few people were there. And all of them were old people, women talking between them. I should be content with this.
I followed her, she was walking slowly to not hurt her foot, and then she placed her bag on the sand, taking her towel and laying it there. She took off her sundress, letting me see the white bikini she is wearing, and taking off the bandage.
How can she be so beautiful? 
“Can you help me go to the water?” she asked me, looking back at me. “I promise I won’t swim, I’ll go until the water reaches my chest”
“I’ll go with you” I said, putting the towel down on the sand and taking off my shirt and shoes.
I felt her eyes on me, and it made me blush. Do I have a boner? No, maybe not yet. 
“Come on” I said, holding her hands and helping her get up, trying to not look at her when she stood in front of me.
She walked slowly, groaning everytime she had to take a step with her bad foot. I just sighed and stood next to her, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and then my arm around her waist, helping her walk.
“Better?” I asked, hearing her sigh.
“Yeah” she nodded.
The moment her feet touched the cold water she sighed louder, making me smile. We walked slowly into the water, she was holding my shoulders and I was holding her waist.
"Good?" I asked her.
She nodded and took a deep breath, then I saw her close her eyes and get underwater, making me gasp.
"Lily!" I exclaimed, holding her close to me. "What the fuck was that!"
"I wanted to have the rest of my body wet" she frowned, holding my shoulders since I was hugging her waist.
We didn't say anything else. She was floating and I held her close to my body. We were silent, any word exchanged between us.
She licks her lips, making me look at them. They look… kissable-
No. Stop it.
"Hi" she whispered, her hands on my shoulders.
"Hi" I whisper back, looking into her eyes.
God, give me strength to not kiss her right now. Give me strength to not do something as stupid as kissing a stranger.
God, give me strength to not fall for her as hard as I'm already falling. 
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster8 @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold @im-an-overthinker @soosheee @karmabyfernando @landoyesrizz
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dystopianam · 7 months
Premades Sims Extracted (Original, Ancestors and Genetically Correct) - Masterpost
Are you tired of having to extract your favorite premades when you want to move them to another save or you simply want them in Bodyshop? With this list I will try to make your life easier! (The " * " indicates a lack of link because there is no download for that particular thing. Feel free to help me find the missing sims if you want!)
Look here for other masterposts!
⚠️ Always use the Clean Installer for install sims and lots instead of bodyshop installer.
If some sims are missing and you are in a hurry to get them, remember that you can extract them yourself! You can use this tutorial.
BG+EPS Premades
All premades of all the main neighborhoods extracted (Pleasantview, Strangetown, Veronaville, Bluewater Village, Riverblossom Hills, Desiderata Valley, Belladonna Cove + Roseland, Newson, Ottomas, Cooke, Gavigan, Picaso, Ramaswami, Traveller)
Ancestors Premades
Pleasantview Ancestors
Strangetown Ancestors
Veronaville Ancestors (+ two ver. of Viola)
Bluewater Village Ancestors*
Riverblossom Hills Ancestors*
Desiderata Valley Ancestors*
Belladonna Cove Ancestors*
University Premades
The premades of all the three university extracted as adults (Sim State University, La Fiesta Tech, Académie Le Tour)
Nightlife Premades
The Tricou Family + Rainelle
The Tricou Family + Rainelle
Genetically Correct
Genetically Correct Pleasantview
Genetically Correct Pleasantview V1
Genetically Correct Pleasantview V2
Genetically Correct Strangetown
Genetically Correct Strangetown
Genetically Correct Veronaville
Genetically Correct Veronaville V2
Genetically Correct Tricou + Teens
Genetically Correct Bluewater Village
Genetically Correct Riverblossom Hills
Genetically Correct Desiderata Valley
Genetically Correct Belladonna Cove
Genetically Correct Bin Families (Kim, Ottomas, Traveller, Gavigan)
Townies, Bin/Stealth Hood Sims
Almost ALL the townies of ALL the neighborhoods + The Garden Club (Only Bluewater Village townies are missing)
Alexandra Teatherton from Riverblossom Hills
Bluewater Village Townies*
Seasons Stealth Hood Sims*
Pets Stealth Hood Sims*
Apartment Life Stealth Hood Sims*
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wjbminecraft · 2 months
*bangs head on desk* Minecraft fishing/ocean update/mod concept again like what I did here but more in-depth (pun not intended) because I got up at like 3am and it's like 4 when I'm writing this title thing and I have nothing to do for several hours.
Anyone who makes "lol Mojang are too lazy to implement this stuff" comments will be thrown into The Machine™ for a week and forced to watch a video about the reality of multiplatform game development. Also like this is a pure hypothetical and more of a "what I would do if I still made Minecraft mods and could do something this ambitious.
The basics:
Cooked fish are now called Smoked [type of fish].
Some fish species can only be caught based on what biome you're in.
There are new aquatic mobs that can't be caught, but some can drop items that can be eaten. This includes Squid, which have a chance of dropping Squid Rings or a Raw Tentacle.
The ocean is now stratified, and also a lot deeper than it already is. It's separated into the Surface (basically just how Minecraft's oceans currently are, complete with more biome diversity), Abyss (much darker and filled with bioluminescent mobs, as well as only containing one biome), and the Darkest Depths (rarely generates and is extremely deep; contains a new boss and lots of hostile aquatic mobs).
Iron now rusts (over four stages, similar to Copper oxidising but a lot slower) if submerged for long periods of time; Rusted Iron is easier to break, but otherwise the same. Iron Golems can also rust, which makes them slower, weaker and less durable. Rust can be removed by using a Brush.
There is now a designated "ocean" village type, which uses wooden walkways (similar to how regular villages look when they generate on water), and has buildings made out of modified boats. The Villager textures look somewhat piratey, with eyepatches and stripey bandannas and stuff. There are also aquatic Illagers that use a more cetacean-like Ravager variety, live in towers that are connected to the seafloor by an underwater mountain. Also there's a new Illager variety, the Drillager (which wears a bulky diving suit with a giant drill attached, which it uses to break through blocks and to charge at its targets yes, this is a Bioshock reference).
Fishing has been slightly overhauled; while you still just stick your rod in the water and wait, there's now a Fishing Table that can be used to change what bait you're using, which increase the chances of finding rarer biome-restricted fish (more on that further down), as well as a "salvage hook" item that vastly decreases the chance of catching a fish, but increases the chance of finding treasure like Saddles, Name Tags and Nautilus Shells.
There are now Diving Helmets, which offer almost no protection (being a glass bubble-helmet) and require 8 Glass Panes to craft, but allow the wearer to stay underwater forever. If they're crafted with Stained Glass, then the player's view will be tinted the appropriate colour.
More in-depth stuff:
Sharks exist now; they're based specifically on the mostly-harmless Nurse Shark, and - being based on an endangered species - drop no items on death. They also attack small fish mobs.
Underground lakes now contain Cavefish (not based on any specific species), which are blind and swim away from (most) noises, effectively working like a sneaky "tutorial" for the Deep Dark's mechanics.
The Darkest Depths contain the ruins of an unknown civilisation, and are protected by the Ancient Guardian, based on the boss of the same name from Minecraft Dungeons (but without the shard in the top of its head). Also a variant of the Biomine spawns near Ocean Monuments.
Skeleton Sharks spawn in all ocean biomes at night; they're hostile, and move relatively fast. When on land, they don't drown, but being undead mobs they do eventually burn in sunlight. They can also spawn being ridden by baby Drowned.
There are three new types of Coral: Elegance, which is cyan and glows; Pillar, which is green and has Log/Pillar/Basalt-style rotation; and Maze, which is orange and can form Chorus Plant-like "trees" that are topped with blocks of other Coral varieties.
Biome-specific mobs (note that there would probably be more but these are just the ones I could come up with)
Icy biomes contain Seals (neutral to players, but hostile to fish; drop nothing on death have a unique baby design), Snailfish (basic ambient fish), and a new mob called the Iceshell (hostile; a creature resembling a giant Portugese Man O' War, with the "sail" being a giant chunk of ice, and the tendrils replaced by several dangling crustacean-like limbs).
Swamps contain Piranhas (hostile to any mob with 25% health or less remaining) and Electric Eels (electrify the water in a 3x3 area around them when attacked).
Beaches contain Giant Crabs (passive; can be tamed with Seagrass or raw fish, and ridden as a semiaquatic mount yes this is a Bionicle reference; their colours vary depending on the specific Beach subtype, with regular Beaches having red crabs, Stony Shores having blue, and Snowy Beaches having white).
Warm Oceans contain Frogfish (passive; come in eight colours that match up with the five vanilla Coral varieties and the new ones. They don't swim, instead walking on the seafloor; when standing on the Coral variety that corresponds with their texture, they turn invisible), Sea Slugs (passive; inflict Poison on contact) and Eels (neutral; spawn at night and attack smaller fish).
In the Nether, there are now Firefish (passive; instead of being cooked, the player has to right click on a water-filled cauldron while holding one in order to make it safe to eat), Basalt Floats (passive, but dangerous; function like floating platforms the player can stand on to get across lava, but can descend unexpectedly), and Magmateeth (hostile; giant lava-sharks that can set the player on fire just by biting them).
Abyss mobs include Anglerfish (passive), Octopi (neutral; much larger than Squid), Glowmouths (hostile; pale, shark-like creatures with no eyes and glowing mouths), Comb Jellies (passive; deal damage on contact) and Giant Isopods (passive; run away from the player).
There is probably more I could write but I have very few ideas.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Okay so that post about tragedies in video games bounced off some neurons and my thinking yesterday about Dragon Quest Builders 2, and a thought finally cohered there, so let’s talk about Dragon Quest Builders 2 and dramatic irony with our BFF, the God of Destruction!
Okay. So Dragon Quest Builders 2 works off the setup of Dragon Quest 2, where a cult of monsters called the Children of Hargon (named for their high priest) are menacing humanity. It’s mentioned, literally once or twice before the final battle, that Hargon is specifically trying to bring about the coming of his evil god Malroth, who he summons as the final boss of the game. This is about all the characterization and build-up Malroth gets, and his design is an evil six-legged dragon with a big skull necklace. He’s not very memorable. But, since he’s a god of DESTRUCTION specifically, it fits really nicely into the idea of Dragon Quest Builders. Builders in this series are tied to any act of crafting and creation - making a house is building, but so is making medicine or cooking. Farming is an aspect of building, outlawed under monster rule along with the rest, because these acts are tied specifically to humanity. The premise of the game is bringing hope back to the world by reintroducing humans to the art of making things. So Builders 2 establishes that destruction is therefore something heavily associated with monsters and monster culture, and as a builder, you represent their opposite. The game starts with Hargon already defeated and a straggling ship of monsters kidnapping you (an apprentice Builder) and some other villagers to execute you in revenge for the cult, Hargon, and the Master of Destruction’s demise.
And then, this is not a spoiler, it makes that Master of Destruction your best friend.
The tutorial of the game has you trying to fix the ship before it sinks in a storm (because good, devout monsters can’t build, but if the ship sinks, they drown too.) It fails, and you wake up on a desert island with a strange young man named Malroth. He has amnesia and likes breaking things and fighting. He tags along after you for almost the entire game. If you destroy a certain kind of block so you can use it, he’ll break more just like it. If you attack a monster that’s not inherently hostile for their item drops, he’ll go out and fight more slimes. He’s stronger and tougher than you as the PC, and most importantly, he draws aggro for the hostile monsters. Mechanically, a lot of the weaknesses of the first game are addressed just by giving you this buddy NPC to help with combat and resource gathering. Since the actual player character is silent, Malroth also fills the traditional role of “companion character who reacts and repeats your presumed reactions so the developers don’t write dialogue for the Player Insert”. When you achieve something, like leveling up or completing a significant build, the two of you high-five. He’s always there, and the player is happy for it rather than annoyed.
And, at least in the English version (the Japanese version apparently uses an alternate kana reading of his name for NPC Malroth that could, conceivably, be an actual person’s name rather than the one used for the boss, but since the game establishes pretty quickly that Malroth has ominous dreams and sometimes hears a voice no one else can who talks about how he’ll awaken soon - and I think even calls him by his title outright, at least in English - I don’t think it’s left much of a mystery in the original, either, especially as the game makes sure to drop the evil god’s name early for anyone who didn’t play DQ2,) the mystery is not “Who is Malroth.” We all know he’s clearly the Master of Destruction reborn. Maybe the English localization could have nicknamed him “Mal”, but frankly I doubt it would have been convincing. They got saddled with one of the most Transparently A Fantasy Villain names imaginable, but honestly even if there WAS supposed to be a genuine mystery around Malroth, I think they lucked out here because I think it works better this way.
The characters don’t know what we do. The game establishes that only the higher-ups of Hargon’s cult know the True Name of the Master of Destruction. It’s dramatic irony, and it’s great. We know that eventually the truth will come out and the Master of Destruction part will almost certainly be reborn, because this is a video game, but we’ve gotten attached to our Destruction God BFF. Again, he makes the game better mechanically just by existing. When there’s inevitably a section where the two of you get separated, shortly before the internal reveal, you REALLY miss his presence. We don’t want to fight him, and we don’t want him to be subsumed by his evil god alterego. But as we get more skilled at building, he gets more skilled at destroying. We know we’re tied onto this log that’s about to go over a waterfall, and we are powerless to stop it, and knowing that he’s the final boss does nothing to stop us from getting attached. I love this. It’s great.
It also helps that the game has an actual mystery, one that it doesn’t start dropping heavy hints about early on. You know that the Children of Hargon were defeated and their leaders are dead, so how have you ended up in an archipelago where they still have control over the land and have subjugated humans? The answer here is genuinely a cool reveal, and plays into a neat little sequence from DQ2. I like it. THAT mystery is framed as a mystery, given just enough hints it still makes sense on replay while not being telegraphed. But I really do think it’s better in this case that we know who Malroth is, because it lets us feel that dread as the game progresses and we’re still getting attached to him anyway.
In conclusion: Dragon Quest Builders 2. I love it. It was my game of the year in 2019 and it was what finally got me to start writing a little again when there were a few lingering plot threads I wanted addressed, and then the game gave a free update that addressed them! I am happy.
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Tears of the Kingdom Thoughts
Well I've spent the last couple weeks playing this game non-stop so I might as well share my thoughts about it with internet strangers to justify my ignoring my Hobbit Reread (sorry Tolkien!). I just beat the game, so this post will have SPOILERS, so please run away if that's not what you're into.
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My feelings on every Legend of Zelda game that comes out are pretty much the same: I don't understand how something this perfect can be this flawed. Tears of the Kingdom manages to be no different. In so many ways, it completely eclipses its predecessor. In others, it happily repeats the same mistakes - or introduces new ones.
Consider Great Sky Island. On the one hand, it's much more successful as a tutorial - where Great Plateau does stuff like teaching you to use trees as bridges (a skill you will never need again), Great Sky Island's tips are all directly relevant to the game you'll be playing in the future. However, where the Plateau is a wide open sandbox (which matches the game you'll be playing), the Sky Island is a linear path, with each shrine completed in a set order. Now, that's not too bad in the grand scheme of things. The game does open up completely after you leave the tutorial - to the point where a shocking number of people missed out on getting the Paraglider entirely, as it's no longer given to you on your way out the door. Whoops!
That said, the new powers are way better. Ultrahand is a shorter range Magnesis but for everything and it's got rotation (I recently started replaying BotW and have nearly hurt Link several times trying to rotate things). Fusion addresses the weapon durability system to a degree, but only a degree. I never minded durability so I'm super happy but I suspect that those of you who hated it will stay unhappy. Ascend is a totally new concept that provides way more travel options (though frankly the game has too many of those anyway). Recall is way more broken than Stasis, but I gotta say... I miss being able to fuck up my enemies. Bombs and ice platforms being consumables is way more balanced but man do I miss them being free. Well, bombs anyway. Cryonis was a total joke of a rune and I don't miss it.
After doing the obligatory starting shrines and Goddess Statue visit, the game begins in earnest. Both games expect you to make a lonely walk to a semi-close community, though TotK's is a much shorter journey, and both towns involve a Sheikah lady giving you further instructions while a bunch of hapless villagers make requests like "Cook for me, chosen hero of the goddesses". TotK though really ups the weird horniness; my selling items rhythm had the shopkeeper in Lookout Landing groaning like I was pounding her into next week. The Great Fairies were bad enough, guys! Oh, and they're back too and just like BotW, the only way to have armor worth a damn is for Link to be sexually assaulted repeatedly.
But anyway, just like last game it soon becomes clear that you have the following overall quests: gather a ragtag team of losers from the furthest corners of Hyrule and collect a bunch of memories. At least this time there's no amnesia involved, and it turns out there's one more loser than last time around. A new set of exciting natural disasters are provided too: Hebra is now under even stronger blizzard conditions than before, Gerudo Desert has an unending sandstorm that's brought insect zombies with it, the Lanayru Reservoir has become covered in pollution, and crack cocaine has been introduced to the Goron community. Oh and there's an unending thunderstorm in Faron but we've already had that in the desert so *shrug*.
Sadly, Hyrule itself isn't too much different otherwise. Hyrule Field's army of demonic spiders has been replaced with pleasant lakes and ten thousand rocks have crashed to the surface of the earth. Caves have opened up everywhere and wells have reopened. Floating islands dot the sky and abyssal maws leading to the depths of the underworld dot everything else. The noonday sun sits in the southern sky instead of the northern one, causing all the shadows to be backward from what you're used to so that your unfamiliarity with everything is increased.
Caves? Caves are great, and wells are basically caves. But the Depths are... well they're there. A complete mirroring of Hyrule's surface sounds fun but it's just a place to cram extra bosses, amiibo armor, and ten thousand generic Yiga forts. Once you've done the two side quest chains that involve the place, the only reason to go back is to grind out more battery power.
Yep, battery power. An entirely new feature here are the Zonai devices you can assemble into functioning vehicles, war machines, or crude simulacra of naked men with fire-jizzing dicks. Exploration has never been so easy, and my god that's genuinely impressive when you think about how easy it already was in BotW. The concept is great, but honestly I never felt obligated to use it beyond the basics or what was provided for free on the scene, and there's a few devices that feel extraneous. The system would be relatively successful despite this in my opinion, except for one fatal flaw: the wing device has the longevity of a mayfly and about the same range. Dreams of flying from island to island, exploring the heavens, dashed with the realization that I couldn't even get from Death Mountain's peak to the closest archipelago. When attaching a steering stick to two fans is a better flight solution, something's gone horribly wrong.
But lemme circle back to the regional phenomenon. At first, things are much improved: sure, you have the same, "find a loser outside the dungeon to help you get into the dungeon, then interact with a bunch of crap until the local boss shows up for the slaughter and the local ghost gives you its seal of approval", but all the details are so much better. Getting to each dungeon is an impressive gauntlet. Your buddy sticks around to help you (except I wish Yunobo had stayed behind because that asswipe kept knocking me out of minecarts). The bosses have variety instead of being variations on a theme and they're kinda tricky to boot! The dungeons themselves have theming and aesthetics and if it weren't for the Water Temple they'd be competently executed to boot. But sadly, the Water Temple is basically an easy shrine.
And then things go downhill because the little idiots you've recruited don't go away. Sure you can banish them, but they're effective crowd control so it's a little depressing to just cut them entirely. Some of them have utility; Tulin is basically a "Press X to be wherever you want to be" button and he headshots everything sooner or later. Riju lights up the darkness. Mineru is your own personal mecha. Sidon... tries really hard. Yunobo is present, especially when you're trying to pick up a Bomb Flower or two, but not when you might want to use him in combat. All of them are exactly this way: constantly activating as I try to collect my spoils and constantly being on the other side of the fight whenever they'd actually be useful. The controls here are atrocious.
The controls for this game are painful. The sages all activate from the same button that already has uses. Throwing things or fusing them to arrows involves using a shitty menu that you have to scroll through one by one or hope the stuff you have is close to the top (and usually it is, but sometimes it's not and you scroll through 50 things before you get what you want). In theory you need to hold the L button to change powers and tap it to use them, but in practice it's a tangled morass wherein if you had the camera as your power you'll end up taking a picture no matter what and if you try to use Ultrahand you'll end up somehow choosing to open the map. Why is the map on the power wheel? It's a complete waste of an option! Who tested this? What video games have they played before, and were any of them not on a cell phone????
Oh, and as awesome a huge game as this is, it's too fucking huge. The sky islands are copy-pasted. There's too many mini-bosses for the little variety that there is. There's twenty trillion caves to find and fifty-six quadrillion Koroks and thirty googol things to take photos of. All the cool armor is easy to find and six of the most practical pieces of it are completely unhinted at, locked away somewhere. You need to spend like 25,000 rupees to get all the upgrades! It's a completionist's nightmare and I'm a completionist.
And yet. The shrines that aren't automatic blessings for finding them (and there's way too many of these) are all wonderful, especially the Proving Grounds. The side adventures are 59 hits and 1 Hestu-sized miss. The new enemies are all perfect additions to the series. The labyrinths have been expanded and are glorious places to explore. There's more coliseums, there's pirate ships, you can infiltrate the Yiga Clan to learn their secret technique, you can crucify Koroks!
Once again we have a game that I really, really liked and couldn't put down, and once again all I can think is that it's crazy Nintendo couldn't fix the little things that seem to grow into such huge issues.
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Hi I was thinking about getting Zelda breath of the wild I don’t know if you have played that one but I know your a fan so any tips?
I have! I've probably put 100 hours in it by now lol.
I assume you mean tips about playing, so! I just wing it most of the time (none of what I do could be described as having skill, except perhaps my lynel fighting), apologies if it's not very helpful
Most people will tell you the great plateau isn't important/not that great beyond the tutorial, but there's actually a lot of good things there and its straight up fun to explore (there's a talus there as well, and with the sledgehammer from the stasis shrine its pretty easy to beat, so you can sell the drops later. Actually theres a lot of taluses near the start of the game so if you need money grab a sledgehammer and start swinging)
A lot of places, there's a higher spot you can stand on and throw bombs at enemies from. A lot of them will get distracted by bombs too, if you just want to sneak by instead
(Also you didn't hear this from me but it's kind of ridiculously easy to sneak into the castle at the beginning of the game and get better weapons (at least it was for me))
It is actually best to go talk to Impa (no matter what anyone says), because then you unlock slate upgrades (easier to throw bombs hehe)
Also speaking of lynels, its actually pretty easy to defeat them, because the long range attacks are mostly easy to dodge, and you can backflip into flurry rush constantly (also- apparently if you shoot one in the face and mount it, your weapon won't take damage while on its back. I wouldn't know because I always brute force it)
That's most of what I have, sorry- I'm not super great at giving advice, but if you want something more specific just ask and I'll do my best
(Also just a few final small, mostly unrelated pieces of advice regarding side quests-
There's a quest in Hateno Village that requires you to get weapons. Pick them up at the beginning because they will be so hard to find later on
You can bring the fire to Purah's lab using a soup ladle (found by the cooking pots at Hateno) and a korok leaf (retrievable at a tree). I know this from experience
Bringing the fire to Robbie's lab is so much easier with a horse. Bring an equine friend with you
Farosh and Dinraal (the dragons) do not show up until you've talked to Impa (Naydra does though!)
That's all, most of these i learned through painful experience)
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fedoranon · 1 year
Enjoying Tears of the Kingdom but I gotta say I almost put it down in the tutorial level bc I walked past one of the shrines (the one in the Challenge Weather Tutorial Zone) and you can't go backwards up that mountain so I had to retrace the entire route to and then from the starting zone so like. And then it turns out I WAS THERE I just was facing the cooking pot and MISSED IT.
There's a design philosophy in BotW that's missing in TotK and if that's on purpose they shouldn't have set it in the same engine.
Idk I was replaying BotW's tutorial right before I got the new game and they are VERY similar because they're accomplishing the same goals so the differences stand out even more.
I do like that both games start with Zelda's dad's ghost (assumptions are being made) making sure you still have your basic motor skills before showing you the door.
I went straight towards Rito Village because of the blizzard and me having about an hour of cold resist food stocked up due to over preparing for said back tracking, but I'm gonna have to do a lot of back tracking when I get the camera I keep getting told about.
Doing Gerudo Village (?) now and this girl. Babes I think you can aim your own lightning when you're literally getting hit by the things. Like the first couple times she sets the field automatically so that makes sense. Why not do that during the fights also? Ik it'll make sense later I already have the little fledgling kid's avatar but like. You clearly have two AI sets for this character already, and it makes sense for her to need direction as an avatar more so than as a real person.
Also I love Purah and Riju's redesigns but I hate the camera angles they used to show us.
Also is hunting harder or do I just suck now that I'm not using motion controls? xD
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fostersffff · 1 year
Some thoughts on the first hour of Final Fantasy X, from someone who has never touched it before:
Wowie I forgot Final Fantasy games traditionally have really fucking strong openings because of how blah 9 was. One of the best songs in the franchise (To Zanarkand) playing over some kinda in-media-res cutscene of everyone looking exhausted and the expressions on Yuna's face when she leans into Tidus and the read of "Listen to my story. This... may be our last chance." and it's all being rendered in-engine, good fucking stuff.
Crazy that Sora AND Tidus both have that goofy-ass run animation.
I have to wonder if the fact that the setting being (as many people have pointed out) based largely in Southeast Asian/Pacific Islander aesthetics/culture is because they wanted to flex THE POWER OF THE PS2 with a lot of watery environments and those cultures were a natural fit for watery environments, or if they chose that first and then went "wait, we can do a lot of cool shit with water!!!"
It's so goddamn refreshing how Tidus kinda just rolls with everything. He gets with the picture real fuckin' fast, considering how insane the circumstances are, and because this is a pre-irony poisoned world, he's not commenting on how fucking weird it all is.
I always assumed that Tidus was isekai'd directly to the village with Wakka, so the mini dungeon tutorial where Rikku shows up was a genuine huge surprise.
Jesus Christ, no wonder people always spoke about the Sphere Grid the way they do. What the fuck were they cooking with this???
I also always assumed that infamous scene where Tidus laughs really awkwardly just comes out of nowhere, but like... Wakka does that right away. He does the same boisterous AH-HA-HA-HA!!! laugh and Tidus goes "I know he was trying to cheer me up". How are people so bad at understanding media for teenagers.
The thing I genuinely miss the most, playing on a PS3 rather than my PC/Modern Console, is that I don't have a share button to take screenshots. I never would have thought the share button would become so integral to my experience with video games when it first became a thing with the PS4/Xbone, but it really is so nice being able to take screenshots and video while playing as a native function.
I probably won't be doing more posts like this but I just had a lot of thoughts going in mostly blind.
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thunderberryart · 2 years
Here's a question for you, Starry! I've recently gotten access to a 3ds copy of Rune Factory 4, and I've been wanting to start it! Do you have any advice for a novice to these sorts of games? I've played a few Harvest Moons (Younger Me made it through DS Cute and a chunk of Magical Melody, at least!) and some Stardew Valley, if that helps!
Oh, this is actually a little tricky just because all my experience is with the rerelease on the Switch and there are actually some pretty major differences between it and the 3DS version. I'll do my best, though!
Early Game Basics
Unlike Stardew Valley, you can plant a given crop during any season. The season will, however, affect the growth rate (ex: pineapples grow fastest during summer, and most crops will grow slowest during the winter.)
The game doesn't tell you this, but if you hold down B when you have seeds equipped, you can plant up to four spaces as long as the soil you're hovering over is tilled.
During the farming tutorial, your RP will not go down, so take the opportunity to till as much of the soil as possible once you've cleared what you can of the field.
While farming is your primary source of income, be sure to save some of your crops you're growing for cooking. Dishes sell for far more than raw veggies, and every dish comes with stat bonuses for combat. (Plus most villagers have at least one dish that is their absolute favorite gift.)
Practice fishing as much as possible. A higher fishing stat is vital for catching rare fish, which you want for income, and it also increases your intelligence stat, which affects the strength of magic spells.
Experiment with weapons! Some people like short swords, some people like dual blades, and others like hammers. Find the one that works best for you!
If you get a drop from a monster, toss it in the shipping bin. Raven has a rotating stock based on what monster drops you've shipped, including most boss drops, so if you don't feel like challenging Terraclone again, throw that Earth Dragon Ash in the bin the minute you get it.
Regarding the 3DS original vs. Special
Outside the additional save slots and Newlywed Mode, not much was actually added to RF4 when it was rereleased a few years ago. However, there were two noteworthy QoL changes that might make it worth investing in. The first is that a number of bugs and glitches were addressed and fixed in the Special rerelease, some of which I have been told by Rune Factory veterans were actually capable of breaking the game. The other has to do with the RNG for town events and confessions.
The RNG for town events and confessions in the 3DS version is abysmal. Which town event activates at a given time is completely random, which wouldn't be a problem if they weren't a requirement for getting married. Additionally, the final act of the story is accessed by completing a town event, Memories, and it can take literal years in-game for it to activate if your luck is that bad. As for confessions, while I'm not 100% sure on this, I've read that the RNG for them is terrible as well. 7 hearts is the lowest LP you can confess at and have a chance of it being successful, but it's still completely random and the chances don't change much even as you raise your chosen beloved's LP higher.
In RF4S, while most town events still activate randomly, important events such as Memories and the marriage events have had their RNG fixed so that they'll activate much sooner (as long as the prerequisites are met, anyway.) In terms of confessions, while there is still a random factor as to whether a marriage candidate will accept or not, the chances do improve the higher your relationship is; 25% for 7 hearts, 50% for 8, 75% for 9, and 100% for 10.
That's about all I can offer! I hope this helps you on your Selphia journey!
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epaily · 1 year
first 8 hours of totk review :D
that was the coolest intro to any game ive ever seen, loved starting w 30 hearts and full stamina especially bc that wasnt possible without glitches in botw
do not reconize matt mercers voice at ALL
i thought link losing his arm was very cohesive!!! lovelove love that thats how we lose hearts
i love everything about rauru
top portion of the map is absolutely gorgeous. the fall colours are beautiful. the constructs are creative and blend in well artistically and narratively. theres cooking pots everywhere. its still large but a blip on the map comparatively and very mountainy so its very good to explore and find secrets. scratches my brain
it didnt take me 5 weeks to do the tutorial this time around :D
speaking of map, it looks fucking huge. i dont think its bigger then the botw map but the area borders are different and its throwing me way off
how do i fucking drive some of these things
every time i see an item i reconize its like greeting an old friend i havent seen in a while
and every time i see a new thing im both pleasently surprised and at ease, like im meeting someone for the first time but we immediately click
and every time i see something mildly incorrect im either sad or discombobulated. i walk past a place where i know theres a shrine in botw because ive seen it a thousand times, and theres no shrine. i dont know where they went, just sunk into the ground again? they should still be standing just dead and not glowing and inaccessable imo :((
speaking of shrine THERES ZONAI SHRINES!!!!!!! they follow p much the exact pattern as botw shrines. overall so far i prefer the aesthetic of botw shrines more.
at the end instead of spirit orbs you get "light of blessings" and i stumbled over typing it because i 100% think it should be blessings of light. light of blessings sounds incorrect.
why is there a fuckign fairy fountain right outside dueling peaks stable.
blood moons are still a thing unfortunately and its much sharper and scarier looking this time around
its very weird not having my champion abilities. or 3 wheels of stamina. and everything hurts. where is my paraglider. WHY CANT I GLIDE THIS FEELS SO WRONG
take a shot every time i fall off a cliff
theres tunnels to the center of the earth that instakill you
it isnt "malice" anymore its called gloom now. im still calling it malice.
the abilities links prosthetic arm give him are legit so fun. a bit janky and they take some time to get used to but im having a good time. all i can make is a shitty little car i cant steer. im having a great time.
im not playing this as cohesively as i did botw. walking right past quest markers and things. the way i played botw means by the time i would have gotten the master cycle there would be nothing left for me to do to use it with. i doubt it will be the same but i want stuff to do post game
im not fucking finding a thousand korok seeds again. not for a very long time. i laughed maniacally after the first one and then stopped at 7. they have backpacks bigger rhen they are its adorable.
lots of new weapons
fuse is my favorite ability
shiekah slate is now called the "purah pad" which doesnt roll off the tongue as nice. do you think link was pissed when zelds made him give the slate back. do you think he misses cryonis blocks. because i definitely fucking miss my cryonis blocks
theres been fucking crows outside my window being loud as hell this whole post
lurelin village got invaded and swamped by pirates :((((
my least favorite armor set, the luminous gimp suit is being sold for free in kakariko and im kinda mad about it
paya is chief of kakariko now :D
i had a few more but im tired now zzzz
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thedangelodelicacy · 8 months
Playing Minecraft with Mike Schmit
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Guys this is more on the out-of-character side I really just wanted to make a silly little post about my husband and I was playing on a server last night so it just popped into my head and now we have this
Anyways onto the HC’s *•*
• He was first introduced to it when all three of you (you, him, and Abby) were hanging out in the living room.
•as Abby’s babysitter you usually stayed after to cook dinner and clean up the house. It didn’t really bother you that Mike didn’t pay right away since you got to screw around as Abby wasn’t really a high maintenance kid to babysit.
•One day after The three of you ate dinner, you stuck around for the night.
•Abby was drawing, Mike was bored watching Tv and you were playing on your phone. You seemed so interested in your phone that he looked over at what you were doing on it. Once he saw you playing a game he wanted to ask about it:
•“What’s that?” “Minecraft” “mine what?” “Minecraft?!” You never played solo after that.
•Mike got the game for himself so when you’d come over you could both play and maybe have something to talk about. Abby saw you guys play one time and begged Mike to get it for her after you left. He gave in after some whining.
•The next time you came over you all loaded the game, found a village and, set up shop.
•You suggested renovating the village, which mike liked. Abby just stayed with you guys, being scared of the mobs and all.
•You started adventuring out to find more variety’s of wood and other ores in case you guys wanted to fight the ender dragon.
•Abby was the girl that looked for flowers to decorate the houses but eventually she started to adventure like you, you guys would go off on “missions” to find structures like the haunted manor or the underwater structure and take the loot.
•Mike would offer to come with you guys but Abby wouldn’t let him (gotta listen to the big boss ^.^) so he became the next flower boy. Mike tore down the houses and built better ones for the villagers littering his steps with as many types of closets he could find. He was also weirdly obsessed with lanterns so best believe they replaced all the villages light sources (goodbye torches!)
•Mikes “better houses” were a step up from the houses the villagers had already but he was trying his best. He made friends with the iron golem and took so many screenshots once he finally got the golem to hold a poppy flower.
•Sometimes when Abby is asleep you’d have some adventures of your own. The both of you snuggled up in bed just exploring in different worlds as to not mess up the OG one.
•In your own world you two *tried* to fight the Ender dragon, you got to the end and had good armor but both died to the void so you both went into creative mode and jumped it.
•y’all decided to just say you beat it fair and square. In that world you have pretty houses which Mike ended up making after watching some tutorials
•You guys have cats and dogs, Mike wanted dogs and you kind of wanted cats so you settled and got one of each.
•Once Mike finally finds the jungle biome he sneaks back to base with a few pandas to keep, despite you telling him that he had too many animals after you created the farm.
•Mike actually hates the wither skeletons. He’s okay with most mobs (he struggled to kill creepers his first few rounds so he lets you handle them. He comes around and Figure the strategy out.) but when you guys get to the Nether those skeletons just annoy him to death.
•He really liked the piglins, he liked how easy it was to be neutral with them and trade. His favorite mob he can befriend though is definitely dogs. (Honorable mentions to pandas)
Thank you for enjoying my post have a fun day (or night idk where you are)
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aryapooja0501 · 8 months
Pro Lego Fortnite Tips And Tricks
Hey fellow Lego Fortnite enthusiasts! If you’ve just stepped into the blocky world of Lego Fortnite, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed by the endless possibilities. Fear not! This blog is your go-to guide for getting started and making the most out of your Lego adventures. Let’s dive right in!
Lego Fortnite Tips And Tricks
No Shame in Making it Easy
Creating your world defaults to survival mode, which can be pretty intense if you’re flying solo. The good news? There’s no penalty for making things a bit easier. Feel free to skip the temperature and hunger challenges for a smoother ride. Lego Fortnite is all about having fun, and there are no bonus points for making things harder than they need to be.
Battle Pass XP – Easy Peasy
Lego Fortnite is generous with Battle Pass XP, dishing out around 30k for every 15 minutes of gameplay. There’s a daily cap, but here’s the kicker – you can passively earn XP without any prep work. No need to click all over the place like some other games; just play Lego Fortnite and watch that Battle Pass progress effortlessly.
Put Those Villagers to Work
Level up your village, recruit NPCs, and put them to work. Whether it’s gathering resources or refining materials, your Lego workers can be a game-changer. Plus, while you’re AFK-ing for XP, they’ll be busy stocking up on valuable resources. It’s a win-win situation!
Snowberries and Spicy Peppers – Nature’s Buffs
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In the early stages, protecting yourself from the environment can be a challenge. Fear not, brave Lego warrior! Munch on snowberries for heat resistance or spicy peppers for cold resistance. Find them in the right biomes, and once you’ve got a grill, cook them up for extended protection.
Sleep is Optional
While your Lego villagers need beds, you can skip out on one for yourself. Beds offer health regeneration and set respawn points, but you can achieve the same healing effect by munching on the food in your inventory. Unlike some other games, sleeping is just for show in Lego Fortnite – no need to stress about it.
Punch it Out
Deleting things in Lego Fortnite is a bit different. Proudly following Lego tradition, if you want to remove something, just give it a good ol’ punch until it breaks. No need for fancy editing interfaces here. You’ll get back the resources you spent, and you’re free to build elsewhere.
Hold to Eat or Harvest
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Eating berries for that hunger boost? Hold down the button (right trigger on the controller) and let your Lego hero munch away until they’re satisfied. The same trick works for harvesting – no need to spam the button, just hold it down for a convenient and low-key experience.
Caves Are Rock Piles
Ready for your first big adventure? Look for large rock formations too tough for your pickaxe. These usually hide cave entrances, where you’ll discover the next tier of resources crucial for crafting advanced equipment.
Forget Blueprints After Level 3
The tutorial guides you through using blueprints to assemble structures, but here’s the scoop – once your village hits level 3, you can ditch the blueprints. Unleash your creativity using building parts freely to design structures your way. It might take a bit more effort, but hey, that’s part of the fun!
Storage Chests – Your Best Friends
As soon as you can, build storage chests. The early ones are tiny, but they’re a lifesaver for expanding your storage capacity. Cook up some wood planks and stash your items to avoid the pain of losing everything when an ice wolf decides to ruin your day.
There you have it, Lego Fortnite aficionados! Consider this blog your survival handbook, offering simple yet effective tips to make your journey smoother. Happy building and gaming!
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gremilys-world · 10 months
fuckin' runescape, what a trip
so I've been grinding out some OSRS recently, mostly because of Marstead's fantastic video on why it's awesome (would highly recommend watching if you're into runescape, mmo's or game design: https://youtu.be/LpPJY-xdA3M?si=Fwh-tuahy3OsuNuh).
After hogging the family computer after school every day to play back in my wee teen years, I had picked up the 'old school' variant about, hmm, 520 days ago when I realised I could play it on my iPad and it actually played really well with a touch screen. Conveniently, ~520 days ago I was havin' a rough time of it and wanted to spend a lot of time laying down, OSRS was a great distraction.
so I watch this brill vid and I get excited and log back into my account. First off,
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Hello, Emily Wilds you heckin cutie. you are rockin' that mithril chain skirt! girl got that crop top chain shirt too <3
then it tells me its been like 520 days since I last played. Wow, was it really that long?
After chilling at the crest of an active volcano in Karamja, slaughtering imps for their precious beads, I'd reached level 39 in my Defence skill. 1 more level and I could wear the gorgeous teal of rune armour. Bags bulging with balls, I port to back to home, deposit and zip off to my comfy spot... Barbarian Village.
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What a quaint and relaxing destination... One can fish, cook, bait silly barbarian AI to stand helplessly across a rock whilst you pelt arrows at their face, and mine precious minerals! And all just a quick jaunt away from the major city of Varrock. The perfect spot to ding 40 in Defence.
This is where a friendly miner rocks up and, with a simple 'hi', starts a long and friendly conversation. This is the first person who's talked to me since I started OSRS. It's novel and kind, and we both contemplate how much more colourful conversation runescape had back in the day. (Quite literally colourful lol)
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And THAT'S when it hits me! Oh shit,
Back in my wee teens, I was the valiant and mysterious Nightwolfff9, dressed in a male body and seeking adventure and combat.
but I had definitely made another account, atleast once, hadn't I
I had tried out being a girl.
I ran my girly girl through tutorial island and entered the wider world of Gielinor just so I could go and converse with other people, connect with others and be seen as a girl.
As with all old attempts at being myself, I had kept it secret and shameful and ultimately stifled it before it could become anything. But it's nice to remember who I've always been :-)
even if missing all the signs for so long makes me want to D'oh myself into oblivion.
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lookcooktv · 1 year
I Would Never Go To Popeyes Chick-Fil-A or KFC Ever Again | LookCookTV
Hi Guys, Indulge in the ultimate comfort food with our homemade chicken crispy tenders paired with delicious village-style fried potatoes. In this step-by-step cooking tutorial we,'ll guide you through the process of creating perfectly seasoned and crispy chicken tenders that are sure to satisfy your cravings. And what better way to complete this mouthwatering meal than with golden-brown fried potatoes, perfection to cooked with rustic a village-style twist. Join us in the kitchen and learn how to recreate this classic dish that will leave your taste buds begging for more. Get to ready impress your family and friends with this irresistible homemade recipe. Watch now and bring the flavors of village the to your own kitchen! Follow along step-by-step as we share our tips and tricks to ensure grilling perfection! Make your mealtime more special with this tasty treat everyone will love - it’s sure to be a hit! Explore our YouTube channel for more videos: https://youtube.com/@L00kC00k You can easily make them using delicious ingredients that are really easy to find. ✅ Timestamps: 00: Teaser | 00:15 Making Food | 02:44 Serve | 03:04 Ingredients | Our video is showing "Homemade Chicken Crispy Tenders with Village-Style Fried Potatoes" subject but we try to cover the following subjects: Creative tastes. Chicken tenders with village-style potatoes better than Popeyes, Chick-Fill-A or KFC Our YouTube channel has various other related videos regarding easy recipes Hope you enjoy it. TITLE : "I Would Never Go To Popeyes, Chick-Fil-A or KFC Ever Again | LookCookTV." ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Cooking Videos: https://youtube.com/@L00kC00k ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lookcooktv/ 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LookCookTV/ 👉 Dzen: https://dzen.ru/id/6218fc37d5448f7f146d6be0 ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Healthy And Delicious Salad Recipe - Super Easy Salad, Ep.18 | LookCook TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7YpQbiUVKc 👉 Fresh & Healthy Summer Dinner Ideas! - Healthy Summer Recipes !amazing!, Ep.28 | LookCook TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PhxEpKlmvA 👉 Healthy Turkey Sandwich With Grilled Zucchini Recipes - Turkey Sandwich, Ep.30 | LookCook TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwJqkQdRc7U 👉 Quick And Easy Lunch Ideas For School - Healthy Home and Office Lunches, Ep.37 | LookCook TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tPDh4nJ7Bg ============================= ✅ About LookCook TV: Hi Guys, Here on this channel, we love to enjoy making food together. We're just some guys who enjoy creating videos and cooking. Send us what you want us to make. I hope you enjoy it and subscribe : https://youtube.com/@L00kC00k =========================== #EasyCookingTutorial #QuickandEasyRecipe #cookingathome #creativerecipes #CrispyChickenRecipe #VillageStyleFriedPotatoes #ComfortFoodRecipes #ChickenTenderRecipes #HomemadeFastFood #VillageStyleCooking #DeliciousHomemadeRecipes Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © LookCook TV https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUYhvhWKkhA
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updatecrazy · 1 year
A new Sons Of The Forest update 7 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Sons Of The Forest patch notes, the latest update adds a new boss battle along with a new cutscene to the end of the game, as well as drivable golf carts, a rifle that can be found in one of the caves. Apart from this, Sons Of The Forest patch 7 also includes a bunch of stone building improvements and lots more Previously, Sons Of The Forest update 2 added new features and quality-of-life fixes. Unfortunately, players are still facing various bugs in the game. Today’s Sons Of The Forest update 7 will resolve a few of these issues. Read more details below. Sons Of The Forest Patch Notes - June 23, 2023 Features New end boss battle and cutscene Dedicated servers Drivable golf carts Rifle Decorative frogs Animal head trophies Stone doorways, struts, windows and pillar detached placement New stone holder structure Window shutters Updated environment on East side of the map with more streams, waterfalls, lakes, ponds, cannibal villages, rope bridges and more Some new story note pickups added Dirty/clean water system added https://youtu.be/HWwW7NF9gSA Improvements Stones now apply damage to things when thrown You can now attach stones or any length of log to ziplines rather than just full logs A held relocated structure is now thrown if the player opens their inventory Added new cat food visual Wall shelves can now store cooking pots Kelvin can now finish building stone fireplaces Improved look of burning sticks material Improved look of boiling water Improved performance of trees in winter Improved stone/rock text localization Cannibal winter clothes now burn when the bodies are burned "Collected" and "added to backpack" text when picking up items is now localized Added LOD support so that items in storage holders will disable when far away Fixed issue with armor pieces on shelves having expensive scaled mesh colliders Adjusted some duck landing spots on water that were over land Repairing floors no longer re-orders its planks Disassembling a Custom Effigy now takes the limb you are targeting instead of the last limb added It should now be easier to place furniture in crowded areas Improved player on fire visuals Added an idle variation to ducks and increased their drinking and eating rate when on lakes Added new stone building tutorials to book Added some small cannibal camps to cave D Light bulbs can now be used from the grab bag and can be added to shelves Player can no longer perform interactions when aiming their weapon Player can no longer open their inventory right at the same time that they trigger a hatch or security door interaction Fish on spears will now fall off when the spear is put away or thrown Set armor racks to only allow a single user to interact with them at a time Added some hot springs to some mountain areas Dismemberment blood splat optimized Visual fixes for cave entrances : shimmering density, seeing through entrance from distance Improved lava impact visual Setup stone beam & pillar electric wire elements Pillar detached placement now works with any combination of log quarters or stones Balance Drinking dirty water will now cause a small amount of health damage, boil water or collect in rain collector for clean water Added custom game setting to allow players to toggle the pausing of the world sim when in inventory Pausing in inventory now defaults to false in hard survival Demon boss reduced health and damage it delivers. Some attacks have longer cooldown and increased it’s damage against structures Added additional ammo and health pickups to corridor before gold room Added rifle ammo chance to ammo cases Doubled strength of stone structures Gold Armor now reduces incoming non-demonic damage by 30% Fixes Fixed Knight V’s and gliders vanishing in some save games
Improved and fixed most cases of artifacts caused by having too many built lights Improved weather occlusion and added a quality option that can be turned up if needed to fix issues of occlusion visually breaking Fix demon boss in overworld rescaling during some attack animations Fix for idle heavy male cannibal audio being audible from far away Removed deprecated option to place wire on standing stick Fixed pillars placed at the corner of two connected stone beams shifting if a stone is removed from one of those beams Fixed incomplete stone beams allowing removal of sibling beams supporting a pillar Fixed dismantling first stone from a complete stone beam not cleaning up links to supported structures until the last stone was removed Fixed stone fake pillars remaining on when disassembling a grounded stone Beam in a specific order Fixed stones allowed to be added to quarter log pillars Fixed using a repair tool on a second story leaning beam causing it to clip into the pillar its leaning against in a specific context Tweaked stone beam visual so lightbulb fits under it Fixed placing a strut underneath a tarp causing the tarp to collapse Fixed dismantling and replacing ramps resulting in broken weather occlusion for those tiles until game was reloaded Improved weather occlusion inside of the beached yachts Fixed being able to remove a pillar supporting a strutted beam if there was a linked beam with a strut on the other end Fixed cut pillar calculations sometimes preventing cutting a half log high pillar into a quarter log high pillar Fixed invalid linking issue when adding a pillar bellow a beam that connects a pillar to a wall Fixed various small building issues with struts and beams Fixed being allowed to cut pillars that are supporting furniture Skinned animals now have head removed Fix player sometimes stuck sliding on ground while in knocked down state Fix "Take Item" Kelvin order causing player to try to equip previous item before opening grab bag Fixed placing a beam between two pillars with a full wall underneath not linking that beam with those pillars properly, which resulted in a beam impossible to dismantle while it has sibling beams linked to it Fixed half log spawned when cutting window sometimes staying stuck in the wall Fixed second stick placement failing when building a fire in a stone fireplace Fixed error spam when placing a leaning beam on beams supported by a wall in some context which would prevent the beam placement Fixed stone fireplaces getting destroyed too easily Fixed struts broken off of a structure not spawning a pickup Fixed picking up a held item while holding multiple stones causing player to only drop one stone pick up Fixed error spam on multiplayer client side any time a trigger touched a log pickup Fixed placing door not orienting it as the inside towards the player consistently Fixed stone structures not affected visually by snow and wetness occlusion volumes Fixed Defensive Wall Gate handles changing orientation when repaired Fixed cooking pots not always having the correct stew after save load Fixed adding the the first item to a storage holder being difficult in some cases Fixed issues with the cooking pot loosing its recipe in certain situations Fixed issue in multiplayer where the cooking pots current volume on the fire was not being updated when another player takes liquid from it Fixed pots with stew turning into water when moved from one fire to another Fix for erroring when trying to pickup any item that is a volume container but does not have a recipe Fix for empty cooking pots getting destroyed when a campfire burns out completely Fixed issue where dumping out the flask or cooking pot would also dump out the other if the other had been equipped before going into the inventory Fixed issue with shelves where some spots on shelves would not save properly
Fixed standing fire UI interaction positioned too high Fix for getting into a broken state if the player tries to open the guide book when in inventory Fixed issue with multiplayer clients not being able to send objects on ziplines in both directions Fixed Kelvin sometimes able to get pickups far out of reach Fixed ducks sometimes getting interrupted while going to lake Fixed some activation and render distance inconsistencies on enemies and animals Fixed bug where it was possible to skin animals or creepies through collision In peaceful mode, villages will no longer have a chance to get covered in creepy spittle Chair inside bunker food will no longer show up in the inventory view Fix for having to look away from the zipline for its interaction UI to update Filling a held pot with stew that’s on the fire will now look like the correct stew Fix for opening inventory when the waiting for sleep interaction is active getting player into a bad state Fix for being able to eat from pot and light fire at the same time when loading into a game that had a cooked pot on an unlit fire Amount of stew remaining in a pot on a fire is now synced across multiplayer clients Fix for sometimes getting into a bad state with held items when equipping previously held item at the same time as performing another action like eating Fix for ziplines not getting destroyed when attached to trees that are not LOD 0 or other destructible world objects that are not trees Fixed missing visuals for one of the mushroom pickups Fix for boiling audio continuing to play if the fire that an active cooking pot is sitting on is destroyed Fixed cooking not always taking the satisfied recipe that has the most ingredients Fixed sporadic collision on laptops after they have been broken Audio Added all the missing mouseover and pickup events (Action Camera, seeds, lightbulb heads) Updated distances on flare audio attenuation and tuned levels Impact sound effects are now also triggered when they hit other pickups so that a pile of pickups would make sound Download free Sons Of The Forest update 7 on PC.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Ultra Pixel Survive Review (PlayStation 5)
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 For this Ultra Pixel Survive Review, where we play and command heroes with unique abilities, harvest natural resources to collect materials, then build and develop your military defenses. Each night the enemy hordes will attack the village, and challenge your strategic and tactical prowess to survive. Explore dark underground dungeons, and wage battle against gigantic bosses! Evolve your weapons by gathering new materials, and survive the epic onslaught for as long as possible.
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Ultra Pixel Survive Review Pros:
- Modern pixel art graphics. - 170.1MB Download size. - Platinum trophy. - You get the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game. - 18 characters to unlock all with unique stats. - Survival gameplay. - 2D side scroller perspective. - Hunger meter that goes down as you play and performs actions/fighting. - Day/night cycle. - Clear Hud showing meters and time of day etc. - Earn EXP and level up. - Level up in the game to earn LP which is used with materials and resources to upgrade your weapon and tools. - Build structures to open up new options like fires to allow you to cook, furnaces to smelt, fertilized land for growing plants, etc. - More enemies appear at night. - Wide range of defenses like doors, and spikes. - Gets very addictive. - Save when you want from the bed. - The goal of the game is to see how long you can last in days. - Caves can be found and explored for Rewards and resources. - All trees, rockets, etc grow back over time. - Special reward chests can spawn. - Coins drop from enemies and are used to buy crystals in the shop and for permanently leveling up your character which affects their starting stats. - Crystals are earned by how well you play and buy them with coins. - Unlock new characters y buying them with crystals. - Permadeath option. - Discover new biomes with all new enemies and resources. - Play how you want. - Stamina system for attacking and rolling.
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Ultra Pixel Survive Review Cons: - Cannot rebind controls. - No real tutorial or help section. - The controls take some getting used to. - A real-time sink. - Combat is messy and can get tedious. - Feels more like a tower defense game with Terraria-style gimmicks on top. - A really slow starter as you build up your structures and get a good source of food. Related Post: Curse of the Sea Rats Review (PlayStation 5) 
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Ultra Pixel Survive: Official website. Developer: Gold Skull Studios Publisher: Ratalaika Games S.L. Store Links - PlayStation Read the full article
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