#Vincent Ho
solradguy · 27 days
We have run like 30 railjack missions and Sevagoth's fat heaving chassis won't drop. I have like 5 Sevagoth systems. Maybe if I hammer them onto one of my 9,000,000,000 Harrow chassis I can transmute it into the part I need to make this man
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weirdlookindog · 11 months
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Vincent Price and Linda Ho in Confessions of an Opium Eater (1962)
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cantsayidont · 5 months
Video Killed the Radio Star
If you don't already feel sufficiently alienated from the culture of your generation, consider getting into old time radio. It's pretty easy to do: Radio was mainstream media from the 1930s well into the 1950s, and it hung on for quite a while after it started losing ground to television. There's a huge amount of programming in various genres, and a surprising amount of it survives; there was a cottage industry in OTR cassettes and CDs for many years, a lot of shows can be found in MP3 format without much effort, and some of it pops up regularly on streaming platforms.
The easiest way to get into it is if you're already got a fondness for some older Hollywood star: If they were a movie star between 1930 and 1960, there's a good chance they guest-starred in various radio shows, and they might even have had their own show for a while. For instance, do you like Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall? Around 1950, they had their own syndicated radio adventure series, BOLD VENTURE, which was essentially an extended riff on their characters in the 1944 film version of TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT. Orson Welles, of course, was a big radio star, playing the lead on THE SHADOW in 1937–38 and then bringing his Mercury Theatre company to a number of different one-hour and half-hour radio series. Vincent Price starred for several seasons as Leslie Charteris's Simon Templar on THE SAINT. And almost everyone who was anyone showed up now and again on SUSPENSE or LUX RADIO THEATRE (which produced all-star one-hour adaptations of popular movies). If you're a Superman or Sherlock Holmes fan, the radio versions of those characters are a must — Holmes was a perennial presence on English-language radio for decades.
If you want something more modern, the British kept producing generally high-quality radio dramas in surprising volume until relatively recently, including a range of both adaptations and originals. Unlike American radio, the survival rate for older British programs from the '40s and '50s is poor, but the BBC has continued periodically airing its better material from the '70s through the '00s, a lot of which has been offered on cassette and CD. For instance, there were excellent BBC radio series dramatizing the Wodehouse Jeeves and Wooster stories (with Michael Hordern and Richard Briers); Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey series (with Ian Carmichael); and Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot mysteries (with John Moffat), along with standalone plays on programs like SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE. The big limitation with British radio dramas is that the number of British radio actors who can do convincing American accents is not high (and is definitely lower than the number who mistakenly think they can), and the availability of American actors who know how to act for radio is clearly even more limited, which can become a grating problem when dramatizing American material.
One of the reasons that listening to older (and/or British) radio shows will contribute to your cultural alienation is that it will make a lot of modern dramatic podcast series and audio dramatizations excruciating, because it will reveal to you how bad a lot of modern audio dramatists and performers are at this once commonplace art. (If you are or are contemplating doing a dramatic podcast or audio drama, please, for the love of dog, make a close study of radio shows created before you were born, and diversify enough to recognize the mediocrity of hacks like Dirk Maggs, who's been stinking up audio drama on two continents for four decades now.)
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vindegramont · 19 days
I’m not removing that bounty, the Table needs to know how to take control of their power again. It’s been slipping for years and only now we are at the brink of collapse. The Table is divided.
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beautifilms · 2 years
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Daredevil (2015-2018) / created by Drew Goddard
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im-his-druidess · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL artwork by my bestie @mandowifey of my OC Sunny and the Sinclair twins 💙💙
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nightly-ruse · 9 months
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The first drawing I make of Vincent is him fucking dead but I guess it’s cool
Anyways here he is :) new fave guy I will be drawing more of him and the rest of his friends
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roslina-w-bagnie · 2 years
Guys please for the love of all that's holy read Old Enough To Understand by SockNeverSleeps on ao3.
This fic broke me apart, glued me back together, made me depressed and restored my will to live. /pos
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staydandy · 2 years
Favorite Actors
So I have a list on MDL of favorite actors - actors for whom I like 4+ of their dramas.
I wanted to put them into a photo grid to see if I ... had a type? 😅 It seems to be split between fluffy and edgy 😂
See anyone you like?
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They're in order by age, youngest to oldest (left to right, top to bottom) : Yeon Jin Goo, Park Jin Young, Yoo Seung Ho Seo In Guk, Yoon Shi Yoon Vincent Wong, Park Hae Jin, Lee Joon Gi Namkoong Min, Ji Sung / Kwak Tae Geun
Should I make a post with the lists of shows I like for them?
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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[M/V] 'The One' 드리핀 (DRIPPIN)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjkTVx9V5dE
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6lostgirl6 · 10 months
Heyo! Love your recent post on the marquis de gramont. Could you do a one shot where the reader manages to escape yandere marquis and manages to hide in another country for a few months before the marquis confronts them in a motel they were hiding in
No Escape
Pairing: Yandere!Vincent De Gramont x Fem!Reader
TW: General Yandere Behavior, Toxic Relationship, Mentions of Stockholm Syndrome, Mentions of Imprisonment, Mentions of Codependency, Controlling Vincent, Panic Attack, Cursing, Arguing, Forced Kissing (At first), Happy Ending. Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Word Count: 1.5k
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It took you months to earn his trust, which he scarcely showcased to anyone. The months you pretended you were finally falling in love with him, with lovely words and tender affections that gradually lowered his guard with each passing day.
There were privileges that came with trust, which you soaked up like a sponge. He eventually permitted you to roam around the mansion without him or a bodyguard, which led to him permitting you to spend time outside within the gates. Finally, you were allowed to sleep in your room without someone monitoring your door during the night.
However, you ultimately reached a breaking point when you recognized one day that those affectionate words and acts had transformed into something more…sincere. You'd lay awake in your room, your mind racing at the prospect of succumbing to Stockholm Syndrome.
Your altered phone, gifted by Vincent, lay in pieces on the bedroom floor when you made your escape. You crept out under the beauty of the moonlight, and your efforts during the day allowed you to memorize Vincent's men's routine patrols. You wore only the clothing on your back and a little satchel containing your monthly allowance, which Vincent would give you as a reward for your good behavior. The hardest thing was climbing over the fence, but you made it out with only minor cuts. Despite the joy of finally experiencing independence, you couldn't shake the sadness in your heart. You couldn't help but think you were doing something wrong.
'It isn't love; it isn't love.' Throughout your entire voyage to Canada, you would repeat those words in your head like a broken record. When the landlord handed you the keys to your flat, you couldn't help but feel awful. When you received your new cell phone a week later, you resisted the urge to call him.
You missed him terribly and despised yourself for it.
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A month has gone by, and you weren't any better off than you were a few weeks before. You did, however, have a job interview coming up in the next month, and you were pleased that you were making progress toward regaining independence. You even purchased a new cell phone for amusement purposes.
Vincent had certain expectations for you as his lover while you were imprisoned. He wanted you to be entirely reliant on him, letting him make decisions for you and requiring his permission to do everything or walk outdoors. He promised to take care of you, to make you want for nothing, and to give you the wedding of your dreams. However, beneath the surface, you became less and less of yourself.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, you couldn't help but wonder if you would have been happier at ho-Vincent's mansion. Your eyes threatened to shed tears as you glanced at the screen of your phone.
Vincent's number was illuminated in the darkness of your room, casting a chilling glow across your face. The call button begged you to merely press it in order to make amends.
You tapped the button and placed the phone to your ear with a nervous exhale. As the phone continued to ring, your eyes were wide and stared into space. As you waited for him to pick up, your heart was racing in your chest, and you nervously chewed your nail.
'He'll be mad...'
The thought occurred to you, and you immediately regretted making the phone call. You were aware that Vincent had a temper, and while he never took it out on you, you weren't immune to his stern lectures when you got in trouble, or how he destroyed his possessions in front of you. Even his patience with you can waver, and you weren't planning on finding out.
When the person on the other end of the line picked up the phone, you hurriedly hung up, unable to handle the sound of his voice. You tried taking a few deep breaths, but your heart refused to stop pounding rapidly as you stared down at the phone.
Within the first five seconds, your phone rang, and you felt your heart was about to stop. When Vincent's number came across your screen again, you screamed and threw the cellphone against the wall. Your phone was scattered in pieces on the carpet, similar to the altered phone you left at the mansion. You prayed to whatever higher power that the call wasn't long enough for Vincent to track it down.
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, rising from your bed and walking about your room, your hands grasping the sides of your head, attempting to stabilize yourself. "Fuck, fuck!"
You couldn't sleep that night.
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You were strolling to your apartment, finally entering the elevator with a spring in your step. A month had gone by with no occurrences, and your concern was fading, with your confidence progressively taking its place.
The job interview went well, and you were hired at the local supermarket in the little town where you resided. It was extremely discreet, and you preferred it that way. Anything too extravagant would have drawn Vincent's attention, which was the last thing you needed.
When the doors reopened, you proceeded to head towards your apartment door, fishing out your keys from your satchel. Sorting through your keys, you unlocked the door and walked into the dark apartment, shutting the door behind you. You walked over to the wall, flicking on the lights.
The next thing you heard caused a chill to run down your spine.
"Did you enjoy your interview, chérie?" A familiar voice spoke, prompting you to press your back against the wall in panic.
Vincent stood in front of the window, his back to you, watching the beauty beyond the glass. His hands were in his pants pockets, and his posture was rigid.
"V-Vincent I-" You stuttered but came to a pause when Vincent turned to face you.
His brow furrowed, his eyes narrowed, and his big lips formed a stiff line. He was clearly furious with you, but he tried to remain calm.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" He demanded, taking a few steps closer to you. His stature was imposing, towering well over six feet tall, and you hoped he'd keep his distance.
You could only stay silent; your eyes were locked on him.
"Do you?" He asked once more, his tone becoming darker.
"I-I'm sorry, Vincent, I just-" Your mind was blank, unable to generate a suitable explanation. Your heart was attempting to burst from your chest, and your breathing was growing shaky.
How can you explain your mixed feelings to your kidnapper?
Vincent's patience was clearly wearing thin as he strode towards you, seizing your upper arms and dragging you close. He disregarded your terrified yelps as you struggled to keep your distance. However, because you were close to the wall, Vincent quickly trapped you against it. Your faces were barely a few inches apart, and you struggled to keep the warmth from flowing into your cheeks.
"How could you do something like this? I thought we were happy together and that you finally accepted our love! Why would you run away and scare me to death?!" He yelled, shaking your body somewhat as he spoke. "Do you understand what you put me through?!"
Suddenly, there was a fire that was ignited in your heart that you'd never felt before. All those months poured through you and you didn't think before you opened your mouth.
"What I put you through, what about me?! You kidnapped me and kept me inside your stupid mansion like I was some doll to do your bidding! How dare you stand there and act like you didn't hurt me first!"
Before he could reply, you continued, "But, I fucking love you! Even after everything, I still fell for you, and I hate myself for it! So, I ran! I ran away from you-"
You were cut short as Vincent yanked you into a kiss, his body crushing you against the wall. As you struggled, his arm curled around your waist, and the other gripped your hair to prevent you from pulling away.
However, the longer the kiss persisted, the less you struggled and ultimately succumbed to your predicament. He's kissed you several times before in the past, but this kiss was different. It was the first kiss where you two were finally on the same page.
You returned his kiss, your arms wrapping around his waist. He growled slightly into the kiss, drawing away slightly and planting a gentle kiss on your brow. You leaned against his chest, tears welling up in your eyes as you understood what had transpired.
Vincent brought his lips to your ear, his fingers twirling in your hair as he murmured darkly, "You will never do this again, do you hear me?"
His words sent shivers down your spine, full of ownership, and you knew your independence was gone. You softly agreed, allowing him to bring you closer to him in an embrace that was everything but sweet.
"You'll never escape me; I'll always find you." He murmured again, planting a firm kiss against your temple. "Always, chérie."
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palms-upturned · 3 months
Somewhat ironically, direct contact with Europe had always been important for fomenting revolutionary movements in the Third World. The Indonesian independence movement had early roots in Holland, and it was in Paris that Ho Chi Minh got his political education. When studying or working back in the imperial capitals, colonial subjects often came into contact with ideas that were never allowed to reach their territories. Much of colonialism had relied on the logic of “Do as I say, not as I do.” Or in practice, “Do as white say, not as white do.” So while Europeans themselves were extending education to their entire populations, and their intellectuals were debating the merits of socialism and Marxism, much of this was banned in the colonies. The natives might get ideas. For example, in the Congo, brutally controlled by the Belgians since King Leopold II established the Free Congo State in 1885 (and the United States rushed to be the first country in the world to recognize the colony), authorities banned left-leaning publications and liberal lifestyle magazines that circulated freely back in Europe, and were scared even by the fact that working-class blacks lived together in urban areas. Wouldn’t this lead to subversion, or worse, Bolshevism? Congolese pupils learned about the Belgian royal family, but not the American civil rights movement, and the French Revolution was explained very carefully, so as not to make that whole affair seem too attractive in African editions of textbooks.
The justification given by European authorities in the Congo went like this: “All those in our colony are unanimous in stating that the blacks are still children, both intellectually and morally.”
Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method
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his-heart-hymns · 6 months
The last words of Vincent Van Gogh before committing suicide were:
The sadness will last forever.
And nusrat fateh ali khan sang a masterpiece that resonates with these words:
shab-e-gham ki sahar nahi hoti
ho bhi tou mere ghar nahi hoti
zindagi tu hi mukhtasar ho ja
shab-e-gham mukhtasar nahi hoti
The dawn of a night of sorrow does not exist. Even if it does, it's not for me.O life, become concise.. Because a sorrowful night is never short.
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vindegramont · 10 days
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perpassareiltempo · 3 months
E quindi, invece di abbandonarmi alla disperazione, ho optato per la malinconia attiva, per quel tanto che mi consentiva l'energia, in altre parole ho preferito la malinconia che spera, che aspira e che cerca a quell'altra che, cupa e stagnante, dispera.
Vincent Van Gogh - Lettere a Theo
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Can't believe I've never asked this, but how would the townspeople react to the farmer having a baby (With the idea that they've already been here a while so they are an established member of the community).
Maybe when they are pregnant and when they've had the baby if it's not too much? (Especially if it happens to be their grandchildren)
I have to admit, I had to translate the question several times because I was hella confused. Spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out if you meant a Farmer who already has a baby (like, 2+ years old) or a Farmer who just had a baby (just being born/adopted), or the fact that Farmer came to town with a child and the child is already a full-fledged member of the community, or.... I feel dumb, I'm sorry... Hope I understood the question correctly, dear anon.
I'm not going mention pregnancy to make the Farmer without a specific gender (everyone can imagine their own Farmer). I hope that's okay with you, or feel free to ask the more specific question again. I will also write in this hedcanon exclusively non-marriage SDV candidates. Hope it's alright too! ❤️
Oh-ho-ho! You can't hide anything from the moms and gossips of the Stardew Valley. Caroline and Jodi have already told each other everything in great detail: how cute the baby is, how happy the parents are. If it so happens that the child is their grandchild, their joy will not be limited - they already dream of the days when they, already as grandmothers, will spoil their grandchildren and coo over them.
After arriving home, Kent couldn't remember the last time he smiled sincerely. The only people who could see his smile were his family members, and that was rare. So when Kent saw the little baby laughing in Farmer's arms, he smiled so broadly that his wife and sons were even startled for a moment. In fact, the sight of the cute little baby reminded him of Sam and Vincent when they were just as little. He was grateful to both Farmer's baby and Farmer themself for helping him remember a quiet life, it was those memories that allowed him to get back on track a little faster with his beloved family and community.
Robin will be calmer than her friends, but will also be endlessly happy for Farmer when they have a baby/adopt a child. As a woman with good experience of motherhood, she will help the Farmer if they have difficulties with caring for the baby or just give some useful advice if they ask for it. And watch out if it's Robin's grandchild - she'll spoil them with wooden toys she makes herself, and she'll be a cool grandma in general.
Don't let it fool you that George is grumpy because small children are very loud, interfere with the TV and are on their way to inadvertently break a tea set in the cupboard of his house. George loves children, and if it's Alex and Farmer's baby, he'll just melt with sentimentality. He still can't believe he's lived long enough to call himself a great-grandfather..... Hear that, suckers? He's now a proud great-grandpa with the best grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
There's a baby in the Farmer's family? And Pierre just happens to have the best baby food in the store, and at a great price, plus ten percent off. All the best for a baby! .....What? Okay, okay, don't give him that look. He may be a businessman (albeit a "slightly" desperate businessman), but he's not completely insensitive. He's actually happy for Farmer and their partner that they have a long-awaited child. He's even happier that Farmer's partner happens to be his daughter Abigail. The "businessman" Pierre is relegated to the background, so the first place will be taken by "grandpa" Pierre, who is just very caring and gentle with kid, and maybe a little overprotective.
And who do we have here? Hehe, such a cute baby, they are very similar to Farmer, the same energetic, running around looking for adventure and problems. Oh, don't look so angry at Lewis, he's just joking. The Farmer has long been a full member of the Pelican Town community, and he will also happily welcome a new little member as well. At such moments, he feels proud of the position of mayor. Just please keep an eye on the baby, because they will definitely be troublemakers, just like the Farmer themself. What? Don't look at him like that, he's absolutely right!
Heh, how happy the old fisherman's eyes are that there are already many young people there in their small town. Usually all the young families with children go to the big cities to look for happiness, but Willy is glad that the Farmer has found their happiness, and family, right here. His heart will melt at all if the Farmer's child becomes interested in fishing, just like their parent once. Considering that he treat Farmer almost like his own child, it's safe to say he now has a grandchild.
No one would have thought that Demetrius, after learning that Farmer had a baby, would have such a small bout of paranoia. Since Farmer is a frequent visitor to their home, knowing that they would be visiting with the baby, Demetrius decided to remove all sharp and glass objects from the lab, as well as some of his wife's sharp tools. And the concerns for the baby's safety will be even greater if it's his grandchild. And he will be equally concerned and paranoid if it is Maru's or Sebastian's child. So don't let Sebby say that his stepfather doesn't love him: he does, but it's hard for him to find common ground with him. But he will show concern for his safety to everyone.
It doesn't matter to Evelyn that the Farmer's baby arrived by midsummer, the caring grandmother has already sewn almost a dozen different sweaters, scarves and mittens for the Farmer's baby as gifts. And it doesn't matter if it is her great-grandson or not, she will treat them with the same love and care, and will always be happy to see them and Farmer in her home. What a saintly granny, nothing to add, bless Yoba for her good heart!
Well, as if Marlon and Gil knew in advance that the Farmer was about to have a baby, as they recently stopped by the Guilds and gave the reason why they wouldn't be able to temporarily handle the adventurer's duties. Farmer had served the Valley well, protecting it from the monsters that lurked in the mines, so the old adventurers quietly let them go and wished them, their partner, and the baby happiness. Maybe when their child grows up and behaves well, Uncle Marlon and Gil will show them their collection of weapons, or tell them different stories about their adventures.
Yay! More people to play with! Jas, Vincent and Leo are excited to have another person in their company for tea parties and outdoor games. And that's all they need to be happy.
Hmm... A new addition to their family? Ah, yes, Rasmodius remembers that moment too, when he saw the Farmer's future. Though, to be honest, he saw other developments that bothered him greatly, for it included his ex-wife, strange statues, and a prismatic shard... But he was glad that Farmer had chosen this fate, though outwardly it would appear that he didn't care at all about the lives of the people of Stardew Valley. If child will show an interest in magic, feel free to visit his tower anytime. And no, he won't be giving their child that moss and fly agaric potion, so please stop looking at him so suspiciously.
Oh, how wonderful that Marnie's friend had a little happiness, and the Farmer sometimes brings this little happiness everytime they goes to visit her at the Ranch. Such a wonderful baby, she is sure that they and Jas will become wonderful friends in the future. Of course, she loves her niece and nephew (who sometimes behaves like a child too), but sometimes she would like to know what it's like to be a mother. Well, at least know what it's like to be loved. What? No no don't think anything like that, Jas and Shane love Marnie mutually, she just means SOMEONE, and she hopes that SOMEONE finally gets up the courage and confesses her feelings openly. Isn't that right, Mr. SOMEONE?
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