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Single-Schallplatte aus dem Jahr 1965. Richard Adam: „Mamutschka“.  /  Vineta-Trio: „Turku“. Label: AMIGA – 4 50 534 mono (A036 / 122 S)
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wealmostaneckbeard · 2 years
Signalis: Obsolescence
At the heart of the Eusan Nation is the oceanic world of Vineta. On this planet there is the coastal city of Gasthofsmund. Outside the city limits is the National Museum. Something, as horrible as it is inexplicable, has happened to Gasthofsmund. You, the player, are going to try and figure out what that was. First you must choose a Replika to play as:
Obsolete Replika lines: Individuals Nickname: Original Purpose: Special Equipment/Abilities: Reasons for Production Cessation:
Taub (TB): Dove: Counter-Intelligence/Therapy: prototype bioresonance modules that allowed the user to remotely Interrogate, Punish, or Regenerate a targeted individuals neurological system: could not get along with others of it's own line. It would prioritize patient welfare over the concerns of the Nation. It was replaced by the Kolibri line.
Geier (GR): Morticia: Salvaging/Biohazard Clean-up: anti-toxin modules that enable the user to become immune to lethal substances through direct exposure although the process is painful: Replaced by new models of remote controlled salvaging vehicles. Although social towards some, it would also fill it's living quarters with biohazards to keep out unwanted visitors.
Flamingo (FMGO): Lanky: Entertainment/Athletics: Extremely long limbed and graceful, able to move through confined spaces and leap across large gaps: It had a narcissistic personality. It would take excessive risks during performances. It also required a lot of maintenance.
Metzgervogel (MZGL): Improv: Orbital infrastructure maintenance/Anti-Partisan: Easy-to-repair body armor and trained in combat/engineering: Originally developed to fulfill the same functions as the lost Elster line. The recovery of the dead LSTR unit and the restart of it's production caused the MZGL to become redundant.
The Museum
The tutorial segment and hub area is the Gasthofsmund National Museum. Which is fitting since it contains a classroom used for teaching Gestalt children. It is also filled with surprisingly useful items and material. Unfortunately, most of it is locked up and can only be accessed with employee ID cards. And the employees, mostly Gestalts with a few modern Replikas, haven't shown up to work for a few days now. As an obsolete Replika on display, you've regularly communicated with staff and know they were excited by a relic dredged up from the toxic ocean depths. Fortunately, the few areas that are accessible to you contain clues to the employee's locations as well as information about the world. The Replikas you did not pick at the start become NPCs whom you can help and may help you (or potentially betray you). Outside of the museum is a station for a self-driving bus which you can use to access other stations within the city. There's also a scenic hiking trail.
The City and it's Inhabitants
Gasthofsmund is a proper city with a trio of residential blocs (for upper, middle, and lower class citizens), a government office, engineering facility, and a well used harbor. The city rests on a sunken labyrinth, allegedly a ruined stronghold during wartime. There have always been rumors that the city is infested with an anti-nationalist cult founded on the prophecies written in the journals of dead soldiers. But several thorough investigations (by a Kolibri and a few others) have only revealed low-complexity insurgent activity.
Currently, the harbor and upper class residential bloc are thoroughly infested. Biomass oozes from structure exteriors and are fed upon by sea birds which causes them to act unpredictably. Corrupted Replikas try to conceal the growths from sunlight with tarps tied to scrap metal scaffolds. Automated security systems protect the upper class residential bloc while ignoring the masses of pulsating flesh that used to be the owners. The Harbor was home to a colony of obnoxious sea lions, that same colony has undergone a series of mutations that made them more effective hunters.
The engineering facility and the other two residential blocs are contested territory. The corrupted Replikas here move in packs while hunting for survivors and material. Any Gestalts you encounter are immobilized for one reason or another, some of them you can rescue. There are abandoned supplies, blast marks, and other signs of violence scattered though the zones, reflecting the desperate conflict between the survivors and corrupted replikas.
The government office was designed to protect the mayor, bureaucrats, and select civilians from riots and other disasters. The last mayor was a gestalt woman named Greta Han and she became a rotting meat-tree in her home. The survivors within the office are safe thanks to trip wire traps, barricades and improvised weapons which keep out the corrupted. The leaders of the group is a Gestalt safety inspector named Martin Zhow and an ADLER Replika (serial number 2342). The others are an exhausted STAR, a frustrated scientist, a pair of EULAs who are trying their best to keep an orphaned gestalt child happy, and a scared engineer (who mentions they were raised by a pack of ARARs). There's also a mixed-breed dog on a little bed that you can pet, to restore some mental health. All of them are starting to run out of certain supplies which they are willing to trade for. The Gestalts will accept ration packs as currency while Replikas will barter for equal value items. Although historically important, authorities with the Eusan Nation never considered sending a Falke unit to supervise Gasthofsmund.
The Madness
While accomplishing different objectives is relatively simple, there are a pair of complicating factors: The Interface and Persona Degradation.
The scientist survivor explains that the relic dredged up from the polluted ocean is an interface through which an extra-dimensional intelligence can manipulate reality within a certain proximity. Obviously this has resulted in the reconfiguration of the local organics into new forms and the corruption of the Replikas. But It is doing other things as well.
At best, those things are inconvenient. Examples being the self-driving bus will go to the wrong destination or the formation of unnatural weather patterns (fog, heavy rain). But the intelligence can also cause time dilations. Thus you may encounter terrified trigger-happy soldiers from ancient wars, impenetrable domes of slowed time containing people frozen in place, and unhelpful observers from the future.
What the intelligence on the other side of The Interface is trying to accomplish is unknown. Some characters will speculate on it's goals but each theory will have some flaws.
The Replika that you are playing as is experiencing persona degradation due to stress and contamination. As a result your Replika will experience lapses in memory. Objects will randomly appear or disappear from your inventory and have to be re-located. NPC's you talk to will mention conversations that your Replika will not remember. If Dove is an NPC, you can convince her to regenerate your mind, which prevents the memory lapses, at the cost of her own sanity. However, the more your replika's persona degrades, the more you get to experience it's gestalt memories.
The Endings: The Interface or The Escape
You can escape Gasthofsmund by road or by boat.
There is a town to the north named Mahkra which has a military training camp and an airport. Survivors speculate it might be unaffected by the current crisis, someplace they could escape to.
If you attempt to walk along the road to Mahkra, you will be attacked by flocks of crazed sea birds, blinded, and then bleed to death, falling to the ground alongside other eyeless corpses. To avoid this ending you need to travel in a vehicle.
Normally you would be able to ride the bus to the town but Mayor Han shut the route down for security reasons. You can reprogram the buses, but first you'll have to extract the RFID chip from the Mayor's mutated remains in her upper class residence and plug it into a computer terminal at the government office. Some of the survivors, led by Adler, will turn on you for bringing the contaminated chip into their sanctuary, you'll have to deal with them. Afterwards you and whichever survivors are still alive can ride the bus safely through the murder-bird flocks. The bus will reach a barricade and then get hit by a rocket fired by the military, killing everyone inside. To avoid this ending, you have to search the hiking trail around the National Museum and recover a military radio from a dying scout which you can use to call off the rocket strike. Afterwards your replika and everyone with them will be taken into custody and kept under close observation for the remainder of their lives.
There is a boat in the harbor that you could use to escape the city by water. It's called the Misericordia and it needs work before it can become seaworthy. First you have to incinerate the flesh growths keeping it anchored. Then you have to find replacement parts at the engineering facility. And then you have to refuel it, this last step is noisy and will attract the corrupted replikas, the mutated sea lions, and the insane birds. If you manage to survive all that and weigh anchor then you + any surviving NPCs have the freedom to set sail in any direction, a freedom your Replika has never known. This might be the best ending.
Now about the Interface. It is located within a secret room in a chapel in the upper class residential bloc.
It looks like a small obsidian slab with crimson pulsating mold growing out of the edges. Touching it will cause you to be consumed by rot slowly and join the intelligence(s) on the other side. This is one of the simpler possible endings for your replika.
After it's immediate discovery, a group of scientists was called to Gasthofsmund to study The Interface. It was still dormant, just like it had been on the bottom of the ocean. The people researching it drafted up a simple two step plan: First, build a containment device based on known principles of bioresonance. Second, activate the Interface while it's in containment and try to establish a line of communication with whoever is on the other side. Unfortunately some other residents of the city had other ideas and caused the second stage to happen before the first was ready.
The half-finished containment device can be found in the engineering facility. By scavenging for parts across the city and in the museum, you can complete the device. You then have to haul it on your back through an unnaturally occurring typhoon to get to the chapel. You will receive assistance from a survivor NPC (that you befriended earlier) while being attacked by a few random enemies. Inside the chapel are 3 mysterious cultists, two of them are armed with guns, while the third uses their bioresonant abilities against you. They will try to kill you and your ally. If you manage to kill them and find The Interface, you can place it in containment. This will disconnect it from the biomass neural network and waves of enemies will attack you every few minutes in retaliation. Your ally then proposes taking the loaded device on to a raft with an outboard motor, going as far out to sea as possible, and then dumping it over the side. You then fight your way to the docks where a raft is tied up to a pier. The two of you board the raft and ride out into a storm tossed sea, never to be seen again. That is the last of the possible endings.
Depending on other unmentioned factors, there might be an epilogue where your replika wakes up in a bright clean factory. They are informed by an AEON executive that due to the heroic actions of the replika you played as during the Gasthofsmund Incident, their line has been reconsidered, their obsolete status rescinded, and production restarted.
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viacultura · 4 years
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Svētdien, 13. septembrī, Liepājas Sv. Trīsvienības katedrālē notika otrais XIX Liepājas ērģeļmūzikas festivāla koncerts “Bahs un baltieši” ar flautistu Ģiedru Gelgotu (Giedrius Gelgotas) un ērģelnieku Bali Vaitkus (Balis Vaitkus) no Lietuvas un soprāni Guntu Gelgoti. 
Vācietis Johans Sebastians Bahs ielika pamatus baroka mūzikas estētikai, savukārt Latvija pasaulē ievērojama ar neticami lielu skaitu (350!) vēsturisko ērģeļu, no kurām ievērojama daļa tapušas baroka laikā. Tādas ir arī Sv. Trīsvienības katedrāles ērģeles, kas vēl joprojām ir vislielākās mehāniskās traktūras ērģeles pasaulē ar vairāk nekā 7000 stabulēm un 131 reģistru un savus klausītājus priecē kopš 18. gadsimta. 
Baha mūzika uz šī instrumenta skan izcili un autentiski. Latvijas un Lietuvas mūziķu trio savā koncertā Bahu kombinēja ar latviešu komponistiem Aivaru Kalēju un Jāni Ķepīti, somieti Kaiju Sāriaho un lietuviešiem Vidmantu Bartuli, Arūnu Navaku un Algimantu Kabiljūnu.
Ērģelnieks Balis Vaitkus ir pasniedzējs Lietuvas Mūzikas un teātra akadēmijā kopš 1989. gada, vairāku starptautisku konkursu laureāts, gadu laikā spēlējis arī klavesīnu kamermūzikas ansamblī “Musica Humana”, sadarbojies ar Viļņas Baroka operas teātri un citiem kamermūzikas sastāviem un orķestriem un, protams, aktīvi uzstājas kā ērģeles un klavesīna solo mākslinieks.
Dziedātāja, Latvijas Lielās mūzikas balvas laureāte Gunta Gelgote jau desmit gadus dzīvo Viļņā, kur kā viessoliste regulāri dzied Lietuvas Nacionālās operas un baleta teātrī, kā arī Ģintara Rinkēviča vadītajā Viļņas Pilsētas operā. Kā soliste dziedājusi ar dažādiem orķestriem un kamermūzikas sastāviem. 
Ģiedrs Gelgots ir Lietuvas Nacionālā simfoniskā orķestra mākslinieks. Republikas un starptautisku konkursu laureāts gan kā solists, gan kā Lietuvas Flautu kvarteta un Lietuvas Sv. Kristofora koka pūšaminstrumentu kvinteta dalībnieks. Kauņas Vītauta Dižā univerisitātes docētājs.
Tālāk festivālā:
- 17.09. LATVIJAS SKICES ar Aigaru Raumani (saksofons), Līgu Griķi (kokle). Aigaru Reini (ērģeles); - 18.09. MŪZIKA DEBESM ar Ilzi Grēveli-Skaraini (balss), llonu Birģeli (ērģeles); - 19.09. EIROPAS KATEDRĀĻU STĀSTI ar Larisu Carjkovu (ērģeles), Tatjanu Gavriļenko (smilšu animācija).
Biļetes: ej.uz/viacultura
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healthyrocksz · 5 years
Happy New Schlager 2020
Neujahrsparty mit Live-Acts
Nach dem Jahreswechsel mit guten Vorsätzen und hochgradig gut gelaunt ins Jahr 2020 starten. Dafür wird am 31. Januar und am 1. Februar ein Event geboten, bei dem das haus neuer medien gleich hochkarätig los legt. Dafür werden zum zweiten Mal drei Mega Live-Acts in den Norden geholt. Die Künstler Vincent Gross, Shootingstar Sonia Liebing und der Kaiser von Mallorca Mickie Krause werden am 31. Januar in der Vineta-Sportarena in Barth und am 1. Februar in der Stadthalle  Torgelow für ordentlich Stimmung sorgen. Begleitet wird die Partynacht von der Ostseewelle-DJ Alex Stuth.
Happy New Schlager mit Vincent Gross, Sonia Liebing und Mickie Krause
Der junge Schweizer Sänger mit Wurzeln in Norddeutschland hat schon einiges mit seinen 23 Jahren erreicht. Im Jahr 2018 brachte er sein 2. Album mit dem Titel „Möwengold“ heraus. In der Jahresauswertung schaffte er es mit der Single „Dieser Beat“ auf Platz 7 und mit „Nordlichter“ sogar 7 Wochen auf Platz 1 der Deutschen Airplay Charts. Lediglich Helene Fischer konnte dem Youngster den Rang ablaufen. Wobei Vincent Gross der einzige Künstler mit gleich 2 Songs in den Top Ten ist. Er überzeugt mit einer gelungenen Mischung aus Pop, Dance und Schlager.
Sie ist der Shootingstar des deutschen Schlager – Sonia Liebing. So viel Freude am Schlager ist ansteckend. Seit Herbst 2018 steht die Sängerin auf den großen Bühnen und überzeugt mit ihrer Natürlichkeit, sympathischen Selbstsicherheit und ihrer ausdrucksstarken Stimme. Im August 2019 brachte Sonia Liebing ihr Debüt-Album „Wunschlos glücklich“ heraus. Zuvor erhielt sie ein erstaunliches Radio-Echo auf ihre beiden Debüt-Singles „Tu nicht so“ und „Nimm dir was du brauchst“. Erstere erreichte mit dem Video zur Single  innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf YouTube weit über 750.000 Klicks.
Mit Mickie Krause ergänzt ein absoluter Party-Kracher das Trio von „Happy New Schlager 2020“. Seit 1999 tritt er regelmäßig auf Mallorca auf. Mit seinen Party-Hits sorgt er seit Jahren, nicht nur auf der Insel, für Stimmung. Aber auch Auszeichnungen wie der Ballermann Award 2019, den Mickie Krause in der Kategorie „Best Live Show“ einheimste, versprechen zwei großartige Abende  in Barth und Torgelow.
Foto: Moritz Künster – monsterpics.de (Mickie Krause), Nikolaj Georgiew (Sonia Liebing), … (Vincent Gross)
31. Januar 2020
18:00 Uhr
Reservix | www.reservix.de Liste lokaler VVK-Stellen hier
Vineta-Sportarena Barth
Gewerbegebiet am Betonwerk 2 18356 Barth
1. Februar 2020
18:00 Uhr
Reservix | www.reservix.de Liste lokaler VVK-Stellen hier
Stadthalle Torgelow
Ukranenstraße 5 17358 Torgelow
Der Beitrag Happy New Schlager 2020 erschien zuerst auf haus neuer medien.
from haus neuer medien https://ift.tt/2PJj6xF
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"Turku" (Letkiss) - Vineta-Trio und Orchester
Aufnahme aus dem Jahr 1965 (DDR).
B: Turku
Musik: Fred Tornow
Vineta-Trio (3-Mann-Harmonika-Combo, seit 1958)
Orchester Günter Oppenheimer
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