#Viral Traffic Machine
redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
In Sickness - Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
A/n: this fic is covid heavy and based on my personal experiences, so there is content involving covid, hospitals, detiled medical stuff, anxiety (because i felt a lot of it on that lovely day where i was in a&e for nearly two days...) so read at your own risk because i probably overshared. take care of yourselves. @grapefruit-personified enjoy:) especially because i wrote this months ago and part 2 is mainly written, i just lost motivation to finish anything.
do not repost this anywhere, i only post on this tumblr so unless it's a reblog, it was stolen.
You could remember the day you met her. You had just moved to Spain, knowing zero Spanish made you shy and you were struggling with school, not understanding much. She spotted you sitting on the grass, tying together daisies into chains one lunch time, eventually she went over to join you instead of playing her usual lunchtime football.
The on hold music finally stopped as the clinician returned to the phone, advising you to get to the closest A&E department within the hour, after asking you if you had some way to get there.
Checking the time on your phone, you grimaced at the 12% and decreasing battery before admitting you had no way to get to A&E, resulting in advice for an ambulance, but a taxi would be quicker.
Your teammates were already at training, so none of them would be answering their phones, and your partner, she was where you left her. Barcelona.
Her last message to you was a good morning one, a message you had mirrored before the stabbing pain in your ribs had gotten worse.
You’d been able to withstand the pain yesterday, but it was stabbing more and more, getting more intense and making it hard for you to do anything. Now you were masked up in the back of a taxi, your breathing laboured as you waited for the Manchester hospital you’d been given the address to to come into view.
Leila frowned as she looked around the Manchester City training ground, wondering where you were and if you were stuck in traffic or something.
It was ‘or something’. Sitting in the emergency department, it took over an hour for you to be moved from A&E to the major emergency department, but your blood pressure and heart rate were high enough that they did an ECG. The nausea from before had stopped, but the hot and cold flashes hadn’t.
Your phone was on 8% as you checked the notifications, having no internet connection meant you didn’t have many, but Leila had texted along with the staff asking where you were.
You were barely able to send a pin of your location to Leila before the 5% battery warning lit up your phone, but you were cut off as a healthcare worker approached, wheeling over the machine to check your vitals.
Vitals that were circling the toilet, especially after a sweet old woman had spotted you swaying in your half asleep state in the waiting room chair, helping you move to a recliner that enabled you to lean back safely.
The back and forth to and from the waiting room was draining, after emerging again to return to the waiting room with a cannula in your arm.
They’d taken blood to grow some blood cultures, apparently to see if it was bacterial or viral, before leaving you in the waiting room again, attaching a small bag of fluids to the cannula to hydrate you after taking more blood to check on your general functioning. It was the nasal swab that gave them all the information they needed though.
Your COVID test was positive, but that wasn’t the only concerning factor to your vitals. They were too high, even for an individual fighting a virus. They offered you paracetamol to try to bring your temperature down, but your blood pressure had dropped slightly, your heart was still racing and your d-dimer was slightly higher than normal. 
You couldn’t fight back the tears after that, the waterfalls hidden behind your mask as they discussed keeping you in observation even longer, asking about if you had a family history of blood clots in lungs or legs.
At this point you’d only had a couple of small packets of random biscuits to eat, eventually heading into the waiting room that you had been isolated from to protect other patients, to quickly grab a packet of crisps and some more water, but it was all too much.
You didn’t know Leila had gotten your location update once in the changing room after training, and when she got no response, she began to ask questions.
The club staff had no answers after discovering your emergency contact you had written down for the club knew nothing, and the hospital told Leila nothing after being given a name she hadn’t heard of for your emergency contact.
So Leila contacted someone who would know. Your partner. Even in Barcelona, Aitana would know who your hospital emergency contact was, Aitana knew everything about you, except that you were in hospital.
It was getting closer to dinner time, you had nothing with you but your wallet, nearly dead phone and your zip up hoodie that was one of Aitana’s old Barcelona ones. Your legs and bum were going numb under the crappy waiting room chair you’d been moved to, your vitals still far too high for anyone to be comfortable sending you home.
They’d talked about giving you a blood thinning medication but a change in doctor later had you recalling all of your family health history instead. This doctor said it was sounding unlikely that you had a blood clot in your lungs, but they still sent you for a chest x-ray.
Aitana hadn’t heard from you all day. The panic inside her kept restrained by the knowledge you were probably training and having fun with your team.
Until Leila called, asking about a family member who had been out of your life for years now. A family member who was apparently still your emergency contact in NHS systems. It didn’t take long for Aitana to read through what Leila had sent, realising immediately you were in hospital and nobody had heard from you since.
It was closer to 8pm when they gave you the blood thinning injection in your stomach, keeping you hydrated with more water and trying to control your fever with more paracetamol.
You had all of the notices on the walls of the hospital waiting rooms memorised at this point, but the ‘one visitor per patient’ in the hospital policy was useless when you had come to the hospital alone.
Your arms were freezing cold, but you couldn’t get your sleeve on over the cannula without almost crying in pain, so you wrapped the shoulders of the hoodie around your shoulders and hoped your hands wouldn’t feel so cold so much longer.
The next flight to Manchester from Barcelona would arrive at Manchester airport past 11pm, but Aitana had made it to the airport in time for it, especially after asking her teammates for help.
They didn’t move you far, but once you had curled up across the two waiting room chairs, you were moved into an isolated room with a small view through the door of the nurse’s station outside.
The walls were bare minus plug sockets for machinery, a table near the recliner you were able to set up for the night, a sink in the corner and a bin for clinical waste in the other. It was past 10pm when a healthcare worker came in, attaching a bag of fluids to the cannula in your arm and leaving you alone in the dark.
Exhaustion washed over you but the cold feeling of the fluids being administered into your arm kept you half awake. Your phone is barely holding on with its 5% battery but the message Aitana sent when it was closer to midnight gave you hope.
She had rented a car from Manchester airport, getting her spare key from Leila to sort of your home for the night. A home that she had helped you pick out when it was clear Barcelona’s A team had no room for you, and you had outgrown Barcelona Team B.
One glance around your Manchester home was all it took for her to calm her anxieties. You weren’t there. Your bed was a mess, bedding all but tossed on the floor as she moved to pick up the bedding, finding some pyjamas for your return.
You were going to be okay.
She convinced herself of such as she checked your fridge, rolling her eyes at the nearing emptiness of your fridge and cupboards. She’d have to figure out how to do an online food shop.
It was closer to midnight when the first big bag of fluids was finished, sticking your head out of the door to have the tubing removed from the cannula, you headed towards the toilet for what was one of many trips there during the night.
You’d stopped looking at your phone hours ago, but getting a glance at the time after each toilet trip, it was nearly 2am when the next bag of fluids was administered, once again leaving you laying on the recliner in the dark, listening to every beeping alarm and footsteps passing by.
You probably should have called Aitana and told her what was going on, but every time you got an update, it was from a different healthcare professional and they kept changing their minds. For example, the blood thinning injection had been talked about hours before it was eventually given. You had managed to send out a short text though. 
You were COVID positive.
It was after 4am that you finished the next round of fluids, two bags that looked like they were cloudier, perhaps full of nutrients but the writing on the bags were small and you were more interested in going to the toilet again after flagging down someone to detach the tubing from the cannula again.
Your temperature and heart rate were fluctuating throughout the night, going from 39 point something degrees celsius to an apparent normal of 37 degrees, before rising again to 38.1 degrees celsius.
Waiting until 8am, another doctor came in, explaining the goal to get you a CT scan of your chest early this morning to check for blood clots, and if there were none, they planned to discharge you to ride out the COVID at home. It was only then that you were able to request something to eat, since your last meal yesterday was a three pack of digestive biscuits.
One bowl of cornflakes and milk later, you were offered more paracetamol and left to wait until it was time for your CT scan.
Your arms were freezing despite attempts to keep warm under the one blanket you were given, plus a smaller blanket to act as a pillow for your head.
They didn’t want to increase your temperature by giving you another, so you worked with your hoodie, the softness of the fabric working to keep you calm as you waited, and waited.
Aitana hadn’t been able to sleep much. The worry of you still being in hospital consuming her, so she stayed up, using a multi-surface cleaner to wipe down the surfaces in your place, gather your medical supplies in case you needed them to fight off the COVID virus.
You didn’t hear from anyone until noon, but the CT scanner was ready for you, and after a quick check that you were okay to walk, you followed the healthcare worker to the CT scanner room, a different location entirely to where the emergency x-ray rooms were located.
They checked you weren’t allergic to the contrast dye they would administer via the cannula, before warning you of the warm feeling that often overtakes your body once administered, and how it would feel like you had wet yourself, even though you would not have actually wet yourself.
Your arms ached as you held them above your head for the chest CT, slamming your eyes shut at the horrid feeling of the scanner moving, you remained still as you were informed what was happening, and when they were administering the CT contrast dye.
The warm feeling was too hot to feel like you had actually wet yourself, but it was a horrid feeling that didn’t help the nausea at the CT scanner moving to get the required imagery of your chest. You just wanted to go home, but it would be a lot worse if you did in fact have blood clots on your lungs.
Walking back to your isolation room, you were playing a waiting game as you managed to send another text to Aitana, updating her that you had had the CT scan. 
It was getting towards 1pm when the vitals machine was wheeled into your room, checking your temperature (38.1 degrees celsius), your heart rate which had decreased from 140 beats per minute to 128 beats per minute.
Your oxygen levels had maintained high throughout but when it came to the healthcare worker checking your pulse, your wrists were still freezing to the touch.
There were no signs of your CT scan results, but the healthcare worker had been kind enough to ask if anyone had spoken to you about food, something you had not had since being brought the cornflakes hours ago.
The result of the conversation turned into a sandwich, some more water, and a yoghurt as you continued to play the waiting game for your scan results and whether you did or did not have blood clots in or on your lungs.
It was nearing 2pm when the doctor from this morning entered your room again, but the key piece of information you needed was given. Your CT scan was clear, you could be discharged and have your cannula removed. You could go home and ride out the COVID in your own bed.
Your phone was somehow holding on as you texted Aitana that your scan was clear so you could go home if she or someone else could pick you up from the main reception carpark, your phone sending the message and getting a thumbs up response before finally the battery dropped to 0%.
Sticking your head out of the door, the mask you had been wearing since yesterday felt damp and close to your face, but you did not remove it yet. Waiting for a nurse to come remove the cannula in your arm, you went for your final toilet break before the final hospital waiting game.
It was warm outside, and despite the clouds in the sky making it seem greyer than that one moment where you saw out a window when waiting for the CT scan, it was sunny too. Your phone was long dead, but you were alive.
Holding your hoodie in your arms, your phone and wallet in your pockets as you made the trek across the main reception disabled car park, lingering near the out of use bus stop that gave you a perfect vantage point of the entrance into the hospital from the main road.
You weren’t entirely sure who you were looking for, who would be your saviour and get you home until a car you didn’t recognise pulled up in front of you. The window going down to reveal a pair of eyes you had not seen in person since the two of you were in Italy together during the winter break.
“Mi dulce flor!” you exclaimed, shock in your tone but your throat felt like you were swallowing knives, barely getting into the passenger seat before you were almost hacking up your lungs into your mask.
“Cálmate, estoy aquí mi amor.” Aitana cooed, her hand lingering on your back as you coughed, eventually settling enough to put your seatbelt on so Aitana could drive you home.
“Are you hungry?” Aitana paused, going over the English in her head as she watched you walk over to your couch, appearing with several blankets before digging through your living room cabinets for something.
“Bebé?” Aitana broke the silence as you froze before letting out a hoarse cheer of victory.
“Found it!” Revealing the old box set that left Aitana smiling softly, watching as you went to play the series from the beginning, then disappearing to your room.
It was getting dark when Aitana realised your phone was charged, allowing you to finally message your teammates and staff at Manchester City with an update of what had happened. But it also gave Aitana a chance to message her teammates and the staff at Barcelona, sending a photo of you wrapped in blankets, half asleep as you watched the TV.
It was Alexia, Patri and Laia that messaged back first, Alexia having helped Aitana get to the airport the night before whilst Patri and Laia had held down the fort when Aitana had to leave.
“What happens when you miss training? You have the game against Atleti… and the game against Chelsea-”
“Shush, mi amor. You were alone in the hospital for more than a day, I am not leaving you again.” Aitana replied, passing you your drink as you began to cough.
“They worried you had, what did you call it? Blood clots on your lungs! Era serio!” Aitana exclaimed before quietening her voice as you grimaced at the loudness.
“Lo siento.”
“It is not your fault. The virus…” Aitana fell quiet, brushing away a tear as you reached for her hand, holding it gently, “I thought I would lose you, mi dulce flor. I cannot lose you.” Aitana admitted, feeling your fingers draw patterns in the back of her hand. Your eyes were glassy with exhaustion but the love for Aitana in them was undeniable. 
She wouldn’t admit it, but Aitana listened to your breathing for most of that night. It was heavier, but you kept breathing which was a relief to her. The windows were opened enough to air out the room from germs, your fear of giving Aitana the dreaded virus which was wreaking havoc on your body and mind overwhelming you.
You didn’t want to get out of bed, the way your body ached was not helping you but Aitana needed your help for an online order of food. You were running a fever that was kept at bay by paracetamol, tapping away on the touch screen to add things to the order, much to Aitana’s amusement at how quickly you were doing it.
She found you on the couch later, curled up under your blankets and clad in your dressing gown over your pyjamas. You were breathing heavily but you remained in deep slumber, the tv stuck replaying the menu music over and over as you’d gotten to the end of the disc. 
Feeling your forehead to check your temperature, Aitana froze as it sounded like you whimpered in your sleep, eyes cracking open as you smacked together your dried lips. “Your hands are cold.”
Aitana rolled her eyes playfully before disappearing for a moment, dropping something in your lap as she returned.
“Lip balm? Gracias mi dulce flor.” Your voice was laced with sarcasm but Aitana ignored it in favour of heading to your kitchen to make something that didn’t irritate your mouth.
You hadn’t admitted it at first, but you had been trying to hide the grimace at the toast you had this morning, the rough texture hurting the hard palate of your mouth.
Staring up at the ceiling of your living room, your eyes fluttered shut as memories flickered in your mind. The first time you met Aitana, the flower crowns the two of you would make together, and the dynamic duo the two of you became on the football pitch, despite the boys picking on Aitana for her height, and you for existing.
Aitana was 13 when she joined Barcelona’s youth team, whilst you took longer to join, the two hour rides by public transport to get to practice were not in your favour until you were travelling with Aitana and her father.
The two of you were moved up to Barcelona B close together, but when Aitana was 17, she was promoted by the manager to the first team, whilst you remained with Barcelona B. It didn’t take long for you to figure out why.
You had the talent, but Barcelona were full of talented players, they had no room for you. No matter how well you and Aitana played together, you would not get to play with Barcelona’s first team.
It broke your and Aitana’s heart to leave, but Manchester City gave you an offer that was better than any other club in Spain. Manchester City were not Barcelona, but you flourished there. You flourished into a player that Barcelona kept an eye on, until your contract with City began to run out in the summer and the talks to renew were at a stalemate.
And now you have covid. A virus that you’d seen and heard of other players getting back during the height of the pandemic, but none were so affected as you were now. None had to be hospitalised despite being clinically healthy. They bounced back, but despite Aitana’s remarks that you would be back stronger, you doubted it.
The exhaustion hadn’t left you alone, even days later. Your temperature was kept at bay by paracetamol, your coughing grew worse before it was better, your gums so sore that eating crunchy foods still hurt, and you felt like you had cotton wool in your ears and wrapped around your brain.
Even after you were testing negative, your energy levels remained low but Aitana had to leave for London for the match against Chelsea before returning with the team to Barcelona.
She had tested negative throughout somehow, and it broke her heart to leave you, but it wasn’t long until the end of the season and the two of you would be reunited again.
The match against Chelsea ended on good terms for Barcelona, with a 1-0 advantage in the first leg thanks to Caro, and whilst you watched Aitana struggle to get on the ball in the first half, the second half enabled your partner to have more of the ball, despite the lack of goals.
You weren’t the only player who wasn’t on the Manchester City squad list for the match against West Ham the day after though.
Sandy and Laia were both out with injuries, and you were still weak and recovering from the virus that rampaged your body and mind. You sat with the two of them as you observed the game against West Ham, City winning 6-2 against the Hammers.
Your cough didn’t fully leave you alone, but that wasn’t the only issue. Your joints hated you enough that your knee joints felt like cement, your ears felt like they had cotton wool stuffed in them, and because of this, you were more wobbly on your feet than you had ever been before.
Manchester City had ruled you out for the rest of the season too quickly for you to feel comfortable, but it wasn’t what was bothering you. The talks that were previously at a stalemate had fallen through. Manchester City had decided not to renew your contract, and you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
“City don’t want me anymore. They took me in when Barcelona had no place for me, but now… I feel like a broken toy cast away when I’m no use anymore.” You left a voicemail for Aitana, she was busy training for the next leg of the semifinals against Chelsea.
Your hands tingle as you begin to type up what you had to, what you needed to say, to get control over something in your life.
Although some people may be excited by the prospect of a player who originated from Barcelona’s youth teams being a free agent who could come home, you knew the reality was much worse.
City were still at least trying to help you with your recovery but your hopes of returning to your pre-covid state were fading, especially after they ruled you out for the remainder of the season.
‘It’s a bitter feeling. Realising that the last game I played would be my final game at Manchester City. A club that took me in when I was lost, you have taught me so much and I will always be grateful. Thank you for changing my life, but my part at Manchester City is over. I won’t forget any of it.’
It was an early goodbye, City still had four matches left, two at home and two away. You would get to attend the home matches in the crowds, but you wouldn’t get to step on the pitch in City colours again.
Your lungs were fine according to the staff at City, your cough coming and going but it was your joint and fatigue issues that were the problem.
Your energy levels came and went, and even though they had had you training alongside your teammates some days, you would be wiped out after.
You had even fallen asleep in the dressing room at one point, using a hoodie that Aitana had worn whilst she stayed with you as a makeshift pillow. Leila was the one who found you,  but it was Steph that convinced you to let her drive you home, your body too sore to walk this time.
Steph remained silent as you sat in her passenger seat, tears falling down your face as you sobbed, venting your feelings of everything.
How your illness had wrecked your body and mind, how much you missed the old you, how much you missed playing and how much it hurt to leave Manchester City at the end of the season.
How afraid you were for what was to come, and how far away you felt from your partner, the love of your life you’d known since you were both children.
Steph, who knew what it was like to be away from a team due to injury, then dropped from the squad, but instead of her club, it was her national team.
You hadn’t even thought about the World Cup, but you knew deep down you would not be called up. You could barely stay standing after training, you would not be able to play a full ninety minutes in your current state at all.
“Do you know where you’ll go in the transfer window? Will you go back to Spain?”
“My love is in Spain, and I have nothing here outside of Manchester City. I’m lucky that City helped me with my coaching qualification before I got sick. I hoped that I wouldn’t need it immediately, but I’ll be a free agent in the transfer window, and I don’t know if anyone wants a player recovering from covid. Everyone else bounced back from it so quickly, but the simplest of things hurt me now. Please, I just want to go home and sleep.” You vented, swiping at your eyes to get rid of the tears, but Steph frowned at the last sentence you said.
“Don’t shut yourself away from us, little one. You may be leaving the club but you’re not leaving our hearts or our thoughts. So please don’t shut yourself away.” Steph begged, hoping you would make some sort of promise, but you didn’t.
It was a promise you could not keep.
/// translations hopefully ///
mi dulce flor - my sweet flower
Cálmate, estoy aquí mi amor - calm down, i'm here my love
Bebé - baby
lo siento - i'm sorry
gracias - thank you
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tutyayilmazz · 1 year
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The sheer number of older and more experienced professionals involved in Måneskin introduces a tension between the rock conventions that characterize their songwriting and the fundamentally pop circumstances under which those songs are produced. They are four friends in a band, but that band is inside an enormous machine. From their perspective, though, the machine is good.
The American visitor to Rome arrives with certain preconceptions that feel like stereotypes but turn out to be basically accurate. There really are mopeds flying around everywhere, and traffic seems governed by the principle that anyone can be replaced. Breakfast is coffee and cigarettes. Despite these orthopedic and nutritional hazards, everyone is better looking — not literally everyone, of course, but statistically, as if whatever selective forces that emerge from urban density have had an extra hundred generations or so to work. And they really do talk like that, an emphatic mix of vowels, gestures and car horns known as “Italian.” To be scolded in this language by a driver who wants to park in the crosswalk is to realize that some popular ideas are actually true. Also, it is hot.
The triumphant return to Rome of Måneskin — arguably the only rock stars of their generation, and almost certainly the biggest Italian rock band of all time — coincided with a heat wave across Southern Europe. On that Tuesday in July the temperature hit 107 degrees. The Tiber looked thick, rippled in places and still in others, as if it were reducing. By Thursday morning the band’s vast management team was officially concerned that the night’s sold-out performance at the Stadio Olimpico would be delayed. When Måneskin finally took the stage around 9:30 p.m., it was still well into the 90s — which was too bad, because there would be pyro.
There was no opening act, possibly because no rock band operating at this level is within 10 years of Måneskin’s age. The guitarist Thomas Raggi played the riff to “Don’t Wanna Sleep,” the lights came up and 60,000 Italians screamed. Damiano David — the band’s singer and, at age 24, its oldest member — charged out in black flared trousers and a mesh top that bisected his torso diagonally, his heavy brow and hypersymmetrical features making him look like some futuristic nomad who hunted the fishnet mammoth. Victoria De Angelis, the bassist, wore a minidress made from strips of leather or possibly bungee cords. Raggi wore nonporous pants and a black button-down he quickly discarded, while Ethan Torchio drummed in a vest with no shirt underneath, his hair flying. For the next several minutes of alternately disciplined and frenzied noise, they sounded as if Motley Crüe had been cryogenically frozen, then revived in 2010 with Rob Thomas on vocals.
That hypothetical will appeal to some while repelling others, and which category you fall into is, with all due respect, not my business here. Rolling Stone, for its part, said that Måneskin “only manage to confirm how hard rock & roll has to work these days to be noticed,” and a viral Pitchfork review called their most recent album “absolutely terrible at every conceivable level.” But this kind of thumbs up/thumbs down criticism is pretty much vestigial now that music is free. If you want to know whether you like Måneskin — the name is Danish and pronounced MOAN-eh-skin — you can fire up the internet and add to the more than nine billion streams Sony Music claims the band has accumulated across Spotify, YouTube, et cetera. As for whether Måneskin is good, de gustibus non est disputandum, as previous Italians once said: In matters of taste, there can be no arguments.
You should know, though, that even though their music has been heard most often through phone and laptop speakers, Måneskin sounds better on a soccer field. That is what tens of thousands of fans came to the Stadio Olimpico on an eyelid-scorching Thursday to experience: the culturally-if-not-personally-familiar commodity of a stadium rock show, delivered by the unprecedented phenomenon of a stadium-level Italian rock band. The pyro — 20-foot jets of swivel-articulated flame that you could feel all the way up in the mezzanine — kicked in on “Gasoline,” a song Måneskin wrote to protest Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. From a thrust platform in the center of the field, David poured his full emotive powers into the pre-chorus: “Standing alone on that hill/using your fuel to kill/we won’t take it standing still/watch us dance.”
The effect these words will have on President Putin is unknown. They capture something, though, about rock ’n’ roll, which has established certain conventions over the last seven decades. One of those conventions is an atmosphere of rebellion. It doesn’t have to be real — you probably don’t even want it to be — but neither can it seem too contrived, because the defining constraint of rock as a genre is that you have to feel it. The successful rock song creates in listeners the sensation of defying consensus, even if they are right in step with it.
The need to feel the rock may explain the documented problem of fans’ taste becoming frozen in whatever era was happening when they were between the ages of 15 and 25. Anyone who adolesced after Spotify, however, did not grow up with rock as an organically developing form and is likely to have experienced the whole catalog simultaneously, listening to Led Zeppelin at the same time they listened to Pixies and Franz Ferdinand — i.e. as a genre rather than as particular artists, the way my generation (I’m 46) experienced jazz. The members of Måneskin belong to this post-Spotify cohort. As the youngest and most prominent custodians of the rock tradition, their job is to sell new, guitar-driven songs of 100 to 150 beats per minute to a larger and larger audience, many of whom are young people who primarily think of such music as a historical artifact. Starting this month, Måneskin will take this business on a multivenue tour of the United States — a market where they are considerably less known — whose first stop is Madison Square Garden.
“I think the genre thing is like ... ” Torchio said to me backstage in Rome, making a gesture that conveyed translingual complexity. “We can do a metaphor: If you eat fish, meat and peanuts every day, like for years, and then you discover potatoes one day, you’ll be like: ‘Wow, potatoes! I like potatoes; potatoes are great.’ But potatoes have been there the whole time.” Rock was the potato in this metaphor, and he seemed to be saying that even though many people were just now discovering that they liked it, it had actually been around for a long time. It was a revealing analogy: The implication was that rock, like the potato, is here to stay; but what if rock is, like the potato in our age of abundance, comparatively bland and no longer anyone’s favorite?
Which rock song came first is a topic of disagreement, but one strong candidate is “Rocket 88,” recorded by Ike Turner and his Kings of Rhythym band in 1951. It’s about a car and, in its final verse, about drinking in the car. These themes capture the context in which rock ’n’ roll emerged: a period when household incomes, availability of consumer goods and the share of Americans experiencing adolescence all increased simultaneously.
Although and possibly because rock started as Black music, it found a gigantic audience of white teenagers during the so-called British Invasion of the mid-1960s (the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who), which made it the dominant form of pop music for the next two decades. The stadium/progressive era (Journey, Fleetwood Mac, Foreigner) that now constitutes the bulk of classic-rock radio gave way, eventually, to punk (the Ramones, Patti Smith, Minor Threat) and then glam metal: Twisted Sister, Guns N’ Roses and various other hair-intensive bands that were obliterated by the success of Nirvana and Pearl Jam in 1991. This shift can be understood as the ultimate triumph of punk, both in its return to emotive content expressed through simpler arrangements and in its professed hostility toward the music industry itself. After 1991, suspicion of anything resembling pop became a mark of seriousness among both rock critics and fans.
It is probably not a coincidence that this period is also when rock’s cultural hegemony began to wane. As the ’90s progressed, larger and again whiter audiences embraced hip-hop, and the last song classified as “rock” to reach No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 was Nickelback’s “How You Remind Me” in 2001. The run of bands that became popular during the ’00s — the Strokes, the Killers, Kings of Leon — constituted rock’s last great commercial gasp, but none of their singles charted higher than No. 4. Let us say, then, that the era of rock as pop music lasted from 1951 to 2011. That’s a three-generation run, if you take seriously rock’s advice to get drunk and have sex in the car and therefore produce children at around age 20. Baby boomers were the generation that made rock a zillion-dollar industry; Gen X saved it from that industry with punk and indie, and millennials closed it all out playing Guitar Hero.
The members of Måneskin are between the ages of 22 and 24, situating them firmly within the cadre of people who understand rock in the past tense. De Angelis, the bassist, and Raggi, the guitarist, formed the band when they were both attending a music-oriented middle school; David was a friend of friends, while Torchio was the only person who responded to their Facebook ad seeking a drummer. There are few entry-level rock venues in Rome, so they started by busking on the streets. In 2017, they entered the cattle-call audition for the Italian version of “The X Factor.” They eventually finished as runners-up to the balladeer Lorenzo Licitra, and an EP of songs they performed on the show was released by Sony Music and went triple platinum.
In 2021, Måneskin won the Sanremo Music Festival, earning the right to represent Italy with their song “Zitti e Buoni” (whose title roughly translates to “shut up and behave”) in that year’s Eurovision Song Contest. This program is not widely viewed in the United States, but it is a gigantic deal in Europe, and Måneskin won. Not long after, they began to appear on international singles charts, and “I Wanna Be Your Slave” broke the British Top 10. A European tour followed, as well as U.S. appearances at festivals and historic venues.
This ascent to stardom was not unmarred by controversy. The Eurovison live broadcast caught David bending over a table offstage, and members of the media accused him of snorting cocaine. David insisted he was innocent and took a drug test, which he passed, but Måneskin and their management still seem indignant about the whole affair. It’s exactly this kind of incongruous detail — this damaging rumor that a rock star did cocaine — that highlights how the Italian music-consuming public differs from the American one. Many elements of Måneskin’s presentation, like the cross-dressing and the occasional male-on-male kiss, are genuinely upsetting to older Italians, even as they seem familiar or even hackneyed to audiences in the United States.
“They see a band of young, good-looking guys that are dressing up too much, and then it’s not pure rock ’n’ roll, because you’re not in a garage, looking ugly,” De Angelis says. “The more conservative side, they’re shocked because of how we dress or move onstage, or the boys wear makeup.”
She and her bandmates are caught between two demographics: the relatively conservative European audience that made them famous and the more tolerant if not downright desensitized American audience that they must impress to keep the ride moving. And they do have to keep it moving, because — like many rock stars before them — most of the band dropped out of high school to do this. At one point, Raggi told me that he had sat in on some classes at a university, “Just to try to understand, ‘What is that?’”
One question that emerged early in my discussions with Måneskin’s friendly and professional management team was whether I was going to say that their music was bad. This concern seemed related to the aforementioned viral Pitchfork review, in which the editor Jeremy Larson wrote that their new album, “RUSH!” sounds “like it’s made for introducing the all-new Ford F-150” and “seems to be optimized for getting busy in a Buffalo Wild Wings bathroom” en route to a score of 2.0 (out of 10). While the members of Måneskin seemed to take this review philosophically, their press liaisons were concerned that I was coming to Italy to have a similar type of fun.
Here I should disclose that Larson edited an essay I wrote for Pitchfork about the Talking Heads album “Remain in Light” (score: 10.0) and that I think of myself as his friend. Possibly because of these biases, I read his review as reflecting his deeply held and, among rock fans, widely shared need to feel the music, something that the many pop/commercial elements of “RUSH!” (e.g. familiar song structures, lyrics that seem to have emerged from a collaboration between Google Translate and Nikki Sixx, compulsive use of multiband compression) left him unable to do.
This perspective reflects the post-’90s rock consensus (PNRC) that anything that sounds too much like a mass-market product is no good. The PNRC is premised on the idea that rock is not just a structure of song but also a structure of relationship between the band and society. From rock’s earliest days as Black music, the real or perceived opposition between rocker and society has been central to its appeal; this adversarial relationship animated the youth and counterculture eras of the ’60s and then, when the economic dominance of mass-market rock made it impossible to believe in, provoked the revitalizing backlash of punk. Even major labels felt obliged to play into this paradoxical worldview, e.g. that period after Nirvana when the most popular genre of music was called “alternative.” Måneskin, however, are defined by their isolation from the PNRC. They play rock music, but operate according to the logic of pop.
In Milan, where Måneskin would finish their Italian minitour, I had lunch with the band, as well as two of their managers, Marica Casalinuovo and Fabrizio Ferraguzzo. Casalinuovo had been an executive producer working on “The X Factor,” and Ferraguzzo was its musical director; around the time that Måneskin broke through, Casalinuovo and Ferraguzzo left the show and began working with the stars it had made. We were at the in-house restaurant of Moysa, the combination recording studio, soundstage, rehearsal space, offices, party venue and “creative playground” that Ferraguzzo opened two months earlier. After clarifying that he was in no way criticizing major record labels and the many vendors they engaged to record, promote and distribute albums, he laid out his vision for Moysa, a place where all those functions were performed by a single corporate entity — basically describing the concept of vertical integration.
Ferraguzzo oversaw the recording of “RUSH!” along with a group of producers that included Max Martin, the Swedish hitmaker best known for his work with Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears. At Moysa, Ferraguzzo played for me Måneskin’s then-unreleased new single, “Honey (Are U Coming?)” which features many of the band’s signature moves — guitar and bass playing the same melodic phrases at the same time, unswung boogie-type rhythm of the post-Strokes style — but also has David singing in a higher register than usual. I listened to it first on studio monitors and then through the speaker of Ferraguzzo’s phone, and it sounded clean and well produced both times, as if a team of industry veterans with unlimited access to espresso had come together to perfect it.
The sheer number of older and more experienced professionals involved in Måneskin introduces a tension between the rock conventions that characterize their songwriting and the fundamentally pop circumstances under which those songs are produced. They are four friends in a band, but that band is inside an enormous machine. From their perspective, though, the machine is good.
“There’s hundreds of people working and talking about you and giving opinions,” De Angelis said at lunch. “So if you start to get in this loop of wanting to know and control and being anxious about it, it really ruins everything.” Here lies the conflict between what the PNRC wants from a band — resistance to outside influences, contempt for commerce, authenticity as measured in doing everything themselves — and what any sane 23-year-old would want, which is to have someone with an M.B.A. make all the decisions so she can concentrate on playing bass.
The other way Måneskin is isolated from the PNRC is geographic. Over the course of lunch, it became clear that they had encyclopedic knowledge of certain eras in American rock history but were only dimly aware of others. Raggi, for instance, loves Motley Crüe and has an album-by-album command of the Los Angeles hair-metal band Skid Row, which he and his bandmates seemed to understand were supposed to be guilty pleasures. But none of them had ever heard of Fugazi, the post-hardcore band whose hatred of major labels, refusal to sell merchandise and commitment to keeping ticket prices as low as possible set the standard for a generation of American rock snobs. In general, Måneskin’s timeline of influences seems to break off around 1990, when the rock most respected by Anglophone critics was produced by independent labels that did not have strong overseas distribution. It picks up again with Franz Ferdinand and the “emo” era of mainstream pop rock. This retrospect leaves them unaware of the indie/punk/D.I.Y. period that was probably most important in forming the PNRC.
The question is whether that consensus still matters. While snobs like Larson and me are overrepresented in journalism, we never constituted a majority of rock fans. That’s the whole point of being a snob. And snobbery is obsolete anyway; digital distribution ended the correlation between how obscure your favorite band was and how much effort you put into listening to them. The longevity of rock ’n’ roll as a genre, meanwhile, has solidified a core audience that is now between the ages of 40 and 80, rendering the fan-versus-society dimension of the PNRC impossible to believe. And the economics of the industry — in which streaming has reduced the profit margin on recorded music, and the closure of small venues has made stadiums and big auditoriums the only reliable way to make money on tour — have decimated the indie model. All these forces have converged to make rock, for the first time in its history, merely a way of writing songs instead of a way of life.
Yet rock as a cluster of signifiers retains its power around the world. In the same way everyone knows what a castle is and what it signifies, even though actual castles are no longer a meaningful force in our lives, rock remains a shared language of cultural expression even though it is no longer determining our friendships, turning children against their parents, yelling truth at power, et cetera. Also like a castle, a lot of people will pay good money to see a preserved historical example of rock or even a convincing replica of it, especially in Europe.
In Milan, the temperature had dropped 20 degrees, and Måneskin’s show at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza — commonly known as San Siro, the largest stadium in Italy, sold out that night at 60,000 — was threatened by thunderstorms instead of record-breaking heat. Fans remained undaunted: Many camped in the parking lot the night before in order to be among the first to enter the stadium. One of them was Tamara, an American who reported her age as 60½ and said she had skipped a reservation to see da Vinci’s “Last Supper” in order to stay in line. “When you get to knocking on the door, you kind of want to do what you want,” she said.
The threat of rain was made good at pretty much the exact moment the show began. The sea of black T-shirts on the pitch became a field of multicolored ponchos, and raindrops were bouncing visibly off the surface of the stage. David lost his footing near the end of “I Wanna Be Your Slave,” briefly rolling to his back, while De Angelis — who is very good at making lips-parted-in-ecstasy-type rock faces — played with her eyes turned upward to the flashing sky, like a martyr.
The rain stopped in time for “Kool Kids,” a punk-inspired song in which David affects a Cockney accent to sing about the vexed cultural position of rock ’n’ roll: “Cool kids, they do not like rock/they only listen to trap and pop.” These are probably the Måneskin lyrics most quoted by music journalists, although they should probably be taken with a grain of salt, considering that the song also contains lyrics like “I like doin’ things I love, yeah” and “Cool kids, they do not vomit.”
“Kool Kids” was the last song before the encore, and each night a few dozen good-looking 20-somethings were released onto the stage to dance and then, as the band walked off, to make we’re-not-worthy bows around Raggi’s abandoned guitar. The whole thing looked at least semichoreographed, but management assured me that the Kool Kids were not professional dancers — just enthusiastic fans who had been asked if they wanted to be part of the show. I kept trying to meet the person in charge of wrangling these Kool Kids, and there kept being new reasons that was not possible.
The regular kids, on the other hand, were available and friendly throughout. In Rome, Dorca and Sara, two young members of a Måneskin fan club, saw my notebook and shot right over to tell me they loved the band because, as Sara put it, “they allow you to be yourself.” When asked whether they felt their culture was conservative in ways that prevented them from being themselves, Dorca — who was 21 and wearing eyeglasses that looked like part of her daily wardrobe and a mesh top that didn’t — said: “Maybe it turns out that you can be yourself. But you don’t know that at first. You feel like you can’t.”
Here lies the element of rock that functions independently from the economics of the industry or the shifting preferences of critics, the part that is maybe independent from time itself: the continually renewed experience of adolescence, of hearing and therefore feeling it all for the first time. But how disorienting must those feelings be when they have been fully monetized, fully sanctioned — when the response to your demand to rock ’n’ roll all night and party every day is, “Great, exactly, thank you.” In a culture where defying consensus is the dominant value, anything is possible except rebellion. It must be strange, in this post-everything century, to finally become yourself and discover that no one has any problem with that.
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thewakingcloak · 3 months
The State of Things Yet to Come
The Ghost of Spacefarer Things Yet to Come is a hard guy to get ahold of, but I have at last wrangled him and tied him down until he wrote the blog post he promised:
The blog post he promised
I have looked into the future… where I am from… and ok yeah let's start off with the big news first! In the future… ProtoDungeon: Episode III will be on Steam!
That means you can wishlist ProtoDungeon: Episode III on Steam!!!!
And here's a little mini announcement trailer for just this occasion :) (and turn up the sound! I made a lil tune for this!)
So please go give it a wishlist!
Steam's inner machinations are something of a secret to everybody, but wishlists absolutely help the folks who make games. It's one of the most important ways you can help me, even if you're not sure you'll ever buy it. Wishlists get games seen, so please wishlist!
I'm really excited about this. This one actually my original plan for ProtoDungeon, to put each individual episode up on Steam and use the experience to improve… but I was talked out of it by a guy who was mad that Episode I wasn't a full-length game, and by his predictions of my failure. I switched to only publishing for free on Itch and decided The Waking Cloak and ProtoDungeon DX would be the only games I put on Steam.
I wish I'd never listened to that guy. He clearly didn't care about me, and I let his words and attitude control me.
The future is ever-shifting
There's a lot of things I've been doing because I felt like (and have been told) I should be doing. So for the future, I had been intending to really hit the ground running on all fronts, posting to social medias everywhere, launching tiktok and insta reels and youtube shorts, and generally pouring my efforts into "marketing."
I don't think there's anything wrong with this, but it's also… not me? It's not really what I want for my future. I've thought long and hard about this hobby, and I want to enjoy the parts I enjoy, and not let pride prevent me from letting other people take over the parts that I'm not really good at and don't have the time for anyway. Let's face it: my plate is full with my job, my kids, my house, taking care of my wife, chronic illness/pain, etc.
On top of that, I've been off social media for a long time now, and it's been so restorative. I don't fault anyone for being on any of them, and I'll poke my head up every now and then, but… I'm letting go of "making it" on socials. I can't keep up with the sacrificial requirements of the Algorithms. I can't keep up with the comparison game with everyone else making stuff on there. I had spent a lot of time curating my feed(s) so that I saw only wonderful people making wonderful art, and I still felt like I was always "coming up short."
The new plan: just post here on the devlog… just things I want to post. Focus on making my games and having fun doing it. I'm not gonna spend time finding the opportune moment to generate traffic or to say just the right things to sell people on playing my games or learn all the metrics and stuff. I won't post in every conceivable space hoping I'll get enough momentum to go viral or even just noticed.
Will that mean fewer wishlists, fewer followers, fewer people playing my games? Yes. And I'm content with that. I just want to enjoy the act of making games. I don't need to "make it big" anymore. I look up to folks like ConcernedApe (solo dev of Stardew Valley) and Team Cherry (small team behind Hollow Knight) and their lovely games and experiences, but I don't need to BE them anymore. I'm me, and I like being me.
Okay but what am I actually doing…?
Practically speaking, the plan is now as follows:
Publish ProtoDungeon 3 on Steam/Itch for $8.99, with a two-week launch discount of 15% (so, $7.64). I'd like this to be in Q1 of 2025, but I'm keeping things loosey goosey here
Publish PD1 and PD2 on Steam for $4.99 each, with the same builds as on Itch now (so they won't have Steam achievements). These might come before 3 is released, we'll see!
Continue with episodes 4 and 5, also on Steam/Itch--these will be significantly quicker to develop than 3, as they will be smaller and also will not require fundamental changes as 3 did. Pricing will probably be lower than for episode 3 and likely higher than episodes 1 and 2.
All of the above will be self-published!
Once those are complete, I will be working on The Waking Cloak, and it's here that I'm seriously considering looking into a publisher. I do want my games to be played by more people, and having professionals handle all the marketing and socials and console porting and other fine details would be such a burden off my shoulders. I've got my eye on a few in particular, but I'm putting more thought into this before I say anything else.
What about…?
Why are you working on ProtoDungeon and not The Waking Cloak? Trick question! (You didn't know you were asking a trick question, did you?) I say this a lot but it bears repeating: ProtoDungeon is helping me build up the mechanics and assets for The Waking Cloak, and is helping me get lots of practice with game design, as well as with art and publishing and so forth.
Will ProtoDungeon have spoilers for The Waking Cloak? Nope! The only spoilers will be purely mechanical, but I'm holding back a lot of puzzle concepts and a few mechanics for TWC itself. ProtoDungeon is a separate prequel story and has unique dungeons that will not show up in TWC.
What is ProtoDungeon DX? This will be the combination of all the ProtoDungeon episodes, with the early episodes rebuilt, and with additional content (like an overworld). I'm planning on working on this after The Waking Cloak. There will be some kind of discount based on your collection of individual ProtoDungeon episodes. I don't know how that works yet, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Whatever happens, I want to make sure it benefits y'all.
Why isn't ProtoDungeon free anymore? Simply put, because I think they're worth it. I've put a lot of time and effort and love into them. Also, I have a family to support, and this hobby is not free either! The episodes are short, yes, and that's why they'll cost less than a movie ticket.
Patreon? Development will be open and free as always, but patrons will get a first look (like with this post!) There are other goodies at higher tiers, too. And I should mention: funds go towards stuff like key art, publishing fees, and other minor operating costs. I was able to commission some wonderful art for ProtoDungeon: Episode III with y'all's support, but I've also bought some music tools (such as Chipsynth SFC), and I have a Studio Spacefarer P.O. box as an official address for legal reasons when publishing newsletters. I also am able to keep the main site, https://studiospacefarer.com, up with these funds. So, thank you!
To the future!
ProtoDungeon: Episode III has been a difficult beast to tame, partly because of fundamental changes to all the systems, but also because of where it fell in my life, amidst the pandemic and grief and changes and moving. It's become more important to me because of that, because it's a way to process everything. I had always known ProtoDungeon was about grief, but now it's much more personal.
I'm excited to work on things again. I look forward to sitting down and working out the details and adding the new ideas. I can't wait for y'all to experience it. Thank you for following along, and here's to future days!
Oh and did I mention…? please wishlist ProtoDungeon: Episode III on Steam :)
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thepioden · 7 months
I’m glad that you also have the objectively correct take of “Jaheira is the only person in the group that can drive sanely.”
Jaheira not only knows how to drive like a reasonable fucking person, she also knows how to change her own oil and replace a belt.
I see where people are coming from, with Wyll, but like. He and Gale are city boys, from the two biggest cities on the Sword Coast, if not all of Faerun. Gale has never been behind the wheel of a car, and Wyll might have technically passed his driving test, but hasn't driven himself since. They mean well, they certainly won't kill you, but walking might be faster.
As opposed to Astarion, who also never learned to drive, doesn't mean well, and relies on his Enhanced Vampire Reflexes to keep his ass and his ass ONLY intact. Lae'zel has a similar disdain for collateral damage and is dangerous on the basis that if she can drive a spaceship or a red dragon, she can certainly drive a car (she cannot).
Karlach, like Lae'zel, never learned to drive a car but did learn to drive a significantly more dire piece of machinery, and like a WWII soldier she treats a basic Jeep like it is an Infernal War Machine and it flips it into a ditch immediately.
Rashemen drive like the kind of fuckers you see on viral Russian dashcam videos; Minsc is not allowed to drive in places with actual traffic laws but he is great at offroading in Jaheira's subie.
Minthara and Shadowheart can drive, they can drive well, but Minthara has terminal roadrage that manifests in a kind of icy, inexorable vehicular vengeance if you cut her off in traffic, and Shadowheart drives with the kind of casual, detached, terrifyingly blase competence of a big-city cab driver with nothing to lose but this fare.
Halsin objects to personal motor vehicles on moral grounds.
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roguesynapses · 8 months
I recognize that url.
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Sinneslochen was a West German software company made up of immigrants and refugees from East Germany and other Eastern Bloc states does not exist and never existed.
Sinneslochen primarily did outsource labor for larger European and American companies in the late 1970s and early 1980s, much of which involved German versions of office software and bugchecking/fixing was part of an elaborate hoax made by Kurt Koller, owner of the arcade game archiving website coinop.org.
Polybius was Sinneslochen's first video game, utilizing the profits generated from their outsourced work to make a puzzle-action "thinking game" game featuring an advanced hardware suite, simulating vector graphics on a raster display, allowing for increased backgrounds. The game was directed by Dr. Ygor Euspanese, a Ukrainian computer scientist. was a viral hoax created in the early 2000s, describing an early 1980s video game that supposedly caused headaches and other negative side affects in players, and was watched by US federal agents, before disappearing entirely.
Polybius was sent to several test markets in the USA, especially in the Pacific Northwest. Those who played the game near universally reported headaches and difficulty focusing for hours afterwards, with some players who got farther into the game reporting extremely disturbing "nightmares", seizures, and even limited precognition for a period of time. Reportedly, gameplay sessions and machines were monitored by NSA and DIA agents, with some players who made several levels into the game being interviewed by said agents and never returning. never existed. It was a hoax created by Kurt Koller to increase traffic to coinop.org, gaining popularity after appearing in an issue of Game Informer magazine.
Ygor Euspanese, PhD, emigrated to the United States following the test release and subsequent abandonment of Polybius, along with several Sinneslochen programmers. Several former Sinneslochen employees testify that Dr. Euspanese insisted on creating the game, pressuring the other staff of Sinneslochen to abandon other projects and engage in the game fully. They state that Dr. Euspanese had an almost manic obsession with the idea of ESP and "psychic abilities", and made the game in an effort to unlock the "psychic potential" of players. Nearly all of Sinneslochen's capital was spent on creating approximately 15 test cabinets, and with no ability to find a publisher and the departure of Euspanese and other programming staff, Sinneslochen was forced to dissolve in early 1982. The whereabouts of Euspanese after arriving in the US are currently unknown, though it is rumored he and his staff have been working on several US Government black projects is an anagram of Rogue Synapse, an amateur game developer who has a passion for making fan recreations of games that have appeared in popular movies and other media. He made a fangame of Polybius in the early 2010s. It is also the name of a very minor poster on tumblr, with several unoriginal ideas.
Polybius is highly sought after by arcade enthusiast and several local police authorities, as it is supposedly linked to several unexplained phenomena and cold cases throughout the United States. It is widely believed, however, that every copy of Polybius was either sent back to Germany and destroyed, or seized by the US Federal Government and are kept in unknown location(s). does not exist, and never existed, except as a story, and in that form, it always will exist.
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
Paranoid and unreasonable fears are turned into justified fears when you live in a cruel and irrational society. A common paranoid fear is the fear of being filmed and recorded without your knowledge, and it's hard to cope with it as a delusion when you see tiktoks of random people on the street go viral, pictures of fat and disabled people posted to mock them, a security camera in every isle of a store. You can't get therapy or go to the doctor because you cannot afford it, a justification for cruelty in America. You have to force yourself to drive no matter what complications or anxiety you have, have to force yourself to buy an expensive to maintain machine to clog up traffic with and ignore your fears of danger, because the reasonable solution of more public transport and walkable places has been crossed out in favor of what the car and oil industries have lobbied for.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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A German Shepherd lies on a stretcher in a sterile exam room, tucked in a fleece blanket. The room's perimeter is lined with men in crisp khaki uniforms, handguns strapped to their sagging utility belts. A shrill beep sounds over a radio, and an impassive dispatcher's voice is heard over the men's gentle sniffling.
"TBP 743, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office to all units, clear channel for last call. Standby on all radio traffic. Sheriff's Office to K-9 Argo… End of watch for K-9 Argo. On October 10th, 2015. Rest in peace, K-9 Argo. TBP 743. Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office. Clearing out at… 11:16."
Four more beeps. The dog lifts his head, and the uniformed men step forward. "Good boy," mutters one man between sniffles, ruffling the fur on its head. The dog's jaw plops open as he pants, and the titanium caps on his incisors catch the glint of the fluorescent exam lights. Another hand reaches forward to pull the blanket over the dog's shoulders as he nestles into the stretcher and closes his eyes.
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On October 15, a police dog named Argo from Hidalgo County, Texas, was facing euthanasia after a battle with an aggressive strain of bone cancer. As a local hero of the South Texas law enforcement community, Argo was granted a last radio call—a traditional ceremony which suspends activity on the police scanner to put out a final "call" for a fallen officer.
A lieutenant's grainy cellphone video of the intimate service went viral. In the following week it was picked up by The Today Show, Fox News, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, and The Daily Mail. As the video spread, the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department was inundated with outpourings from the strangers across the world, ranging from donations and emotive poems, to an open invitation for a free fishing trip from a charter boat company across the country.
Within a few days the video had been shared hundreds of thousands of times, a spectacle of public mourning.
Argo was one of thousands of dogs in America working for the state, referred to within the law enforcement community as K-9s. The mechanism of the modern K-9, with which many are unfamiliar, delineates it as more of a weapon than a pet. Engineered and imported from Europe by breed specialists, dogs on the force are now equipped with titanium teeth and thousands of dollars' worth of protective technology, from ballistic vests to custom canine body cams.
The majority of domestic K-9s are "dual purpose," meaning they're trained rigorously to both sniff out drugs and protect their handlers by any means necessary. Traditionally and presently, most dogs are trained from puppyhood primarily to relish in the activity of biting and tearing into human limbs, and to detect of drugs or IEDs.
Tales of K-9 heroism abound, which is one reason they're so beloved by their handlers—and the public. When a French bomb-sniffing dog named Diesel was killed in a police raid following the Paris terrorist attacks in November, tens of thousands of people tweeted in support. And for human police officers, the dogs' singular sense of mission inspires their own loyalty.
"They don't sleep in our houses, and they don't play with our families," Sergeant Michael Goosby, the chief K-9 trainer for the LAPD's Metropolitan Division, told the New York Times in November. "They exist for one reason: hunting bad guys."
But these dogs are dynamic systems. Their capacity for decision and error is both their biggest flaw and greatest strength. The dog, a learning machine, makes its own exceptions to situations based on an array of variables, including tells from their handler. Since these decisions ultimately lead to reception of a reward, then they are no longer innocent agents but cybernetic mercenaries, with decision making that is open to influence.
Given their inherently imperfect judgment and the dire consequences of their mistakes, why do dogs remain in the forefront of law enforcement?
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Argo was imported to Central California from a Czech kennel in 2006 by bovine genetics giant Michael Osmundson. In 1998, Osmundson's artificial cattle insemination company Creative Genetics released the ProCross system, a trademarked cross-breeding technique that is internationally renowned in the dairy cow community. The success of his agricultural empire has allowed Osmundson to pursue his true passion in the meticulous import, breeding, and training of German Shepherds. This second business, Kreative Kennels, is carried out on a sprawling property in Oakdale. Osmundson plans each litter with careful precision, considering the genetic makeup of the pup's antecedents.
"It all comes down to knowing your animals—knowing each dog and its personality," he tells me over the phone. Although he works tirelessly to strike a perfect balance of "nervy" and "stable" dogs, he says that his breeding program is attuned more to health than personality traits, attempting to overcome the genetic hips and elbow problems that have plagued the breed since its inception.
With the help of his family, a six-man staff of experienced trainers, and a group of women focused on early socialization that he refers to as the "puppy gals", Osmundson is one of the most sought-after working dog breeders stateside. The dogs available to purchase from Kreative Kennels run the gamut, ranging from family pets, to personal guard dogs, to highly attuned soldiers for use by the police and military. According to Osmundson, "probably 90-95 percent turn out exactly the way we've planned," in no small part thanks to his careful eye toward the art and science of optimal genetics. Argo, however, was not bred under Osmundson's watchful eye.
"We got him from some close friends over there," he says. "They used to be very involved with government breeding programs. We have our own agent that we have test every dog before we buy 'em."
On the KK website, he states, "we started searching in Germany and the Czech Republic for people who we could trust so we could find dogs for our breeding program. Those people have done a great job in finding excellent dogs for our program. Our breeding goals are to breed many top police-type dogs per year… We want to breed dogs that are very dominant and serious with very high drives and active aggression." [emphasis theirs]
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The significance of Argo's Czech origins are not lost on Osmundson. For the duration of the Cold War, the notoriously ruthless Czech Border patrol, known as the Pohranicni Straze, created a state-sponsored K-9 breeding program. The K-9s produced were exceptionally aggressive, intended to stop any Soviet defectors to Western Europe. Current-day breed aficionados boast that the P.S. dogs caught and killed 20-30 escapees per day on the borders between East Germany and Austria. The New York Times reported that dogs on sliding leashes were stationed along the un-walled sections throughout the 1960s and 1970s.
The ruthlessness of the Czech dogs are etched into the cultural memory of the Cold War, and the Platform of European Memory & Conscience, an anti-totalitarian research group, recently called for trial and punishment of P.S. dog handlers for war crimes, although the dog breeding program continued long after the fall of the Iron Curtain. According to one former P.S. veterinarian, the police kennels produced over 1,500 puppies between 1991 and 2005.
Going back three generations in his detailed family tree, one of Argo's ancestors carries the Czech surname "od Police," which translates to "from the police"; after four generations, many of his ancestors hold the surname "z Pohranični stráze" ("of the Border Patrol"). After the Cold War, dogs like Argo's predecessors were folded into Czech and German police departments.
There are, like Osmundson's colleagues abroad, former P.S. soldiers who raise and train the descendants of war dogs under military guidelines for private clients. A fully-trained adult dog sells for between $7,000 and $10,000. The dogs are purchased by middle class families seeking a highly aggressive personal protection dog, Western European and Israeli military forces, American law enforcement departments, and intermediaries like Osmundson who can fine-tune a dog like Argo before it hits the streets.
His prices are on the higher end. But purchasing a working breed dog from a meticulous professional like Osmundson does help some people sleep at night, knowing that the dogs he designates as "green" will be ideal family companions, and that dogs he deems suitable for police are destined for a lifetime of hard work.
But working dogs like Argo face a new threat.
The introduction of Boston Dynamics' canid military robot prototype, BigDog, triggered the dystopian visions that torment our collective subconscious. Several writers have considered the ethical and dystopian implications of this self-righting mechanical monster, and most have concluded that we should accept a menagerie of robotic animals as inevitable in our military future.
The unease with BigDog is in stark contrast to the veneration of the US military's working dogs, one of which was apparently deployed during the capture of Osama bin Laden. Military working dogs are media darlings. Their adventures, both real and imagined, have recently spawned several bestselling books and at least one film, Max, which grossed over $40 million in 16 weeks.
Working dogs are engineered as much as they are bred. Several universities, including the prestigious University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, operate multi-million dollar programs to perfect the genetics of working dogs. Add to that an entire industry dedicated to technology enhancing the mettle of K-9s, spanning from elaborate vehicle cooling systems, dog-sized ballistic vests, and head-mounted cameras with accompanying recon units, to treadmills, obstacle courses, and nutritionally-enhanced raw carrion diets to keep them in top shape.
But advanced technology does little to improve the precision of weaponized K-9s. Despite a lifetime of training, dogs are inherently imperfect machines, and high-stakes errors do occur in the field. In the event of a broken leash or a misinterpreted signal, there is little that can be done to stop an attack once it starts. The dogs are unaware of the line between excessive and necessary force, lacking the situational awareness to decipher the grey area that is our American judicial system. As a result, the dogs, when they are "on" and ready to work, tend to latch onto anything that runs. They are unlikely to distinguish between good guys, bad guys, and the fleeing innocent. An accidental death or debilitating injury can therefore be blamed on enthusiasm, a hard-working dog simply doing what it was trained to do.
Weaponized dogs have been used as tools of war and control for thousands of years, tracing as far back as Ancient Greece. Yet throughout the latter half of the 20th century, human rights groups have questioned the necessity of dogs who bite to maim, most visibly during the Civil Rights movement and again in the wake of Abu Ghraib.
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In 2013, Martin Lee Hoogveldt of West Jordan, Utah, was attacked by a K-9 after he put his hands up to surrender to police, which was caught on graphic body cam footage. Earlier this year the West Jordan Police Department settled with Hoogveldt for $125,000, but said its officers acted appropriately.
In August of 2009, Argo arrived in South Texas via airmail. He was the newest addition to an armada of dual-purpose law enforcement dogs working in Hidalgo County, a small community in the southernmost tip of Texas, abutting the Mexican border.
Dr. Justin Cerelli, Argo's veterinarian, told me in a phone call that he's under contract for dozens of K-9s throughout the region, including two police departments, the Border Patrol, US Customs, the Constable's Office, and the county school district. (K-9s accompany school resource officers in this district at the behest of the FBI.)
With a per capita income of $14,222, Hidalgo County is one of the poorest counties in the United States. The Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Facebook page is a throwback to the Wild West, continuously updated by staff with the 2015 equivalent of wanted posters fluttering in the sun-drenched Texas sky. Features such as "Wanted Wednesday" are posted to track down small town crooks like The Bubble Gum Bandit, whose total haul ultimately was worth $750.
The Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office has a long and well-documented history of corruption, with a track record of officers implicated in the drug and arms trafficking that flourishes near the Mexican border. The department has faced internal strife in recent months. On December 10, Sheriff J.E. Guerrera announced the suspension of a deputy for a DWI, the third alcohol-related offense by a deputy in the span of a few weeks.
Law enforcement in Hidalgo County doesn't balk when it comes to outfitting their K-9s with the latest equipment and care. The cottage industry of police dog technology is a booming, with popular retailers of highly specified technical gear like Argo's custom "SHERIFF" vest moving half a million dollars' worth of product per year. One of the most popular vendors is Kentucky-based Elite K-9, owned and operated by a former police officer.
Agencies like the Hidalgo County Sheriff spare no expense when it comes to veterinary enhancement. When I spoke with Argo's veterinarian, he declined to go into detail about dentistry, which is pertinent to K-9 veterinary practice. One of the only hazards, in fact, of long-range track and bite is that the bite is so hard (with a force that has been likened to getting run over by a small car) and so prolonged (it takes several minutes for officers to catch up to a dog "holding" a suspect) that the dog's incisors often break. As a solution, veterinarians across the country replace broken teeth with sharp titanium points.
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Dr. Erich Rachwitz, a veterinarian in Bellevue, Nebraska, described the procedure as "blinging out" the dog. At a cost of $600 to $2,000 per tooth, the colorful expression feels appropriate.
The bling has also been heralded as an intimidation tool, presumably to warn victims in the half-second gap between the flash of metal teeth and the moment they sink into flesh.
"The four big canines are what you first see when a dog opens its mouth or bares its teeth," Jim Watson, the secretary of the North American Police Work Dogs Association, said in an interview with The Telegraph. "So having metallic canines will draw a person's attention and scare them more. If the dog is barking and someone sees the sunlight sparkling on his metal teeth, it may encourage the person to back down."
There is no escape once the jaws are set and tearing; thanks to training exercises intended to desensitize dogs to self-defense tools, the dogs bite harder when struck with sticks. Harming a working dog is considered felony officer assault. In 2013, a 19-year-old who attempted to cross the border through Hidalgo County stabbed a Border Patrol K-9 when it bit down on his leg, which he argued in court to be an attempt at self-defense. He served a six-month term in federal prison, and was faced with a $100,000 fine.
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Working dogs used by military handlers are trained in IED scent detection as well as biting. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the training and work ethic of a bomb-sniffing dog can mean the difference between life and death. Although bomb-disarming bots deployed under the US military's Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (now Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency) have saved tons of lives, the capability of a dog's bomb-scenting abilities are beyond replication. After spending $19 billion since 2004 on attempts to create bomb-detection robots, the JIEDDO program failed to create any device that out-sniffed a dog. At $50,000 or less, a kitted-out K-9 is much cheaper.
However, the sniffing itself is not so much a problem as the fact that they bring potential bias and error to police and military encounters. In a recent study, scent detection dogs have been determined to be up to 80 percent inaccurate. A handler can also easily manipulate a dog to falsely detect drugs, a loophole that has resulted in K-9 scent detection being ruled as barely more accurate than a coin flip in a recent federal appeals court decision. Sometimes the dogs are determined to signal only in reaction to tells or small shifts in body language by their handler.
The same goes for dual-purpose dogs like Argo. As a result of years of targeted training and breeding, Argo and K-9s like him are ultimately making life or death decisions. This thought process can be seen in a video by the Durham, UK Police, which recently outfitted their K-9s with $22,000 custom canine body cams designed by Tactical Electronics. In the video, a K-9 is sent to chase someone posing as a decoy down on a field, then the back of a car, and finally running into a mockup apartment during a simulation of a no-knock raid, excitedly searching for a suspect among decoy mannequins:
Video: Tactical Electronics/YouTube
It's not just the military and police, either. As detailed in a 2006 report from Human Rights Watch, work dogs are also being used by prisons. Mike Knolls, a member of the Special Operations Unit of the Utah Department of Corrections, describes the effectiveness of using K-9s to drag noncompliant inmates out of their cells: "Obviously a dog is more of a deterrent [than a Taser gun]. You get more damage from a dog bite. I think it's right up there with impact weapons."
A Connecticut inmate describes his long-term injury from a cell extraction dog, which bit his left hand as he reflexively tried to block the dog's bite: "[I]t sank its teeth completely through my hand… I lost a lot of feeling in my middle and ring fingers and I have a 'pin and needles' feeling in my index finger and thumb. This is due to multiple nerves being severed from the dog bite."
And yet, K-9s remain esteemed by the general public. Dogs are the fuzzy, beloved law enforcement mascots of which PR dreams are made. Their popularity has helped police and military soften their image, as the dogs themselves are divorced from danger and menace. Many departments even use dogs as community outreach tools, orchestrating community events and school visits to put a furry face on men in uniform (this sometimes backfires).
After several decades of lionizing weaponized dogs, people like Argo's tens of thousands of mourners trust that K-9s are normal dogs with petlike motivations. Many smaller police departments are even able to use third-party nonprofits or donations from outreach events to pay for their K-9 programs.
Conservative pundits are calling for armed drones at the border, but dogs like Argo are already on the ground, without widespread pushback. Weaponized detection dogs working on behalf of the state are likely to continue to beat out replicants like BigDog for the foreseeable future, because they remove accountability from the handler for committing acts of violence and conducting unwarranted searches. And dogs, even with all the technological trappings, are a bargain.
For now, at least, they are keeping their robotic competitors at bay.
When I ask Osmundson if he remembers Argo, he sighs and recalls him fondly. I can hear the smile break through in his voice. "Argo was a great dog. A big dog, he was the ideal shepherd dog, he was very loyal, very loving, very sweet, but also very protective of his handler and very willing to go get the bad guy. He was a super super dog."
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jewelkhan46 · 2 years
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techtired · 13 days
Splunk: What It Is and How It Work
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With great adaptability for future demands, Splunk provides a comprehensive suite of tools, apps, and APIs. Advanced, scalable, efficient technology, Splunk indexes, and search log data are kept in a system. It uses machine-generated data to offer operational information. Since Splunk mostly uses its indexes to store the data, its key benefit is that it does not need any database. Read on to know everything about Splunk… Including Splunk Splunk is a well-known software mainly used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated Big Data via a web-style interface. From a searchable container, Splunk captures, indexes, and correlates the real-time data to create graphs, reports, alarms, dashboards, and visualizations. It can identify data trends, develop metrics, diagnose issues, and provide information for corporate operation objectives; it seeks to construct machine-generated data accessible over an organization. Splunk is a technology applied to business and online analytics, security, compliance, and application management. Searching for specific data in a large volume of complicated data is simple using the Splunk program. As you may know, it might be challenging to determine which configuration is presently operating from the log files. Splunk software has a feature that lets the user find the configuration file issues and view the configurations used to simplify this. As we have covered Splunk, we wonder, "Why?" Everybody will find great value in the digital tool Splunk, which helps access machine-generated data. Managing a lot of data is one of the toughest tasks as the IT industry is developing quickly, and its devices reflect this. Under such circumstances, Splunk is essential for handling the matter. A Synopsis Of Splunk: A Short History Rob Das and Eric Swan co-founded this technology in 2003 to answer all the questions asked while looking at the information caves most businesses encountered. "Spelunk" comes from "spelunking," or underground data exploration. It was built as a search engine for the log data inside the system infrastructure. Launched in 2004, the first Splunk version was mainly welcomed by end users. Most businesses began to purchase their enterprise licenses as it slowly and gradually grew viral. The founders primarily want to mass market this emerging technology so that it may be used in practically all kinds of applications. You currently understand Splunk and its background. Next on the schedule are Splunk capabilities. Why Should One Use Splunk? Big data can be in hundreds of rows and columns; manually managing it is challenging. Thus, we need a tool to manage traffic and disturbances if we tackle this issue. Splunk enters the scene here; it uses support user documentation to manage significant overflows on the web servers. As we know it, big data is not easy to manage manually since the depth of the data can be in thousands of rows and columns. Thus, we need a tool to manage traffic and disturbances if we tackle this issue. Splunk enters the scene to support user documentation so that we may manage significant overflows on the web servers. Since it enables companies to grasp attack trends, Splunk software is valuable. It finds any discrepancies or damage to systems of production. Closely monitoring data thanks to Splunk enables improvisation and performance optimization using data analysis. Custom searches and reports allow one to set up alarms depending on this infrastructure. It can also handle dashboards as one reads the data visual trends and patterns. Maintaining log data by searching, analyzing, and monitoring the actions inside the data, Splunk helps businesses satisfy the criteria. Creating reports facilitates the acquisition of insightful information and the resolution of troubleshooting problems. Does Splunk Run Free? You have to question whether Splunk is free of cost even after knowing everything about it and its complete benefits. Indeed, the answer to that question is yes! Splunk Free is the name given to one variant of Splunk. It's only a free edition. The free license never expires and lets you index up to 500 MB daily. The 500 MB limit shows daily index capacity or fresh data addition capacity. You can, however, keep inputting data daily and gathering as much data as you like. For example, Splunk Free allows you to index 500 MB of data daily and finally have 10 TB of data. You must purchase an Enterprise license for more than 500 MB/day. Splunk Free tracks license violations to control your usage. Splunk Free will continue to index your data even if you surpass 500 MB/day more than three times in a 30-day session; it will disable the search capability until you are back down to three or fewer alerts in the 30 days. Installing Splunk in Different Platforms Guide For Window Splunk Enterprise Installation Starting with Splunk, use these guidelines: Visit the official page, https://www.splunk.com/, first, then register for free. Run the Splunk wizard following the additional installation directions. For Windows installation, run the installer package (.msi file). Now, enter the Splunk platform and begin to explore its capabilities. Launch Splunk and configure your instance once the installation is finished. Set basic settings, including your admin password and license agreement for premium features, following the wizard. Now that you are on the Splunk dashboard with several flawless data resource management features use it as it fits your requirements. Guide For Macos Splunk Enterprise Installation Install macOS by visiting the official URL, https://www.splunk.com/, then sign up for free. Run the Splunk wizard following the additional installation directions. For macOS installation, run the installer package (.dmg file). Now that you have the Splunk platform begin investigating its capabilities. Launch Splunk and configure your instance once the installation is finished. Set basic settings, including your admin password and license agreement for premium features, following the wizard. Now view the Splunk dashboard with several flawless data resource management features; use it as appropriate. Guide For Linux Splunk Enterprise Installation Install Linux Splunk First, visit the official page, https://www.splunk.com/, and register for free. Run the Splunk wizard following the additional installation directions. Linux installation runs the installer package (.tgz file). Now, access the Splunk platform and begin investigating its capabilities. Use Splunk-launch conf and Splunk version for Linux configuration files. Launch Splunk and configure your instance once the installation is finished. Set basic settings, including your admin password and license agreement for premium features, following the wizard. Now, you are on the Splunk dashboard with several flawless data resource management features; use it as it fits your demand. Why Should One Use The Splunk Platform? Splunk's adaptable environment is why companies choose it. By ingesting vast volumes of data and rapidly processing it, Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud enable the provision of several answers with faster application delivery. Business analytics—including consumer, invoicing, and billing data—finds excellent application here. Customized searches based on our demands can also be stored for future use. It also offers threat detection to control and monitor any odd activity on web pages. These qualities enable users of Splunk to decide on it above any other platform. Conclusion Splunk is among the fittest courses for candidates who envision themselves as Machine Learning Engineers, System Administrators, Analytics Managers, and newbies who wish to be trained in this fantastic technology. The incredible thing is that learning this technology requires no technical background, so individuals with degrees in many educational disciplines can find it practical. That marks the conclusion of this blog now. For Big Data experts, Splunk is now among the most sought-after tools available in this sector. Big Data allows many data sources, both structured and unstructured. Thus, even from unstructured data, regarded as the main difficulty, Splunk lets the specialists extract the most critical information. Read the full article
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shosiblog · 20 days
Top Digital Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye On in 2024
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The ever-evolving panorama of digital marketing has brought different trends into the spotlight throughout the years. With 2024 just a nook away, one can no longer afford to lag behind. Following are the top digital marketing trends to keep an eye on this year and how they will further help in optimizing strategies.
1. AI and Machine Learning in Marketing
In 2024, the digital marketing world will be ruled by two important mainstays: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Already today, AI-based tools are being utilized for personalizing user experiences, predicting customer behavior, and automating tasks that involve the creation of content and ad targeting. The role of AI in further changing the way marketers interact with their customers is a future of more effective campaigns, better targeting, and the personalization of messages.
Why it matters: AI provides a way for enterprises to improve marketing strategies and make customer experiences more personalized, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
2. Voice Search Optimization
With the increase in smart speakers and voice assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search has become increasingly popular. Long-tail keywords will help capture this traffic, as most of the voice queries contain more conversational tone, which will be critical while optimizing content for voice search in 2024.
Why it matters: As more users start using voice searches, optimizing a business for voice search will pay dividends for increased visibility in search engine results-especially for local searches.
3. Video Marketing Continues to Grow
Video marketing is trending in this digital world and is here to stay. YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels are some of the best resources to capture people's interest with impactful little videos. In 2024, more businesses will definitely make investments in video content for product showcases, tutorials, and viral marketing campaigns.
Why it matters: Video content is more engaging and has the power of storytelling to share the brand story. It enables driving more traffic, increasing brand awareness, and boosting conversions.
4. Rising Social Commerce
Social media platforms are rapidly evolving into powerful e-commerce hubs. Features such as Instagram Shopping, Facebook Marketplace, and in-app shopping on TikTok make it way easier to buy directly from the platforms. In 2024, watch out for more brands adopting social commerce strategies to drive sales.
Why it matters: Social commerce helps businesses meet consumers where they're spending the majority of their time. It shortens the customer journey by integrating shopping experiences native within social media platforms, therefore converting faster.
5. Content Authenticity and User-Generated Content
In the information overload world, authenticity and relatedness are in demand by the consumer. Trust develops from user-generated content in the forms of customer reviews, testimonials, and social media posts. Brands in 2024 will continue to elicit customer UGC in building community and credibility.
Why it matters: Authentic content builds trust and breeds customer loyalty. UGC makes business connect with the audience on a deeper level, therefore taking credibility to another level.
6. Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Increasingly, consumers are becoming more eco-sensitive; hence, they're choosing brands that have a value proposition similar to their own. In 2024, companies that are more into sustainability and are socially responsible will be the front-runners. Marketing campaigns focused on green initiatives, corporate accountability, and moral values will strike an especially strong chord with audiences.
Why it matters: Emphasize sustainability to win more customers who are sensitive toward the environment, enhance the reputation of your brand, and give your business an advantage over competitors.
7. Privacy-First Marketing
With data privacy concerns continuing to soar, with even more stringent regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, the expectation on the part of consumers is increased transparency into how their information is utilized. At the start of 2024, businesses will have no choice but to shift toward privacy-first marketing via transparency regarding data collection, coupled with compliance with privacy regulations.
Why it matters: Building trust through transparent data practices enhances customer loyalty and avoids potential legal issues. The businesses are also portrayed as ethical and responsible.
The more in advance one becomes aware of these emergent trends, the better prepared they become to remain ahead in the race of digital marketing. If you are one such aspirant whose aim is to engage with the ultimate benefits of these 2024 trends to optimize your present digital strategy, then this is a high time to associate yourself with an expert. Take guidance from our expert team at Digital Marketing Agency in Tamil Nadu; we will assure that your business will never be lagged behind. Get in touch today for expert guidance and tailored solutions.
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nameofallteams · 24 days
277 Marketing Team Names That Sell Themselves
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Marketing is the driving force behind every brand's success. Whether you’re a social media specialist, a content creator, or a PR pro, working as part of a marketing team requires creativity, energy, and a deep understanding of strategy. And what better way to reflect your marketing team’s capabilities than with a clever and unique team name?. A great marketing team name can set the tone for your department, build team spirit, and showcase the innovative minds behind the brand's success. We’ve put together a list of 277 marketing team names that are sure to impress and inspire. Whether you're looking for something fun, quirky, or professional, there's something here for every type of marketing team.
Clever and Witty Marketing Team Names
These names combine intelligence and humor, perfect for teams that like to showcase their creativity in a memorable way. - Brand Builders - The Viral Marketers - AdVenturers - The Creative Collective - Click Masters - The Social Set - Content Kings - Mad Men and Women - Brand Boombox - Engagement Gurus - Digital Nomads - Content Crusaders - Pixel Pushers - SEO Avengers - Brand Guardians - Tagline Titans - Viral Vanguards - The Marketing Geniuses - Search Engine Superstars - Buzz Builders
Professional Marketing Team Names
For those who want to convey a strong sense of professionalism, these names exude expertise and authority in the marketing world. - Brand Strategists - Conversion Commanders - The Promotion Pros - The Digital Marketers - Insight Architects - Growth Gurus - Lead Generators - The Campaign Creators - Conversion Catalysts - The Engagement Experts - Marketing Managers - The Strategists - Market Masters - Brand Advocates - Insight Innovators - The Conversion Leaders - Content Creators - The Digital Dynamics - Strategy Pioneers - Target Titans
Creative and Fun Marketing Team Names
Creativity is key in marketing. These team names are full of fun and quirk, showcasing your team’s artistic side. - Ad Aficionados - The Think Tank - Campaign Creators - The Brainstorm Brigade - The Visionaries - Digital Dream Team - The Media Mavericks - Content Crew - Brand Sculptors - Ad Squad - The Creative Champs - Innovative Influencers - Media Magicians - Social Sculptors - The Brand Crafters - Idea Machine - The Promotion Pioneers - Creative Catalysts - The Market Movers - Brand Bosses
Marketing Team Names with a Digital Twist
In today’s world, digital marketing is at the forefront of any successful brand. These team names reflect the expertise and dynamism of digital marketing professionals. - The SEO Squad - Click Ninjas - Viral Visionaries - The Digital Dreamers - Analytics Architects - The Conversion Pros - Social Media Sorcerers - PPC Perfectionists - The Engagement Engineers - Digital Trendsetters - Click Kings and Queens - The Social Network - Digital Wizards - The Web Wizards - Engagement Experts - Conversion Kings - The Social Squad - Ad Architects - Digital Dominators - Traffic Controllers
Inspirational Marketing Team Names
If you’re aiming to motivate your team to achieve great things, these names are perfect for inspiring success and creativity. - Market Leaders - The Go-Getters - Campaign Crushers - Brand Heroes - The Innovators - The Visionaries - Momentum Makers - The Trailblazers - Trendsetters - The Brand Builders - Marketing Mentors - The Creative Collective - The Growth Gurus - Campaign Masters - Success Storytellers - The Big Idea Team - Brand Revolutionaries
Pun-Inspired Marketing Team Names
Everyone loves a good pun. These playful team names bring humor and clever wordplay into your marketing world. - Marketeers - The Pitch Perfects - Mad Marketing Men - Creative Juice - Ad it Up - The Big Sell - Pitches Be Crazy - Get Marketed - Buzzin’ for Business - The Brand Whisperers - Adrenaline - Brand Wagon - Promotional Wizards - Engagement Enthusiasts - Marketing Magic - Copy Ninjas - Sellmates - Get Social - Marketeers of Madness - Pitch Please!
Strong and Powerful Marketing Team Names
For teams that want to project strength and dominance in the marketing game, these names command respect and admiration. - Brand Warriors - Marketing Titans - The Ad Authority - Campaign Commanders - The Conversion Powerhouses - The Brand Beasts - Promotional Powerhouses - The Engagement Power Team - Lead Crushers - Sales Surgeons - The Ad Agency - The Influencers - Marketing Mavens - Campaign Catalysts - The Revenue Generators - Market Maestros - Target Trackers - Lead Legion - The Power of Promotion - Campaign Kings
Quirky and Fun Names
Quirky names add a light-hearted, fun touch to your team culture while showing off your unique team personality. - The Idea Factory - Marketing Marvels - Brand Blazers - Campaign Catalysts - The Social Stars - Buzz Busters - Market Mavericks - Brand Storytellers - Ad Ninjas - The Viral Wave - Engagement Engineers - Brand Brains - The PR Pros - The Innovators - The Imaginators - Brand Bandits - Social Gurus - The Promotion Ninjas - Brand Rebels - Buzz Killers - Marketing Magicians
Content-Centric Marketing Team Names
For content creators and digital storytellers, these names are all about crafting compelling narratives and engaging audiences. - The Content Crafters - Blogging Bandits - Social Content Savants - Storytelling Stars - Engagement Writers - The Blog Squad - Content Crusaders - The Copy Kings and Queens - Social Media Masters - Content Creators - The Story Scribes - Campaign Wordsmiths - The Branding Brigade - SEO Writers - The Idea Innovators - Buzz Builders - Content Commanders - Social Storytellers - The Copy Collective
Names for Advertising and PR Teams
Advertising and PR are essential pillars of marketing. These team names are perfect for groups focused on brand communication, media relations, and public image. - The Ad Wizards - Campaign Creators - The Press Pros - PR Pioneers - The Media Relations Masters - Ad Masters - The PR Experts - Media Magicians - Public Relations Pros - The Ad Geniuses - Spin Doctors - The Media Moguls - Ad Aces - Pitch Pros - Press Power - Campaign Champs - The PR Collective - Media Makers - Brand Storytellers - Campaign Writers
Unique Marketing Team Names
If you want something distinctive and unlike any other team name, these options stand out with originality and flair. - Brand Mavericks - The Engagement Architects - Idea Generators - Growth Gurus - The Click Crew - Creative Alchemists - Brand Lab - Adrenaline Pushers - The Sales Strategists - Creative Chemists - Marketing Innovators Conclusion Choosing the perfect team name can significantly impact the spirit and identity of your marketing group. A well-chosen name not only reflects the personality and creativity of your team but also fosters a sense of unity and purpose. Whether you opt for something witty, professional, or quirky, the right name can set the tone for your team's dynamic and make a memorable impression. With the 277 marketing team names provided, you have a diverse array of options to fit any team's style and goals. From clever puns to professional titles and everything in between, there's a name here that will resonate with your team and help you stand out in the competitive marketing landscape. Remember, a great name is more than just a label—it's a reflection of your team's values, creativity, and dedication. So pick a name that makes your team proud and watch as it inspires excellence and drives success in all your marketing endeavors. Read Also: Read the full article
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Digital Marketing Excellence: What USA Companies Bring to the Table
In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses must find new ways to connect with their audiences. Traditional marketing techniques often fall short in reaching today’s tech-savvy consumers. That's where top 10 digital marketing agency in usa  come in, leveraging cutting-edge technology and data to build strong connections between brands and their customers.
The Digital Marketing Transformation
Digital marketing has evolved tremendously over the years. What started with basic email newsletters and simple online ads has grown into a sophisticated mix of SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and influencer partnerships. US digital marketing agencies now provide a holistic approach, integrating various digital channels to create a seamless and engaging customer experience.
Why Partner with a US Digital Marketing Agency?
The USA is home to some of the most innovative digital marketing agencies in the world, known for their creativity, forward-thinking strategies, and deep understanding of the digital landscape. Here’s why businesses are choosing to work with these agencies:
Expert Knowledge: These agencies are filled with professionals who have a deep understanding of the digital world. They keep up with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring your marketing strategies are always fresh and effective.
Wide Range of Services: From SEO and PPC advertising to social media management and content marketing, these agencies offer a diverse array of services tailored to your specific needs. This comprehensive approach ensures every aspect of your online presence is optimized.
Data-Driven Strategies: One of the greatest strengths of US digital marketing agencies is their ability to use data to guide decisions. By analyzing consumer behavior and market trends, they craft highly targeted campaigns that deliver real results.
Access to the Latest Technology: With cutting-edge tools and platforms at their disposal, these agencies stay ahead of the curve. They use advanced strategies like AI and machine learning to boost campaign performance.
Creative Brilliance: Creativity is at the heart of digital marketing. US agencies excel at crafting compelling stories and visually striking content that captures audience attention, whether through a viral social media post or an engaging video ad.
Real Success Stories
Many businesses have seen remarkable transformations by partnering with a digital marketing agency in the USA. Take, for example, a small e-commerce startup struggling to get noticed. After teaming up with a top digital marketing agency, they experienced a huge increase in their online visibility through smart SEO strategies and engaging social media campaigns. Their website traffic and sales soared, making them a significant player in their industry.
Another example is a traditional brick-and-mortar retailer wanting to expand its online presence. With a comprehensive digital marketing plan that included email campaigns, PPC ads, and influencer partnerships, the retailer reached a wider audience and saw a significant boost in online sales. The expertise and strategic approach of their digital marketing partner were key to this success.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Digital Marketing
As technology continues to advance, so does digital marketing. The rise of voice search, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) is opening up new and exciting ways for marketers to connect with consumers. US digital marketing agencies are at the forefront of these trends, constantly exploring innovative strategies to stay ahead of the competition.
In conclusion, partnering with a digital marketing agency in the USA gives businesses a significant edge in today’s digital landscape. Their expertise, comprehensive services, data-driven strategies, and creative brilliance can help brands achieve their marketing goals and ensure long-term success. Whether you’re a startup or a large corporation, the right digital marketing partner can make all the difference on your journey to online success.
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marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
AI Face Fusion Review – Make YouTube & Insta Shorts in Any Niche
Welcome to my AI Face Fusion Review, This is a genuine user-based AI Face Fusion review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how AI Face Fusion can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Unleash the Power of Attention-Grabbing, Revenue-Generating AI Face Videos That Speak Your Message and Get Tons of Traffic and Sales From Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts!
Are you still struggling to make a decent income online and feel like quitting? It’s not your fault, really. AI has made it more competitive for big businesses. Gurus with AI money are monopolizing the market. With millions of new content creators utilizing AI, it’s harder than ever to stand out and get traffic. What if there was an AI Face Hack that could generate millions of visitors per month for your offers with just seconds of effort? Only a handful of people are doing it; 99.95% of marketers have no idea what it is, how to use it, or how to make money with it. But today, that changes. Introducing AI FaceFusion, the groundbreaking AI Face Tech that brings Unlimited traffic to your offers! With this revolutionary platform, you can create 100s of attention-grabbing AI Face Videos with zero effort and get them seen by millions of people on YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels without any subs or followers. You’ll get 10x more sales, reach, followers, and engagement. For a limited time, AI FaceFusion is available at a discounted early bird price. So don’t miss out on this opportunity.
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What Is AI Face Fusion?
AI Face Fusion is a cutting-edge software application designed to create realistic and engaging face videos using artificial intelligence. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, the tool allows users to generate videos featuring digitally created faces that mimic human expressions and emotions. These AI-generated faces can be customized and integrated into video content, offering a new level of creativity and engagement for social media platforms.
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The primary goal of AI Face Fusion is to help content creators produce captivating videos without needing a camera or professional video production skills. By using AI technology, users can create videos that are not only visually appealing but also interactive, thus enhancing the viewer’s experience and increasing engagement rates on platforms like YouTube and Instagram.
AI Face Fusion Review: Overview
Creator: Yogesh Agarwal
Product: AI Face Fusion
Date Launch: 2024-Jul-22
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here Product’s Salespage
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “FACEVIP3” To Get $3 OFF Instantly!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>>> Click Here to Visit AI Face Fusion and Get Access Now <<<
AI Face Fusion Review: About Authors
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Yogesh Agarwal and his passion for cutting-edge solutions have changed how marketers interact with their audiences. Yogesh, the founder of AI Face Fusion, created the first AI-powered virtual platform generation tool to let marketers easily generate compelling AI Face Videos platform.
Yogesh’s platform lets marketers of diverse backgrounds use virtual AI Video influencers. His AI knowledge allows him to create easy solutions that require no technical skills, making content creation accessible to everybody.
Some lots of launches, including Vocal Clone AI, AI Ebook Suite, Instant AI Biz, AI Fame Rush, AI Platform Creator, VidMonopoly, AI Creative Suite, AI Audio Avataar, Ai Video Tales, BusinessBoxAI, AI Creative Suite, AI Graphics Factory, Viral Faces AI, TubeRushr, Propel AI Kit, AI List Flipper, AI Multi Marketer, AI Smart News,and many others.
AI Face Fusion Review: Key Features
100% Cloud Based Software.
3 Different Modes To Create Unbeatable, Attention-Grabbing, Viral Face Videos Quickly.
Upload Your Own Image OR Camera Capture — Build Trust, Authority & Engage with Your Audience.
Create BreathTaking Face Videos Using AI Image Tech & Editor For Any Niche!
Craft A Script Using AI & ChatGPT or Copy & Paste An Existing One.
Want To Use Your Own Voice? No Problem!
Turn Your Scripts Into An Emotional Human-Like Voiceover In 1-Click!
Add Vibrant Music Tracks To Make You Content & Videos Stand Out!
Instantly Transform Your Videos With 1-Click Background Removal Tool.
Reach A Broader Audience with 1-Click Subtitle Generator.
Customise Your Video Till You Get The Perfect Result.
10x Your Traffic & Profits Using Our 1-Click Social Lead Generation System.
Collect Upto 25,000 Leads Inside Our App + Automatically SYNC Leads To Your Desired Autoresponder.
Automatically Follow Up & Broadcast Messages To Make Sales On Automation.
AI Face Fusion Review: How Does It Work?
Step #1:
Create stunning, attention-grabbing face images in any niche that captivate your audience using AI tech. Or upload your own image!
Step #2:
Craft a script using A.I. or copy/paste a script, turn it into an emotional voiceover with our AI. Customize & modify your video using our powerful editor.
Step #3:
Upload your AI face video to YouTube, Instagram with our VIRAL ACCELERATOR method and watch the traffic & sales pouring in!
>>> Click Here to Visit AI Face Fusion and Get Access Now <<<
AI Face Fusion Review: Can Do For You
Groundbreaking, NEW, Top-Secret A.I Face Tech brings UNLIMITED traffic from to your website, blogs, offers, affiliate links etc.
Get The 1st Mover Advantage & Dominate Your Market.
YouTube & Instagram Favours Shorts & Reel Videos & Send You Free Traffic!
Be Ahead of The A.I. Game & Monetize That!
Get Tons Of Traffic & Sales In ANY Niche, Any Language
Save Hours And Hours Of Time & Effort.
No Editing Skills, Budget Or Experience Required.
It’s Fully Scalable & Repeatable.
Get Results In Minutes, Not Days Or Weeks.
It’s Suitable For Complete Newbies & Experienced Marketers Alike
24X7 Support and 100% Uptime Guaranteed
Commercial Licence Allowing You To Re-sell AI Face Videos For High Profits!
30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
Users Say About AI Face Fusion
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AI Face Fusion Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Youtube Content Creators
Make Money Online Bloggers and Podcasters
Business Owners
Founders, CEOs, CMOs, Founders
eCom & Shopify Store Owners
Social Media Marketers
Coaches, Mentors or Gurus
And anyone else who wants free, stress-free and easy traffic!
AI Face Fusion Review: Why You Buy AI Face Fusion?
Purchasing AI Face Fusion can significantly enhance your content creation by providing tools to produce unique, engaging videos with lifelike AI-generated faces. It simplifies the video production process, saves costs on traditional equipment, and offers creative flexibility, allowing you to captivate audiences on platforms like YouTube and Instagram effectively.
AI Face Fusion Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: AI Face Fusion ($17.95)
OTO1: AI Face Fusion Pro Edition ($47)
OTO2: AI Face Fusion DFY Edition ($127)
OTO3: AI Face Fusion Automation Edition ($77)
OTO4: AI Face Fusion 1 Click Traffic Booster ($57)
OTO5: AI Face Fusion Click Design Edition ($97)
OTO6: AI Face Fusion Vocal Clone Edition ($37)
OTO7: AI Face Fusion Multi Marketer Edition ($37)
OTO8: AI Face Fusion Reseller Standard and Ultimate ($127)
>>> Click Here to Visit AI Face Fusion and Get Access Now <<<
My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the AI Face Fusion: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest AI Face Fusion Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
AI Face Fusion Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: Commercial License (During Launch Period Only) (Value $297)
The commercial license allows you to use our videos in any way you want. This means you can use them for your personal or commercial projects without any restrictions. You call sell videos created with AI FaceFusion to clients for any price you want. You can sell them on Fiverr, Upwork, Warriorforum, anywhere you want.
Bonus #2: LIVE Webclass (Value $297)
How To Grow Your Youtube Channel. WorldClass training from one of the Top Youtube Marketer. See How He Generated Exactly $41,973.50 In The Last 30 Days! Learn The Exact System With The Step By Step Training (Even if Your a Beginner)
Bonus #3: Traffic On Demand CheatSheet (No Subscribers Needed) (Value $197)
Learn the exact strategies that makes a Shorts go viral. The research part, the strategy, the step-by-step method. Learn everything you need to start driving traffic to your Youtube short videos in no time.
Bonus #4: 100 YouTube Shorts Channels List To SPY & Take Inspiration. (Value $197)
We researched and created a list of 100 profitable Youtube Shorts Channel. You can use these for inspiration, create your own and become profitable from Day 1.
Bonus #5: The UNSHAKEABLE Super Affiliate (Value $297)
As you start getting traffic with AI FaceFusion, use our SECRET affiliate strategies to quickly achieve your 1st $100, $500 and $1000. How to stand out and build a long-term, sustainable, profitable & unshakeable online business with affiliate marketing!
Bonus #6: Become A Successful Social Media Influencer (Value $197)
Learn how to become a successful Influencer and charge huge amounts of money per post. Follow the exact steps, and system other successful Influencers have followed and copy it.
Bonus #7: TikTok Marketing Checklist (Value $97)
Increase your following on both Youtube and TikTok, post your AI FaceFusion videos on TikTok as well. Learn 18 TikTok best practices, 25 strategies and the best organic best practices to get FASTER results on TikTok.
Bonus #8: Free Instagram Traffic (Value $97)
Learn how to use AI FaceFusion videos to grow your audience on Instagram. This guide will help you to define your audience, retain them, attract more followers, create an online store, drive traffic to your website, and avoid common mistakes.
Bonus #9: Easy Video Strategies (Value $97)
Leverage the power of video marketing to become an online sensation! Connect to your potential customers and become a powerful brand name! Enjoy unrivalled brand exposure and Get a competitive edge over others.
Bonus #10: 100X Youtube Advertising (Value $197)
Want to 100x your results with Youtube ads? Launch a successful Youtube video campaign quickly. Learn how to reach new audiences, maximize traffic and profits with YouTube advertising!
AI Face Fusion Review: Money Back Guarantee
There Is No Risk. You Are Covered By Our Steal Our Product Guarantee!
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days of buying AI FaceFusion, we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. You can still keep our product and enjoy all of the benefits. We will not even revoke your access. However, we are sure that you’ll love AI FaceFusion so much and see the value in it that you won’t ask for a refund. That’s our “STEAL OUR PRODUCT” guarantee for you. This offer is only valid during the launch period.
>>> Click Here to Visit AI Face Fusion and Get Access Now <<<
AI Face Fusion Review: Pros and Cons
Creates realistic, customizable face videos.
Enhances audience engagement.
Streamlines video production.
Cost-effective and time-efficient.
User-friendly interface.
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need to download anything to use AI FaceFusion?
No, you don’t have to download anything. AI FaceFusion is a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) product. You can buy now and start using the product right away. All you need is your email ID and password to access it anytime from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Q. Is there a monthly fee?
No, once you buy AI FaceFusion, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. AI FaceFusion is a one-time purchase product.
Q. What happens after the launch period?
The price will turn into a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and the low one-time price will never be available again! We encourage you to take action before the launch period ends.
Q. Can I have a refund?
We guarantee that you will get more value from your purchase of AI FaceFusion than what you pay us. However, if for some reason the product is not living up to your expectations at any time within 30 days of buying it, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Q. What if I have no subscribers/followers on Youtube & Instagram? Can I still get traffic?
Yes. We will provide you with our personal Video Ranking CheatSheet that will actually rank your videos and have your Reels go viral in no time. So you can get free traffic to your videos straight away.
Q. What about the future updates?
You won’t pay a penny extra for future updates. And, you’ll get free lifetime updates to keep your product up-to-date.
Q. What if I have other questions?
You can ask us your product related question as well as anything about our company or services by emailing us at https://agarwalinnosoft.com/support
AI Face Fusion Review: My Recommendation
AI Face Fusion has the potential to be a valuable asset for content creators seeking to boost their presence on YouTube and Instagram. By leveraging the power of AI, users can efficiently produce engaging videos that captivate audiences and drive results. While the tool offers significant advantages, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks and use it responsibly. By understanding the target audience, incorporating a human touch, and staying up-to-date with platform trends, content creators can maximize the impact of AI Face Fusion.
>>> Click Here to Visit AI Face Fusion and Get Access Now <<<
Check Out My Previous Reviews: DFY Ai Review, AI Rider Review, GraphicX Ai Review, ProfitWPH Review, DomainLab AI Review, Tube Targeter Review, ChatZone AI Review, & SoftSites Review.
Thank for reading my AI Face Fusion Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: Please Note This AI Face Fusion review strives to provide objective information and analysis. While we aim for accuracy, pricing structures and features can change. It’s recommended to visit the AI Face Fusion website for the latest information before making a purchase decision.
Note: This is a paid software, and the one-time price is $17 for lifetime.     
0 notes
further thoughts on youtube comments/algorithms/relation to filterworld
Connections to Kyle Chayk's Filterworld.
In Filterworld, Chayka confirms my sense that as a user, it is normal for me to feel as though I have no sense of what is going on behind an algorithm's recommendation process and functioning. So ubiquitious is this feeling in online life that Chayka speaks of "algorithm anxiety", which is what crops up when creators and those that depend on algorithms for visibility (which in some cases equates to being able to pay one's bills) themselves are unsure of what combination of factors will result in their airbnb listing being featured in airbnb's main newsfeed. Left in the dark, the airbnb hosts rely on folk wisdom and superstitious tricks such as logging into the app several times per day, changing the wording of their listings, and attempting to use certain key words. (In a similar way, Chayka tells the story of trying to "goose" facebook algorithms as a journalist by posting his stories in ways that make them seem like wedding announcements, one form of post very likely to generate a lot of traction with the algorithm). What a journalist posting his stories, an airbnb host posting their listing, a musician posting their song, or a teenager posting their instagram or tiktok post have in common is the fact that none are completely sure in what ways their post will be evaluated by the algorithm, which has the power to make or break that post--to serve it to millions and make it go viral or set it aside on the side of the road and let traffic blow by it without noticing.
Chayka suggests that this is by design. As he writes, there are many incentives for large tech companies to keep the exact formulas of their algorithms secret, and few incentives to divulge them. User anxiety and uncertainty can be a useful tool not only in order to set up an unequal power dynamic, but also as a way of establishing addiction, as in the by now cliche comparison of platform attention-holding strategies to slot machines, which vary rewards as a way to keep users engaged, uncertain, and hooked, always coming back for more. Additionally, behind the scenes, keeping the algorithms opaque gives companies such as facebook a lot of leeway to change them or retool them without notice, in order to serve their own interests or branding strategies, which are apt to change. Chayka writes of how, for a little in the 2010s, there was a rumor amongst journalists that facebook's algorithm was prioritizing video, which resulted in journalists featuring video in their posts--until, just as suddenly, a few years later, it was rumored that facebook was deprioritizing video once more.
Companies' refusal to be transparent about what is going on in their algorithms supports the idea that their relationship to their users and content producers is asymmetrical, if not to say manipulative. These companies depend on both content creators and users/audience in order to thrive, however they don't see their creators and users as equal partners in a mutually beneficial venture. Instead, they see creators and users alike as pools of data--and ultimately revenue--which they endlessly tweak in order to maximize gain for their own ends.
If it sounds as though there is something inhuman in this, it might have something to do with the way that algorithms, as Chayka writes, have their origins primarily as strings of equations. An algorithm is a decision based purely upon data--quantifiable data--and less on traditionally "human" factors such as quality, taste, subjectivity, etc.
One last benefit of remaining opaque about precisely how a given company's algorithms go about recommending a certain song or product or post is that it gives a company an ability to deflect a certain amount of responsibility for what populates their feeds, or for what rules govern their distribution of content.
There is probably a certain wisdom in this. By entering all a platform's content into a set of equations, which dishes out winners and losers according to a set of pre-established rules, the company is able to appear to avoid curatorial responsibility: to avoid, in other words, to appear to be playing editorial favorite by hand-selecting which content will receive visibility and which will not, a situation which easily and swiftly enrage a company's horde of creators, which could be in the millions.
In fact, these companies are playing favorites, and through a much-more ruthless logic than favoritism. They are playing favoritism by weaponizing every metric a given piece of content contains. They release responsibility of promotion to the machines, which measure engagement metrics and automatically spout out the winners, according to principles which are designed to further promote growth for the company.
This dynamic allows companies to have it both ways: they can appear to duck responsibility for the content which populates their feeds through a mechanism designed to ruthlessly promote and distribute the content most likely to further enrich the companies.
Users are endlessly incentivized by what *could* happen. We are reminded, time and again, about the stories of viral pop sensations who got their start through a tiktok dance or youtube post in the same way casinos and lotteries remind users of the possibility of striking it big by posting signs and billboards of lucky individuals' huge payouts and wins. By distributing victories and then endlessly promoting them, platforms buy themselves their own advertisements--often without those being featured even realizing they are being used as advertisements (another cost-cutting measure which reduces responsibility on the part of company).
In this we see another iteration of the same pattern which effects gig economy workers and would-be adjunct professors alike: the wide-scale slashing of a sense of responsibility on the part of large corporations and companies (whether those be universities or tech companies) to what would in the past have been considered their employees, but through a re-shuffling of optics, contracts, branding, language, and culture, are now no longer "employees," but "associates," "partners," "workers on a contract basis" or any other number of terms. Just as, in an effort to cut costs and maximize resources or profit, public and private educational institutions alike have, on a nearly universal scale, begun to low-ball educators, teachers, instructors, and professors to an essentially insulting degree, without any promises of long-term employment, benefits, security, or the right to a living wage, the platforms which host gig workers, content creators, musicians, and artists depend on the labor of these creators without those platforms being accountable to provide security by naming them as employees. Instead, they couch the labor gig workers and content creators perform in other terms; they espouse the flexibility of the work, and tout the possibility of striking it big as a viral star, or frame one's labor as the simple act of "connection," via facebook or instagram.
Just as with Diddy's Love or Trump's Truth, facebook appropriates the word "connection" and turns it into something which it can profit from. Facebook is not interested in human connections which happen off the grid of its site, nor interested in connections which happen on other platforms; nor, in its world view, was "connection" something which had ever happened in human history before facebook's advent. Facebook isn't interested in non-monizable "connections" which it can't profit from. By gobbling up the word "connection" it wants you to believe that "connection" is something that primarily happens on its website, just as McDonalds or Subaru want you to belive that "love" is something that happens inside a restaurant or car. For facebook, "connection," means the connections which happens between users, advertisers, and facebook's engineers, which produce data for facebook, which in turn produces more revenue.
As Chayka points out, algorithms create culture through their sheer influence. At one point, he refers to them as "ambient." By rewarding some posts or songs and not others, they create a strong incentive to create one kind of content and not another. In this way a platform subtly (or sometimes not so subtly) trains us in on what kind of content it prefers, and, as its pseudo-employees, or believing we are seeking our own gain, we learn to subtly modulate our selves and performances in order to gain higher traction on the platforms.
The cost of not doing so can be painful, if not crushing or brutal. (story of piece of content not working online?)
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clevertalelover · 4 months
FORTUNE App Review: A.I Traffic & Commission App 2024|
Welcome to my FORTUNE App Review. FORTUNE is a robust program created to assist you in optimizing your profits from affiliate marketing. It utilizes cutting-edge AI technology to handle all the complex tasks, allowing you to concentrate on enjoying the benefits.
In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the hunt for a reliable and simple method to generate passive income online can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, if you’ve been longing for a breakthrough, FORTUNE might be the answer you’ve been searching for.
This innovative, AI-driven system promises to turn your ClickBank ventures into a 25−50/day viral traffic machine using just 60 seconds of setup time. Let’s delve deep into what makes FORTUNE a game-changer in online income.
Read the full review here>>>
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