#Virtual Reluctant Follower
thereluctantfollower · 4 months
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Decided to try the eyebrows again, happy this time with it 💜
SG Bunn Head + JOMO Base Mod + HP Bunny Ears
AP Feety Peets Mod
Never go alone without your trusty stabby ✨
FREEBIE awesome collar
Modify Jacket, Top, Pants & Shoes
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tieronecrush · 5 months
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office party
javier peña x f!reader
summary: your friend with benefits, javier, is your plus one for your dreaded office holiday party. when a coworker gets a bit too comfortable, javier steps in and shows you exactly how he feels about you.
rating: M
wc: 2.3k
warnings: alcohol use, mentions of sex, inappropriate advances from coworker, fwb, probably missing some so lmk what!!
a/n: my contribution to @pedrostories secret santa event!! was a busy holiday season so i wish i could have done more but excited to participate nonetheless. i hope you enjoy @flightlessangelwings and happy holidays to you!!! and tysm my love @northernbluess for proofing
dividers by @saradika
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“Christ, where is he? Gettin’ freezing out here…” you mumble to yourself, gritted through your teeth as you stand shivering in your party attire — a tasteful black velvet cocktail dress, hem stopping a couple of inches above your knees and long sleeves with a sweetheart neckline. Fidgeting with your charm necklace, you nervously scan the entrance stairs to the history museum for the familiar face.
It’s the night before your office lets out for the holidays, and it’s also the night they host their annual holiday party. Even though it was quite the affair and your large law firm spares no expense for the event, you never really looked forward to being confronted with colleagues in ways you didn’t need to see them, and there was usually one man who would hit on you. Open bar, catered food, always in a gorgeous venue, it was a recipe for a great time or a horrible time, depending on your found company for the night. This year was the history museum, one of your favorite spots in the city. The daydreams you’ve had about taking him here pop into your mind like a flash in the pan — fleeting, and simply something to stay as a daydream.
A tinge of reluctance tugs in your gut. Was it weird to ask him here? Is he going to stand you up?
But then, there was Javier. Looking sharp as ever in a suit, one you’ve seen him in once after he stopped by yours after a late night working. Black, with a crisp white shirt and a red tie to fit into the holiday spirit. A smirk plays on his lips when he spots you, taking the stone steps two at a time as he approaches. It had taken a bit of convincing — virtually bribing — to get him to agree to be your plus one for the night, and when he did confirm that he would come along with you, the prospect of the party actually being something more bearable skyrocketed instead of the excruciating evening you usually expect.
“Hey there, querida. Why’re you waiting out in the cold for me? Debe estar congelándose. (You must be freezing.)” Javier greets you with concern knit into his brow, his big brown eyes softened and sparkling in the low streetlight. His large palms find the sides of your arms, rubbing gently to warm you up.
“Didn’t want to get pulled into the abyss alone in there,” you jest, “I don’t know if you’d have been able to find me with all the hiding I have to do from weird coworkers.”
You laugh and Javier chuckles lightheartedly, shaking his head as he relaxes in front of you. Nodding his head toward the door, he follows behind you as you lead with a hand at your lower back.
“Is there anyone I should watch out for specifically tonight? Am I gonna have to act as a bodyguard? Should I tell any of the creeps I have a gun?” Javier’s lips graze your ear as he speaks, keeping close to you when you enter and the sounds of the party erupt. A jolt runs down your spine from the intimate contact. It’s your turn to shake your head, breathing out a laugh as you limply hit your hand against his chest.
Your excitement around seeing Javier and spending more time with him was getting much more frequent and much more intense. Bordering the point where you don’t know if you can keep up the arrangement with the feelings you’re developing for him.
Friends of a few years, there’s always been a flirty undertone between you and Javier. It built up to the point that when everyone had cleared out from a dinner party at your place, Javier stayed behind to help clean up — always a gentleman — and the two of you, admittedly a bit tipsy from the wine that was flowing all night, told each other one a whim that you were attracted to each other. Both free from any ties of old relationships, you fell into an agreement: sex, great sex at that, with no strings attached. You two would remain friends and get exactly what you wanted, which was each other, without the messiness of a relationship. Something you were both jaded from.
These days, however, the lines were starting to blur on your end. Everything he did seemed to tip you further into the deep end before you finally came to terms and accepted that you had completely cannonballed into it.
Javier is a good guy. Didn’t have that reputation around town when you first met, but getting to know him in the wee hours of the morning after a few rounds, you fell fast and hard. It wasn’t until recently that you came to terms with it.
“Nobody needs the interrogation tactics or intimidation tonight, Peña.”
“Okay, okay…Tengo que asegurarme de que te traten bien. (I have to make sure you’re treated right.) One of their best employees, shouldn’t have to put up with the shit, querida.”
The air in the grand entrance of the city’s museum crackles with holiday cheer as festive decorations adorn every corner. Garland hangs around the banisters of the grand staircase that leads further into the museum, but most of the activity is in the large, marble-lined room you both stand in. Nearly every employee seems to be in attendance, people milling about in cliques and others indulging in drinking or dancing.
As both of you saunter toward the bar, the atmosphere softens with each step, the clinking of glasses and the chatter of coworkers weaving together into a cacophony of merriment. Javier grabs you two drinks, a glass of champagne for you and whiskey neat for him, toasting to the night ahead. The clinking of glasses resonates with your unspoken agreement: tonight, like every other night, would end the same way. No strings.
Amidst the swirl of laughter and twinkling lights, and the loosening power of liquor, the boundary between friendship and something deeper becomes increasingly blurred. Flirty comments dance back and forth, charged with an unspoken tension that lingers beneath the surface.
“You look beautiful tonight, cariño. How come I haven’t seen this dress before?” Javier asks, the two of you standing at a cocktail table, alone and enjoying it.
“Guess you’d have to be my plus one more often, Javi. Then you could see all the dresses in my closet,” you counter, smirking playfully and biting back the desire to mention something akin to a real date for both of you.
“Guess so, querida. Might have to make this a regular thing.” Javier sends you a wink before clinking your glasses together in another smaller toast, a smirk painting his face as he lifts the tumbler to his mouth for a sip.
With every exchanged glance and teasing remark, it’s evident that you’re tiptoeing on the edge of uncharted territory, yearning to express feelings that had long been confined. It’s unclear if Javier feels the same, but soft touches and gentle words ply you open even further, teetering with falling completely.
Then, amidst the dance of emotions and flirtations, a coworker appears in the corner of your eye, sauntering toward the table and bursting the privacy bubble that you happily curated with Javier. His name’s Jake, a man around your age who is friendly with you in the office, sociable guy with one of those “winning” personalities the partners would compliment endlessly. A guy’s guy. But one that had no problem approaching the women in the office. With a warm smile, he extends a hand towards the man at your side, introducing himself with an easy charm that seemed almost too perfect — of course, referring to Javier already as his ‘buddy’. The hint of jealousy that flickers across Javier's face doesn’t escape your notice, and you can’t help but feel a tingle of endearment for his slightly soured mood from being interrupted.
As the night progresses, Jake's alcohol-infused attempt at camaraderie with you grows increasingly unwelcome. He’d been watching you like a hawk so far, cutting in whenever Javier left to grab more drinks or when another coworker pulled his attention away to try to pick his brain about all that’s happening in the government right now. Inching closer to you, Jake leans against the hightop table, making conversation with slurred words and uninhibited want behind his eyes.
When you shift slightly away, attempting to remain civil enough at a work event, you feel yourself bump into Javier. 
At that moment, Javier turns to see if you tapped him to grab his attention, but is met with the clear look of discomfort on your face. Jake leaning in closer, eyes wandering as you responded in the conversation, clearly attempting to check you out. Frustration toward the man in front of you lit in his chest, holding himself back from confronting him and instead fully embracing his purpose for the night. If he was invited as your date, he could act like it, right?
His arm wraps around you possessively, his lips pressing kisses on your temple, and whispered words meant to keep you close. Surprised at first, but happy to feel closer to him and to relish in the protective boyfriend persona, even if it is only to keep a creep away from you.
Jake, seemingly oblivious to the change in dynamics, spoke up louder, laying a hand on your arm and squeezing, “So you ever wanna cut out of work early and get a drink? Maybe end up back at my place? You can wear that dress.”
The proposition sends a ripple of discomfort through the air. Other coworkers turn away, ignoring the advance that left you shocked and speechless. But, Javier, now fully immersed in his role, takes a stern tone, cutting in and gently maneuvering you behind him.
“Hey, cabrón, why don’t you apologize for speaking to her like that?” Javier instructs, nodding to you while your hands wrap around his arm closest to you. “Or am I going to have to find one of your supervisors and tell them all this shit myself? Don’t speak to her again, or even look at her. And I will know if you do — I’ve got eyes everywhere, buddy.”
The look on Jake’s face makes you laugh softly from behind Javier, shaking your head as he backs away and leaves with his tail between his legs. Javier turns to you, wrapping you up in one of his arms and brushing his fingers softly against your cheek.
Concern softens his eyes, the same look that he greeted you with when he found you waiting in the cold, “You alright, cariño? Fucking asshole. You shouldn’t have to deal with that, should report him or something.”
“I’m alright, Javi. Thank you…You didn’t have to—”
Javier shakes his head, smiling with one side of his mouth and kissing your forehead, “‘Course I did. Can’t let anyone talk to you like that.”
You lean into his chest and smile, lightening the mood with a playful comment, “Seemed pretty comfortable being threatening. Did it bring you back to the good ol’ days being a sheriff?”
Ever the master of evasion, Javier shrugs it off with a casual demeanor, attempting to maintain the façade of indifference with a nod, “Sure did. But they weren’t the good ol’ days.”
Hearing the smile in his voice causes a wave of affection for him that washes over you, coming to the realization that it’s either now or never. A surge of courage propels you to take the leap, confessing the fact that you see more with Javier, that you want more with him.
“I know we said no strings, and it was like that at first, but the more I’ve gotten to know you, the more I’ve found that I love you. And you can absolutely walk away and nothing will be held against you, but I can’t keep up with this if I can’t tell you how I feel.”
The atmosphere between you shifts, and for a moment, the world seems to stop entirely.
Javier's eyes softened, and with a sincerity that catches you off guard, he shares a confession too, “Querida, I fell in love with you in the first moment I met you. The second I kissed you for the first time was when I realized it. I thought maybe I could keep it all in, ‘cause I didn’t want to lose you as a friend and just as a part of my life, but I love you, cariño. Have since I heard that laugh of yours and saw that gorgeous smile. And I haven’t felt the same way I feel about you for anyone else before.”
In that moment of vulnerability, the boundaries that confined your actions shatter, opening up a door, wide and clear, for you to walk through and never close.
Away from the crowded party, you find yourselves standing in a doorway adorned with sprigs of mistletoe, a symbol of serendipity. Under the soft glow of the festive lights, Javier takes a step closer, and his lips meet yours in a gentle, lingering kiss. His hand caresses your cheek, one arm wrapping around your waist while yours rest around his neck, pulling him in for a deeper kiss.
As you break apart, Javier looks into your eyes, a sincerity shining through that mirrored the twinkle of holiday lights.
"I love you," he confesses, the words hanging in the air like the melody of a cherished carol.
“I love you, too,” you return, a glowing smile and feeling giddy for the rest of the holiday season with Javier.
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taglist: @northernbluess @atinylittlepain @swiftispunk @joelsversion @mrsmando @ilovepedro @deathwife @undrthelights @atticrissfinch @casa-boiardi @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @fishingforpike @msjarvis @walkintotheriveranddisappear @sugadolly @yazsos @peppesgirl @pastawench @addictedtotlou @brittmb115 @anoverwhelmingdin @spishsstuff @wolfbook87 @mswarriorbabe80 @harriedandharassed @decemberdolly @laiisleitte @fierce-bab @vickie5446 @pertinentpostmortem @livingdeadmaria @sullyosully @bitchwitch1981 @its-nebuleuse @marini03 @piercethevic03 @joeandpedrosimp @kiwisbell @planet-marz1 @txtattoostark @jrosie25 @thereaperisabitch @tbniarq @vee-bees-blog @spidermanfrog @belliezz @joelsflannel @k-k0129 @cartoon-garbage04 @bianqueee04 @nostalxgic
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forthelostones · 7 months
𝚙𝚝.𝚝𝚠𝚘 ; 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 ─── ⋆
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⟡⋆˙୨ᥫ᭡. 𝚗𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚞 - 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎!𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚢 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ᥫ᭡.୧⋆˙⟡
synopsis: abby was a woman whose presence was becoming deeply irresistible to you. in your final year of nursing school, you toil with the idea of pursuing her — ruin what you have or enjoy what’s in front of you?
warnings. 18+ (mdni); sub!abby (eventually), mini slowburn, suggestive language, jealousy, nora & mel & ellie ft, smoking/drinking, mentions of parental death, nickname: dummy, and modern au - pre-established relation.
an: hi everyone, waaaa thanks for all the follows! i appreciate you all sooo soo much. this is something i just thought of idk, maybe a series who knows! i am thinking abt putting this on ao3 too!
(no y/n)
wc: 4.3k
pt one.
Alarm. Dress. Meet Abby. Go. Today was a lecture day and although long, at least you got to sleep in a little this morning. The only thing is Abby is always locked in and there’s no way to get her out of that headspace. She doesn’t take unnecessary breaks or doodles, she is virtually a perfect student. But you sit beside her scrolling through your notes, unamused. 
Abby’s head is downwards, with her braid falling over her shoulder, focused on the presentation. Her hand moves quickly as she writes all the details down, while you type mindlessly. You notice how her bulging veins dress her hand peak-a-booing out of her cardigan. The way she gripped her pen enhanced the greenish threads under her skin as she drew diagrams and large title cards. Why was everything about her attractive, you thought. Mel was sitting next to you with her laptop open, scrolling on Pinterest, mumbling. Her clique of girls speak in what they think is a hushed whisper, but it's just a poor attempt. You feel your lips forming to sh them. 
“Hey.” Abby snaps, holding direct eye contact with Mel. 
Mel looks over her screen with disgust, like she just wished death upon her. But that lasts only a minute before they start up again and Abby sighs, slamming her pen on the desk which causes your professor to turn and look in your direction. 
“Ladies, let’s focus.” She said. 
At the 30-minute break, Abby stormed out of the lecture hall and you followed behind like a lost puppy. She stood in the hallway with her hands above her head, inhaling and exhaling with her eyes closed, counting silently. She rolled her shoulders back and finally looked to find your eyes. Which calmed her for a moment — seeing you there.  
“Y’know what pisses me off about that Mel?” 
She said her name like a swear word.
You were taken aback at the anger bubbling inside of her. Her calm demeanor was all you knew, she avoided conflict, never raised her voice but seeing her like this pang in your heart unlike anything else. 
“She only acts like that because she doesn’t have the mental capacity to comprehend what’s going on. Not everyone can just throw their life away, some of us actually have to work for what we want.”
Her eyes were wide, her fists curled, and her lips tight. You walk over to her and just wrap your arms around her. She was reluctant to reciprocate but eventually did — give into you, and fell into your arms. Her hands linger on your lower back, tugging you.
“They don't understand.” Her voice cracked. 
You knew what this was about, it was about her dad. You saw how reluctant she was to go into detail about him last night. She just changed the subject. You didn’t know what illness he passed away from, if any, she wouldn’t go that far. 
“Abby, I know. They don’t.” You reply pulling away sooner than you both would like. 
She composed herself and peered at your welcoming eyes and she suddenly forgot where she stood. In the middle of a high-traffic hallway, filled with the rustling of scrubs. Her hands came up onto your shoulders and she nodded her head. “You’re right and I can’t fault them for that, can I?” 
The rest of class was incredibly quiet. 
As you both stood at the entryway of your apartments you felt like you wanted to spend more time with her. Just because. You slid your key into the lock and swatted the thoughts away. “Dummy?” She asked.
“There’s a party today, uh, some sorority thing. I don’t really know anyone else going—“
“Yes, yea absolutely.”  
You smiled at her and then closed your door with excitement, maybe too much? 
Abby wasn’t sure what came over her, after overhearing the other nursing students she thought it would be nice to go out, since it had been three years. That text from Nora was burning her phone, flames encased it so brightly that she didn’t go on her phone all day.
After pouring a glass of wine and stripping to get in the shower she stood in the mirror examining her body. Checking her back out, quads, and glutes… she didn’t know why but looking at herself was so invigorating. She pulled her phone out and snapped a photo, forearm covering her chest, gently flexing. Her eyes brightly admired her frame and debated sending it to Nora. She had never taken a nude photo before let alone sent it to someone. She shook her head reaching into the shower, turning the knob, and throwing that thought aside. 
When she was showering all she could think about was your embrace earlier. It was unusual for her to be held — well have human contact at all. She wasn’t one for physical touch, but in that moment she yearned for more. She wet her hair and paused, rekindling the memory in her mind, how you smelled, your warmth, and how she felt — safe. 
She didn’t want to admit it to you this morning but she stayed up last night after you left. She replayed the quick events as she rinsed her hair, visualizing sections of your face behind her eyelids. 
As she was on her last full body rinse, there you stood on the other side of her apartment door knocking, slightly startling her. 
“Wait!” She hollered from the bathroom. 
Quickly wrapping herself in her white towel, wet feet trailing to the front door, she peeped out the hole to see you nervously awaiting her arrival. “Hi, oh shit. You were showering, right. Sorry. I just, I should’ve texted you, but if you wanted to get ready at mine you can.” You said casually. 
Abby felt your eyes flick toward her collarbones, making her pull the towel taut. 
“Yea perfect, leave the door open for me ‘kay?” 
After closing the door Abby became self-conscious instantly. Her sopping hair clinging to her wet face made her feel strange, especially with your lingering eyes. Abby wasn’t the type to rush but she wanted to be closer to you as quickly as she could. She blew her hair dry, finished her wine, and got dressed in twenty minutes, already walking through your front door. 
She had never actually ever seen your apartment in its full glory. It was cluttered by her standards, decorated by yours. “Hey Dummy, it’s me.” 
You peered your head out of your bedroom and welcomed her to help you pick an outfit. You sighed at Abby fully dressed, all ready to go, and completely misunderstanding the concept of getting ready together. 
“So, I was thinking of this combo.” You say, breaking her wandering eyes from your unpolished bedroom. 
Abby looked at your dress, long sleeve, black number, comfortable and easy. She imagined you in it and it made her tense as her mind began to wonder. 
“That’s pretty.” She replied eagerly. 
You were in your silk robe that wasn’t very well at hiding what was underneath, she became flush and attempted to focus on the stitching on the dress or something. But when you bent over to reach for the next item you laid out on your bed she fought herself to look away. Your skin was freshly moisturized and the scent filled her nose so instinctively making her nostrils twitch with pleasure.
“I think so too, but I also have this. I used to wear this a lot, I don’t know. Should I try them on for you?”
You showed her a dark brown number with a swoop back, flowing out at the knee in a wing-like manner. She thought about how high up the hem of the bottom was and blinked her eyes vigorously, unsure if this was a dream or not. She said no words but just nodded her head. 
“Okay, let me change, there’s tequila on top of the fridge.” 
Abby pulled her hands into her carpenter-style jacket and retrieved the liquor. She took the bottle, no glasses, and waited for you at your dining table. Her forehead was misty with beads of sweat looking for an escape, she felt sheepish at how turned on she got from looking at your body. What the fuck is wrong with me, she thought. 
You walk out in the black dress and look at her eyelids lifting at the fabric hugging your body. She brings her hand to her chin as you do a spin for her and then pose. Abby watches you walk towards her in what she swears is slow motion, and straightens her back as her eyes drift up and down your body. She looked completely hypnotized by you. You reach for the bottle, removing the cap in a swift motion and then bringing it to your lips. Abby latched onto each of your movements. In her comatose state, she made it a mission to let it be known at that moment that she was yours. Her thick eyelashes hung heavy as she watched you move your hand to her chin, lifting it and pouring a shot directly into her throat. As her lips came to a close you swiped her chin. 
“I like this dress a lot.” She said, now having an excuse to peer down at your body. 
“Me too,” you smiled. “Let me show you the brown one.” 
She couldn’t refuse the pleasure of watching your ass switch as you went to change. She took another pour into her mouth and shook off the heat coming from her core and throat. You threw your arms up and spun again. 
“I like both but the black one, it’s— it’s really pretty.” 
“So, I’ll wear that one then.”
Abby felt a light bubble form in her stomach from your willingness to listen to her and do as you’re told. She watched your hips sway into your bedroom, just moments after she realized her jaw was set like a rock, wide open, admiring your ass. 
Abby held all the doors open for you as you exited the apartment building, which rendered small thank you’s from under your breath. The sound of your boots clattering against the pavement filled both, you and Abby’s ears, prying at the silence in the air. She looked exceptionally clean tonight, most days you don’t see her outside of her uniform but today, you were really mesmerized by her. You questioned if it was the drinks you consumed or just her sweet scent enticing you. 
Her black boxy tee was blanketed in a woody sage perfume, just nipping above the hem of her dark-washed denim that was slouching below her hips, exposing the skin around her navel.
“I haven’t been to a party in a while,” she sighed. 
You smiled at hearing her voice within the stillness. 
“Me too, I’m glad you invited me.” You reply. She peers over to you with a bewitching smirk that makes your cheeks hot. 
“To be honest, I wouldn’t have wanted to go with anyone else.” She says matter-of-factly, not knowing how sweet her words sound. You think of a reply, but nothing seems good enough at the moment.
You both slip side glances at each other as the moon shimmered on your skin. You kept tucking your hands in your hair and adjusting accordingly. In this moment, you became conscious of how close you two were huddled together. Occasionally her knuckles would tickle yours and she’d hum a sorry, but you couldn’t help to indulge in the brief moments of her touch. 
The house party was secluded, the bass of the shitty music vibrating the outside of the porch that was sprinkled with stoners and nicotine rats. Abby grabs your wrist to guide you up the steps sees your dress ride up your bottom and gently tugs it down, following behind you. Your mind buzzed with the image of her hand drifting further. 
You pull open the jagged screen door and inhale the miles of smoke trailing outside. You look over your shoulder to see Abby retreat into her turtle shell and instantly become turned off. You reach for her hand and clasp it, to which she refuses and intertwines them, tying her clammy hand into yours. Your palm pushes wet bodies to find a corner worth standing in. The house was crumbling under the music and clabbering feet. 
Abby saw you were struggling to plow your way through the crowd so she took the lead. Her eyes were like darts, locking in on the target. She used her elbow as a driving force, the pull of her weight had you tripping over your feet. You ended up at steps going towards the basement, florescent with colored lights. The vibe was mellow and not as many people were here. After hitting the last step, you feel the release of compression from Abby’s hand, and you casually cross your arms. 
“You good?” She asks, hand softly grazing your hip as she leans in. 
All you can muster is a nod. 
The room was surprisingly cold, the old basement that had been decorated in FSL graffiti and memorabilia. In the corner was Mel and her friends from class who instantly spotted you and Abby like a sore thumb. Sitting on the couch were two women, legs laid on top of each other, sharing a dab pen. The brooding brunette peered over at you and you swore you could hear her voice by the look coming from her eyes. Abby taps your shoulder and gestures to all your classmates who are now loudly offering drink service. Mel lifts a bottle of flavorless vodka to Abby’s lips, pouring it into her mouth, while nursing her open jaw. 
“Good job, Anderson.” She practically moans. You’re unsure if she’s being condescending or flirtatious, either way, you become uncomfortable.
Mel was in a mini skirt and a tube top, both white and pristine. Her hair was pinned back and tied in a low bun, embellished with a pink silk bow. Her makeup was simple but flagrant, enhancing her features so beautifully and highlighting her predator eyes on Abby. 
Suddenly, after handing you both a shot, Mel’s perfectly polished fingernails were gripping Abby’s strong shoulder. Massaging it and laughing as if she hasn’t been an asshole to her for almost four years. Obliviously, Abby just continued to collect shots from Mel, being drawn into every string pouring out of her mouth. You follow shortly behind but are left out of the conversation, standing behind Abby, watching like the Secret Service. Mel’s hand slowly creeps down towards Abby’s back, under her jacket, and now making some joke about our professor, throwing her head back and forth, then setting it on her shoulder, rubbing her. 
You glance over to the couch to see the cat-like woman sizing you up. She waves her pen in front of her face like a dangling carrot. You strut towards her and she pats the couch and you swear you see dust fly into the air. She brings the pen up to her lips and lets the smoke brush her bottom lip. Her hand comes to rest on your thigh and then blinks narrowly at you. 
“Why haven’t I seen you before.” You whisper in her ear. 
She waits to pull away, allowing the pattering of your breath to trill against her skin. 
“Don’t know,” her hand slides upwards. “What’s your major?” 
Her arm was colored with an interesting tattoo that you find yourself tracing. Her hand came up to the curve of your ass. “Smart girl, so if I get an injury say… here,” She brings her mouth to graze your neck, then places a soft kiss. “Then you’d help me out?” 
Her lips flick against your ear lobe which makes you shift under yourself. 
“I certainly can.” 
In the midst of the ever-present tension, Abby walks over with her pinky wrapped around Mel’s, a smile, unapologetically flashing gums and teeth. “Coming to dance with us?” She asks. 
“Yea we can come.” Your new companion replies. 
Abby smiles stiffly at her, then dashes her eyes back at you, saying your name, and then lets go of her connection to Mel. 
“Sure, be up in a minute. Get us some beers?” You smirked. 
Even under the lights, you can see how flush Abby became. Mel dragged her off, their hands back in love. You look back at your partner, cup her chin, and follow shortly behind. 
Abby stood in the corner with Mel waving her hips against the beats of the song. She held three bottles of beer by the neck in her large hands. You two caught each other’s eyes and for a moment you could see her grin. Once you join them in their designated area, your date retrieves the bottles from Abby and sips behind you, wrapping her hand on your waist. 
“I love this dress?” Her voice vibrating against your damp skin. 
Her hand kept running over the smoothest parts of your body, gripping, pinching, — drinking you in. 
“What’s your name?” 
Abby came over to you and asked if were you okay to which you replied with a nod. Ellie was pushing her pelvis against your ass, gyrating desperately. Her hands became sticky with desire, practically bending you over, forcing you to arch your back. 
Mel pulled Abby into her sphere and tacked her arms around her neck, tossing her head wildly, and making Abby slide her free hand on her lower back. Mel’s eyes were glossy with a feminine ache, the same one you had. You stood confused watching it all play out and Abby went along with her. Something boiled inside you, lust or jealousy, you didn’t know. It distracted you so much you didn’t realize Ellie’s lips pressed on your nape. 
You turn to her and she latched her lips onto your neck, tattooed hand cupping your ass, dipping you back as she fused with you. It felt so good to be wanted like this, you felt your eyelids flutter and you could've sworn you smelt Abby’s shampoo. You could feel Ellie’s hands widen, and you could see the shimmering blonde locks under the flashing lights, and the formation of Abby’s name on your bitten lips.
“What?” Ellie pulled away in a half-hearted laugh. 
“Hm? Did I say something?” You yelled. 
Ellie couldn’t stop peering at your mouth, then glancing upwards, then down again. As she closed her eyes and moved inward, a shove from behind you interrupted your connection. Ellie yells at them but all you see is Abby locking lips with Mel, her hands full of her ass and Mel’s knees buckling. You see how Abby casually slides her tongue inside her mouth, and Mel accepts it like it’s hers. 
Ellie bucks up to the guy who pushes you. His beer split on his shirt, hair soaked in sweat, mouth sloppy, and hollering slurs at her. Abby looks over at the situation and notices you in the midst of it all and pulls you away. 
Her lips were bright and wet as she looped her arm into yours and put you behind her. You bring your hands up to her shoulders and tug at her when you see Mel searching for Abby in the crowd. Abby’s steps stuttered as you led her out of the house. It was like being released from a chokehold as the fresh wind smacked your face. You guide her down the steps and she smiles, teeth on display and eyes wedged into her cheeks. 
“Hmm… fuck me. I’m drunk.” 
Her voice was resonant, sexy. 
She stumbles over to you and dangles her wrists off your waist, face-to-face. Although drunk, she had no issue flashing you a playful gaze. You analyze her soft face and stare at the tip of her nose, then her lips, and back to her eyes. You break out of your tipsy and notice how fidgety her hands are, causing your panties to dampen.  
“You think you can handle me?” 
“Wha— what do you mean?” You choke. 
She reaches into her coat pocket and dangles her keys, which you take for safekeeping. Thoughtlessly, her hands return and cascade towards your ass, fingers brushing your dress fabric. You stay like this for a moment, relishing her touch. 
“Let me get you home Anderson.” 
She tried her best and pick her feet up off the ground and not wash her shoes against the concrete. You held her by her waist, looping through her outer arm, hoisting her up, which wasn’t an easy feat. The puffs of her breath filled the air in front of you and you couldn’t believe you were carrying her home. 
You walk her through her apartment and lay her out on her bed, turning on her lights. She groans loudly, pressing her palm against her temples, “No, turn it off. Open the blinds.” 
She sounded so sweet, totally different from her persona at the house party. So you comply, the moon was full in the sky, cascading over the room like the sun, illuminating her face. Abby sat up lazily and attempted to remove her shoe, but all she could do was giggle at her failure. You sat the the edge of the bed and unlaced them, placing them across the room. She manages to remove her jacket alone, but you insist on tucking your fingertips under her shirt and pulling it upwards. The static made her fly-aways stand up, which you naturally brushed downwards. She observed you as you then moved to unbutton her pants. The beats in your chest were obnoxious in your ears — you were sure Abby could hear it too. The only noise in the room was the huffing of her breathing, which was two touches away from becoming moans. Abby sat before you, legs spread, dangling off the edge in her nude bra and matching lace panties. Her dainty underwear in contrast to her toned body filled that cave in your belly. She brushed her hands through her hair, rolled her neck, and fell back on the bed. 
You ran in the kitchen and filled a glass with water, leaving it at her bedside. She was now under her sheets, admiring you. 
“I’ll come check on you in the morning.” 
A heavy pause floated above your heads. 
“Wanna just… s—?” / “I’m gonna go.” 
You both speak simultaneously, you freeze, curious if you let her repeat herself, but you don’t. 
“Okay.” She smiled weakly. 
“If you need me just knock. ‘Night Abby.” 
You peeled your dress off and tossed your shoes and underwear on your living room floor. Your naked body glistened with goosebumps, making your nipples harden. They became so sensitive, begging for touch, and suddenly you wished you didn’t leave Abby alone. You fall into your bed that was plush with warmth, ruffling the sheets under you. Your mind painted images of Abby’s hands slipping under your dress, pushing aside your panties, and sticking her fingers in your slick that she was responsible for. 
Your hands trailed to your aching core, surprising you with how wet you stayed all night. You roll your arousal-covered clit languidly, imaging Abby. The picture of her partially nude body flashed clearly, making you sweat. Once you build up the courage to slip your fingers in you groan her name. Abby. Letting her name levitate in the air as the sloshing noise between your legs increases. 
The Saturday sun broke through the curtains of your bedroom, revealing the state you left yourself in, nakedly aroused. A soft pattering was rhythmic at the door, which spooked you. Your back is now erect, and you don’t care to remember how or why you were this nude in bed, you just reach for the nearest t-shirt and cover your top half as you open the door. Abby was grinning, a smile as bright as the sun, holding two coffee mugs. She had ditched her matching attire for red and black plaid pajama pants, with an old college top that was worn from time. You undo the chain lock and let her in, kicking aside your dirtied clothes. 
Even hungover, she still looked beautiful. 
“Good morning.” 
You were slightly upset that Abby woke you up this early on a weekend, especially looking this good. You run to the bathroom and see the caked makeup on your face and wash it fresh. You lead her to your room where you ruffled through your dresser for a clean pair of underwear. Abby shot her eyes to the ground as you lifted your shirt to slip them on. You accepted the coffee from her hands and sat on your bed, curdled in the corner. 
“Thanks.” You squint. 
“I woke up feeling like shit.” 
“You had a night.” 
Just for a moment you had forgotten the Mel fiasco, but quickly remembered. 
“I did?” 
“You and Mel…” You allude. 
Her face falls into her palm, “Oh no,” 
You force a giggle but you hated seeing it. 
“Full tongue.” 
“Fuck. I really — I don't really know why or how that happened.” 
“She got you drunk, kept feeding you drinks… hands all over you.” 
“But it’s Mel! It’s Mel, she hates me.” 
She stares. 
“There you go with that again.”
“The hmmm stuff.” 
“You’re just hard to understand sometimes Abby.” 
“Maybe I’m not meant to be understood.” She smirked, watching your face contort with agitation. 
She leans against your headboard and just stares at you. 
“Did I do anything else?” Her voice suddenly capricious. 
You shook your head in reply as you sipped. 
“I just didn’t know she liked girls.” 
“Abby, she doesn’t.” 
She pinches the bridge of her nose. 
“Glad nothing further happened. Right?” 
“Nope. I mean unless something happened just as I put you to bed.” Her eyes lit up at this news, something ignited in her, mostly gratified. You drink more and feel your body tensing up under her lens. 
“Put me to bed?” Her fingers find her ridges in your sheets, the same way they did to your dress, and smooth them out. You shudder remembering her drunken touch. Her eyes glaze over with a sharp look, almost as if she remembered too.
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akunoniwa · 22 days
Knife Prty
AN: gang. I've not published anything in like. Three months. For me, this ""piece"" is more of a way to break the ice of my mind that's since frozen over. Overall, I am very reluctant to write, let alone publish, Astarion for various reasons, but I was listening to Deftones one day and was feeling devious.
Synopsis: In which you hold the memory of your first encounter with him very near and dear... He uses it to his tactical advantage...
Pairing: Astarion x fem!reader/tav
Warnings: MDNI, knife play, most definitely would not recommend fucking or getting fucked with a knife handle, sorry it sounded hot,
WC: ~2.3k
A knife balanced against your neck, a familiar blade, increasingly warm with your heat. It was a grave distraction as it teetered threateningly along the grain of your skin, but you’d made a purposeful mistake of telling Astarion how nice it felt to be not just beneath him, but his dagger. It was objectively dangerous, the feeling wasn’t conveniently replicated, thus it felt… real this way, vital. His hand had an instinctual way of slotting itself between your thighs, the heart of his palm blanketing your blooming clit. Two fingers coaxing slick sweetness and moans from your body that twined around him.
“Is this…” Your hand searched behind you to grab at his right upper thigh, pulling him into your backside, “...What you needed, my love?” His words, shrouded in his misty tone, implored you in tandem with his hand.
He was in too many lovely places at once, your muscles slacking in unison as you both stood bare in the middle of the large bath in the vacant House of Hope. Fresh killers you were, in need of a cleanse in every sense, but something about finally taking out Raphael and his accessories had you both at peculiar odds. Astarion was made to witness your vulnerabilities to Haarlep, and despite knowing you well at this point, he found he was unable to accept that you were actually susceptible to its charm. Even if that weren’t the case, he wasn’t about to say he was basking happily in the image of you being ridden by an incubus who ought to just be Raphael himself. The more he was made to think about it after the fact– fighting beasts to save Hope, slashing down Raphael himself… His mind deviated drunkenly back to your body… You. With someone… Something else. 
He decided he’d have you in that very spot, right in the Hells where his heat in this moment would make even the waters here boil over.
You two haven't really spoken about what happened in the graveyard, perhaps enough had already been said and done. It’d been weeks since, and no matter how paramount it was to you both, in different respects, Cazador had virtually nothing to do with the looming Elder Brain.
But Astarion’s declaration of his new ‘life’, or an amendment of his living death, still prevailed. This revitalization of sorts stood prominently, following him decisively like a shadow he didn’t have. Constant proof of him as him.
The sharpened metal at your throat was an afterthought to you at the time, but a thought nonetheless– one Astarion had hung onto dearly. Ever since you’d told him in a passing moment that you found your first encounter with him haunting your more unsavory moments, he couldn’t rid himself of the reminders.
“Gods, yes…” You shamelessly ground your hips into his beckoning hand, requiring his attention like nothing else. He was, needless to say, extremely turned on by you in any case, but here… Like this, adorned with his blade that had just slain that imbecilic devil, in addition to his enslaver just weeks prior. He could hardly allow his mind to wander trying to understand, but here his knife somehow signified something of untouchable worth. Trust… A morbid reenactment, sure, but how he adored you so, obsessed with how he was able to thrill you in such an asinine way.
You could feel him straining against you, that familiar sensation of his needing you… Though, he enthusiastically opted to see how long he could play with you, guiding your orgasm through the thickets of his teasing maze.
“Sick little love… I can feel you pulsing against my fingers, so fucking hot and wet.” His remark was serpentine and crude, hips rutting his cock ever so slightly between the swells of your perched ass, “How many times have you thought about this…?” He needed to sift through your tainted mind, needed to hear of your hunger, starvation, for him, as much as he tries to pretend he doesn’t love the assurance. Does your mind, too, think of him like he does of you? Remind me… He’d think– You must keep reminding him of how he tears your sanity to such decadent shreds.
His pace slowed only to allow for precision, his middle and ring finger hooked inside you knowingly as he worked at your left shoulder with his tongue.
“Fuck…” Your small, overwhelmed squeak indicated he was doing exactly as he should, rubbing the velvety spot just past the threshold of your cunt that made you shudder in his embrace, “I don’t even know…” He felt your head fall back on his right shoulder in blissful dejection, “It was more than a few.”
“My routine of devouring you isn’t enough, hm?” His fine-pointed fangs indented your skin on cue, not yet drawing blood.
You let out a breathy laugh, “Admittedly… I was nervous about the pain at first, but… You always manage to make such reckless things feel so good…”
“You drive me insane, darling. Utterly insane. Especially when you say deranged things like that…” Still hooked, his fingers sped up with dedicated intent to make you cum, skin sticky with sweat as you were sealed against his front, “A knife to your sweet neck is all it takes to make you drip down my hand?” You made him feel murderous, vulturine… Alive? Your adorable reactions picked at all the right places within him like crows.
You hummed a dizzied whine in time with his firm pace, a rush of everything creating a cyclone deep within your core, “But, you’re holding it…”
“That I am, dear. Watching you fucking lose yourself like this is truly a sight to behold.” The knife pressed its taunts as he fucked into you while you tried to keep steady.
“Don’t stop…”  You couldn’t and didn’t want to fixate on anything else but the pleasure he was giving you, “Please…” Your free hand subconsciously rushed to blanket the one that worked at your beckoning hole, making him gleam beneath your needy touch. His precum began to gradually garnish your backside– Why in the Hells would he stop now?
He need not hide his satisfaction, never with you, a grin causing his words to fray upward with lust, “Pretty, pretty thing… Cum for me.” He sprinkled your shoulder with nipping kisses once more, “ Give it all to me…” He crooned right into your center, his tone broad and smoky.
Hardly needing much past a syllable, your violent shakes when you cum were one of his favorite things to witness, let alone cause. His hand was caught in a vice grip between the tide of your plush thighs as he continued to press into that perfect spot as you came, your moans resonating through his cock. He loved the way your nails dug into the back of his thigh to bring him impossibly close, the other hand around his wrist… Holding onto him for all that you were worth in this moment.
“So divine…” He dragged the knife torturously down your chest, its fine point flicking just barely at your nipples, circling them, “I know how much you like when I tease here…”
You wanted to cry out, every nerve ablaze after your orgasm as you warmed his coated fingers. Instead, you gnawed on another dulled groan in your mouth as the metal tip tickled your areola.
“Let me hear you, darling… There’s no one around.” His voice enveloped your mind like a lecherous fog, words enunciated as they cut into you, “I’d almost say that’s a shame, as I can’t decide if I’d want everyone in all the Hells and beyond to hear your little noises, or have you all to myself.”
“Astarion…” He was breaking you, collecting your pieces, and puzzling your lust-drunk self back together as he pleased.
It seems everyone at camp has been reaching the apex of their struggles at once, especially since reaching Baldur’s Gate– seeing an unwanted face or two is inevitable. It’s been a smothered blur, and to put it more plainly, you and Astarion have not really been afforded time together. It was absurd, fighting almost toe to steel toe beside him, but this was the case day in, day out, everything else had to wait. You’d begun to miss him… You’d tried to brush it off, perhaps it was just you and some arrangement of irrational justifications. His biting quips seemed more distant, even when he held you after a long outing, he felt… Far. And the only reason for this was the non-squirmy affliction you both shared for each other. Of course, he missed you dreadfully. Hence his body currently being superimposed onto yours, an eclipse of raw, splitting desire.
“Give me more… Say it again.” He urged feverishly as your hips still twitched here and there, your movements waking through him.
“Astarion.” You trailed a caressing hand up the arm he latched around your front, just listening to what little was left in your mind. You found the hilt of his dagger gripped in his other hand, guiding it so the fuller would rest on your flattened tongue. Licking a careful stripe towards the tip, he watched in an attentive daze, your projections onto the knife translating to his groin just as you’d hoped.
“Yes, darling…” He finally pulled his fingers from you, experimentally wiping your slick onto the knife. You could feel his smirk radiating beside your cheek as he tugged the blade to his lips. Making sure to secure your eyes, you watched as he tasted your sweet mixed with metallic, making you writhe beneath the image before you.
Swiftly, as he does, he flipped the dagger to lead the rounded pommel down over your stomach, slowly flowing over your pelvis, ultimately pressing down on your clit. He managed to grip it in a way so as to avoid cutting his own hand, running the ball between your swollen folds.
“Mm, I wanna touch you…” You whined pitifully as you writhed, wanting to make him feel as good as he was making you feel, lavish him in pleasure as you’d been ceaselessly imagining.
The moonlight was damn near blinding that night on the overgrown plot of his not-so-restful place… How he pushed you back, fiercely, claiming everything as his own– most importantly, himself. You almost giggle at your spontaneous recollections, how forceful yet tediously careful his movements were as he made it no secret that he’d take you then and there. How his knee swiftly presented you to him, his relentless, passionate kisses…–
“Perhaps I want to be sure that we are on the same page…” The pommel grazed your quivering center, rolling your arousal to a fro, insinuating his intent, “Do you think I enjoyed watching you moan beneath that infernal wretch?”
“I was truly trying to sort out the hammer business… I can’t say I was willingly enthused, he had to charm me just to get me to consider taking my clothes off.”
“It was certainly a… production… But I must be frank, it was not something I ever dreamed of being made to see. How that… Thing nearly made you succumb to its little tricks.” He angled the dagger so as to push it inside you, just a bit, dragging out another melodious moan from you.
He chuckled at this, deciding to drop the matter for the moment, “My filthy darling… You wouldn’t cum around my dagger, would you?” He chided, knowing full well that he’d see to that being the case, “It seems… You just need to be fucked, no matter how.”
The hilt was thick, stretching you generously as its smooth leather pushed further into you. He gripped the guard to avoid splitting his hand, but the risk of a small injury paled in comparison to this, “Maybe there’s something about Avernus, this house… I just feel… Hot,” You debated momentarily, wondering if it’d be more of a burden to speak from what little of your mind remained, “...And I didn’t want to bother you by telling you that I missed you. In any capacity… I’ve missed all of you.” You forced coherence despite him establishing a cyclic rhythm.
He kissed your cheek a few times in response, though found himself quickly perplexed, “Bother me– Darling, never. You’ve… Missed me?”
“It’s been fighting nonstop for weeks, and save for… A few instances, the last few months. All I’ve wanted was to just be able to relax with you, to truly just be.”
“You’re going to tell me this as I’ve buried a dagger handle inside you? You’ve got peculiar timing, my sweet.” His movements subconsciously stilled as he was looking to you for an unknown kind of answer.
“Gods–” You clenched as he kissed your neck this time, allowing his fangs to indent just enough to make themselves known again, “I’m sorry… I guess I could’ve said it any time… I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“No, no, no– love, so could I,” He opted to always shower you with every pet name he could recite, perhaps as a habitual hedge, perhaps to drown you in his doting, “I’ve most certainly missed you, too.” He could feel you attempting to move onto the dagger, sending his body and estranged soul into a frenzy, “So, so much…” He found he just wanted to make you scream, in this particular instance. He’d been rearranging the meaning of intimacy in his mind slowly but steadily alongside you. While harrowing associations would inevitably remain attached to the act, he wanted to overwrite as much of that as he could with images of you. Of true rejoice, pleasure. He swore, his cock twitched upon reminding himself just how good you make him feel, body and beyond.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
I've already shared many of my thoughts on Staged winning two I Talk Telly awards today and the subsequent acceptance speech videos for those awards, but I can't stop thinking about Michael not being in either video.
Michael and David are the heart and soul of Staged. It's not a far reach to say that they are the reason Staged came to exist in the first place, after Simon witnessed their amazing chemistry in GO, and that they are also the reason it continued on for as many seasons as it did. I am in no way attempting to diminish the supporting cast, but there is a reason that Michael and David keep winning the acting-related awards and no one else has.
For them/the show to collect two new awards (Best Comedy and Best Comedy Partnership) and Michael to appear nowhere in either acceptance speech video is very strange at best, and at worst, downright concerning. And it is further not helped by the way in which the videos are presented. It would actually be much less bizarre if we only saw David and Georgia's video, as they did the same exact thing when Michael and David won that same award in 2021 (when Michael was sick with Covid, which was why he wasn't in the video). So it makes sense for them to have gone this particular route:
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...And then we have Anna's video. A video that contains cardboard cutouts of David and Georgia in the background, and in which Michael is neither seen nor even mentioned, which seems thoughtless at best given that Michael is the reason Anna was in the show in the first place (and apparently as a very last minute addition).
And for some reason, Lyra is the one speaking while they are both in front of the cutouts and AL is standing there like she's giving away a new car on The Price Is Right:
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I'm just honestly at a loss for what the reasoning was behind this. Because all it does is draw more attention to the fact that Michael is missing, that he's been virtually absent from Twitter since the end of October, and that he's been previously reluctant to promote Staged and is apparently equally reluctant to appear in a video with his own girlfriend co-star (as he himself once referred to her, mere moments after saying that he loves David).
Whatever the case may be--if someone from PR has told Michael to continue laying low, if he's busy with rehearsals for the play he's about to star in, or if Michael is fully over promoting Staged in any capacity--none of this seems normal. I'd love to hear what my followers think, of course, so please feel free as always to speak your mind in the comments on this post...
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oftenwantedafton · 4 months
The Perfect Girl - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - none for this chapter
Summary: Dave Miller sees you hesitate. Perhaps reluctant to stay alone in the dark. Perhaps some sense of self preservation is finally kicking in, making you wary of following a virtual stranger more than two decades older into the recesses of an abandoned restaurant.
No one knows you’re here.
Anything could happen.
Also available on AO3
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Fate brings you into the man calling himself Dave Miller’s path on a Monday afternoon.
You’re in line ahead of him at a kiosk at the mall, where a vendor sells bags of artificially colored and flavored popcorn. There are a variety of unusual offerings like chocolate orange and strawberries and cream and peanut butter and jelly, the latter dyed purple and yellow. That was a personal favorite of his.
You’re next. You take a step forward and Dave moves right behind. He hooks a thumb in one of the belt loops of his security guard uniform pants and fiddles with the heavy ring of keys. There are so many. He doesn’t even know what half of them are for, in truth; only concerned with the ones that matter.
He can smell your fragrance from here. Not some cloying perfume that older women seem to favor, but something fruity and vibrant. A body spray of some sort perhaps. He also detects a light floral scent from your shampoo. You’re not long out of the shower, he thinks.
You order Wacky Watermelon. The kernels are colored red and green. You rummage in your purse. A tidy little thing, compact, thin strap, single compartment. It appears you’re a little short on cash.
“I’ve got it,” the security guard says, stepping beside you, reaching for his wallet.
Your cheeks flush. Such a pretty pink hue. “That’s ok, I…”
“It would be my pleasure.” He smiles. It’s a large one, lips stretching over sharp looking teeth. A bit intimidating.
“Oh, okay. Th…thank you,” you stammer.
So now you are indebted to him. At least, that is how he sees it. You collect your bag of popcorn and smile nervously.
“I’ll treat you next time. I just got a job working over there.” You point to a clothing store for young adults. He can hear the music blaring inside from here. The mannequins in the storefront windows are currently wearing distressed denim leggings and cropped hoodies. The fashion of today’s youth is something that eludes Dave, but then again, he supposes every generation has their trends. He’s seen bell bottoms and leg warmers come and go. Earth tones and neon. Now this blatant exposure. A jarring mismatch of wanting to be covered but also exposing tantalizing amounts of flesh. And he was not supposed to look. Well.
You don’t appear to subscribe to that same sense of style. Your clothing is demure. Everything covered. Not too tight. Hinting at nothing. Leaving it to the imagination. He likes to imagine.
He nods and a piece of the dark hair that’s a bit untidy falls over his brow. He sees you swallow thickly. How lovely your throat is.
“So I gotta get back. I’ll see you around.”
Oh, indeed you will, he thinks.
It’s Thursday. It’s pouring outside and the mall is crowded, people driven to find activities indoors. The pizzeria would have been very busy on a day like today, if it was still open.
He wanders the dusty rooms. Brushes fingers over the joysticks and buttons on the arcade cabinets. Draws back the stage curtains to view the animatronics frozen in place, waiting patiently for a future peformance. He’ll wake them again, when the time is right. He returns to the security office and surveys the monitors. There are intruders on occasion, but they’re rare, as the restaurant is actually concealed behind a wall, its existence forgotten. Those that do happen to stumble into it, well. They don’t live to tell the tale. So it remains hidden, secret. Like his real identity as the former owner of the establishment, William Afton.
He eases back into the office chair and it creaks loudly in the stillness. He can spare a few more moments before he returns to his actual job patrolling the shopping mall. How tedious it is. Assisting customers when they’ve locked themselves out of their cars. Giving directions, usually to the restroom even though there are mall directories everywhere. The occasional shoplifter. Reuniting lost children with their parents. That last task was especially difficult to keep a straight face during. It’s a waiting game, something to do to fill the in between times, until he can begin the work again. At least it gives him an alibi, an excuse to be near his old restaurant.
He’s thirsty.
The soda vending machines are empty, of course, the supplies of the franchise’s stock long depleted. No more Freddy Fazbear’s Fizzy Cola or Bonnie’s Bodacious Orange Blast. He’ll need to get something from one of the vendors in the food court. Perhaps you’ll go with him, pay him back as it were.
He has found you coming into his mind all week.
He’d seen you a few times during his patrol. Paused to watch you refold sweaters and organize pants hanging on a rack when he thinks you’re unaware. Sometimes he waits for you to notice and he waves and smiles. A softer gesture, no teeth. You wave uncertainly back.
The wheels drag across the floor as Miller pushes back from the desk and rises to his feet. It’s time to leave his beloved pizzeria. For now.
You’re in high school. Senior year. Eighteen, an only child. Parents divorced. You’ve just purchased your first car. Want to study Archaeology, specialize in Egyptology.
You’re babbling, alternating between nibbling on a chocolate bar and sipping lemon lime soda. Dave patiently listens to the prattling. He likes the way your glossed lips look wrapped around the straw, the suction you apply. He takes a sample of his own cherry soda and leans back. The metal cafe chairs in the food court aren’t the most comfortable, especially since his legs are so long, his six foot four frame cramped. But he’ll endure it, and gladly. The chatter and the discomfort pale in comparison to what he wants to take from you.
“How long have you worked here?” You ask him, taking another bite of milk chocolate.
“Two years, nearly.”
“What’s the most interesting thing that’s happened? Like, did you ever have to call the police or anything?”
“There are the occasional shoplifters. Nothing dramatic.” The security guard takes another pull from his drink.
You look a little disappointed. “Oh, okay.” The candy wrapper is empty. He can hear the ice rattling around in the nearly empty cup. Your time together seems to be running short. “Well, I gotta get back. It was nice talking to you.”
“Likewise. I appreciate the beverage.” He finishes his drink and dumps it into the trash bin nearby.
Dave accompanies you back to the clothing store. There’s no reason for it. You don’t need an escort or a guide. But it’s an excuse to be by your side a little longer. You’re wearing a different body spray today but this scent is equally as appealing. Vanilla. Warm and sugary.
“Have a good rest of your shift,” you say, stepping back into the store you’re employed at. Dave watches your thread your way between the shelves and the racks and he thinks he’s going to bring you into the darkness of the pizzeria very soon.
The following Sunday. Sunny, mild, the perfect spring day. The mall is less crowded, customers seeking the good weather outdoors.
Dave braves the music and enters the clothing store you work at. You’re leaning against the counter. He’s watched you wipe down the same clean space five times in as many minutes. Keep glancing at the clock, eager for the shift to end. You’re clearly bored.
The security guard joins you at the counter and leans. Narrow hips much higher next to your curves. Arms folded over a gray shirt with black epaulets. Long and lean. The heavy ring of keys jangling when he shifts positions.
“Is it me, or is today incredibly dull?”
“Oh my gosh, yes,” you agree immediately.
“What time do you get off?”
“I’ve got something to show you.”
The phrasing throws you off. He can feel you stiffen a bit beside him, your breath catching.
“I’ve found an old arcade walled up at the other end of the mall. Thought maybe you’d like to go explore. It looks pretty interesting.”
“Oh!” You exclaim. He feels the tension ease in your limbs. Back to trusting again. “That’s kind of neat.”
“Don’t tell anyone about it, okay? I don’t want people to find out. It’s just our little secret.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“I’ll come back at two to get you.” He pushes off from the counter, raking a hand through the dark locks that are just a touch too long.
“Okay.” You sound a bit uncertain. But the deal has been struck. It doesn’t matter if you’re a bit wary.
He’s got you right where he wants you.
Dave Miller doesn’t really need the flashlight.
He knows his restaurant by heart, of course; knows the placement of every machine and table and chair and counter. But he has to illuminate the path, for your sake.
You follow close behind him. He has a habit of stopping abruptly and you collide against his spine more than once. You don’t see his feral grin.
He beams the light around so you can see the remains of the pizzeria’s glory: the claw machines and the pinball cases, the partially stocked prize counters and the arcade cabinets.
“What’s behind the curtains?” He sees you looking curiously at the stage.
“Like Chuck E. Cheese?”
Miller scowls. “A superior version. They copied Freddy Fazbear’s.”
“It’s a shame there’s no electricity. I would totally give some of these games a try.”
“Oh, there is. I just have to hit the switch. It’s way in the back near the offices. Are you going to come with me or stay here?”
He sees you hesitate. Perhaps reluctant to stay alone in the dark. Perhaps some sense of self preservation is finally kicking in, making you wary of following a virtual stranger more than two decades older into the recesses of an abandoned restaurant. No one knows you’re here. Anything could happen.
“I’ll come with you.”
Dave grins. “Follow me.”
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foxilayde · 1 year
Half of You (part 5) [Santiago x Fem!Reader]
Summary: the Baby Daddy Santi chronicles are back, baybee!
Warnings: a little angst, a little fluff.
Rating: 18+ ONLY. minors DNI.
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: I KNOW IT'S BEEN FOREVER (see: "definition of "forever"", meaning: 107 days). thank you for being so patient. As always reblogs are rewarded with a virtual hug if you're into that sorta thing. And if you're not on the taglist and you distinctly remember asking me to add you to the taglist, pls lmk, I'm dreadful at keeping that stuff organized. Much love to you all.
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Fish disembarks with a playful nudge of your woodpile with the toe of his boot. “Good luck with your project, hermosa.” 
“You can come check it out on Thrusday, bring me a little housewarming plant for it, huh? Something pretty.”
He gives you a lazy salute and wink. You don’t watch as he pulls out of Santi’s driveway. You zone out, staring at the clean vertical lines of your freshly shorn lawn. You can hear Santi still wrenching and clanking around in the kitchen. You didn’t hear their whole conversation, just bits and pieces, the fucking window was open and it wasn’t like you were trying to give them privacy anyway. You feel a bout of nausea swell in your throat and you can’t tell if its guilt, or if it’s morning sickness, or if its from the ungodly heat or a bodily reaction to the fertility hormones, but you feel on the edge of vomiting. You rest a palm over your lower abdomen. It could be in there right now. Jay’s face pops into your head and you want to cry. You take a deep breath and rest your head against the slatted outer wall of your craftsman home. You don’t know how long you’ve been staring out at the lawn with the echos of Fish’s words humming against the insides of your skull when the clanking stops and Santi comes to join you on the porch.
“Filters all set up, I’m letting the water run. The booklet said it has to go for an hour until it’s good to drink.”
You don’t respond, so he continues,
“I put the five gal under it though, so it catches all the water… I googled it and it said that the filtration test water is safe for plants, so maybe you can use it on some—“
You cover your face with your hands to hide the tears that well up in your eyes.
“Hey!” Santi crouches down to your level quickly with his popping knees and puts a reassuring arm around your shoulder. “What’s wrong?” You shake your head, still hiding your eyes and you laugh incredulously. 
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. Thank you, Santi.” You sniff a sob and laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“Could’ve fooled me with the waterworks, I— what’s this pile of… stickers?”
You wipe your eyes to see that Santi’s brow is scrunched, investigating the clump of alphabet’d small stickers in between his fingers.
“It’s… I thought…” you hiccup. Dammit. 
Santi laughs. “Don’t tell me, Vin. Did the little earthquake I caused make the stickers fall off?” 
You sniff the snot back into your nose and you nod. “You know what? That’s exactly how it happened.”
“And then they all banded together in a pile to hide from the aftershocks?” 
“Nailed it. Two for two. You’re on a roll.”
You take a deep breath, hiccuping despite your best composed efforts, and Santi fully lowers himself beside you, arm still around your shoulders. He squeezes you close to his side. He smells like sweat and basil, lemons and lawn clippings.
Santi follows your line of vision to the freshly manicured lawn. “Are you crying about the hedges? I know I did them a little bit short this time, but—“
“I heard Fish.”
Santi’s grip loosens almost imperceptibly and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand.
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Vin. Love the guy to death but he’s been a martyr since recovery. ”
You nod in reluctant agreement. 
“Hey….People are going to think what they’re going to think. It won’t stop with Frank.”
“Yeah I know it’s…”
The lawn is pretty. You hone in on a bee writhing on a violet blossom.
“It’s the hormones, I think.”
You know its a lie, even as it leaves your mouth. It doesn’t convince you and you sure as shit know it doesn’t convince Santiago. 
“Hormones, huh? Sorry about that.”
You hiccup and laugh, “not your fault. No need to apologize.”
Santi stretches his legs out from under himself and sighs. “Well if the turkey basting did it’s job, I think it’s only fair I share partial blame, don’t you think?” His grip tightens on you once more and you laugh through a fresh bout of tears, you rest your head on his sweat dampened cotton shirt, wriggling your nose to alleviate the itch.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper as a fresh flood of tears escape.
“C’mon, Vin. You don’t have anything to be sorry about.” He kisses the top of your forehead casually and rubs your shoulder, letting you shift closer to him, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“But I do. I really really do.” You bury your face into his cotton clothed chest. “Even fucking now, I can help myself… I cosign you to all my bullshit. You’ve been picking up my broken pieces, letting me cry into your t-shirts since day one, since ground zero. It’s not fair to you.”
“This shirt is filthy anyway.”
You shake your head against his chest.
“This is the hormones talking. That ovulation injection is no joke.”
“Maybe you should go lie down.”
“I’m not tired.”
“Delusional and stubborn, huh?”
You smack his chest lightly.
“Go take a nap, Vin. Lie down. I’ll get you some water… some fresh reverse osmosis water… in an hour.”
It’s hard to move, to leave this spot on the sweltering porch, it’s not exactly comfortable on the floor, but your face is resting on the soft cotton of Santi’s t-shirt. He’s content to let you, just like he’s always been; content to let you call the shots, to dictate the direction, no matter what fucking storm you decide to steer the ship towards. 
You eventually concede to a nap and Santi walks you upstairs. He takes off your shoes, and tucks you into your bed, clothes and all. He leaves for a while and in your in-between-states-of-consciousness, Santi sets a glass of water on your nightstand. He’s certainly thinking you’re fast asleep as he pulls your duvet snugly to your ears. You fall asleep totally after he softly closes your bedroom door and when you wake up two hours later, there’s a fully constructed plant shelf on your front porch. 
The next few days pass like any other. Every morning you arise to bake something new, forgoing the oven on Tuesday’s sweltering morning temperatures to concoct some no-bake oatmeal cookies that cause Santiago to outright hoard the batch in his fridge, making you promise not to give them out. You’re too cranky and tired on a novel lack of caffeine to put up much of a fight. 
You never mention the plant shelf to Santiago, but on Wednesday morning there’s a large pot of vibrant green basil on the shelf which you’re certain is his doing. 
On Thursday morning you head to the fertility clinic to test to see if the initial ‘turkey basting’ was successful. They take your urine sample and you twiddle your thumbs, seated with your bare ass on the butcher paper in the empty exam room… they tell you it has. 
You’re pregnant. Pregnant. Your heart rate picks up and you have to lie down, the paper crinkling under your back and behind your hair as you cup your mouth with your hands and begin to cry… again. Fucking hormones. 
The usual surly nurse congratulates you and tells you to come back in eight weeks for the ultrasound. Ultrasound. 
You don’t trust yourself to drive home straight away. You wonder around the neighboring shopping complex and people-watch families. Families on evening walks, families out to dinner, families smiling, families bickering… You hold your abdomen and laugh to yourself. And cry. Again.
By the time you get home, the sun has already gone down. Santi’s driveway holds additional cars, like most Thursday evenings. the boys are over to watch the game. You quietly exit your car, you sit in the dark on your porch swing and watch Santi, Will, Benny, Frank, and Tom through Santi’s dining room window. They clap shoulders, hold cans of beer and shout playfully at one another. The noises are an unintelligible hum that swells in your heart. After about 30 minutes, Fish drags Santi to the front window and points to the street. Santiago cups his hands against the blaring light of his living room to peer out into the darkness. He’s looking at your car. 
In a matter of moments, Santiago is walking down his driveway and up yours. (he never jumps the hedges. Fastidious, that one.) you smile to yourself as he fixes he hair and squares his shoulders, preparing to ring your doorbell when he spots you in the dark on the swing. 
“Vin!” He takes a step towards you and pauses.
“Hey” You don’t know if he can see your face in the shadows or not, but something keeps him from advancing, from joining you on the two-person swing.
“Why aren’t you over there? You didn’t even tell me where you were going today, but, that’s, that’s okay. Everyone’s been asking about you. Ben brought that dip you like and Fish swore up and down that he hasn’t told anyone, besides Rach, obviously. So it’s not as if you have to explain anything. If you don’t want to.” 
Santi scratches the back of his neck and takes one more shuffling step closer to the swing. Hesitant. “Vin?”
“I have to tell you something.”
Even in the dim lighting you can see Santi’s demeanor sobering up. He crosses his arms and immediately responds, “Okay, yeah, I have to tell you something too.”
“I— huh?” You weren’t expecting any new information. 
“You first.” You can’t see his face but you know him so well that you know by his tone of voice the exact face he’s making. That defensive clenched jaw thing that he does with the upwards chin tilt. You’d bet a million dollars that his chin is high in the air.
“Come sit.”
It takes a few beats before Santiago joins you on the porch swing, but he eventually does. The chains creak, his knees pop and he exhales expectantly.
You don’t want to keep him from the game, god only knows what important plays he might be missing, so you decide to come out with it.
“I went to the clinic today and—“
“You did?! Why didn’t you tell me? I could have—“
“I wanted to go alone, just in case, I—“
“What’d they—“
“I’m pregnant.”
You’re grateful for the darkness of the porch which keeps Santiago’s expression a mystery. Beyond the hedges, through the glow of Santiago’s living room window, a muffled cheer erupts. Shouting, clapping. Must’ve been an impressive score. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Been crying like crazy. Not sad crying. Just lots of crying. Crying for no reason. At sunsets. At families holding hands. At life insurance commercials… At my best friends watching a football game one house away…”
Santi sits there in silence. You can’t even hear him breathing. You continue. 
“Other than that, I’m good, I— it still feels unreal, you know? But I feel good about it. It was so quick, too. Wasn’t it? I don’t know why, but for some reason because of all the rigamarole the clinic put me through I thought this process was going to take months or years or something. But, first try, and bam. Which sounds about right when I think about it. It’s you, after all. Mister tactical soap. Of course your swimmers would get into formation and attack at dawn. No survivors.”
“Those ovaries didn’t stand a chance.”
“No they did not.” 
“You don’t have to come over if you don’t want to— I can give you some space.” 
“No. I want to. I want to see everyone. I know its only been a few weeks but I miss those idiots.”
“Lets do it then.” Santi rises and you hook your arm through his offered elbow. Once you step out into the illuminating glow of the street lamps you see the way his mouth is quirked up in an easy smile. His eyes are slightly glassy from the lagers and the texture of his stubble, the way it folds in at his barely visible smile line… without thinking you run the tip of your finger from the corner of his mouth, up to his ear. 
“I like it when you smile, old man.” 
The lines deepen around his mouth when his smile expands. 
“Congratulations, by the way.”
- - - - - - - - - 
The get together is a typical Thursday evening fare. The only difference being your abstinence from alcohol and general lack of interest in football has relegated you to maidly duties of replenishing drinks and snacks while the testosterone crew shouts at Santiago’s flatscreen. 
The boys are invested the game, but you enjoy watching them watch the game. Benny is by far the most into it, which makes him the star player of the crew. He throws his poor worn ball cap to the ground when the play doesn’t go his way, stands up when he shouts. He claps and hollers when his preferred team scores and paces around during time outs. You might blame his passion on his proximal youth, but you don’t believe time will be capable of stripping him of his fervent fanaticism. 
By the time you get there it’s past halftime and the “games a dead horse anyway” according to Will (Benny disagrees). You collect your hugs from each of the boys. The hug from Frankie is longer and tighter than usual. 
After the game is over, the boys play some low-stakes poker and one by one each of the crew retreats to the living room to ‘rest their eyes’, the place is a mess, the boys are sloshed and and passed out on the various soft surfaces of Santiago’s living room. You help Santiago clear away the detritus of a night well spent and just before midnight Santiago offers to walk you back home. 
“Would you? I wouldn’t want to get lost on my way in the dark, and this sure is a bad neighborhood. Just last week someone stole the Grossman kid’s skateboard off the front lawn. These streets are dangerous.”
“Pipe down, you’ll wake up Tom.”
You glance down at a particular patch of cozy carpet on the living room floor where Tom’s long body is splayed out, snoring like a logging factory. You roll your eyes and stage whisper to Santiago, “Yeah seems like a real Princess and The Pea situation. Better slip out quietly.” You exaggeratedly tiptoe out of the front door and put your finger up to your lips and whisper-yell at Santiago, “Close the door GENTLY!!” 
Santiago shakes his head, shuts the door, and joins you on the driveway. 
“Oh! Look at the moon!” Its a full one, slightly yellow and impossibly big this evening. “So pretty.” 
You don’t know it but Santiago isn’t looking at the moon. He’s looking at you look at the moon. The way your eyes are all big and glittery. That awestruck smile you have. At something as simple and as constant as the fucking moon. ‘Look at the moon she says, how could I possibly look at the fucking moon when she’s so… So what, Yago? What is she?’
Santiago stuffs his hands in is pockets and looks up at the moon. It is pretty. 
You grab him by the elbow. “Lets lay on the driveway and look at the sky for a little bit?”
“What? Right now?”
“No. Not right now. How horribly convenient would that be? Lets meet back here at oh three-hundred hours when we’re too sleepy to enjoy it.” 
“Fine, wait here.”
Santiago turns to go back in the house.
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m not laying on the driveway without a blanket.”
“Good idea… oh, Santi, while you’re in there can you make me a cup of tea?”
Santi raises his eyebrows. “Herbal tea?”
“Yes. I’ve come around. Matured. One herbal tea please.”
“Coming right up.”
You lay out on the driveway in the warm summer evening, stretching out with your hands behind your head. You get lost in time for a bit, staring at the beautiful clear sky. 
Santiago stares at you from the porch. Blanket and tea in hand and admires you quietly, bathed in moonlight. Content. Pregnant. Pregnant with his child. Not his. Yours. Dios. 
Santiago spreads out the blanket next to you after handing you the steaming mug. You set it down and scoot over till you’re on the flannel fabric. He lays down next to you, mimicking your hands-behind-head position. 
You don’t turn your head to look at him when he speaks. You continue to stare up at the full moon, the clear sky, terrified that he might not be looking up at all.
“You hoping for a boy, or a girl?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know… I guess I’ve always wanted a girl. But after taking care of these dopes for so long, I feel finely attuned to caring for dudes… I’ll be happy either way. How about you Santi, do you have a preference?”
“Do I have a preference? No… no.. I mean. I know you’ll be great no matter what.”
“Yeah, thats a given.” You laugh and nudge his elbow with your own, “but have you had your heart set on either?” 
Santi shakes his head, staring at the sky, “I haven’t had my heart set on anything, Vin.”
“I think the gender is the least of my concerns anyway.”
“What’s the most of your concerns?”
“Raising it as a single parent… if I’m co-signing them to a doomed life…”
“You’re gunna do great Vin. Don’t be nervous. I’m here for you.”
“I know. I know you are. You don’t have to be.”
“I know I don’t HAVE to be but I want t—“
“Why though? Why do you feel endebted to me? Why did you do this, let me walk all over your life without a fight? Is it guilt? Guilt I can understand. I’m well acquainted with guilt. Is that what it is? Or is it pity?”
“Pity? For what?”
“For the Widow next door that you have to entertain, the sad girl you invite to your get togethers. The crazy plant lady who can’t hold a screwdriver.” Your hands drift to your stomach.
Santi huffs with incredulity and shakes his head. “It’s not pity. I want to help because… that’s just who I am. I don’t know Vin, I see you, you’re there, you need help, I help. It’s not that complicated.”
“Not that complicated? You’d call this ‘not that complicated’?” Hot tears betray you, you hardly even try to stop them. Not here, in the open blanket of night, Santiago tilting his head in concern towards you. 
“Don’t cry. Please Vin. You’ve been crying to much lately, what’s wrong?”
“I miss him. I miss Jay every fucking day. I wake up and his photo is right fucking there. I think about putting it away… I did put it away for a while, but I even missed THAT… so I put it back. On the nightstand.”
“What would you say to him?”
“If Jay was here…. Not alive, but a spirit or ghost or something… what would you say to him? If he materialized right now?”
You wipe your eyes. “I’d ask if he was happy. If he was safe… I’d probably ask him if heaven is real. If he’s in heaven. If he met Elvis…” You laugh.
“And what else?”
“And then I’d say… I… I needed you Jay. I needed you. I’d say that sometimes I’m still so angry that you’re not here that it makes me scream. I’m angry that we never went to that stupid ‘Party Time Taco’ restaurant we kept getting flyers for, just to see how bad it was. I’m angry that you didn’t have a fucking last will and testament, so it was on me to guess at everything you would have wanted. I’m angry that you left me alone. And I think sometimes I get so angry, because if I felt sad instead, I’d fall apart.”
You don’t know at what point in your sobbing rant that Santiago’s arm came over your shoulders, but you’re grateful for his steadying embrace as your tears slow down to faint hiccups. 
“You wanna know what I’d think he’d say?”
“That he’s proud of you. He’s proud of how strong you are. He’s proud of you for getting out of bed every morning. He knows how hard it must be. And that he couldn’t imagine anyone being a better mother… and how badass he thinks it is that you’re doing this on your own.”
“Thanks, Santi.”
“He also says you shouldn’t be watering the backyard for fifteen minutes in the evening. Do five in the morning and 10 at night”
“Oh he said all that did he?”
“Yep. don’t shoot the messenger.”
“What was the thing you had to tell me?”
“The thing. When you were on the porch you said you had something…”
“Yeah. I… I’m taking a job in South America.”
“Where at?”
“Can’t say.”
“You don’t know?”
“No. I know.”
“Ohhh… one of those.”
“How long will you be gone?”
“Don’t know.”
“You don’t know at all?”
“Not really.”
“Not even a guess?”
“Vin. C’mon you know I can’t tell you.”
“A week? A month?… longer? Blink twice if it’s longer than a month.”
“I don’t know.”
Your hand drifts to your stomach.
Santi breathes out, “Are you upset?”
“No! Why would I be upset?” Your voice squeaks defensively.
“Because I won’t be around while you’re…”
“I said I’m fine! I’m doing this alone and I meant that!”
“Yeah I know. I’m just worried.”
“Oh I don’t know Vin, If something happens to you and you can’t get in contact with me.”
“If I were you I’d be much more concerned with doing some sort of clandestine mission in a foreign country.”
Santi is silent.
“Will you call?” You ask softly.
“If I can.” He replies at the same quiet level.
“Send a postcard?”
Santi barks out a laugh, “Yeah I’ll send you a postcard. Greetings from redacted! With all incriminating details blacked out in sharpie.”
“You going alone?”
“No. The guys are going with me.”
“All of them?”
“The whole gang.”
“Must be a big job.”
“You could say that.”
“When do you leave?”
Santi takes a deep breath. “Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?! As in, like, today-tomorrow?”
“Yeah. I’m all packed. Tonight was a last hurrah stateside.”
“How long have you known about this job??”
“A while.”
"And when the fuck pray tell were you planning on telling me?"
“Fuck I don’t know Vin, I didn’t want to stress you out. I kept trying to find the right moment to tell you but, I don’t know, I didn’t want you to worry and you’ve started crying again and..”
“Right, hormones. I didn’t want to stress you out.”
“Well I’m considerably less stressed now, learning that you were so worried about this trip yourself that you decided it was better to keep me in the dark and wait till the last possible second to clue me in rather than just tell me. Did you tell the guys to keep it a secret from me too? A last hurrah party and not one of them mentioned the international travel plans the whole night?”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. It is. You don’t have to tell me everything, right? That’s… you’re not… it’s fine.” You pat his back “Sorry for freaking out. If you say you’re going to be fine then I should trust you, right? You know what you’re doing.”
Santi nods and is tight-lipped when he mutters, “Right.”
“You need me to water your plants or anything while you’re gone? Get your mail?”
“Already taken care of.”
You nod and click your tongue, “Well, it’s getting late.” You dump the contents of your herbal tea onto the lawn and hand Santi the mug. “Will I see you before you leave?”
“We leave in, Santi checks his watch. 5 and a half hours.” He says with tight apologetic eyes.
“Five and a half hours,” you mutter under your breath. “You need a ride to the airport?” You ask more loudly, already deciding that if he says ‘yeah that’d be great’ you’ll laugh in his stupid chiseled face.
“We have a shuttle coming… but thanks.” He looks so tired. But so what if he is, it’s his own fault if he isn’t well rested for his trip.
“Well then, you better get your beauty rest. Those boys are going to have raging headaches tomorrow.”
You get up and rock back and forth on your feet facing Santi. His knees are bent, one hand clasping his wrist, eyebrows downturned with concern.
“I’ll see you in… well… when you get back.”
“Goodnight, Pope.”
He doesn’t rise to chase you. Doesn’t grab your wrist and force you to hug him goodbye. Doesn’t wipe away your tears with his thumbs. He remains sitting on the driveway when you get inside your home. And when you lay down in your bed, tears soaking your pillow, he’s still out there, staring at the fucking moon.
You have a nightmare. Not the usual horror of Jay collapsing in the middle of highway 1, the recurring playback panic of the last two years. No, in this nightmare you’re sitting on your porch in a rocking chair, holding a potted plant, one so big it crushes your thighs. Santi’s house, usually pristine and well kept, is condemned, paint chipped, windows smashed, lawn overgrown. You rock faster and faster out of control until the ceramic pot falls off your lap and crashes to the floor.
You wake with a gasp and leap out of bed. You nearly trip over the sheet still caught on your foot when you rush over to the window. It’s still dark outside. Santi isn’t out there any longer, neither is the blanket or your mug. You look at the clock. 4:30. You sigh in relief. They haven’t left yet.
You throw on a robe over your nightgown and go downstairs. You turn on the kettle before getting the ingredients out to make biscuits. Those idiots really shouldn’t have drank so much last night. You figure the least you can do is make them some breakfast sandwiches they can take with them. It’s not like you’ll be able to get back to sleep.
You’re wrapping up the last of the sandwiches (seven in total, one for Santi, Fish, and Redfly. Two for each of the voracious Miller brothers) when you see a blue shuttle van pull up in Santiago’s driveway. The sun has barely risen and the muffler steams as the driver beeps twice. You put the sandwiches in a paper bag and forget your slippers in a hurry, meeting the boys with their pack laden arms as they unload their bags into the van.
“Morning, Vin!” Fish greets you, causing Santiago to nearly snap his neck when he turns around in surprise. You hand the bag of breakfast goods to Fish.
“Mmm what’s this?” Frank pokes his nose into the bag and breathes deeply.
“Just a little something to soak up any remaining tequila.”
“Ugh, please don’t say tequila” Benny groans, shuffling off his pack into the trunk before he wraps you up in a hug. “Take care, Vin.”
“I will.”
In turn, each of the boys hugs you and thanks you. You tell them all to “be safe” and that the “welcome home party will be at casa de Vinita. With plenty of tequila.” Benny groans again. Santi watches you, arms folded leaning against the passenger door of the running shuttle. The boys load in and buckle up. Benny is already ripping into the parchment paper of his breakfast and will snatches the bag with a gravelly, “you’re an animal, Ben.”
You lock eyes with Santi, a strange anticipation tingling in your fingers. You both jump slightly when the shuttle driver beeps his horn. Santi glares at the driver who points at his watch.
“Pinche… give me a minute, Kay?”
You take two barefooted steps towards Santi and wrap your arms around his middle, resting your head on his chest. He holds you close, like he’s giving you a concentrated dose of hugs, giving you a full month’s worth of embraces in one sitting.
“I had a nightmare about you last night.” You whisper so only he can hear. He inhales deeply and rubs his hands carefully up and down your back. You can feel the gripping dance of his fingers through the material of the robe and it makes you shiver. You grip him closer. “Be safe. Please.” You whisper, hoping you’re the only one who registers how desperate your plea really sounds.
Santiago’s hands skim up to the sides of your face and he gently pulls your head away from his chest. You choke back the makings of a whine. You don’t want the hug to be over, not yet, you’re going to miss him. He rubs his warm thumbs against your cheeks and there’s no warning at all, no hesitation, no eyes flicking to your lips, no sweep of tongue to wet his own, when he kisses you on the mouth.
It’s slow. Achingly slow. Your gasp of surprise is muffled by the insistent pressure of his mouth. You can’t be sure, but, if he he had been hugging you in prepayment of all the embraces you’d miss in the coming weeks, then this kiss is surely back payment, with interest, for all the times he’s stopped himself from kissing you in the past. Recompense, remuneration; a distilled unspoken passion. There’s nothing ‘first-kiss' about it, not clumsy, not awkward, not unsure. It feels practiced, steady, anticipated. The tingling in your fingers makes total sense and you use those same fingers to glide through his silvery thick curls when you tilt your head and open your mouth to him.
He twists your form in his broad arms, angling your faces away from the van, causing one of your bare feet to leave the ground and lift slightly like a wilting ballerina in swan lake or something out of an old movie.
There’s a romantic reverence in the way his tongue moves with yours, his nose pressed against your cheek, hot steady breath blowing comfortingly against your face.
You both jolt again and break apart your lip lock when the shuttle driver lays on the horn.
Santi doesn’t so much as furrow his brow at the driver when he steadies you back on two legs.
Frankie brushes the driver’s shoulder, and with a mouthful of biscuit says, “Pero qué coño! give him a minute, wéon.”
You blink rapidly and stare at your feet. What the fuck?
“I’ll be back soon.” Santi promises, squeezing your hand assuredly before climbing in the passenger seat and closing the door.
Frankie gives you a wide eyed smile before sliding the back door closed and you can hear the muffled admonitions of the driver as he hastily pulls out of the driveway and speeds off down the residential street. 
@miraclesabound : @reallystressedhoneybee : @blackberries45 : @plz-and-spank-you :  @bit-dodgy-innit :  @rnlaing : @stevenngrant : @sharin4readers : @hebelongstothestars : @stardustbells : @alwritey-aphrodite : @libraryreservations : @eroticandawkward : @tripleheartx : @johnny-simpfinger : @fangirlfreakingoutandscreaming : @jake-g-lockley : @lunawants : @andromeda-dear : @writefightandflightclub : @oscarsbabe : @marshmallow–3 : @luminescentlily : @laters-gators: @astroboots  : @lovely-cryptid : @nerdygirl0414 : @hot-mess-express1 : @spacecowboyhotch : @spector-marc : @runa-falls :  @arson-tm : @slymeriah : @geeficrecs: @bit-dodgy-innit : @mintpurplemnm : @snowinseptember24: @missanthr0pist : @romanarose : @dalia-corven : @gratefulstranger : @onlyferorder66 : @kandierteveilchen : @xbellaxcarolinax : @missmarmaladeth : @welcometostayingawake : @wand-erer5 : @ohnosy : @kingtwhiddleston : @eonnyx : @d-sav : @daughterofthequeen
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scotianostra · 2 months
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James V of Scotland was born on 10th April 1512.
James was son of King James IV and his queen Margaret Tudor, a daughter of Henry VII of England, and was the only legitimate child of James IV to survive infancy, it was through this line that Mary Queen of Scots based her claim to the throne of England, and indeed her son, who took the throne after Elizabeth died.
James was born at Linlithgow Palace and baptised on April 11th, receiving the titles Duke of Rothesay and Prince and Grand Steward of Scotland. He became king at just seventeen months old when his father was killed at the Battle of Flodden Field on 9th September 1513. James was “crowned” in the Chapel Royal at Stirling Castle on 21st September 1513.
During his childhood, like so many of the Stewart monarchs, the country was ruled by regents, first by his mother, until she remarried the following year, and then by John Stewart, 2nd Duke of Albany, who was next in line to the throne after James and his younger brother, the posthumously-born Alexander Stewart, Duke of Ross.
Other regents included Robert Maxwell, 5th Lord Maxwell, a member of the Council of Regency who was also bestowed as Regent of Arran. Queen Margaret´s tempestuous private life complicated her son´s childhood, and after she divorced her second husband, Archibald Douglas 6th Earl of Angus, the Earl kidnapped young James. For over two years he held him as a virtual prisoner, showering him with gifts and introducing him to a round of unsuitable pleasures. James loathed him and finally managed to escape in 1528 and assumed the reins of government himself.
James´ personal rule began by savagely pursuing his opponents and he hounded the Earl of Angus out of Scotland. James combined suspicion of nobles with a popular touch, travelling anonymously among Scottish people as the ´Gudeman o´Ballengeich´. John Knox described him thus: ´he was called of some, a good poor man´s king; of others he was termed a murderer of the nobility, and one that had decreed their whole destruction´.
A highly strung, intelligent man who alternated between black depression and bouts of feverish energy, James had already fathered at least nine illegitimate children by a series of mistresses by the time a marriage was arranged for him.
He married Madeleine, daughter of Francois I of France, and the young couple returned to Scotland in May 1537. The Princess was a fragile woman, and the Scottish climate did not agree with her she died in her husband’s arms on 7th July 1537, seven weeks after her arrival in Edinburgh.
In governing, James increased his income by tightening control over royal estates and from the profits of justice, customs and feudal rights. He also gave his illegitimate sons lucrative benefices, diverting substantial church wealth into his coffers. James spent a large amount of his wealth on building work at Stirling Castle, Falkland Palace, Linlithgow Palace and Holyrood and built up a collection of tapestries from those inherited from his father.
In 1538 he married another French lady, the widowed Mary of Guise, tall, well-built and already the mother of two sons. She had two more sons by James but they both died in infancy within hours of each other in 1541. The death of the Kings’ mother in 1541 removed any incentive for peace with England, and war broke out.
Initially the Scots won a victory at the Battle of Haddon Rig in August 1542. The Imperial ambassador in London, Eustace Chapuys, wrote on 2nd October that the Scottish ambassadors ruled out a conciliatory meeting between James and Henry VIII in England until the pregnant Mary of Guise delivered her child. Henry would not accept this condition and mobilised his army north.
James was with his army at Lauder on 31 October 1542. Although he hoped to invade England, his nobles were reluctant. He returned to Edinburgh on the way writing a letter in French to his wife from Falahill mentioning he had three days of illness.
Next month his army suffered a serious defeat at the Battle of Solway Moss, a loss caused by infighting within the nobles on who was in command.
He took ill shortly after this, on 6th December; by some accounts this was a nervous collapse caused by the defeat, although some historians consider that it may just have been an ordinary fever. Whatever the cause of his illness, he was on his deathbed at Falkland Palace when his only surviving legitimate child, a girl, was born.
Sir George Douglas of Pittendreich brought the news of the king´s death to Berwick. He said James died at midnight on Thursday 15 December; the king was talking but delirious and spoke no "wise words." Having said that, history reports he uttered the following; 'It cam' wi' a lass, and it will gang wi' a lass,' meaning that whilst the Stewarts came to power through marrying a princess, the Stewart line would end with his daughter as queen. Of course this wasn’t true so I wonder to myself at times why such importance seems to have been placed on his words through the centuries.
He was buried at Holyrood Abbey alongside his first wife Madeleine and his two sons. The tomb was probably destroyed during the Rough Wooing in 1544, they were again “violated” at the end of James VII reign when the people of Edinburgh rioted. Queen Victoria arranged for the vault to be repaired.
There was another story regarding the grave of James V that happened in 1683, read about that on the great web pages of Dr Mark Jardine here https://drmarkjardine.wordpress.com/.../the-tomb-of.../
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chiriwritesstuff · 7 months
The Impossible Man ✨ 1. The Deathwatch Beetle ✨
Modern Day Detective! Din Djarin x Witch! Reader (Soulmates AU)
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Series Masterlist
Summary: For someone being born into a magical family, a curse placed on the women of your bloodline means you have mostly avoided witchcraft and its calling for the majority of your life. After a life-altering tragedy, you turn your back on your family and your gift and seek out a more normal, boring existence, devoid of magic, and mostly, of love. What happens when the ghosts of your past threaten your peaceful existence and you are forced to reconcile all that you have lost? Will you let the people you have abandoned in your past life back into your heart? Will the appearance of an impossible man you have unknowingly cursed yourself break the chains of love? Will you let him?
Chapter Rating: M? (for now)
Chapter Warnings: Magical realism, implied mention of suicide, reader and her family are cursed, implied (minor) character death, (some) men are the worst, mentions of violence
A/N: Oh, Hello there.
For Halloween this year, I decided that I wanted to write a little 3-part story featuring my favorite Pedro boy, ✨Din Djarin✨. Inspired by my favorite Halloween-ish movie, Practical Magic, the story follows a Modern Day Detective Din, and our (reluctant) Witchy Reader. This story is not a complete retelling of PM, but a mishmash of other films that I love and cherish. If you're able to spot some of these films, I'll gift you a virtual Halloween candy treat! Happy Halloween, everyone!
Peep the (main canon storyline) Star Wars cameo!
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Banner by @chiriwritesstuff ✨ Dividers by @saradika
Word Count: 3.2K
The first time you heard of the deathwatch beetle, you were eight years old.
The Victorian-style house that sat along the edge of Puget Sound was a whimsical sort, with its white picket fence adorned with creeping ivy, its single turret, a spire with the shape of a star on top of it, like a star on a Christmas tree. It had belonged to your family for decades - and was always kept in the same manner as when it was built. It was the home that your mother was raised in, and her mother before her, the house being passed down through each generation. You remember the summers you spent with your Aunt Fennic and Omera, taking the ferry from the port at Capitol Hill to Bainbridge Island, your sister Violet - Vi, for short - with her hands intertwined with yours. Three hundred and sixty-seven days younger than you, and every bit your opposite - if you were the match, then she was the flame; she was light, embodied to your infinite darkness. You would wear braids in your hair and fairy wings as you ran down the corridors of the house, playing hide-and-seek and hoping that you wouldn't get lost in the vastness of it. It was your beacon of light and solace, always welcoming. Now, as you hold your sister's hand while walking up to the porch, dressed in black, eyes still puffy and swollen and lined with tears, your aunts standing side by side, already expecting you both - it had finally become home.
"In this house," your aunt Fennic starts, grabbing the suitcase out of your hands as your aunt Omera bends to pick up Vi, "We will eat chocolate cake for breakfast and not worry about silly little things like bedtimes and brushing our teeth." You chuckle as she winks and leads the two of you inside.
Later that night, as Omera tucked you into bed, Vi having fallen asleep only moments before, she smiled as she kissed your forehead. "We're so happy you're with us, Starshine."
You silently nod, your fingers fidgeting nervously as you try to hide the discomfort of being in a new place, despite having been here so many times before. You look down at your hands, blinking away the tears that were begging to come out. "Aunt Omera, did Daddy die because of the curse?"
She gives you a sad smile. "Yes, Baby, he did." She strokes your cheek with her thumb, wiping away your tears.
"Your mother knew the moment she heard the click, click, click of the deathwatch beetle beckoning for your father's life... she knew that day that he was doomed to die. Every person who falls in love with any of the women of our bloodline is resigned to the same fate."
"Is that why Mommy died? Because of a broken heart?"
Omera's face softens as she brushes your hair away from your eyes. "Yes, my darling girl, she did. She couldn't imagine life without your father..." She pulls the covers over you. "…but that's how you came to live with us, and we will raise you the best way we know how."
You smile sadly, settling yourself deeper into the covers. "Why is our family cursed, Auntie?"
"It was because of your ancestor, Maria."
"Was she a witch?"
"Yes, the first in our family. And you are the most recent in a long and distinguished line."
"What happened to her?"
"Well, my Starshine, she fell in love. She fell in love with a man, her soulmate... but not everyone was happy about it. There was another man, an evil man, who had loved Maria from afar. He demanded that she be with him, and when she refused, he killed her lover in cold blood."
You bite your lip, nodding to yourself as you try to understand. "… but how does that make us cursed?"
"Well," Omera says, "Maria didn't take her lover's death kindly. With her powers, she managed to encase the evil man in a tomb full of beetles, eating him alive. However, before he died, he cursed the entirety of our female bloodline. This curse dooms any being who dares to love us, but it also ensures that we will always find our soulmate. Throughout the years, the appearance of the deathwatch beetle - the same one that consumed the man - is seen as a warning bell. The moment you hear the click, click, click of the beetle, there is nothing you can do to stop the curse. We have carried the weight of this burden for hundreds of years."
"I wish that I never find my soulmate," you whisper, determination etched on your 8-year-old face. "I don't want anyone to die because of me, and I don't want to die of a broken heart!"
Omera looks at you sadly as she kisses your forehead. "Oh, my sweet Starshine." She reaches over to turn off your bedside lamp, then kisses Vi before walking to your door, locking eyes with you, nodding as she turns away, leaving you in complete darkness.
"You will."
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“He will hear my call a mile away. He will whistle my favorite song. He can ride a horse backwards.”  You gather the petals of the flower and place it in the bowl, reading the words you have written in your diary aloud, your fingers grazing the page.
“What are you doing, Starshine?” Vi asks from behind you, walking into the greenhouse as she pets Boba the house cat.
“I’m summoning a true love spell. Amas Veritas. Also known as a Soulmates calling.” You pull a rose petal, inspecting it as you turn to your sister. “He can flip pancakes in the air. He will be marvelously kind… and his favorite shape will be a star… and he’ll have a birthmark on him, the shape of a… bullseye.”
“… I thought you didn’t want to find your soulmate? I heard you, last night. When you were talking to Aunt Omera.” She picks up your diary and flips through the pages, her hip resting on the table as you finish gathering the rest of the ingredients, stirring it gently with your hands.
“That’s the point, Vi. The guy I dreamed of? My soulmate? He doesn’t exist… and if he doesn’t exist, I won’t die of a broken heart.”
You walk out and your sister follows, making your way to the balcony as you hold the bowl out into the night sky. Vi gasps as the petals start to float out of the bowl, flowing out like a waft of smoke, fluttering in the air, flying out into the distance, a small smile forming as you look out into the sky.
"Goodnight, Impossible Man." 
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The first time you heard the ominous click, click, click of the deathwatch beetle, you were 28 years old.
It was in the dead of night, the clicking noise faint and almost unnoticeable, its distinctive chirps being drowned out by the idle sounds of the crickets and the gently blowing wind.
Click, click, click.
Your eyes open at that, suddenly alert. You shoot up from where you lay, Ben's still form beside you still in deep sleep. You breathe deeply, pushing your hair out of your face as you scan the room, looking for the source of the subtle clicking sound that roused you from your sleep. "Baby," Ben murmurs into his pillow, his eyes half open. "What are you doing up? It's late. Go back to sleep." He whispers, his arm pulling yours gently as you ease yourself back onto his chest, the deep thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat reverberating throughout your body, a reminder that he’s still very much alive. You sigh, pressing a chase kiss on his sternum. "I thought I heard something," you reply, his body shifting as he cages you in, his chin resting on the top of your head. "It's just the wind, Starshine. Go back to sleep," he continues, his fingers gently drawing small circles on your back. "I love you," he finally whispers before his breathing evens, his soft snores lulling you back to sleep.
A few hours later, you’re roused from your sleep once more as Ben's phone starts to chime. You feel his arm reaching out blindly for his phone on the nightstand, a slight groan rumbling from his chest as he squints at the screen.
"Good Morning, baby," Ben whispers in your ear, his voice heavy with sleep. "I have to get up, but you go back to sleep." You feel his breath on your cheeks as he presses a kiss to them, a faint smile forming as he embraces you, the feeling of his body stretching against yours as he wakes. He kisses your sleepy head as he rises out of bed, sitting on the edge of it as he caresses your half-sleeping form. He cracks his neck and silently pads himself into the bathroom, the sound of the shower starting as you burrow yourself deeper into the covers, your body slowly shifting to where his body was only a moment ago, relishing in the residual warmth of your lover it still contains. You wedge your nose into the indent of his pillow, smiling as you inhale his scent. You lay there until you hear the tell-tale sound of the shower shutting off. Your eyes adjust to the warm orange light of the bathroom as he walks out, a towel half slung onto his form as he walks into the closet, pulling on his suit as he dresses for the day, his faint silhouette shuffling in the light of early dawn.
"Ben," you say softly as he’s beginning to pull on his socks. "It’s early. Come back to bed." You plead with him, your arms outstretched, making grabby hands, beckoning out for him.
"Djarin messaged me saying he has a lead. I’m heading over to meet with him now," He walks over to you, sitting on the edge of the bed as he puts his wingtip loafers on. "We’ve been at a stalemate for months now, baby. I’ll make it up to you, maybe we could go back to Montauk after I close this case. Gideon is so close, I’m finally closing in on him, I can feel it."
You nod as you reach out to rub his back. "Okay. You owe me, though."
He chuckles at that, the corners of his cheeks lifting as he gives you a rare smile. "No, Djarin owes me because I must be insane to leave my beautiful wife all alone. It’s criminal." He smirks as he bends over to kiss you, his lips tracing the side of your jaw.
"I have to go," he whispers into your ear as he kisses your head. "I’ll see you after work, ok? Might be a late night, this case has been killing me," he continues, grabbing his briefcase perched against his nightstand. He hovers by the doorframe, smiling as he turns to leave.
"I love you, Starshine."
He’s gone by the time you whisper those three little words back out into the ether.
Click, click, click. Click, click, CLICK.
Your eyes shoot open once again, the room now bathed in the mid-morning light. You scramble out of bed.
No, you think. No, no, no, NO.
You pace around your room nervously, the clicking sound from the night echoing into the recesses of your brain. You scan the room for the source of your dread, your body shivering in fear. You run to the opposite side of the room, scanning every nook and cranny, every crevice and surface. "Where are you, fucker?" you think to yourself.
Click, click, click.
You realize the sound is coming from beneath you, your eyes quickly shifting to where your feet are planted on the old floorboards of your shared apartment. It’s an old apartment in the heart of Queen Anne, one of those charming wartime-era duplexes painted in pink with its charming crown molding and black and white checkered tiles in the kitchen. Your dream home, you once thought to yourself, Vi’s unit on the other side, her bedroom wall sharing your own - an inheritance you both shared after your mother died all those years ago.
Your mother.
Your heart shudders at her memory, the tears forming as you take another deep breath. You forcibly repress and push those memories aside, centering yourself as you remind yourself of the current problem on your hands. You look below you once again, the gaps of the aged wood showing the earth below. You focus on the gaps, your eyes scanning frantically until you see it - the silhouette of the deathwatch beetle, its obsidian shiny armor scampering away from you, as if it finally acknowledges your presence. You dive onto the floor in its direction, your eyes inspecting the gaps of the floorboards, your line of sight aligning with the death beetle once more.
You scamper back onto your feet hurriedly, running out of your bedroom into the hallway, your feet pounding heavily on the floor as you make your way to the hallway closet, wrenching the door open with hurried force as you scan for the ancient toolbox on the shelf. You yank the rusted toolbox out, spilling its contents onto the floor, not caring one bit about the mess that you’re making. Grabbing a flathead screwdriver, you hurry back into the bedroom, following the now-insistent clicking of the beetle. It managed to make its way above ground, scampering away as you furiously head towards it. It hurriedly makes its way across the way of the floorboards, you diving once again towards it, your hand stretched out as you try to slam onto it. The beetle is quicker and more agile than you, shimmying away from your hand as it falls through the crack of the floorboard. You lay your cheek on the cold floor as you pound on it furiously, willing the beetle to click as you listen intently for it. "This can’t be!" You whisper to yourself, your breath choking out in a panic.
"FUCK!" You scream in agony, grabbing the screwdriver that lay beside you. You wedge it against the edge of the floorboards, prying it open as you scan for the beetle. You start to pry off the boards around you until you make a sizeable gap for you to jump into, throwing the screwdriver aside and forcibly pry more floorboards until they lay haphazardly amongst each other in piles, completely surrounding you as you breathe heavily, the tears flowing freely on your face.
"Don’t do this to me!" You cry out, gasping for air as you crawl into the earth below, your nightgown now soiled as you frantically search around you. The clicking sound is becoming more frequent and louder, its eerie cadence becoming the only thing you can hear in your mind. "Come on!" You scream. "Please, don’t do this to me, not now, not him…. PLEASE! Haven’t you taken enough from me?! Haven’t we shed enough blood? Oh god…" You plead, your voice croaking out in desperation. You suddenly sit in a daze, your hair disheveled, the tears refusing to cease as your heart feels like it’s about to explode in your chest from pure exhaustion, from sheer adrenaline. It's then you realize that you’re suddenly surrounded by silence. You blink, scanning the room once more, the clicks having stopped and the deathwatch beetle nowhere to be found. You breathe a sigh of relief until suddenly the clicks ring out fast and furiously, a crescendo of fear and pain building within you until it ceases once more. You suddenly shudder, your body jolting violently, a single tear falling down the slopes of your face.
You’re still sitting there hours later, as the day has turned into night when your phone suddenly rings in the distance. You slowly climb out of the floor as you make your way to your dresser, silently picking up the phone and answering it, not bothering to check who it is, your hands trembling in fear.
"Ben?" You whisper shakily.
"Hey Starshine, it’s me, Din. Din Djarin?" You hear a deep sigh on the line. "...Are you there?"
"Listen. I’m going to need you to come down to the station… I’m sorry… it’s… it’s Ben." You hear him take a harsh breath as he speaks again. "I’m so sorry, Starshine…." His voice fades as your phone slips out of your grasp, the Seattle Police contact illuminating the screen as it hits the ground, his voice cutting through the silence as the sob you’ve been holding in erupts deep within your chest, you begin to wail and scream, falling to your knees.
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"It was the curse, wasn’t it?" You scream as you storm into your aunt's house later that night, pacing frantically in the kitchen. “Because I loved him so much!”
Your aunts slowly walk into the room hesitantly, looking at your shaking frame nervously.
It’s your aunt Fennic who speaks first.
“We had no idea… when we cast that spell…”
“What spell?” You ask as your eyes shift between your two aunts, Omera’s eyes downcast in shame. “What are you talking about?!" She finally looks at you, her eyes filled with tears as she glances at her sister.
“Oh…” you shudder. “You didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t… my own flesh and blood...”
“You were so lonely, Starshine… we just… wanted to give you a little push… we didn’t expect you to fall in love.”
“WELL, I DID!” You gasp, grasping your chest as you walk out, grabbing the spell book from the other room, slamming it onto the kitchen counter as you frantically flip through the pages. “And I want him back!”
“You brought him into my life, and I want you to bring him back!” You say as you continue to flip through the pages. “I’ve never asked you for anything, I’ve never asked you for spells but do this! I know you can, I know you can bring him back!”
“We won’t do this” Omera speaks up as she approaches you. “We can’t do this” Fennic adds, crossing her arms.
“I know you can! I remember I found it here…” your fingers reading through the spell “I found the spell when… when mommy and daddy died.”
“Even if we did bring him back” Fennic starts, looking at Omera “… it wouldn’t be Ben.”
“… it would be something else, something dark and unnatural” Omera adds, reaching out to you.
“I DONT CARE WHAT HE COMES BACK AS, AS LONG AS HE COMES BACK… as long as he comes back” your voice breaks as you suddenly start to sob. “Please! Please do this for me!” You sob as you collapse onto the spell book, looking at your aunts pleadingly. “Please? PLEASE?!” You cover your mouth as you fall to your knees, Omera catching you as you cry onto her chest.
“I’m so sorry, Starshine.” She whispers as she strokes your back, looking at her sister as she turns to walk away.
The first time you hear the ominous click, click, click of the deathwatch beetle is the day you swear to yourself that you will never, ever fall in love again.
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Authors Bits:
If you guessed that Ben was Ben Solo, you were right. I admit that I was once a Reylo - not so much now, but back in the day, so including him in this story was a treat... also, because Adam Driver <3.
Speaking about Ben, it's safe to say he's alluded to his death several times to Starshine, and there's several hints that I try to convey throughout. I'll miss our Benji, but we all know what we want, and he's definitely coming...
Taglist: @strawberri-blonde
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thereluctantfollower · 7 months
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JOMO Rabbit Mod wearing her Fury's Rage outfit
Puchi Vanny Mod
Pookie Vanny Mod
BRD MRT Vanny Mod
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silkylious · 2 years
Lovesick (Gojo Satoru x Reader)
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Fandom: jujutsu kaisen
Pairing: gojo satoru x gn reader
Cw: just lots of fluff, suggestive if you squint really, really hard, gojo is dumb and whipped
Wordcount: 1.2k
Notes: first fic in like 3 months lmao 💀 this was actually so much fun to write! hope u enjoy! also thank you @maminari for beta reading ilysm mwah <33
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“Why am I even required to do this?” Gojo sighed into his phone, dragging his feet towards Shoko’s three in one office-clinic-mortuary. “I’m virtually invincible, and I heal myself twenty-four-seven.”
“Do you have to throw a fit every time you get a check-up?” Shoko huffed back, her voice slightly distorting through the call but conveying her irritation nonetheless. “It’s one check-up for the whole year, Gojo, just get it over with. And lose the attitude, I’m not the one doing it for you this time.”
That caught his attention.
Shoko briefly filled him in—she had a date with Utahime and wouldn’t be able conduct his annual check-up as she had been for the past few years. That was where you came in. She had mentioned you a few times in passing. You were not a sorcerer despite being able to see curses; your cursed energy was limited and your physical prowess was nothing impressive. However, you helped out in your own way. You worked part-time at the Kyoto branch, patching kids up after missions and carrying out medical examinations much like the one he was about to get.
Gojo hummed, “are they single?”
“Behave.” So that was a yes.
“Mmh, I don’t think I will,” he sang, his strides increasing in size. “Oh, say hi to Utahime for me, will ya?”
“I don’t think I will.”
Before he could retort, the line hung up. He clicked his tongue, though his mood was anything but sour at that moment. His legs carried a newfound pep in their step at the idea of a new face, a fresh victim to annoy into an early grave. He couldn’t help the dumb, shit-eating grin splitting his face, thinking about all the ways he could make this check-up as agonizing as possible. Although it wouldn’t take much to achieve that, Gojo had a natural talent for being a general nuisance after all. 
He hummed a cheerful tune to himself as he approached the office’s door, preparing to make a grand entrance that would be sure to startle you. He could sense your cursed energy through the wall—low, peaceful and steadily thrumming around you. It was practically calling for him to disturb your tranquility. Oh, how he’d love to see it spike and tremble. 
One, large hand gripped the doorknob while the other remained buried in his pocket. Without taking a second longer, he slammed the door open with all the dramatic flair of a soap opera actor, lips parting to bellow out an obnoxious greeting.
But no words came out.
Before a single syllable could even escape his mouth, you frantically turned around at the sound of the door smacking against the wall. And then your eyes met where his would be behind his blindfold. And then your pretty lips curved into a sheepish, reluctant little smile.
And he knew he was a goner.
He cursed Shoko in his head for not bothering to mention to him that you were this drop dead fucking gorgeous. 
Any attempts at human communication died in his throat while he stood there with his jaw slightly parted. You giggled nervously—he’d never heard a sound so sweet in his entire twenty-eight years of living—before extending your palm out for him to shake, taking the initiative to greet him warmly.
Realizing he looked like a big, hulking idiot just standing there, gawking at you, he swiftly took your hand in his own and silently marveled at the softness of your touch. You guided him to the examination table (Jujutsu Tech really ought to buy a hospital bed) after exchanging brief introductions, all the while he couldn’t find it in him to do anything but follow your instructions, nod his head in response to your questions and hope that you wouldn’t notice the flush rising up his neck. 
“So, Gojo,” even his last name sounded downright saccharine on your tongue, “I’ll be checking your height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, eyes and just generally asking you questions about your lifestyle. Sound good?” 
He nodded, having no fucking clue what came out of your mouth. God, he just needed you to keep talking. 
You raised a brow at his behavior. This was not what you had spent fifteen minutes mentally preparing yourself for prior to him bursting in the room. Shoko had made it abundantly clear that Gojo would not be an easy patient—whatever that meant. You expected a lot more than… this.
“Alright, let’s start with blood pressure and temperature.” You gently pulled his left arm into position, wrapping the blood pressure cuff to his upper arm. He really didn’t look like it at a first glance, but you could tell he was jacked underneath that hideous uniform he wore. You cleared your throat, trying not to linger too much on the way his biceps strained against the fabric of his sleeve under your fingertips, “Keep your arm extended and relaxed just like that while I take your temperature, okay?”
You knew you that there was no point in narrating the entire process and using verbal prods with him, he was a grown ass man, one that didn’t even need to be here at that, but his quietness left you unnerved given all the talk you’d heard about his pompous, unbearable personality beforehand. If you didn’t ramble, the silence would become too stifling.
You brushed off his odd demeanor, focusing on adding a cover to the thermometer probe. He still had his infamous blindfold on but you felt the weight of his eyes on your profile, like he could see you and see through you. Taking a steadying breath, you willed your hand not to shake under his heavy gaze. 
“Open your mouth,” you murmured. Glossed lips open to reveal a set of perfectly aligned and whitened teeth, with sharp canines that almost looked like fangs protruding from the top row. You placed the probe under his tongue and instructed him to keep it there, unaware of the havoc you were wrecking in his heart. You’d gotten closer, so close that he was able to smell your perfume and feel your cursed energy delicately flowing with his own. 
You turned to check his blood pressure and your eyes damn near popped out of their sockets as soon as they landed on the monitor. It was well above average, coupled with a very high pulse rate. You turned to face him again, worried inquiries just at the tip of your tongue only to be met with a sight for sore eyes. 
Gojo Satoru, strongest sorcerer of his generation, flushed pink from clavicle all the way up to what was unveiled of his face, tense as a rock, with a thermometer sticking out of his mouth.
The mirth that overtook your eyes was uncontrollable no matter how much you wanted to hide it for his poor pride’s sake.
“Seems like your blood pressure is high, Gojo,” you said, a playful lilt to your voice that sounded utterly sinful in his ears. You pulled the thermometer out of his mouth, all too knowing in the way you glanced at him, mumbling, “your temperature is a little above average too. Is there something stressing you out?”
Gojo’s wits finally returned to him after a solid ten minutes of absolutely humiliating himself. The mischievous grin you adorned was unmistakable, and Gojo never backs down from some good banter. 
His lips stretched into a smile so devilish it was hard to believe it belonged to someone who looked nothing less than seraphic.
“Hmm, seems so,” he said, pulling one side of his blindfold up to properly take in your expression. “Can I have your number then, doc? You know, for future check-ups.”
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Jujutsu Kaisen taglist: @mumawash @koulia @katsucookie @amarvyllis @quillvinrune @sugas-sweetheart @christiansdior @ashantisheart @hoshiikos @neermozhi @hirugummies @milucient @dukina @giyyu @shoberri @sidehub @uxavity @kitanaz @quinns-wndrlnd | join my taglist here! <3
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gatheringbones · 2 years
[“So why have anti-democratic authoritarians seized on our tiny population as the latest red meat with which to whip up their followers against democracy and something they call “gender ideology?”
We are meaning making animals. And of all the meanings we make about the body, perhaps none is more basic than sex.
But accepting me as a woman means radically changing how you think about sex and gender
In addition, recognizing me as a transgender woman means accepting that what I say I am trumps your visual knowledge of how I may look like to you.
I’ll see it when I believe it. Seeing is believing. What you see is what you get. Our language is replete with references to how compelling visual knowledge is. It is very challenging to ask people to accept that what they see is not really what is really there.
Think about the simple shift from “pregnant women” to “pregnant people.” The very idea of “pregnant men” — virtually unheard of a few years ago — fries some people’s brain circuits.
Finally, transgender challenges feelings about sexuality. The fact is, many people are attracted to taller, stronger masculine-type bodies and/or smaller, rounder, feminine-type bodies. It’s deeply grounded in their sense of their sexuality and feelings of desire And when you swap these aesthetics around or mix them up — as happens with bodies like mine — it undermines something fundamental about their sense of sexual attraction.
This is why attack materials created by transphobes so often features bearded, hairy-chested men: a) invading the Women’s Room; b) invading girls’ sports; c) wearing dresses and high heels; or, d) invading the Women’s Room at a girls sports event while wearing dresses and high heels. Many people find such images disturbing or actually disgusting, because they the jacks the wires of their sexual aesthetics.
So as transgender people, we are not just demanding our rights: we are asking people to literally rewrite their much of their reality. And people can be noticeably, ummm…reluctant to do that. Just talk to your parents (or mine).
And of course nonbinary and genderfluid people just put all this (pun very intended) on steroids.
Most people can probably integrate the idea of women’s rights or gay rights without upsetting their world-view too much. But not so transgender. We are literally indigestible with how many people currently understand bodies and sex.
After all, violent and anti-democratic strongmen didn’t start attacking so-called “gender ideology” world-wide until transgender rights became a thing. They have learned they can capitalize and monetize the discomfort some people feel.
Which is another way of saying that transpeople — this small, underfunded, outmanned, and outgunned minority barely on society’s radar only a couple decades ago — are slowly remaking the world.
From pronouns, gender-neutral languages, and government-issued IDs to parental rights, sports, and of course bathrooms — states, corporations, and entire societies are just beginning to wrestle with what it means to disassemble the ubiquitous structures of binary gender.
They shall know us by our enemies.
Well, we are being attacked by some of the strongest, most vile strongmen on the planet. It’s not a sign of our failure. On the contrary, it’s a sign of our success.
We’ve under-estimated just how radical and world-changing our message and vision is.
They know it. It’s time we knew it, too.
Trans rights is going to change the world.”]
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Dramione is the het ship between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter fandom.
As Draco was raised with violent disgust for Muggle-borns, he treated Hermione with disdain. Hermione's friends and herself shared a strong enmity to Draco from virtually the moment they met, and her beating Draco in school marks, for which his father berated him. From time to time, Draco would call Hermione a mud-blood which usually set off the temper of her friends and once the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Most of the time, Hermione would ignore Draco but occasionally snapped back at him and in their third year, she even punched him.
some parts of the saga, Draco even seems obsessed with Hermione. Even though he considers Muggle-borns to be inferior, he hasn't ever picked on one other than Hermione. In the second book, when the basilisk is released, he wishes for Hermione to be its next victim. In GoF, when the death eaters appear in the Quidditch World Cup, Draco appears near Harry's tent and advises them to get Hermione out of there if they don't want anything to happen to her. He even makes a comment about her knickers. In another scene in the same book, he overhears Ron talking about Hermione's dancing partner and he makes a surprised comment about that "know-it-all" having found a date. When Hermione walks into the ballroom, Draco just stares at her and, quoting from the book, "even he didn’t seem to be able to find an insult to throw at her".
At various points in the books he acknowledges Hermione's intelligence. For example, when he finds out about the DA and the charm Hermione made with the coins, he takes notes and uses it to communicate with the Death Eaters he wants to get into Hogwarts. In the 6th book he stops messing with her (coinciding with the imprisonment of his father, who incidentally in the 2nd book tells Draco off for Hermione getting better grades than him.
In spite of his dislike toward Hermione, Draco was reluctant to confirm her identity when he was asked to do so by his parents and aunt Bellatrix, avoiding even looking at her. As an adult sobered by his wartime experiences, Draco was civil, if not friendly, towards Hermione and her friends.
Dramione is among the most popular ships for both characters.
Dramione is among the most popular ships for both characters.
On AO3, it is the most written ship for Hermione, followed by Hermione/Ron, and the second for Draco, bested only by Draco/Harry. It is also the third most written ship in the Harry Potter fandom.
It is one of the most controversial ships in the Harry Potter fandom, due to Draco bullying Hermione and calling her racial slurs. However, many fans believe that Draco is reformed and became a better person, and others like the Good Girl/Bad Boy dynamic. Some also reference the fact that Emma Watson had a crush on Tom Felton to prove the legitimacy of the ship.
A Very Potter Musical
Throughout his first two years of Hogwarts, Draco has a particularly serious crush on Hermione. He wanted a rocketship and Hermione. It's not until after Hermione turns him down after her first year when Draco has returned to the past, that he realizes that he should move on considering "what a b***** Hermione is". Draco later meets Luna Lovegood in the Forbidden Forest while waiting to catch up to his time.
Rowling was not in favour of this pairing.[1]
Tom Felton, who portrayed Draco in the films, references Draco/Hermione in two chapter titles from his memoir Beyond the Wand — "The Potter Auditions or When Draco Met Hermione" and "Dramione or The Chicken and the Duck."[2]
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alicelufenia · 1 month
Starting my second run, this time as my Eilistraee Cleric
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I'm really happy with how she turned out looks wise! I've tweaked her since the last test run I did, one thing of which being a name change. She's now Tavierra Torval. Yes, "Tav" for short :P I figure if she's going to replace Alice as my main Tav, I'd do the thing where that can be interpreted as a nickname (very much how everyone calls Zaknafein Do'Urden "Zak").
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I looooove the Eilistraee-themed modded outfits I found!
(also don't judge me for her stats, her main job is going to be Bard lmao just started as Cleric to make sure I got all the cleric-related dialogue)
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She's so cute!
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WIFE WIFE WIFE WI- no no calm down Kaylin you are not romancing her this playthrough awww...
*sigh* Fiiine. I'll knock her out like a normal person (at least that's in character with this Tav, she'd be reluctant to kill any Drow, especially the True Souls after learning about the prism's protection)
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Characters all look so perplexed when they talk to Withers. I mean I get it.
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Also I'm using the No Party Limit mod (combined with Sit This One Out so I still have a party of four in combat) and I'm getting SO many more banters and comments; I got a dialogue from Gale after saving Mirkon that I've never seen before. Also with everyone here I get all the approval/disapproval bumps, for better or worse (though let's be honest it's a net positive) and Shadowheart is ready for a night of wine drinking before I even pressed her about who she worships.
Anyway I'm SUPER excited for this playthrough. I want to take my time with this one and do EVERYTHING (especially in Act 3, which is gonna be a while if my last playthrough is an indication), and really work on developing my virtual photography.
I'll make another post later that gives a bit more character stuff on who Tavierra is and what's her deal. I'm naturally going to use Phalar Aluve as a main weapon, plus another that's a surprising, but unique twist that makes for a nice personalized story for a Drow follower of Eilistraee wanting to really make a profound difference, as sort of a player-made personal quest like an origin character.
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ingravinoveritas · 11 months
Hi! I really dig your body language posts; I’ve gone from having 0 opinion on Michael and David’s relationship to constant giggling over how painfully obvious it is at bare minimum Michael has a massive crush
Do you have any favorite/specific moments between them body language wise where they’re just so blatantly in love? Tbh right now I still see them as friends but there’s just soooo much that’s super flirty. Especially non-show related stuff since Staged they’re technically acting. I’m super reluctant to rpf because of past experiences with toxic fandoms but their dynamic fascinates me and I want to see what I’m missing. Thank youu ⭐️
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Anon #1: Aww, thank you so much for such kind and lovely words, re: my body language posts. I really do appreciate it! Including Anon #2 because of the relevance to my answer.
I completely feel you on having past experiences with toxic fandoms/not wanting to do RPF as a result. That was exactly the place I was in when I found GO in 2019, and subsequently began shipping Michael and David. So much has transpired since then, and pretty much all of it has strengthened my feeling that there is more than friendship going on between them.
In terms of specific favorite moments, body language-wise...oof. Well, one thing to keep in mind is that there are fewer of these moments than you would imagine, but I think that is because of the pandemic breaking out in 2020, which relegated almost all of Michael and David's interactions to virtual for a long time.
This does, however, make it even sweeter when we consider the moment that I would choose to answer your question, which is what Anon #2 is referencing. Michael and David at the NTAs in September of 2021, when Michael presented David with an award. There was a LOT going on that night, so I'll try to show the highlights in chronological order. First, this was how David was looking at Michael as he approached the stage:
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Not only that, but David ran up the stage with his arms wide open to embrace Michael, well before he'd even gotten close to him:
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Then there was The Hug itself, which sent such reverberations around the fandom and (as Anon #2) mentioned, the press itself. This hug that started with Michael looking at David so adoringly it seemed as if his heart was about to burst, and then the hug itself lingered for such a long time. This hug that was so much more than your average "bro" hug, with how Michael and David's bodies fully touched without an inch of space between them:
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Then you had the moment after David gave his acceptance speech, where he and Michael walked off stage with their arms around each other. Specifically, David's hand is on Michael's neck--which is an incredibly intimate place to touch someone, and I'm also fairly certain Michael would break most people's hands before he'd let them touch his neck--and Michael's arm is around David's waist:
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What starts as Michael's hand slowly moving down to David's waist during The Hug becomes Michael's arm more deliberately around David as they leave the stage, and then ultimately culminates in this moment in the press room:
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For me, it's the very distinct combination of two things here that set off "blatantly in love" bells: The way Michael is protectively holding David with one hand perfectly nestled in the crook of his lower back--so instinctive, so sexy--and then the way David shifts his weight and leans closer to Michael. David--who had tended to be more reserved and less overtly demonstrative than Michael--showed so much emotion on this night without even saying a word, and it just left me breathless.
It was what also transpired following the awards that I would include as part of this being my favorite moment, which was what Anon #2 mentioned: Michael engaging on Twitter in no other way that night except to retweet this...
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I have been following Michael on Twitter since 2019, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that he had never tweeted/RTed anything like this before, and he has not tweeted/RTed anything like this since then. This RT felt like the exclamation point on an already exhilarating night. It became clear that something had shifted, that we could see how Michael and David had become closer over the duration of lockdown. They were also about to start filming GO 2 together the following month, about to spend far more time together in person over the course of the shoot than they had for the entire year and a half previously due to Covid, and it's hard not to think that the anticipatory emotion of that was also part of what we saw at the NTAs that night.
Finally, Anon #1, I would say that there have been so many recent instances of "in love" body language, with the new interviews we've seen for GO 2. From my own posts, I'd say this, this, and this are some of the best examples (the third one being them walking arm-in-arm onto the show like they're walking down freaking the aisle and I really don't know much more overt you can get...).
I hope this is helpful to you. Thank you both for writing in! xx
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cheerfullycatholic · 4 months
Angelus, February 11th 2024
Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!
Today’s Gospel presents us with the healing of a leper (cf. Mk 1:40-45). To the sick man, who implores Him, Jesus answers: “I will; be clean!” (v. 41). He utters a very simple phrase, which He immediately puts into practice. Indeed, “immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean” (v. 42). This is Jesus’ style with those who suffer: few words, and concrete deeds.
Many times, in the Gospel, we see Him behave in this way towards those who suffer: deaf mutes (cf. Mk 7:31-37), paralytics (cf. Mk 2:1-12), and many others in need (cf. Mk 5). He always does this: He speaks little and His words are followed promptly by actions: He bows, takes by the hand, and heals. He does not waste time with discourses or interrogations, much less in pietism or sentimentalism. Rather, He shows the delicate modesty of one who listens attentively and acts with solicitude, preferably without being conspicuous.
It is a wonderful way to love, and how it would do us good to imagine it and assimilate it! Let us also think of when it we happen to encounter people who act like this: sober in words, but generous in action; reluctant to show off but ready to make themselves useful; effective in helping because they are willing to listen. Friends to whom one can say: “Do you want to listen to me? Do you want to help me?”, with the confidence of hearing them answer, almost with Jesus’ words: “Yes, I will, I am here for you, to help you!”. This concreteness is so much more important in a world such as our own, in which an evanescent virtuality of relationships seems to be gaining ground.
Let us listen instead to how the Word of God provokes us: “If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled’, without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit?” (James 2:15-16). The Apostle James says this. Love needs tangibility, love needs presence, encounter, it needs to be given time and space: it cannot be reduced to beautiful words, to images on a screen, momentary selfies and hasty messages. They are useful tools that can help, but they are not enough for love; they cannot substitute real presence.
Let us ask ourselves today: do I know how to listen to people, am I ready to meet their requests? Or do I make excuses, procrastinate, hide behind abstract or useless words? In real terms, when was the last time I went to visit someone who was alone or sick – everyone can answer in their heart – or when was the last time I changed my plans to meet the needs of someone who asked me for help?
May Mary, solicitous in care, help us to be ready and tangible in love.
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