#this man is a bi disaster and i love him
ingravinoveritas · 9 months
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That pose, David...
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Steve: I mean everyone is a little gay right? Right guys? ….guys?
Nancy whispering to Robin and Eddie: …who’s going to tell him?
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moonlightsapphic · 11 months
Y'all, I find the reception of XO, Kitty so dissapointing.
TL; DR: The underlying homophobia/biphobia/lesbophobia/misoginy towards Yuri as potential and viable endgame which I don't think would have happened if she were yet another hot guy.
The straight-baiting marketing of this show was absolutely genius and I loved that Jenny Han, who writes the straightest central romances to ever romance (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Summer I Turned Pretty), actually initiated a series with such visibly queer storylines and then literally jumped into this sort-of-interracial, sapphic romance centered around a bi+ character. I could see Han trying to be more inclusive in her past on-screen works, but this was incredible.
No you don't understand. There was this point midway through the show where I thought I was in a fever dream and watching wishful fanmade content because I couldn't believe an IRL Netflix show could actually give us this. My mind was blown.
So you'll understand that I was fully bamboozled to see that social media is swamped with Min-ho fangirls pretending like Yuri doesn't even exist. I love Min-ho too, but am I the only one who also saw so many signs that point to a future Yuri x Kitty?
First, for the narrative satisfaction of their moms being best friends in the past!
... and to complete Kitty's coming of age! Kitty, growing up in the cisheteronormative Song-Covey household, made the oversight of initially operating under the assumption that she exclusively likes boys and that she has mastered the art of relationships. That's already been debunked partway by her breakup with her first boyfriend who was supposed to be endgame, and is only going to be sealed further if she ends up with a girl in a long-term relationship. (And no, of course she doesn't have to "end up" with a girl for her queer identity to be valid, but I think it just makes the most narrative sense to have that unfold in the story as her worldview alters.)
Here I present to you: my pet peeves in the XO, Kitty fandom
hyping up parallels between Peter x LJ and Minho x Kitty scenes claiming that this means Minho x Kitty may be endgame. They literally have to reach and dig for those because the most parallels are between Peter x LJ and Yuri x Kitty, right from the scene that they bumped into each other! Kitty has also shown zero romantic interest in Minho so far, as opposed to her very keen interest in Yuri.
People finally addressing the elephant in the room like "Ugh, Yuri is probably going to be endgame. 🙄 I want Minho instead!!" like it's such a disappointing or borderline gross outcome. Yuri is a much more intense enemies-to-lovers character than Minho. She is beautiful, kind, and fun with a little bit of bite, everything that Minho is plus Kitty is falling for her hard.
Being real here—If you think Yuri is a boring love interest or kind of a b*tch while Minho is simply a fun old enemies-to-lovers character, I am begging you to check your biases. You, a straight woman, may only see hostile fictional women as competitiion and hostile fictional men as ... well, kinda hot. However, Kitty is bi+ and she could see them both as viable romantic interests, equally. Yes, Yuri has done more malicious things than Minho, but then again she has had a harder time this academic year than Minho. You are obviously still allowed to like Minho better, as long as you're not dismissing the struggles of and flattening a strong female character. Misoginy and homophobia make an ugly combo, y'all. Trust me, you don't want any part in that.
(Additional unpopular opinion: I'm going to get crucified for this but I genuinely think Kitty is too boring for Minho in the same way that Dae was too boring for Kitty. He seems to be into her only from the Halo Effect. Minho is my child and I squeal whenever he's on screen and I hope to see him finding someone actually fun!)
Saying that Kitty’s crush on Yuri was just a token plot point with no real basis or depth. While there is some unrealistic family drama in the show, it's all still credible. Fiction is supposed to bring in imaginative elements and try to keep things grounded. Regardless, I'm never going to be the person who says that a wild and shocking bi- or gay-awakening is unrealistic. As a queer person, let me tell you that it is just as wild and confusinh for us IRL.
Besides, many cishet people actually do not care if (or is hateful when) the MC is bi, that I doubt how much it “helps” with marketing. (That's why queerbaiting exists, folks.) Also, have you seen Kitty in TATBILB? That's a bi preteen right there if I've ever seen one.
"Stop trying to invalidate other people's ships!" I will say this once: I don't care if you ship Kitty with Min-ho, or Dae, or anyone else that's not Yuri. I DON'T CARE! Frankly, good for you because straight ships have better luck out there anyway, ya know? I am simply begging you to not reduce a queer person's nuanced concerns about dismissal of sapphic fictional characters to petty fandom arguments. Read the room, guys. Please.
This is such a crucial show to many of us. I just want y'all to understand that this is just a little bigger than your celebrity crush on a hot guy whose character you're rooting for. We never, ever get contemporary slice-of-life romcom sapphic rep (and Netflix is notorious for cancelling sapphic shows, too). Please don't be dismissive of a perfectly good possible ending! We want to give Netflix every reason to renew this show, and give Han every reason to allow Kitty to flourish just the way she plans to! (This is me begging y'all to not influence the writers into swerving last-minute towards a sloppy Minho endgame, though I do trust her better than that.)
I hope that Netflix renews the show, even if it's through the excitement of straight people in denial LMAO. And then I hope it treats us with a glorious sapphic ending.*
*(Aaaand I can already imagine the cishet women in the audience complaining online about what a terrible person Kitty is for leading Min-ho on and then dumping him, and how she and Yuri are both awful and totally deserve each other. Music to my ears.)
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regardingjenmish · 16 days
‘Sure, I check out a hot guys ass but that’s normal’
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scullycockstrap · 8 months
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Dc x dp (Harper x Valerie)
Valerie lifted her coffee cup to her lips mechanically only to sigh when nothing flowed through. This was the third cup of the day and she still felt ready to pass out.
She once again repeated to herself that this was for the greater good. 
“Valerie.” She could hear Vladimir Masters call.
For the greater good she reminded herself. Pasting a smile on her face, Valerie walked back to the hotel’s sofa where her employer was waiting. 
“Yes, Mr. Masters?”
“Get me some food. The plane’s meal was disgusting.”
“Right away, Mr. Masters.”
In moments like these she couldn’t help but wonder if this was really the only way to take Vlad down. Working as a personal assistant to find some non-ghost related dirt on the millionaire sounded thrilling in theory, but the practice was proving to be a nightmare.
She asked the lady at the front desk for some appetizers which arrived promptly. And after only a few minutes more of waiting the receptionist announced their rooms were ready.
"I have a brunch tomorrow with Robert, so tell the front desk to make a wake-up call for 8." Vlad said as they stepped into the elevator. "Also, call ahead at the store, you know the one, and make sure they have the cherimoya liqueur I ordered. Don't forget the flowers for Robert's wife."
"Yes, sir."
Vlad stepped off the elevator before turning towards her with a regretful face. "I cannot apologize enough for having to put you up in the Hamptons, there were just no more rooms here."
As if. This was clearly another way of showing off his money and power.
"It's no problem at all, Mr. Masters," said Valerie with a bright smile, playing dumb.
"I know the Hamptons is a ways away from the Orchards, but I'll still ask that you be here by 8:30 on the dot."
"Of course, sir. I'll be there!" Valerie said as the elevator closed on Vlad's kindhearted smile.
She was so sick of his benevolent act, especially since he also never missed an opportunity to make masked snide comments in the form of backhand compliments. It would've been chipping at her ego if she wasn't already aware of the absolute trash being that Vlad was and how little his opinion mattered.
She got her phone out to check where the Hamptons Hotel was and asked the front desk to call a taxi. As it dropped her off in front of a fairly old, but decent building, Valerie finally let out a sigh at the idea of getting to fall in bed soon. She checked in, took a shower and undid her luggage and by the time she was done, hunger was beating out exhaustion.
So, with a weary groan, she stoop up once again. Grabbing her handbag, she made sure her Fenton thermos and blasters were in it, just in case. With her phone and wallet, she stepped outside in search of food. She soon spotted a hotdog vendor and scarfed one down on one of Grant Park's bench. Valerie was sitting, comfortably full, watching the wind rustle the leaves on the tree when a flash of familiar green caught her eye.
In front of her was Cujo, wagging his tail at full tilt and his tongue sticking out.
"Shit," she uttered, before quickly looking around to make sure there was no one close enough to witness the green glowing dog. "Come here Cujo," she coaxed as she slowly dropped her hand in her bag to grab the thermos.
The dog let out a high-pitched yip, before taking a few steps in her direction. "Good boy," Valerie said. "Just a little closer, ok? Can you do that for me?"
Cujo took another step and she closed her hand on the thermos. Just as she was about to whip it out, there was a loud noise and the dog startled and in a second, he had already turned tail and started running away.
"No! Cujo, heel!" Valerie yelled, but it was no use. With a curse she set out after him, hoping that the dog wouldn't leave the park as it offered some sort of cover.
Judging by the absence of screams, Valerie was assuming nobody had seen him yet, but as this was Gotham, you never really knew. She managed to gain a bit on the dog when he started slowing down by one of the park benches, sniffing at one leg. She slowed down and got the thermos out ready to uncap it. Unfortunately, the dog probably had sniffed her out somehow because he turned to her, barked once and turned invisible. Luckily for Valerie, he was still tangible and still leaving imprints in the grass, so she took off after him following the imprints.
The game of cat and mouse lasted for a good ten minutes, and Cujo led them out of the park and up to the waterfront where she could only look on as the fading in-and-out-of-view dog started running on the water in the direction of the Narrows. Looking around desperately, Valerie spotted a bridge's entranceway about 500 feet away. She ran for it and started down the path, all the while keeping an eye on her right for a flash of green. Time passed and Valerie could feel a stitch starting in her side, but she finally made it to the other side, just in time to see Cujo step on land too. She was less than 100 feet from him, so she started running at full speed. He took a turn and Valerie was about to do the same when she collided hard with someone.
She fell back heavily on the ground and the thermos rolled away. As she lay there, trying to catch her breathe, she heard the person she'd barrelled in groan. Suddenly, super-aware she'd just charged right at someone at full speed, she rolled to her knees with a wince before turning towards them.
"I am so sorry!" Valerie said to the fallen form. "I wasn't looking where I was going, this is completely on me."
The person sat up and something in the back of Valerie's brain gave an appreciative hum. Then shaking it off, she got to her feet and offered a hand to the other girl.
"I'm Valerie, I am so sorry about this."
The girl squinted a bit, before taking the hand and pulling herself up. "I'm Harper," she said. "You really know how to knock a girl off her feet."
Valerie blushed "Oh, um, yes? I try not to do it very often."
"So, what you're saying is I'm special?" Harper said with a teasing smile, which had Valerie's blush worsening. "So, where were you running to so fast?"
"My friend's dog got loose" Valerie sighed, the colour in her cheeks dying out a bit as she picked up the thermos. "I saw him turn on this street, but I don't know where he went."
"That really sucks," Harper said with a frown. Then, her expression cleared up and she continued. "You know what, how about I give you a hand? I live here, so I know the area pretty well."
"Oh, no, you really don't have to," Valerie tried to refuse, not wanting Harper to see the glowing green dog.
"I insist," the other girl said with a winsome smile.
Valerie felt torn. She didn't want to be rude because on one hand there were no good reasons to turn down the offer, but on the other she really did not want the cute girl to see Cujo. As if to help her out of the dilemma, Harper's phone rang.
She took it out if her pocket and put it to her ear. "Hello? Oh, hey Cullen. Yeah, I'm on my way. What? You mean, right now? Yeah, ok, I'll be there right away."
She turned back towards Valerie with a regretful face. "I am so sorry, my brother needs me back right now."
"It's ok," Valerie reassured, feeling a mix of relieved and disappointed. "It's not the first time Cujo has run off, I'm pretty used to it."
Harper looked at her for a moment, before she took out a pen and a piece of paper out of her own bag and scribbled something on it.
"Here," she said. "It's my number. If anything happens, please don't hesitate to call me. The Narrows can get pretty dangerous, especially at night."
Valerie took the paper and put it in her bag.
"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind," Valerie said before turning towards the other girl. "See you around Harper," she said with a smile.
"See you around Valerie," the other girl answered with a smile of her own. She waved goodbye and started walking the way Valerie had come.
Valerie let herself look at her departing figure for a moment, before shaking herself out of it. Right. She had to find Cujo before he could be seen by any civilians. Or worse, any of the bats.
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wiser-girl · 1 year
Feeling scared and misunderstood on the dash tonight (Steve is my 2nd fav character I’m sorry guys)
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
my god... I never realized that in the ‘don’t mess with yordles’ and ‘double-double cross’ shorts tf actually has his shirt buttoned up all the way!!!!!
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tf my boy I almost didn’t recognize you without your slutty saucy cleavage is everything alright baby do you need to talk about it :(
(he’s got a shiteating grin all over his face already when he appears in a puff of blue light behind mf btw he’s such a little shit I love him)
+ some silly tf stuff because I must repeat: I love him, possibly almost as much as graves does
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big mood buddy you’re saying what we’re all thinking
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alastairstom · 10 months
im sorry but i share a very special bond with matthew fairchild that just cannot be replicated with any other character
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
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theyre all a LOT would take up like half of the haniwa tierlist fr. iv is Not okay and neither is anyone else really
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linawritesocs · 1 year
my ocs' third year/graduated versions!
okay, so i made a post like that with avery, vance, merrill and allen some time ago, but as you know, I HAVE A LOT OF KIDS NOW and i wanted to make a new version of that post! also the way i see my first four characters have changed a little, so.. yeah.
i made them in picrew because even though i'd love to draw them myself, it would take quite a lot of time djdkkdd
avery glass.
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avery gets along better with "beautiful people" now and he's also more confident and doesn't think he's that ugly himself. his hair is longer now too. he also doesn't think vil is that bad and he even kinda misses him now, considering that vil is a fourth year now and avery doesn't see him that often. he's still friends with epel though and it's not so lonely with him around. he also created his own gardening club here back when he just transferred to nrc and it's more popular now and some people don't even care if avery was a rsa student in the past. he feels more comfortable in this school now and he actually doesn't regret transferring at all. maybe he really does have those "prince charming" vibes, like other rsa students, but he would rather be friends with villains because they (or at least most of them) accept him for who he is. but allen also suggested that avery can work as his gardener after he graduates.. avery is not so sure about it for now and told allen that it sounds stupid, but he secretly doesn't think that it's a bad idea.
vance mintberry.
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YES I AM GOING WITH THAT CONCEPT OF DORM LEADER!VANCE BECAUSE I LIKE IT. vance is not that chaotic and hyperactive as a third year and he's a lot more chill now and he even has his serious moments sometimes. he's definitely not as strict as riddle though and heartslabyul students are happy to have a dorm leader like him, who knows how to have fun, but also doesn't cause too much chaos. he says he doesn't like when other students refer to him as the dorm leader though and asks them to simply call him by his name instead. vance is also taller now (170 cm), however, when riley stands next to him, his growth spurt is not that noticeable and vance is a bit insecure about it dhdjdkdkfk. HE THOUGHT THEY WILL NEVER HAVE SUCH A HUGE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE! and even if they do vance wanted to be taller than riley he's still into gaming and skateboarding too and he even participated in magishift and some other sports competitions because he doesn't care what his family thinks anymore. some heartslabyul students say that vance secretly enjoys being the one in charge A LOT though..
merrill gardner.
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yes i forgot his moles. it's fine he can survive without them i say that as someone who has a lot of moles on their face YES. VIL MANAGED TO CONVINCE HIM TO BECOME A MODEL. LET'S GO. it took a lot of time, but merrill agreed because vil told him that he can't let his talent go to waste just because he's still mad at his parents. yes, they were absolutely horrible people and merrill didn't deserve to be treated like this, but there's nothing wrong with him enjoying being the center of attention and being popular for his appearance (as long as he's okay with it). and merrill certainly appreciates being complimented for his other qualities, but he actually enjoys modeling a lot! he also does it out of spite because oh, his parents wanted to use his looks for money and fame? well guess what, they're not gonna get any money from him <3 he still checks on other nrc students though because he cares about them and because they're always so excited to see him again/for the first time.
and no, even though he's a professional model now, he's still into cosplay because it really does make him happy!! also imagine his fans and megu-chan's fans finding out that their idol is the same person. how funny would that be.
allen snowhill.
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i think he would finally be free of lumi's magic's influence, so that's why he doesn't have white strands anymore! yes i have ideas how others would save him, but that's a story for a different post and he has long hair now!! he's thriving!! you can still often see him wearing rather warm clothes simply because he's too used to them and he would need a lot of time before he starts finding lighter clothes comfortable. his personality is also more similar to anna's now and even though he still shows his yandere self sometimes, he's more chill about it now. as long as someone loves him, he's gonna be fine <3 he's doing much better now, he's more supportive of lumi and miles' relationship and he also regrets the things he said to riley in the past, but he still doubts they'll be able to reconcile because riley himself doesn't want to do anything with him. he's okay as long as riley is happy though. he's also thinking of becoming a writer after he graduates.
roland thorn.
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roland would go back to briar valley after he graduates from rsa, he's sure his parents have missed him a lot. they are quite surprised to see how much he changed, but it's a pleasant kind of surprise. roland would start living alone and he would have a nice little house with a nice little garden next to it :) he's still not so good at gardening, but. um. he's trying his best. taking care of those plants also reminds him to be kinder to himself and he definitely needs that reminder though he still hates having to deal with dirt and that kind of stuff he's not sure what he's gonna do in the future, since he has such a low self-esteem, he doubts there's anything he's good at. so yeah, he would like to focus on taking care of himself and learning to love himself right now. but he's also thinking.. maybe he should get a job that's related to fashion in some way? you know, since he's good at stuff like sewing and knitting and he also can do makeup for others he never wears makeup himself though too. maybe he should talk about it with that ramshackle prefect, he knows a lot about those things. also lilia visits him as often as he can and they have nice conversations together as they drink tea :)
also, a design note: roland would go back to wearing darker clothes after he graduates from rsa and he also would have bangs on the other side to cover his injured eye, even though he still wears an eyepatch. it's not like he doesn't like his eyepatch anymore! he just feels more comfortable with a hairstyle like this, haha. (it's actually him trying to move on from his trauma and telling himself that he's not just "a guy who had a toxic relationship with his gf and got his eye injured because of her")
fake!jay polley.
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OH BOY. HE WOULD GET QUITE AN INTERESTING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN THESE TWO YEARS. you see, being friends with allen didn't teach him anything good and jay ended up becoming a very self-centered individual who decided that if he's not real and he doesn't actually have a heart, oh well, he has to act heartless too. jay knows that he's smarter than his real counterpart, he knows he's much more talented than him and he knows that he owns real!jay's notebook, so.. he's the one who has his unique magic now. real!jay can't use it if he doesn't have his silly little notebook with him. so who's more real now, huh? and no, he's not his "evil clone", he's more interesting than jay, he's more popular than jay, he's actually his "better clone"! he's the literature club's president now too and he even has his own clique because rsa freshmen admire him that much! haha, his school life really is so fun, it's just like his creator wanted! and he wouldn't even be able to overblot no matter how often he uses his unique magic, because again, he's not real so he can't accumulate blot! he just becomes very tired after he uses his magic and he falls asleep right after he's done, so he will never overblot and that makes him the strongest magician in twisted wonderland! he will never overblot, right? right?.. he also may or may not become a yandere because of allen's influence. this guy is so used to getting what he wants because of his popularity and his unique magic, what do you mean his crush doesn't like him back?
real!jay polley.
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real!jay, on the other hand, finally gets a character development that he deserves! he's still a bit shy, but he's more confident now, he looks so much better, seth really helped him get a whole glow up! he also starts wearing the uniform seth made for him back when jay just started living in ramshackle but refused to wear because "it wasn't comfortable" he actually thought he doesn't deserve to wear it and people are surprised to see how good he looks in it. his hair is also longer but he takes better care of it and it's not as messy as it was before. he sounds more polite than before and he has a more elegant vibe now, some people can't believe he was this anxious and insecure boy who refused to go outside and didn't know what grass is. he takes care of the ramshackle dorm building when seth and minnie are too busy and he doesn't find it tiring at all, he's glad to be useful to them. he also had a chance to transfer to a "real" dorm at some point, however, he decided to stay in ramshackle because he's too used to it and he doesn't think he's good enough for other dorms. the dark mirror thought of sending him to diasomnia though he's not sure about his future, but he kinda wants to stay at nrc, so.. maybe he could work here as a staff member? he still needs some time to think about it. and no, jay doesn't know anything about what his clone is doing and he believes fake!jay is living his best life.
austin valiente.
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yes, he's wearing glasses now, because that's what happens when you spend so much time working with tiny details and staying up to come up with a new invention or fix someone's broken phone. if anyone makes fun of his new look, he will punch them. he also makes jokes about having to wear glasses instead of merrill since he's a fourth year now and people almost never see him it's him trying to cope he misses him okay. austin has thought about going back home, but.. he's not ready. he wants to stay in twisted wonderland for just a little bit longer. he misses his family a lot and he's sure they're very worried about him, but he's scared. he still doesn't know if he wants to get a technology-related job just like they wanted or he wants to do what he likes and try to do something more artistic. and he's also scared that they're gonna be mad at him and they're not gonna believe him when he tells them where he's been all this time. he really wishes he could talk to someone about his problems, but he rarely sees those people now and it doesn't feel right to talk about it on the phone. and about his personality, he's a bit calmer now. he still likes to bully others and laugh at them, but he knows when to stop and he's not that serious about it. some people even think he's more like merrill now, because sometimes him teasing them can make them go 😳😳. he doesn't understand why they react like that though.
minnie lynley.
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she's doing so much better now! she's much more friendly with male students now, though she can still be strict with them sometimes, but she's doing it because she cares about them :) she's very popular and she has so many simps, but sadly, they don't have a chance with her because she and sebek are officially dating! MALLEUS IS NO LONGER A NRC STUDENT SHE SAW THAT CHANCE AND SHE TOOK IT. HE CAN'T TAKE SEBEK AWAY FROM HER. her personality is a bit different too now, she's more of an onee-san type now. and yes, she can be that soft and caring onee-san AND the one that goes "ara ara~" and makes you go get a wedding ring because you're this down bad for her. she also became seth's vice prefect when she was a second year and she still is one, though she likes to joke about her being the real prefect. she doesn't mind being seth's sidekick though, she actually admires him a lot and she's grateful to him for helping her get used to this place and overcome her trust issues and daddy issues. she really wanted to go back home when she just got isekai-ed here, but now.. she's actually okay with staying in twisted wonderland? she doesn't miss anyone from her world except her mom and she really does worry about her a lot, but she's not sure if she wants to go back home just for her sake, because.. if she does, she's sure that she will end up doing all the work again and her brother won't try to help in any way. minnie loves her mom, she really does, but she's not ready to see her again.
hayden dahl.
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another character who changed his appearance in some way! hayden dyed his hair so that he won't look too similar to his family members and he actually feels much more comfortable with this hair color. riley's parents pretty much adopt him because they're so happy to see that riley has such a good friend, they don't care about hayden's past at all. so now he's living with them and riley even calls hayden his big brother and that makes hayden tear up a little bit every single time. he just.. he always wanted to have a little brother, he was so tired of being the youngest child.. and don't let that cool villain-like outfit fool you, he really doesn't try to act nice to make others trust him anymore and his words are more painful now, but he also shows his poor little meow meow side much more often. yes, he likes horses. yes, he has a huge sweet tooth and the moment someone mentions desserts, he forgets about everything else. yes, he has a soft spot for riley and he will fight anyone who hurts him you heard that vance. treat this boy right he really is much happier now because his family's crimes are known and they finally got what they deserved. he doesn't have to worry about them finding him anymore. ah, what he plans to do in the future? when seth asked him that, hayden was too busy eating cake, but seth noticed a book about insects in his bag, pointed at it and went "ah, maybe something with these little guys?". hayden almost choked on his food. so.. yeah, he kinda wants to get into entomology but don't tell anyone. ALSO HE HAS HIS OWN HORSE NOW BECAUSE RILEY'S PARENTS ARE RICH AND THEY ALLOWED HIM TO HAVE ONE. HE'S LIVING HIS BEST LIFE.
riley glacier.
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so. here's a reminder that allen and riley are related. and as you know, allen is very tall. SO RILEY IS THE SAME HEIGHT AS HIM NOW. YEAH. maybe even kinda buff who knows riley doesn't seem like that character who changed a lot in these few years, but those who are close to him know that he's a whole different person now. he still does act like his kuudere self, but only with those people he doesn't know that well. his friends know that riley can be much more talkative with them and he really does have a lot to say, even if it's just him ranking scented soaps he ranks them by flavor btw. not by scent. he's still popular, in fact, he's even more popular now, but he doesn't mind it that much anymore. he's not trying to avoid his fans, but he's also not too friendly with them, he just says something like "hey, i appreciate your support, but i'm a bit busy right now, so can we hang out later?". he doesn't want to be mean, but he also wants them to respect his personal space. his simps are not as desperate as before anyway, because the fact that he's dating the heartslabyul's dorm leader makes them go "OH. OH OKAY MAYBE I SHOULDN'T FLIRT WITH HIM". about his relationship with allen.. yes, he still doesn't want to talk to him after that overblot incident. but honestly, riley thinks it's better this way, he doesn't want to become obsessed with making allen like him again. he's just glad that allen is doing much better now and he hopes his cousin will find his true happiness one day. so yeah, he's doing good :) he's not sure about his future job and when he was asked about it, he just said "as long as it's interesting, i'm good with anything".
ashley "angel" leroll.
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YES THIS IS ANGEL. YEAH. they decided that they want to look more masculine now and they also wanted to have a more "responsible dorm leader" look. it's their redemption arc and they really are trying to take better care of their dorm members and they know when to stop and when those students can do something without their help. they also try to treat bunny better and they don't let her overwork herself, even though bunny doesn't call angel her friend anymore. OH and speaking of their name, they actually prefer to go by their real name now. they just don't feel like they deserve to have a nickname like that after everything they've done. they try to stay optimistic though and they believe that they can become a better person and maybe, maybe one day they will become worthy of that nickname. they also hope that their brother will forgive them for what they've done to him, but they will understand if he doesn't. hm? what they want to do in the future? uh.. being a scientist sounds fun! haha, didn't expect that one, did you? and don't worry sol they still use kaomojis when they talk even though they don't do it as often
blythe "bunny" whitney.
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pretend that she has bunny ears here okay she can finally be herself now! she doesn't try to be polite, she speaks her mind and she's strict, just like minnie, but not because she loves other dorm members, she just wants them to behave for once. she can't transfer to a different dorm, so she decided that if she has to stay in speculum, they will have to listen to her and follow the rules <3 sometimes she can be.. um, a bit cruel, but at least other rsa students don't have to run away whenever they see speculum dorm members. they're still chaotic, but the moment bunny looks at them, they go "YES VICE DORM LEADER". she's not friends with angel anymore and their relationship is more professional now, but she doesn't feel sad about it at all. she feels more free now, like she's finally done something that she should've done a long time ago. and yes, people call her by her real name now. no one is allowed to use that nickname anymore.. well, except hayden. but only when she's in a good mood. and maybe fake!jay can call her that too, hehe.. what, why are you looking at her like that? but she's jealous of angel already knowing what they want to do in the future, because she's still not sure about her plans. how weird, bunny always was the one to have a plan for everything and she was more organized compared to angel..
seth delaney.
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okay so, i have never mentioned this before, but seth's vision is actually not that good and he has to wear glasses when he's painting, sewing, drawing, etc. and even though seth has a pretty high self-esteem, he's very insecure about that part and he thinks he looks like a nerd when he wears them. so yes, he's actually kinda blind most of the time hjdjdkdkd. but hey, that's still impressive, considering that he can easily guess anyone's measurements and he can tell what colors would suit someone even when he's not wearing his glasses. and third year!seth would start wearing glasses all the time mostly bc rollo was worried about him and made him do it and he also would stop dyeing his hair blond, but he would still keep the purple tips. his hair is longer now too, he's just trying to accept his past and stop running away from it! don't worry, he has even more piercings and tattoos now though. seth definitely would want to spend the rest of his life in twisted wonderland, he has no reason to come back to his world. didn't the dark mirror say that "he has no home to go back to" or something like that? that's why he wants to make twisted wonderland his real home. and it feels like one, even though it has its flaws and it's not as perfect as he thought it would be. he is still the ramshackle prefect, though nrc students don't see him as often as they did when he was a first year because of him still liking rsa and nbc more. and no, even though he really wanted to change schools, he loves ramshackle dorm too much and he can't leave his dorm members! um.. his future? well, he just wants to live a peaceful life with those he loves. that's it for now.
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hehe this was fun to make. this will make sense to no one but it does to me.. these bitches in my school’s one act r so gay
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
I was hallucinating a few hours ago due to lack of sleep bUT-
Thinking about Steve who's confident in his bisexuality, told the kids that he likes both and that's okay because he knows they need, trying to flirt with Eddie who is in denial bc it has to be a joke, right? Harrington, the straightest man alive? Steve lady's man Harrington? Nah, it's only on his mind. Meanwhile Steve is getting more and more sad thinking he's being rejected.
Now, think about the Hellfire members knowing that Eddie's a crush on Steve because he talks about it CONSTANTLY and be sad because "he doesn't have a fat chance in hell". They're also very protective of him so if anyone new in the club is being homophobic, they just throw them out.
So one day Steve is in the Hellfire to wait for the kids and flirt a little, telling himself that "this is the last time, you'll get a GRIP and MOVE THE FUCK ON!" is what he tells to himself. He tries a little and drops after a while, so in the break time the old members tell him that he needs to leave, because they won't allow anyone doing that to Eddie, as in: they think Steve knows that Eddie's gay and likes him so he's flirting with him in a mocking way.
So he leaves.
And when everyone (Eddie + the kids) is asking where is Steve, they say that he was being homophobic, an automat answer and they quickly try to cover up because they don't want to do that to Eddie, but Dustin immediately response was:
"how can Steve be homophobic if he's bi?"
And the world freaking EXPLOSES!
not the steddie hallucinations LMAO
Thank you for sending me this ask because I'm president of "Steve is a confident disaster Bisexual" and I'm making t-shirts for club members as we speak.
Anyways, I think Steve would be extremely confident in his sexuality to the point where he just likes whoever and goes for it (with the right precautions of course). When Eddie comes out to him and the rest of their group, Steve doesn't even think about coming out to him as well because he's been out to the group for so long he just assumes that everyone close to him knows.
So when he realizes he likes Eddie and flirts with him, he doesn't know what to take from his reactions: he doesn't look annoyed or uninterested (think about the girls he would flirt with at Scoops) but he doesn't respond either, which is weird for someone like Eddie, who engages flirty banters even with plants.
Let's add to the mix that Steve's love life has been a mess recently, how many times can you be rejected before you think there's something wrong with you?
That's why he decides to go all in one last time and then leave Eddie alone, but even the worst scenarios in his head did not prepare him for Eddie's friends telling him off on his behalf.
Steve's head is a mess but most of it all, he's ashamed. He thinks he must've been so annoying and oblivious to Eddie's disinterest that the guy had to ask his friends to put Steve in his place for him.
So he finds himself in the school's parking lot, sitting on the hood of his car and mentally counting how much money he and Robin will need to move to another country (because not even the most embarrassing moment of his life will make him go anywhere without her), completely unaware of the chaos inside the Hellfire room.
Eddie isn't in a better mental state than Steve, so he's letting the kids and the band do the talk for him.
"What do you mean he's bisexual? of course he isn't, he's Steve Harrington!" Gareth exclaims, voicing out one of Eddie's many thoughts.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? do you need a special license for that?" Mike huffs, crossing his arms.
Jeff steps in to defend his friend "Of course not! But he's king Steve! And he's constantly picking on Eddie, you heard him!"
"Picking on him? Even a child could see that he has been throwing hints at Eddie for weeks now! What are you, five?"
Erica's words put an end to the discussion, silence falls down abruptly.
Eddie jumps up off his throne and follows wherever Steve had disappeared before, distantly hearing his friends muttered apologies.
He sighs in relief when he sees Steve hasn't left yet.
The car is parked the opposite way of the entrance, so Eddie can only see Steve's back, but he can tell he's gesturing and, when he's close enough, he can hear him talk.
"You can never take a hint, can you? This is so stupid, how can you go around saying you got game when you can't even tell if someone's interested in you? Harrington charm my ass" Steve's hands are all up in the air and Eddie realizes he's gesturing similar to how Eddie does on a daily basis.
It's cute.
"Please leave the Harrington charm out of this" Eddie interjects, making Steve jump in surprise.
He looks like a deer caught by car lights, but he hides it quickly behind a smirk that Eddie refers to - at least in his head - as bitchy Steve "so, no more sending your gang after me? are you worried they didn't do a good job? or am I forbidden to stay even in the parking lot? I'll let you know that I-"
Eddie loves mean girl Steve, but he has no time for him now, so he interrupts "Go on a date with me."
Steve's raised eyebrow and incredulous look tell him that he doesn't take him seriously in the slightest.
"I said, go on a date with me" he repeats.
"I heard you the first time" Steve's voice is close to a whisper "I just think you must've hit your head on your way here."
"You're the one always taking hits on the head, not me" Eddie takes a step closer to him.
Steve steps back "well, there's a first time for everyone" he says, looking away.
Eddie moves close again, his face only a few inches from Steve's "I don't hear an answer."
Steve's eyes flicker on Eddie's lips for half a second, "I didn't hear a question" he bites back.
Eddie smirks and, under Steve's shocked look, jumps on his car.
"Eddie, what the fuck? get down of my car!" he's trying to maintain a firm tone but Eddie can tell he's amused by his antics. Eddie couldn't ask for anything better.
He looks around the parking lot to make sure they're alone, then loudly enounces "Steve Fucking Harrington-"
"Don't say it like it's my middle name!"
Eddie ignores him "- king of the school grounds, best Scoops Ahoy model-"
"what does that even mean-"
"Worst employee that family video has ever had, Faberge Organics favorite costumer-"
"I told you that in confidence."
"Would you do this humble commoner kneeling at your presence" he kneels down theatrically as he says so "the honor of accompanying him for an evening of frivolous romantic shit that society expects you to do when you find a respectable partner?"
“If I say yes will you get down?”
Eddie moves his weight from one foot to the other, making the car under him bounce “I might consider it.”
Steve lifts his arms, apprehensively “Okay, yes fine! Now please get down-”
Eddie jumps down, right into Steve’s arms.
All the hellfire club members decide to stop spying on them and get back inside when Eddie’s highly entertaining antics turn into a gross make out session.
“So” Dustin elbows Gareth’s side “does that look homophobic to you?”
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Laurence Olivier (Hamlet, Rebecca, Pride and Prejudice)—Any reference article will tell you that he's one of the finest stage actors of the 20th century and (arguably) contributed to transforming the landscape of live theater in the Anglophone world. But this is the Tumblr hot men poll, where it is arguably more important to know that he was an incredibly charming bi disaster who eye-fucked Vivien Leigh so conspicuously that everyone talked about it, both before and after their marriage. I do not have words for how hot this man was. I once sat under a portrait of him in black velvet and tights in the NPG cafeteria, and let me tell you I remember that so much better than my sandwich. I listened to a recording of him as Coriolanus on stage and got full-body chills. I photographed his copy of Richard III in the Folger Shakespeare Library for the sake of seeing his handwriting and his thoughts. ...okay, so I may have a problem, but the point is. So hot. And delivered one of the iconic pre-1970 lines about bisexuality on film ("oysters *and* snails," Spartacus 1963.)
Harry Belafonte (Carmen Jones, Island in the Sun)—one of my favorite things in the world when I'm sad is kicking back and listening to him and Danny Kaye singing "Hava Nagila" together. Or who can forget this man singing the Banana Boat song with the Muppets?? immensely talented, a powerful fighter for civil rights and humanitarian causes his whole life, if you have any remaining doubts PLEASE look at the following pics [clips and pics attached below]
This is round 3 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Harry Belafonte propaganda:
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"Now let me say this about the songs of the Caribbean - almost all black music is deeply rooted in metaphor. The only way that we could speak to the pain and anguish of our experiences was often through how we codified our stories in the songs that we sang. And when I sing the 'Banana Boat Song,' the song is a work song. It's about men who sweat all day long, and they are underpaid, and they're begging the tallyman to come and give them an honest count - counting the bananas that I've picked, so I can be paid. And sometimes, when they couldn't get money, they'll give them a drink of rum. There's a lyric in the song that says, 'Work all night on a drink of rum.' People sing and delight and dance and love it, but they don't really understand unless they study the song that they're singing a work song, a song of rebellion." -Harry Belafonte
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Laurence Olivier propaganda:
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"THEE actor man. You can't take theater classes and not know about this man. THEE Hamlet. Look at this lil blondie. VERY talented. (we are ignoring him also playing Othello, no he should not have done that) He was a pretty baby"
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milfbrennan · 6 months
bones sexuality headcanons
yeah i dont have proof (except angela) i just Know. call it my lesbian spidey senses. disclaimer that those are MY headcanons, you can have your own opinions on those ofc
main characters:
brennan: bi (preference for ugly men... but i digress). she probably started exploring her sexual orientiation in college and came to the conclusion that she's attracted to every gender to varying degrees. she's probably tongue kissed angela a few times pre season 1
booth: cishet ally! ⭐️ he's a bit confused but he's got the spirit, i'll give him that.. bi wife energy start playing whenever he walks into the room
zack: gayboi with a bad case of hero worship for dr brennan. naomi from paleonthology made him realise this isnt really what he'd like to excavate, if you get the gist... ;) (ew)
angela: imo? bi, but it's up to anyone. canon queer and i'm very happy about it
hodgins: bi. putting my foot down on this one- to me, hodgela is bi4bi. one day early into the series angela goes "why is everyone so hot... being bi is so hard" and hodgins is like "yeah, tell me about it" and they have a Oh, You Too? moment
cam: distinguished (ex-disaster) pan. she's all cool and collected now but in middle school she was probably stuttering whenever she saw a pretty girl
sweets: pan. boykisser. i just KNOW. that man is not heterosexual. probably had a few boyfriends in high school too
aubrey: bi? preference for women but in an alternate universe he and sweets are a thing
goodman: token straightie along with booth except i actually like him even tho even tho he took a 2 month sabbatical and never came back
clark: bi. a bit repressed and only realised it after breaking up with nora but as long as he gets there it's fine
daisy: pan. absolute girlkisser. she has the wlw equivalent of whatever zack felt for dr brennan. swaisy is a disaster pan couple.
fisher: pan- and i wont have it any other way. he was 100% checking sweets out when he came over to b&b's in s8, so i like to think when hodgins asks sweets "what is it with you and interns?" in 9x23 he's including fisher
wendell: bi and in a lab au he's dating vincent thank you
vincent: english twink and i think he and wendell should kiss in the lab lost & found
arastoo: straightie but we still love him. pan wife energy since he and cam are married
finn: god, i have No Idea but i have a feeling he doesn't either
wells: aro, and maybe ace too, but fyi even if he wasn't no one would want him
jessica: ... i used to say lesbian but i kinda let the jaubrey of it all get to me... pan vibes perhaps? i'll have to think it over. in another universe she and daisy are a thing too btw
other characters:
caroline julian:... lesbian. no i will not give an explanation for this one. sham marriage and all.
karen delfs: big pansexual energy coming from this random profiler?? i like her
villains: (do not take those seriously, but also...)
pelant: unlabeled. getting strangled by hodgins awoke something in him but he didnt have the time to figure it out between 8x01 and 9x04
taffet: very VERY mean lesbian
epps: heterosexual incel
broadsky: internalised homophobia over booth, clearly
kovac: the man pretended to be married to his sister. i'm not sure i even wanna know
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
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This man likes cheerleaders, but he's never known he also likes men until Steve Harrington becomes a permanent part of his life. Jeff is looking at him like he knows this idiot is gone for preps, but he doesn't know that he likes ALL preps. Well, he doesn't figure it out until Jeff sees Eddie do the bowing thing with Steve, the hands folded behind his back, the soft smile. . .yeah, his best friend likes men too. Anyway, this scene always solidifies my knowledge that Eddie Munson is bisexual. I just never noticed Jeff looking at him. I could go on forever about bisexual Eddie Munson. He's such a bi disaster of a man, and I love him. ❤️
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