#Voltron season 6 spoiler
makorragal-312 · 1 year
Here are my thoughts after tonight’s episode...
Am I worried about Buck x Kameron? Nope.
Am I worried about Eddie x Marisol? Kinda.
Am I annoyed because a certain show runner is clearly doing everything in her power to keep Buck and Eddie from becoming a couple by pairing them up with every single woman that so much breathes in their direction and who either narratively or realistically don’t make sense as potential partners and that it’s becoming more and more evident that she's doing this as a final FUCK YOU to Buddie shippers/911 fans before 911 leaves FOX and moves to ABC?
...Still making heads or tails on that.
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jankwritten · 1 year
SOBBING how they all immediately start treating Keith like he's suddenly a different person.....hate this for him....
I think it's very funny that the show set up both Shiro AND Keith as potential love interests for Allura in the early seasons (giving them both solo-missions alone with her, giving them both little side plots/quirks that connect them kinda thing) and giving Lance absolutely nothing. i never watched past season 4 so i hope they Stopped That in later seasons.
It is interesting to see that Keith is next to never portrayed as being "girl crazy" in any way, him or Shiro (this early in the show they can't have had the idea to make Shiro gay yet). Like, Hunk and Lance both constantly fall all over themselves over pretty girls (Lance, duh, but Hunk with Shay and whatnot) but Keith is always left out of it. I'm still hung up on this whole "canonical ages" thing too so it makes me wonder if that's meant to be a hint - like Lance/Hunk are still in the 15/16/17 age range where they're a little more immature whereas Keith/Shiro are closer to the 19/20/21 age range where they're more mature. Shiro is obviously the eldest - he's least likely to get drawn into shenanigans, but he does still sometimes (the spore fight before the Olkari, when they're all making gunfire noises at one point) which to me reads as someone who's still not quite solidly settled into being an adult yet, which reads as younger twenties, not mid twenties.
IDK. I really love figuring this kind of shit out based only on like, context clues, but I also understand that everyone's got different ideas for what means what, and I've never really been one to understand ages and different maturity levels anyway.
I think that Shiro is the eldest as 21-23, Keith is the second oldest at 19/20, and then Lance/Hunk are 16/17 and Pidge (who I DID just type as Bitch accidentally whoops sorry Pidge I love you so much) is the youngest at 14/15. This is based partially on the SUPPOSEDLY canonical ages from that one unconfirmed paladins guide thing, and my own thoughts on how the characters interact/their demonstrated maturity levels. Plus - Keith says "you're like a brother to me" to Shiro, which I think demonstrates they're closer in age. He'd have said father or mentor if Shiro was that much older than him - Keith sees Shiro as somebody he can look up to, but also somebody he can goof around with and whatnot.
Perhaps the thing with me always fucking around with ages in Percy Jackson has started to rub off on me, so now I'm trying to do it in other fandoms too WHOOPS. Oh well. This is my truth, and this is how I perceive their ages - at least in seasons 1-2 since that's as far as I've gotten. I know there's some fuckiness with Keith later on.
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cayennesugar · 2 months
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The headcanon where Quickshadow participated in the war on Cybertron and had weapons is a headcanon that I hope is pretty much accepted in the fandom, but it had me wondering, what kind of weapons would Quickshadow even have?
I think she would have hidden most of her non-concealable weapons like hand guns, hand swords, and anything else in Windblade’s cashes (crossovers hehehe) but kept her concealable ones. As I was sketching her I immediately pivoted to hidden arm blades that can cover her in close combat. They’re unexpectedly VERY sharp and also acts as an elongated taser, a painful, immobilizing one too. I also added the lower face mask because most bots who have experience in real combat (Wheeljack, Optimus, Hightide, probably more that I may not remember) have masks.
Spoilers for people who haven’t seen Voltron (mainly season 6)‼️
I got the inspiration from Shiro’s (Kuron’s) arm from Voltron when he was fighting Keith. He had some transparent sword that he manifested seemingly from his wrist and that’s exactly what I based Quickshadow’s hypothetical hidden weapon on! 🎀
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episodeoftv · 6 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 1 of 4
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propaganda is under the cut (223 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 8.09 The Last Day
The squad takes stock of their eight years together and look towards their future.
It just... season 8 had been so bad as a whole, it attempted to touch on the blm movement and did it in an okay at best way and in the wake of it all, i think a lot of people just weren't here for cop shows. The finale tried to bring the magic back with one last heist and it did pull out all the stops but I don't know, it just left me feeling really cold. And the ending being that even though the main character wasn't a cop anymore, that he would return to the station every year for the heist... it just never escapes the cop narrative even after he's left.
Voltron: Legendary Defender - 8.13 The End is the Beginning
Voltron and Honerva come together at the source of all realities in the ultimate battle between good and evil for the survival of the universe.
1) god what to say. for the resolution to one of the most popular shows of the time boy did it not resolve much. it was!!!! so bad!!!! the decisions they made for the characters post-canon, the cop out marriage with some nameless guy, the way the show just ended in ruin. truly, a relic of its time.
2) where do i even begin. such a shitshow and basically destroyed any last vestige of my love for the show. i assume someone else has nominated it and can give a better explanation since im running on about two hours of sleep after being up for 25 hours straight.
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darthkvznblogs · 9 months
Hello! I've just finished reading (or letting Chrome read to me...) "Changing of the Guard" (which is super awesome) and it was the first story of this universe you've made I've consumed. I'm seeing that the very first installment mainly involves The Owl House, which is a show I'm far from being done with (Hunter has just entered the picture for me), so what can be read without being majorly spoilt? Thanks in advance!
Hey there! Thank you so much for saying so, you're very kind :)
I'll try my best to tell you what you probably should watch/read/play before consuming each of the works in the series:
-She Stole My Heart (and most of my valuables): you should watch all of TOH and Gravity Falls first, there's spoilers for both series' finales.
-The Girl Who Could Knock Out the Hulk: for the most part, you'll be fine just having some pop culture osmosis about the early MCU and DC lore regarding Kryptonians. In later chapters, the story has crossover points with other stories in the series (a POV of the major battle in Changing of the Guard as well as a series of chapters that involve characters from A Cold Day in Erebus and Thanatos Scowled), so refer to those.
-Just Another Day at the Office: definitely some major spoilers for the Mass Effect trilogy, especially ME3
-The Royal We: no real spoilers here yet
-To Rule Alone, To Built Together: minor references to canon spoilers for Miraculous Ladybug, but the story is mostly a reinterpretation of the show.
-A Cold Day in Erebus: major spoilers for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
-Thanatos Scowled: spoilers for PJO and Danny Phantom
-Refusal of the Call: major PJO, Danny Phantom, and also Harry Potter.
-That Which Drives Nerds to Change the World: minor spoilers for Big Hero 6: the series, though for the most part it's a retelling of the BH6 movie.
-Close Encounters of the Gem Kind: spoilers for Voltron: Legendary Defender up to season 2-ish
-Eternity in Promise: major spoilers for all of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and for VLD up to season 3
-You and Me, and the Woman We Could Be: no real spoilers to speak of here
-Like a Puzzle Piece: some spoilers for Gravity Falls and Infinity Train Book 1
I've probably missed some stuff, since the series has grown so large, but those are the major things I can think of! There's a lot of franchises in there, so don't worry if you can't/don't want to read everything! I've tried to structure the Kverse so you can pick and choose most of the stories according to what piques your interest (though there's obviously a couple of direct sequels and connective tissue binding everything together). I hope you have a good time in the Kverse! And don't hesitate to ask any more questions you might have :) aside from major plot beat spoilers, I'm happy to answer anything about the series.
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0pin0n-custard · 1 year
The amount of Visceral Rage over the season finale is infinite. They redeemed Gabriel WHY?!?! The writing in this fucking show is the most inconsistent bullshit I have ever seen!!! The cataclysm, Adrien being a sentimonster- Adrien’s character in general- Natalie dying, everything was just so fucking dumb and wrong and bad and there is no justification for what transpired.
IMO, this is straight up Voltron levels of bad. I had been actually enjoying MLB, and I was actually excited for the finale, but that was my mistake. I expected a good product from our lord and failure Thomas Astruc. I was foolish.
Will I still watch Season 6? Probably, but I have reverted back to my hate watching mindset and I’m never going back (probably don’t quote me on that)
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just-my-fandom · 1 year
Author Interview
I was tagged by a friend from Quotev (whose account is inactive here on Tumblr). I realized I’ve been posting on here for four years, and never fully introduced myself.
1. Name; Just-My-Fandom, or K. Privacy reasons, I’ll never give out my full time.
2. Age; Over 18. I feel that is the best I can give out especially with some fics I’ve written.
3. Fandoms I write; I started out doing major ones such as Criminal Minds and Marvel, and started drifting into DC (Flash), to Ninjago, to even Steven Universe. Sooner or later I will start writing for Twilight (Which I’ve JUST seen in my lifetime). I also write for Stranger Things, Outer Banks,Voltron, My Hero Academia, and many more.
4. Where do I write; Mostly all on Tumblr. I do have a couple one shot books on my quotev (same username), but have been inactive on Quotev since late 2021.
5. Worst part about writing; Smut. Yes, I am of age, and I’ll admit, I like reading it, but writing it myself I have never been comfortable with it unless it is a character OF AGE. But even then, I get hesitant.
6. Favorite Story; I honestly don’t have one. I love all my stories equally no matter how much more attention one gets compared to another.
7. Story I’m nervous to post; Ooh, I currently have 21 drafts, and the only one I’m nervous about posting is one with Cisco Ramon (The Flash). Spoiler, the reader is in only half of the story, and that makes me worried that no one will want to read it once they realize the reader is no long part of the story.
8. How do I choose the titles to my stories; I just wing it. I’ll choose a standing word or quote from the story most of the time, so it doesn’t ever end up having a title until I’m halfway or all the way done with it.
9. Complete Works; Rocky Roads Season 1 is fully complete.
10. Incomplete Works; Rocky Roads Season 2, One After Another, Brought Back are all incomplete.
11. Do you outline (follow plot); For the most part, yes. Occasionally, I’ll change the plot but most of my stories consist of events that have occurred in the show/movie.
12. Upcoming most excited for; Probably “Call It”. It’s my longest one chapter fit revolving Cisco Ramon (Flash), and it is an alternate plot change to the Cisco Ramon fic I’m nervous to post.
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aviationlover4life · 2 years
Parallels between Attack on Titan and Voltron
Warning: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS, if you have not watched up to season 3 of Attack on Titan or season 6 of Voltron Legendary Defender, then I strongly suggest you scroll away now.
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The image on the left is the Commander Erwin Smith from season 3 of Attack on Titan while the image on the right is the former leader of Voltron, Takashi Shirogane. In the left image, Erwin is gravely wounded and is bleeding out due to a gaping wound in his left side. While he lays there bleeding to death, Levi is forced to choose between either Erwin or Armin. In the right image, Shiro's head is being cradled in Keith's hand as Allura completely transfers his spirit into his clone body. The comparison between the first two images; both portray the loyalty that both Keith and Levi have for Shiro and Erwin. Keith was willing to fight Shiro's evil clone and risk nearly dying, while Levi was willing to let Erwin die as a human being rather than the monster that he saw himself as.
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In the left image, Levi, Eren, and Floch are all kneeling over their wounded Commander. Erwin is barely breathing from what Levi discovers, but he's still alive. Levi then chooses to give Erwin the serum which sparks a heated debate on why Armin should get the serum. In the right image, the paladins are all gathered around the clone Shiro's body, which is barely alive, but Shiro's spirit is still in the Black Lion. Allura uses a technique she learned on Oriande to extract Shiro's spirit from the Black Lion and bring it over to the clone.
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In the left image, Floch is still kneeling next to the Commander while Mikasa, Levi, and Eren fight for the serum a few feet away. In the right image, Lance is kneeling over Shiro, crying because he finally realized that Shiro was trying to warn him and he couldn't help him.
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narnia-dreamer · 6 years
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Even when the dark comes crashing through When you need a friend to carry you And when you’re broken on the ground You will be found
[ Sheith + “You will be found” from the musical Dear Evan Hansen]
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zuspacey · 6 years
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In which instead of Keith slicing off the bionic arm, clone Shiro’s inner Shiro destroys his own arm because he just can’t hurt Keith.
I loved the ‘black paladin’ episode so much.
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gee-lil-shit · 6 years
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This season really killed me. 
In a sweet, sweet way.
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brawlerina · 6 years
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ladytelos · 6 years
Too Different ( Lotor x Reader) ***spoilers***
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I don’t know how well I did in the angst department lol. I tried to make the reaction as real as possible but I’ve never experienced it so I tried lol. Sorry if this is trash. I suck at dialog so its kinda sparse, yip yip.
I used the F-word once, idk if there are any sensitive babies out here but just fyi xD
A dreaded feeling of nausea and anxiety laced your stomach with an upsetting tenacity. No matter how many times you wished the feeling away it would go nowhere. You would’ve liked to been able to say that you had no idea why this was happening but you had a very clear idea.
It was the same feeling that started every time you heard Lotor was once again alone with the Altean princess.
Things had been so different for the two of you since the tide had turned and Lotor sided with voltron. You hadn’t been very confident in what his motivations were for this turn in loyalties but even so, you followed him.You grasped for the love of your life with both hands tightly wound.
But, despite this, recently it felt like you had been losing him. 
You had known Lotor a ways before anything revolving Voltron became a valid concern. You would spend days researching topics on the many cultures that had been found in the galaxy. Your thirst for knowledge often unquenchable.
Lotor had found you one of those days, reading on a race he thought no one of the generations had even heard of. You found yourself a book on Altean culture hidden deep inside of the libraries of the main fleet where you were stationed. Out of curiosity Lotor began a conversation with you on the reasons you had decided to read such an old thing. The two of you found that you both had an incredible reserve of curiosity towards other cultures unlike your own. That it started in the fact that both of you had diluted Galran blood.
It wouldn’t be long until you found yourself planted on Lotor’s fleet, having long conversations with during your free time about a vast array of topics.
The passion in your heart would soon gravitate the prince’s own towards you. When you were found to be his lover, very few were surprised by the fact. You were never found too far from him and if anyone dared harm you they would face the most severe of punishment.
There was not a time happiness found you more. You truly believed that your heart would lay safe in his hands for the rest of eternity. Now you weren’t so sure.
Lotor and Allura began to grow uncomfortably close, spending hours upon hours alone in an Altean research center. Even if they weren’t alone, they might as well have been. Sharing whispered conversation with each other that only resulted in the feeling of glass being shoved into your heart.
Everytime you laid your eyes on Allura it only suficied to make your stomach even more weak. Your unquelled mind would run rampant with useless imaginings.
Of how much better she was than you, of how perfectly fit she and Lotor were. You and Lotor had alway seemed like two cloths of mismatched patterns forcibly sewn together, like an oxymoron. It had never accomplished in bothering you until these moments. She was a beautiful Altean princess, with a strong will and friendly attitude. How could anyone ever match Lotor more?
Yet you never mentioned a word of this to Lotor, as not to seem foolish. You trusted that he would never do anything to harm you.
That feeling in your stomach only grew as time went on, especially when his time with you got shorter and Allura’s longer.
Conversations recently were short and skin deep at best. At times you swore there was a tone of irritation in his voice that made your heart squeeze. Too many times were you supposed to be doing something together and were blown off, only to learn he was spending his time with Allura. 
The two of them had been spending almost every waking moment on the comet ships together. Forcing yourself to be okay with it felt like a hot coal forced down your throat, but it was important to Lotor so you endured. His happiness meant more to you than some jealousy, and you knew Allura was the only one who could help.
‘That’s all he needs her for, and once its done everything will be fine’ Everyday you tried to convince yourself of this, and every day it felt less and less true.
When they finally finished the ships you felt relief for a brief period of time. Surely all of this doubt was coming to an end and your love with Lotor could once again be reassured. You didn’t know how wrong you were. Lotor and you had very little conversations these days but one bit of information had found its way to you. He and Allura were to venture into the quintessence field as he had wanted for so long. Despite the distance built between you, happiness flooded your veins when you heard.
You had wished them both well on their way, attempting to push down the feeling bubbling in your chest at the thought of them alone out there.   You gave a quick kiss to Lotor’s cheek, telling him to come back home safe. The send off had felt odd, almost artificial. He had responded with a curt nod and an ‘of course’, as self assured as ever.
You decided against waiting around with the others in the main hub, the empty space allowed to much time to think. So you left to find yourself a distraction. You found yourself a little while later in the library of the Castle ship. Selecting a book that seemed interesting enough to hold your attention in the way you needed it to.
However, you found yourself having to reread too many pages.  Your thoughts drifting off to the prince again. Subconsciously you knew the only remedy to them was the prince’s return.
When a few hours had passed by, finally there was a notification of a landing in the main hatch. Relief flooded your veins, you shot up placing the book down where it once had been and raced out the door. Running down the corridors as quickly as your feet could, you couldn’t wait to see your love. Even more so you wanted to take him to spend time with you, as reassurance after he was alone with Allura so long. Those bay doors were the only thing holding you back from him, and they couldn’t have opened fast enough.
Your feet screeched to a halt, your body processing what was in front of you faster than your mind could.
Allura and Lotor were standing there, kissing.
Your mouth fell open, and then would shut again, as if gasping for air. It was silent though, with words still processing in your brain. When the two parted the last thing they had been expecting was to see you standing there.
Lotor’s face looked shocked, but yet somehow, you saw not guilt in those eyes of his. Tears welled up faster than you could will them away.
Lotor took a step toward you, and at the same instance you took one step back. “(Y/n) I can explain-.” He started, holding a hand out. You shook your head and just kept stepping back.
“This isn’t what it looks to be, truly.” He kept stepping closer, your eyes kept on his form. Allura’s voice quipped from behind him.
“I swear (y/n) we weren’t thinking, this has never happened before.” Her eyes were pleading but in that moment all you could do is look at her and scoff. Quickly you turned as fast as you could, the need to run over taking you but a hand grasped on too quickly.
You stared with a fury into his eyes, “Don’t you fucking touch me. Don’t you dare touch me, ‘ it isn’t what it looks like?’ I’m not blind.” You yelled at him, the only thing swelling in your chest at the moment. His eyes looked wide, not believing the words that dropped so heavily from your mouth.
You couldn’t help the small, bitter giggle that left your mouth. “It’s not like its a surprise, I’ve been expecting it, I just hoped I was worth more to you, wasn’t I the fool.” You wrenched your arm away from him and turned to leave again.
“(Y/n) please I-.” “Save your breath, you’ll need it to kiss that princess of yours.” And with that you walked straight out the door. You stopped just outside, letting everything sink in further.
Your hand flew up to your mouth again as you let out a cruel sob. Part of you wasn’t surprised, but you had hoped fate would be kinder. Fate held no loyalty to you, that much was clear. Tears blurred your vision as you walked your way to your bedroom. Everything you had put into him every hope, every kind thought, what was it all for? You thought you had meant more to him than this.
A numbness overtook your veins as you collapsed onto the blankets of the bed. The warmth being the only comfort you could believe in right now. Thinking of Lotor only made you want to scream, tear something apart, and destroy it. Just like he did you. Whatever this feeling was it was different than the usual nausea, something worse.
You turned onto your back and stared at the white ceiling just above you as your nose kept running. Trying to collect whatever ability to breath you had, your mind thought back to the last couple of weeks. Of how stupid you felt for trusting him, in believing that if you loved him than he must love you too. And most of all you felt stupid for thinking someone like you and him ever belonged together. With sarcastic laugh you thought about how ironic this was.
Altean culture brought you together, and now its torn you apart.
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ollyee · 6 years
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That’s me while watching this damn season
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Lotor is not his father
! Spoilers for season 6 ahead!
I just finished watching the new Voltron season and don´t get me wrong it was awesome but I am so mad about Lotors development and ending.
To me it seemed like the tried to convince us that in the end Lotor was just as bad as Zarkon because he too murdered Alteans and turned crazy because of the Quintessence Especially when Keith said “He has made his choice” instead of rescuing him, it sounded like Lotor had made the consious decision to become evil.
But that is not true, he always had pace in his empire in mind and it was very important to him that the people in his colonies not only survived, but that they had the chance to stay themselves, with their culture and everything. Yes, he is still responsible for the death of the Alteans in his secret colony but it was for a good cause and in the end he still saved many of them. I am not trying to say he did nothing wrong, but the reasons for his actions were always good.
Now for the part when he turned crazy just like his parents. Earlier Shiro stated that Zarkon was evil from the start and that the power the Quintessence gave him just brought that to the surface. What happened to Lotor was different though. He tried to talk to Allura before fighting, not only to save their relationship but also for the sake of their alliance. He still wanted to find a way to work together so they could bring peace to the universe. But when Allura and the others turned against him because of what he had done that was of course threatening his main goal. Therefore he did not make a choice, instead he saw no other way to complete his plan of peace for all other than fighting Voltron when they refused to get along with him.
The Quintessence did not bring out an evil side inside of Lotor, he was just desperate to win and heartbroken at the same time. After all his friends turned against him //again// and Allura just broke up with him, the person who had believed in him the most. Also it seemed as if Allura was feeling the same effects of the Quintessence on herself, but unlike Lotor she was not that emotionally shaken (yes she was sad because of his `betrayal` but at least her friends stayed on her side) and did not give into using the endless power surrounding them, plus she got out before turning crazy.
To conclude all I can say is Lotor is not evil. All he did and wanted to do was to bring peace to the universe. At the same time not every single one of his decisions was morally or ethically right. But regarding that we should keep in mind that he was brought up with the culture of the Galras, which has different definitions of right and wrong than ours.
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dramalance · 6 years
So, Lance taking Kaltenecker with him back to earth...
Is he going to bring the cow with him when he goes to see his fam? Do they have a small farm where they maybe can take care of her? Does she get to meet other cows?? 
season 7 I have many important questions
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