#Voyager a ship full of contradictions
bumblingbabooshka · 22 days
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Janeway in 'Nothing Human' vs Tuvok in 'Resolutions' There's something here I know there is I can almost wrap my teeth around it.
#I can't watch Nothing Human bc the puppet really disconcerts me#but I cannot believe Janeway really came into B'Elanna's room after all that and the FIRST thing she says...her OPENER is#'Wow it smells awful in here~!'#DUDE....................TIME AND PLACE#HEHEHHE#C'MON MAN#B'Elanna: Is [putting it behind us] an order? / Janeway [normal!]: Yes.#'And what emotion is that?' C'MON MAN!!!!!!#Janeway & Tuvok#Kathryn Janeway#Tuvok#I can see why she and Tuvok are friends#'I understand you're upset but fall in line'#You can be upset but not if effects your work#<- Something which would be fine on a regular ship but is very difficult on Voyager#I think Janeway's certain coldness or ruthlessness which can be aimed at either friend or foe is an interesting#aspect of her personality#Ex: She and B'Elanna COULD have feasibly had a more touching scene together to close out the episode but they don't#I don't know if I'm explaining myself well right now I'm a bit ill and more than a bit tired#Something about uhh maybe....people under their command vehemently and emotionally disagreeing with them/their decisions??#you can disagree with me but not if you don't follow me anyway#Voyager a ship full of contradictions#they have to all work together and they are all closer emotionally than any other starship due to their situation#but they are also still 'at work' and are expected to follow orders. It's like a 'casual' hierarchy but it's still a hierarchy#and you can't fall too far out of line bc you're someone dear to me#but you're also a valued cog in the machine#and even though you ARE valued you ARE still a cog in the machine#but you're also my dear friend. and all of these things are true at once.#all of that of course but also Janeway & Tuvok are displaying a very particular kind of shared leadership style in these moments#Janeway is obviously on the whole MUUUCH more charismatic and understanding than Tuvok but still - when push comes to shove...
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focsle · 1 year
hello! i have a question: what draws you to whaling and that specific era of time in history? how long has it been an interest of yours?
Oh a much too big question for me to answer adequately in one ask. I’ve written tens of thousands of words on this history and the specific points of it that draw me. I’m pouring years of my life into a 400+ page comic about it. Catch me at 3am talking about reincarnation and how much I feel this all caught up in my soul-stuff. This will not be an answer that fully does my feelings justice. But I’ll link to some of my writings in this response that maybe do that better.
I’ve been deeply researching this history for over a decade, but I’ve always had a nautical bent to my childhood that probably sparked it. My grandfather was a Navy man. His house was covered in weird pirate sculptures and little creatures and art pieces he made out of shells and I think I inherited my sense of aesthetics from him. My mum was drawn to sea stories and things of that nature that was probably passed on to me in some way. Like most kids that sea bent manifested in an early interest in pirates, (tho the brief moby dick section of The Pagemaster was formative…it’s funny, I didn’t read Moby Dick until several years into my deeper dive into this history and then I was like ‘ohhhh….melville gets it). Learning about the Globe mutiny many years ago was a big spark to diving more specifically into said history. I first read a book about it where the writer’s (what I now consider, wobbly) thesis was that it was something about the industry itself that generated something within the perpetrator to choose a whaleship for premeditated slaughter, and the story was so rattling to me that I wanted to know what it was about that world that drove someone to something like that.
But instead I found a world that had so much humanity in it. It was one with a unique and isolated society that was unlike any other social sphere. Years on a ship that was a floating home, a floating factory, that had a relationship to the sea in a way that even other maritime trades did not. Fishing had/has some similarities, but not for the same isolating length or uniquely horrific and gruesome labor that whaling voyages held. The merchant trade had briefer voyages on more expected and well-trod routes. Even piracy followed the shipping lines of humanity more than anything else. With whaling your only destination was the sea, in a longer reach as the whaling grounds depleted and the industry stretched on to bring people to further and lonelier places. Where men would briefly touch land maybe every six months, and have liberty in port maybe even fewer times than that. That they were to go out there, and they weren’t to come back until they got enough oil to make the voyage worth it. It was an industry that drew men of so many different backgrounds and motivations, but the common thread tended to be that they were all very young, and that many of them were trying to find something in themselves or for themselves. An industry full of contradictions that I feel is most poetically expressed in scrimshaw, and one of the few places to see a preserved piece of art from an ordinary man. To see a small window into his emotional world and where his heart was in those long stretches of boredom. It was a space of brutal work, demoralizing work, and repulsive work, one where death was a constant shadow for both men and whales in a way that their lives were always inseparably on the same uncertain coin. But within that world, maybe despite that world, there was also a great deal of humanity, be it their music and sense of play, their whaler-specific social functions, their vulnerability. 
That whaling history luxuriously is a field where the words of hundreds of ordinary working class men have been preserved in diaries and logbooks means I get to know so many of them beyond statistics or names in a database. I get to learn about them on a personal level. I know what they worry about, what their favorite foods are, who they care about, when they have fun, when they’re miserable, sometimes what they find sexy, what makes them cry, and what makes them laugh, and what sort of man they hoped to be. In some of them I was reminded so much of myself, but in all of them I saw their unique and individual humanity, for better or for worse. So many of them carried a societal self consciousness within them that made me understand and feel for them. They often weren’t sure where they fit in a world that wasn’t a whaleship, even if that whaleship was a point of great hardship for them. So many of them wanted to be remembered in ways that they necessarily weren’t—few of them became historically important men, many of them died young or didn’t live to see home again, many of them may not have felt like they had anyone who cared about them, but they all had an existence they still clung to, that I feel compelled to try to honor and remember because I feel so much of them within me through that common thread of humanity.
This is a long answer, but as I said I still can’t express this in any way that isn’t shallow in this small space I have. It’s an interest that is both a personal, academic, and daresay spiritual one. I think to fully understand what draws me to it, you just gotta continually lurk in my awhalin tag and that ongoing comic of mine @goingtoweather. But hopefully this is a satisfying enough summary.
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xenoblademisadventures · 10 months
Xenoblade X poll answers
Elma is a xeno, a BLADE, and a Xenoblade (Monado)
This is incorrect. Elma is a xeno and a BLADE, but she is not canonically related to the Monado. That said, I really would not be surprised if that was an intended plot twist considering that she shares the same color pallet as the damn thing. Furthermore, interesting how Elma somehow knew the earth would be blown up in a skirmish 30 years in advance. There’s other stuff I could say in evidence to this theory, but this isn’t a post about my crack Elma theories, so we’ll leave it at that.
Some other fun information around this idea. In an early trailer for X, BLADE was referred to as “Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipator,” though in the final version the acronym is “Builders of a Legacy After the Destruction of Earth.” Elma also has concept art featuring a Core Crystal. 
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This doesn’t support any theory because it’s concept art, but it’s an interesting piece of trivia. 
there is an enemy type that reproduces by firing its sperm into orbit
it’s these guys. what a meme of an enemy. dudes just stand there and then turn into a palm tree abomination that one-shots you. I think the guy in Cauldros is the funnies of men. Like, imagine you’re just minding your business and then you get sniped from orbit by a palm tree of death. 
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Every enemy type in the game has, like, a multi-paragraph essay, here’s what the Filiavent’s reads.
“The largest of all Miran mollusks, filiavents stay anchored to the ground, feeding on other creatures that come too close. To do so, they contract their lengthy bodies and then swallow their victims whole—along with everything else in the vicinity. All matter then enters the digestive tract, where it is liquefied by powerful acids.
Reproduction also takes place while anchored to the ground. On the night of a full moon, filiavents release a myriad of sperm and eggs into the atmosphere. While most are eaten by other creatures, one in a few thousand survives to be fertilized. Because infants have many predators due to their small size, few of them survive into adulthood—despite the presence of a defensive electrical discharge."
So, yeah, I’m not even exaggerating, these things do canonically reproduce by firing their sperm into orbit.
Samaarians were human, but not the humans you play as; they're functionally gods; this information was revealed during a random sidequest
I wanted to make this one a single option, but character limit. But yeah, Xenoblade X has a weird amount of major plot twists hidden behind random sidequests. This was just the largest one. The sidequest in question was a post-game quest called The Old Gods, where the God of the Zaruboggan is revealed to look like this.
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The lore around the Samaarians is that they appeared when the universe was created and started creating a bunch of life, but they’re not benevolent. There are multiple canon slave races created by the Samaarians for that purpose and the humans we play as are implied to be close relatives to the Samaarians. Perhaps made in their image?
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But yeah, that’s about the amount X actually reveals about the Samaarians. I imagine that the story was meant to tie into the Klaus arc, but there’s no way of knowing whether the original plans for X’s story contradict what the writers instead made for 2 and 3. 
Also, some of the other major plot twists given by random sidequests include: 
the protagonist is heavily implied to secretly not be a human, the term used is J-Body, but we’re never given insight on what that actually means. The party member Yelv is also a J-Body. This is revealed during Yelv’s Partner.
The White Whale was communicating with some other ships during its 2 year voyage. These ships cannot have been human ships because no one is aware of the existence of fellow surviving humans. This is revealed during White Lifehold. 
Once something gets stuck on Mira, it is impossible to leave. This is revealed by Professor B during his sidequest chain and it is also alluded to by Goetia during Chapter 6.
There was a species of Giants that existed in Cauldros but they were wiped out, most likely, by Yggralith Zero and the Ganglion built their fortress over the ruins of that civilization. All information pertaining to the giants is told through item descriptions in the collectopedia.
There’s also this entire sidequest chain around the Definians, which are a race of shape-shifters controlled by a robot that have controlled species since the dawn of the universe where you overthrow their leader. You kind of just kill a god off-screen in a sidequest, very. 
one of the alien races is from Bionis, this species is not the Nopon
True. The Orpheans are reliant on this virus called the Ovah, which guides their decision making and is connected to their reproduction. In the sidequest A Fateful Choice, it’s revealed that the Ovah came from a world predating the Orpheans. That world was shared with the Telethia where “the Ovah existed as a single entity floating in the ocean of another world.” So, while the name “Bionis” is never given, it’s heavily implied. Furthermore the Telethia is referred to as “the Ruler of Fates” and “the Endbringer,” which are both noteworthy. In the sidequest, the Telethia is compared to a God and is feared by the Ovah. 
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The sidequest also involves someone getting eaten by the Telethia and receiving a vision of the past.
The Nopon in X are given zero ties to the Xenoblade universe. The closest we get is a sidequest where two Nopon look for the Sword of Legendaryness, which looks like this.
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This is pretty obviously meant to be a goofy reference rather than a serious piece of lore. The item description reads “A legendary sword left behind by ancient Nopon. When the mysterious lettering on the hilt lights up, it gives one the feeling of being able to use special powers.” But I figured it was noteworthy.
the second strongest enemy is known for destroying worlds; unrelated to Earth
True. This would be Pharsis the Everqueen, which is level 98. The strongest enemy is Telethia the Endbringer, which is level 99. This is the Yggralith enemy index entry.
"Hailing from the depths of outer space, these creatures can strip away the ether from entire regions before storing it in their dorsal spines to facilitate interstellar travel. Any unlucky inhabitants of planets they encounter are also devoured down to the very last organism. When this destructive rampage is finished, they set off in search of the next planet.
Though rare, Yggralith do at times come in contact with one another. The ensuing battles spell doom for any planet unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity."
So, yeah, these guys do destroy worlds. There are three yggraliths in the game. They are no relationship to the Ghosts or Ganglion, which were responsible for blowing up the earth. Pharsis is just vibing. I’m pretty sure it’s an infant.
the Ganglion got stuck on Mira before the humans did
In Chapter 6, we learn from Goetia that the Ganglion were transported to Mira by some light, they are trapped on Mira, and that Luxaar believes the Samaarian homeland could be related to Mira. The protagonists assume the Ganglion followed humans, but they are never corrected. Also, it’s important to note that the aliens responsible for crashing the White Whale onto Mira were the Ghosts, which were the faction that the Ganglion were fighting against.
the Bionis and Mechonis make an appearance in the collectopedia
True. The item in question is called the Privative Colossus Statue. It’s found in Noctilum near the Divine Roost (where the Telethia live). 
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There they are. Beating the shit out of each other. The item description reads:
“A pair of gigantic stone idols locked in combat. No one is sure who sculpted them or gave them their name, but their primal beauty often leaves a deep impression on those who stand before them.”
Also, related to this, there’s a collectible that’s literally just an ether furnace called the Lost Memory Synthesizer.
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“A machine to fuse crystals that conceal some sort of energy. The problem is, said crystals don't seem to exist. Upon realizing its uselessness, the Harrier Sara-Ariel named it in disappointment.”
But yeah, the Bionis and Mechonis do make a cameo.
humans are not classified as humanoids in the enemy index
instead, they’re classified as Mechanoids because everyone’s in a robot body. 
there is a sidequest where you can kill an NPC by telling them to take a shower
true. for some reason all the sidequests around the water plant are fucked up. But yeah, the sidequest is called Lakeside Getaway. An NPC is mad that her coworkers have stopped contacting her and then you learn that they all died because of an enemy that did an Alien. You can kill an NPC by telling them to take a shower because the monsters hatch from water-related things. So, if you let the NPC shower, this happens.
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gender-snatched · 2 years
Hey so I want you to tell me every single thing I could possibly want to know about Star Trek
OK YEAH. under cut because. well. you know me.
So, in the 60s, Gene Roddenberry started a sci-fi series. This was Star Trek. It's about a starship named the USS Enterprise, which is part of Starfleet. Starfleet is the exploration branch of the Federation of Planets, which is basically the UN of the galaxy. The USS Enterprise is, at the time of the show, captained by James T Kirk, although it was previously captained by Christopher Pike. Kirk is an extremely traumatized nerd who is doing what he really wants to do. His First Officer (and Science Officer) is Mr. Spock, the only alien on the ship. Spock is (half) Vulcan, a species that values "logic" above all, yadda yadda. His Chief Medical Officer is his bestie, Leonard "Bones" McCoy.
He also has: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura (Communications Officer), Lt. Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (Chief Engineer), Lt Hikaru Sulu (Navigator), Nurse Christine Chapel (Nurse), Ensign Pavel Chekov (pilot [?]), and Yeoman Janice Rand (Yeoman)
All these characters are MASSIVELY important for the time. Uhura was a black woman in a major position on the ship; Chapel, Uhura, and Rand were all strong women; Chekov was Russian during the Cold War; Spock was a metaphor for xenophobia and was also Jewish; Sulu was Asian in a time where anti-Asian racism was super high (and his actor, George Takei was Japanese and was raised in internment camps).
Importantly, Star Trek was so so amazing for a show from the sixties. It had one of the first interracial kisses on TV, and had multiple episodes with all sorts of metaphors. Yes, it had problems (misogyny and a fair bit of racism), but for the sixties? It was so incredible.
And the second season started with the episode "Amok Time", which was written by a queer man and focuses on the idea of Spock going into heat and going to die if he doesn't fuck. Somehow, writhing in the sand with Kirk cures this.
And that's the start of slash culture! Almost all slash culture is the fault of either Star Trek or X Files.
So Star Trek: The Original Series got 3 seasons and became a cult classic. And then in the 80s (?) it got the movies. The Motion Picture (bad, but tolerable), Wrath of Khan (pretty damn good), Search for Spock (bad and questionable), Voyage Home (aka The One With the Whales and fucking AWESOME), and then two others I didn't care about whatsoever.
And then, after the movies, The Next Generation came out. It takes place a bit later, with better cameras and effects. The spaceship is smoother, and it's also incredible. Its cast includes: Captain Jean Luc Picard, First Officer William Riker, Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge, Lt Cmr Data (what is his role I can't remember), Security Officer Tash Yar, Worf (also can't remember his role), Dr. Pulaski (I don't like her), Guinan (bartender), and Wesley Crusher.
Terrible confession, but I only finished TOS. I still know TNG pretty well tho.
After TNG we got: Deep Space Nine (my BELOVED), Voyager (wish I had watched more), Enterprise (good if you ignore the misogyny), and then all the nuTrek I haven't been paying attention to because I can't watch it.
Deep Space Nine is the other one I never finished but know, and it focuses on a space station near the planet Bajor. Bajor just threw off the rule of Cardassia, an empire. The Federation, with questionable motives, is helping them rebuild. They send a captain there, and then a wormhole opens, making the space station super super important. Then a war happens but I didn't reach that.
It focuses on Captain Sisko, his son Jake, his first officer Major Kira Nerys, his CMO Julian Bashir, his science officer Jadzia Dax (trangender worm), his engineer Miles O'Brien, a cop Odo, a bartender Quark, a "simple tailor" (actually an exiled Cardassian spy) Garak, and later, Worf.
It's really good, because while TNG pulls a full utopia, DS9 contradicts it and also has just amazing characters. Shame I didn't finish it before Netflix lost it. It also has the first CANONICALLY bisexual character in Star Trek.
There's a LOT of Trek, and I can probably give vague overviews about all of them and also answer any and all questions about it. Please. Please have questions.
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marymoss1971 · 1 year
Random thoughts, Picard 3.10 "The Last Generation
As a tribute to the TNG crew--this was beautiful. Matalas was right--this ending was much more satisfying than Nemesis.
As a conclusion of the season though--I thought it was anticlimactic.
 So, Jean-Luc hooks himself up to Jack so he can "speak" with him. Jack frees himself from the Queen's control because of Jean-Luc's little pep talk. I know I'm supposed to be touched at how beautiful this moment is and reflect on the power of a father's love. But, I'm sorry, it just seems too easy.
 I also feel bad for all those young officers who have to live with what happened when assimilated. There had to have been a lot of counseling going on that year.
 I did LOVE the Enterprise flying into the Borg cube to destroy the transmitter. It brought back memories of the destruction of the Death Star in Star Wars. It was fantastic. In fact, every scene on the Ent-D and the Titan was fantastic. I don't know why Geordi doubted Data could do it. Data's an android who can calculate and amazing speeds.
 I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED Shaw's glowing recommendation, before all this even started, of Seven being promoted to captain. I also absolutely LOVED the Titan being rechristened as at the Enterprise-G. Captain Seven in command with her first officer, Raffi-- it warmed my heart. Ditto to Worf hugging Raffi. Oh, and the voice cameo for UFP President Anton Chekov was awesome!
 Well, Matalas was right--no Janeway. Not a surprise to me because I believed him when he said so. I am bummed we didn't at least get Harry Kim. All the cameos this season were great. I just wished we'd ha a few more from Voyager and it would've been great to have at least one from Deep Space Nine! (and, no, Worf doesn't count)
 Wow. Jack was fast-tracked to ensign. I guess I could see that--he does have the life experience from working with his mother. Plus, if Seven can be fast-tracked to first officer, Jack can be fast-tracked to ensign. I did love the part when he beams onto the Ent-G and starts giving orders. Jack is fun. I wish Seven had given him a specific duty instead of just creating one. However, I’m sure since he's on the command track and he'll be trained in other things. (I'm thinking of Worf's line in TNG Season 1 "the captain wants his junior officers to learn")
 I liked Picard's statement that "names mean almost nothing" when Jack mentioned nepotism because I ALWAYS think that when someone brings it up. Yes, having a name could very well get somebody in the door, but they need to have the talent as well.
 No mention of Laris. We know she has important work but what of her and Picard? You'd think she'd be mentioned in passing at least at the end. [Full disclosure: This comment only occurred to me because I've seen other people complain about lack of Laris this season. I don't know if I would've thought of her if left to my own devices]
Speaking of Laris, I've seen comments on Twitter like "She's waiting for Picard." Yes, she was, I'm sure, but she knew the score. She recognized Jean-Luc had feelings for Beverly. So, I highly doubt she was pining for him. When he didn't show up, she knew the reason. (plus, he may've contacted her off-screen after everything was over)
I've seen lots of people bringing up lack of mention for Kestra but I never saw the big deal. Riker says "I knew you and Kestra were safe" Deanna doesn't contradict so she's safe. I just used my imagination and figured she was either at the Academy or visiting her grandmother on Betazed. 
Lack of Seven/Raffi didn't bother me, neither did lack of Picard/Beverly (or even Picard/Laris) since I cared more about the story than any romance. However, I do feel a sad on behalf of others that it did bother. Matalas said there wasn't room for romance, but he should've been able to squeeze in some kind of meaningful moments--especially for Saffi. 
I think it's for the best that we didn't learn Geordi's wife's name. That way, people who ship him with Leah can imagine it's her and others can imagine it's someone else.
 That ending shot of the old crew playing poker--OMG, that was a pitch perfect ending!
 I've seen some reviewers saying that this finale "stuck with the landing." In terms of the season's arc, I disagree. The whole Borg/Changeling plot just didn't work for me and neither did the resolution with Jack. However, in terms of wanting a satisfying last hurrah for the TNG cast--it definitely succeeded!
 I could've done without the Q cameo though. I get that he's a beloved character and it was a nice call back to Encounter at Farpoint. But, still, it's overkill.
 In closing, I really, really hope we get Star Trek: Legacy. We need another 25th century show.
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E98 (March 10, 2020)
Be warned: there are spoilers for the most recent episode below!
Tonight’s guests are Ashley Johnson and Travis Willingham!
Announcements: On Monday at 7 PM Pacific, there will be a special Doom: Eternal one-shot! VOD will be on YouTube on Wednesday. We’re one week away from the release of the new campaign book, Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount!
Episode 98: Dark Waters
Stats! 124 days passed between the Nein’s voyages at sea. It’s been 77 days since Fjord’s pact was broken. Fjord took 40% of the damage taken by the Nein and the crew (Yasha took second-most at 21%).
What’s it like RPing dream sequences with Matt? Ashley: “It gives me the fear.” They both agree it’s a panic feeling first, and then you get excited to see where he’ll go. Travis: “All cognizant thought goes out the window.” Ashley feels like she rushes it sometimes to avoid keeping the attention on her too long, and Travis dreads the open-ended questions: “What do you do?”
This is the first time Travis has had to wait a week to find out if his character will be revived. “Aside from analyzing the fight, it’s been okay, just because we’ve got two dope-ass clerics who feel pretty strongly about Fjord, so I hope we’re in a good place.” He’s mostly concerned about the intangibles and what they don’t know. He didn’t know the orb was still in him---he thought it was destroyed or reset when he threw away the sword. He’s worried that if they try “the normal cleric stuff”, it’s not going to work. He does almost prefer fights that are just dropped on them out of nowhere, because the anticipation is often the most stressful part.
Ashley’s still not sure if she has the feathers or not, since that was in a dream. “Building the character, I didn’t know that would be a possibility for that to change.” It’ll have to come out in the game. “Outside of that, I think-- obviously there’s a lot of healing with the group, but I think in terms of Yasha’s relationship with the Storm Lord, she’s still figuring that out. It’s very tough love, which she’s getting the tough love from the Storm Lord and the familial and kindness and love from the Mighty Nein. So that combo is going to be really good for her to turn things around. I don’t think she’s ever really had a feeling of worthiness outside of maybe being loved by Zuala. So I don’t know what that looks like for her yet, but we’ll see. I think she doesn’t fully know what her purpose is yet.”
Did Travis anticipate a confrontation with Uk’otoa back on the sea? “No, I’m a fucking moron. I didn’t think of that at all! I don’t have anything the ol’ snea snake wants anymore.” Brian: “Yes you do!” Travis: “I didn’t know that!” Dani: “The dark seed of power in you the Wildmother saw?” Travis: “I thought it was metaphorical! Well, now that you say it like that...” He wasn’t upset at all. “More than anything I was just trying to plan my branch narrative for what was going to happen next. More than anything, it became clear that they had just massive intent to come and kill me. I mean, Matt played it beautifully, so even in moments where I was disappointed in myself, like forgetting that enemy characters can hold their turns.”
Cosplay of the Week: a dramatic cape-flaring Fjord! (Ming.of.mings, photo by Rsellos, makeup by Omglobnunu, all on Instagram)
Travis: “The thing that hit me the most was when it came over and it grabs Fjord’s body and starts to walk him off the side of the ship, I was like, Mercer, what the fuck, man! I’m already dead! Give me a second!” He notes that they haven’t done a resurrection ritual yet in this campaign, only revivifies. Losing the two death saves when getting stabbed while unconscious was the moment when he realized how significant the intent was here. Everyone notes how clutch the Counterspell was.
On Jester and Beau showing concern for Yasha’s wellbeing: “I think for a lot of people, sometimes accepting compliments makes you uncomfortable. I’m one of those people. It’s a weird thing for Yasha to hear, because even in her tribe it’s not like that was a normal way of communicating with each other. Only compliments she would have gotten about how she looks or her character as a person were from Zuala. I think, especially with Jester, she’s such an open character that has so much love to give, just bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, just refreshing to be around, they’re all teaching Yasha very, very positive ways to feel and accept that.”
They talk about the way the improvisation can lead to poetic parallels like Yasha and Fjord falling/rising. Ashley: “I feel like so much of that is Matt, and he’s such a masterful storytelling.” Travis: “It’s such a gift, too. He’s giving you something new in the story that you created, and so you have instant ownership of this thing he made just for you.” Ashley: “You just hope you can meet him where he’s at.”
On Yasha’s harp: “Music is a very huge part of my life. I’m using the harp as, yes, for self-care for her, but also I think music can be a form of therapy. There was a moment where I was like, man, it would be so fun to multiclass as a bard, but then I remembered my wisdom is so low... it wouldn’t work. And I actually had talked to Matt about it. There’s more that I want to explore with that, and I don’t quite know what it is yet. I think where it sits right now, it’s a form of therapy for her. I’d been wanting to give her positive things to do to try to pull her out of this place that she’s in, and I think it’s really helpful.”
Seeing the sword again: “I think more than anything, it just unsettled Fjord. There was nothing about that that was easy to adapt to: seeing the sword, and then seeing multiples of the sword, just wondering who is this, what do they have, do they have abilities, what am I missing, how much do I not know about it?” He was initially worried that it was Avantika come back to life.
Fan Art of the Week: Caleb, Caduceus, and Fjord during the fight! (CreativeBleu on Twitter)
On Yasha having a lot of run-ins with creepy people: “I think a lot of that is because of the way I rolled the character, I rolled really low for Yasha’s stats, which is a bummer. She’s very susceptible because of that to being swayed, as we have noticed with Obann and things that have happened in her past. That’s maybe something that she puts out there, where people pick up on that. There’s obviously still and probably will always be a bit of darkness in her. I think people like Icky-thong and Lord Sharpe and people like that can pick up on it. I wanted to play a character like that anyway, I wanted to play somebody with a little darkness in there. I do think it is a source of frustration for her, and that’s where a lot of the guilt comes from.”
Has piecing together Caleb’s past changed Fjord’s opinion of him? “No, not at all. Maybe it’s just me, but seeing how much pain Caleb carries with himself from his past-- if he was flippant about it, that might give him pause, but he’s so fucking tortured about it. He can’t harbor any ill-will or confusion about where his heart lies. He’s full of regret, there’s a real person in there. I think also Fjord is like, I don’t want to be defined by my past, it really, really sucked. Every day since Fjord started with the M9 has been continually the best days of his life, and I think the same is probably true of Caleb. There’s no judgment because that doesn’t help anything. He just want to observe, absorb, acknowledge. You’re making positive changes, and that’s everything. That’s heroic, despite what you think is monstrous. That’s not who I see.” Brian talks about how life can end “when you choose to be defined by your worst moment”. Travis: “People that chain themselves to their past obviously haven’t moved beyond that past, and that process looks different for everyone.” But he believes you should get to define who you are after you’ve moved past that.
On the few new lighthearted moments with Yasha: “I think it’s the comfortability of the people around her. I think it’s just getting more comfortable with everybody, and also it’s just... I don’t know. If I think of something that I think would be funny, I’ll probably say it, but try to keep it in whatever Yasha’s sense of humor would be.” She notes some similarities to Grog. “She’s absolutely a teddy bear on the inside. She sees so much beauty in the world. I love playing those contradictions. She’s always had a sense of humor.”
How does Fjord define being a “good man” now as opposed to the start of the campaign? Initially, it was Vandren: “tough love, not overly emotional, not really available in that way, but conveyed a strong sense of leadership, knows what he wants, is focused, driven, stalwart, dependable, a lot of those bullshit male ideas. Some have value and some are just misplaced. If you try to live up to the idea of somebody else, you’re often going to find yourself going down a path that doesn’t look very familiar. Fuck it, I’m going to be me and see what that is. He’s got the agency. Maybe you just try and be you and hope that’s a good man.”
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
Forest of Shadows review
I finally read FoS, because my recent post on the “Secret Room” led me to search FoS and I also had some time on hand. I’m writing this post to share my views and invite conversations. Spoilers ahead! Also; I have not read any other full reviews of FoS. This is also the first Frozen-related official fiction I have read other than the Dark Horse comic True Treasure. Long post ahead.
Background: Ever since joining the fandom, I have seen mentions of FoS by other bloggers and get the general feeling that it’s a great book; thus I had high expectations of FoS. I had obtained the book in early February, read the first chapter and found it interesting. Didn’t have time to finish the book till now. Unfortunately, to be honest and true to myself, I did not like it.
The Good: I give credit to the author for 1) Exciting writing, it is truly quite a page turner, I couldn’t put it down and finished it in a day, reading into the night way past my usual bedtime. 2) A complex plot that did not feel drawn out for the sake of filling pages 3) Focusing on the sisters throughout and the climax being about their love for each other 4) The new characters do not take too much focus away from the sisters 5) Countless F2 references such as the scarf, Iduna singing the lullaby and cuddling both children, mention of a Dark Sea on the map, mention of Runeard and the Northuldra. 
The Bad: I will touch on 6 areas (with some unavoidable overlap): 1) The premise 2) Anna’s characterisation 3) The Nattmara 4) Aren and Revolute sword 5) Myth vs Reality 6) Plot holes. Spoilers ahead!
1) In this story, Elsa is 24 and Anna is 21 - 3 years post Frozen 1 and in the same year as F2. The premise of the story is that Elsa is fearful of being a bad queen, and Anna is insecure about how Elsa feels about her. Elsa is also about to leave, without Anna, on a world tour on a ship. Elsa has planned for Anna to be the “keeper of the kingdom” while she is away but for some reason, has not told Anna, even up till 3 days before the voyage. The Blight starts and Elsa feels powerless, amplifying her fear, which brings on the wolf form of the Nattmara. Anna, who is insecure for almost the whole story, gets freed from her insecurity when it is revealed to her that Elsa intended for Anna to be the “keeper of the kingdom” all along. And then, Anna figures out the Nattmara is Elsa’s nightmare (and not Anna’s) and in the climax, uses “true love” to free Elsa and the whole kingdom. I feel that the entire premise of this story is thin and very OOC for the sisters, at least in my headcanon. 
It is illogical to me that after 3 years of rule, Elsa feels fearful of being a bad queen. Surely she would have feared she would be a bad queen for the entire time since Agnarr died 6 years ago? Why now? Why would she feel this way 3 years after the great thaw and when she has Anna by her side? It is illogical to me that Elsa wouldn’t bring Anna on the world tour, and illogical that she would make Anna the keeper of the kingdom but not tell her about it or even give her some preparation and instructions, up till 3 days before the voyage. In the library, the sisters spent a whole afternoon together reading books and they couldn’t find the time to talk to each other? 
Regarding the climax, I acknowledge that the author found a clever word play with “Revolute” being an anagram of “True Love”. But, using an act of “True love” to save the day felt stale and rehashed from F1, as if Anna’s act of true love in F1 was insignificant. I was sorely disappointed when I reached the climax.
2) I was very irritated with how Anna was characterised in this story as it clashes with my headcanon of how 21 year old post F1 pre F2 Anna should be. The author decided that “Anna is really, really, REALLY insecure” and bombarded us with reminders every few sentences about it. For example, when the sisters talked to SoYun, Elsa told SoYun “you did the right thing coming to me” and Anna felt insecure that Elsa had not said “us”. When Anna suggested to send Kristoff to look for the trolls, Elsa hesitated and Anna felt insecure that Elsa did not seem to like Anna’s idea. When Anna discovers the secret room, she is reminded of how she was always “the last to know” as a child. When Elsa talked to Gerda, Anna “would have been even happier if Elsa had told Gerda that Anna had found something important”. Anna also has a nightmare that there is another “Anna” that Elsa and Kristoff interact with, while she, the real Anna watches from outside. Why is Anna so insecure 3 years post F1 when she knows that Elsa’s love for her is so great that Elsa would willingly lock herself away from her? The book also tells us that Anna felt that she needed to “prove her worth” to Elsa, and this led to Anna becoming fixated on fixing the Blight, to earn Elsa’s approval and to bring her on the boat trip. To me, Anna giving up her life for Elsa in F1 has “proved her worth” for all time!! The author also took pains to bombard us with reminders of how ditzy and clumsy and awkward Anna is eg always waking up late, walking into the great hall in her nightgown, interrupting Elsa and embarrassing Elsa in front of the people, running off with Revolute sword with no plan. This is not what I headcanon 21 year old post-F1 Anna to be. She might be awkward, yes, but not to this level.
Anna also did a couple of immature things. 2 big examples: Elsa held a meeting in her bedroom and Anna wasn’t invited, but Anna could hear that the meeting was going on (outside the door) and was upset and fled to her room. I would have expected Anna to knock on the door and go in and be helpful, after all, she is the royal princess and Elsa’s confidante. Anna’s belief in the spell that grants dreams is also rather immature, as a 21 year old adult I would have expected her to know better. 
I also expected Anna to sleep in Elsa’s bed every night to be there for her, especially when Elsa has been troubled by events (think about F2). Since when does Anna put anything, including her own insecurity over her love for Elsa? but no, upon finding Elsa’s bedroom empty, she goes back to sleep in her own room, and Elsa also didn’t come over to look for Anna. Why couldn’t the sisters just TALK to each other?? At the end of F1 they couldn’t stop touching each other, holding hands, hugging each other, making up for lost time.In summary:
I just cannot see my darling Anna as this person, sorry! 
Yes she could have been like this before F1, but not after her epic F1 journey to save Elsa and not after 3 years with Elsa by her side. 
3) The Nattmara. I have trouble with the Nattmara’s existence. As mentioned above, Elsa should have been fearful of being a bad queen 6 years ago - Nattmara should have appeared way earlier, why now? 
The powers of the Nattmara were also ill defined. First, it was a sickness on animals and crops. Then it became a literal, physical wolf with capabilities to inflict real physical harm. Then, it also gained the ability to scare humans (not as a wolf, but as some unseen, spiritual force) but additionally, turn humans into zombies (Kai and Gerda, while half-awake, were able to hold weapons against Anna) Next, the Nattmara gained the ability to turn into black sand, reform into a wolf, and turn back into black sand effortlessly. IIRC, the Nattmara only demonstrated the ability to turn into black sand after they read about it in Sorenson’s book, and then it started to use this power extensively. But even more confusing, when they were leaving the Huldrefolk and rushing back to Arendelle, they met up with Sorenson who was “possessed” by the Nattmara but didn’t have the yellow eyes and was able to speak normally and deceive the main characters about a magical water source. And after that, “possessed-Sorenson” (an old man) gained the physical ability to take on Kristoff in a fight. 
I feel that the author twisted the powers and capabilities of the Nattmara to keep the reader on the edge. (doesn’t everybody like zombies) I’m not sure if the Nattmara is just darkness or does it have a mind of its own? And every normal person has nightmares and fears, why hasn’t Nattmara appeared before? In chapter 9, it is stated that “Anna had dreamed of the wolf her entire childhood” - what is the explanation for that from a Nattmara perspective?
4) Aren and the Revolute sword are confusing as the author first introduces it as a myth (a sword that can create an actual, geographical fjord miles wide, is a myth) and the sisters acknowledge that it is only a tale. Sorenson debunks Aren and Revolute. Inexplicably, after Sorenson debunks it, Anna immediately says “So we need Revolute!”, showing that she now believes that there is a real Aren and a real sword, and this leads them to look for the Huldrefolk because “the Huldrefolk always find that which is lost”. To put it another way, a group of adults decided to enter dangerous, abandoned mines, based on the thinnest of suggestions that a mythical sword exists and a magical people that may not exist, somehow have it. Their quest to find the sword then leads them back to the tumulus, which they now believe is Aren’s. After some difficulty, they actually find a physical sword named Revolute, but my question is, do the sisters believe this is a real, normal sword owned by a normal human warrior called Aren or do they now believe they have found the mythical, fjord carving sword? They then try to use a physical sword against a mythical creature - doesn’t that contradict the “myth to destroy a myth” bit? 
Nattmara destroys the sword, and eventually the “myth to destroy a myth” is revealed to be True Love, which happens to be the anagram of “Revolute”. Clever, but too convenient! What does the sword have to do with true love? Couldn’t Anna have figured out that the answer was true love by another way? 
Historically speaking, warriors would be buried with their swords next to them or laid on their bodies with their arms crossed over the sword, so why is the sword found in the ship’s dragon mouth? And, the book said that the tumulus may be thousands of years old, how can a sword that old not have rusted and disintegrated by now?
Additionally, the Earth giant’s passage starts from the castle and passes the tumulus of Aren; Iduna knew the existence of the passage because she wrote about it in her book, so why wouldn’t any other king, Agnarr included, have examined/exhumed the tumulus and made it a museum, or store the artifacts in a museum, and research to see whose tomb it was? These are the 1800s after all, archaelogy had already begun post-renaissance.
5) As an extension of point 4, the treatment of myth/magic and reality is confusing. The story starts off on the premise that aside from Elsa’s magic and the rock trolls, we are in the real world dealing with real botanical and animal farming issues. Sorenson is introduced by Oaken as a “mystic” but in person, Sorenson is actually a scientist (reminds you of Varian from RTA/ TTS). Sorenson makes an excellent speech debunking the Nattmara, Huldrefolk and Aren and Revolute. When I got to this point in the book, I thought, that’s an absolutely correct 21st century mythbuster/human psychology explanation of nightmares and magical creatures and other unexplained phenomena. The book that he is holding is even called “Psychologia”. I was expecting that there would be a real world, logical explanation for the wolf and the Blight and Kai and Gerda going mad (Zootopia and the “night howlers” serum causing savageness comes to mind) However, the author then throws this away and the Nattmara is shown to be a real magic force, the Huldrefolk are shown to be real, Aren and his sword are actually real. Sorenson is the one who said “you can only defeat a myth with a thing of myth” but in the same breath says that all of these don’t truly exist; Yet, the rest of the story rests on defeating Nattmara with a thing of myth. 
 If the author had intended to portray this as a magical world and Sorenson as the “skeptic”, she didn’t write it clearly enough; or she shouldn’t have inserted so many sentences on debunking to maintain the suspension of disbelief. 
6) Plot holes: Why is Elsa the only one who can deal with mundane problems like cracks in chimneys and animal illnesses? Hasn’t she heard of delegation?
Why isn’t Elsa interested in the contents of the secret room, as an educated adult and ruler? She took one look at the portrait of Aren, thought about “great leaders”, felt consumed by fear that she isn’t one, and decided that she will shut the secret room and inexplicably says “mother and father intended for it to be hidden, so it should stay hidden”. A great leader would read extensively and do research and build on what your forebears have done; here is a treasure trove of work done by her parents, the previous rulers.
If Elsa could make the massive snow bear, Bjorn, then why didn’t she make an army of snow bears to fight possessed-Sorenson? Instead she left Kristoff to face him alone?
When Elsa was consumed by the black sand and Anna ran towards her, it is clearly written that Elsa attacked Anna with the black sand, but in the next chapter Anna is still Anna and not zombified.  
Wow, I have really written a lot. I guess I was really invested in the story, but my disappointment at the ending and the overall premise is too great. I really wanted to like this story. I don’t mean to start any wars, I hope I haven’t offended anybody and I’m willing to consider other perspectives. Please talk to me in the comments! Thanks for reading if you reached here!
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「消失的黄金」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: The Lost Gold Translations (Tutorials + Misc Part 3)
Includes Item Pick-up Scenarios with NXX…and Sang Ge!
*Tears of Themis Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event *Now the Event is done, dusted and shelved except for the Limited Event Cards...
Misc Part 1 | Misc Part 2 | Misc Part 3
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⊳⊱Zuo Ran [Entrenchment Tool]⊰⊲
MC: This is...an Entrenchment Tool?
MC: It’s pretty handy to be having something like this if we’re going to be digging something up.
Zuo Ran: That’s right. Not only can it dig,
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Zuo Ran: But it can also function as a pickaxe, pick, saw, and even a knife. It can even become a weapon if necessary.
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MC: ...I hope we don’t end up having to use it as a weapon...
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Zuo Ran: I do hope so, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Sang Ge [Antique Silver Cup]⊰⊲
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MC: A Silver Cup?
Sang Ge: This is the “Artifacts” of “Artifacts” ...
MC: Huh?
Sang Ge: Look at the pattern on its body! This is the mark of the law of the world!
Sang Ge: And most importantly, the letters on it!
MC: The letters look like… Ge*a*l?
Sang Ge: I’m guessing that this is the most powerful spell that the GM that controls this world’s law has in his books― “Get all”!
Sang Ge: It means to obtain everything in the world!
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MC: (What amazing Eight-grade Syndrome this guy has...)
Sang Ge: Brilliant! I’m about to crack the laws of this world soon!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Sang Ge [Mysterious Sheepskin Parchment]⊰⊲
MC: A Magic Circle? There's such a thing on this Island?
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MC: Wait, why does this pattern look so familiar?
MC: And there's "Add ex" written below. What does that mean…?
Sang Ge: It's the law of the world! One of the GM's commanding magic!
Sang Ge: I've heard once before that the GM has a command that was something along the lines of "Add exp"! I'm sure this must be the mantra of the spell!
MC: The mantra…? Then, why's nothing happening even though we've recited it?
Sang Ge: According to the legend, you first have to find a place where you can utilize the spell.
Sang Ge: But the spell had appeared! So the legends must be true!
Sang Ge: I can change my fate so long as I find the place where the magic can be used! HAHAHAHA—
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MC: …...
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Sang Ge: [Antique Dagger]⊰⊲
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MC: What an intricate dagger!
MC: There's a piece of paper on its sheathe. "Level 999"? What does this mean?
Sang Ge: This must be an "Artifact"!
Sang Ge: According to the legends of the laws of the world, these characters are evidence that this is in fact, an artifact!
Sang Ge: Any artifact that has the word "Level" marked on it wields the power of this world's law! The higher the number, the stronger it's magical power!
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MC: But...this dagger doesn't look very strong…
MC: And it doesn't look sharp at all…
Sang Ge: This...
Sang Ge: This might have been corrupted by a Bug!
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MC: Bug?
Sang Ge: That's the name of the devil, a strange existence that can resist the powers of the laws of this world…
Sang Ge: Don't say it's name… If it discovers that you did… You'll definitely end up meeting misfortune!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Mo Yi [Poseidon's Gold Coin]⊰⊲
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MC: It's a Gold Coin...with a human figure on it.
Mo Yi: That should be the Poseidon, the God of the Sea.
Mo Yi: Legend has it that in the Great Nautical Era, Voyagers would prepare such Gold Coins before heading out to sea.
Mo Yi: They'd throw these Coins into the sea and kneel down to pray whenever they encountered storms.
Mo Yi: This way, Poseidon would protect the ship by getting it safely out of the storm zone.
MC: I see, so it's the same as the sacrifices and prayers done in religious ceremonies?
Mo Yi: It is.
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Mo Yi: But don't they say that God has no wants, no desires and loves the world?
Mo Yi: If so, then why are sacrifices required to obtain protection from the Gods?
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MC: Dr. Mo?
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Mo Yi: It's nothing. I just think that this kind of contradiction is something very interesting to consider.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Lu Jinghe [Shell Necklace]⊰⊲
MC: Wow! What a pretty Shell Necklace this is!
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Lu Jinghe: Hm, passable.
Lu Jinghe: If you like it so much, then how about I make a couple of it for you later?
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Lu Jinghe: I'll design it personally for you.
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MC: No need. You're so busy, I'd hate for you to waste your time on something like this.
Lu Jinghe: How can this be a waste of time?
Lu Jinghe: Or, if I go deeper into what you just said, all art is a waste of time?
MC: Huh?
Lu Jinghe: Wilde once said that "All art is useless".
Lu Jinghe: "People's only excuse for creating something so useless is: his passionate love for it".
Lu Jinghe: So, wouldn't you say that it's justified to waste your time to do something you love?
Lu Jinghe: And there you have it. I'll help you design a necklace once this Incident is over, and then we can make it together.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Zuo Ran [Dilapidated Pirate Flag]⊰⊲
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MC: I don't know why but seeing a Pirate Flag reminds me of Captain Hook from Peter Pan for some reason.
MC: I even fantasized about flying to Neverland with Peter Pan back when I was still a kid. What about you, Lawyer Zuo?
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Zuo Ran: I've never fantasized something like that.
Zuo Ran: Quoting my teacher, I don't have such fairy tale-like dreams.
MC: Do you not like stories of fantasies?
Zuo Ran: Of course not. I like Sci-fi Movies, for example.
Zuo Ran: There are some things that I just rarely fantasize about.
Zuo Ran: But now...
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MC: Now?
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Zuo Ran: Nothing. What I wanted to say was… Do you want to go watch a Movie with me after we get back?
MC: Sure! I look forward to it!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱Xia Yan [Charcoal-black Iron Pan]⊰⊲
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MC: This…is this burnt thing...a pan?
MC: And the black thing inside...food?
Xia Yan: The handle's quite new. It should be a new pan.
Xia Yan: So, maybe...they burnt the pan on their first-time cooking?
MC: Pft-... Don't you think this absolutely charred way of cooking's a tad familiar?
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Xia Yan: Hey, hey... don't mention my dark history...
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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⊳⊱[Sang Ge's Letter]⊰⊲
I have found the law that governs this world— By which, I mean the full meaning of the GM's Command spell!
I can break through the wall of dimensions and change my destiny! I won't be an NPC any longer!
I    W I L L    B E    T H E    P R O T A G O N I S T ! 
-Sang Ge
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
⊳≫Complete Event Story ≪⊲
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btsandvmin · 5 years
Yo i luv your answers I hope you stay more active :) btw do you think there's a big reason that vm don't do Vlives together anymore i mean we all know what happened in RM's and Yeontan Vlive they are so flirty then before imagine if third person (Yeontan nd Rm) weren't there, there is this awkward atmosphere between them tbh when i look at them talking to each other now it makes me shy i feel like a third wheel do u think that's the reason y Tae said he won't do a live with JM he knows that too?
Thank you! I am glad you like my answers, I too have a lot of fun trying to answer all your great questions. I wish I could be more active, but you know… life. ^^’’
As for your question I have touched upon this subject many times, and yes I personallythink there could be a reason behind Vmin not doing Vlives together anymore.
As you say they tend to relax and forget the people (and the camera) when they are together, and I think they are both aware of this, and thus tries to avoid it. I think they constantly have to hold back, and that makes things awkward especially when they are live and can’t edit the clip. One examplefrom the Yeontan Vlive is how Jimin leaves, but he says “If…” but stops himself. Why does he stop himself, feeling the need to be discreet when the live is on? Though I might be reading too much into it, it just feels a bit private.
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Taehyung answers with “I’ll call you if I need you” and Jimin goes to hang out with their producer. Jimin is there waiting for Taehyung to finish his Vlive, but he doesn’t intend to be in it. He uses the excuse of only being there to “deliver Yeontan”. 
Of course he shows up anyways, walking back and forth he comes off as almost restless. And of course when he does interact with Tae it’s basically flirting. So, yes, that Vlive and then one with Namjoon makesit look like they have a hard time keeping themselves in check, and so they rather avoid being together live at all.
I personally have a hard time thinking of any other reason why they wouldn’t that makes sense. Because let’s say that it’s awkward and they avoid Vlives because they are on bad terms or simply feel awkward with each other because they aren’t as close as we think. If things were weird between Vmin for that long, surely either they would have gotten over it by now, or there would be other indicators that they for example weren’t close or had fallen out. But things like Taehyung’s letter, Jimin comforting Tae and many many other examples directly contradict this. So, again, if something changed in Vmin’s relationship that made them stop doing Vlive together, I don’t think it’s something negative.
Maybe I should save this for the proper analysis I want to do, but I really really want to talk about this, so I will anways.
I mean, for me I think the fact that Vmin used to do lives (and other videos, tweets etc.) often but then stopped is kind of odd. They basically had more Vlives together thanalone, and definitely the most out of all the “pairs”. But then they all started doing more solo Vlives, so there is that.
But Vmin didn’t just stop making Vlives like they used to, they also started to “pusheach other away” from Vlives, and that was weirder. Though they kept mentioningeach other a lot.
And then thirdly they keep talking about wanting to do it together or asking each other, and yet they don’t. It almost looks like some weird excuses to me at this point. Because why not just do one together if you keep saying you want to?
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This is another topic I plan to make a proper longer analysis for, but in short terms I can say that the last proper full Vlive Vmin had alone together was in march 2016. That was their fourth one with just the two of them, and then they also had some more with other members being there, like the Hope on the street where Tae joined later, or Jimin, Tae, Hobi, and Jungkook in the car etc. In all of them they seem very close and comfortable with each other.
So, maybe they just became more comfortable with doing them solo? But again, as you say I can’t help but speculate if it might be another reason than that behind Vmin stopping doing Vlives. And I say that based on their behavior.
Funnily enough the last Vlive they did had some pretty interesting things in it, despite being so short. It’s the one where Tae strips and pretends to take off his pants in front of Jimin. Now I want you all to remember this was live, and Jimin wasn’t prepared. But, it wasn’t actually fully a candid moment because Taehyung was obviously aware that they were live.
They even say it themselves later.
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They also reveal they were likely sharing a room. Which is something I think they did all the time basically. (Another analysis I’m working on.)
Anyways, all the times Vmin did Vlive alone together (and even if they weren’t alone) they were basically extremely touchy and close, basically laying on top of each other in some. They also kept mentioning each other when they did Vlives alone, but then again, after that Vlive they never made one alone again (unless you count the one with Yeontan).
Not I know I might be repeating myself, but the reason I find this odd are because of how they acted in the Vlives after they stopped doing it together. Because looking at the three following Vlives where they interacted, they actually tried to make the other leave. Or if it was in solo vlives they said things like “I asked if V wanted to do it, but he said no.” And sure, maybe they rather wanted to do it alone, but what makes me confused here is that this happened several times. People even speculated if they had issues with eachother because they seemed almost rude with wanting the other person to leave, and it seemed it was mostly just between them and not other members.
Even in Paris last year, where Taehyung says Jimin asked to do it together but Taesaid he wanted to do it alone. And yet Hobi shows up to the Vlive. Or now recently where Taehyung sent a text and apparently Jimin replied saying he wanted to do it, but Taehyung thought JK might not “let him leave”. It just seems weird that they keep coming up with reasons not to do Vlive together. Even if they “ask each other to do it” they end up not for one reason or another.
On top of this we have the few times where they do end up on Vlive together that I also find really interesting. For example the Yeontan Vlive and the Rkive Vlive. Both times they keep being touchy, but they also alternate between trying to avoid each other in different ways. It’s honestly odd to watch. My analysis “Vmin - Push and Pull” mention some of these odd moments in other places as well.
I mean, even when they crashed the JK vlive and everyone kept making it about other ships no one seemed to realize that in it, firstly Vmin showed up together, secondly Jimin mentioned sharing a room with Taehyung despite them usually being alone at this time in their career and then Taehyung even says to Jimin “Let’s go sleep.“
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Basically I personally think Vmin’s behavior at Vlives is something rather strange, and the pattern from a lot of Vlive moments seem to be that they try to avoid being on live alone because their behavior or the things they say can sometimes risk revealing too much.
I think that something might have changed in 2016 that made Vmin more careful. It could be the group’s popularity, it could be Big Hit getting involved or they perhaps justdecided to be more careful and private with what they show. I don’t really know why, but it seems something could have changed if we look at all these things together.
I know some people think it might be because of other ships, and maybe it is, but then why would it only affect how Vmin behave with each other? Why would it still affect them, even after several years? And in combination with other things, like how they behave with the Push and Pull or how the other members seem to friendzone them etc. I personally think it’s possible that after Bon Voyage in Scandinavia, and Taehyung’s struggle during Hwarang etc. that Vmin either got closer in a way that changed how they behave and what they want to show. Or they perhaps decided to tell others about it and outside influence made them try to be more careful. I don’t know, but these are two ideas I have as possible explanations.
And again, when I say they got closer it doesn’t have to be a hidden romantic relationship, they can have other reasons for wanting to be more private.
Either way I definitely think there could be one or several reasons behind why Vmin doesn’t really do Vlives together any more. In general they seem to have gotten more private, yet closer, and this narrative fits with how they seem to behave in regards to Vlives as well.
I know some members never have had Vlives together, but Vmin used to do it a lot, and that’s why I think it’s still worth looking into it.
Basically here are the patterns I’ve seen with Vmin that in combination makes me wonder about the reasons why they behave like this and if there is a reason behind them not being on vlive together anymore despite clearly still being very close and having a good relationship.
1. After 2016 they basically stopped being live together alone.
2. Yet they kept mentioning each other a lot, and kept saying they want to do vlives or that they asked the other to do a vlive but got rejected. (I can’t think of any other members rejecting someone to do a vlive with them, not wanting to be on one themselves sure, but not refusing someone that seemingly wants to to be on with them.)
3. They have several times had what looks like excuses for why the other can’t or won’t do a vlive with them. Or excuses why they are on them. Like leaving Yeontan or delivering the phone to make the vlive.
4. They have been with other members alone and then it seems to be fine.
5. The times they have been on vlive together after their last proper one in 2016 they have on many occasions tried to make the other one leave a vlive they are in or pushed each other away (like in the Rkive vlive).
6. When we have seen them in Vlives they seem to shift between being awkward or forgetting there is a camera there.
So, indeed at least personally I think there is something off with Vmin in regards to Vlives. My theory is that they know they can’t fully trust themselves while being on live together where they can’t edit out things and thus it’s easier to simply try and avoid it completely.
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for the jumbled reply. I am currently working on a more proper analysis of this with more examples. I hope you all found this interesting, because at least personally it’s something that I find really fascinating in regards to Vmin’s relationship.
Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading! :)
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darthlorddiamond · 4 years
Come With Me
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This is the twelfth episode of the Black Diamond story, if you want to read the previous episode or follow the next ones you can check my Masterlist.
Summary: Diamond's life with Rinnrivin Di was filled with bloody luxuries, as the Galactic Senate began to see them as a great threat, so they appointed Leia Organa to stop their activities.
Words: 2,845
Reading Time: 12 min
Category: Bio
Warnings: Blood, Murder
Come With Me
Since I started being part of the Rinnrivin Di´s cartel, my life changed dramatically. Di insisted on keeping me as close to him as possible, so he assigned me a room inside his mansion, which was full of excesses. Likewise, he took great efforts to make it clear to me that whatever I wanted, no matter what part of the galaxy it was from, I would get it, so my wardrobe began to fill with the finest garments, I had a box full of jewels that Di gave me whenever his merchant ships returned from their voyages, and I began a collection of swords, forged from the strangest metals.
During the evenings, I accompanied Di for dinner, more than a light meal, it was a complete banquet prepared just for the two of us. At first, these excesses made me feel uncomfortable, but Di insisted that everything he gave me was the least that a Sith under his roof deserved, so little by little I convinced myself of his words and allowed him to spoils me.
My role within the cartel was to be Di's shadow, by himself, he was already a highly feared man, not only for his men, but also for the other criminal organizations that operated in the galaxy, however, when the rumor that Di had a Sith by his side spread, his status grew immediately and no one in the entire galaxy dared contradict him.
More than a bodyguard, I was Di's private mercenary. If someone didn´t obey his orders, owed him money, or some deal with smugglers didn´t turn out the way he wanted, he would send me to give a "solution", which was always the same.
By this time I already had a personal ritual before my works, which consisted of dressing up in my best uniform, polishing my favorite saber, and going where I was asked. The result was always the same: a room full of blood and bodies so mutilated to the point that no one could recognize them. It was undoubtedly a monstrous scene, the authorities who found it was often unable to enter and as soon as they came across a montage like that, they already knew that it was the work of the Rinnrivin Di´s demon, as they began to call me, and they weren´t wrong, I became a demon, I completely enjoyed what I was doing, every time I went for a killing, my pupils were dilating, my heart was racing, adrenaline ran through my veins and my laughter greatly overshadowed the screams of my victims, I completely loved painting the walls and the floor with their guts, I loved being covered in blood and nothing excited me more than going back to Di, making all the members of his court tremble in my path with panic as they saw me pass with the heads of his enemies hanging on my belt.
I had become a monster, in the beast that Di wanted and needed at his side, and, in truth, I enjoyed it too much.
During my free time, anybody could find me in Di's study, to one side of his courtroom, it was there that I discovered classical literature. I could spend hours reading about the myths of the various systems and the galaxy, about extraordinary battles, about legends of Jedis and Siths. Occasionally, my attention was focused on a novel, and at times I managed to remember what it was like to feel the warmth of affection and my heart filled with hope, even if it vanished in an instant. I found in books almost the same pleasure that I found when Di sent me to do his dirty work, I could lose myself completely on it.
This hobby gave me a break to escape the nightmares that tormented me at night, nightmares that beyond referring to the atrocious acts that my hands performed, were memories of my life with Egil... with Keldo. In these dreams I could see them, looking at me in incredulity, horrified by the person I had become, running away from me and I couldn´t do it... I couldn´t bear the way they looked at me... Every time I closed my eyes and their images presented themselves in my head, my heart trembled, my body covered with cold sweat, and the night was filled with my screams, screams that invaded all the corridors of Di's mansion and froze in fear all its workers in its place.
Days, even weeks, could pass without Di requesting from me, and during these periods I wandered through the endless corridors and halls of his mansion, I was, to a certain extent, free to do whatever I wanted, as long as I didn´t leave the mansion, in other words, I was a prisoner of a golden cage. During my tours on Di's mansion, I found a room full of musical instruments. All its walls were covered with objects from all parts of the galaxy, there were even some that I didn´t know how it operated and others with such strange shapes, that I didn´t understand how it sound, momentarily I shifted my attention from the books and focused on those instruments, on one, in particular, a wooden object, with strings, a handle and keys, according to the person in charge of taking care of the room, the instrument was called hurdy-gurdy and Di had obtained it from one of his trips to Zeltros.
I found an extension of my being in the hurdy-gurdy. When I played it, I could feel how my body vibrated to its beat and how its highs increased my senses. It was through the hurdy-gurdy that I managed to physically manifest the pain that I felt deep inside me, it was through its melodies that I managed to get out the anger that accumulated in me. Music became for me, an extension of the Force, so from that moment on, I no longer only carried my saber when Di sent me to do some nasty work, transforming my gloomy actions into macabre symphonies.
Rinnrivin Di's cartel grew in power and presence with each passing day, to the point where we became a direct threat to the Galactic Senate, which is why Di was forced to remove me from his mansion to give me a more active role within the organization, it was so that I learned that a part of the profits of our casinos and smugglers were derived to solve the First Order, who were hungry for funds to create a fleet. Eventually, former supporters of the old Empire sought us out to serve as intermediaries between them and the First Order, a fact that made that Di continue to position himself as one of the main gears within the construction of this new regime.
"If it's true, that the First Order is re-emerging from the old Empire, then they´re not only looking for funds to renew their fleet" Di commented during our dinner, taking a bite to his mouth. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying, Di" I turned around to see him lowering my glass, Di only fixed his eyes with mine as he finished swallowing "The true power of the Empire didn´t come from his ships, but from the Siths who were part of it..." his explanation immediately made me lose my appetite "If the First Order discovers that I have you by my side, they will do whatever it takes for you to join them..." Di stopped looking at me and continued to bring food to his mouth "Let's put it this way..." I was starting to get very upset "If you join the First Order, I will have someone of my utmost confidence within…” he took a drink from his glass "That without counting that you would continue to obey my orders..." my eyes remained fixed on him, while he continued to swallow "My power would expand beyond what we now have...".
I suddenly got up from the table and started walking towards the exit "Hey! Diamond! Where do you think you are going?" I just turned to see him on my shoulder "Don't count on me..." I turned to see him leaning against the door frame "I think you haven´t thought that very well Di, if the First Order is being born from the Empire, it´s because they already have a Sith…” I crossed my arms and Di stopped eating, fixing his gaze on me with great curiosity “If that's the case, well, if they find out that you have a Sith working for you, without telling them, well…” a huge smile was on my face "You´re going to end up dead and I´ll do nothing to stop them..." I resumed my way and left the room.
I was walking through the corridors towards my room, my anger was so strong that the ground I stepped on froze in my path. Be part of the First Order, me!? How can he even think of it!? After what Phasma did, after losing everything because of their stupid promises… Suddenly I stopped and a burst of laughter completely invaded me. Their promises! Their promises of power and glory are nothing without us! The First Order can´t exist without us! I couldn´t with the laughter that this situation caused me. Who would say it? They´re nothing without our money, funds that only Di can get thanks to me! Phasma´s nothing without me! She´s nothing! My body was shaking with total madness, I had completely lost my mind... They´re nothing without me...
Two years have passed since Rinnrivin Di took me under his arm, after that night, he never touched the subject of introducing me to the First Order again, we keep it as the high secret of the cartel. During this time I learned how to block my Force, to avoid being tracked by other users, and I became the head of his group of mercenaries, leading all missions regarding high-elite assassinations. At this point, the Galactic Senate was already tracking almost all our activities and looking for ways to block us, efforts that were always in vain, because, a senator who started a race against Di, ended up, sooner rather than later, being part of some of my deadly symphonies.
By the time we were able to dominate the entire Gaulus system, the Senate named Leia Organa as the head of all investigations around us. It was obvious that they´re desperate to control and shut down part of our activities, especially those related to obtaining funds for the First Order. Leia was a complete headache for my unit, she always ended up meddling in all my missions and, although we never saw each other on a person, it was notorious that we had a confrontation, since Leia's main objective to stop the business of Di was to exterminate the Black Sonata, a nickname that I had earned after ending the lives of several senators, since, taking me out of the way, Di's extortions to get fonds would drop drastically.
The first time that Leia and I ran into each other, was when she had the guts to appear directly in Bastatha, entering our casino and reaching the courtroom, where I blocked her pat and she only rested her eyes on mine “Diamond, let Senator Organa through, don't be rude to our guests" I stepped aside and Leia cross in front of me "Can I offer you something to drink Senator?" Di stood up from his throne and went to the cellar, where he served two glasses of liquor "I didn´t come here to socialize Rinnrivin" Leia replied as she walked towards him, I imitated her steps, staying as close as possible to her, I could feel as my stomach growled and anger began to take over my mind as I slipped one of my hands to the hilt of my saber, Di immediately noticed my physical response and stared at me taking his attention off from Leia "Come on my dear, the carpet is new, it would be a pity to stain it with the senator's blood” Di took a drink from his glass and immediately Leia turned to see me. 
Di smile when he watched us “I think you don't know each other yet, senator…” he went to his throne and sat down again "Let me introduce Diamond to you..." and with one of his hands he pointed at me "Although I think you know her as the Black Sonata" and closing his comment, Di laughed as Leia's eyes widened "What's up Senator, you weren't expected to meet your target like this!?" Di kept on laughing, while Leia only pressed her lips harder and her hand rested on her blaster "You're kidding Rinnrivin Di!" Leia addressed Di screaming "She's just a young girl!" Leia turned to see me again "You're just a young girl... You can't be older than my Ben..." she whispered and her gaze turned to one of pity, I could feel a knot forming in my stomach and my fists clenched hard "I don't think you came to see me to talk about the age of my mercenaries..." Di took a drink from his glass again "What do you want Princess Organa?" it was obvious that he was making fun of her, Leia regained her composure and walked towards Di "Let's talk about Sinbensko" Di's smile completely disappeared from his face, I could see how Leia's words had made him completely uncomfortable, he immediately turned to see me and with a gesture indicated me that I should leave him alone with her, so I left the room.
It will have been a couple of hours since I left Leia talking with Di. I got bored of waiting in the hallway so I went out of the casino, leaning against the wall I watched the rain and how the puddles reflected the red light of the neons while I lit a cigarette. 
Outside the casino, near where I was, there was a man accompanied by a Wookiee, I assumed they were accompanying the senator. 
Eventually, Leia came out the front door, noticing my presence "Leia, let´s go!" said the man, Leia turned to see him "Give me just a moment Han" and she started walking towards me, Once in front of me, I could hear her whisper "Are you... Are you really the Black Sonata?" I continued to smoke as I watched her "Your name is Diamond, right?" Leia got closer to me "You know, you´re too young to be the cold blood killer that everyone says you are" I looked askance at her as I tossed my cigarette aside "Do you think that's not true?" I kept looking at her while I took out another cigar and hung it "I'm not saying it's not true..." Leia sighed "I'm just saying you're very young, you still have the opportunity to make other choices..." her words made something inside me shudder "We all can go back, even when we reach the darkest point, we all can start a new path..." she extended one of her hands and took mine bringing it to her chest "You don't have to be the monster they want you to be..." her eyes were soft, just like her words, I couldn't take my eyes off from her face "You´re in time to leave all this behind..." I could feel a tear fall on my cheek, Leia just smiled "Come with me..." I intuitively snatched my hand away, she just looked at me with surprise, I couldn´t believe what she said, how she looked at me, nobody had seen me like that in years. 
The image of Ylva appeared in my memory, in the motherly way in which she spoke to me, just like Leia, my teeth were so tight that I hadn’t noticed that I had torn my tongue " "Diamond..." Leia tried to take my hand again "Come with me... Please..." I could feel how anger made my body shook, I was so confused, I was even scared, my hands started to sweat and before I did anything I could regret, I put her aside and I entered the casino again leaving her behind me.
I walked down the hallways until I got to my room. The rain outside had intensified, the thunders lit up my entire room, and the drops crashed down on my windows just like the confusion and anger filled my head. I screamed, I growl, I cried, I threw everything in my path. Leia´s wrong, for me it is too late, no matter where I go, no matter what I do, no matter who I´m with, the monster that lives in me will always lie in, waiting to emerge.
No matter how hopeful Leia's words are, things are as they are no matter what I do, the Death follows me, that's a reality, Death embraces me, she and I have a relationship of mutual dependence, I like it that way, I enjoy it that way, and I don't plan to keep running away from it.
Note: I would like to especially thank @kyloren-theprince​, @thetorturerwrites​ & @kylorengarbagedump​​​ who took time to read this first part of my saga and sent me observations with all the patience in the world.
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elusetta · 5 years
"It's a human thing, wanting what you can't have..." Strongson!
Tysm for the prompt Parker!!! This got out of hand. Pirate AU! I didn’t really have any reasoning behind this, so I’m sorry if it’s a bit incoherent. :) Hope it lives up to your expectations!
The cutlass on Hudson’s hip was as comforting as an old friend, and the sea wind at her cheek an old comfort that had been there, present, always listening, since her childhood. Yet still, there was a delicate sort of darkness that lingered in the depths of her mind, reminding her of dark rooms and low ceilings and cold steel against her skin. Reminding her that this was still new.
Although it wasn’t. This was new in the sense that it was known to her once again, after weeks of being imprisoned by that fucking brother. She had forgotten it- well, not quite; she could never truly forget the only thing she admitted to loving. This ship was her home. The ocean past it was her world. And in the grand scheme of things, that was really all that mattered.
A week had passed since her escape. She could never have done it without help. She hadn’t intended on it, until…
The salted breeze carried a familiar presence with it. Hudson turned and met the eyes of Grace.
“How are you holding up?” Grace asked softly, her eyes bearing a dark concern along with the sort of wariness one would expect from a hunter approaching a wolf.
Hudson smiled tightly.
That was her contradiction, right there. The captain of the Divine Lamb, Grace Armstrong, soldier turned pirate waging war against the Eden fleet. Hudson always claimed that her home was in the sea, and the sea alone, but Grace was her rebuttal. How could she claim that this ship was her home, that the life of the voyaging adventuress was all that mattered to her, when the woman who had made it so was standing next to her?
Grace had seen her, the city guard who had let heroics get a little bit too deep into her head. Grace had helped her escape Joseph when he had captured her the first time. Grace had given her the means and motivation to keep fighting. Grace had given her a home.
“I’m okay,” Hudson replied. “I will be, I mean. John didn’t do much to me.”
“Scare tactics,” Grace muttered. “That man’s a fucking coward.”
Hudson laughed and ran her finger along the edge of her blade, trying to convince herself that she had nothing to be scared of. “He’s a coward, but he’s ruthless.”
Grace must have seen the past in Hudson’s eyes again, because she changed her tone and subject, the care in her voice the same as it had been when she had first recovered Hudson out of the Affirmation. “If there’s anything you need, you know I’m- I’m here.”
Hudson didn’t need anything. She wanted something, sure; she wanted Grace to come to her quarters every night, she wanted Grace to kiss her senseless right then and there, she wanted Grace to tell her everything would be the same as it had always been. But there was nothing that she needed.
“I’m okay,” she said coolly, and Grace left it alone.
The night was cold, and somehow, the interior of the room that Hudson had been lucky enough to acquire was even colder. They’d made port for the night in one of the only safe cities left: Fall’s End. Mary May, the innkeeper and an old friend, was always willing to give her a place to stay; after all, Hudson had been the one who’d saved her and the inn from Eden all that time ago. Mary May hadn’t exactly approved of the shift in career when Hudson had first joined Grace at the helm of the Divine Lamb, but she had understood. She always understood. That was one of the reasons that Hudson liked her so much.
So when Hudson had come into the inn, more distant than usual, with a cold look on her face, Mary May hadn’t really asked any questions. She’d just ushered her upstairs and told her what they’d be having for dinner that night.
Frankly, the Divine Lamb was beginning to feel like an emotional deathtrap. Hudson spent every day either tortured by the memories she pretended didn’t bother her at all, or being menaced by the thoughts of a future that would never come. A future that simply wasn’t in the cards, no matter which way she spun it. A future with Grace.
Hudson breathed out, spreading her fingers in the air above her face and watching the light flicker around them. Wasn’t quite nightfall yet, but it would be soon. And in a couple of days, the ship would depart once again, Grace standing strong at the prow.
Hudson wouldn’t be on it.
A drop of unhappiness flickered in Hudson’s chest. But she’d never been one to second-guess herself. This was what she needed. She’d rejoin the guard force of the cities, go back to her everyday life of patrolling. Make up some crazy story to tell the people who had once been her friends. She’d tell them she’d gotten kidnapped, put into a boat full of pirates. Pirates like the Black Huntress, scarred and burned and brusque as the winter itself. Pirates like the woman who went only by the name of Rook, explosive and passionate and everything Hudson could ever ask for in a friend. She’d tell them that she had found herself in a life of adventures that had passed the threshold of her wildest dreams. She’d tell them she’d found life- a life she wanted.
She’d tell them that she’d loved and left a pirate queen.
Wouldn’t they get a kick out of that?
Hudson startled back into reality at the sound of Mary May’s knock on her door. “Dinner’s ready,” the innkeeper said, shutting the door as quickly as she’d opened it.
A cool breeze came through the window, and Hudson found that her cheeks were wet with tears. She wiped them off, sat up, and breathed in a shaky resolve that she knew would dissipate with the right words.
She couldn’t do this. It wasn’t pain, but it was strain, and her heart had never been ready to fight this hard.
The Divine Lamb departed from the port to fanfare from the resistance. Brave people, the citizens of Fall’s End. Brave enough to resist Eden when the rest of the kingdom was practically under its thumb already. Not to mention strong. It was no ordinary townsfolk that would fight tooth and nail to preserve a home that so many others had abandoned.
Hudson weighed her cutlass in her hand and wished that she could stave off the feeling in her stomach. A wild, violent urge to run clear across the town square and throw herself into Grace’s arms, back into the life that she knew she had to let go.
What were her options? What was she meant to do, when every direction she turned to threw her headfirst into another dilemma? She couldn’t go back to the ship; it had Grace, it had every reminder of the tortures she’d endured on the Affirmation. She couldn’t stay here; she’d lose everything she loved.
But given the choice that wasn’t a choice, given the choice that would rip her heart out one way or another, Hudson had always been better at loss. Lose everything, or risk everything and then lose everything. Why not take the more straightforward path to desolation?
She hadn’t come out of the room above the inn for the whole night, and had remained there for the morning. Now, watching the ship, her ship, sail into the golden waters of the sun, Hudson knew that if she left the room, she wouldn’t be able to restrain herself from pursuing it.
And then, from the wall of the inn, came a noise.
Something solid. Something heavy. Something that turned into a muttered swear word in a familiar voice.
Hudson stared at the window and tried to stop herself from investigating.
A shape appeared on the other side of the glass. Two eyes, familiar and beckoning as the eastern horizon; dark skin that was weathered by days of sun and salt; the cast of a smile on the lips.
Grace pulled herself through the window. “You’re running a little bit late.”
Hudson stared, and stared, and finally sat down in one heavy motion on the bed. A moment passed, and then another, and eventually, all she could manage to say was “Why?”
Grace sat next to her without a second thought. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Hudson glared at her hands, and when Grace showed no signs of budging, let out a resigned breath. “I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“The ship?” Grace asked, shaking her head. “I knew John hurt you more than you said. I guess I just hoped-”
“Not the ship, Grace,” Hudson said in a bitter laugh. “More like who was on it.”
“You mean Jess? I know she’s rough around the edges, and she hadn’t been too nice to you, but-”
Hudson shook her head. Maybe, if she hadn’t spent the past week boiling alive in her own emotions, this situation would’ve been funny. But, as the circumstances stood, it was nothing but a kick in the teeth. “You, Grace.”
Grace sat in a stunned silence, and Hudson felt herself compelled to continue. “I guess… I guess it’s a human thing, wanting what you can’t have,” she said reluctantly. “I mean, I always knew it was there, but now… I mean, after seeing you ride in to save me from that goddamned ship like some kind of hero… I just… I guess it was finally done stewing.”
Grace found her voice. “What was?”
Willing her voice not to shake, Hudson brought it into the light. The reason, the impetus, the prison that had kept her. “My… feelings. For you. Feelings… for you.” She coughed, not daring to look at the woman beside her. “I’d known for a while, but… since we’re not on the ship anymore, and since I’m probably not coming back, I guess I can just say it.” Her eyes darted around, seeking something to catch on. “I… I think I love you, Grace. At least, that’s what I… that’s what I’d guess this is, considering what it did to me.”
After a pause that seemed to last forever, Grace responded. “And that made you leave?”
“Well, yeah,” Hudson said, shifting on the bed. “I mean, I can’t imagine it would be good for morale, having the first mate in love with the captain.”
Grace’s fingers tapped out a rhythm on the blankets. “And what about the captain being in love with the first mate?”
That, Hudson realized with a shock at the base of her spine, she hadn’t considered.
“…Maybe that would be a different story,” she finally answered.
Their hands found each other. Hudson’s lips curved into a smile for the first time in such a long time.
“Wait- the ship!” She untangled her fingers from Grace’s and darted to the window. The Divine Lamb was already disappearing into the sun. “Fuck, she’s gone. We’ll be here for hours. Maybe even days.”
Grace grinned at her. “I can think of a couple ways to kill the time.”
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thefeministherald · 5 years
Your Ultimate Women-Write-The-Best-of-Everything 2019 Reading List
The Voyeurs (Graphic Novel)
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"The Voyeurs is the work of a mature writer, if not one of the most sincere voices of her literary generation. It's a fun, honest read that spans continents, relationships and life decisions. I loved it."—Chris Ware, Acme Novelty Library
"As she watches other people living life, and watches herself watching them, Bell's pen becomes a kind of laser, first illuminating the surface distractions of the world, then scorching them away to reveal a deeper reality that is almost too painful and too beautiful to bear."— Alison Bechdel, Fun Home
"A master of the exquisite detail, Bell provides a welcome peephole into our lives."—Françoise Mouly, The New Yorker
The Voyeurs, was named one of the best books of the year by Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, and the Atlantic.
Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity
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In this brilliant, breathtaking book by Pulitzer Prize winner Katherine Boo, a bewildering age of global change and inequality is made human through the dramatic story of families striving toward a better life in Annawadi, a makeshift settlement in the shadow of luxury hotels near the Mumbai airport. As India starts to prosper, the residents of Annawadi are electric with hope. Abdul, an enterprising teenager, sees “a fortune beyond counting” in the recyclable garbage that richer people throw away. Meanwhile Asha, a woman of formidable ambition, has identified a shadier route to the middle class. With a little luck, her beautiful daughter, Annawadi’s “most-everything girl,” might become its first female college graduate.
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir
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Cartoonist Ellen Forney explores the relationship between “crazy” and “creative” in this graphic memoir of her bipolar disorder, woven with stories of famous bipolar artists and writers.
Shortly before her thirtieth birthday, Forney was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Flagrantly manic and terrified that medications would cause her to lose creativity, she began a years-long struggle to find mental stability while retaining her passions and creativity.
Searching to make sense of the popular concept of the crazy artist, she finds inspiration from the lives and work of other artists and writers who suffered from mood disorders, including Vincent van Gogh, Georgia O’Keeffe, William Styron, and Sylvia Plath. She also researches the clinical aspects of bipolar disorder, including the strengths and limitations of various treatments and medications, and what studies tell us about the conundrum of attempting to “cure” an otherwise brilliant mind.
Darkly funny and intensely personal, Forney’s memoir provides a visceral glimpse into the effects of a mood disorder on an artist’s work, as she shares her own story through bold black-and-white images and evocative prose.
The Woman in Cabin 10
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From New York Times bestselling author of the “twisty-mystery” (Vulture) novel In a Dark, Dark Wood, comes The Woman in Cabin 10, an equally suspenseful and haunting novel from Ruth Ware—this time, set at sea. In this tightly wound, enthralling story reminiscent of Agatha Christie’s works, Lo Blacklock, a journalist who writes for a travel magazine, has just been given the assignment of a lifetime: a week on a luxury cruise with only a handful of cabins. The sky is clear, the waters calm, and the veneered, select guests jovial as the exclusive cruise ship, the Aurora, begins her voyage in the picturesque North Sea. At first, Lo’s stay is nothing but pleasant: the cabins are plush, the dinner parties are sparkling, and the guests are elegant. But as the week wears on, frigid winds whip the deck, gray skies fall, and Lo witnesses what she can only describe as a dark and terrifying nightmare: a woman being thrown overboard. The problem? All passengers remain accounted for—and so, the ship sails on as if nothing has happened, despite Lo’s desperate attempts to convey that something (or someone) has gone terribly, terribly wrong…
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Nominated for the Edgar Award for Best Novel, from Norway’s #1 bestselling female crime writer—a “beguiling” (The Washington Post) “good old-fashioned murder mystery” (The New York Times Book Review) set in an isolated hotel where guests stranded during a monumental snowstorm begin turning up dead. A train on its way to the northern reaches of Norway derails during a massive blizzard, 1,222 meters above sea level. The passengers head for a nearby hotel, centuries old and practically empty. With plenty of food and shelter from the storm, the evacuees think they are safe, until one of them turns up dead. With no sign of rescue and the storm raging, retired police inspector Hanne Wilhelmsen is asked to investigate. Paralyzed by a bullet lodged in her spine, Hanne has no desire to get involved. But when another body turns up, panic takes over. Complicating things is the presence of a mysterious guest, a passenger who traveled in a private rail car and now stays secluded on the top floor of the hotel. No one knows who the guest is, or why armed guards are needed. Hanne has her suspicions. Trapped in her wheelchair, trapped by the storm, and now trapped with a killer, Hanne knows she must act before the killer strikes again.
Robot Dreams
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A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year A PW Best Book of the Year An ALSC Notable Children’s Book A YALSA Great Graphic Novel
This moving, charming graphic novel about a dog and a robot shows us in poignant detail how powerful and fragile relationships are.
Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza
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Rooted in Gloria Anzaldúa's experience as a Chicana, a lesbian, an activist, and a writer, the essays and poems in this volume profoundly challenged, and continue to challenge, how we think about identity. Borderlands / La Frontera remaps our understanding of what a "border" is, presenting it not as a simple divide between here and there, us and them, but as a psychic, social, and cultural terrain that we inhabit, and that inhabits all of us.
Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened
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Every time Allie Brosh posts something new on her hugely popular blog Hyperbole and a Half the internet rejoices. This full-color, beautifully illustrated edition features more than fifty percent new content, with ten never-before-seen essays and one wholly revised and expanded piece as well as classics from the website like, “The God of Cake,” “Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving,” and her astonishing, “Adventures in Depression,” and “Depression Part Two,” which have been hailed as some of the most insightful meditations on the disease ever written.
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking
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Now a Netflix series! New York Times Bestseller and Winner of the 2018 James Beard Award for Best General Cookbook and multiple ICAP Cookbook Awards Named one of the Best Books of 2017 by: NPR, BuzzFeed, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Rachel Ray Every Day, San Francisco Chronicle, Vice Munchies, Elle.com, Glamour, Eater, Newsday, Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Seattle Times, Tampa Bay Times, Tasting Table, Modern Farmer, Publishers Weekly, and more. A visionary new master class in cooking that distills decades of professional experience into just four simple elements, from the woman declared “America’s next great cooking teacher” by Alice Waters.
Monstress Volume 1: Awakening
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Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900's Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, and who shares a mysterious psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, a connection that will transform them both and make them the target of both human and otherworldly powers. About the Creators: New York Times bestselling and award-winning writer Marjorie Liu is best known for her fiction and comic books. She teaches comic book writing at MIT, and leads a class on Popular Fiction at the Voices of Our Nation (VONA) workshop.
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Marjane Satrapi's best-selling, internationally acclaimed graphic memoir. Persepolis is the story of Satrapi's unforgettable childhood and coming of age within a large and loving family in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution; of the contradictions between private life and public life in a country plagued by political upheaval.
Nobody Nowhere: The Remarkable Autobiography of an Autistic Girl
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Donna Williams was a child with more labels than a jam-jar: deaf, wild disturbed, stupid insane... She lived within herself, her own world her foreground, ours a background she only visited. Isolated from her self and from the outside world, Donna was, in her words, a Nobody Nowhere. She swung violently between these two worlds, battling to join our world and, simultaneously, to keep it out. Abandoned from all connection to the self within her, she lived as a ghost with a body, a patchwork of the images which bombarded her. Intact but detached from the seemingly incomprehensible world around her, she lived in what she called 'a world under glass`.
After twenty-five years of being misunderstood, and unable to understand herself, Donna stumbled upon the word 'autism': a label, but one which held up a mirror and made sense of her life and struggles, and gave her a chance to finally forgive both herself and those around her.
The Ice Princess
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The psychological thriller debut of No.1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg.
A small town can hide many secrets
Returning to her hometown after the funeral of her parents, writer Erica Falck finds a community on the brink of tragedy. The death of her childhood friend, Alex, is just the beginning. Her wrists slashed, her body frozen in an ice-cold bath, it seems like she’s taken her own life.
Meanwhile, local detective Patrik Hedström is following his own suspicions about the case. It’s only when they start working together that the truth begins to emerge about a small town with a deeply disturbing past…
The Vampire Chronicles: Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, and The Queen of the Damned
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In 1976, nearly 80 years after Bram Stoker published Dracula, Anne Rice's bestselling first novel, Interview with the Vampire, breathed new life into the vampire myth. Now, in one chilling volume, here are the first three classic novels of The Vampire Chronicles; Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, and Queen of the Damned.
Adulthood is a Myth: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection
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Do you love networking to advance your career? Is adulthood an exciting new challenge for which you feel fully prepared? Ugh. Please go away. 2016 GOODREADS CHOICE AWARD WINNER FOR GRAPHIC NOVELS AND COMICS! These casually drawn, perfectly on-point comics by the hugely popular young Brooklyn-based artist Sarah Andersen are for the rest of us. They document the wasting of entire beautiful weekends on the internet, the unbearable agony of holding hands on the street with a gorgeous guy, and dreaming all day of getting home and back into pajamas. In other words, the horrors and awkwardnesses of young modern life. Oh and they are totally not autobiographical. At all.
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Indies Choice Book of the Year * National Book Award Finalist * New York Times Bestseller * New York Times Notable Book * Kirkus Best Book * School Library Journal Best Book * Publishers Weekly Best Book * NPR Best Book * New York Public Library Best Book * Chicago Public Library Best Book
The New York Times bestselling graphic novel sensation from Noelle Stevenson, based on her beloved and critically acclaimed web comic. Kirkus says, “If you’re going to read one graphic novel this year, make it this one.”
Nemeses! Dragons! Science! Symbolism! All these and more await in this brilliantly subversive, sharply irreverent epic from Noelle Stevenson. Featuring an exclusive epilogue not seen in the web comic, along with bonus conceptual sketches and revised pages throughout, this gorgeous full-color graphic novel has been hailed by critics and fans alike as the arrival of a “superstar” talent (NPR.org).
Cultural Anthropology  Barbara Miller
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Cultural Anthropology presents a balanced introduction to the world’s cultures, focusing on how they interact and change. Author Barbara Miller provides many points where readers can interact with the material, and encourages students to think critically about other cultures as well as their own. Featuring the latest research and statistics throughout, the eighth edition has been updated with contemporary examples of anthropology in action, addressing recent newsworthy events such as the Ebola epidemic.
Captain Marvel Volume 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More
Kelly Sue Deconnick
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Hero! Pilot! Avenger! Captain Marvel, Earth's Mightiest Hero with an attitude to match, is back and launching headfirst into an all-new ongoing adventure! As Captain Marvel, a.k.a. Carol Danvers, comes to a crossroads with a new life and new romance, she makes a dramatic decision that will alter the course of her life - and the entire Marvel Universe - in the months to come. But as Carol takes on a mission to return an alien girl to her homeworld, she lands in the middle of an uprising against the Galactic Alliance! Investigating the forced resettlement of Rocket Girl's people, Carol discovers that she has a history with the man behind the plot. But when the bad guy tries to blackmail Carol and turn the Avengers against her, it's payback time! Guest-starring the Guardians of the Galaxy!
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architectnews · 3 years
Render Battle Architecture Competition
Render Battle Architecture Competition 2020, Architectural Contest News
Render Battle Architecture Competition 2020
30 Dec 2020
Render Battle Architecture Competition Winners
Render Battle 2020, an international architecture visualization competition, organized by theCharette, unveiled the winners of this year’s edition. The competition’s aim was to find one mind-blowing architectural graphic that conveys an architectural design in the most nuanced way possible. The contest is an annual competition and will be released again in 2021.
theCharette’s RENDER BATTLE 2020 – Winners Unveiled
Render Battle 2020, an international architecture visualization competition, organized by theCharette, unveiled the winners of this year’s edition. The competition’s aim was to find one mind-blowing architectural graphic that conveys an architectural design in the most nuanced way possible. The contest is an annual competition and will be released again in 2021.
Renderings have been an architect’s greatest medium to convey a design. It is the art of creating images that highlight the best attributes of an architectural design. Architectural renderings can take many forms – digital collages, hand sketches, perspectives, illustrations, drawings, realistic renders etc.
Our world is becoming increasingly visual every day. The digital revolution has given architects the opportunity to showcase our designs to millions of people. However, with thousands of images flowing across the web, each designer has just a brief moment to make an impact via one bold image that says it all!
The full results, including the winners, the honourable mentions, and the top 30 shortlisted entries can be viewed here – https://thecharette.org/render-battle/result/
This year’s jury included a raster of eminent illustrators, authors, educators and visualization artists:
• STEPHANIE BOWER (Architectural Illustrator, Author and Educator) • MILOS TEMERINSKI (Founder – Balkan Architect) • AGNIESZKA KLICH (Co-founder – Black Balance Studio & Arch Viz Artist) • KAREN LEWIS (Associate Professor – Ohio State University & Amazon Bestseller Author)
Read on to discover the results of the 2020 edition of the competition and the top three winners.
1st Prize Winner The Fifth Orchestration: Debate Chamber Edwin Maliakkal from United Kingdom
image © Edwin Maliakkal
The Fifth Orchestration: Debate Chamber by Edwin Maliakkal from United Kingdom took home the top prize with its captivating visuals. The self-taught artist designed a graphic that the jury described as “intriguing”. The jurors felt that, “The idea is really interesting, and the image illustrates it in a great way. The composition is good, the lighting creates a mysterious atmosphere, and the colors support the concept.”
Caption by Participant: We live in an age where one can experience space both through physical and virtual realities. Our cognition extends beyond our bodies. Our surroundings become an extension of our minds, the stage on which we dance to the rhythms that line the walls, trace the light that reveals the soul. We become the space we experience. Architecture, therefore, ceases to simply exist within built reality, and instead, fabricates a hyper-real landscape in our minds that we perceive as reality.
The debate chamber becomes an architectural response to the above statement and a reaction against the chaos of biological inefficiencies in democratic legitimacy. Stipulating a future in which we share a symbiotic relationship with machine and AI, the individual becomes one with their surroundings and the collective mind. Thenceforth, embodying the soul of a democratic system, they take part in the debate.
2nd Prize Winner Everything in life is as much fiction as it is fact. Anoovab Deka from United Kingdom image © Anoovab Deka
Anoovab Deka from United Kingdom, won second place for his graphic, “Everything in life is as much fiction as it is fact.” The judges loved the creative vertical composition with interesting framing elements that draw the observer into this strong single-point section perspective. They felt that the architectural elements and suggestion of materials are well-articulated. This indeed is a spectacular work that straddles the line between highly detailed and abstract. The hatching / line-drawing technique is exceptional.
Caption by Participant: The inherent contradiction ignites a sparkling processus which enlightens consciousness and illuminates the view of the world. The objective is to create a similar phenomenon of space which the mind holds and creates. A space that is in choreographed or un-choreographed motion, revealing its histories and excavating embedded fictions within the landscape and through the journey of enclosures and exposures will make us question between what is fact, and what is fiction. Fact and Fiction and the boundaries that separate it can be explained in a multitude of ways and yet still have a sense of obscurity.
3rd Prize Winner Noah’s Ark Tai Zheng Wei & Toh Koon Theng from Malaysia image © TaiTohShowcase
Third place in the competition went to Tai Zheng Wei & Toh Koon Theng from Malaysia. The image makes one ponder about the negative effects mankind is having on the planet, and how humans are on a path of self-destruction.
Caption by Participants: Mankind has irreversibly created a profoundly altered planet because of fossil-fuel-driven civilization. With the misdeed of mankind controlling greenhouse gases and global warming, rising sea level became more destructive for the world’s coastal cities and flooding billions of homes, forcing people to seek shelter from container ships with the remnants of plant samples and animals. Container ships were once carrying container loads and were then carrying humanity’s hope.
A century of voyage finally bought the ship to the ground after an extreme climate reversal vaporising the ocean. The ship was made redundant but fortunate for the voyager with botanical resources and living stocks, the ship remains became an oasis shelter in the middle of the dry sea. “This is just the beginning of the end for mankind’s Noah’s Ark.”
HONORABLE MENTIONS • Shaokang Li (United Kingdom) • Anoovab Deka (United Kingdom) • Wei Ying Ch’ng (Malaysia) • Sarah Hopfner-Heindl (Austria) • Sahil Rattha Singh (India) • Akash Ganguly & Madhavi Sharma (India) • Ahmed Noeman & Jace Marc Fernandes (United Arab Emirates) • Osama Zia Khan (India) • Darlyn Chau (Usa) • 高原 & 李杼欣 (China)
4 Sep 2020
Render Battle Architecture Competition News
Renderings have been an architect’s greatest medium to convey a design. It is the art of creating images that highlight the best attributes of an architectural design. Architectural renderings can take many forms – digital collages, hand sketches, perspectives, illustrations, drawings, realistic renders etc.
Our world is becoming increasingly visual everyday. The digital revolution has given architects the opportunity to showcase our designs to millions of people. However, with thousands of images flowing across the web, each designer has just a brief moment to make an impact via one bold image that says it all!
One Mind-blowing Architectural Graphic.
Create one rendering or graphic that conveys an architectural design in the most nuanced way possible. It may be of a new proposal, fictional design or an existing building. It can be located anywhere in the world and be at any scale. The rendering can take the form of a digital collage, sketch, perspective, illustration, drawing, realistic render, etc. It can be drawn by hand or on the computer using any software. This should be accompanied by a short description, in no more than 150 words.
Let your creative juices flow freely and create the most visually stunning architectural graphics!
Exposure and recognition is the key to success for any designer. The Render Battle competition provides architects and students, the opportunity to showcase their work on a global stage.
• EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: The Top 3 Winners will get an exclusive interview in both – written and video formats. Photos, interview, and more information about the winners will be published on our website.
• PUBLICATIONS: The Winners and Honorable Mentions will be published on the Charette’s website and other international architecture magazines and websites partnered with us. The best entries will also be featured in theCharette Journal.
• CERTIFICATE: the Charette will also acknowledge the outstanding performance of all Winners, Honorable Mentions and Top 30 entries with Certificates of Achievement. All the participants will be awarded a participation e-certificate.
• Competition Announcement: September 5, 2020 • Registration Deadline: November 5, 2020 • Submission Deadline: November 10, 2020 • Results: December 2020
ELIGIBILITY: Open for all
REGISTER NOW AT- www.theCharette.org
For more information, visit the website – https://thecharette.org/render-battle/
Render Battle Architecture Competition information / image received 040920
Architecture Competitions
Current Architectural Competitions Selection
Tomb of Waste Architecture Competition
image courtesy of architects practice
30 May 2020: Standard registration deadline
31 May 2020: Submission deadline
Tomb of Waste Architecture Competition
‘RETHINK: 2025’ Design Competition
RETHINK: 2025 Design Competition
Call For Submissions: Sustainable Revolution
Call For Submissions: Sustainable Revolution
WAF / PechaKucha ‘Isolation Transformed’ Design Competition
Isolation Transformed Design Competition
Kaizhou New City International Young Designer Competition, Sichuan, China
image courtesy of architects practice
Kaizhou New City International Young Designer Competition
Comments / photos for the Render Battle Architecture Competition page welcome
The post Render Battle Architecture Competition appeared first on e-architect.
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oliverdone-johnson · 4 years
Context of contemporary fine art practise, Lecture 5: Fons Americanus notes
Below is my typed up notes from Wednesdays context of contempory fine art practise lecture that focused on Kara Walkers Fons Americanus sculpture at Tate Modern. I have added it to my Tumblr page for my protest project due to its relevance to protest. The notes below explain Walkers link to protest through her work. 
“I am and shall continue to be the monster in your closet. Prodding at your
tightly wound arsenal, your history.
Let me out.
And. You. shall. seek. to. put. me. back. in.
And together we will: in and out and in and out together HAHA!”
Kara Walker 2000
Overview of the piece
Kara Walkers work is a focus on the institution Tate Modern. She focuses on the history of the institution and what secrets they sometimes do not want to be spilled to the public. Fons Americanus is in the Turbine hall inside Tate Modern. The term Fons Americanus could mean all things American’ or it could also mean ‘American Bum hole Fountain’ according to Stuart. The sculpture also comes with an announcement plaque, the announcement is written to be a fun ready and provides entertainment, but the subject matter on the announcement when ready covers a very dark story. This could be showing Kara Walkers sense of what art is, art is there to provide entertainment at certain times in peoples lives i.e. going to a gallery on the weekend. But she is also looking at the cost of art in life- she is pointing towards slavery that was the main fund of these institutions through the sugar or coffee industries.  As over 1.5 million are known to have died being transported by boat in slavery going from Africa to nations like the UK and USA. Therefore, showing how in this piece there is much more of a focus on the content rather than the materials used. She is focusing on how it is the cost of the lives lost to create these institutions and how institutions are often made from wealth and corrupt powers, so wealth is key.
Kara Walkers early work focused on making playful cut outs that portray slavery, the artwork is presented in a way to show quite entertaining and sometime funny images i.e. a man farting but this is met with much harsher undertones and aspects of her work. Showing the balance between entertainment with the content of the project. Her work tackles serious subjects but is still inviting to an audience.
Fons Americanus was based of Queen Victoria’s Memorial monument at Buckingham Palace and was opened in 1911. The memorial shows Victoria’s life and how she commanded the largest empire in history. It also has a very nautical appearance as the navy and oceans were key to the empire. After the death of Victoria slavery was abolished.  But Kara Walker uses her own statue to show the darker side of the empire and all the aspects that were forgotten in this memorial, such as slavery which was key to Victoria’s empire.
Slavery operated in a triangle between Europe, especially countries such as the UK, Portugal and Holland, America and Africa. The slaves would come from Africa and travel to the UK and USA in exchange for exports of goods. Kara Walker is also known to have taken inspiration from packaging and images from the past such as Cotton plantations in South Carolina, 18th century tobacco adverts and One of Ten Views in the Island of Antigua 1823.
The boats that transported the slaves were more like prisons that housed the slaves under deck with thousands being crammed in. Turner painted a piece called- Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying—Typhoon coming on 1840. That shows a slaver throwing the slaves overboard as a way to claim insurance as he would not get money if they died on the ship but would if they drowned of the ship. Therefore, murdering hundreds of innocent humans just because their slaves.
In the Fons Americanus exhibition there is not just the large sculpture and plaque but also a Shell Grotto that depicts a man crying inside. The Shell can be shown to link to Sandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus 1484-86 and Voyage of the Sable Venus. The link can be shown from the shell as the shell is used in both just like Venus to popularise the slave trade and make it seem pure but Voyage of the Sable Venus was originally published for the book: History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. The text of the book was written by a British politician Bryan Edwards who justified slavery on the grounds of the huge economic benefits for England. The crying figure inside the shell is linked to Sierra Leone as during slavery it was a very advantageous location due to the many islands surrounding it, they were used as various slave keeping prisons and camps. Bunce Island was the most notorious due to its Hole of the brave, which was a giant hole that slaves were thrown into to die if they refused to board the ship, hence why Walker portrays a man crying out of what seems to be a hole.
Breakdown of the sculpture
At the top of Fons Americanus stands Venus with a cut through her neck and breasts that both shoot water. Walker said that this represents the blood and milk of the Black Atlantic, becoming a reminder of the lives lost due to slavery. Walker is also known for studying in Rome where she observed Piaza Navona and the Trevi Fountain, these being two historic fountains in Rome. Below the statue of Venus there are 4 smaller characters: The Captain, The Tree, Queen Vicky and the kneeling man.
The captain represents many figures both real and fictional it has been perceived there are influences from Marcus Garvey (Jamaican 1887-1940) Political activist and entrepreneur who encouraged a sense of pride and self-worth among Africans and the African diaspora amid widespread poverty, discrimination, and colonialism. And Toussaint L’Ouverture (French 1743-1803) Revolutionary leader who helped transform the slave insurgency into a revolutionary movement. As well as Captain Paul Cuffee & The Emperor Jones (fictional) A synthesis of real & fictional heroes/characters who fight against colonialism whilst revealing contradictions – desire for their own power.
The tree represents the thousands of trees used for slave hangings and lynching’s and Walker draws upon how these hanging locations had become tourist hubs just like her monument. Trees are innocent, wordlessly submitting to the weight of injustice, witness bearing.
The Kneeling man represents the ideology of self-obsess, where people sucked up to traders i.e. black traders to improve their own financial situation over helping their people, it represents greed. “He begs a slave owner an amalgam of European Colonial Interests, full of Capital and Promises and Religion Lies, deceit and corruption.”
Queen Vicky is placed in the piece as she was the reigning monarch through slavery and profited of it the most, and because Kara Walker based her statue of Victoria’s memorial. Victoria is shown in the image to be holding a coconut and it is unclear weather Vicky is about to hit the person below her or feed them. This can represent the argument of her rule. She is a Maternal character, holding a coconut. Is it a fruit of life, or could it fall on the head of the man beneath?
 Lower down on Fons Americanus there is a rowing boat surrounded by sharks. The rowing boat is linked to Winslow Homer the Gulf Stream 1899 that depicts the dangers of the waters. The sharks are also a notable link to Damien Hirst, but it is unclear weather this is appreciation of his work or a critique. Kanye Wests initials are also used on the bottom of the boat to link the past the present and show how sucking up and greed can elevate a person to a position of power.
Kara Walker could be linked to artists like Andrea Fraser and Hans Hucker with her evidential critiques in the art world.
History of Henry Tate and the Tate institute
Henry Tate 1819-1899 was a remarkably successful businessman. At the age of 50 he owned a sugar refinery company. In his later years he donated his paintings to the government. Th building that resulted was Tate Britain which was opened to the public in 1897. The institution would not be a thing if it were not for Henry Tate’s wealth. Tate is known for being involved with the sugar business, which is where Tate Lyle comes from. The sugar trade was built from slavery. And even though he did not start in the sugar trade until after slavery was abolished but he did profit from its history, which was built from slavery. The Tate recently started a project looking back at its origins and history, which is why they invited Kara Walker to create a sculpture for Tate Modern.
In 2014 created a sculpture titled ‘A subtlety or the marvellous sugar baby’ At the Domino sugar factory in Brooklyn NYC. Walker was offered an old sugar factory, so she made a giant sphinx sculpture that was covered in sugar. The sphinx was also heavily sexualized to link its humanity to other aspects such as greed and power. In this exhibition there was also smaller sculptures which were of child slaves made completely out of sugar. This represents ‘Subtlety’ as in the past little sweets were shaped to look like important people such as royals, it is a power play. So, Walker made these subtleties of slave children as a way to relook at this concept in a much darker light.
When you contrast Walkers first quote about being a monster with her invitation from the Tate it seems like a brave thing for the institution to do. As Walker unearthed and reminded the nation of much worse times and put a negative shadow over Tate and its origins. And although it could be shown as very noble of Tate to respect the artist and allow her critique of there institution Tate has since had other critiques in articles, such as there wage inequality for lower paid staff such as security and shop workers. Showing a stark difference within the institution of how they are willing to allow attention to some aspects of corruption, but others struggles such as modern-day wage inequality is shrouded in secrecy.
0 notes
damiennazario · 7 years
The Bartender
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Pairing: Jake x Female MC
Summary: A reimagining of Rules of Engagement (or Endless Summer AU, whichever you’d like to call it) in which our snarky, not-bland MC (Emilia) is not overshadowed by her siblings or affected by melodrama incurred by her dead grandmother, and meets her also-snarky less than ideal future groom in a less than ideal way. And, yes, it’s Jake.
Genre/Warnings: Contains explicit language/references.
Words: 1,991
Note: I know #jakeweek is over, but I just remembered writing this about two months ago and wanted to share it with you all, even though it’s not finished! With that said, I’d really appreciate feedback as to whether or not I should complete this, as it would be a multi-chaptered story.
Today was supposed to mark the beginning of the rest of Emilia’s life.
She and her perfectly loving fiance were to embark on an all-expenses-paid cruise around the Caribbean and parts of Europe as part of her late grandmother's last wishes. At the end of the summer, they'd fulfill her grandmother's ultimate wish as detailed in her will and exchange vows to receive a $50 million inheritance. What more could you possibly ask for than getting paid that much to marry the love of your life?
Now, though? No amount of money could compensate walking down the aisle for that piece of shit, because she finds him balls-deep in some woman when she lets herself into their stateroom, eager to share what she's just heard from her grandmother's lawyer. Needless to say, she flips her shit, tells him what the fuck for, and sends his sorry ass packing while letting his lover go unscathed, of course, because the poor girl probably didn't know what she was getting into.
After she's funneled all her energy into cursing him out and what was once their stateroom is now empty, she's left to sit outside of it and sink against the side of the doorway, burying her face in her hands and sobbing her eyes out. There's only so much you can take and so much you can curse at until you're blue in the face before you just.. break.
She thought Aaron was it for her. They'd moved a little quickly, sure, but he was so good to her and always treated her like nothing less than a princess. He'd seemed so sincere when he used to tell her how much he loved her, how much he cherished her. Now she knows it was all nothing but a lie. All of that went away for something so needless.
She could never forgive him, under any circumstances. Cheaters and the idea of cheating always made her sick to her stomach because she's seen what it's done to people, so it goes without saying that she can't fulfill her beloved grandmother's wishes. But Emilia thinks that if she were still here, she'd never want to see her granddaughter subject to doing something as abhorrent as marrying him anyway - even if she divorced him immediately - for the sake of money, no matter how much.
So now what is she to do?
Thankfully, her grandmother was both vague and precise in her wording on the will, and even though Emilia works as a fledgling lawyer herself, her knowledge of the law isn't necessary to detect the loopholes. She had clearly detailed her wish for her granddaughter to exchange vows at a wedding that would be arranged for her at the end of her voyage, but never specified who she'd be getting married to.
But, there arises another problem. Who exactly is she going to convince to marry her.. in the span of less than three months?
"Barkeep," Emilia calls, unceremoniously slamming her hands on the poolside bar as she takes a seat on a stool, startling other patrons, "I need something strong." Stressed as she is, she doesn't forget her manners. "Please," she adds.
"Comin’ right up, Princess," says the bartender from the opposite end of the bar, standing with his back to her. He appears to be drying a glass with a towel. It takes him a few seconds to whirl around to face her.
His shoulder-length ashy brown hair blows gently in the wind as he turns. His eyes, blue as the rolling sea, seem to flash with mischief as he sizes her up. "You look like you need it. What's your story?" he asks her, glasses clinking lightly under the bar as he makes his selection for her.
Emilia frowns. What the fuck does that mean, you look like you need it? Does she really look that fucked up, or does he just have no filter? Aren't bartenders supposed to be patient, charming and charismatic? If so, then who hired this tool?
"I.. don't want to talk about it." she says tightly in a desperate attempt to sound diplomatic, despite how much this guy is already pushing his limit.
"You sure?" He squints his eyes slightly and pokes his tongue out from between his teeth, uncorking a bottle of.. whatever. He then grins. "I'm a good listener, you know. It’s part of my job description."
"No. I'm not here for small talk. I just want a drink." She can almost feel her patience rapidly dwindling. Her hands ball into fists on their place atop the counter. Thinking back on her anger management days, she tries to focus on her breathing, on the splashing of the pool behind her. It’s no track on a mindfulness ambient playlist by any means, but the erratic rushing of water and the squeals of children seem to ground her, quelling her rising ire.
In, out. In, out.
She’s only a few breaths in when the nosy bartender’s voice shakes her out of her reverie, and her annoyance returns full-force.
"You say that now, but,” he pauses to dump what looks like a crapton of tequila into a hurricane glass of orange juice, “with a couple shots in you, you'll be telling me your whole life story. Hell, I'll even bet you on it."
Intrigued by this wager, she eyes him pointedly. As long as he leaves her alone after, it couldn't hurt, right? “Okay, hotshot, since you’re so damn sure of yourself, I'll bite. What are the stakes?” she deadpans.
“If I win, you let me take you to see the sights when the ship docks in Costa Rica. I know the place like the back of my hand, and,” he trails off, watching the grenadine trickle into the drink until it’s sitting at the bottom of the glass, “Let’s just say that I’ve always wanted to show off my tour guide skills. If I lose.. you get the satisfaction of knowing you won, and you never get to see hide nor hair of me ever again.”
Emilia ponders this over for a moment. Letting him win would be more for her own benefit than anything, as he’d be saving her money on hiring an actual tour guide, but that’s probably what he wants, after all. He wants so badly to know her business for reasons she can’t make sense of, other than the fact that he’s really fucking nosy. Or, alternatively, him being her tour guide is meant to be some sort of punishment because it’s him of all people? But he seems so arrogant that he can’t possibly think of his own presence as a burden.
The bartender interprets her blissful silence as hesitation, wedging a pineapple slice onto the rim of the glass before sliding it to her with a flourish. "I'll even switch shifts with somebody. I’m serious as a heart attack when it comes to bets, princess."
“Fine. You’re on.” She glances down at her cocktail as if it’s offended her. “What the hell is this?”
“It’s a tequila sunrise,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, because, to be fair, it is the most obvious thing in the world. He plops a maraschino cherry impaled by a tiny blue umbrella into the glass, watches it land on top of an ice cube, and slides it closer to her with a smirk. “Just in case you couldn’t recognize it.” His voice holds the bite of sarcasm that, as usual, grates at Emilia’s patience.
She rolls her eyes. “I know it’s a tequila sunrise, smartass. I'm saying that it’s juice. It’s not strong at all.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, princess, but this ain’t a Hollywood movie. I’m not a mind-reading bartender who knows exactly what a character wants when they ask for something strong.”
Touche. She pulls the umbrella out of the cherry and twirls the stem around between her thumb and index finger. “Isn’t that also supposed to be in your job description?”
Despite himself, the bartender lets out an amused huff of air from his nose and cracks a smile. “Unfortunately, it’s not. But you strike me as a Tequila Sunrise kinda gal, so I went with that. Unless," he leans both his elbows atop the bar, moving in closer to her, "you actually wanna tell me what exactly it is that you want so I can better cater to your tastes?”
Her eyes are shooting daggers into his, but they seem to deflect them so effortlessly, dancing with amusement and condescension despite her obvious annoyance. There’s a palpable spark between the two of them, but not the kind that gives you butterflies in your stomach. It’s more so a spark of tension between two butting heads - the meeting of a tornado and a volcano, an unstoppable force and an immovable object.
Otherwise, Emilia is silent. The bartender’s smirk deepens. "That's what I thought. So why don't you do me a favor and try it? Then you can talk all the shit you want about it.” He then jerks a thumb behind him. “In the meantime, though, I gotta keep the mojitos flowing back there, or else they’ll think I’m playin’ favorites.”
“Aren’t you?” Emilia teases, gingerly pulling the cherry free from its stem with her teeth and chewing it. The bartender’s eyes contradict his body’s eagerness to finally go off and do his job and stop bothering her, wandering down to her mouth to watch her do this as if it’s the most intriguing thing he’ll ever see. In a way, it’s flattering.
“Very funny,” he chuckles dryly, even though his smile is genuine. With that, he throws a towel over his shoulder and makes his way to the opposite end of the bar toward a gaggle of rowdy young blondes whose eyes light up upon his return. He seems to be pretty popular around here, at least to drunk ladies; it’s quite surprising that they haven’t wrenched him away from Emilia yet after how long he’s been grilling her. But she was by no means holding him hostage here.
When she’s absolutely sure that his smug little eyes are elsewhere so he can’t even see her in his peripherals, she takes an experimental sip of her drink. The citrus tang of the orange juice, coupled with the simultaneous sweetness and tartness of the grenadine and the biting palate of the tequila all leave a refreshing taste on her tongue. It’s certainly much stronger than most tequila sunrises she’s drank in the past, which led to her earlier assumption that it was going to taste like juice. She’s enjoying it enough to sip some more, but does so slowly, so the glass won’t be completely empty by the time the bartender comes back; that way, it’d be easier for him to win the bet if she enjoyed the drink a tad too much and ended up spilling her guts.
But, God, it’s so good, and it’s so hot out today that her body’s crying for more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too disastrous if she finished this one glass, and this one glass only.
It would seem that the crafty bartender has laced the cocktail with some addictive poison, so to speak, however, because by the time he makes it back, she’s blurting out demands for another.
He grins with his usual amount of haughtiness, but she’s too parched to get peeved by it. Also, it would seem that his smile is sending shivers down her spine. She doesn’t quite understand why. It could be the wind picking up out of nowhere, or it could be the way the sun’s hitting him or it’s the tequila hitting her; she can’t really tell.
He dutifully responds to her request with a cheesy salute, and a “Sure thing, princess.” As she watches his retreating back, off to work on her second glass, she finds that she can barely suppress the smirk spreading across her face.
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aceofwands · 7 years
Ria hateblogs Star Trek Discovery: Episode 6 “Lethe”
This week I’m really feeling the disappointment that I’m not here, 6 weeks in to a new Star Trek series, eagerly awaiting and watching each new episode every week with my family, like I expected and hoped. I don’t even know that I should bother hateblogging the few remaining episodes of this half of the season, it’s like ... it’s just so awful and the writing is terrible and I feel nothing but apathy for the characters and the plot ... I guess I’ll see how bad this week’s episode is
Wow, I will admit, it’s real neat seeing Vulcan in 2017 graphics. I wish it was under better circumstances ...
This aide to Sarek has such a bowl cut, it’s cringe worthy :/
... what. Ignorance is never beneficial? How is it remotely helpful to a mission to not know what it is or why you’re going there?! ugh, the writing for these characters is just so ... artificial ... it’s a problem with so much modern storytelling, it’s like they’re more concerned with having characters say cool dramatic things rather than having actual conversations
The Disco shirts are sooooo dumb. Why wouldn’t they say Discovery in full?
does she have a personality Tilly? does she?
lol Enterprise mention, because we can totally believe that this grimdark holographic spinning mess of a ship exists at the same time as Pike’s Enterprise
cut to Voq, oops I mean Tyler, and Lorca on a Klingon ship apparently
what is this a video game? oh lol, it IS, it’s the HOLODECK because they have those in the 23rd century FFS
lol Voq’s worried his cover was blown when Lorca interrogated his backstory
right. the random prisoner you just found should definitely be your security chief
“someone i can trust” HA it’s SO OBVIOUS HE’S A SPY - so now Lorca just seems stupid as well as an asshole
back to Sarek and the aide ... who just injected himself with something dubious
a Vulcan fanatic who believes humans are inferior ... whoooo just blew himself up
WOW this is bad
like this is the story you needed to tell? so much possibility for a Star Trek series in 2017 with serialisation and this is the series we end up with?
Michael instructing Tilly in the ways of being healthy is just ... why? is this supposed to show that they’re friends? are people really seeing this as cute banter? I just don’t get it
are they gonna go befriend the Klingon spy?
oh good, even better, Tilly thinks he’s hot
“my mentor, Michael” cringe.
how can Michael have spent 7 years amongst humans on the Shenzhou and need Tilly’s guidance on social interaction like shaking hands?
yeeeeah Rick Berman was excited that Enterprise was a Star Trek series where people wore sneakers, having them in a show set in the 23rd century just reinforces - along with the tactical vests and t-shirts that look like they’re straight out of any modern cop show - that this isn’t even set in the future
oh good, Michael is telepathically connected to Sarek still ... wow, this whole sequence is really dumb. like, why are they bonded? how can she sense his pain? HOW CAN THEY MIND MELD ACROSS SPACE?
ethnically diverse Vulcans are the best though
raising a human as a Vulcan just seems like emotional torture tbh? like how ethically dubious?
“how can he put that kind of pressure on a child” GOOD QUESTION
renegade Vulcans tried to murder you
ka’tra has healing powers?! WHAT IS THIS BS
look, okay, it’s one thing to establish new things when you’re making up a series - but this is exactly the problem with saying your series is a prequel and part of the prime universe which has had 5 series worth of content, to then contradict it all by making up nonsense using established canon ... What’s the point? Why not just make a reboot? Set it in a parallel universe, which it obviously is. If you’re so desperate to get away from canon then don’t tell us it’s part of it! But more importantly, if you’re that desperate to ignore it and rewrite it and change it ... why not just make something new?
Lorca has shown 0 compassion to anyone before ever, why would he help her personal request?
these holograms are just so Star Wars, it bothers me every time
“there are protocols to be followed” but they’ve never followed them before, so why would they now lol
Stamets really is different - why couldn’t have been this fun from the start? “groovy” “super cool” “Sarekvision” “psychic hit of speed”
“are you really that crazy?” ummm have you met Michael?
Michael, Tilly, and Voq-Tyler on a shuttle going into a nebula to mind meld with Sarek and find it, what could possibly go wrong?
so many holograms. sigh.
lol Admiral came to see Lorca in person and tell him off  for launching an unauthorised mission led by a mutineer and a POW who has barely had time to recover - and I quote "can you even trust this guy?"
because that's how Starfleet Admirals speak
sigh. I miss proper Star Trek. this FEELS like 2017. it feels like these people just stepped out of today and onto these spaceships. it doesn’t feel like 2250-whatever. add all the holograms you want, holograms do not maketh the future - there was a tone, an aesthetic quality, including goofy space clothes and Shakespearean dialogue, that made it feel like it wasn’t happening now
“I checked him out” ya-huh, you’re gonna have egg on your face when it’s dramatically revealed that he’s a Klingon spy lol
the cornerstone of their entire defence against the Klingons is a science vessel with an experimental mushroom drive ... I can’t even with this show
Lt Stamets engaging in eugenics - hey yeah, I forgot that was an issue, funny how they’re happy to throw away 90% of what we know but keep the tiniest parts, it just makes it all so meaningless
and now they’re having a drink ... so that whole scene was just to remind us that Starfleet exists and remind us that Discovery is important to the war ... they really have to do a lot of telling on this show don’t they?
oh good, the tac vests are back
right. of course. who else would Sarek’s thoughts turn to when he’s dying? not his wife. not his son. YOU. “I was supposed to be his proof that Humans and Vulcans could co-exist as equals” ???? the Federation has existed for almost a century by this point! he LITERALLY HAS A HUMAN WIFE and that half-Human son they keep forgetting - WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK WOULD HE NEED A HUMAN WARD TO PROVE ANYTHING??????
YOU’RE his greatest disappointment? not that he’s fucked up his relationship with his son? or y’know, his full Vulcan son off making a cult?
we’ve done this storyline so many times in more interesting ways - the original, Spock - Worf raised by humans
oh good, Michael and Sarek fighting ... in his mind ...
“some of the decisions you’ve been making lately are troubling” Sooooo stop him? if only there was a chain of command?
I’m glad someone’s calling him out for being awful, but why is it a friendly chat?
oh, he passed psych evals and tests with flying colours. right.
lord please stop flirting. is that ... sleazy saxophone music?
she has GENUINE CONCERNS about his ability and mental state as a Captain and instead of telling other Admirals or having an official meeting or hearing ... she goes to talk to him directly, and then allows him to distract her by seducing her?
this has gotta be the worst written piece of crap I’ve seen in years. and I just rewatched the DS9 season 1 gems The Passenger and Move Along Home. I’ve seen Threshold, and These are the Voyages, and Shades of Grey. All of which, are better than this show’s first 6 episodes have been.
how is the Klingon spy the best character on the show? the only one with any compassion or actual emotions - is it because he’s trying to be a perfect human
they finally mentioned Spock! wait, isn’t Spock supposed to be on the Enterprise at this point? oh no right it’s 7 years before. LOL Sarek chose Spock over Michael AND THEN SPOCK REJECTED THE SCIENCE ACADEMY
why must we come back to Sarek at all? was this story really necessary? was it burning to be told? like ... what do we gain from it? does it add to his character, or Spock’s? 
Admiral found some scars on Lorca’s back in bed ... and poked them while he was asleep. LOL “you sleep with a phaser in your bed and you say nothing’s wrong?” THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE???? WHY would he have a phaser in his bed? who’s gonna attack him on his own ship?
“all these months I have ignored the signs” and it took this to finally tip you off? geezus. good lord. and she’s not like the other Admirals at Starfleet - I mean, okay actually this is the only thing the show has gotten right so far, they always were idiots lol
“I can’t leave Starfleet’s most powerful weapon in the hands of a broken man”
lol she doesn’t believe his plea not to take his ship away, and him admitting he needs help - I don’t believe him either
Saru we knew he was severely wounded, that was the whole point.
lol is he gonna get the Admiral killed so she backs off? what am I saying, of course he is - I mean, of course this diplomatic negotiation with the Klingons he’s sending her off to is going to get her killed
how can he give Michael a bridge position when she’s a criminal? this whole thing makes no sense. why did they go this nonsense route? other than for the sake of drama (oh wait, that’s the only reason they do anything on this show)
why does the replicator tell you how nutritious your food is
oh of course Voq is gonna befriend and flirt with Michael.
lord, could someone please please tell the writers that they’re supposed to show emotions, not have characters explain what they’re feeling through clunky exposition
“it’s just being human” LOL IT’S FUNNY CAUSE HE’S KLINGON
lol yep, cut to neutral territory, let’s watch as this show’s THIRD FEMALE CHARACTER IS KILLED oh no she’s just been taken hostage LOL
“notify Starfleet Command, ask for orders” W O W he is an ASSHOLE
oh good, next episode is a time loop. Mudd’s back. Voq kisses Michael. 
how is it that this show is serialised and yet feels more disjointed than say, the serial arcs of DS9? every episode it’s like ... Stuff Happens ... and it’s very very loosely connected to what happened before, but seems to be mostly at random?? like, reflecting on what I just watched, not a lot of anything happened? their plots were literally, Sarek is attacked and they rescue him because space telepathy is a thing, so Michael can have some drama I guess ... and Lorca sleeps with the Admiral who realises he’s a dangerous asshole, recommends her for a dangerous mission, then refuses to rescue her. that’s it. 
Like dude, I just rewatched DS9′s Duet and In the Hands of the Prophets last night. This rubbish doesn’t even hold a candle to it??? Kira’s entire emotional arc in season 1 from Emissary, through Past Prologue, Battle Lines, Progress, Duet, and In The Hands of the Prophets, is more nuanced, engaging, and well crafted than Michael’s emotional arc as the protagonist of Discovery. and they weren’t even allowed to do proper serialisation at that point??
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