Minho: What are you writing? Thomas: W.I.C.K.E.D wants to know what kind of weapons we have. I'm letting them know it's private information. Newt, looking over Thomas's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
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headless-b00gie · 4 months
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look what I made🥰 I'd like to think that Im incredibly funny /j
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reneeluv154 · 9 months
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Hope you enjoy🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine Newt finds out you have frostbite and takes care of you.
(More on my profile if you like this.)🫶🏼🫶🏼
I was cold, so cold but I wouldn’t let the others know, we had been walking in the scorch for weeks, although I wouldn’t call it the scorch anymore. It was cold, cold enough to make your lips blue and your skin crack and bleed. Newt tried to offer me his gloves when it first started getting cold two days ago but I denied them, instead wrapping them up in my sock’s.
Now the sock’s were just to hide my gruesome frostbite rather than keep them warm. “Guys, let’s stop here, we’ve been waking for far too long.” I couldn’t agree with Minho more, the blisters on the back of my heels and my toes making it to where I could barely walk.
“Y/n are you okay?” Thomas asked wearily before watching me stumble to the ground. “Woah hey.” Thomas tried to catch me but I hit the ground with him and Newt on either side of me. I began to weep which then turned into sob’s of anger. I punched the ground, “I’m fucking done! Do you hear me!” I screamed out as loud as I could, causing a vicious pain to shoot through my head. Everyone was crouched down forming a circle around me, fear and worry plastered on their faces.
“Hey, take a breath Y/n.” Newt was calm with a comforting hand on my back, the other on the sand, trying to keep from slipping. I violently sucked in air never fully finishing a breath. I truly couldn’t breathe. I looked at him with panic in my eyes as I tried to breathe, tears still rolling down my cheeks. “Okay, everyone back up.” His voice was stern enough so they understood but calm enough to not scare me. He gently grabbed my face.
“You’re gonna be okay. Focus on my heartbeat alright?” He grabbed my hand, placing it on his chest gently, leaving me to feel the calm, steady beating of his heart. After a few minutes, my breathing slowed, and my tears were gently wiped by his simple calloused hands. “You're okay.” He whispered, bringing me into a tight hug. I believe more for him than for me. He knew I never liked hugs. Although I had always wanted one from him, I hugged him back knowing that’s what he needed at the moment. I didn’t want to let go but loosened my grip leaving him to let go.
“Thomas, help me walk her over to that building.” He nodded over to what was more like a small shack a few feet away. So with Thomas on my left and Newt on my right we carefully walked over to the shack, taking a few minutes to settle down. I sat on a small crate while the others cleared spots to sit and sleep for the night. I was staring at the ground when Newt came, sitting down beside me, offering me a cup with something in it. Not bothering to zone back in, I shook my head.
“It’ll warm you up.” He said, setting it by my foot on the ground and kneeling in front of me. “Can you take these off for me?” He asked gently, laying a hand on top of mine. I finally zoned back in still not looking directly at him but carefully taking the socks off my hands trying not to let the fabric pull on the cracked skin.
His eyes widened when he saw the purple and blue, bloody knuckles and fingertips. ‘Fry, can you make a fire real quick?” He asked, not taking his focus off of my hands. “Already on it, Newt.”
“Why didn’t you tell someone Y/n?” He asked gently, trying to warm my hands with his own as well as blowing on them.”I don’t know.” I was quiet, barely even audible. “My feet are pretty bad too.” The look he gave me was the sweetest yet saddest thing I had ever seen. “They don’t have frostbite, just lots of blisters.” He nodded. “Go ahead and take your shoes off, the cold should make them feel a little better.”
I nodded, taking my shoes off while he went and grabbed a thin blanket we had stolen from W.I.C.K.E.D. wrapping it around my shoulders. He was right, the cold felt good on my hot blistered feet. “Here, let’s go sit by the fire.” He handed me the hot cup making my hands sting but I knew that meant it was helping. I was caught slightly off guard when he picked me up and carried me to another crate, this one close by the fire, my feet still being cooled off by the patch of cement underneath me.
I decided to sit on the ground closer to the fire. Newt came and sat on the crate behind me, his legs on either side of me. “Newt?” I asked and received a small hum while he set down his cup which I learned was just hot water, and started to play with some strands of my hair. “Is it okay if I just give up?”
“Give up?” He questioned. “Yeah, If I just quit trying to make it out alive.” I was ashamed of asking such a question but I knew he wouldn’t judge me. He grabbed both my shoulders leaning in close to my ear. “Y/n you can not give up, I won’t for one second let you believe that you can give up because I would never let you do such a thing.” And for the first time in a long time, a small smile made its way onto my lips. It felt so good to smile, especially with someone like Newt.
Around an hour later he had braided my hair and wrapped up my hands now everyone was getting ready for sleep. “Where are you sleeping, love?” He hadn’t called me that since the first time I came to the glade but it made me feel special.
“Can I…sleep next to you tonight?” He nodded, “Of course, c’mon.” He laid out some clothes on the ground and used a jacket as a pillow. “Go on, I'll tuck you in.” He smiled, so I laid down letting him lay two blankets overtop of me, given that was all we could spare. He then laid down, a small bit of space between us. “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Blondie.”
I woke up a tad bit cold and a bit scared. There was thunder and rain all around us. The small shack was the only thing keeping us safe and that wasn’t promising. I moved over to where Newt was lying and rested my head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. “Are you okay?” He whispered, his voice still sleepy making me blush. “Yeah, I’m a little cold but more scared than anything.” Just then lightning struck close making me jump. “Shhh it’s okay. I’m here, I’ll keep you safe I promise.” He rubbed my back and gave me a small kiss on the head now wrapping both arms tightly around me. Humming a small song, which soon put me to sleep.
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w1shes43 · 1 year
Forbidden Proximity
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- (TMR) Newt x reader
Summary: Takes place in "The Fever Code", before an examination test, you meet the beloved Newt. After meeting him, things start to be different and someone warned you to watch your proximity. But you think you're doing just the opposite.
Taglist: @heliads
A/N: AHHH, IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!! This fic took me so long. Motivation came and left like 1000 times. Sorry about that, and here it is!! Also, let's just imagine that newt is not like a minor here and is his movie age ;_; The ending is a bit rushed as I just wanted to get this fic finished tbh.
Wake up, examinations and tests, eat food, maybe add a hint of some learning and then sleep. And it's repeating the same routine every day, over and over again. It's been like this for you ever since you got taken in this facility called W.I.C.K.E.D. They're not so harsh towards you but you saw and heard from others of what they can be like when they're angry so you usually do what you're told to be on their good side.
But life in this facility is very repetitive and dull so you always opt to do something fun once in a while, being extremely discreet of course. Whether it's going to see your friends in their rooms during night or sneaking to catch a look at the other group, Group A. You have to admit you don't know why you all have to be separated into different groups, maybe they don't want certain people interacting with each other? You found the question lingering in your mind for a while, so you plan to ask at your next examination, which is tomorrow, that very question.
You sat on your bed, waiting in your room for Dr. Paige to do some tests on you, observing around your room trying to pass time. You always seem to land on the clock. Time ticking like usual, you wondered how the clock can be so perfectly timed to the real time, but then again just another question to add to your pile.
"Questions and questions" you sighed, looking down at your feet, swinging them back and forth. You realised you were getting taller which makes you glad because Harriet used to tease you about your height, saying how you won't be able to reach anything. Guess you could prove her wrong now, you slightly chuckled at that.
The door opens and you look up thinking you were going to see Dr. Paige but instead a tall lady with round glasses. She had a firm look on her face as she approached you,
"Y/N, Dr. Paige is quite busy for a while so she won't be able to do your test right now."
She stated, looking at her clipboard which had some files on it, "She will do your examination in about half an hour. Please come with me to another test room."
You nodded as you got up from the bed to follow her out the door. She shut the door and you walked beside her as she brought you to the elevator and pressed a few buttons, you waited for about a minute and the doors opened to the 2nd floor. She ushered you to walk beside her as you looked around the 2nd floor, you've only been here once before and that was the first time you got examined.
You followed her into the first room on your right, and she told you to sit down and that she would inform you when Dr. Paige was here. As she left, you looked around the room and noticed that there was a blonde haired boy on the other side of the room, he had his head in his hands and he seemed to be the same age as you. You assumed both of you were here for tests.
You walked over to him and sat down on the empty chair beside him, the sound of the chair made him look up and he met your eyes.
"Oh hello there." The blonde smiled, you noticed he sounded a bit different, he definitely had an accent, not that you minded though it sounded nice. "You here for an examination too?"
You nodded and smiled back, "Yeah I am, how long have you been waiting here?" You asked, curious to talk to this boy.
"Probably been waiting for about 10 minutes?" He said, stretching his arms "I'm not really counting the time to be honest with ya, just waiting for this to be done and over with. So I can go and hang with my mates."
You raised an eyebrow, "Mates? What do you mean by that?"
"I mean my friends," he laughed, but then leaned in to whisper "We all usually hang out after our tests, obviously wicked doesn't know that, so keep it a secret for me and you could join us too." The blonde boy winked as he whispered the last part.
You chuckled, a corner of your lips developing a small smile. "Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. And I didn't catch your name?"
"Name's Newt, pleased to meet you.. ?"
His sentence trailing off at the end in hopes of getting your name.
But before you could answer his last statement, the door swung open and you were greeted by two people, Dr. Paige and the other lady from earlier. They looked at the both of you and nodded to you, Dr. Paige calling your name as she was about to take your examination.
You nodded back to her and stood up from your chair, turning to Newt before you approached them, "Y/N. Pleased to meet you too." You smiled and waved at him as you followed behind Dr. Paige.
Your walk back to your room was silent, you usually would talk to Dr. Paige about a lot of things, how you were doing with learning and food or something along the lines of vital sign check ups. But this time you were silent, smiling to yourself as you thought about your encounter with the blonde boy, Newt was his name. Well not his actual name, as you knew they gave everyone different names but you thought it suited him, it was an oddly interesting name. To be honest you thought he was pretty cute too, you haven't talked to a boy your age since forever, before you even came to this place.
Smiling away to yourself must have caught Dr. Paige's attention as she talked to you as you both turned the hallway, heading to your room.
"Something on your mind Y/N? You look rather happy there." She spoke as she opened the door to your room, holding the door open so you could walk inside.
As you entered the room you sat on your bed, nodding to Dr. Paige's last statement.
She took a seat in front of you and got ready the equipment for your tests.
"Yeah I would say so, although I have a weird feeling in my stomach when I think about this certain … thing." You admitted, looking down at your feet and watching them swing back and forth again.
"Weird feeling in your stomach about a certain topic you say? Is this very recent or has this been happening for a while?" As she questioned you, she got ready the syringe for your injection and you took that as a sign to roll up your sleeve on your left arm.
"Quite recent. Actually right before you came to the room on the second floor."
She stopped and gave you a look.
"It's about Newt isn't it? That boy you met there?" She asked and her thoughts were confirmed when you looked at her and nodded. She sighed, "Y/N, that weird feeling you are talking about is called attraction or well starting out as a liking. We are specifically trying to prevent this though, it might interfere with your progress in tests. So please try not to think about him or even try to see him for that matter."
Dr. Paige had this firm look on her face, the one you heard about when Wicked employees got angry, you definitely didn't want to aggravate her even more but you still had to ask one more question, a very risky one considering the topic of the conversation.
"Dr. Paige, why do we have different groups, like why do you have to separate all of us?"
You looked at her eager for her answer as it could explain things. But she just pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out an annoyed sigh and with a sharp tone dodged your question.
"Y/N, enough questions. Remember you are here for one reason and that's to save the world. Everything we do is for your own good, be grateful you are even alive after what's going on out there." She snapped and looked you dead in the eyes.
Your eyes widened, you were stunned, Dr. Paige never raised her voice at you before. What was so wrong about the question you asked? You just wanted to understand their ways of running things, surely that's not a bad question but you assumed it was since she yelled at you.
She swiftly injected the needle into your arm, taking a blood sample for your test. And quickly put it into a plastic bag and sealed it inside another bag.
She turned around and headed for the door,
"I'll have some food delivered to your room so no need to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Remember Y/N, you're here to save the world, not question how things are."
And without another spoken word, she left and closed the door to your room.
You just stared at the closed door, pondering on what she said. You've always heard those words before 'Save the world.' How though? And wouldn't it be easier to save the world if we understood what's going on inside and outside? You scrunch your hair in annoyance and lay your head in your hands and thought for a bit.
You know what?
You were going to see Newt again.
But you have to think of a discreet way to meet up with him. How in the world are you even going to find him?
You could try and go back to that waiting room you were in earlier but chances are he's already gone and done his examination.
You usually catch a look at Group A, but that's through the vents and you don't really know your way around there as well as Harriet or someone else in your group.
As you try to think of ways to find him, your thoughts are interrupted when someone knocks on your door, it opens and it is one of your great friends, Harriet. You both smile and run for a hug, "How did your examination go?" Harriet asked, pulling away from the hug.
"I don't know what to think, I just hope I haven't angered Dr. Paige. But before the examination I was in a room and there was a boy there." You explained the whole thing, from meeting the boy Newt and to asking Dr. Paige about the 2 groups.
And this conversation led to Harriet coming up with a plan to sneak you into one of Group A's testing rooms in hopes of finding and meeting someone from the other group, or even better Newt.
She would start off by going to get some "lunch" and while doing that she would distract the guards so you could sneak into Group A's testing rooms. But you had to watch out for other employees that might leave the rooms and also cameras. But you would check every room and see if Newt is there.
Hiding behind corners and dodging employees wasn't easy, you were suprised that you even got this far. You looked around, no one. The employees may have taken a break or something, not that you minded, it made this a whole lot easier for you, less hiding.
"Well, hello there." A voice from behind you spoke. You jumped at the sudden sound, swiftly turning to see who had spoken and you had hoped that it wasn't Dr. Paige or any of the employees for that matter.
To your suprise, you were met with honey brown eyes, the same eyes of the boy you were looking for. At least you didn't have to look too far to find him.
"I thought I'd see you again, just didn't expect it to be so soon?" He raised a brow, inspecting you. But before he could ask any further questions, you pulled him into a nearby room.
"Okay before you ask anything, I need to make sure this room is safe before we get caught being somewhere we're not supposed to be." You explained, closing the door quickly and glancing around the room.
"Technically, you're not supposed to be here, but here we are." He smirked while you just rolled your eyes, he continued, "I mean, I'm not complaining and I think this room will be perfectly safe, considering that it's my room." He chuckled, and when you turned around with wide eyes, he just smiled.
"Well," you started, "I thought about your offer to join you and your friends and I gladly will." You smiled softly, but your smile grew even wider when you saw how the boy in front of you had a slight red face with another smile.
"You did all that effort to tell me this? You seem very dedicated Y/N."
Oh, you have no idea, you thought.
You spent what felt like hours with him, laughing along and chatting about anything under the sun. Even hearing a bit of his past but you didn't want to pry too much into it.
Your first meeting with Group A went quite well you would think, you quickly made friends with most them of them and even if Gally and Minho were quite skeptical of you at first, they warmed up to you eventually and even shared a couple of their jokes with you.
But as quickly as you made friends with them, the quicker your relationship with Newt grew to be stronger and you had hoped, he felt the same as you. Days turn into weeks and your time spent with him made your whole life better even if you weren't supposed to be of close proximity to him.
But as good things come, they always have to go. You found yourself running through the long bright lit corridors of the wicked facility.
Hoping to get there in time.
Hoping to get that one last chance.
Hoping you weren't too late.
With tear filled eyes, you start remembering the one memory you hoped would never leave you - Newt's confession.
One day, he pulled you aside when you were about to sneak out to go see all your friends.
He softly took your hands and placed them in his own.
"Um.. I don't know if you felt the same, but it did take me a while to realise it wasn't just some weird feeling I had about you, you made me feel like I could trust you, I felt..."
He scrunched his eyes in search of the right words to tell you, "Comfortable around you and safe, mainly safe. My point being, I like you. A lot, in fact, I can't really fathom why my brain works that way, but I hope you understand what I mean." His hope filled eyes begged you, not moving his worried scene that danced around his face.
You thought it was adorable and were quick to calm his worrying thoughts.
"Yes, I understand what you mean," you said with a laugh. "I feel the same way Newt."
How did wicked find out? But then again, they always are monitoring you. They always find out, or maybe they always knew.
Maybe you should have seen this coming.
But nothing always goes your way, you were aware of the Maze, they started sending your friends into one, a few weeks ago.
You were quickly made aware by some of your friends that they were going to send Newt into one. And not at the usual time he was supposed to go in. He was supposed to go a few weeks after.
You ran to the one place you knew you would find him before it would be too late. The hideout.
When you entered, you found him pacing around the room. He heard your footsteps and looked up and locked his dark eyes with you.
Just by looking at him, without even saying anything, you knew what he was thinking, and you wanted to save him from all this.
"Don't leave, why can't you just stay here?" You pleaded with him, grabbing his hands to curl them up into yours. "We could leave, run away right now, or even -"
He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you like you're his source of life. You went silent and returned the hug. It was quiet for a good while, and you felt as if the white noise could swallow you both whole until Newt spoke.
"I want you to know that even if I die, or something happens and I might never see you again," his breath hitched in his throat, eyes dreading even the thought of it, "Nothing would ever make me forget you. I would go to the ends of the earth just to do this all over again if it meant being by your side, being here with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Tears that have flowed down his cheeks have now dripped onto the cold floor. The same room, same building that you first met, the sweet hearted boy. Even if you didn't know what would happen next, you knew for certain you loved him.
You knew you were never meant to be near him in the first place, but you did just the opposite.
"I'll love you forever and always."
He wiped the oncoming tears from your eyes with his thumb and smiled. You wish you could just capture this moment and stay with him forever.
The doors opened, and your warm hands quickly became cold as the warmth from him slowly drifted away from you.
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Imagine Thomas when he finds you at the W.I.C.K.E.D. Headquarters
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He'd locked eyes on you when he first entered the room, but had since refused to acknowledge your presence. He hesitated to leave as the others escorted the children out of the holding facility.
"Thomas. I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."
"You and I both know that's a lie." He muttered, finally looking at you.
"You don't know what he's like. Not really. Janson is a monster." You tremble, knowing Thomas had no clue how bad he really was.
"Can't say you haven't been helpful. I can't believe you never tried to get into contact. You just disappeared."
"I didn't disappear Thomas. I got taken away, Janson has made sure I wouldn't even think of trying to get away. That tech they have up there?" You motioned up to the higher levels. "It's barbaric. Shows you everything you're terrified of happening. And then some."
"You could have-"
"Don't Thomas. I've wanted to the entire eight months I've been gone. Okay? There hasn't been a second I didn't want to let you know I was still alive. But when you even give off a hint of wanting to do something out of his plan. Guess what? It was right back to the chair. And I had to live through me getting you killed a thousand different ways."
The anger and resentment he had held melted away, "I looked for you, for almost seven months. I didn't choose to give up. But this group needed my help."
"It's okay Thomas. You don't have to justify anything."
"It's true, okay? But you have to come with us."
"I can't. I'll make sure you guys get out, the cameras won't catch you. He won't know you're here."
Stepping towards you, he reached out to you, but you flinched away.
"Don't. I don't want to know if you're really here. If this is another sim... I don't want to know."
Frowning, it dawned on him just what you'd been through the months you'd been gone. You weren't convinced he was real.
"I'm real, I promise. But I'm not leaving you here."
"No Thomas. I can't. Please just-" you pleaded.
Ignoring the panic building he closed the space between you and pulled you to him for an achingly right hug. Giving you no room to wriggle out of it. You breathed a huge sigh of relief as his arms wrapped around you. His warm comforting smell washed over you, bringing hot stinging tears to your eyes. Hugging him back you grabbed fistfuls of the jacket he was wearing.
"I'm real, and I'm not leaving here without you. You're safe now."
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goldfishinpainttubes · 2 months
*head in hands after reading the last chapter of The Death Cure*
"They're safe. They're freaking safe. Half o' them are dead, true, but now they're safe."
*reads epilogue*
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heliads · 2 years
Hello may i request a Thomas ( oh original ! ) the maze runner imagine ? when the reader had a childish spirit in the glade, always smiling, bubbly, friendly toward everyone. But in the scorch, she is a different person, she is more violent with words less affectionate and she is pessimistic. Thomas discover her change of personality and decide to confront her about it. Thomas and the reader are together. (Angst and fluff maybe)
happy belated holidays!! the true gift is thomas
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Thomas has seen a lot in the meager few months he remembers being alive. There’s the Maze, of course, the terrifying behemoth of stone and ivy enclosing life as he knew it inside massive walls. There were the Grievers, sickening creatures. Thomas can still hear the screams of his friends being torn to pieces by those beasts. There were also the graves of past Gladers who lived and died without ever escaping. He saw enough loss to know the costs of surviving.
One of the worst sights Thomas has ever experienced, however, might have to do with what living did to his friends. They’re all shell-shocked in some way; Minho laughs less, Newt’s eyes grow weary, Teresa becomes more restless by the hour, but the worst of all is Y/N. Y/N, who brightened all their days back in the Glade with her relentless optimism, who has now become some cold version of the girl they all care for. That might be the deadliest blow of all.
Thomas has always liked questions. The other Gladers could tell him that much, what from the way he used to never stop asking about the most benign details of the Maze. Thomas has never had much to hold against the truth:  as long as curiosity is his best friend, he doesn’t get stuck in that ugly, familiar pattern of giving up before answers are found.
Right now, though, Thomas thinks that he would prefer to shut his eyes again. If he blocks out the world, if he pretends that everything is fine and nothing has changed at all, maybe everything will go back to normal. Maybe he’ll wake up and Y/N will be just the same as ever.
The change happened slowly, piece by piece and fracture by fracture. The Scorch ruined them all, that much is clear, but it did something worse to Y/N. She stalks through the desert like a predator waiting to hunt, and when they face something or someone they have to fight, she becomes a person Thomas has never seen before. She loses some part of herself with every bit of danger that crosses her path. At some point, there will be nothing left, and that is what scares Thomas the most.
She wasn’t always like this. Thomas only had a brief period in the Glade before things turned sour, or at least more sour than life trapped within the stone walls of the Maze with no memories save his own name. In that short time, though, Thomas met Y/N, and he liked what he saw enough to fall in love.
It was easy, falling. Easier than breathing. Easier than dying. She laughed, and the world laughed with her. Thomas watched as Runners dragged themselves out of the Maze, burned out on what their meager lives had to offer, but one conversation with Y/N had them smiling like nothing was the matter. She was the only one who could talk Gally out of a foul temper every time he wanted to start a fight. Well, every time but one, down in the depths of the ruined W.I.C.K.E.D. structure, but no one likes to think about that.
Even Thomas, terrified out of his mind that nothing made sense when he was certain that it should, wasn’t immune to Y/N’s optimism. He remembers sitting with her out on the grass, watching the sun set. There were moments on Bonfire Night when he knew he would give her the world, and early mornings just before he set out for the Maze in which one look her way gave Thomas the courage of thousands of men.
It was good back then, and Thomas wishes he had the hindsight to appreciate that before they escaped. Something happened in between their journey out of the Maze and the present day, something to turn Y/N’s ever-present grin into a deadly glare. She doesn’t smile like she used to, she doesn’t smile at all. It’s rare that she’ll speak more than a few words at a time, and those are always tinged with a foreign cruelty.
Thomas has racked his brain about a thousand times, searching for clues he never picked up to explain the change in Y/N’s behavior. Every time, though, he comes up short. If Grievers and memory loss couldn’t shake her, why this? What do the shifting sands of the Scorch hold to torment her so?
He still holds out hope that maybe they’ll make it to a safe place and Y/N’s fierce temper will leave her. One day far in the future, Thomas could wake up to her laughing just like before. It could be alright. The others have given up on that, but Thomas holds on.
Then again, the others don’t share in the love that Thomas feels for Y/N, so maybe that explains it. He’s heard the Gladers murmuring when Y/N isn’t around, shunning her cold eyes and curled fists. Thomas wants to defend her, but he gets the feeling that she almost enjoys her new reputation, using it as a shield to block out the rest of the world. If her friends can’t stand her, then surely her enemies will all but run the other way.
They need to count on her loyalty, though, and given all the changes to Y/N’s character, Thomas knows the others doubt even that. There is no time for second guessing friends turned into foes, there are already far more villains than anyone could ever need.
The small, struggling group of Gladers has to pass through a section of a Flare-ravaged city. Skyscrapers that must have been impressive once upon a time are broken and bloodied by rust now, bits and pieces disappearing by the day. The metal has lost its shine, the glass stripped of all but its ability to cut through flesh like butter. Everywhere Thomas looks, he sees places where maniacs could hide, or sharp chunks of debris that could be used as weapons. 
It’s not on his bucket list of dream destinations, to say the least, but they have no other choice. Circumnavigating this broken metropolis would take them days they don’t have. If they don’t reach the hideout of the Right Arm in time, they’ll all die in this godforsaken desert. The Gladers can risk a few Crank attacks if it means making it to a source of potential allies.
That’s what they tell themselves, at least. Still, Thomas doesn’t miss the way the group draws into itself, shoulders brushing against shoulders as they pretend they’re not half so scared as they actually are. Every time the wind whips around a desiccating office building, sending rivets and bolts scurrying down the road, everyone jumps about a foot.
One uneasy night and day later, they’re almost out. Thomas has just started to formulate the trembling hope that they might be able to pass through without incident when he starts seeing things out of the corners of his eyes. Shadowy creatures jump back into obscurity whenever he cranes his head for a better look, but the second Thomas redirects his gaze towards the road ahead, they creep back out again.
The others see it too, Thomas can tell. They all shift closer and closer together until they’re practically walking into each other with every step. Still, it’s better than the alternative. Somehow, he gets the feeling that naming those silhouettes aloud would finally allow them to charge.
Even with the maintained silence, the figures in the shadows don’t care much for inactivity. The bounds of the city are just in sight when the shapes start making noise. The streets echo with it, a cacophony of clicks and jeers, howls and coughs. The unearthly symphony makes Thomas shudder, cold slicking over his spine like fingers made of ice.
Thomas just has enough time to think that it sounds like a war cry when the silhouettes give up their lurking and pounce. Cranks appear out of nowhere, sprinting towards the Gladers with all the speed that complete and utter insanity gives you. Thomas sees some figures so damaged by time and the elements that bones poke out of their legs, but they still run like they’re competing for a national title.
Minho shouts for everyone to go, go, but it’s not like anyone wants to stick around. The Gladers hurl themselves towards the city limits; most Cranks are territorial, they give up the chase once prey heads further into the desert. That’ll be their only hope. Thomas picks up the rear, dragging friends forward when they stumble and praying that they all make it.
This side of the city is surrounded by a low wall, most likely to keep Cranks out. Now it just serves to keep sane humans in. Minho turns towards a section that’s started to crumble and jumps up with ease, perching on top to start hauling people over. It’s slow going, though, and the Cranks aren’t giving up their chase.
Thomas picks up a fallen piece of metal scaffolding by his side, swinging it experimentally like a baseball bat before turning to face the oncoming mass of Cranks. The first few go down easily, but the numbers aren’t in his favor. Someone joins the fight on his side, thankfully, and Thomas dodges a blow before turning to see who’s sticking their neck out to keep the creatures at bay.
To his surprise, it’s Y/N. She faces down the Cranks, expression grim but determined. She also wields a chunk of debris, and Thomas watches as she impales a nearby Crank before finding another victim. Thomas has a vague, fleeting memory of Winston joking about how Y/N always got totally grossed out by the amount of blood the Slicers had to deal with. Now, she’s chopping through Cranks like they were those same farm animals doomed to the blade.
Minho shouts to the two of them, and they abandon the fight to scale the wall as well. Once in the desert, the Gladers continue running, but they slow down once it’s clear that the Cranks won’t be following. Hands on his knees, Thomas catches his breath. He looks over at Y/N, searching her face for some sign of kindness. After all, she just risked herself to protect him against those Cranks.
All he sees, though, is that same blank pessimism that’s come to haunt him. Y/N catches him looking and eyes him coolly for a moment before deciding that even the endless sands hold better entertainment and turning away. Thomas is left to wonder why she would care enough to save his life but not enough to reward him with a smile.
Dusk rushes upon the land, making further travel impossible. The city had been in their way, and now they’ll need the light of morning to illuminate where they should travel next. There are a few buildings past the wall, twisting remnants of the city. Thomas recommends that they stay the night in that shelter, as it’s the best they’ll get for a while. Even after he closes his eyes, Thomas swears he can still feel the shadow of the infected city looming over him, practically breathing down his back.
It makes sleep impossible, to say the least. Eventually, Thomas gives up on fidgeting from side to side in the hopes of unconsciousness and quietly gets up, retreating to another hall in their temporary hideout to refrain from waking the others. His pulse skyrockets when he hears a noise, but he’s able to settle once it grows obvious that the source is not a Crank but another Glader. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one unable to fall asleep.
Thomas draws closer to the source of the sound. He heads into a nearby room and spots a silhouette crouching in the corner. A broken out window lets moonlight race through the cracks and towards the other occupant. Thomas blinks, and he realizes it’s Y/N. Y/N is not doing well, though. Something is wrong. The tones of her skin are different, darker in places than expected.
It’s hard to see, what with the shadows still pressing ominously around everything, but Thomas thinks– yes, it is, that’s blood covering almost half of her body. The scarlet stuff is practically painted on her, palms up to the elbows, dotting her face like gruesome freckles. He realizes that she must have gone back to the city and rid it of its mad occupants once and for all.
Y/N is staring back at him now, daring him to say something. Thomas swallows hard and tries not to sound too horrified. It’s not an easy task.
“I’m not sure it’s the best thing to be so covered in Crank blood,” he manages to choke out at last.
Y/N just laughs. It’s a bitter, harsh sound, and it reminds him a little too much of the shrieks and giggles of the infected. “I’m immune, Thomas, it doesn’t matter. They can’t do anything to me but die.”
“Still,” Thomas begins, but his courage fractures. Still, she shouldn’t tempt fate by being so careless around potential pathogens. Still, she shouldn’t be this far removed from someone Thomas knew without even falling victim to the Flare.
Y/N stands slowly, and it takes everything in him for Thomas to not flinch. “Go ahead, judge me. Say what you want. I know you and the rest have been too afraid to mention it to my face, but you can’t keep it back forever. You hate me. You’re scared of me. Just say it.”
Thomas shakes his head. “I’m not scared of you. I just miss you.”
Y/N spreads her arms. The gesture is meant to be welcoming, but Thomas can’t stop staring at the blood dried across her skin. “I’m right here, Thomas. I haven’t gone anywhere.”
“You have,” he whispers back, “the girl I met back in the Glade, she’s gone. I think you left her there. I don’t know who you are anymore, but she’s not my friend.”
Y/N draws back as if slapped. “I’m still me. You might not like it, but I’m me. I changed to survive. We all did. It’s not my fault if you want to keep clinging to an illusion. This is who I have to be if I want to live.”
“And what about the inhabitants of that city?” Thomas asks pointedly, “Didn’t they want to live?”
Y/N gives him a cross look. “They wanted to live before they became Cranks. I’m making sure people who come after us will find a safe place to hide from everyone else. You can go on believing in fairytales, but at least one of us had to grow up. Maybe it had to be me.”
Thomas sighs, the ghost of the sound circling the two of them on disappointed, broken wings. “I don’t want to believe in fairytales, Y/N. I just want to believe in you.”
“Then do it,” she says softly.
“I wish I could,” Thomas replies.
It’s quiet for a minute. Thomas thinks she might hate him. Then, her voice comes again, barely discernible in the darkened room.
“Did you love me?” A pause. “Back in the Glade. Did you love me then?”
Thomas’ throat feels tight. “I loved you then, and I love you now. I just need to know that you’re not going to leave.”
“Not more than I have, you mean,” Y/N corrects.
“Yes.” Thomas puts it plainly.
They both know what it means, how far Y/N has gone from the girl he once knew. For once, though, Thomas thinks that he might have made some headway in correcting her course.
Y/N stares at her hands, starting to rub them together as if trying to wash the red from her skin. “I can’t get it out. The blood.”
“I’ll help you clean it,” Thomas answers her unspoken plea, “I’ll help you today, and every other day after that. You just have to let me do it.”
Y/N looks up at him now, and seems to question something before nodding at last. “I will.”
It’s as close as she’ll get to an apology for now. Maybe later, once the dangers settle, they’ll have a better ending. Thomas is happy with this, though. In a world such as theirs, it’s all they can ask for. They can try again.
requested by @hope92100, i hope you enjoy!
maze runner tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @thatfangirl42, @hiya-its-amber, @gods-fools-heroes, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @ilovexavierthrope, @fadedver
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liberumalas · 1 year
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I redrew an older piece (bottom) that i havent even really finished. So there you go. Alby, Minho and Newt having a not quite pleasant lunch in the W.I.C.K.E.D. facility.
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
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Being awake for some time, you lay there for some time still thinking about the dream? Or memory.
You heard that before, before you were coming here when you were in the box and the voice, the guy.
Who is the lady in white lab coat? Did you know her? Does she know you?
“you’re up early” Namjoon voiced and comes in your view; he gives you a smile before giving his hands “come on I wanna show you something”
Curiously you accept his hand he helps you out the hammock and lead outside, the sun was bright and birds chirping sound “it’s peaceful, isn’t it? I know it’s hard to believe, but it wasn’t always this way. We hand dark days. We lost a lot of boys to fear, to panic we’ve come far since then. Established order made peace”
“Yeah. Maybe because I hit my head hard, I don’t get it why are you telling me this?” you look at him with uncertainty..
He let out a small laugh “yeah you did hit pretty hard. had us all worried for a second” before a seriousness comes over his face that made you little scared but you tried not to show “I’m telling you this because you’re not like the other”
“I think that pretty much clear for everyone” you said point at yourself then to him
He sighs “that is not what I meant. You’re curious but you’re one of us now. You need to know what that’s means.” He takes your hands in his which was pretty large you stopped for whole minute as he places a knife on your hand.
Wait was this a cult do you have cut your palm or something worse you were ready run until he points to the wall behind you.
Namjoon watches as you take step towards the wall where names were carved into it, there his names as well as everyone’s alongside him but there was some that had lines over them as if it should be erased from the wall.
“What happened to them?
“Like I said dark days, y/n” he answers and nod at you, taking a deep breath you also carve your name on it.
Later Namjoon had taken show you to kitchen area where everyone gets served breakfast, after freshens up you walk inside finds no one there hesitantly you look around searching for the guy who is in charge of the kitchen.
“Huh I finally get to meet you” a voice behind you said and you look back to see the most handsome man on the planet you thought some of the guy who met was beautiful but this is another level and he clearly is the cook what else a girl need.
“I don’t know if you know my name its seokjin” the guy smile at you and starts to things in a plate “you had one long day right. You must be really hungry”
Feeling the friendly aura, you loosen yourself “yeah.” He points to the table asking you make yourself comfortable.
“Did you get sleep well?” he asks as he put the plate Infront of he go back for a second before coming up with another plate.
You shrug “it was alright”
“Can I seat with you?” he asks politely
 You scoot over giving a space “yeah” he sits next to you and digs’ in enjoying his meal  
“Finally, I can eat in peace” he let a hum when he bites into the food
“You didn’t eat?”
He shook his head “after a few hours the sun rise the everyone will be coming in and it’s a would be hectic here, so you won’t get time eat in peace until everyone is gone”
Yeah, feeding the boys not just any boys but troublesome ones can be exhausting
“Have you decided what you wanna do?” jin asks
You shake your head even though you know what job you want to do but you want make him fun of you even though he looks like harmless.
“But you do, right?” he states
You look at him surprised “how did you know?”
He pauses his eating looking at you intensely “I don’t know felt like you have made your decision but you just refused to share with me”
You glance at him sighing “I wanted to be runner but yoongi said no. and no one clearly support me” you wait for him laugh at you but glancing up he give you a smile.
“I know you want to go out there try to find something that could help us all get out here. But it’s dangerous, terrifying even” he places a hand on your that was on the table “we are just trying to keep you safe we already lost some of us, we don’t want another one to be added to the list” he squeezes your hand.
Just then taehyung come in his eyes finding your figure “hah, finally I found you” he walks over to your place.
He sits next to jin and tried to eat the food in jin plate but jin yells and push him making him fall to the floor and walks away giving you a last smile.
“rude” taehyung said getting up sits next to you he looks at you for moment “huh I forget today you’re mine”
 You raise eyebrow at him “what?”
“I mean toady you are going to do the garden work with me” taehyung lean in “what did you think” he pokes your cheek.
You stare at him with unimpressed look “I was going to apologize for kicking you but now I’m not”
He huffs “rude”.
You taehyung and Zart was gardening and working on the ground to plant more seeds “has anyone tried climbing to the top?”
“Tried it. the ivy doesn’t go all the way to the top. And besides, where are you gonna go from there?” taehyung ask as he place the seed to the hole that you’re digging.
“What about the box. You know, next time it comes up...”
“No, we tried that. The box won’t go back down with someone in it. “
You pause your work “okey, what if we…”
“No, we tried it, all right? Twice. All right trust me. Anything that you can think of, we’ve already tried. The only way out of here is through the maze.” He sighs look away from your downcast face “look you wanna be helpful?” he grabs the empty basket place that one your front “go dig us up some fertilizer.”
He gives you a sweet mocking smile.
You walk to where the fertilizers were talking to yourself because no one else will “just get some fertilizer, y/n”
“Are you sure, guys, I can’t help in any other way?”
you deepen your voice to match taehyung deep voice “No, just get the fertilizer.”
You look around the woods it seems so real but they are also not real something deep inside you knows what is going on what it cannot reach the surface of your mind. Mentally and physically your trapped.
You walk down the woods and stumble upon a board with a name carved George on a wood and around it files buzz and bones of animals or human you can’t determine most of them looks like ribs and leg bone scarred around it.
You back away and gasp when you see the one the runner standing behind you breathing heavily “oh, you are the runner ben right” you assumed he just got back from running that why he is looks that pale and sweaty.
But when he starts breath more aggressively grunting looking at you manically you stop talking “are you alright?” you ask tenderly
He shouts and jump on you making you fall down and you groan when hit the floor, he grips your arm hovering over you “get the hell off me what are you doing” you yell at him.
“It’s your fault” he leans down towards your face “I saw you. You did this.” You look at him confusion at the accusation.
He let go your wrists and starts to choke you, struggling under him you tried to push him off you your strength doesn’t seems to matches his. Searching for something in the ground to help you out your fingers reach the skull of an animal and bashes that on his head while kicking him on his middle as well successfully making him release you.  
Sprinting away from him as he tries to grab you, looking at the opening you make the run to get away from him yelling and screaming to get anyone’s attention on the crazy kid that now chasing to probably kill from the away he acts.
Jimin who was asking where you gone to taehyung hears your scream for help as well as almost everyone at the glade.
Seokjin and yoongi who was take the fresh vegetables sees you coming running out the woods with ben behind you, you scream yoongi’s name calling him out as you see him.  Yoongi runs to you with jin with a spatula that he keeps in his pocket.
Ben jumps down and push your leg making you fall down as he crawl on top off siting on your waist hands griping your wrists with death grip “I’ll kill you” he snarls.
You scream and yell trying to get away when taehyung who first reached you yell making ben look up he hit him with the stick on his cheek making him fall off you.
While yoongi and Jimin helps you to stand up and jin stands beside you as gally and other gladers restrain ben with taehyung.
“What the hell happened?” taehyung asks
Yoongi and Jimin look at your shaken up foam “he just attacked me out of nowhere”
Jin frown and checks you up and down for any injuries “are you okay?”  sees the tears your eyes as you nod at him and bruise on your wrists as well.
Namjoon walks up with Jungkook with him, when ben sees him, he starts whimpers “No.No.”
He glances at you who now tucked in jin side and to ben “alright, lift his shirt.”
Ben starts to protest and squirm around the hold while gally lift his shirt everybody gasps when they see the infected wound on his body vain are darkened.
“he’s been stung. In the middle of the day?” gally voiced look around him
Confused you walk towards him against seokjin protests and Jimin walks closely behind you. Namjoon command him to put him in the pit and gladers obey starts to carry him away without minding bens cry for not to.
Jimin stand beside you watching you and starts to swipe the mud and dirt off you his hands lingering on your body a little too long, moving around your hair caressing your cheek lightly he feels eyes on him looking up he sees Namjoon, yoongi and seokjin give him look judging him while Jungkook tried not laugh.  
“What? I’m just helping her?” Jimin said making you come out of your thoughts and glance at male that’s stand too close to you giving you a sweet smile.
Namjoon shook his head in disappointment seokjin take matter to his hands pinching Jimin by the ear making him wince and walk away with a now snickering Jungkook who give you a wave as bye.
You, Namjoon, yoongi, seokjin, Jimin and Jungkook gather around, sitting in circle with Namjoon on your right and yoongi on your lift with seokjin next him and Jimin next to Jungkook who complete the circle with Namjoon “It’s called ‘the changing’. It’s what happens when someone gets stung. Listen. We haven’t been able to get to a clear word out of ben since it happened. H’s not making any sense. And it’s only gonna get worse.” Looking eyes with you “the infection is spreading. He’s dangerous. What did he say to you?”
You glance at him gulping down at his intense stare “he said he saw me…and that this was all my fault.” Turning to Namjoon “how could this be my fault?”
“When you change, you’re not in control” yoongi said making you turn to him “you can’t predict their actions that’s what make them dangerous, they don’t have control over what they think, speak or do”
 “But it doesn’t feel like that, he was angry and mostly…scared” you state eyes dimmed the light you had “what going to happen to him now? Is he going to stay in the pit forever?”
 Jimin glance around the nervously while Jungkook also shared the same question this is the first time he also encounters this situation.
Seokjin and Namjoon share a silent conversation before Namjoon sigh and get up “you should get some rest”
His reluctance made you frown as you stand up as well glancing at the second commander “tell me what is going to happen”
Namjoon mutters your name but you cut off him “No, you said I am one of you yet you won’t tell anything completely. You all treat me like I some threat to you and others, like anything I have to say is not worth of your time” you glance around eyes looking at yoongi and taehyung who look down as your eyes meet his while yoongi just stare at you ticking you off “now ben just attacked me out of no where saying it is all my fault. And I can’t even sleep in peace”
You sigh heart racing as tears well up as they watch you “I know I’m being difficult but I’m…. I’m…. forget it “you walk past Namjoon.
Jimin try to follow you but seokjin stops him shaking his head, Jungkook knows where you come from, he too felt like that when he first came being left out and turning down his thoughts by his fellow gladers but he overcome it faster he hopes you do too. Seokjin and yoongi knew you would blow up again sooner or later, ben attacking you wasn’t in their prediction though, according to Namjoon he is doing what is better for everyone he cannot give you special treatment but seeing walk away from them making their inside twist painfully for an unknown reason that they just want to run to you wrap in their arms and take away your pain. 
The evening all the gladers gather around the front of the gate, yoongi seokjin taehyung and gally stands with tall stick in their hands with Namjoon in the middle. hoseok drag ben by his heck compelling him to walk as ben pleads him to listen unable to do anything as his hands were tied behind his back, he is growling and grunting. Hoseok takes him to the middle of circle boy who points the sharpened bamboo stick at ben to protect themselves.
Hoseok making him kneel to the ground cutting the rope that tied ben. You stand behind everyone with Jungkook and jimin beside you as ben sobbing on the ground. Hoseok walks to the front and throw a bag inside the maze with an unreadable look on his face as ben his runner partner look at him with pleading eyes “No, please. Please, don’t. hoseok”
Hoseok and Namjoon nod as the walls starts to shift and gears starts to move the wind whooshes as hoseok move away from the front and Namjoon commands “poles” they starts lower the larges poles towards ben as he stands up growling.
Jimin grab your wrist when you try to move towards them as you all watch ben pleads them to let him go. they push the poles at Namjoon’s command making ben starts cry and the walls starts to close and they finally push him inside the maze.
The last thing you see ben standing there looking out as the wall completely close Infront of him, you breath heavily as you collect yourself as the gladers stand there all sharing the same emotion, the pain of losing one of them, something that they can never get used to even if its not second or third time.
Namjoon sigh placing the pole on the wall turning to his people “he belongs to the maze now” he said while looking at you he walks away finally before giving you a final glance soon seokjin yoongi taehyung and gally all other boy leave.
Gally and some boys scratch the name of ben during the night.
“Do you think he might make it?” you ask Jungkook who is laying in his hammock
“Ben? no” he answers what he thinks “no one survives a night in the maze.” He turns to you “we just gotta forget about him. “
Jungkook sigh when he sees you lost in thought he get up from the hammock and sit down in yours making you snap out of your mind.
“What you said earlier...”
“Oh…...I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me”
“No. I understand you” he said making you look at him “I felt like left out too; they didn’t want to deal with that, I thought they did not care, Namjoon didn’t care. but then I realized they just don’t know how to deal with my problems it when they couldn’t deal with their own. But they trying own their own way, without any recollection of our past heck I don’t even know how old I’m just like everyone. They’re just trying to keep us safe in the only way they know. It’s the first time I’m seeing something like that but its not the first for them” he said glancing at Namjoon and hoseok who sitting in silence as yoongi and seokjin patrol the glade.
He glances back at you “and I know you blame yourself for what happened to ben.” You look up to him with teary eyes he gives you a soft smile taking your hands in his “but it’s not true……I don’t know how to convince you. I was never good with words just like yoongi” he said with a laugh that made giggle a little. “I will be always be here when you need me though, don’t blame yourself because of things that you can’t control”
“Thank you” you said and surprise him with a hug that made Jungkook eyes wide his lips parted a silent gasp escaping from it his cheeks and ears goes the shade of pink his body feeling hot at the sensation of your body pressed against his, he gently wraps his arms around your waist his hands feel hot he could almost feel the flesh of your skin through the top of yours.
“You should get some sleep” he mentally pat himself for saying that correctly finally savoring the feel of you against him he moves away his back turns to you with a gleeful smile on his face as he settle on his hammock.
 And that day you too slept without any disturbance.
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aphrodisiac-siren · 2 years
Ettore X Fem!Reader
AN: I wrote an Ettore drabble a while ago when I just started watching High Life but then never posted it after I continued watching the movie and reached that scene. But because I kinda liked the plot I had set up, I shifted his character to the Maze Runner universe.
Summary: A deadly virus has begun spreading, a disease attacks the brain and causes victims to lose their humanity, rendering them violent and insane creatures. You were chosen, along with a bunch of others, to help find a cure for the same. Along your journey at the organisation, you meet a certain someone who is as daunting as he is captivating.
Part 1
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You walked in a single file along with the others, making your way into the cafeteria for lunch. You all wore your signature white tracksuits that set you apart from the other kids at the organisation.
You worked for W.I.C.K.E.D which stood for World In Catastrophe Killzone Department. It was an organisation dedicated to finding a cure for the virus outbreak that was more commonly known as the Flare. They had rounded up a bunch of teens and young adults to help with their research, most of whom were deemed to be immune to the virus. This group was further divided into two: the subjects and the elites.
The subjects consisted of the ones who were under observation, on who they carried out tests. These were people who came from poor backgrounds or had any sort of criminal record. The elites were the group with the smarter ones, out of which all seemed to be immune to the effects of the virus. They helped with recording the observations or tests of the subjects.
You happened to fall into the latter category.
You loaded your tray with the vast variety of food before you went to sit at an empty table. The cafeteria was split down the middle by a glass panel, separating the subjects from the elites. You lot were not allowed any interaction unless it was in the medical labs.
While your side was filled with kids in their pristine white attire, the other side was full of kids in worn-down scrubs. They had a limited choice when it came to their food and they all just looked borderline glum, a complete contrast to how things were on your side of the room.
"Y/N" your friend Aris came to sit by you, placing his loaded tray next to yours "you've got to be by the meds as soon as lunch is done with"
"I already took the blood samples of subjects seven, eight and nine from group A earlier this morning and recorded their fitness test results," you told him, poking a hole in your juice box with the straw "I haven’t got lab duty until-"
"No not the medical lab" he clarified, taking a bite out of his sandwich "the medics, where people go for first aid and shit"
"Isn’t that where you are supposed to be?" you raised your brow "I haven’t been tasked with first aid for weeks now"
"I'm too fucking tired after this's morning’s experiment in the fifth-floor lab" he groaned, giving you a dramatic display of his fatigue "just fill in for me for today"
"Fine but you owe me" you huffed a sigh "who am I tending to?"
"Subject eight from group C" Aris informed "the dude got into a fight earlier, right before lunch in fact- busted lip and a cut near his eye"
"Maybe" he shrugged "he's already there, I checked him in before heading out for lunch"
You ate your food a bit faster. There was someone in the med bay who was wounded to a point of maybe needing stitches and Aris had very casually waltzed in for lunch instead of tending to him first. You wouldn’t call yourself very compassionate but you knew that even though there was an obvious division between you and them; at the end of the day, they too were people like yourself and not mere lab rats.
Once you were done with lunch, you emptied the trash from the tray into the bin before you washed your hands and headed toward the medics. You scanned your ID card that hung around your neck, which immediately had the sturdy glass doors slide open, allowing you to enter.
"Fuckin' finally"
You heard a voice grumble, a thick British accent accompanying each syllable.
You silently walked toward one of the many beds where the boy sat with his shoes kicked off and arms folded behind his head as he lay on his back. The pillow he rested his head upon was stained a dark shade of maroon. The boy had dusty blonde hair that could easily pass for light brown, a tattoo on his neck, another on his forearm and a visible scorn on his face.
"I missed lunch because of you snobs" he continued irritability but his voice was soft "I hope they don’t expect me to run another mile on that fucking treadmill with an empty stomach"
You again, said nothing as you walked to the table beside him where a simple brown folder was placed. You picked it up, flipping it open to see who your patient was.
"Subject 8 [Group C] Ettore"
"Hello Ettore" you said in a monotonous voice out of formality, placing the file back on the table before you opened the drawer to retrieve some ointments "I'm going to have to check that cut to see if you need stitches"
"Hurry up then will you?" he scoffed and you raised a brow at his bluntness. You had dealt with a bunch of subjects but none of them ever spoke more than two words to you, let alone complete sentences laced with such impudence.
You clenched your jaw, keeping your cool as you leaned closer, cupping his face with one hand as you used a cotton swab to wipe and clean away the blood with the other.
He winced as soon as the cotton swab, dipped in ointment, touched his cut and he instinctively flinched away.
"Sorry," you gave him an apologetic smile, reaching out to cup his face again "this will sting a bit"
Ettore's scorn vanished and instead transformed into a look of pure confusion. He watched as you continued to tend to his wound, your tongue barely sticking out as you concentrated on cleaning all of the blood.
Did you just apologise?
Ettore had been to the med bay a bunch of times, always getting caught in some fight and he was welcomed with the same treatment each time. Being harshly grabbed and snapped at if he ever flinched away in pain, insults and swears were carelessly hurled at him without provocation. But here you were, apologising to him as if it was your fault the ointment stung, gently holding his face and being polite despite you having to take time off your busy schedule to deal with him.
"It doesn’t look like you need stitches" you told him, discarding the dirty cotton swab to grab a new one "part your lips"
Ettore would’ve made a snarky comment but for some reason, he just didn’t feel like making you have to deal with that difficult side of him. He obeyed with silence, watching you with curiosity as you cleaned the blood off his lips. You then picked up a bandaid and put it over the wound above his right eyebrow.
"All good?" you asked with that same smile as if you were talking to a toddler who had just scraped his knee at the playground.
"Hmm" he hummed with a nod, a faint smirk dancing on his lips as his icy blue eyes gazed into yours "don’t I get any candy?"
"What for?" you asked with an amused expression as you tossed away the scrap paper of the band-aid's packaging.
"For being a good boy and letting you do your job" he shrugged, his cheekiness coming through in the tone of his voice.
"That’s what you’re supposed to do anyway: sit still while I fix you up" you chuckled as you picked up his folder, taking it with you so that you could fill in the details of this visit "Remain seated, a guard will be here in a bit to escort you back to your room"
"If I don't get a treat," he raised his voice as he watched you walk toward the exit "can I get your name instead?"
You spun around to look at him. He was rather talkative and far too bold compared to the others. You knew Ettore was one of the subjects who was rumoured to have a criminal record which was the reason behind him being sent here. You couldn’t deny that even though he looked hot, there was something about him that gave off an eerie feeling as if he came along with his own aura of a warning that he shouldn’t be pushed or messed around with. His tattoo only added to his daunting demeanour. As much as he looked like someone you should steer clear from, he in equal measure was captivating; like he was some sort of book that only got more and more interesting with each chapter.
He waited patiently for you to reply as he leaned forward from where he sat, clenching and unclenching his jaw in anticipation.
The corners of your lips tugged upward into a smile.
"Y/N" you said and he immediately broke into a boyish grin.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N" he said with a tender voice "I do hope we get to talk again soon"
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justashuckingsimp · 2 years
Newt: Tommy how did you get Rat Man to want to kill you so bad?
Thomas: I just flicked him of a couple times *shrugs*
Jorge: Can you say that again hermano?
Thomas: I just-
Minho: You just flicked off a W.I.C.K.E.D executive!
Newt: *holding up a hand* Minho let me handle this. Tommy why in the bloody hell did you flick the Rat Man off?
Thomas: *stuttering and blushing*
Minho: Get a hold of yourself shank!
Thomas: *blushing* What! He's hot when he's pissed!
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manawari · 6 months
Thinking about this Maze Runner AU and I'm thinking about extending it (and change a few things, as well as following the original series), maybe?
Of course, Sung Jin-woo obviously is in Thomas' place as the main character and the person (Greenie) who showed up in The Box. He's incredibly confused and freaks out the moment he sees a person. He then remembers his name, which shocks the guys around him since usually, a Glader won't remember one's name within a daylight. Everyone becomes suspicious of him, yet a kind Glader named Yoo Jin-ho shows him around and teaches Jin-woo about the ways in the Glade and how he must survive.
Hwang Dong-suk (Ben) attacks Jin-woo after he had been stung by a Griever during his run in the Maze. He chases Jin-woo until they're in the center of the Glade where the Gladers find the chaos and rush to stop Hwang Dong-suk. Lim Tae-gyu soon comes to a decision to banish Hwang Dong-suk, though Hwang Dong-soo (bear in mind that nobody else here remembers their memories so we can say Dong-soo and Dong-suk are friends, not knowing they are brothers), disapproves it and argues that Jin-woo is the one who must be punished. Lim Tae-gyu has to uphold his role as a leader in this and threatens to slit his throat when it's clear that Hwang Dong-suk is no longer human; this can spice things up as Dong-soo holds a burning grudge against Jin-woo and his future actions will eventually lead him to his death by the time the Gladers have escaped the Maze.
In the fic, Cha Hae-in came before Jin-woo, but if we're gonna follow what happened in the original story, then Cha Hae-in would come a day after Jin-woo. Then again, the Glade is shook and everyone believes W.I.C.K.E.D is fooling them and disrupting their peace. In the book, Teresa and Thomas were telepathic and had formed a bond while in the Slammer, realizing they have known each other before The Maze; I'm thinking about inserting this plot-point on Jin-woo and Hae-in. They'll share telepathy! And in the movie, which is on the funny side, Cha Hae-in chooses violence and starts throwing rocks at everyone from the top of the Homestead; Jin-woo has to be the one who calms her down and gently takes the knife Jin-ho has likely given her. And like Jin-woo, Hae-in has fragments of her memories and has brought along two syringes in her pocket, which came in handy when Lim Tae-gyu gets stung later in the story when the Grievers wrecked the Glade.
First-in-command (Leader) — Lim Tae-gyu
Second-in-command — Choi Jong-in
Runners — Lim Tae-gyu, Cha Hae-in, & Sung Jin-woo [Hwang Dong-suk, former]
Builders — Baek Yoon-ho & Hwang Dong-soo
Cook — Yoo Jin-ho
Med-jack — Min Byung-gyu
Track-hoe — Yoo Jin-ho
Blood-houser — Kang Tae-shik
Gardeners — Yoo Jin-ho & Cha Hae-in
Slopper — Sung Jin-woo
Bricknick — Hwang Dong-soo
Bagger — Go Kyuh-wan
Map-makers — Choi Jong-in & Lim Tae-gyu
As for Group B, I'd say it includes the rest of the female characters in Solo Leveling. Park Hee-jin will be the first-in-command of the group while Eun-seok will likely be in Aris' place.
In hindsight, Woo Jin-chul was supposed to be part of W.I.C.K.E.D, but I decided against it and made him part of the Right Arm, which will probably make sense since they're the good guys™ and Song Chi-yul will be the leader. Go Gun-hee will be the one who's part of W.I.C.K.E.D and his role is the good version of A.D. Janson. But the actual A.D. Janson still exists.
Other thoughts:
— Teresa is labeled as a Traitor, right? And who's in her place? CHA HAE-IN. However, this can be debatable since the two female characters are different, but. . . What if? What if Cha Hae-in did it for the sake of her friends? What if she was manipulated into thinking it was for the better good? What if all she wanted was to get her memories back? What if she got threatened that Jin-woo would be dead if she won't betray him?
— what if Jin-ah is alive all along?
— what if Min Byung-gyu is not an immune?
— Sung Il-hwan is alive too. He's part of the Right Arm, though he's not revealing himself to Jin-woo. Kyung-hye is the one who died and Jin-ah became an experiment or an employee in W.I.C.K.E.D whom Hae-in later met.
— if we push through Hae-in becoming the "traitor" then Jin-woo will resent and hate her and Hae-in won't apologize for doing what she thought was right. JINHAE ANGST!
— Tae-gyu and Yoon-ho are the ones who use Glader slangs the most.
— Jin-woo treating Jin-ho like a brother; similarly to how he should've treated Jin-ah if he remembers her.
— Cha Hae-in is the one who solved the Maze.
— Choi Jong-in and Baek Yoon-ho tend to argue a lot. This plotline will never change.
— Eun-seok remembers Byung-gyu, though he's hesitant of telling the truth, thinking Byung-gyu might not believe that he was his childhood friend whom he got separated from due to The Flare.
— before their memories being wiped out, young Yoon-ho, Jong-in, Tae-gyu, Byung-gyu became friends with Hae-in and Jin-woo. The six of them would often sneak out.
— young!Yoon-ho being heavily traumatized as young!Minho in The Fever Code and that includes fighting the nurses and getting tied to a chair where a Griever almost kills him, sent by a scientist for his attempts of escaping.
— Lee Ju-hee having a telepathic link to Eun-seok, Jin-woo, and Hae-in too, which she hasn't realized until the four of them are gathered into one place. That's when her memories flush in. She's also the only one (besides Eun-seok, though he needed some time to understand) who doesn't resent Cha Hae-in.
— Lee Ju-hee secretly leaves the group in the middle of the night to join W.I.C.K.E.D in hopes to develop a cure. She may or may not left a note.
— Woo Jin-chul leading both groups the best way he can, as well as protecting the ones who are not Immunes. He's also not an Immune, yet manages to survive throughout everything.
— Woo Jin-chul formerly working for W.I.C.K.E.D and used to have a hard time gaining Song Chi-yul's trust until he revealed all secrets he knew from the organization.
— the ones who successfully escaped the Maze are the S-Ranks + Yoo Jin-ho. The rest are obviously dead or killed.
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awkward-halfhug · 3 months
to soften rough edges | gally x oc
summary: Subject B10 Rosalind Franklin (Frankie) was supposed to be sent to Group B. Due to a mixup by an incompetent WICKED employee, she was sent to Group A, the all-boys maze. How will her unexpected appearance affect the variables, the Glade, and the lives of everyone in it? For one Glader in particular, Frankie might be changing, not only his present, but his entire life going forward. And not because he can't get her to stop following him around like a baby duck....Well, not only
(also on my ao3)
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
"Teeny tiny shovels and prison walls"
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Ping. Ping ping ping. Whoosh, Ping. Ping ping. Whoosh. 
“Awww yeah! Take that, Rebecca from accounting!” 
Peter K. Rosenthal, Head of operations at the World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department, Base A, let out a girlish squeal of victory as his initials finally topped the charts of the online pinball tournament. Most of the Base had become obsessed with it the last few months. He took a moment to stare at the screen, basking in the glory of his hard-earned achievement. Rebecca had been stiff competition; it was going to feel so good to gloat about this in the morning. 
Letting out a yawn, Peter read the time at the bottom of his computer screen. The numbers 3:07 blinked back at him and he sighed, remembering what day it was tomorrow. Or rather, today. Greenie day, as the kids have named it. The set day each month that they send a new subject into the Maze. A lot of preparation and paperwork had to be done the week beforehand, but it always seemed to get put off to the last few hours the night before. This month they were cutting it especially close, being the early morning. It was their own fault, he supposed. Them and that silly pinball tournament. But he wasn't worried. 
Fighting another yawn, Peter shook his head and grinned as a thought occurred to him. 
“There ain’t no rest for the W.I.C.K.E.D.” Peter chuckled to himself. 
Standing up to go refill his coffee, Peter nearly tripped and broke his mug when his office door burst open. A sheepish looking intern stared up at him, his brow worried. Peter sighed heavily; he had been in such a good mood. 
“What is it?” Peter raised an eyebrow, already feeling impatient. 
“Um..eh heh” the intern shuffled his feet “Uh sir, there’s been a…well I wouldn’t call it a mishap, more like a, like a surprising turn of events. Er, what I’m trying to say is…” 
Peter ground his teeth. “Just spit it out already!” 
The intern squeezed his eyes shut and let out one long rush of breath, “We brought a girl, sir”. 
The intern peeked open one eye to see his boss standing in the same position he had been, wearing a blank expression. 
“Sir?” he whispered. Several long minutes passed. 
“What do you mean you—“ Peter’s forehead crinkled “How did that even--?” 
“Well, it was a big crowd, sir. You know the girls and boys hang out together in the rec room. And we’ve been running a bit behind as you know, so we weren’t quite as thorough in our examination of the subject before we—“ 
“’Not quite as thorough’? What kind of idiots am I hiring if you can’t even tell a girl from a boy?” 
“W-well she was wearing a hoodie, sir, and it was kind of baggy, so—“ 
“Stop. Just stop talking. I am this close to firing you, I swear. Just erase these last few hours from her mind, send her back to the facility and fix this.” Peter waved him away and plopped back into his swivel chair, feeling more exhausted than he was when he started his break. As he was turning back to face his desk, however, the intern’s mousey voice broke through his calm once again. 
“We can’t, sir.” 
Peter sat up straighter. “What do you mean you can’t?” 
“It’s too late. The drive to the facility holding the kids is already hours away, since it’s night it would take almost twice as long trying to avoid the cranks. We don’t have that kind of time. We only have a few hours before we send the subject up.” 
Peter cracked his knuckles, staring at the wall behind the intern’s head, presumably deep in thought. 
“Sir?... Sir, what do we do? Should we postpone the arrival?” 
Several minutes passed before finally Peter seemed to remember the intern’s question, looking him straight in the eye. “No. No, send her up.” Peter nodded to himself, affirming his own decision while the intern spluttered. 
“Send her up? Sir, are you sure that’s a good idea? Won’t the variables—“ 
Peter’s voice hardened with authority. “I am the head of operations here, I decide the variables. You are an intern, you do as I say. Are we now clear on our positions?” 
“Yes, sir. You’re right, sir. Sending her up, sir.” The intern gulped before scurrying off to inform his coworkers of the decision. 
Peter sank back into his chair when he left. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure this was a good idea. Sending a girl in could mess with the other variables. Their results might be affected negatively, and they’d end up wasting time they don’t have starting the process all over again. On the other hand, this could be just the variable they’ve been looking for. The change could trigger reactions and emotions in the kids’ brains that otherwise would have gone unexplored. 
This could, in fact, turn out to be a very good decision. Time would tell. In the meantime, Peter prepared this explanation over and over again in his mind, perfecting it for when the time came to answer to the higher ups. A conversation he was most definitely not looking forward to. Just in case, he started thinking up some rebuttals to any arguments they might have, including reminding them of what the ‘E’ in W.I.C.K.E.D. stands for. 
“Yeah, that’ll shut ‘em up.” Peter mumbled to himself, just before drifting off to sleep on his keyboard.
Pain. In her neck. Neck pain. That was the first thing she was aware of. She changed positions but found that made it worse.
Awake now, but still unwilling to open her eyes, she stretched out her limbs to get more comfortable and smacked her wrist on something hard. Groaning, she recoiled from the source of her pain, clutching her wrist for comfort. She sighed, realizing that trying to sleep anymore would be pointless.
With a frown, she opened her eyes and promptly jumped back, in pain once again. This time it was the back of her head that got smacked, but that was the least of her concerns. As she took in the unfamiliar room she was in, barely being able to make out anything in the near-blackness, she racked her brain but couldn’t for the life of her remember how she got there. Or where she would normally wake up, for that matter.
Frantic, she sat up straighter, trying to retrace her steps from the day before. Her breaths came quicker as she realized she couldn’t remember anything. She could picture images in her mind's eye. Things like purple clouds and a stuffed animal of some sort. Several different cats. Movie-like snapshots of moments that meant nothing. She couldn't remember anything important— her life, her history, where she lived, friends, family, not even her own name.
Suddenly, the room she was in seemed a lot smaller. She hugged her knees to her chest, shying away from the light filtering in through slits in the walls. She realized she was moving, upward, like she was in some sort of elevator, which seemed even more frightening. As off-putting as this room was, she felt sure that whatever was at the top of this thing would be a lot worse, somehow. The creaking and grinding of gears all around her seemed foreboding and her pulse quickened as each second passed.
After what seemed like hours, the elevator room stopped, making a horrible sound and jolting her forward onto her knees. She took a few deep breaths, mentally preparing herself for whatever came next. Several tense minutes passed. Finally, the doors opened.
Light streamed through the ceiling, so bright it was almost blinding. Preparing for the worst, she backed up until her back hit a wall, reaching around for something to use as a weapon if necessary, but couldn't find anything. She waited for her eyes to adjust and steeled her nerve for whatever nightmare awaited her.
Her vision cleared. She laughed. Long and hard. Enough to turn the few murmurs she could hear above her, into alarmed bickering.
Having expected to see monsters of some sort, or even something just a little more intimidating, being greeted by a group of teenage boys was, to say the least, anti-climactic. And it was more than a little funny. In her adrenaline-addled mind it was hilarious.
She could feel her laughter melting away some of her stress and by the time she heard someone jump down into the box with her, she was feeling a lot calmer than she had just minutes before.
As the boy approached her, a bit more fear started creeping up her spine again. He towered over her, his form imposing. And he wasn't laughing.
Why was she laughing again? She felt like she should stop, but she couldn't. More giggles bubbled up from her chest, now tinged with anxiety instead of mirth. They tapered off as the boy came closer and closer, her pulse now loud in her ears.
Okay so maybe teenage boys aren't monsters, but they could still hurt her if they wanted to. This one certainly could. Did he want to hurt her? What was going on here? Why hadn't he said anything yet?
He'd just been staring for a solid minute, stood before her with his brows scrunched up in...anger? Or confusion? If he was confused that made two of them.
His eyebrows could go up really high. She almost started laughing again, it was so comical, but she managed to control herself. What was wrong with her? This was a tense situation. Focus. She decided to wait on him to break the silence.
"Gally, what's going on down there?"
Or that guy could break it.
The boy in front of her, Gally apparently, opened his mouth and closed it a few times, like a fish. This time she did let a laugh slip, but she clamped her mouth shut again when his eyes narrowed slightly. Focus.
He shook his head a bit as he called up to whichever boy had spoken. "It's...it's a girl."
Chaos broke out above them. Boys shouting over eachother, some sounding confused, some happy for some reason, and a couple even sounding angry.
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, right! We're not falling for that one again."
"There's no way."
"Is she hot?"
"What's she look like?"
"The Creators have finally answered our requests!"
The voices were mingled with laughter and jeering and she could see a few of them playfully shoving eachother. All of it mixed together to overwhelm her senses.
Unconsciously, she pressed herself as far back against the wall as she could. There were a lot of them. Not monsters; teenage boys. But a lot of them. She didn't feel like laughing anymore.
Gally seemed to notice her distress, almost taking another step towards her before stopping himself. Kneeling down to her level, he softened his features marginally. He wasn't very good at it, but he seemed to be trying.
"Hey. You're alright. I'm sure you've got questions, and we'll try to answer 'em. But right now, how 'bout we get you out of this box, yeah?"
She started to nod, his voice was gruff, yet calming, and she felt somehow safer listening to it. She didn't know anything about herself but hopefully she was a good judge of character. He seemed genuine. But flicking her eyes up to all the boys huddled over them, she felt anxious all over again.
"Don't worry about them", he leaned in a bit and lowered his voice conspiratorially. "They're a bunch of shanks but they're pretty harmless." His mouth quriked up to the side and she felt herself smiling in return.
"Okay..." her voice sounded small. Was that how her voice usually sounded? She sort of hoped not.
He reached a hand out for her to grab and she took it with only slight hesitation. Hoisting her up, Gally caught her by the arms before she barrelled into him.
"You ready?"
She nodded in reply, and he wrapped his large hands around both her sides securely, before hefting her up and over the side of the elevator like she weighed nothing.
Pulling herself over the lip, she almost fell back into the box when she looked up. Yep. A whole lot of boys, all staring at her, and very very close now. She tried to smile at them but it felt more like a grimace.
Cue more nervous laughter. She's gotta get that checked out.
"You weren't kidding, Gal" one said in amazement, his eyes glued to her.
A few hoots and hollers started going around the crowd along with some whistles. Someone reached out a hand to touch her shoulder but she jerked away.
She wanted back in the box. She turned to climb back down when Gally appeared over the edge, carrying a large crate over one shoulder. She ducked out of his way while he deposited it on the ground next to her with a thump.
He jumped back down to collect another crate and she climbed down quickly behind him, before one of the boys could grab her. One had made a move toward her and she heard a few aww's as she went.
Hearing a roar of laughter from above, Gally turned around to find her back in the box, hiding in the corner closest to him, nearly out of sight of the other boys.
He looked annoyed for a moment, before sighing and coming to stand in front of her with his hands on his hips.
"Didn't I just get you out of here?"
She nodded sheepishly.
Realistically, she probably couldn't just stay in this box forever. For one, there was no bathroom. Or food for that matter. And for two, as much as coming out of the box scared her, the thought of going back to wherever the box came from scared her even more.
Still, she didn't want to be alone with those boys up there.
"Do you...do you need help?"
Gally looked amused. "You wanna help, huh?"
She nodded enthusiastically.
Gally chuckled. "Well, this is another first. Sure, why not? Why don't you hand me those crates over there?"
Immensely relieved, she made her way over to the crates he pointed to and tried to pick one up.
Tried. She forgot about her wrist, still sore from banging it earlier. It didn't seem actually injured, but she could tell it was going to bruise.
It wasn't that bad, she could manage. Furrowing her brow, she straightened up, stretched her arms, and tried again. And again.
Laughter picked up again, this time Gally joined in. She looked over and frowned at him. She'd thought they were friends. Granted, she'd only known him for a few minutes, but still.
She huffed and tried one more time, and finally managed to lift it up off the ground as high as she could...for all of 5 seconds before her wrist twinged and her arms gave out. The crate crashed to the ground; the sound of the wood breaking apart and tools clattering against the metal floor making her wince.
Slowly, she turned on the spot to look warily at Gally. Her new friend. Her buddy ol' pal.
He was glaring at her. A soft glare, but a glare nonetheless.
"Sorry..." she mumbled, and his glare softened further.
He shook his head. "S'okay. Just, no heavy lifting I guess." Gally looked around and seemed to think. "How 'bout you grab one of those bags over there and start picking up the tools?"
She did as he said and started gathering the tools that had fallen and placing them in one of the empty potato sacks nearby. There were a lot of tools. What did they need all these tools for? A shiver of fear went through her, again reminded of how much she didn't know.
Who even were these boys? And why did they need her? Were they going to kill her? Is that what they needed the little shovels for? Are they going to kill her and bury her with these teeny tiny shovels? Is that why they need so many? They'd be digging for a long time, these things are so small.
"You about done there?" Gally's voice broke through her spiraling thoughts and made her jump.
She spun around to see him just behind her, having finished hefting the rest of the crates up to the other boys. She looked back at the tiny shovels, then back to him. Might as well just ask.
"What are these for?" She held one up for him to see.
He looked at her with amusement again, laced with a little bit of pity. "Gardening."
" Oh. Right."
Her relief must've shown on her face because he smirked and asked her "What did you think they were for?
She debated not telling him, but she's not sure what could've told him besides the truth. Besides, she was probably being ridiculous. She settled on mumbling it under her breath.
"...to bury me with"
"What was that?" He looked like he was about to laugh.
She huffed. "I thought they were to bury my body with after you've killed me." There. She said it, loud and clear. He can laugh if he wants.
Oh. Oh no, what if she just gave him the idea to kill her and bury her body with all the little gardening shovels?
He did start laughing, like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. Maybe it was. Maybe these boys were the furthest thing from dangerous as they could be and the idea was so preposterous that-
"Greenie," Gally got out between laughs "if we were gonna kill you, we wouldn't bother burying your body. We'd just leave you to the grievers and they'd take care of it for us."
Her eyes must've looked like saucers, they were so wide. They might still kill her! Without even the decency to bury her, even though they had perfectly good little shovels to do the job. And grievers? What the heck were those? They sounded scary.
"Gally!" An authoritative voice called down from above. He sounded chastising.
Gally tamped down on his chuckles and seemed to finally take in (or care about) the horror that must be painted on her face. He sighed and attempted to soften his features again.
"We're not gonna kill ya. That's one of the rules around here. We don't hurt each other." He reached over and ruffled her hair playfully, before kneeling down and putting the rest of the tools in the bag. He finished the job efficiently and swung the bag over one of his shoulders.
Gally turned to climb back up out of the box but stopped and looked at her over his shoulder.
"You comin'?" He lifted an eyebrow expectantly.
She hesitated.
Gally's expression turned to one of impatience and he opened his mouth to say something but she spoke before he could.
"I'm scared." Her eyes flicked upwards and back to him.
Gally dropped the bag to the floor and came to stand in front of her again. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes. The weight was oddly comforting.
"Look," he sighed, and gentled his voice. "Nothing's gonna happen to you, alright? I won't let anyone hurt you...Do you trust me?"
She barely knew him. Then again, she barely knew herself. If she couldn't trust her memory, she should at least trust her gut.
"Yeah, I do." She nodded firmly.
That was apparently not the answer he thought she'd give. Gally looked surprised, like he didn't actually expect her to say yes. She supposed that made sense. Maybe he thought she was too trusting. But then, why ask her?
Gally recovered quickly. "Well...good, then. Good. Uh, well let's get you out of here. Again." He emphasized that last word with a pointed look.
Allowing Gally to heft her up once again, she braced herself for the crowding and the cacophony of noise that would greet her.
When she got topside, however, the crowd had dispersed considerably. How had she not noticed how quiet it had gotten? There were still a couple boys that were left, but they didn't appear to be rowdy like the others, and they weren't looking at her in a way that made her uncomfortable either. She could feel her heartrate slowing, the fear calming down as she looked at the small crowd.
One of the boys was tall and blonde, with long, gangly limbs. He was smiling at her gently. Beside him stood a shorter boy; stockier and with darker skin. He looked at her cautiously but still kindly.
They both had varying levels of curiosity in their expressions. She wondered if her face reflected it back to them.
She was getting dizzy with all the emotions fighting for dominance in her body. Fear, confusion, amusement, calm, fear, calm; each shoved the last aside and took its turn at the helm, like they all wanted to be captains and she was the pirate ship.
That was a funny mental image. Guess it's amusement's turn.
She forced herself to pay attention when she noticed one of them was talking.
"Welcome to the Glade, she-bean." The darker boy extended his hand to her. She looked to Gally and he gave a little nod so she took the outstretched hand. He had a firm handshake.
" I see you've already met Gally," the boy continued, glancing at Gally with a wry smirk. "But don't let him give you a bad impression, we're not all slintheads."
At his words, Gally colored and looked away, his jaw set and brows furrowed. He looked angry, and a little hurt. She didn't know what a slinthead was, but it couldn't be good. She felt hurt for him.
"I'm Alby. and this here is Newt. We'll give you the tour tomorrow and try to answer any questions you have. If you-"
Gally started to walk away and she found the courage to speak up.
"Gally's not a slinthead." She interrupted whatever Alby was going to say, her voice only shaking a little. She couldn't focus past the sudden indignation anyway.
Gally stopped in his tracks.
Alby looked taken aback. His mouth hung slightly open, his eyebrows shot up in surprise. She took the opportunity while he was at a loss for words.
"He's not. He was nice to me. Maybe you're the slintheads for saying that."
Okay, maybe that last bit was too far. She felt her face burning; her chest constricting in fear. Why was she antagonizing him? She knew nothing about her current situation and this guy looked to be the leader of this gang. She should not be picking fights!
But Gally had been kind to her. He was her friend, she'd already decided. And they were being mean to him...
She held her breath and ducked her head like a child awaiting punishment. Peaking up at him through her eyelashes, she watched as Alby recovered from his shock. His face was stern, a little confused perhaps, but his lips were twitching.
It was Newt that broke the tension by busting up laughing. She took in a lungful of air in relief. She just learned something about herself: she did not like tension.
"She sure told you, Alby. We better watch our shuck mouths around this one." Newt playfully pat Alby on the shoulder, and Alby rolled his eyes at him. Extending his hand out for her to shake as well, Newt continued. "You're gonna be a lot of bloody fun, I can tell. Nice to meet you."
She liked Newt, she decided. She smiled a little as she shook his hand.
"Thank you. I mean, it's nice to meet you. I mean, I'm sorry for calling you a slinthead. I mean-"
Newt cut her off with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Easy there, she-bean."
She saw Gally out of the corner of her eye trying to stifle a smirk. He called back to the other two boys.
"You two slintheads need anything else, or can I get back to my job?" He winked at her when he called them 'slintheads'. Her heart did a funny flipping thing. Then his words registered.
"You're leaving?" She took a step towards him unconsciously, her eyes pleading with him to stay with her.
Gally looked surprised again. He hesitated, looking between her, Alby, and Newt. "Umm..."
Alby was smiling broadly now; a stark contrast from his previous guarded expressions.
"Yeah, Gally, why don't you stick around? I've got a few things to see to anyway. You and Newt can show her to her hammock." Without waiting for a reply, Alby clapped Gally on the shoulder and took off toward some sort of building in the distance.
Watching him go, her eyes finally took notice of her surroundings. They were in a large grassy area. She saw gardens, trees, wooden buildings, more trees, more buildings, animals. There were animals!
Then she noticed the walls. Big, ginormous stone walls, covered in ivy, wrapping around the entire space in a huge square. They reminded her of something...
"This is a prison" she breathed. Panic was taking the helm.
Newt held his hands out to placate her. "Now, hold on."
She stepped out of his reach, bumping into Gally in the process. She turned and addressed her questions to him.
"Are we prisoners? Did we do something wrong? Did I kill someone?" Her eyes widened in horror; her breaths coming in quicker. She really hoped she hadn't killed anybody. The possibilities ran through her mind and filled her with a sense of dread.
Gally placed his hands on her shoulders and, like before, the weight helped steady her. He took her chin in between his fingers and gently forced her head up to look him in the eye.
"Calm down, greenie." Her shoulders relaxed. She did feel calmer. How did he do that? "Look, none of us know what this place is. But I do know one thing for certain: you did not kill anybody."
"How do you know?"
He smirked at her. "I just know."
She's not sure how he would know that but Gally seemed certain, so she'd take his word for it.
"So, what's outside the walls?"
Gally's eyes had a faraway look in them when he replied. "For now, all you need to know is that you're not allowed past them, and that it's for your own good."
With those foreboding words still ringing in her ears, Gally removed his hands from her shoulders, apparently deeming her calm enough.
Newt spoke up again. "Right, how about seeing where you're gonna sleep, yeah? Follow me."
Newt started walking towards one of the forested areas. She looked at Gally, who gave her a nod, and she followed Newt.
"Gally, can you come up here a second?" Newt called back. Gally jogged up to walk with Newt a few steps ahead of her.
Newt leaned in close to Gally as they walked, affected a high pitched voice and said "Calm down, greenie".
Gally rolled his eyes and shoved Newt away, but Newt just laughed and leaned in again. "I'll protect you greenie, do you trust me?" Newt batted his eyelashes. "Didn't think I heard that, did ya?"
Gally was beet red as he gave Newt another half-hearted shove. "Shut up."
Newt's laughter could be heard across the Glade as they made their way to the hammocks.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging, it means a lot ♡
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ohnocreativity · 6 months
Not a love story. 
Dystopias aren’t a dating ground for the main characters, unlike what Hollywood thinks.
Dystopian environments should make the main character and reader question everything and everyone. Would they tell me to the government? Would they leave me behind as we run away from infected people? Should I trust them? 
Hollywood focuses too much on love to notice that the economy is collapsing and trust is a difficult and complicated thing while living in a dystopia.
In this essay I will be comparing The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner and between the books and the movies.
In the Hunger Games Trilogy, the books written by Suzanne Collins), there are plenty of instances when the main character, Katniss Everdeen makes it plainly clear that she doesn’t want to have a relationship with either Gale (her childhood best friend) and Peeta (the boy who saved her life when they were young.)
She only wants to save her younger sister, Primrose, and their mother. Anyone else is just a bonus. However, playing the star-crossed-lovers is what managed to save her and Peeta from the first games, because the Capitol (like America and Hollywood) wants to see a love story. After 74 years of having every other type of victory story, romance is perfect for them. “Haymitch is right. Star crossed lovers, they eat that stuff up in the Capitol.”
Katniss Everdeen fully believes in the “eye for an eye” motive. She cannot let go of the fact that Peeta saved her life when they were young, which proves to be a good motivation to destroy the Capital and its ideals of using child slaughter as entertainment. 
Even though everyone in the Capital, as well as real life fans who only watch the movies, believe that Katniss and Peeta’s love for each other is what sparked the rebellion that led to the revolution, that is incorrect.
It was the murder of a 12 year old girl in the first games and Katniss’s grief that made the other Districts realise that they are done watching their children be placed in the awful situation where humans are pitted against each other and are forced to fight for the entertainment of others.
If Peeta wasn’t in the Hunger Games, it would still have a powerful message and Katniss Everdeen would still not be with Gale.
Although, in the prequel of the Hunger Games, we learn that before the 11th Game the Capital people didn’t enjoy watching the Hunger Games, not while contrasting their reactions in the 74th. For them it was as much punishment as it was for the District people.
In the end of the books, it is even shown that Katniss left Peeta. She left both of her love options so she can just live by herself and do what she wanted back in District 12. 
Peeta, like always, came to her. 
Survival takes precedence over romance within the books of The Maze Runner. We see it numerous times. 
In the Scorch Trials, when Teresa betrayed Thomas and still believed that W.I.C.K.E.D was good, that was the answer.
In the movies of The Death Cure, Teressa choses W.I.C.K.E.D again and decides to stay, even so. The romance still clouded Thomas’ decision, he was hesitant to trust Teresa but less so than the others.
In the movies Teresa betrays Thomas on an almost daily basis, it was starting to get very tiring. She kept getting into contact with W.I.C.K.E.D (Although it is spelled WCKD for some reason), ignoring the fact that they have failed so many times at so many things. They were meant to keep the Gladers(or subjects as they referred to them) under control, and failed. They were meant to find a cure for the Flare, but failed. They were meant to save humanity and yet again they failed.
In the movies, Teresa’s faith in WCKD was conflicting with her love for Thomas, but near the end of the books Teresa thought she was saving Thomas.
In both The Maze Runner and The Hunger Games (the movies), people’s main focus is romance. As such the screenwriters must have decided to use that to their advantage and focus on it as well. Perhaps because the real meaning of the books were too dark for Americans to take seriously and probably because when someone goes to see a movie they want to be entertained, they want to be moved by something that is seen in regular life. Cranks and murdered children are often evasive from the day-to-day life of people.
So, what is the real meaning of the books?
With The Hunger Games, I believe its main focus is how easily humans can be distracted by positive media, sparkly dresses and good food. As long as things are disguised by something pretty and something that releases endorphins, it’s ok.  The Capital uses bureaucracy, politicians, social, culture and  media control, that is what makes it dystopian.
With The Maze Runner, the main focus is how easily humans betray one another for “the greater good.” It is easy to be lied to, especially when they want to be lied to.
W.I.C.K.E.D lied to themselves. They believed they could play God with children. There were alternatives that they could have taken, but they were less entertaining to do. W.I.C.K.E.D used bureaucracy control like the Capital, but there wasn’t much media to control over, so they got creative. They used psychology to confuse the main characters, making them doubt everything. Their names, their whereabouts. The Gladers were physically confined into the Glade.
Bureaucracy, psychology, resources, physical and information control. 
Dystopian is described as an unfair society… Like ours.
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Masterlist of my work
Disclaimer: These are all written by me, so please don't steal my writing. None of the characters, franchises or gifs belong to me. Any reblogs, love and constructive criticism is more than welcome, but please don't be mean. This is a hobby of mine and I'd love to keep it that way.
I'm also willing to take requests, I will have a definitive list of all the characters I can write for.
Italics = works in progress
The Alienist
Marcus Isaacson
Agreeing to be bait for a case and Marcus disagrees
Marcus angry at the team when you get hurt going undercover
Admitting to Marcus that you are in love with him
Agreeing to be Marcus' date for one of the important dinners
Imagine Marcus when he finds out your fiancé is not very nice to you
Bucky Barnes
Bucky checking you're still behind him while on a mission
Bucky when he realises you were right there as he put on the winter soldier persona
Seeing Bucky for the first time post winter soldier mode
Picking Bucky up from the station after he promised he wouldn't get arrested again (AU)
Bucky when he discovers you've been taken
You agree to be used as bait for a mission
Imagine a target gets the upper hand and Bucky steps in to help
Triple Frontier
Frankie Morales
Frankie having an issue with you joining them on a mission
Benny Miller
Imagine Pope when he tells Benny you've gone missing
Benny when he realises Pope called you in for a mission
Imagine Benny when you come to him for help
Imagine Benny when you run into your ex
Javier Pena
Javier when he finds out you went out alone, against his orders
Imagine Javier when Los Pepes threaten to hurt you if he doesn't work with them
Being concerned about Javier and his headaches
Imagine Javier when you go missing
A Quiet Place 1&2
When he realises one of the creatures is nearby
The Punisher
Billy Russo
Billy meeting you for the first time
Turning up to an event Billy is running
Your boss has a meeting with Billy Russo
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
When someone is being rude to you
Spencer looking after you when you get hurt on a stakeout
Going through relationship issues with Spencer and a scare at works sets you both back on the right track
Imagine Spencer when you suggest a risky tactic for a case
Spencer when you disappear while on a case
Getting into an argument with Spencer
Spencer when he's brought in as a suspect
Thomas (The Maze Runner)
Thomas when he finds you trying to leave
When he finds you at the W.I.C.K.E.D Headquarters
Thomas when he sees that Janson has you.
Thomas when you make a reckless decision
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marie-swriting · 1 year
We're Gonna Get Outta Here
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Summary : You're working for W.I.C.K.E.D but you can't take it anymore when your best friend dies during the Maze Trial. With Thomas' help, you give information to the Right Arm and try to get out of the facility together.
Warnings : character's deaths (reader included), guns and gunfire, mention of violent interrogation, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 2.7k
French version on Wattpad
French version on Tumblr
In front of the computer, you’re completing your daily tasks : observing Maze A, testing the subjects and writing down the results of today’s experiences. You comply like a robot. You know if you think too much, you’ll realise all the pain you’re inflicting. So you try to keep an emotional distance with the Maze Trials, with the subjects, with your friends. However, some days are harder than others, especially when, first thing in the morning, you get a file with the word “death” written on it. Sometimes you see those deaths live, other times they happen when your work is already over. When you’ve started your day, you didn’t know another person had failed the trial. Anxious, you open the file and read ‘Subject A25 : Nicolas’. Tears form in your eyes in an instant. You close the folder and pretend you need to use the bathroom. You try to sob in silence but if someone listens carefully, they can hear your pain. You’re short of breath everytime you think back to this paper. This paper telling you about the death of your best friend since you were ten. He’s not the first to die but his death is your last straw. You wish you could scream all your despair, but you can’t. You can’t feel anything while working ; for W.I.C.K.E.D, you’re here to find a cure, not to do feelings. Sacrifices need to be made. You can’t forget it. Janson won’t let you. Your tears are stronger when suddenly someone knocks on the door. You stop sobbing, fearing you’ll be discovered. When you hear Thomas’ voice, you open to him. He stays in front of you for a few seconds before daring to talk.
“I read the file. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“I’m sick of it, Thomas.” you say, angry, “I can’t watch them die anymore. I can’t watch my friends die anymore. I want it to stop ! I know we’re doing it for a good cause, but do we really need to sacrifice all these human lives for a potential cure ? It is not fair.”
“I know.”
“I want to get them out of there. I want us to get them out of there and leave with them, far away from W.I.C.K.E.D. I won’t be able to take another death, Thomas. I… I can’t.” you pronounce with a broken voice.
Ignoring what to say, Thomas takes you in his arms. He hopes he’ll reassure you but he knows in this kind of situation, it’d be an utopia. You’re doomed to see horrors in the hope to save humanity. Nothing he could do or say would help you to get better. He knows it because he tries everyday to reassure himself, in vain.
“We should go.” you resume, breaking your embrace, “Janson is gonna wonder where we are.”
“You’ll be okay ?”
“Will they ?” you retort, eyes full of pain.
Thomas stays silent, knowing he can’t answer your question honestly. You give him one last look, leave the bathroom and go back to your job. Thomas takes a few minutes before going back as well, a neutral expression on his face. As for you, you use your computer as if a few instants before you weren’t overwhelmed by your emotions. You both act like they taught you.
The next few days, you grieve in silence. Thomas stays by your side even though he feels useless. However, he doesn’t realise it but he helps you to not sink because you tell yourself that despite everything, you still have Thomas. You’re not entirely lost. You still have a reason to go on.
During the night, you both leave your respective dormitory, meeting each other in an isolated room in the W.I.C.K.E.D facility, like you always do whenever one of you is feeling down. You don’t do anything special there. You just cuddle, trying to forget the pain of the world and yours. It’s not successful but you’re there for each other. That night, Thomas breaks the silence with important information.
“I know how we can help them.”
“What do you mean ?”
“You remember Doctor Mary ?” he asks and you nod, “She left W.I.C.K.E.D because she didn’t agree with their experiences anymore. She works for the Right Arm now.”
“The Right Arm, the resistance ?” you want to make sure, looking at him.
“Yeah. I think she could delay some of their plans with the information she had but now, she doesn’t have access to it anymore. If we can communicate with her, we can help them. We’ll give the Right Arm everything they’ll need before leaving.” Thomas states, determined.
“How can we find her ? The Right Arm must be untraceable.”
“I started researching when we learned of Nicolas' death. I think I’m about to find them. It’ll be dangerous but we can get our friends out of these mazes. What do you say ?”
“I’m with you.” you accept, without an ounce of hesitation, “I want to bring down W.I.C.K.E.D.”
You look into each other’s eyes, courage taking possession of your body. You have a plan and you’ll make sure you’ll put it into action as soon as possible. Sacrifices have been going on for too long.
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When Thomas has finally found the Right Arm, he lets you know. During the night, you both get in one of the rare rooms where there is a radio to communicate with the outside and start the call. You’re happy to be so close and yet scared that the Right Arm might not trust you.
“Hello ? I’m Thomas, I work for W.I.C.K.E.D and I got information for you.” he starts the conversation without an answer, “Mary ? Are you there ? It’s me Thomas. I can help you.”
You stay silenced for a few moments. Thomas is about to cut the communication off when he hears a feminine voice.
“Thomas ? I’d never thought I’d hear from you. Are you safe ? Are you alone ?”
“Y/N is with me. We want to give you all the information you’ll need to bring down W.I.C.K.E.D. We don’t want to see our friends die anymore.”
“We want it to stop. No one deserves to be in those mazes. We want to save them.” you add with teary eyes.
“Very well. I’m going to talk with the other members of the Right Arm. I’ll call you back tomorrow around the same time to organise ourselves. Keep a low profile.”
“Thanks Mary.”
When the call is over, Thomas puts the radio aside and turns to you. Even though you have to wait for the Right Arm’s approval, you both can’t help but smile. You have Mary’s support. You’ll be able to get out of here.
“Thanks Thomas.” you say, “You’ve given me hope again. I never thought it’d be possible.”
“We’ll do everything to help them. We’ll do it.”
When the Right Arm accepts to collaborate with you, you and Thomas start gathering important data and communicate with them once a week. You and Thomas give only a few to let them get ready without alerting Doctor Paige or worse Janson.
One night, while you’re getting ready to sleep, Teresa takes you aside, with a compassionate smile on her face.
“I heard about Nicolas. I’m sorry.” she states genuinely, “but we can’t forget why we’re doing all of this. We must find a cure. The Flare is becoming deadlier every day.”
“I know,” you answer without any emotion, “I’m going to bed, I’m tired.”
Teresa puts her hand on your arm, showing you her support. You smile slightly at her before going to your bed. Your friend’s words have upset you. You know Teresa doesn’t act meanly. She told you her story with her mom, you know why she desperately wants to find a cure. But for you, it doesn’t justify the fact that people act as if all these deaths didn’t represent anything. They represent something for you : your cowardice, your impotence, your pain, but above all, your privilege to have escaped the Trials.
When Thomas and you started working for the Right Arm, you had thought of letting Teresa know but your doubts had held you back. Your conversation with your friend proved to you, you did the right thing. Teresa wouldn’t have agreed with your actions, no matter if you’re friends. For her, W.I.C.K.E.D is really good.
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Two months passed, Thomas and you have succeeded to forward information without being noticed. The nights where W.I.C.K.E.D have to handle some crisis, you give more details, allowing the Right Arm to perfect their attack plan. You’re still at the facility, waiting for the perfect moment to run away.
One night, Thomas gives the week’s data before joining you in you and Thomas' shared room. Besides being your safe place, it has also become the place where you wait for the other before debriefing.
When Thomas comes into the room, he sits next to you on the ground. You take each other in your arms and stay silent at first, allowing Thomas to release the fear of being found. When his breath is calmer, he draws your attention.
“Next week, we’re leaving this place. I talked about it with Mary and if we give every known place of their facilities and labs, they’ll have enough to bring down W.I.C.K.E.D so we’ll be able to clear off. You’ll take care of forwarding everything and I’ll take care of making sure we have a way out. They’ll be able to save our friends from the Mazes and take us away from this organisation. Everything is settled.”
“Thomas, it’s risky.” you retort, anxious, “We’re lucky we haven’t gotten caught yet. It’d be too much in one go.”
“We have one week to plan everything correctly. I already have some idea of how we can do it. Don’t worry, we’re gonna get outta here.” he assures you, making you think a little more.
“I trust you, Thomas.”
The following week, your plan is ready. It’s still risky but it can work. You've kept an even lower profile to not give Janson any reason to be suspicious. You do exactly what is asked, without showing any rebellious sign.
When the plan has started, you get every file you need to send, it takes longer than usual. Your stress is at its peak while you’re looking at the downloading line. You can’t stop watching around, afraid to be discovered. For Thomas, he’s on his way toward the control centre. He needs to be sure you both will be able to get out of the facility once you're done. He needs to fight some of the guards on the way, he barely handles them. While he’s doing everything to open the doors, the last data is finally transferred to the Right Arm. You sigh in relief and leave the room. You’re careful on your way to the place Thomas told you to go to. When he’s done with everything for your escape, he hears the walkie-talkie of one of the guards he’s knocked down.
“Need backup. One subject out of the dormitory. Information transferred outside. Janson knows about it. Over.”
Panic takes possession of Thomas’ body, he leaves the room running. He doesn’t try to be discreet, he just wants to find you. You both can’t waste another second, it’s now or never to leave. While he’s looking for you, he finds Teresa around a corner.
“Thomas ? What are you doing here ?” she questions.
“I could ask you the same thing.” he answers, trying to hide his stress.
“I’m working with Doctor Paige after my day. Everything alright ? You should be in your dormitory.”
“I… I need to find Y/N.” Thomas admits, not wanting to waste even more time, “Look, we’re getting outta here tonight but she got caught. Help me find her. If you want to follow us or not, that’s up to you but help me. We just want to leave this place. We don’t want all this blood on our hands anymore.”
“Thomas, I don’t-”
“You’re gonna help me or not ?!” he cuts her off, impatiently.
Teresa doesn’t have the time to answer him that guards are already grabbing Thomas and pushing him backward. He tries to fight them while Teresa is watching the scene, shocked. Thomas is being dragged by force in one of the parts of the facility he knows all too well. They’re going to erase his memory and put him in the maze. He can’t let that happen. He needs to fight. He needs to at least make sure you’re safe. The guards tighten their grip on the teenager, preventing him from moving. When they arrive in the room, they tie him down on a stretcher before ejecting him a product, making him fall asleep instantly. Thomas is changed while he gets more injections, Janson looking at everything they're doing to him. As for you, you’re being interrogated violently. They want to know where the Right Arm is hiding. You stay silent at every punch. You try to recover from an umpteenth hit when you quickly hear a walkie-talkie. One of the guards takes you by the arm and forces you to walk. You don’t look where you’re going, too exhausted. Nothing has importance anymore. You got caught. You won’t be able to escape. You’ll be put on high surveillance or you’ll be sent into the Maze. You only hope Thomas was luckier than you. When you arrive in the room with the guards, they throw you on the ground. You don’t move until you hear Janson’s voice.
“I have to admit you could have gotten away with it. We had doubts there had been leaks but nothing was certain. You knew how to hide your betrayal. But it wasn’t enough. You have been careless today which is why we found you both.”
“Both ?” you ask, hoping you didn’t hear correctly.
“I know very well you weren’t acting on your own, Y/N. Say hello to Thomas. He’s just over there.” he smiles, showing you something behind him.
“Thomas ? Let him go !” you scream, trying to stand up but the guards stop you. “It was my idea ! It wasn’t his fault ! Let him go !”
Your gaze is fixed on Thomas who is trapped in some kind of vertical basin being filled with water. He’s hitting the glass while Janson gets closer to you with a machiavellian smile.
“You were two in on it. You’re going to pay for the consequences of your selfishness.”
“Our selfishness ? What a joke.”
“You tried to fail experience to find a cure that could save humanity for some friends. I think we can say it’s not very charitable.”
“Let him go, please.” you repeat, desperate.
“Oh no ! You’re going to watch his lung being filled with water.” he states, holding your face, forcing you to look at the scene.
Thomas' body is almost fully under water. His head is only above it, allowing him to scream as loud as he can, but the wall lower his voice.
“You're a monster.” you spat
“A man of science, I prefer.”
Thomas keeps screaming, begging them to let you go, but his efforts are vain. The process is almost over and Janson would have never accepted, too proud to have stopped W.I.C.K.E.D’s two traitors.
“Tell me what I can do. If you leave him alone, I’ll do everything you’ll tell me.” you propose.
“Very well. So be a good girl and never speak again.”
When he’s done talking, Janson quickly takes out a weapon and shots you. You don’t have the time to react that your body is already hitting on the ground. Thomas yells louder, even if he’s on the verge of drowning. His tears are getting lost in the basin while he’s watching your blood spreading out on the floor. He keeps hitting the wall, drawing Janson’s attention. He looks at him with a devilish smile. Thomas shows every ounce of anger and frustration until the water in his lungs makes him lose consciousness. Janson sighs happily before ordering someone to get rid of your body and to transfer Thomas into Maze A where his Trial is about to begin.
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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