itsnotmika · 1 year
actually threw up a little
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couch-house · 2 years
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something thats been in my head for a long time abt vulnerability and comfort and echoes of the past
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I'm not gonna make any sense but I like to think that Puss being not Puss in Boots saved him, like wow.
Death was after Puss in Boots, who 'laughs at the face of death'. But when they had that stare-down, Puss was not laughing.
Because he is not Puss in Boots. Not without the lives he wanted to get back, not without being like the ✨legend✨.
He wanted to be, though. He wanted to feel like Puss in Boots again. Fearless, legendary, undying, laughs at death. Then he saw his one life as Pickles and realized that maybe, he doesn't need to be Puss in Boots. Doesn't need to be a legend, doesn't need to be fearless, doesn't need his lives back.
He just, y'know, needs to fight for the one he has.
Because at that point in time, he is Puss..in boots. Afraid, now humbled, aware of his mortality, and not laughing. In the past confrontations, he couldn't really laugh. This time though, he could. But he didn't.
Death was not after that Puss, so he left.
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dragonomatopoeia · 7 months
i think we can find metaphor even in the excruciatingly literal because humans are narrative driven creatures. like as a kid i loved wolves and cats and werewolves and werecats but every single member of my family was singlemindedly devoted to giving me horse books and horse posters because I was a Girl in the South and that meant i had to be a horse girl. while i just desperately wanted to turn into a wolf and live in the woods. and that is both a thing that happened quite literally and also a metaphor for Gender
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tallyhoot · 6 months
Woagh fun fact about Eddie
I have aphantasia :3
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suenitos · 4 months
Everyone always talks about how young George looks and he does I agree but I think it’s also really cool you can see how he’s aged. He’s so beautiful idk he just continues to get prettier
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so true anonnie :(( i think most of it is in the eyes tbh... he will make a beautiful old man one day... happiness just looks so good on him
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2 and 23 for the fandom asks?
2 - a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
demisexual/romantic adaine. i'm always hesitant to headcanon sexualities, but i really like this one (although i wouldn't be mad if it ended up being something else)
23 - the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
Our Flag Means Death (shout out to @ritzcrackee specifically for this)
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andrewknightley · 2 months
What's your favourite fanart you've ever done for any fandom? Or a few if you can't choose one 😎
GOD why wont you choose a more harder question mmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I peaked with this silly lil dragon age inquisition comic
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Im here like. great expressions nice style. good job past me
2. This collection too of life is strange
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the effort i put into drawing those clothes after going to a fashion museum.... would be nice to be that detail oriented again
3. This Fire emblem three houses comic
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i was liek. yeah no effort at all into drawing the guys. that's not what matters here. also this is me when i see pretty girls
4. this one andy drawing. i got a tshirt with it for a reason (the reason is i love andy) and now i got 2 of those shirts cause there was a mistake
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5. this one of the umineko ladies
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i was gonna call it "3 milfs and (redacted)" but the fandom would had killed me for saying i dont wanna fuck one of them. not saying who tho but you know is not kyrie cause is the one i drew hotter (the one with short hair)
also i must say that this question makes me notice that when time pass i do like my original art more than my fanart but fanart gives me the Happiness when i obsess over something so, they are different happiness xD
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catboylennon · 6 months
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THE BEATLES ARE BACKKKK (at no1 in my Spotify wrapped aksjjshdjss)
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es-quest · 5 months
shidou and muu, where do you two come from?
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"Well I come from Elsewhere. I am unsure about Kusunoki though." "Uh- well...I'm from Across...."
...Maybe these really are what the places they live in are called.
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ruffgem · 3 months
ALSO I HAD THE MOST FREAKISHLY SCARY NIGHTMARE ON EARTH LAST NIGHT wherein i was being pursued by the personification of death and then tried to reason with him so i definitely woke up feeling normal after that
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canarydarity · 1 month
Sooooo, what's your super specific jimmy au based on a historical figure about? 👀
oh you mean the one I am desperately trying to get my brain not to think about because I already HAVE a super niche jimmy au based on a historical figure? I'm so glad you asked <3
Grace Darling was the 22 year old daughter of a lighthouse keeper on the Farne Islands in the UK.
Early in the morning on September 7th 1838, she saw what she believed to be a shipwreck snagged on the rocks of one of the nearby islands. She convinced her father—who thought the idea much too dangerous—to accompany her to the wreck where they managed to save the lives of nine people.
This kind of thing made her INSTANTLY FAMOUS. like she was renowned worldwide for her bravery and empathy for others and for having done this etc. Artists traveled from ALL over to be able to draw portraits of her (people would pay so much money to have one to stick in their wallet. she was THAT famous), she was CONSTANTLY being interviewed by news outlets, Queen Victoria sent her £50!! they wrote each other letters!!!! She received a medal etc.
but grace hated the attention, and she was always saying she'd only done what any person would've and that was all!! she did not deserve nor want a pedestal!!! she asked kindly for it to stop!!! and it :')) did not :')).......
she could not leave her house without being swarmed by people and she was constantly being made to sit for portraits or strangers would beg her for a lock of her hair and it was a LOT! but she felt OBLIGATED to entertain it because it was SUPPOSEDLY well-intentioned!!! she was pressured to go on a tour around the country to speak about that day and her experience and she was SO worn down by the years of attention at this point that on this tour she....contracted tuberculosis and....died. at 26. and this just of course. pushed her even further into the spotlight and now in her death she is this. martyr. further memorialized in the media against her wishes as this hero. and I just. am so so sad for her. and wish she got some peace. she saved the lives of 9 people and she was in a way harassed for it until she,,,,,,,,,,,,
tell me that the idea of Jimmy as a victorian era lighthouse keeper doesnt fucking SLAP. LIKE, im already picturing his wardrobe. UGH! hes so tortured. to me.
its not really an au yet....but it...but my brain is....its trying to make it so....something where i can talk about grace darling and how horribly upset I am about the way she was treated while also fitting jimmy into a victorian lighthouse setting.........................
Dont ask why my first instinct whenever I become obsessed and empathize with a new niche historical figure is to go "can I jimmy them?"
also pay no attention to the way both niche historical figures Ive done this to's stories have revolved around being the center of media storms outside of their control.
if you couldn't tell working at a museum is bad. for me personally. /silly
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I may be melodramatic but at least I'm not St. Augustine lamenting over stealing pears when he was young levels of melodramatic.
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thebigqueer · 11 hours
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bonetrousledbones · 2 years
i’m glad for how much i’ve grown over the years but sometimes i look back on some of the writing decisions i made when i was 14 and just
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amphibifish · 9 months
sometimes i think about that part in a separate peace where gene just describes brinkers fat ass for half a paragraph
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