skyward-floored · 1 year
Castletown wedding is closer to being canon than it ever has been before
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a-french-coconut · 3 months
Jason Grace
Birthdays are, for Jason, a day like another.
It's a normal day.
Nothing out of the ordinary comes from completing another year of living.
When came the day of his third birthday, Lupa gave him a little more food than the other cups.
As for Camp Jupiter...
Well, Jason never bothered telling his fellow comrades his birthday date.
Every time someone asked him "When's your birthday ?", he would always shrug it off and divert the attention somewhere else.
That was until Reyna came along and baked him cakes every single day of the year.
"If you won't tell me, I'll assume it's always today." She would tell him, presenting him a burnt cake with wax dripping from the ignited candles.
He should have know waging war against the daughter of Bellona would mean defeat.
And so, in their first year of friendship, Reyna learns that Jason Grace's birthday is July 1st, in honour of Juno, his patron goddess.
But to his insistence, they don't celebrate it.
"Why ?" She asked him one night, the both of them watching the city from above, in Bacchus' gardens.
"I already have enough attention as it is." He lies, because the truth is that he wants to preserve his birthday like he knows it.
A blurred image of a blue-eyed girl, swinging him around and singing him "Happy Birthday !". He fears that if he celebrated his birthdays, that memory would fade.
"My full name is Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano." Reyna said out of the blue.
"That's a mouthful." He smiled before trying to pronounce it. "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, it's-"
"Don't say it again." Reyna cuts him, her hands clutching her t-shirt, "Never."
"Okay." He replies and he understands why she said it to him.
A treaty, a deal between them.
Two things only they know of each other, a proof of trust.
That night, Reyna became the person Jason trusted more than anyone.
Years passed and nobody bothered to ask him about his birthday.
War is looming on the horizon, a storm ready to fall upon them.
They need to see him as a general, a fearsome warrior ready to lead them to victory.
He is the son of Jupiter and wether he is fourteen or fifteen matters not.
It's not until his sixteenth birthday that Jason understands why birthdays are a special date.
A day to commemorate your life, to celebrate living another year.
When Piper hands him a cupcake, with poorly made frosting, Jason eats it, savouring every bite.
That memory goes lock itself next to Thalia's.
When the war is over, Jason thinks that celebrating his seventeenth birthday with all his friends wouldn't be that bad.
(In canon, Jason never makes it to seventeen. Here, we throw canon out of the window because birthday boy deserves some happiness.)
Jason plops down on his bed, sighing.
What a long year it had been.
His sixteenth year of living began with a fight on the Acropolis, where he basically told his father he was a idiot for punishing Apollo.
Only for said god to barge into his dormitory months later, very mortal looking.
Then, his home is attacked by a zombie army lead by a dead roman king.
And how could he forget Piper breaking up with him.
Overall, that year wasn't the best of years Jason lived.
Except for all the friends he met and the sense of peace it brought him.
Not fully Roman, not entirely Greek, Jason is a children of both.
He has every right to feel at home in Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood, where his father's statue is looking at him right now.
Jason lays in his bed, head purposesly facing the wall, and lets Morpheus greets him in his oneiric realm.
As Artemis leads her moon chariot in the night, June 31st morphs into July 1st.
A lousy voice startles Jason out of sleep and he jolts awake.
"What ?" He asks disoriented and tangled in his sheets.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN !" The same voice screams and it comes from a flying table making circles in his cabin.
"Buford ?" Jason yawns, "what are you doing here ?"
"Right, right, thank you. Can you tone it down a little ?"
"Yeah, I get it. But please, it's-" He checks the clock, "it's seven am."
"What ? I gotta say his name ?"
"Okay," Jason laughs softly, "thank you Leo for wishing me a happy birthday."
"YOU'RE WELCOME BLONDIE ! NOW GET DRESSED AND COME OUTSIDE !" Buford zooms out of the cabin by the open roof.
Jason shakes his head and quickly puts on a Camp t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When he opens the door, there's no one.
"I know you guys are hiding !" He screams as he scans his surroundings. "Buford told me-" He huffs as a weight settles of his back and arms snake around his neck.
"Happy birthday Jason !" Leo screams in his ear, "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy-"
"birthday, thanks." Jason completes, holding Leo on his back.
"Amigo, you are going to live the best day of your life !" Leo claps his shoulders, excited.
"Did you plan it all ?"
"With some help but yes, it was me." Leo shrugs, "Now, it's time for breakfast."
"To the Pavillon we go."
Camp's grounds are empty as they walk towards the eating Pavillon.
"Nobody was woken up by Buford ?" Jason asks, surprised, "he made quite the noise."
"Don't worry about that." Leo flicks his head, surely grinning like a madman.
"Fine, but I don't want to bother anyone-" He falters as they enter the Pavillon.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON !" The whole camp scream, whistle, whoop.
He feels his face going hot, "Thanks you guys ! It's very nice of you to-"
At the Apollo Cabin, Will takes a mic and begins to sing.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Jason Grace, happy birthday to you !" He finishes amidst his siblings' applauses.
"Woah, thank you Will." Jason says, his face probably the colour of a tomato.
Will bows and sits back, himself a little red but pleased with himself.
Leo jumps down from him, "Camp rules still apply so I gotta leave you here. But don't worry, I've got other surprises planned out for you." Leo winks and goes join his siblings.
Jason makes his way towards his table, murmuring "thank you", "really appreciated it", "you're the best." to all the campers he crosses.
When he finally sits down, another little surprise awaits him.
Blue brownies with a note.
"Sorry I'm not here buy you know, studies. Still, Annabeth and I wish you a happy birthday and you'll get our gifts later ! Enjoy your day, I'm still better than you because I win Kansas- ouch Annabeth ! Yes, I'm writing it because Jason will be my witness of your attitude. Appreciate the letter bro because it took me a while with dyslexia.
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
PS : I made the brownies (as if it wasn't obvious.), shut up Annabeth. Wait, can I still say shut up if you're writing ? (End the letter.), right, okay, ending the letter now."
Jason chuckles fondly, munching on a delicious brownie while he reads the note.
Most of his friends are at Camp Jupiter, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy.
He knows they would be here with him if they could, but the praetors are too busy to leave and Percy and Annabeth had exams coming up.
He tucks the note into his jeans and finishes the brownies, sacrificing a conjured apple to his father.
Hello, Father. Thank you for, hum, conceiving me ?
Yeah, that'll do.
He almost faceplates when Leo jumps on his back again.
"You're like a leech." He huffs, readjusting him so they are both comfortable.
"Don't know what that is but I'll assume it's something good." Leo replies, poking his neck. "Head towards the arena please, you have sword fighting class."
"No I don't."
"Yes, you do." Leo chirps, "now go."
"Leech." Jason groans.
Another surprise awaits him at the arena.
"Nico !"
The son of Hades gives him a small wave, "Hi Jason. Happy birthday."
"You came all the way from the Underworld ?" Jason asks with a big smile on his face, "for me ?"
"Don't flatter yourself that much Jason." Nico replies drily, "Will is the main reason I'm here."
"Of course," Jason grins, "how presumptuous of me to assume otherwise."
"I hope I'm not interrupting-" Leo pipes in.
"You are."
"Hush Di Angelo, I got best friend's privileges." Leo continues, "Give him your gift."
"You got me a gift ?"
"Yes." Nico mumbles, glaring at Leo, "I am here for your birthday after all. And Will of course." He adds, taking out a small box from his jacket and handing it to him.
He shrugs Leo off his back and takes the box.
It's pin, with "best cousin awards" written in big golden letters on it.
"It's-" Jason smiles, "it's just to piss Percy off when he sees it, isn't it ?"
"No." Nico says with a straight face. Jason looks at him. "Maybe a little," he concedes, "but I do believe you are not a bad cousin to have."
"Thanks Nico." Jason says earnestly, "I would hug you but..."
Nico smiles, "I can make an exception." and opens his arms.
Jason hugs him briefly and as soon as he's done, Leo climbs again.
"Right ! Now Nico, go find your boyfriend and Jason, direction the Big House !"
This little game lasts the whole day, Leo taking him to different places and people greeting him, wishing him happy birthday.
Malcolm gives him sets of models and black glasses.
"From Annabeth and Percy." He said.
"I understand Annabeth's gifts but did Percy explained ?"
"Yeah." Malcolm suppressed a grin, "It's to help you disguise yourself, like Clark Kent."
Jason rolled his eyes but hanged the glasses on his t-shirt's hem.
Drew gifted him contact lenses.
Connor offered him a book on geometry and architectural design.
"Annabeth might have helped a little." The son of Hermes confessed "And I promise I bought them fair and square."
Katie, Nyssa, Pollux all give him gifts.
It warms his heart that they care so much.
"You did help save our camp." Katie smiled, "It's the kind of thing that makes us appreciate you."
He now has a beautiful plant, a new set of armour and a ticket to an arcade room in New York.
The sun sets and it's time for dinner.
"Leo," Jason calls him as his friend join his table, "thank you for this day, it was the best birthday gift ever."
His friend's eyes glint, "Ah but Jace, the day's not over yet !" and he leaves cackling.
What could have he planned ? Jason thinks as he eats his fries.
Two hands suddenly obscure his vision.
He waits for the person to speak but she doesn't, "I have to guess ?"
He takes the silence for a yes.
"Hum," Jason thinks, who could it be ? One of his friends from Camp Jupiter ? Or... maybe... "Thalia ?" He call out hesitantly.
"Great guess little brother." Thalia laughs as her face appears next to him, "great guess."
He hugs her instantly, "You-"
"Came especially for your birthday, yeah." Thalia finishes, "how could I not ? My little brother is seventeen !" She ruffles his hair, arm on his shoulder.
"For me," Jason repeats, "you came for me."
"Yeah," Thalia says, "I'll always come for you Jason, always." She smiles before adding, "happy birthday."
"You were my only memory for a while you know." He gulps, feeling tears pooling in his eyes. "I'm sorry- I don't know why I'm crying, it's a happy moment, I'm happy-" He takes a big breath, Thalia's circular hugs on his back soothing him.
"You always loved this." Thalia says wistfully, "It always succeeded to calm your tantrums."
"Still works." He sniffles, leaning into Thalia's touch.
"Fate is a cruel thing," she whispers, "I never thought I would see you again after mom left you in those woods. And I've missed all your life, all your birthday parties-"
"You didn't, I never celebrated my birthday until last year." Jason whispers back, "I wanted to keep how I remembered it, with you swinging me around in the house."
Thalia chortles, "You already loved being in the air as a baby, you would always sit next to me and ask to be carried."
"I'm too big now."
"Hey," she nudges him, "no matter how taller you get, you will always be my little brother."
"I'm older though."
"Tough, you're still younger in my eyes." She snarks back, her head resting on his shoulder. "Leo's the one that invited me. I would have come nonetheless but I'm glad you found him, he's a good friend."
"Yeah," he agrees, "he is."
"I didn't come alone." Thalia adds, "there's another hunter with me."
"Hello Jason." A new voice says from behind.
"Reyna," Jason replies, "you're a huntress now."
She nods, "It's what is best for me."
"I'm going to leave you two alone," Thalia says, standing up, "I'll sleep in Zeus cabin tonight so see you later."
After she leaves, Reyna makes no move to go seat with him.
She's as Jason remembered, exuding an air of royalty and undeniable leadership.
She's the leader everyone see when they look at her, the woman who lead New Rome by herself, the demigod that killed a giant.
But Jason can see the small scar on her right wrist, the one she got for teasing Aurum too much with his food.
Or how she's nibbling her lip, indicating she's hungry and the way her hands are clasped behind her back, so that Jason doesn't see them trembling.
She's vainly trying to put a facade Jason can see right through.
"I'm sorry." He says, because it's all he can say.
"What for ?" She tilts her head, "you didn't ask Juno to capture you."
"But you loved me." He adds, because they need to address it, "you loved me and I came back with another girl."
She stiffens and Jason knows that her hands are tightly clasped, Reyna willing herself to stay composed.
"It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have assumed you liked me back." Reyna clears her throat, "You had every right to date Piper."
"But-" He protests because he expected her to be angry, to be cold. She shouldn't be understanding, "I-"
She laughs bitterly, cutting him off, "You and Thalia share it, you know ? That unshaken belief that you are the cause of everything, that you have a hand in each matter evolving around you. I suppose it is divine heritage." she muses.
She scans the tables, her face lingering on Cabin 10.
"Venus' children ?" She asks and he nods, "Do you remember Charleston ?"
"Hum yes, we went to retrieve imperial gold-"
"I met Venus that day, and she told me that no demigod would ever heal my heart and that I will never find love where I hoped or wished to find." Reyna tells him, still looking at the Aphrodite Cabin, "I never told anyone that" she turns her obsidian eyes on him, "except you."
An olive branch.
An echo to the start of their friendship.
"I'm sorry for leading you on, for never making clear that I considered you a good friend." Jason apologises, feeling angry towards the goddess for ruining his best friend's life, "I hope the hunters of Artemis bring you the family you deserve Reyna."
He leans towards her, "I'm a little jealous of you to be honest," he smiles, a grin devoid of mirth, "I never had such a family before, and I don't think I ever will."
A secret for a secret.
That's how started their first friendship and that is how begins their new one, Reyna quietly seating next to him and directly stealing his fries.
"We'll come visit," she assures him, "every time we are near your location."
She eats quietly for another moment, her eyes fixed on Leo making laugh Harley over some joke.
"I think you're wrong."
"About what ?" He asks.
"About having a family, I think there's someone who would very much like spending his life with you."
"His ?" Jason picks up, "who is it ?"
"Leo Valdez could also make with some family," Reyna muses, "don't you think ?"
"Yeah..." He says slowly, "yeah, I suppose he can."
Next to him, Reyna grins slightly. "I'm sure he would be delighted if you were to sit next to him at your campfire, I'll tell Thalia not to wait for you."
"Maybe I want to sit with Thalia."
She raises her eyebrow, "She'll be here for the next two days, you'll have time to see her."
"Okay, okay" he relents, "I'll ask him when dinner ends."
They spend the rest of dinner chatting about the shrines Jason has to build, the relief of not being predator anymore, Aurum and Argentum, Reyna's new lifestyle.
"Leo !" He calls the son of Hephaestus who looks surprised to see him, "Wanna sit with me at campfire ?" He asks nervously.
"You're not going with Thalia ?"
For a reason unknown to Jason, Nyssa sighs loudly behind them and pinching her nose.
"She's staying a few days, I'll see her later. Right now, I want to go with you."
He gestures his back and Leo laughs but obliges, his head resting on his shoulder.
"Lead the way, Superman."
After two hours of singing, roasting s'mores, laughing until it hurts, Jason lays in his bed in Cabin 1, with a smile as Thalia's light snores fill the room.
Birthdays, Jason has come to find, are extraordinary days that he cherishes a lot for they bring all his friends together.
He cannot wait for his eighteenth birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON GRACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I'm a little late but it's because it ended up being way longer than I thought it would 😅
Sweet, fluffy, comforting story because he deserves it 💖
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chocxy-prince · 9 months
hear me out okay
so i’ve had like this idea for the longest time. It’s basically the ancients and their parents (mostly single lma) called the First Generation. This does go against canon logic technically, but let’s just say the current ancients are like their heirs in a way?? okay so like here we go
White Cocoa: Dark cacaos mother, dragon born, badass queen-
alias: The dragon of the north and the ice warrior of the north
one of the strongest female leaders in the land. she doesn’t wear armor or anything. Just a black dress with long gloves, a cloak like cacaos, the crown and sword. she also has this very cool falcon she found when young she named Artemis that she passed down to cacao when she died. She was unfortunately murdered by Wildflower who was love sick on gaining power and influence. she also has red eyes and white hair she got for being one with the snow.
can be basically brought back from the dead by a ritual involving a certain flower on a spot in her temple, causing her statue to crack and out she comes.
personality: Basically cacao but like very laid back woman ish?? idk
Baked Parm. Cookie: golden cheeses dad
eagle silly, or like falcon or something??
knew fettuccine when they were a little noodle. Very good friend with Cocoa and hates Wildflower.
personality: Very full of himself and slightly narcissistic. very chill but can be very serious when it comes to battle and loves his daughter to pieces.
looks: I don’t really have an idea yet but something golden cheese
Divine Goddess: Possibly the wife of white cocoa??? (this may change of course but for now she is)
I have a decent idea on her backstory. Back in her time the republic was very sexist (like a medieval kingdom haur haur) and women normally didn’t join the army. she was the first female commander of her time, and fought many battles with her other allies. when she did, she was made into a martyr and that’s how the divine religion started up.
Golden armor, looks like madeleine, but is more statue like. (doesn’t have a mouth, etc.) the second strongest of the first generation.
alias: Doesn’t really have one (for now)
Wildflower: A very chill little dude, father of white lily.
father like daughter, he falls in a love sick wanting of power. the two were the same in many ways, yet different. Lily wanted to do it for the good, he didn’t. He planned to take the world over to create the perfect world. (very idealist, and very dictatorial.)
in that grab for power, he decides to start turning on his allies.
he decides white cocoa would be a good place to start since she had a really good palace to be used as a main base. In their scuffle and meet up, White cocoa and him fight, he kills her right in-front of her poor son at the age of ten. Wildflower simply runs once guards run after hearing cacao cry and weep for his dying mother.
???: holly berries dad (i forgot his name, so sorry :( )
if want more info just ask and tbh i want credit if someone uses this idea? thank you!! :3
(Edit: To be honest, this probably won’t get seen anyway, and probably doesn’t even make sense.)
and of course comment if you have anything to add. I’ll definitely draw these guys at some point when i stop using blocks for body’s and use proportions.
edit again: I totally forgot by peepaw nilly
Vanilla Bean: pure vanillas mother
alias: “The creator”
personality: Very sweet and caring, worried for her poor little youngin. she’s very inviting but can blow a gasket if you can make her.
backstory ish:??? born from vanillas straws and flower petals of blues and whites. When she found out about wildflower attacking her dear ally, she went after him. out of the whole group, wildflower and her knew each other the longest.
desc: Pretty much a long white dress, long wavy and curly blonde hair, light blue eyes with a yellow diamond in the middle. She has a star mark like her son, has a crown piece and is a healer companion who can also attack.
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russeliarat · 2 years
I forgot to send this in, oops!
What are some relationship (not just romantic, but any type of relationship) headcanons you have for the chain (plus people like Malon, the Zeldas, etc)?
So I'm generally not good at picking up subtle parts of platonic relationships for the Chain because Jojo is really good at subtle writing. I have autism. Enough said. Anyway, I'll just focus on romantic relationships for the Chain and kinda expand on the Zeldas because I feel some are headcanons that very few people have for the Links and Zels. (A lot of my ideas for the Zeldas come from my Hylia's Heroines AU where all the Zeldas meet)
I'm not usually the type to come up with romance related headcanons, but I adore the canon ones between Time and Malon, and Sky and Sun. There's something so tooth-rottingly sweet between each of their relationships, even if we only see Sky's through his perspective. Another one I like the idea of is Hyrule and Aurora, who's the Zelda from Link's Adventure. The idea I have for her is a kind of energetic girl with traits like of Legend. Very sarcastic and good with humour, quite sassy. I love her. Their love almost comes off as puppy love, it's very sweet and affectionate.
Not talking about Aurora and Hyrule, the different Zeldas are obviously my interpretations because we haven't seen a single Zelda in the actual comic (bar Flora in a flashback for a single panel). I'll split it into sections coz it's easier to read that way.
Basically co-workers;
Time and Lullaby, Twi and Dusk, and Wars and Athena(/Artemis) fall under this category, but in different ways. While Twi and Dusk spent very little time together and thus don't know each other on too friendly of a level, Time and Lullaby basically worked to saved Hyrule together, though by differing means based on the timeline. I imagine Time became a little connected to Lullaby in the Adult Timeline, which carried over to the Child Timeline and they became friendly as kids after Time reported Ganondorf as a traitor. After he left for Majora's Mask and returned to Hyrule, I think the two would have reconnected. They're riding the line between co-workers and basically siblings lol.
Warriors and Athena fought a war together, they bond based on trauma but due to the fact that their relationship was solely formed during the war and is between a soldier and a princess, they keep it professional. It's likely to furthest Wars got was possibly becoming a battle advisor/planner.
Legend and Fable being siblings is one of my favourite relationship headcanons the fanon has. I have no idea where it came from but its very interesting, one of my current favourite LU fics follows this idea. In my eyes, they're very distant since Legend grew up outside of the castle. They're still civil but it's almost like Legend isn't a prince at all.
Another one is Dawn (Zelda 1) and Hyrule, though they're similarly a little bit distant towards each other, though they aren't actually siblings. Dawn takes a lot more after Fable than Aurora and there's a whole succession crisis thats happening now that there's a second princess in the mix. There's a lot of resentment and petty arguing, which includes playing homeworker and messing with each others love lives. Hyrule's aware of it but doesn't really know the extent because of his complete lack of knowledge about court politics. He stays away from Dawn mostly out of respect to Aurora but is civil when needing to interact with Dawn.
Tetra and Wind too! I see Tetra as an adult and grew up thinking that so I place them squarely in the sibling section. They're very close actually, they feel a bit like best friends lol.
Friendly (but in differing ways)
Four and Dot come to mind - I see them as second cousins because of their connections to Sky and Sun. They grew up together so their childhood besties basically, but it's like remixed because they're cousins so it makes it closer I guess? It's a bit chaotic post-Four Swords, but they manage lol.
Wild and Flora are here too, they reconnected after BotW and hang around each other. It's prob really hard to get a monarchy going again after Hyrule's governed by independant states so she likely just wanders around with him and does scscieny things. Technically Tetra and Wind fit in here too, on Legend and Fable on a good day. Oh, and Time and Lullaby. Yeah some ride the lines between categories and get honorary placements lol.
Honourable Mentions!
For the other love interests! Twilight has Midna and Ilia. It's a bit complicated for him, I think hes got a forbidden love kinda thing going on with Midna, but does eventually get with Ilia coz it's considered the right decision for him. There will always be that longing for Midna though.
Wild and Mipha are complex too, Mipha obviously loved the person who Wild used to be, but it's up in the air whether it was reciprocated due to things such as his position and his role and expectation etc. I personally think its an alliance thing - Rhoam's relations with the Zora is getting rocky, and there isn't a Zora Prince for his previous Zelda to marry, but there is a princess who seems to fawn over Zelda's bodyguard. Wild likely doesn't hold any such feelings for her in BotW due to the detattchment between him and his previous self, but still feels and understands what happened as most people remember their memories through the emotions they felt in the moment.
Legend and Ravio definitely have something going on, whether it be a once begrudging friendship turned close or a bromanceof some kind, no one really knows and they certainly don't either. All they know is that since they're living together in close proximity anyway, might a well just chill out within arms reach of each other.
And any relationship that came about amongst Skyloft's Knight Academy is solely Sky's doing. He's playing matchmaker and sussing out who's in who's mind. I imagine the thing with Patrice was genuine and they did like each other for a small amount of time before Sky discovered he loved Sun, but Patrice knew it wouldn't work out because he's searching for Sun and could almost sense the longing he had for his best friend. It didn't really matter if it was platonic or romantic longing, but Patrice knew it wouldn't work out so she split it off. It was nice for a while.
And my girl Linkle! She's is wholly underrepresented in this fandom which is a complete injustice. I imagine that she is Wars' older sister that donned her green clothes to protect both her country, her farm, and what was left of her family. I have a whole rewrite for Hyrule Warriors in a Google Doc that makes Linkle a part of the main story, wherein she creates a friendship with Lana and Midna, and I feel that for some reason I may have made Linkle and Midna connect a little too much for it to not come off as romantic. Who knows, maybe Midna just has a thing for farm-living heroes in green?
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
I don't know if you've already done this but what are your headcanons about our main assassins as monsters/mystical creatures and how they would become said creatures ?
Altaïr - genie - given that he has the apple of eden in canon i think being a genie makes sense and i don’t mean the aladdin type i mean more like a spirit in its mesopotamian origins - just born like that
since altaïr is also strongly associated with wisdom he could be a griffin or a sphinx
ezio - vampire - maybe it’s cuz he’s italian but major vampire vibes, i feel like vampires would have killed the men in his family and then a vampire bit him but for whatever reason he didn’t die he only ended up turning into a vampire OR his dad was a vampire so ezio turned out to be one too and when they all died he ended up alone as a (half?) vampire
the kenways - werewolves - it just makes so much sense as they’re all aggressive and brutal in their fighting alike to werewolves, maybe when edward was travelling he got bit by a werewolf or something and now it’s a hereditary thing
if not werewolves i’d imagine their some sort of scaly/lizard creature like a sea serpent for edward, basilisk for haytham, connor im not sure tbh i can’t answer why or how they turned into one of those that’s why i’m sticking to werewolves
arno - this is really hard actually i think because some of the ones i would choose are just women (i was gonna say harpy) so i’ll have to say a gorgon - i think the idea that he’s practically lost all his close in his life gorgon can be fitting since he gets to ‘permanently’ keep them close to him and he won’t lose them, probably got cursed by a god like medusa (i think in the original story she was born a gorgon tho)
jacob and evie - whenever i think of them and myths i think of apollo and artemis the personalities just fit and they’re twins but since you said creatures maybe griffins? or centaurs like chiron who are very smart i just get the feeling they’d be the wise creatures so i’m gonna say griffin cuz they’re fast and quick with their kills - born that way
bayek - i mean this guy fought gods so in myths he’d be like a warrior like hercules or something but as a creature maybe a phoenix? or specifically Bennu, the bird of fire said to be one of Ra’s families, both phoenix and Bennu have the rebirth characteristics and i think fire is just the best element for bayek (hence why i hc him as Hephaestus in a greek god au)
kassandra - well given she canonically fights mythological creatures and deities it makes things a little harder, maybe typhon, the last child of Gaia and the ‘father of all monsters’, he’s basically like the strongest creature, otherwise minotaur? though i swear she does kill one, i just think something angry and aggressive suits her since rage is a large part of her character - born that way
oh my god mass could literally be a valkyrie it’s norse mythology but it literally works so well wtf
eivor - well if they’re not odin then probably fenrir, i think big and powerful are key factors of eivor so i can’t see eivor as anything else but somehow related to the gods
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percabeth4life · 3 years
Not a relationship, but how would you do Percy hosting Kronos and then the Titans winning?
Hmm, okay so to start with this I would actually have Kronos good at manipulation.
Like book one is the sweet spot here. Percy has just learned about the Gods, he doesn't have any real connections to the Godly world and they're screwing him over right then. His life is being threatened for a crime he didn't commit, the camp has basically abandoned him, Hades stole his mom, and Poseidon appears to have only claimed him so he can do his dirty work.
Frankly, if Rick had written Kronos even slightly competent in manipulation then Percy would've been on his side. Like canonically there was basically nothing keeping Percy on the Gods side right then.
So Kronos speaks sweet words and promises, shows Percy how good things to be under his rule, promises to save his mom, talks up how bad the Gods are. He reassures Percy that he doesn't want death, he just wants to replace the Gods with their faulty rule. He goes on and on about all the improvements he'd make (talking animals! Plenty of food for all! No painful deaths! Peaceful afterlives!) and coaxes Percy gently to his side.
Then when Percy returns to camp and is loved, he acts all comforting. He talks about how he's so sorry Percy now has to deal with the people that abandoned him prior. And now they pretend to have been his friends? Oh wow that shroud they made for you... I'm so sorry, you deserve better. You deserve people who care.
Luke is of course assigned to stick close to Percy and be kind and supportive and to subtle talk down the camp and the people.
Then at the end of book 1, he has Luke offer Percy a position by his side instead of the pit scorpion scene. And frankly, with all the manipulation going on prior, Percy is on board.
So then Percy is by their side, and that means things like... the fleece don't work. Percy was the reason that succeeded after all. So maybe the Titan's get the fleece and that speeds up Kronos' recovery. Also Clarisse and Grover may die there (could die there, we could kill them now because how would they escape without Annabeth and Percy? And how would Annabeth get there without Percy gaining the attention he did?), but we'll say that they manage to escape thanks to their own clever skills. It's a close thing though.
And the quest in book three... well honestly they probably wouldn't have caught Thorn taking the kids without Percy so jot that down as another fail. And now two more big three kids are on the Titan's side (we get Kronos scolding Thorn for taking them by force, he was supposed to be kind. Percy is a reassuring presence, just a bit older and more than happy to talk about how things are great here).
And well, maybe the quest still happens in book 3, maybe not. Maybe Artemis decides to go off looking for the cause of whatever monster is stirring (maybe she's noticed, maybe there are rumors, maybe the Ophiotaurus dies in the ocean without Percy to rescue it).
We'll say that Artemis does go, she's wanting proof for the council that they need to mobilize. The Titans ask a girl demigod on their team to hold up the sky just for a few minutes, three at most, then shove Artemis in there and Artemis saves her and takes the sky.
So a quest is sent out, only this time Percy and Bianca aren't there, so it's only three sent on the quest. Or maybe Annabeth goes too. And it goes alright... except it doesn't also. You could say they get defeated in the museum (but we'll say they figure it out). They have no warning for the skeletons but they can see them so they flee. No Bianca means no issue in Hephaestus' junkyard so no death there. They have to walk to the dam which could slow them down. There's no one to catch Mr. Ocean shape shifter so they just have to go to the garden (they never find out what happened to the Ophiotaurus, maybe he died, maybe he's in a lovely tank with the Titan's because they need Percy and Percy wants him to live so he'll live).
And without Percy to hold the sky, Artemis is still trapped.
At this point Kronos has had the fleece for 6 months, and that thing can work miracles. Combine that with the people still joining... well Perhaps he's all ready now.
Perhaps who steps out is not Percy, but Kronos in Percy's body.
So they're facing two Titans, not one. None of them escape.
The Titan's now hold all the possible prophecy children.
And that's the end of it for the Gods. They have a missing Goddess, all the prophecy children missing, the lieutenant of the hunt missing, and Camp's main strategist missing.
They don't realize until the camp is under siege that there's an opening. Camp falls quickly, because there was no Percy and Annabeth to find the Labyrinth. No quest to find out what was going on with their enemies. Daedalus has no second thoughts.
Camp falls with Kronos waltzing in and taking over. Atlas is by his side. It's quick and brutal (but maybe not fatal for the camp, Kronos wants followers after all, killing them is counterproductive). He puts Atlas in charge there, keep them alive Atlas, and then plans to go on Olympus.
There is no Typhoon this time, no Percy to awaken him. So things are a bit harder, but also easier. Kronos can cause his own distractions afterall, and Poseidon is still trapped in the ocean battling Okeanus.
Kronos is more than capable of mimicking that situation and splitting up the Gods. Hades won't interfere, not without Nico, and Demeter and Persephone are with him. Hestia isn't a warrior. Poseidon is in the ocean. That leaves Hera and Zeus on Olympus to fight as the big six, and then the other Olympians (minus Artemis).
Hermes may go to Luke if Luke calls, how easy would that trap be to set? So Hermes is caught by Luke when Luke lies to him about having second thoughts.
Kronos targets Apollo personally because Apollo is a dangerous God to have out and about. He's put next to his sister (and takes the burden for her but she's exhausted and weakened and they're both caught still).
Before they march on Olympus Kronos is healed enough to take his own form, he leaves Percy (leaves him alive too, Percy has been such a helpful minion after all, he gets rewarded) and takes shape. He marches on Olympus himself, his forces by his side.
Percy and Luke as his right hand men.
And Olympus falls.
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tortilla-of-wisdom · 3 years
I am most certainly willing to share!
So, if I ever get it to the point of posting (ie, finished), I'll likely title the story 'Mistaken Identity', but as it's sitting in my docs I have it titled 'That One Story Where Warriors Wears Drag' because I am nothing if not clear (or if I'm not clear when naming docs it's one of 107 stories with the exact same title but numbered, since I am not always creative).
So, the story basically evolved from, I saw someone mention Warriors potentially playing body double for Artemis during the war, since they look so similar, and I was like 'I want to add that to a fic, but how?' and then I was like 'well what if the Chain stops in Wars' era and there's worry about the Queen's safety? He can spend a few days pretending to be Artemis while they sort the issue out'. And then I figured out what I wanted the danger to be.
So Warriors, dressed as Artemis, gets kidnapped and wakes up in a cell with all of the rest of the Zeldas and abruptly goes 'oh shit'. So he organizes a jailbreak and the girls all get out only to discover they are not, in fact, in Warriors' era anymore. Meaning he can't just take the girls back to the castle and switch out with Artemis. (It also means that he spends the first portion of the fic in Artemis' nightgown without shoes, which only serves to annoy him further.)
Meanwhile in his era everyone is FREAKING OUT because the Queen got kidnapped, and worse, the Hero has gone missing too. So everyone is thinking they've both been targeted for some reason and there's a panic and scramble to get them back.
So we have two plots happening at the same time.
Plot 1 is Warriors stuck with the Zeldas, jumping through time to figure out why they were all gathered, while Warriors desperately attempts to make sure no one realizes he's not Artemis. (This is hard because Tetra is in HW, and while she never met Artemis she HAS canonically met Warriors before. Her suspicion causes Wars great stress.)
Plot 2 features the Chain, joined by Artemis-as-Sheik, mounting a rescue mission to find their missing friend and his Zelda. Time knows for a fact that Sheik is Artemis, and so has his suspicions about where Wars is and how he's dressed, and Sheik knows that he knows they're Artemis. And they know he knows they know that. But Time keeps pretending he doesn't know and it is driving Sheik up the wall because they don't know if he's messing with them or not but also like HELL is Time winning whatever game he's playing.
(I don't know if Time is playing a game with this or not. He might be, but it's equally likely he's just assumed everyone knows Sheik=Zelda and everyone is just pretending otherwise in case the kidnappers are listening to them. I think I'm leaning towards the 'he's a little shit who knows exactly what he's doing and how much stress he's causing the Queen' option though.)
Warriors does eventually get actual clothes to wear, and a sword. Also, fun headcanon for him based on this, he's a style mimic! If he can use a weapon, he can also, with a bit of practice, perfectly mimic another person's fighting style, down to their dominant hand even. Like, he's left handed, but he's ambidextrous exclusively when it comes to fighting as long as he knows the style of someone who fights right handed. Helps him a lot in getting Tetra off his back for about a week before she's found something new about his performance to poke holes at.
In the end, the two groups meet up, and Warriors and Artemis come up with some sort of scheme to get Warriors back to his group and explain away his absence, and then Artemis joins the Zeldas and Warriors gets back with the Chain and the groups split up and go about their separate missions.
On an amusing, related note, this story has also prompted me to come up with full names for all of the Zeldas, which Warriors uses to tell them apart until they get their nicknames, since I am of the firm belief that the Zeldas aren't all known as Queen Zelda the [inster number]. It makes way more sense to refer to them in history records by their middle names instead of numbering them. Do you know how many Zeldas end up born to the royal family? Too many to number. So, middle names. They all have middle names now.
i loved reading every second of this oh my god. i think i read that idea about Warriors being a double of sorts for Artemis too and i love it. i especially adore your interpretation of it for this project!!!! Tetra being suspicious of him the entire time because he KNOWS him is so funny KJASDNFASFD and the same with Artemis/Sheik and Time oh my god... Time being a little shit and just playing around with people like that is really funny i love when people add it in
i absolutely love this and am asking to get tagged if you ever post this because my GOD. i'd read it so hard. ALSO YESSS yes give them middlenames!!!!!! considering the tradition of naming princesses Zelda, it'd make way more sense to give them a unique middlename for records' sake. I'm so glad they have middle names you're a genius
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writerfae · 3 years
Tumblr media
In light of me relistening to the Percy Jackson audio book here are my headcanons for what Greek God would be my ocs‘ godly parent in a halfgod au.
(It’s not much but I thought I share it anyway because I spend way too much time on coming up with all this)
Aiden: Son of Artemis
This is actually the perfect choice for him and you can’t convince me otherwise. I mean obviously the goddess of the hunt fits him well. Yes I know Artemis is technically a virgin goddess but let’s be real we talk about gods here I’m sure it is possible for her to have a son somehow…
Henry: Son of Persephone
Now hear me out: this is literally perfect because they are actually quite similar in many ways and they basically have the same story (as my friend @thegirlwithnonickname pointed out). Also Persephone is a vegetation goddess and that is also pretty fitting in my opinion.
Callan: Son of Selene
I mean… Selene is the moon goddess… and Callan has a canon connection to the moon… and the moon goddess literally saved his life by giving him some of her own life energy. So it just had to be Selene.
Talon: Son of Athena
This was actually the easiest decision to make because I honestly can’t imagine Talon having any other godly parent but her and I can’t even explain why. Let’s say the stars told me so. No really I think he’s just a lot like I imagine a child of the goddess of wisdom and war would be like idk.
Halea: Daughter of Nike
I thought the goddess of victory would fit her well because of her competitiveness and because she’s a warrior and all. And because she’s simply too much of a sweetheart to be a child of Ares. I definitely like Nike as her mom more. I like Nike more than Ares in general.
Maya: Daughter of Demeter
You know because Demeter is the goddess of grain and harvest and Maya is a farm girl at heart (I don’t know if I ever said that but she grew up on a farm). Also personality wise it’s a match, I think. Fun fact, she has the same godly parent as Ranva in this au what technically makes her sorta related to Henry and Aiden.
(Btw if you wonder how Henry and Aiden can both have godly moms but still be Ranva‘s sons, I have a story for that, too.)
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the-ronan-cycle · 6 years
Diverse Book Recs
I recently typed up a list of books for a friend who said she’d stopped reading because she couldn’t find diverse/queer books. This list is predominately focused on queer diversity but there’s also lot’s of super awesome ladies and poc here too. The list is also in two parts, the first are all books that I’ve read myself and include me trying to give a summary, content warnings (If I can remember, I can’t guarantee they’re all exhaustive.) and a rating. The second part has books on my to read list that, to my knowledge, have queer characters. All of the titles are linked to their goodreads page.
I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman
A Hijabi ace fangirl goes to London on a week long trip to meet her internet friend and go to the concert of her favourite band. Jimmy, the trans, gay, mixed race, mentally ill singer for said band is figuring out how growing up famous has changed himself and his friends. They cross paths and stuff happens. A really interesting look into fan culture, both the good and the bad. Really fun characters and relationships. Written by the same person who does the Heartbreaker webcomic. CW: alcoholic behavior, brief mention of unintentional trans outing 4.5/5
The Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
Welsh mythology meets small town Virginia. Gorgeous, poetic writing by Stiefvater tells the surreal story of a group of teenagers on the search for a lost welsh king and wish foretold if one wakes him. Along the way they discover the power of ley lines, dreams, and ~friendship~. One of the main characters (my favourite character) is canon queer (he’s into a girl and guy but like, the word bi isn’t explicitly said) and one of the other main characters is canon gay. It’s a difficult story to describe but it’s such a fascinating read. CW: child abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, there’s a scene in the second book that I think the author confirmed was sexual assault 5/5
Shades of Magic Series - V.E. Schwab
Avatar the last airbender meets pirates and royalty and multiverses. In this world there are 4 earths that intersect at London. Kell is one of the only two people who can travel between Londons. Grey London is our world, Red London is Kell’s, full of magic. White London is a wasteland barren of magic and ruled by bloodthirsty twins. Black London is dead. The main cast of Kell, Lila Bard, a pirate thief who gets caught up in the adventure, Rhy, the (gay? Bi? I forget lol) prince of Red London, and Alucard, (also gay? Or bi?) actual pirate have to save the multiverse! Lots of great subplots, written by a queer woman and impossible to put down. If you saw me with my kindle in class after winter last year, it was because I literally couldn’t stop reading. CW: frankly it’s been too long since I read it im sorry 5/5
Leah on the Offbeat/Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli
Simon Vs is the book Love Simon is based on. Simon (gay) has a mystery pen pal, Blue. All he knows is that Blue also goes to Creekwood High and is gay. But Simon leaves the emails open on a school computer because he’s a dumbass and then also an ass but the bad kind, Martin finds them and blackmails Simon. It’s similar to the movie but I prefer the book! There are some scenes and plot points that didn’t make it in. Also his friends don’t suck as much when he’s outed. Leah on the OffBeat is the sequel about Simon’s friend, Leah. She’s bi! Simon thought all his friends were straight but jkjkjk gays flock together. Cute wlw high school story. CW: character is outed against their will, underage drinking  SVTHA 5/5 LOTO 4/5
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee
Main character is a total slut and we support him. Bi and ready to party. But wait it’s the 1800s and that’s not super chill. In a final hurrah before he has to become master of his family estate, Henry Montague takes his best friend (gay and also ready to party) and, reluctantly, his little sister  (ace and ready to be a doctor) on a tour of the continent. Along the way they discover a plot and their trip turns upside down. There’s pirates! Period accurate medicine! Characters unlearning their prejudices! CW: Child abuse, period typical homophobia, sexism and racism 4/5
Captive Prince Trilogy - C.S. Pacat
hEAR ME OUT. This is probably my favourite series I’ve ever read. You’ve heard of enemies to lovers? Get ready for enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to allies to lovers! Crown Prince Damianos of Akielos is caught up in a coup lead by his half brother and sent to the enemy nation of Vere to be a pleasure slave for their crown prince, Laurent. Now here you think it’s gonna be some kinky sex romp but it actually becomes the best political intrigue with a thoughtful, loving, very vanilla romance. “If you gave me your heart, I would treat it tenderly”. Dw they only have sex after the whole slave thing is over. Also, they abolish slavery so there’s that. If you don’t like the first book,  I get it but just try the second book, the tone changes with the change of setting. The author does some really interesting stuff with her setting. Typically writers will just make society reflect our by default but Pacat threw that out, homophobia? Never heard of her. In Vere it’s actually taboo for men and women to have sex before marriage because of the threat of bastards. So everyone just is gay instead. You want a matriarchal warrior women country? Pacat has got your back. The series does lack in well written women. There are a few women but not enough, Pacat has talked about this and is basically like, u right, I’ll do better in my next series. Written by a queer WOC (kinda? Woc is the wrong word but just read these tweets where she describe it better than i ever could)  and I love it, the end. CW: child abuse, child sexual abuse, incest, rape, sex slavery, prostitution, graphic violence, non consensual drug consumption, child death, suicide, torture, animal death (also it should be obvious but none of these things are glorified, the abuser is the worst and he sucks and everyone hates him) 6/5
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
Based on the Harry Potter parody series from Rowell’s book Fangirl. Simon Snow (doesn’t ever figure out his sexuality but had a girlfriend and boyfriend) is the chosen one, orphaned and brought to a magical boarding school, must save magical britain from evil. His best friend, book smart Penelope and his (possibly evil and a vampire? Also gay) roommate Baz must work together to defeat the humbug. This book has a really fantastic closed magic system and gives the character very clear limits. CW: rat death? 5/5
Queer There and Everywhere - Sarah Prager
A nonfiction book about 23 people throughout history that were both queer and very cool. From Frida Kahlo and Abraham Lincoln to the actual Danish Girl and Kristina Vasa, Prager dives into the lives of many historical figures who were also queer. A really wide gamut of women, men and nb, cis and trans, white and poc. Could have had more historical figures from the east. A fun, easy read. Made me cry, i want lesbian moms. 4/5
Huntress - Malinda Lo
It’s been a few years since I read this so bear with me. Cool magic girl main character and less magic but also cool other girl as well as a misfit group including the prince and a badass lady named shae (hell yeah) have to go into the fae world to right the magical imbalance of their world. Wlw, written by a queer woc CW: I don’t remember sorry 4/5
Outrun the Wind - Elizabeth Tammi
(I’m actually only half way through this) (Also it’s written by a mutual of mine on tumblr so that’s tight) A queer retelling of the greek myth of Atalanta. Atalanta (bi) is taken by the hunters of Artemis and has to help them defeat Apollo who’s being shitty. Wlw, written by a bi lady CW: animal death
Iron Breakers trilogy - Zaya Feli
Bastard Prince (queer), Ren, is happy to be out of the line of succession and just party it up but suddenly is framed for the murder of his brother and on the run along with a prisoner who escaped with him. Ren is faced with realities of y’know, not being a prince and decides to help save his country. Political intrigue with some twists I didn’t guess. MLM CW: slavery, graphic violence 4.5/5
All for the Game trilogy - Nora Sakavic
Think dark, queer, sports anime but with a co-ed team. Neil Josten (demi sexual- “which way do you swing? “I don’t?”) is on the run from his mob boss, murderer father and finds himself on the collegiate exy team of the palmetto foxes. Exy, a violent cross between lacrosse and soccer is Neil’s favourite thing but the team is made up of misfits. Neil has to survive both his father and the Raven’s (another exy team) owner, another mob boss, coming for him and his team. Super fast paced, very intense, after the first book I couldn’t put it down. The characters are all super interesting as are the relationships. Multiple mlm relationships, one briefly mentioned wlw couple CW: (o boy here we go) suicide, graphic violence, graphic torture, non consensual drug consumption, alcohol and drug abuse, prescription drug abuse, non consensual kissing, rape, child sexual abuse, sex work, mention of gay conversion therapy, discussion of self harm and self harm scars, child abuse 4.5/5
The Posterchildren - Kitty Burroughs
It’s been years since I read this so I really don’t remember much. It’s about a school for superheroes. Definitely wlw I don’t remember any else 4/5
Six of Crows Duology - Leigh Bardugo
A misfit group of criminals is hired to travel north to break into an impregnable prison. The cast of characters is lovable and the plot is fast paced. It’s set in the same universe as Bardugo’s first series but you don’t need to read them. (I did and they were ok but six of crows is better). Two of the main characters are mlm. CW: gore, graphic violence, child abuse 4.5/5
The Percy Jackson Series and Magnus Chase Series
I don’t need to describe these lol. PJO has two canon gay characters, the most recent series has lesbian and ace huntresses of artemis, and a bi main character. Magnus Chase has a non binary main character starting in the second book.
On My To-Read List:
Orlando - Virginia Woolf
I love her writing, it’s poetic without hurting my brain to read. This is a classic queer novel. It’s been said that Woolf wrote it as a “love letter” to Vita, her lover. The main character changes gender throughout the novel.
Stars in Her Eyes - Clare C. Marshall
I bought a copy of the first book in this series from the author at a convention last summer. It’s about a school for people with powers. I asked and apparently there’s a queer character but you don’t find out til the second book.
Ash - Malinda Lo
A wlw retelling of cinderella by the same author as Huntress.
The Academy Journals - Garrett Robinson
Apparently there’s trans, lesbian, gay, poly, ace, bi, pan! It’s about a magical school. It has really good reviews on goodreads so that’s promising
The Abyss Surrounds Us - Emily Skrutskie
There’s gay lady space pirates. Actually maybe not space? Idk i got space vibes
Vicious/Vengeful - V.E. Schwab
A story about moral greyness and supervillains. Kinda reminds me of Nimona tbh. I heard the main character is ace?
Our Bloody Pearl - D.N. Brynn
There’s mermaids, and pirates, and it’s gay apparently. The main character uses they them pronouns I think.
Breaking Legacies - Zoe Reed
Fantasy wlw by a trans dude (i think? They went through some sort of gender transition but i can’t find their pronouns)
The Dark Wife - S.E. Diemer
A wlw retelling of Hades and Persephone
The High Court Series - Megan Derr
Fantasy political intrigue mlm and I was told the main character is trans
Btw my rating system was basically:
4/5=i enjoyed reading it and would recommend it but probably wouldn’t read it again
4.5/5=I really liked it and would probably reread it
5/5= i love it, i either have or plan to reread it
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yuican48 · 7 years
Cyborg 009 continuity guide
This is built on a little research on the wiki so might not be 100% accurate, and it's basically just for my own use with looking at the franchise, but I'm going to put it out here in case it can be helpful. If any 009 fans have comments on this feel free I guess. Also I won't bother with some of the smaller things
The main continuity: The Manga
Essentially the source material of all other 009 works, Ishinomori's manga had chapters from 1964 all the way through to 1992, thought the last period of regular publishing ended in 1986 (I think), and some of the gaps are larger than others. Not every arc is canon however, which I'll note as I come to them. I'll note that I'm using the MF Comics ordering of that chapters since it's the one that's officially available in the west. Based on that order I would break Cyborg 009 into 5 periods:
Act 1 is essentially the original period of Cyborg 009, from the beginning up until Ishinomori's originally intended ending, in order it consists of the stories Birth, Assassins, Aurora Strategy, Wanderers, Man in the High Castle, Vacuum/Empty War, Bomb Model Raiden, Vietnam, Mythos Cyborgs, Golden Lion, Phantom Dog and Underground Empire of Yomi. I left you felt so inclined you could read just this and have a complete story. Man in the High Castle, Vacuum War and Bomb Model Raiden are considered non-canon due to Ishinomori having to depict 007 as a child to reflect the films. Some of the other smaller arcs might also be non-canon, not sure.
Act 2 Is everything from when Ishinomori continued the manga up until his second attempt to create a new ending story. In includes the stories Monster Island, Middle East, Immigration, Song of Lorelei, Bottom of the Sea, Angels and Battle with the Gods. Angels was an attempt to create an ending that was cut short by writer's block, and then Ishinomori tried again with Battle with the Gods, which was again cut short. The eventual version of this story would not see publication in Ishinomori's lifetime. I'm not sure if any elements of Angels or Battle with the Gods happened or not in story though.
Act 3 marks the manga being continued again, up until what Ishinomori planned to be the penultimate arc, to be followed by another version of Battle with the Gods, which didn't happen. The stories are City of Wind, Edda, Snow Carnival, Deinochyus, Phantom Island, Green Hole, Cyborg 009 Vs the 300 million yen criminal, Dinosaur and Undersea Pyramid. Apparently 300 million yen criminal and Dinosaur, one shot stories, aren't canon though I'm not sure why.
Act 4 is everything from the continuous run with an occasional supplemental run following from Undersea Pyramid until this runs end. Because the stories in this section are shorter and therefore much more numerous I won't go over the list of stories. Some of these stories include elements of the '79 anime that I guess was the reason the manga got continued, such as the Dolphin II, the Stranger, and the Manga version of Neo Black Ghost. Apparently all of this might not count as canon for some reason presumably related to that. It also includes two stories that technically aren't 009 stories, Cyborg Soldier and Barefoot Zanzibar.
Act 5 is everything else that got published in Ishinomori's lifetime, though one for these was actually published before act 4. In the order they're listed they consist of Emergency Situation 1992, Mysterious Star and the People Drifting Between Space and Time. That last one is the last proper arc, the 1992 story involves the characters reacting to the political changes of the time.
Act 6, not considered a proper conclusion by some due to Shimamoto not being involved as Ishinomori planned, and certain liberties Onodera has taken with his father's plans, is God's War. Apparently there are some differences between the light novels and the manga version. I will mention here as well Shimamoto's Angels one shot, which is unconnected to the version of God's War we got but I would say is building to an unseen version of the conclusion.
I'll cover each other major work in release order.
4 audio dramas were released between '65 and '68, each with small manga accompaniment from Ishinomori. The first, Volcanic Island Shock Tactics, is based purely on the manga, though with I believe a semi-original story, but the other 3 are all somewhat influenced by the films and anime, depicting 007 as a child. Attack the Ghost Island and Monster Wars are influenced by the films, with Monster Wars being an alternate version of the second film, while Confrontation in Antarctica is influenced by the anime.
The 66 film and it's 67 sequel, Monster Wars, are heavily altered versions of the initial story arcs. Besides making 007 a child, various aspects of the casts' appearances are different, as well as completely different uniforms. Monster Wars apparently ends with Black Ghost seemingly defeated for good.
The 68 anime also has 007 as a child, though the rest of the cast now better reflect their manga selves, including their proper uniforms. While adapting various stories, including some from Ishinomori works beside 009, Black Ghost don't appear. I'm not sure if the anime is meant to be a continuation of the films but I presume it isn't.
In 1978 the novel SF Roman was published, with illustrations by Ishinomori. It's essentially a slightly altered telling of Monster Wars, but in this world the Cyborgs were created and believed they had defeated Black Ghost in 1973, the novel taking place 5 years later.
The second anime came out in 1979, which again features the Cyborgs reuniting 5 years after a defeat of Black Ghost, which apparently doesn't fully reflect any particular previous continuity, or maybe it's meant to reflect a version of the early manga without the Mythos arc. It opens on the Yggdrasil arc which is apparently a loose adaptation of Edda. Aside from some standalone episodes, there eventually comes the Neo Black Ghost arc, the membership is different to the manga. The anime was cut short before a version of the Mythos arc could be produced, which Ishinomori created Artemis for, she was later used instead of Helena in the 01 anime.
The 1980 film Cho Ginga Densetsu is an original story, and is apparently standalone, though the Cyborgs have had their battles with Black Ghost already.
The 2001 anime is an adaptation of the early manga, with some original content as well as some stories sourced from later on the manga. Set in the then-present, it establishes a generational split between 004 and 005 where the early numbers were frozen for 40 years. It was followed by an OVA, God's War Prologue, which despite the same production team is, I think, not actually connected to the anime and just a first attempt at producing God's War properly.
In 2008 the Hashino One shot, using realistic designs, shows a view of Joe's kidnapping from his cell-mates perspective. The story doesn't exactly match the manga.
There have since 2008 been a few one-shots and such in the traditional style, drawn I believe mostly by Hayase and Sato, which include Nobunaga's End, Trump Tower, Warrior's Vacation and a new version of Phantom Dog.
In 2013 a new graphic novel was produced in the west, as a new version of the early manga, and was cancelled after one volume due to disagreements over direction. It features realistic looks but not, I think, identical to the other modern designs.
009 RE: Cyborg came out in 2012, aiming to continue the story of the manga in the 21st century, and is not linked to God's War. It's the first major source to use the modernised realistic designs for the team. It has a manga that tells the second story but also I think clarifies some points.
In 2015 a crossover with Devilman, Cyborg 009 Vs Devilman came out. The three episode OVA is set in a world based on the original manga, albeit one where the world of Devilman also exists, and takes place after the Mythos arc. A novel prequel explores both series history in the shared world, featuring some use of the original characters created for the OVA. A manga version, Breakdown has a completely different story (is it a sequel?)
2016 saw the film trilogy Call of Justice, a continuation of the story after RE:Cyborg.
And that's everything unless people have comments to make on this.
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dontwannabeanidol · 5 years
All the Munday questions, please.
What is it that compelled you to play your Muse?
The abuses, pressures, and many many issues with the idol industry. I wanted to play a character who was a part of that, who suffered because of it, and learns to recover and do things for HIMSELF. 
Is there a different Muse you’d rather play?
No, not really. I used to play a Kamijo, and I will probably forever miss him in some way, but I always feel more comfortable playing OCs, and not have to adhere to whatever is happening to the real person I’m playing, not having to care about touring schedules and stuff like that.
Who was your first Tumblr RP Muse/URL?
My very first Tumblr RP muse was a kid OC-version of Bou from An Café. The url was shootingstarbou, but I don’t remember if that was exactly how I wrote it.
Who did you play in your first RP?
My very first RP was with my cousin, who lived in a city on the other side of the country. We made up a whole universe together when we were 12-14-ish, and wrote a story together, featuring each our character in that universe. We did this via letters, so we basically wrote it in, well, letter form. From one character to the other.
Mine was an elven warrior named Andramir Armenienton. He is my oldest character, since I’ve had him since I was 14, and I will ALWAYS have a soft spot for him. My cousin actually wrote a book about him, but I don’t like or agree with the ending she gave him in it. In the original canon, he was this warrior prodigy who rode a dragon and taught other warriors-to-be at the elven island’s warrior academy. He was the youngest graduated student ever from that academy, because in a setting where elves can live for thousands of years (if they’re not reckless little shits like Andramir was...) he breezed through the program and graduated at 16 - still a baby in most elves’ eyes! (If I made him now, I’d definitely make him older, but 16 seemed mature when I was 14).
He didn’t necessarily have a great moral compass, but he was brilliant at all the academic and physical skills required. 
As he matured more, he got a better moral compass, learned the value of capture over killing, and began to gain more respect for elven life. After several years, he even fell in love, and learned the wonders of love and family. He settled down a bit, became a teacher at the academy, not just what was essentially a state-controlled mercenary. 
I’m rambling, so you can probably see that I still love and care about him very much!!!
What’s an RP Pet Peeve?
When characters are childlike in a way that’s just unrealistic. I’ve seen 2-year-olds written as if they were 7-10, and I’ve seen 6-year-olds written as if they were 3 at the most. I work with children, so I know a lot about how different children are, but also what I can expect of each age - with a certain degree of variety, ofc. So when a child is written like Artemis Fowl’s younger twin brothers, or Renesmée from Twilight...... I need to take a moment to just....breathe. 
Who do you wish your Muse could interact with?
I’m not sure what this means, really? Like, I hope he’ll be able to interact with all the muses he wants! Eventually. I mean, the big names will make him weak at the knees and fanboy, but still!
Other than that, I’d REALLY love for him to atually have a sort of.....meeting with his dad. So he can get closure, and 100% stop feeling like ANYTHING that happened was his fault.
Why did you start RPing?
Because I’ve always loved to dream myself into other worlds, and other lives, and whether it’s daydreaming, reading, or RPing, it’s a lovely way to experience lives other than the one I lead.
What’s an unsaid RP rule?
Don’t do SUPER angsty stuff without plotting it. Don’t dump life-changing stuff like a pregnancy WITH MY MUSE without duscussing it (I actually had that happen once, with another character. Where a girl I’d NEVER played with just was like “So our characters had a one-night-stand, and now she’s pregnant!” and I was just like... “Wtf, I don’t even KNOW your character, how OLD is she even?” The girl was 19-20, as it turned out. My character was 36, and I was just like NOPE. He’s not the type of person to even TOUCH someone that much younger than him. 
Just. Stuff like that? PLOT IT WITH ME, PLEASE!!!!!
What do you listen to while RPing?
Anything that suits my character. For Andramir, I listened to a lot of epic, symphonic rock, for Bou, I listened to a lot of jrock and visual kei, for Haruma, I’m listening to a lot of kpop and jpop. 
How long have you been RPing?
Including the physical letters sent with my cousin? Since I was 14, so.... 14 years now. 
Thank you so so so much for asking!!!!
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Aphrodite and Asexuality
TW: mentions of (but no descriptions of) abuse, cutting
Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She finds herself typically cast with sexual love and often ONLY sexual love. This is very limiting for this Goddess who has many archetypes and very scary for a person who finds themselves upon the ace spectrum. I had been working with Artemis, since becoming Pagan up until about 5 months ago (Oct. 2016). Artemis, as you might know, is a virgin Goddess, one who kills for her honor, a fierce warrior, she is what I needed during that time in my life. I needed to get over the years of abuse that I endured. I needed to learn how to be a fierce woman. Let me preface this next part (and all the parts to follow) by saying that this is my experience with Aphrodite and it might now be like this for anyone else, Goddesses don't often have conditions, Artemis didn't have one for me.
Nevertheless, it has always been Aphrodite for me, I always say that she has called to me even before I was Pagan, but I didn't fully understand it until I was open to it. Then, when I was open to it there was the condition that I could not be a virgin and work with her. Since my time with Artemis was so important for my healing, I believe that Aphrodite wanted me to spend time, maybe 'wanted me to,' is the wrong words but she understood that I needed to find myself. I needed to learn how to exist outside of love (getting over abuse), to learn how to defend myself from those who wish to do me harm, and how to love and be loved (something I am still working on), especially without the complication of sex, before I could work with Her.
To condense my abuse down to the least amount of detail, because this isn't about him, a specific part of my abuser's emotional games related to me remaining a virgin. One day, I realized that I wasn't having sex because I was afraid of him. I realized that every time I had a panic attack during a sexual situation it was because I was afraid of him. I realized that by remaining a virgin because I was doing so out of fear was allowing him to keep power over me. I was tired of being afraid, and I was tired of being powerless so, in October 2016 I had sex for the first time. I had sex to find my power again. I needed to find my power again. TW: The way I feel about my abuse; I was disgusted with myself, disgusted that I allowed him to keep his power over me for so long. I was disgusted with myself for not realizing it sooner. I was basically ready to have sex with whoever I next saw because I couldn't stand that he still had control over me. In the past I have been pretty reckless, so luckily my soul mate knows me well enough she didn't allow me to self-destruct.
Last week I fluctuated back into my asexual state. This was the first time since I had sex 5 months ago that I experienced this fluctuation. I did have sex during this time, and I am going to try to articulate this right now, but it's difficult. I was physically aroused but mentally there was a disconnect. Normally, I am into it mentally and physically, this time I remember wanting to do it but then not really feeling anything when it was happening. This is strange to say, normally, I very much enjoy sex. I was okay with having sex, I wanted to, but emotionally I felt nothing. I don't like the way that sounds, but I don't know how else to say it.
Further, I have realized that I am aromantic, currently using the aroflux/demiromantic labels. I don't experience the desire to be in a relationship, demiromantic is more fitting I think, but since I am new to the label, I am not sure about it yet. I am currently in a relationship. Background: I have known my boyfriend for years, but we reconnected 4 months ago, so when I say "first saw him," I am referring to 4 months ago because before that reconnection I wasn't really attracted to him. Sorry, if you are reading this, but I think you already knew that. Anyway, when I first saw him, WHEW, I wanted to have sex with him (aceflux), but that was all (again, sorry, love, if you're reading this, clearly I wanted more eventually). Once we started talking and hanging out, I started catching feelings (demiromantic). Aphrodite was screaming her approval in my face, there were roses outside his house (she has used flowers to tell me that I am on the right path before...) He is an Ares (I don't think this part needs to be explained) and if he had to align himself with a Greek God it would be Heph. My tarot cards (which I use to "communicate," with Aphrodite) said she loves him. Potentially these things aren't signs (but I chose to believe they were because of the timing, after the faith test (which I will cover later on, and the way they came about to me, there are no coincidences in my opinion so they were "signs" to me). Long story short, Aphrodite loves this boy... like more than I do *eye roll.*
Since, the start of our journey together, Aphrodite and I, we have been working on self-love/care, being more 'war-like,' (Ares has been around), finding my sexual power, and she has been a relationship role model during this polyamorous stage in my life. Yes, classically Ares/Aphrodite/Hephaestus were not poly but in my canon they are. Sex is an acceptable form of worship or offering for Aphrodite, and one that I had been using and one that I came to her through, so when I realized that I was fluctuating BACK, I was fearful. I was nervous about how this would impact my relationship with Her. I was nervous about labeling myself as aromantic/asexual because relationships are so important to her. I don't feel it affecting our relationship and I don't feel like it should. Aphrodite is a very accepting Goddess, especially of those in the LGBTQ* community. There are many ways to approach her. She is beauty, born a fully developed woman from the sexual organs of Uranus. She is masculine and feminine, and sexual even in birth. There is the Aphrodite who is focused entirely on sex/love/adult relationships (her most well-known archetype). There is the independent (feminist) Aphrodite. There is the Aphrodite that wants you to find beauty in everything including yourself. Aphrodite is an intellectual, femme fatale, compassionate, the list goes on.
This leads back to the question at hand: How (especially in my instance where I came to her through sex) can one be asexual and a devotee of Aphrodite?
A few weeks ago I had what I was considering a "crisis of faith." I was considering oath binding myself to Her, which is not something you can break free from. This obviously made me panic, like I do in any relationship. I started to think about my Christianity, about my soul and what would happen if I went down this path? Basically, I was thinking about committing myself to Aphrodite and like I do in any relationship, or form of commitment, I started to panic and run and sabotage (sort of). Clearly, I wasn't ready to devote myself to Her. I was discussing with Rivka, this crisis that I was having. Now, I haven't had the best luck in love, religiously, romantically, personally, etc. She suggested that I am searching for the love that I have been 'deprived,' of. I needed to figure out what Aphrodite meant to me, who She is in my life.
Clearly, I still haven't figured everything out. We are two beings trying to form a connection/relationship and it's hard, especially with my running (i.e my running from commitment/love). Since this was my first fluctuation back to ace, fully, since I started having sex, I can't talk too much about how to live with on the ace spectrum and be with Aphrodite. However, I feel there are ways to worship Her without sex, obviously. I felt like once I did start having sex that I was "fixed," back to my sexuality before my abuse, whatever that orientation was (not that being ace is in any way wrong). I just felt "healed," when I started having sex and working with Aphrodite.
If we adhere to the idea that Aphrodite in some way controls the things that happen to me, then it is helpful for me to think that she allowed my fluctuation back into the ace spectrum to happen to bring me back to Her. To show me that love and sex are separate (something that sometimes is hard for me to separate, because, abuse). To show me that it is okay to be who I am, that she will accept me however I am. To show me that she can, and will love me through whatever, we can work on sex and love and I can be asexual/aromantic. She needed me to understand that I need to accept myself.
We are back to the question, though: How does one live on the Ace spectrum and have a relationship with Aphrodite? I feel like at this point I should be able to answer this, however, I am not sure how to explain it. For us, right now, since we are working on so many things, one week of asexuality in the grand scheme isn't going to make or break our relationship. During this week we focused more on me not TW: cutting than anything else. I think that it just depends on what she wants from you, as her follower. Yet, I don't think that if you are asexual she would ask you for sex. I have yet to meet a devotee of Aphrodite who felt that was all they were called for.
Here is what I've decided upon exploring this in writing. I've been looking at this wrong. I didn't come to Aphrodite through sex, I came to Aphrodite when I decided to stop fearing intimacy, love, and relationships. When I opened up myself to accept love, that is when she came to me. In fact, the first thing I remember was her asking me to trust her, it was difficult, it was scary. She wanted me to trust her blindly, I needed to show her that I had faith in her, I did it but it was terrifying. I needed to do this because I needed to learn that not everyone is out to hurt and destroy me. Artemis taught me to defend my heart and Aphrodite is showing me how to open up my heart to those who deserve it.
So yes, sex is a part of who she is, it's a part of who I am, but it is not all that we are. Like I said, Aphrodite is more than sex, she is a fearless warrior (lover of war), mother, beautiful, free-loving, sensualist, who doesn't take any shit, but she does it with love, she is love. You can absolutely be a devotee of Aphrodite and be on the ace spectrum, as long as you aren't filled with hate. On some level, there has to be potential for love. This love doesn't have to be romantic or directed at anyone/anything. One just has to be receptive to the idea of love. As an aromantic/demiromantic yes this is hard for some of us. I love my friends, I love my dog, I am working on loving myself, love doesn't have to be romantic. You just have to be able to find pleasure/joy/affection in the everyday. To be with Aphrodite is not to have sex all the time (for some of us, sure it is). To be with Aphrodite is to love, to find love and beauty. Therefore, anyone who isn't filled with hate, and is receptive to love is welcome to Her.
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