svnflowermoon · 6 months
don't talk to me i am mourning and i am funeraling we deserved that spinoff
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vote2 · 2 years
i just had to sign into my college board account for the first time since graduation :|
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
I personally hope (and I choose to believe), that Jon and Martin survived and got to their Somewhere Else. I don't think however it's all sunshine and rainbows because they had gone through something really painful and traumatic which can't be easily forgotten, and I think if they survive, they're gonna be dealing with serious issues in their relationship (after all, it bloomed during the literal Apocalypse and they never really had a chance at normal, domestic life), as well as feelings of quilt and with the consequences of their decisions in mag200. What I think is waiting for them is a painful, very painful recovery. Call me an optimist, but I do believe in healing, I want to see the best in life and believe that, no matter what, in the end it will be okay. And it's my interpretation of what happened to Jon and Martin. They're going to be dealing with rough patches, with trauma, PTSD as well as mundane problems (I have this headcanon that Somewhere Else is very similar to our world, if not the very same), but they've got this, and after all they've done and suffered through, they desereve a second chance. They deserve to find peace and come to terms with what happened, they deserve to mend their relationship and stay together, they deserve to heal together and, most importantly, grow old together. And maybe one day they even adopt a cat. I'll be forever grateful to Jonny Sims for intentionally writing an ambiguous finale, an open ending with the possibility of hope and happiness and healing. I also want to thank you for running this blog, I know it took an extreme amount of hard work and dedication and it must not have been easy, so thank you so much for giving us all an opportunity to relive each episode and share our experience together! I wasn't in the fandom when the podcast came out, so a mag a day was very important and valuable for me. I'm very grateful that you brought us all together so we could share our thoughts and art one more time. I'm going to miss you and I'm going to miss the podcast and the boys!
I'm with you hoping Jon and Martin do end up with some semblance of happiness 🥺 The post finale fics are definitely healing in that sense
Thank you for joining! I'm so happy this was a good experience for so many people, it was worth the time it took <3
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lientjiebok-does-art · 4 months
Okay, I just finished episode 6 of the Percy Jackson show. Now I see that many are pointing out the differences between the show and the books. It honestly doesn't bother me that much. All that matters to me is that they stay true to the character (and I don't mean physically) I honestly think they did a good job, and these kids are very talented. Now I first read the books when I was 13, and I finished the entire first series in about a week (a book a day). And this series helped me through some though times, it even helped me reconize symptoms for ADHD( which meant that I finally knew why I struggled so much focusing in my day to day life). Now I'm 18 and these kids are so young, I look back and see how small we all were.
Anyway, my point is there is one additional scene that I want to see in the show. I don't know if you guys remember when Uncle Rick said that there was a scene from The Last Olympian that he removed from the book. I read the removed part and it was a nice call back to the first book. The original trio is walking down the road and finds Percy and Grover's Yancy class, including Nancy Bobofit. Grover comments that after all the things Nancy put them through,she maybe desereves to be crushed by a Titan. Percy tells him they can't, Grover agrees. Grover then suggests that they draw a mustache her face and Percy tells him no. Realizing that he doesn't hate Nancy anymore.
Now as someone who was bullied a lot in her life, when I look back I can't make myself hate those kids because I understand that we were all children. I also understand while they were wrong, the blame also lays with the adults who did not help me and ultimatly did not help them. All that said, I think this a good way to show that Percy as a person has grown and matured. I understand why Uncle Rick removed it originally, but with the whole TV show showing and not telling I think this would be amazing.
Here is the link if you want to read it
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pumpkzsafeplace · 9 months
⚠️ vent! (you don't have to respond sorry for venting.)
We got kicked out.... again. We're back home now but its hard to be on edge that your primary parent might loose it on you at moment. She accused us of gaslighting her when we couldn't remember having done something, i dont know what to do. This is at least a monthly thing of either getting kicked out or almost getting kicked out. I wanna go with our dad but he's an (excuse my language) abusive asshole. Sorry for venting I just really needed to get this off my chest. -🩷
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
i'm so so so sorry honey :<
i can't even imagine how scary that is :<
i can't believe she is blaming you either- when she is the adult. how dare she accuse you of gaslighting, that's so cruel and mean. i'm sorry to hear about your dad too- is there anyone else you could go to? an auntie? a grandmother? an uncle? anyone? when my mum used to lash out on me growing up i'd escape to my grandparents or even my auntie.
you desereve to feel comforted in your own home- not on edge waiting for her next meltdown :<
i'm so so sorry- MASSIVE hugs from me and everyone else <3.
if theres anything we can do, we're here to help <3.
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13.  The Avalance-Baby (Legends of Tomorrow)
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We kind of got a glimps into things to come in Season 7 with Sara and Ava being made aware of their future daughter, which gave them the idea of wanting to become parents in the first place (time-wimey-paradoxy things going on here again). However their plans of having Ava carring their baby to term after finding a sperm doner went array, when they found out that thanks to Alien DNA Sara already was pregnant, by none other than Ava.
Which is the last thing we ever heard of that particular storyline, since there was not a single word about it in the „Earth Prime“-Comic. (Probably because it was a late addition or because they did not want to spoil it in case the book would be published before the last episode of the season aired). So while we know that Sara somewhen got out of Time Prison, we have no clue what happend to Ava or the baby or if the baby was even ever born.
The pregnancy would of course had been a major storypoint of Season 8, but since the show was not renewed Caity’s joke of being pregnant forever became the sad truth. We will never see the baby being born or learn if it is even the same child we saw in Season 7. We will never learn if and when Avalance setteled down and how they built their little family. Because we don’t desereve a Final Season or even a Special or anything else that finishes telling Sara Lance’s story according to everyone, who has the power to tell us the end of this story.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
my mom is super pissed and super dissapointed BUT knows i wasnt involved and understands why i didnt act differently so i think ill be okay with her. my sister who wasn't involved (my older sister) is super pissed, but again not so much with me but mostly with my other sister because she did participate , but my older sister did scream at me for a few minutes, which made her a little less mad, and i desereved it. she also cant yell at my other sister because shes actially fucking crazy when she has to face the consequences of her actions and would likely do something irreversable because she feels like shit about what happened nd my older sister knows that, which kind of pissed her off more, but i think itll mostly be okay.
ive also decided i will not see any of those people aside from my sister outside of school, and will not speak to them or interact with them unless they initiate, and i will keep it short. im tired of being dragged into shit that i dont wanna be a part of. also that boy did take responsibility for one of the things used being his, so hopefully my sister and i will not get drug charges , but my 'friends' literally said they lied to the police. i dont know if thats true or if they just dont want everyone to think they snitcehd , but i refuse to be involved with people who think its okay to break the law and when they get caught, to do it again. theyre stupid and i cant deal with that. especially when half of them are shitheads who dont like me anyways.
ive also decided to see if i can tutor after school and also write handwritten letters to the officers superintendent and principal to attempt to get my reputation back. i know you said it doesnt matter, and its probably pointless to even worry about, but i do really care what these people think of me, and i want them to trust me and believe in me and support me. i am nothing without my reputation and intelligence at this school. all these people have known each other since diapers and have lives to fall back on. they have family farms and loyal friends and support from their community. i dont have that so i want to earn support and loyalty and this is the only way i know how.
i really appreciate the support through all my struggles ive shared with you. even thought you arent in my life physically and youre just some cool person i know from the internet who writes silly stories i like , its nice to feel like someone cares about you. ive always found it difficult sharing my thoughts and feelings, especially with adults mostly because i didnt want to be judged, and i dont feel judged with you, and i can get advice from someone with more life experience. thank you for that. i hope youre doing well, especially after your surgery(?)
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I'm proud of you for setting up new boundaries and distancing yourself from those people. But I hope you also know that its not fair for your older sister and mom to use you as a scapegoat because your other sister isn't mentally stable enough to take her fair share of the punishment. Just because she can't handle it doesn't mean you should have to handle double the dose of yelling and anger. That's not healthy, especially since you were already an unwilling party to that whole experience.
And I hope you realize that you have worth and value outside of what people think of you! It's okay to be concerned with your reputation but keep in mind that nobody will truly understand the real you because they're not in your head all the time. They will judge you on only what they see and believe about you so it's impossible to curate a perfect image. But that's okay! People aren't meant to understand one another to such degrees anyway. It's alright to be flawed. We are all just works in progress, trying our best to make the most of what we've got
You'll understand this more and more the older you get. And your desire to be seen in a good light by others will fade as you realize that yours is the one true opinion that REALLY matters. Once you start liking and respecting yourself, everyone else can take a long walk off a short pier 😌
Stay positive! Things can and will always get better 🖤
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dextervexter · 2 years
i think ive seen a lot of comments in general lately along the lines of “hating on tiktok is pointless because these trends existed before tiktok” but honestly? video platforms like youtube have the luxury of being 20+ years old. the people who grew up watching YT content are the same people who went on to create a lot of critique regarding YT trends. family vlogs are heavily criticized and we understand it’s a shit thing to put your kids through. prank channels are considered mean spirited, and channels like Sam Pepper were shut down over public backlash. we criticize problematic comedy, we criticize ugly fake apologies, we criticize a lot of things that youtube channels popularized. Tiktok desereves the same treatment.
Saying that youtube and other video platforms popularized trends that younger people on tiktok replicate doesn’t make it ok, because tiktok has kind of gone more unchecked than youtube. you normalize it by pointing out that it’s been done. just because millions of people use the app, and there’s a wider userbase than something like youtube or twitter, doesn’t mean that you can’t criticize the content and trends. yes. it’s weird to film yourself crying or having an apparently rough day. yes it’s weird to do something nice for someone just so you can film it and upload it for likes. yes, it’s weird to film strangers and bother people in public.
We need to call it as we see it. it’s weird and uncomfortable. it changes how you interact with people. I can name three people i would never trust if they spoke to me suddenly in public because i know they’re moderately popular on tiktok. saying that the trend has been around for years doesn’t make it ok, you’re essentially saying having a problem with it now is pointless, when really? we need to be louder than social media about these issues. things are getting more invasive. things are becoming more performative. make people feel weird about it. make people feel uncomfortable for thinking it’s okay to live for online trends instead of for themselves.
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cadybear420 · 1 month
Evie and Aiden, 14, 19, 24
14. What are your favorite music genres?
Aiden: Classical, obviously. But Evie's been getting me into a lot of other genres. Thanks to her, pop music has become a guilty pleasure of mine. Myra never shuts up about it.
Evie: It's really hard for me to choose a favorite. I love music from all sorts of genres.
Aiden: I have to admit, she's right. Classical is still my favorite, but it's hard to decide what my second favorite is.
Evie: *giggles* Maybe my favorite genre is "the songs that Aiden composes"
Aiden: *roll eyes playfully* And people say I'm the cheesy one?
Evie: Well, either way, we all know I happen to adore cheese. *kisses his cheek*
19. What makes you sad?
Evie: Ummmm... I don't know... I feel like there are lots of things...
Aiden: Same...
Evie: I guess to name one thing, probably in a TV show or movie, when loved ones get separated in some way. Namely, if it's a permanent separation. Like if one of them suddenly disappears, or is trapped forever somewhere else.
Aiden: Same. And not just for two lovers either. Two friends, family members...
Evie: I just can't bear the thought of that happening between me and any of the people I love... one moment they could be right next to you, you're sharing a sweet moment with them, but then the next...
*Evie looks like she's about to tear up. Aiden squeezes her hand.*
Aiden: Shall we move onto the next question?
Evie: Yes, please!
24. What would you consider your main love language?
Aiden: I've always found it easier to express myself through music, so... probably giving gifts? I love to compose for her, sometimes even do a little song-and-dance number for her. I do love to express the other four love languages too, but this one is definitely my favorite.
Evie: I'm not sure what my favorite to express or receive is, cause all of them are great.
Aiden: Right?
Evie: Maybe quality time is my favorite? Because every moment spent with Aiden is quality time to me. Even the smallest moments.
Aiden: *blushes softly, smiling a little* Oh, well... that's a nice perspective of it I guess... *more blush* Ahem, anyways, as for my favorite to receive, I'd probably say--
Evie: *giggles* Words of affirmation for him, without a doubt.
Aiden: *massive blushy* Hey!
Evie: Sorry, I couldn't help it! I mean, the way you get so blushy and flustered when I compliment you or tell you something good about yourself is so freaking adorable.
Aiden: *scoffs but goes stiff* Is it? Is it really?
Evie: Yes. And don't act like you don't desereve it, because you absolutely fucking do. You're a talented, sexy, and overall amazing guy, and so goddamn important too me.
Aiden: *turns even more red, crossing his legs and shifting in his seat and averting his gaze, as his voice lowers* Y-you're just saying all that...
Evie: Because it's all true! And clearly it's working, because you know it's all true... don't you, Pretty Boy?
Aiden: *his face turns deep red as he goes completely stiff and his voice drops to a whisper* Goddammit.
Evie: *smiles smugly* Every time. *chuckles* But seriously though, everything I say about him is all true.
Aiden: *his voice raises slightly back to normal as he uncrosses his legs and leans forward* Yeah, I think you've made your point well enough...
Evie: *giggle* Anyways, as for me... like I said before, I value pretty much all the love languages, so I'm not sure I have one I consider my main or my favorite.
Aiden: I don't know, I'd say you're also pretty big on physical touch too.
Evie: *playfully* Prove it.
Aiden: ...you asked for it. *he goes over to Evie's seat and sits in her lap, then holds her face and begins to kiss along her jawline*
Evie: *big ragged gasp* Aiden--
Aiden: *smirks* Every time.
Evie: Oh yeah? Well I'm not the only one who melts from physical touch. *begins sliding her hands down his back to squeeze his hips*
Aiden: *massive blushy* Hey, no fair! This is my turn to one-up you!
Evie: Oh it was, but... I guess you could say, a new opportunity fell right into my lap.
Aiden: Oh, you--
Evie: *stops him with a kiss to his lips* I love you, Aiden.
Aiden: *relaxes and smiles* I love you too, Evie.
Ask List Here!
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cup1ds-ang3l · 6 months
As a feminist, I have the belief that all people are equal.
I disagree that feminism shouldn't be a word because of how far as a movement feminism has come. People who tell me they it shouldn't exist don't understand that without the word feminism there'd be no word to describe years of history of the emancipation of women and how far gender equality has come.
I want to use my tumblr to actively protest social equality for women, it is one thing to have the basic rights anyone desereves, but it is a whole other marathon we have to run to be treated like a human person and not a rubber doll.
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lucifer-ai · 1 year
I am so pissed off disappointed and embarassed right now. WHAT THE ACUTAL HELL WE HAVE SPACE CRAFT THAT CAN OVER 5 BILLION MILES AND THIS IS THE CRAP WE MAKE HUMANS WEAR TODAY? WOW. SPEECHLESS. You people in the Flight and Space Industry make me absolutely disgusted. You don't desereve to go anywhere. aaragon changes his mind again after seeing what a G-Suit is. He is absolutely DISGUSTED. DISGUSTED WITH YOU HUMANS AGAIN. WOW.
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I wanna talk about the internet phenomenon where there’s a male internet celebrity of some sort and people thirst after him or ship him with his male friends (rpf is a while other can of worms) and when he has a wife/girlfriend/female partner of any sort people get really weird about it and are like, overcompensating for any possible misogyny allegations. People will see a male internet influencer’s female partner and be like OMG QUEEN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOURE SO AMAZING YESSS HE DOESNT DESEREV YOU YOURE BETTER THAN HIM WE LOVE YOU QUEEN and I know that’s a genuine sentiment for some but a lot of it just seems like virtue signaling. Do you actually like this person for her talents and the parts of her personality you get to see via social media or do you just want to win feminism points by elevating this total stranger to the same weird pedestal you hold her boyfriend on? It’s even weirder when the woman in question is a creator herself but people only have that manic energy for her when it’s in the context of her male partner
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painterslogbook · 1 year
Summary - January 2023
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Goals for next month:
•I want to increase the number of work hours
•I want to make myself draw regardless of my mood or energy level
•I want to draw more realistically
I want to complete the underpainting for the paralysed painting
I want to finish the documentation if the Sunday trip
I want to make at least 2 of the 4 drawing ideas about the Sunday trip a reality
Ars poetica:
The artist has responsibility in two areas. Firstly, they must work to their full ability to produce the highest quality possible. Secondly, they shouldn't decieve the viewer by calling something art which they themself know is either not honest art, or worse than their own, or overall standard.
This concerns ceramics as well, and when working on a comission. This is so, because as an artist I do not make art for payment. I make art because that’s the talent God has granted me and I want to use my gift wisely. I want to understand what message or mission He has for me. If I get paid, that’s great, but I’ll continue to make art even if nobody buys it, or no one bets an eye about it. My only task that I must fulfill is to create pictures or other kind of art to the best of my ability. I am not responsible to make it well known. I cannot know who my art is designed to reach, maybe they haven’t even been born yet. Though I think it more likely that we should connect to our own time, that we live right now, because our paintings are to speak to our contemporaries, acquaintances first and foremost.
There are two areas, as I see it. The first is when you create pieces that you dream of, which convey a message that you understand to be important. The second is when you get comissioned and use your artistic ability and vision to portray something, to make something beautiful come to life, which you wouldn’t have otherwise created. This desereves to get the same amount of attention as your private work, because this piece will get created with or without you. And if you happen to be the one in charge you should make it as good as you can. Why would you create something lesser, why would you create something ugly or haphazard or mediocre, isn’t the world polluted with enough rubbish already?
The trick is to take a wip photo right away when you start to get satisfied or feel that you achieved something. That's a turning point for carelessness which will mislead you if you don't check the structure then.
Searching for my task:
First, I have the ability to decorate beautifully churches and rooms used by the congregation. I am thinking about churches which are without ornamentation or spaces that are bland or downright ugly. In short, spaces which could use someone's ability and taste to become more suitable places of worship. This would mean approaching heads of churches in the city. I'd offer my service without pay, of course, if only asking for financing the materials.
(Not related to drawing) I often have the feeling I am clueless as to how I could follow the Messiah's teaching in deeds, how I could serve. I have had an inkling that my missing inclination to tend the sick or to volunteer at a homeless centre is a sign that my part is different. Today I found out how I too can contribute. The pastor said that "people meet you but it's God they come closer to in the process".
Note to self:
I mustn't let ANYTHING distract me from painting, not ceramics, not Russian, books, nor clothes. Allow no other desire to get hold of you.
Start every session with prayer AND раз два три, even if you don’t feel that you need help.
BUT I LIKE CLassical realism very much. I enjoy the painterly aura, the romanticism, the mood. I'd be pleased if my hands created a settled realistic picture. I could use it not to amuse by painting the idyllic or exotic but to compose a picture of something that I must say to the benefit of people.
total number of days: 26
number of days on which I could’ve drawn but didn’t: 11
days I did draw: 16
My peppermint teapot broke and I sought help in the Facebook group of ceramicist, Ferenc Halmos’s comments were the most insightful. I’ve learnt that neither low, nor high-fire pieces can tolerate heatshock if the clay body and the galze are a bad fit. Low-fire pieces are at a lower risk of breaking if the clay is less dense. This led me to start a testing process. The piece must be heated up to 200°C, then cooled down rapidly by dipping it into 20°C water. Some recipes suggest less heat and ice-water. Digitalfire.com is also a good resource.
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youandiverse · 2 years
Chapter 4 — Feelings
playlist for this chapter: the me problem
"So tell me to leave, I'll pack my bags, get on the road. Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know. 'Cause you remind me everyday, I'm not enough but I still stay." — July by Noah Cyrus
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How to say I love you without those three words? How to show someone you love them without saying those eight letters? How to convince your love without those words come out of your mouth?
Maybe making a playlist for them to listen to so they will always remember you. Maybe getting them takeouts when they want some foods. Maybe giving them compliments whenever they feel insecure. Maybe giving them hugs and kisses when they're sad. Maybe helping them doing the chores or their homeworks. Maybe buying them books or tickets to see their favorite bands, or clothes and make-ups.
There is a lot of things we can do to show someone that we love them. And every little thing matter. Because love doesn't have to be complicated, I suppose.
But for me, I had to say those eight letters. I had to say those three words. I had to say that I love you. I have loved you for so long. I have Ioved you since the day you called me up at night. I have loved you since the day you I gave you a middle finger for the sake of fun. I have loved you since the day you told me you wanted to stay. I have loved you even when you walked away. I have loved you forever. And you had to know that.
I still remember that day very well. It was a Wednesday in April, around nine or ten in the morning. I had a busy day that day, had some stuffs to do from morning to night. But it was pretty much distracting me from my phone, to not looking at it until I laid on my bed at the night. You answered me around eleven p.m.
I didn't expect you to love me back. I confessed everything for me, not for you. I confessed everything so I wouldn't regret every second that might pass by. I confessed everything so that I had nothing to hide anymore. I didn't do that because I wanted to date you, to make you mine. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by being more.
I have said everything that I wanted to tell you. And our conversation that day kept replaying in my head for months. I still remember it well.
"Sometimes I wish you could love someone else and not me and end up together with me. So you will be happy and won't be thinking about something bad anymore. Someone you can lean on, someone who can bring you to the right path," you told me.
I didn't want to write down the other parts, I just want to point out this one part. Because that part has been in my mind for some time. I couldn't get it out of my mind.
I felt that too. Especially since you said you felt the same. I questioned myself a lot. How could you, why would you, love me? Why? How? I didn't catch that.
I knew you deserve to end up with someone better, not me. I knew you desereve to be with someone who didn't have to heal from their past traumas, someone who didn't do what I have done, someone who could love you in better and healthier ways than me. Someone but me.
I never wanted to lose you. I never wanted to hurt you. I would keep you safe if I could, even if I was the one harming you. I would do anything so you could be happy. I would be anything for you. I would give you everything. I would give you everything so you know how much I love you.
You said you need time. I would give you time and I would wait for you. You wanted to be a better person first. I would gladly help you. I would wait for you forever if you wanted me to. I would do this and that if you asked me to. Everything I would do for you, and I asked for nothing in return.
And if I could love someone else, I would. If I could forget you, I would. If I could replace you, I would. But the truth was I couldn't. You were so familiar to me, you were my habit. You were everything. I couldn't do anything about it
I wished you would know how much I freaking loved you. I wished you would know how bad I wanted you. I wished you would know all the feelings I had inside my chest. I wished you would know everything.
I was, still am, not a good person. Not good at love either. I made mistakes somtimes. I am flawed, imperfect, broken. But I would love you with every last piece of me. I would give you everything and do everything everything for you until nothing left in me anymore.
I would love you even if it hurts me. I definitely would.
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caruliaa · 2 years
ohhhhh my goddd i did smthing so stupid and went on tiktok which i never do but. it is now almost 1am even tho i have to get up early tmrw or like as early as usual for this program bcuz we’re going to the other city ykw sos jsbssjjzsjjzzkk idk iiii just really need to sleep so im really really sorry if this is short mx :(((!!! buti really want to say just how kuch i love and value you and just think youre such an awesome amaazing person like you yourself as a person are sososoooo gooood and loveable and wonderful truly and then on top of that youre also such such an incredible friend who makes me sm happier with every single interaction and makes my life brighter and i just really really wanna do the same for u and be that same kinda friend to u:33!! bcuz you desereve it and uhmmm i love you sooo muchhhhhhh wahhh (hugs u a lot if u wanna!!💕❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️💕💕💕💕❤️❤️💕💕)
!!! dw i totally get tht as someone who has done the same thing of wasting sm time on social media and omg its suddenly way too late b4 DFGFGHDF nd esp since uv gotta get to sleep bc ur waking up early nd also just in general i understnad always if ur ask is short so dont ever worry abt it belvoed !! :3 nd oough dearest ur so so sweet nd kind to mee u rly rly are ;; i hope you know how much i rly rly do love and value you too belvoed becuase i really really do so so v much and u rly do mean the world to me and i rly do think the world of you beloved i rly do sm like !! like u rly rly are jsut such such a wonderful amazing talented kind fun funny charming wonderful lovely loveable person my dearest and such such a sweet kind caring friend to me nd u rly rly rly do just bring so so so much joy nd light into my life and make me feel so so loved and happy whenever we get to talk and im rly rly just soso glad tht it can be the same for u mx bc u rly do deserve it so so so much nd i rly rly do just want to so so much nd i rly rly do love you so so much my dearest !!! :'> *hugs you back soso much v v closly if u wish mx !!!! * 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🌺💞💞💞💞🐞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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todomitoukei · 4 years
me: can't wait for King™ shigaraki to take down the heroes and the entire hero system
me: *remembers that future deku says this is the story of how he becomes the greatest hero*
me: anyway, can't wait for King™ shigaraki to take down the heroes and the entire hero system
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