estelei · 1 year
I just thought “I’m going to get a good grade in 20th Century Chinese Literature, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve” while checking my grades on Blackboard and then just went
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
Ok before I fall even harder into this ship there's something you guys gotta know...when I was a kid I actually watched Lazytown a LOT! I remember a lot more of the first season + songs than I thought I did tbh.
But at some point, I had a dream that I saw Sportacus naked, and from that point on I was too embarrassed to watch the show again 😂😂😂
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y0d00p · 6 months
this is a lad blog again btw dark meta knight who
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thisiskatsblog · 1 year
They talking about shape larries views in present time, but here are peolle who are now full antis and louis haters, people who are full rads and people who are out of fandom. 🤦🏻‍♀️ how someone who is 8 years out of fandom can shape our views now? Im glad you are still here and for all your work in rainbow direction, we would never be here now without you.
Are you serious that they still complain about people who left the fandom 8 years ago? Oh man, that's proper sour.
Thanks for saying such nice things, it's really sweet. You'll know it wasn't just me, but I guess it's true, if I hadn't sat down on my 36th birthday to open a Tumblr and a Twitter account, so many things would not have happened. Good birthday that, brought a shitload of work, hatemail and misery on myself, but also gave myself the best gift I ever could have.
See, I permanently wonder what I'm still doing here, time came and changed everything so profoundly that few of the things that brought me here remain, few of the things I hoped for ever came to be, and often I've felt like I kept building mountains, but never got home.
I guess rainbow direction, and everything it catalyzed, is the one thing that keeps me here. It's like an adult child, leading a life of its own, doesn't need its parents anymore so plenty of the co-parents are off pursuing other interests, but I guess I'm the parent who can't help but call every week to check in on them and see that they're okay.
And it brings so much joy to finally see it standing on its own legs. I have made zero effort for it this past year. Nothing. And at first that was super scary. I was really afraid to see it die a slow death. But it didn't. Rainbow direction was always there for fans. But it's so amazing that the rainbows are now also there for me. Other people are bringing them, to make their fellow LGTBQ+ fans, like me, happy. It's finally something that doesn't take all my spare energy, but something that I can just come in and sit down and enjoy. I am so grateful to everyone who has believed in it and carried it on. It's a very special thing in this fandom that we've created together. As fans, and with the lads.
Surrounding us with rainbow lights during the Megamix is Louis' version of picking up and waving a flag every night and with that, to me, it feels like it's finally come full circle. I don't need to keep doing it. Fans will. Harry will. Louis will. It's a fucking family that will always show us love. And I can finally let it go.
Edit to add: And the friends I made, the love it takes, it was worth it all this time.
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28whitepeonies · 1 year
„I think there have been plenty of men we've seen Louis appear to be attracted to over the years that aren't Harry.“
Can you give an example of this? I don’t really know what men you are referring to here.
„I also disagree about his use of queer symbols, I can't really think of any that I would say were specifically bisexual but if you want to come back with an example you can. Some of the key choices that have engaged with queer history as it relates to gay men for me have been his use of Polari and his choice to work with Polari and the pink triangle in the Just Like You mv.“
Personally, I feel like people in this fandom put too much meaning into these things. Louis wearing a polari shirt is something that comes down to the clothing choices of his stylist. She also put kit Connor into Louis 28 jumper, recently. I definitely think there’s room and reason for debate about this but I feel like you feel too certain about this event being evidence of Louis actively using queer symbols when we don’t actually know how much say or knowledge Louis had in these clothing choices. I yet have to see evidence of him being educated about queer history or queer brands. The whole photoshoot was in collaboration with the magazine highsnobiety and not with the brand polari itself which I think is also important to mention in this context which you didn’t. I don’t mean that these circumstances belittle the significance behind the fact that Louis wore a polari shirt. I’m just bothered by how this whole event is framed in this fandom for the most part.
I watched the just like you mv and I didn’t see a pink triangle in there. You were probably talking about the miss you video. And I think this might be reasonable to take as a queer symbol. I think it’s just as reasonable to not do that. There are also blue circles in the video. What do they mean? Do they have a meaning too? I just think we sometimes attach certain meaning to certain things and take it literal when we don’t know what the directors thought behind those setting choice was. Or if Louis himself wanted to have pink triangles in there as a symbol of his queerness. We don’t know if he’s even aware of these things. If Liam puts pink triangles in his mv (which he did in the stack it up video) what do you make of that?
„The lyrics to Home were a big thing for me back in the day, and you might remember one of the early Sugarscape interviews where Louis was asked about his first crush and he said *Emma Watson, because we went to see the first Harry Potter in Year 6 and literally all the lads fancied Hermione Granger so Hermione it's you. He then used Emma Watson as the answer to that celeb crush question when he got it for years.“
I absolutely agree with all of this. To me the song home always seemed like a full confession and I don't know how anyone could read the lyrics as anything else than Igbt related. The Emma Watson comment also kind of represents the typical queer experience of young people who are in the process of self discovery, for sure. So those two events are definitely reason for me to believe that Louis is somewhere on the spectrum of the Igbt community.
What I didn't understand is why you seemed to be so railed up about the suggestion that louis might be bisexual. He absolutely might! I personally wouldn't put that out of the question because I have seen evidence of him being attracted to woman for example the footage of him and Briana in 2015 making out in a club. I also think that he was attracted to Eleanor. I know you look at these things through different lenses and I respect that. I just think there's definitely reason to believe he's attracted to more than just men. I don’t want to argue about this at all, I was just confused as to why you were getting so annoyed about the idea of it.
I’m a bit confused, I’m not annoyed by folks thinking/discussing Louis might be bisexual and I don’t think I have that impression in any of my responses. I said I read Louis as gay because I do. also said as I often say, that I could be wrong about what I think. Of course Louis could be bisexual, I just don’t think he is.
I do, however, disagree with you vehemently on the significance of Louis wearing Polari and it’s not about ‘wearing a polo shirt’. It’s got a lot to do with the caption Louis chose on this picture, ‘chavvy’ is a Polari word. Both it and the term ‘chav’ have Romani origins, but ‘chavvy’ is a Polari word which he used while wearing a T-shirt that reads Ferricadooza, another Polari word that this time comes from Italian.
Now I don’t think Louis is a moron and I don’t think he’s ignorant about queer history, but a ten second google will tell you about Polari, and I think Louis knows a lot more than that. There are class implications here too and I think it’s a way of expressing himself using a secret queer language that was often used by travelling performers and I think that’s amazing.
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I was talking about the Miss You video you’re right, that was a typo on my part, I meant to stick a line in about how those two MV’s engaged with queerness with the cuttings in Just Like You.
I’m sorry if I’ve given you the impression that I think everything means something, that would be ridiculous, I think an inverted pink triangle in a music video of a man who had recently worn polari and tattooed a triangle on his body is not far fetched. In 2017 I think Louis engaged quite heavily with queer culture in a specific way.
I’m not interested in converting you to my way of thinking, you (and others) have asked what I thought and I have told you.
Probably what I find most disagreeable about your ask is that you think Louis is queer, and you know a bit about queer history but you think that fans are putting too much weight on pink triangles and polari and I obviously don’t feel the same.
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pretabird · 9 months
Vision Update(1) 12.22.23
I have been struggling more than I thought I was. The Gods have been sending me messages that I've been struggling to see and hear. This spiritual disconnect has been very difficult for me to cope with. But through better pacing, silence, and faith that things will make sense, I've found a clearer and sharper image of them. I plan on updating these the further I get into my journey!
The Woman
While mediating in therapy, I was hugging my inner child and comforting her gently. I felt the warmth on my back for a larger older feminine energy hugging me from behind. She spoke with intense power and grace.
"You have much work to do. When you need me, call. I will come."
Then the vision/mediation was over. I still don't know who this woman was. A goddess? Angel? Someone else from my Spiritclan? Me? I still don't believe I'm ready or prepared to ask for her help. Her help would be something I feel called to devote myself to and commitment is intimidating. The more I explore the closer I feel to her. May we meet soon.
Young Snakes
Accompanying the woman were two snakes. They coiled around my arms and squeezed gently in their own hug. Looking back, they were just babies. Almost like they were born and gifted to me for protection. I smiled as I looked at them.
One had solid inky black scales with red eyes and a golden mouth. While the other had pure white with blue eyes and a black mouth. They had names and personality that have evolved as I did. Since that vision they had been silent for YEARS until late this year.
The black snake had showed himself to me first. He kept his beautiful black scales, but his body was now similar to a western dragon. Four large strong legs with claws planted firmly into the ground. Even larger wings stretched to the sky that lowered as a form of "respect" when he saw me. When I touch him, I instantly turn into a child(or teen) again giggling and tugging at his sturdy horns. He'd let me climb all over him and ride his back as he'd walk around our meadow, and he'd listen to me talk. Piping up when I asked him questions. His deep voice shook the fear from my chest, feeding the sprites and flowers around us. He called himself Draco and used Earth and Fire magic. My sweet lad.
The other came to me very recently. She was stunning and seemingly came out of thin air. I'm not quite sure how we connected but she comes to me as a bold and wise eastern dragon. Long winding covered in white and light blue scales with a light gray tummy. Her head embellished with thick long hair and whiskers. She'd let me hold her snout gently when I needed to cry. As my tears feel she'd bellow and nuzzle me before circling her body around me for comfort. She exuded and powerful and loud maternal energy that I feel I missed deeply growing up. When we'd speak, we sat on clouds and watched the sunrise and set together. Her voice was soft like gentle rain, yet the world would pause to listen. Nothing else mattered when she was around. It was just her and I. so high about the Earth that no Man could dare harm me. She calls herself Sera. Her domain was over Air and Water. Helping me glide through my emotions and saving me if I we're to ever drown.
"We have returned when we deemed you ready. You are now ready."
Newer Dragon
Im not sure if he had been reachable only because of the storms we've been having but a third Dragon had reached out to me. He was much larger than any Dragon id have met before. His body was similar to a Salamander(the specific species I can't remember). His wings were small, maybe just as tall as I was. He looked like a full storm cloud waiting to rain. When he moved or stomped his feet it sent off yellow arches of electricity.
I asked for his help and he was weary. Im not even sure to this day what I needed help with. In frustration of me talking to him he started to turn around before 3 smaller version sprung out from under him and glomped on me nuzzling and covering me and the thin mucus on their soft skin. He watched curiously and then gave a deep huff before accepting my request. I thank those children and look forward to watch he could possibly help me with.
These are my personal experiences with the Dragons that visit! Would love to see more folks talking about Dragon work.
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rainywerewolfmoon · 9 months
A Fairyland Yule
Ao3 link here A Fairyland Yule - Chapter 3 - Princessmh9 - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 3 A Reunion in Fairyland
{Acorn, the loyal Brownie, continued to scan the surroundings of Hyde Park, his tiny wings fluttering as he searched for any sign of a Fairy Ring. The park was shrouded in the quiet beauty of the winter night, with lampposts casting a warm, inviting glow. As Acorn scoured the area, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Time was running out, and the desire to reunite Bella with her long-lost sister, Genevieve, burned in his heart. He knew that Yule was fast approaching, and it was the perfect time for such a magical reunion.
With determination in his eyes, Acorn continued his search, hoping that the park might hold the key to bridging the gap between the human world and the enchanting realm of Fairyland. He whispered a silent prayer to the spirits of the park, asking for their guidance in this quest.}
{Acorn} Please, let there be a Fairy Ring here. Bella's heart aches for her sister, and I must find a way to make their reunion possible.
{With renewed determination, Acorn pressed on, his tiny form a beacon of hope in the wintry night. As Acorn continued his search through Hyde Park, he noticed a faint, shimmering glow near a cluster of ancient oak trees. His heart quickened with hope as he fluttered closer, his keen Brownie senses picking up on the presence of magic.}
{Acorn} Could it be? A Fairy Ring?
{With cautious excitement, Acorn circled the area, examining the ground carefully. There, beneath a blanket of fallen leaves and frost-kissed grass, he spotted the telltale ring of mushrooms. It was a small, unassuming circle, but to Acorn, it held the promise of reuniting two sisters. Acorn wasted no time. With a tiny, thankful chirp to the spirits of the park, he began to recite the incantation passed down through generations of Brownies. The air around the Fairy Ring shimmered with energy as the portal between worlds began to open.
{Acorn} May this path of magic lead to a heartwarming reunion.
{The portal hummed softly, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and ancient forests. Acorn knew that the way to Fairyland was now open, and he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Bella would have the opportunity to reconnect with her sister, and the magic of Yule would shine brightly in their lives. With a triumphant smile, Acorn fluttered back to the lamp post, ready to deliver the wonderful news to Bella and begin the next step of their heartwarming journey. Back at the mansion Bella was tucking in her son Thedore into bed.}
{Thedore} Mama how much longer till Father Christmas comes mother?
{Bella} Not much longer, my dear. Father Christmas will be here very soon. You've been a good boy all year, and I'm sure he has something special for you.
{Thedore's eyes sparkled with excitement as he clutched his favorite stuffed animal close. It was a worn and well-loved teddy bear, its fur once a deep, rich brown now faded with age. The bear had a few patches sewn onto its arms and a missing button eye, but to Thedore, it was the most precious toy in the world.}
{Thedore} I can't wait, Mama. I hope he brings me a shiny toy soldier like the one in the store window.
{Bella leaned down and kissed her son's forehead.}
{Bella} I have a feeling he just might, my love. Now, close your eyes and have sweet dreams. Father Christmas will be here before you know it.
{She blows out the candle and walks to the door and smiles softly as she closes the door. Casper her husband looks at her.}
{Casper} Is he asleep?
{Bella} Yes, finally. He's so excited about Father Christmas.
{Casper} He's a good lad, always full of wonder and joy.
{Bella nodded, her thoughts drifting back to her sisters.}
{Bella} Casper, have you ever wondered about my sisters, especially Genevieve?
{Casper} {pausing} Bella, we've been through this. You know Genevieve was always a bit...different. Running off with that Elf Prince and talking about fairies and magic. It was for the best that she's not here to influence our son.
{Bella} {softly} But she's family, Casper. She's still my sister, and I miss her.
{Casper} {sighing} Bella, you have a family here, with me and Thedore. Our life is here, in London.
{Bella} {whispering} Sometimes, I wish I could see her again, just to know she's safe.
{Casper} Bella its best not to wish those things my dear. Just forget about her and think about being the best wife you can to me and the best mother to Thedore and think about the best future for him.
{Bella} {softly} I know, Casper. You're right. Our family is here, and I should focus on that. I just...sometimes I can't help but wonder about her.
{Casper} {smiling} That's my Bella, always with a caring heart. Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow is another busy day.
{Bella nodded, extinguishing the last candle in the room, and the couple settled into their bed, their thoughts turning to their son and the joys and challenges of their life in London. As she slept through the night the clock in the living room chimed twelve o clock when Acorn flew into the house. Acorn fluttered through the open window, casting a soft, glowing light in the room. He gently landed on the bedside table, careful not to wake Bella and Casper. With a sense of urgency and excitement, he began to softly whisper Bella's name.}
{Acorn} Bella... Bella...
{Bella stirred in her sleep, her dreams filled with memories of her long-lost sister Genevieve and the enchanting world of Fairyland.}
{Acorn} Bella, wake up. It's time.
{Bella slowly opened her eyes, still half-asleep, and saw the tiny Brownie hovering by her bedside.}
{Bella, groggily} Acorn? What is it?
{Acorn} I found it, Bella. I found a Fairy Ring in Hyde Park. We can create a portal to Fairyland and reunite you with Genevieve.
{Bella's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and disbelief. Could it really be true? She had longed to see her sister again for so long.}
{Bella, with hope in her voice} Are you sure, Acorn?
{Acorn} Positive. We must hurry, though. Yule is almost here, and this is our chance.
{Bella nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. She couldn't believe that this moment had finally come.}
{Bella, whispering} Thank you, Acorn. Let's go to Hyde Park and create that portal.
{She carefully got out of bed and quietly got into her winter dress and put her bonnet on her head and tied it up under chin before putting some gloves on. She then quietly put her boots on and with great care stepped out of the room carefully not to wake Casper or her brothers and sister or the rest of the family. She walked down into the kitchen and pulled out a lantern and lit it before carefully walking through the house. Bella moved silently through the quiet house; every step calculated to avoid waking anyone. The lantern in her hand cast a warm, flickering glow as she made her way through the darkened rooms. The memories of her childhood home and the life she had built with Casper and their son, Theodore, flooded her mind. But her heart was set on reuniting with her sister, Genevieve, in the enchanting realm of Fairyland. As she stepped outside into the cold London night, her breath visible in the frosty air, Bella's determination shone in her eyes. The promise of a long-awaited reunion spurred her forward. Hyde Park awaited, and with it, the opportunity to bridge the gap between her world and the magical realm her sister now called home. Bella walked briskly through the empty streets of London, her lantern casting a small pool of light around her. The city that had been bustling with holiday preparations earlier now slumbered under the quiet blanket of night. Her journey had a purpose, a goal that filled her heart with hope and determination.
Hyde Park, with its vast green spaces and ancient trees, was her destination. It was in this park, under the pale moonlight, that Bella hoped to find the elusive Fairy Ring—a portal that would lead her to her sister and the enchanting world of Fairyland. As she reached the park's entrance, the wrought-iron gates stood ajar, inviting her inside. The crunch of frosty leaves beneath her boots and the distant hoot of an owl were the only sounds that broke the silence. Bella moved deeper into the park, guided by an inner compass that drew her closer to her destiny. Her breath hung in the frigid air as she continued her search, lantern held high. Bella knew that this quest was not without its risks and uncertainties, but the bond between sisters was a powerful force, one that could bridge the gap between two worlds.
With each step she took, Bella's heartbeat with a mixture of hope, love, and the unwavering determination to reunite her family and bring back the magic that had been lost. The Fairy Ring, hidden somewhere in the heart of Hyde Park, held the key to her sister's world, and Bella was determined to find it, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. As Bella ventured deeper into the park, the familiar landmarks of Hyde Park became transformed in the moonlight. The ancient trees seemed to reach out with gnarled branches like silent sentinels guarding their secrets. Shadows danced beneath the moon's glow, casting eerie, shifting patterns on the frozen ground. Bella's lantern illuminated the path before her, casting a warm and comforting light in the midst of the winter night's chill. She couldn't help but think about Genevieve and how her sister had always been drawn to the magic of the unknown, to the enchantment of the Fairyland. The air grew colder, and Bella's breath formed misty clouds in front of her. She knew she had to be vigilant and keep her senses sharp.}
{Bella} Ok Acorn where is this Fairy Ring.
{Acorn, perched on a nearby branch, looked around and then pointed with his tiny leaf-like hand towards a grove of ancient oak trees. There, in the soft moonlight, Bella could make out the faint glow of mystical energy, forming a circular pattern on the ground.}
{Acorn} There it is, Bella. The Fairy Ring. But be cautious, for this is a bridge between worlds, and it holds both magic and danger. Approach it with care. And whatever you do don’t eat or drink any food.
{Bella nodded, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. She approached the Fairy Ring slowly, step by step, her lantern held high. The air around her seemed to hum with a strange energy as she crossed the threshold of the magical circle. And then, as if the world itself shifted around her, Bella found herself transported into a realm unlike any she had ever imagined. The colors were more vibrant, the air filled with an otherworldly fragrance, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of ages past. Bella had entered the Fairyland, and her quest to reunite with her sister Genevieve had just taken a remarkable turn.
As Bella turned to look back at the Fairy Ring from within the enchanting realm of Fairyland, she noticed that the mystical circle had transformed. What had once been a faint, shimmering glow on the ground now pulsed with a radiant energy, casting a soft, ethereal light that danced like fireflies in the night. It was as if the Fairy Ring had come to life, responding to her presence and guiding her on her journey. The ancient oaks that surrounded the circle seemed to lean in closer, their gnarled branches forming a natural archway that framed the magical portal. For a moment, Bella hesitated, her thoughts filled with the memories of her sister, Genevieve, and the family she had left behind in London. But the pull of the unknown and the hope of reuniting with her beloved sister urged her forward.
With determination in her heart, Bella took a deep breath and stepped further into the wondrous realm of Fairyland, ready to embark on her extraordinary adventure. Bella walked carefully through the wintery woods of Fairyland, her lantern casting a warm and inviting glow in the midst of the enchanted forest. The towering trees, adorned with glistening frost, seemed to whisper secrets to one another as they rustled in the gentle breeze. As she ventured deeper into the woods, the air became crisp and filled with the scent of pine and snow. The ground was blanketed in a soft layer of pristine white, and Bella's boots left a trail of footprints behind her. Every so often, she would catch a glimpse of mystical creatures darting among the trees— mischievous pixies, graceful sprites, and elusive wood nymphs. They watched her with curious eyes but kept their distance, as if aware of her quest.
The quiet town of Enchanted Forest lay before Bella, its cobblestone streets illuminated by the soft glow of streetlamps. The houses, adorned with ivy and twinkling fairy lights, exuded a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. As Bella walked through the slumbering town, she couldn't help but marvel at the quaint beauty that surrounded her. It was as if time stood still in this Enchanting place, where magic danced in every corner. She passed by charming shops with whimsical displays, each window showcasing unique and intricate wares. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and the sweet scent of blooming flowers wafted through the air, creating a sensory tapestry that was both comforting and magical. In the distance, the regal silhouette of Oberon and Titania's castle stood as a beacon of hope. Its turrets and towers reached towards the starlit sky, a testament to the enduring magic that thrived within its walls.
Bella's heartbeat with anticipation as she drew closer to the castle, her footsteps echoing softly on the cobblestones. She knew that her journey was just beginning, and the challenges ahead would be many. But in that moment, surrounded by the beauty and wonder of Fairyland, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination to find her sister and bring her back to the family that loved her.}
{Kendra, the head of the Royal Guards, moved gracefully through the corridors of the castle, her once-silver armor now an unexpected mint green hue. She had been the unwitting target of one of Puck's mischievous spells earlier, and despite her efforts, she hadn't been able to reverse the enchantment. As she made her rounds, Kendra couldn't help but notice the curious looks and stifled giggles from her fellow guards. She maintained her composure, her expression as stoic as ever, but inside, she couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. The sun would soon rise, casting its gentle light over the kingdom and dispelling the darkness of the night. As she walked down the hall where the nursery was, she couldn’t help but open the door and cheek in on the Princess. With gentle and practiced hands, Kendra approached the cradle where Princess Elara lay sleeping. The soft rays of the rising sun filtered through the window, casting a warm and gentle light upon the room. It was a peaceful moment, one that reminded Kendra of the beauty of the kingdom and the importance of her role as a guardian.
As she gazed down at the slumbering infant, Kendra couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Elara, with her tiny features and innocent expression, represented the future of the kingdom. She was a symbol of hope and the continuation of the royal lineage. Kendra reached down and carefully tucked the blanket around Elara, ensuring that the little one would remain warm and comfortable. She knew that the nursery was a place of safety and love, and she took her duty to protect the young princess very seriously. With a soft smile, Kendra whispered a silent blessing for the sleeping child. As she turned to leave something caught her eye at the window. She walks up and looks out to the snow covered garden and there in the garden was someone with a lantern. She pulled her sword out and quietly rushed out of the nursery ready to face the intruder.
Kendra, her heart pounding with a mixture of vigilance and concern, quietly exited the nursery, sword in hand. She moved swiftly and silently through the castle's corridors, her years of training as a member of the royal guard guiding her every step. Her senses were sharp, and her eyes scanned the dimly lit hallways for any sign of the intruder. As she reached the main entrance of the castle, she saw the figure in the garden more clearly. It was a woman, dressed in a winter gown and holding a lantern, moving cautiously through the snow-covered landscape. The woman's face was partially hidden by a bonnet, but her intent seemed mysterious and potentially suspicious. Kendra approached the woman with a blend of caution and authority. With her sword at the ready, she stepped out into the garden, her voice firm but not unkind.}
{Kendra} Who goes there? Identify yourself and state your purpose for being in the castle grounds at this hour.
{The cold air hung in silence for a moment as Kendra awaited a response from the stranger.}
{Bella} Kendra it's me Belladonna.
{Kendra in shock} Lady Belladonna.
{Kendra, her eyes wide with surprise, quickly sheathed her sword and approached Bella with a mix of relief and curiosity.}
{Kendra} Lady Belladonna, what brings you to the castle at this hour? It's quite unusual to see you here.
{Bella} I came here to see Genevieve. It is vital I see her.
{Kendra} I am sorry, but Princess Genevieve is asleep with her husband Prince Ash
{Bella} It's imperative that I speak with her, Kendra. Please, I beg you, find a way to wake her. It's a matter of utmost importance.
{Kendra hesitated for a moment, understanding the urgency in Bella's voice.}
{Kendra's gaze held a flicker of determination as she addressed Lady Belladonna.}
{Kendra} Very well, Lady Belladonna. I shall employ all my skill to rouse Princess Genevieve, but it is imperative that we maintain the utmost discretion. Kindly tread softly and follow my lead.
{With a practiced fluidity, Kendra guided Belladonna through the moonlit castle gardens, their footsteps muffled by the snow-covered ground. The air was crisp, and the night held a hushed stillness as they maneuvered through hidden passageways known only to the most adept of the castle's inhabitants. As they slipped through shadowed corridors, Kendra's knowledge of the castle's layout proved invaluable. Eventually, they arrived at a secluded waiting room reserved for those seeking an audience with the monarchs.
{Kendra, gesturing towards the room} Wait here, Lady Belladonna. I will retrieve Princess Genevieve and Prince Ash promptly.
Kendra left the room, her departure leaving Belladonna to survey her surroundings in wide-eyed wonder. The room, adorned with regal tapestries and plush furnishings, emanated an air of timeless elegance. Moonlight filtered through ornate curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room's intricate details.
Bella, her fingers lightly brushing against a finely embroidered tapestry, marveled at the opulence of the royal waiting chamber. The flickering candlelight created dancing shadows on the walls, and the quiet whispers of a distant breeze added a subtle symphony to the room. The weight of her urgent mission momentarily lifted as she found herself captivated by the beauty that surrounded her.
In the quietude of the chamber, Bella awaited Kendra's return, her thoughts swirling with anticipation and the gravity of the message she carried. Little did she know, the fate of the kingdom teetered on the precipice of revelation, hidden behind the veiled curtains of the royal waiting room.}
{Kendra exited the room, swiftly traversing the castle corridors with purpose, en route to the chambers occupied by Ash and Genevieve. Her hurried steps echoed softly in the dimly lit passageways. Upon reaching the entrance to their quarters, she entered with practiced stealth.
Inside the chambers, the subdued glow of the early morning light revealed a scene of tranquility. Princess Genevieve lay sound asleep, her head resting on Ash's chest, his protective embrace enveloping her in a cocoon of love. The room exuded an aura of serenity, with the warmth of their shared affection palpable in the air.
Kendra approached the sleeping couple with a careful reverence, acknowledging the tenderness that radiated from their entwined forms. As she stood by the bedside, she leaned in and whispered, her voice barely audible in the peaceful stillness of the room.}
{Kendra} Princess Genevieve, Prince Ash, forgive the intrusion, but Lady Belladonna is here with an urgent matter.
{Genevieve stirred, slowly opening her eyes and blinking away sleep. Ash, too, began to wake, their expressions transitioning from sleepiness to alertness as they registered the unusual situation}
{Genevieve, her voice groggy} Kendra, what's the matter?
{Kendra} My apologies for the disturbance, Princess Genevieve, but Lady Belladonna has urgent business that requires your attention.
{Genevieve sat bolt upright in shock.}
{Genevieve} Bella? She here? But how? She should be in London with the rest of the family?
{Ash, also taken aback, spoke with concern} It's strange that Bella would be here at this hour. Something must be urgent for her to make such a journey.
{Genevieve} We should go and find out. She's my sister, Ash, and if she's here unexpectedly, we should make sure she's safe and find out what's going on.
{Without further delay, Genevieve and Ash hastily got out of bed and rushed out of the room and headed down the corridor toward the main entrance of the fairy castle. As they approached the entrance, they were greeted by Kendra.}
{Kendra, her voice hushed} My apologies for disturbing you, Your Highnesses. Lady Belladonna arrived unexpectedly, and I thought it best to inform you.
{Genevieve} You did the right thing, Kendra. We were just coming to check on her. Do you know why she's here?
{Kendra} She requested to see you and mentioned it was urgent, but I didn't pry further, Your Highness. She's in the waiting chamber just off the main hall.
{Ash} Thank you, Kendra. We'll go to her right away.
{Kendra nodded respectfully, and Genevieve and Ash made their way to the waiting chamber, their hearts filled with concern for Bella and the mystery surrounding her unexpected visit.
{As Genevieve and Ash opened the door and entered the room Genevieve gasped as she saw Bella standing there with tears in her eyes as she rushed up to hug her.}
{Bella} Genevieve, my dear sister!
{Bella's voice was filled with emotion as she embraced Genevieve tightly. Tears welled up in both their eyes as they held each other, a long-awaited reunion that carried with it a mix of joy and sorrow.}
{Genevieve, her voice trembling} Bella, what are you doing here? Is everything alright with you and the family in London?
{Bella pulled back as she looked at Genevieve}
{Bella} Genevieve Christmas doesn't feel the same without you. And what's worse, instead of talking about you everyone just wants to forget you. Even Mother and Father have gone and removed you in all the pictures.
{Genevieve's heart sank at Bella's words. She could hardly believe that her family was trying to erase her from their memories and their home. The pain of being forgotten and pushed aside by her own family was almost too much to bear.}
{Genevieve, her voice filled with sadness} Bella, I never wanted to bring shame or sadness to our family. I followed my heart and my destiny, but I never wanted to be forgotten. I love you all so much, and it hurts to know that you're trying to forget me. But please understand, my place is here in Fairyland now, with Ash and Elara. I can't change the path I've chosen.
{Genevieve reached out and took Bella's hands in her own, holding them tightly.}
{Bella} Come home for one more Christmas. Bring Ash and your daughter with you.
{Bella's request tugged at Genevieve's heartstrings. The thought of reuniting with her family, even for a short while, was a powerful pull. But she knew the importance of her commitment to Ash and their own budding family.}
{Genevieve, gently} Bella, I understand how much this means to you, and it means the world to me that you want me there. But Yule is a special time here in Fairyland, and it's Elara's first one. I want to be with Ash and celebrate as a family. It's a promise we made to each other.
{She looked into Bella's eyes, her own filled with a mixture of love and longing.
{Genevieve} I want you to understand, Bella. My heart aches to be with you all, but I also have a responsibility here, to my husband and our daughter. Please, try to understand.
{Bella looks away sadly as Genevieve starts to think. She turns to look at Ash.}
{Genevieve} Ash how many suns is it now till Yule?
{Ash thinks for a moment}
{Ash} It's just three suns away, my love. Why do you ask?
{Genevieve thinking} Maybe we can go with you on Yule Eve for the day Bella and then return for the celebration here at night.
{Ash looks away}
{Genevieve} Ash, I know you really want to spend our first Yule together as a married couple but also as a family.
{Ash smiles warmly and nods.}
{Ash} Genevieve, I want to see you happy, and I know how much your family means to you. If it's important to you, then it's important to me. We can spend Yule Eve with your family in London and then return for the celebration here at night. Elara will get to meet her relatives, and we'll make it a memorable first Yule for her.
{Genevieve hugs him tightly, her eyes shining with gratitude.}
{Genevieve} Thankyou my love. I really appreciate that.
{Ash} And this time I make sure they won't drag you off to an Asylum.
{Genevieve chuckles softly, leaning in to kiss Ash.}
{Genevieve} I'm not going anywhere without you and Elara. We're a family, and we'll face whatever comes together.
{Bella crying and hugging her sister} Thank you so much Genevieve.
{Genevieve hugs her sister back tightly.}
{Genevieve} Of course, Bella. Now do you need me to take you back to a Fairy Ring?
{Bella} No I be ok. I know where the ring is and how to get there.
{Genevieve} Very well, Bella. Take care on your journey, and we'll see you soon.
{Bella} Thank you, Genevieve. Give my love to Ash and little Elara.
{With one final embrace, Bella heads back into the cold night, disappearing into the darkness as she makes her way to the Fairy Ring that will take her back to London. Genevieve and Ash walk back to their chambers as Ash looks at her worried.}
{Ash} Genevieve love are you ok?
{Genevieve} I'm fine, my love. It's just... seeing Bella here, it stirred up so many memories and emotions. But I am also worried about my family. I mean I am reviling my magic heritage to them. And they don’t believe you are real. And what if they try to take Elara away from us?
{Ash} I understand your concerns, Genevieve. It's natural to worry about how your family will react to all of this. But remember, we'll be there together, as a family, to explain everything to them. And as for Elara, no one will take her away from us. We'll make sure of that.
{He gently strokes her hair, trying to soothe her worries.}
{Ash} Just have faith in us and in your family's love. Everything will work out.
{They both get into bed, and Genevieve cuddles up to Ash, finding comfort in his presence.}
{Genevieve} Thank you, Ash. You always know how to reassure me.
{She snuggles closer to him, feeling the warmth of his love and the security of their bond. As they drift off to sleep, their hearts are filled with hope and anticipation for the upcoming Yule celebrations and their journey to reunite with Genevieve's family.}
{Genevieve} I love you, Ash.
{Ash} And I love you, Genevieve. Always and forever.
{They share a loving kiss before the dreams of Yule and family fill their thoughts.}
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localcryptidinspo · 1 year
We've come full circle lads.
Back to listening to Smash Mouth unironically
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executiveibex · 2 years
an update to the continued comedy of errors saga of “let’s listen to Friends at the Table at work; I’m sure I’ll remain completely calm about this episode while in my little cubicle surrounded by my coworkers”:
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theyre-just-blocks · 3 years
I'm crying
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Anthony Mackie's kids maybe watching DSMP is the funniest fucking thing to me.
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takis-scribbles · 4 years
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expresso and caramel latte 
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Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Die wilden Hühner - Cornelia Funke, Die wilden Hühner | The Wild Chicks (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Willi Blödorn/Torsten "Torte" Stubbe, Wilma Irrling/Melanie Klupsch, Willi Blödorn & Melanie Klupsch, Torsten "Torte" Stubbe & Melanie Klupsch Characters: Willi Blödorn, Torsten "Torte" Stubbe, Melanie Klupsch, Fred Baldewein, Wilma Irrling, Steve Domaschke, Trudhild "Trude" Bogolowski Additional Tags: Friends With Benefits, Friends With Benefits To Lovers, Pining, Fluff, Humor, Drama, A little bit of everything, Bisexual Male Character, i will add tags as I post, Swearing, Mentions of Covid, it's set in post-covid times tho, discussions about sex, Alcohol, Trans Female Character, Trans Steve Domaschke Chapter Summary: 
Willi wacht auf, weil es nach Kaffee riecht.
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judeharoldvich · 3 years
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whorangecassidy · 4 years
anyways fair warning this really is about to be an nxt stan blog again
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in-maidjan · 5 years
since i have no idea how to write the thing i want to write without also writing another thing entirely i am going to write Neither and start hook up grey and maeve i guess l o l
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bluu-spectre · 6 years
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Oh okay
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