maythearo · 1 year
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" Welcome back to Night Raven College's 'Ghostly Gossip'! The school's unofficial main online source for the latest news, articles and trending topics circulating around campus! "
" You see, all my notes have to say about him is 'Mr braincell Spade that electrified the whole pool last swimming class'- and I'm almost sure it wasn't me who wrote it. Although I still remember this event so clearly... what a weird day. "
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R. Rosehearts - T. Clover - C. Diamond - A. Trappola - D. Spade - L. Kingscholar - R. Bucchi - J. Howl - A. Ashengrotto - J. Leech - F. Leech - K. Al Asim - J. Viper - V. Schoenheit - R. Hunt - E. Felmier - I. Shroud - O. Shroud - M. Draconia - L. Vanrouge - S. Zigvolt - Silver
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[ design notes ]
Alright so that took a bit longer bcs I wanted Ace to be ready as well, just so I could link his and Deuce's designs in a few aspects, and I'll talk about this in more detail later, for sir Ass Trampoline's future entry.
I know in that picture I said there was way too much free space on reference pics, but I'm just realizing I should have included one of Frankie bcs obviously they were a huge inspiration for Deuce's design as well 😭 both from G1 and G3. I initially chose the Frankenstein monster for him just for the fact that he's good with machines n stuff in canon, but later I realized the og story of Frankenstein had a lot to do with conflict between the creator and the creation, that if I squint it I can see the similarities between that and Deuce's character arc to change + his rocky relationship to his family, idk, can't really oversimplify the book's story but. I thought the themes could be very loosely connected 🧍 (?)
I should also add that the highlights on his hair match his mom's, that's cute. ALSO also his rings designs/placements don't really matter, I think he'd just wear whatever rings he finds without much preference.
For his AU personality and traits, well, he's just Deuce. Straightforward, diligent, at times naive, and clumsy Deuce. Story and background pretty much remains the same too, why not!
Sorry I didn't have much to say here, most of the notes I work on I write while in class or in the car (not the best places for concentration imo), bcs I'm not having much free time to stay still lately 😭 I'm hoping I didn't leave much of my hcs behind though!
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
OC/Ship Ask Game: Firsts
We're back with another super-long ask game! Send a number + a character/ship for a description of their "first"... plus a couple questions for the author as well :D
If you reblog, please send asks up and down the chain for reblog courtesy! It's not a requirement but it does make things more fun for everybody 😊
For the Character:
First big aspiration (i.e. what did they want to be when they grew up?)
First time meeting their best friend
First opinion of school as a kid
First time experiencing grief
First time breaking a bone
First time they realized their "calling" in life
First time they experimented with their personal style
First time they took a risk, or the biggest risk they've ever taken
First time living away from home
First time adopting/taking care of a pet
First "big purchase" they ever made on their own
First time leaving their home country
First time being drunk/high
First time facing their fears
First thing they remember feeling proud of
First thing they remembered feeling ashamed of
First favorites - favorite color, animal, movie, etc.
First example of real character growth along their journey
First time they felt rejected by another character
First time they felt accepted/welcomed by another character
First major change in their life, and how they dealt with it
First introduction in their story (share a snippet or description)
First display of their powers or abilities
First major loss/failure in their story
First major success in their story
For the Ship:
A. First meeting B. First impression of each other C. First physical contact (handshake? hug? something else?) D. First kiss E. First time meeting the other's family F. First date G. First time seeing the other one sick/injured H. First time sharing a bed (non-sexual) I. First time sleeping together (sexual) J. First concert/show/festival they attended together K. First fight L. ....And the first time they had to make up M. First time they introduced the other as their partner N. First road-trip/vacation together O. First double-date with another couple P. First time seeing the other all dressed up Q. First act of non-sexual intimacy (e.g. washing the other's hair, taking a bath together, sharing food) R. First time cooking for the other S. First anniversary + how they celebrated T. First time dancing together U. First pet names/nicknames they give each other V. First time they felt insecure/jealous, and how they worked through it W. First time they realized their relationship is endgame... or isn't X. First major hardship they got through together Y. First time living together Z. First time they said "I love you"
For the Author:
🐣 - First piece you ever wrote (share a snippet or description)
🥹 - First time describing strong emotions, and how you've improved since then
🎬 - First fandom(s) you wrote for, and if you still write for them
💀 - First time writing character death, and how you felt about it
🤝 - Favorite "first meeting" scene you've written between two characters
💋 - Favorite "first kiss" scene you've written between two characters
🔥 - First time writing romance/spicy scenes, and how you felt about it
🌍 - First attempt at worldbuilding, or a notable piece of worldbuilding you're proud of
🐉 - First genre you wrote for, and if you still write that genre now
🖌️ - First character you created, or first character you wrote for
🤩 - First big inspiration for writing (an author? a piece of media? a plot idea?)
🕷️ - First time writing something that scared you, and how it went
📝 - Pick a character: first draft of that character + the final version of that character
🏳️‍🌈 - First queer character/story you wrote
🤖 - First nonhuman character you wrote
🪶 - First longform/multi-chapter piece you've written
✒️ - First shortform/oneshot you've written
🪢 - First time writing a crossover or gift fic
🤯 - First story that gained traction/attention, and how it made you feel
📦 - First story that really took you outside your comfort zone
📖 - Piece you'd recommend as a "first piece" for a new reader to enjoy
‼️ - Free space! Tell us about a notable "first" in your writing journey!
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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Full Pink Moon in Scorpio ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Hey, was your Full Pink Moon in Scorpio great on the 24th/25th of April? It took me a couple of days to realise there was an active shedding and releasing of A FUCKTON of black magick and karmic debris from the collective of people tuned into this PAC. That shedding and releasing was by Divine Mandate, so that’s good to know hahah
After the Full Moon, have you been feeling lighter now? Brighter in the mind? Clearer about your purpose, maybe? More motivated to take the next step? Kinda ironic because Scorpio is the darkest sign of all. But hey, seeds need to break in the dark for them to grow into plants, trees, fruits and flowers, right?
This Full Pink Moon in Scorpio is really associated with rebirth, plant magick and wishing for a victorious blooming of our desires. Scorpio is also a sign associated with the underworld, death and ancestors. Did you know people born with significant Scorpio influences in their birth chart were often born shortly after some death had occurred within the family/bloodline?
Since the Full Pink Moon has passed, have you been feeling the call of your ancestors? You’ve got a huge family of great and wise ancestors you’ve never even met in this incarnation watching over your spiritual development. Each of them loves you and honour all the spiritual work you’ve done in this incarnation. The ripples of your lightwork go beyond what you can comprehend at this moment.
Listen carefully with your pretty heart~ Your ancestors and Spirit Guides are currently very active in guiding you towards your most exciting chapter yet! Stomp forward confidently, babes~!
[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – Let’s Go Far Away! Far From All the Dra-mama-mama~
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s h e d d i n g – Queen of Pentacles Rx
You are not taking anybody else’s karma as yours anymore. You’re done. Fucking done with spiritually taking care of everybody who isn’t even aware of their bullshit karmic load. And on top of that, you’ve been known that these fuckers ain’t ever gonna be grateful anyway. So, why should you bother? You learnt the hard way, didn’t you? Now you’ve truly become a spiritual boss bitch. You ain’t vibing with Love and Light anymore—not like that, at least. You understand now that the whole ‘love and light’ consciousness has been weaponised to neutralise the power of those who can defeat EVIL consciousness.
Now, you understand people are fully responsible for their own healing; for how they react to what’s happening around them and for their own choices. Even their points of view are theirs. You’re not participating in anybody else’s drama anymore. No amount of empathy will ever make you stupid again. That was your decision quite a long time ago and now that resolve has become SOLIDIFIED. Welcome back, spiritual gangster. You’re YOU again~ Now, we watch you quantum jump into your greatest abundance Reality yet!
t r a n s f o r m i n g – 9 of Pentacles Rx
I feel like you’ve been in isolation of sort for quite a while, right? Or at least, there’s a clear indication that you’ve not been in communication with too many people. Your ancestors gave you that push to be alone and to clear your aenergetic field from a lifetime’s worth of bullshit you’d absorbed from other people. During this time, you were shielded from further psychological attacks from your environment. But at the same time, you were also being given clear guidance about your next steps.
Your visions and daydreams are not random, so this Full Pink Moon is giving you more reasons to believe all of your gut feelings about your place in the world—about what you’re put on Earth to pursue and manifest. When you’re excited, make sure you share your good news with ONLY those you feel are vibrationally safe to share with. People you know won’t have any business being envious of your progress. Otherwise, keep moving on in silence, dear ghost~ You’re about to become reborn into real riches!
g l o w u p, BITCH – 6 of Wands Rx
The whole aenergy of this Pile is abundance and material riches. I’m being told, you’re building a massive Empire that’s based on real spirituality. An empire that will serve a great number of people and how that contributes to not only your material security but also to the prosperity of all involved with your projects/spiritual work in the future. With that said, your success is needed by the world! You’d better believe there’s no force on Earth strong enough to mess this up.
Your ancestors, in fact, have been setting you up for this success for literally aeons. Even from the aethers they’re still very much actively making this happen. It’s a family project, babe~ You’ve got important codes stored in your DNA—you bloodline is special. One way or another this will continue to get revealed to you through various means your ancestors can think of ;P Your physical beauty, physical prosperity, physical safety and everything is quantum jumping into a much higher octave of Reality.
You’ve set up the foundation well. You’ve sacrificed a lot with so little guidance. Congrats again, welcome Home to 5D Consciosuness~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Hello? Ordering From Future Express~
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s h e d d i n g – Page of Pentacles
You’ve been in the process of learning (or preparing) for a big change in your Life. This Full Pink Moon, if anything, is just indicating that you’re ready to mingle in the higher level of whatever you’re graduating from. Rather than becoming a student, you’re becoming an actual employee, worker, or expert at this thing you’ve been studying/preparing for. You have a lot of knowledge that’s ready to be shared by those who can benefit from your work. So, congrats~!
Of all the Piles, I sense your journey thus far has been pretty much lighthearted. It isn’t to say some traumatic things haven’t happened, but no matter your age, you’re such a wise optimist. You’re the type that can always say, ‘Oh well, I did learn and gain valuable lessons from it.’ You have an awareness of your surrounding and the events that visit your everyday Life, so you’re not often bothered to the degree some of the other Piles are XD
t r a n s f o r m i n g – Knight of Cups Rx
I sense that many of you reading this have been in the active process of manifesting a new kind of Reality. You’ve daydreamed and fantasised a lot—too much, sometimes LOL But I’m getting that your heart is literally constantly pulled in that direction because you’re literally that close to manifesting this Reality. Of course, when we say ‘close’, some of you may wonder how that’s even possible because you don’t feel like you’ve done a lot.
But I’m being told that your manifestation is heavily ‘water based’, meaning it is highly based on the emotions produced during your daydreaming~ As long as you maintain the feeling, the optimism, the feel-good vibes from those daydreams, you’re GUARANTEED to get every single thing you’ve envisioned for yourself. I betcha you have significant Water sign placements or planets in Water Houses in your natal chart :D
g l o w u p, BITCH – 5 of Cups
I know that recently you feel like you’ve lost something important. Although you’re positive and optimistic, it’s only natural that people can still dwell in the negative emotions caused by the shock of any kind of loss. You can take your time. But also know that this Full Pink Moon is promising you a way to rebuild or rediscover in another form what you’ve lost. What’s been lost or broken will be renewed and you will be a lot happier.
By this, the general message is that you have so much good fortune and success in the future. It’s almost like, your daydreams have been ordered from the future express and delivered to your doorstep as feel-good thought-forms. For now, they may be only thought-forms, but you’re being directed to the right place, so don’t lose sight of those visions, OK? For the most part, I think most of you already know this—you just needed some kind of a validation ^o^v
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Calm in the World, Lucky Girl~
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s h e d d i n g – 7 of Swords
Ooohhh my lucky guuurl~ You’re the lucky Pile, but actually, you’ve worked really hard to increase your luck quotient in this world! Of all the Piles, you’ve transmuted a lot of karmic bullshit in your bloodline—things like toxic mindsets which were passed down by your elders. I think you’ve worked the hardest to transform yourself whilst carrying generational bullshit which you vowed would stop with you, because you wouldn’t want these mindsets or ways of living to be passed down to the next generations.
And in your case, I get that you’re not just thinking about your own bloodline; you’re also thinking about stopping these toxic ways of living and being for all people belonging to your generation and the next. You’re thinking global—you’re thinking cosmic. This Pile is definitely for those of you who identify as being a witch or a mystic or something similar in nature. You are now shedding ugliness. All the ugliness in the ways you were brought up.
t r a n s f o r m i n g – 9 of Cups
No matter when you come across this reading, within just a couple months your abundance level is going to visibly get better. This sense of abundance is going to be real—not just a mindset thing—it’s going to be physical. You’ve been working so hard for so long on the mental and spiritual level, and in many cases, you might’ve felt like your spiritual work hasn’t produced anything tangible at all. And this could’ve often dimmed your light and made you cry, because it felt like your struggles were never going to end.
You were going in circles, but babe, you were always spiralling up out of that hell that was created for you. I think you just didn’t realise that. The path was never straight; it was a spiral in which you were spiralling and meeting old wounds and healing them, but the whole time, you were spiralling UP! Okay? The exit is close. Dang, many of you tuning into this are already out! The real physical abundance is following along tightly. Look forward to this year’s Lion’s Gate, Wise Ones~! You’ll be surprised! <3
g l o w u p, BITCH – 10 of Wands
In the deck I’m using, 10 of Wands depicts an array of soldiers who’ve just finished warring. They’re back home now, exhausted, traumatised, needing a lot of care and ease after a long battle, and are probably still in a war mindset after being in it for quite some time, right? But the important thing is that they’re home; that the war is OVER. It is OVER. It’s peacetime now. You’ve just got to celebrate all you’ve done for your country (yourself) and relish in a good bowl of soup to soothe your aching heart.
Recuperation and relaxation are crucial for you right now. You need all the TLC you could give to yourself, so in that sense, if there’s somebody who could be of some assistance to you, don’t hesitate to ask for help so your Life can be a little easier. For the time being, you need to be taken care of. Sooner than later, you will be jumping into a different kind of an exciting bandwagon straight to your Destiny~ Then, you can help others~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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kunajou · 6 months
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❥ Beg For It, Petal.
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» RATING › 18+ [M I N O R S D O N O T I N T E R A C T] » GENRE(S) › smut/fluff » PAIRING(S) › geto suguru x female!reader x gojo satoru » WORD(S) › 2.8k+ » SYNOPSIS › You simply want to make breakfast for your boyfriend's but they have something else in mind. » SMUT WARNING(S) › oral (female receiving), fingering, squirting, gojo & geto kissing, a smidge of dirty talking, allude to sub!geto, allude to anal, praise kink, begging, nicknames (petal, peach, love, pretty girl, honey, & gorgeous), loads of cuddling between the three of you, vacation vibes only! (half-ass edited so beware lol) » POST DATE › 03/21/2024
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thank you for reading! & remember: you nice, keep going.❤️ comment/reblogs(s) and like(s) are totally welcomed! › read more work here: masterlist ‹
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It’s merely morning when the sun begins to rise, casting a surreal glow into the room. Your body and mind decide to stir as you wake from your slumber. The black curtains hardly catch the glare that hits your face when you try to turn over. It’s then that you realize you’re laid snug on top of Satoru. You can feel his even breath against your neck as he smushes his face against your chest. His grip on your waist is tight and it stops you from being able to turn like you want to.
“Stop.” Satoru groans when you shift your body, leaving Suguru to grab you from his arms (or more importantly, before you can get up to leave). His hold is much firmer than Satoru’, his face is buried in your neck and you can feel him press soft kisses against it.
“Pretty girl,” Suguru chuckles the moment you moan. “Where are you trying to go, honey?” His eyes remain closed, his voice is soft but raspy and for a second, you melt into his embrace as he smothers you closer to his chest. One of the things you love to do is simply listen to this beautiful man talk. His voice is so calming and reassuring that you often fall into this state of bliss. You appreciate the feelings both he and Satoru give you while you're tucked into their arms. A sense of safety and security that everything will be alright. You close your eyes and savor the moment, knowing this feels like home.
“You’re staring, baby.” He wolfishly grins, bringing his hand up to caress your bottom lip. “It’s still early… It's only eight and you’re already trying to leave us.” Glancing over at the clock on the dresser, you realize he's right. It's eight forty-three and honestly, you can use a little more sleep. “Sleep.”
“I want to get up though,” You whine as he only chuckles about how cute you are. You want to get up, take a shower, maybe even get breakfast started for them but you can't do that since Suguru won't let you go. “And It’s not that early, ‘Gu. I could be cooking breakfast right now. I’m hungry.” As if on cue your stomach growls, alerting him of the basic need that hasn't been met. “Suguru…”
“But I’d rather you stay here.” He peeks through his left eye to get a good look at you. The ray of sunlight shining through the balcony door just right to radiate not only the room but you too. An angel in disguise. He can't help but reach up to brush his thumb against the side of your cheek as you lean into his warmth. You can't lie, you love being sandwiched between both of them and right now is no different. “That’s why we hired people for this so you wouldn’t have to move a muscle, honey.”
“But I wanna do it…” You frown, “I-It’s not t-the same-”
“Oh, but It is.” You don't see the smirk present on his face the moment he feels you bury your face in the crook of his neck to attempt to hide. “It's okay to relax. It's your vacation as much as it's ours, Petal. Just sleep.” He says, settling back with you in tow and you lose your breath. You can’t believe how beautiful this man is. He laughs, leaning back to rest his head against the pillows again. You snuggle into his chest, tracing circles on his collarbone.
As time goes on, Suguru’s out like a light again, and you decide to maneuver yourself back between them to get comfortable. Both men snore, one louder than the other. You feel Satoru cuddle up into your back as his hand finds your stomach. He rubs against it as both play tug-a-war with your body to see who gets more to cuddle with. 
The warmth feels good. And the butterflies in your stomach make you feel alive as you’re laid up and fiddling with Satoru’s fingers. 
It's times like this you cherish. The moments where Suguru isn’t in one of his moods and Satoru isn’t off doing god knows what. And neither of them has to leave for days on end. It makes you wish you could stay like this forever and keep them chained to the bed but sadly, you can’t. At least not in the way you want to. Suguru might like it. Satoru? Not so much. Then again, who truly knows? As much sex as you and Satoru have, you haven’t tried that yet. 
Which is surprising in itself and well, you make a mental note to visit a sex shop down the street from your apartment complex one of these days. 
Glancing at the clock again, it's nine-ten and you can't justify laying in bed much longer than you have. You want to see the scenery and all that so you decide it's time to get up and shower. You can even feel the grime of last night's activities start to feel crusty and gross and you can't take it anymore. You run a couple of scenarios through your mind or rather, solutions so you can get up and move freely without waking your boys.
Solution one. Try with all your might to wiggle your way out of their grasp. In which, you do but that plan ends in utter failure when Suguru groans for you not to move again. He turns over to throw his arm over your waist to keep you still. And with Satoru's hand awkwardly sprawled on your ass, they've got you locked in place again. 
Solution two. Try to put a pillow in your place but, of course, that was also a failure because they can tell the difference. Hell, they won't even allow you to get up long enough to do the switch.
You're exasperated as you roll over to stare at the ceiling, groaning to no one but yourself. You glance to either side of you. They look adorable with Suguru’s face buried in your chest now and Satoru’s face mushed against the pillows, it makes his lips pucker. You just want to kiss both of them but right now is not the time.
Solution three. Try ripping yourself from their grasp. You try for about five minutes until you realize that's futile.
“Really?” It only serves to annoy you when you hear Satoru chuckle, no doubt listening to you struggle. And if he’s awake then you know Suguru is too even if he doesn’t utter a word. You just want to get up! Your stomach has been growling for a hot minute and you're hungry and gross and ugh!
“Just stay with us, Petal.” How can you say no to that? You don't know but you fix your mouth and tell them to get up when Satoru leans in close. His lips barely touch the skin of your neck and you can feel his gust of breath on your neck that sends a shiver down your spine.
“I was going to make us breakfast though…” You gasp the moment he nibbles against your ear, his warm hand resting against your thigh. So close to where you would like it to be but not right now. You try your best to sit up again but it’s no use. With them holding you the way that they are, you’re shit out of luck. “Well, can I at least take a shower?”
“Mm-mmh,” Suguru mumbles while kissing your shoulder. “Later...”
You roll your eyes at your boyfriend as a sigh falls from your lips. For both of them to be grown men, they’re acting like straight children right now but giving up is the last thing you want to do. Hunger overtakes everything. So you wait, somewhat impatiently for what seems like hours. You knew they were going to fall asleep again soon. 
It was just a matter of time. 
You end up wasting time on your phone, playing some mobile game Satoru told you to download until you hear both men snoring a little louder than before. 
With a shift of their bodies, you're finally able to slip out of their arms to get to the bathroom. You made it your mission to take a quick shower, trying to figure out what you want for breakfast. You don't want to linger in case they wake from their slumber again and try to tug you back into bed. Or you know, in case they decided to hop in the shower with you because breakfast will never be made then.
“Aww,” You coo, seeing them closer with Satoru’s face buried in Suguru’s neck while his leg is hiked onto his front. The blanket covers nothing but their lower half. his arm loosely draped over his tiny waist. Suguru’s waist was a gift from the heavens, you loved it. Especially whenever he’d wrap your legs around it.
You quickly shake those thoughts before they even enter your mind, instead, you snap a picture to tease them later. 
Waltzing over to the drawer, you pull out one of their band shirts, a random one they let you have (since they had so many), and settle for some black panties. Being comfortable was the main thing. 
Stepping out, you close the door quietly and start toward the kitchen. Searching through the fridge to find something to make something simple came to mind, a little bit of both of their favorites.
You're so into what you are cooking, that you don’t hear the door to the suite bedroom open. You also don’t hear either man making their way to the kitchen. 
“Baby?” Satoru whines, wrapping his arms around your waist. You’re startled, mind drawing blanks as you almost drop the hot skillet.
“J-Jesus,” You giggle, turning to face him to push him away, “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” Satoru smiles. He peppers kisses down your neck as his hands caress your inner thighs and you can feel the start of his bulge poking into your ass. Suguru stands from the island and pulls you to stand in front of him while Satoru sandwiches you from behind.
“I’m trying to cook,” You whine, feeling Satoru’s hand dip into boy shorts as he rubs his finger over your slit. You throw your head back with a soft moan. Suguru steps away long enough to turn off the stove so the food doesn’t burn, but he steps forward to pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist to sit you on the counter. Neither one says a word, Satoru attacking your neck to hear you groan as Suguru kisses your lips, your body melting into their touches, “I just wanna finish cooking...”
“Maybe we just want you for breakfast,” Satoru growls, nipping at your earlobe before yanking your underwear down and off your body.
“You can finish after we’re done,“ Suguru teases, “You’re already so wet for us, Petal.”
“Fuck yeah, she is,” Satoru smirks, tilting his head so he could get a good look at you. You’re blushing softly, the tint of red turning you into a tomato. “Was it from me touching you or is it the thought of what we’re going to do to you.”
“What’s turning you on, baby?”
“‘Toru…” You don’t want to say it out loud, resulting in you simply nodding your head. Of course, they’re not falling for it. Suguru grips your chin a little harshly but you can’t help but nibble on your bottom lip. Your cunt clenching around absolutely nothing at the blatant show of dominance. Satoru knows that look on your face, you’re slowly falling into that headspace of yours but Satoru doesn’t want you to completely lose yourself. 
At least, not yet.
“Words baby,” Suguru mutters, kissing the corner of your mouth once you take a deep breath to try and ground yourself. 
‘We need to hear you, Peach.”
“Yeah! Yes! Please…” You’re breathless as you throw your arms around Suguru who gets a grip on your thighs to be able to pick up and move you to the kitchen island. You’re going to need more room for the orgasm he’s about to give you. Your hips buck the moment he starts to slowly ease his middle finger inside you. 
“So tight.” Suguru places kisses on your trembling thighs, and all the while, Satoru hops onto the island to settle behind you. He’s glad he sent the chef and maid away for a couple more hours. Let’s be real though, they would have gladly given them a show too. He didn’t care but he knows you do.
“You’re so wet, Peach.”
“She’s sucking my fingers right in.”
Satoru chuckles, bringing his finger to press into your clit before rubbing it while Suguru's fingers continued to pump in and out of your cunt. The sounds cause both men to grow hornier as they watch your orgasm build, you're falling back against Satoru’s chest as he moves to the area above your clit. Suguru takes the opportunity to roll his tongue over your clit before flicking it a couple of times.
“That’s it, love.” Satoru kisses his way down your neck as your mouth falls open and your breathing continues to pick up. You’re right there if the way you try to squeeze your thighs around his hand and Suguru’s head says anything. It’s so hot. Fuck, you’re fucking gorgeous. “Let Sugu take care of you. Feels good doesn’t it?”
You moan in response, reaching for Satoru to bring him closer for a heated kiss. Your eyes close as he wastes no time, his tongue dancing with yours for dominance but ultimately winning.
“Taste sweet.” You throw your head back once more when Satoru starts to play with your bottom lip, gently running his thumb over it. You take it into your mouth, rolling it around your tongue and sucking on it lightly. You can feel how hard he is in your back, wanting to take care of them like they were taking care of you. You let go of his thumb with a soft pop as Suguru leans up to face both of you and quickly runs his palm back and forth over your clit.
“Please- ‘m- Fuck!”
“That’s it,” Satoru teases, running his tongue up your neck and over that spot that makes you shudder. “Don’t be shy, love.”
“Let it out, Petal. Let us hear you.” He whispers, looking at Satoru whose eyes are fixated on you. He wants to taste you until you scream their names. Nibble at your exposed skin until you’re whining for him to stop. He loves the sex-crazed look you get in your eye when you’re about to cum, especially when it’s directed towards him. 
Their faces are so close that Suguru's lips hover not quite touching yours as Satoru is still buried in your neck.
You’re fucking dripping onto the counter, their goal obvious once they catch each other's eyes again and smirk.
“You going to squirt for us, Petal?” Suguru keeps going, hearing you whine but your moans grow louder the moment your body lets go. He leans down, not wanting it to go to waste as his hands slow down but his tongue makes up the work. He continues to lap at your pussy as Satoru watches with sharp lust-filled eyes. 
“Taste good?” Satoru asks as Suguru smirks, giving your pussy a lasting kiss before coming up to meet you and Satoru. It doesn’t take long for Satory to grip his chin to tug him closer. Running his tongue from his chin to his mouth before making out and tasting you all on Sugur’s tongue. Satoru moans into the kiss as Suguru deepens it, all the while, you try to catch your breath before leaning forward to rub Suguru through his boxers.
“Fuck…” Suguru gasps, feeling you lap at his neck while Satoru still has his tongue in his mouth.
This is fucking heaven and god, he doesn’t want to break this.
“Beg for it,” Satoru smirks, pulling away from Suguru but keeping him close enough to feel his breath on his lips. “Beg us to take care of you.” You give Suguru’s cock a gentle squeeze before leaning back against Satoru’s hard chest.
Suguru closes his eyes, swearing he could cum right now. Your gaze is so intense that he knows he’s going to be in for it once you get back to the room.
“Satoru. Petal. Please touch me.” He’s practically begging both of you to do what you want with him. 
“You think that was good enough, Peach?”
You grin, pushing him down to kneel in front of you. 
“I think you can do better than that.”
Satoru hums as both of you stand in front of Suguru with wide grins on your face.
“I know he can too. Guess we’re going to have to fuck it out of him, right Suguru?”
And god, does Suguru's mind grow completely cloudy just thinking about it. 
He can’t fucking wait.
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© GOJOLATTE 2024 ➳ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  PLEASE DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You, Beautiful People!
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197 notes · View notes
landograndprix · 1 year
xoxo gossip girls ✾ p.g
summary -— you hard launch your relationship with Pierre but the public isn't so sure about your 'homie hopper' ways.
requested -— yes :)
a/n -— kinda short. requests are open!
y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 132,675 others
y/nusername summer dump 🌞🌊
tagged: pierregasly
show all 361 comments
charles_16 don't know about this one guys..
hannah11 don't get me wrong i loved Max and Y/n but I always thought Pierre was more y/n her type than Max.
chilisainz also way more chemistry than Max and y/n..
zhou_ey girl who's next, Yuki? 💀
vbott keep that woman away from Yuki, he's too innocent 😭
pgas10 girl missed the luxury life after getting dumped by max and decided to hop onto her next victim.
mverstapp they separated as good friends, don't know why y'all are so mad at all this..max is also dating another girl?
yourbestfrienduser cuties 🥰🥰
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pierregasly posted to their story
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y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by pierregasly, yourbestfrienduser and 197,651 others
y/nusername 💗💙
tagged: pierregasly, alpinef1team
view all 652 comments
alpinef1team welcome to the family, y/n!
maxiel_3 don't get used to it, she'll be gone to join another team soon 🤪
charlosss good to see you back in the paddock 🥰
pgasman10 hoping you're going to bring some luck to the Alpine team :((
norry4 gold digger, say it with me people, g o l d d i g g e r
julia2000 absolutely insane to think she was here a year ago but with Max
lestappen116 honestly the audacity of some people, look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't hop from one driver to another if you were given the chance 💀
sainzcharlie1655 girl I know I would be the biggest red flag on the grid 😁
lestappen116 same, I'm gonna be a slut if I get the chance
supermaxx idc what y'all say, I think they're cute together 🥰
yukisan22 you better give that man a big fat good luck kiss before the race cause god knows he needs it
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liked by y/nusername, teamgasly and 235,623 others
pierregasly 4th in quali today, amazing start of the weekend. Excited to race!!
view all 539 comments
teamalpinnie 👏 👏 👏
thomas76 let's go! Good luck!
gasleclerc1016 let's say thank you y/n 😊
dannyric thank you @.y/nusername ❤️
10_gasly_p thank you @.y/nusername ❤️
astonalpine thank you @.y/nusername ❤️
1han1ah good luck tomorrow!
pier_regasly let's go pierre!!!
y/nusername ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
pierregasly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
729 notes · View notes
leclercloml · 9 months
Bunny? It's MIFFY | FT7
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Pairing: Ferran Torres x french!reader
Summary: in which ferran's girlfriend is obsessed with the miffy plushie.
Genre: SMAU
Warninga: grammar mistakes probably, google translated spanish & french
Author's note: this one is made specially for @zowanew the og miffy girl, ilysm and i hope you like it 🤍 (most of the pics contains Sira Martinez and I know she's not french but for the fic let's pretend she is)
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liked by ferrantorres, pablogavi, mikkykiemeny and 234,638 others
yourinstagram the love of my life and Ferran 🐰🤍
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ferrantorres WOW, thank you??
⤷yourinstagram you're welcome.
⤷username lmfao 😭
ferrantorres did I just got replaced my a literal stuff toy?
⤷yourinstagram stuff toy? STUFF TOY??! her name's MIFFY.
⤷ferrantorres stuff toy.
⤷yourinstagram blocked.
⤷username Ferran ilysm but don't you dare call miffy a stuff toy ever again.
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username she liked 😭😭
mikkykiemeny my girl 🤍
⤷yourinstagram ILY !!!
⤷username the IT wags.
username they're so cute tho 😭🩷
ferrantorres I love you ❤️
⤷yourinstagram I love you too I guess.
⤷ferrantorres you guess?!!
⤷pedri 😂🫵🏻
⤷username LMAO 😭😭
pablogavi i could use that as a punching bag.
⤷ferrantorres please do, you're doing everyone a favour
⤷yourinstagram DON'T YOU DARE GAVIRA.
⤷username that's something gavi would definitely do.
username okay but can we talk about how cute these two are?? No?? Anyone??
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liked by yourinstagram, pedri, pablogavi and 2,629,729 others
ferrantorres Mi novia 🩷
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yourinstagram he won a banana for me cause there was no game which winning prize was miffy 😔☝🏻
⤷ferrantorres be grateful?!
⤷yourinstagram I AM.
⤷username y/n would choose miffy over Ferran anyday
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username she liked the comments lmfao, poor Ferran.
pedri why was I not invited?
⤷ferrantorres as if you don't thirdwheel us 6/7 times a week.
⤷pedri exactly. It should be 7/7
⤷yourinstagram no. give us a break.
⤷pedri R U D E.
⤷pablogavi it's ok bro, we both can hangout 🫂
⤷pedri i would rather chew on a glass.
⤷username HELPP
⤷username golden retriever gavi x black cat pedri>>>
⤷username my man was tired of driving him to training everyday 😭
username okay but the 2nd slide, I might kms.
⤷username ikr they both are WAY TOO adorable
username can someone kiss me? with a gun? down on my throat?
⤷username ayo chill 💀
username still can't believe how Ferran bagged her.
⤷mikkykiemeny me too.
⤷username mikkyyyy lmaoo 😭😭
username everyday i open Instagram, saw these fuckers on my feed, wonder when it'll be me, cry myself to sleep, and then repeat.
⤷username us moment 🫂
yourinstagram added to story 10 mins ago
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caption: Ma vie 🩷 (my life)
view replies
ferrantorres thought that was that rabbit but okay te amo ❤️
⤷yourinstagram for the last time ferran torres garcia it's MIFFY.
⤷ferrantorres rabbit.
⤷yourinstagram sleep at Pedri's today.
⤷ferrantorres I'M JOKING.
mikkykiemeny can't believe I got replaced by a basic white boy 😔.
⤷yourinstagram OFCOURSE NOT, you're my no.1
⤷mikkykiemeny I better be
pedri why was I not invited again.
⤷yourinstagram can you shut the fuck up?
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look what I just found
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Ferran mfing Torres!!!!
You better bring one of em home
One? Nah.
Je t'aime tellement!!! (I love you so much)
Come home as soon as you can.
I love you too!!!
On my way
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liked by ferrantorres, mikkykiemeny, sophiawebber and 2,638,920 others
yourinstagram the gift giver vs the gifts, Je t'aime 😭🩷
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ferrantorres te amo ❤️
⤷yourinstagram je t'aime aussi ❤️(i love you too)
⤷pedri ew.
⤷yourinstagram go away hater.
ferrantorres the gift giver>>>
⤷yourinstagram get over yourself
⤷pablogavi fr fr and give pedri back
⤷ferrantorres no.
⤷pablo kys.
⤷username I'm dying lmaaaooo
username cuties 😭🫶🏻
username i would die for them but that's just me tho.
⤷username me too girl me too
mikkykiemeny I'm better than both
⤷yourinstagram ofcourse you are wifey 🤭💍
⤷frenkiedejong no.
⤷ferrantorres no.
⤷username the real couple is actually mikky and y/n, Ferran and Frenkie are the side chicks here.
username I want what they have.
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Grace's note: this one was quite fun, I hope you like it @zowanew and Ferran literally loves you.
205 notes · View notes
animasolaoriginal · 10 days
I n f a t u a t e d ♦️ELEVEN
He asked her to submit and she (more or less) agreed, completely unaware of what really awaits her. Now he just has to help her say goodbye to her old life, in the only way he knows...
ruthless nightclub owner ❌ innocent young woman with a crush
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WARNING: NSFW! Explicit sexual content. Age gap. Size difference. Dubcon elements. Dom/sub dynamic. Praise kink. Free use/power play. Vaginal sex. Humiliation/Objectification if you squint. (For more tags, check it on AO3!) // WORDS: 6.5k
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A/N: Welcome to SEASON TWO! Here's what happened...
Once there was a girl, 19 years young, cute and innocent, but mature enough to have one wish: to hook up with a man she'd seen only from afar. His confident and dominant aura had mesmerized her as she'd first laid eyes on him through the crowd on the dance floor of his club, how he'd lounged at the bar, eyes scanning the people dancing and drinking, and one day, their gazes had met.
But he had just watched, and it was her who approached him first. So you could say, whatever happened next might have been her fault. Her own naive little dream come true, though in her innocence she had not been prepared for what he had planned for her. What he saw in her. She'd wanted a hook-up, maybe something to dream about when the loneliness of her life came crashing down on her again, a fond memory, but it wasn't just a hook-up for him. It was more, so much more.
Because she was perfect.
The perfect submissive. Someone he could lead through life, take by the hand, take over the back of the couch, take to heights she had never even dreamed about. And oh how he showed her...
She woke up in his bedroom after he'd taken her away, coerced by a little drink, a little help, erasing that particularly memory of how she got there forever. It didn't matter. She was with him now. And she was meant to stay, even if she didn't know that yet. He was a goner as soon as she asked him to take her virginity. What an opportunity. Taking all her firsts. Served on a silver platter, just for him.
In her innocence, she expected him to be gentle and stick to his words, make her a real woman, because that was what happened when your virginity was taken, right? Oh how naive she'd been. Of course he took it, but before that he made her choke on his cock, taught her how to suck him off properly, made her more familiar with the very thing that would assault all her holes eventually.
And he didn't stop there. Butt plugs, dildos, vibrating eggs, he tested it all on her, and strangely enough, she let him. Was it submission, fear or curiosity? Who knows. There were moments where she did protest, showed a little bit of defiance, questioned him, but it only ended in him forcing his cock up her ass. A punishment she soon learned could also be a reward. It was all confusing to her, but she always came back to the same conclusion: she made this happen, she came to him, she asked him to pound the virgin right out of her, so to speak (not that she would ever use those exact words).
And he did, pounded, rammed, hammered, pistoned, slammed, stabbed, deep and hard and fast, until her head would shut down and a blissful emptiness took over. And it was that feeling that made her stay, not that she even tried to get away. Why would she? He was handsome, rich, experienced, the perfect match, right?
And despite all the vile things he did to her, she was yearning for the moments afterwards, the gentle touches, the strong grip of his arms, the pain-easing embraces. And the praises. The good girls and well dones, the proud smiles on his lips, the approving nods. She came to a point where she'd let him do anything just to be called a good girl. It was as disturbing as it was easy. It would excuse everything.
The fucking her in her sleep, the bullying of bruises he'd pummeled into her before, over and over again, in every position imaginable, at least for her, because he clearly had more ideas in mind, wherever and whenever he wanted, he would take her. He'd let her cockwarm him while he would work in his office, and she'd sit on her knees between his legs for hours, suckling on his cock, delving into the head-empty-state with pleasure. She'd be confused when he'd reward her with a deep anal pounding afterwards, but she'd take it nonetheless.
It was her purpose. She was his to use. A body with holes to fill. A toy to play with. A doll to move about as he saw fit. And she grew into her role, more with every passing hour. And those 48 hours, that single weekend, was packed with new experiences, new sensations, as he explored her durability, what she was capable of, how much she could endure. And she surprised him. She'd be sore, of course, but she wouldn't whine, not too much anyway, and he could just continue.
A perfect match.
And it led him to make a decision he would not regret: to keep her. To make her his completely. And so, on a dreary Monday morning, he took her back, to her old life, causing her to think he would really get rid of her after all, but then everything would change. He told her of his plan to keep her, told her that he'd terminated her apartment lease, resigned her from her badly-paying job. And he even asked her, despite doing all this behind her back, asked her to submit.
And in the end, she couldn't make that decision, she needed him to make it for her. She asked him to give her an order, and of course he did, and she did as he told her: she submitted, gave her life into his hands. Became his.
But that's not where the story ends. There is more on the horizon for the two strangers that met each other on a whim, whose lives entwined by chance. Who found each other compatible on multiple levels. When bodies and souls merge, stronger feelings arise. And a little infatuation can turn into something else. Maybe it's love, or maybe it's a deep, dark obsession...
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He is honestly very surprised how well she took it. No apartment. No job. Dependent on him and him alone. Her old life taken from her just like that. And she wants it. There's no denying the look in her eyes as she knelt in front of him, asking him to give her an order. So submissive, so innocent in her own needs. Almost a little too easy, but still perfect.
He leads her into her bedroom, frowning at the décor. A small bed covered in colorful quilts and blankets and pillows in every shape imaginable. There's even a stuffed animal on it. A tattered looking wolf. He raises his eyebrow at the sight, a smirk dancing on his lips. As if this was meant to be. The image of a little girl cuddling the wolf to her chest, seeking comfort in the presence of a predator, makes his stomach tense up. He knows he'll be that wolf for her, giving her comfort as well as the unpredictability of a monster led by its natural urges to dominate.
She moves timidly through her (former) own space, shoulders sagged a little as her eyes move over various surfaces. He leans against the door frame, watching her, before his gaze wanders over the fairy lights on the wall and the bright curtains and the random assortment of trinkets on a dresser ranging from snow globes to plastic figurines to other dust collecting clutter. There are pictures above her bed, polaroids, mostly of landscape or architecture, not many people.
Walking towards a small bookcase in the corner, she runs her fingers over the spines of old looking books, but in the end moves away again and opens the door to her closet. A tiny space, filled with colorful clothes. There she bends down and picks up a backpack before she starts stuffing it with randomly picked things. He's not sure if he'll let her wear her old clothing, but he's asked her to pack stuff she may need, and maybe those old rags give her comfort, remind her of something. He allows it, for now.
She flinches when he steps behind her, his hand moving through the sparsely filled space, running over the soft fabrics hanging from the rail. He picks up a pastel pink colored dress, with little white flowers adorning the skirt portion, a thin belt cinching it up in the waist, a high rounded neckline keeping it very modest.
“Wear this,” he tells her quietly, and she looks up at him, biting her lip, but ultimately nods.
She hesitates then, unsure if he wants her to strip right away, so he takes that decision from her by putting his hands on her shoulders, slowly guiding her towards the bed. He puts the dress over the back of a chair next to the small desk, his eyes curtly grazing over the cluttered space filled with notepads and pencils and a box filled with tiny beads. He couldn't even name all the hobbies she's assembled on the tiny surface. But it tells him she is in dire need of having the clutter in her life (that's also in her head) re-organized, stripped down to the bare minimum, taken completely.
“Bend over the foot of the bed,” he says nonchalantly. Her breathing gets a little harder as she approaches her small bed, slowly leaning over the wooden frame, the boards creaking when she puts her weight on them. She folds her body over until her chest is pressed into the soft covers, elbows digging into the colorful quilt, hands clutching at the fabric, head turned to watch him out of the corner of her eye, ass raised, legs shaking slightly.
He steps behind her, gently pushing up her skirt, hands gliding over her curves, making her skin pebble beneath his touch. His fingers hook into the waistband of her panties, slowly drag them down until they pool around her ankles where he leaves them, keeping her from spreading her legs too much. He presses a few kisses up the backs of her thighs, hands sliding up and down her legs before he straightens up fully again, one hand on her lower back, the other unbuckling his belt.
His cock is already hard when it springs free from its confines, and he grabs it, gives it a few hard pumps, watching the girl in front of him as she shivers, forcing herself to remain calm while she waits for him to use her. A quick swipe through her folds tells him she's ready, or at least getting ready. Coating himself with her wetness, smirking at the way her back twitches when he drags his cock along her slit, he doesn't wait any longer.
Pushing into her with small rolls of his hips, he digs his fingers into the fabric of her bunched-up skirt, holding her in place when she starts squirming against him. Inch by inch he sinks deeper, forcing through the resistance, ignoring her tiny wails, while his heart is beating harder in his chest, his stomach already tense, the sight of her in her childish bed making him feel like an even bigger monster.
A growl escapes him, and he pulls her hips against him as he sinks the rest of his cock into her tight warmth with a harsh snap of his pelvis. She whimpers, burying her face in the blankets, thighs twitching. His hands move up her curved back, fingers curling around her shoulders, gripping her, anchoring her as he starts drawing back slowly only to push in with a force that makes her squeal. He's going deep, slow and steady, repeating the same motion over and over again, precise thrusts of his hips against her cushioned rear.
She cries out every time he slams into her cervix, body arching, hands white-knuckling the sheets, her legs kicking helplessly. Her walls clench around him, either fighting the intruder or sucking him in deeper. The same struggle is in the girl before him as she bucks her hips back, straining her shoulders under his tight grip, squirming or moving along with him. He can't tell. He doesn't care either way. He only picks up the pace.
Her legs slam rhythmically into the wooden boards of the bed, strangled noises escaping her, every plunge accompanied by the soundscape of skin slapping against skin and that traitorous squelching of her wet cunt getting to terms with his intrusion. Her whines turn into moans while he keeps pounding into her harder and faster, in and out, back and forth, until his own breathing gets rougher.
He takes one hand from her shoulders and slips it beneath her, fingers brushing over her fluttering stomach until they find her throbbing clit. She squeaks when he touches it, arching her back, body contorting as more uncontrollable spasms crash through her. She comes with a wail, pussy clamping around him hard enough for him to fight the onslaught of sensations, the need to come as well, but he keeps rubbing her nub while holding his steady rhythm of hammering into her, letting her ride that high for as long as possible.
His grunts fill the small space, her mewls are muffled, hands clutching at the blankets, head thrashing. Leaving her clit to press his hand to her belly, he moves his other hand around her neck and grips her throat, making her cry out as he lifts her up and against him, holding her tightly as he continues to ram into her, his stomach tight, his balls ready to burst. Limp fingers try to grip at his wrist as he squeezes her, her noises turning into soundless, breathless gasps as she struggles in his hold.
He wraps his other arm around her middle, lifting her up a little more, his cock pistoning in and out rapidly. The slapping sounds add to the squeaking of the bed, a cacophony of noises that drive him mad with need. Growling into her ear, he moves his hand back down between her legs, rubbing hard at that sensitive bundle of nerves, making her writhe and twitch, pathetic little gasps falling from her parted lips.
“Come for me,” he grunts, head spinning, heart racing, the tension building up into an ache he can't get enough of. “Come on my cock!”
She's shuddering, head thrashing into his shoulder, eyes rolling back, mouth wide open as she succumbs to the sensations. He feels her cunt clamping down on him as her orgasmic contractions crash through her tiny frame once more. He eases the grip on her throat, wraps his arm around her chest instead. Her soft little whimpers, that constant string of high-pitched little “Ah!”s, cloud up his mind, drive him right over the edge.
He groans and grunts and growls before he gives her that final hard thrust, burying himself as deep as possible inside her tight warmth, while the tension explodes within him, balls pumping, stomach tensing, as he empties himself inside her, painting her walls with his hot seed. She's limp in his embrace, hard breaths mixed with small whines, arms and legs boneless. He savors her warmth, that wetness coating his skin, the little shudders making his cock twitch as her tight cunt keeps milking him for all he's worth.
Slowly he lets go of her, drapes her back over the foot of the bed, carefully pulls out of her before he watches his spend dripping from her clenching hole. Then he bends down and pulls up her panties, trapping his cum, feeling it gathering in the fabric, warm and wet as he cups her mound. After putting himself away again, not even caring about their combined juices seeping into his underwear, he flips her skirt back down, makes her stand, then turns her and leans her against the wall, his hands cupping her face as he takes her in.
“You look so beautiful when you're all fucked out and boneless, you know that?” he whispers with a dark smirk, leaning closer to brush his nose against hers. She looks at him out of hooded eyes, cheeks flushed, lips still parted and trembling, a little bit of drool gathering in the corner. “Head empty, hm?”
She nods into his hands, her lips twitching into a shy smile. He closes the distance and captures them for a soft kiss, holding her against him until he feels her small hands fisting at the back of his jacket. He picks her up easily, still glued to her mouth, tongue lazily sliding against hers, as he carries her to the side of the bed and sits down, arranging her on his lap with his arms wrapping around her tightly.
Leaning into him, she moves her mouth against his, slowly gaining in confidence, her fingers sliding up his back, gripping at his shoulders, teasing at his nape. Her warm crotch presses into his leg, and he is tempted to give her another load, but then refrains, inhaling deeply, turning his head slightly. Her lips slip along his jaw and down his neck before she rests her cheek on his shoulder, breathing hard.
“Thank you,” she whispers barely audible, and he rubs her side in response, pressing his lips to the top of her head.
They sit like that for another moment, and he has to admit, it's growing on him to just have her in his arms, holding her, feeling her small body move against him when she breathes deeply, her warmth is a comfort he didn't know he needed. But the beast inside him isn't entirely convinced yet. She may be pliant now, but he's seen the defiance in her eyes. He shouldn't go easy on her too soon.
Exhaling loudly, he grabs her shoulders, startling her out of her stupor when he puts her on her feet, her legs still trembling as she stares at him with wide eyes. He tilts his head towards the desk chair, waiting for her to follow the motion. Her head turns slowly, a tiny nod jerking her chin as she sees the sundress he wants her to wear.
“Strip,” he tells her, leaning back on the bed on one arm, the other hand resting heavy on his thigh as he watches her intently.
She licks her lips, swallows, her chest rising when she inhales deeply, then she moves her hands back and fidgets with the zipper of her skirt. Her eyes wander over his face, too timid to hold his gaze properly, her cheeks splotched in many different shades of red. Putting her hands on her waist, she shimmies the skirt down her hips, bends lower, back stiff and quite uncoordinated, trying to keep looking at him before she tilts her head and steps out of it a little clumsily, swaying dangerously.
His hand shoots out to steady her, and she flinches, looking at him before biting her lip. He can't help the amused twitch of his lips. She blushes even more, quickly straightening up again while he retrieves his hand. Taking a shuddering breath, she crosses her arms and grabs the lower hem of her shirt, slowly pulling it up and over her head before letting it fall to the skirt lying next to her feet.
Now she's standing in front of him in her soiled panties and her worn down sneakers, slim arms and legs, tiny tits, a narrow waist with the hint of a curve to her hips, not typically a tremendously sexy sight for him, but she's trying, he knows it, trying to impress him. He keeps watching her, not issuing any noise of either judgment or confirmation. She's hesitant when she turns to the dress on the chair, her chest moving, her small breasts shivering, nipples hardening the longer they're exposed to the stale air of the room.
As soon as her hand closes around the rose colored fabric, he stands up, startling her when he steps behind her, towering over her. Taking the dress from her, he nudges her to turn around, and when she looks up at him, chewing on her already swollen lips, he tilts his head. “Arms up,” he says quietly, and she does as she is told. He slips the dress over her head and flattens it along her body, then pulls her hair free before his hands rest on her shoulders.
Cute. Is one word that comes to mind. Beautiful another. He raises a hand and tucks a strand of silky hair behind her ear, watching the blush spreading down her neck to her exposed arms. The sleeves fray out a little over her deltoid, accentuating her slim shoulders. He runs his hand down along her arm, hooking it around her elbow, pulling her closer to him.
Her big eyes look up at him, and he watches her, fighting the urges crawling back to the surface (and the blood back into his cock). Exhaling loudly, his breath making loose hairs around her face fly, he clenches his jaw and lets go of her, steps back. “Alright, finish packing. I'll wait out there,” he says and turns around, leaving the tiny space that is her childish little bedroom. Before he leaves, his eyes fall onto the wolf plushie.
Shaking his head with a dark smirk, he keeps walking and settles on the couch in her living room slash kitchen, listening to her rummaging through her drawers and dressers while scrolling through his emails on his phone.
Her shuffling footsteps make him look up. She's holding the straps of the backpack that seems to burst at the seams with how full she's packed it. Her eyes are lowered, a nervous twitch to her lips before she starts chewing on the bottom one. “I'm done,” she whispers.
He stands up and walks towards her, grabbing the backpack from her small hand before flinging it over his shoulder. “And this is all?”
“It's all that fit,” she admits, still biting her lip. He moves his free hand to her face, rubbing his thumb over her lip and pulling it from between her teeth with a firm press. She looks up at him, her eyes a little watery.
“Don't worry, sweetheart. My people will grab the rest. I won't dispose of anything,” he tells her quietly. “Well, except for that couch, which is just awful.” The comment makes her lips quirk up, and he smiles at her in return.
“Thank you,” she whispers, genuine gratitude swimming in her big eyes. He caresses her cheek, holding her face, before leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
It's almost too easy how this all worked out. She is so submissive, eager to please, eager to follow him wherever he drags her. He just ripped her from her old life, abducted, used, forced into her new reality, and she still thanks him for it. What a beautiful little creature. Simply perfect.
He shifts the strap of the backpack on his shoulder and grabs her face with both hands, bending over her as he tilts her chin up. For a moment he just looks at her, takes her in, every inch of her soft face, noticing the twinkle in her eyes, the blush on her cheeks, the warmth under his palms, the slight tremble to her lips.
Inhaling deeply, he closes his eyes and leans his forehead against hers. “I wish I could pay this place the proper respect by bending you over every surface there is, oh trust me, I'd imagined it while I was waiting, throwing you on that awful couch, splaying you out on the counter, I'd even take you on that horrendous rug down there, but I'm afraid we don't have time...” he closes with a sigh.
She shivers, her breath hitching, and when he looks at her, leaning back a little, her face is fully flushed and her lips parted. He smirks at her.
“Did you think about it too?” he whispers, his breath fanning over her face. “Never had a boy over, right?” She nods into his hands, averting her eyes. “So all these surfaces have never been used like that?” He sighs again. “So tempting,” he whispers, licking his lips.
He lowers his hands and lets them rest on her shoulders as he straightens up and looks around the small space, his mind reeling with images of them doing it wherever his eyes land. Sure, there's not a lot of options, the place is tiny and so are the surfaces, but he would have made it work. He'd even fuck her in that minuscule shower. There's a certain thrill to shoving his big body into tiny spaces, his cock certainly can relate – and it twitches dangerously as he remembers the tight grip of her beautifully small cunt.
Taking a deep breath, he shakes his head trying to rid himself of those tempting fantasies. They'll have time to fuck elsewhere later. Maybe he shouldn't prolong the moment of letting her say goodbye to her own little space too much. He looks back down at her, catching her watching him intently. It's rare to see her so curious, so eager in her own little wishes, and the way she looks at him, he can tell she's having the same thoughts he had.
A smirk plays around the corner of his lips, and he notices a deeper blush forcing itself onto her cheeks. “We should go,” he says then, tilting his head. “Are you ready?”
Her eyes move down, all eagerness and curiosity gone, as she nods timidly. His hand is back on her chin, pushing it up gently. “Last chance to tell me to fuck off,” he teases with a grin, challenging her. She looks up with a bit of shock in her big eyes.
“I... I would never do that,” she murmurs softly, blinking before looking away again. “I... I want this,” she then adds, and he watches her inhale deeply, squaring her shoulders. “I... I want to be... with you...” Her voice is that soft hum in the stale air around them, and it softens his heart – but thickens his cock.
He caresses her bottom lip, gently slipping his thumb into her mouth when she looks up at him. “My good girl,” he whispers fondly as he watches her close her lips around his digit, giving the slightest of sucks. Her eyes seem to glaze over, pupils dilating, and he just knows her mind is emptying as she focuses on him.
She needs this, needs him, and it's the best fucking feeling, he couldn't have asked for anything more (not that he would have actually asked because he doesn't ask for anything, but you get the picture). Her obedience, submission, her trust, it all gathers in his stomach, a pleasant heat that he can't get enough of.
God, he wants to fuck that cute little face so bad! He pulls his hand back with a groan, fighting the urges that make his fingers twitch before he curls them around her slim shoulder. His grip is tighter than intended, and she flinches slightly, a small gasp falling over her parted lips. “The power you have over me,” he says under his breath, clenching his jaw.
His eyes meet hers, and she seems confused, and she should be. Never before had a woman been able to get this deep under his skin. All his life, he had been the dominant one, using women for what they are: holes to fill, bodies to satisfy his urges with. Nothing more. He's kept the occasional submissive, or rather, slave, plaything, toy, but he had been growing bored with them so fast, it had been a little concerning.
But this girl, despite only knowing and having her for a weekend and a few hours, this tiny innocent girl seems to hit all the spots that make him absolutely crazy about her. He's never been this sure about anything in his life, and he's taken numerous risks before. He wouldn't be who he is now if there weren't risks involved, both in life and in business, and even though it seems to be a major risk to bind her to himself after only this short amount of time, he feels more than confident about it.
Because she is perfect. And she wants this.
Having her around 24/7 will be a new adventure, and he's looking forward to it. Oh he's already imagining it. Her little frame, preferably naked, possibly kneeling somewhere, waiting for him, ready to be used, and he only has to approach her to get her to service him... whenever he wants. The thought makes his cock strain against the confines of his pants.
To rid himself of the temptations, he steps back, grabs her hand and turns around, pulling her after him. He feels her stumbling slightly, surprised by the sudden movement, but she follows nonetheless. When they reach the door, he catches her looking back towards her old bedroom, it's only a few seconds, before she looks back at him, and he squeezes her hand and gives her a small smile that makes her blush instantly.
He meets one of his men in the hallway outside her apartment, and while she stares at the other man in slight shock, he only exchanges a nod with him and watches how the broad guy enters the tiny space. As they descend the many stairs, more of his people enter the apartment building, ready to rid it of any evidence of the girl he's dragging after him.
She seems a little hesitant, and he can't blame her, having strange men rummage through the stuff she used to call her own is not easy. But she shouldn't worry, he's planned this out better than he's planning most of his business deals. She'll be in for a surprise.
They reach his car, and there are two moving trucks parked on the small street. Her grip on his hand is tight as her eyes follow the line of workers vanishing into the building. He pulls her to the trunk, opens it with his free hand and puts her backpack into it. A strange sight, a battered old backpack, stuffed to the brim, in the spotless little space in the back of his car. But it isn't the most unusual sight it has seen.
For a moment he remembers stuffing other things, girls like her, into it, blindfolded, gagged, tied up to fit, scared out of their little minds, and he's glad it had been a different story with her. She came to him. She wanted this. And it's only fair to give her the best treatment he can think of, the best in his mind anyway. No matter the grip she has on him, this is still all about his pleasure, and luckily she knows it by now.
When he closes the lid of the trunk with a thud, she flinches, then meets his eyes. He cups her face with one hand, caressing her lips with his thumb, his eyes roaming over her soft features. She melts under his touch, a shy smile grazing her mouth, eyes warm and pliant, pupils dilating despite the bright light around them. He gives her a wink and watches the blush creep up her cheeks.
After he put her into the passenger seat and buckled her in (which she doesn't seem to get used to, as she watched him with wide eyes and trembling lips while he leaned over her), he slips behind the wheel, puts on his own seat belt and starts the engine with a roar that echoes through the quiet street.
She settles into the seat, small hands clasped together on her lap, that pastel pink dress he chose a stark contrast to the dark interior of his car. Once he pulls into the rows of traffic, his hand finds her thigh, and she stiffens before she relaxes as his long fingers curl around her soft leg, slipping between them, feeling her warmth. Imagining the stain his cum had left on the fabric of her panties.
He keeps having these images flicker through his mind, and the longer he drives through the crowded city, the harder he gets from just thinking about whatever he could do to his new plaything, the willing girl next to him. The possibilities are endless. As they stop in front of a red light, he slips his hand deeper between her thighs, fingers pushing firmly against her sex, and she squirms, but ultimately opens her legs a little, allowing him to tease the damp fabric of her underwear.
Pressing down hard, he quickly finds her clit, and she gasps, her legs twitch and threaten to clamp down around his hand, but he feels the effort she's putting into keeping them open. He looks at her, that little thing on his passenger seat, so small, flushed and aroused, red splotches dancing on her cheeks while her eyes are hooded as she worries her lip between her teeth. He keeps circling that sensitive bud that throbs under his touch, until he has to take his hand away to shift gears as the traffic light changes to green.
Her sigh mirrors his. He chuckles softly, while she looks away, her face even redder now. They keep driving in silence until he pulls into a parking garage below one of the stores he wanted to take her to. It's very quiet when he cuts the engine and turns to her. She is still chewing on her lip, and he reaches out to stop her as he notices how swollen they already are.
She looks at him, and her mouth opens slightly, an instinct as his thumb moves closer, but he pulls it away before she can suck on it again. So predictable, his little kitten. He smirks at her, admiring the small pout that crosses her features. Forcing himself to look away, he gets out of the car and walks around the hood to her side, opens the door and leans over her to unbuckle her seat belt. She hasn't even tried to do it herself, she's learning already.
When his face is in line with hers, he grabs her chin and presses his lips to hers for a quick kiss, holding her gaze. “You'll be a good girl for me, right?” he whispers, hovering close to her, waiting for her to react. She nods. “You'll do whatever I tell you?”
“Yes, sir,” she breathes against his lips, and he gives her another kiss in response. Leaning back with a smile, he then extends his hand. She grabs it instantly and lets him pull her out of the car. She's so tiny against him, it melts his heart, which in turn sends a strange heat lower down his body.
Squeezing her hand, he pulls her away with another sigh of frustration. As much as he wants to press her against his car and fuck her raw in this very parking garage, he knows he shouldn't and he won't. This fucking restraint. Instead he drags her towards the elevator and punches the button a little too hard while simultaneously trying not to break the girl's hand with how tight he's holding it.
She doesn't protest, though, just follows him, her old sneakers squeaking on the polished floor. He fights another image of railing her in the elevator, right under the surveillance camera, their reflections all around them, her face contorted in pleasure as he bounces her up and down on his thick cock while the small cubicle pushes its way up the building. A stifled groan slips from his throat as he closes his eyes to force the thought away, and it's the little squeeze of her hand that grounds him again. Inhaling deeply, he opens his eyes and looks down at her.
Seeing her soft expression, full of equal parts curiosity and anxiety, he just shoots her a strained smile and pulls her against his side, savoring her warmth, the little flutter of her breath as she leans into him. They stand in comfortable silence until the doors slide open with a ding, and he grabs her hand again and pulls her along gently, keeping her next to him until they reach an unassuming door.
He never walks into shops through the front door if he can help it, it's become a good habit, a necessary need sometimes. Rapping his knuckles gently against the slick surface, he waits, and only a few moments later, the door opens, and they are greeted by a smiling older woman with big hair and too much perfume. He nods at her and she bows her head as she welcomes them into the backroom of her store.
The girl pushes against him instinctively, timid and confused, searching his body heat, the safety of his hold, and he grants it to her, putting one arm around her slim shoulders as he guides her through the narrow hallways until they enter a carpeted room lined with mirrors and a shelf full of tailor equipment.
“What an adorable little thing,” the woman drawls in obviously fake enthusiasm as she closes the door behind them, shutting out the muffled chatter from the front of the shop where other clients rummage through the various clothing racks. “So how did you like the clothes I sent you? Was everything alright with them?”
He looks down at the girl who meets his gaze, a little frown between her brows. “They were perfect, but I'd like you to measure her properly. You got the list I made?”
“Of course, sir,” the seamstress replies in her borderline annoying sing-sang voice. If it wouldn't be for her discretion and their long history together, he couldn't stand spending another minute with her. “I'm glad you brought her, it's always easier to find the right things if I can get my hands on the object wearing them.”
Object. While he chuckles at the word, he sees the girl in his arm frowning deeply. But that's what she is, that's what they all were. Objects, toys, dolls he could dress and undress and do whatever he wanted to. He leads her to the little platform in the middle of the room, and she hesitates as she steps on it, her eyes widening slightly.
“Take off your dress, baby,” he tells her, cocking his head to the side. While she stares at him, his insides tense. The first real test. Will she obey without fussing? It's important to him to know that she will do what he tells her, especially in front of strangers. His hands slip along her arms, palms pressing into her skin, a demanding grip, as he stares down at her, eyes narrowed, and she takes a shuddering breath and nods, slowly reaching for the hem of the dress. He relaxes and lets go of her. “Good girl.”
He watches her as she slowly pulls the dress over her head, hands shaking, body stiff, breathing heavily, but she's focusing on him, trying to ignore the woman waiting behind them. He takes the dress from her and hands it back to the seamstress without looking at her, his eyes focused only on the naked torso in front of him. She's trying to cover herself, her arms squishing her small breasts together as her hands rest in front of her soiled panties, her thighs clamped together tightly, and there's panic in her eyes.
He's almost forgotten about his cum in her underwear, and a sigh escapes him. It doesn't matter to him, and certainly not to the woman waiting to do her job, but he feels the girl's discomfort, wants to tell her that he dragged girls in here in far worse conditions, but ultimately he just steps closer and grabs her hands, holds her wrists, looks at her intently. “It's okay, keep them on,” he says quietly. “No need to be ashamed.”
She swallows visibly and nods, biting her lip. He tilts his head, gaze fixed on her mouth, and she stops the nervous motion, moves her tongue between her lips before pressing them into a thin line. He lets go of her and nods in return, ignoring the curious gaze from the other woman as she steps around them, a flexible measuring tape in her hands. She must think he's lost it now, with how soft and gentle he treats the girl in front of him.
He's never been like this, so considerate, comforting, patient. He usually brought his toys here to be left with the tailor, not caring about their discomfort. They usually barely noticed where they were anyway, he'd make sure of it, so bringing her here, as pure as she is, so willing and eager, mind open enough to follow his commands without having been coerced (by drugs at least), it's a first for all parties involved.
Stepping away, he holds her gaze until he leans against the wall, crossing his arms in front of his chest, watching her as she comes to terms with her surroundings, or the woman starting to take her measurements. She's thorough and rough, grabs the girl's arms and lifts them as if she were indeed just a doll – that is until she flinches away and winces when the woman forces her legs apart, and he sees the restraint in the seamstress' motions, she's about to slap the poor girl for disobedience, but instead she turns to him.
“Tell her to stay still.”
He shoots the woman a dark glance, and she bows her head, but holds his gaze, determined to continue her job, no matter whose money is paying her to do so.
With a sigh, he looks at the girl behind her who freezes when she meets his eyes. He doesn't have to say anything, she issues a tiny nod and lowers her head, standing stock-still on the podium, letting the woman grab her limbs to measure them. Her face, however, is bright red, and she even clenches her hands into fists, fighting the urge to flinch time and time again, especially when the tailor slips the measuring tape around her thighs, dangerously close to where he can see the little wet stain in her panties.
He watches her, thinking back to the list he made. He isn't just ordering underwear for her, also dresses, cute and more elegant ones, but most importantly things the store doesn't sell in their front window display. Closing his eyes for a moment, he can already imagine her in the lacy sets, her small body covered in the intricate straps of the garter belts holding those soft stockings that will hug her legs, and that he can't wait to peel off her.
And then there are the harnesses, the cuffs, the belts, all kinds of restraints he wants to put on her to rid her of her last ounce of self-control. He wants her to lose it all, lose herself for him, give herself up to him and him alone. She'll love it, he's sure, eventually.
A sudden slapping sound breaks him from his daydreams of tying her to the bed, and his eyes fly open. The girl lets out a whimper, slouching her shoulders, while the woman stands in front of her with the measuring tape wrapped around her small bust, the rigid tape pressing hard into her nipples. There's a barely there red spot on the girl's cheek. He pushes off the wall and walks closer.
“Everything okay?” he asks, his voice low and with a dangerous edge to it. The seamstress stiffens.
“She kept moving about,” she explains, quickly finishing the measurement of the girl's chest to step away from him. “How am I supposed to get her exact measurements if she fights this so much?”
“She's not yours to slap,” he says darkly, his eyes moving along the naked body in front of him. The girl's chest rises and falls quicker, her head bowed, but her hands relax slightly.
“Yes, sir,” the woman replies quietly as she returns to wrap the tape around the girl's slim waist from behind her, her motions much more careful now. “I apologize...”
He hums in response, extending a hand to touch the blemished cheek. She meets his gaze, eyes big and full of concern, but they soften when he caresses her softly. “Keep still,” he reminds her quietly, and she nods into his hand. Pressing his thumb to her lips, she parts them, but he only smirks at her and gives her a wink as he pulls his hand away again, his cock stirring at the sight of her little pout.
Returning to lean against the wall, he keeps watching the scene, slowly slipping back into his fantasies, smiling to himself as he thinks about the girl clad in white lace, or black, or that soft pink that will fit her as well, and how he will then remove that fancy lingerie he's paying way too much for. He could strip her gently, let her wear a certain set again, or he could rip it off, cut it off, tear it away until she's bare in front of him. That'll depend on his mood.
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End notes: Welcome back to SEASON TWO of INFATUATED!
I wrote the following ten chapters down in about a week (like I did the first ten, actually), it'll get quite intense, but there will be more backstory as well, as hinted in this chapter already. Things will thicken, the plot included. I hope you are ready!
Thank you for coming back to read this depraved piece of fiction.
Next chapter on Sunday!
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@untamedheart81 @qmsvpx @cyan1decandy @bimbos-are-angels @voiceactivated @reader-1290
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softspiderling · 8 months
⁺˚⋆。elle°✩₊ she/her/bestie, 18+!!
main @elletalking library @softspiderlinglibrary rec blog @ellesrecs southeast asian, writer, CET/CEST timezone, free spirit, president of yapper nation, vice president of hyperfixation city, CEO of multiple WIPs that have so much potential, multifandom dabbler, chronically online, incredibly unserious, 1989 & midnights girly, geordnetes chaos, romanticizing life, did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion? it's me
welcome 🦋 masterlist 🦋 archived 🦋 taglist
works in progress 🦋 emoji anons
ocean blue eyes 🦋 illicit affairs
R E C E N T L Y…
if you can’t take it (then get back) - jacaerys velaryon
like, ever - modern au / jacaerys velaryon
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kenyizsuartblog · 7 months
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TF Fantasy insanity - Soundwave and Shockwave
They say there is a monster hiding in the shadow of He Who Listens Attentively. Certainly, that is mere hearsay... right?
Kenyizsu's First Law: Everything that receives my undivided attention shall be redesigned into a fantasy setting sooner or later.
If you are even remotely surprised by this random-ass redesign, you must be new here. Welcome! Hope you will enjoy your stay! <3
Frankly, I have been on a MASSIVE Transformers nostalgia train as of late, and while literally ALL the newer media I checked out (Rise of the Beasts, Cyberverse and Earthspark) have all been varying levels of bad or disappointing or both, that STILL has not been enough to put an end to the ride. Probably gonna go back to the old classics at this rate. I wanted so badly to draw my two favorite 'Cons, TEH Waves themselves, but machines break my brain. So how to vault over that problem?
F A N T A S Y  R E D E S I G N, babbieeeeee
I always had really stupid fantasy AU ideas for our favorite shapeshifting robots, and I finally caved in and had this veeery timid first try (I know this insane bull-- doesn't look like it, but believe me, it is). If the nostalgia train goes on longer, I might add more to this lineup, and I hope to practice "random fantasy designs relatively fast" first and foremost. Maybe even revisit Soundwave, give him a more mage-look next time around. We will see!
Also, fun fact: He Who Listens Attentively is the accurate translation of Soundwave's Hungarian name, Fülelő. Every site ever translates it as Listener, but that is not entirely true. The verb fülelni specifically means to listen attentively. So there you go, hope it was an entertaining little trivia! I will more than likely use this really cool, Egyptian deity-esque name in this fantasy insanity, IF there will be more!
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mahi-wayy · 3 months
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in a world with no limits on the not good, bad and the worst can love and peace ever make a come back?
| C H A R A C T E R S |
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"the only thing you can do to survive is favor yourself at every step."
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"I am a lab experiment. I was created to destroy. I don't do emotions."
| W A R N I N G S |
Angst and betrayals.
Brain washing.
Blood, deaths and gore.
Human experiments.
Major character deaths.
Killing of children and unborn child.
| D I S C L A I M E R |
This book is a spin off to the Kalki 2989ad movie [series] I don't own the movie or the actors or the characters except for OCs. The following work is fiction and does not relate to any place, religion or person in real life.
The rights to "Beyhadh" belongs to @/mahi-wayy (on tumblr).
Constructive criticism is welcomed but no unnecessary hate will be tolerated.
- Mahi✨️
tags : @mayakimayahai @warnermeadowsgirl @vijayasena @voidsteffy @jkdaddy01 @rambheem-is-real @allari-ammayi @mellaga-karagani @ulaganayagi @navinskizz @ranisingsnew
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Beel A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (6 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
You only went into the kitchen for a snack & you somehow ended up pushed against the counter with Beel dry humping your ass. Still, the gentle(?) giant wouldn't let go of the devil croissant in his mouth & managed to swallow it with another bite. "Mmph. Sorry. C-couldn't resist." You moaned as you felt his cock twitch against you, desperately wanting more. His arms were wrapped easily around your waist. "C-can I?" He asks as he continues grinding & a hand slipped to reach for your waistband. "Beel what if someone walks in!" You whined yet still pushing up against him. He swiftly pulled your bottoms down, "...it'll be really quick."
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
You're always going to cum first about 90% of the time. The only exception really being if you decide to just give him a blowjob. Anyway Beel's a giver, he loves to eat, we know this already! He could stay eating you out for hoursss. He's the type to say thank you & ask for more when you cum on his tongue. He tells you how delicious you taste.❤️ Now if he's cumming, you know by the sudden gasp and low groan he always does, always pushing himself as deep as he can go & you always eagerly await the big load this giant gives you. :3
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
He doesn't really feel one way or another about it, he's just a big teddy bear that loves to make love with you.🙂 Of course the few sounds you do make when he stuffs his massive cock in you does turn him on, he prefers to see the pretty sexy faces you make as he fucks you senseless. ^^
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Beel has his moments & he can be blunt. If you're dating, he'll tell you & ask, respectfully, if you want to fuck lol. If you're not together quite yet... well, he's going to be a little clingy & you'll notice him smelling you a lot more often like some tasty snack he can't wait to have. He'll have a flushed face & somehow eat more than he already does until something is finally done about it.
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
He's not too picky & usually finds whatever is on the first page or two of a porn site. Sometimes he will look at food porn but tbh it's a lot more distracting & he always ends up feeling hungry after it. He doesn't really watch it that often & prefers to imagine his own little scenarios in his head.
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
tags: biting, breeding He's a biter, he loves to mark you in so many ways. Some are soft bites & others are harder love bites. He loves to leave his scent on you!!! Also sorry if he does get just a little rough, he can't help it when you look so small, all he wants to do is breed you. He loves doggy & the mating press, please let him go wild with you ♡
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stuckinmoilalaland · 5 months
Gojo x Hindu!Wife!Reader Arranged Marriage
Note: Cold Gojo.
You, a 25 year old Hindu woman, and Satoru were in an arranged marriage since 2 years. He's always cheerful, except when you're around of course. It's clear to everyone that you're not welcome into his life at all. This is why you aren't accepted into Satoru's friend group. Although, the students love you like you're their mother. They're always used to seeing your smile, which is fake of course. You are a very good teacher at Jujutsu high, and our curse technique is being able to bend the laws of physics. You were heading back from your missions at 11:00 PM, like normal, but something was different. You were hit by the cursed technique of the curse you exorcised. You somehow got into the house, but you were bleeding a lot. Satoru was sitting on the couch and chilling, he turned his attention to you, as his eyes widened, he rushed towards you and scooped you up in bridal style. Without a word, he took you to his bedroom and took out the first aid kit. He treated your wounds, and then let you rest in his bed because you fainted. 2 hours later, you finally wake up. Satoru is sitting at the edge of the bed with his head down low, you can hear him sniffling and sobbing...
You: Satoru?
You say as you sit up on bed. Satoru rushes to you, revealing his teary face. He jumps onto the bed and then hugs you tight. You blink for a moment with your eyes widened, but you calm down and hug Satoru back while smiling. Satoru cries onto your breast and hugs you tighter, while you caress his head. It looks like almost losing you taught him your importance...
You: Shhhhhh... It's okay........
You say while comforting Satoru and caressing his head. Satoru says in his breaking voice...
Satoru: Y-y/n..... I'm so s-sorry-y...... I-i should have l-loved yo-ou m-more and understood-d your-r importance-e.... I-i-
Before he can speak more, he bursts out into tears again. After a few hours, he finally calms down. Right now, he is hugging you with his face buried into your breast. You kiss his soft head and say...
You: Now now, stop crying my sukh(Note for reader: Sukh means happiness).
Satoru: W-wh-hat does Sukh mean?
You smile and reply...
You: Happiness in Sanskrit.
Satoru hugs you even tighter and says...
Satoru: E-even after I never l-loved you or c-cared for you, you still call me your h-happiness, why-y?
You: It's because of my dharma. Think of dharma as the code of conduct in Hinduism. Just because somebody considers me their enemy, doesn't mean I do the same thing. If someone does something wrong, I shouldn't repeat that same thing because it's wrong.
Satoru: I'm sorry....... I don't deserve you to be my wife. You're way too good for me.......
You peck him on the forehead and say...
You: I love you Satoru, and don't worry, everyone deserves a second chance. Also, you've proved that you deserve a second chance because you took care of me, forgetting all your hate the moment I needed you. I appreciate it.
**Should I continue this?**
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sundays-sims · 1 year
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F L Ä D E R x R a v e n t o n s . (early access, patreon)
Hey guys! I am so sooo excited to share this set with you! As you probably noticed, @raventons is back creating the most amazing builds & we decided to collab, like in the good old days! ♥
The way we decided to do this collab is super simple; we worked together on ideas, themes, objects to create etc. and we will both publish our own content only. Everything you get on my page is my content only & to download Raventons' amazing build, you can head over to her page ♥ or tumblr! 
Now, fläder set contains 20 new meshes (!!), everything you need to create a beautiful summer wedding or outdoor event! It has a super cozy summer-y vibe with wild flowers, beautiful rustic furniture & cute clutter!
↓ details & download link under the cut ↓
D O W N L O A D - L I N K : [X] (patreon, early access)
S E T   D E T A I L S :
Large dining table
Chairs (2 versions)
Linen table runner
Wheelbarrow with ice
Water dispenser (with and without cut fruits)
Colored glass goblet
Colum & linen banners
Hanging wild flowers & daisies with rope
Deco wild flowers & daisies
Cake & pedestal
Glass candle
Welcome sign**
Raventons & I worked super hard to make this collab as beautiful as possible! I really like you enjoy it!
Lastly, I absolutely  need to thank Raventons for this, she is creative and kind, and amaziing annnd an inspiration! Working with her on this was a pleasure & looking forward to do it again!
** the sign was impossible to personalize for everyone but I left a blank swatch with a white board so you can easily export it and make it your own!**
If you have any issues or comments feel free to DM me!
Sundays xx
→ terms of use / TOU ← / / → instagram ← 
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tgmsunmontue · 10 months
WIP FIC List - pinned post
All completed fics can be found at: ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN, however if you prefer an up-to-date list you can visit this Tumblr post, as it lists all my TG/TG:M fics and links to both AO3 and the first Tumblr post for that fic.
*ACTIVE WIPS - (updating ~weekly depending on chapter length)
Sagas of Solitude 12/21 - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby Bradley Bradshaw who has to keep his relationship with Mav and Ice a secret when he starts at the USNA. Featuring married Ice and Mav (but not to each other). Prologue He Remembers and Lonely Nights are both set in this verse. (Last updated 22nd September)
Season to Taste 21/? Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world. (Last updated 26th September)
*Active WIPs, versus WIPs listed below - more writing time and energy is spent working on the above, while the below are fics I work on sporadically (or in the weekends).
FYI - everyone is welcome to take any of the ideas and do their own spin. Don't plagiarise obviously, but definitely feel free to take it and add your own twist.
A) Upon which our souls touch - 6/? - Hangster Fantasy AU (Last updated 7th September)
B) Never knew I was missing you - 1/? - Hangster AU with Jake a naval aviator and Bradley and A-list Hollywood star. They meet on a dating app. Famous and cat fishing that isn't cat fishing because online relationships are rife but...? (Tumblr idea) (Last updated 21st September)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - 4/? - Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic) (Last updated 1st September)
D) IceMav with unknown about children because the US Navy is evil and produced offspring because of genetics being a THING. (Tumblr ramblings)
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
F) Olympic AU - Jake and Javy are the Flyboys, a synchronised diving pair. Bradley is a gymnast.
G) Party of 5 AU - Jake raising his younger siblings and trying to run the family business and grieve the life he had started to build at College.
H) From the top 2/? - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together. AU divergent ish. (Last updated 23rd July)
I) Bradley runs away and joins the circus. Tumblr ramblings.
J) Barista Jake? Fleshing this out into a proper length fic? (HERE)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - 8/?Transformers cross-over for help me @yeagrave is 110% to blame for me adding this... (related to this post) (Last updated 13th September)
L) Hangster Sports Team AU with Hangster being ex-es and the trade deadline coming in hot and Bradley being traded in and all hell is about to break loose... Ramblings
M) Practical Magic AU (Tumblr ramblings)
N) Two guys in the mines hooking up... (Madness)
O) Long-distance/Zoom D&D players. (Madness)
P) Rooster is a shapeshifter trapped in his animal form? Crackity crack crack. (Madness)
R) IceMav Bingo of the Florist and Undercover agent variety.
S) Jake leaves Bradley at the alter and everyone is heartbroken. Including me.
T) Bradley a mechanic and Jake still an aviator. Hopefully a short little ficlet which is actually short. (Tumblr prompt/idea)
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jmvore · 10 months
As wild thoughts won here's a little idea,how about getting jimin pretty jewellery and dressing him up making him feel pretty,could add cross dressing too and maybe encouraging him to go on a date like that as a way of expressing his feminity
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Pretty in Diamonds
» rating › 18+ [M I N O R S D O N O T I N T E R A C T] » warning(s) › MOMMY!KINK, smut, jimin naked and wearing diamonds, jacking jimin off in front of the closet mirror, cum eating, calling jimin nicknames, telling jimin he's pretty. sweet talk turns into dirty talk real quick. » words(s) › 1.9k+ » post date › 12/14/2023 » song playing › got to be with me by black buddafly » a/n › so I got carried away and didn't include the cross-dressing (I completely forgot) but I hope you like this version.
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"Jimin!" You call his name as you enter the door with a giant present. You don't know where he is within the house, but you know he's home. He told you he was. Plus, his car is outside. "Petal! Where are you?" You sing, placing your purse on the entryway table and throwing your keys into the bowl.
The lights are off downstairs so the only place he could be is upstairs (or maybe in the basement but you doubt it).
"Sweetheart?" Heading upstairs, you hear the shower running, but instead of surprising him, you decide to wait for him on the bed. Coat off and hung away in the walk-in closet, heels kicked half-hazard by the door. You'll shower afterward, eager to give him his gifts right now. To pass the time, you scroll through your Amazon cart to see which gift you want to buy him for Christmas.
You don't realize the water has stopped, and the door swings open. Jimin walks into the bedroom with only his pajama pants hanging low on his hips as he dries his hair with a towel.
"Oh hey, You're home!" Jimin says, grabbing his water bottle off the dresser and taking a swig. "I thought you were going to be late?"
"Seokjin sent everyone home for the night. Something about not wanting people to feel overworked."
"Oh." You wave for him to come closer as he eyes the box next to you. " What's this?"
"Something for you, my love." You hold the box to him with a soft smile, though your eyes shine excitedly at his reaction. "I hope you like it."
"Cartier?" Jimin eyes grow wide at the name on the box. "That's exp-"
"Nothing is expensive when it comes to you, Petal." He avoids eye contact the moment you take his hand, but you notice the pink dust that makes its way across his cheeks.
"What is it?"
"Open it." You notice his Adam's apple bob. "You'll like them, I promise."
He nods, tearing at it to open the bigger box, when he notices two smaller boxes inside. He gasps, head snapping back to look at you.
"Darling, really?" He asks, eyes bugging from his head.
He's so cute you wanna kiss him silly.
"Mhmh." You don't give him room to argue, pushing the box closer. "Open them."
He does it with quickness. One of the boxes containing a body chain while the other contains a necklace that connects the pieces together. He holds the jewelry in between his fingers as he inspects the silver chains.
"You didn't have to."
"I know but I wanted to."
He grins. You didn't have to get him anything but he knows that arguing with you is impossible because you love spoiling him.
"Do you like?"
"Are you kidding me?" Jimin hugs you tightly and leans down to kiss you, but you stop him with an index finger to his lips. "I love it. Thank you!"
"You're welcome, honey. They had one that would've gone around your waist but I didn't want to overwhelm you with gifts. C'mere, Try them on."
"Help me?" You nod, pulling him to stand in front of you. The jewelry is easy enough to figure out. When he finally gets it on, you can't help but drool at how hot he looks. Your focus lingers on his chest as you reach out and trace the jewels that outline his chest with your fingertips. He leans into your touch, his eyes filled with emotion. You feel a spark of electricity shoot through you as he leans closer to kiss you again.
This time you give him what he wants.
"I love you so much." You nip at his bottom lip when he pulls away, eyes closed but with a satisfied smirk on his face. He twists a bit, trying to look at it from behind but he can't see it.
"Well? How does it look?"
"Gorgeous." You look him in the eye to convey your sincerity. His heart races as he takes a deep breath and giggles, his eyes twinkling with appreciation. An overwhelming sense of joy overtakes you. You're glad he's happy. "Now. Strip."
You turn around and pat him on the behind.
"R-Right now?"
"Yes. I want to see you wearing nothing but the jewelry, Petal."
"Okay." You can see the way his eyes shift and the way he fidgets with his thumbs gives it away. He's nervous. His body language speaks volumes as he seems anxious and unsure about himself. He seems uncomfortable in his own skin. He keeps glancing around the room as if he is searching for an escape.
You stop him before he gets inside of his head. Encourage him to slow down, take a deep breath, and go at his own pace.
Telling him he's worth the wait.
"Look at me, please." He does when you take his hand and bring it up to your lips to kiss, gently. He looks away shyly, her cheeks flushing harder than before. You watch him run his hands through his hair before shaking it out. He finally looks up at you, his eyes filled with a ray of emotions. "Tell me what's wrong."
"It's nothing."
"No." You grab both his hands and shake her head. "None of that. Tell me, Petal."
"I dunno. I jus-" He frowns, hesitating before speaking. His voice barely more than a whisper, "I don't want to disappoint you."
"Oh baby. No." You wrap your arms around him and hold on tighter. His body feels warm against yours. You don't want to let him go. "Look at me." You caress his chin and bottom lip as you gaze into his eyes. You feel like you're looking into the depths of his soul. You both stand there, connected, in the moment. He can sense the warmth and love in your expression. He feels safe and protected in your arms. "I know it's going to take some time to undo all the hurt they caused but I'm willing to work but you have to work with me."
"Do you trust me?" You walk backward to sit down on the edge of the bed before holding your hand out for him and pausing. Waiting for him to answer.
"I do."
"Let me show you're worth it."
When Jimin steps closer, he drops his pajama pants, revealing he has nothing on underneath. You start caressing his chest before running your nails down his stomach, his muscles tense at your touch.
The feeling was a bit overwhelming.
You help him fix the chain that wraps around his chest, the jewelry making his chest look bigger than it is but it makes him feel so classy. so delicate. so beautiful.
you scoot to the front of the bed where the mirror on the closet sits. opening your legs, he sits between them and leans back into you. you know he's eyeing himself from head to toe.
"How do you feel looking at yourself, my love?"
"i-" Jimin's breath hitches the moment you put your hands on his waist and give it a soft squeeze. you move to sit on your knees and hug him close. your chin sitting on his shoulder.
"tell me how do you feel, petal?"
"pretty. it looks pretty on me." you smile as he shyly glances down. it makes you want to hurt the ones who hurt him because who would even think about tearing this angel down.
"ah, ah... eyes up sweetheart."
"you know what I think?" you ask, trailing your finger down the expanse of his stomach again. you watch a chill run down his spine as he shakes. "I think you look ravishing. the diamonds bring out your eyes and it makes me want to worship your body while you wear them."
jimin whimpers, closing his eyes the moment you reach for his cock. you know he's sensitive to the touch if the way his cock is leaking says anything. red, swollen and oh so pretty, just like he is.
"i'm close..."
"I know you are. you know what I want you to do?"
"No..." He moans. The warmth of your tongue he feels climbing up the side of his neck causes him to shudder. He leans into you, his lips parting slightly, his heart racing. You press soft kisses to his neck, your lips lingering for a moment. "H-Honey..." His breathing quickens the closer you get to his ear. His heart thumped in his chest as you turned his head so he was able to look at you.
Finally, you pull away, leaving him wanting more.
"I want you to watch yourself cum all over my fingers." You watch him through the mirrors with no desire to turn away. "I want you to know I'm doing this because you deserve it. You deserve to be loved and taken care of, Petal. I don't care what anyone else told you because they're wrong. You understand me?"
"Yes! Yes! Please." He whines, his moans of pleasure growing louder the more he lets himself go. He's so wet. His pre-cum drooling from the tip as you use it for lube to make it wetter. Sloppier. "I'm gonna cum..."
"I know baby." You chuckle at the way he grips the covers around you, trying his hardest to not lose control but it's getting harder the more you keep going.
"What do you want, Petal?" You ask, slowing down a bit but not enough for him to lose his high. "Tell me what you want."
"To cum. P-Please let me cum, Mommy!"
"Tell me, how do you feel, petal?"
"I feel so pretty!" He yells, rocking his hips harder as he finally hits his high as he cums all over your hand. Some hit the floor, and some hit the mirror (you'll have to clean that later). He watches as you stick your cumcovered fingers into your mouth and lick it off. Salty but satisfying to see him bite his bottom lip. "Fuck..."
"Feel good?"
"Yes... Thank you."
"You're welcome, Petal." You grin, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "Next time I'm going to dress you up so pretty, petal. You'll look like my beautiful flower. Would you like that?"
"No. What to we say, Petal?"
"Yes, mommy."
"Good. Now, you wanna know the reason I bought this?" Jimin falls back on the bed as you climb on top of him. He shakes his head and of course, you can't help but chuckle at how exhausted he looks.
"Because I know you'll look fucking gorgeous when I fuck you while you're wearing them."
If Jimin could pop another boner, he would because fuck that would be so damn hot.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Fuck yes." You lean down to give him a peck on the lips, grinning as he leans up for more.
"I know you would but right now we have pressing matters?"
"What's wrong?"
"We have a business dinner we have to attend."
"Tomorrow. So if you could, I'll need you home by seven if you can. I know sometimes your classes run late." You trace his chest as he huffs, loving the feeling. "And, I want you to wear the diamonds."
"Everyone else needs to know how gorgeous you look in them. They just won't get this view." You wink, collapsing next to Jimin and cuddling into his side. He pulls you so you're lying on top of him as he takes you in.
"I love you."
"And I love you, Petal."
And well, he doesn't mind it at all because he loves how you care for him. Your desire to make him happy is evident in how you treat him, and he feels lucky to have you in his life. He knows that no matter what he does, he won't be able to repay you for all that you've done for him.
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© 2020 - 2023 » JMVORE || » All Rights Reserved.   DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Cult of the lamb masterlist
Originally I was going to wait until I got all 4 bishops to make this but guys the brainrot is so.. bad.. I'll be sure to edit the opening section once I do get them all though!
That said! Welcome to the COTL Masterlist! Be sure to read the rules in my pinned before requesting! Please send requests to the inbox only!
As of 6/10/24, I only have lamb and the bishops listed however if you want an NPC feel free to ask!
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having a soft spot for follower!reader
Comforting the lamb after a nightmare
making them a flower crown
x baby lamb reader platonic hcs
pampering them for a day
saving the reader from being sacrificed
x lamb reader
follower!reader giving follower!narinder pets and cuddles
sick!follower narinder x follower!reader
♥ y z (fluff alphabet)
m o d w/ narinder (fluff alphabet)
m h g (angst alphabet)
x swan!reader
e j l (angst alphabet)
giving him a gift
Follower!leshy x follower!gardener!reader
X reader who smells nice
W E V (fluff alphabet)
Random thing #15/Holding your face 2: the squeakquel
mutual pining
j c y (fluff alphabet)
crushing on the reader
Y N C (fluff alphabet)
x picky eater reader
k x e (fluff alphabet)
x sweet and soft spoken reader
x overworked and tired reader
x seamstress cat reader who likes to gossip
x artist reader
f k p (fluff alphabet)
x reader who makes jewelry
Random thing #17/obsessed
Random thing #18/coward
v w j (fluff alphabet)
Random thing #19/earrings
Random thing #20/beauty
x winslow leach!reader
x beef!reader (phantom of the paradise)
helping them with headaches
Random thing #14/holding your face
♥ y z (fluff alphabet)
talking to them about your interests
Random thing #16/keeping logs
r g w (fluff alphabet)
b j l (fluff alphabet)
general sozo x reader hcs
petting hcs
C F O (fluff alphabet)
crushing on the reader
follower!bishops x new follower!reckless adventurer!reader
Calling the bishops pretty
one bed trope w/ the bishops
bishops x male golden retriever reader
platonic bishops x kid reader
bishops x baker!reader
giving the bishops flowers
lambert and shamura x winslow leach!reader
kissing baal aym and narinder for the first time
baal and aym x new follower!clumsy!reader
kissing the bishops hands
kallamar and shamura x sick!reader who returns after being MIA
taking leshy and heket back to their old domains
baal aym and kallamar x reader who cant cook
leshy and heket x cursed reader
kallamar shamura and narinder x cursed reader
parent!bishops x child!reader
bishops x reader who wants to sacrifice themselves for a ritual
heket and shamura saving the reader from getting sacrificed by their own cult members
leshy and narinder x reader who loves their plants
shamura kallamar and lambert x reader who has a curse like eda clawthrone
giving the bishops plushies of themselves
leshy and heket when soft spoken!kind!reader snaps
leshy kallamar and lambert x reader who is like emily from hazbin hotel
leshy and shamura when softspoken!reader bursts into tears
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