goatsandgangsters · 2 years
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OBSESSED with the costuming choice of giving him the same color palette of teal over olive for both Sturmhond and Nikolai, but with very different style garments
(also love the choice of olive for the under layer, for that First Army symbolism. also very Ravkan Colors of him)
(also also Nikolai having the same color palette as Sturmhond but way more muted/less vibrant is So Much)
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starry-hughes · 4 months
blurring the lines
matt rempe x reader
summary: after meeting matt in a bar and hooking up, the one night stand turns into something much more.
warnings: heavy allusions to sex, underage drinking, drinking, hangover, slight angst (it lasts like two seconds), mentions throwing up once, matt is a cocky bitch for a little, creepy guy mention
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The vodka redbull in your hand wasn’t strong enough. Maybe it was because the bartender secretly knew your ID was fake. Or maybe it was your friend, Wendy, hanging off the neck of a random guy in the bar like always. You were always happy to support her in the search of a nightly hook up but sometimes you wish you were her, the one chosen by the guys in the bar.
“You look like you’re having fun.”
Matt Rempe filled the space next to you at the bar. He wasn’t twenty one yet but his status in New York City with the Rangers was all he needed for the bartender to hand him a beer. “Tons of fun,” you mumbled taking another sip of your drink.
“I’m Matt.”
You almost scoffed. You were a longtime resident of NYC. You knew who he was the second you saw him and his fading black eye. “Matt Rempe. Yeah, I know. 6’7 right?” Your roommates loved the Rangers games so you had been subjected to watch the whole season. Matt smirked. “Usually the height alone gets people flaunting.”
An audible scoff left your mouth that time. “Oh am I not living up to what your ego needs?” Matt’s jaw locked. He was falling for you more each second. “Lovely meeting you Matt,” you finished your drink, “have a good night.”
The guy Wendy was hanging off of followed the two of you to the next bar. Typically, that meant the guy would go home with her. Another drink in and the buzz was good enough for you, you tried staying pretty sober when Wendy was drinking and flirting with unfamiliar guys. “I’m going to the bathroom,” you told her. She nodded before going back to kissing her new companion.
The line for the bathroom was long. The typical line of drunk girls, vape smoke filling the air, guys trying to shoot their shots when girls were just trying to pee. When you finally got out of the line, your hands felt sticky from the cheap soap and you went to make your way back to the bar.
It was crowded. You were bumping into multiple bodies, fighting your way up to the bar. You lost sight of Wendy, probably still in the darkened corner of the bar with the guy she was dragging along. “You here alone?” The guy’s voice made the hair on your neck stand. Slurring his words and trying to reach out to get a hand on you. “You better back off,” you started, getting defensive, ready to throw a punch. “Calm down Rocky,” a voice mumbled from behind you, Matt Rempe’s tall body was soon separating you and the random dude. “You should leave her alone dude,” Matt said over his shoulder to the guy.
“Are you following me?” you accused. “We’re both at the most crowded bar on this street, I was not following you. Are you okay?” Matt asked. Your eyes softened for a second. “Oh, yeah, nothing out of the normal I guess.” He frowned. “I hate that for you.” Matt was growing on you by the second.
You hated admitting that you didn’t want the night to end. “I don’t need you to protect me anymore,” you teased Matt. He leaned on the bar, looking at you, face inches away, “Then tell me to walk away.” Your eyes flickered down to his lips.
It felt exciting but scary as you dragged Matt behind you by the hand. Once you found Wendy, you quickly told her you were leaving for the night and wanted to make sure she got home. The Uber ride was weird, Wendy and the guy she was bringing home making out while Matt and you softly bumped knees the whole drive.
“Sorry it’s a mess,” he was a little red in the face from embarrassment. It was typical for him, it wasn’t even that messy. “It’s okay,” you swallowed. The nerves were setting in. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” he stuttered. “Shut up and kiss me Matt.”
You were shivering. You didn’t know if it was from the fact that Matt kept his room freezing cold or because he just had you shaking beneath him. The sound of his headboard hitting the wall was still echoing in your ears. “Do you want to take a shower?” Matt asked, kissing your bare shoulder. “I don’t have any clothes.” “Just borrow mine?”
The shower was hot and warm. Matt had given you a pair of boxers for a shirt and a sweater. You were drowning in his clothes. “Hope the boxers are okay,” he said nervously after you exited the bathroom. The sweater he gave you was pretty big on you, the boxers had to be rolled up a couple of times. He was wearing sweats that hung off his hips a little. “It’s good.” “I can sleep on the couch if you want me to,” he said. “No, I’m okay with sharing the bed.” Within minutes, the two of you were knocked out and asleep.
In the morning, you forgot where you were for a second. Your eyes fluttering open. This definitely was not your bedroom. Then you saw Matt and the memories came flooding back. His alarm was going off. He woke up, scrambling for his phone. “Sorry,” he mumbled into his pillow, “got practice in two hours.”
Silently, you got dressed in the clothes from the night before. Matt watched from his pillow as you got dressed, he just wanted to remember every curve of your body. “Hey Matt,” you cleared your throat, “this is really out of the ordinary for me. I don’t normally just have one night stands.” His face showed relief. “I don’t either. To be honest, this was my first one.” The two of you laughed at the situation. “I would love to see you again. Don’t be a stranger,” he kissed you softly as he walked you to the door and placed you into an uber. Your phone felt a little heavier with his number in it.
The one night stand turned into multiple nights. Most of them ending in the two of you talking and getting to know each other as Matt performed after care. It was weird, but a good weird. Friends with benefits. “Why don’t we ever go to your place?” Matt hummed. “My roommates.”
The next night you brought Matt to your place. Your roommates had told you they’d be gone for the night. You didn’t bother holding back noises and Matt didn’t either. By the morning, your roommates were awake and leaned over cups of coffee in the kitchen, all tired from hearing the noises from your room for hours after they arrived home. “Bye Matt,” you squeaked as you walked him to the door and he awkwardly avoided eye contact with your roommates. “I’m sorry. Was that Matt Rempe?” The jaw of your roommate fell open.
The friends with benefits relationship took a turn when Matt invited you over for dinner. “I don’t really know how to cook?” he admitted. “You invited me for dinner and don’t know how to cook?” “I didn’t think I’d get this far!” His laugh filled the kitchen and your heart skipped a beat. His head leaned down, “I think I really like you.” His lips met yours and you didn’t hesitate to kiss back.
It was a routine. Waking up in bed with Matt, his alarm going off for practice, having what you were 99.9% sure were dates. When he was traveling, you would use your spare key to his place to water his plants. Plus the sex was good. “I need a date,” you caught his lips with yours. He hummed, “I’m going to Toronto in a couple of days.” You already knew that. You had memorized his schedule. “My friend is having a dinner party tonight.”
“I have a game,” he whined. “I would love to come but I can’t.” You frowned. You knew he had a game but for some reason, you were hopeful he would still be able to make it. It was almost like this was the moment of clarity. Matt wasn’t your boyfriend. This wasn’t a real relationship. There weren’t labels on this. You two weren’t exclusive. He had no reason or obligation to show up to your events just because you asked. “I should get going,” you swallowed hard. His blanket was wrapped around your body as you sat up. “(Y/N). Don’t be like that.”
“I have to go Matt.” You gathered your clothes from the night before, getting dressed as Matt searched for his own sweatpants. “Let me walk you down.” You shook your head. “I think I want to walk out alone.”
It was a slap in the face. Realizing that you and Matt weren’t really together. This started as a hook up. You were attached now. You fell in love with waking up next to him, smiling at the tv when your roommates forced you to watch his games, having half dates which were mainly eating dinner before he took you to bed.
The Rangers game drowned on in the background of the dinner party. It wasn’t a formal dinner party, more of a potluck with cheap food and booze. “Thought you were bringing someone,” your friend slid in beside you as you made yourself another drink. “Yeah,” you swallowed, eyes falling on the tv, “he’s busy tonight.” The Rangers lost.
Matt was pissed by the end of the night. His texts weren’t being responded to. You weren’t answering. By the time the game ended and he was out of Madison Square Garden, your heavy hand had poured way too much into each of your drinks. It was crowded in your apartment. The food was picked over and theoretically the party should have been winding down but it wasn’t. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, Matt was calling. “I should take this,” you hiccuped, accidentally standing too fast and toppling over the Drunk Jenga your friends were playing.
“Hello?” Your words were slurring together. “Are you drunk?” Matt immediately questioned. Another hiccup. “Why do you care if I am? You’re not my boyfriend.”
The words stung him. He really did like you. He wanted to be your boyfriend. It was just that every time he wanted to ask you, he chickened out. “Are you at your apartment?” he inquired. “Yeah.” Your voice was annoyed, he was pissing you off. Matt’s long legs helped with the power walk to your apartment. He snuck into the building behind some people who were leaving. He knew his way around.
The apartment door was unlocked but he didn’t want to just walk in. Knocking, he prayed someone would hear him. “Hello,” your roommate sang as she opened the door. “Oh,” she was taken aback. “Um, (Y/N)!” she shouted. Within seconds, a commotion was heard, laughter as you stumbled to the door. Your mouth ran dry. “Matt.”
“Can we talk?” his voice boomed in your ears. He didn’t wait for a response, he pulled you along to your bedroom, ignoring the looks from your roommates and friends watching. “Why are you here?” He sat you on the bed, looking for your typical water bottle you kept in there. “I like you. A lot. You got really cold this morning. I know I’m not your boyfriend but I really want to be. But you’re drunk right now and it’s not right for me to ask you now.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “You like me?” He sighed and nodded, “I like you. A lot.”
When the sun poured into the bedroom, you were in your bed, in pajamas now, head pounding and feeling the urge to throw up. Matt was next to you. He felt miles away though. He was still asleep when you stumbled out of bed and went to throw up from the amount of alcohol you had consumed.
You were surprised you even remembered Matt’s confession. But you remembered how much you begged him to stay last night. When you returned to your room, he was awake. “Matt?” your voice was soft. “I like you too. A lot.”
“Kinda gathered that from the way you begged me to stay last night.” Your face heated up. “C’mere.” You embarrassingly made your way to your own bed quickly, sitting there. Matt dragged you into his arms and lap. “Tell me you like me again,” he asked.
“I like you,” you repeated. He kissed you, “I like you too.”
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wendysimp · 10 months
Secrets Out Pt.1 (Wendy x Seulgi)
Wendy (Step Sister) is back X Seulgi X Male Reader
Tags: Shower Sex, Risky Sex Blowjob, Double Blowjob, Spitting, Deepthroat, Daddy Kink, Threesome, Riding, Face Sitting and much more!
This is a NEW series which is continuing off from The Big Reveal. Hope you guys enjoy.
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(Y/n’s POV)
Ugh school… WHY?! I just want to be glued to my bed all day.
“Honey? Wake up, time for school.” Really mom?
Just kill me honestly. After finally getting up from my comfortable bed I should be sleeping in, I grabbed myself a change of clothes before heading out to have a shower. There’s only one problem… My Sister is in the shower already.
Last weekend. One of the craziest things ever happened. What is it you ask? Well to keep it short and sweet, I not only fucked my big sister Wendy, but I also got to fuck her hot friends too.
I could remember every single second of it. Even after that Wendy and I would mess around. Speaking of Wendy… I look around to make sure the coast is clear. Good! I’m gonna get in and surprise her.
(Wendy’s POV)
Nothing more like starting off the morning with a nice warm shower. I love the feeling of the water dripping down my body… and feeling Y/n’s cock inside me- okay wait what?! Fuck!
That dumbass really got me needing him more. Oh who am I kidding, I’ve always been needing him. I even sucked his dick under the table while having dinner with our mom there as well. Luckily she didn’t catch us.
I’m getting wet. I-I… need him. I slide my hands down to my pussy, rubbing it just like how he does it to me.
“Mmm Y/n I need you’re touch.” I moan softly to myself.
“I see you can’t stop thinking about me sis.” My eyes widened.
I turn around, see Y/n and before I could scream he covers my mouth and pins me against the shower glass. I look up into his eyes.
“Shhh mom will hear you.” He whispers. Even the way he talks is making me more wet.
He finally removed his hands and I cover my body.
“What are you doing here dumbass?!” I asked him and he rolls his eyes.
“Come on, you’re really coving up even though I’ve seen you naked before when we fuck?” This tease.
I slap his arms and continued to wash up as I tried to ignore him. I felt him hold me from behind, feeling his hands roam around my body. Fuck Y/n you’re killing me. I bite my lip hard trying not to give him a reaction he wanted out of me.
“Come on, don’t you need my touch sis?” H-his hands! His rubbing my pussy.
“S-shut up and let’s hurry and finish up before mom suspects something.” I tell him but he doesn’t listen. No surprise there since he barely listens to me.
“Shhh she won’t.” I felt his lips on my neck. It turned me on so much I even let out a little moan. He smirks against my skin.
“You like that don’t you?”
“S-shut up you perv.” I tell him as he keeps going.
I felt his cock press against my ass. This fucker! You know what? Two can play that game!
(3rd Person View)
Wendy turns and Kisses Y/n deeply while stroking his cock slowly making him harder and turned on. They pull away as they look into each others eyes
“Hurry up and fuck me!” Wendy whispers.
And with that, no hesitation from Y/n as he turns her around again, bends her over as she was against the shower glass once again. He lines himself up along her pussy and slides into her.
Y/n let’s put a grunt while Wendy let’s put a moan as she feels him deep inside her. Y/n grabs her hips and start to thrust deep and hard as their bodies slap against each others.
“You fucking like that Wendy? You like when bro fucks you so good?” He slams into her harder causing her to roll her eyes back.
“Y-yesifuckingloveit!” She moans uncontrollably.
Y/n gives Wendy a light spank on her ass, leaving a mark which she didn’t mind at all as she was filled with lust.
“F-fuck you’re so deep inside of me!” She moans and looks over her shoulder at her brother.
(Y/n’s POV)
A knock can be heard and we both look at each other.
“Don’t stop.” She whispered to me which I nodded and keep fucking her tight pussy.
“Wendy, are you okay in there?” Mom asks her.
“Y-yeah mom I’m fine just- f-fuck!” She moans leaving mom confused. I chuckled.
“Calm down mom will catch us.” I whispered and tease her more while fucking her faster and deeper. She turns and slaps my hand.
“S-shut up dumbass!” She whispered to me.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Y-yes mom I’m okay. I-I feel s-so… s-so fucking good right now.”
“W-well okay. I’m off to work now, make sure your brother gets ready. I love you.” She says before leaving.
“Love you too!” She yells back.
Mom leaves and she pulls my cock out of her before turning to me and said…
“Take me to your bed and fuck me!”
(A little time skip)
We finish up and Wendy raises from between my legs, wiping her mouth.
“Thanks for giving me my breakfast baby boy.” She winks after swallowing my load I shot into her mouth.
She leaves my room, telling me to hurry up and get ready. What a great way to start the morning.
I put in my clothes get my bag and keys then wait for Wendy. She comes down a few minutes later and see her with a nice, beautiful dress which looked so sexy on her. The things I’d do to her right now with that dress on.
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“You look beautiful Wendy.” I tell her causing her to blush and look away. I chuckled.
“T-Thanks dumbass. We also gotta pick up Seulgi on the way to school. She needs a ride.” She tells me which I didn’t mind at all.
We head over to Seulgi’s and she comes out with a nice blue dress that looked absolutely fucking great on her. Look at her curves!
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She enters the car with a big smile and puts on her seat belt.
“Hi Y/n! Hey Wendy!” She greeted us warmly.
“Hey baby, you look really great today. Love that dress you got on.” I flirt. Wendy doesn’t seem to like it when I flirt with her friends.
Seulgi blushes and bites her lip.
“Okay not now! Let’s get to school before we arrive there late.” In a rush are we sis?
“Yes ma’am I’m on it.” I start to drive.
“You’re annoying you know that?” She rolled her eyes.
“So how was the sex on his bed this morning?” Seulgi asks with a teasing smirk which caused her to get a slap on the arm by Wendy.
“Y-you weren’t supposed to mention what I told you in front of him!” She scolds her.
“Oww okay okay!” Seulgi rubs her arm.
“Wendy relax. You okay Seulgi?” I asked her and she nodded.
“W-Wendy? Could I maybe have your brother again?” She asks.
“Eww what?! No!”
“Oh come on, you’ve got to have so many turns with him and plus, I’ve been missing the feeling of him inside me.” She looks over at me and I wink at her.
“I missed that feeling too.” I tell her.
“Okay first of all, I’m right here, and secondly, I’m not just gonna sit aside and watch you guys fuck! We got school to go too!” Wendy isn’t a fan of being late to school.
“Who said anything about watching when you can join us?”
“Yeah she’s right sis come on.” Why does Wendy have to be a party pooper?
“No! That’s final.” She looks out the window as silence fill the car.
Slurping, choking, moaning and spitting. If you haven’t guessed it yet, Wendy changed her mind last second and here we are, in the backseat all together, naked as they share my cock.
“Mmm that’s it keep sucking just like that. You’re so good at this Seulgi.” I smile and praise her as she winked and bobbed her head all the way down my length.
My cock hits the back of her throat which felt like I was in a dream world. She chokes and pulls away to catch her breath then spits on my shaft. Meanwhile, Wendy was doing fucking amazing with my balls in her mouth. I could feel her tongue just run circles around each of them and felt the vibrations on my balls from her moans.
They both switch as Wendy takes me into her mouth and Seulgi taking my balls.
“Mmm you like that huh perv? You like the way your big sis sucks your big fat cock?” Wendy smirked as she continued to blow me.
“Shut up and just keep sucking.” I lean my head back in pleasure.
They keep going until they eventually pull away.
“Lay down daddy. I wanna show you how a good girl rides.” Seulgi really turns me on with the way she talks.
I listen and lay down as she straddles my lap and Wendy straddles my face with her pussy. Fuck what a time to be alive. Without wasting time. Seulgi slumps down on my cock, riding like there’s no tomorrow while Wendy sits her ass on my face. Moans fill out the car but Seulgi let’s out a scream.
“Ahhh fuck Y/n your cock is deep inside of me! I-it’s so big!” She yells in complete pleasure.
“S-Seulgi be q-quiet… p-people might hear- f-fuck right there! Fuck me with your tongue baby boy!” She let’s out a yell as well as she couldn’t help herself.
I grip Seulgi’s hips and squeeze onto Wendy’s ass. The car was shaking like crazy with the way they were both riding me. They both switch places as Wendy rides me as I get a taste Of Seulgi’s soaked pussy.
“F-fuck bro! Your dick is so good.”
“K-Kiss me Wendy.” They both pull each other into a heated make out, moaning into each other’s mouths.
Having Wendy and Seulgi is one of the best things in the world, but how could I forget Joy? Yeri? And Irene? Having all five is so much better but hey, I’m not complaining.
After a while of riding both my face and cock, I felt Seulgi release onto my face and Wendy onto my cock.
“Ahhh f-fuck yesss y/n!” The both moan before getting off of me.
They both look at me with a stare full of lust and smile.
“Daddy still needs to cum. How about we help your brother unload?” She looks at Wendy with a smirk.
“You read my mind. Don’t be afraid to let it all out baby boy.” She winks and they both get in between my legs just like before and lick up from the base to my tip slowly.
The both kiss my tip and stop as Wendy takes her phone out.
“Let’s make a video for our girls. You wouldn’t mind taking the video do you baby boy?” Wendy looks up at me.
“Not at all.” I say and smile as I take the phone and hit record.
They kiss my tip again.
“Hey girls. You’re missing out. Too bad you guys can’t be here.” They both tease the other girls and down my cock into their mouths.
They both take turns slurping my cock and occasionally spit on it before making out with my cock in the middle. I was going completely crazy. Watching them pass my cock around to each other like it was delicious food.
“Give us your cum baby boy.” Wendy strokes me.
“Give it all to us daddy. Give us your big yummy load. Shoot it down our throats.”
Their dirty talk is fucking amazing I can feel myself getting closer… and closer… and-.
“I-I’m gonna cum. Open up!” I tell them and they listen and do what I said.
They open their mouths and smile as they both wait patiently for my load. They both stroke me which took me into another dimension.
I watch as my load shoots out and down their throats but some hitting their beautiful faces. They smile and giggle as they start to play with my cum and share it. These girls are crazy. They make out before swallowing my cum and show the camera that there was none left but a mess still on their faces.
“See you guys soon.” They both blow a kiss and wink before I end the video. Wendy takes her phone and sends it to Joy, Irene and Yeri.
Seulgi cleans her face and lick the remaining cum off her fingers. Wendy does the same and looks up at me.
“You made a mess dumbass. Lucky you, I don’t mind cleaning it off.” She smirked.
They both get up and sit on each of my legs and lean in for a three way kiss. We made out for what felt like ages before we pull away to catch our breaths.
“Let’s get to class now.” Seulgi says and we nodded as we all get our clothes back on and head into the school.
We head to our classes which of course, we all received a detention. Was it worth it? Fuck yeah it was. I’m also glad we didn’t get caught. Word does go around pretty quick.
(Unknown POV)
What the fuck?! I just witnessed Y/n fucking Seulgi… and his step sister in his car?! I heard screams in the parking lot and decided to check it out, that’s when I saw the scene happen in front of my eyes.
I recorded most of it. I can’t wait to show the girls… though, looking through the video, Y/n’s dick is making me… wet. Fuck I wonder how he feels inside- okay enough! I got to get out of here and change my panties.
To be continued!
I’m so so sorry I took so long to put something out. Personal reasons that prevented me to do so. But I’m back and hope I can be consistent like how I was before. I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry if it was a little shorter than expected but I wanted to get rid of the cobwebs when it comes to writing. Again I hope you enjoyed and… this is only the beginning.😉
(If there’s any errors please let me know and I’ll fix it. Thank you!)
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gimmethatagustd · 15 days
faeries don't kiss | kth + pjm
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A human taught Taehyung to kiss, and now he won't shut up about it. Jimin doesn't care, though. He most certainly isn't jealous or anything.
○ Pairing: Peter Pan!Taehyung x Tinker Bell!Jimin
○ Rating: Mature
○ Genre: Peter Pan AU, fairy tales, friends to lovers, fluff
○ Word Count: 2,773
○ Warnings: Silly boys being silly
○ Notes: I wrote this for Writers for Relief, which you can check out on Twitter. If you'd like to request a drabble as part of the Writers for Relief initiative, please read more on my Carrd. It's short and different from my usual stories, but I hope people find it cute. 🧚🏽‍♂️✨
○ Post Date: September 7, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? Brought The Heat Back - ENHYPEN
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"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.
"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly...
- Peter and Wendy (1911), J. M. Barrie
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“Ahh, Jiminie, I felt like I was in the clouds!” 
Taehyung flies on his back with one arm crossed behind his head and the other dangling below him to let his fingers skim along the water. His seaswept blonde hair ruffles in the wind as he glides along the water with his eyes closed and his face pointed toward the midday sun. There’s no need to look at where he’s going; Taehyung knows the island better than anyone, even better than Jimin. 
“You can sit in the clouds whenever you want,” Jimin mutters, just barely loud enough for Taehyung to hear him over the tinkling sound of Jimin’s wings fluttering through the briny sea air.
“This is true. But imagine feeling such a sensation with both feet planted firmly on the ground!”
Taehyung’s eyes snap open to stare at Jimin, who floats above him. His eyes are deep, seafoam green, and as calm as the ocean on the island's north side, far from the Jolly Roger’s dock and Mermaid Lagoon. 
“I prefer to use my wings more often than my feet,” Jimin insists. 
“Stupid faerie,” Taehyung grins with large, white teeth, “you wouldn’t understand. It was absolutely magical !” 
With a sudden burst of energy, Taehyung kicks his feet and launches himself further into the sky. The force sprays water into the air, large droplets nearly knocking Jimin, who is in his tiny faerie form, out of the sky and into the ocean. 
“I am not stupid!” Jimin screams after Taehyung, whose cackle is carried across the island by the wind. “And I am magical!” 
“Not as magical as a kiss!” 
Taehyung swoops through a low-lying cloud, causing it to burst apart and disintegrate into small whisps of white. Jimin watches him skip across the sky, hopping from cloud to cloud, laughter turning his wide mouth boxy. Joyfulness looks gorgeous on Taehyung, even at Jimin’s expense.
It hadn’t always been at Jimin’s expense – not until Wendy. 
Stupid Wendy and her stupid kisses. 
Jimin scowls and struggles to keep up with Taehyung as he careens through the sky toward the dense trees of Neverwood. He isn’t interested in returning to Home Underground, for he knows some, if not all, of the Lost Boys will be there. It has been days since Wendy left Neverland, and the Boys still beg Taehyung to retell the Kissing Story. Jimin is sick of it! 
Tumbling into the brush on the forest floor, Jimin stands at his full height, no longer the tiny creature that fits in the palm of Taehyung’s hand. Jimin prefers his natural faerie form, but he has found himself transforming more than usual to be human-sized. Perhaps it’s because Taehyung has stopped letting Jimin sit on his shoulder or hide in his hair. 
It’s that damn Wendy’s fault! 
The only thing keeping Jimin’s anger at bay is the delicious fact that Wendy is gone, preferring to return to the human world rather than stay in Neverland. Jimin knew not to trust a girl . Of course, no one ever listens to him. He’s just a stupid faerie. 
“You are so grumpy today!” Taehyung shouts before scooping Jimin up and tossing him over his shoulder. “Yoongi is rubbing off on you.”
“I am not! You’re being a jerk,” Jimin hisses as Taehyung carries him to one of the hollowed-out trees made to disguise a secret shoot that leads to the underground hideaway the Boys live in.  
They shouldn’t be so loud; no one knows when a pirate might be creeping about. Even Jimin has let slip the Lost Boys’ secrets a handful of times out of anger that he always regrets later. He isn’t a malicious faerie, but Taehyung always says faeries are too small to have more than one emotion at a time. Whether or not it’s true, Jimin doesn’t know, but if it means that Taehyung will forgive him when he’s naughty, then Jimin is okay with that. 
“You’re just jealous,” Taehyung grins and tosses Jimin down the shoot. He cackles when Jimin screams and jumps down the shoot to follow him. 
“I hate when you do that,” Jimin groans from where he flops onto the floor, having been spit out by the shoot into the middle of the living room. When he looks up, big, wide eyes stare down at him. 
“Hi Jiminie,” Jungkook gives him a soft smile and holds out a dish with a mini blueberry cake on it. “I made you some sweets.”
“Oh, thank you, Jungkookie. That’s so nice of– Hey!” 
Quick and unapologetic, Taehyung snatches the pastry and pops it into his mouth. When Jimin gets up to charge after him, Taehyung presses his palm against Jimin’s forehead to hold him out of reach. 
“Taehyung! I am so tired of you!” Jimin tries wrestling with Taehyung's arm, twisting at his wrist. His efforts only make Taehyung laugh, the sound just as pretty as the tinkling of Jimin’s faerie wings as they flutter in frustration behind him.
“It’s okay,” Jungkook insists, “I made more.” 
Jungkook’s kindness is drowned out by the sudden hooping and hollering of the other Boys, who finally realize Taehyung is home. They come clambering out of other hidey holes in their home, falling out of patch-quilt hammocks, and popping up from holes in the walls. They all screech for the same thing, the Kissing Story. How many times must one story be retold?!
“Tell it again, Tae,” Hoseok demands with sparkling eyes, and the rest of the boys eagerly agree. 
The Boys lounge on the floor in the middle of their home, where pillows and blankets create a giant nest for them to cuddle in. Yoongi is curled up in Hoseok’s lap, mouth open, as he waits impatiently for Hoseok to give him a crumb of blueberry cake. Seokjin is off in the kitchen cleaning up Jungkook’s baking mess. As usual, Namjoon is found in the rafters – the roots of the tree that map the ceiling – with a book in hand. It’s one Taehyung stole from one of his trips to the humans. Jimin doesn’t know how to read, but he would bet all the gold in the world that the book is about something stupid, like kisses.
The Boys gather around Taehyung, who perches atop a small, polished tree stump — the “talking chair,” as the Boys call it, denoting that Taehyung has the floor to speak.
Jimin stands to the side with his arms crossed and one shoulder against the wall. He hardly listens to the beginning of the story, the part where Taehyung talks about trapezing through the human world and getting into trouble. It’s his good looks and quick wit that lure humans to Neverland. Jimin is quite honestly tired of it. Humans don’t belong here; it’s bad enough the Boys and pirates exist. If it were up to Jimin, the island would be inhabited by faeries and merpeople.
“Her lips were soft,” Taehyung reminisces with a sigh felt throughout Home Underground. Some of the other Boys sigh, too, with envy or hope that one day they will experience the unique magic of a kiss.
Scowling, Jimin turns away with disgust, twisting his pretty face. Faeries don’t kiss. No one on the island kisses except merpeople and pirates. It’s a savage thing, something dirty and dangerous that only serves to woo people to bed or kill them, as is the case with a mermaid’s kiss. There is no reason to spawn new faeries; they grow from morning dew every time a human baby laughs for the first time. Faeries don’t kill people, either. And if they did, there is sufficient magic for that.
So, what need does a faerie have to kiss? There simply isn’t one.
Yet Jimin watches Taehyung out of the corner of his eye and feels panic in his chest. It’s too stuffy in Home Underground — the downside of being underground. It’s hot, and there's no air circulation to calm the rising storm shaking Jimin from the inside.
With a puff of golden, powdery pixie dust, Jimin transforms into his faerie form, tiny enough to fit in a person’s palm. He flies through the group of Boys, pinching Taehyung’s earlobe as he zooms by before disappearing up the shoot Taehyung had previously thrown him down.
“Jimin-ah!” Taehyung shouts as he tenderly rubs his ear. “Come back, you little pest!”
The thing is, Home Underground isn’t Jimin’s home. He isn’t a Lost Boy. He grew up here, in Neverland, like all the other faeries. Sure, Yoongi carved a tiny bed out of a tree branch for Jimin to sleep on when he visits Home Underground, placed on a rickety nightstand beside Taehyung’s bed, but it isn’t his real home.
Pixie Hollow is where Jimin belongs. As he flies home, glittery tears staining his pink cheeks, he is reminded of how much he truly doesn’t belong with the Lost Boys. It was silly of him to bother saving Taehyung that fateful day many years ago. He should have known better than to venture out into the seas to save a boy from a shark attack after being cast off a pirate ship — he should have known that Taehyung would bring him trouble.
Trouble and heartache.
Jimin is unfamiliar with the second concept, but it fills his tiny body with such unbelievable sadness that he can barely make it to his miniature tree home before he collapses in the doorway. The gold glow he usually emanates is muted, so much so that it’s almost entirely nonexistent.
It isn’t true that flying requires happy thoughts; pixie dust suffices. But the life inside Jimin flickers sometimes, and he doesn’t know why. Sometimes, he thinks it’s because of Taehyung. Even though Jimin is always by Taehyung’s side every step of the way, no matter the circumstances, Jimin fears that Taehyung forgets him.
And the worst thing that could happen to a faerie is that they are forgotten.
Amid his sorrow, Jimin doesn’t hear the piercing wind that shoots through the trees protecting Pixie Hollow. Only creatures capable of flight can access the forest unless they brave the dangerous waters surrounding the island. Jimin prefers the solitude of their forest. He likes having someplace to run away to.
Flipping over onto his back, Jimin stares up at the stars twinkling in the sky. The lower half of his body is through the door’s threshold; the other half is on the porch of his tree house. Perhaps he’ll lie here through the night, using the patch of moss beneath him as a pillow.
It sounds like a good idea until the stars disappear behind dark clouds and the air smells thick with moisture. Before Jimin has the chance to summon enough energy to get up, the sky unleashes a downpour of cool rain. Each drop for a human might be refreshing, but tiny Jimin feels like he’s drowning. He’s weighed down by his soaked clothing and misery, willing to give everything up. Maybe he’ll die here instead. He supposes it would be an excellent place to die, his home. He hopes the world knows it’s Taehyung’s fault.
“Oh, Jiminie, what are you doing?”
The rain stops, and Jimin’s vision goes dark. He wipes water and tears from his eyes and blinks.
Taehyung’s blonde hair frames his face as he stares down at Jimin, worry etched in the wrinkles of his forehead and the pout of his lips. It’s such a strange look on a boy made of light.
“I’m taking a nap,” Jimin croaks.
Taehyung frowns.
“You’re so cold.” Taehyung pokes Jimin’s shoulder, his finger large enough to crush him but gentle.
Jimin lets Taehyung scoop him up in his hands and sits upright rather than flop his body down like before. He feels like rolling off Taehyung’s palm and plummeting to his death! That would be much better than staring into Taehyung’s big green eyes.
“Please get big.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Please,” Taehyung juts his bottom lip even further. “I want to give you something, and I need you to be big.”
With a quiet sigh, Jimin does what he’d considered: he rolls off of Taehyung’s palm. Halfway before he reaches the ground, a puff of pixie dust clouds the small corridor the trees make along the path to Jimin’s house. Once human-sized, Jimin stands before Taehyung with his hands on his hips. He wants to look menacing, despite his sadness. He wouldn’t look it regardless, but he does his best.
“What do you want?” Jimin tries to snap, but apparently, heartache changes everything.
Whatever this look is on Taehyung’s face, Jimin doesn’t like it. It isn’t mischievous or sad, but it reminds Jimin of those two things, and he doesn’t understand how both can be true at once. It doesn’t help that the rain still pelts them, plastering their blonde hair against their heads and making their vision blurry. Taehyung must be at least a little bit sad for some reason. He controls the weather.
“You stupid faerie,” Taehyung says softly, barely heard above the steady stream of rain, “you never ask enough questions.”
Narrowing his eyes, Jimin is about to ask what such an accusation means when Taehyung takes the side of Jimin’s face in one hand. He brushes his thumb along Jimin’s cheek, likely noticing the glittery remnants of his tears. Then he leans slowly but without hesitation to slot his lips with Jimin’s.
Faeries don’t kiss, so Jimin has no idea what to do. At first, he holds his breath and stands still, arms locked at his sides. Unfortunately, faeries aren’t merpeople, so Jimin must breathe. He gasps when he jerks back, and Taehyung laughs.
“Ever since I learned to kiss, I have wanted to teach you, too,” Taehyung’s confession is cheeky, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he ducks his head and looks at Jimin through his eyelashes. So coy and deceiving.
The look sparks heat in the pit of Jimin’s stomach, shooting in every direction until his limbs are tingling just as badly as his lips.
“Try to breathe next time,” Taehyung taps his index finger against Jimin’s parted lips, “and move like I do.”
Jimin grabs the front of Taehyung's tunic when Taehyung leans in for another kiss, this one moving faster than the first. Taehyung's other hand wraps around Jimin's waist, pulling him until their bodies are pressed together, from their lips to their feet sinking in rain puddles as they sway. Taehyung is warm and firm, and when Jimin cracks his eyes open to take a peek at the gentle look on Taehyung's face as he kisses him, he sees his own golden glow reflect on Taehyung's pretty tan skin.
The slide of their lips together is smooth and wet with rain. Jimin follows each whispered instruction Taehyung gives him in between breaths, desperately wanting to perform well. Other feelings drive him, such as desire and the need for affection, too many emotions for a tiny faerie to carry. He can only focus on one, and his body naturally chooses a loophole — a way to encapsulate all the feelings he wants to feel at once.
“I love you,” Jimin admits, his eyes squeezed shut, and Taehyung’s lips pressed against his jaw. He had never considered the possibility for kisses to be given elsewhere.
Taehyung laughs, and Jimin’s love is almost overpowered by flaming embarrassment.
“I don’t know what love is,” Taehyung pulls back and pinches Jimin’s earlobe. It’s delayed retaliation, and it makes Jimin open his eyes.
“It’s okay,” Jimin says softly. The rain has stopped. “I don’t know what it is either.”
There’s still mischief in Taehyung’s eyes, but his look is soft rather than dangerous. Jimin has grown to adapt to Taehyung’s unpredictability, but this look catches him off guard.
“Shall we find out together?” Taehyung asks, lips reddened and still wet.
“That sounds like it would be an awfully big adventure.”
Taehyung’s grin is boxy and wide. He throws his head back and hollers, not unlike a wolf singing to the moon or hyenas laughing at prey. In the same breath, he snatches Jimin by the wrists and kicks off the ground, hurling Jimin high into the air with a screech.
Jimin’s love drains as flustered embarrassment fills him when Taehyung catches him in the air, only to toss him onto a fluffy rain cloud that soaks Jimin even further and shout, “I told you, Jimin-ah, kisses feel like being in the clouds!”
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). 
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gothichoi · 1 month
⋆ 。⋆🦇˚— horror
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SYN: when he is a little too in love with horror while she’s terrified of his favorite films, but she puts up with his friday night horror marathons
cw: profanity, light kissing & slight gore ⚔︎ wc: 1,376 genre: horror, slight fluff, est. relationship
a note from wendy: not me writing about a dream date I wish to have. . .but I am more of a fan of horror / gothic horror novels. oh, also, I do not mention any member names in these short stories, so fill free to picture any member of your choice. reblog if you enjoy ⚔︎ library & inbox
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I FLINCHED WHEN the bloodied ax went through another person’s body. A slight scream left my mouth before concealing my eyes against a shoulder that belonged to my boyfriend of three years. A faint rumble ran through his chest as he chuckled low, causing me to lift my head up slowly.
“What is so funny?” I asked him, pouting softly.
He shook his head faintly before pressing a faint kiss against the tip of my nose. “You are just adorable when you are terrified,” he whispered softly, his warm breath fanning against my face, causing a faint giggle to leave my pink tinted lips.
“You know how much these types of films scare me,” I tell him with a small pout.
“And you know I will always protect you no matter what,” he responds before placing a gentle kiss against my forehead.
I slowly bit down on my bottom lip. Before I could say a word, his lips were pressed against mine. A loving and tender smile slowly appeared on my own lips as they returned his gentle kiss, the sound of the horror film being the only background noise in our shared bedroom.
My body suddenly tenses up as another body dropped dead on the blood splattered ground, fresh blood gushing from the knife wound in the woman’s forehead. Quickly, I pulled away from the man’s warm and comforting embrace and placed both of my hands over my eyes before I could catch a glimpse of what was unfolding on the television screen. “Do we really have to watch the rest of this?” I ask, pouting softly.
A wide smile appears on his face as he laughs softly at my words. His warm hands slowly slide into mine and squeezed gently before lifting both of my hands up, pressing feather light kisses on my knuckles.
“Don’t worry, you know I will protect from anything that scares you, and that includes fictional characters in these horror films,” he whispers softly while placing another light kiss on the very tip of my nose, causing my face to scrunch up a little and a small giggle to escape my parted lips.
“How will you be able to do that though?” I ask while pulling my face away from his and tilting my head to the side in pure curiosity.
Instead of responding to my question, he placed his lips against mine while gently placing a hand on the back of my neck. Both the horror film and the room we were in quickly dissolved into darkness as I felt myself getting lost in the sweet kiss.
His lips slowly form into a sweet and soft smile in between the kiss before he started to pull away, causing me to blink my eyes open slowly. All of my senses quickly returned when the room we were in reappeared, the chaos on the television and all.
“Did that help your nerves, sweetheart?” I hear him ask while rubbing the pad of his thumb against my exposed shoulder.
I gently bite down on my bottom lip and nod my head in response before focusing my attention on the television screen, furrowing my eyebrows when I caught the ending credits of the horror film.
“I’m sorry that I made you miss the rest of the movie,” I tell him in a quiet tone.
My attention focused back on his face as he looked over at the black screen, shrugging his shoulders faintly before placing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. We can always rewatch it another time,” he said, the tone of his voice matching my own.
I nodded my head slowly as my eyes met his. “I prefer it to be during the daytime,” I tell him softly.
He chuckled softly before pressing his forehead against mine and placed a hand against the side of my face, rubbing the pad of his index finger against my skin. “That is perfectly okay with me, sweetheart,” he whispered before placing another gentle kiss against my lips.
“ARE YOU SURE you want to watch another after getting spooked with the previous film?” I hear him ask while lifting a brow up as he watched me carefully, his gaze never leaving my face.
I gently bite down on my lip gloss covered bottom lip and nod my head before flashing a soft smile in my boyfriend’s direction, which he easily mirrored back before releasing a quiet sigh. “Well, alright then. Would you like to choose the next one or do you want me to while you make us another bowl of popcorn?” he asked.
My eyes focused on his collection of horror films as I bent down to pick three of the films off of the shelf, looking at each one carefully, my eyebrows knitting together as I got a better look at the images on the front of the cases.
“What about this one?” I ask, holding one of them out to him.
His lips twist into a slight smirk when he got a better look at what I was holding out to him. “Are you sure about this one, darling? There is way more bloody scenes in this one than the film we just watched,” he told me while taking the film’s packaging in his own hands and giving me a look that was both curious and questionable.
I took a moment to think of my answer before nodding my head and wrapping my fingers around his right wrist.
“You’ll protect me, right?” I asked him softly.
“Always,” he replies right away, giving me the softest smile I have ever seen before leaning forward and faintly brushing his lips against my forehead.
The corner of my mouth slowly lifts up, turning into a soft smile as I pull away from where we were standing, watching as he turned away to replace the previous disc with the one he had in his hands.
“I’ll be back with a fresh bowl of popcorn,” I tell him while grabbing the half-empty bowl and making my way to the kitchen before he could respond back.
“FUCK!” I SCREAMED while placing both of my hands in front of my eyes once again as the killer repeatedly hit a younger man with a bloodied object that was lying on the floor in the room the two of the characters were currently in. I felt movement next to me as my boyfriend chuckled quietly at my reaction to what was currently happening on the screen.
“It’s okay, darling,” he said softly while running his fingertips up and down my back comfortably.
“Why do you enjoy these types of films so much?” I ask, glancing over at him with a small pout.
He shrugged his shoulders slightly and pushed a few loose strands of my hair out of my face. “It’s what I was raised on, I guess. My parents would always have a horror movie marathon every single week on Friday nights,” he explained while gliding his fingertips down to my jaw.
I lightly bit my lip and looked back at the television screen, noticing it faded to a black screen before moving onto a different scene. “We definitely were raised in two completely different households as children.”
He chuckled softly while resting his arm on top of my shoulders, squeezing them gently as he nodded a little. “That we were, but that doesn’t change a thing, got it? I don’t care about how you feel towards my favorite films. I love you regardless of our different interests,” he said gently as his fingertips gently brushed against my shoulder in a comforting gesture.
My entire body quickly melted next to him, causing me to lean more against his body, quickly absorbing the heat that was radiating from him. “That is why I am madly in love with you,” I whispered softly as I pressed my head against his chest, focusing my attention back on the television screen.
“My heart is yours. Always,” he whispered back before pressing a sweet kiss against my hair and tossing one of our many comforting blankets around the both of us before silence fell between us as the horror film resumed in front of us.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
The last 2 fics were so good!!
Considering Wendy will be in town for a few days could you write a fic where Max is the sickie and Wendy as caretaker? Maybe she wants to thank him for helping her, and he’s just not feeling well for some reason reason.
Oh we're gonna OD on Wendy this week. I love love LOVE writing her with Vince and I've been going insane trying to think of a way of having her interact with Max, so now you guys are gonna have to put up with me milking this scenarios sooo much.
Excedrin had a really nice side effect of wiping Wendy's memory better than Tequila did. Sure, just like Tequila it left her feeling queasy and a little woozy, but it was better than the shrapnel of pain digging through her eyes or even the memory of the pain.
Despite the memory loss, Wendy knew something had happened. She had been conscious enough during most of Max's rescue, so his participation wasn't lost in the void, just Vince's arrival. And Vin was acting weird.
He was always a touchy person, but something was just... Off.
When Wendy came to be, around 5 AM next day, she realized she had been lying halfway across his lap for all of the night. Vince was still as a statue, but as she let out a groan, all muscles sore and her head swimming, he had woken up immediately. Hands cupping her cheeks and asking over and over if she was alright and, again, it was normal for him to be touchy and caring and loving... But this was just a tad much.
Next day he had to go to work still - how he was functioning after sleeping sitting up most of the night and tending to her, Wendy didn't know - so Wen had spent most of her morning lazing in bed, until lunch time when Vince came back with flowers and food for them both.
"I can't stay, I need to go back to finish my classes, but I didn't want you to have lunch alone," he had explained, while planting the huge bouquet of tulips in her arms and frankly, how was she supposed not to swoon?
He didn't let her get up to grab even a fork and had been doting on her like Wendy was a baby bird with a broken wing. Fluttery kisses all over her face, stamped to her brow, her nose, her cheeks, her lips.
"I'm alright, you know?" Wendy grabbed his face, allowing her fingers to sink in his cheeks to keep him put, "I know migraines are scary, but between me and Luke you're a pro at them. So what's up, hon?"
"Nothing," Vince wrinkled his nose, averting his eyes. He was a shitty liar, she loved that about him, "just worried about you, that's all."
She let it slide, not in the mood to search for any sort of conflict. If Vince wanted to treat her like his little porcelain doll, then so be it.
It wasn't until later that night, when they were cuddled up in bed and Wendy was pressed so close to Vince she could feel every little noise and movement from his body, that he asked, "so you were put on administrative leave? What happened?"
"Went over the limit of hours," Wendy pressed her nose to his collarbone, a kiss to his naked chest and inhaled him, breathing out as all tension left her. Vin was playing with the ends of her hair, his chin pressed to the top of her head and she heard his chuckle rumble deep inside of him.
"Is that even a thing?" He nibbled the top of her ear, teeth grazing it and causing Wendy to squirm as it tickled, "what's the limit?"
"80 hours per week..." she mumbled, trying to muffle the sound of her words. Vince heard her loud and clear though, because he tensed and moved under her, so he could glare at her.
"80?" He moved a hand from her head in order to count on his fingers, "that's... That's nearly twelve hours per day, Wendy. How did you even manage to- how many did you do?"
"Not important," Wendy pouted, moving up on the bed to press herself back against him, planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth, "not important at all."
"They suspended you," Vince scoffed, "it's a little fucking important, Wendy."
"No," she whined, kissing his neck, "not important at all."
It seemed it wasn't only her avoiding conflict, because while she could still hear his thoughts whirling and the answer on the tip of his tongue, Vince only grumbled and squeezed her into a hug.
She had driven over on a Tuesday and wasted all of Wednesday doing nothing in bed and recovering, so it was Thursday when Wendy felt like herself again. She was so happy to be with Vince, that she wasn't even pissed off when she woke up with him moving around in the barely lit bedroom.
"What time is it?" Wendy yawned, rolling on the bed and searching for her phone. Vince, who was in the kitchen area, quietly sipping coffee and watching her sleep, jerked slightly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you-"
"You didn't," Wendy rubbed her eyes, sitting up and studying him from head to toe, "you look so hot."
Her boyfriend grinned, lowering his mug inside the sink and crossing the room to kiss her, lips crashing against hers and pushing Wendy flat on her back, "it's your eyes."
"Uh-hu," Wendy sighed happily, fingers gently drifting over his curls in order to not mess them up. He had clearly been up for at least an hour, because his hair was humid but not wet and the curls were forming into spirals instead of the loose waves she saw after a shower, "mine and everyone else's in town..."
Vince paused, half lying on top of her, his chin resting in the valley between her breasts. He huffed out an amused breath, then caught her eyes, "I'm really sorry I wasn't here sooner when you were sick-"
"Oh, stop it," Wendy rolled her eyes, squirming so she could wrap her legs around his waist, "I said it before, we're fine. I'm fine. It was just a bad migraine and I wasn't even alone-"
"And what if Max hadn't saved you from the side of the road? There's no way you could've called me- And who knows if I would have even picked up mid class," Vince glared at her, "you could've been seriously hurt."
"That's on me for driving on top of a migraine, ho-"
"A migraine you got because you're overworked and exhausted," Vince sighed, moving so he could cup her cheek with a hand, "and you're overworked because you don't want to be home alone-"
"No," Wendy glared at him, shaking her head, "we're not doing this," she shoved his shoulder off of her, "it's too early in the morning for this bullshit."
"It's not bullshit, Wendy, it's your health-"
"No," Wendy cut him off, sharply, "I'm not having this conversation now."
Vince's shoulders dropped in a defeated manner, the pushover that he was, and he nodded, straightening up and pulling her in, in order to kiss the top of her head, "okay, we'll talk about this later."
How about never? Wendy thought bitterly, but leaned against his kiss.
"I'll come back for lunch-" he said thirty minutes later, as Wendy drove him to the school, looking more or less put together and awaken.
"Actually," Wendy started to drive into the school's parking lot, "I was hoping I could have lunch with Max?"
Vince's eyebrows shot up and he stared at her, speechless for a second, before he seemed to come back to himself, "Daniels? Max Daniels?"
"You know any other Max?"
"Do you?" Vince squinted at her and Wendy let out a surprised chuckle.
"Since when you get jealous?" She couldn't help but giggle, "Vince?! What the hell?!"
"I'm not jealous!" He corrected quickly, whole face turning red, "I'm not, I just- You don't even know him..."
"Yeah," Wendy was incredibly endeared by this weird new side of her boyfriend. She carefully kept her voice neutral, "I don't know him, but he did save my ass just two days ago and you wanna bring him to our next cabin trip, don't you?"
Vince looked like he was caught between a rock and a hard place, from the way that he spluttered and frowned, crossing his arms. Wendy pressed her lips together not to laugh and leaned over the handbrake, school parking lot be damned, resting her hand in her boyfriend's inner tight and pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Vin?"
He swore in Italian, a string of cazzo-merda-culo, and then nodded, "I'll let him know."
"Yeah," he turned his head to glare at her, "but I don't know if he'll agree, dude's a bit of an antisocial prick."
"Jonah's my best friend," Wendy shrugged, pressing a kiss to his pout, "I can handle him."
"Uhm," Vince pulled back slightly, glaring at her face, "Love you?"
"Is that a question?" Wendy grinned, kissing him harder and Vince melted against her, planting a hand on her nape and pulling her in, so lost in the kiss that they only pulled apart when there was a knock against the car window and Sophia appeared with her nose pressed to the window, making an amused but disgusted face.
"Duty calls," Wendy smiled, bumping her nose with his, "I love you."
Max wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to say or do when Vince caught up with him just as his class before lunch started and said, "hey, my girlfriend asked if she can take you out for lunch today."
He had stayed frozen, speechless, for a minute too long because Vince frowned and let out an impatient noise, "so? Can I tell her you're going or not?"
"Yeah, uhm, sure, of course," Max tripped over his words, then turned around and walked into the classroom, feeling like it was his best bet if he wanted to keep a scrap of his dignity. For all of the class his thoughts were scrambled, part of him thought he was fucked, that even if Wendy was about to be very nice with him, he had somehow messed his tentative friendship with Vince permanently by being just a tad too nice to his girlfriend. Mostly he was just lost.
Wendy was waiting for him in the parking lot, just outside the car wearing a stiff yellow dress and ridiculous chunky heels that made her look like Polly Pocket, except straight out of a 60s movie. She was wearing her sunglasses and waved when he walked out, causing Max to feel twice as self conscious as he had been before. This just felt weird.
He had a grimace on as he approached her and Wendy removed her glasses, a brilliant smile coloring her face, "hey," she gestured to the car, walking towards the driver's side, "I hope this isn't too weird, I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me. You had no reason to stop and even less of a reason to stay... Specially after I puked down your shirt," she cringed, cheeks turning red and Max raised his eyebrows.
"I didn't think you'd remember that," he entered the passenger side, "you were pretty out of it."
"I wish I didn't!" Wendy's voice was bright and she slammed her door shut, "I'm really sorry," her fingers drummed nervously on the steering wheel, "so where do you wanna eat? As long as it's nearby, because I gotta drop you off or the teenage girls will have my head on a spike."
Max snorted at that, rolling his eyes, "wherever, you're inviting me, you pick the place."
He was probably gonna get indigestion didn't matter where she picked, Max shrugged.
Wendy bit her lip, seeming to be thinking, "I don't know many places around here," she admitted after a beat, "but there's this cute restaurant I saw the other day..."
Max was fidgeting on his seat. This was more awkward than any date he had ever been to. All his dates were awkward to begin with, but at least he could flirt his way into less verbal activities and that didn't actually require him to have any social skills. Besides, he normally wasn't crushing on the boyfriends of the girls he went out with...
Wendy was talkative and she matched Vince's sunny personality to an overwhelming degree, so Max nodded along as she told him why she had picked her sedan instead of other models, how she really dug his aesthetic and how he had quickly become a talking point among her friend group.
"Oh really?" Max frowned, holding out the door of the restaurant for her and following her inside, "I didn't figure Monacelli talked all that much about me."
He tried really hard not to let it go to his head.
Wendy turned to look at him, her eyes sparkling, squinting as if she could read him like a book and he felt his mouth go dry. This was bad, very bad. There was a wisdom beyond her years in her eyes, some secret amusement that made him feel more like she was laughing at him than with him.
"Oh trust me, he brings you up enough," Wendy sat in front of him, scanning the menu in a way that made Max wonder if she had been here before, eyes barely stopping on the words, "he told me you were his middle school bully? How's that?"
"I wasn't his bully," Max pointed out, frowning, "I was a prick, I didn't pick on him specifically. He was just one of the many kids who got on my bad side one of those days."
"So you broke his arm, but it wasn't personal?" Wendy grinned, not looking at him, "alright. Well, I hope you're not a prick anymore."
"So much so that you're taking me out for lunch, ain't you, gorgeous?" he mentally patted his own back as he regained his game. He was not about to let a half foot tall woman chew him up like that.
Wendy glanced over the menu, a smile still hanging in her lips, "I guess so," she gestured to the waiter, "so you guys are friends now, right?"
"Yes," he said it too quickly, frowning, and Wendy nodded, then turned to rattle her order to the waiter. Max hadn't picked anything and he glanced at the menu once more and said the first thing that caught his eye.
"So why biochemistry?"
The question caught him off guard and it took Max a minute to collect his thoughts, "I flunked my last year of high school, don't know if Vin told you that."
"Nope," Wendy leaned forward, elbow resting on the table and watching him intently.
Max cleared his throat, "well, yeah, I did. Bad attendance, grades collapsing at a alarmingly quick speed, I spent most of the year getting high under the bleachers..." he rolled his eyes at his own past self, "so I flunked. Next year, it was rough..."
"Parents?" She guessed and he nodded, glad that he didn't need to draw it for her, like he would've needed to with Vince. The idea that less than stellar parents existed never crossed Monacelli's mind, but Wendy seemed acquainted with it already.
"Yep. They were already divorced, my father lives in the next town over, so suddenly my mom was like, either get your own place or go live with James," he cringed at the memory, the hurt that was still fresh. He had been saving to go live on his own at the time, but being kicked out? In such a dismissive way, even, his mother hadn't been trying to hurt him and they hadn't been in a fight, this was just how the Daniels worked.
"You were eighteen?"
"Yep," Max grimaced, very happy when their orders returned and he could focus on the food instead of Wendy's intense gaze, "I dropped out school, got a job in the gas station," he smiled to himself, "and started studying... And suddenly it was easy, like all the noise ceased."
"Oh wow," Wendy's voice raised a note at the end and Max glanced up, forking a bite of his chicken salad and stuffing his mouth to stop himself from spilling his heart out, "home was the issue?"
He nodded, cheeks still full and Wendy let out a little huff, mimicking his tactic of eating to avoid talking. They chewed in silence, and the she said, "I remember the first night I spent in my own apartment and that I sat down in my couch and I just... Cried. I spent so long romanticizing it and dreaming of it and suddenly it was real and I was so happy, all I could do was cry."
He had done very similar, except his version involved a lot more alcohol. Max offered her a closed lips smile, then looked down, "so I got my GED," he continued, "and I started to get really interested in science, molecules, monosaccharides, how the body worked with hormones and how we were all just electricity... I was obsessed," now his voice got a fond tone and Max continued to eat, "my boss was the one who told me I should apply to the community college."
"Yeah. I was never gonna go to a big university," he rolled his eyes, "and even if I could get in, I certainly couldn't afford it and had already blown my chances to get a scholarship. Community College was the best option, I-" he paused to muffle a burp and then chugged his sparkling water, "I took the exam as a bet, bet fifty with my boss..."
"Oh no," Wendy chuckled, reaching in and grabbing the salt between them, "did you pay your him at least?"
"Her, and yeah," Max shook his head, grinning at the memory, "my mom was always this healthy nutjob. Very interested in being healthy, but all she knew was pseudoscience that she shoved down our throats. It was insane, mind blowing even, to get answers to things I had been asking myself since I was a kid."
Wendy was smiling at him from ear to ear, a cherry tomato poked in the front of her fork, forgotten, "and then teaching?"
"In college they used to grab my notebook to copy my notes," Max was now fully smiling, awkwardness melted away, "they first said it was because my handwriting didn't suck."
"I don't believe that," Wendy snorted, wrinkling her nose much like a bunny, "you look like your handwriting sucks."
"Well, fuck you too," Max poked her hand with his fork, causing her to squeal and pull it back, cheeks flushed as she smiled brilliantly at him, "but yeah, it kinda sucked. Not my schematics though, my drawings and graphs... I was- I am proud of them," he pushed a piece of chicken around, getting it covered in sauce, "so I noticed it was helping them, so around exam season, I'd actually put together a summary of our subjects, started charging for those. Not a lot, just enough to buy weed."
Wendy chuckled and Max took the last bite, "and then next thing I know, I'm having Sunday classes with my college buddies and I'm taking a minor into pedagogy and... It snowballed," he swallowed suddenly, feeling stuffed to gills and glanced down, realizing he had finished up the whole plate, "it's like I blinked and I was being offered to teach at my old high school."
She was staring at him, so Max cleared his throat, bringing up a hand to muffle another burp and mumbling a little, "excuse me- Ate too fast," and more than he had in most of his meals, "so, uhm- What about you? Vince couldn't be more smug about his doctor girl."
Wendy seemed to snap out of her trance, startled, and she reached for her juice, draining the rest of the cup, "I wish my story was half as wholesome as yours," she rolled her eyes, "or as heartwarming as Vin, who knew he wanted to be a teacher since he was ten... No. I wanted to be a fashion major."
Max raised his eyebrows, leaning back on his seat and spreading his legs, hoping it'd help with the heavy feeling in his stomach, "and from fashion to med school...?"
"Fashion was never an option," she scoffed, "I was not kicked out of home and I didn't have a job, I was a spoiled brat from Upper East Side and my parents are doctors... And it was always very clear that they would not even consider paying my college, unless I picked med school as well."
"Shit," Max grimaced, feeling slightly clammy at the thought of being forced into a major, "you didn't even like it?"
"I liked it alright, it just wasn't any fun..." Wendy shrugged, "but then I got to move for college, that part was amazing... The whole time, I was top of my class, I was doing the most, but I didn't fall in love with it, until I got my first patient. Second to last year of college."
He wondered if she hadn't fallen in love with it at all, if she'd still be stuck as a doctor just to appease her family. Felt like a too personal question.
"What happened?" His stomach let out a growl and Max fidgeted, pressing a hand to the lower part of his belly, hoping she couldn't see it.
"I got my first patient and it wasn't... Glamourous. Or pretty," Wendy smiled to herself, "it was in the middle of pandemic, I was hanging by a thread... And suddenly I made a difference. Hell, I made one hell of a difference and all I was doing was standard ER covid testing. Things were chaotic and scary and I wasn't just Wendy Marshall, studying to become a dermatologist and take over my mom's mini empire, I was Dr. Marshall and I was the thing keeping that woman in front of me together..." her eyes shone slightly, voice getting all choked up, "and... yeah. That was it, I was a goner since then."
Max's stomach chose this moment to make itself known, a wave of nausea washing over him and a burp sneaking up quick enough he had no chance of muffling it. His face caught on fire and he ducked his head not to see Wendy's disgusted look. They had been sharing... A moment? And now he felt like he was about to hurl.
"Max?" Wendy's voice was soft and she touched his wrist over the table, "hey, you alright? You just went white..."
"Sorry," he groaned, straightening up and pulling his hand from her hold, "sorry, I'm fine... Uhm, we should head back, I'm gonna end up being late."
"Yeah! Right, of course," Wendy looked spooked and shook her head, "I- I'm gonna get the bill, you wanna go wait by the car..?"
"I can take the bill," his voice was thick with nausea and Wendy had a glassy look to her eyes, a clear tell he had just ruined something. Max felt clammy all over.
"No, I invited you, remember?" Wendy stood up, jumping back when he attempted to take her hand, only for his hand to freeze mid air. What the fuck was he doing anyway?
"I'm gonna wait in the parking lot," Max grumbled, getting up as well. The parking lot was quite empty, peak lunch hour having already passed. He was most definitely gonna be late to his class.
Max leaned against Wendy's car, taking a deep breath and trying to lull his stomach into behaving. He was going to sick, that was for certain, but he hoped he'd at least make it to the end of the school day. Hell, at least out of her eyesight would be great.
Under his hand, his belly let out a growl and another sickly belch rolled past his lips, carrying with it the coleslaw taste. He glanced at the restaurant door, saw Wendy still at the cashier section, chatting with an employee, all smiles and bouncing on her feet.
He turned around, so he could hide by the trunk of the car and stared at the gravel, forcing up a small burp and spitting the thick saliva that was pooling in his mouth. Nope, he wasn't gonna make it until the end of school day...
"Here," Wendy touched his arm and Max nearly jumped out of his skin. He shot her a glare and she only smiled at him, so he glanced down and noticed she was holding a bottle of water, "you're pasty, Daniels."
"Uhmm," he couldn't and shouldn't open his mouth, if he got sick on her cute dress Max was going to pack his bags and move to the middle of nowhere, never to be seen again.
Wendy clearly didn't mind the fact he looked like he was about to revisit the meal they had just shared, because her tiny hand was coming to cup his forehead and his cheek, no permissions asked.
Max groaned, shoving a hand out and pushing her out of the splash zone as he braced forward, hands on his knees and legs spread out, "I'm sorry... Should've told you my gut is a temperamental bitch."
"Like its owner?" Wendy teased him lightly, her hand coming to rest on his back, "it's fine, you're going to be sick?"
He answered her with another burp, this one turning wet, but all that came up was a thin dribble of saliva. Max panted, impatient and humiliated, "can you- Urugh-" he belched in his hand, "go in the car...?"
"I'm a doctor," Wendy's voice came out annoyed, "your stomach might be temperamental, but mine is a strong. Relax."
"Not-" Max coughed and retched once more, another loud, brassy burp sneaking up, "not that. Embarrassing."
"Payback for seeing me at my worst the other day," Wendy patted his back and Max was about to tell her she was implying this was payback for helping, when his stomach churned once more and the next gag was productive. Incredibly productive, projectile vomit falling in the gravel and causing his ears to go deaf.
He hugged his belly, pressing a fist to it and digging in. It was bloated, not to his surprise at all, and let out a sickening sloshy sound when he pressed in- Max coughed up another liquidy stream, then opened his hand flat against his belly and pressed in and up, forcing up a chunkier mouthful of foul stuff.
He was getting nauseous on top of his nausea, disgusted it looked so much like food still- Wendy rubbed his arm, "Max?"
"Uhhhhm," he spat the taste, then finally took the water bottle she was still holding, taking a gulp and swishing it around before spitting it out, "why the fuck did I eat so much, so fast..."
Behind him Wendy let out a little snort, "that wasn't fast or much, you're clearly not acquainted enough with Vin," she squeezed his bicep, "done?"
He nodded, although he felt very far from done. The nausea had reduced considerably, though, still coating his insides in a way that he knew for sure would have him puking later as well. But for now...
Max pressed on his belly once more, forcing up a huge burp and Wendy let out a fucking giggle. Something was very wrong with this girl, he thought, straightening up. What sort of girl giggled when someone was hurling all over the ground?
"You're weird, Marshall," he said lightly, rubbing his face, "let's go back before I get fired for ditching my own lesson."
Wendy's eyes were pure mischief as she nodded, clicking her car keys, "alright... I hope you don't get carsick too."
"Get in and just drive," Max squinted at her, shoving her forward and causing her to laugh. Despite the queasiness and the fact his stomach was flipping and the humiliation causing his cheeks to burn, Max hid a smile of his own.
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sp-by-april · 1 month
how about a cheater stan x reader. How about he's dating Wendy and is fucking her younger sister while they wait for her to get back from cheer practice. Bonus points if they do it in her bed
Yes, yes, yes!! I added a little extra spice (Reader is a virgin!!)
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Stan x F!Reader
[Submit a prompt for tonight's smut-a-thon!] [Stan Marsh Master List]
I always had a crush on Stan. When he started dating my older sister Wendy, I was devastated.
Fine, I admit that I had a real chip on my shoulder when it came to my family. I was adopted and no one ever let me forget. Except for Stan. He never gave a shit.
I came home after cheer practice and found Stan in Wendy’s bedroom, digging through her stuff.
I cautiously walked into the room, “...Can I help you?”
“Sorry” He sighed, “Wendy gave me her house key. She left some lucky pencil or something, she has this exam tomorrow –“
I smirked, “I bet she’s really freaking out,”
“Yeah she is,” Stan chuckled, “You know how it goes,”
“How have you been, kid?” He asked with a smirk of his own.
I pouted, “I fucking hate it when you call me that,”
“I know,” He put his hand on my shoulder, “That’s why I do it,”
I looked up at him and I couldn’t help it. I always wanted him and now his hand was on me.
I kissed him. His hand slid down my arm and settled on my waist.
He quickly pulled away.
“Kid – I – We shouldn’t,” Stan protested, “Even if Wendy wasn’t – You’re in high school, I'm in college! You’re way too young,”
I pulled my cheer briefs down and stepped out of them. I tossed them on the ground and sat on the edge of Wendy’s bed. I opened my knees to give him a good view and looked up at him.
“You really don’t want me? Am I that awful?”
“No,” He stepped in front of me, “...I am,”
He leaned over me, slid his palms over my cheeks and kissed me deeply. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and the next thing I knew, he was on top of me.
I reached between us to unbutton and unzip his pants. I pulled them down his thighs and as his cock was unveiled, I was mesmerized.
Stan had a picture-perfect dick. It was immaculate. I couldn’t believe my sister had such a prize. If I wasn’t soaking wet before, I would’ve been as soon as he sprang out. He was sticky and wet with so much precum, I knew he really did want me.
He rubbed the tip along my anticipating slit and groaned, “You’re so fucking wet,”
For some reason, Stan knowing how badly I wanted him embarrassed me a little.
“I really want you,” I said softly.
Stan kissed my neck as he pushed inside of me. He stopped quickly and pulled back to look at me.
“Are you–? I feel– Resistance,” He asked.
I nodded, “I want you to be the one…”
He scanned my face and I held my breath.
His mouth locked onto mine and he thrust hard, pushing through my virginity and burying himself completely inside of me.
I gasped into his mouth as he made his way into my body.
Stan started shifting his hips into me and I felt a pleasure that I’d never felt before.
I held onto his shoulders and my nails dug in as he broke our kiss. He started to move harder and faster. He looked so fucking enthralled with me, it turned me on even more.
I wrapped my legs over his and caged him in, he felt so good, I never wanted to stop. By sound of his moans, he felt the same way. God, I love the sounds of his moaning, his body beating against mine, even my own moans and whimpers sounded sexy as hell.
Suddenly I was overwhelmed by the pleasure he was driving into me. Every single muscle in my body tensed and seized up. My back arched and my toes even curled. It was like a wave of bliss that swelled, crested and washed me away. My legs pulled him in deeper just was the warm, silky walls in my core enclosed around him, tightening around that perfect cock like a vise. I gripped him like he was really mine.
Stan’s eyes rolled back as hips bucked abruptly and he thrust deep inside of me. A loud, shuddering moan poured out of his mouth and I could feel his pulsing manhood as it erupted and filled me up with hot, sticky jets of pleasure.
Stan pulled back and he looked worried, scared almost, “Please tell me you’re on birth control?”
I sighed, “I was a virgin, why would I be on birth control?”
He grit his teeth, “...Shit,”
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tiniedemon · 1 year
— ♡
the waiting game | smau
nsfw extra
the sun was harsh against your skin, piercing your eyes and drawing a groan from your lips. you sat up slowly, checking the time on your phone. just past nine am. you groaned again.
the kitchen smelled like eggs when you entered it and hugged kyle from behind, the man frustratedly scrambling eggs in a frying pan. he smiled at you over his shoulder, moving an arm around to embrace you from the side.
“morning beautiful,” he murmured in a gruff morning voice, pressing a kiss to your lips. you placed a hand on the back of his head, holding him there for a few moments longer than usual. he hummed against your lips, grip finding purchase on your hips.
“morning,” you whispered once you’d finally released him from your kiss. he chased your lips, pulling you in for another kiss by the back of your head. you let him back you against the countertop beside the stove, lips moving in sync with his, his fingers running across your sides. you shivered in delight, sighing into the kiss, and buried a hand in his curls.
until the smell of smoke invaded your nostrils.
“kyle, your food is burning,” you murmured, fighting to escape his eager kisses. he sighed through his nose, pulling away just long enough to turn the stove off and move the pan off the burner. then he was right back to kissing you, gripping the back of your thighs to help you hop on top of the counter. you giggled and pulled his head back by his hair, meeting his eager and begging gaze.
“baby, you can’t just do me on the counter,” you chuckled. he grunted and pulled you in for a much shorter kiss, face red and pout present on his mouth. you pecked the tip of his nose and hopped off the counter, pulling him in by the shirt and looking up at him.
“wipe that pout off your face, handsome. let me fix breakfast and then you can have me all to yourself,” you cooed, pinching his cheek. he huffed and dragged his feet to the kitchen table, brooding silently as you cooked up your breakfast.
the burnt eggs went in the trash and you set to work on an edible meal, plopping half down on one plate and half on the other. you tilted your head to the side confusedly upon hearing the oven timer go off, opening it up to find a tray of sizzling potatoes kyle had haphazardly thrown in. you sighed as you pulled it out and served some on each plate, turning off all the cooking units and bringing both plates to the kitchen table.
“here you go, grumpy,” you hummed as you placed kyle’s food in front of him. he ate quickly, devouring the food within a few minutes, while you ate slower and scrolled through videos on your phone. you glanced at him from across the table, smiling fondly at the way his body was practically buzzing with how rapidly he was bouncing his leg. you chuckled softly and finished up the rest of your food, setting your phone down on the table.
“you’re so excited,” you whispered as you rounded the table and bent down to kiss him gently. he nodded slightly, eyes averting as a blush dusted over his cheeks and bare chest.
“i’m sorry,” he murmured, clearly embarrassed. you shook your head and placed a single finger against his lips, your other hand grasping his to pull him up from his chair. you didn’t bother with the dishes or with grabbing your phone from the table, choosing instead to guide him up the stairs and into your bedroom. you thanked whatever god was above that bebe and wendy were out with their own respective boyfriends, leaving the house open to you and kyle.
“lay down for me, yeah?” you cooed, caressing kyle’s cheek gently. he nodded eagerly and laid flat atop your bedsheets, his eyes following you as you walked around the side and stripped yourself of your pajamas. his face was flushed and his fingers were gripping the bedsheets, itching to touch you but scared to disobey.
“can i touch you? please?” he whispered, looking everywhere but at you. you grasped his chin and turned his face towards you, a soft smile present on your lips.
“of course, my love,” you whispered against his lips, and he fumbled to get his hands on you. he pulled you in by your hips, gripping onto your ass with the force of the gods. you threw your leg over him, laying at his side, never breaking the kiss, as his hands wandered to grip your thighs and breasts.
the roughness of his touch was still so new to you, as usually he was absolutely terrified to hurt you. this side of kyle was entirely different, his hands grasping hard enough to leave bruises and his kisses fierce against your lips. your hand stayed buried in his hair, a moan ghosting over his lips with every squeeze he delivered to your ass.
“you’re so good, ky,” you breathed, voice unsteady. he gave a depraved whine in response, fingers traveling to your throbbing pussy. you moaned against his lips as his fingers circled your clit, applying just enough pressure to drive you crazy. one thumb stayed out there as two of his long fingers slowly teased at your entrance, dipping in far enough to wet them but never far enough to please you.
“i love you,” he breathed against your collarbone, nipping at the skin there, trailing his mouth down to wrap his lips around your nipple. his fingers finally entered you as he sucked a mark into the side of your breast, drawing a long moan from your lips. you raised your leg further up his torso, granting him better access your nether regions.
his fingers pumped in an out at a steady rate to match the circles he was rubbing into your clit, obscene squelching noises filling the air alongside your breathy moans. you groaned as he pulled his fingers away from you, the knot that had been slowly building disappearing entirely and leaving a dull ache in its place.
“can i go down on you?” kyle begged, your heart flipping at the idea. you gave an eager nod, rolling flat on your back as kyle took his spot between your open legs. his grip on your thighs made it easy for him to slide your body closer to him, his fingers sliding right back into your wet pussy as his tongue took up his thumb’s job of working your clit. it was only seconds before you were worked back up to where you were before, the wet sounds of his mouth against you fueling your impending orgasm.
finally, the knot snapped, and your orgasm washed over you violently. you couldn’t help the loud moans that left your lips or the violent shaking of your legs, mind lost in the void as his tongue kept working your clit. you endured it as long as you could, the overstimulation jolting your legs and fingers, and finally found it within yourself to stop his sweet tongue from lapping away at you.
he pulled away the second your fingers tapped the back of his head, the view of his glazed over eyes and messy hair imprinted into your memory. you pulled him up by the hem of his shirt, tearing it over his head with an eagerness you hadn’t felt before. your lips sloppy found his, his fingers finding their way back into your sensitive cavern as he haphazardly grinded his hips against yours.
you yanked at the waistband of his sleep shorts, moaning against his lips, and he took the silent message, tossing the offending piece of clothing across the room as soon as he managed to escape it. you silently thanked every god in existence for kyle’s love of going commando, his dick springing up to stand parallel to his stomach. it was long, with a decent girth and an angry red tip colored by his desperation for you.
“fuck me, pretty boy,” you whined, your hand on the back of his neck pulling him closer. he obeyed instantly, lining his dick up with your entrance and pushing it in abruptly. his lips swallowed the gasp you let out, hips moving swiftly against yours. your hand crept down, your middle two fingers rubbing swift circles into your clit as his own hands held tightly onto your hips. his thrusts were sloppy, but consistent, and you found yourself growing closer with every thrust and every movement of your fingers.
“i’m gonna cum, baby,” you moaned out, spare hand forming a vice grip in his hair. he let out a series of whines and whimpers, head rested against your bare chest, fingernails digging into your skin. you felt him cum, his dick twitching as he filled you and kept fucking you through the sensitivity.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” he chanted through his whimpering, back muscles twitching with every thrust. you felt the familiar knot coming closer and closer to snapping, your legs twitching as you stood on the edge of an orgasm. you left a long line of scratches in the skin of his back as it finally reached you, your moaning growing louder than his with every thrust. his hips finally stilled against yours, shooting you full for the second time, his breaths coming in the form of whines against your skin.
you were still for a long time, kyle’s dick still hard inside you, both of your chests heaving against one another. he lifted his head, tossing you a blissful smile that you returned, and pressed a passionate kiss to your swollen lips. you loosened your grip on his red curls, fingers still trapped against the back of his head, and trailed a finger down his arm.
“you did so good, baby,” you whispered, pressing one final kiss to his nose. he lifted his body off of yours, the movement of his hips against yours forcing a whine from his throat. his hips automatically jolted, drawing a soft moan from you. you let out a breathy chuckle and wiggled your hips against his, reveling in the high pitched moans that fell from his lips.
“please,” he whined, and your soft smile turned devilish as you wrapped a hand loosely around his throat and leaned up to take his earlobe between your teeth.
“round two?”
kyle had never been so excited and in love with you in his entire life.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
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stop-motion poetry
Fandom: Masters of the Air Rating: T Word Count: 1295
Summary: the irony of loneliness / is we all feel it / at the same time - Rupi Kaur (Italicized passages are also Rupi Kaur poems.)
i tried to find it but there was no answer at the end of the last conversation
Everywhere was empty, like a museum. Crosby’s skittish fingers kept tracing around inside his pocket, and he finally realized what he was absent-mindedly feeling for: the snow globe.
In his other pocket, he had the intercepted letter. He was treating those words as Bubbles’ last to him, though… would Bubbles have shown him the letter? Maybe, if Crosby had asked. Maybe, because Bubbles might feel he was coming between Crosby and Jean if he didn’t. He could be funny like that. Whenever Jean came up, Bubbles made Crosby feel like Wendy regarded by the Lost Boys—an adult among children.
Wouldn’t you like to know, Bubbles had shot back when Crosby’d repeated the name of the plane. Suddenly, Crosby was the clueless one, Bubbles with the inside baseball on the mystery of women, high on the promise of She’s Gonna. Now, Crosby wasn’t so sure Bubbles was correct; why should he have liked to know? He had no inclination to know what Bubbles knew. What the sky looked like when all the planes in it were falling. Whether you felt an explosion that happened so close, so fast. How long it took to die from a thing like that. Nope, Crosby wasn’t interested.
He preferred to remember Bubbles the way he remembered the snow globe: a little something to carry with him everywhere he went. When the world slanted, something to be plucked from the tilt and, once held, leveled.
i hardened under the last loss. it took something human out of me. i used to be so deeply emotional i’d crumble on demand. but now the water has made its exit. of course i care about the ones around me. i’m just struggling to show it. a wall is getting in the way. i used to dream of being so strong nothing could shake me. now. i am. so strong. that nothing shakes me. and all i dream is to soften.
She recalled that he’d had too much to carry, heavy kit bag slung over his shoulder, but when he’d taken the provisions she’d passed him, he’d managed not to crush the donut against the mug of coffee he’d held in the same hand. Herbert had been gentle, that was what Helen recalled. Forward, yes. Obvious, yes—but gentle.
Some of them hadn’t taken the donut, but just about all of them took the coffee, unless they were very young and shied from the bitterness. There had been others before Herbert. Men who’d crossed a room to talk to her, men who’d announced their name and stuck out their hand. Helen had felt their palms on the small of her back when they’d danced. She’d seen their faces up-close, with the bravado gone, had understood herself an as object of lust or a tap on their watch, reminding them time might be running out. Sometimes, she’d only danced with them through words. Sometimes they hadn’t come back from the mission, and she’d wished she’d been kinder.
It was good though, that she and Herbert hadn’t kissed on the mouth. It meant she couldn’t miss that feeling. Missing the smile he’d given her the morning they flew out was plenty hard. Missing the scent of the oil he’d used in his hair, the rosy smudge of lipstick she’d left on his jaw during their dance.
Ever since Major Rosenthal had told her, since he’d said Lieutenant Nash had gone down, Helen’s chest had been a crater she covered over with smiles like old boards, stiff and creaking, threatening to cave in. She felt guilt, because Herbert had called her “Helen of Troy.” She hadn’t sent them, but she was too smart and too good at punishing herself not to figure that she had, in a way, launched those ships of the air. She represented the innocent, to them. Sisters and sweethearts. To fight for her or something like her, they would all go, go by the hundreds. One less, now.
At the next dance, Helen decided, marooned on the grass by Rosenthal, she would shake her head and stay at the table.
yesterday when i woke up the sun fell to the ground and rolled away flowers beheaded themselves all that’s left alive here is me and i barely feel like living
Dawn came. Bucky wasn’t convinced the sun came with it. Through the windscreen and the cigarette smoke trapped in the cockpit, the sky changed colour, definitely paler than night as it arrived before his itchy eyes, but if there was light, he didn’t register it. Like a telephone call in another room, it wasn’t for him.
He wanted to drink himself into the plane. Become so liquid that the seat absorbed him, that a thin trickle of whatever was left of him dribbled into the fuel tank. Then he could be burnt up. Sic transit Major Egan: He was an unpredictable drunk, and a more successful flirt than he’d deserved to be. He’d had a best friend, once. That man—that better man—was gone and nobody was lookin’ for him. Bucky was looking pretty damn hard in the bottom of this flask, but so far, no luck.
The horizon turned blue, which was bullshit. Blue was for eyes. Bucky laughed harshly at nature’s mistake.
“Hey, Curt,” he called over his shoulder, loose grin sliding all over his mouth. “Curt!”
But that had been a different today-is-tomorrow. Bucky blinked more tears back into his eyes, like he’d been doing all night. His smile withered. Too much water. Not enough light.
in order to fall asleep i have to imagine your body crooked behind mine spoon ladled into spoon till i can hear your breath i have to recite your name till you answer and we have a conversation only then can my mind drift off to sleep
It was usually that Curt’s body did what his mind would’ve urged him not to if it’d been paying attention. As the plane swept towards the ground and his body, shoved back against the pilot’s seat, couldn’t slow the descent, his mind took the controls and slowed time. He began to be able to separate the breaths in his rapid panting. He could think of stuff that wasn’t this, climb into the top turret of his own brain. He could see that it was a stupid fuckin’ idea to try to land a Fort with a belly full of bombs while his hands distantly and futilely kept trying to pull up and slow the glide. His body knew how it ended: in an orange ball, fire round as a cloud. His mind reached out and tugged up another reality like a blanket.
A blue hour, walking the wing, the air damp and cool, but it didn’t matter because he was warm from drinking, but not so much drinking that he couldn’t strike a taunting Bucky hard and sharp with a clean, swift hook, but not so hard and sharp that Bucky didn’t still smile after it connected, but not such a big smile that Curt was in danger of thinking it was real. The smile. The memory.
The plane battered through the trees.
“Oh god.”
He tugged up another place, another time. Dickie with a whole, smooth face. Buck’s voice coming down the line, callin’ Curt Bucky’s little spoon. Smilin’. Sleeping in a Scottish bed that smelled like wool and the fire that’d burnt down in the hearth. He’d been wound up so tight after the crash-landing, scoring those rows of cabbages from the earth. He hadn’t thought he’d be able to surrender to anyone, ever, including sleep, but sleep had come eventually.
Yes, sleep had come.
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tmntkiseki · 7 months
Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles liveblog reaction
Just a little over a minute into the movie and Barbara Gordon stops some shuriken with nothing more than a filing folder. Awesome.
Not going to lie, when I first saw a clip from this movie on Youtube, I had no idea that Batman was being played by Troy Baker and not the late Kevin Conroy. I'm looking forward to how he plays The Joker in this movie.
These heavily stylized intro credits, man. Absolutely in love. The music also fucking slaps.
Is it bad that I genuinely like Leonardo carrying his katana on his belt rather than his back like in most iterations? I know it makes him look more samurai than ninja, but it looks so badass.
I love that the Penguin is only mildly perturbed at discovering he's being attacked by mutant turtles.
"It's always the time for accuracy, Leo." If I don't see that line pop up in another TMNT iteration, I'm rioting.
I had to avoid hooting and hollering when some blood finally showed up. LET MY ANIMATED TMNT BOYS BE BLOODY!
"It's a sword-brella too? I think I love this little guy!" MIKEY
SHREDDER JUST KILLED ONE OF HIS OWN GUYS <- Less shocked that it happened and more shocked that it happened explicitly on-screen
I love that the Turtles' battle with Penguin was full of goofy wise quips whereas Batman's battle with the Foot + Shredder is 100% serious with very little dialogue to speak of
Mikey is gonna spend this movie fanboying over all the stuff in Gotham, isn't he?
Raphael throws the first punch; gets his ass kicked by Batman
"I think we should see other people." "But I don't like other people." Awkward lesbian breakup is interrupted by random turtle being thrown into the pizza parlor by Batman.
"Ninja... turtles?" That's TEENAGE MUTANT Ninja Turtles to you, Bruce Wayne!
Ah, so this is one of the iterations where Baxter Stockman was turned into a mutant fly? He's also surprisingly polite. (I'm used to him being more self-centered and egotistical.)
"So he wears a Dracula costume and punches clowns. Who cares?! Dirtbag stole my sai!" "Dracula costume? What kind of Dracula movies are you watching?" SJGKDFJGKFDHJKGH
I am loving how Leonardo and Raphael were characterized for this movie. I'm kinda wishy-washy towards Donatello and Michelangelo.
The shots where the turtles are silhouettes with the only colored parts being the masks * chef kiss *
Mikey is 100% fully aware that he is touching things that are not supposed to be touched.
"What are you, five?" Says Donatello before having his bo stolen by Robin. "Hey, little guy. We didn't come here to fight," says Leonardo before Robin beats his kneecaps.
I keep forgetting that most iterations have the turtles capable of partially or completely retracting inside their shells. (The 2003 series is one of the few iterations where they can't, although they might have if Peter Laird got his way.)
"So, are we not going to beat up these green losers?" "It's not looking like it, no." Robin is literally a mini Raph.
Ra's al Ghul: * decapitates a security guard * Me: * proceeds to check the movie rating online * I'm sorry, it's only rated PG-13?!
God damn, this movie is literally what TMNT 2003 could have been if it didn't have to SOMEWHAT restrain itself so it could air on the 4Kids block.
Harley Quinn literally beckoned Shredder over to her cell just to check her makeup in his mask.
"I offer to cook a gourmet meal and they want pizza. Teenagers." To be fair, I'm one of the cheapest dates around. You could take me to Wendy's and I'd be happy.
"An immortal Shredder? That would... suck." Is someone gonna tell him?
"Calling me 'dude' is not helping your case, Master Michelangelo." It's worth noting that Alfred said his name how it's actually pronounced in Italian. Nice touch.
Donnie soothing Mikey by putting a slice of pizza in his mouth while patting his head. Weird, but oddly wholesome.
Okay, how the ever living FUCK is Troy Baker not only able to channel Kevin Conroy's performance as the Batman, but Mark Hamill's as the Joker?
Fucking Commissioner Gordon's reaction to the turtles just breathes "this might as well just happen at this point."
Harley Quinn being offended at Joker referring to her as "Nurse" instead of "Doctor," oh my god.
Even Batgirl and Robin are aware of how much of a downer Batman is.
Oh god, this bit where Scarecrow's fear gas makes Leonardo hallucinate his brothers being devoured by crows is absolutely brutal.
Is it bad that I think Donnie and Batgirl actually have quite a bit of chemistry?
Welp, Poison Ivy learned the hard way that being mutated into a giant Venus Fly Trap does not have its perks.
Mikey's reaction to Joker and Harley kissing with tongues was basically my reaction.
Okay, the reveal that combining the Joker Venom with the TCRI Ooze not only transforms you, but drives you mad is highkey disturbing. And Joker just injected Batman with it. Oh fucking shitnuggets.
Did Batman just kill Mr. Freeze?
Batgirl just proved that you CAN give your superheroes capes as long as they're detachable.
"You saved him... Thank you." * MIKEY GIVES ROBIN THE BIGGEST BEAR HUG * "Please stop!"
Mikey freaking out over Batman being Bruce Wayne, and Raph facepalming... god, I love these brothers.
Damn, Raph being the one to give Batman the talk about what a family is and how it works...
How is it that Robin and I had the same reaction to the Turtle Wagon in this movie. "Lame... OH FUCK, IT'S ACTUALLY AWESOME."
Did Donnie just take out the crane using manhole covers painted with pizza designs?
Donnie and Batgirl continue to bicker over calling the antidote "anti-ooze" or "retro-mutagen"
"Michelangelo, press some buttons." "I've always wanted to hit every button." Bruce, you need to be nicer to your child.
I'm 100% Ra's al Ghul took off his shirt just to show how muscular he is to Leo and Don.
"You... are a terrible disappointment." I feel like that's something Shredder wanted to say to Stockman for a while.
God, this movie's climax is just the definition of TENSE
"Foolish child. I'm hundreds of years old, and have trained with the greatest teachers in history. How could you possibly--" IS KICKED IN THE BALLS. "Oh yeah? Well, I'm 16, and I learned this from a rat."
We literally have Mikey to thank for Gotham not becoming infested with feral mutants. He and Donnie are also saved from falling to their deaths by a combination of their turtle physiology and sheer dumb luck.
So, uh, is Shredder going to become crazy like The Joker now?
Movie ends with a pizza party in the Batcave just before the turtles head back to New York. Friggin wholesome.
These ending credits are so awesome
Why did I have to fucking right about Shredder becoming a second Joker? AND WHERE IS THE SEQUEL?
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dismalnightsposts · 29 days
So proud of my first fluff/kiss scene. I thought I'd share it.
"Nonononono, Wendy, what the fuck have I done?" Dipper whispers. Bill has to get him back to the Mystery Shack. He snaps his fingers, teleporting the three into the living room. The demon lays Wendy on the couch and crouchs before Dipper. "Dipper, look at me. You need to breathe. None of this was your fault." Bill coaxes. Dipper stares at him like he's grown three heads, "They were after me." "That doesn't make any of it your fau-" "It makes all of it my fault." The boy shouts, standing up and turning away. "I am their target because I am going to destroy them." By this point, Wendy is awake, and Stan and Ford are watching in the doorway, but the boy either doesn't notice or doesn't care. "Demon or not, right or wrong, they are after me, and I'm putting everyone in danger." Dipper continues. Bill doesn't know what to say. How can Dipper be so eager to paint himself as the villain? In the corner of his eye, he sees Ford gesture towards the attic. Bill snaps his fingers, taking himself and Dipper to the boy's room and pulls him into a hug. He expects Dipper to fight, but he doesn't. Instead, he returns the hug, burying his face into Bill's chest. "It's not your fault, Dipper. None of this is your fault. You shouldn't have to deal with this." Bill runs his fingers through the boy's hair. "You've done nothing to deserve this." He pulls back slightly, cups Dipper's cheek in his hand, and without thinking kisses him. "Shit, I didn't-" Bill studders, "I'm sorry." ●●●●● Dipper looks at the demon in surprise. "Don't be." He smiles, grabbing the back of Bill's head. Once again, their lips are locked together, and it feels so right. All of Dipper's fear and anger dissipate. The only thing he feels now is Bill. Their lips in perfect sync, the demon's hands tangling in his hair and clinging to his waist. Suddenly, Dipper's back is against the wall. Bill slowly kisses down the boy's jaw and neck, lingering on the soft spot above his collar bone. He pulls back, looking Dipper in the eyes hungrily. Dipper snakes his arms around the man's neck, continuing the kiss desperately. Bill places his knee between his legs and grabs Dipper's thighs. He lifts the boy effortlessly, and Dipper wraps his legs around the demon's waist enthusiastically. Secure between Bill and the wall, Dipper deepens the kiss. Bill slowly passes his tongue between their swollen lips, exploring the boy's mouth. Dipper sighs quietly, tightening his grip on Bill. They eventually separate, gasping for breath. Neither say a word as their foreheads rest against each other. They simply grip onto each other, and Dipper wonders if Bill is just as afraid of losing him as he is. Bill finally breaks the silence, "I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you and your family. I promise, Pinetree." This time, the nickname has sincerity in it. Dipper frowns and rests his head on the demon's shoulder. "But I can't let you sacrifice yourself." He replies. Bill laughs lightly as he sits on the edge of the bed, still holding Dipper firmly. "You aren't getting rid of me that easily."
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ParaPines Prompt: The boys take it upon themselves to explore a seemingly abandoned mansion. But are rather surprised, upon entering, to discover that it isn't as abandoned as they'd first believed. Dun dun dun!
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The sound of heavy winds hits the old windows of the wooden house in the beautiful meadow clearing one late summer or early autumn day. A pair of small children, six years old at most, run across the tall grass and around the abandoned home, curly messes of brown hair bouncing and swaying in the wind and sunlight like bubbly twigs of tree roots or chestnuts popping in a fireplace upon the winter nights, their cheeks rosy and innocent of youthful heavenly glow of freckles and adorable sweetness.
One of the children, one of shorter hair, climbs up a nearby tree with a boyish giggle, thin rosy knees touching the bark as he climbs as the other sibling stands below watching in awe. Once on top, or at least the highest high point a small six year old can go, he looked around with wide wondrous brown eyes at the great wide space. A small shadow dance across the tall grass, causing the boy to squint his eyes into focus, it moves to a fro in gentle glide like a feather drifting on a rippling lake. The shadow, now easily told to be a boy of pale skin and black clothes of velvet and cotton, cranks his head up with the help of his thin pale neck and locked eyes with the adventurous young lad in the tree, sky blues meeting Earthy browns, clashing in beautiful harmony.
On August 3rd, I have met an angel in human form. My heart yearns for you, my soul burns for you. From your skin to your eyes, you haunt my very being And stripped me bare with bliss as my only coat. We may be from different class, we may be two men, But I can say in pure confidence I love you, Norman.
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Dipper scribbles onto his notebook, his chocolate brown eyes looking up from the beige pages across the wooden floor of the Mystery Shack at the group of teens standing by some bobble heads. His eyes were glued to a specific teen in a cherry red hoodie who laughs at one of the fish head bobbles, his long nose scrunched and snort lightly as the fish head moves back and forth.
A pink sweater hits the teen boy as his twin pops up beside him, “You’re being creepy bro bro!” Dipper jumps, instinctually pulling his notebook to his chest with a sucked in breath between his teeth with a startled yelp, and instantly scans around. “Wh-What? No I’m not! How is that creepy? Of course I’m not being creepy!” He ends his ramble with nervous wheezy laughter as his cheek warms up due to being called out. Mabel, who’s hair was held up in a glittery scrunchy held pony tail and dressed in a heart patterned sweater, grins wider and giggles, “Yeah you were. You were totally checking out your new GOTH BOYFR—” Dipper quickly slaps his hands onto her mouth to stop her shouting across the shack like a loudspeaker broadcasting his emotions, his eyes wide and covered in terror. Thankfully it seems no one is paying attention to them.
Dipper let out a sigh and removed his hands and glared at his sister sternly, who only laughed in return. “Oh come on Dipper, you should know by now how excited I am! I mean, you, and one of our best friends—” She lets out a little squeal, her fist shaking in joy as she bounces on her toes. The boy can’t help but smile at his sister’s pure excitement of his recent mystery: A Crush. Now, Dipper hasn’t had much history of liking anyway, he even used to make faces at the actors kissing in movies, his most well known was with their friend Wendy who at the time was a teen. But that crush slowly faded after the summer ended with both being closer friends than before, now he has a freshly new found crush in the form of Norman Babcock, a 14 year old boy from Massuchutes that arrived a month ago for a family vacation to Gravity Falls. His skin is ghostly pale, his hair dark and defies all forms of gravity in spikes and whoosh, eyes a frosty blue that almost shimmer or shine like a bottle of starlight. Dipper never imagined he would be crushing on anyone like him, let alone actually being friends with him! PLUS, HE CAN TALK TO GHOSTS?! Can anyone say jackpot?!
Still, he keeps it quiet for the time being, much to the pain of his twin sister who so eagerly wishes her brother can be open about his romance.
“Really Mabel, it’s not that big of a—” “It’s a HUGE deal Dipper! You two should be a couple now! You can have a cute long distance relationship, have ghost hunting dates, then go to the same collage, and get married, and—” Mabel was shut up once more with a hand over her mouth in courtesy of Dipper.
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“Come on, it’s this way!”
Dipper walks up the trail of the woods, behind him tow and in order are Norman, who walks more so looking around blissfully curious of the tall trees that are fading a warm yellow of the greens, Wirt, who’s height blends perfectly with the tall shadows of the trees, Dib, the more richer of the group thanks to his father’s well known inventions and in thanks to that he’s holding a special briefcase full of new gadgets for the upcoming mission, and Mabel, who comes along obviously with a skipping hop of her high top lavender sneakers. The Mystery Kids, a name still under construction but Mabel keeps calling them such, officially started their little “missions” of the unknown and strange around the area about the same time Wirt’s family arrived to Gravity Falls. Some may use the idea of solving mysteries and researching the paranormal as all a front and they’re really a group of teens who sneak into graveyards and goof off, but lots of Gravity Falls locals know the truth.
The group of them stand by the rusty gates with curious eyes and humble smiles. The building is square shaped with a high perked V-Shaped gray tiled roof with one large chiming poking from the side, the house is fully surrounded by overgrown wooden overhanging panels, the second floor is bigger than the first, which creates a stylish overhang on two sides of the house. It’s beautiful and haunting all at once, a sight to see as it sits frozen in decayed time in this beautiful meadow of dead grass and weeds. “That, right there, is one of the most haunted house of Gravity Falls' forests. Built in the late 19th century and was seemingly abandoned after the family who lived in it mysteriously disappeared.” Dipper spoke, making an effort of teasing as he wiggled his fingers while telling the last part, earning a chuckle from Norman. He continued, “They say screams are often heard, the windows open and close on their own, and hallways that change—” “EVIL DEVIL!”
The teens jump and turn around, half expecting a ghost while also half expecting one of the adults in the area, and were confused to see an elderly woman standing there clutching her cane in white knuckles furry. “An evil demon lives among those hideous walls! The Reaper always shakes when he walks past it knowing the demon will steal his soul!” She shouts, her voice shrill and raspy like a strangled pig, good thing Waddles is back at the Shack.
Wirt, ever so obviously uncomfortable when it comes to weird warnings from his elders whether it’s good or bad, slowly shuffles his way to distance himself from the fence he was just peeking through until he’s practically towering behind the more calm Dib who glances at him over his shoulder. Holding back an eye roll, the richest of the group speaks up, “What do you mean? Is it really haunted? Who’s The Reaper?” The old woman growls, spitting at the ground, her saliva ball almost hitting the teens who scurry more tense of the sudden attack even though it wasn’t towards them, “The Reaper was the most RUTHLESS man Gravity Falls has ever seen! A gangster who shot a rich man and kicked down a poor man for a deal of gambling, a trickster who conned the wickedest of souls for a mere laugh, a monster who took in some orphans was the one kindness his soul can allow! He was a robber of souls with the barrel of his silver gun, he cut off the lives of those who dare cross him, a walking curse of death!”
The group look at each other in various forms of worry as she rants and grumbles, her cane swaying in the air. Suddenly, a woman hurries over and guides her away. “Come on Grandma, it’s almost lunch time.” She said, speaking very gently. The old woman only shouts, “THE DEMON WILL NOT REST!” The woman sighs and turns to them, her head hung with apology and slight embarrassment, “I am so sorry for my grandma. She never quite shuts up about her grandpa…”
Dipper’s head perked, he steps forward, her voice eager for knowledge, “The Reaper guy is her grandpa?” The woman only nods, rubbing her arm as she looks at the building behind them, “Yeah. Apparently he took in her dad back in 1916 and since then pretty much everyone only talks about him. And also warn anyone about that damn house…” The boy looked back at the house, almost expecting someone wandering about to somehow explain such a violent reaction from what would be such a frail looking old lady.
The women walk away to the car that waits for them, presumably waiting for the grandmother, leaving the gang of mysteries to stand there still.
“Yeah I’m sorry Dipper, but I think I’m going to pass on entering that house…” Mumbled Wirt. Dib snorts out, turning around to the 16 year old. “Really?” He sneered, “That scared you?” Wirt’s dark browns narrow as he stares down at the trench coat wearing emo, “I literally survived a deal with an evil demon of a magical forest that turns kids into trees, I’m not risking staying a few hours in an old abandoned house with a possible evil demon that scared a mafia boss. I much rather stay the night at the abandoned yarn factory.” Mabel steps between them, her bubbly personality and colorful spirit and clothes clashing between the dark academia and dark clothes aesthetics between her, her smile bright as her voice, “Hey now you two, no grumpy faces. Wirt doesn’t have to go to the house Dib-Dot.” She boops two stickers onto their chest, a smiley face on Dib’s and a glittery frog on Wirt’s, her mouth puckered and making the tiniest of faint fart noises with each jab of the sticker. 
Dipper looked away from the three talking at Norman who stands still by the fence looking back in. Man, how can anyone be this pretty? He thought to himself as he watch how the sunlight dance across the darkness of the psychic’s hair to the pale flesh of his skin, dancing little kaleidoscopes of shine in his blue eyes, creating patterns never seen before on the red fabric of his hoodie to the dark denims of his jeans, and that perfect expression of curiosity like a black cat peeking at a rabbit hole of Wonderland. The younger Pines twin slowly touched a ghostly grip of his shirt, scared of how loud and hard his heart was pounding it was just about to beat right out of his rib cage and spill across the ground for all to see. Quickly, he shook his head so hard he nearly fell dizzier than spinning in a long fast circle in 0.89 degrees with every 5 seconds until he grew sick. “U-Uh, you guys don’t have to join me tonight…” He blurted out, feeling his cheeks already going pink from the near voice crack he thought he was almost done with being 15 already. He fixes his hair as he looks at all their faces, stopping at those curious blue eyes that stop him in his tracks. Just then, his brain hit a much needed light switch. “Because we’re doing different missions. I’ll stay at the house, do some EVPs, some ghostly tests, and prove once and for all if it’s actually haunted or something else is behind it. You guys can go to the abandoned yarn factory and try and see what those spray painting messages mean.”
He turned to Norman, blocking out Dib and Wirt talking about their little theories of the mission in hand, and with a smile on his face to mask the nervous sweat stains forming in-between his armpits to his shirt, he says, “Hey, you can come help me tonight? It’s, uh, it’s been a while since we did a solo mission, right? Ofcourseifyoudon’twanttoIcan’tforceyouIwon’tforceyoutodoanythingofcoursecauseIvalueyoursafteybutnotlikeMOREthaneveryoneelse’ssafetycauseIcareforallofyouequallyanddeeply—IjustrealizethatsoundedweirdandcreepywhatImeanttosaywas—!” His rambles were stopped thanks (thank whatever God or whatever exists) to Norman smiling and patting his shoulder. “Dip, breath. Of course I’ll come with you.” “W-Wait really?” Dipper just hopes he didn’t sound too eager there. Norman snorts, “Yeah. I can’t let you go into a possibly dangerous abandoned house by yourself now can I?” Dipper smiles, using every fiber of his still growing body to stop him from jumping up and down shouting from the rooftops while his fist punches and messes with the air, instead he settles watching Norman go to the group to tell them he’s staying with Dipper. A night with Norman, and I asked him without puking! Dipper let’s out a very silent squeal under his breath.
Soda:  ✔
Snacks:  ✔
Phone Downloaded The Right Playlists:  ✔
Step-By-Step Plan:  ✔
Dipper checks each mark of his notebook as he hurries about getting his back ready. He already has his bag ready for his paranormal stay but he needs to hurry to get ready for his actual plan if the night goes well. And if they don’t die. That too.
As he places the phone charger in his brown bag, he scrolls through his phone of his well thought of plan of setting the right mood for him and Norman’s hunt.
First, he thought very carefully about the snacks Norman would enjoy most during the night. Bringing the cheesiest of Cheetos and already packed four cans of his top two favorite sodas on the bottom so they would remain nice and cool and not shaken by the time when they drink them. Next, he has already planned that Norman might be stressed or bored however the trip goes into the night so he is going to give him his cellphone to listen to his well thought playlist of Norman’s favorite music to calm him down and get a sense Dipper can totally rock out with him whenever. Starting simple yet basic with Skater Boi, just to give Norman the impression at first it’s random — It’s a classic of course — then it’ll transition still pretty basic but random of Sugar, We’re Going Down to give Norman that more comfortable feeling of “Ah, this guy has good music taste. Respect” , then picking up on some Paramore which Dipper was luckily to find out the few times Norman let him pick a random Spotify playlist shuffle for the gang to listen to while they chill with a song that Dipper feels will help settle the more “Oh this guy and I have have so much in common! He’s way cooler than I thought!” With Ain’t It Fun. All ready with a click of the screen button of Dipper ready made playlist under the name of “Favorite Songs”, previously called “Songs to flirt with your paranormal hunter friend who you have a major crush on”. FINALLY, after all that, all the thought planned into it perfectly, Dipper will take Norman by the hand (or wrists or arm or whatever) and lay it all out; “Norman, we’ve been friends for so long, and I honestly can’t imagine me being this close to someone until we started talking. I like you, really really like you, and I want us to be more than friends, will you go out with me?” Dipper fist bumps himself as he mentally rehearses the night’s perfect plan. He even picked a easily seen Level 4 haunted house that could’ve been exercised by any ghosts years ago just to ease Norman’s ghost seeing abilities. Though he didn’t plan that random old lady or it’ll just be the two of them alone. In a huge house. At night. He blushes and shakes his head, ending it with a self smoosh of his face into his hands. “Calm down Dipper,” He scolds himself, looking at himself in the mirror to triple check his appearance, “Don’t go having weird thoughts tonight. Tonight is the night and it’ll be perfect.” He smiles. He waves a quick finger gun motion at his reflection with a grin.
Crows take the skies as a figure runs across the woods. The orange trees trapping the shadows within. Footsteps echo across the vast land of nature as soon the figure of a black cloak stops by the largest tree of the forests, a shadow slowly consuming him. Laughter leaves his mouth as two strong arms wrapped around him, lifting him above the dirt and leaves of the Earth’s welcoming ground and soul, and spun around. A howl of amusement and surprise snaps the already fragile air of quiet as they fall onto the ground.
Lips found home among as soon as their laughter died down enough, bruised and worn hands entwining with nimble pale fingers as brown curls blended with the raven darkness underneath. “In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee, Through whispered winds where softest secrets weave. Oh Norman, love that sets my spirit free.” Spoke the hunter, lips now kissing each joint of the pale hand before him, “With every glance, a spark ignites the sea, Your laughter dances like the autumn leaves; In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee. The stars align in constellations key; Each moment spent with you I dare believe— Oh Norman, love that sets my spirit free. . .” The two men shared a brief but everlasting soft kiss upon their lips as the autumn air drifted down and circled around them. Buttons of the pristine white cotton shirt became loose as chapped lips dance across the pale neck now exposed to the world, the forest trees an audience of such passion and love on display.
“When shadows fall and doubts may linger plea, Your warmth envelops all I can conceive; In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee. Together facing storms we’ve braved so boldly—    With hands entwined through trials that deceive—    Oh Norman, love that sets my spirit free. So here’s my vow through time’s unfading spree:     Forever yours, on this sweet truth rely—     In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee;     Oh Norman dear—I’ll always choose your sky.”
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The floorboards creak under the weight of two as Dipper fixes the brightness of his flashlight as Norman turns his up to the open ceiling hole created by nature’s random acts of destruction. “Okay, let’s start filming. Got the camera?” Asked Dipper, pushing some curls into his beanie as he steps by the large grand staircase that curves and goes up to the second floor where it seems a hole is forming on one of the stairs. Norman nods, “Yep! Fully charged and Courtney helped me get an extra battery if it dies.” The medium takes the camera out of his backpack with a grin, a boyish gleeful shine of his blue eyes.
Dipper blushes, the warmth spreading down his neck and up to his ears. Thank God it’s dark in here…. With a quick clearing of his throat, the mystery lover took the camera carefully from Norman and began setting up the settings. “We will start here on the down floor since the stairs seem broken and old. Sounds good?” “Yeah it’s good dude.”
Dipper looked at Norman through the video camera lens, silently admired his friend through the green color, and took a deep breath. Reaching in his pocket in secret he peeked at his list, quickly reading the scribblings of his handwriting in the darkness, and then shoved the papers back in his pocket.
First step, snacks. Dipper reaches into his bag, “Hey Norman, are you hungry? You know, since we’re going to be here all night.” He offered, holding up the bag of Cheetos to his friend. Norman smiles and takes it. “Hey my favorite!” He exclaimed. Dipper felt pride fill his chest as he stood up straighter, rubbing his neck he chuckled, “Really? Lucky guess…”
Then, silence swept through the pair. Dread whacked the brunette. Crap, was I obvious on the snack choice? He thought, afraid to look at him imminently. “Lucky as in a wild guess, yeah! You know, I remembered you mentioned it once and—” Dipper stops as he turns his head to speak to Norman properly, face flush in embarrassment and palms sweaty. He looked at Norman, who stood so very still facing the grand staircase before him, his bag of chips on the floor now and the hand holding the flashlight was turning white from his tight grip, his thick eyebrows were high up in a wide eyed expression and his mouth slightly agape.
Dipper’s brown eyes followed the piercing blue’s line of sight and shivered at the sight of an audible green glow before them. The scent of sickening decay and dirty water fills his nose as his vision stared at the figure of a man above the stairsteps, his clothes and the long pale green hair shift and waver like wind or ocean waves crazing across the manly figure making the float in the process, his eyes two white sockets streaking a black tear like substance as glistening fangs shine dully in the lights of the flashlight and the moonlight from both the ceiling’s hole and the large window to the left.
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The figure let out a gnarly hiss, the same black substance leak and spray out like venom on a snake tongue as his long sharp tongue wiggles about harshly like a whip. The two paranormal teens let out screams, their bodies crashing onto each other in tight grips of both fear and protection.
But let’s pause for a moment. I wonder what’s everyone’s doing in the yarn factory—
Wirt lightly taps his can of Pit Cola as he watches Mabel and Zim, both dressed in sparkling sweaters and hairs, regardless of the snortness on Zim’s end, held in scrunches, standing together singing into their flashlights. The group in charge of this exploration are Mabel, Wirt, Dib, and Zim, Dib’s brother. The group looked at some spray painted works of art and words, did some EVPs, and the mission was over rather quickly. BUT thanks to Mabel wanting to give her brother some alone time with Norman, she encouraged the other teens to stay and have an impromptu hang-out party inside this abandoned yarn factory.
Dib watches his brother and friend dance and sing with the shadows and dust bunnies, their hyper energies almost mistaken for them on some sort of high but clearly mildly influenced by sugar and bouncing each other’s energies, his face, much like Wirt's, is confused and mildly amused. “So much energy…” Mumbled the poet, his peachy skin a pinkish hue thanks to the summer heat rolls. The cryptologist to be chuckles, opening a can of soda next to him, “Yeah, but it makes this less boring yea?” The brunet looked at the guy next to him, a small smile easing on his lips. “Yeah. It is.” Dib smiles back, raising his can as a silent toast, and swigging the sugary cherry flavor down his thin pale throat. Wirt stares quietly as the shadows dance and sway across the thin body next to him, watching the inventor’s son’s throat jerk and move as he gulps his drink. Dib disconnected his mouth and looked at the one watching him, his brown eyes almost shining an amber color like fire or frozen sap from a tree behind his glasses that bounces light from the few small sources around him. He smirks, “Worm-Wirt.” Wirt smirks in return, “Metal Head.”
Meanwhile back at the manor—
Dipper and Norman ran across the halls of decayed wallpaper and weak wooden home, the ghastly ghost rushing after them in screams and wails. “In there!” Shouts the medium as he jerks his hand in a point at an old door in the hall. Dipper wasn’t waiting a second to think. He quickly grabbed the red sweater covered arm and pulled his friend through the door so fast both tumbled and rolled onto the dusty dark room.
Both stayed still as they heard the ghost move away, trying to catch up to their breathing.
“W-Was that the demon the woman mentioned?” Dipper asked, coughing the dust that filled his throat for the moment. Norman groans but shakes his head. “No,” He mumbled, “It felt normal…” They stared at the door for a moment, their bags open and left to spill their items across the hideous wine red rug. Dipper gasps and hurries to his bag, “Oh crap, the drinks spilled!” Sure enough, the sodas he packed had tumbled out of his backpack, shaken and dented from the running and falling. Not only that but the rest of the snacks he prepared have been crushed or opened and spilled.  He can hear Norman standing up and going closer. “It’s okay Dip, it’s not a huge deal.” He said, his voice gentle in worry and tender in comfort. Dipper looked over his shoulder and felt his very soul freeze. The room has a large window, worn and jaded, halfway covered by the dark curtain but still the moonlight shines though. The moonlight shines across the pale skin making a soft glow to the point he looks like a fae like being with dark for his dark spiky hair, his blue eyes now glowing frosty orbs. He was very beautiful, breathtaking even.
Dipper shakes his head and stands up straight and proper, turning his head right to try and get himself distracted by the thoughts swimming in his head. As he does so, his eyes scan to room and lock on a bricked fireplace hidden behind a weathered down piano. He jogs over, a simple push was all it took to easily move the surprisingly light piano to the side just enough to expose the fireplace to them. Norman looked in the barren pit, filled with dried and cobwebbed invested logs and dust mites that can be confused as some weird dust army. But there’s something there, hidden among the logs and shadows. Braver of the two of this moment, Dipper reached forth and lightly jiggled the top log until whatever was stuck was loosely showing off. 
Just then, some bugs of black sprawled out from their hidings, causing the teen to shriek and coil back. Norman, startled yet determined, grabbed the item and moved back with his friend, an arm stretched over Dipper’s heaving chest.
The two caught their breath and looked down at the treasure hidden and stared at some pages of many, thin and aged in fresh yellow time painted gracefully.
“Why would these be in a fireplace?” Asked Dipper as he took half of the healthy stack into his hands and fiddled with his flashlight and shined it through to give them easier chances to read the contents. Norman’s blue eyes scanned the yellow pages and black scribbled lettering, his eyebrows frowned as he mentally pieced how to read the cursive fine handwriting. He licks his now dry lips, clearing his throat simply, and spoke, “My dear, I apologize deeply for leaving you so soon, so abruptly. But understand I never meant to hurt you… This is the only way you can be spared. You, the son of the town’s pastor, and I, a humble wood cutter, were a chance a thousand years can never repeat. Two souls entwined and cursed forevermore. It was my fault Susan caught us in the manor, so it will be my burden to take off the punishment for abandoning God. For I have abandoned him, ever since I first laid my eyes on you back in the fields all those years ago, you’ve become the only Holy soul I desire to worship every day…. This is the end, my dear Norman, but I will be with you… All my love, Mason Driftwood…” They both look at each other blinking in shock. “Your name—” “Someone died for being in love with a guy…?” “R-Right, that!”
Dipper quickly looked through his pages, clearing his throat in a cough, “In the quiet corners of morning light, where shadows stretch and breathe, I find my love—Norman— woven into the fabric of every day…” He stops. He feels his cheeks burn. It felt too intimate and he barely even read it! If you found some love poems dedicated to someone who has the same name as your crush, you would get it! Fighting the urge to swallow the page before him, the boy continued with a quivering voice, “Y-Your laughter dances around me, a melody sweet as spring’s first bloom, enveloping ordinary moments in magic, turning mundane into sacred ritual. When you speak, the world slows down; Your voice—a gentle river flowing through my thoughts—
each word is a pebble smoothed by time…”
Norman stands there, listening to him read the letter, his head tilted softly to the side like a curious cat.
“In your eyes, I see galaxies unfold— stars that twinkle with unspoken dreams,
the universe conspiring to bring us together. Together we weave tapestries of shared whispers, soft stories beneath star-kissed skies; comfort in silence amidst bustling chaos….”
Dipper looked up and looked towards Norman, the flash light giving him a soft yellow glow beneath his nose and chin. They stand still, eyes locked, eyes wide and bewildered. The sounds of the wind blowing, the floors creaking naturally, and the crickets composing a symphony with the other woodland creatures outside perform the gentle ambiance between them. It’s weird… They’re scared shitless and confused yet this feels weirdly…enchanting…
“Dipper…” Norman whispered, his eyes narrowed as he steps a inch closer, his free hand lightly touching his arm. Dipper’s heart began to quicken in his chest as excitement and panic sinked in. Wait, is he— Is he going to kiss me??? But what about the steps?! I didn’t show him the playlists! The sodas and snacks are all over the floor— Oh God Oh God Oh God! Should I lean in? Should I stay still? I have never even kissed a gu— Well there was Mabel’s merman boyfriend but that doesn’t count! DON’T THINK ABOUT MERMANDO NOW DIPPER, THE MOST PERFECT GUY MAY BE TRYING KISS YOU!! “Y-Yea…?” He responded, trying to sound chill and not at all a nervous wreck. Their eyes never once left each other as they felt the air grow chillier. 
Suddenly, Norman shoved his body forward, leaving Dipper no time to process what was happening. The two fell out the window, the curtain trapping their bodies in a tangled mess. The last thing Dipper saw in the manor before he landed safely in the ground and rolled down the hill was that ghost who scowls and reaches for them.
The pair stopped rolling, landing in the golden green high grass of the field facing the fence they snuck through earlier. Firebugs float and circle around them in such a beautiful way one might dare claim it be magic lingering in the night. They stare at each other, the grass and stars creating crowns with the fireflies as one stares above and the other stares below. 
Dipper flinched, turning his head away as he coughed into his fist. “Oh ow, that fall hurt! Good thinking Norman on guessing the ghost was there!” He said in false confidence as he stood up. Norman, he stays still for a second, looks rather upset before he nods and stands as well, rubbing his arm anxiously. This wasn’t unnoticed by Dipper as he bent over and gathered some papers, even more as he watched Norman copy the same action. Crap, did I misread earlier? He thought in worry, feeling near nausea at the idea he made his friend and crush uncomfortable. “H-Hey if it’s about what happened earlier, don’t worry about it okay? I-I mean we both were kind of reading too much into it and it was dark and—” He rambled, and each fumble of his words made the knots of his tongue tighter. Soon, Norman stood, holding the recently picked up stacks of papers in his arms, his back to Dipper yet his voice carried all the emotions a face can show… “Yeah, it was crazy thinking… I mean us….like that…?”
Dipper froze. He felt his heart crack a bit as the quivering shake of Norman’s usually calm but sometimes chipper voice. “We should get our stuff in the morning with the others. I’m tired…” “O-Oh…y-yeah…yeah…okay…’ And with that the two began to walk out of the gate with the hiding hole they found to get in and down the path in pure silence. Crap…I really messed up…
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The two teen boys walk into the Greasy’s Diner, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and greasy fried food wafted through them like a bomb of different textures. The place was barely full, mostly those who are the earliest of early birds and those who don’t even believe in sleep. Norman rubs his arm as he slowly walks to the first booth he sees, causing Dipper’s shoulders to hunch slightly. “I’ll…go order some breakfast…” He mumbled before quickly turning his heel to the counter, his head hung and tail between his legs.
The second he sat on one of the stools he let out a sigh, hands already rubbing his tired sore eyes that ache and begged for him to cry the emotions he’s feeling right now. He sighs again, “And I forgot my wallet is in my bag back at the haunted manor we just escaped from…” A voice speaks to his left, “Hey, what did you say about paying?” Dipper turned his head at a blonde teen who stood with a pot of freshly brewed coffee as her hips swayed out in a sigh in her waitress uniform, her glittery mauve eyeshadow a nice touch that made her hazel eyes really pop. Even tired and emotional out of his mind, he can’t help but smile meekly, “Hey Pacifica…”
Pacifica rolled her eyes and poured up a cup of Joe and placed it in front of the boy. “You look like shit, what were you up to tonight?” She asked, her sassy judgment not gone but just slightly pushed back to add a more gentle approach. Dipper ignores the idea of payment as he accepts the bitter blessing of energy this warm ceramic cup will bring, taking a quick gulp and ignoring the very hot water and nasty dense flavor of untempted coffee given his mouth. Once he sets his mug down, silently thanking his friend with a nod as she tops it off, he sighs once more, deeper this time, “A Dipper Pines Original; Took someone out to a haunted manor in hopes it’ll be romantic and completely messed everything up…”
The blonde watched as he slumped deeper in his seat, placing a napkin beside him slowly. “Is this about the Norman guy?” Dipper’s head shot up. “How did you know?!” He half whispered, worried that Norman could hear. Pacifica rolled her eyes again, her voice dripped in a slight tease, “Dude you are so obvious. Always doodling and talking all fast and sweating.” Dipper groans and puts his head onto the counter, his cheek squished in the glossy wood. “I have no idea what to do anymore Pacifica…” He moped, his eyes already sparkling in tears, “I planned this night perfectly, yet I screwed it up. I honestly don’t blame him if he doesn’t want to talk to me again but… is it selfish to hope he stays in my life…?”
Hazel eyes softened. The waitress glanced behind Dipper and to the right. Her pink lip glossed lips pushed out in thought, her head nodding. Slowly, she led down just enough to not be obvious for everyone and whispered, “I can tell you this now Dip-Shit, but he likes you. Like a lot. I mean he’s always looking at you.”
Not believing it, Dipper crook his neck just enough to look at where Norman sits. And sure enough, even after tonight, Norman glanced at his direction unknown he was spotted, his hands fiddling with his sleeves. “If I were you, I would sit next to him and fix what I can.”
Dipper didn’t need to be told twice before he stood up, scrapping the stool loudly in the process, his hand gripping the mug still. He stops. “Pacifica, I—” The girl stops him. “Just come by tom—” She pauses as she glances at her wrist watch of bubble gum pink. “Later today and you’re good. But not your first three coffees, you boys had a long night.” He nodded, a soft smile on his face, before he took a breath and made his way to the booth.
Norman watches as Dipper sat across from him, his hands stop fidgeting for a moment. Dipper smiles meekly, eyes clearly tired, his voice a warm tone of tender fresh emotion as he speaks, “We can eat and pay later.” Soon, his brown eyes lower as he frowns softly, “Hey Norman, I’m sorry for dragging you out tonight… That wasn’t cool of me. You could’ve gotten hurt and I ruined so much and—” Pale hands rose up and shook as Norman interjected, “No no, Dipper, I wanted to go to the house with you. Plus, I literally fought a murdered little girl ghost at 11, this was nothing.” He ended his response with a small giggle to ease the mood. Dipper smiles, pulling his beanie (how it stayed on his head God knows—) off his head of brown curls and placing it on the table by his mug. “Still… I… kind of invited you…in hopes to um…be alone…with you…”
Norman blinks. “With me?” Dipper nods, his chest rising as he swallows the sour lump in his throat, “I…I’ve liked you for a while…a-and um…I think you’re really cool and all kinds of awesome… I was hoping tonight we can chill, hang out, talk… and maybe… afterwards…” His face was turning red, he knew this. He can feel it. From the base of his neck to the tips of his ears he was undoubtedly hot and redder than a new born baby’s freshly spanked tosh. Meanwhile, Norman just sat there clearly processing what his friend was drifting off to. Soon, his pale face turned pink. So pink it put Barbie to shame. No turning back now… Thought Dipper as he sat up straight. Clearing his throat, he threw the last punch, “Do you want to go out with me Norman? A-And…maybe…b-be my boyfriend…?”
This prompt was fun to do but had a much deeper story of Mason, the ghost in the manor, died protecting his Norman, who was going to be revealed to be the mafia guy "The Reaper", from the discovery of them being gay. HEAVILY inspired by the music video of Take Me To Church of course! I was also going to reveal the reason Norman became a mafia guy was cause a part of him died the night Mason died.
I even planned a scene of Dipper and Norman reading the letters to each other until Ghost Mason crossed over!
I know it's random but I wanted to see what timeline would jump in so
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Yeeeeeeeeeeeee, night yall
Happy ParaPines Day!!
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ilikemicrowaves · 1 year
@bloogers-boogers I'm really shy about posting this but hi
It Meant Nothing
      "Hey guys, heard of gay chicken?" Asked Kenny muffled through his coat.
      "The fuck is gay chicken?" Asked Stan
"I think It's where we take turns kissing each other, and the last to chicken out wins." Said Kyle.
      "Oh no way, I am not kissing a dirty jew."
Said Cartman.
      "And I'm not kissing a fatass either."
Retorted Kyle.
      Stan and Kenny looked at each other, smirks on their faces.
      "20 bucks." Said Kenny.
"We can split it." Stan whispered to Kenny.
      "We are not-"
"Make it 25." Cut in Cartman.
      "Deal." Agreed Kenny.
"But! We are doing it last." Said Kyle
      "Fine I'll go first." Said Cartman.
He waited for Stan or Kenny to come forward.
      "Pull down your hood poor boy." He said.
"My lucky day." Kenny joked.
      He reached up and slide it away from his unwashed face. His hair was dirty and sweaty even though it was snowing.
      "Ready to taste the rainbow?"
"Shut up."
      Cartman pulled him in quick and kissed.
Kenny couldn't help but giggle a little as he let go. He coverd his mouth smiling and said, "that was so gay."
      "Who's gonna kiss who next?" Asked Stan.
      "Who ever is brave enough." Said Kenny.
"I'll do it," said Kyle. "I'm not backing down to a stupid kiss."
    "Stan come here."
Stan backed away as Kyle reached for him.
      "Stan, already?" Asked Kenny
"But, Wendy-"
     "Uh oh, someone's a pussy." Said Cartman
      "She's not here, it'll mean nothing anyway." Reassured Kyle.
      "Are you sure, because she's already mad at me for-"
      "No, no, no, Stan's right, the she-hippie can't handle a little bromance." Cartman teased.
      "Shut up, fatass!" Yelled Kyle.
"Come on Stan, your not going to listen to Cartman are you?"
      Stan looked at the ground for a minute, eyes tracing the cracks in the concrete.
      "I'm sorry Kyle, me and Wendy already have enough problems right now. I'm chickening out." Stan backed away, Kyle disappointed. << gay?🤨
      "Pucker up, pretty boy." Kenny said taking off his hood once again.
      "I am not loosing this stupid game." Kyle said.
      Before Kyle could kiss him Kenny backed away and started laughing.
      "I'm sorry I'm sorry! I can't help it." He said between laughs.
      "Let's just get it over with,"
They leaned in again but just as there lips touched, Kenny snorted and kept giggling like a girl at a sleepover.
      "Omg, kiss already!" Cartman held his head in his hands
      "What, so you can kiss me next?" Teased Kyle.
      "I will kick your ass!"
Kenny grabbed Kyle's shirt and pulled him in for a smooch.
      "Yall are so slow." Commented Stan.
"At least I didn't chicken out." Said Kenny.
     "Alright, now the fun really begins." Kenny put his hands together as Stan pulled a twenty and a five out his wallet.
      "Godammit Kyle, why couldn't you've chickened out!"complained Cartman
      "I'm not losing this because kisses don't mean anything." Kyle said, "Plus I owe Ike money so come here."
      Kyle grabbed for him but Cartman jerked away. "Oh and don't forget Kyle, I can use this as blackmail."
      Kyle stopped for a minute, "So, you don't want the money?" He asked.
      "You God damn jew, of course I want the money!" He said. "But just for the record, I'm going to tell all the girls you kissed me. He got close and quiet at the last part, he knew that would tick Kyle off.
"I'm not going to kiss you Cartman," he said determinedly. "You'll just have to kiss me."
      "Now it's getting somewhere," said Stan
"To be honest, now I want them to kiss." Added Kenny.
      "Wa-why me!?" He yelped
"Seems like you wanna kiss me so bad."
      "No, you have to kiss me!"
Kyle tried not to smile to keep the affect going, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch a little.
      "Who's the pussy now?" He said with an eyerole.
      "Pussy? Your the one to scared to make the first move." He said dramatically.
      "I'm the pussy?" Giggled Kyle.
"Well, first your a jew, second, I'm gonna tell all the girls you kissed me, and third-"
      "Is jew the only insault you have for me?" He asked, his cheeks flame red.
      "Your still a pussy-"
Kyle grabbed Cartmans face and pulled him into a kiss. He squinted his eyes shut, but for Cartman it was the complete opposite. Kyle didn't let go for a second, all of their emotions where entwined in that very moment. Kenny and Stan gasped, making Kyle bring his thoughts together.
He let go and gasped as though that kiss sucked all the oxygen from him.
      "There goes the last of my money." Said Kenny.
      Cartman just stood there, Dazed. He tried collecting all his thoughts until he could breath again. He put a hand to the place Kyle had grabbed him.
      "Call me pussy again." Kyle said.
I didn't really know how to end it so I left it there.
Also, one of my favorite hcs is Kenny giggles when anybody tries to kiss him
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rvlwrttn · 2 years
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Idol: Seulgi (Red Velvet)
{ Fluff }
Request: Here
Summary: You are meeting your girlfriend’s group members for the first time, and you are feeling nervous.
-   -   -
Note: Written for lovely anon that requested this. Thanks for requesting and much love to everybody!
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“How does this shirt look? Does it look okay on me?” Before Seulgi could open her mouth to answer, you continued on. “Who am I kidding, it looks awful with these shoes.”
“Y/N, you shouldn’t worry too much! I know that whatever you wear, you’ll look cute.” She attempted to give you a kiss on the cheek, but you had already untangled yourself from her.
“That’s nice, Seulgi but these are your members we’re talking about. This is Red Velvet!” You paused to take a deep breath. “I’m meeting Red Velvet!”
“Are you forgetting that I’m part of Red Velvet too?” Seulgi pouted.
You gave her a look. “You’ve seen me with bedhead in the morning. They haven’t.” Seulgi pondered thoughtfully for a moment before heading to the closet and picking out some items.
“How about these?” You recognized the outfit as the one you had worn on your first date with Seulgi, a red shirt paired with jean bottoms and white shoes.
“You looked perfect in this on our first date. Besides, I know they’re gonna love you regardless of what you wear, just like I do.”
You took a deep breath. “Okay, I guess this is the one then.” Seulgi smiled and gave you a hug, patting your back in a soothing manner.
“Don’t worry! It’ll be great.”
. . .
“Everybody, this is Y/N!” Seulgi exclaimed excitedly. She wrapped her arm under yours and pulled you forward.
“Hi,” You began nervously, “I’m- ”
“Y/N! We finally get to meet you!” Wendy exclaimed, coming forward to give you a hug.
“Don’t hog Y/N all to yourself!” Yeri joined the hug, wrapping her arms around Wendy and you both. Irene simply watched with a smile, waiting for her members to calm down before speaking.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N. We’ve heard a lot of good things from Seulgi.” Irene’s voice was as smooth as you had imagined.
“And Seulgi talks a lot about you.” Joy quipped.
Seulgi’s cheeks reddened lightly, prompting her member to snicker and poke her cheek. Seulgi turned to smack Joy in the arm, but Irene spoke, stopping them both in their actions.
“Welcome to the family, Y/N. I hope these kids won’t scare you off with their antics.”
“I’ve told you not to call me a kid in front of Y/N!” Seulgi whined. The members laughed and Wendy led you all to the couch.
“So tell us Y/N, how did you and Seulgi actually meet?” Everyone leaned forward, eager to hear your version. You smiled, taking your girlfriend’s hand.
“Hmm, well, it all began when Seulgi walked into the coffee shop where I used to work.”
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
hi jai ♡ hope you’re doing good! all the wip look so good, but #5 caught my attention the most because it reminded me of peter pan hehe
hi jay!! i hope you are, too 🥹 thank you for joining my wip game!!
#5 - vmin
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i'm actually hoping to post this fic soon!! (i'm like 80% done with it), and it is a peter pan au! it's peter pan tae x tinker bell jimin. here's a lil snippet for you
“Stupid faerie,” Taehyung grins with large, white teeth, “You wouldn’t understand. It was absolutely magical!”  With a sudden burst of energy, Taehyung kicks his feet and launches himself further into the sky. The force sprays water into the air, large droplets nearly knocking Jimin, who is in his tiny faerie form, out of the sky and into the ocean.  “I am not stupid!” Jimin screams after Taehyung, whose cackle is carried across the island by the wind. “And I am magical!”  “Not as magical as a kiss!”  Taehyung swoops through a low-lying cloud, causing it to burst apart and disintegrate into small whisps of white. Jimin watches him skip across the sky, hopping from cloud to cloud, laughter turning his wide mouth boxy. Joyfulness looks gorgeous on Taehyung, even at Jimin’s expense. It hadn’t always been at Jimin’s expense – not until Wendy.  Stupid Wendy and her stupid kisses. 
( send jai an ask about their mxm wips if you want! )
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lulu24784 · 1 year
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washing machine heart | part 1
"I know who you pretend I am."
[AO3 Link]
next chapter
synopsis: | You're absolutely infatuated with Stan Marsh and have even started dating him! It should be a dream come true, but the truth is, he's only with you to make Wendy Testaburger jealous. To help you work through your emotions, you turn to Kenny McCormick, your best friend.
pairings: | kenny mccormick x fem! reader ; stan marsh x fem! reader ; wendy testaburger x stan marsh
cws: | angst, drug use/drug mentions, explicit language, sexual content, unrequited love, mental health themes / sh everyone is aged up to be 18+
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Wendy Testaburger is everything you aren’t.
South Park High’s A+ student, Student Council President, and volleyball team captain. In addition to all of that, she is also incredibly sweet and beautiful. You didn’t have a single thing going for you against her. Everyone adores her. Everyone... And that includes your boyfriend, Stan Marsh.
Not long after Stan and Wendy’s past break-up, you two began dating, and you realized right away that he was taking advantage of you to make her jealous, fill the void, and have somebody nearby... But that was all right. You didn’t give a damn as long as you were standing next to him. But you knew.
You were willing to go to any length to help him heal his wounded heart and, in the process, make him fall in love with you. But your wishful thinking was simply that.
There was no denying the pain. You wanted to cry every time you saw Stan sneaking looks at his ex. In your mind, plenty of shouting and sobbing, along with large crocodile tears. Asking, “Why? Why not me!?”
Yet as Stan leans in for a kiss, your heart would snap you back to being the love-struck idiot that you are. The kisses caused your heart to race, but only briefly. He wasn’t nervous or on edge being near you. He wasn’t on the verge of vomiting every time you so much as spoke to him. Such feelings were reserved for his true love. You were merely a placeholder.
But oh, how you adored him. His black hair peeking out from beneath his red and blue beanie, his blue eyes gleaming when something piqued his interest... How cozy his hands felt as he took hold of yours. It wasn’t fair. How could someone so lovely exist if you knew you could never fully be with them? The tightness in your chest grew stronger with each passing day that you were next to Stan’s side. Sooner or later, there would come a point where you would no longer be able to play the part. Your emotions would eventually reach a boiling point and explode.
For now, you were content. Content with this little thing you had going with the person who you considered the love of your life. Even if he had eyes for another. Someday, you’d make him see you.
It dawned on you that you had been daydreaming for far longer than you had planned and you blinked. You grinned sheepishly as you turned to face the person who had asked your name. “Haha, sorry Kenny. What were you saying?”
The blonde gave you an unimpressed look and pointed to the barely nibbled-on sandwich in front of you. “Are you going to eat your lunch? Or can I have it?”
“Ah, you can have it. I’m not feeling very hungry.” You murmured gently, clearly troubled by something.
Kenny gave you a raised eyebrow as he grabbed the sandwich and chomped it down like he hadn’t eaten in days. You knew that wasn’t entirely true, though, because you frequently offered him the majority of your lunch. Being his closest friend, you knew his family was having a difficult time. He has always gone above and beyond for you when you needed him most. Not paying it forward would be rude.
“So, what’s on your mind, princess?” Kenny spoke while still having a full mouth. How charming. “Don’t tell me it’s more bullshit about Stan.” His gaze averted.
“Honestly, it’s none of your business, McCormick... But yeah.” You exhaled a long, dramatic sigh of defeat as you hung your head. You didn’t even need to elaborate. Kenny was well aware of how you felt. “I just... He’s just so sweet! Ya know? Like, when he looks at me, I just...!” You cradled your face in your hands as you tightly closed your eyes. “He’s so cute.” Kenny grimaced as a lovely sigh escaped your lips.
“When’s the last time he took you out on a date? Or, y’know, treated you like his girlfriend?” Kenny gave your forehead a light flick.
The mention of a date caused your eyes to glisten. “We’re supposed to hang out today after school! When he’s done with football practice!” You began smiling warmly. “I think today will be the day! I’m gonna get him to fall for me. For real! He won’t even remember Wendy when I’m done.”
“Are you going to fuck him or something?” Kenny snorted and waggled his brows at you.
You stammered, blush forming on your cheeks. “Jesus Kenny! Is that all you think about?” Standing up from the lunch table, you gave Kenny a timid smile. “I’m gonna take him on the best date ever.” Kenny stood to lend a hand as you started to gather up the leftover lunch garbage from the table.
“And what does the best date ever, without sex, look like?”
You gave Kenny’s arm a little smack. “God, you!” Kenny laughed.
He just knew how to push all your buttons.
The two of you have been friends since you moved to South Park in 5th grade. Now, in your senior year, the two of you were inseparable. Naturally, Kenny continued to hang out with his other friends, Stan, Kyle, and Eric, but he still made time for you. It was a bonus that you could spend more time with Kenny now that you were dating Stan. He was your best friend. Your ride or die. The one you could go to for anything.
It was also natural for Kenny to despise your relationship with Stan. As close of friends as they were, Kenny wasn’t too thrilled with Stan using you to make Wendy jealous. Especially because Kenny was aware of your massive crush on Stan. He knew Stan was depressed and possibly just looking for something... Or someone to help. But that wasn’t a good enough excuse. You deserved to experience true love. Someone who genuinely gave a shit about you and cared. Someone who listened to your issues and could make you feel protected!
While you rummaged through your locker to get your books for your next class, Kenny gazed down at you. You fluffed your fringe in the small mirror on your locker door before looking up at Kenny. He was looking down at you wistfully, as though he were lost in a daydream. With a sweet smile, you lightly prodded his nose.
“Hey, sleepyhead. We gotta get to class.”
When Kenny awoke from his daydream, he flashed you a dopey smile. “Whoops.” He leaned against the lockers with his hands comfortably tucked into the pockets of his orange parka. “I think I’m gonna skip. I’m just not feeling it.”
You shook your head and shut the door to your locker. “You’re gonna fail if you skip too much.”
He just shrugged and smiled as he walked towards the door.
“Don’t come crying to me when you gotta go to summer school!” You shouted and smiled briefly. “That boy, sometimes.. I swear.” With the books in your arms, you headed to class. Thoughts of your upcoming date with Stan quickly fill your head.
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