mawofthemagnetar · 1 year
“So, tell me, Hypno,” Gem said, leaning against the wall of her starter house, “’Cause I didn’t get a chance to ask last season. What’s with the bandana? Do you ever take that thing off?”
Hypno raised an eyebrow, and shrugged.
“Yeah, I take it off sometimes. I’ll take it off right now, watch.” And he pulled it off, revealing a mop of sweaty brown hair.
And, of course, a strange headband made of polished silver circles, stuck to both of his temples.
Gem tilted her head, the flowers in her antlers leaning.
“Uh,” She said, “what’s- what’s with the-?”
“Hm? Oh, that. Psychic dampener.” Hypno said mildly, slipping his bandanna back on and starting to tie it up.
“Y’know. Keeping me from- I can read minds, y’know? Anyway, yeah, so, the mindreading thing? Doesn’t really turn off.”
Gem’s eyes went wide as the horror dawned.
“So…you wear that…”
“To turn it off, yeah. Don’t worry, it’s pretty comfy.” Hypno said with a smile.
“…So, wait, if you take that thing off…wouldn’t that be fun sometimes, though? Like, you could TOTALLY cheat at poker with that!”
“Oh, yeah. I could. But let me ask you this, Gem: Would you want to spend a minute of your life inside of Keralis’ head?”
All the blood drained out of Gem’s face.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
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2knightt · 1 year
Howdy knight in shimmering armor!! :DDD it is moi~ & I come humbly presenting my req ✨🥹
So. 👏🏼 We've heard of motherly!reader, right? And we got motherly!reader. We've heard of sister!reader, and we got sister!reader.
Now get ready forrrrr *🥁🥁🥁* daughter!reader! 🩷💫
can I get some hcs for our Sodapop with a daughter/daughter!reader? I feel like he'd be such a sweet and loving parent aaaa 😭😭 whether biological or adopted it's entirely up to you, darlin'! I just live for the sweet fluff; my brain is stuck on Darry and Pony and the rest of the Greasers as uncles akshdj it's driving me up a walllllll.
uncle/godfather (!!! 😱😭🩷) Steve—maybe her taking an interest in cars or working at the DX when she gets older?? or not and somethin' else has her best interests at heart!! but everybody loves and dotes on her endlessly still bc she's their princess UGH the potential is insanity.
Work your magic, firefly!! If it's what'chur into, I'd love to see whatcha got for me! 😚 If not, then don't worry a thing at all, m'kay? <33 Entirely up to you!
↳tell the angels no!₊˚✧
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➬ sodapop curtis x daughter!reader
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you’re sodapop’s biological child, and he couldn’t be happier omfg.
he’s such a good dad :(.
he legit can’t say no to you so you can get away with literally anything.
you punch a kid because they were annoying you?
“aw, it’s okay. i bet she didn’t mean it.”
“your daughter punched the child 3 times in a row.”
“just like i taught her!”
you get caught stealing?
“just ask for money! or take some from uncle steve.”
if you ever tell him you have a crush on a kid, he’s telling everyone. shouting it in the streets fr.
“who is he? is he cute? is he nice? rich?”
and if the gang finds out?? good luck.
“what? you’re way too young to even to be thinking about boys!”
“yeah, what uncle two-bit said!”
“guys she’s a child. let her explore.”
“shut up ponyboy, this is y/n we’re talking about.”
do NOT ask sodapop for help with any of your work.
as soon as your done with adding, it’s ponyboys problem.
each person in the gang probably has their own job or role in your life.
johnny is the uncle you go to for peace and quiet.
“johnny-uhh…let’s go to the lot!! i’m tired of this house.”
“alright, kiddo. go tell your dad where you’re going.”
johnny’s jealous that you have a better childhood than he ever had, but he’s happy that it’s you getting the best childhood you can possibly get.
ponyboy’s the one you go to for academic help, or just..help in general.
“uncle pony, what’s 12 x 2?”
“what’s 12 + 12?”
“there’s your answer.”
two-bits the uncle you go to when you’ve had a bad day. he does ANYTHING to make you laugh.
he’ll tell you any story about anyone to make you smile with tears still in your eyes.
“w-well what about dad?”
“OH! your dad used to work at this gas station, the DX, right? and one day a guy came in to rob the place, grabbed the drinks, chocolate bars, everything and just RAN! so your father ran after him but he tripped and took the guy down with him! i swear he was the same shade as a tomato when the story came out!”
you asked, in between laughs.
steves the uncle you go to for…literally everything.
you’re probably his favourite person so…he’s ‘round you a lot.
“uncle steve, i’m trying to go to school!”
“schools for losers.”
“but don’t drop out. drop out and i kill ya.”
darry is the one you go to for actual advice and a shoulder to lean on.
you probably call him grandpa for the laughs.
“an-and i just don’t know what to do, pa! it’s so..UGH!”
“just breath, y/n. you’re a strong young girl. you can make it, like you always do.”
dallas is the uncle you go to for actual fun.
he let’s you get away with anything and everything.
he might even be worse than your dad.
“can i have a cigarette?”
“just don’t tell anyone, kay? i ain’t tryna get the tar beatin’ outta me.”
i like to think that steve’s car work was acknowledged and he moved into a better paying job.
so if you show the slightest bit of interest into cars, he’s bringing you into work on the weekends.
“pop the hood, y/n.”
“sir yes sir!”
they’d be so loving but so annoying with you omfg.
they will barge into your room without asking.
“HEY Y/N!”
“that’s no way to talk to your uncle.”
“so?? get out! i’m trying to play something.”
they all come into your room and drag you out to the dingo.
sodapops driving, it’s his car, two-bit and steve are fighting across the seats, johnny and ponyboy and talking over the shouting, dallas is blasting music while darry tells everyone to behave.
all that while you stand infront of school, infront of everyone, as they shout your name out loud.
“i don’t know who these guys are…must be another y/n.”
“ah, shit.”
10/10 experience overall, would sell my first born to experience this.
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may 27th, 2023. 4:41PM.
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softspeirs · 7 months
Relief, forrrrr... a certain Major Egan? 😊
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A/N: You and @blikebarbie92 both had the same idea, and I'm happy to oblige! I have something else brewing for these two coming (hopefully) later today, so here's a little precursor. If anyone else wants to send a prompt, send me something from this list!
three. afterwards.
He's trying really hard not to think about after.
Some days it's harder than others. It's especially hard on mail call days. He watches Buck's face completely transform as he devours word after word from Marge, and while he can't blame him, it makes something sour curdle in his gut.
Because where does he belong in all this? In the after?
The buzzing in between his ears to get out, get out grows louder every day, and every day he feels panic begin to brew when he thinks he might not be in this with Buck, not totally.
He doesn't want to do anything stupid, but he doesn't want to sit here for god knows how long, either.
But Buck has other things to live for. He has Marge, and he has a wedding to plan, and it makes him careful, careful in a way that Bucky can't feel.
He stopped feeling careful about this, his life, somewhere around jumping out of a plane and freezing in stillness in some German swamp.
He's not too far gone yet to recognize he's becoming hard, so he tries he best to be the person he was before. He plays cards with Crank and Murph (and no, he's not trying too hard to make up for the echo of an angry conversation that happened right before the mission from hell, though it did replay over and over in his mind as he watched Crank's ship go down that day. (Jesus Christ, Crank, it's a war! Are you flying today, or not? / Yeah. / Yes, sir.)
It helps, for a little while.
But then they're told about an escape attempt, and they're not-so-subtly threatened, and he sees Buck tense beside him, back ramrod straight at attention, only a brief glace over at Bucky like he actually thinks Bucky is going to make a run for it as they speak.
He's not that stupid, and he's not that depressed. Not yet.
Still, nothing sets a fire blazing in him like the day he comes back to find their hut completely ransacked. It's fury like he can't explain - they do this to them all the time. It shouldn't be anything new or shocking.
It's just -- his jacket is dumped on the floor, and the one thing he notices when he picks it up and dusts it off is that the half-squashed, yellowing daisy that was tucked neatly into his breast pocket is gone.
It's the straw that breaks the camel's back. He doesn't even know why he kept it, except that it started to feel like a sign, something tethering him back to who he was before, when he was just standing in a pub doorway with flowers for a pretty girl.
A girl who he stared and stared at, never daring to say anything too flirtatious in case her father was looming over her shoulder, daring any pilot to get too close.
But that day it had been just her, and him. And while he had apologized for telling her not to get too attached and apologized for getting angry because she wouldn't let him get drunk off his face after Buck went down, she had pressed a flower into his hand and a kiss to his cheek.
So he's furious, when he can't find it. There's been no promises made. He doesn't get letters, doesn't send them either, but it had been there, a reminder of the man he used to be.
And now it's gone.
"Jesus Christ, Bucky." DeMarco says, pushing past him. "What? What happened?"
Bucky realizes he's white knuckling the table in the middle of the room. "Nothing."
"Did they find something?" Benny's face is hard, urgent. "I'm serious - if you need to tell us--"
"No. Nothing. I just-- we only have a few belongings to our sorry names and they do this? Why--" He stops himself, hands on his hips. He's overreacting. He knows it. Can't help it.
How does he explain without sounding absolutely insane?
"I had something in my pocket. From someone back home. I--" He's astonished with himself when his voice cracks.
DeMarco's face falls. He doesn't crack a joke, he doesn't do anything to make Bucky feel worse than he already does.
"What is it? I'll help, we'll keep lookin'--"
And so they sit there, going over everything with a fine-toothed comb, while Buck and Frank and Crank come in too, and without more than a quiet word and sharp look from Benny, they start helping.
"There," Murphy says, dropping to one knee near Bucky's bunk, his hands cradling a small, wilted flower. It looks like nothing, like something they would have swept up with the garbage if not for Bucky's panicked energy.
The relief he feels at seeing it is overwhelming. To their credit, the other guys turn away, they don't ask him any questions, they don't ask what's wrong with him that he's getting this upset over a flower.
He takes it gently between his large palms, and imagines he can still smell its sweet scent, long gone.
To him, it's a talisman of better days that has miraculously stayed with him through all the hell he went through to get here to Stalag Luft III, and he feels a piece of him settle back into place when he places it in between pages of a battered notebook he's taken to carrying with him and keeping under his mattress at night.
Later, he'll tell Buck about it. He'll tell him about her, and how she had given him a small hope that someone might miss him, however fleeting their exchange had been.
He clears his throat, thanks his guys.
The rest of the night that relief courses through his veins like adrenaline. It makes him think maybe there is an after for him, that there's something out there that he's still fighting for, even if it's happening on the ground instead of the air.
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mercurygray · 6 months
watching the rain forrrrr Fred & Brady?
Oh, this was a good one. Thank you for giving me an excuse to write them!!
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It was bound to be quieter, out here with the rain.
She hadn't joined the Red Cross to be the center of attention - it was true enough that you got some of that being one of four girls in a truck, but that wasn't the same as having the spotlight on you for an unscheduled one-woman episode of Command Performance using a borrowed guitar.
Sadly for her, though, it looked like her usual seat was already taken. John Brady rose from one of the crates, his pipe giving him an almost patrician air. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't think there'd be anyone out here," Fred said, turning to go back inside.
"Plenty of room here for whoever wants it," Brady offered, gesturing to a second crate with his pipe. "If you don't mind a little company, that is - or the smoke."
"Reminds me of home, actually," Fred said, smoothing down her jacket and sitting down. Her grandfather had smoked a pipe - usually out on the fire escape, so the apartment wouldn't smell too awful. The smell of it calmed her. "It was getting a little loud in there for me."
"The sound of earnest appreciation," Brady said with a smile. "You made that guitar sound better than Jimmy does."
Fred blushed. It had been Curt's idea, because wasn't it always? Now, now - I think I'm owed a little treat for making it home in one piece, eh? Now where's - where's Fred? I wanna hear her sing me something. I know she's got a real sweet voice and we ain't all heard it yet.
She'd tried to beg off but Curt wouldn't take no for an answer, so they'd chivvied her up on stage, and Jimmy Hobart had handed over his guitar and pulled a stool out, and she'd tuned it up and asked Curt what he wanted to hear. Somethin' nice, he'd said with a grin. Somethin' sweet.
She wasn't about to go singing him a love song, so she'd pulled out one of those cowboy ballads she thought she'd be singing so often, I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences, Gaze at the moon till I lose my senses, Can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences, Don't fence me in.
She'd done that one, and another by Gene Autry, until Egan had joined in and gotten the whole club singing, and then Hobart had come back and she'd been able to sneak out the back door, back to the rain and the smell of Brady's pipesmoke.
"Not all of us studied music in college, Lieutenant Brady."
"You know, I wouldn't mind if you called me John," he offered quietly. "Curt's not Lieutenant Biddick, is he?"
Well, Fred, you walked into that one. "Curt excels at making himself an exception. There are rules I'm supposed to follow - and up until I got here I was pretty good at it."
"What do you think changed?" Fred looked over at Brady and found he was watching her with careful, considerate eyes - an armchair philosopher with his pipe.
She snorted and looked out into the night at the rain. It was a good question - what had changed? She was still the same person who'd left Madison twelve months ago - still had the same parents, the same college degree, the same training. Was it this place, or these people? The answer came back very unannounced, and she smiled to herself about it. "Apparently flyboys are very persuasive."
Brady chuckled. "On behalf of my fellow flyboys I will accept that compliment. So do you have any other tricks in those uniform sleeves of yours, Miss Fred? You dance, you sing, you play the guitar, you charm hardened pilots out of their seats, you make excellent donuts and a hell of a good cup of coffee. Is there anything you don't do?"
Now it was her turn to laugh out loud. "I also play a pretty good game of cribbage."
He didn't have time to respond to that, because just as she'd said it the door was opening again and Curt, listing a little bit to starboard, joined them outside. "John Brady, are you getting my best girl a drink?"
Brady sat up a little straighter, taking his pipe out of his mouth. "I can be, if she needs one."
"Hey, what is your drink, by the way?" Curt had turned his attention to Fred. "The next time I phone in I'll know what to ask for."
"A whiskey soda." Fred looked over at John, a little impressed.
Curt clapped him on the shoulder. "He remembers! See, this is why you're never gonna leave us, Fred, because we spoil you. And do you know why? Because we know a good thing when we see it. And you, Fred, are a very, very good thing."
"Maybe even the best thing?" Fred asked, getting up from her crate. Duty called - somewhere in her mind she could see the shift supervisor tapping her wrist. She'd danced too long with the same soldier, and there was no more time for quiet.
Curt was laughing at that, pulling her back inside and saying something about the jitterbug and showing Blakeley what was what and who was who. And Fred couldn't help but notice the feeling of Brady following them, resuming his seat on the stage and his clarinet, the smell of rain and his pipesmoke lingering on her jacket.
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moondirti · 2 months
mann i’m sorry to be asking cause i’m usually rlly rlly good at finding fics i read a long time ago and didn’t save but i just couldn’t do it this time :( there’s this oneee fic i remember seeing on your page and it was like a coin toss fic where ghost had like. two trick coins and he used it to trick reader forrrrr Sex. 😔 do you remember it? if you do could you point me toward it 🥹🥺 tysm either way!
hey babe! the only one that comes to mind is this nikprice fic by early - it isnt ghost so idk if it’s what you’re talkin about tho, but the concept is pretty much what ur describing
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boilompiz · 1 year
Dragon oc rambles part 1 - Krovin!!!
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Welp it’s about to be my birthday in like two days so it’s probably about time I post this next ramble DBFJFJ sorry again that this took forever ive been grinding on Pokémon Violet/j
Anyways Krovin
Strange Homosexual man‼️🇺🇸
a helper around the refugee camp area ig! He helps with food stuff mostly but occasionally helps with like medical stuff n all that jazz,, when he’s not doing that he’s just kinda helping individuals with whatever they may need
YET this man refuses to care for himself in the slightest like sir please sleep for more than 3 hours☹️‼️
He constantly busies himself by helping around the camp however he can when he can because,, well I mean people are losing their homes and families and it’s just a BAD TIME.
So if he can help people and make it so life is SLIGHTLY less shitty then he’s doing good,, and he’ll feel selfish and awful if he stops take care about himself for even a minute
He gets it from his childhood 😁😁 yeah I know an OC with a troubling childhood !! Who coulda seen this coming!
Basically his mother had lost her first son before having Krovin which was already bad enough,, and then her husband went and died after getting caught up in a fight during this one dragon civil war typa conflict,, as you can imagine her mental state kinda went down the drain <33
She wouldn’t leave her bed,, she wouldn’t eat, she kinda just let herself rot away in her room for like several weeks,, eventually Krovin decided to try and take care of her FOR her, so starting when he was around 13-14 all the way up until he was like 26 maybe, he’d make food, he’d make sure she bathed, he’d try to help with her all mental issues and grief and all that jazz
He even started helping around town for some extra money ‼️🔥🔥💰💰🗣 yknow to buy more food and stuff,,
No matter what Krovin did though his mom just couldn’t seem to get better,, mentally at least. Even after years and years of him trying to help her she couldn’t move on
So yeah not a good time for Krovin
Eventually his mother died from a sickness plus her age in her sleep,, which Krovin ended up blaming himself for
Did he not try hard enough? Should he have done more? Maybe he should’ve gotten more money to afford medicine ,, maybe he should’ve BEEN A BETTER SON 🗣🗣🗣🗣 sorry I love that song/j
But yeah all of that is kinda why Krovin refuses to take time to properly care for himself,, he had this mindset that if he didn’t give the whole world for someone he cares for, they’d leave, disappear, say byebye or something like that!!!!!! He’s a lil messed up!!! Traumatized man☹️☹️
Anyways when the whole unicorn takeover thing happened he volunteered to help around and stuff, he hit the jackpot with this one/J
This is when he met Norva. She’d frequently turn up with them dragon refugees and occasionally visit from time to time,, checking in on everyone n all. Krovin liked that she was strong and brave, but was also real damn upset that such a young gal had to go through this situation with everyone else,, and she actually reminded him of when he cared for his mom and that like, REALLY upset him
So during one of her visits he’d approached her and they got to talking and soon became besties ‼️‼️
As I said Krovin admired her strength and bravery, and she appreciated his help around camp,, so yeah they became pretty close. Fatherless gang!!!!/J
And that’s all I have to say about Krovin for now sorry this was such a long ramble OUGH he’s just really neat to me,, dad figure man!!!! Who doesn’t love those dad figures am I right
Anyways next ramble will be forrrrr Treya! Hopefully his ramble will come out quicker this time RDHFGCU
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skrittkicking · 5 months
I'd like to know more about Iovitus and their cousin--I wanna know about their relationship and what exactly it is they do.
What is Iovitus' relationship to the main story of gw2? Has Iovitus had any significant others, or desire for such?
A potential big one, what was Iovitus doing during the Rally, and what are their thoughts both on it, and the subsequent Civil War?
I'd like to know more about Iovitus and their cousin--I wanna know about their relationship and what exactly it is they do.
absolutely! i love talking about the cousins and i could spew about their relationship (iovitus’ side, anyways — gratta is not my character so im not going to speak for her here) for ages. the two of them have known eachother forrrrr roughly a year now? not 100% sure on that timing and i’ll have to look at the story timeline again but i'm pretty sure it’s been that long. gratta moved in with iovitus a few months ago and just sort of decided to stay which iovitus was more than okay with! they’d been living alone (aside from their pets & mounts — which i also need to talk about! i can’t believe i haven’t yet tbh their pets are very important to iovitus as a character) for a few years until then and it was kind of starting to take a toll on them. since then, the two have continued to grow closer and closer, with gratta surprising them with an actual proper house as a wintersday gift. well, proper is probably pushing it — it’s a charr tank that gratta refitted into a house. prior to this they’d just both been staying in a tent — iovitus’ lifestyle required them to travel a lot, so they didn’t really see the need to settle in one spot and lived on the road. they function as a legionless warband in a way, but iovitus doesn’t really want it to be seen like that; they share the ‘rain’ surname, but they’d rather just be.. family. not a warband. recently, they had a mutual friend of theirs move in with them as he was going through a break up and didn’t have anywhere to stay. gratta invited him to move in permanently without consulting iovitus beforehand and the two got into a brief scuttle but it’s mmmmmostly been resolved. as for what they do, gratta is in the process of starting up her own mercenary company and iovitus is acting as her second-in-command. it’s still very much in the early stages and isn’t really open to the public juuust yet. alongside her mercenary work, iovitus helps gratta with… other jobs. she does some side stuff with the astral ward, mostly acting as a hired gun. iovitus aids her with this when possible, and is technically currently in nayos getting their ass kicked by some kryptis. wonderful. iovitus still does their own work when possible, but currently they’re more focused on aiding gratta — not only because they want to, but also because work is a bit hard to come by for them with where they’re currently situated
i could go into more depth about how iovitus views their relationship but hrrmmphhg this post is already long and i might just save it for its own thing. overall, though, iovitus harbors an intense love & admiration for gratta and would do anything she asked them too if it made her happy, even putting themselves in harms way for her sake
What is Iovitus' relationship to the main story of gw2?
there isn’t much of a relationship, if anything! i don’t have any characters that pose as my commander/interact with dragon’s watch/etc. the closest they’d come to interacting with the story is just their legions work during the icebrood saga/civil war, and visiting nayos. they were never aligned with the pact or any of the main orders, though they have worked alongside the priory due to their current occupation(s). whenever i do stuff for the story i usually play as iovitus but that’s just cause they’re my main, both in and out of rp… and i love charr female voicelines so i can’t help it
Has Iovitus had any significant others, or desire for such?
yes oh yes. they’d been with cassia rainsong, their legionnaire, since before either of them graduated the fahrar. the both of them were devoted to one another. iovitus wanted to have cubs with her, but she died before they were able to ask. (even if cassia survived the civil war, however, it’s unlikely that they would have had cubs due to iovitus’ overall poor health. their body probably couldn’t handle a pregnancy and it’d likely just end up in miscarriage or iovitus’ own death) iovitus still mourns cassia to this day and can’t seem to move on from her death, holding themselves back from even considering any sort of new romantic relationship. they really really miss having someone to call their own but feel as though they’re being unfaithful or disrespecting cassia by moving on. grief is a funny thing! i think eventually i do want them to grow and move on and find someone new to love, but for now, they’re stuck in a sort of limbo.
A potential big one, what was Iovitus doing during the Rally, and what are their thoughts both on it, and the subsequent Civil War?
this is something i’d eventually like to make a post of its own about, so i’ll be brief here. their warband was originally planning to attend the rally in grothmar but weren’t able to due to an assigned mission going on a bit longer than they’d anticipated, as well as one of their bandmates being killed in the process. as for the war, well, war sucks! needless to say iovitus doesn’t think too fondly of it for all the people they lost (and other things) but i’ll expand on that at a later date…. :)
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teamdilf · 1 year
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL Forrrrr Tarquin and another of your choice please?
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Tarquin is very much a slow boil. He’s got the patience of his father when it comes to keeping his temper, but when he goes off, he explodes, just like his mother does.
And, to change it up, we’ll do Petra, my Baldur’s Gate 3 protagonist! She’s got almost nothing for a temper - mostly because she hates feeling sad or angry or upset so she just lets things brush off her. She’s good at the “disappointed parent” look, though, and is well aware of it. But, if something has already managed to crack through the zen she maintains, she’s liable to respond loudly and violently if pushed further.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Biggest fear is disappointing his father! As for mundane fears, in the No Reaper AU where he runs his own video game company, I imagine he regularly has nightmares about servers blowing up, corrupting whatever game they’re all working on. Which is absurd - there’s back-ups and all sorts of fail safes in place, but it’s still a thought that, quite literally, keeps him up at night.
Petra had a pretty sheltered life prior to the events of the game, so her biggest fear then was making a mistake during one of her stage performances. Then, after all she’s been through, that sort of thing becomes SO benign in her mind and she develops a brand new fear: losing control.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
In a way, I think his father’s orders during the war were the worst thing he could ever hear. He is nothing if not aware that he’s not a skilled soldier, and to suddenly be thrust into a leadership position is terrifying for him.
Petra is vain as hell so hearing someone tell her that she’s not pretty is her worst nightmare.
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pretttydemonwrites · 3 months
🧁🌕📓 forrrrr charlie!
🧁- When is their birthday? How do they celebrate it, if at all? REAL talk, I haven't decided on a birthday yet for Charlie. But I can say that he is probably a Pisces if that is any indication. His birthday is usually a pretty lowkey event. Get himself some nice takeaway and settle in with a movie, but now that he has friends maybe he'll do something different this year!
🌕- if this OC was an animal, what kind would they be?
Charlie would be a bunny, but like, permanently baby sized. He's just so small...
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
So I did just realize that I know of THE Charlie song. It is "Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious" by The Amazing Devil, featuring such lyrics as "My heart is tearing my pages / From that funny story I rehearsed / And I know I won't be long / 'Cause I know I don't belong"
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Forrrrr the Steddie Ask Game I would love it if you answered the questions below.
2: Favorite Steddie fanart artist? (show the love and share so I can enjoy and share tooo!!! Bonus if you share your favorite or a few favorite pieces of theirs!)
5: If they had pets what would they be?
11: Which one would confess their attraction/love first? Why?
Also.. Thanks for being so awesome and always sending me asks for these, it's so fun! <3
😭😭 that end message made my day 🥹🥹 ily and you’re awesome too 🩷
Here’s the answers!
2: I’m pretty sure they’re also on here but I’m lazy and don’t really want to find their tumblrs 😅 anyway, there’s salmonblurb and I’m in love with their MerEddie comic 🥺 HERE’S the start of it!! AND AND there’s lazylittledragon their steddie dads comic is adorable but also the art style?! Amazing and sooo good!!
5: CATS!!!! They’re both cat dads. They’d have one hyper active one that knocks shit over all the time, then another one that only loves Steve. They also love dogs but Steve is allergic to most dogs. So no dog children for them. (Hyper active cat is named Sam, the one that loves Steve is named Ozzy)
11: Eddie confesses first. While high. Steve is too afraid to admit feelings after Nancy, so he keeps it close to his chest but can’t see how smitten Eddie is and when he confesses, Steve doesn’t say anything. Assumes Eddie’s just being touchy self and is just overly affectionate when high. Doesn’t know it’s real until the next morning when a whiny sleepy Eddie pouts that Steve didn’t say it back. It’s a whole thing. Steve does say it back only when both are wide awake, alert and sober.
Steddie ask game!! Let’s have some fun!
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pynkhues · 2 years
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? forrrrr Yellowjackets & GG
For Good Girls, it's hands down Kevin.
I tend to disagree with the sentiment some people had that the show never really knew what to do with Annie, but I do think they dramatically dropped the ball with her in s4, especially because I thought the paramedic plot line had so much potential (access to drugs! Turning Annie into her own bridging character into the crime world! Pushing away from Beth and Ruby! So much potential!)
As much as they could frustrate me at the time, her relationships with both Noah and Josh had a purpose. They really pushed her and hurt her and made her grow and backslide and have to reconcile both within herself, but Kevin just....really served no purpose? At all? He was all backslide, and I don't think the show ever really knew how he fed into Annie's arc, what purpose he served on the show, or what they had to say about homelessness, the latter of which is a particular bummer to me as the show has previously actually been pretty nuanced around the way poverty and economic strife consume life, both in the main story with the girls and with, for instance, JT having to lie about where his nephew lives so he can go to a better school.
Kevin's entire character was just ill thought-out to me, and it doesn't help that I didn't find the actor particularly good.
As for Yellowjackets, it's Travis. I at least get what function he serves narratively, but I find he can suck the energy out of the show a bit. In a lot of ways, I feel like he's as much of a tether to the old world as Jackie was, but he's nowhere near as compelling or symbolically potent? I'm curious what they do with him in the flashbacks in s2, but I'm also not holding my breath.
Salty asks
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hibiscus-ships · 2 years
1, 2, 3, and 5 general forrrrr Tieria? [lightningwife]
(I'm actually watching 00 right now sldjfhdsljfhsldjfsl) 🌺
1.) Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
This is a bit of a tough question. Tieria did ask Jenni if she would like to go out sometime, but when she asked where he would like to take her, he pretty much just
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In the end, Jenni salvaged things by saying that they could go out for coffee when they revisited the surface though, so everything was fine.
2.) Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes! They went to a cafe. It was pretty simple (though that was definitely for the better, since Tieria had zero prior relationship experience and was a little nervous the whole time.)
3.) What was their first kiss like?
A bit rigid on Tieria's end, but very genuine and endearing.
5.) What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Their height difference is 4"!
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sanfielle · 2 years
5, 8, 17 for a character of your choice; 38 for at least 5 prolegomenon characters, and 44 for tryxie
a grab bag.... hmm.... world is my oyster...!! i tihnk for the first 3 ill random gen soemone. smile. ok i got sa!ytk so ill do this i guess forrrrr dusty? the protag. the killer.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
pretty mcuh a handful of useful stuff. defintiely has a swiss army knife, a pack of gum, a spare band-aid... his wallet with like 3 diff identities on drivers licenses or smth. he ususally likes to be prepared for stuff ykwim.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
LOL he is a former hitman...!! i havent really thoufht about his past hits though. i think maybe his first was jsut some random person in debt to whoever hired him... thats probsbly usually what these things are about after all.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
in my head dusty used to have thsi old firetruck that he loved so much adn carried around everywhere. and it barely works because its so aged and the plastics all brittle adn the paints faded but it was so important to him. his son has it now
ok gd. prolegomenon time. lets see...
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
yua. in her head tehre are no problems or threats that cant be overcome so she will throw herself with gusto at things, though strategically... she wont just do this blindly. she knwos everything has a soft spot though.
cherry. mew cannot conceptualize the fact taht there are threats and problems mew cannot solve by mewself, or at all even with friends' help. mew is unkillable. mew is unstoppable. mew is cherry freakin' thaxton. etc.
sofie. everythinf in the world can be solved by being annoying enough and a little luck. aslo now that bud can explode stuff bud is like Well ill just fucking blow it up? and buds right. most stuff can be solved by blwoing it up. bud IS the threat in this scenario...
dina. dina is similar to yua inthe way that itll back off to approach things strategically adn see what other avenues can be taken, though it also isnt scared to get a little dirty in there. it will take advatnage of every tool at its disposal to do wahtever has to be done.
diego. unmovable object, once it's mind is latched onto soemthing it will not let go until the roadblock is removed or it is bascislly dead. its a very stubborn person who works at something until stuff goes its way.
rhett. hes like diego but worse in every way. there is only one problem/threat on earth wehre he conceded and removed hismelf and his brother from it but ithink if he were ever faced with that same issue today he would beat it to death with a rock.
aldrich. everything in the world is a puzzle to them and they have the key in their head, ifthey can just think it through. sure it will take a few tries adn some failrue but at the end of the day theywill unlock the key factor to make it work. or theyll die. either or
roy. he is a pretty straightforward kind of guy who can recognize when hes in over his head. also wehn faced with an issue he cant handle he usually just has a little upset about it.
jesse. theyre like water in the way taht theyll always take the path of least resistance, mostly becasue they dont like to be challenged in a lot of ways (isnt life challenging enough!?)...
amada. she gets overwhelmed easy and isnt very confident in herself and her ability to tackle stuff. if she has friends by her side MAYBE its a different story but mostly... she will just back down when stuff gets too hard.
isa. it kind of depends on the issue becasue if its something they feel can be handled wiht minimal issue/harm, theyll do it, but generally most thinfs cannot be handled this way lol. if stuff looks a little too big for them to chew theyll back off as far as they ccan.
julio. he doesnt like to cause any sort of fuss over stuff, so if he cant handle something (esp by himself), hell just walk away and try something esle. theres always anotehr safer/easier avenue to take!
reed: i mean theyll TRY. theyll chew on it and think it through but generally theyd prefer to go around stuff if possible. tehy dont really like to pushthemself to overcome anything or whatever, they think thats an easy road to hurting yourself....
OK. that waseverything i cared to say. whatever. tryxie.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
i think... tryxie is a very deeply self obsessed persson. it doesnt say 'love you!' very easiky this is thekind of thing resevred for wehn it thinks it will never see this person again or soemthign onthat level of importance. even for family and stuff. its said that only once before when not meaning itt and it ledto so much drama taht it has vowed never to say that without meaning it ever again. normal guy x
oc questions!
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amugoffandoms · 2 years
you'd think knowing majority of just Monika from random encounters is a good thing, but im pretty sure it isnt
anyways here's the entir
Oh, wow, Sayori, who's your friend?
He's our club's newest member!
That's... not set in stone.
this is Monika, Yuri, and Natsuki! And you already know me :D
Welcome to our meeting!
Are you into reading?
No need for being coy!
We'll improve your uptake, have a frigging cupcake, and must you bring a boy?
Time to write some poems, don't be scared to show them, the festival's days away~
You could help with baking!
Or with banner making!
And, I'll walk home... alone today. Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more. How could he love a simple girl next door? I'm just not the type he's looking forrrrr!
Hey, Sayori, you doing okay?
I'm having a difficult day.
I'd say, you seem pretty lonely.
I wish I could make her grin, all she wants are things back the way they've been.
She's depressed and stressed and she's feeling blue so I don't want Sayori hanging around you!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just, Just Monika!
I'm so glad you're joining the Literature Club!
Wait, what happened to S̷͉͇̈́͒͆a̶͍͙̐͘͠y̴̗̌̐o̸͔̱̔r̴̖̉́͌ḭ̴̻̳̚ ̶͐?
There's no one here named that...
Manga is my passion! Don't you dare be bashing! The writing's got finesse. Maybe you should borrow these until tomorrow- Were you looking up my dress?!
Let's go read a story!
What about Sayori?
Let's talk about me instead :) I've been learning piano and I sing soprano and I can't get you out of my head!
Can't look away. Can't help but blush, where did I get this overwhelming crush it's sharp as a knife and twice the rush!
Yo! There's something I think you should know! I've never seen Yuri so-
S̸̢̤͈̍̎̕͝A̸͉͌̈͋͝ͅN̷̨̘̟͕̓͋E̸͚͔͎̤͑ ̴͚̈̃̚A̷̖̹̿Ņ̸̯̆̽̏͐Ḏ̸̳̽͊ ̷̳̂̉͂C̷͙͎͕͂̈́̕͠Ḧ̵̡͎̱̮̄Į̶̠͛̔̚͝L̶̮͓̉͗̾L̸̢͉̼͉̐̔͠ and still kind of sweaty- But, I don't mind cutting to the chase, I'm in love with you and your gorgeous face!
That's a sentiment I can't allow, so my dear friend Yuri is getting the point now!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just Monika!
Just, Just Monika!
Could you have guessed? Maybe you knew, Natsuki is next! I'm deleting her, too. We don't need cupcakes or poems or tea. I only need you to love me!
Hey, there's no one else in our way. So, look at me and just say right here, my dear, that you love me! And, we'll sit here 'til the end of time 'Cause I've earned this and you're finally mine! And, I'm sorry what you had to see, but it no longer matters 'Cause now you belong to me!
Well, look what the cat dragged in!
Sayori, you're still a part of the Literature Club?
Yeah, I'm the President after all!
Wow, Sayori, who's your friend?
He's our club's newest member!
I'm guessing that's not set in stone.
This time, I think it is.
Why don't you join us? I was just getting Natsuki into my favorite horror novel.
I-It's not like I like it or anything!!
So, are you walking home with anyone after this?
Just my friend, Sayori.
Just Sayori.
Just Sayori.
Just Sayori.
Just Sayori.
Just Sayori.
Just Sayori.
Just Sayori.
J̷̻̖̑̔̈́̆̎͗͝��̜͈̻Ŭ̶͓̗̽͆̄S̶͙͗̓͌̽̽̅̀T̷̯̒̾́̓ ̴͖̫͙̣͚̞̏̉͛͜͜Ṣ̸̯̯͖̩̳̥͒̄̍͂̏̑̕A̵̧̬̪͎̤͓͂͐̆Y̸̡͈͒͒̄͠Ỏ̵͉̟̿͐͒̓͘͝R̸̘̉I̷̠̗̍̏̾̕.̷͇͕̖̜̿̒
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kiastirling-fanfic · 2 years
Hi Kia, welcome to DWC!! To get your feet wet, how about something from the banter prompts: A: “I could have died!” B: “give me some credit. I wouldn’t let you die, not on purpose anyway.” A: “despite what you might think, that is not at all comforting” - forrrrr Cassandra and Varric, perhaps? Or whoever you think it might fit!
@dadrunkwriting Thanks for the prompt! Here's Varric (A) & Cassandra (B) featuring a himbo!Adaar to facilitate.
“Do we seriously have to do this?” Varric shot a plaintive look up, but the Inquisitor just rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, Varric, I think we gotta do this,” Alric sounded chipper, as always. “And here she is. Right on time, my beloved.”
“Not now, Alric,” the Seeker grabbed one of the Inquisitor’s horns and turned him before he could kiss her. “Varric, I’m sorry. There, are we done?”
“That’s- I could have died!” Not that Varric actually wanted an apology. He wanted Cassandra to leave him alone and to definitely leave Hawke alone. What good would an apology even do?
“Oh please,” she scoffed, “give me some credit. I would not let you die.”
“Despite what you might think, that’s not actually all that comforting,” Varric growled, “considering you were trying to kill me. There was no let.”
“I wasn’t-” Cassandra bit off her words and slumped. “I am sorry, Varric, for allowing my temper to get the best of me. I am sorry for striking you. I am sorry for giving you the impression that I wanted, or was trying, to kill you.”
Varric was good to walk out by now. Honestly he was good to walk out before Cassandra even showed up.
“And?” Apparently Alric wasn’t.
“What do you mean ‘and’?!” Cassandra snapped. This was quickly devolving into a lover’s spat, and Varric wanted no part in it.
“The proper way to apologize” Alric explained, “is to acknowledge and take responsibility for what you did, and say what you would do instead next time, or what you will do to improve whatever part of you led to you doing it.”
Varric was pretty sure they could hear Cassandra grinding her teeth all the way in Jader.
“I am sorry for those things Varric,” she spat, “and in the future I will do my utmost to listen before I try to kill you.”
Alric beamed. “There, was that so hard?”
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vesperstalksclones · 4 years
Drawing lesson #2 - full body
So for fun I decided to do another drawing tips & tricks thingy! I'm not an expert by any means, but I have been doodling forrrrr... at least 30 years now so.... *shrugs*
Ho-kay! So I'm drawing mr sexy pants Rex in Zygarrian armor because who doesn't love an angry cutie pie in a cat suit!
So BIG important - set some guide lines on your paper! Ugh! Don't draw and draw and draw and then suddenly you can't fit a foot on your paper ! 😭
Make dumb fat messy shapes to set up where your body parts are, and go over them multiple times. I find all those lines help to create the nice organic shapes I want!
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So I have a messy outline going. I filled in that stick man type thing here and my important joints. Also I added some plains to help keep my body aligned
This is kind of a 3/4 angle. Not facing perfectly at me, so I don't have to be as fussy with the symmetry.
Now, let's talk about shapes. I often break body parts in to shapes while I am drawing. This helps keep the body parts the right size in relation to eachother; its easier to draw two triangles than to mock out two entire feet, right? These are my training wheels!
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So take a look here! See how I turn the basic areas in to easy shapes? This way I can make sure my body is nice and proportional before I put lots of effort in to details.
This is also hugely helpful with hands and feet! So see how the foot on our left side is viewed from dead on? From the angle to the bottom it is kind of one big cone/triangle from this angle, or even maybe like the look of a horse's hoof!
Look to the one on the right - I used a triangle for the heel, a squatty rectangle for the toe and a sloping rectangle for the mid foot. I almost prefer to err on the side of bigger and chunkier with feet. What can I say... I like boots!
Also, look at the leg on our left. See how I outlined the leg? The natural curves of the thighs and calves should be "B" shaped at this angle.
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Ok, so I want to make sure my arms are proportional! If you straighten out and put your arms at your sides you'll find your palms reach your thighs well below your hips! Like, Rex needs to be able to cover his nethers if need be!
So to draw my arms, first I pick where my hand is going to be, and my shoulder first. THEN I draw the forearm, elbow and upper arm to connect my hand to the body. To check my proportions, I grab my ruler and measure the rough length of my arm pieces, and then make sure a straight arm would reach his thigh. It looks pretty good to me!
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What? More shapes? YES! So I like a thic chest on my man, but this really works for even skinny bodies. The top of my pectoral rectangle also acts as my collar bone, which connects the shoulders. Then the tops of the trapezius/shoulder muscles make a triangle pointing to the head. The rounded portion of the shoulder is two petals.
Now, the torso/sternum part is a fatty triangle pointing down from the pectoral. This also forms your rib cage. The tip of the triangle pushes down in to a cylinder shaped waist/abdomen. On a male body type this is generally not as curvey.
And the pelvis/hips... shaped like shorts 😋
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Dude.... hands are hard!!! For EVERYONE. Anyone who says otherwise is BS-ing you. The painful truth is practice, practice, practice. Copy pictures from magazines. Sit and look at your own hands. Make the shape you are trying to draw and examine yourself!
Thank goodness for my cheater shapes! If you look at your mitts, you'll see that the knuckles line up fairly well, so laying down a guideline can help to lay them out. The palm section is a pretty comfortable rectangle, and where palm becomes wrist -> triangle.
Also, check out the fist on our right. IDK why, but I like making a triangular gap between my fingers. I feel like it adds depth in a way and it makes them feel less like sausages that way.
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Alright! I've been working my way around my drawing. I like to jump around from part to part to keep everything moving along together. Work together the lines that you laid out with your shapes. I start out light, but when I've found the shape I like, I lay down a thick dark line that says "this is done. As much as I'm tempted to be lazy, I know I'll be unhappy if I don't keep working at all the little details. A simple curved line makes a wrinkle in the fabric. Add seams to your clothes and textures to cloth or metal.
For shading, sometimes a softer graphite pencil is nice, but it can get really smudgey! Some folks have these paper blenders - they make me gag. Its a texture thing. I prefer to blend with my fingers; the oils seem to help soften the pencil and seal it to the paper. Just a light scribbling motion with the pad if my finger usually works.
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There he is babies!! I could lecture more, but I can only put this many pics in to a post!! So here I have my finished Zygerrian Rex. He has no patience for d-bag slavers and is going to open up a world of hurt on sumbody. I rrreeeeaaally wanted an angry toothy snarl a la Frank Miller's Spartans... bit I couldn't make it happen and look good. *Shrug*
Well, dollies... lwt me know what you think! Feel free to ask questions any time!
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