onenicebugperday · 9 months
Help! Found this baby in my garden, but none of the ID charts I've found have any matches! It looks a lot like a monarch larva to me, but its white bands are too narrow and I found it pretty far from any milkweed. I (and this caterpillar) are in central Illinois. Who is this mystery child?
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It is a monarch, but it is unfortunately diseased with something called black death. Usually, eventually, they will turn entirely black and die, then sort of deflate and leak goo. Sometimes they still manage to turn into a chrysalis, but they often die in that stage. The chrysalis will turn entirely black and the butterfly will never emerge. I don't recall if any of them ever survive once they're infected but I'd guess not many if any at all! RIP to this friend :C
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The road trip crew from Season 5 are working for The Underground to help against Megalo Don. (Drift is himself, but in Rift Strider Drift's outfit, Brite Bomber is Brite Raider, CTL is Ragsy and Rex is... Rex...) Ragsy and Rex both agree that it seems Brite and Drift want to get back together after the breakup.
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Fortnite Headcanon #555
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sodavampyr · 2 years
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The Leftovers character dynamics sheet bc I’m insane
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lucilassie · 28 days
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Let's get this show on the road 💔 🔥
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pretttydemonboy · 13 hours
pain, secret, skin for charlie >:)
don't you ">:)" me!
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
I think Charlie has always been a pretty...careful? person? So he hasn't had a lot of major injuries. I think the worst pain would probably be when he had to have his appendix out bc that shit did burst. But I'm choosing to believe in the theory that redheads have a higher than average pain tolerance lmao
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
he's constantly holding back on his magic and trying to reroute it to cause as little harm as possible. his true magic is volatile and dangerous and has resulted in people dying before. THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GETTING RIGHT NOW cuz I know we've got a squad of GMs on here just itching to pay me back for what I did to the party lmao skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
hahahah funny you should ask these questions right next to each other. Charlie is terrified of his own power and he does everything he can to hide it and pretend that he has it under control. but he also knows that he's always just one fuck up away from causing some real damage and that thought makes him feel...so ill
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blujayonthewing · 7 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAY!!! You're a gift and a treasure and a delight and these are irrefutable facts!!!
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pretttydemonwrites · 7 days
🧁🌕📓 forrrrr charlie!
🧁- When is their birthday? How do they celebrate it, if at all? REAL talk, I haven't decided on a birthday yet for Charlie. But I can say that he is probably a Pisces if that is any indication. His birthday is usually a pretty lowkey event. Get himself some nice takeaway and settle in with a movie, but now that he has friends maybe he'll do something different this year!
🌕- if this OC was an animal, what kind would they be?
Charlie would be a bunny, but like, permanently baby sized. He's just so small...
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
So I did just realize that I know of THE Charlie song. It is "Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious" by The Amazing Devil, featuring such lyrics as "My heart is tearing my pages / From that funny story I rehearsed / And I know I won't be long / 'Cause I know I don't belong"
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silverstreams · 8 months
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binxdoesgaming · 11 months
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Hi!! I know I've been dead but here's some pics I took that for some reason I really like.
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fedora-cat · 2 years
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it’s the idiot duo
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
artist asks: 4, 11, 12!!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw?
God I was gonna say 'weirdly, Juniper' because I really struggle with tall/ skinny body proportions and for whatever reason I just can't get get her face right half the time but THEN I remembered what a pain it is trying to draw Nyssa every single time aaahah :'D She's-- so-- the thing about Nyssa is that she was literally designed to be self-indulgent for me to draw, in theory, but it turns out in practice that's less the case than I expected? like... oh I'll make a satyr oc cause I love satyrs :3 [goat legs are HARD to pose and even HARDER to attach nicely to a human waist to begin with! what on EARTH are horns from literally any angle!] I like drawing bodies and hate drawing clothes, good thing satyrs are naked lil heathens :3 [I don't actually know how to draw boobs?? oops???]
A bitch to draw for somewhat similar reasons is Tsakesh, who is a delightful boi and has a very visually appealing design to me, and I'd probably draw him a lot more if he wasn't a cat man oTL
Approaching from a different angle, another answer would be Small characters interacting with medium sized creatures/ an environment designed for medium sized creatures. Like in theory that's part of the fun of small creatures, but in practice I'm really bad at composition, and trying to get everyone's faces in the image at the same time when one person is barely half the height of the other is a huge pain in the ass, actually, lmao. But it's so fun when it works!
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
YES, and-- it depends! Often it's mbmbam, or my big catch-all 'songs I like singing along with' playlist, which is 1) the default music I listen to and b) The Playlist for workin on Projects, but doesn't always fit drawing. Usually I can draw while listening to stuff with words, but when I can't I have an instrumental playlist called 'Coloring Time' that I originally made for my kids when I taught a drawing class that's almost entirely comprised of chill video game overworld music, so I have something to listen to that's background engaging without being distracting. I ALSO! have instrumental playlists for Melliwyk, Juniper, and Elyss, and sometimes when I'm drawing one of them I'll put her playlist on at the same time (especially Mel's because it's just delightful anyway, and tbh pretty rarely Elyss's because a lot of hers is really melancholy :'D)
12. Easiest part of body to draw?
👉👈 will y'all promise not to be mad if I say hands
ask me artist questions? :3
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comicchannel · 2 years
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Fortnite Victory Royale Series Ragsy Hasbro F4974
Link para compra: https://amzn.to/3UuBffd
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fortnite-headcanons · 4 months
Ragsy listens to Nine Inch Nails and their favorite album is The Fragile
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Fortnite Headcanon #143
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welp0w0 · 5 months
Dance the Night Away!
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some quick colored-in doodles of atrd ragatha and TI in fancy clothes and ig this also counts as a pose practice
The Influence belongs to @ask-the-rag-dolly
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sodavampyr · 6 months
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I’m bored
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pretttydemonboy · 1 month
🔥 🦇🩸vampires!
oh mAN. idk if I really have any super unpopular vampire opinions, like just about vampires in general?
if I could think of something, it would be that they're hotter when their faces transform, instead of just being conventionally hot person with fangs. Buffy the Vampire Slayer knew what the fuck was up wrt making vampires look a lil fucked up. Supernatural did okay on that front too, I think they could have taken it further than like, shark teeth
i'm also lowkey tired of the whole, "vampire struggles with their morality" thing. i think it can still be an interesting narrative but I think you gotta get a little fucked up with it to keep my interest
also, I don't care about stories where a pure innocent human falls in love with a dangerous vampire. i want vampires being fucked up and crazy together. (The Interview with the Vampire series is genuinely doing such a phenomenal job with this, cannot recommend it enough)
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