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rustystars · 1 year
lot of thoughts on my heart is a chainsaw need to read the sequel when it gets to my library but also man. man!
#i do think shes in love with letha the same way shes in love with slashers... like the idea that. something big will come & take away her#suffering (kill her dad) while also MEANING something (her whole focus on being letha's guide & mentor) before her eventual death#(shss not the final girl! she was never meant to live!)#like jade is both attracted to letha as the idea of a savior AND as a teen girl who isnt mean to her#literally paragraphs describing letha's beauty even at the end when she's. well. incapacitated#genuine crush on jades part but its so tangled & fucked up bc 1. incredibly violent situation & 2. all intimacy is always always always#tied up with what happened with her dad#(man! letha attacking her dad! bc she's the final girl figure but more than that bc she genuinely cares for jade! while jade still gets the#kill in the end... i love. teenage girl blood craziness)#same reason i really liked shooting glasses character.... idea of a safe relationship/friendship but also how he contrasts w her#like the end when she's viewing him as a final boy & realizes she doesnt even know his name....#there's such a distinct like. lack of agency on her part. she never feels safe & she never feels in control of her life#whether it's her dad or letha & hardy's awkward attempts at kinship. it#'s just so. man.#i really liked the ending... like the idea of her FINALLY doing something. like finding the axe directly corresponding w her becoming like#less passively suicidal i guess? that despite everything she's making the choice to stop the fire & save ppl. even though she doesnt think#that she deserves to live she's making the choice. DESPITE the video i want to live. DESPITE losing ppl i want to live#different from just fighting stacy... that felt necessary so life or death so instinctual. whereas breaking the dam is an active choice#to live & be part of her own life finally instead of just going through the motions#not that like. any of it doesnt make sense or that it's her fault for feeling that way. but man
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mccnstruck · 1 year
hHHII i saw ur latest fic and I LVOE IT RBROROOR
could u do akito x f!reader wheheere the reader has a rivalry relationship w akkto (SHH I LOVE ENEMKES TO LOVERS) and normally readers like happy but one day reader is sorta sad,(mommy issjes💀) and akito notices, she trjes to cover up saykg shss okay, but eventually around at the end kf school akito was walking and noticed reader by themselves, and went up to them, just to see their eyes red and puffy, and thejr hands were shaky, then akito asks what’s wrong and again reader says it’s nothing and does a excuse, akito was buying it and gently held their hands to try to stop it from shaking, and reader gets flustred sorta saying shes fine and to let go, akito then says he’ll let go after reader tells their problems, and reader kept denying cause they dont wanna be a burden, andddd you can decide what happens next😭
characters: akito x gn!reader
tags: mentions of derealization, mommy issues, akitos really blunt idfk, profanities, hurt/comfort, not proofread, ooc, not proofread, long fic
a/n: HI !!!! just a few things i wanted to say:
- as soon as i saw mommy issues i RANNNNN with this request. sorry. it might be a lil specific. but. yea 😋.
- sorry but i dont take f!reader !! gives me dysphoria, so it got switched to gn!reader sorry <\3
- i went really deep into this request and may or may not have done a whole akito characterization just to find how he comforts people. so yea
thank you for requesting i hope u enjoy !!!!
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Akito sighed while walking through the corridors.
The scent of spring's arrival was felt throughout the school. People sat outside in their free period, windows were open, and the wind breezed through Akito's ginger hair, giving a playful ruffle before escaping through the window to torment another student.
It was a shame Akito didn't spend it with anyone. Toya was busy helping the library, Akito was hiding from An monitering the hallways, and Mizuki was not in school today, or any day for that matter. Talking to the crazy duo in school was absolutely a no-go, and to be fair he didn't feel like talking to any of his classmates.
Welp, he would just have to enjoy the nice weather by himself, he thought.
As if a coincidence, he saw a familiar figure sitting outside a classroom, scribbling notes down. He was too far away to examine the features of the figure, but the aggressiveness of the pen hitting the notebook sent a uneasy feeling in Akito's chest.
He walked closer, to find you, eyes glaring the paper down as if it wronged you. As if it hurt you.
As if the red error marks glared at you, reminding you of the disappointment you would have to face back home.
Akito walked towards you and grinned, unknowing of your situation as of current.
"Hey, [Name]. Preparing for the test?"
You look up and forced the corners of your mouth to turn upward, your eyes contradicting your smile.
"Hey Akito! What's up with you?"
Now that was odd, Akito furrowing his eyebrows with suspicion.
No cheeky remark back, the excessive kindness you were showing him... hell, your eyes looked dull! The shine of the morning sun seemed as if it was absorbed in a black hole of misery, even though the sun shone through the school windows.
Akito glanced at you and your notebook. Now that he had a better view, he noticed the sloppy handwriting and highlighted words that shouldn't have been highlighted. On the middle of the pages, he saw blurred pencil marks as tear marks stained your paper.
"Hey,  you seem a 'lil.. off today, everything alright?"
"Yep! Why'd you ask?"
Akito stayed silent, hoping for some truth to come out of your mouth, but alas, he came to no avail.
"No reason. I'ma head out now..."
"Take care!"
Akito nodded his head in acknowledgement and walked away from you, who began to immediately scribble down notes again. Akito took one glance at you, the side of you he had never seen, before turning and going down the stairs. He gave himself a mental note to check up on you by the end of the school day before finally heading to his next class.
But when the final bell did ring and the teacher sighed in relief, Akito walked to what he assumed to be your final class... to not seeing you in the class. He checked the classroom where he saw you last, he checked the courtyard and the commons, he checked the rooftop... but no sight of you anywhere.
He groaned in frustration, and walked down the rooftop stairs. Checking the corridors one last time, he finally decided to give up and walk back down.
I'll just see them tomorrow, they'll probably be somewhat normal by then.
Walking down the stairs in disappointment, he decided to take a shortcut Rui mentioned in passing to exit out from the side of the school. If he just made a left here, and walk down these stairs...
He wouldn't find the exit, but he would've found a pretty familiar backpack. Next to the backpack was a familiar person, in fact, someone he had been meaning to see.
But walking down the stairs, even as his steps echoed through the staircase, you didn't move at all, refusing to look at who was coming down.
He sat on the stairs next to you, and let out a small "hey", hoping for a moment you were alright. He was utterly wrong.
When you raised your head from your hands, Akito's eyes widen at the tear stains down your face. Your hands were shaking, your eyes looked like you've been crying for hours, and with every feature of your shrouded by misery, you could only respond with a "hey."
"[Name]. What happened?"
You try to laugh it off, but it came out weak and desperate for help.
"I'm fine Akito, there's no reason to get so worried."
"You're in the middle of the stairs, looking like you've been crying for hours, your notes from earlier had tear stains when I saw you, and you're telling me there's no need to worry?"
He gently grabbed your shaking hands before you could wipe off your tears and held them in his own. With your hands in his, you were forced to acknowledge his olive green eyes and his stern expression watching you.
"I'm not leaving you here to feel like crap by yourself. We're rivals, but I'm not an asshole either."
"Akito.... it's the end of the day, don't you have to get home anyways...?"
"Don't want to. Rather go to sleep with no worries."
"At least you can let go of my hands."
"I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's wrong. It's bad to bury your feelings, y'know."
You felt warmth in your chest, whether it was his hands holding yours, the close proximity between you both, or the much needed reassurance you got. You tried pulling your hands away slowly, but he only tightened his grip on yours, rubbing his thumb on your skin.
"Akito... I'm gonna bother you."
"If you're worried about bothering me, good. Bother me as much as you like. You can repay me with a trip to the coffee shop I like, if you really feel bad."
A silence, as Akito watched your face in concentration.
"Could I take you to the cafe right now? It could distract me, and I wanna repay you back now."
"Sure, I'm a little hungry anyways. You might want to wash your face, then we'll head out."
You slung your backpack over with one arm and stood up after Akito. He walked down the stairs, but there was one problem.
"Are you gonna let go of my hand?"
"Nope. Can't have you running off."
You grumbled under your breath a string of curses, saying how "unnecessary he was".
Although you were far from ok, Akito grinned at your remarks, relishing in your usual mood coming back.
You guys walked out of the staircase doors and you got to finally wash your face and fix your appearance, before leaving the school.
The walk to the cafe contained the usual bickering, but you noticed how softer he was with his words. You silently appreciated his comfort, before finally heading in the building.
The bell rings in announcement to your arrival, and the cashier up from greets you with a smile.
"Welcome in!"
You give a small smile to the cashier and Akito does as well. You both look at the menu, discussing the new flavors added, before Akito puts his order in, looking at you. You point to what you want, and Akito adds your order.
The clicks of the cashier added to the coffee roasting and the warm pancakes, while the gentle laughter you heard from the couple next to the door brought you to look around. The lights were dimmed, and plants grew on almost every wall in the cafe. It was slow, not many people were here, yet the scene you were in felt... nice. And with Akito next to you, you almost could..be ok. You realized you would be ok. One coffee date at a time.
Wait. Coffee date?
Your face grew hot at your own thoughts, and you turn away from Akito to pretend looking at anywhere else but him.
Jeez, [Name], get yourself together.
You took a deep breath, and looked back at the counter where the cashier quickly wrote something down.
"Sorry for the delay you two! Your total is 3970 yen."
Akito began to open his backpack, but you were faster, sliding the money towards the cashier. She began to laugh at Akito's surprise, and started to exchange cash for change.
Akito looked back at you and gave a look, his eyes screaming "you-should've-let-me-pay".
The cashier gave you your change and began to work on the order, while you both headed to a seat next to a window. Setting your backpacks down, Akito finally spoke up.
"I was already getting money out, you should've let me paid."
"Well," you grinned, "I had my money out first, slow poke."
"I...slow poke?! When was the last time you did anything in PE??"
"Oi, shut it!"
The rest of your time spent together was well spent bickering and laughing to each other's jokes. Your both grabbed your respective orders, and with the food just melting in your mouth and Akito's company, time passed by like a breeze.
You both snickered at a memory that occured one of your shared classes with him, your laugh getting louder with every second. You clamped your mouth with your hands, but your laughter still seeped through your fingers.
Laughter finally quieting down and the remaining food packed away, you both settled into a comfortable silence. The ambience of people chatting and spoons clicking soon embaced both of you like a blanket, almost comforting.
"Are you ready to go home yet?" Akito asked.
Ah. You knew this moment could only last for so long, yet... you still clinged onto this experience, knowing it was going to escape your grasp and turn into a memory.
Your mind felt as if your body wasn't at the coffee shop, and this was somehow a dream. No matter how much you distract yourself from it, you were always going to be home. home. home? was it even a home? would mother look at you and welcome you h ome? or would her dissatisfaction ooze through the "welcome h om e"  rug in the front? when did your home turn into a house, when did you started calling mom mother? when did-
"Ah! Sorry Akito, um.. could we stay for a few more minutes?"
He nods in agreement and the silence wrapped you both once again.
"I don't know what you've been dealing with, but... I get not wanting to go home."
"Yea, plenty of times." He leaned his head on the back of the seat. "My dad, sometimes his words were a bit too much to handle. Sometimes, during days that were hard, his words were too little to matter."
He continued with a serious, more quieter tone. "Truthfully, I just had to keep moving. If i waited for his words of encouragement, I would've waited for too long to pursue my passions. I don't know about you, but time moves too fast to sit and wait for people to agree with you."
You gently nodded your head in understanding, yet...
"How would I explain that to my mom?"
"Like... she's never happy. Always on me about something. And when I do reach her expectations, she discards everything I do and always needs to say how there's someone better. Someone worth enough for her satisfaction."
Akito sighed in a shared understanding of your situation. Yet, his first words in response contain of, "What are you trying to achieve?"
Your furrow your eyebrows. "Huh?"
"Is your hours of studying and notebooks full of material just for pleasing your mom?"
What were you doing this for? Your mom, your future? What were you spending all this time for?
"I'm not trying to give you an identity crisis, or make you decide your future right now. But just... think about that. People are going to be better. That's just something in life. Hell, you could be the worst at something even with all your hard work. You could be the worst at singing. You could be so far away from reaching your goals. Even with hard work, people with talent will still be better than you."
Realizing what he was getting at, you sadly mumbled, "Akito..."
"But if you're gonna be the worst at something, if you're gonna let your mom's words get to you... all that hours of work is gone if you just sit there and let it go to waste."
Akito looked over to you, watching your eyes focus on the table as if something clicked in your head. He softly smiled.
"I've seen your hours of studying. Yea, I'm better at sports, but no way I can compare to your notes. I might have to start commissioning you to do my work for me."
You laughed at his compliment towards you. "Oh, give up on our rivalry?"
"Not in a million years. That is, if you don't ever stop trying. Never stop trying, [Name]."
You looked at the table to hide the tears building in your eyes, but Akito inevitably saw and snickered. "Getting emotional over the truth?"
"Shut it, Akito! That was... actually really good advice. You should be like, an motivational speaker."
"Nope, I think I would insult half of the audience."
"Actually, nevermind. You would yell at the audience."
Laughter rang through one last time, before you both were left smiling.
"Are you ready to go home yet?" Akito asked.
"...Yea. I am."
Making sure you got everything, you both headed to the doors and immediately felt the spring breeze blow through each other's hair.
"I... thank you Akito. For everything today."
Akito stuffed his hands in his pockets and grinned. "Thank you for the food."
You reached your hand out as if to greet him.
Akito grinned and took out one of his hands from his pockets, and shook your hand. "I'll see you around, [Name]."
You waved and finally headed to your respective directions. The memories now ran though your head, but one in particular stuck out.
"Not in a million years. That is, if you don't ever stop trying. Never stop trying, [Name]."
You smiled.
You wouldn't ever stop trying. Thank you, Akito.
When you head back to school the next day, it was all normal. You greeted your friends, and were headed to your first class.
When walking through the halls, you and Akito made eye contact. He bowed his head in respect, and you followed. Smiling you waved at each other before being swept away by the bustling crowds.
The breeze blew through the corridors of the school, wild and free. Whistling a tune, the wind breezed through your hair before escaping through the window to torment another student, and to wish Kamiyama Highschool another day of spring.
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reposting or plagiarizing of my works is not allowed under any circumstances.
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maryihem567 · 8 months
2 . Why i do this to myself on repeat .
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Mary pov
After going to the mechanic, we going to there university , we walking to the corridor " mary, can you walk slowly " say re " for what " i said " Éverybody look at us " say re " don' t pay attention " I said " but look at you and what is shoker ? " say re . I m wearing a red jaket with hello kitty shoker " ho its my hello kitty shoker that make me look fancy " i said " whatever " say re in wishpering . We head to the principal office " enter " said the principal " sit down " we sit " so we found you your new cleaning lady " say jess " really with this look " she said " i can clean all your unerversity with this look " i say " ok and when can your start " she said " right now " i said " okay you start this afternoon " said the principal.
Later in the aftrernoon
This is boring and disgusting , i clean all the bathroom and the toilet Berk. I going to clean stairs and i cross re in the corridor
" hey re how you doing " i say " great i finish i m waiting to katya to drops me off at my house and you ?" She said " boring i m going to clean the stairs " i said " yeah i can' t believe she hiring you like this " re say " yeah " i said . I saw girls look in at us and lauhing " why this girls lauhing at us ? " i said " ho nothing this cindy and the others cheerleaders , she laughing at me because i look at a boy in my class" re say " really , stay there" i said and i going to the girls " no mary " said re " hey girlies , do you have fun ? " i ask " euh yeah and what are you ? " say one of the girl with dark blonde ponytail and the others continue laughing " i am mary, and you know i m bullying for all my life , so one time, i have my limit . So i destoy all the the bullid one by one and break their little heart , so this is fun hun ? " i said with a smile . She look scare and runnaway " this is true ?" say re " no this not , but i imagine in my head " i said " you crazy " re say " thank you " i said " so what it is boy ?" I continue " is name is Raphaël , this is blonde guys is not like me " she say " show me " i said. She show me is he's instagram " he cute " i said .
On the way to the house , i m feeling something follow me , but maybe its my imagination .
The next day
I m cleaning the corridor with headphone , i see the dancing class in Windows . I m dancing class before but i stop because its not matching with my agenda . This cleaning is boring, i don' t know what to do with my life , i m losin my myself that love the most . why i do this to myself on repeat." Hey mary " i turn and i see katya " hey kat what you doing here? " i say " i search re did you see her ? " she said " no " i said
Rebecca pov
I m hiding in theater , so nobody can see me crying , why this girl laughing at me , i just look at this guys because is cute." Hey re we search you everywhere " i turn and i see mary and kat , they sit with me " i... this girl laughing at me and i don' t why , and i m not feeling respected " i say crying into my sleeve " don' t look a this girl, their are nothing to you " mary said " yea she is a bitch " said kat " shss we decided the choice of the song " said the lady on the table . They take my hands " your hands are cold " say mary " yeah i don' t know why" i said " maybe because its october or because is cold here " said kat ." so since you don't wants to be silent , maybe we could help me to choice our musical , we can' t decided between nightmare before christmas or sweeney Todd " say the lady on the table " maybe sweeney Todd " said mary " show me " say the lady on the table . Mary is going into the stage , i heard people on stage " this is going terrible " they said laughing . Mary start singing not while i m around . Omg she sing perfectely the song. When she finish Éverybody was shoked " i think we found our lead Singer " say katya .
After we going to the car " i drive " say mary " okay but attention " say katya . She bigining to drive " so you not tell that you are a beautiful voice " said katya " i have not a beautiful voice " said mary " are you kidding me " said kat " yeah , you have a beautiful voice and kat too" i said " what ?" Said kat " i heard you in the toilet the other day" i said " no i have not ..okay we sing " say kat turn up the radio " hey this is the song that vinny play on drumstream " i said .mary and katya sing together, and i little bit dancing . " you sing good " say mary to kat " thank you but i don' t think " say kat "me too" mary " hey you wanna come to my house i show something cool " said kat " yeah " say mary . We come to katya's house , and come to her bedroom she open a cupboard and see a lot of weapon " is this légal " i said " i don' t know " said kat " thats so cool" said mary " you see" said kat . She play together , i love my friend .
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coffee-lo-vers · 10 months
Between hugs and kisses
Chapter Text
Awkward hugs
Kaede was cooking the food that Koro-sensei sent them as a class assignment when she felt arms wrap around her waist.
"How are you doing?" Yukiko asked.
Kaede tried not to tense her body as she felt Yukiko's sudden affection and Sugino's annoyed look. This had been going on for a while, and she still didn't understand why Yukiko was so affectionate towards her after her identity was revealed. Although she was grateful that Yukiko didn't hate her and that she would help her with her lack of mental stability, she still didn't understand the reason for her attitude.
"I guess fine, can you pass me the salt?"
"MMM OK". Yukiko said before turning to go get the salt.
Kaede allowed herself to relax momentarily, she was grateful that Nagisa and Okuda weren't asking questions and just watching her interaction with Yukiko, though curiosity was clear on their faces.
 Kisses of peace
"Shh, shss, everything is fine, I'm with you." Yukiko cradled Kaede in her arms as she sobbed into her pajamas. He gently stroked her hair as he whispered words of encouragement and reassurance into her ear, trying to convey the emotions of his words to Kaede.
"I'm sorry, it's just that-" Kaede choked back her words and buried her face in Yukiko's chest again.
"You're home, it was just a nightmare, everything will be fine." Yukiko whispered, tightening her embrace a little.
"I remember, it was like going back"
"I know"
"Sorry, it was supposed to be a sleepover and you ended up ruining it."
"I don't mind Akari, don't ever think I would get upset with you for something like this, okay?"
Kaede nodded, too tired and distraught to speak.
They stayed like that all night, with Kaede being lulled to sleep by Yukiko's soft arms and the slight smell of mint, Yukiko kissed her softly goodnight on her hundred when she heard Kaede's calm breathing in her arms.
Distance kisses
"I miss you"
"Me too"
"I've gotten to the point where I miss you scolding me for forgetting meals" Kaede grumbled making Yukiko giggle.
"And I miss you bothering me every 5 seconds" They both laughed.
"Are you sleeping well?" Kaede says, aware that Yukiko was staying up late from playing games or reading. And now that they were in college, he hoped Yukiko would get as much sleep as she could.
Yukiko blushed slightly at the question, "Yes, I'm sleeping properly, besides, thanks to Koro-sensei's advice, she took school more calmly."
Yukiko watched as Kaede remained silent, seeming thoughtful, however she gave her time to say what was on her mind, it was rare for Kaede to open up to her, so she knew it was best not to push her.
However he couldn't help but be surprised when Kaede placed two fingers on his lips and kissed them before pressing them on his computer screen.
"O-of, bye!" Kaede. she nervously yelled, cutting off the call, leaving a blushing and happy Yukiko behind, and no wonder, Kaede rarely kissed her, letting out a couple of giggles, she got up determined to study all day, she couldn't wait to have free time to meet up with Kaede.
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alex-witesbooks · 2 years
Touch of Dawn, Rise Of Dusk
Chapter one- Dusk  Dawn comes slowly but dusk is rapid
My eyes glaze over, My head spins. I've been in this godforsaken court for hours looking over meaningless peasants fighting over meaningless things. My father sits next to me, noticing my boredom. He smiles. Oh father why must you find such pleasure in my soweful pain I  joked in my head. 
My father wants me to find a wife so that I may take over his kingdom but I have no interest in that, especially since I would have to hide a part of myself forever just like my mother. Zola rested her soul. Nothing and No one had really caught my eye in the time I've been here, sure a few  Noble women had given me their attention while I was here but nothing noteworthy. That is until a  girl my age was thrown into the room  and as she hit the ground and her golden curls flew all over  the place. I wanted to catch her, just so I would maybe have a chance to touch the curls on top of  her head.  
Then a guard speaks, snapping me out of my private musings.
 “ This girl here was caught using magic to free some beast that were caught for tonight's feast”
 Many ladies in the court gasped and many lords began to call for her head. My father looked sympathetic but in order to keep his court in line I knew what he was about to do but before he could I stepped in and said something more merciful than whatever my father was about to do. 
“Gard's put her in irons and throw her in the dungeons’’
Although the court seemed shocked my father looked proud of me and for once  I was too.  
Later that night as I stared up at my lavish ceiling  and thought of the golden haired beauty I knew I had to see her again. I slid past the many guards and slipped into the dungeon. And I found her cell quickly, seeing as it was the only one full. After picking the lock I walked over to the small cot and shook her awake. She awoke with a start falling off the bed.
 “Ow,” she cried. 
“Shss, do you want us to get caught“
“No but who are you” 
I didn’t answer her. If I told her that I was the prince she would hate me.
“Wait, I know you!”
“ Hush do you want us to get caught, they will definitely kill you then”   
“ B-but your the pr-”
 “Yes I know that”
 “ Why are you here?”
“ I felt bad” The words I couldn't get you out of my head were left unspoken but I felt like she already knew that. 
“ Listen,“ She began, “ I don’t have much time but I need your help, our world is dying. The lack of magic users  harnessing the world's energy is causing a surplus which could unmake us all.”
“ That's impossible” I breathed in displife
 “ But oh it is, you’ve noticed it already happening right? The lack of animals the stars going out and when you use your magic it feels to powerful’
“Magic, what magic i have none” I tried to deny her accusation but it was too late she already knew 
   As soft giggles came from her throat she began to calm my worries by saying  
“ Hush my friend it was not obvious at all my mother and your mother were friends, they used to cast spells to try and fix this but never were successful and in the end they both gave their lives to the cost.” 
I noticed that she grew solme near the end until I realized her mother died as well.
I felt bad, so I pulled myself closer to her in this dark and gloomy dungeon and hugged her. 
 “ thank you” she whispered
 After pulling ourselves up i told her 
“ Yes i will help you “
She smiled, “Well, in order to do that I’ve got to be out of this cell and well away from this dungeon.”
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dnewstrending · 2 years
2022 NSMQ: Check out the SHSs that have qualified to the one-eighth stage
2022 NSMQ: Check out the SHSs that have qualified to the one-eighth stage
Some of the contests will have NSMQ champions competing against each other for a slot to the quarterfinal stage, while you make your predictions from the various fixtures, remember that no school can be underestimated in this battle of brains and wit. Current and old students of the various schools will seize every opportunity to let you know they are the Cristiano Ronaldo of the contest while…
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edulearnweb · 2 years
Parents Contributing GHS250-GHS500 due to Free SHSs Food Shortage
Parents Contributing GHS250-GHS500 due to Free SHSs Food Shortage
Whiles verifiable information shows that the reported SHSs food shortages are real, the government has downplayed the situation. The latest update from the Mr. Kofi Asare of Africa Education Watch indicates that parents of some schools have started contributing through the school PTAs towards the upkeep of their children. Per the Free SHS policy, students enrolled are to be fed by the government…
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crowbie · 6 years
Yknow those really dumb aesthetic posts where it's like the two best friends wearing matching outfits who go on adventures and go out and have fun and they seem like they don't even know what the word depression means cause they're always together having fun? I want that
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shinxolotl · 5 years
Uuuuh 25 for the sweetheart asks!
25 is the pets one right ?? im on mobile rn n busy so im hopin im right
so rn we have three dogs, all dachshunds.
charlie is the youngest, shes 4 months old. shes a long haired dapple n v adventurous !! shes also adorable n i will Gladly show pics of her if u would like
frankie is the middle child, shes a little over a year old. shes a short haired piebald, n my stepdad says she looks like shes half beagle which is true. shss very loud n a pain.
and then theres ginger, whos the oldest. shes 12 years old, n has barely any fur (but she has more than she used to). she also has only two teeth and because of this she can't keep her tongue in her mouth.
i also plan to get an axololt !! my dream is to get two + a bearded dragon, but that might take a while. if i get a boy im gon name him starlord, n if i get a girl im gon name her mrs robinson !!
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kinokochouchou · 5 years
While i was working on my laptop today, ive noticed that one of my students was staring at me. After a few minutes he told his friend (very quietly. i heard it only because i was really focused) "wow, shss so ugly". i mean, yeah, i know, but its still makes me a bit sad
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steadybreadblizzard · 3 years
Internet of Things is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: a review
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that has changed the traditional way of living into a high tech life style. Smart city, smart homes, pollution control, energy saving, smart transportation, smart industries are such transformations due to IoT. A lot of crucial research studies and investigations have been done in order to enhance the technology through IoT. However, there are still a lot of challenges and issues that need to be addressed to achieve the full potential of IoT. These challenges and issues must be considered from various aspects of IoT such as applications, challenges, enabling technologies, social and environmental impacts etc. The main goal of this review article is to provide a detailed discussion from both technological and social perspective. The article discusses different challenges and key issues of IoT, architecture and important application domains. Also, the article bring into light the existing literature and illustrated their contribution in different aspects of IoT. Moreover, the importance of big data and its analysis with respect to IoT has been discussed. This article would help the readers and researcher to understand the IoT and its applicability to the real world.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm that enables the communication between electronic devices and sensors through the internet in order to facilitate our lives. IoT use smart devices and internet to provide innovative solutions to various challenges and issues related to various business, governmental and public/private industries across the world [1]. IoT is progressively becoming an important aspect of our life that can be sensed everywhere around us. In whole, IoT is an innovation that puts together extensive variety of smart systems, frameworks and intelligent devices and sensors (Fig. 1). Moreover, it takes advantage of quantum and nanotechnology in terms of storage, sensing and processing speed which were not conceivable beforehand [2]. Extensive research studies have been done and available in terms of scientific articles, press reports both on internet and in the form of printed materials to illustrate the potential effectiveness and applicability of IoT transformations. It could be utilized as a preparatory work before making novel innovative business plans while considering the security, assurance and interoperability.
A great transformation can be observed in our daily routine life along with the increasing involvement of IoT devices and technology. One such development of IoT is the concept of Smart Home Systems (SHS) and appliances that consist of internet based devices, automation system for homes and reliable energy management system [3]. Besides, another important achievement of IoT is Smart Health Sensing system (SHSS). SHSS incorporates small intelligent equipment and devices to support the health of the human being. These devices can be used both indoors and outdoors to check and monitor the different health issues and fitness level or the amount of calories burned in the fitness center etc. Also, it is being used to monitor the critical health conditions in the hospitals and trauma centers as well. Hence, it has changed the entire scenario of the medical domain by facilitating it with high technology and smart devices [4, 5]. Moreover, IoT developers and researchers are actively involved to uplift the life style of the disabled and senior age group people. IoT has shown a drastic performance in this area and has provided a new direction for the normal life of such people. As these devices and equipment are very cost effective in terms of development cost and easily available within a normal price range, hence most of the people are availing them [6]. Thanks to IoT, as they can live a normal life. Another important aspect of our life is transportation. IoT has brought up some new advancements to make it more efficient, comfortable and reliable. Intelligent sensors, drone devices are now controlling the traffic at different signalized intersections across major cities. In addition, vehicles are being launched in markets with pre-installed sensing devices that are able to sense the upcoming heavy traffic congestions on the map and may suggest you another route with low traffic congestion [7]. Therefore IoT has a lot to serve in various aspects of life and technology. We may conclude that IoT has a lot of scope both in terms of technology enhancement and facilitate the humankind.
IoT has also shown its importance and potential in the economic and industrial growth of a developing region. Also, in trade and stock exchange market, it is being considered as a revolutionary step. However, security of data and information is an important concern and highly desirable, which is a major challenging issue to deal with [5]. Internet being a largest source of security threats and cyber-attacks has opened the various doors for hackers and thus made the data and information insecure. However, IoT is committed to provide the best possible solutions to deal with security issues of data and information. Hence, the most important concern of IoT in trade and economy is security. Therefore, the development of a secure path for collaboration between social networks and privacy concerns is a hot topic in IoT and IoT developers are working hard for this.
The remaining part of the article is organized as follows: “Literature survey” section will provide state of art on important studies that addressed various challenges and issues in IoT. “IoT architecture and technologies” section discussed the IoT functional blocks, architecture in detail. In “Major key issues and challenges of IoT” section, important key issues and challenges of IoT is discussed. “Major IoT applications” section provides emerging application domains of IoT. In “Importance of big data analytics in IoT” section, the role and importance of big data and its analysis is discussed. Finally, the article concluded in “Conclusions” section.
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Literature survey
IoT has a multidisciplinary vision to provide its benefit to several domains such as environmental, industrial, public/private, medical, transportation etc. Different researchers have explained the IoT differently with respect to specific interests and aspects. The potential and power of IoT can be seen in several application domains. Figure 2 illustrates few of the application domains of IoTs potentials.
IoT architecture and technologies
The IoT architecture consists of five important layers that defines all the functionalities of IoT systems. These layers are perception layer, network layer, middleware layer, application layer, business layer. At the bottom of IoT architecture, perception layer exists that consists of physical devices i.e. sensors, RFID chips, barcodes etc. and other physical objects connected in IoT network. These devices collects information in order to deliver it to the network layer. Network layer works as a transmission medium to deliver the information from perception layer to the information processing system. This transmission of information may use any wired/wireless medium along with 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. Next level layer is known as middleware layer. The main task of this layer is to process the information received from the network layer and make decisions based on the results achieved from ubiquitous computing. Next, this processed information is used by application layer for global device management. On the top of the architecture, there is a business layer which control the overall IoT system, its applications and services. The business layer visualizes the information and statistics received from the application layer and further used this knowledge to plan future targets and strategies. Furthermore, the IoT architectures can be modified according to the need and application domain [19, 20, 37]. Besides layered framework, IoT system consists of several functional blocks that supports various IoT activities such as sensing mechanism, authentication and identification, control and management [38]. Figure 6 illustrates such functional blocks of IoT architecture.
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Remember Me
( Short Story by Allaine Eclarinal)
*pls listen to the song while reading!*
Its 9am in the morning when I woke up. Yesterday was very tiring day, going in and out of cities in the Philippines to visit my company and business, plus some issues with the customers because of the mistakes of my employees.
" Should I fire them?" I think to myself, it's always my thing to fire employees if they do mistakes, I never tolerate mistakes in my company.
I get up in my bed and go to the shower. While holding my phone, it rings.
" What time is it?? Today is the boardmeeting Ana!" Sam shouted in the phone. Sam is my fiance, we've been together for five years and last year was when he propose. It's been a year but the wedding is still postponed, I don't know why but there something, probably he's cheating?.
"Yeah yeah I know... those business man can't wait huh? And Another thing, I already said to cancel that partnership with that brand diba?!" I said getting angry, here we go again.
"Ana this is the time! it will be a great step for our company! Don't you want this?" Sam said.
" Cancel that partnership, my company can stand on his own" I said with firmly and end the call.
Those business man are hungry for power and money, if only I could kick them in the company but there are my father's friends.
I did my bath and go downstair too eat breakfast. My secretary hurriedly come to me, probably gonna tell about the boardmeeting. I peak at the clock, it's ten am I have to eat then.
"Mam, the meeting is going on" my secretary said.
" Those men can't wait huh? Okay " I said. They getting on my nerves slowly
" They still proceed when I said to cancel... " I said with an amusement in my voice, they never learn huh?
I was always feared by my employees and business man. I always display my unwelcoming face and strong sttitude to people that I met because I need it, to run this company so that no one will ever take advantage of me. Being a young girl and A CEO of the most famous company in the country is not a joke. People know me as Agatona Lasera a beautiful shark in the business world.
I finished my breakfast and got in the car with my bag. I drive to the office with my secretary.
"What's my schedule for today?" I said while my eyes on the road.
" You have a meeting with Mr. Shang at 12nn and later, u have a visiting appoint in another new branch of hotel." my secretary said.
" it's that for today?" I said.
"Yes mam," my secretary said.
oh? Good that my schedule is not packed because yesterday was a tiring day and I don't want that again.
We have reached the parking lot. I walk through the elevator holding my bag. I got in and my secretary press the floor. I see my reflection on elvetor, I wearing a jumpsuit with higheels, I let my hair down brush it with my fingers. I also put lipstick and powder in my face that bring brightness in my face.
The elevator stop and open. The employees stop talking when they see me, they were all standing and bow at me as I pass through them. Some greeted but I ignored, I don't have time to chitchat.
I opened the door in the meeting room. Business man were all shock because of my appearance.
" Go on with ur meeting.. I know that y'all can't wait to this partnership. " I said while walking to my sit and rolling my eyes in them.
They still silent. I glanced at them, putting my elbow in the table with my hand holding.
" what? I said go on? " I said with a smirk. " Ah sorry to interrupt, but I already said no to this partnership right?" I said a little angry this time.
The people in the room starts to be confused, probably shock because of my decision.
" But Miss Lasera, This Is a Big opportunity to us to bring our company overeseas!" A business man stand from he's seat shouting at me.
I look at him in the eyes, he got intimidated at me. I smirked.
" You know that company can go on it own right?" I said while starting to draw circle on the table. I am getting angry at this. " The company dont need this partnership! " I said firmly.
They were silent. I called my secretary, and asked a question.
" Who insisted to proceed this partnership?!" I said.
"Mr. Ladesma po" he said slowly. My fiance? we already talked about this but why did he proceed this? I said in my mind.
I sighed and look at the people on the board.
" Cancel the partnership or I will fire all of you, even if y'all are my father's friend" I got up from my seat and walked to the door. Those people are really testing me huh?And what the hell is Sam thinking?.
" Where is Sam? " I said to my secretary while entering my office.
" Mam I don't know po" He said.
I seated on my chair and lean. Sam is starting to cold be cold on me since he proposed on me, I don't know the reason of it.
I reached my phone and called him. He didn't answer but its ringing. I put my phone down, annoyed by it. I checked at my watch, it's eleven am maybe i should go out.
" I'm going out, stay here. Just called me when there Is important" I said to my secretary.
" Copy mam" he said
I walke to the elevator with my cellphone and car keys. I dialed again Sam's no. and still there is no answer. Where did he go huh?. I got on my car and start the ignition. Where would I go? hmmm, I know I will visit the site of our ongoing project.
The traffic was heavy and my temper was getting high. I have no patients when it comes to this. I was opening my window when I see Sam on the window of the restaurant, he was talking with a girl, they were laughing and holding hands. I was stunned and froze at what I see. I stared my eyes in front of me. My eyes getting blurry as I hold the string wheel tightly, all of this years being with him was very important to me, but why? how could he do that. I slammed my hands infront crying hard, I coudlnt breath properly. The car behind me was honking at me and passing by me, I didnt notice that the lights was green. Out of anger, i step on the gas and drive straight not knowing where to go. I was getting fast and can't see properly because of the tears.
I shouted loud and close my eyes and felt a strong impact, my body feels numb as the darkness eats me.
Chapter 2: A wandering soul
I regain conscious but my body was okay, I look around and I'm on the street. I see my car and run to it. It was crashed on a truck, people were flocking on my car. Its looks like they trying to get someone out, when they got it out. I was horrified, it was my body, full of blood and no concius. I start to look at the people, it seems that they don't see me.
An ambulance come. They take my body on the car probably go to the hospital. I got shocked, am I a spirit now? how?. Still crying but not hard, I can't proses properly, I just go on with my body following it until we reached the hospital. I stared at my body, nurses and doctors flock at my body. All I can do was to stare at it horrified.
A man in black jacket came right me. I was shocked because he was staring at me and could see me.
" Your name is Agatona Lasera right?" he said to me.
Still shocked " Y--yes" I Stutterd.
He was writing something in a notebook of his. This time I look at him fully, he was tall and look like an angel if he wearing some white.
" So you are on the waiting list huh? A wandering soul" He laugh at me.
My one eyebrow raise, how could this man laugh at my situation. I'm no longer in my body! My god!.
I rolled my eye right him. Ignoring him.
"That's right, keep adding your sins... that why your soul wandering" he said to me while smirking.
"What the hell your saying?" I said getting annoyed at him.
"Shss! Stop saying that word, you could go to hell already" he said in a serious way.
I look at him curiously. " Okay, Who are you? Can you explain what's happening? why I'm like this? And why do you know my name?" I said getting out of breath. I need to know something.
He smile at me " Well... You didn't do good things in your life soo.. karma I must say?" he said while looking at my body. Doctors was busy reviving my body. I started to panic a little, I need to live and need to smack Sam for cheating me.
The sound of a hearbit, I heard. They revive me but why I'm still in this situation? I need to be back at my body.
" No you can't " he said " Your a wandering soul so you have to wait for the heavens decision if they will permit you to live" he said and turn his back at me. he started to walk away from me.
" What? U mean I have to stay here like this? wth" I said really annoyed. He didn't answer and entered into a room. A famiily was crying, a little girl where comforting his parents. It seems like they can see him, she's like me a soul.
"It's time to go huh?" The girl said to the man I was talking too.
" Uhuh, let's go." he said
" Will be my family be alright?" the little girl said " Yes, probably sad but they be okay" he said happily.
The little girl turned back and smile at her family. Slowly she disapperead, a emotion was getting me, i felt a saddness got me. I looked at him and he look at me.
" You need to do good things starting today so that god will let you live okay?" he said. I didn't get it at first but slowly I understand. In my life I always been so harsh to people, getting angry all the time for a little reason. Firing employees and not giving them a second chance to work. I've never been realize that I've been a bad person all along. I always look the world as cruel that's way I néeded to be strong.
" How do I start then?" I said in low voice, I'm ashamed to myself. This is my firstime I felt so defeated and hopeful was my only choice. This time I want to make things right.
Chapter 3: Making things right
We are here now standing here in front of my building aka my company. I don't know how we get here but I don't care. This guy better help me to this or I will swear the God.
" Uhmm, why we here?" I take my eyes from the building to hiim. This time I can fully see him in broad daylight. He has a black eyes that shapes like an almond, his eyebrows are thick and has a pointy nose. Damn, he's hot! I wonder what kind he is ? maybe a servant of God? if yes I just want to die maybe in heaven there's a lot of boys like him heheh---
" I know what you're thinking, stop that, ur sinning again" He said when he's done looking something in his notebook. I wonder what is the purpose of that notebook?hmm.
He started to walk again, I followed him when he enter the building. It felt so weird to be here, not a CEO but as a wandering soul! I never thought to be in this situation, walking like a ghost and people just pa's through my body like wind.
He was not seen by the bodyguard when he entered. Yes, people can see him, but how ? How can he entered when there is a security system? Is this what I'm paying for work? How can this gaurd be so---
" Stop that, don't fire him" he said while not looking at him as he walks. People where busy, like its a normal day? probably some are happy because my accident, huh surely the board members are dancing right now! That thing makes me angry, wait ttill I'm came back hahahah.
He stop at the janitors lounge and greeted some employees. What is happening? Is he working here? How?.
" Yes, I work here" he said as he open his locker probably change he's oufit.
" How? You're a Janitor? by the looks ur not, ur just kidding me" I said with a smirk. He closed the locker loudly that made me jump. he was looking me intensely like I'm just a joke.
" So ur gonna humilated me by my job?" he said " I never thought u could be this so bad huh?'' he said
" Sorry.." I said " I never want to humiliate you, Im just amazed that ur working in my company and to this job I mean---'' I said. He haved changed his cloth with a workers name Antonio.
'' You're name is Antonio huh?... cute" the last word was a whisper. " So what we will do? where do we start?" I said getting ready.
He look at me and sigh. " We should start with your Secretary" he said preparing to go in the elevator.
" Oh okay how?" I said while finding my reflection, still I cant see it thou.
He sighs again. " Remember, when he was requesting something to you. It was an increase in his salary since he was working with u for 10 years. He was the bread winner of his family and having a financial trouble." he said
" I have never thought he was that, he never tell me" I said. I realized that I have nothing know about my secretary because mostly we talked about business, he was a effecient and professional, he was the best even thou he's annoying somestime.
" So raise his salary" he said seriously.
" but how? I'm a ghost ?" I said unbelievable " unless u will help me?" smiling at him. Damn hes handsome in that uniform.
" Yeah " I hinted some hesitation but said yes sooo... I smiled and we get out to elevator.
Our plan was to sneak him up to my office to use my monitor so we can wire some money to my secretary, but we decided to wire some money to my employees. This is a little thing for me, and it feels so great to give something to someone. I did tell him my security password and he did do the thing. While he was doing it, I looked at my shelfs. All this award were nothing when you die honestly. Money and wealth can't be brought in heaven too, this was a realization to me.
" Done" he said while streaching his body as he get up. I came out first to check if there is someone outside, maybe my secretary was in the hospital. He came out in the office quietly and we walk when suddenly all employees was jumping and happy. Some are crying while looking at there phone, probably they receive the money.
" So what now? " I said. I feel happy that somehow I did something right, I hope it helps them.
" I don't know you should wait when the time comes.." he said looking at his watch.
Watching the employees smiling and crying was a greatfeeling. Suddenly, I miss my family, maybe my mom and dad is crying because of what happen to me.
" U know, this is actually great huh?" I said looking at the employees. " I never thought Ive been so selfish all this time. I view the world was as a cruel place and there is no good so that u have to be tough on this life. But I'm wrong, good is the beautiful thing that I feel and do now." I said out of nowhere. When I didn't here a response I looked at him and he was looking at me intensely.
"What?" I said still gazing att him.
"nothing" he replied. " I need to do work, go somewhere else" he said
" But I have nothing to go, and to talk to ! I'll follow you!" I said. I've never been so scared in my life but this! Is so unbelievable! I never believe about God or anything but now ....
" Okay suit yourself" he said.
Chapter 4: The Choices
It's been a week since the accident and I'm still not wake up, I'm not still in my body I've been in many place for the past week. My house and my parents house, and hospital. Sometimes, I see Antonio here talking to other ghost, sending them to the heaven. I follow him every time but its okay for him. He maybe look annoyed at me but we pretty getting close now
I'm here in my hospital room and staring at my body. my parents go home to change. I don't know but my hopes wear starting to fade now. Maybe god decide to take me and send me in hell for thing I had done.
I got out before I think something else. I got out from the room when I came across to a random soul. He was spacing out so I came near her.
" hey u okay?" I said. He looks sad. He sigh and replied. " I will got to heaven now, it feels so sad living here" he said.
" Butt why? Don't you wanna enjoy life here ? plus god will decide to you? right " I said
" No, I chose to goo up now, I don't wann live anymore. We choose our own destiny and God will only guides us." he said.
I am starting to doubt. I thought God will decide if I could live? Why Antonio lied to me? How.. I've could have choose already if he only said to me early, but why not now.
The boy start to walk to my left and meet Antonio, I was mad rushing to him getting ready to lash out.
" Why didn't you tell me ? " I said while in the verge of crying. "How could you lie to me? that I'm a the one who will chose my decesion in life?!" I scream at him frustrated that I had to feel this.
" You can choose now" he said. His face was nothing, but I can see in his eyes that hes hiding something to me. " You will live and get back on your body or die and will live on heaven" he said. I don't know but the suddenly I can see a sadness in his eyes.
" I choose to be live" I said calmly to him. " I don't want to be like this anymore. " I said but theres something not right.
He smiled at me sadly and replied " Okay, I wish you to be happy" and then turn his back at me leaving me at my place alone. I should be happy now but why I'm sad? his face, I can see the sadness but why? he should be happy right?
That night I stayed in the hospital with my body so when time comes I could wake up easly. The sun was up now, I was still sitting on the floor waiting for the time. When Antonio was rushing to my door and when he see me he run to mee and hug me tightly.
" I will miss you" he said " Remember me when u wake up huh?" he said while he run his fingers through my hair. God I have a crush on this man! Damn.
" So u finally come to me huh? I thought ur angry at me" I said, I didn't see him through the night. I hugged him to tightly. Damn! this guys smell nice too.
" Of course I'll remember you!" laughing att him. " I'll give salary bonus when I wake up" I said seriously because I will dot it first when I wake up
" How I wish uu could remember me" he whispered it like something he always pray.
" I promise ! I'll treat you when I got in my body okay!" I replied to him as he looking me. We touch our head together and hold hands while I close my eyes. He whispered something but I didn't here it and when I open my eyes. I see tears on his eyes, he was sad. As I dissappear in the air..
Chapter 5 : She awake
I opened my eyes slowly, I feel dehydrated now and my body, I can't move except my fingers. I touch something and it made sound. My vision still blurry but all I can see is white and the sound of an operating system. I couldn't remember anything but only the accident and why it happened.
A sound of the door opening. A two hospital doctor and a nurse hurriedly check on me, I couldn't here clearly what they saying because I felt tired, I still want to sleep. Then I closed my eyes because of the tiredness that I feel.
I suddenly woke up from the noises of people talking inside my room. I could move my head and my arms now. It was my parents and Sam who is there. When they notice that I'm awake my parents came to me.
" Ana! Are you okay now? How do you feel? You need something? " My mother who was about to cry in front of me.
" I'm okay now mom" my rasp voice came out. I looked at my dad who aged maybe from stress that he get to me. " I'm sorr mam and dad, I made you worrry" I said.
" No, Ana ! I'm thankful that ur alive now, your mom couldn't sleep for days thinking about you." he said. I smiled to my parents I'm lucky to have them.
" How's the company? " I said.
" It's okay, our investors where shock at what happened to you! thankfully Sam willing to help us with the company" dad said while looking at sam.
This asshole has the audacity to visit me after I see him cheating on me huh? let me say something. He was looking at me smilliing like he didn't do something.
" I'm calling the engagement off, get out my life Sam" I said firmly. Myy parents where shock at what I've said.
" Ana what is happening? Why you calling of the engagement? " my mother said. I didn't answer because I don't want to humiliate him in front my parents. I raise my eyebrow at him and smirk
"I know what your doing, so save yourself and get out in this room! I don't want explanation !" I said .
He did get out quietly after staring me for a second. My parents were confuse but I didn't say a thing. I just sleep again
It's been a three weeks since I got discharged from the hospital that I stayed for at least a month. I'm fully okay now and strong, news we're all over the place, it is about me giving bonuses on my employees which I don't know, but then I didn't regret it and go with the flow.
Today, its my first time to comeback at the company. Sam was fired by my father after they discovered by themselves that he was trying to take the company and planning some dirty and also the cheating stuff. I'm gladly that he's gone. Since I was in the hospital there is something that i couldn't remember, I always cried thinking about it day and night. I don't know but in my heart there's something missing.
Im in front of my building, as I enter all the staff was bowing and greeting me. I greeted them back and they were shock by it. I proceed to walk when I bumped into someone tall. I looked at the guy and the first thing that I saw was a name Antonio. I looked at his face, he is familiar to me. things were getting awkward the employees were curious of whats happening.
I smiled at him and he smiled at me as I pass by him. He's cute I wonder where he work.
----------The End---------
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edulearnweb · 2 years
SHSs face food shortages, but government downplays the situation
SHSs face food shortages, but government downplays the situation
Some school heads and parents are making frantic efforts to get the authorities and members of the public to assist with food items to help feed students in public second-cycle schools. This is because of the inadequate supply of food items to the schools Checks by the Daily Graphic in some schools in Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi, Bolgatanga and Ho indicated that while some of the schools were…
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wutbju · 4 years
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Virgil Lawrence Ball, age 88, Pickford, Michigan, passed away on September 1, 2019, in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. He was born in 1930 in Levering, Michigan, to Archie E. and Esther A. (Kaufman) Ball. The Ball family moved to the Pickford area while Virgil was in elementary school, living in Rockview, south of Pickford. He graduated from Pickford High School and earned his bachelors degree from Bob Jones University in 1954. He later earned a masters degree from Eastern Michigan University. Virgil married Annette Kamper of Rudyard, Michigan, in 1954. They moved with their daughter Trina to the Philippines in 1960, where they served as missionaries with Far Eastern Gospel Crusade in Ifugao Province and Manila until 1976. While living in the Philippines, they had four more children, twins Keith and Kevin, Konna and Marlan. In 1977, they moved to Alaska, serving in Chistochina, Anchorage, and Glennallen, with SEND International, formerly FEGC, until retiring to Pickford in 1998. During retirement, Virgil began building his and Annette’s dream house and enjoyed being closer to family. He was involved in a ministry to inmates at Kinross Correctional Facility, secretary for the Eastern Upper Peninsula Amateur Radio Club and enjoyed visiting his children in California, Paraguay, Colorado and New Mexico. He later lived at Hearthside Assisted Living in Sault Ste. Marie and enjoyed years of being their resident gardener. He was a lover of books and a voracious reader. Virgil leaves behind his brother, Clayton (Belva) Ball of New Jersey; sister, Maxine (George) Rhinehart of Ohio; daughters Trina Ball of California and Konna (Peter) Parker of South Korea and Colorado; and son, Marlan (Rachel Archer) Ball of New Mexico. Virgil was preceded in death by his wife, Annette Ball; sister, Helen Cowell; brother, Harvey Ball; twin sons, Keith and Kevin; and granddaughter, Christa Sauerman. Services will be held Saturday, September 14, at R. Galer Funeral Home, 24549 S. M-129 in Pickford. Visitation will be held from 11:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. with the funeral service to begin at 1:00 P.M. Burial will follow in Cottle Cemetery in Marquette Township, Michigan. Memorial contributions may be made to Hearthside Assisted Living Patio Furniture Fund, c/o SHSS, 1501 West 6th Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, for furniture in the garden Virgil loved to tend.
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ukhypnod · 7 years
Jerry D’Arcy
Jerry D’Arcy Dip HTM, UH, ScT
Serving Manchester
I bring a wealth of life experience in addition to 12 years working as a private hypnotherapist  and master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner.  Helping with stress, Quitting smoking, Relationship issues of all sorts, Relaxation and how to achieve it, Sex addiction and Sexual issues are my main areas of expertise but I can help with many other areas of life.
  The D’Arcy Clinic, 374512 Deansgate Street, Manchester  Tel: 0161 555333777
Hypnotic susceptibility measures how easily a person can be hypnotized. Several types of scales are used; however, the most common are the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility and the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales.
The Harvard Group Scale (HGSS), as the name implies, is administered predominantly to large groups of people while the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale (SHSS) is administered to individuals. No scale can be seen as completely reliable due to the nature of hypnosis. It has been argued that no person can be hypnotized if they do not want to be; therefore, a person who scores very low may not want to be hypnotized, making the actual test score averages lower than they otherwise would be.
1 Hypnotic depth scales 2 Hypnotic susceptibility scales 2.1 Friedlander-Sarbin Scale 2.2 Stanford Scales 2.2.1 Form A 2.2.2 Form B 2.2.3 Form C 2.3 Harvard Group Scale 2.3.1 Hypnotic Induction Profile 2.4 Other scales 3 Susceptibility 4 See also 5 References 6 External links
Hypnotic depth scales
Hypnotic susceptibility scales, which mainly developed in experimental settings, were preceded by more primitive scales, developed within clinical practice, which were intended to infer the “depth” or “level” of “hypnotic trance” on the basis of various subjective, behavioural or physiological changes.
The Scottish surgeon James Braid (who introduced the term “hypnotism”), attempted to distinguish, in various ways, between different levels of the hypnotic state. Subsequently, the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot also made a similar distinction between what he termed the lethargic, somnambulistic, and cataleptic levels of the hypnotic state.
However, Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault and Hippolyte Bernheim introduced more complex hypnotic “depth” scales, based on a combination of behavioural, physiological and subjective responses, some of which were due to direct suggestion and some of which were not. In the first few decades of the 20th century, these early clinical “depth” scales were superseded by more sophisticated “hypnotic susceptibility” scales based on experimental research. The most influential were the Davis-Husband and Friedlander-Sarbin scales developed in the 1930s. Hypnotic susceptibility scales Friedlander-Sarbin Scale
A major precursor of the Stanford Scales, the Friedlander-Sarbin scale was developed in 1938 by Theodore R. Sarbin and consisted of similar test items to those used in subsequent experimental scales. Stanford Scales
The Stanford Scale was developed by André Muller Weitzenhoffer and Ernest R. Hilgard in 1959. The Scale consists of three Forms: A, B, and C. Similar to the Harvard Group Scale, each Form consists of 12 items of progressive difficulty and usually takes fifty minutes to complete. Each form consists of motor and cognitive tasks but vary in their respective intended purpose. The administrator scores each form individually.
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Hypnotic Induction Techniques
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