sunnimint · 1 year
The last chapter of Halves of the Same Coin
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raplinenthusiasts · 5 months
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they were destined together 💜
cr. namuspromised
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seungmoes · 4 months
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iamhellborn · 2 months
OBSESSED with The Boyfriend ep 5!
Obsessed with Usak telling Kazuto that he was the first one who made an impression on him and how much he likes him.
Obsessed with him saying that he’s reached his goal.
Obsessed with him saying that the goal was to be able to find someone he could express his feelings to, which he found in Kazuto.
Obsessed with the fact that THAT was more important for him then to get a boyfriend.
Obsessed with how everyone got chocked and sad to find out he was leaving.
Obsessed with the speech he gave.
Obsessed with the fact that his “rivals” were the first ones to hug him.
Obsessed with the fact that, even though it was all very emotional, he still left with a smile on his lips.
And of course…
Obsessed with the drawing he left of all them and him saying that his journey was a life changing experience and will be a lifelong memory!!!
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besaya-glantaya · 11 months
If we're lucky, the core of who we are as young teenagers - our hopes, our desires, the things we cherish - are the beings we can settle back into as older adults after we're done trying to fit in or live up to other people's expectations.
One of Alex's greatest gifts to Henry is holding space for him to reclaim those now seemingly impossible dreams. To dance with the person he loves, in a place of beauty that brings him peace.
One of Henry's greatest gifts to Alex is being brave enough to grab back hold of those dreams with both hands and not let go.
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Baby and the Bees: Catch
Cubby (5): (sitting excitedly in the front seat for the first time)
Yang: (wearing her aviators as she's driving, stops abruptly at a stoplight and holds arm out to catch Cub) You good, Cub?
Cubby: Mmhmm!
Yang: Whew! Thank goodness. Let's...uh.... Let's not mention this to Mama. You're technically not big enough to be in the front seat...
-7 Years Later-
Cubby (12): (sitting in front seat and reading)
Yang: (pulls aviators down to the tip of her nose and glances at Cub) Don't you get car sick from that?
Cubby: Car sickness is for the weak.
Yang: Haha! Don't let Mama hear you say that- Shit! (stops abruptly to avoid hitting a car that pulled out in front of her, and holds out arm to catch Cub) You alright?
Cubby: I'm good, Dagon.
-5 Years Later-
Cubby (17): (pouting and staring out the window)
Yang: (silently staring out the windshield into the night. Aviators glint in the passing streetlights on the dash)
Cubby: ....You used to go to Junior's at my age...
Yang: Yeah, but I was also a much different person back then. What made you think that Junior wouldn't call me as soon as he saw you, a minor, trying to get into his club with a fake ID? You gotta be smart about these things- CUB! (arm shoots out as she slams on the break and catches Cubby)
Vehicle speeds through intersection and slams into the car. Both vehicles are smoking, and the sound of sirens starts to grow in the background.
-3 Years Later-
Cubby (20): (driving)
Blake: (riding shotgun)
Cubby: (stops abruptly and instinctively throws arm out to catch Blake) uhhhhh...
Blake: You are your Dagon's daughter...
Cubby: (tears up)
Blake: Baby girl... (unbuckles and pulls Cub over the center console in a hug)
A pair of broken aviators sit on the dash. One of the lenses is popped out, and replaced with a picture of Yang.
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melancholitas · 5 months
What if Corazón's soul kept watching over Law all this time, so he also went on board the Polar Tang? And what if, having been a submarine mostly on standby, the Tang didn't have a Klabautermann until the point the Hearts declared it as their ship? So Rocinante's roaming spirit merged with the vessel, becoming it's heart and protector? While he may cause mysterious little malfunctions from time to time due to his clumsiness (some screws falling off, a burst pipe here and there, etc), in times of alert he always manages to keep them save. Carrying them inside his metal bolted core, gifting them the freedom they seek.
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swissyyroll · 4 months
ohhhh that was their way of saying they were glad we were able to have the memories that we made and shared with each other :’) and ohh sofia needing to be destroyed poor max
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gayquesadilla · 10 days
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paetal · 18 days
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SOFTER  SHIPPY  PROMPTS ! ( @attroxx asked: ❝ just stay here with me … by my side. ❞ / mia @ stef :’3 )
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She seems to utter the words so softly that he almost misses them, almost. There's a way that words makes his seemingly cold dead heart just stutter and clench in his chest. His amethyst gaze bores into those soft blue colored eyes of hers that he can see the adoration in ( she wears her heart on her sleeve and he buries his out of sight and out of mind ). He reaches out and cup her cheek and just keeps his hand there for a long moment before he speaks up. Her face just seems so small in his large hand, her features are so dainty and his hand is so full of scars. They're from such different worlds and it shows.
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❝ you know I can't, chipmunk. ❞ Words are spoken so softly because he truly doesn't want to hurt her feelings ( she's quite possibly the only person he's not going out of his way to hurt their feelings ). ❝ We're just from different worlds. I don't belong in yours and you know you're not safe in mine. ❞ and then if he was also to come into her world fully, she wouldn't be safe still. No matter what way he looks at it, he's no good for her and he knows it.
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Send me a character/pairing and a title to get five lines of an imaginary fic:
TyHil, Where Bitter Meets Sweet
This is such an interesting title, like I can see a fic about how their opposites attract trope fitting it but also something angsty! Don't hate me if I do steal this title for an actual TyHil oneshot/fic in the future 🫣
But for now I will go the angsty route hehe, and yes, I cheated, once again and this one isn't even subtle, I threw the rule right out of the window, sorry not sorry ✋🏻
"Your father called today," Hilary said, leaning forward to pick up the remote and pause the movie playing on screen. Predictably, next to her Tyson's whole body went stiff with tension as he kept his eyes fixed straight ahead, almost robotically.
"Oh?" He said, trying to sound disinterested but it was hard for him to put up a pretence that Hilary's sharp eyes couldn't see through.
She sighed, reaching for his hand she grasped onto it tightly, delivering this type of news to Tyson was something she despised but still, better it was her that had picked up the call than Tyson.
"He said he might not be able to make it for Toshi's first birthday celebration, to put him down for a maybe." She always found it easier to just be direct with her words when it came to such topics, but today she felt hesitant, because she didn't know how Tyson would react. He was used to his father ditching him all the time, but doing it to his son was new territory and Hilary was sure that Tyson wouldn't take it well.
She watched as he curled up his free hand into a fist, even tightening his hold against her hand, in a quiet voice he muttered, "I'll talk to him."
"I can't turn back time and make him be a good father to me, Hils." He cut her off, turning his head slightly so he could look directly into her eyes, allowing her to see how pain and anger had merged into tears threatening to fall any minute, "But I will not let him repeat the same mistakes with Toshi. I will give him two choices, either he gets his act together and is a regular presence in Toshi's life or he doesn't get to be around in it all. I will not put Toshi through the anguish of waiting for a knock on the door that never comes."
Hilary managed to free her one hand from his tight grasp and rested both against his cheeks, smiling widely as she blinked back her own tears, "I can't wait for Toshi to grow up and realise, that he has such a sweet, stand up guy as his father."
Tyson finally relaxed under her touch, putting his hand on top of hers, he smiled despite the lone tear that rolled down his cheek, "And I can't wait to tell him, that I learned it all from his mother."
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And now I'm crying... Damn you Mordin
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
No thoughts, just Cliff Burton
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cellphishthekaiju · 6 months
Guys, you have no idea how shocked and emotionally overwhelmed I am seeing folks like a silly little illustration I made.
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scarefox · 2 years
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bellezzamortale · 1 year
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if this man doesn’t win the world matchplay this evening i might do something drastic
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