#liveblogging: sports edition
bellezzamortale · 11 months
absolutely bonkers how quickly carlos figured out the grass, like 3 weeks ago i was watching him come THIS close to losing to rinderknech in r1 of queens and now he is just off the fucking chain
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setaflow · 2 months
Dude I don't know anything about hockey, but I love watching your live blogs! Which team are we rooting for? :>
The New York Rangers! AKA a team that has given me nothing but fits of anxiety and misery for 10 straight years. I would run through a wall for literally every single man on that team. Chris Kreider especially
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racingliners · 1 year
I just aged by 30 years in 3 minutes
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banqanas · 3 days
Did you watch the video of the Gekidan Exile members (old & new members) in the amusement park (part of it is on youtube, and the full version on CL)? www (.) youtube (.) com /watch?v=Cw6jWjBuIfQ
(It's really nice to see how they interact with each other and is on par with the late night sports challenge thing they did at the trampoline gym.)
i saw the release on CL main page but i didn't know they also posted the first half on youtube!!!
i like that this episode of them in the amusement park has SWAY in the gang!!!! yay gekidan SWAY!!
haven't watched it yet but when i do i will definitely liveblog it :)👍
((why did it take them this long to release the second episode LOL i remember watching the previous episode like. months ago???))
((and i remember that my favourite part from the previous episode was masayasu revealing that his wife got mad at him for spending 10k+ yen on gacha kakin for a card of a baseball player 🤣🤣💀))
EDIT: The one uploaded on youtube is from the first episode! i was watching the youtube version and had a feeling i've seen it before. they just recently uploaded half of it on youtube for the OshigotoLDH campaign
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papayafiles · 6 months
last post of the year from me and who's surprised that it's yet another lando norris appreciation edit? (not me)
i keep trying to write a neat little year-end wrap-up post, and it keeps turning sappy and sentimental, but truly, as this year winds down to its final hours, i want to say a big thank you to the entire f1 community on tumblr, especially the little lando norris corner of it (my favorite. you guys are my favorites). i only discovered this sport a quarter of the way through 2023, which means this time last year, i didn't know anything about formula 1, or lando norris, or mclaren, or any of the things that i think about on a daily basis now. in a year full of anticipated changes, spending eighteen of my weekends watching a bunch of fancy cars drive around silly-bandz-shaped race tracks would never in a million years have been on my list, and yet here i am at the end of it, spending some of its last hours writing about this sport on my tumblr blog.
to all the f1 blogs i follow, to everyone who follows my little sideblog, and especially to my lovely mutuals on here—thank you for being on this rollercoaster (up and down, side to side) with me this year. it's a privilege to fangirl with you <3 i hope you all have a very happy new year's, and here's to a 2024 filled with more manifesting, more liveblogging, more freaking out over lando norris's every movement, more losing our minds rooting for our favorite drivers, and (fingerscrossedknockonwood) lots and lots of lando wins <3
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not-me-rewatch · 7 months
Not Me Rewatch 🔥 Day 3
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(sorry this is so late)
Episode 3 time babyyyy.
What to Do
- Watch the episode - Reblog old faves and new posts - Liveblog your watch - Create content like memes, fics, gifs, edits, etc. - Tag your content and live reacts with #nmrewatch23 - Hunt your future boyfriend for sport
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feddy-34 · 3 days
about me: -> my name is z (she/her), from california -> currently studying aerospace engineering in college
main tags: -> sports: f1, nfl, nba, nhl, wnba -> teams: red bull, bucks, pens, niners, giants -> assorted: max, lewis, vintage f1, liveblogs
i also write f1 fics, and occasionally create gifs and edits stupid memes -> my fics -> my gifs -> my edits
the textpost universe is growing. check out the main subjects here: f1 textposts, nfl textposts, nhl textposts, nba textposts, wnba textposts
my ask box is always open so hit me up!
finally, if you want to check out my sideblogs, here you go: -> @classichollywoodarchive -> @theartarchive
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starshine-hockey-girl · 10 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! 💜
Hockey edition
Sidney Crosby being petty on the ice toward refs or opponents. I don't care if you think he is a crybaby or not. I live for petty ass Crosby
The smile that Oleksiak gets on his face when he realizes someone smaller than wants to take a shot at him.
Watching Tyler Seguin on the bench during a game. Sometimes between his facial expressions and out-of-control tongue he is more entertaining than the game. Actually, the majority of the time he is.
liveblogging on Tumblr with my teams- I really enjoy that each of my team's lb have a different vibe and inside jokes. i.e. - Malkin as the disgruntled union guy who will not do extra work, the collective decision not to acknowledge the existence of B-nn on the ice (as much as possible), and the overall positive, "we are happy to be here" vibe of the Kraken.
Playoff hockey- there is nothing better in sports than a game seven playoff hockey game- NOTHING
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
I first got into this in my Turtles In Time 2012 episode liveblog, most of it is copied from that. This is a no-ninja-no-stakes AU.
So basically I created this idea of them within the concept of “One of those tropes where the heroes are put into a Perfect World dream and have to help each other escape” and Donnie’s would be them all as normal humans. But it was so good I made it a normal They Just Humans AU as well.
So they’re all Japanese, Splinter is a single parent of 5 kids. He’s got his biological daughter, Karai (named Miwa at birth but she’s goin' through a Rebellious Phase right now so she changed it) and his four adopted sons. He’s a trained martial artist, but he never felt a need to train his children very heavily in it, because they live pretty peaceful lives. They know enough to defend themselves if needed, but they’re not ninjas.
They’re quadruplets, but not identical. Splinter finds it curious how they all have varying eye colors but are definitely all blood related. He adopted them sort of by accident, meaning to just foster them for a while when they were babies, but well, they just claimed his heart!
Leo is very into yoga and zen sort of exercise methods. He’s a total nerd, of course, and goes to cosplay conventions pretty regularly. Mikey usually helps him make his homemade cosplays, with extra flair like lights and stuff added by Donnie. He’s decently well-liked in school, except he tends to be a bit of a snitch and a hypocrite at times. He lets his hair grow out the most and wears mostly baggy shirts and plain jeans, very Chill Guy vibes (basically if Leo didn’t have to worry about saving the world all of the time). Editing this from the future: I've now seen all of Rise and this Leo isn't the same Chill Guy Vibes as Rise Leo, this one is more like... like you can sit in a long car ride with him in silence but the silence will never feel awkward or uncomfortable.
Raph is following in his older sister’s footsteps and entering his Rebellious Phase. He’s in therapy for anger issues, and uses sports as a release. He’s on the school football team, still very short but stocky enough to be a good player. He’s a little more balanced thanks to being able to actually go to therapy, so he lashes out less. It’s well-known around school not to mess with The Hamato Siblings, because both the older sister (who’s been known to carry knives around on her) and the short football brother have no issues Pummeling People Who Mess With Their Siblings. Raph tends to wear t-shirts and gym shorts, but sometimes he goes for an all-out Punk Badboy look. Only when he’s really feeling it though, because it’s a real hassle to put the look together in the morning. He keeps his hair pretty short, not buzzed though.
Donnie is willowy and lanky, though surprisingly not wimpy. Splinter makes sure all of his kids exercise regularly, so he’s got lean muscle, but much less than any of his other siblings. He usually doesn’t need glasses, but when he needs to make sure the smallest detail possible is perfect, he has a pair of them. Otherwise his sight is… passable. He’s the kid everyone hopes to be paired with on science projects, because he’ll inevitably end up doing the whole thing himself and be happy to just let you sit there and watch. He likes to tinker with electronics and chemistry, but he’s already planning to go into some field of Biology as a career, possibly something medical. His gap tooth is just because, when that baby tooth fell out, there was no adult tooth to replace it. Genetics, what’re you gonna do? It’s actually what got him curious about biology, so he doesn’t mind it. He prefers sweatshirts usually, or anything easy to toss on in the morning, because he has a bad habit of staying up way too late reading or tinkering. Yes, he is neurodivergent, of course. He usually lets his hair grow out a little, not on purpose, just because he forgets to make the barber’s appointments.
Mikey is a gymnast and an artist! He’s really good at gymnastics and wins competitions pretty often, and would be captain of the school team if he could just get his grades up a little more. He only just got diagnosed with ADHD and is still getting his medication and therapy regiment set up, but he feels good about how things will go once that’s done. He’s also the artist of the family, in that he draws the most. Raph is actually better at the technical aspects of art, but he doesn’t really do much art beyond sometimes going out with Karai to do some graffiti. Mikey however is always doodling and drawing, their house is covered in old wall drawings form when he was small. He has a million fidget toys. He likes to layer up, usually a long sleeved shirt with a jacket, one of the kinds where the torso is denim but the sleeves and hood aren’t, is the minimum he must have every day. He draws on all of his jeans (Donnie actually does too, but he writes down notes to himself and formulas and idea, while Mikey just doodles train-of-thought style). His hair is short and oddly poofy, and always gets in his eyes. How he does gymnastics so well in spite of that is a mystery to all.
Karai is very protective of her brothers, because she’s had one too many people say something about them “not being her real brothers” and it makes her Furious. She’s gotten into a real rebellious phase, because while Splinter is a good dad he can be a little too strict sometimes, and she got tired of it. She got piercings at a friend’s house, started doing the graphic liner, decided to get a big leather jacket and spiked gloves… she loves it, and loves feeling very powerful and badass. She actually isn’t super happy about Raph following in her footsteps so early (she’s a couple years older) but knows he won’t just Stop Doing Stuff, so she usually offers to let him tag along with her trouble so he’s supervised and not out spray painting places alone.
April met the Hamato Clan in freshman year of highschool, she was trying to find her class and they were all arguing in the hallway about where to go. Donnie broke away from the argument and helped her out. She knows he has a crush on her, but he’s a lot less creepy about it in this AU, it’s mainly just he blushes around her a lot and gets self-conscious when they’re alonetogether. But she doesn’t want to make things weird by telling him no, or yes, she’s not sure, so she pretends not to notice. The other brothers basically adopted her as another sister, which Karai also eventually came around to. She’s into things like astrology and tarot cards, but on the downlow, she’s a little embarrassed about it.
Casey was friend with Raph first, both of them trying out for the hockey team at the same time. Raph didn’t end up making the cut, but they stayed friends. Eventually Casey and Donnie realized they both like tinkering and making little gadgets and they became friends, and then Casey was talking about his graffiti art and Mikey joined in and they became friends, and Leo warmed up to him when Raph asked Leo to take over a video game fight for a bit while he went and got some snacks. He thinks Karai is really cool, and Karai trusts him to take care of Raph or the others if Casey convinces them to do some mischief with him.
Splinter tries his best to be a good dad. It can be hard, and he makes lots of mistakes, but he tries. He was raised in a very Traditional household, but all of his children are very much the opposite of that, and he struggles with breaking away from how he was brought up to do things for the sake of not stifling his children. Still, he seeks counseling so he can do his best, especially once Mikey was diagnosed (Donnie hasn’t been diagnosed yet but Splinter has his suspicions) as neurodivergent. He’s still strict, usually, but has been known to soften up sometimes and allow a bit more excitement into their lives and home.
So yeah, that's my 2012 Humans AU!
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skittidyne · 2 years
It's been two months!! How are you feeling? How are sales going? Have you found a name for a sequel? What can we do to help?
you're very sweet anon!
i just checked the sales (that i can easily access) because i haven't for awhile, and not after that book blog tour i tried, and it only serves to remind me that ingramspark is very confusing with their sales reports.
BUT. if i'm doing my math correctly and ingramspark isn't doing something really stupid, then i've very much broken triple digits on my sales!
not only that, but WOAH NELLY WHAT IS THIS
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i... actually don't know what that is. it can't be just my books, because i only have one available through them. but it seems hard to believe that it's #2 overall?? i'm not selling that much. (yet!!) but it makes for a really neat screenshot to take! it also gave me a little gold ribbon on my book thumbnail :'3
i have NOT found a title, and i hate that Very Much, but that's also something i can't ask for outside advice on because holy legality batman.
THAT SAID. here is a list of ways to help your local skitty author with her local guides to the supernatural:
REVIEW. review my books on amazon and goodreads and wherever else you want!
TELL PEOPLE TO BUY MY BOOK! friends, family, libraries, your boss who is cool with queer content and swearing, and maybe your influencer cat who makes more money than you or i will ever dream of!
send asks! i love asks! and again: you're very sweet, anon :> these fill me with warm fuzzies and the support needed to scowl my way through editing for preptober
make fanart! make fanfic! make SOMETHING. i know a lot of people are like "i can't make anything ;O;" but trust me. y'all can. go make natalie's mashed potatoes! make a playlist! make the vorpal sword! crochet a unicorn! hunt an afanc! find a taxidermied jackalope to take promo pics with! talk about it on social media (and tag me; i'll talk back)! everything that fandom does generates hype for a series, and weird things are great.
i'll be looking for beta readers and ARC reviewer/readers in coming months, so do one of those! or both! (i think you can be both? i don't see why not?)
help me figure out a way to get the cool promo pictures i took on my fancy camera onto my laptop because i only just have realized that my stupid laptop doesn't even have a normal-sized SD card port
seriously tho, keep sending asks. questions, comments, liveblogs, predictions, anything! (except title name ideas, because if you come up with a really cool one, i can't use it, and then i'll be peeved i can't use it.)
stream distractible & go my favorite sports team on podcast sites so i can partake of markiplier's onlyfans. that will support me A Lot.
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bellezzamortale · 11 months
me: i am very picky with tennis players i support. i’m not gonna root for just anyone. it takes a lot to win me over and-
some spanish guy: *hits a return winner*
me, in 5 seconds flat: i would die for u
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shamelesslymkp · 2 years
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I posted 4,848 times in 2022
1,253 posts created (26%)
3,595 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,551 of my posts in 2022
#i eat fic for breakfast - 774 posts
#fic recs - 774 posts
#schrödinger's content warnings - 774 posts
#via:pinboard - 773 posts
#queue me up scotty - 773 posts
#just talk to your therapist mkp - 69 posts
#nona the ninth spoilers - 49 posts
#fandom ate my soul (fanart edition) - 20 posts
#ho shit how do you talent - 20 posts
#current events - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i suppose it's nice that other people are feeling validated by this post but literally it is one of the most upsetting and infuriating takes
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
wake up babe new pain scale just dropped
(Wish I Were) Dead
16 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
he is wearing BOOT SOLES as PAULDRONS, this KID
(@kedreeva, mkp's znation liveblog, take 2)
19 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Was trawling back through my AO3 history and I started deleting deleted fics, which reduced the page count by like, 20 before I’d even gotten a 200 pages back from the oldest entries, so this is your reminder to check out and regularly use @nianeyna‘s ao3 downloader!!
(all gods bless you for sharing that, for serious, especially the pinboard functionality as apparently I AM a fandom dinosaur which is hilarious and somewhat inspirational at the same time)
(I am having some difficulties now finding and downloading the stuff I missed because it isn’t bookmarked on Pinboard from the AO3, only from LJ or whatever, which is why I started trawling my history in the first place and huh it looks like for the first few years I only left kudos when my head had been practically blown off, unlike my current categorizing system of ‘seen - tried, didn’t like’, ‘kudosed - read, liked’, ‘pinned to pinboard - read, liked enough to re-read’, ‘bookmarked on ao3 - read and holy shit i need a quick link to this fucker so i can read it again immediately on demand, and/or oh hey! series!’)
(I’m trying to make use of some other Python utilities I found for scraping my personal AO3 reading history but uh. I keep running into problems. u_u)
24 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
D&D as Disability Metaphor
N.B. Most of the ideas herein about spell slots/cantrips and mana/health points were sourced from various tumblr posts; please reblog with links if you have them! Also reblog with additional links to those tumblr posts about forks and knives!
In this metaphor, YOU are a D&D/RPG character!
Your CHARACTER BUILD reflects your strengths and weaknesses. 
First: you have your basic STATS – INT, CON, WIS, DEX, STR, CHA – these are primarily determined by your baseline nature and your early nurture. (e.g., you may be born with a certain facility for learning, a natural sense of balance, perfect pitch, etc., or you may have spent much of your life playing sports and building strength and dexterity, or have been forced by circumstance to become Very Good at identifying people’s true motives and/or playing the part you need to play in any given situation, etc.)
Secondly: You have your basic ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES. These are primarily determined by your baseline nature but can be affected by nurture and change over time just as you do! 
For example, you may be vision impaired – any task requiring good vision will have you at a natural disadvantage that can be mitigated by the use of an accessory or tool. So long as you have your accommodation, your natural disadvantage is entirely or partially nullified – instead of a negative 3 to skill checks involving vision, you might have a modifier of only negative 1 or even zero!
Another example: 
You might be autistic or have other sensory processing issues that mean certain textures are ILLEGAL – any time you’re required to interact with that texture, you have to roll a WIS save to see how it impacts you. 
On a bad day (in the metaphor, you roll a 1), you might be completely incapacitated for a time. On a good day, you might be able to use a positive modifier from a learned skill like DISTRESS TOLERANCE or DISENAGE to overcome the badness and only be partially incapacitated, or maybe not even incapacitated at all, just inflicted with a DEBUFF of some kind for a period of time. (This gives you a negative modifier for future skill checks and saving throws until the debuff expires or you take a LONG REST.)
On any given day, your disability (physical, mental, developmental, etc.) may give you a GENERAL DEBUFF that affects your skill checks and saving throws. 
For example, if you have bipolar disorder and are in a depressive episode, you might have a negative 1 modifier to any social interaction, even if ‘normally’ you have a plus 3. 
Or you might have chronic migraines and be having a debilitating headache that actually precludes the use of some skills/spells/actions at all – you might be incapable of leaving a dark room or of using your computer/phone.
Thirdly: In general, you can think of your overall capability to COPE as mana points, stamina points, spell slots, or anything similar. SPELL SLOTS is the easiest metaphor, just because of how the magic system is structured.
You have a given number of SPELL SLOTS on any single day, although a DEBUFF might reduce your baseline of slots for the day or a BUFF might actually give you an extra one! These spell slots correspond to the energy needed to perform various activities/tasks. The more difficult the task, the higher level of spell slot is required. BUT! If you’ve already used your third level spell slot for the day and need to “cast” another third level spell (another difficult activity), you can sacrifice multiple lower level spell slots in order to do so, with the disadvantage of having fewer slots left until your next LONG REST.
Some activities don’t drain you at all and can be done at any time (in this metaphor, they can be considered CANTRIPS). Some might even return used spell slots! (Think of this as taking a SHORT REST.) CANTRIPS are typically less effort or are of such benefit that they cancel out the level of effort required. They vary wildly based on the individual. An example for one person might be listening to an audiobook or taking a hot shower, while a different person might consider both of those first level spells.
Finally: The final part of this metaphor switches genres a little bit, so bear with me. This doesn’t tend to happen in the most well-known tabletop RPGs, but you’ve probably seen it in other popular media. Sometimes, you’re completely out of spell slots / mana / stamina, but you’ve got something you absolutely HAVE to do – either because it’s a necessity for your survival, or because you simply care about the thing so much that you’re willing to borrow against your future self.
In this kind of situation, you can ‘borrow’ spell slots from your future self (meaning you use it now, and therefore don’t have it available to use the next day), or you might start using your own health points in place of the missing mana. 
Think about in fantasy media, when the magic user runs out of magic in the FINAL BATTLE and starts sacrificing their own life force to continue powering the spell. In some circumstances, they might drain themselves so completely that they can never use magic again, or it takes them years to recover. Similarly, a person with CFS who pushes themselves too hard one day might end up bedbound for days, weeks, or even months following. 
Another example: 
Someone with a torn ACL who stresses it during the healing process might find that it never heals completely/properly, permanently affecting their athletic ability.
TL;DR – D&D is actually a great extended metaphor for both short-term and long-term disabilities and how they impact a person’s life! 
But it does. Uh. Require some background in RPG terms and tropes in order to fully understand it. If the person you’re trying to explain the concepts to is completely unfamiliar with RPGs, you may be better off with sticking with something more basic like Spoon* Theory (or the Unified Cutlery** Theory).
Citations etc. under the cut.
*See Christine Miserandino's spoon article here: https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/. Learn more @thespoontheory
**Unified Cutlery Theory, very overly simplified: Spoons = Energy, Forks = Things That Make Your Spoons Worth Less, Knives = Something You Need Help Addressing Or It’ll Make Things Worse
See @jenrosess' original post here: https://www.tumblr.com/jenroses/635100154258735104 and the update including knives here: https://www.tumblr.com/jenroses/635100154258735104/sheepscot-cipheramnesia-jenroses-have-i
(Apparently there are two competing Fork Theories? The one I'm used to is the one referenced above.)
***Mana and spell slots metaphors are really hard to source, y'all, so if you have links please add them in your reblogs!
71 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
testing something
525 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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racingliners · 1 year
svfhaeuvgeh apparently we’re still under red flag because the CCTV around the track has gone down
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footballandshit · 1 year
hey fellow fernando torres enjoyer... would you please 🥺🥺 introduce urself for ur new followers?
hey there!! sure thing! 💞
the basics:
ice, 22F, she/her, bi
blog content:
if you think you'll be getting content for about just one team/club or player, you're wrong!! i support players instead of teams/clubs, so i post about my blorbos regardless of which teams they play for. if there are any teams where more than half of the players are my blorbos then those teams usually end up on my fav teams list, and i may post about those teams often! such teams include (but not limited to): arsenal fc, real madrid, liverpool fc, bayern munich, borussia dortmund, as roma, juventus, ac milan, psg, etc. (in short, my blog's a mess, please follow at your own risk haha) fernando torres is the loml and the reason i got into football, so i've always had a nando pfp and i don't intend to ever switch that to another player 💗
any players who are involved in or condone matters such as racism, homophobia, xenophobia, rape/sexual harassment/sexual misconduct, any forms of abuse, etc., are immediately cancelled and i'll stop posting about them once i'm aware of such instances. (eg. cr*stiano r*naldo, ik*r c*sillas, th*mas p*rtey, b*njamin m*ndy, m*son gr**nwood, etc.)
should you still find me posting about players who fall in the above category, i most probably missed the news and would appreciate a heads-up! you may find old posts about these cancelled players, it's most probably because the incident(s) hasn't taken place yet or i wasn't aware of it at the time, so don't mistake that for me still supporting them!
i'm totally cool with rival teams/players, so don't hesitate to follow me, i'd most probably follow back!
i'm also trying to find time to make edits recently, i'll be tagging them with #*ice edits
i didn't create a specific track tag, but i follow #footballandshit, so feel free to tag me in your posts/edits/etc., and i'd be happy to share them!
if you don't want liveblog updates/spoilers of matches, you may block my liveblog tag #ice lb
my inbox is always open, feel free to ask away! but pls don't ruin my no-hate streak, i've been holding that streak since i started my blog - that's about 8(?) years now! 😩
all teams/clubs and players are tagged accordingly, so if there is sth you don't like seeing, just block that tag!
other blogs:
@f1andshit - didn't wanna mix f1 content here, so i recently started a f1 blog, feel free to follow me there if you like men driving fast cars in circles!
@yellowtintedlens - it's kinda like my personal blog tbh hehe, made this so that i can follow my fav films/shows and other content which are not sport-related
hope i covered everything important!! big mwah! 💙
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fighting-these-demons · 2 months
Continued Liveblogging
I've decided to go back and edit these into readmores to prevent spoilers.
This is a liveblog of Yowamushi Pedal New Generation (seasons 3 - 5). I'm reacting to the show so there will obviously be spoilers.
I can't believe no one has told Kaburagi that he's a sprinter and that he's gotten to the equivalent of 10th grade with no one telling him he's an absolute dumbass.
Danchiki is putting in OVERTIME on convincing Kaburagi to disregard the haters and believe he's a genius.
Maybe that's part of why Kaburagi's ego is so fragile and easy to break? And why he needs Danchiki by his side?
Too bad Danchiki wasn't specific enough with that genius statement. I hope Danchiki meant genius at cycling or genius at sports. I'm convinced that he's the anxious shy straight man in this comedy duo so hopefully he's also the smart one. Maybe he helped Kaburagi with his entrance exam studying to get bith of them in so Kaburagi could live his dream? That'd be funny and cute.
This boy can't count. 😭
Oh if only I could take this moment where he says
"I'm not an idiot! If anything, I'm... That's right! A genius!"
And bottle it to get me through all of life's trials and tribulations. God Bless.
Danchiki you be created a monster. 😂
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
also i was thinking about toxic yaoi and by toxic yaoi i mean i was thinking of how it pisses me off when ppl just call rape fetish djs "toxic yaoi" like call it for its fucking name man toxic yaoi should be used for nuanced topics not jsut your lame ass shit you're too shy to call with your whole chest because you know people wouldnt take it well anyway uh it got me thinking of my old fujo days and 1) im gonna try find the fetus yaoi rn bc i hate yall but 2) its curious how back in the day to find the most disgusting fetishistic thing was like, a sport, yknow, like it was simply something people did and then took pride like heh... yeah i read That One Manga the worst i read was probably one with a girl and a dog and you know its bad bc that's no longer yaoi. No comments regarding it btw it was as disgusting and explicit as you'd imagine def not something a kid should've read and probably not an adult either but here we are. I didnt read it as an adult for the record i mean the rest. Anyway speaking of this shit i just remembered the cursed yaoi was a trilogy it was the orc's bride (read it, in retrospective it wasn't so crazy, very graphic in an horrific way tho), feeding lamb (i actually liveblogged that one THAT is fucking Toxic Yaoi(tm) that shit goes hard i love it and the artstyle is very funny and the story is sad and compelling all my homies love feeding lamb) but there was a third one i cannot for the life of mine remember. I checked uh, my old chat logs. The third was Bait. I swear to god i dont remember that that's bizarre i remember the other two perfectly well. WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED THAT WAS JUST THE FURRY ONE yeah no shit man that was tame as fuck no wonder i forgot. anyway yeah uh, let me try to find those fetuses very quick
Edit: its not one google search away fuck it im not gonna do more research than that that fucking doujinshi doesnt deserve to exist in anyone's mind but mine im taking this one for the team its my cross to bear and etc
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