menelaiad · 2 months
Hi! I know your favorite character is Menelaus (mine too) and I wanted to ask you, what is your opinion about him in Euripides’ Oresteia? And in Euripides’ Helen? Because as I see, the Homeric Menelaus is a little different, and Euripides didn’t despict him as a nice character.
Thank you for your answer in advance! :)
hi, there!
heck yea! fellow menelaus stans unite, let's make jackets or smth.
UHHHHH i spoke about this a lot in my recent MA thesis and it's the foundation for my phd (or at least a big chunk of it) and yes i'm sorry this bitch is going off about her academics again.
so. euripides was athenian and it's fairly safe to say that the athenians altered menelaus characterisation on a HUGE scale and it was mainly euripides as he wrote the most works featuring him. and it's also fairly safe to say that euripides didn't like menelaus OR helen OR hermione simply because they were spartan and given the context of his time, he couldn't really be pro-sparta. so, he used menelaus' family in a myriad of ways to just mock ALL spartans and spartan culture. i won't go into that too much now and i'll focus specifically on the plays you asked about! :)
ORESTES (i assume you meant orestes? aeschylus did the oresteia but euripides just did this one?): so here we see .... menelaus being not very great with his family. but not in a mean way he's just .... useless .. coward like almost? he's a big fence sitter tbh. he doesn't wanna get involved in orestes' shit and that is painfully obvious. again. that's meant to make menelaus look shitty that he doesn't care about his family and his brothers death and his nephew literally having visions of hell BUT. personally? i dont blame him ASDFGHJK. man just got his wife back. got home. dealing with grief and loss and survivors guilt and maybe ptsd and shit .................... and then orestes turns up like 'help me fix my problems' BRO HE GOT HIS OWN DAMN PROBLEMS. and THEN they're like 'ok uncle that's cool. we're gonna kill ur wife and daughter though' LIKE LEAVE THE OLD MAN ALONE. i LOVE menelaus and agamemnon's dynamic. so i'm not saying menelaus didn't care about aga and aga's family. im NOT saying that. but (and i KNOW its my modern perspective) i can see why menelaus couldn't be arsed. and he wasn't even mean about it? he was just nonplussed. AGAIN the ancients would have HATED that, but my modern ass can relate tbh. and lets not forget. he's caught between a rock and a hard place. if he helps orestes, he risks greek wrath. which (in this play anyway) is already strong enough against him cause of helen and troy. so like. euripides has kinda put him in this impossible situation and then makes him the 'stupid funny lazy ass not helpful uncle' guy when he just backs out. which i think is unfair. AND TO TOP IT OFF. APOLLO COMES AND THEN TAKES HIS WIFE. AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO GET HER BACK. justice for this old man i s2g.
HELEN: OH HERE WE GO! SO helen is often referred to as a tragi-comedy which i think is very accurate. and euripides is using it to condemn war as a whole (athens had recently suffered a big loss) like if helen wasn't even in troy what was the point of the war? he makes menelaus very .... pathetic, for lack of a better word. and helen seems to take the reigns in their relationship, which would have been a huge no-no to the athenian audience. it would have made helen look domineering and unmanageable and menelaus weak and foolish. he also has menelaus cry a lot. cry and lament his losses as a king. again, the athenians would have hated a man crying. a GREEK HERO crying. but we have our 21st century vision and tbh ................ menelaus is fantastic in this play. he is so. real. he is so human. he is a man who is tired. who is lonely. who is heartbroken. a man who meets his wife who isn't his wife but actually is his wife ... and we're supposed to laugh at him because he's confused? he gets lambasted by so many characters and it's supposed to be funny and i think it is! i do think menelaus in helen is just .... an incredible character. he's so funny. he's so NORMAL. he reacts how you would expect a man to react. you see so many menelaus' in this play. menelaus defeated. menelaus in love. you see a menelaus in action when he comes up with the plan against proteus but also a man who respects his wife and knows when to shut up. i, much like the athenians back then, do have a giggle at menelaus in this play. but i don't hate him. it makes him all the more endearing to me and i love him.
these two menelaus' are (shockingly) two menelaus' that i like! i love helen's menelaus and i'm indifferent to orestes' menelaus tbh. but i think they're fine as portrayals and they make sense to me!
overall, me and euripides have a complicated relationship. some of his menelaus' i cannot tolerate. and some i adore. and i can actually connect his helen menelaus and his iphigenia in aulis menelaus to homeric menelaus. they're not identical by any means, but the way he behaves and his choices and stuff. you can see homeric menelaus in there somewhere, which is why i love them so much.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Ello!!! Hope it’s been a lovely day, my friendo! 💕 I can say mine has been made 10x better after reading your “Sephiroth turns invisible” prank 😂❤️ Another golden post by the Pumpkin master! (´∩。^ᵕ^。∩`) ♡ Anywho, in light of how much I adored that post, I’ve been inspired to pose a similar ask!! *deep breath* Here goes:
For another prank, as the last one didn’t work out so well (or it can be disconnected all together), Zack decides to pretend that Sephiroth is very much visible, very much there, except everyone pretends that they don’t know who he is. Angeal pretends like he’s meeting Seph for the first time, as do Genesis and Zack; even Cloud wants to join in on the fun/pretends he doesn’t recognize his hero. What they think is a harmless joke to give Seph a break from his fame turns into something rather distressing for the poor man, until he ultimately just breaks down under the crushing illusion that he lost his treasured friends forever. Only then do the gang break the act <33
Really craving some Pumpkin-flavored angst/fuff!! There ain’t anyone who can deliver it quite like you can!!!
Ughhh I owe you Cloud content ˙◠˙ I forgot to include him in this one fhfhfhfh forgive me Pichu 😭💛🖤 But at the same time you owe me tissues for both the brilliant one-shot you write with the prompt I asked you about and the emotional damage this insanely good prompt caused me (seriously, I had to hold back tears because I was in public and didn't want to seem like a lunatic asdfghjk). Enjoy the angst!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Jokes were supposed to be funny, that much he knew. Sephiroth recalled a time when he was utterly floored by Glenn’s claim of “getting his nose” after pinching his lightly between two fingers. After he had been confused, the older SOLDIER explained that it was a joke—although Sephiroth was not amused by the concept of stealing one’s nose.
Another instance, during the initial stages of their friendship, involved Angeal's determined endeavor to coax more smiles out of Sephiroth. This pursuit took the form of a barrage of jokes, some of which sailed right over Sephiroth's head at first. "What do you call a fake noodle?" Angeal asked him one day, the inquiry that left the younger SOLDIER utterly flummoxed.
"I'm not certain there's a designated term for—"
"An im-pasta," Angeal interjected, flashing a wide grin.
Angeal then found himself investing the next two minutes in a patient explanation of the joke to Sephiroth, who had mistakenly interpreted the term "im-pasta" as the actual designation for fake noodles. Though he did understand one thing straight away: jokes weren’t meant to hurt you.
It all began one morning when Sephiroth went looking for them. Angeal was nowhere to be seen around the training room or his office, a fact that piqued Sephiroth's curiosity since he knew Angeal didn't have any missions scheduled for that morning. Likewise, Genesis was conspicuously absent from the public archives, his office, and even the break room, his usual spots. Just as Sephiroth was contemplating checking for Genesis at his apartment, he finally caught sight of the duo.
They were near the data room, engaged in lively conversation and laughs.. It was a scene that never failed to warm Sephiroth's heart, for his friendships were the only true source of joy in his otherwise mundane days. He approached eagerly, ready to share the news of beating his personal record in the training simulator.
But then the laughter stopped, and the air immediately soured with a hint of awkwardness as they both looked at him, confused, before turning back to each.. “Do we know you?” Genesis asked, followed by Angeal’s “I don’t think we do.”
Sephiroth paused, confused. “What do you mean?”
His friends provided no answers as they merely looked at each other, laughed, and walked away.
Sephiroth stood there, alone and confused, as a thread of understanding began to weave its way into his mind. He realized why Genesis and Angeal had seemingly disregarded him: he must have done something to upset them.
The remainder of the day was spent pondering over the possible words or actions that could have soured their view toward him. Had he been too harsh on Angeal while correcting his footwork? Perhaps he had been too exhausted from his latest mission to give Genesis the attention he deserved when discussing the new Loveless play he had been invited to critique.
Eventually, after a day filled with distraction and a multitude of potential scenarios swirling in his mind, Sephiroth decided to confront the issue head-on. He found them in the mess hall that evening, seated at their usual table, the aroma of food wafting through the air stirring his neglected appetite and reminding him that he hadn’t eaten since yesterday.
Approaching them, Sephiroth didn't even attempt to take a seat, uncertain if his presence would be welcomed. "What have I done to upset you?"
The response felt like a punch to the gut. They exchanged a glance before fixing their gazes back on Sephiroth. "Sorry," Genesis shrugged, his expression showing a hint of a smile. "We don’t know you."
Sephiroth walked away, his heart heavy. Not only had he upset them, but he had seemingly committed an unforgivable act, risking the loss of his closest friends. He couldn't bear the thought of losing them; his friendships were the very essence that kept him going each morning, the reason that infused life into every waking moment. What had he done to squander it?
That night, sleep eluded him, and the gnawing hunger in his stomach went unnoticed as he lay awake in bed, tossing and turning, replaying every single interaction he'd had with them over the past week. As the clock struck 5 AM, he hurried down to the mess hall once more, determined to seek answers.
Spotting Zack heading in for breakfast, Sephiroth swiftly intercepted him, pulling the younger SOLDIER aside with urgency. "Has Angeal mentioned anything to you about what I've done to upset him and Genesis?" he inquired, his tone clearly displaying the desperation he felt.
Zack's eyes widened, and for a brief moment, Sephiroth thought he detected a hint of amusement.. "I'm sorry," Zack replied, "Who are you again?"
Sephiroth refrained from attempting to approach them again that day, whether it was Angeal, Genesis, or Zack. He had committed some unfathomable wrongdoing, and the guilt gnawed at him like teeth biting down deeper and deeper into his skin. It was exacerbated by his inability to recall what he had done. He had squandered the one good thing in his life.
Then, at once, the reason for why they were upset with him came to mind. And it made so much sense. He hastily gathered his thoughts and made his way towards Angeal's office that evening, the usual meeting place for the four of them at the end of the day.
He didn't bother with the formality of knocking—after all, could he possibly worsen their anger towards him? Sephiroth pushed open the door, coming face-to-face with the startled expressions that greeted him. Genesis dropped the book he had been reading into his lap, his mouth agape.
Zack, who had been perched on Angeal's desk, leaped to his feet, his expression a mixture of concern and alarm. Angeal nearly choked on the water he had been drinking. "Seph, have you been crying!?"
"I understand why you're upset with me," Sephiroth began, his voice trembling. "It's because I declined the offer to go see a movie with you all last weekend, isn't it?" His words caught in his throat as tears threatened to overwhelm him. "I'm sorry," he choked out, gasping for air. "I didn't mean to show disinterest in spending time with you, but I was completely depleted after enduring an exhaustive examination session with Professor Hojo throughout the day."
Pausing briefly to compose himself, Sephiroth was oblivious to the tears streaming down his face as he continued, his voice cracking. "I couldn't focus on anything, and I was feeling utterly drained, but I should have made the effort to be there with you all. I understand how you might feel that I didn't care for our friendship," He sniffed, "but I assure you, I do. I understand if you never wish to speak to me again—”
Angeal enveloped him in a hug before Sephiroth could utter another word, the warmth of the embrace causing him to surrender to his emotions completely. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he buried his face in Angeal's neck, his sobs muffled but very much audible to the other two people in the room, who looked at each other, stunned.
"Sephiroth, it was just a joke," Angeal exclaimed, his tone tinged with exasperation. "We thought you knew."
"We never imagined it would upset you like this," Genesis interjected, joining the embrace from behind and wrapping his arms around Sephiroth. "Sure, we expected you to be a bit annoyed, but we never anticipated this level reaction!"
Feeling Zack's hand rest gently on his shoulder, Sephiroth looked up, meeting his friend's gaze. "We're not angry with you,” Zack’s voice shook, his eyes wide. “We never were, and I don't think I could ever be!" Zack gripped his shoulder tighter. "We–we had no idea this joke was hurting you. If we had known, we never would have gone through with it!"
“Never,” Angeal added.
“But,” Sephiroth sniffed, blinking the tears from his eyes, “You Weren't speaking to me, so I thought—”
"Seph, look at me," Genesis gently turned Sephiroth to face him, tenderly wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks, his own eyes glistening with tears of his own. "We were just playing a prank on you, we thought it would be a harmless joke, something we'd all laugh about. We were never angry with you, and I'm truly sorry for how much this has distressed you."
Sephiroth glanced away, his voice small. "You're not angry?"
"No, Sephiroth, no!" Zack's voice cut in, his own tears mirroring Sephiroth's. "I'm so sorry," he sniffled, enveloping them all in a tight embrace.
"Me too," Angeal added, his arms pulling Zack into the hug. "We promise we won't ever pull a prank like this again. We should have realized it could hurt you."
"Can you forgive us?" Genesis asked.
Sephiroth felt himself deflate, his tension dissipating as he melted into the embrace. "But I'm not angry," he murmured. "I just wanted to understand."
Lazard was on his way to deliver some papers to Angeal when he paused outside his office door, his attention drawn by a commotion sounding from the other side. Concerned, he hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open.
What was on the other side made him do a double-take. Sephiroth sat on the floor, flanked by Zack, Angeal, and Genesis, all four of them huddled together on the ground, sobbing as they clung to one another. Lazard was almost tempted to ask if someone had died, almost.
“What a strange bunch,” Lazard muttered, shaking his head and closing the door.
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silviakundera · 6 months
The Spirealm Ep 6 Reaction
fair warning: in these episode reactions I'm not gonna pretend I haven't read the novel. in fact, I purposely finished the novel before viewing, to get The Full Experience. thus novel spoilers, including twist end, included.
🙌 client sleeps on the floor time 🙌 (LQ: I can sleep on the floor. RN: NO.)
Creepy X agent listening at their door and setting up the newbie.
Spikes stabbed through the wall while they sleep! Not ok!!!!!
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This is why in a survival game you sleep fully clothed!
"Are we really going to treat the kids this way?"
"There's no room for mercy."
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I fucking love how creepy the whole forced holding an egg in your mouth thing is.
Lock picking skills and THE DOOR \o/
lmao after RN snarks at agent X, "so that's your new partner" and makes a face at her, he turns and flashes this little smile at LQ as he says, "let's go." The bias is so strong.
yaaaaaaaaassssss the newbie is losing it. Things are falling apart. RN looks as enthralled as me.
LB is supposed to be standing guard while RN sleeps (as they all take turns), but does he sit in the chair? no. He sits on the bed next to RN, and talks out loud to him so there's no way he'll sleep either lol.
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Nevermind, they're just gonna go to sleep together and hope no monsters try to kill them overnight.
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.... that lasts about 15 seconds 👍
ah, LQ discovers that RN tried switching their eggs so the monster will target only RN. He's so low key about it. I like how understated it is, though of course LQ understands the significance of every time RN protects him.
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"Here's yours."
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You just know those crossed hands were blocked that way on purpose.
The way that RN then just matter of factly drops his on the floor, completely crushed. "My hand slipped. I must have been delirious."
Look at that lying uwu face
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LQ doesn't even bother to buy what those eyes are selling and he once again probes, tests, why are you taking such good care of me?
He suggests maybe it's about recruiting him to join Obsidian, but imo I don't think he actually believes it's mercenary. It's that... it all feels too good to be true. (His repeated questioning reminds me a little about how Cha Yeowoon in 'Love for Love's Sake' finally laments, in distress, that he doesn't understand why Tae Myungha is treating him this way. And he's told, why can't someone just decide to be good to you? In both dramas, Ruan Nanzhu & Tae Myungha are indeed hiding some critical context but that doesn't mean the care is false.)
In this case, RN tells him: "I think you're talented. I want to be friends with you."
"You came through this door just to help me, didn't you?" RN spins a story, but neither LQ or the audience buy his bluster. Plus, there's delicate piano music again ;)
"I believe in you. .. Because I see a light in you that others don't have."
(this is VERY INTERESTING in lieu of the fact that in the novel, 12th Door God!RN apparently saw something so special in Actual Leader of Obsidian!LQ such that he falls in love and creates this entire long game for them both to lose their memories & develop a relationship asdfghjk)
awwwwwwwwwwwww LQ gives a tiny smile with, 'ok' and agrees they'll escape the door and then he'll go PICK UP CHESTNUT THE CAT AND COME FIND HIM 💕💕💕
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Clasped hands! Heart eyes! RN: "Agreed."
LMAOOOOO the way they're still romantically holding hands while our leading lady jolts up sleep-talking about accepting a Best Actress award. Nice bit of comedy to break the mood, so it doesn't cross over into cheesy.
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lol next morning, RN: whose sleeping posture looks better, mine or Xu Xiaocheng?
LQ, a savvy husband-in-training, "Both look good." Nice save, sir! Couldn't have done it better myself.
Yaaaaaaasssss the bloody cake!
🕵🕵🕵 room 720 timelines 🕵🕵🕵
Next Episode
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especiallyhaytham · 1 year
asdfghjk I just read your tags about you having an OC to ship with Shay?! Sorry if you already posted about him before and I missed it, but can we see him??? 👀👉👈
Hell yeah! Here's a character sheet I've had lying around:
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Honestly he's kind of evolved beyond a self-insert at this point, since I'm neither a doctor, nor blind, nor Welsh. I do live vicariously through him, though. Once upon a time I thought it'd be funny to have an Assassin's Creed OC who's just Some Guy (the kind of guy these secret societies are kept secret from. An NPC). Now I'm attached. His whole personality is "I just work here."
He wasn't originally supposed to have a cool-guy eye thing going on, but I actually needed a good reason the Navy would let loose a whole doctor (I did the Googling, I know the things). He still has partial vision in that eye, but not enough to perform surgery or be useful in battles. Gist picked him up in Albany after the Navy dumped him there. They give him accomodations, dw
He doesn't know much about Captain Cormac, other than he's a charismatic leader, weirdly elusive (he docks the ship in the middle of nowhere and is gone for like... days?), and he always comes back with an alarming amount of serious injuries. He doesn't ask why, because he's a good doctor and stays out of people's business. Though there is something a little tense about stitching up your half-naked Captain who is young and charming and handsome and always covered in blood for some secret reason :)))
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fabdante · 2 months
Do you think reboot Dante had to ever like. Eat demons? Either because he was stuck in Limbo and there wasn't any normal/human food, or because said food was too expensive and he's had to live on the run since he was 8.
So like confession: I know a lot of the fandom is into like cannibalism with the demons but it's just never appealed to me with dmc sdfghjk like I mean it's fine and all but just the metaphor is not there for me and I enjoy cannibalism best as a metaphor for theme and what not because it is such a fun metaphor.
On another level though I mean I guess despite demons often being a threat in Dantes life, I've always just seen him more likely to resort to theft over that. Plus there's probably people around in his community willing to hand out free sandwiches to hungry kids. And as he got older I do tend to see him with some sense of community like a group of friends and people he's friendly with who can feed him when he needs to be fed and needs a couch to sleep on, that kind of thing (though obviously he currently doesn't like have that presently due to whatever made him decide to go so off grid and hang out on a pier). I tend to write reboot Dante around the idea that he cares about humanity because he's seen good in humanity and I guess this is an extension of that.
I suppose one could see this as contradictory to his statement of being a loner but I argue a person can be a loner and feel a disconnect from the people around them and still have a system of friends who they care about, who care about them, and will be willing to help them. Plus it brings some more depth to Dante that I like (I am CEO of giving the reboot twins a social life outside of their respective jobs and each other)
Also on a practical level I just don't think he'd know how to prepare demon meat dfghjkl I just don't think he'd quite know how to do that asdfghjk like it'd have to be a whole process. Then there's the practical level of like is demon meat safe like sure he's half demon, half angel, and heals himself but like what if demons have poison sacks he doesn't know about that like it's just a risky move asdfghjkl
Do I think he'd be opposed to eating demons? Yes and no? I think it depends on the type of demon, how it's prepared, why he's eating it, etc etc. There could possibly be a scenario where he does that sdfghjk
As for how I write and characterize Dante though like it's not something I've particularly considered personally!
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aimless-passerby · 2 years
Who's your favourite dwarf and why?
I didn't expect an ask 👀
I will be dull with an answer and say I can't choose only one dwarf out of them all.
I think it was Bofur at the very first time when me and my sibling saw the movie, because they chose Bombur as their favourite. So I chose the older brother accordingly. I love these two and headcanon them being the most friendliest and kindest towards Bilbo. And their cousin Bifur, I love his black and white braids so much. He is also very funny, kind of an enygmatic character, with "two wolves" inside of him xD Although actor gave him some sad backstory. His fate in Sansukh (I will mention a fanfic, because I really love it) is so upsetting, though I am not yet aware of his canon fate (need to reread many things on English).
Then I thought of Dori. He is described being the strongest among the dwarves of Thorin's Company in the book, and in the movie I think he is supposed to be not the most masculine (I may be wrong at viewing it like this) dwarf, and I love when a character knits mittens and then kicks enemies' asses. He is also a mother hen to his younger brothers, who are also very wonderful. What I love in the movies is how different dwarven characters are. Nori's star-shaped hairstyle though! And funny to think that even after Nori stealing something from Bilbo's house, Bilbo is still friendlier to him than to Lobelia xD And Ori is an adorable and shy young dwarf, watching him on background is a lot of fun (like any other dwarf really, but they all deserved a proper screening time, maybe some of their background stories being brought up...), but now I am thinking of the scene in Moria...
So it leads to Balin. I love his movie version so much, they made him older than Thorin and he probably was like an older brother to both him and Dwalin (to Dwalin a real one asdfghjk), and their handwrittings are so similar, is it easy to guess who was busy teaching Thorin to write xD (maybe?). I love how he interacts with Bilbo too 😭 And Dwalin asdfghjk In the movie he is not the friendliest looking guy, but he is a good guy xD Man loved his cookies. Also for how long he lived asdfghjk My guy, your fam and friends are waiting for you in the Halls of Mahal, hurry up (I am joking of course). I also don't see a lot of people mentioning how he confronted dragonsick Thorin, which probably was so difficult to him, since he was extremelly loyal to his cousin and friend to step up against him.
Oin and Gloin are often forgotten and I am so glad to see bits of fanworks with them. You can see where Gimli got it xD Oin is a pharma guy, I guess it partially works for him to be a healer too (?). I don't mind him being an advanced healer as fandom often describes him. How else were they supposed to go on the quest without a healer? His movie design is wonderful, need to practice drawing him though. And I call Gloin a family guy xD He looks very fierce but in reality a very fond and loving father and husband. Love that. I am glad I can interact with him in LOTRO while he is in Misty Mountains, heh. He talks about his son and about Bilbo 🤗
Kili and Fili, another set of brothers :') They are just silly guys, who sometimes try to copy their uncle (unsuccessfully, thanks Mahal). I guess it is a rule that every Tolkien (movieverse) group should have someone like Merry and Pippin xD How can you not be fond of the boys. Also how Fili is a protective older brother :( And I also like Kili with Tauriel, though I don't like how it was played out in the movie (how could they be so disrespectful towards Tauriel's actress?). Oh, and of course I like Fili and Kili confronting Thorin. As well as the fond scenes with them (dwarven familial head bumps!)
I like movie Thorin. Nice singing voice, bro 👍 Although he is funnier in the book (as well as he is more of a prick), he has his silly moments in the movies too (thanks for them, he should be a silly guy too, not just a majestic and an epic hero) xD Topographagnosia and nearsightedness (probably common for dwarves unless they are in their mountains; also funny not the conditions itselves, of course, but how Thorin still stays overconfident); his exeggerated dislike of elves, although he uses an elven sword, which looks pretty cool actually; and then how he acts around Bilbo in last movies (I don't even know why actor decided to bring this, he is a Tolkien fan who read every bit of lore, but not that I mind, although it is still kinda strange). O, and I like his cartoon version, he is cool.
His papa and grandpa are also cool by the way. But movies (once again! 🧐) did disservice to Thrain! Such a disrespect, and this dwarf had such a bad fate..
Never can't stop being sad over Frerin and Dis 😭 I love how fandom made Dis very similar to Thorin, though she might be much wiser xD But still sad(((
Dain Ironfoot, of course! And his obsession with pigs as pets and steads xD He has a gorgeous beard, sad it had to be cgi-ed because it was too heavy. And I am afraid to mention Sansukh too often 😅 I think this story has a very awesome portrait of Dain. Also sad 😓
And Gimli! So sad they made him exclusively a comic relief in the movies. His eternal friendship (I am tend to broship them more, but I don't really mind the romance too!) with Legolas kind of brings some soft feelings. Also Lego LOTR Gimli is the cutest thing ever 😄
Narvi! Always appreciating Narvi, their (fandom sees this character very variously, which is awesome) bro Celebrimbor and the damn door they've made xD
I will also add Mim. Yes, he is a petty dwarf and kind of an antagonist, but I was rooting for him 😆
Honestly, I'd also name many dwarves from Sansukh, but it is a fanfic, and yeah, there are truly a lot lot of them to list asdfghjl
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kinmokuseijam · 4 months
list of favourite natsume yuujinchou episodes
every episode is great, but some episodes are either super heartwarming, tearjerking or both ;A; just a masterpost for purposes of keeping track (in no particular order) -
S1, ep 3 (Natsume meets Tanuma; also the episode where the anime starts getting from good to very good)
S2, ep 5 (霧葉, cutest gullible tree youkai)
S2, ep 10 (To save the Fujiwaras, Natsume replicates his grandmother's exorcism from the memories that flowed into him; the grandson and grandmother save the exact same family in the exact same way. Also, Shigeru-san best foster father ever)
S4, ep 3 (ケマリ, fluffball youkai)
S4, ep 6 & 7 (Natsume gets turned mini and trapped into a jar; Tanuma and Natsume on the hill crying together AND ME CRYING TOO, Tanuma and Natsume platonic ship feels asdfghjk)
S4, ep 9 (Houzukigami vs Fuzukigami; pretty outfits!)
S5, ep 5 (Lost youkai in Taki's house, also this episode’s ending monologue made me cry three times)
S5, ep 6 (日高, granny-like bird youkai)
S5, ep 8 (heavy on Natori x Matoba frenemy-like flirtatious interaction hehehe)
S5, ep 10 (the reason why Natsume's foster parents are my favourite characters. Also, Touko finds out about Natsume's ability, but says nothing about it.)
S6, ep 1 (Natsume gets turned into a child again; Tanuma and Taki start playing with him kindly and looking like his parents; overall it's really just the マジ天使OT3 interacting a lot and making child Natsume happy :'))
S6, ep 3 (Shibata, Tanuma, and Natsume shenanigans)
S6, ep 4 (awesome plot twist, but really saving this here for Natori's romance movie acting scene that was supposed to be all handsome and stuff but really just made Natsume and Nyanko laugh out loud in the cinema wwwwwww)
S6, ep 6 (Kitamoto and Nishimura find out about Natsume's ability to see youkai but say nothing about it)
S6, ep 10 (kinmokusei jam appears here hahahahaha; also appears in Natori's house and I hope he'd eaten it eventually instead of letting it rot or something in that unkempt house of his, god)
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi reread] Night 45: His Name Is Judar
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Love the reaction
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Not so silly anymore. Mostly deranged.
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Idk, I just love how Aladdin asks Ja'far, and also Ja'far's expression. He's looking at Aladdin with so much concern.
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Aladdin, my boy, have you considered not yelling when you're kinda supposed to avoid catching too much attention?
Also, gdi, Judar's smile.
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This looks pretty funny, tbh.
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How dramatic
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Some lore, but it's not about it. Honestly, I've said it before Judar is not my favorite character, and could never really be one again, but do I understand why people enjoy him. He's fun. He makes a huge difference with his all-over-the-place demeanor, ironically making things more lively in a somewhat stoic setting. It's entertaining. The type you throw into some weird situation to see what he's gonna do, because whatever it's gonna be, it'll be silly and full of character.
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Aladdin, no!
Also, ffs, Aladdin, weren't you listening to all the shit he was talking about just a moment ago?
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I love that Alibaba and Morgiana are immediately by his side. And also the fact that Sinbad is trying to get Judar to let Aladdin be.
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Man, he looks pissed. I need to see more of that kind of Alibaba, ngl.
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I love how protective Alibaba is, literally holding Aladdin, while Morgiana behind them is fully prepared to throw hands.
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Man, this is cool.
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Asdfghjk, he's putting Aladdin behind himself, I swear, I'm gonna make a compilation out of these at some point.
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Seeing moments like these really makes me want to see Alibaba be allowed to flourish. Like, damn, let the poor guy breather, but nooo, he hasn't been humiliated enough.
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Ughhhh, I love them. Fuck you, Judar, you don't get to insult Aladdin's bestie.
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Alibaba looks like he might cry. Also, gdii I love this moment so much.
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First of all, ouch.
But also, LOOK AT THE BOTTOM LEFT. Morgiana caught him IMMEDIATELY.
Man, remember when Alibaba and Morgiana were friends? Remember these times? I miss these times, glad to be back for a moment.
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Fuck you, Judar, you're about to get wrecked.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
HI hi, It's me again the Lee Soohyuk loving Anon can I be (LeeLee Anon? it's for Lee Soohyuk and also a play on my nickname).
I hope you had a good day today.
Mine was so tense i had a presentation and I was just dying on the inside. I hate presentations they are so stressful to me I literally ran out when I was done luckily, we were allowed to leave right after our presentations. I took a long shower and had yummy lunch.
But My mood really went up when I saw your message so, please don't apologize for the long message it made me really happy. And the small spoiler for the request made my day, I'm over the moon. It's already do good I'm so excited. Also, he's a Kitsune I'm so sooooft right now don't touch me T.T I really love that because despite his image of being all villainy, cold and hard he is actually such a soft best boyTM (yes, I know he is a grown man who is even older than me and I do also respect him an incredible human being). I'm excited to see what you did with the prompts I know it's going to blow me away.
I read all your requests already XD I loved the drabbles also the angsty one where oc and Hwiyoung have a fight that was so heart wrenching but also so real and also sweet at the end. The Jun one was a bit rough for me, but it was still really really good. Too bad you don't have your other writings posted because I love AHS and Alice in Borderland. Who is your favorite character in each of those series and also with AHS what is or are your favorite seasons?
hat's good at least you are doing some Halloween things. I can't unfortunately because I'm in exam season right now and I'm writing an exam on the day of Halloween which is just horrible. Or maybe very fitting for Halloween theme of horror to experience the horrors of academia.
Anway's I'm still going to stash up on some snacks and themed drinks and have a horror movie marathon after the exam. I used to be ablet to handle horror when I was younger but nowadays, I can't watch it by myself my younger self would be shocked how cowardly I have become as an Adult. Even though I'm scared of them I love horror movies.
Again, thank you so much for the spoiler I actually squealed when I saw it at the end of you message what a treat and a wonderful gift. But I enjoyed your message and now have ended up writing you a looong and chaotic message T.T I'm sorry.
I hope you have a good day today and have a lot of good energy like yesterday.
Hi again! I hope you had a good day too! ♡ (And ofc! The name’s yours!)
Aaah, aren’t presentations just the worst? But you did great I’m sure! And I hope enjoyed the rest of your day with some tasty food – I know that my brain sort of shut down whenever I was done presenting something and then I had to sleep for the rest of the day lol.  
I’m glad to hear that! I’m not really used to talking a lot so I always get nervous whenever that happens haha. And I’m happy you liked the little snippet of the request too! Tbh I’m a little worried since it turned out a little rough I suppose but I hope it’s gonna be alright. I did a small research about the Korean fox spirits and got a bit carried away since the way they’re described really fits the aesthetic I like. But I couldn’t resist making it a little soft as well. Now I just need to go over again and edit it a little but I think I should be able to post it soon?
Also, yes!! He really does seem that way but he’s so sweet and shy T-T It’s so fascinating to me to watch interviews with him because of it, the characters he usually plays are so confident and cold and he’s so cute and talks so calmly.
Asdfghjk, why would you do that xD I mean, I’m glad but it’s also a little embarrassing since I feel like could’ve done better at so many of them haha. But actually I’m preparing to make another blog for the writing I’ve done/will do for series, animes, dramas etc., I just wanna read them again and maybe do some slight edits first but I keep cringing.
For my favorite characters, in Alice in Borderland I really liked Chishiya and Niragi – which is funny because Niragi traumatized me so much lmao, I literally got panic attacks after seeing one of the episodes. I even read the manga it was based on and then I really started liking him as a character, and Chishiya makes me cry if I think about him too long lol. Oh, and Mira was really cool too! In AHS I loved Michael (from Apocalypse), Cordelia (from Coven) and Sally and the Countess (from Hotel). My favorite seasons are probably those three too, as well as the first one. What about you, anon? ♡
Oh, that sucks! But yeah, it fits the Halloween feel really well lol. You’ll do great though, I believe in you! And I feel you haha, I used to watch so many horror movies when I was younger but now I’m terrified even though I still love horrors. Is there any kind of horrors that you like or don’t? I personally can’t stand anything dealing with ghosts for some reason, those are so terrifying for me.
You don’t need to apologize!! It’s totally fine, I really enjoy your messages! And besides, this answer is also chaotic and long, so also sorry about that xD I’m really glad you enjoyed the little spoiler, I’d give you another one but I really think I might be able to finish up the fic today~
You also have a nice rest of the day and don’t forget to rest and stay hydrated! ♡
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biffybobs · 2 years
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Pizzazz-Ito family get together for NYE and a certain little one’s birthday 🎈
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moonrock · 6 years
i’m writing an essay ‘language as a tool used in political propaganda’ and because of it i bought a right-wing magazine and i’m losing my brain cells as i read it asdfghjkjhgfd send help 
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lovetorn · 4 years
iced caramel macchiato [dream's version]
dream x reader — coffee shop!au
summary: enemies? to lovers? or maybe dream just plays hard to get lmaoooo
word count: 1.7k+
warnings: swearing? sometimes.
a/n: my harry fic rewritten for dream :] i just changed the pov and some lines but its basically the same asdfghjk enjoy ig <3
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Service has been slow. So slow, that you’re sure your head will roll off your neck from the number of times you’ve looked at the clock behind you. The copper hands of the round object tick obnoxiously, making you bring a hand up to your temple to rub firmly.
Closing your eyes, you loll your head back to stare at the grainy ceiling in hopes that the bell above the glass door would chime. You move your head back to stare blankly at the door before you run your hands over the brown apron on your hips, the fabric harsh against your fingers.
You then bend down to lean your head on your palm in a bored manner while you watch the countless pedestrians walk past the coffee shop. Just one customer, please!
The light reflecting off of the glass is giving you a headache, but you still stare. In your state of utter boredom, anything would be exciting.
Your gaze shifts to the painting on the right wall when the glass door opens and a man stalks in. He is mumbling lowly into his phone, telling someone named George that he doesn’t know why Sapnap isn’t answering. You silently cheer at the sight of a customer, pleased to be productive on this slow workday.
The man has his light hair pulled into a small bun at the base of his neck and he looks borderline intimidating to you—maybe it’s his height, or perhaps it’s his cold stare. He scans the shop before he stalks towards the counter.
You’re slightly concerned at the sound of him not knowing where someone is, thinking that he will simply move off to the side to finish his call before ordering; but he doesn’t.
You seethe slightly at the blatant disrespect of the man. How are you supposed to catch a person’s order in between a string of conversation they’re having with someone else about something completely different? You don’t understand how someone can be that rude.
But nonetheless, the man stands there talking aimlessly before glancing up at you with an uninterested look on his face. You furrow your brows at him before your eyes flicker back to the cash register in front of you. You choose to pick at your chipped nail polish before the man decides to pause his phone call to order. But, the clearing of his throat catches you off guard and then you’re met the man’s hard stare.
“Well, aren’t you going to ask me what I want?”
Your eyebrows fly to your hairline as you stutter, “W-What?”
The man huffs as he switches his weight to his other foot and swaps his phone to his other ear, his eyes wide with irritation. He waves his hand in front of your face as you stand in shock at his rudeness. The man rolls his eyes before speaking to the person on the phone again. You reach over to pluck a plastic cup from the stack and grab a Sharpie pen, ready for his choice. However, you’ve soon got a death grip on the cup as he carries on talking to the person on the line.
“A cold caramel whatever.” You catch what he mumbles before he continues whispering into his phone. You grumble bitterly to yourself that it isn’t an order. But, not wanting to have to interact with him any longer, you ask for his name.
And with that, he steps to the side, laughing into his device. You stand in disbelief holding the black Sharpie marker in your hand. How can his demeanour shift so quickly? Pulling yourself together, you scribble quickly, ‘C-… Cray’? You cock your head at the spelling but shrug one shoulder and slide it towards the metal bench next to you.
When the barista at the other end of the bench calls ‘Cray’, the man either isn’t paying attention or doesn’t care because he takes his drink and leaves; not even sparing a glance at you, who had misspelt his name.
The next day’s rush is far more fast-paced. The chatter of people around the coffee shop makes it near impossible to hear the orders of customers at the counter—but it is the way you like it. The more customers, the faster the day goes. And at this pace, you swear your shift is almost over.
As you finish taking the order of a young girl, your mood instantly dims when the girl moves to the side. Head down, Clay stands in front of you typing on his phone, murmuring his order to you. You tilt your head as you huff. The plain disrespect, again.
“Excuse me?” You say while leaning closer to him.
He gives a quick glance towards you before sighing, “A caramel cold, no cream.” His irritated expression makes you stare blankly at him.
His bleak response earns a quick eyebrow raise from you, who struggles to understand his order, but grabs a cup anyway and scribbles ‘Cole’ on the side along with a whole bunch of jumble on ‘caramel cold’. You assume he means the same drink as yesterday. And as the same as yesterday, his hair is pulled back, leaving his forehead bare and the crease in between his brows evident. Why does he always look so angry?
Over the next few weeks, you had continually and deliberately gotten Clay’s name wrong. You had become quite creative with ridiculous nicknames when he ordered his boring ‘cold caramel’ drink and think he deserves it from how rude he was to you. As much as you disliked the man, you found fun in getting his name wrong.
Cloud, Clam, Cleo, and even clarinet. At this point, the barista at the other end of the counter could yell ‘cabbage’ and he’d just accept it.
You had the luck of not running into him anywhere outside of the coffee shop, saving yourself the embarrassment of confessing why you write his name like that on the cups. But you can’t help it, you hate when people are distracted whilst they order; as well as arsehole men who wave their hand in front of your face when you’re simply waiting for them to finish their call to tell you their order.
No matter how much you despised it, Clay never failed to walk into the shop without being on his phone in some way. And he never once looked at you when he walked out with his drink, only sparing you a glance when ordering. You just didn’t understand this man!
It’s Friday and it’s raining. The dark clouds hang in the sky like a bad smell and you can’t shake the feeling in your gut. It is 15 minutes to closing time and Clay hasn’t walked in today. A weird sense of disappointment washes over you as you gaze out of the glass door.
The bell chimed for the last time that day at 5:55 pm and as you wrote down the abbreviations of a latte on the top of a white coffee lid, you felt sadness. It was subtle but it was there. And you didn’t know why it sat at the bottom of your stomach for so long, but it wasn’t pleasant.
As you reach to close up the register, the bell at the door rings. Your head shoots up from looking at the numbers on the buttons and is met with Clay—with no phone in sight. As much as you were looking forward to writing down a new nickname for him, your thought process is interrupted.
Clay looks at you, straight in the eye, and smiles. You stand in confusion, the black sharpie dangling from your fingertips as he leans on the counter. The cup in your hands is close to falling on the floor when he nods towards it.
“Iced caramel. And get my name right this time.”
You feel your cheeks heat before you scrunch your nose in distaste, “So you did notice.”
The man hums in confirmation before he reaches over the register to snatch the cup from your grasp. “Of course I did. I’m gonna show you how to spell it right.”
You’re quick to bite back the urge to comment that you know how to spell his fucking name but you patiently wait for him to return the cup.
He hands the cup back to you, holding it teasingly above your head before he drops it onto the counter. You catch the cup before it rolls onto the floor and become confused at the scribble of numbers on the cup instead. You lift your head to meet his gaze when you see his lips drawn into a large grin. Your features soften as you give him a soft closed-lipped smile. You turn your head to look towards the menu behind you, the numbers next to the orders catching your attention.
“Are these all of the orders you want?” You ask. You furrow your eyebrows while you look back down at the cup. Oh.
Clay bites back a giggle and shakes his head at your expression. “It’s my number.”
As shocked as you are, you manage to keep your grip on the cup, despite it nearly falling from your hand again.
“W-Why?” You mumble, face flushing at the thought of Clay even thinking about you in that way.
Clay makes a smug face, shrugs, and then spins around before walking back towards the door. You stand frozen; like literally stuck in your spot as you watch Clay glance over his shoulder.
“This place closes in 5 right? I’ll wait outside while you finish up and we’ll go get dinner together.”
His statement lingers even after he leaves. You still hold the plastic cup in your hand as you stare at the spot he was last in. Your heartbeat is in your ears as you finally blink. No… I can’t, he’s—. You shift your eyes down to the cup and the haphazard writing and feel as your heart skip a beat.
And as soon as you step out of the shop, the rain patters lightly on the pavement and you spot his figure leaning against the side of the bookshop next door—typing on his phone. You scoff out a laugh as you begin approaching him. Clay lifts his head at the sound of someone nearing and smiles when he sees you.
“Ready?” He asks, offering you his elbow. You roll your eyes at his gesture, nod and place your hand on his bicep.
No matter what happened in the past, you’re willing to see where this goes… with Cray— I mean Clay.
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heymrstargazer · 3 years
what's your favorite daily hc and why??
also what does the softest day ever look like for colin and ross 🥺
omfg how am i supposed to pick asdfghjk. you already know ive forgotten most of them but i do particularly enjoy the candy bandit one and just cause i had the idea for a while beforehand and it wasn't completely on the spot (like most of the other ones)
okay and softest day ever is mostly just them running errands. they'd go out for breakfast then get their grocery shopping done (which is kind of a disaster because they'll get actual ingredients and such for dinner and ross' baking but then they spend like 20 minutes browsing aisles with stupid shit in it because they won't say no to anything the other wants). somehow they would end up with two plastic lightsabers and 4 things of starbursts so (and of course ross would give colin all the pink ones). after that they'd drop stuff off at home and colin would make lunch for them (ross' favorite) before taking pita for a walk together. on the way home they'd stop by the library so colin can return a few books and pick out some new ones. for dinner colin would make something nice but simple like a tortellini bake with cheese and spinach and stuff (pita would probably get a bite of it because ross would end up spilling some on the floor lbr). colin would do his daily kitchen cleaning while ross hovers around him rambling about things and occasionally giving him kisses. ross would take him out to some art museum/exhibit afterward and they'd stop for hot chocolate on the walk home. before bed they'd probably lay on the couch for a while and binge a few episodes of some tv show. ross would be too tired to talk though the whole thing (like he usually does) so he'd completely lay on top of colin and use his chest as a pillow, and of course colin would then have to play with his hair, rub his back, etc. pita would be pouting and laying on the floor the whole time. eventually colin would try to get up but ross would be dead asleep by then so colin would have to carry him into bed
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angels-creative · 2 years
reading ur tags bc omg :skull emoji: someone went off on you for blocking them???? sljdnbfkjandbjn RIP
ASDFGHJK it was so funny too, because it was one of my old moots, and I was mad at ‘em at the time and just,,, wanted to enjoy my time on Tumblr without paying attention to them (because, listen, we were good friends, but they were ALWAYS active. always), and then they got mad at me for that??? saying like “but we’re supposed to be friends!!” and yeah. now there’s another reason why we’re not, babe.
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fabdante · 6 months
I know its supposed to be because his eyes are sunken and he's close to death, but the dark circles around Vergil's eyes in Vergil's Downfall just make him look like he was wearing eyeliner and it got all fucked up and runny after Dante kicked his ass. Like, it's fine if he WAS/does wear eyeliner- its just that I really doubt that's what they were going for, so instead of looking like the guy is close to death he just looks... Bad.
I feel like showing more blood could've helped with this? I know he wears a black coat and a black shirt, but maybe in the animated parts, they could've shown the blood more easily? Hell, show us the gorey hole in his chest, I don't mind that shit. Maybe with some glowing angel/demon lines of power around that last stab wound from Dante to show that his Nephilim healing factor is TRYING to fix it, but just can't quite manage it, even if it's basically the only thing keeping him upright right now? Idk, just. Something. The weird, giant heart with three holes in it when he's talking to Hollow Vergil can only do so much, y'know?
Downfall I think suffers a lot from the very, very rushed development time. It came out very shortly after the reboot itself came out and I imagine most of the energy was put into the gameplay. My gripe with it's art direction has always been 2 things, I don't understand why Vergil has bangs like that and I just...don't like the cutscene style asdfghj they're going for a similar style to something they did with Heavenly Sword which worked there but just does not for Downfall due to the time constraints and it just like....doesn't feel like Vergil?
Like, I would have probably focused more on the classical art angle from the art direction in the base game and just really amped it up. Which is perhaps biased but just imagine how beautiful it'd have been if they really leaned into the Baroque and Renaissance influences like asdfghjk I'm sad about this
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mar64ds · 3 years
Who's scary villian I'm intrigued I really love their design
oh!!!! thank you I actually thought no one was going to like it asdfghjk
I put A LOT of thought on the character, I’m not too happy with the character design but i suppose it serves its purpose (but thank you for liking the design!!)
These are some of the notes I wrote today about him:
I wanted an enemy that was the clear antithesis of sam&max, not just the characters but the franchise. Sam&Max ALWAYS joke around, always talk to each other, don’t take things seriously, overanlyze stuff (in sam’s case), don’t think stuff through (in max’s case) and absurdity is all around their world, not to mention the heart and soul of the franchise is that sam&max themselves really care about each other
This guy however barely talks, his mere presence makes things serious and scary, doesn’t overanalyze things because he sees them as insignificant, does think stuff through in a very calculated way, doesn’t care about others and absurdity doesn’t affect him
You know how sam&max are very detached from reality but in a funny comedic way? So is he, but in a more messed up way. This guy is not a demon, nor a god, nor a being from space, nor anything particularly special. Sam&Max have already met any kind of supervillain that there could be so what should make this guy stand out from the rest? Well he is just a regular guy like Sam&Max are, but he breaks the fourth wall in a way that absurdity doesn’t affect him, if it doesn’t make sense why should it hurt him? It’s like the opposite of the Roger Rabbit ‘only when it was funny’ rule
I also feel like the best villains are the ones that don’t really have an emotional motivation, that they are just messed up monsters, so I really feel like this guy’s motivation would only be to get rid of things that annoy him, that he only wants ‘some silence’ in this world full of chaos and absurdity and sam&max constantly talking to each other, and he would go really far for that
That’s all? That’s my cringe oc lol I’ll probably never bring him back but I really think the idea of a serious scary villain in sam&max would be a lot of fun
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