svtskneecaps · 5 months
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salted-caramel-tea · 6 months
What are your thoughts about?
I was gonna try and collect my thoughts coherently before I started talking bu ti cant be bothered doing that so like. about the dream and that one circle of mcyt that just fucking hate them .
actually this is about how I have felt observing the dream space recently.
im uncomfortable?? not with the dream team, I still really love them and I enjoy their content and I do still watch sap naps streams if im awake for them but honestly taking time just to spend time on my f1 blog has been like a weight lifted from my shoulders.
just talking about dtblr, ive seen people trying to make the best of the situation by live-blogging sapnaps streams making jokes spreading positivity for all 3 of them but it doesn't really of much to take away from the pressure of the situation. Every day it seems like some cc somewhere has something to say about dream or George or sapnap and every day we rush over here to discuss it. it almost feels like theres this pressure to perform and to respond to what is being said, we need to discuss everything as a controversy no matter how stupid or insignificant the situation is and we contribute to the snowballing of tiny things that honestly dont need the attention the theyre getting and its tiring to watch. like im at the point where im scrolling past 'did you see what x said' because honestly I dont give a shit I dont give a shit about a cc who spoke to the dteam on discord maybe twice talking about their 'truth' I really dont care .
im genuinely just fed up with the way the creator space and fan spaces behave. Dream posts 'pls talk to me' and creators say 'but that won't get me clout' back to him.
who gives a shit if dreams stole punz girlfriend. who cares if dream sent a dm that might have been considered rude to Sara Simons a fully grown ducking middle aged woman with better things to do than start twitter drama. who gives a shit about sniff having one insignificant negative interaction with dream over a year. none f this is your fucking turret its just airing out high school level petty drama that could easily be fixed with a fucking dm . its pathetic. the way so many creators are going 'I too am a victim' and its 'he sent me a private message I didnt like' who fucking cares. and all of this 'ill stream explaining my story' what story. that he made a joke in bad taste. its performative. they want views they want twitters support they want to seem like theyre on the RIGHT side so theyre just pulling any old story out of their ass to add to the mentality of the mob and make it seem like yes I too hate dream because he is so awful when in reality he was probably just a bit of a twat like a lot of guys in their early 20s are . the only way hes gonna know that he did something that made u annoyed or upset or even mildly fucking miffed in the case of Sara fucking Simons is if you tell him. and we saw that bc 5 mins later shes saying oh its all fine he messaged me . see how fucking easy it is to actually fix these tiny ass issues if you actually have a conversation before launching a hate campaign on twitter dot com . and people going off to run with it and add it to the pile of 'poof' they have. hell ive seen someone saying they appreciate dream saying they want to talk about situations and saying they want to chat with him about an experience they had with one of his friends like what does that have to do with dream actually why not just take the initiative and talk to the actual person involved instead of making dream do it for u. its all just drama mongering
on a more serious note I really dont know how to feel with the whole situation with caiti. George didi fuck up and im not moving from that stance- whatever happened he made her feel uncomfortable and went on the defence instead of prioritising apologising to her for the way she felt about the situation.
what I cat fucking stand is how weirdly this situation has evolved. the initial statement was that he had touched her waist and tickled her and cat didnt like that. THAT CONTACT the touching of her waist was spread across twitter as a sexual assault. which its fucking not and it pisses me off as a victim to see how loosely terms of sex crime are being thrown around bc no matter how uncomfy you are touching your waist is not a sex crime. there was no mention of inappropriate touching actually, just that he had crossed a physical boundary with her and ive already talked about why I can empathise with that delayed reaction in feeling deeply uncomfortable with the situation . so it confused me as to why people on tiktok were spreading misinformation that his hands were down her pants and cat coming out of left field with he was grabbing my tits. because none of that was ever discussed in any of her prior statement and that seems like pertinent information when were discussing sexual assault. and from what ive seen her friends timeline of events dont match up with hers. her timeline of events onset even match up that well with her other comments on the situation and all of it just feels so fucking odd. why do the details change depending on who you ask and when you ask them
but I wasn't there. I dont know what actually happened. having experienced it you automatically hold that understanding towards her despite all the backlash because people blamed me too, they didnt believe me either and you never want to completely dismiss it no matter how weird the story seems because what if. keeping myself in the situation is stretching myself in two different directions where one is dismissing the claims of assault because nothing adds up and the other is she might be like me .
the reaction to caitis initial statement has snowballed extremely out of proportion if u ask me. nobody needs to know everyones personal grievances with dream or George or sapnap and to say that youre sharing these to support victims is a straight lie bc it has nothing to do with victims they receive nothing from your story that he made a bad joke 3 years ago or whatever and everything to do with the fact that you are utilising an opportunity to gain relevancy again and I dont want to partake in their relevancy.
I dont want to partake in any of this fucking drama actually. it's non stop. it's constant. its all over my dash all day every day but maybe its just the ppl im following idc. but I dont want to come back into a community where im going to find myself fighting to justify why I still enjoy the content of some creators while there are other creators receiving less vitriol for breaking the literal fucking law . its exhausting . its been years of it for me .
im not mentally well. I have a lot going on in my family life and I didnt realise how bad things were until I told my work friend I hadn't seen in a while my 'family drama' and she and the assistant manager pulled me aside and said 'im so sorry youre going through that right now are you dealing with everything alright?'. I have my final exams within the next month. I need to pass these to graduate. I have so much that is already causing me stress in my life and so much of the misinformation around the situation is so triggering and untagged and I dont want to log on and see another bout of 'x responds to x' 'x talks about dream' 'x shares thoughts on George situation' . I cant fucking do that right now.
people have called it the cowards way out, bailing at the burden of controversy but im not switching sides. im not deactivating. im not becoming a dranti. I still talk about the dteam i still like the dteam but I cannot force myself to endure other peoples stresses at the time being . thats all ive been thinking about rlly .
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carrickbender · 9 months
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Twas the Saturday before Christmas(an update):
- My first foray into management, as a newly minted supply chain manager and (soon to be) highly indebted MBA student is a trip. Great people, but upper management did a poor planning job in rolling out SAP right before the start of one of the busiest parts of the production season, allowing for a crash course in its intricacies for its long term employees and the expectation that I will be a pro in 2-3 weeks.
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Anyhow, so many cultures and opportunities for yours truly. I'm just a bit tired.
- Oh, and because I'm completely dumb, I'm also finishing up my last weekend shifts at Cosmo, starting tonight. Why? We need a new fence, that's why...
- Speaking of fences(for our ersatz dog), does Cabo or does he not look like Spike, Snoopy's slightly off brother who lives in the desert with coyotes(and to me has the appearance of the guy from Juarez, Mexico who used to repair our squid seines; He lived in a RV that smelled like painfully hot chilies, and who would be 3 sheets to the wind by noon on fridays with a net repair needle in one hand, a joint hanging out of his mouth, and singing Ranchero music like some 3rd rate baladeer...he was a treasure!). Btw, if you don't know Spike:
- I'm off to Oly for last minute gifts for H and Henry when I'd much rather be napping. But 3 days without SAP is the choice for me. I almost quilted into a teams call this morning, but you know what?
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Happy festivus, to all who may celebrate. Tonight, H's son, daughter in law, and their kids are coming over for feasting, gifts, and probably light hearted airing of grievances- mostly about H's ex-husband. And today's feat of strength? Spatchcocking a turkey...
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Anyhow, much love to you all... I need a nap.
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Soft dream HC’s. I got you.
Wake up tickles are a must in the dream team household. Dream tends to sleep in, and SapNap and George just don’t like it. They’re early birds. They like to be up early to get their day started. So to start helping Dream be an early bird as well, they go in and tickle him. And of course Dream is half asleep so he isn’t gonna thrash or wiggle or anything like that. He’s just a giggly puddle. “Geohohorge! Sahahahap! Sthahahap!” And of course, George and SapNap are gonna tease him about it. “Why don’t you make us stop, Dreamie?” “Yeh, you could easily push us off.” And Dream’s face is just bright red, and he takes the wake up tickles until he is fully awake. It’s adorable. We love it.
fzgzgahss sleepy dreaaaamiiieeee 😭
just the idea of him smiling in his sleep as george scratches under his chin and at his ear, and then his lips parting to show teeth and eyes slowly fluttering themselves open? ☹️ like groggy giggles and slurred half hearted complaints
absolute bonus points if he’s under a blanket/duvet, and sap has already straddled his waist to keep him trapped. i’ve been thinking so much about the combination of neck/face tickles, with gentle cooing teases, and unpredictable pokes and prods to the torso lately :(( and if his arms are trapped beneath his snuggly blanket then he just can’t fight back 😭 like it’s just the softest combination ever with such a high chance for giggles 😖
here’s a fic i write ages ago about george waking sleepy dream up from a nap (Waking Sleeping Beauty), doesn’t quite end well for george though 😅
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ze-maki-nin · 3 years
Requested: Yep!
hello hello i have a request- what do you think the dream team would be like with a reader who blames themselves for other people's emotions or actions a lot and cries when other people cry? (definitely not based on how i am-)
Pairing: CC!Dream Team x Gn!Reader
Idea: CC!Dream Team with a reader who blames themselves for other peoples emotions and cries when others cry!
Tags/Warning: Crying (?), blaming one's self (?), Fluff! (If there are any warnings that I missed pls tell me!)
Word Count: 1047!
A/N: Sorry this took so long! And I didnt know if you wanted them separate, so I just did both, separate and together-
Dream Team together!
☆ You 4 would be in a call with bad or someone and someone would start crying-
☆ And so do you-
☆ They would be so confused at first
☆ Like???
☆ Why you crying??
☆ You would tell them “If someone cries I do and I dont know exactly why-”
☆ or something like that-
☆ On the inside youre blaming yourself for making that person cry even tho you dont know why they started crying
☆ Its just an automatic thing you think when someone is sad/cries, is mad, upset, any negative emotion
☆ No one really knows this
☆ Its your little secret
☆ well-
☆ Phil and Techno know but thats it
☆ After your little crying session with the other person is over you go back to whatever you where doing
☆ Feeling guilty for ‘making’ them cry
☆ Even tho you didnt
☆ Now.
☆ If someone gets mad in the call you start apologizing
☆ Even tho you most likely didnt do anything
☆ The person would ask why you where apologizing
☆ “I made you mad didnt I? I always make people mad on accident”
☆ “No?? I was mad at the game-”
☆ You would then apologize saying it was something you do-
☆ Apologize for things you didnt do
☆ They would understand somewhat and go back to playing
⌒ You would just be chillin on his bed while he records a video
⌒ And he would start getting annoyed at whoever he was recording with
⌒ You flinched, thinking he was getting annoyed cause you where in here while he was recording or something
⌒ “Sorry” “What?”
⌒ Hed hear you apologize and be so confused
⌒ Like you didnt do anything wrong???
⌒ Why are you apologizing?
⌒ You would then ask “Didnt I make you annoyed?”
⌒ He would frown and walk over to you
⌒ “You could never annoy me Baby, why do you think that?
⌒ You would then explain to him that you just thought he was annoyed
⌒ And somehow convinced him to go back to recording even tho he was a bit concerned
⌒ After the recording he decided he wanted to cuddle you
⌒ So there you where
⌒ cuddling
⌒ when all of the sudden Dreams eyes started watering
⌒ something probably got in his eyes
⌒ but you thought he was crying so you started for apologizing
⌒ “M so sorry” “Im sorry for whatever I did” “I didnt mean too”
⌒ You would eventually start crying
⌒ He would be so concerned :(/pos
⌒ “Babe my eyes are just watering, are you ok?”
⌒ You would be kinda embarrassed
⌒ Youd start explaining to him that you thought you did something wrong
⌒ And when he started crying you did too and you dont know why
⌒ Hed reassure you that youre fine and did nothing wrong and suggest taking a small nap with him
⌒ Inside youd be convincing yourself that it was your fault he was crying
⌒ and that he was crying not that his eyes were watering
★ You where just chillin with Sap on his couch, watching a show
★ When a scene that made him mad came on
★ And he started yelling at the tv
★ Once he finished you began apologizing profusely
★ “Woah woah woah-Why are you apologizing?”
★ “Didnt...Didnt I make you mad?”
★ He would sit there kinda stunned
★ And then explain to him that he was mad at the movie and not because of you
★ You would nod
★ Not really believing it but not wanting to ‘anger’ him further
★ Even tho he wasnt angry anymore
★ You would start thinking of the things you could have done to make him angry
★ Which causes you to zone out
★ Sap would see this and snap you out of it
★ “Huh-Sorry, kinds spaced out”
★ “Thats fine Flower! What were you thinking about?”
★ You told him that you where thinking of things that you could have done to make him angry
★ He stared at you confused
★ How could you make him angry?
★ Youre literally the sweetest person
★ Reassure you that you could never make him mad
★ And cuddle you til you believe that-
⛧ He would just be scrolling through his phone on his bed
⛧ When you came into his room crying
⛧ He would panic but calm himself down
⛧ And tell you to come tell him whats wrong and cuddle
⛧ You would then say that you made someone hurt another person even tho you didnt know them
⛧ He would be confused at first
⛧ But then realize that you were blaming yourself for something you didnt do
⛧ “Darling you didnt do anything!”
⛧ Hes trying to reassure you
⛧ even tho hes not that good at it-
⛧ at least hes trying right?
⛧ Hes thinkin of things he could do to calm you down
⛧ And then suggest you guys watch some youtube
⛧ Probably Dream or Sap-
⛧ It takes your mind off of the people
⛧ He'd cuddle you
⛧ until yall fell asleep
⛧ The computer still playing youtube videos
Sorry if this isnt what you wanted!
I also didnt have many ideas for George so sorry about that-
Taglist: @sugarrbbee @dawnfallx @forefinn @angstyx @lakifaki @n3r0-1417 @meliancries @wilczachannn @wrenqueenisboss @gray-moon2 @pixviepie
Just ask to be added!
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angy-mouse · 3 years
idk why i wrote this, idk when i wrote this, but i found it and its your problem now /lh but also /srs
psa this includes the act of drinking alcohol before the legal age which for legal reasons i do not condone. actually I don't condone any drinking of alcohol bc that shit is nasty i hate it
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Bad things happen when the Dream Team gets bored.
They decided to get Sapnap drunk. Despite how concerning that sentence was with no context, they thought it was a great idea. He'd be safer than getting drunk for the first time at a bar, plus then they'd know what kind of drunk he was so they could keep an eye on him once he turns 21 and they start going out drinking together. He'd be totally supervised and if things went south there was a bathroom five steps down the hall and he could lay down for a nap basically anywhere. It definitely didn't have anything to do with wanting funny videos of Sapnap stumbling around the house or babbling secrets, no, of course not.
When did things go south? When they found out Sapnap was a cuddly drunk.
"I mish baby," he whined, voice muffled as he tried to burrow deeper into George's shirt. George didn't mind at all becoming the Texan's personal teddy- he was always a little sheepish about physical contact when he was sober so George never realized what a furnace the younger was. Meanwhile Dream kept a bit of distance- he always preferred to be the one initiating contact so a cuddly drunk was a tad out of his comfort zone.
"I know, we miss her, too," George cooed, rubbing up and down Sapnap's back. He felt bad for inflicting this on him as he heard Sap sniffle against his chest. "Baby's gonna be home very soon, though, she should be on the train right now. How about we watch some TV while we wait, okay?"
Sapnap let out a mumble, but luckily they didn’t have to try to translate it because they heard your key in the front door. “Baby!!” He stumbled off the couch, scrambling to his feet and rushing to the front door. He tripped and fell, managing to catch himself from face planting (George mentally commended him for that, he was already doing better than his first time drunk). He pushed himself onto his knees just as you opened the door, his face lighting up as he held out his arms for you. “Baby,” he cheered.
You hesitated, taking note of his red face, wet eyes, and the bottles of alcohol on the counter. “Hi, baby,” you carefully hummed, closing the door behind you and stepping forward so Sapnap could bury his face in your stomach, arms wrapped loosely around your hips. “Oh, sweetheart, what did those two do to you,” you asked, narrowing your eyes at the two sitting on the couch. They sheepishly smiled at you, sighing in relief as Sapnap stole your attention again.
“Baby, come cuddle,” he whimpered, tugging on your shirt.
“Okay, hun,” you cooed, guiding him to his feet. “Come on, let’s go lay in bed, huh?” You turned a glare on the other two again. “George and Dream are gonna clean up.”
“Yes, darling,” George sheepishly muttered as you took Sapnap up stairs. “...I think turning the youngest into a big baby for her to coddle might’ve not been our best idea.”
“You think she’d baby me like that if I got drunk?”
“Hell no, he’s way cuter than you.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
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kat-got-lost · 4 years
Hello! How are you? I hope you're okay ^^ Well I wanna request (If it's fine) Dream team in love with Y/N and fight for them (For wining their heart) some fluffy stuff u know UwU (If it's not fine with you please ignore this UnU have a good day ^^
hello loves it's 2am, im on mobile and decided to knock out some requests so sorry for weird formats :)
(A/N: changed up the request a bit, bc it was similar to something I've been thinking about the last couple days,,)
poly!dreamteam x cat hybrid!reader
warning// none
genre// fluff
format//headcanons, drabble
poly!dt x gn!reader (pronouns aren't exactly mentioned, male reader is implied but there's fem and gn options as well :)
(in game AU)
(A/N #2: forgot to mention y/n is like a cat shapeshift? they can turn into a cat but they've also got the human form which consists of the cat ears nd stuff)
before they find you they're not exactly dating, they're kind of on that edge where it's like "lol, yes, just homies, haha u n l e s s"
so, one day sapnap's out gathering more stuff from the mines because they're running out of stuff, after maybe a day or two, he's just doing his own thing and then he hears meowing and he's like "what the fuck"
very confused because you rarely see cats in caves and mines, at least not as deep as he was
sapnap's first though was "someone probably has an underground house and their cat got out" but after a bit of examining he realizes you don't have a collar or anything
you had gotten lost and seeked shelter in a cave until you could safely get back to your makeshift shack
you'd decided to stay in your cat form since it was more practical, and it took less energy from you
saps heart kind of just,,melts,,because you'd been lost and it'd been around a week since you felt comfort so you're purring and snuggling into sapnap's touch
sap sets up a small shelter for you and gives you some food and water, he was planning on heading back that day so he decided that the shelter would be safe enough to leave you in so he could finish his job
he takes you home to dream and george and is like "hey lol, we have a cat now" the second he sees you dream basically snatches you out of sapnap's arms and it's cooing at you and scratching your ears *he literally melts at your purs
george on the other hand, not as a estatic, he's not upset to have you here, no, no, not at all he's more "what the fuck we don't have the resources to properly take care of a cat"
dream runs a bath for you because of how dusty you are due to the cave dust
after sapnap gives you a bowl of warm milk and some fish they had, he lets you roam around the house and you settle on george's room where you join him on the bed
george knows you're on the bed and expects to wake up to a fuzzy cat cuddled up to him, but what the didn't expect was a whole ass human snuggled into his chest
screams. fucking s c r e a m s
sapnap and dream think he's just been murdered and run into his room
very confused when they see you, get a little protective of george and start yelling, it scares you and you transform back into your cat form and they're like ",,,o h h"
you transform back and you're like "hh sorry, do you want me to leave? or?"
all three of the boys just collectively go "N O" they all think you're a very cute kitty, kitty that is also a very pretty boy/person/girl? pog?
you explain how you got in the caves and the whole situation
skip forward a bit forward and they're used to your routine, having you around and just you in general
these boys, THESE B O Y S- they will absolutely smother you in affection
it's almost like a competition for them, they like to compete to see who can hold your attention longer or who can just get your attention in general
dream likes to bake with you and you guys curl up on the couch after and eat whatever you guys baked, sapnap likes taking you on adventures, takes you on picnics and through pretty fields, forests, etc george likes napping with you, loves cuddling with you because you're so soft and squishy, enjoys when you play with his hair and likes to play with yours (if you can't play with your hair he likes to just give you headpats and lots of cat ear scratches)
eventually you get annoyed of them arguing over who gets to do what with you and you're like "why don't we date- you three are literally in love with each other and me and i love all three of you 😠😠"
you can see the gears turning in each of their heads *dream just goes "huh, why didn't we think of that before- works for me (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) " *
now you're all one big adorable relationship
cuddles, so. many. cuddles
lots of headpats, picnic dates and movie dates
constant teasing, which normally sounded like "awwhh such a cute kitty" from sapnap and "such a good boy/kitty (? person didn't sound right there, replace it with whatever gn term you want :)/girl" from dream and george
overall such a cute and cuddly relationship, 10/10, would want to be dteam's cat boy
(A/N it's now,,,3 am,,i'll be writing some other requests tomorrow morning :)
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
i checked this list and it said persona so im hoping this is still ok. Date night with the protagonists? (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and thank you >///
ー『anonymous: Can i get dating headcanons for the persona protags (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and super thank yous. I love these boys so much. ;A;』
note(s): I am going to combine these requests as they are similar enough I hope that is alright! no real warnings for this one either, I just think these dudes are neat. Also I know they all have like 5 different names, so I just went with the ones I am more familiar with. Maybe(????) spoilers for 3, 4, and 5, so if you haven’t finished or played them, be warned (although, idk if anyone would read it if they haven’t played the respective game but idk warning for spoilers just in case) also idk how i feel about these hcs rn, but i did my best dhdjdj
all my other links can be found in my navigation post!! If you like my writing and you’d like to support me, my tip jar is also linked there!
hcs under the cut so i’m not clogging anyone’s dash (originally these were gonna be a short set of hcs but i guess not dbdndn)
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What our dear protagonist lacks in overall extrovertedness, he makes up for in action. Surprise surprise, dates can either range from hanging out in the dorms and cooking a nice meal together. Or maybe going to the mall and heading to the arcade. Or basically wandering around until your legs hurt and your purchases range from new outfits to weird antiques from the antique shop.
However he really does treasure these little trinkets, because the memory of your laughter when you were given a certain item will forever be ingrained in his mind. It’s a comfort in the end too.
Date nights are focused on you and you only. He definitely sets a date where he knows you both are free so that there’s less likely of a chance for being interrupted. He definitely wouldn’t want his time with you to be wasted. Although seeing his small pout when it does happen is very cute.
You also gotta be keen on if he sees something he likes and wants. While Minato won’t exactly say it, his gaze lingers a bit longer than usual. But he ultimately won’t get it, because he wants to focus on you and also save up for when the group goes to Tartarus. So if you surprise him with whatever he had wanted, he’s so happy.
While he is slightly more reserved in comparison to Yu and Akira, Minato speaks through action. Whenever you two are walking together, he always has your hand in his, or keeping close by in some way. He likes to cling to you when it’s just you two, his head buried in the crook of your neck as you two nap tother, legs tangled up together. Or the small jokes he says loud enough for only you to hear, but they’re still so funny. Sometimes you’re asked if he’s really a good boyfriend, and you have to laugh off the doubt, because they don’t see the sides of him that you do.
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My god. Yu would absolutely be the best at arranging dates and hangouts. I take no criticism. Like you guys could literally just be walking all around Inaba, or just sitting by the river bed and it could be one of the greatest times you’ve both had together. A romantic at heart, Yu would also be a bit cheesy in arranging dates.
He shows affection through communcating it. Whether it’s a new outfit or something, he’ll say that you look incredible or if you’ve studied for a hard exam, he’ll make sure you know how amazing you are for passing. Idk just anything that has you smiling from sweet compliments and other words of affirmation. A big sap, honestly you try and joke about it but he just earnestly says “Who wouldn’t be for you?” And you have to sit down and hide your face in your hands for a solid 5 minutes.
You also gotta be cool with Nanako. But then again she’s a cute kid and a sweetheart so idk why you wouldn’t be. Although he does get a little flustered if it’s you two watching her while Dojima-san is working late at the station and the old ladies coo over how you three look like a mini family yourselves. Which is kind of a common occurrence. And I feel like Yu would know pretty well if he sees a future with someone he’s with, and with you he does shhh
Date nights in Inaba are really fun and a good way to wind down, sometimes it’s wandering Junes and finding whatever the newly advertised, as seen on tv appliance is. Or other parts of the shopping district, where he can really let go and just have fun for himself. When not worrying about school work or the cases the Investigation Team is working on.
some spoilers here; but after Izanami is defeated and the year ends. When Yu has to leave Inaba it doesn’t mean that he won’t put his best efforts to keep up the relationship. If possible, video calls or just the occasional text too. And when he visits, while he does miss his friends, he’s especially antsy to see you too. And when you’re both together again, he refuses to leave your side.
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Now, Akira can be described as this suave, casanova type character. But he’s also a giant dork and you know it, he knows it, the Phantom Thieves all know it, hell even Sojiro knows it. It doesn’t mean his attempts at flirting doesn’t get you blushing. And when he sees the flustered expression, it only motivates him to keep going. But turn the tables on him, and he’s putty in your hands. (And he looks very cute).
Because of the way you met, aka, at Shujin, where his reputation was basically over and done with before it even began, he has a lot of doubt and trust issues, what if someone dared you to speak to the “criminal” or something? While he won’t show these doubts out loud to his friends, it’s still something he thinks back on a lot. But when you defend him vehemently one day, he knows he was right to trust you.
A part of dating Akira, is eventually finding out who he is. Maybe trips to Mementos cause him to be late to dates or not even show up at all. You end up stood up more often then not once things begin to get really serious. From small time school teachers to the literal Yakuza (and eventually a candidate for Prime Minister, and a god), you don’t know where he is. And that becomes really stressful because then the doubt™️ sets in.
To make this less angsty and more funny, imagine you know from figuring it out. He’s suspiciously watching the news on the PT, and no offense to Ryuji, he’s not the most quiet. So he’s so nervous trying to tell you when you’re just “yeah I know, sorry for not telling you, I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to know.” and he’s just the surprised pikachu face.
As for date nights, the city is your oyster. I’d say the world but mans still currently has a criminal record so probably not yet. But he’s gonna take you wherever you want. Whether it’s a themed cafe, or just the streets of Shinjuku, as you take in all the sights from the bright places, he’s willing to do whatever for you. That includes facing off kids at the arcade for a stuffed plush you saw and admitted it was cute. He is a man on a mission. And you cannot stop him. So you both end up back at Leblanc at the end of the night carrying your plushies and eating some curry that Sojiro left warming for you. That even includes the Big Bang Burger challenge he will do it for you , even though you probably do laugh at his pain after but you still coo and praise his efforts.
After he goes back home, record clean and world hopefully peaceful. Virtual dates become a thing, either just sitting and talking while having dinner or something is nice. He still loves to say those cheesy pickup lines that had you hiding your flustered expression as you walked through the streets of Shibuya on call. You only hung up on him once but he quickly called back and was very pouty about it. You were forgiven though with the promise of giving many kisses when he visits.
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nsfwgeorgie · 3 years
Dream team buying masc reader lingerie and being in AWE of how adorable and sexy they look- maybe some breeding kink in there?
Also! Could I be 🕊 anon?
Welcome to h word hours 🕊 anon !
As soon as you found out what they bought for you-it was an immediate no. It wasn’t going to be possible for them to get you to wear the lingerie. But after a while of the boys trying to woo you over, you caved in. It was all because of the way they’d speak about it. “C’mon baby, we knew how pretty you’d look if you wore some. That’s why we bought you the lingerie.” 
At first, you’d feel a bit insecure over wearing what they had picked out for you-it was just so revealing. But as soon as the boys laid their eyes on you, they’re in love. “You look so cute,” George would grin, admiring everything he could see. 
“And hot,” Sap Nap’s mouth is agape in awe. He knew this was a smart idea. “You look so fucking sexy, Y/n.”
“You just look adorable in it,” Dream’s the first person to put his hands on you. He’s feeling everything he can, he’s just amazed by how good you look. Your face is flushed red, this was a big step for you-but the boy’s reactions to seeing you had made it so much better. 
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Omg can you write about coops going live on instagram and answering TONS of fans questions? And just being domestic and cute together in general
I can, yes! This is partially the 450 celebration--to the lovely person who suggested writing a sequel to one of my favorites, please know that I love and appreciate you! Coop credit goes to @lumosinlove
Check out Part 1 here
“Is it working? I think it’s working.” An explosion of hearts covered the screen and Remus’ eyebrows rose. “Yep, definitely working. Hello, Instagram! I’m Remus Lupin, winger for the Lions.”
“And I’m Sirius Black, center and team captain.” Sirius waved at the phone. “We had a great time answering your questions last month and we figured we’d come back to do it again, since there were so many people we couldn’t get around to in those few minutes.”
“I can already see a bunch coming in. Should we start?” Remus asked, turning to him with a small smile.
“You go first.”
“Alright, first question….” He squinted at the screen. “How long have we been together? We’ve been dating for just over a year now, but we’ve known each other for three-ish.”
Sirius snorted when he read the next question. “What do we do in our free time? It’s cute that you think we have free time. Um, we read a lot. Sometimes I’ll play video games with the guys.”
“If we have a free weekend, we’ll go hiking or take a short road trip. Practice takes up four or five hours a day, so we’re very low-key, which I think surprises people.” Remus scrolled down a bit. “What are our favorite foods?”
“Don’t say it.” Sirius said immediately. “Don’t you dare.”
“Fine, fine.” Just as Sirius began to answer, he coughed, “pineapple pizza.”
“No!” Sirius smacked Remus on the arm with a pillow as he laughed. “Menace. My favorite food is pasta, because it’s versatile and I’m not a heathen. All of you who are agreeing with him, stop it right now. I’m very disappointed in your tastebuds. Next question…do either of us cook? We do, yeah.”
Remus gave him a look. “Do you, though?”
“That’s a funny thing to hear coming from the man who said he’d die for one of my grilled cheeses yesterday,” Sirius countered.
“Fair point. Yes, we both cook, but I generally do it more often because I enjoy it.”
Sirius looked back at the camera with sad eyes. “He kicked me out of the kitchen last week.”
“You kept stealing bites of soup!” Remus laughed. “It wasn’t even done, you could have gotten salmonella!”
“You can’t get salmonella from soup,” Sirius scoffed. The comment section went wild. “…apparently you can. Huh.”
“Next question, before we get too off-track. Who is the more dramatic one?” Remus folded his hands and rested his chin on top. “I’m giving you three guesses and the first two don’t count.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “You’re plenty dramatic.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
“Moving on! Oooo, this one is for me specifically.” He shifted closer, wrapping an arm around Remus’ waist as he read. “Sirius: does Regulus—you spelled that wrong by the way, there’s only one ‘g’—does Regulus still live with you? If yes, how does that work?”
“I’m telling him someone spelled his name wrong,” Remus said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “He’ll get a kick out of it.”
“He’ll be so pissed,” Sirius agreed. “Nope, Reg moved out a few months ago and now lives with Pascal Dumais, but it was really neat to have him around. He’s still got a room here and it was nice spending so much time with him after we didn’t talk for a while. He’s awful about vacuuming, though.”
“Aw, people think that’s cute.” Remus smiled as he read the responses. “Ohoho, people are getting nosy. What do we argue about the most?”
“I’m not sure, actually. Maybe chores?”
“I was going to say practice time. We’ve gotten into a couple tiffs about watching tape or running drills after we get home.”
“That’s true.” Sirius frowned at the screen. “For those of you who apparently think that’s all one-sided: it’s really not.”
“He came downstairs to get me at ten or eleven at night the other day. We’re both hockey nerds, so it happens from time to time.”
“Are we going to keep doing tiktoks? Oh, for sure, they’re a ton of fun.”
“Absolutely. Where else am I going to get the inspiration to glue things shut just to irritate him?”
Sirius shook his head with a smile. “Diablotin.”
“Nothing like being called a gremlin by your fiancé,” Remus laughed, tapping the screen. “Okay…who’s the best in bed?”
“I’d say we both sleep really well,” Sirius said. “You talk sometimes, which is really funny.”
Remus glanced over. “Do I really?”
“Yep. I think you were grocery shopping the other night. You kept saying orange juice very adamantly.”
“Interesting. I agree, though, we both value sleep.”
“There are too many questions!” Sirius scooted forward and sifted through them. “To jay-mac 2001, we both love kids and might have some in a few years. No, mermaid queen, we don’t really have friends outside of hockey because we don’t have lives outside of hockey—” Remus leaned his forehead on Sirius’ shoulder as he laughed. “—but I’m sure that will change someday. Oh, here’s a fun one: what are our love languages?”
“Our what?”
“Love languages. Like the Buzzfeed quiz Pots made us take last week.” The screen lit up and Sirius looked offended. “Of course we know what Buzzfeed is! We’re 25, you fuckers!”
“I think mine was quality time.”
Sirius pulled Remus’ arm further around his shoulders and leaned into his side with a smile. “It’s physical affection,” he singsonged, making him laugh. “Your turn.”
“Have you finally found your song?” Remus read aloud. “I think so! We did an interview a while back and there was a question about our ‘couple song’, which we didn’t have at the time.”
“That didn’t answer the question, sweetheart.”
“Oh! Shit, sorry. It’s La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf.”
Sirius read the next question and snorted. “This is convenient. Who swears more?”
Remus looked away. “It’s, uh, a tie.”
“That’s such a lie.”
He sighed. “It’s probably me.”
“You taught a literal baby to swear.” Sirius turned back to the camera with a wicked grin. “Harry’s first word was ‘Loops’, but his second was ‘shit’ and there’s an eighty percent chance he learned it from Re.”
“Changing the subject!” Remus cleared his throat, then smiled. “Aw, I like this one. What’s the compliment you get most often from your partner?”
“Does it have to be verbal?”
Sirius’ eyes went wide. “Not like that! Oh, fuck, I did not mean that! You always touch my hair, so I figured that was a compliment. Merde.”
Remus shook his head. “We need a supervisor again. Anyways, you talk about my freckles all the time and it’s adorable.”
“You’re adorable.”
“Yeah.” Sirius kissed his cheek. “What’s the best date I’ve ever been on? We went ice skating at the local rink a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. I had never done that before.”
Remus’ eyebrows rose. “I thought for sure you would say the aquarium.”
“The aqu—oh, right! With the jellyfish arch!”
“Now it’s a tie, I can’t decide.”
“That’s fair. From spaceman93: who tops? We actually don’t have a bunk bed, though that would be cool as hell! Do you think Ikea sells them?”
“We should check.”
The screen exploded into activity again and Remus did a double-take. “Yes, we do buy our furniture from Ikea, there’s no need to sound so shocked. This person—I can’t read your username, sorry—wants to know which of us is more cuddly.”
“Definitely me,” Sirius said.
“For sure. I like cuddling people, but only a select few. I mean, I’m assuming you guys saw the Cap cuddles slideshow at our last game.” He laughed when Sirius turned pink. “Why are you embarrassed? It was cute!”
“There’s a hashtag now!” Sirius complained. “I have a reputation.” Remus rolled his eyes fondly as Sirius looked for the next question. “Ha! Do we ever get jealous?”
“Yes, but not for the reasons people might think.”
Sirius laughed quietly. “We went out to a bar for Kasey’s birthday a month or so ago—”
“Oh, please no.”
“—and a young lady was hitting on me, not taking the hint—”
“—so Re comes out of nowhere and kisses me full on the mouth in front of everyone.” He snickered and Remus hid his face in his hands. “It was kinda hot, not gonna lie. Really funny looking back, though. Your turn, sweetheart.”
“Who is clumsier? Ooh, we’re both disasters off the ice. I tripped over the carpet about twenty minutes ago.”
“I’ve run into every doorframe in this house at least twice.” Sirius grimaced. “If I could just tape my skates to my feet and always be on ice, that would be much safer.”
Remus cocked his head to the side. “I dunno, it would be hard to sleep in them.”
“I do that all that time.”
“That’s true, you take a nap in the hall at least once a week in full gear.”
“Reverse Edward Scissorhands.” They had to take a moment to stop laughing before Sirius turned back to the phone. “Mon dieu. Alright, what do we have next…when did you know I was ‘the one’? When did you know, mon amour?”
“Breaking out the nicknames, very snazzy,” Remus teased as he rested his chin on his hand. “I think it was just an accumulation of things, and then one day I went ‘oh shit’ and just knew. Sometime around New Year’s, maybe?”
“You only made it two months?” Sirius teased, nudging him lightly.
“Shush, you.” Remus nudged him back. “I knew I wanted to propose when I came home from hanging out with Leo and you were napping with the dog. You had done the dishes and left Avatar on so we could watch it together, and I opened the door and knew that I wanted that moment forever.”
Sirius smile was unbearably soft, and he kissed Remus on the cheek as hearts filled the comments section. “I’ve never seen so many keysmashes in my life,” he laughed when he looked back to it. “Hey, someone addressed one to you specifically.”
“Really?” He leaned forward eagerly. “To Remus, do you feel like part of the team yet? I do, a hundred percent! It helped that I was close with a lot of the guys from being the PT, so those friendships carried over really well. Being a player on the roster has only made that better and it’s the best job in the world.”
“Who has the better smile? We’re going to say each other, so I think we’ll leave that one to the comments—fuck, that was a bad idea, it’s moving too fast for me to read!” Sirius tapped the screen desperately, then gave up and waited for the scrolling to slow down. “Ask each other one question you’ve always wanted to know the answer to.”
“Do you actually want to get your ears pierced?” Remus asked. “You talked about it a while ago but I wasn’t sure if you were kidding.”
Sirius thought for a minute, biting his lip. “Y’know, I might. It was one of those things where it started as a joke and then I kept thinking about it. I’m not sure, hockey’s not the best sport to have things that can catch and tear.” They both winced at the idea. “My turn. What is it about pineapple pizza that you actually enjoy?”
“It annoys you.” Remus laughed as Sirius rolled his eyes. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! I honestly don’t know why I like it so much. There’s something about the sweetness that goes so well with the regular pizza taste. Okay, last question for me: how many freckles do I have? Not many right now.”
“So many in the summer,” Sirius said dreamily. “That’s the best part of summertime and the only reason I like Florida. They might have bouncy ice, but it’s worth it to see the freckles pop.”
“Whew, Florida’s getting mad in the comments!” Remus grinned. “Get some real ice, then come talk to us.”
“Final question, then we really have to go. What does your partner look best in?” Sirius drummed his fingers on his knees. “His jersey. Or my jersey. He does own a pair of skinny jeans, though, and that was the closest thing to a religious experience I’ve ever had.”
“They’re comfortable.” Remus shrugged, but he looked rather self-satisfied. “That’s all we have time for, folks, but thanks for joining us!”
“Go Lions!”
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@sicktember Prompt # 6: Nebulizer
Title: A Friend in Need
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Based on this post (Nebulizer)
Spencer Reid doesn't have the strongest lungs, and this isn't his first go-round with a nebulizer, but that doesn't make him hate it any less. When he falls asleep with it running, the team makes sure he gets his medicine and his rest.
(Author's note: so excited to try my hand at writing this fandom! I've recently rediscovered this show and I forgot how much I love these characters.)
Spencer Reid always avoided the spotlight, and today he hoped to attract even less attention than usual as he returned from sick leave after a severe chest infection. So naturally, as soon as the elevator opened onto the bullpen, every single person turned to look at him. He reddened immediately, trying to hide the case holding his nebulizer as he shuffled awkwardly to his desk, coughing softly.
JJ approached him immediately, closely followed by Agents Hotchner and Rossi.
"What are you doing here, Spence? I thought you were going to be off for the rest of the week," JJ said with a little frown. "You're still looking pretty sick."
Reid met their stares --Rossi's concerned, Hotch's disapproving and JJ's worried-- with his own pleading look. "I just… really need to get back into some sort of routine. I can't sit at home doing nothing for five more days. I know I'm not at 100% yet, but I've already been off for two weeks, and I don't want to miss any more time. And I'm doing a lot better than I was. I just want to be here to help."
Hotch's stern look deepened. "I don't approve of this, Reid. You look like you could sleep for a week. But I'm not going to kick you out if you really want to be here. You're not cleared for the field though. Paperwork only."
"Paperwork only." Reid nodded. "That's all I want." 
"Ok. And if you need to leave, please do. I'm not signing any time slips for you this week. From an administrative standpoint, you're home until Monday."
"I get it," Reid nodded again. "Thanks, Hotch." JJ and the unit chief walked away, talking softly and casting him worried looks.
"Take it easy, this week Spencer. Don't overdo it," Rossi warned as he too turned to walk away.
"I will. Hey Rossi-- I'll… need to use the nebulizer over lunch. Where's a good place for me to plug it in? I don't have any extra outlets over here," Reid asked, highly embarrassed.
"You can use my office, kiddo. There's an outlet behind the couch. Go in whenever you need."
"Thanks a lot."
"Any time."
As soon as he walked away, Prentiss and Morgan took his place. 
"Reid, you're here!" Emily leaned over to give him a quick hug. "We missed you."
"Welcome back, kid," Morgan added.
"I missed you guys too. It's good to be back."
Emily had kept a hand on his shoulder and now placed it against his neck with a little frown. "You still feel pretty feverish to me, though. Are you sure you're ok to be here?"
"I have a low-grade fever that I can't shake. It always happens when I get these infections. My doctor said I'm no longer contagious and can start slowly returning to normal activity though."
"Hmm. You're not going out to the field though, right?"
"No, I'll stay back until Hotch clears me."
"Good." She gave him another hug. "It's really good to see you though."
"Thanks, Emily."
"You need breathing treatments now?" Morgan asked, nodding at the nebulizer case.
Reid reddened yet again. "Just for a few weeks to strengthen my lungs. I… needed the nebulizer a lot as a kid, and when I get really sick now, it… helps."
"Hmm. Well just… take it easy, ok? You're not looking so hot, and we need that brain of yours at 100%. Don't overdo it."
"I won't, Morgan."
The hours ticked by as usual. Mentally, Spencer was doing much better back at work and being productive. Physically, he was struggling. The persistent fever sapped his energy and made him shaky, and the constant coughing over the past few weeks had fried his nerves. His cough ebbed and flowed with the medication, and as lunch approached, it started to become even more of a nuisance, enough so that he began to attract looks from everyone nearby when he would have his fits. 
JJ, Hotch, and Rossi had left a few hours before to attend some communications briefings. When noon rolled around and they hadn't returned, Reid decided it was as good a time as any for his treatment. He surreptitiously brought the nebulizer to Rossi's office and got it set up. 
The office was warm and peaceful, away from the constant worried looks from everyone. Reid leaned back and got comfortable on the couch holding the mask for the nebulizer to his face. However, he hadn't realized how much even the light activity of the morning had worn him out, and in moments he found himself dozing off to the machine's rhythmic humming. His hand kept dropping away from his face as he struggled to stay awake, the mist spraying everywhere except where it was supposed to. 
Shortly after he turned on the machine, Emily, who had been keeping tabs on him, glanced in the window of Rossi's office  and took stock of the situation. Seeing Reid falling in and out of consciousness, she opened the door and crept in without hesitation. Sitting beside him on the couch, she picked up the mask from where he'd dropped it and held it to his face for him. The next time Reid woke, he jumped to find her beside him. She gave him a friendly wink, keeping her hand on the mask.
"I've got this. You just rest for a bit."
His brow furrowed, and she saw he considered protesting, but after a moment he gave her a grateful look and let his eyes slip closed.
A few moments later, Garcia poked her head in, having seen Emily enter the office and not come back out. She assessed the scene in her expert way, and sympathy filled her face.
"Aww, poor baby! He looks so sick," Garcia whispered.
"He's burning up," Emily murmured. "He shouldn't have come in."
"Let me get him a blanket so he can get a good nap." She scurried off to her office and returned in record time with a fluffy, zebra print blanket that she gently arranged over top of him. Then she perched on the edge of the desk, whispering that she wanted to keep them company for a while.
Morgan poked his head in next, also quickly taking in the scene before he spoke. "Prentiss, they're looking for you in the conference room. They have some questions on your last batch of reports."
"Aww, ok. Could you…?" she gestured to Spencer. 
"Yeah, I've got it." Derek and Emily seamlessly traded places. Reid hardly stirred. Morgan and Garcia exchanged little smiles as they sat, but otherwise peaceful silence reigned.
By the time the treatment was almost finished, Prentiss had returned with Rossi, Hotch, and JJ behind her. The whole team crammed into Rossi's office, watching Spencer sleep for a moment. 
"I'm sending him home as soon as he wakes up," Hotch muttered.
"Why? He wants to be here. He's just like the rest of us… we don't do well with too much alone time. Let him stay here and sleep if he wants," Garcia replied gently. 
Hotch's only reply was a grunt as the team continued to share the quiet moment of peace.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Nothing's More Important Than Quidditch
Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Some Swearing. Highly Suggestive. Someone gets hurt.
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Using Prompts two and three: "OH...MY...GOOOOD!"/"MY EYES! MY EEYEES!"
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Fred and George Weasley were men of simple tastes. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred he would argue that there were nothing more important than Quidditch.
He'd never missed a game. Never missed a practice, and had been able to afford it he'd never miss a Cup. So that being said, you can imagine how shocked his team were when he told them he wasn't feeling well enough to train tonight.
"You're dying aren't you?"
"What? No, Lee. I'm not dying!"
"Then I'm sorry I mustn't have heard right when, the Fredrick Gideon Weasley, just said he wasn't well enough to play Quidditch?"
"Piss off."
It was Sunday lunch in the Great Hall and Angelina had the whole Gryffindor team huddled together. She was discussing her newest game strategies when Fred spoke abruptly, all eyes bulging at his words. Expressions a mixture of confusion and concern. Fred never. Missed. A. Game.
"Hey!" [Y/N] had arrived and happily sat her self amongst her close group of friends. "What's with the faces?" Her brows furrowed as she filled a Goblet with her favourite drink.
"Fred says he's not training Tonight." Angelina answered, still gawking at the Redhead in question.
[Y/N] choked on her drink. "He's what!?" She coughed, hand on her chest in shock.
"It's not a big deal!" Fred groaned. "I've just got one cracker of a headache. Need to sleep it off and I'll be right as rain." He forced a smile, though to the group it appeared more as a painful grimace.
"Well, I do hope you feel better." [Y/N] leant over the table, placing her hand atop of his to offer some comfort with a reassuring smile. "What about the rest of you?" She straightened herself, taking a pastry from the bowl infront of them as she did so.
"We're still training" George replied, "Not all of us roll over because of a wittle headache" he pouted at his brother, trying to stir him up. Fred retaliated, through the light laughter of his friends, by throwing a bread roll at his brother.
"Coming to watch, [Y/N]?" George spoke, still laughing as he brushed crumbs from his clothes.
"Afraid I can't, tonight."
"What!?" Lee groaned, "come on! I'm going!"
"Yes, well as tempting as it may be to spend more time by your side Lee", she leant into him with doey eyes batting her eyelashes flirtatiously, hands cupping his bicep. Returning to her previous position she continued, "I have so much Homework to do it's not funny. I'll find myself joining the next Headless Hunt if I don't hand Snape his Most Potent Poisons Assessment tomorrow."
"Barrell of fun you two are, today" George rolled his eyes.
"Right, well the rest of you. We've got training to do!" Angelina stood, gesturing for the Quidditch team to follow. Somewhat begrudgingly, with various disapproving moans escaping their lips, they made for the Pitch.
"Positive you'll be okay, Freddie?" George lagged behind in a final ditch effort to convince his brother to join them. "You could always just watch from the stands."
"I'm positive, Georgie. I'm just not right at the moment."
"Do you want me to stay? I will if that's what you'd prefer..."
"Who are you? Mum now?" Fred joked "Get out of here you sap!" He waved his arm as if trying to shoo him from the hall.
"Don't worry, George. I'll look after him" [Y/N] assured.
"Such a faithful little bestie you are." He said while ruffling her hair. "Alright then, see you two in a couple hours" he waved to them as he ran to catch up with his team.
"Come on you. Let's get you to bed." [Y/N] spoke to Fred and they made their way to the common room.
So much for a couple hours. Mere forty minutes later saw the same team arriving back through the Fat Lady.
"How was I supposed to know she was right behind me!?" George complained loudly, followed closely into the room by the light giggles of Lee and Harry. No such laughter, however, could be heard from the mouth of the Gryffindor Captain.
"A concussion George! You gave Katie a concussion!" She was near shouting at the boy.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY! I didn't see her!" He threw his arms up in defence. "Pomfrey says she'll be right in a few days, what's the fuss?"
"The fuss, George, is that we just lost a whole night's training! You're just lucky our next game isn't for another fortnight, Weasley. I have to take Katie some things for her stay in the Hospital Wing, YOU! had better think fast about how to make this up to her." With a final menacing point of her finger Angelina stormed off towards the dormitory she shared with Katie.
"Should we check on Fred?" Lee spoke to break the guilty silence.
"Yeah, hey - don't forget to tell him how his Golden Boy brother sent our best chaser to the infirmary!" Harry goaded making his way over to Hermione and Ron by the fire.
"Little prat" George grumbled as he and Lee made their way to the dormitory. Lee was laughing hard at his friends remark."He doesn't watch it he won't be 'The Boy who lived' for much longer. Might pick up where You-Know-Who left off." George went on as he leant his back against the door, pushing it open as his hand twisted the door knob. Lee's laughter only increased.
"I'd like to see you- OH...MY...GOOOOD!!" laughter and smiles faded instantly as his eyes fell on the tangled mess of sheets and the bodies of his two close friends in place of where Fred should have been resting.
The sudden exclamations catching the attention of [Y/N] and Fred, their eyes shooting directly across the, should have been empty, bedroom.
"SHIT!" Fred yelled as he pulled off of [Y/N] and covered her with his blanket. "YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE BACK FOR A COUPLE HOURS!"
"MY EYES! MY EEYYEES!!" George screamed dramatically. Turning away from the scene he covered his face by his hands, desperately trying to lose the imagine of his brothers and best friends mostly naked bodies.
"It's not what you think!" [Y/N] began, throwing Fred's jumper on over her head which could very well have been a dress on her. She stood, tugging at the material willing it to stay in place before fixing her hair.
"It doesn't look like you were napping!" Lee snapped sarcastically, "nor does it look much like a POTIONS ASSIGNMENT!"
"[Y/N]" George began, not turning to face the two - rather speaking to the ceiling as his back faced them. "I know you said you'd look after my brother but MERLIN I should have laid out some guidelines, that is not how you handle a headache."
Fred had put on a pair of trousers and a singlet and quickly made his way to stand infront of the two boys, arms out pleadingly, "I know you're both a little shocked right now and this is going to take some time to process but for the love of GODRICK!" He clenched his teeth and spoke in a low growl, "would you keep your voices down before the entire bloody common room hears yo-"
"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Ron had burst through the door. "Oh God" Fred groaned throwing his head back walking away from the door.
"We heard shouting, is everything okay?" Hermione asked frantic, as Harry followed her in.
"Yes, Hermione everything's fine -" [Y/N] went to explain.
"NO!" Lee interrupted "NO! THEY'RE DOING IT!" He screamed pointing his finger accusingly at the two red-faced teens. Harrys eyes were wide with shock.
"It's not what you all think! Please just listen to me..." Fred begged as [Y/N] stood beside him. Looking to one another defeatedly.
Everyone, aside from George, turned to face them. Awaiting the explanation as to why these two had been...doing what they were.
"Uhmmm..." seeing the group stare before him suddenly ran Freds mind blank. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Actually it happens a lot." Not the best opener. The group grimaced, looking very uncomfortable at their friends confession. [Y/N] dropped her head into her hand. "What I mean is" he tried to recover, "this isn't a one time deal. We're not just fooling around, we're..." the words caught in his throat.
What were they? A couple? Was he wrong and they were just friends with benefits? What was this?
They looked at one another, Fred's eyes searching [Y/N]'s face for the answer. She smiled, grabbing his hand gently.
"We're together" she spoke. Eyes not leaving Fred.
"That's great and all. But this is still traumatising." Lee deadpanned as he gestured between the couple and Fred's bed.
George cleared his throat, "umm, yeah. I'm really happy for you two."
"That'd be more convincing, had you actually said it to us rather than the wall." [Y/N] laughed. Fred threw his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. Georges head turned slightly, eyeing the two in his peripheral before shutting his eyes tightly. Trying to muster the courage. "Yeah, sorry bout that just...it may be difficult to look at you the same for a while. I saw a lot more than I'd had like to." Everyone laughed at the comment. The light atmosphere helping him to relax a bit he turned to face them. Even if his eyes fixed to anything but them.
"Wait a minute." Harrys laughter had stopped completely. "Did you two plan this whole thing?"
"I guarantee we never planned on getting caught" Fred replied.
Rolling his eyes Harry continued "ditching practice I mean."
Lee and George both looked at each other before slowly turning to glare at the couple.
"Well. Yeah" [Y/N] answered.
A slow clap started to sound throughout the room as Lee and George mockingly applauded the two. "Well done. Truly you two that was quite the convincing performance." George smirked. "Honestly, [Y/N], that spit take really sold the whole thing. Couldn't have done better myself." Lee nodded as she playfully curtsied with her hand on the seam of Fred's jumper.
"WELL!" Lee clapped once loudly, rubbing his hands together. "This calls for a celebration. Shall we?" He bowed to the door, ushering everyone from the room.
"Ummm Lee. Mind if I put some pants on first?"
"If you-OH! right. Yeah. Meet you two down there!" He was the last to leave, closing the door with a quick wink.
Fred and [Y/N] looked shyly back to one another before breaking into fits of side splitting laughter. Fred wrapping his arms around her waist as they calmed down.
"So...we're together, huh?" He grinned resting their foreheads against one another.
"Only if that's what you want." [Y/N] placed her hands on his chest, eyes nervously searching his.
"That's all I've ever wanted" he moved a hand to the back of her neck, pulling her lips into his. Kissing her like he never had before.
Fred and George Weasley were simple men. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred, he would argue there were nothing more important than Quidditch. Well...maybe one thing.
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I have an idea for something you could write is you are interested. Say someone on the team, maybe James, has a panic attack or on anxiety attack for the first time at practice. Then Remus notices and has to help them calm down and tell them what happened. If it's James it would probably make him realize that that experience is something Sirius has gone through a lot and maybe he would talk to him about it? I hope you like the idea! :)
So I’m having a ✨mental breakdown✨ right now and what better way to cope than this prompt, right? I truly do love this prompt and have been excited to write it since I got it and ignoring my biofuels midterm that’s due in a few hours seems like a great time to do so.
Thank you for the prompts, y’all keep sending them in and I will do my best to get to them A-SAP!
I sort of took this idea and ran away with it, hope you like it anyway.
Credit to the amazing @lumosinlove​ for this amazing hockey family.
TW: Panic attack.
James had been off for the last few days of practice, but it was understandable. He had a two-month baby at home who had come down with something. Though it was almost without a doubt just a cold, he was really worked up about it. But that didn’t seem to be the sole reason. Every time anyone came near him in practice, he flinched away; each time he was hit, it took him a minute to shake it off.
They were doing some line work, three on three, and Nado lightly checked James into the boards right next to the bench. It wasn’t a particularly rough hit as it was just practice, but James was knocked down and didn’t get up immediately. In fact, he leaned his back against the boards and curled his knees into his chest, tucking his head against his knees, hands going to the back of his neck. His helmet, that hadn’t been quite secure, was a few feel away, knocked off from the collision with the boards.
As the game continued, James didn’t move. No one seemed to realize he had never gotten up until Sirius down the ice shouted for him to try and pass but then realized his line mate was no where in sight. His eyes scanned the rink quickly and found James. He shouted for a time out, making Remus look up to see what was wrong and following Sirius’ gaze to a hyperventilating James.
Remus hopped the bench and got to James, motioning everyone to stay back. “Pots?” He asked quietly, so not to spook him. “Pots, can you hear me?”
A moment passed and there was no other response that a gasp from James; it sounded as if he were holding back sobs.
“James, hey, listen to me. You need to breathe. Are you hurt?”
Again, no response.
“James,” Remus reached out a tentative hand and placed it on his shoulder. “What hurts? What’s going on? Talk to me, James.”
Another gasp as a sob escaped him. “Harry.” Was all he could manage to get out.
“What about Harry? He’s home. Lily said he was doing good this morning.”
“What- what if he- doesn’t get better? He’s not sleeping.”
“He will. He is. He’s going to be just fine. Have you been sleeping?”
“But. I need to be there for him. And what if I get hurt- Then what happens to them?” He gasped out.
“You’ll be fine. James, just breathe for me okay?”
“But if I’m not there for them…”
“James. No. Stop thinking like that. Breathe.”
“I can’t. I can’t stop thinking. There so much that could happen. If I lose them-”
“James.” Remus’ voice was more firm now.
“What’s happening? Why won’t it stop?!”
“James. You’re having a panic attack. Breathe with me, alright. Just listen to my voice and try not to think. I’m right here. Harry and Lily are just fine. They’re home, doing well. Lily texted me at the start of practice a picture of Harry finally down for a nap.” Remus reached into his pocket to bring out his phone, pulling up the picture and holding it out to James. “See? Sleeping, happy as can be.”
James slowly looked up, left hand reaching out to gently take the phone from Remus. His right hand moved to slowly trace his fingers over the image a Harry asleep in his crib, not a hour earlier. “He’s gonna be okay?” was all he managed to rasp out.
“Yes. He’ll be just fine. So will you, just try to take deep breaths.” Remus moved his hand slightly down James’ shoulder to start to pull away but James reached across is body with his right arm to catch Remus’ hand and hold it to his shoulder. The touch seemed to help ground him, so Remus gave his shoulder a squeeze and didn’t lighten up.
After another minute, James breathing returned to normal and he looked absolutely exhausted. This close, Remus noticed the dark circles under his eyes, a staple of most newborn parents.
“Let’s get you up, yeah? Take a walk to the PT room.” Remus suggested.
James only nodded and Remus motioned for Sirius to come over and help him get the drained man to his feet. Sirius offered a hand to both of them, pulling them both up at the same time. He instinctively moved to put an arm around James, who swayed a little, and helped him off the ice with Remus just behind them.
“Fuck. Is this… Is this what you went through?”
Sirius gave him a puzzled look, then understood. His first year or so with the Lions. When he first became friends with James, rooming with him on the road. He’s seen some of it. And what Dumo must’ve shared with him later on.
Softly, Sirius answered, “Oui.” It was all he could manage to say.
“How did you get through this? On your own?”
“Some days I really don’t know. The Lions, you guys helped. Dumo. You.”
“You never let me help you.”
“But you did. You just didn’t realize it. You where there. You became more than my teammate. Like a brother to me.” Sirius was still talking softly as he let James into the locker room and into the PT room where he sat him down on the exam table.
“Get some rest, mon frère. You’re exhausted, that’s probably what caused it.”
“He’s right. You need to sleep.” Remus spoke for the first time since on the ice.
“You two sound like Lily.”
“Smart woman, that one. She said to “have a sleepover at Cap’s house” tonight and get some sleep before we leave for the roadie in a couple days.” Remus said, tucking his phone back into his pocket finally.
“When did she say that? What about her? She can’t take care of Harry all by herself and-”
“She said it just now. I texted her. You can swing by home and drop me off while you grab some things to head over to our house. Though she most definitely CAN take care of Harry, I’ll give her a hand. By the looks of you, she could probably use some rest too.”
“No buts.” Sirius stated as he pushed James down to a lying position on the table. “Rest a bit, practice will be over soon anyway.” He turned to head towards the door.
“Nope. Don’t want to hear it.” Remus sing-songed.
“WAIT. Have you two ever… uh, here?” He pointed meekly at the table.
“REST.” They both said, walking out the door and blushing a bit.
“Ugggh.” James said, dropping his head back to the table.
By the time the team started to file into the locker room after practice, Remus snuck into the PT room to find James fast asleep. He closed the door as he left and told the team to keep it down for a bit. That mostly worked. About 15 minutes later, it started to get a little rowdy with banter and James emerged rubbing his eyes from the PT room. He silently moved to strip out of his remaining gear that he hadn’t already taken off and take a rather long shower. By the time he was done, he’d barely spoken two words to anyone out of pure tiredness and found the only people left were Sirius and Remus waiting for him in the lounge.
They headed out together and while Sirius drove home to get the guest bedroom made up, phoning Reg to get a start on finding the spare sheets, James drove Remus back to his where he was greeted by hugs and kisses at the door by both Lily and Harry. It took a bit for him to get his stuff and head out, with Lily having to practically shove him out the door while Remus held a once again sleeping Harry in the living room.
After a night spent reluctantly away from his little family, James had to admit he did feel loads better after a full night’s sleep. It was the first time he had experienced that in, well, two months. Lily, though still woken by Harry’s cries, was ushered back to bed by Remus who insisted on staying up with him to let her get some rest as well…
“But- do you know-”
“Lily. You’ve met Jules, right? My much younger little brother? Who do you think watched him? I got this. Just lie down. I’ll come get you if I need something.”
“If you need anything-”
“Yes, I know. Now go.” Remus let a sweet smile cross his face and Lily just couldn’t argue with that. And she really wanted to sleep, so she conceded and curled up in bed.
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lu-undy · 3 years
(it is me, sad boi)
Prehaps Spy is coming home from work, it was absolutely horrid, people were mean to him, he got yeeted down the stairs. And he really wants to cry.
But good ol snipey steps in and lets him cry, but doesn't let him do anything bad to himself? 🥺
Here it is!
“Frenchie! You dishonored this entire unit!” Soldier exclaimed at his colleague as he entered the resupply room.
“Bloody hell, Spy, why didn’t you sap that sentry?” Demo opened a wide eye.
“Yeah, Spy, you useless, d’you - Argh?!”
A blade had flown to the wall an inch away from Scout’s eye, ending up planted on the wall of the resupply room.
The battles of the day had just ended in a loss and the mercenaries had regrouped in the respawn room. Spy ignored his colleagues and headed straight back to his quarters.
“Yeah, yeah, go back to your room and smoke your cigarettes till tomorrow!”
Sniper went to the blade and retrieved it from next to Scout’s head, taking the opportunity to tower the young man.
“What? What are you lookin’ at?” The Bostonian answered, looking up at his taller colleague.
The Aussie growled and took the blade in his pocket before turning away from Scout.
“Yeah, go back to your useless boyfriend! He didn’t do anythin’ right today and we lost cause of him - ARGH?!”
The kukri landed on the wall, where Spy’s blade was, and the door opened and closed again as the sound of Sniper’s heeled boots faded away.
There was a knock at the door with the knife symbol.
“Go to hell!”
There was a second of silence.
“Spook, can I?”
Sniper didn’t hear Spy sigh and melt further down on his sofa, in front of the fireplace. He took the doorknob in his hand and slightly twisted it. He gently pushed the door and entered. 
“Spook? You left your door unlocked?” 
It was unusual enough to be mentioned. As Sniper entered, he locked it, for his and Spy’s peace of mind and came next to his lover. He removed his hat and aviators that he put on the coffee table and took a seat next to his lover. 
No answer from Spy and Sniper noticed the bottle of wine in his hand, the disheveled looks, the tie, half-undone and the lock of hair sticking out of his mask. 
Spy took a deep breath and sighed. 
"Go away." 
"What? Spook-"
"Go. Away." 
Sniper sighed. 
"I'm not gonna let you get piss drunk on yer own." He took the bottle off of Spy's hand and took a generous gulp of it. "Oh, mate, that's a shite one." 
"It serves its purpose." 
"It makes the pain physical, that way it is much easier to heal." 
Spy was still not looking his lover in the eye and stared angrily at the dancing flames of the fireplace in front of him. He didn't feel their warmth.
"Here." Sniper passed him the bottle and it lasted for half an hour, maybe more. The bottle went from gloved hand to naked one, back and forth, until Sniper put it on the coffee table. There was still some wine left inside. 
"Don't listen to them. We lost as a team." 
Spy scoffed. 
"They are right. My inability to sap that sentry cost us the victory today. But what infuriates me is not that I did not succeed."
"What is it?" 
"The humiliation both from the enemy and my own team."
"What d'you mean?" 
"I have received more of the infamous jarate and mad milk today than in the past months combined." 
"At first I thought it was a coincidence. But non. It turned out that the enemy Scout and Sniper had a bet going on, about who would cover me the most often in their atrocious fluids."
"Twisted bastards." 
"You use your jarate too." Spy said. 
"Yeah, but I don't just use it for humiliation. I get the job done with it, and move on."
"Hm. Oui. Maybe. In any case, I was sent in a spiral of endless respawns. Each time I got within a few metres of the sentry, they would find me out by throwing their glass jars or bottles at me, before their Pyro would burn me to death. I can still smell their filth on me." 
"Then let's go and take a shower." Sniper suggested.
"Right, you know what? Keep bein' grumpy, I'll make you take a shower." 
"C'mere." Sniper pulled his colleague out of the sofa and dragged him to his private bathroom. He turned the shower on and closed the door. 
"Sniper, this is ridiculous."
"You're bein' ridiculous too. Now, shush and let me do the right thing for you." Sniper undressed his lover and pulled the shower curtain open. "Come on, chop, chop." 
"Spy, you're standin' here, naked and you'll catch a cold. Get in there, oh?" 
Spy bent forward until his head bumped Sniper's chest. He raised his hands and clung on to him. 
"I have been such a failure today." 
"No, what're you talkin' about? You weren't alone eh? Demo or Soldier could have taken the sentry out if Medic had popped on them. God knows what the nurse was up to. I was bullied relentless by the bastard in a suit."
"Am I… a bastard in a suit?"
"No. Not you. You're… You're everythin'." He laced his arms around the slim frame of the naked, sad Frenchie. 
"Don't let go of me." He asked, clinging to his work shirt, and the Aussie smiled, albeit sadly. 
"It's alright… I've got you…" 
"M-Mundy… I am tired… I am so, so tired…" He pushed his head deeper in his lover's chest. 
"I know, love, I know. But I'm here, eh? It's just one of those days."
"Stay with me, please, don't leave me." 
"I won't, I won't." Mundy slipped his hand in his lover's greasy hair and brushed the salt and pepper locks back. He bent his head down to drop his lips on his lover's forehead and Spy closed his eyes, arching his eyebrows up, pleadingly. "Look at you, you fragile thing… Get in the shower and wash yerself, you'll see, you'll feel better afterwards." 
"C'mon, listen to me, now."
Spy opened his eyes and looked up at Sniper. 
"Come with me." 
"In the shower?" 
Spy nodded.
"I don't want to let go of you. Everything feels so… empty, without you." 
Mundy smiled. 
"Right, let me get out of my clothes."
"May I help?" 
With four hands on his clothes, Mundy got out of his clothes very fast. As soon as he finished, Spy, or Lucien in the intimacy, latched onto him. 
"Hey, now… Are you alright?" 
The Frenchman nodded, his head still against his chest. Mundy pulled him under the shower head and closed the shower curtain. 
"Here we go. Now, which one's your fancy shampoo again…?" He asked, looking at the bottles. 
Lucien just enjoyed the hot water trickling down his head and his lover's body. He felt Mundy's fingers work in his hair and soon, the foam came to his ears, deafening him. He closed his eyes and waited for a while. Mundy was washing his own hair and then, he pulled his lover under the water again and rinsed it all away from him. Next came the shower gel. 
"Love, I gotta unstick you, hold on."
"Non…!" Lucien held his lover harder, digging his fingers behind his back. Mundy chuckled. He loved Lucien as much as he did Spy. The only difference was that Spy would hide Lucien's sensitivity and softness under a thick mask of arrogance and cold-bloodedness. But Mundy knew it, the Frenchman would show his vulnerable side only to him, and he loved that.
"Please, sweet thing, I promise I won't be long."
"Make it quick." 
Mundy spread the shower gel on his lover and Lucien mirrored him on his tall lover. In the end, Mundy took a bit of foam on the tip of his index finger and tapped the tip of Lucien's nose with it. The Frenchman pulled his nose back and his eyes crossed on the foam hanging there, making Mundy laugh. 
"You look like a clueless kitten." 
Lucien grimaced and Mundy pulled his chin with one hand before kissing his lips. When he withdrew, Lucien pushed himself to the tip of his toes for more. 
The shower and the entire bathroom were in a thick fog of steam. 
"Right, let's get out now, yeah?" 
Mundy stopped the water running. 
"You gonna say 'non' to everythin' I say?" 
"At least, that one is a 'oui'." 
They stepped out of the shower and dried themselves off before heading to Spy's bedroom. 
"Here, that's your fancy pyjamas…" Mundy threw a shirt and a pair of trousers to his lover. "And that's my boxer shorts." He slipped them on.
Lucien joined him in bed and curled in his arms. The Aussie wrapped his arms around him and let his fingers lazily brush the Frenchman's silky, wet hair. 
"You feel better?" 
"Oui. Merci." 
"There we go, then. Forget about everythin', I'm here with you." Mundy adjusted the blanket around them both. 
"I… I felt terrible about myself."
"I know." 
"But somehow you manage to pull me out of these fits of… of powerful distress." 
"You're bein' dramatic."
"I am being in love." Lucien shut his eyes.
"Pfff, c'mere…" Mundy chuckled and left a kiss on his lover's brow before rolling to his back, Lucien lying on top of him. 
"Yes, Lu'?" 
Lucien raised his head and looked down at his lover with a smile. 
"Thank you." 
"No worries."
"Non, really, I am in your debt." 
"You're bein' dramatic again, luv'." Mundy tapped the tip of his lover's nose with a grin. 
"I cannot help it."
"I know, I love you for that, and the rest." 
Lucien bent to push his lips on Mundy's and they melted in a nap, the Aussie's arms around his lover, while Lucien nuzzled in the hollow of his neck.
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ashxketchum · 3 years
Writer’s Month - 4
If I can just do this whole week consistently, I would feel so much better about myself, I kid you not. 
Prompt: play, modern setting ( so I already had something in works with a class is putting on a play plotline, I’d shared the progress earlier too, and decided to add to it as much I could at work today. Again this is written on my notes app, so expect a lot of mistakes! Tagging @rainbow-pearls cuz I think she would like to read the minor continuation of the earlier snippet, and maybe @zadien too?) 
“Why are you still here?”
Tyson opened an eye and peeked at the source of the disturbance. Only one person in their school was brave enough to wake him from one of his infamous naps without fearing the consequences. The brunette was standing in their classroom’s doorway with a disapproving look on her face and her hands fixed on her hips. When she saw him wake, she started to make her towards his desk.
“Gee, Hilary why do you think?” Tyson muttered in reply, trying to stifle a yawn as he opened his eyes fully and stretched his arms over his head in order to rid his body of the slumber that he had been so peacefully encompassed in until a few minutes ago.
“You know we’re supposed to be preparing for the school festival right now. Together. As a class.” She was standing right next to his desk now, but even then the glare she sent his way did not seem to have any effect on him.
“I don’t think I’m a group activities sort of person.” Tyson said, locking eyes with her, a determined look on his face.
“Says the guy who almost cried a river when his teammates left him.” Hilary scoffed at him.
“I didn’t cry, and let me rephrase that, I’m not a group activities person at school.” Tyson retorted, ears a little bit red from the brunette’s accusation. 
“Oh come on Tyson, this will be fun!” Hilary groaned defeatedly, she propped herself over the desk Tyson had been sleeping on until a few minutes ago, knowing very well that it will be a while before he is convinced. Tyson was then forced to straighten up and lean back in his chair or else his head would’ve collided with her hip, and any remaining feeling of drowsiness left his body as he did so. “Chief has been working really hard for this, you know.” The brunette added, tilting her head sideways, to meet his eyes.
“In other words, he’s driving you all crazy and you need me to rein him back in.”
Hilary held his gaze before narrowing her eyes in annoyance, “He is driving us crazy, but I’m more than equipped to handle him and he has really been working hard so as his friend you should be there to support him. Just like we are always there to support the team.” She looked at him pointedly, stressing on certain words loudly and making him wince as she did so. Tyson groaned, she knew him well enough to know that the ‘I’m always there for you’ trick always worked immediately on him.
“And what exactly are we doing this year? Another cafe? Do you really want me to be around food and other edible items?” Tyson challenged her, trying to display a somewhat proud look on his face, even though internally he knew he’d already lost the battle by showing interest.
“No. I would not be here forcing you out of this chair that you glue yourself to every morning if I knew that our ingredients would be in danger.” She scowled deeply at him before continuing, “Frankly I’m surprised you don’t know what our class is putting up despite sitting through the meetings in the past week.”
Tyson shrugged guiltlessly, “I’m just as good at zoning out as I am at spinning tops.”
Hilary rolled her eyes and shook her head at his statement, after forcing the scowl off from her face, she looked at him with a sober expression and replied, “We’re putting up a play. Chief wrote it himself, and he is directing it too.”
Tyson leaned back further in his chair as a look of utter surprise settled on his face at her words, “You’re letting Chief direct it?”
“Well of course,” stated Hilary matter-of-factly, “he wrote it so he should be allowed to be in command.”
Tyson feigned shock and disbelief as he responded in a high-pitched voice, “Hilary Tachibana is letting other people be in command? Are you okay Hils? Do we need to take you to the hospital for an examination?”
Hilary shot him a seething glare and promptly got off the desk in annoyance, resting her hands on her hips once again she retorted, “I can’t always be in charge of everything obviously, even I am aware of that-” Tyson laughed out loud but quickly concealed it as a cough once his eyes met the brunette’s and she continued as if she hadn’t been interrupted, “Besides as the lead of the play, I have enough on my plate already. There isn’t much time left to take control of everything else.”
Her words sunk in much faster than usual for Tyson, his brows furrowing as he stood up too quickly, almost knocking back the chair he had been sitting in, “You’re playing the lead?”
His voice came out louder and squeakier than he had expected but his brain was already swirling for him to take notice of his tone or even his friend’s bewildered reaction.
“Y-yes.” Hilary stammered, completely taken aback by Tyson’s sudden reaction, she took a few steps back, eager to put some distance between them, as a confused look settled on her face.
“You’re playing the lead in a play that Chief wrote.” Tyson repeated, more to himself in an attempt to make sense of all the scenarios that were now popping up in his head. Hilary however, thought that he was addressing her, so she simply nodded in reply, still looking confused over the sudden change in Tyson’s behaviour.
Having been friends with Chief since they were in elementary school, Tyson was aware of the kind of stories and fantasies that his childhood friend preferred to indulge in. When it came to Beyblading, Chief was all about logic and facts, but when it came to his hobbies, he was more of an emotional sap, something people couldn’t usually tell by looking at him. Tyson however, frequented Chief’s room more than probably any other of the latter’s friend, which is why he understood better than anyone, that Chief was a romantic and sentimental nerd at heart. Which is also why it didn’t take the World Champion long to reach the conclusion that their class was probably preparing a cavity inducing love story for their school festival.
The real problem for Tyson was that Hilary had just told him that she wasn’t directing or organizing the class, as he had expected her to, but was actually taking part in something that he knew, without even taking a look at it, was probably a fairy tail-esque, love story.
He could feel anger course rapidly through his veins at the thought of any of his male classmates standing on the stage opposite from Hilary and professing their love to her, or even worse...
“Do you have a copy of the play?” Tyson snapped at her, he hadn’t meant to get mad at her and he could tell that even though she nodded and went around the class towards Chief’s desk to pull out a copy, she was upset by his angry tone and if he didn’t rein his emotions in quickly, they would slowly be heading into the argument territory. His suspicions were confirmed when she came back to him and thrusted the thin booklet into his hands harshly and folding her arms across her chest, passing him a steely look as he quickly skimmed through the play.
‘The Dragon and the Princess’
Tyson had to stop himself from rolling his eyes as he read the title, he wanted to go through the contents as quickly as possible so he decided to show his disgust with the work when he reached the very end of it.
...the princess looks longingly into the eyes of the stranger…
Tyson’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he imagined Hilary gazing ‘longingly’ at a faceless classmate of theirs.
He quickly turned the pages again.
...the stranger bends down and plants a kiss on the Princess’ left hand…
His grip on the booklet tightened and he took a deep breath to compose himself and turn the pages a bit carefully in order to not rip through them in his anger.
...-queue music-
he grasps her hand and slowly leads her into the middle of the dancing couples, placing a hand around her waist…
Turn, turn, turn.
… stop music
they kiss…
Tyson slammed the booklet shut and next to him Hilary jumped, putting a hand on her chest as she sent him a glare for scaring her.
“Who’s playing the other lead?” He was surprised by how quiet his voice had become, in contrast to the anger building up inside him.
“Well, we haven’t picked anyone yet. Chief isn’t really satisfied by the performances he has seen, we’re actu-”
“I’ll do it.”
His statement was followed by a few minutes of total silence as Hilary stared at him in surprise with Tyson returning her gaze with an angry, determined one of his own.
“You’ll play the lead?”
Finally she spoke after what seemed like an eternity, her voice laced with doubt, as she still continued to stare at him, now looking like she was trying to search Tyson’s face or read his expression in an attempt to figure out if he had really meant what he had said.
“Yes, I’ll do it.”
Tyson repeated his words, his voice more firm and resolute this time around as he refused to back down from her gaze. Hilary continued to look unsure, eventually she turned her gaze downwards and it dawned on him that she might not want to do this with him at all. The anger that had been building up inside him like a bubble suddenly burst and his heart sank. He wanted her to raise her head so he could search her face for any clue that might point towards her not hating the idea of doing this stupid play with him. Tyson couldn’t help but think to himself that he might need to flee the country if Hilary flat out refused to do the play alongside him. Luckily they were alone in the classroom, not having witnesses for what was about to be the most embarrassing moment of his life was the only silver lining.
Then she looked up at him very suddenly and Tyson’s heart almost stopped, with her eyes shining brightly and a wide smile covering her face, she replied “Oh Tyson, that is wonderful! Chief said I wouldn’t be able to convince you to do anything, hah I can’t wait to look at his face when he hears this.”
A wave of relief washed over him and he had to stop himself from sighing out loud, he passed Hilary a nod of acknowledgement in silence and tried to maintain a straight face, hoping to not show the brunette how the thought of gazing longingly at her or kissing her hand in the near future was making him feel extremely giddy.
“Now come on, we’ve already wasted so much time here, Chief must be getting antsy!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Tyson begrudgingly followed Hilary out of the classroom and they made their way towards the gymnasium where their class was supposedly prepping for their showcase in silence. Well almost in silence, as Hilary skipped happily ahead humming a chirpy to tune to herself, apparently elated with herself over how she was able to convince Tyson to get off his lazy bum and actually participate in a school event. Tyson was a few steps behind her, the heat of the moment fading as he neared the gym and the idea of acting in a stupid, romantic play started to settle well in his mind. The guys would never let him live this down, he could picture the scene when they’d find out about this particular extra-curricular activity of his very clearly by the time he entered the gym, Max’s howling laughter, Rei’s forced attempt to be encouraging as he contained his own laughs, Kai’s stupid smirk which would also be mirrored on his elder brother’s face.
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anxiousbean33 · 3 years
The Black Sails - Chapter 1 - Oh Shit a Fire
Word count - 1673
@sitting-around-and-fantasizing thank you for helping me out with alot of this <3
Slight derealization warning - Just at the end though
Summary -
The Minecraft family has to move due to the recent attacks from the dark kingdom, 7 years after the conclusion of the first war. Unfortunately, the day they had planned to move, there is a raid on their town from the Dark Kingdom, causing chaos throughout not only the town, but also Smp.
ao3 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30826130/chapters/76099421#workskin
“Wait Mumza, what's going on?” Wilbur questions pulling his old guitar out of a box, “Mum! You can't get rid of this! This was my first guitar!”
“Wilbur,” Kristin says, grabbing the guitar back, “That's the box of stuff we are keeping. We're moving to Smp in a few days, and we need to pack up.”
“What.” He stares in disbelief, “Mum, does Tommy know? You know he won't want to move. I don't want to move!”
“Ayyy seems the Big Man hates the news! HaHA! Take that Wilbur, you are gonna be stuck with me and Tubbo,” Tommy says, throwing his stuff on the couch and dragging him to the other room. “Wilbur, a bunch of other magic users will be at Smp if we go there, then we will be able to fight better! We could be like Dream! Or GeorgeNotFound!”
“Let go of me,” he responds, shoving Tommy off of him, “I don't care about becoming a hero Toms, I want to stay here and play for the town, not move to a crowded kingdom where we only know the Sparklez family.” Walking back into the living room, while Tommy walks back to his room, “Mum, what's the real reason we are moving to Smp? I know it's not to improve our magic, as you taught us really well for people without gems, So What is the real reason?”
“Wilbur…” She sighs, replying solemnly, “I know your 23 and you can move out, so I’m warning you of what's going on, but if you truly want to stay here, you can. I don't want to leave, but if you are happier here, neither me nor Phil can stop you,”
“Wait? What's going on? Something bad has happened right?” he says shocked, as Phil walks in.
“Hey Wil- Oh Kris, did you decide to tell him? Has he decided if he's coming with?”
“No! She hasn't! What's going on Mum? Dad?”
“Will…” His father says, while fidgeting like someone would attack everyone if he said the wrong things, “You know the attacks on Smp and the Towns nearby - the ones that have been happening since the dark war? They recently found out that the Dark Kingdom has risen again, and are going now by Black Sails, they are the ones behind the raids and attacks. We are headed to Smp not only to help them if they need more fighters, but also to protect Tommy.”
“No... this can't… No- There is no way that- but... I thought Blade killed their leader? How are they back?”
“I don't know Wilbs, all that's been released to the public is that they finally found out who was behind the attack's nobody knows who's leading them though.”
“Ok dad, thanks for telling me, if you need me, I’ll be packing.”
Wilbur walks back to his room and starts packing his clothes. Looking out the window, he thinks back to the story his mom told him 7 years ago about the dark war. He continues packing until he hears them. The sirens. Wilbur has never heard them so loud before, it's almost as if… Suddenly there is a loud crash that shoves Wilbur back. He stands up and sees that his door frame has exploded into flames.
“TOMMY! OH, GOD TOMMY FIRE!” He rushes to his brother's room hoping to get him out, but unfortunately the door is stuck and catches fire, “TOMMY STAND BACK I'LL GET YOU OUT!” He shouts while bashing his shoulder against the burning door, once he opens the door, he finds an empty room, Tommy was already in the house. Recognizing that he is out, the adrenaline runs out, and he starts realizing the pain in his shoulder and falls to the floor coughing, a figure rushes over to him, “Dad…?”
“Hey it's okay, c'mon, just stay awake,” a soothing voice talks to him, “My name is BBH, we need to get you out of here. You'll be okay.” He slowly looks up at the hybrid that is saving him, and his necklace that is glowing like the color of fire. “My power is fire, c'mon quickly we need to get you out of here.”
“Bad! Was there anyone in that house?” another voice shouts as Wilbur's eyes start shutting.
“Yeah! Shoot, c'mon kid stay awake! Sap he needs help immediately, his shoulder is badly burned, and he was in the hou-” Bad starts to say as Wilbur out of strength falls unconscious.
“Oh boy... Everyone listen here! My name is H. If you don't know where your family is, head to the left. If you need to find a place to stay, head to the right. Someone should direct you to a place where you can stay for tonight, if you live here or already have a place to stay, just head straight and don't be afraid to ask for help,” says to the crowd of townsfolk flooding into the kingdom. “Oh right! If you need medical attention, head to the left and then take a right, we are trying to help as many people as possible!”
Tommy looks around trying to find any familiar face. He looks up and sees Dream talking to the announcer guy, H. Dream turns around and spots Tommy staring up at him, hops offstage and walks over to him. “Hey Tommy, sorry you were moving on a day like today, we weren't expecting there to be an attack today. Just head over to our house, it's the multi colored one you can't miss it I'll send the rest-”
“Dream, who attacked our town?”
“Wait that was you-”
“Yes Big D! It was our town!”
“Shit. Uhm okay... Fuck... that complicates things. Are you hurt? I'm still going to send you to Puffy but I’ll keep my eye out for Wilbur, Phil, and Kristin. Fuck… oh and to answer your question it was the Dark Kingdom, I’ll explain more to you and Tubbo later.” Dream starts running back to the gates to fight off the mobs that have started coming out due to the sun setting and the mass amounts of people flooding into the kingdom. H then starts to repeat his speech to the newcomers and Tommy starts walking towards the house Dream said was the Sparklez house afraid of what happened to his family.
When Phil finally arrives in the kingdom he is also greeted by H giving his speech for what seems to be the last time, “Is this all of you? Ok that's good… if ya have a place go straight, need a place go left, right if you were separated from your family the dream team should help you with that and right if you need medical” H then yawns, “Shit- sorry I meant right for if you need a place, and left for medical and finding your family… Man I’m really tired Imma go take a nap, g’night everyone”
Phil does a quick scan around and then walks straight with his luggage to the Sparklez household, anticipating that everyone would be there already, as he stayed behind to fight some of the dark soldiers, just like in the past. He slowly opens the door and is greeted by Puffy, who is watching some cooking show with Jordan and Tommy and Tubbo asleep on the couch. “Where is Will and Kristin? I was one of the last people to arrive at Smp, they should be here by now…” he whispers to the two awake.
“Dream told me Wilbur got caught in your house when it went aflame. Bad was able to get him out, but he was severely injured and is getting medical attention now. We haven't gotten any word on where Kristin is, but Dream will let us know if they find her.” Jordan replies, pausing the show. “We just have to wait for them to find her now, hopefully they find her before the raiders. You guys have had a long day, we can talk to Eret about it tomorrow”
“I’ll probably go check on Will tomorrow then. Uh thank you again for letting us stay here…” Phil sighs, terrified of what happened to his family. “I am going to head to bed now, wake me up when you two plan to head out.” Walking up to the guest bedroom
TW - Slight Derealization
“We need to do something… Her army is approaching, we know how to wield magic and fight without it, we can try to fight against them.” Wilbur hears when he starts waking up.
“Dad?” He says confused, he starts to open his eyes and looks around, noticing that his necklace was glowing a gold color, “My magic! Holy shit!” He stands up and starts to look around the house when he hears his parents start talking again.
“What about the kids though? If we do this, my angel, they could be put in danger.” his mothers states.
“We haven't shown anyone our magic, plus you can shift and I have my wings. We could keep our identities secret and leave to fight at night. If we don't do anything, they could get hurt more.” This shocks wilbur, didn't his parents say they never had magic? They weren't hybrids and weren't shifters and were never gifted a piece of magic jewelry, unless they were lying to both him and Tommy.
“What is going on!” Wilbur screams, trying to understand why his parents are talking like he isn't in the room, like he is invisible, like there wasn't just a fire. Irritated, he slams his hand against the table, shocking him awake.
Wilbur looks around again, and instead of being in his house perfectly fine he wakes up in a hospital. Looking down he realizes that his necklace isn't growing any more, and he has lots of bandages on him. “Will! You're awake! The doctors said you probably wouldn't wake up until tomorrow, you got badly burned Wil do you remember what happened?” a voice said, he couldn't tell who it was though before he passed out once again from the pain.
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