svtskneecaps · 5 months
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ishizizzle · 2 years
Booooo I can't enjoy my day off because cute manager is working today and I'd rather see him boo!
#it me#we high fived yesterday nbd nothin major somethin light but I still wanna be 🤪🤪 about it lol#I like how he talks and he does funny accents 💀 like they'd be funny if i wasn't trying to develop this crush on him#he did an irish one for me what a nice young man 🤣#i need to back up tho its already getting kinda flirty around work and we've only been opened for not even a full month#one guy introduced himself during training by mentioning his fiancée but hes in like 3 female coworkers dms#streets too hot over there i just want to have a mutual crush on my manager in private 🤧#i got my own problems i dont want to make him uncomfortable just talking to him#and i dont want to say anything that'd be misinterpreted. I want him to do it lol i want him to cross a ''line''#doing his British accent yesterday (I assume his favorite) he was like'h#he was like ''here you go love-here you go!'' and I KNOW its just worxs#*words#I'm happy he's comfy enough around me to say shit like that's good. He can set the pace and I can meet him ati#at it#and realistically he wouldn't do anything even if wanted to because he's a manager and cares about coworkers differently#he's just being himself I like that#ok maybe i can enjoy my day off 💀 it was nice enough just to work with him most of the week#i dont think we're working together this week bc I'm on mornings next week#so at least i can improve my work and get closer to him that way 🤣🤣 and get my money up I heard ppl already in training#to be trainers and i wanna get in on that so I need to step my work up
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glowinggator · 8 months
Prompt: Calling the Lackadaisy characters by their full name
A/N: University has been keeping me busy, and I've been in a bit of a writers block. So in the meantime, take this goofy little thing!
Includes: Rocky Rickaby/Reader Calvin "Freckle" McMurray/Reader Dorian "Zib" Zibowski/Reader Mordecai Heller/Reader Viktor Vasko/Reader Serafine Savoy/Reader Nicodeme "Nico" Savoy/Reader
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Rocky Rickaby: 
Rocky's always pleased to hear his name fall from your lips… "Rocky Rickaby…" he loves to occupy your attention, and he's not above doing a silly trick here and there to get you to utter his name like that. But his given name? You can't even finish "Roark" before he's at your feet, begging for forgiveness. Queue the waterworks -- his muse, his winter sunshine, his summer breeze please, please forgive him. For he is naught but a mortal man, riddled with the propensity for mistakes, but is -- Hm?  The maple syrup is in the back of the pantry, yes. Yes, next to the peanut butter. -- is that not the natural state of such mortal endeavors? Surely, such a divine being must take pity on the folly of man!
He doesn't register that you were only playing with him. Or, maybe he's realized and is just committing to the bit. You'll never know. What you do know, however, is that you'll have him at your feet for the next hour or so. 
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Calvin McMurray: 
Calvin, Cal, Freckle… Sweetheart, in private. McMurray, when you're teasing. Calvin really gets the gamut of names and nicknames when it comes to you. But when he hears his full name yelled out from the opposite end of the house, he's nothing if not panicked. The past two decades of Irish Catholicism really beats that into you. He rushes to your side, back straight, head down in silent apology for… whatever it is, that he did. 
"...Yes, dear?"
He has to bite his tongue a bit to not bring out any honorifics, but the message comes across just the same. There's only 2 times he uses "dear" as his go to-- 1.) In front of his mother, 2.) After he's done something he shouldn't. 
Decompresses instantaneously when you ask him to open the pickle jar. He exhales quietly, holding his hand out silently for the jar. His heart can't take this sort of thing. Don't do this to the poor man… too often. 
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Dorian Zibowski:
Blinks owlishly when he hears his full name shouted out from across the house. If there's any way to sober Zib up… this is it. He's leaping to his feet in an instant, rushing to where you are… and slowing down when he's just out of sight. He smooths his fur and his clothes and takes a deep breath before waltzing calmly into your line of sight. Play it cool. 
"Funny way of pronouncing "Zibowski, doll. Need something?" 
He takes it in stride, but don't be fooled -- he's quaking in his boots, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He feels the weight lifted off his chest when you ask him to grab something from the top shelf, although you'd never know that. He does, however, press a lingering kiss to your temple after he passes the item off to you. Don't read into it too much. 
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Mordecai Heller: 
He tears his eyes away from his book, glancing at you from over the rim of his teacup. "Yes?" 
He's truly unaffected. He's introduced by his first and last name all the time, and he was never scolded in such a manner as a child.  If you were looking for some outlandish reaction, all you've got is his quiet attention. And you might want to answer quickly -- he'd really like to finish this chapter tonight. This is quite a grueling read, you know. 
His true name, however, is a different story. But that's for entirely different reasons, and well, you wouldn't  know anything about that. Right? 
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Viktor Vasko: 
Yet another one who is unaffected. He looms over you a bit -- which really, isn't unusual for him considering his stature -- humming questioningly.
He's a man of few words, and even fewer reactions. You've really gotta put some emotion in your voice if you want to get any sort of reaction out of him, and even then the most you're likely to get is a raised eyebrow… maybe a bit of a head tilt if you're lucky. And you can really only do this once -- he'll remember your little trick for next time. 
(If you really want to get a reaction out of him, use some sort of petname. He secretly finds them rather sweet, and the right one will force-reset his brain a bit the first few times you use it. )
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Seraphine Savoy: 
Seraphine isn't unaffected by the use of her full name… rather, she revels in it. She's always enjoyed the flow of her name, but it always seems to fall from your lips like some goldly golden ichor. To call it heavenly would be a bit of a misnomer -- sinful, mayhaps? It's a difficult feeling to place, but she strides over to you confidently nonetheless. Her lips quirk up as she leans into your personal space.
"Yes, amou?"  
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Nicodeme Savoy: 
Truthfully, he isn't the biggest fan of you calling him by his full name. Well, his full first name, anyways. Feels too stuffy, for his liking. But he takes it in stride, waltzing up to you lazily. He rests his arm on your shoulder and leans down to be eye-level with you, eyes half lidded with a grin. He throws your own full name right back at you teasingly. Need something?  Want him to grab something, or open a jar? Hm? 
His grin stretches a bit wider when you pout -- you really thought you'd get him this time, huh? He kisses you chastely, nipping at you softly in jest. Gotta try harder than that to shake him, bebe. 
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Note: requested by an anon!
Warnings: the sickness????
pairing: Sihtric x you (x Finan)
summary: keeping your pregnancy a secret during the sickness did not go as planned
wordcount: 1,1k
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'I hump my wife whenever I want, yes.'
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'What are you looking for, Finan?' Osferth asked.
'Bodies!' Finan answered, cutting through the tall grass while covering his mouth and nose with a cloth.
You, Sihtric and Osferth glanced at each other as you relaxed and laid back in the grass.
'Eh?' Osferth said for all of you.
'Bodies!' Finan shouted again, 'I know the sickness is close!'
'Why are you shitting yourself?' Sihtric taunts. 
You snort at your husband's remark, who gives you a proud smirk.
'I've seen men as strong as bears at breakfast time,' Finan said, 'gurgling blood and pus by supper time! You little runt!' he snarled.
'Hey!' you gave Finan a disapproving look, but then grinned at Sihtric, loving how easy it was to rile the Irish man up right now.
You had been feeling a little under the weather yourself the past week. You knew if you told Finan, he would completely freak out, which could be funny, as you knew you weren't truly sick. But for Finan's own health, you decided against it.
Your travel continued, by foot. You and Sihtric walked with your fingers laced, and he kept you close at all times. Your husband noticed you hadn't been eating as well as usual, but to not freak Finan out, he decided to not bring it up yet, unless it would get worse or you would show signs of being ill.
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Finan was the only one to hear you vomit one morning, near the river, and he stared at you, deadpan.
'The… the sickness,' he whispered with big eyes, pointing his sword's edge towards you from a safe distance.
'Finan,' you sighed and wiped your mouth, 'it's not the sickness, trust me,' you said and got up from your knees.
But as you set a step closer to Finan, the Irish man immediately took a step back. And so the dance began.
'Finan, don't be ridiculous!' you hissed, 'trust me, I'm fine.'
'Aye,' Finan said, 'and then catch the sickness myself, lady? I don't think so.'
You tried to walk back to camp but Finan blocked your way, from a safe distance still.
'Excuse me?' Your eyebrow raised so high, it almost hurt.
'You can't go back to the others,' Finan said firmly.
'Finan, you will let me go to my husband, right now, or I will cough in your face when you sleep!' you snarled.
Finan grimaced and took several steps back, allowing your passage back to camp, back to Sihtric.
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Finan kept a close eye on you as the days progressed, and he was the only one aware of your early morning sickness. He did find it interesting no one else seemed to get sick like you, and he was especially puzzled that Sihtric didn't catch the sickness, knowing you and him were all over each other the whole day. Which kind of made Finan feel sick, but in a whole different way.
Unfortunately, Finan became more paranoid after the events earlier that day. You and the group you travelled with had been cornered, the only seemingly safe way out was through a river, which was filled with dead bodies, all victims of the horrible sickness. And it all spooked Finan even more.
'We can swim through!' your husband, the oaf, had blurted out, which you told him off for later, in private.
'Sihtric, why are you so reckless?' you asked.
'I am not!' Sihtric retorted, 'I just wanted everyone to get to safety.'
'By suggesting to swim through waters in which dead bodies lay? My love,' you sighed and rubbed your hands over your face. 
You absolutely loved Sihtric, but sometimes you wondered how he was still alive, being the way he is.
Sihtric didn't reply. Looking back, he knew he had been reckless, and he felt bad.
'You know I meant well,' he mumbled.
'I do,' you took his hands, 'but, Sihtric, you have to promise me to try and be more careful. Because I really need you here, with me,' you kissed his cheek, 'alive and well.'
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'Did you wash your hands?' Finan asked you when you were making their dinner later that day.
'Yes. I washed them in that river, with the bodies!' you offered Finan a mean glare, and he returned the same face.
He went to sit at a safe distance while keeping his eyes on you. Sihtric was resting under a tree, several paces away from you, while the others were scouting the surrounding lands.
'You will kill us all,' Finan whispered, 'all of us, lady.'
'Will you shut up!' you hissed, glancing over your shoulder to make sure Sihtric wasn't catching any of this.
'Does Sihtric know? That you're dying?'
'Finan, will you shut your mouth?' you groaned, 'I am not dying! I do not have the sickness!'
'Aye, that's exactly what someone would say who is dying, because of the sickness!'
'Okay, listen,' you said as you had enough, 'don't tell anyone else, okay? But I am not sick. I am pregnant.'
Finan stared at you.
'Pregnant?!' He then blurted out loud.
You tried to hush him, but it was already too late. When you looked back over your shoulder, you saw your husband awake and alert, sitting up in the grass.
'You… you and Sihtric have been fooling around during the sickness?' Finan grimaced.
'Oh, I'm sorry. Just because your cock stops working when someone sneezes, doesn't mean that goes for everyone else!' you hissed.
Finan flared his nostrils. 'Lady, my co-'
'My love?' Sihtric frowned at the heated interaction as he walked over, 'what is going on?'
'You humped your wife while the sickness is going around?' Finan asked, stunned.
Sihtric shrugged and gave Finan a proud smile, 'I hump my wife whenever I want, yes.'
'And you got her pregnant?!'
'Finan, no!' you yelled. 
But it was too late. Sihtric's jaw had already dropped and his eyes were big, fixated on you.
'Is that… is that true?' he asked as he took your hands, 'darling are you… are we…'
'It's true,' you smiled, 'I carry your pup. And I couldn't be happier. I really wanted to tell you myself,' you said, 'and not like this. But the Irish loud mouth had to ruin it,' you glared at Finan.
Sihtric teared up and even Finan softened now, when he finally realised you weren't a threat to his health.
'Lady,' Finan said as he finally approached you, 'I owe you an apology.'
'Apology?' Sihtric frowned as he pulled you in his arms, 'what did he do, darling?'
'Your friend here has been harassing me for days,' you hissed at Finan, 'he heard me vomit one morning, you know, morning sickness, but he thought I caught the sickness.'
'I did,' Finan admitted, 'and I was wrong. I am sorry.'
'Is that why you're not eating as much lately?' Sihtric asked you, 'I noticed it but as you seemed fine otherwise, I didn't want to scare anyone else.'
'Yes,' you admitted, 'I hoped you wouldn't pick up on it, my love. But I've passed those days already,' you smiled, 'I am feeling good now. Just, maybe, a little worried about the pup, you know? Of course the sickness worries me too.'
'Lady,' Finan said, 'I promise I will look out for you,' he looked at Sihtric, 'I promise, mate. We have to keep your woman safe.'
'I know,' Sihtric swallowed hard, still trying to grasp that he was becoming a father, 'I… I will.'
'We will,' Finan said, 'aye? We will keep her safe.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious
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strawbs-screaming · 3 months
what i think your favorite PO boxer says about you
based on my biases and a year of experience (if you get mad over how i talked about your fave im going to turn you into a can of spam)
first time ive ever maxed out the tags
if i missed your fav tell me ‼️
doc louis - you have good taste and are starving for content about him, you really are a survivor
little mac - you either project onto him or just like calling him your son
glass joe - you have a thing for pathetic men (understandable tbh) and like calling him a wet cat since he fits that desc well
von kaiser - same thing as joe but add a hint of "oh no hes hot"
disco kid - you literally have no enemies i love you so much its not even funny (platonic)
king hippo - my god you are good at making up lore, how the fuck do you make a solid personality for a character that only roars and grunts
piston hondo - im 100% youre a saint, no hondo fan i met has ever been unpleasant to talk with
bear hugger - you either see him as a father figure or just think hes hot or (secret third option) you like making jokes about him being a disney princess, either way youre cool
great tiger - oh you have been here for a long time, literally every great tiger fan i know has been in the fandom since 7.000 BC or something, also youre prob really good at art
don flamenco - you use the word "cunty" on a daily basis or just like making fun of his stupid bald head, also yes he has eyeliner on 100%
aran ryan - you'd overthrow a goverment for this greasy rat, youre extremely extremely gay and/or neurodivergent and thats very good for you, you also like making him say lad and have had to go ankle deep in irish slang when making him speak in fanfics
soda popinski - ive never seen someone have soda as their fav, hes always 2nd place somehow so im just gonna go take a shot in the dark and say you like the color pink (mental gymnastics who??)
bald bull - you are a mixed bag, i gen cant put a finger on what kind of personality bull stans have but i can say you either find him hot or like making fun of him, maybe both
super macho man - least serious people ever with some traumatizing lore for the boxers & their own ocs, you prob make him say bogus 88268292 times in a sentence and i can respect that
mr sandman - ive only seen 2 (two ) ppl who have him as their fav and its kinda sad, youre starving for content of him and i wish you the best
birdie mac - hes your son (im not elaborating)
gabby jay - same thing as joe but you went over the top with liking dilfs
narcis prince - gay. gay gay homosexual gay. you went for the self obsessed blonde twink and you thought it wasnt obvious?? you fucking homosexual
heike kagero - youre 1000% queer, sorry to be a broken record about the gay thing but ur fav is literally a man with long hair & makeup that has to be some flavor of queer
hoy quarlow - you are/were another ancient punch out fan, you def shitpost a lot
bruiser bros - where are you??? ive gen never met a bruiser bros fan and its concerning like dude where did u go
texas mac - im sorry but you dont exist, ive never ever seen a texas mac fan, not even someone who mentions him
mad clown - you foul clownfucker. you have weird taste in characters you find hot and tbh im all here for it
masked muscle - same thing as texas mac but theres a slight chance you exist, if you do please show yourself
dragon chan - another punch out ancient fan, you probably were most active in 2013-2019 and kinda miss old shitposts and have either moved on or dont participate much anymore
spo aran - (this is mostly for Charlie but i have hope that theres some other spo aran fans out there) youre probably looking for other spo aran fans, goodpeed soldier, goodpeed
mask x - you arent getting away with this fuck you
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panelshowsource · 10 months
i’d love to know, what are some panel show moments you think about a lot?
omg like just off the top of my head?
just the whole episode of cats after jimmy's tax avoidance scandal
"good evening your majesty you tax-dodging bitch"
david mumbling "chancellor of the exchequer" in small font
when the horne section was doing macarena on catsdown and the rose was so limp WHY WAS IT SO LIMP
the greatest breath smeller game
"this makes me so angry because they wouldn't show the clip of me attacking my mother with a taser! i thought it was really funny!"
josh groban being an absolute wizard at singing intros followed by martin freeman being an absolute wizard at guessing them to the point production asked him to slow down giving the answer because he was too good
when stacey solomon said she likes teresa may and jimmy carr, gino d'acampo, and carol vorderman were absolutely speechless
alex’s reaction after joe says he has pineapple in his ass
when jimmy used the 30 seconds to wax his leg??
the way the queen’s pussy being haunted was like genuine headline news
mark sending greg 148 texts and getting 0 points ("what a terrible waste of time")
when that nude model came on for jimmy to (pretend) to live draw and lee mack was so gobsmacked at that man's penis he violently elbowed david o'doherty going "look at that!"
"you wouldn't do that during shakespeare, would you?"
on outsiders when joe wilkinson couldn't believe david mitchell is only 47 and literally said "do you live outside"
phil wang roasting ed gamble and saying "ed's girlfriend is such a dog i tried to eat her"
"you cannot imply that only gay people eat vegetables"
♪ but bin men get sad ♪
when those podcasters were reading joe wilkinson his own tweets and he was sweating so much and then just covered his eyes and went "what's wrong with me..."
"stephen fry wouldn't read 'pussy-friendly finger'"
when johnny vegas was literally eating a tin of fucking dog food and kathy burke was like "what's happening??" and jimmy so nonchalantly went "we're just eating dog food :)"
when noel ate some of alex's beard and greg said "you are aware that when we're at home alex is only allowed to move around like a snake?"
every joe & rachel hug ever here's a cute one :')
claudia completely bodying this lie and everyone's animals being so cute and funny and rob and lee complaining just the whole thing
on rhlstp when richard was Being Richard for the last hour and louis theroux was Over It and richard went "have you ever tried to suck your own cock?" and louis just died and then muttered "...do we have to..."
"i don't really eat potatoes it feels a bit irish :/"
johnny vegas pulling something out of rhod gilbert's pants, sniffing it, and then scandalising the entire room by saying "i've been told i smell better from behind than i do from the front, lovers have told me"
gosh my rotted brain is always rattling around panel show moments ..i wish to be cured
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What do ikeprince suitors smell like? Pt.2
Hi my beautiful Belles, it's such an honor to present you with part 2 of "What do ikeprince suitors smell like? I absolutely loved and had so much fun doing the first part. So here is the promised second part, where we will discover the perfumes that the princes from Rhodolite are most likely to wear. This is not entirely accurate - it's only based on their routes information and the vibe each boy gives me.
Jin Grandet
The big bro, seductive womanizer and alcohol lover definitely smells like seduction and playfulness with a mature vibe. I'm sensing some kind of citrusy freshness along with some spices on top of a woody warm bed.
Notes: bergamot, galbanum, tangerine, liqueur, pink pepper, ho leaf, amber, rosewood and oakmoss.
Perfumes he might like:
Sauvage - Dior (Basic, but it still works)
Cuirs - Carner Barcelona
Grand Soir - Maison Francis Kurkdjian (sometimes he takes this one from Nokto's perfume collection).
CH Men Prive - Carolina Herrera - His favourite, probably layered with "Grand Soir" for special occasions.
Stronger With You Intensely - Giorgio Armani
Chevalier Michel
King Highness, my man, your man, nation's man, world's man. It is said in his route that he showers a lot. It is also said by Belle that Chev smells like vetiver and winter. So I'm getting fresh clean boy vibes from our pookie man. He may also be a huge Byredo boy.
Notes: vetiver, green apple, wintergreen, sweet orange, white rose, white lily, jasmine, gardenia, ylang-ylang, sage and soap.
Perfumes he might like:
Sycomore - Chanel
Grey Vetiver - Tom Ford
Philosykos - Diptyque
Aqua Universalis - Maison Francis Kurkdjian - His favourite
Blanche - Byredo - His second favourite
Bal d'Afrique - Byredo
Mister Marvelous - Byredo
Clavis Lelouch
The Hellcat Troublemaker charming gentleman probably smells like sweat, chaos, trouble, chemicals and gunpowder, but let's pretend he doesn't. This mf brings joy and happiness to everyone's lives. He's the life of the party. We've all been charmed by him at any point in the series, don't you dare denying it. Yes, he is traumatized, but so are we. He is dazzling and fresh like a summer breeze, sweet and funny like an ice cream.
Notes: mandarin, lemon, sea salt, jasmine, rose, muguet, heliotrope, musk, vanilla, coconut and aromatic herbs.
Perfumes he might like:
Bleu de Chanel - Chanel (courtesy of Keith)
Aqua Allegoria Bergamote Calabria - Guerlain - His favourite (layered with "Pulp" to add playfulness).
Blu Mediterraneo: Fico di Amalfi - Acqua di Parma
Pulp - Byredo - His other favourite, he loves this one because he stole it from Chevalier's Byredo collection.
Allure Homme Sport - Chanel (this one is the one he uses while pranking people, just because the word "sport" in the perfume's name.)
Leon Dompteur
The gold digger girl dinner love of my life. He is a true gentleman, he treats you right, it's the princess treatment for me girl. He is classy, sweet, thoughtful, a liar friendly, masculine (in the best way possible) and sensitive. Roses seem to bloom whenever he smiles. A provider. Husband material. He gifts you PLUSHIES, how cute is that? Love him.
Notes: lavender, linalool, bergamot, roses, cinnamon, anise, clove, thyme, jasmine and cedarwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Fahrenheit - Dior - His favourite for high events
Y Eau de Parfum - Yves Saint Laurent
Rive Gauche pour Homme - Yves Saint Laurent - His favourite
Black Saffron - Byredo
L'Homme Ideal Sport - Guerlain
Blenheim Bouquet - Penhaligon's
Green Irish Tweed - Creed - His second favourite (layered "Black Saffron").
Yves Kloss
The Barbie Haughty Kitty. He definitely smells like flowers, especially roses, and something really sweet, gourmand with a soft clean base.
Notes: apple, peony, rose, apricot, jasmine, iris, musk, vanilla, praline, sugar, strawberry and peach.
Perfumes he might like:
Peony & Blush Suede - Jo Malone London
White Suede - Tom Ford
Eau Rose - Diptyque
Chanel Chance Eau Tendre
Love in White - Creed
The Favourite - Penhaligon's - His favourite
Bianco Latte - Giardini Di Toscana (layered with "Eau Rose") - His favourite combination (he uses this one to go see you Belle).
Licht Klein
The lone wolf, our cutie pie, Yves's baby. I feel like he smells like fresh rain on top of a sweet and clean base with some spices added.
Notes: orange, wintergreen, rain, mint, green apple, white lily, sweet pea, orchid, vanilla and sandalwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Silver Mountain Water - Creed
Acqua di Giò Profumo - Giorgio Armani
Royal Water - Creed - His favourite
Celeste - Giardini Di Toscana
Millésime Impérial - Creed (Silvio's gift).
Nokto Klein
Our frivolous womanizer, the slay and cunning fox, my baby. Chev's personal clown. He LOVES perfumes - Silvio and he are in some kind of competition about who has more perfumes. He is the layering king, not just because his perfume gets mixed with other girls' scents, but because he knows what he is doing. In literally everyone's routes, it's said that our silly boy who just wants to be loved and understood smells like a red flag "late night trysts", but what exactly that smells like?
Notes: Freesia, white rose, ylang-ylang, orange blossom, cinnamon, musk, sandalwood, heliotrope, queen of the night, vanilla and jasmine.
Perfumes he might like:
L'Homme Ideal - Guerlain
Noir - Tom Ford
Black Orchid - Tom Ford
Do Son - Diptyque
Flowerhead - Byredo
Luna - Penhaligon's
Grand Soir - Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Roses Musk - Montale
Intense Café - Montale
Reflection Man - Amouage (matching with Azel)
Royal Mayfair - Creed
Borabora - Giardini Di Toscana - His favourite
Blu Mare - Giardini Di Toscana (Silvio's gift)
Luke Randolph
Our own big (enormous) Winnie the Pooh. The Honey Lover. The Nap Lover. He is sweet, lovable and caring, the perfect brother you will never have. He will do anything to help you and to make you happy. He doesn't really care that much about his appearance, so the majority of his perfumes are gifted.
Notes: Honey, vanilla, herbs, honeysuckle, violet leaf, white musk and amber.
Perfumes he might like:
Mojave Ghost - Byredo (Clavis's gift, stolen fom Chev's perfume collection)
Oajan - Parfums de Marly (Jin's gift)
Chergui - Serge Lutens (Sariel's gift)
Honey Aoud - Montale - His favourite
And this is the end. Hope you enjoyed this silly little simulation, because I did. I had so much fun, especially with ma' boy Clavis.
This may not be the end of this series, next I'm planning to do the same dynamics (scents and perfumes) with our evil boys from Ikemen Villains. But if you have any suggestions let me know!!!
Kisses my beautiful little bunnies. xoxo.
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redwolf17 · 1 year
Hozier and romanticizing Ireland, or why the “bog man” shtick should be dropped back into the bog from whence it came
So after a slapdash, frustrated post about the politics of Hozier's music went batshit yesterday, I wanna do a quick follow up about the whole bog man thing, which multiple people mentioned in the reblogs and tags.
Artists are usually known by their names, either the one they got at birth or the one they picked for their career. Beyoncé Knowles Carter goes by Beyoncé, Stefani Germanotta goes by Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift goes by Taylor Swift, etc.
Andrew Hozier-Byrne goes by the stage name Hozier. When talking about him online, most people just call him Hozier, or sometimes Andrew for emphasis or to be silly. Then you have the people who call him stuff like this:
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Yeahhhhhhhh, that's just some of what I found in like a 5 minute search. If you search tumblr for "bog man" or "forest daddy" it's almost all posts about Hozier; there's a lot more (and weirder) if you go look on TikTok.
People from other countries romanticizing Ireland isn't new, but that doesn't make it acceptable. Ireland is very much a modern country with modern problems, despite media (mostly American) which prefers to focus on Ireland as an exotic, idealized land, a postcard from the past where everyone lives in cottages and dresses in green and only speaks in mysterious rhyming couplets. Heck, only 3 in 10 Irish people live in rural areas. The other 7 in 10 live in urban or suburban areas, including Hozier. He lives in County Wicklow, which is quite close to Dublin, a city of over 500,000 people and also Ireland's capital.
Like, I'm not saying anyone is The Devil for making a couple "bog man" cracks. God knows I made a few of them back in 2019; one of my old posts makes me cringe because I joked about Hozier and fairy mounds. And you can find old examples of Hozier humoring the gag here and there, whether because he found it funny at the time or because he was just playing along.
Lately, though? When the bogfather/fae king stuff comes up in interviews, Hozier seems uncomfortable with it, even though he stays polite:
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Like. Hozier is just a guy. A dude named Andrew who sings and plays guitar and writes songs and is a fallible human being. Artists can't completely control their image, but if you're a fan of someone's music, you should try to treat them as a person, not a mythical creature or a bundle of stereotypes about their country or a flawless statue to be stuck up on a pedestal.
All of us (including me!) fuck up sometimes. But once we know better, we should choose to do better.
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batmanfruitloops · 3 months
Happy 1st Anniversary to the Batmanfruitloops!!! 🎉
Whoo! This is such an achievement, but also it's such a crazy thought that it's been a WHOLE YEAR??? It means a lot that so many other people like our au as much as we do, and even more that we've been able to make friends; we want to thank all of you new and old for joining us here to have fun and enjoy the journey of our au!
With that said, I'd like to share some old art that's "behind the scenes" stuff from out time since we started our au.
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also if you've been here since these were the profile picture and banner, you're a real one;
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Fun fact, I (Sarsee) don't like fruit loops, but it was the first thing I thought of to name the blog, plus it was memorable. The au name being "Batman: A New Gotham" came later! Double plus, the abbreviation is BANG and I find that coincidence just delightful.
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One of favorite changes that happened out of nowhere was John's eyes changing from more round to almond. He used to look a lot more like the Telltale Joker, but I feel like his current eyes fit better with his personality in our au. This also isn't going to show up because it's file names, but I had originally wanted to call the Joker "Jbird" like Batman calls him in the Lego Batman movie. (for context, it's the scene where Joker is tied to a bunch of balloons - you know the one - and side note, I want to redraw a screenshot from that with our Joker eventually) I don't have any pictures with a "Jbird" design because I never got the idea to work, I just thought it could have been interesting considering Joker works with Batman in our au and that would put him on theme with the Batfam being flying mammals/avians.
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Most of the other original designs aren't too drastic either - or at least it doesn't feel like it to me. Scarecrow and Riddler have changed a lot though. And I think the changes that came about with Fluffy joining on board were much needed (Scarecrow's costume was always done by Fluffy, but I designed him out of costume originally -I was originally making the au myself, but that didn't last long when we started yapping about ideas to one another and never stopped) She also couldn't understand how I stylized his hair, so it became puffy and unruly instead of curly and gelled back. Ed can still gel his hair if he wanted to, just for special occasions.
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Some old sillies as well from Fluffy;
we find the contrast between Batman vs. Scarecrow and Joker vs. Riddler very funny because it's so drastically different. The Joker and Riddler never really try to hurt each other, they just like to play into the dramatics and vibe while still on their separate sides. Batman and Scarecrow want to tear one another's throats out and watch them suffer for it because they have no idea what's going on in their heads.
with the villain!joker timeline, there's an alternate version of the Goon squad (Dork Squad + Joker) where it's Harvey instead of the Joker. Or as well, there can be all five of them. Harvey is the only person who can scruff Jo like the gremlin he very much is and he'll just let it happen.
I don't know if this will show up in the comic anymore, but at one point the Joker was going to refer to Scarecrow and the Riddler as Samhain and a leprechaun because they're both partially Irish - couldn't really be that specific with voice claims, and they'd be offended
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and lastly, Ed gets cranky when he's tired
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Batman and Riddler are the only two to get digital references at the time and man, do I much prefer how streamlined the final ones look. I mean, what was the dingy brown I had behind Batman? For a split second, Ed's coat was almost purple, but thankfully, Fluffy convinced me otherwise and suggested his shoes be purple. This is also before his vest, and now there's an in story reason for why he doesn't have it in the beginning. Also look at how skinny and tall Ed looked!! (he was still short, he's not allowed to be tall in our au)
That's all I have for now, we'd love to hear any thoughts/memories/etc. in the comments!
Love, Sarsee and Fluffy, your batmanfruitloops creatures
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Love Me Like You Do~Part 2
Juice Ortiz X Reader
Clay, Jax, Opie, Bobby, Tig, Piney and Juice all arrived back at the Clubhouse, signaling for the others to join them in Chapel.
Happy and Chibs left the shop to follow. Inside, Clay hit the gavel to get started.
“Chibs, Hap, you guys remember Piney’s daughter (Y/N)?”
“Aye.” Chibs replied. Happy nodding.
“She’s back. Settling down back in Charming. She’s opening a little roadside bar on the outskirts of town. I want a protection detail on her so no one messes with her. She’ll be living there, too. Said there’s an apartment type house out back.” Piney said to the group.
“Agreed.” Everyone said.
“What cut will we take for the protection?” Clay asked.
Opie and Jax scoffed. “Really, Clay? She’s family. You expect her to pay us a fee for watching over her?”
He shrugged. “This Club is in the business of protection.”
“Then take my part. I’ll pay to protect my daughter.”
“No disrespect, Pres, but I don’t feel right asking her to do that. Like Jax said, she’s family.” Tig chimes in.
“Put it to a vote. Protection for (Y/N) free of charge?” Clay asked.
All hands went up. He sighed. He slammed the gavel down. “Any new business?”
“Things with the Irish are on track. All looks well for awhile longer.” Chibs said.
“Books are straight. Still in the black for a few more months.” Bobby replied.
Clay nodded. “Good. Meeting adjourned.”
Opie, Jax and Juice walked to the bar where the Prospect, Half-Sack, was.
“Listen, Opie’s little sister is back. I’m going to need you to go with Juice tomorrow and give her a hand with anything she needs. She’s got crews coming in but she needs things moved out.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“I’ll go, too. Don’t have any repairs due tomorrow.” Happy said.
“Juice, do me a favor. When you help her set up the security cameras, make sure to set some up around the back facing her apartment. I want to make sure she stays safe.” Opie got close.
“Of course. I’ll see what system she wants and set it all up. I’ll make a backup location for all feeds to my laptop here, just in case.”
“One more thing. The two of you are close in age. Besides my wife and kids, she’s everything to me. Don’t try any funny business with her. Understand?”
Juice nodded. “Yeah. Got it.”
Jax stood behind them smirking. Opie slapped the Puerto Rican’s back. “Good. Now, I’ve got to get home and let Donna know to cook extra.”
As I drove to Donna and Opie’s for dinner, I couldn’t help but look around at how much things changed around Charming over the last three years. Taking note to try out the coffee shop, I turned down the little street that led to my brother’s.
As I neared the house, I seen Kenny and Ellie out front playing. When I pulled in, they instantly started yelling.
“Aunt (Y/N)!”
“We missed you!”
I hugged them both to me. “I missed you guys! My goodness y’all have grown!”
Kenny looked behind me. “Whoa. Cool car! What kind is it?”
“This my little man is a 1970 Dodge Challenger in special order Purple. My Grandpa had this restored for me for my birthday last year.”
“Can I drive it?”
“I don’t think so.”
I turned around and smiled. “Hi, Donna!”
She smiled back and held her arms out. “Hi, (Y/N). It’s good to see you again.”
“Come on. Let’s washed up. Dinner is almost ready.”
Dinner was a wonderland event. Catching up with my niece and nephew on school and sports. After dinner and dessert, I helped get Kenny and Ellie ready for bed and then joined Opie and Donna on the porch.
“It’s good to have you back. Opie hasn’t stopped smiling since he came home. Kept trying to get it out of him why but he just told me it was a surprise.”
I sat back in the rocking chair. “It’s good to be back. I can’t wait to get started on the bar tomorrow.”
“Juice will be there with Kip and Happy. Later on me and Jax will come by.”
“You still stay at home?” I asked Donna.
“Yeah. Sometimes I think about going back to work though. I usually sit here bored when Al the housework is done and kids are in school.”
I gave her a smile and leaned over. “Well, I’d like to make an offer. You can take it if you want. Discuss it with brother dearest here. I’d like to offer you a job working with me. I’d pay you $10 an hour, make your own hours around the kids. Weekends if you want and you keep all tips. Plus I have an apartment out back the kids can hang out in if you don’t have a sitter.”
She was speechless. I looked at my watch and stood. “I’ll leave you two to discuss. If you want the job, it’s yours. I’ll be up early tomorrow to get ready for everyone to show up to work. So come on by if you do.” I gave them a hug before I left, and a kiss to the side of my head from Opie.
“Thank you, sis.”
I gave him a wink before I headed off.
“Juice, we’re ready in ten.” Happy stuck his head in my dorm room.
“Yeah. Im coming.” He zipped his backpack up and slug it on his shoulder.
Juice couldn’t think of anything other than (Y/N) since he met her yesterday. His heart pounded in his chest at the thought of seeing her again. He couldn’t help but think she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. What drew him to her the most was her curves. She had curves in all the right places and she knew how to carry herself. A smile crept on his face at the thought of spending time with her setting up her security cameras and being close to her.
It didn’t take long for the three bikers to pull up to the old bar. Juice couldn’t help but eye the car that sat out front.
“Damn. If that’s her’s, little girl has style.” Happy spoke.
“As a matter of fact, Hap, it is. A birthday gift last year from Grandfather.”
(Y/N) stood on the steps, hands on her hips. Juice’s breath caught as he looked at her. She stood there in a purple sequined tank top, blue jean shorts that showed her thick legs and biker boots. Her (y/c/h) was pulled up away from her face.
“Hey, little girl.”
She smiled as she came down the steps. “Hey, Hap. Good to see you again. It’s been ages.”
Happy nodded. She then turned her attention to Juice and Kip. “You must be the Prospect, Kip. I’m (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you.” Kip said, hands in his pockets.
“Good to see you again, Juice.” She smiled at him.
“You, too.”
“Well, let’s get inside and get started. I got coffee and donuts inside for you guys. Let me show you two what I need done then Juice and I have some business in the office.”
I waved the guys inside and gave Happy and Kip instructions to what I needed. Before they could get started, Donna walked in.
I smiled. “Does this mean you want the job?”
“I want the job. Ope and I talked about it. Making my own hours could help and the extra money would be a plus.”
I gave her a hug. “I’m so happy.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Now, I’ve got security business to work on. Could you keep these two in line and make sure they don’t take too many coffee breaks? I need all this cleared out so we can get repairs done.”
“You got it.” Donna put her bag on the counter and started helping Kip and Happy.
I turned to Juice. “Looks like we’re together. The office is this way. It’s big enough to store all the monitors and such. I had the best security system delivered. I just have no clue on how to set everything up.” I chuckled.
Juice chuckled and smiled. “That’s what I’m here for. I can get you set up in a jiff.”
The two of us sat for a few hours, discussing every angle inside and out where to put the cameras. One on each corner on the outside, both sides of the bar for multiple angles and facing the bathrooms and in the kitchen. Lastly, he told me my dad and brother wanted one facing my apartment. I agreed.
As I watched him put up all the cameras and angle them, me looking down at the laptop every once in awhile to make sure it was set, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. The way his biceps moved under his shirt and the sweat rolling off his tan skin.
“Alright. I think that does it. Let’s go take a look at all of them.” He climbed down, bringing me from my daydreaming.
We walked back into my office and he showed my how to switch the cameras and how to back them up.
“Now, this here is where all feeds are stored. I also made a backup file that goes directly to my laptop as a precaution in case something should happen. It’s always with me at the clubhouse or my place.”
I turned to him and smiled. “Thanks, Juice. I really appreciate it.”
He gave me a breathtaking smile and looked down. “No problem.”
“(Y/N)? Jax and Opie are here with the others.” Donna said from the office door.
I gave her a nod and Juice and I walked out to the main bar. Opie was unloading bags of takeout for everyone and Jax was passing out drinks.
“Well, there’s my favorite Lass!”
“Chibsy! My favorite Scotsman!”
We hugged each other tight before we all sat down to eat. Opie brought my favorite from the Chinese place and Jax remembered my favorite beer.
“So, sis, any names for this place?”
I nodded. “Pop quiz time, big bro. Let’s see if you can guess. What’s my favorite color?”
“And my favorite gemstone that’s purple?”
“Correct. Now, where is this place sitting?”
“Outer edge of Charming?” He asked questionably.
I raised my brows and waved my hands at him.
“Amethyst Edge?”
I turned to my new favorite Puerto Rican and pointed. “Brownie points to Juicy Boy! Yes. Amethyst Edge. I was approved for the name. My business license will be in soon and all I need is a fancy schmancy sign and I’ll be set.”
“I can draw you up some designs. Find one you like I got a guy who can make it.” Happy spoke up.
“Thanks, Hap.”
The rest of the day went smoothly. The guys finished getting all the old booths and tables out, the crew was halfway finished redoing the kitchen area and me and Donna worked on a menu for food and sending out an ad in the local paper for help.
The day was winding down and everyone was heading home, promises of seeing me again the next day. As I was locking the front door, I heard my name being called.
“Hey, (Y/N). Listen, if you need anything, you know, security system wise, here’s my number. Don’t be afraid to call or anything.”
I took the paper with Juice’s number on it. “Thanks. I’ll send you a text later so you can have my number, too.”
He gave me a smile that sent a shiver down my spine. I watched as he climbed on his bike and drove away. I went to my little apartment, grabbed my pajamas and showered. Once done, I laid in my bed and grabbed my phone and the slip of paper beside it.
*Hey, it’s (Y/N)*
*Hey. Got you saved. :)*
*Awesome. See you tomorrow?*
*Yeah. I’ll be there after work.*
*Okay. See you then. Goodnight.*
*Goodnight, (Y/N)*
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runa-falls · 1 year
Ok so I've been playing with Mel's Mafia Jake AI and it got me thinking about what Miguel would be like for some reason??? Dude's half Irish so like, maybe he's a boss in the Irish mob. Maybe he took over for his dad and he kind of hates it (has always hated it) but there's really nothing else for him so what can be do? So he goes about his life, about his business, runs his side of things well. He's lonely at the top but he ignores it, doesn't think anyone else would understand the pressure that's on him...
Until he meets you.
It's some celebration (maybe St. Patrick's Day or something idk) and he sees you across the room/bar/whatever and you lock eyes and have A Moment™️ and he decides he has to talk to you. So he does and you hit it off from the get go. You're smart, witty, funny, sexy...just the whole package. He's basically in love, okay?
Then a boss (maybe a rival heheee 👀) from another city or section (or whatever idk how they divide the city up tbh lmao maybe I should've done more research 😭) comes up and he finds out: you're his wife/girlfriend and it's just like a punch in the gut for him. He's devastated. He's never ever wanted anything anyone else had that he couldn't take...until you. Youre kinda bummed too, you really enjoyed the time you spent with Miguel, and you (honestly) aren't a huge fan of your husband/boyfriend (maybe he's an idiot or just a dick idk).
But you guys keep running into each other, and the feelings between you keep growing, until the tension breaks and you hook up with him at another get together (he takes you against a wall, fast and hard, his hand over your mouth because you're moaning as he pushes inside, the stretch of him divine and he buries his face in your neck, his cock spearing in and out of your wet heat in sloppy, hard thrusts. You're both coming in minutes, his spend dripping out of you and down your legs. The sight is almost enough to make him take you again).
After, you both say it was a mistake, that you can't do this again, it won't end well. But neither of you can help it, sneaking off to meet up in random places so no one catches you (except that one time it happened in your bed 🫢). And and and.... yeah. 🫣
OK FIRST, EVERYONE CHECK OUT THIS FAN ART BY @darkfoxkirin -- the mafia!mig of MY DREAMS
Maybe he took over for his dad and he kind of hates it (has always hated it) but there's really nothing else for him so what can be do? -> i could literally imagine him sitting on a throne, bored as fuck like 😒 damn this SUCKS lolll
you lock eyes and have A Moment™️ and he decides he has to talk to you. -> the moment™️ KILLS ME LOLL, but YES a love or lust at first sight (spoiler, its both). not only does he need to talk to you, he needs you.
ok so imagine that he's getting pressured to marry someone because as the boss, he's expected to have an heir to keep the business in the family.
he agrees to meet up with some aristocratic women just to get his advisors off his ass. it's not like he's taking them home or anything, he's merely meeting them at one of the clubs he owns or getting some dinner.
of course, during one of these 'dates' he bumps into you and your husband.
looks like he's not the only one trying to keep a low profile during the affair.
even though your two gangs are rivals, your husband politely greets miguel (though anyone within a 5 mile radius can hear the venom that simmers below his words).
"Mr. O'Hara, what a surprise to see you here..." you roll your eyes at the dick measuring contest. men can be so --
miguel doesn't even look at him, barely even acknowledges his existence with his murmured reply. he's too busy looking at you in your pretty dress and the necklace that sits against your chest. he gave you it a few weeks ago, the last time he could get you alone.
he tries to catch your eye but you're not looking back at him, you're looking at the girl who clings to his arm.
both of you barely register that your husband is still talking, eyes devouring the woman who's clearly confused by the tension in the restaurant.
"...and who is this lovely thing?"
"this? oh, this is m..." damn, he forgot. SHIT, he literally just read her file in the car before picking her up. this may not be a real date, but he's not a dick!
she saves him the embarrassment, "I'm Melissa, nice to meet you." she offers a hand, expecting a handshake, but your husband takes it for a kiss. gross. even melissa look weirded out.
"So you're finally out in the field again?"
miguel looks at you warily, but you've been avoiding his eyes during this whole interaction.
"You could say that."
"Good for you." your husband reaches out and holds your hands in his from across the small round table, "It's about time us bachelors settle down."
miguel's jaw clenches, watching how uncomfortable you are being touched by him. "Sure. Look it was great catching up, but me and Melinda have a table waiting."
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aikoiya · 6 months
A DP au idea
A scholar just recently arrived at Amity Park because of a newspaper show 2 ghost that exactly look like the 2 being that is shown through the ancient art and stories that even the most knowledgeable scholar wanting to know about, and that newspaper went to their house in Norfolk and while He could send other to investigate, he felt like investigate it himself as he have some knowledge about the being called ecto ghost from his ex (who got his information from his brother for some reason?)and leave his chapter librarian in charge of the house while the scholar leaves.
After arriving at Amity Park, the scholar looked around the town and, after confusing some locals with his Irish accent, found that the ancient ghosts are called phantom and plasmius(good) and that they are Enemies (weird) and they appear when the ghost first appeared at Amity Park (wait what?)and their defense (aside phantom) is Fenton family and that give the scholar deja vu and before he thinks of this, suddenly ghosts appeared as they causing trouble and a ghost that obsessed with box pressing him and the scholar saw phantom appear and fighting ghost and capturing them into a thermo (for some reason) and before he went after phantom to ask questions, the box ghost distract him and phantom goes away to capture more ghosts, the scholar stand there staring at box ghost and calm down, breath though his nose, and flick his finger through the ghost head using his solar sorcery to give box ghost extreme pain for causing stupidity and walk to the Fenton work to ask questions about ghosts and both phantom and plasmius.
After going to the Fenton work the scholar see a man talking to.... Wait.... No... No no no NO NONO NO NOOOOOOOOOO. Occam stands there, blank eyes ,thinking about his life choices and what goes wrong with it as he got one question for god......
It's actually the continuing post about DPx HTP about Occam O'Connell (hope you watch episode 4) went to Amity Park to investigate phantom and plasmius, the same time the previous dpxhtp post take place, and saw, his ex, Big-D and (unknown to Occam) his brother Jack Fenton. What do you think about my April FOOL and do you get the hint that the scholar is Occam before the reveal?
Funny you should mention it. I literally just got finished watching it!
It was fun! I enjoyed it! Also, Occam was great. I really enjoyed him, but I'm so sad that Lord Fatique was massacred like that.
Anyway, I actually first thought it was from D's perspective, but as soon as Solar magic was mentioned, I was like, "wait... YES!!"
I just love Occam's character & I love the sort of sorcery he uses!
Also, I think that the prank was actually interesting & it could actually make for a fun feature of your story.
Also, my brother told me that Mages bend reality, but they do it through rituals that requires skill & uses components. The way you described them, it sounded more like they could just think of what they wanted & make it so without any sort of preparation. If that's not the case, then I like them the way he described it!
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isa-ghost · 9 months
I need the headcanons, Isa. I need them like I need air. (I also have had very little time to watch QSMP overall, so all of my q!Phil info comes from you) -River
Here's Headcanon Set 1
He's an expert at playing stupid. I don't have any actual situations from canon off the top of my head to apply this to, but his wits are sharp enough for him to pull it off when shit isn't explosively hitting the fan
He hates not being able to fly, flying is/was the main way he would de-stress. Nothing makes him feel lighter than the breeze in his feathers and a breathtaking view
This man's commitment to The Bit is so underestimated. If The Bit was a person, it'd be part of his polycule. People just overlook his ability to commit to a bit because he has to personally find the bit worth committing to
Obligatory Shiny Good Crow Brain mention. Why do you think his backpacks need sorting like once every few weeks (though he neglects them for longer than that)? And shiny is not always literal. Sometimes it means flowers or pretty types of wood or a neat mob.
Every once in a while someone can get him to laugh in a way that Almost sounds like a squawk. He doesn't know how it happens, it's like an involuntary snort laugh, but with cawing.
Unfortunately for him, playfully raising his blood pressure (stares at the kids, Tubbo, the polycule, some others) is kinda funny. It's the way he gets louder the more exasperated he gets.
He has 100% slept so hard that he snored loud enough to earn a kick in the side from Chayanne
Speaking of sleep, this idiot will pass out in that wooden chair and then wake up in the morning and bitch about his neck aching as if he isn't the reason it's aching. Lullah especially has roasted him for this
His dedication to Chayanne and Lullah can go unmentioned bc it's just so obvious but I need everyone to understand it's not just how he'd burn the island to ashes for them. It's also how he'd stop mid-tea party with Lullah, Pomme & Co, dressed the whole nine yards in a tutu, tiara & obnoxious amounts of pretend jewelry to beat the ever-loving SHIT out of a threat
At first Irish Goodbyes were unintentional (which is what made them so funny) but now it's become one of the biggest bits he's committed to. This man loves embodying that gif of the dude going ✌🏻 and vanishing.
Lullah totally told him about the Duolingo "It's Spanish or Vanish" meme. It won't leave his head now
Anytime he does the reverb voice or something he is pulling a megaphone out of his backpack and yelling into it
Because I forgot it in the first hc set and it's too funny for me not to include, I must once again tap the sign that says "Phil and Fit fuck nasty behind Fit's gym." Why do you think the shit Fit says like "big boy" gets such a reaction out of Phil? He's heard it elsewhere
He thinks he has too much self-respect to do it but if he didn't, he'd 100% be the dad to dab or whip-nae nae just to make Chayanne and Lullah faceplant on the ground out of embarrassment
Speaking of faceplanting, Lullah is so good at timing when she does it, it absolutely kills Phil every time. It's like one of the Top 5 ways to get him to crack up
Calling back to the Bit Commitment hc: "The 4th Wall" is a bit he made up and won't stop referencing. It's not that he's fail rping in meta, he's getting conspiracy-style existential as a joke and that's why Lullah hates it so much
Stealing this one from my hcs about my angel OC inspired by Phil: If you put him in water, his wings will involuntarily flap like a bird in a bath. It isn't nonstop, it's like a stim he can't help doing every so often.
He loves Rose so much. She instantly makes him feel safe. He regularly has to resist the urge to passionately gush about her to people because he knows they'd be like What The Fuck Are You On About. Rose is blorbo from his brain (little does he know, she isn't entirely)
He likes to pretend he isn't, but he's sentimental as hell. Why do you think he hasn't changed the ugly dirt shack? Why do you think he has so many backpacks of stuff? He's got that crow hoarder brain but he also just attaches to things to easily. Nostalgia and love for history has him in a death grip. Little does he know, it's a trait he's kept from his past
Speaking of his past, until I get canon story explaining otherwise, in my mind he IS hardcore!Phil but the Federation wiped his memory after somehow managing to invite him to the island. The Ender King & Rose's arrivals into qsmp canon are two very different ways of attempting to trigger his memories. What he thinks are dreams are actually those forgotten memories of what he was doing before coming to the island
Okay that's long enough, look out for a third set because I got another ask waiting for more >:)
EDIT: Here's Set 3 :D
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Since Andrew is taking some well deserved time away from the public at the moment, let's revisit (or visit for the first time, if you're new here) this stunning photoshoot from Mr. Porter, October 2019, when he was doing press for Modern Love and his Ripley casting had just been announced (yes, it's taken that long for it to come out).
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Mr Andrew Scott’s big brown eyes are open wide in amused disbelief. “That was not an Irish accent,” he says in his musical Irish brogue. “That was a West Country accent.” How embarrassing for an interviewer who thought to connect with her subject by lightly mocking Mr Ed Sheeran’s ­– again – not-Irish accent in his cameo in Mr Scott’s episode of Amazon’s upcoming anthology series, Modern Love. Panic sets in. “It’s all right,” he says, soothingly. “It’s all right. Accents are such funny things.”
You know what else is a funny thing? Sitting with Fleabag’s “hot priest” – 2019’s most unexpected sex symbol – in a wine bar in Bermondsey, southeast London, talking about vulnerability, romcoms and love stories. Or, to take another angle: sitting across the table from the deranged Jim Moriarty and letting him pick out a rosé. That tickles, too. Having Hamlet express the need for a mini-break in, he doesn’t know, Copenhagen? Amsterdam, maybe? Surreal.
But actually, Mr Scott, who is wearing what can only be described as a modified sweatsuit (shorts and a zip-up sweatshirt, no shirt beneath) after our photoshoot isn’t funny funny. No, Mr Scott is serious: reserved and contemplative, but with the energy of a theatre nerd who, every once in a while, rests his head in his hands, cupping his fingers around his eyes to form blinkers while he thinks about a question you’ve just asked. In this quiet wine bar. He’s not an evil murderer, an agent of a shadowy organisation, or an overly excited (wink) cleric. He’s just a nice guy who sympathises about the difficulty of parsing the subtleties of the many accents in the British Commonwealth (and beyond).
Mr Scott is still hot off his run in Fleabag, even though the show ran from March to April of this year. A few weeks ago, he received a GQ Men of the Year Award, and just a few weeks after that, was in Los Angeles at the Emmy Awards where Fleabag cleaned up, winning three awards.
Of course, this is not Mr Scott’s big break. He’s been in the business since moving from Dublin to London 20 years ago to pursue acting. His dad worked in employment, helping young people find the right careers and his mother was an art teacher. “They were definitely into following your passion and doing that for the rest of your life,” he says. “Rather than, ‘You should be a lawyer,’ or whatever the fuck.”
And this has been a year for Mr Scott’s passions. Aside from Fleabag, and an episode of Black Mirror that landed on Netflix this June, he’s making a poignant appearance in the aforementioned _Modern Love,_­ which will drop all at once on 18 October. A series of discreet episodes, each one features its own starry cast (Mr Dev Patel, Mr John Slattery, Ms Tina Fey, Ms Anne Hathaway and, of course, Mr Ed Sheeran, among others), based on the much-loved New York Times column from which it takes its name. Mr Scott’s episode, which co-stars Ms Olivia Cooke and Mr Brandon Kyle Goodman, is loosely based on an early column written by the sex-and-relationships writer Mr Dan Savage about the unusual experience he and his partner had with adoption. “It’s just a really sweet little story. It’s not about a romantic relationship,” he says, (many Modern Love entries are not). “It’s simply about the relationships between people.”
He’s also currently filming in Cardiff for the BBC TV series of His Dark Materials. And maybe there’s a Marvel movie in his future? “Oh, fuck. Completely false,” he says. “Someone said, ‘Are you going to be in a thing?’ I said, ‘No,’ and I said, ‘There have been discussions.’ And it’s like ‘Andrew Scott has been in discussions.’”
That’s what happens when suddenly everyone wants you – to use Twitter parlance – to run them over with your car. The Priest, unlike his other characters, was a sex symbol, one that wears the hell (forgive me, Father) out of a cassock. But who could be surprised that Mr Scott turned a priest into the “Hot Priest” simply by saying “kneel”? (If you don’t know what that means, stop reading now, watch the show, come back.) In fact, he has been making words positively drip with meaning for nearly a decade.
Consider Moriarty, the insane criminal puppet master Mr Scott played for six years across four seasons of the BBC’s Sherlock, opposite Mr Benedict Cumberbatch in the titular role. This particular Moriarty – Holmes’ famous nemesis, who has also been played by Messrs Orson Welles, John Huston and Sir Laurence Olivier – is indelible and utterly idiosyncratic. “If you’re going to do it, I don’t see there’s any point in doing it without putting your own stamp on it. I never look at any previous incarnations,” says Mr Scott. The result of this thinking – in Sherlock, at least – was a Moriarty who is all sing-song eeriness, molten physicality, and questionable cutaway collars. “He was quite theatrical; he was grotesque, sort of the archetypal villain,” he says. Archetypal, indeed: the role propelled him into the world of maniacal superfandom. He might not have received a dedicated stan nomenclature like his co-star (ahem, “Cumberbitches”), but the role made Mr Scott a household name.
Of course, establishing yourself as adept at playing evil incarnate probably leads to people wanting to cast you in more Moriarty-like roles. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yep, yeah,” he says, six times. “Yeah, exactly right,” (one more). “I turned down a lot. The shadow of that character took over for a little while.”  The craze got to be so tiresome that he asked the interviewer for a recent profile in The Guardian not to ask him about Moriarty at all (two years after he last appeared in the series). But now he sees a bigger picture, understands how being the object of abject obsession can be a good thing. “I think to answer your questions,” he says, tapping his fingers on the table, “it’s been really good fun.”
Mr Scott demurs when asked what it’s like to be the quencher of many thirsts on the internet. “People don’t say that to me. People don’t say, ‘Oh my God...” He shakes his head and trails off, perhaps in horror of what fans could be saying to him. It’s a little hard to believe that he wouldn’t be mobbed as he walks down the street. After all, one major British publication declared that Fleabag and the Priest were the only couple worth talking or tweeting about this year. (We guess Meghan and Harry, and Kim and Kanye can relax.)
“If I’m honest, it’s only really just starting to dawn on me, the global effect the show has had. People like a bit of transgression, they just do.” Any follower of his career, though, understands that it’s more than just good writing that makes him so very watchable (though good writing, is, politely, what he puts it down to). His chemistry is electric with Ms Phoebe Waller-Bridge, as it was electric with Mr Cumberbatch, and palpable even if you weren’t lucky enough to catch his rendition of Hamlet and – like this interviewer – had to watch a clip on YouTube.
Mr Scott’s character, Tobin, in Modern Love is the most subdued we might ever see him. There’s very little shouting, and none of the wide-eyed glaring that has defined his roles to date. Instead, he plays sweetly, quietly off a tiny baby, and tells goodnight stories to an adorable little girl. Perhaps this is a harbinger of softer roles to come. “I’d love to be in a romcom,” he says. “I love watching people fall in love, and how mad it is.” And yet: it was just announced that he will be playing Tom Ripley in a new adaptation of The Talented Mr Ripley. So much for avoiding the nutters.
“What always amazes me is how innocent we are as human beings,” he says, sidestepping yet another probing question about being so irresistible right now. “We are very easily manipulated by stories. If someone puts scary music behind someone and they’re told this person’s eyes are absolutely terrifying, you go: ‘Oh my God, that person is scary, and his eyes totally freak me out.’”
“But then,” he continues, “[you’re told] ‘the priest is hot, wait till you see him’. And then you look at his eyes in a very different way and it’s the manipulation of the storytelling. It literally changes your character.” Hmmm.
“The success is the writing,” he tries, again, to argue. But it’s hard to be convinced that an actor who’s hopped from one iconic character to another is simply lucky with writing. He sees he’s not getting anywhere and changes tack. “Acting is just a way of experimenting with different parts of myself. Vulnerability is something I’m really, really interested in. I think vulnerability is at the centre of every character I’ve ever played even if they don’t appear or present as vulnerable.”
Throughout this conversation, his eyes have flicked around the bar, and he pauses from time to time to comment on the other patrons. At one point, a woman is coughing so vehemently, he stops mid-sentence to remark, humorously, on whether she might be dying. Now, he spots something on the bar. “Oh my God, she’s reading Brené Brown.” We both turn to stare at the book.
“She writes a lot about vulnerability,” he explains, excited. “[Being vulnerable] is how you get ahead. I really, really strongly believe that. [Vulnerability is] strong, it’s really strong.”
Perhaps this is the secret we’ve been trying to distil about his appeal: Mr Scott uses vulnerability to bring us all into a space of fear or sadness or lust or anger with him so that every character he plays – whether it’s the hottest priest in London, a gay man in Brooklyn trying to become a father, or a murderous villain – thrums with the heartbreak that comes with being human.
“The more I work,” he continues, “the more I just think every story is in some way concerned with love – or the lack of it.” He smiles an earnest little smile and we both know this is the place to stop. “That’s the way life is,” he says. “It’s so fast and furious.”
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Okay I just speedran The Sunshine Court in like 12 hours. I will be rereading it soonly and giving more coherent thoughts but here’s my main takeaways:
- Thought #1: Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck this book exists. I am on the floor I’m so fucking excited.
Spoilers below the cut
- I absolutely love that we get both Jean and Jeremy POVs. It’s great especially because Jean is an oblivious and traumatized and if we just see things through his eyes we would never get to see Jeremy PINING like an absolute icon. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s about the pining, the waiting, the yearning. I’m simple man, I like my books gay, angsty, and with tension you could cut with a knife. This delivers on all accounts.
- I love getting to see the end of tkm from Jean’s perspective. Getting to see him watch the Foxes v Ravens game was incredible. I’m a very big fan.
- Renee and Jean time! Renee giving Jean her cross necklace. I’m in tears, I’m dead, I’m on the floor. It’s not the right time for us 😭. Excuse me? I’m unwell.
- Kevin Day, queen of my heart! Getting to see how someone other than Neil canonically sees Kevin is an absolute treat for me. Jean’s weakness for beautiful men has become known. Me too Jean, me too.
- Jeremy, light of my life, I can’t believe you’re rich. At least your family sucks because I don’t think I could take it if your family was wealthy and nice.
- Jeremy + Jean meeting for the first time. Jeremy trying and failing to play with a yo-yo. I’d die for you. They are ADHD 🤝 Autism solidarity me thinks.
- Montana has a pro Exy team which is not at all plausible but I’ll let it slide because one Montana mention for the win and two the team is called the Rustics which is absolutely what we’d call a pro sports team if we had one. The only reason Montanan’s at large would commit to indoor lacrosse is that Kayleigh Day was Irish and so solidarity.
- Laila and Cat, my beloveds. The description of their apartment has me yearning for the same. They have a bay window with a window seat okay. That’s like in my top three desires for a home.
- Carboard cutout dog with a classic Nora pet name. I’ll love Mister B forever. I love how Jeremy keeps moving him around. I love how Jean hates it.
- Trans characters! Poly characters! Nonbinary characters! Nora, my birthday has come a little late but damn this was a gift!
- I am absolutely pronouncing Jean wrong in my head probably 70% of the time.
- I’m so fucking angry at the Ravens. My blood is boiling and I want to cry. Jean deserved better, Kevin deserved better, Riko deserved better. All the Ravens deserved better. I want to put Tetsugi Moriyama into a blender and feed him to the crows.
- Jean was 16. I’m absolutely incandescent with rage.
- Jeremy is so patient with Jean and I will forever love him for that.
- This book was a lot shorter time frame than I was expecting, mainly because I keep forgetting there’s going to be another one.
- The food control but is driving me crazy. It makes me so fucking mad. Let my boy eat. I want him to be happy.
- Jeremy has seen Jean looking 👀 ummmmmm hello? “More exclusively than you do, I think.” I’m on the floor.
- Laila buying Jean a sex toy?!? Oh my god. What would she even get him? I feel like he deserves a vibrating cock ring or something fun like that. That way service top™️ Jeremy Knox can use it on him when they finally get together.
- I love seeing Neil from Jean’s perspective. It’s funny how different he is from my perspective and Jean’s/everyone else’s. I’ve spent so much time thinking about him from Andrew’s pov that it’s weird seeing him through anyone else’s. Everyone is like this scrappy irritating son of bitch is gonna get what’s coming to him, and Andrew is like, well I can’t not fuck him.
- The second Jean mentions Drake to Neil. And then Neil immediately calls a hit out on Gr@yson. Neil, you will always be famous to me.
- Jean-Yves! I hope he starts using his full name again at some point.
- Elodie :(((((( I can imagine what Jean’s going through and I am so afraid for him. If he keeps pushing all these feelings down he’s going to break sooner or later, but probably sooner.
- Jeremy’s unconditional support of Jean has my whole heart. Jean has friends now. I’m crying.
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
Setting all other discourse about fiction and reality aside, I really love and appreciate how book-readers have decided that SOME little fake guys are actually extremely Real(tm). Like, even in the same BOOK, there will be fictional characters where the reader agrees that the author made a series of conscious and unconscious choices about this character, and there will in the same book be a little guy who absolutely DID exist and DID sentiently do these things.
Okay you need some examples. Most of you will understand Sam Vimes/Terry Pratchett. Everyone understands intellectually that Pratchett was a writer moving his little puppets around (except that Vimes is real, actually.) Pratchett could write Vimes doing ANYTHING and readers would believe it. When you see footlong discourse about Vimes it’s always presented as if he’s a Man who Chose To Do those Things, never a well-worn literary mechanism. People respect him: Sam vimes arrested a dragon - No he didn’t!! Man’s not real! Pratchett could’ve made him do anything! By some apotheosis Sam Vimes is a real little guy.
The character who is the most real is Stephen Maturin, who is much more Real but too obscure to start with. Stephen is the most character ever. He is Irish-Catalan active in 7 different anarchist separatist movements and also serves the British empire also. He is a horrible little scientist doctor surgeon spy, he is VERY dirty, addicted to 3 drugs, plays the cello, has broken every bone, and is smelly also. He has a sloth. He is the predecessor of all “put them in a jar with a twig” blorbos, but unlike YOUR degraded blorbos, he is real, actually. Look at how I write about him. He is our son Stephen who speaks every language. At no point do we accredit Patrick O’B for coming up with any of this hard work, let alone do we accuse him of making Stephen unbelievable or inaccurate. He is a real horrid little man.
With the possible exception of Paddington Bear, who is very polite, most Meta-Real entities are consistently horrid little men. This quality (plus the fact that ACD looms SO VISIBLY and distractingly over his shoulder) may be why Sherlock Holmes is beloved but unreal. He is horrid and detailed, but not little?
As you can see, I am trying to characterise the qualities of these entities, and whether there is a spectrum of reality. Jesus, for example, feels somewhat real, with cloudy edges possibly due to translation artefacts. Gilgamesh might be, ditto. Ishmael is NOT. Lizzie Bennett is a funny one (also a rare real female) because she is not at all real, but you could 100% encounter her ghost. Do you see what I mean here.
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