#WOW forced romance... you... you shouldn't have
mamawasatesttube · 7 months
timcassie is so compelling to me. they were not into each other even a little bit. it was such a messy coping mechanism fuelled entirely by grief. they were making out with each other because they were both substituting each other for kon. cassie was far more aware she was doing this than tim was. unironically, dating a girl here is one of the gayest things tim has done
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artemisaed · 1 year
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#from kile#vi feel like vi shouldn't call vyself gray-aroace anymore#not because vi don't connect with the term. vi absolutely do connect with the term and it just Clicks in a way that other terms dont#but every post vi see says ''aroaces dont feel love'' ''aroaces dont ever want relationships'' ''all aroaces have 38034083480 qpps and HATE#and DESPISE all allos and any normal relationships'' and similar stuff#and like vi absolutely support people who dont want romantic/sexual/normative relationships! if you dont feel love then thats awesome!#one of vy best friends is a loveless aro who doesnt want any romantic relationships and vi think ze's amazing for that#vi think amatonormativity is stupid and dumb and nobody should be forced to conform to any standards of ''your relationship has to be like#this!''#but vi just. dont feel like vi should be in the community. vi feel romantic love and vi am in an at least semi-normative mono relationship#vi dont hate allos or relate to even most of the ''all aspecs relate to this'' posts or want to be poly or hate all romance or any of the#other things that are defining features of the aspec community. vi feel stupid and privileged and like vi dont belong here and vi feel like#vi'm taking away their safe spaces by being here because vi'm not aspec enough and vi don't share their hatred for romance/love and vi'm#basically the amatonormative person that theyre all supposed to be fighting against because vi'm just so extremely not aspec. if you ignore#the fact that vi dont feel attraction very often then vi'm literally just another 100% allo person. vi dont belong in aspec communities and#vi'm afraid that vi'm hurting people by being here because vi'm not really aspec enough. vi cant really put into words exactly why vi have#this uncomfortable lonely hated feeling?? vi cant even describe the feeling well its just. every time people talk about ''omggggg allos do#this and aspecs do that'' vi relate to both of them but usually vi relate to allos more because its always like. ''allos need relationships#and aspecs dont lol we're so much better and cooler aren't they sick freaks for wanting love and romance wow how childish and gross''#and vi just feel. so alone
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lemon-natalia · 7 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 20
i just wanna apologise in advance for how long these posts are getting lol, i have a lot of Thoughts about this book
oh wait nope they are going back to the creepy lab where two people just got murdered. great plan guys
Dulcinea wanting to team up surprised me a little, but it really shouldn't have. she's been paying a lot of attention to the Ninth, and especially Gideon.
'thousands of years after you're gone ... is when you really live' this is such a different, almost warmer, perspective on death and necromancy, and i can see why it appeals to Dulcinea specifically, who's clearly had to come to terms with her mortality pretty early on in life. but its also part of the more disturbing theme that the past never really goes away, and can't help but view this line along the same lines of discovering the ancient study last chapter, and the ancient laboratory, and Canaan House in general, which are only just now having their secrets revealed, and the terrible consequences of those secrets becoming apparent, after thousands of years
'she grasped a railing, leaned over, and proffered her hand' well this is getting very courtly romance
ah yes lets go through the door decorated with a swirl of human teeth, i'm sure there's happy fun times to be had in there. harrow, resident goth interior designer who specialises in bone decor, is probably taking notes as we speak
even after hurting her hand twice, Harrow really just can't resist experimenting even further huh. she's so very reluctant to accept that her existing powers aren't enough by themselves for this
ooohhhh, having to literally suck the life force out of your cavalier to win?? thats so sick and twisted and i love it. these challenges are, again, clearly relying on this intense relationship between the pair, both in trusting them absolutely and in this literal soul-siphoning/melding link thing.
however, it feels like Gideon's really getting the brunt of it in these challenges. Harrow's absolutely putting in an awful lot of effort and power, but it's the cavalier who has to fight the bone amalgamation, the cavalier who has to have their life literally siphoned out. they're about trust and a bond between them, but also seemingly about a willingness to sacrifice your cavalier to achieve that goal, and i have a really bad feeling about where exactly this is going in terms of how exactly one achieves lyctorhood
'under no circumstances will i ever desire your juice' Harrow you may wish to revisit this sentiment when you guys (to my limited knowledge) eventually become girlfriends
'none of this is worth it, at all [...] i'm sorry. We take so much' i'm like 90% sure the voice talking to Gideon throughout all this was Dulcinea, largely because it doesn't really make sense for it to be anyone else, but there were certain lines, specifically these ones, that made me suspicious at first it might be some(one? thing?) else. but it also feels fitting that its Dulcinea coaching her through this.
wow, just wow, i'm really impressed with the writing in this chapter, and how the pain Gideon is feeling is expressed. its such an abstract experience/feeling to describe, but i think its done incredibly well
'Ha-ha, said Gideon, first time you didn't call me Griddle, and died' ok i know she didn't but THANKS for giving me an absolute heart attack with that sentence Tamsyn Muir
Harrow i get understand u are protective of Gideon but let Dulcinea comfort her plz
'you can't just ask someone why they want to be a Lyctor'. ahh the duality of Gideon the Ninth. this just evocative prose about how it feels to be on the brink of death, and then immediately afterwards hits you in the face with a mean girls reference. beautiful, iconic, effervescent.
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nephilimcursed · 29 days
Bella & The Boys Headcannons~ Laito Edition
TW: This has some triggering content.
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"You've been locked in here forever and you just can't say goodbye~ Your lips, my lips, Apocalypse"
OKAY, Y'all know I love Kanato the best- BUT BELLA/LAITO IS JUST WOW-
They're so cute, I swear.
Bella wasn't clueless to all of his remarks, contrary to what y'all might think. She actually gets annoyed though.
She was hit on a lot during Shadowhunter training, by her own instructors. So being around Laito at first makes her cringe bad.
Yeah, she lowkey is done with him at first. Still drawn to him due to having a personality that was intended for him, but hella fed up.
But when she starts to fall- holy fucking shit.
When I write Bella/Laito scenes they don't feel like a stereotypical romance, like Bella/Kanato.
We all know the diaboys never really will change- so Bella was crafted as a mirror, to fit their interest.
So she starts falling for him and tries to get him to engage in deeper talks with her, like about all kinds of things, his interests and stuff.
He taught her piano and they play together.
Laito starts falling for Bella and he's wondering 'Um, what the actual fuck is this??'
He tries to kill her, because he's so scared of what's happening, but he can't bring himself to put the knife deeper in her chest. So she's just wounded.
And by this time, she has a stele again so she can just draw a rune on herself to heal.
So once she does draw that rune on, she's kinda pissed but at the same time quickly gets how scary this must be for him.
Then he tries to kill himself.
To which Bella has to try to calm him down and get him out of his panic attack, so we get a cute cuddle session.
I think seeing Laito in a more sweet tone is just, chef's kiss.
So once she tries to explain to him, he's also kinda '??????'
Doesn't accept it right away.
But then she asks if she has a different effect on him than most other girls.
You can see where I'm going with this.
They're always touching each other in some way- I swear-
The other boys sometimes get jealous.
Laito will randomly sneak into her bed alot, like Ayato did in the anime with Yui.
This one is also super sweet. In Shadowhunter training, they only really teach you stuff to survive and stuff to fit in with higher class society if needed to blend in.
So Bella is clueless about her own body-
Her anatomy, I mean.
Laito is the one to teach her, because he got to talk with her before Reiji did.
He kinda did a good job explaining it?? He tried to do it in a more scientific manner but failed at times and made some jokes.
He also explained male anatomy. Was also a little bad at that-
She ended up getting the gist of it though.
Fucking god- this man is actually so sweet when he wants to be.
Okay, so as y'all know, Bella has an eating disorder because of what The Clave always forces her to do: Work without eating.
So she will go days without food.
Once Reiji and the others all get her to eat at least three meals a day, she starts getting to a healthy weight for her body type (curvy).
But she gets so insecure then.
She was so used to being stick thin, so she never thought her body would change in a way that made her thicker.
It gets to the point where she even tries to starve herself yet again.
Cue Laito to the rescue.
He would basically rave about her every attribute until her ears were sore. Touching, caring, just showing her why she shouldn't be insecure.
Feeds her personally, and expects to be fed back.
He definitely makes her feel pretty again.
Bella isn't vain, but she's just not used to such a thing changing.
Takes her out to candlelit dinners a lot.
Bella doesn't like his fedora by the way, she takes it off all the time.
Laito always laughs though and puts it on her head instead-
"Lai, stop trying to put it on me! I'm not a fucking idiot like you-"
"You love it~"
"Ew, gross-"
They're so silly like that whole exchange would have been teasing on both sides.
Their dates are all in intimate places, not a big crowd. Laito uses his dad's credit card to pay-
He spoilssssss her too. Expensive gifts like designer clothes and lingerie. (EVEN THOUGH SHE CRINGED AT THE LINGERIE-)
In return, she's always trying to do anything for him. In an SFW manner of course.
She slept with him first the day before her birthday, [Not going into detail, don't worry]
Bella was avoiding it though, because she didn't want Laito (or any of the triplets) to start thinking she was just like their mother.
But she gave up and into her craving for him when he convinced her, she still prays he won't see her as another version of that woman because she cares way too much to fuck him over in any way.
She dies the very next day, due to Karlheinz poisoning her tea.
Laito is fucking sobbing as hard as Kanato is and panicking as much as Reiji is when she's foaming at the mouth.
When she dies, he goes ballistic.
Once they kill Karlheinz he's even more upset somehow. Because the pain she felt from the poison was nothing like how they killed Karl.
Visits her grave a lot. A lot, lot.
He keeps what he bought for her as memories.
Laito was devastated.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Cherry Magic TH Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we went on dates with varying degrees of success. Karan tried to impress Achi but never spoke to Achi about any of his desires for a date and everything fell flat. Jinta and Min had an unexpected date in a book store and it was lovely. Pai and Rock were working together, and Rock's feelings for Pai are almost out in the open. Jinta shared his experience with Achi, and Achi immediately went to talk to Karan about what he wants out of their dates, and now the two are excitedly planning the next one. We're heading into the drama about the powers' existence and a rule prohibiting office romance.
If their boss doesn't think employees should date, be probably shouldn't be giving them vouchers for dates.
Poor Pai. She is s shipper. She probably sees what's going on with Rock.
I like the way Min flirts.
Photo booths, my beloved.
We should talk about how Tay Tawan gets more attractive the older he gets.
Oh good. The boss isn't just funding dates.
Ah, there's the spirit of Rokkaku in Rock. He's messing up their dates.
Thank you, CMT, for having this conversation about how out they want to be immediately.
Very cool to have a shadow pass over Karan as they get caught immediately. I'm glad because I was not interested in a closet storyline this late into the show.
Oh, Jinta. He is going through it.
Seems silly to try to force them to break up at this point once it's started. They're both adults in their 30s. Be serious.
Good job, Karan. Reject this stupid contract.
"Prove to me your worth, gays. Go make me 3 million baht."
I love Jinta and Min. Min really went out of his way to help Jinta.
I do NOT like this. We're making Karan prove the economic visibility of his relationship to the point that he has to go before a woman who molested him before? This is a gross choice.
Wow I hate everything about this. Tanaka should have done this before he let Karan get molested again.
Well, at least Achi revealed his powers so this episode wasn't a total bust on their end.
Okay, I really hated this episode. I didn't enjoy them treading water on this stupid plot with their boss. Facing someone everyone knows is going to molest Karan for the arbitrary sales target only to show up at the next stage of escalation is awful. I hated this so much. I don't care if this was in the source material, because this sucked. This did nothing to bring Achi, Karan, or their friends closer together. This show was doing so well and then they did this.
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autumn-foxfire · 8 days
Movie 21, the Crimson Love Letter. I've never watched this one before but I know Momiji, whose character was introduced as Kazuha's love rival, is often reduced down to her boobs in a similar way that Sera is.
Kogoro, that is a teenager. Can you NOT behave this way with girls the same age as your fucking daughter.
"In Heiji's words 'she's always getting jealous'" and I repeat, that is not a good sign for a healthy relationship.
Ran, you shouldn't have to parent your own father T-T I'm so sorry you have such terrible parents.
Usually movie Kogoro is a decent man. This is not one of these times.
And this is the first time that Momiji's boobs are mentioned. Oh Heiji actually looked interested.
Kazuha, being jealous is okay and normal, behaving like this is not. You're not dating Heiji, yet. Yes the girl showed interest in him but you could tell from Heiji's original reaction he was confused by what she was talking about.
I just realised the opening for this movie is quite tame considering the last couple of movies. Even with the bomb threat.
Heiji, don't grab another girl, Kazuha will get jealous (though he's just as bad).
Okay, Kogoro is being a responsible father and not letting his child enter a building with a bomb threat. It doesn't excuse his previous behaviour though.
The movies are a slut for Shinichi's skateboard. As they should be.
Of course Shinichi saved Heiji and put himself in danger instead as he really only thinks about others lives before remember to put his own first.
Oh fuck off. (Sorry that's always my response when they try and force the romance btween Shinichi and Ran in moments it's not needed).
At least Heiji returned the favour and saved Shinichi. But he needs to go to the hospital because he's small and inhaled a lot of smoke and was near a lot of exploding debris and was also caught in the tail end of another explosion. Not to mention he also almost passed out. Just let him be injured movies, I promise it won't hurt. Us.
Heiji: Did you know this would happen?
Shinichi: No but with my track record I figured something might.
Kids have no filter.
Momiji, that isn't how feelings work.
Shinichi, Ran, take note. I don't like how jealous Heiji and Kazuha can be, but at least they're very clearly into one another.
Oh, Ai's hair is no longer as blonde in the movies. Good, I really like the reddish brown colour of her hair.
Agasa: Sorry, I'm concerned about my grandchildren T-T
Ai, when Shinichi rings: You made granddad worry.
Awww, even when she's sick, she looks after her friends. Sonoko is precious.
Kazuha that was terrifying.
And Heiji is showing us he does care for Kazuha and acknowleding he might have hurt her feelings by asking his mom to help her practise for the competition. Wow, romance isn't dead.
Ran: Kazuha will be disheartened if she sees a picture of a time Heiji has already he didn't remember.
Me: Why?
LMAO Shinichi, you should have just waited outside the room if you didn't want to get caught. Or hid under the table.
Ran has just been reduced to the babysitter in this movie, hasn't she.
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He's such a nerd T-T His email is based after the sign of four.
Heiji and Shinichi should be way more injured then that. They were incredibly close to the explosion and didn't have a car's wall to protect them.
Why are the Heiji movies so incredibly dull T-T The Kyoto one was also pretty boring. Come on, I know they can be better than this.
LMAO I love Shinichi just admitting he's better than the police. He, the seven year old. He's not even wrong T-T
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Wait until your own "love interest" didn't develop love for you, he just loved you the moment he met you before he even knew you.
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She looks so upset that Shinichi is going to keep his "promise" to her. Probably because she doesn't want to him to keep it but she knows he will because he feels obligated to.
How interesting. Ran picks a card about friendship to represent her and Shinichi and even just says she wants to tell him lots of things (but not implying it is romantic in any way but a friend who wants to catch up).
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While Kazuha chooses a very clearly romantic one and even sees Heiji when she says the line.
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Very interesting.
Awww I love the kids sending Shinichi pictures and Shinichi laughing at how ridiculous and adorable they're being.
I love how Heiji told Shinichi to put out the fire while he just got them to the building.
Oh this is a guy who just supports his wife's wrongs. Nothing wrong with that XD (I'm joking, of course).
Oof and the guy was murdered by his first love instead of getting the compliment he wanted. This wouldn't have happened if they had been a throuple, just saying :p
LOL Heiji's screaming for Kazuha when Shinichi is the one who fell off the building.
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Shinichi looks cute as a drowned rat.
Heiji: If you die, I'll kill you.
He's so eloquent.
Lmao Heiji's just like: I don't know how Kudou can live like this all the time.
And this is what happens when you hinge your love on a promise made by a child.
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bexleyfix · 1 year
Wild Child
(an Eddie Munson One Shot)
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WARNINGS AND TRIGGERS: 18+ ONLY (NO MINORS) NSFW: Mature sexual content, Smut [oral sex, OFC losing virginity, unprotected sex (wrap it up, fools!)], teen mom, pining, angst, lots of super duper cutesy feel-good fluff, swearing, smoking, drinking, mentions of substance abuse, controlling parents
RELATIONSHIPS: Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!OFC ♡ unknowing dad Eddie, previous relationship; old flames; rekindled romance; brief appearances by Dustin and Wayne; mentions of Robin
SUMMARY: [AU: no Vecna] Julie Duncan's controlling parents despised her boyfriend. Forcing her to leave Hawkins in the summer of 1984, Julie returns four years later intending to reconcile with her long-lost love, Eddie, and a life-changing secret.
*Reposting with credit to me is permitted, but copying, translating, or posting my work as your own is expressly forbidden. I do not give my consent*
"Come on, Eddie, just accept that when it comes to Pacman, I'm better than you."
"'Scuse me."
"No way, Henderson. Best two outta three. Let's go."
"'Scuse me."
"You're such a sore loser. Ya know that?"
"'Scuse me. M-Mistew Metalhead?"
Eddie felt a tug on his jacket. "Henderson, what are you---?" He did a double take, spotting a tearful little boy yanking on his vest. The kid couldn't have been more than three or four years old. Giving Dustin a bewildered look, Eddie knelt, eminently concerned. "Um, hey there, little man. What's wrong?"
"I-I can't find my Mommy. And you'we a metalhead. Mommy said, if I evew get lost, find a scawy metalhead, and dey'll help me."
Eddie and Dustin both chuckled. "Alright, I don't know if I should be offended or flattered. What's your name, little man?"
"M-my name's Gage."
"Well, Gage, my name's Eddie," Eddie held out his hand and the little boy shook it, "and this is my friend, Dustin." Dustin gave the boy a toothy smile and waved.
"Nice to meet you."
Eddie laughed. The kid was so fucking cute. "Same here, little man." He looked up at Dustin and then back to Gage. "Um... let's go find your Mommy." He stood up and took the boy's hand. "Two outta three, Henderson. I'll be back."
Gage waved goodbye to Dustin before following Eddie around the arcade.
"So, what's your mommy look like?"
"Um, she's pwetty. She has long bwown haiw, and she's dis tall." Gage brought his hand to Eddie's shoulder to demonstrate. "She's weawing a jacket, l-like you and me."
Eddie noticed the boy's little battle vest. "Hmm, let's see what we got here." He knelt again to check out all the buttons and patches. "You listen to all this stuff?"
"Oh yeah! Mommy and I do."
"Really? Which one's your favorite?" Gage turned around and pointed to his back patch. "W.A.S.P.? Your Mommy lets you listen to W.A.S.P.?"
"Yeah, yeah! Well, some songs she covews my eaws duwing pawts, but I like da fast guitaws, and the bwood and guts. It's soooo cool. Mommy calls me hew little wild child. Dat's my favowite song, 'Wild Child'. Mommy also says my daddy looks like Bwackie, and he pways guitaw. Hey! You like 'em too!" Gage pointed excitedly to the W.A.S.P. pin on Eddie's vest.
Eddie looked down and chuckled. "That I do, little man. I also play fast guitars."
"You do?! Wow! Can you teach me?"
Eddie couldn't control his laughter. "Well, um... why doesn't your Daddy teach you?"
"I nevew met my Daddy. It's just me and Mommy."
Ok? Definitely more to this story than meets the eye. "Ah, well, we'll see, little man. Let's find your Mommy first, ok? If she's dressed like us, she shouldn't be hard to spot." As they circled the arcade, Eddie glanced around looking for any clash of character in the proverbial sea of conformity.
"Thewe she is. Mommy!"
Gage let go of Eddie's hand and ran to the waiting arms of the distressed woman crouched down on the floor. The kid wasn't exaggerating. His mom is pretty. She had long, flowing, dark hair, and she was wearing skin-tight, black, ripped jeans and a black tank top, with combat boots, and a jean battle jacket. Eddie smiled, letting out a sigh of relief as she scooped up the boy and trapped him in a huge hug. But then... recognition set in, and his smile faded into a look of disbelief.
"Oh my God, Gage! I was so worried. Are you alright? Jesus, I was looking all over for you. You scared me half to death. What did I tell you about running off? You could've been kidnapped." I looked him over worriedly, making sure he was in one piece.
"I'm sowwy, Mommy. I didn't mean to scawe you. I saw da Twon game and wanted to pway."
"It's-it's ok, baby, just... say something next time, ok? Don't run off by yourself... ever!" I squeezed him again.
"Ok, Mommy. But I did what you said. I found a scawy metalhead, and he helped me."
"Oh, you did, huh? At least you retained something I've told you. Where is this scary metalhead, so I can..." When I spotted the 'scary metalhead' my heart practically stopped. "Eddie..."
"Hi, Pippin. It's been a long time." God, you looked more beautiful than ever.
I felt the sudden urge to cry as Eddie and I stared at each other in complete shock. Pippin... I hadn't heard that name in years. That's been his nickname for me since sophomore year art class. Eddie would tell me I reminded him of Pippin from Lord of the Rings 'cause I was constantly eating, loved mushrooms, and I'm short. I nodded, trying to control the beating of my racing heart as I was immediately transported back to the spring of '84. A momentary flash of our naked, sweaty bodies in the heat of passion. "Um, yeah... yeah, it has."
"Mommy, you know Eddie?"
"Uh, yeah... yeah, baby, I do. We're uh... we're old friends." I still couldn't believe he was standing in front of me.
"Cool! Mommy, Eddie likes W.A.S.P. He's gonna teach me how to pway fast guitaws."
"Oh, is that so?" I smirked at Eddie. He shrugged and smiled softly.
"Yeah, yeah! Pwease, Mommy, pweeaase!"
"Um, we'll see, Gage." I stared at Eddie. I wanted to run to him, trap him in my arms, kiss his perfect, pouty lips, bury my head in his neck, inhale his musky scent, and never let him go... but I was frozen in place. "Uh... thank you... Eddie. So, uh, w-what're you... what're you doing here? I thought you'd be in California."
"Naw, that didn't work out."
"I'm... I'm sorry. I know that was important to you."
"Yeah, well... some things are more important."
I nodded, feeling sheepish, knowing full well what he meant.
"It, um... it was for the best though. I got a job at the plant, and Wayne and I, we bought the old body shop, and business is good, so..."
"Well, that's... that's great, Eddie. Really great."
"So... a kid, huh?"
His expression hardened, and seeing it felt like a punch to the gut. I knew what he was thinking. "Um... yeah. This is Gage."
Eddie nodded. "Yeah, we've uh... we've met." He stared at the ground, poking at the carpet with the toe of his sneaker. "So, um... what're you doing here? Last I heard your family moved to Massachusetts."
"Um, yeah, well, my parents are still there. I uh... I just moved back a couple of months ago. Cheaper, ya know? And surprisingly, I, um... I kinda missed the place. Small-town life it's... it's not so hectic."
"Yeah, I get it." There was a brief moment of uncomfortable silence. "Well, you should come by the shop later. We can catch up. I know Wayne would love to see you. Bring little man here. He can give Wayne the run-around."
"Um, yeah... yeah, maybe I will."
"Good. Well, uh, bye, little man." Eddie knelt and looked at Gage. "It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again soon."
"Yeah, yeah! Me too, Eddie!"
Eddie held up his hand. Right on cue, the little guy slapped him a high-five. Eddie shook it off, playfully feigning pain. "OUCH! That was a good one." He stood up and faced you. "I'll, um... I'll see you around?"
"Yeah... see ya around."
Eddie nodded and strolled away, struggling to breathe. His heart felt like it would jump out of his chest. Julie Duncan... the love of his life. The one who got away. No other girl ever compared to you... and no girl ever will. Ever since the day you left, he's been restless. Yearning for a chance to see you again... but here you were, and he desperately hoped this wouldn't be the last.
Eddie? Eddie Munson? In the flesh. I couldn't control my tears as I drove home.
"Mommy, what's Wong? Why you sad?"
I tried to hide my emotions, but Gage was too perceptive. "Um, it's... it's nothing, baby. I'm just... happy, is all." I sniffed and forced a smile. "Tears of joy, wild child."
"Because of Eddie?"
"Um... yeah, baby. Mommy hasn't seen him in a long time, and... well, we uh, we were really good friends."
"Well, I like him. He's cool. Can we see him latew? Pwease, Mommy?"
God, those eyes. Just like his dad, Gage has those vast, chocolate brown eyes that were impossible to deny. "Um, yeah... yeah, sure. Let's uh... let's go home and have lunch. You take your nap, and... and we'll go."
I carried a sleeping Gage to his bed. His little face, every time I looked at it I saw Eddie. I brushed Gage's curly locks from his cheek, kissed him, and walked downstairs to my shop.
Sitting in a fog, I was consumed by anxiety, unable to concentrate on work. I knew Eddie wasn't in California, and I knew about the body shop, but I also knew he took our breakup hard and was in no state for a reunion... not until recently, anyway. What if I tell Eddie the truth about everything, and he hates me? What if... what if he never wants to speak to me again? I knew that wasn't likely, but I feared his reaction. Either way, I owed Eddie an explanation, owed him the truth... him and Gage. I had so many things running through my mind I was mentally exhausted. Resting my head on my desk, I allowed myself a daydream...
(March, 1984)
"Here we are, Pip!"
Eddie opened the back of his van and lifted me inside effortlessly. Taking a seat next to me, he retrieved a six-pack, handed me a beer, and then pulled my head to his shoulder. We sat in a comfortable silence staring at the mirky, yet peaceful, waters of Lover's Lake.
"Mmm, this is nice. I missed you, Munson."
"Yeah, me too." He kissed you sweetly. "I wish your parents didn't hate me. This sneakin' around shit sucks."
"I know. But it doesn't matter what I say, they won't listen to me. They think you're a bad influence. It's fucking frustrating."
"Hmm... maybe they're right."
"Well, of course they are. You're the big, bad, Satanic hooligan who's gonna corrupt their sweet little girl," I joked. "Really, though. You know I don't believe that. My parents are so overbearing. They've always hated my music, and any bad habits I hide from them are definitely no fault of yours."
Eddie chuckled, then became somber. "Where do they think you are today?"
"At Robin's. She's got my back."
"I really am sorry. I know you hate lying to them."
"Don't be sorry, Eddie. They're not giving me a choice. I mean, yes, I hate it. I wish I could just... snuff out my conscience 'cause I'm constantly paranoid they're gonna find out about us... but you're worth the risk."
"Hmm... you're too good to me, Pippin. Gimme those lips. Mhhhhh. So I guess we just stick to the plan then?"
"Yeah. We just need to hang in there a little longer. I mean, we're about to graduate. Well, I am, at least," I joked, nudging him playfully. "We can save up, and when you graduate, we can go to California, and we won't have to sneak around anymore."
"I know. I just miss you so much, but I'll do anything for you, even suffer in silence, and I'll always wait for you." He pulled you in front of him and wrapped his arms around your shoulders as you stared into the oncoming darkness. "I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you."
Our eyes met. He was smiling brightly. I turned to face him, my legs at his sides, and I inched closer, resting my hands on his chest. He stared at me longingly, leaned in, and gently kissed my lips, but the kiss became hungry and eager, and it was warranted. His hands began to roam, and he pulled off my shirt. When I went to remove Eddie's his head got stuck in the collar, and we both started laughing. He grabbed my face and ravaged my lips, reaching his hands behind my back to unclasp my bra. "Mmm, Eddie... Eddie, wait."
He broke away, breathing heavily. "What? What is it?"
"Will, um... will you be my first?"
He paused, released a breathy laugh, and stared at me in astonishment. Nodding he crashed his lips to mine and gently eased me onto my back, hovering over me as he searched my face. I smiled bashfully, starting to shake.
"Hey, hey, hey... are you sure you want this? I mean, I'm down... but we don't need to rush if you're not ready."
"No, I um... I'm ready, just nervous." I stared into Eddie's deep brown eyes. "I love you, Eddie. I want this with you."
"Ohhh..." He whined, leaning down to claim your lips. "Mhhh, Jesus... mhhh. I love you too, Pip. Since the moment I saw you walk into art class, I've been mad for you."
He cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes the instant his lips met my neck. He removed my bra, running his tongue between my tits as he cupped them in his talented, ringed hands. He trailed wet kisses down my belly, flicking my skin lightly with his tongue. Sitting back on his heels, he carefully undid the button of my jeans, pulled them off, and ran his palms up my pale, quivering thighs, studying my body with every touch.
"Oh, fuck... you're so wet for me."
His hand glided gently over my soaked panties and I whined.
"Pippin... can... can I taste you?"
I gave him a shy nod. He let out a breathy laugh and hovered over me again, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
"Don't be nervous. It's just me. It's your Eddie. I'm gonna make you feel good, yeah?"
"Good. Um... let me know if anything bothers you. I'll stop."
I nodded. "I trust you, Munson."
He smiled blissfully. "Ok. Just relax. I've got you."
I watched on as Eddie trailed his lips down my body, stopping to take my hard nipples gently into his mouth, and teasing them with his tongue. My breathing hitched, and my back arched.
"Ooo... you're so sensitive."
He continued to tease me, trailing his tongue down my stomach until he reached my soaked panties. Easing my legs from them, he cupped his hands under my knees, and spread my legs, gently rubbing my inner thighs.
Eddie was transfixed. Staring at your glistening slit, he settled between your legs and ran two fingers through your wet heat. "Jesus, you're so fucking beautiful. Mhhh, God, you smell so good." He whimpered once more and gave in to desire, running the flat of his tongue from your ass to your sensitive clit. "Mggghh, fuck, that's so good. Mmmm..." He dove right back in, lapping and teasing until you were squirming. "Mhhh, you like that, Pip?" You smiled and nodded. "Good. I'm gonna stick my fingers inside you and stretch you out, ok? Get you nice and ready for me."
I sucked in a breath as I felt his fingers enter me.
"Awww, fuck... you're so tight." He returned his mouth to your aching clit, sucking gently as he fucked you with his fingers.
I bucked my hips and whined at the pleasure from his every touch. Grabbing my tits, I teased my nipples as he worked his magic. "Mmm, hmm... Eddie. Feels so... hhhhhh... so fucking good."
"That's my good girl. Jesus, you're-you're so fucking hot. Mhhh... I-I want you to cum for me. Cum on my tongue. Hhhhhmmm."
The moment he curled his fingers, my back arched, and my body tensed.
"Hmmmm... oh... oh fuck... MMM! That's it. Cum for me, baby girl. Cum for me."
The instant his lips resumed contact with my clit, I lost it. "Ohhhhhfffffffuck... hmmmyGOD!... Eddie! EDDIE! Oh... yeeeeeeeees!"
"Mmgggg! That's my girl. Mhh, mhhFuck! You taste so goddamn good. Hhhmm."
He took one last taste and wiped his face with his shirt. We stared at each other, smiling as he undid his belt and removed his jeans. Once they were off, he leaned down and stared into my eyes.
"You're on the pill, right?"
"Ok, good. I'm gonna ease into you, ok? You'll feel some pain, but I need you to push through it. Can you do that for me?"
"Good girl... wrap your arms around my shoulders. Yeah, just like that. Eyes on me, ok? I'm just gonna get between you... ok, you feel me pressing against you?" You nodded. "Alright. I'm just gonna... ease the tip in... OhhhhhFUCK!"
I hissed sharply at the searing pain and clung to him.
"I know, I know, baby girl. Just... just relax, ok? Relax. Fuck! You're squeezing me so tight. You've-mrrrr... you've gotta relax, Julie. Focus on my face. I've got you. Eddie's got you. I'm gonna push some more, ok? Just breathe."
He pushed further inside me, smoothing my hair back as I tried to concentrate on breathing. I shut my eyes tight.
"No, no, no. Look at me... focus on me. I'm-I'm almost in." You nodded fervently. "That's my girl. Just gonna... ohhhhhhhhhhh... god... DAMMIT! uhhhhhhhahahahahaha! That's it, Pip. I'm inside you. Oh, fuck! I'm actually inside you. Shit! You feel so good."
My breathing started to even out, and I began to relax.
"Ok, I'm... I'm gonna start moving. I'll go slow, ok? Let you... mmm... let you get used to me. Here we go. Holy shit! We're really doing this."
We both laughed bashfully. Eddie wrapped his arms around my back and started moving in and out of me slowly and gently. His whimpers were music to my ears.
"Oh, oh Jesus. I-I love you so much, Julie. I've wanted this for so... so long. Don't ever leave me, please. Please ... stay with me forever. I'm begging you. Hmmm..."
"Eddie, I won't. I promise I won't. I love you too much."
He leaned down and kissed you passionately as his pace started to quicken. "That's my good girl. Just... just feel me. Hmgghh... goddammit, this... this is heaven. You're my angel, Pip. Oh, come 'ere."
He pulled me upright as he sat back on his heels.
"There we go. Wrap your legs around me, and hold tight, ok? This is gonna hurt, but I need you to trust me. I'm gonna grab onto your ass, and thrust into you, yeah?"
I nodded. The moment I felt him thrust into me, I saw stars. "Ow, ow, Eddie... Eddie, it hurts!"
"Ok, ok... sh, sh, sh, sh, shhhhh, it's ok. Look."
I looked down and started freaking out. "Oh my god, there's so much blood!" He immediately pulled me to him, holding me tight.
"It's ok. It's ok. That-that's normal. I popped your cherry, doll. I had to get that outta the way. It's all downhill from here, ok? It won't hurt as much now." He pulled back and grabbed your face. "Hey... that was the hard part, but you did it. You gave yourself to me. We belong to each other now. I'm gonna make you feel good, yeah? Just be with me now, Pip. Be with me."
He returned his hands to my ass and started his slow thrusts, and the pain began to subside.
"That's my girl. Feels... mhhhh, feels so good."
I released my grip on his shoulders and grabbed his face, leaning my forehead on his. I started to meet his thrusts, getting used to the feel of him. "Oh, God... hhhhhh, Eddie... this, this feels amazing."
He smiled happily, and our lips locked.
"Mmm... you-you wanna try being on top?" You nodded happily. "Ok, let me just... get my legs... there we go. I'm gonna lie back. You-you just... move your hips. Do what feels good, yeah?"
"O-ok... just... ooooooooooFUG!"
"Is-is that good?"
He nodded, half dazed, and breathing heavily. "M-mm-mh... uhhhhhhhhhhh... fuck, that feels so fucking good. Ohhh, you're perfect... ha!" He let out a breathy laugh and grabbed your hips, coaxing you to grind harder. "Mmmfuckfuckfuckyess... MMMM!" He ran his palm over your tits, down to your swollen clit, and started rubbing circles with his thumb.
I spread my knees wider, trying to increase the friction. My mouth was hanging open as I ground myself onto him. His dick felt so fucking good, so full inside me, and I could feel the tingling sensation start to increase. "O-oh fuck... Eddie! I-I think I'm gonna cum."
"Yes! Cum for me, baby girl. I want your beautiful pussy to make a mess all over my cock."
He started rubbing my clit faster, and I about cried. "Oh, God! Oh, God, Eddie... Fuck! Uhhhhhh!" High-pitched squeals escaped my lips as my walls clenched around him.
"OhhhhhhfuckYES! Hmmm, hmm... That's my girl! Mhhh! Come 'ere, come to me."
He pulled me down to his chest, wrapped his arms tightly around my back, and started pumping into me at a rigorous pace.
"Ohhhhhhfuckfuckfuck... I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna... fucking cum inside you. Oh, my beautiful giiiiiirlFUCK! YES! OHHHHH... ohhhhhhhhhhJESUS! Hmmhmmhmmmm."
I could feel his movements start to cease, his glorious laughter reverberating through his chest. I lifted my head and looked at him.
"You ok? You feel good?"
I nodded and we beamed at each other. My face hurt from smiling so hard, and then I started to cry.
"Awww, noooo... don't cry." He grabbed your face and kissed you tenderly. "Hey? This is a happy moment."
I nodded again as he wiped the tears from my face. "I-I know. And I am... so fucking happy." I leaned down and hugged him so tight I was practically crushing him. He continued to laugh as he stroked my hair. "I love you so much, Eddie. My God, I love you so much."
"Hey, I'm here, Pippin, I'm here. And I'm never letting you go."
"Huh? What?" I was roused from my thoughts by Gage's sweet, little voice. "What is it, baby? Can't sleep?"
"No. And I peed."
I laughed. "Um, did you at least try and make it to the potty?"
"Yeah, but I didn't make it."
"Well, that's ok, wild child, as long as you tried. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."
"Then can we go see Eddie?"
I tried to hide my oncoming tears by forcing a smile. "Um, a bit later, baby. Mommy needs to finish this order, and um... then we'll go."
He looked so disappointed. "Hey, um... after we get you cleaned up, why don't you grab your crayons and sit with me while I work? You can draw Eddie a picture."
"Yeah! I'll dwaw him a guitaw."
"That's perfect, baby. You know, he has a Warlock."
"Ooo! Like Bwackie?"
"Yeah, like Blackie, but Eddie's is a red animal print, not black."
"Wooooow, cooool! I hope I get to pway it."
"I do too, baby. I do too."
We sat in the parking lot for what felt like an eternity. I was so fucking nervous. Things ended so badly between me and Eddie, I'm surprised he wanted to see me at all.
"Mommy, awe we going in?"
"Yeah, we are, baby. Come on."
I turned off the car and ushered Gage across the parking lot. The building's huge sign read 'WAYNE'S AUTO BODY'. When I reached the door, I stopped, took a deep breath, and pushed it open. At the sound of the door's bell, the man behind the counter lifted his head and stared at me as if he'd seen a ghost. I gave him a shy wave. "Hi, Wayne."
"Heh, heh, heyyyy! Julie!"
Wayne rounded the counter and strolled over to us, wrapping me in a huge hug. It was so good to see him again. He pulled back and looked me over.
"Good Lord, girl, it's good to see ya. Eddie said he ran into you. I almost didn't believe him. How've you been, kiddo?"
"I've, I've been good. Much better now. Um... I wanted to thank you, Wayne... for always being supportive. You've been my lifeline."
"Yeah, well... you're welcome, kiddo. You kids were dealt a bad hand, but you're both in a better place now." He leaned toward you and whispered, "I gotta warn ya though, he's still in a lotta pain, but seeing you... with the boy... it made things a bit worse. I'm sure he's thinkin' that..."
"That Gage is someone else's kid? That I lied about my feelings for him... moved on immediately without any regard for his feelings?" Wayne nodded solemnly. "Yeah... I kinda got that impression too."
"Julie, this ain't gonna be easy. When he finds out what we did he's gonna be angry, he's also gonna feel guilty as hell, but I promise ya... he will understand. Just go easy on 'im. Everything'll be alright. Just stay strong, kiddo."
He clapped his hand on my shoulder, and I smiled.
"And this must be Gage." He bent down to get a better look at the little boy. "Good Lord, would ya look at that? He's a spitting image." Wayne looked at you and smiled.
"Yeah, I... I know." I started to cry. Wayne hugged me again and kissed my cheek. I wiped my tears away and turned my attention to Gage. "Um, Gage, this is Wayne. He's Eddie's uncle."
"Hi, Wayne." Gage held out his hand, and Wayne laughed as he shook it.
"Well, aren't you a proper little gentleman? Nice ta meetcha, kiddo."
"Whewe's Eddie? I made dis fo him." Gage held up his drawing to Wayne.
"Well, would ya look at that? You drew this yourself?" Gage nodded proudly. "Well, lemme tell ya somethin', Gage." Wayne knelt. "This looks just like Eddie's guitar. He's gonna love this picture. Why don't you hang onto that, and I'll go get him."
Wayne ruffled Gage's little curls, and I looked on as he disappeared into the garage. I felt nauseous, and I almost died when I saw Eddie walk in. He was wearing coveralls with rolled-up sleeves, his favorite bandana, a cigarette hung from his lips, and he was covered in grease. He beamed when he saw us.
"Hey, you came."
Almost... holy shit, does he look fuckable!
"Eddie!" Gage ran to Eddie and hugged his leg.
"No, Gage, he's... covered in grease." I trailed off.
"Aww, a little dirt won't hurt him, huh, little man? Gimme five." Gage slapped Eddie's hand.
"What's this?" Eddie grabbed the drawing and started laughing. "Did you draw this?"
Gage nodded happily. "Yeah! I made it fo you! Mommy said you have a guitaw like Bwackie."
Eddie chuckled and knelt. "Aww. This is rad. It looks just like my sweetheart. I love it! Thanks, little man." Gage reached up and hugged Eddie. Eddie chuckled, wrapped his arms around Gage, and smiled at me.
"Ha! Um... you guys hungry? I was gonna order a pizza."
"Ooo, yeah, yeah. I wuv pizza!"
"Great, um... come on upstairs."
We followed Eddie up a flight of stairs into a two-bedroom apartment.
"Um, sorry about the mess. Make yourselves at home. I'm gonna take a quick shower."
"Hey, little man. You like He-man?"
"Yeah, yeah!"
"Have you seen 'Masters of the Universe'?" Gage nodded excitedly. "Well, I'm gonna pop this on for you, and I'll be back in a few, yeah?"
"Yeah!" He gave Eddie another high five, and Eddie popped the movie into the VCR.
"I'll be back."
When he squeezed my shoulder and smiled, I felt like I would pass out. I haven't felt his touch in four years. About fifteen minutes later, Eddie walked into the living room wearing the old Corroded Coffin t-shirt I made for him and his black jeans. His shirt was so tattered and wet from his hair, and it did nothing to hide his dark happy trail. Eddie noticed me staring and winked. That always drove me crazy. I looked away, exhaling heavily.
"You want a beer?"
"Uh. Yeah, sure."
"And for Gage?"
"Um, he has his sippy cup."
"Alright. The pizza should be here soon. You still like mushrooms, Pip?"
"That I do."
"Good." Eddie shut the fridge, walked over, and handed you a beer.
"Thanks." He smiled at me, sat down on the couch next to Gage, and propped his feet up on the coffee table.
"Look at him. Not even a blink." Gage's attention was fixed on the TV.
"Yeah. This movie's one of his favorites."
The doorbell rang. "Oh, there's the pizza." He hopped up and returned within a minute setting the pizza on the coffee table. "All right, guys. Eat up."
I was so nervous, I barely managed to force down a piece, but as anxious as I was, I did my best to be patient, blissfully watching as Eddie and Gage interacted during the movie. They've already been robbed of so much time together. I wasn't gonna deny them this.
When the movie ended, Gage was almost out cold. He kept nodding in and out, so he climbed onto Eddie's lap, settled against his chest, stuck his thumb in his mouth, and closed his eyes. Eddie looked stunned. Not knowing what to do, he carefully put his arm around Gage and patted his back.
"He, um... he's taken a liking to you."
"Yeah, no shit. He could give Dustin a run for his money."
"Who's Dustin?"
"That's a long story."
I noticed him staring at his smokes, then back at Gage.
"You need a cigarette?"
"Yes, please. Is-is it ok if I smoke near him?"
I nodded pulling two smokes from his pack. I lit them and handed one to Eddie.
"Thanks, Pip."
With one arm still draped around Gage, Eddie took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled, his eyes never leaving my face.
"So... you look good. A lot different from the shy, sheltered girl I knew. It suits you."
"Thanks. You uh... you look exactly the same." I smiled bashfully and averted my gaze.
"So... where you stayin'."
"I um... I bought the little building on the corner of Main and 7th and turned it into my shop. I'm like... a glorified seamstress. I do screen printing, embroidery, make and repair clothing and costumes, and shit. The building's a lot like this place. Gage and I... we live upstairs."
"You always were great at all that. I still have all my shirts."
"Including this one, I see."
He chuckled. "Yeah. It's always been my favorite." He dipped his chin to his chest and picked at the shirt. "Things got so many holes in it, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it. It um... it reminds me of you."
Jesus, you could cut the tension with a knife, but I nodded and smiled.
Eddie puffed out a breath. "So um... enough with the small talk. Let's address the elephant in the room, shall we?"
My heart jumped into my throat.
"Don't take this the wrong way. I really am glad to see you... but what the hell are you doing here?"
"What? Like here, here... or in Hawkins?"
"Both. Four years, Julie. I mean... I understand why you had to leave, but what I don't understand... is why you never tried to contact me. Not a phone call or-or a letter. Nothing. I never understood how you could just... discard me like that."
My resolve was fading. The pain in his eyes was too much to bear, and I could feel the onset of tears.
"I loved you, Julie. I would've done anything for you. We-we shared something... so special, and you just... well, you ripped my fucking heart out." Eddie looked down at Gage, and tears started welling in his eyes. "I guess, now I know why. I mean, he's gotta be what, three?"
I nodded, picking nervously at my fingers.
"That's... that's quick work, Julie."
"No... you promised me, Julie. You promised... that you wouldn't give up on us."
"Eddie... I know you're angry, but..."
"Angry? I'm fucking furious, Julie..."
With his ability to express his anger hindered by the precious cargo on his chest, Eddie clenched his fist, and spit those words at me through gritted teeth. A fire burned in his eyes, the likes of which I've never witnessed, and I cowered, not for fear of retaliation, but from the crippling guilt. I knew Eddie would never lay a hand on me.
"And I hate to say it... I do, but I'm... I'm jealous. The fucking jealousy, Julie. It's consuming me. I mean, I know it's not Gage's fault. He's a cute kid, and I feel this... strange connection to him. M-maybe it's because he's yours... but that's what's killing me. He's yours. Yours... and not ours. After everything you promised me... how could you?"
That one stung, and I became defensive. "Eddie, I know you're hurting, but I am too... so don't you dare fucking do that to me." With our stubbornness at odds, we stared daggers at each other, but Eddie broke first, exhaling heavily.
"Why, Julie?"
"Eddie, I know you feel betrayed, and you have every right to feel that way... but not for the reason that you think."
Eddie's anger morphed into a mask of confusion. "W-what does that mean?"
"Eddie, I never gave up on us. I loved you... so much, and I never wanted to leave you... but the night I got home from Lover's Lake, my dad was beyond pissed. Not only was I out past curfew, but he knew I lied about who I was with. Jesus, I'd never seen him so angry. After that, I was practically under house arrest, only allowed to go to school. That was the only opportunity I had to see you. I wasn't even allowed to see Robin unless she came to see me. I was miserable, physically ill, and when I found out we were moving..." I choked back tears, "I wanted to run to you right then and there, but it would've been pointless. M-my car was in my dad's name. If I even tried to go anywhere other than school, my dad would've been on my ass in a heartbeat. I couldn't do that to you and Wayne. And to make things worse, when we got to Massachusetts, I found out..." I trailed off, having trouble finding my words, "I found out that I was... pregnant."
Had Eddie looked away he would've missed it, the split second glance you shot him before your eyes fell to Gage, still sleeping peacefully on his chest, and you started balling. No, no, he couldn't be... could he? Eddie smoothed back Gage's curls, studying every feature on his little face, and started choking back tears. When he met your sad gaze he just... stared. "Julie... is... is he..."
I nodded, unable to look him in the eyes. "Eddie... you wanna know why I'm here?" Mouth agape, he nodded slowly. "I'm here for you... for Gage... for us." I swallowed hard, clearing my throat. "Gage Flynn Munson... that's his full name. He IS ours, Eddie. You're his father." My words were barely a whisper.
Eddie was speechless, unable to control his tears, and utterly ashamed of himself for doubting you. "He um... he's mine?"
I nodded and buried my face in my hands.
"L-Lovers Lake?"
"How... how is that even possible?"
"I, um... I had that... terrible sinus infection right before spring break, and um..." I laughed nervously, "Well, I didn't know that taking antibiotics negates the effectiveness of birth control, so, uh..." I pursed my lips, motioning to Gage, my leg bobbing up and down nervously.
Eddie looked down again, tightening his grip around Gage. "Does, um... does he know about me?"
"Um, yeah... yeah, he does. I mean... I only have that one picture of you. The blurry one Gareth took where you're kissing my head. He hasn't put two and two together, 'cause um... well, when I show Gage the picture, I... I don't say that's Eddie, I say... that's Daddy."
"Daddy looks like Blackie," Eddie mumbled to himself.
"What? H-how did you..."
"Gage said that to me... at the arcade. We were talking about W.A.S.P., and he said... 'Mommy says my daddy looks like Blackie'. You... you always used to tell me that, but it didn't even register."
I managed to crack a small smile.
Eddie rested his head upon Gage's, hugged him tight, and started rocking him back and forth, and then... he burst into full-on tears. "Jesus, Julie... why the hell didn't you tell me? Look at him. He... he's beautiful. Christ, he looks just like me."
"I know. Believe me... I know. Every time he looks at me with those chocolate brown eyes, I see you... staring back at me, and each time... I die a little inside. I just... I love him so much, but his little face... it's a permanent reminder of that horrible day."
Eddie remembers that day like it was yesterday.
Immediately after your graduation ceremony, Eddie found himself standing on your doorstep, finally having mustered the courage to come to your house in the hopes of reasoning with your dad. His heart was palpitating as he reached up to knock on the door. When it flew open, he became tense. "Um, Hi... Mr. Duncan. I... I was hoping we could... talk."
"You got some balls showing your face here."
"Sir, Please... I'm just asking for a chance. Your daughter and I love each other."
"Oh, you do, huh?"
Eddie nodded, looking nervously at the ground. "Yes, Sir, we do."
"Ok, you love each other. What now? Are you gonna get married? Have a couple of kids? Have a happy, white picket fence life together?"
Eddie was struggling to choke back tears.
"And how do you plan on doing that, huh? Look at you. You're useless. Trailer trash. You smell like the Marlboro man. You've been in and out of County for dealing drugs. You can't even graduate high school, for Christ's sake! Oh, but I forgot, that doesn't matter, 'cause you're gonna be a big rock star. Gonna make all kinds of money. Is that it?"
"Sir... please. Please listen."
"No, you listen! You're never gonna amount to anything. You can barely take care of yourself, let alone my daughter. She doesn't love you. You just filled her head with a bunch of bullshit so you could sleaze your way into her pants. You took advantage of her, corrupted her, defiled her! You're goddamn lucky I don't beat your ass within an inch of your life, you good-for-nothing piece of shit! And there is no way in hell I'll let you and your devil-worshipping ways ruin my daughter's life."
You were right. This was pointless. Your old man sees what he wants, and he's not gonna change his mind. But he did have a point. Unless Eddie got his head out of his ass and turned his life around, he would never be good enough for you.
"Sir, please. I do love her. I would do anything for her. I'll do whatever I must to ensure she has everything she needs."
"You have no idea what my daughter needs. I know your kind. You've got one thing on your mind, and you'll say or do anything to get it, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let that happen."
Eddie knew he shouldn't, but he wouldn't let your dad treat him like this or disrespect you. "You're wrong!"
"You're wrong, Mr. Duncan. And I look forward to proving that to you. I won't give up on her. She's an intelligent girl, and she can make her own decisions."
Your dad looked like he wanted to hit me. "Get the hell outta here. Get in that busted piece of crap and never come back. And if I EVER... see you again, I'll have you thrown in jail for harassment and trespassing."
Eddie nodded in defeat, tears streaming down his face. He turned to walk away, and that's when he heard your pained cry for him.
He turned and saw you standing in the doorway, crying.
"Get your ass in the house, NOW!"
Your dad grabbed your arm, but you wrenched free and ran to me. I trapped you in my arms and kissed you with all my love.
"It's ok, Julie. We'll be ok. I promise. I promise!" Eddie reached for you as you were yanked from his arms.
"Eddie, please. I love you."
"I love you too, Pippin. We'll find a way. I won't give up! Please don't give up on me!"
Eddie watched you shake your head in agreement as you were forced into your house. Feeling helpless, hollow, and broken, he stood there, unable to find the strength to move his legs, even when your dad came barreling down the sidewalk and shoved him.
"Get off my property. GO! And don't you EVER try to pull this kinda shit again!"
"After my parents hauled me off to Massachusetts, they forbid me to speak to anyone from Hawkins, especially you. I was ten weeks pregnant when we moved. I thought it was all the stress making me ill... but it was morning sickness. I wanted to tell you the moment I found out, wanted to run away and come back to Hawkins. But then I thought about how it would affect us. Teen parents, no jobs. You were still in school, and you and Wayne had enough on your plates without having to take me in."
"That wasn't for you to decide on your own. Jesus Christ, Julie, I would've done anything for you. Yeah, it would've been hard, but we would've been ok... and we would've been together."
"Eddie, I know that now. And I kick myself daily for all the time I've robbed us of. But back then... I was afraid, and I wanted Gage to have the best life, so I had to be smart. After I had Gage I started trade school. It was the first opportunity I had to contact anyone, and as much as wanted to call you, something told me that I should call Robin first. I didn't tell her about Gage, 'cause no matter how much I love her, she's got a big mouth, but she told me that you'd hit rock bottom, that you were failing school again, so the next day when I knew you were at school, I called Wayne between my classes. He told me what a mess you were. That you blamed yourself for everything that happened. That you were drowning your sorrows in drugs and alcohol. I was devastated. Wayne was trying so hard to help you get past everything, so um... I-I told him about Gage... hoping it might give you an extra push, but he said telling you anything would only make things worse. That if you knew anything you'd come after us... and in your condition that would have been explosive. He made me swear not to contact you until he could set you straight, so... we made a plan. I would finish school and get my associate's degree. I saved up all my cash from my seamstress jobs, and did any odd job I could think of to save as much money as I could, and in the meantime, he would make sure you got your shit together. I checked in with them periodically to check on your progress. They told me you finally graduated and got a job at the plant. Robin even told me that you went through with your plan, and flipped off principal Higgins when you got your diploma." That coaxed a smile from him. "I was so proud of you, and it meant I was that much closer to being able to come home, and that couldn't happen soon enough. I hated the way my parents treated Gage. They weren't mean to him... but they resented him, which somehow seemed worse. They also saw you when they looked at him, and they hated that, so when I spoke with Wayne on my last day of school, I couldn't have been more ecstatic. He told me you guys bought the body shop, that you were back to your old self, and to let him know when he would see us. I didn't waste a single second, packed up all of our shit, withdrew my nest egg from the bank, reveled in the moment I told my parents I was leaving... and I never looked back."
"So... Wayne told you not to contact me?"
"Eddie, please don't be angry with Wayne. You know damn well it was for the best. It couldn't have been done any other way. And I made Wayne promise not to tell you we were coming back to Hawkins. You deserved to hear everything from me."
"No, I know. I mean, it hurts like a son of a bitch, but I get why you guys did it. I was a mess, inconsolable, and there would've been no getting through to me, especially if I knew. Jesus, Julie... I'm-I'm so fuckin' sorry."
"Eddie, don't."
"No, I should've tried harder, turned my life around sooner. Instead, I plunged into a self-induced downward spiral of booze and drugs, and... and girls. I was so... empty without you. I did anything... anything to try and find comfort... to escape the pain of losing you, but nothing worked. Then one night, when I was spending the night in the drunk tank, Wayne came to talk to me. He helped me remember what was important. That if I really loved you, wanted to be deserving of you, and wanted to get you back, I needed to clean up my act. He basically told me to man the fuck up, stop feeling sorry for myself, and get my shit together. It was a slow process. I didn't know if I'd ever see you again, but I told you I'd wait for you, and I wanted to keep my promise. Then I saw you this morning... with a kid, and... well, all my insecurities came flooding back, and the little green monster materialized. I turned into a hypocritical, jealous fuck. I thought, m-maybe your dad finally got through to you, and you moved on, but I never, never should've doubted you. I was the weak one, not you. Please, please forgive me."
"Eddie, we all have our way of dealing, and I don't blame you for anything. I'm just glad you didn't succumb. I wasn't a saint, either. In order to get my parents off my case and lull them into a false reality, I had to play the good daughter and pretend to give in to their wishes, so I dated a couple of guys to appease them, and I was so lonely I gave in to temptation a few times, but it did absolutely nothing to fill the void. I knew it never would, 'cause my heart belonged to you. It still belongs to you."
Eddie nodded and looked at me through tear-soaked eyes. Still holding on to Gage, he held out an arm and motioned for me to come to him. Without hesitation, I accepted, and we cried like babies as we held each other in a vice grip. Eddie clumsily found my lips and shoved his tongue down my throat. I tangled my fingers in his hair and basked in the moment—his taste, his scent... his touch.
"Mmm, Pip... I missed you, craved you... so fucking much, but no matter what I did... I loved you, I've always loved you, will always... love you... with every ounce of my being."
I leaned in and kissed him with all the love in the world. "Mmm, Eddie, don't beat yourself up. We were both in a bad place... and sure, our time apart was agony, but it made us stronger, and smarter, and I'm sorry I didn't contact you as soon as I got here, but I chickened out. I've been so worried and scared about your reaction, but when I saw you this morning... my God, for the first time in four years, I felt hope, felt complete. Of all the people Gage could've found... he found you. It was like... a twist of fate, bringing us all back together. Eddie... I love you... I never stopped loving you. And Gage, he's only known you for a few hours... but he already loves you. He deserves to know his father, and you... you deserve to know your son. We all deserve a chance, and if you'll have us... have me... we never need to be apart again."
He scoffed. "If... what kind of shit is that? I told you, I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and that's never gonna change. Come 'ere."
I leaned in and he kissed me so tenderly. When he opened his eyes he flashed me the most genuine smile and looked down at Gage.
"I can't believe it. We have a son. A son, Julie."
Eddie's expression was priceless.
"Ha! He's perfect... so perfect." Eddie hugged Gage close, tears still falling. "Hmmm... Jesus, I don't wanna let him go."
"You don't have to. But at some point, we will need to put him to bed."
He nodded. "Yeah, ok, um... I'll-I'll put him in my room." Eddie stood up carefully, cradling Gage to his chest, and walked him to the bedroom. He laid him down, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and stared at him.
I walked up behind Eddie and wrapped my arms around his chest. He clasped a hand around mine and nodded, letting out a huge sigh. Then he turned and wrapped his arms around me, and backed me into the wall. Reaching up to gently cup my face, he brushed his thumbs across my cheeks and crashed his lips to mine. Our kisses were wet and sloppy. We fumbled our way out of his room toward the couch, leaving a trail of clothing in our wake. Embracing, we devoured each other feverishly. He clumsily undid his jeans, wasting no time undoing mine, and plopping me onto the couch. He tore them off in one swift motion and stopped dead.
"Wha-what are those? Are those... Corroded Coffin panties?"
I nodded slowly, biting my bottom lip. He growled and lifted me up, pivoting his body to sit with me straddling his lap. We couldn't keep our lips off each other. He palmed my ass and squeezed as I latched my lips to his neck and savored his salty skin. Reaching up to remove my bra, he pressed his palms firmly against my back and took my tits into his waiting mouth.
"Mmm... fuck, I missed your tits. Mhhhh. So fucking perfect... hhhhhhmmm. I missed you so fucking much."
With me still in his lap, he lifted himself just enough to push his jeans past his hips allowing his thick cock to spring free. Without breaking the kiss he hooked a ringed finger inside my panties, pulled them to the side, and lined himself up with my entrance. I slid my soaked pussy down the length of his shaft and started riding him slowly.
"Ohhhhfuck, uhhhhhh, hnghh. You-You're still so... so fucking tight. Oh, Jesus, you-you belong with me. I love you so fucking much, Mgghh! Are-are you still on the pill?"
"Mhhh, no. Hhhhhh, but please don't stop fucking me."
"Mggghhhh, Jesus, you... you don't have to ask me twice."
He grabbed my waist and started meeting my gyrations, his pained, broken moans egging me on. I put my hands on his shoulders and arched back, using him as leverage so he could penetrate me deeper.
"OhhhJesusFUCK! Wha-what the hell are you doing to me? H-holy SHIT, you-you're gonna make me bust. Huh, mhh, mhh... oh, shit. SHIT! G-gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. FUCK!" He pulled you close and cupped your face so you were mere inches apart. "Can I cum inside you? For the love of Christ, please let me cum inside you."
"Hyou-you damn well better, Munson. Don't... don't you dare fucking stop until you empty every last drop inside me."
"Mmm, MmgghhYES! That's my girl. I wanna knock you up again. Let's-let's give Gage a little brother or sister, yeah?" Your quick nod and ear-to-ear grin were all the confirmation he needed, and you sealed the deal with a kiss. "Mmm, cum with me, baby girl. Cum with me. Oh, fuck, I need you. I need you, I fucking need you! Take my fucking cum! Hohhh... take it. Take my cumFUCK!"
"E-Eddie, oh... oh... GOD!" I started to whimper as the tingling sensation, and Eddie's seed, spread through my body.
We pressed our foreheads together and locked lips passionately as we whined into each other's mouths, trying to stifle our moans as we shared in our united release.
"Mhhh, mhhh, mhhhhhhhahahahahaha!"
He was laughing blissfully as he smoothed back my hair. Neither one of us could stop smiling, hugging each other so tight, breathing heavily as the years of pain and anguish melted away.
"Mmmm... this... this is so surreal. Ha! Am-am I dreaming? Ha! Pinch me."
I pinched him hard.
"Oww! Hahahaha. I-I love you so much, Pip. I'm so happy we found each other."
"Ugg, I missed hearing you call me that. I love you too, Eddie, so very much."
"Hahaha! Oh, Pip. You mean the world to me."
We kissed passionately.
"Hmmmm... w-we can clean up in a bit, but you're not going anywhere. I-I have clothes you can borrow, but right now, I just... just wanna hold you, feel you. Then I wanna hold you in bed and stare at my boy."
I nodded happily and started crying again.
"This is so unbelievable. Not having to worry ever again about being caught... I never thought I'd see the day. It's a weight off fucking my shoulders."
Eddie's arms tightened around me as we spooned, and stared at Gage. "I know, but all that bullshit was worth it just to be here at this moment. I wouldn't trade it for the world."
Eddie smiled and kissed your neck. "So... Gage Flynn, huh? Pet Sematary and Tron?"
"Of course."
He chuckled. "Those always were your favorites. It's cute, but I can't believe you gave him my last name. That means so much to me."
"Yeah... my parents were furious, but I insisted. I made sure I filled out that fucking certificate myself. He's yours, and I'm proud of that. And no one is ever gonna take that away from you... or Gage. I'd die first."
"Julie, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you two... that you had to go through all that without me."
"Eddie, it doesn't matter now. What does matter is that we're together. And tomorrow we can resume our lives... together."
"Well... then I guess there's only one thing left to do."
"What's that?"
"Give you my name."
I looked up at him and was met with that adorable smile. He hopped up, walked over to a wooden box on his dresser, and removed a small item.
"I've been holding on to this for four years. I was gonna give it to you after graduation, but I never got the chance. So... I held onto it, in the hopes that one day... I'd find you again. And now that you're here... it belongs in its rightful place."
I sat up and stared at him. He got down on one knee and held up a ring. When I looked at it, my eyes went wide. It was a black, skull, diamond engagement ring.
"Julie Duncan, you're the love of my life... the mother of my child, and I never wanna be without you... either of you. Will you marry me?"
I was in tears. I looked up to the heavens and exhaled heavily before returning my eyes to Eddie's, nodding happily. "You bet your sweet ass I will."
He smiled and crashed his lips to mine, trapping me in a bear hug.
"Mmm, Jesus, this is the best fucking day of my life."
We made out passionately for several minutes, lost in the moment. "Mmm... we um... we better stop before we wake Gage."
"Um, ok... one more?" When you nodded, he cupped your cheek and gave you one more sweet kiss. "Let's um... let's get some sleep."
We climbed into bed, and Eddie carefully pulled Gage between us. He was in awe, unable to take his eyes off of him as he played with Gage's little curls.
"He's so incredible. You're incredible. Good job, Mommy."
Eddie's smile was so bright he could put the sun to shame.
"Jesus, I can't stop staring at him. I love you so much, little man."
Eddie leaned down, gently kissed Gage's cheek, and brushed it with his fingers before lacing them with mine just above Gage's head. "Did um... did you mean it? About knocking me up again... or were you just in the moment?"
His smile was wicked. "No, I meant it. We're gonna fuck so much we'll have a litter."
We both gushed at each other, laughing happily.
"Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight, Daddy. I love you."
When I woke the following day, I opened my eyes to the most gorgeous sight in the world. A shirtless Eddie was lying on his back, his wild hair cascading over his shoulders, with Gage resting on his chest. They were both out cold, sleeping peacefully. Gage with his little thumb in his mouth and Eddie's ringed hands resting on Gage's back. I crossed my legs and took in the sight, committing it to memory. When Gage turned his head, Eddie stirred. Momentarily startled, he looked down and smiled, wrapped both arms around Gage, and looked over at me. "Morning, Pip."
"Morning, you sexy bitch."
Eddie started laughing. The vibrations causing Gage to stir. "Oops."
Gage lifted his sleepy, little head, pushed himself up on Eddie's chest, and looked over at me. "Morning, wild child."
Gage was so dazed. He crawled off Eddie, over to my lap, and sat down rubbing his sleepy eyes. He looked around the room.
"Dis isn't my woom."
"No, baby. We're still at Eddie's."
When he looked over, his face lit up. "Eddie!"
Eddie sat up. "Come 'ere, little man." Gage crawled over to Eddie's outstretched arms, climbed into his lap, and was engulfed by his father's loving embrace.
"Um... Gage? Mommy and Eddie need to talk to you."
"So... you know how I said that one day, we would go to Mommy's hometown, and you'd finally be able to meet Daddy?" He nodded. "Well, Eddie isn't just Mommy's friend. Eddie's just his nickname. His real name is Edward Munson."
"Hey, dat's my name!"
"That's right, baby. You're Gage Munson. Here." I pulled from my purse the picture of me and Eddie and handed it to Gage.
"That's Daddy."
"That's right, baby. Look." I took the picture, crawled next to Eddie, and held the photo before us. Eddie leaned over and kissed the top of my head, just like in the picture. It took a moment for Gage to make a connection.
"Eddie looks like Daddy."
Eddie and I both laughed at his innocence.
"Alright. Listen up, little man." Eddie reached for the photo, and with Gage in his lap, he showed him again. "This is your Mommy, and that guy right there... that's me."
"You'we... you'we my Daddy?"
Eddie chuckled, about to burst into tears when he saw the elation on his son's face. "Yeah, little man. I'm your Daddy."
Gage looked at the picture and then put his hand on Eddie's face, and I thought Eddie and I would die. Getting onto his knees, Gage reached up and hugged Eddie. Eddie wrapped his arms tightly around Gage, and we both started crying.
"You love me, and Mommy. She said so."
"She's right, little man. I love you both... so much." He pulled Gage back so he could look at him. "Um, I'm sorry I haven't been around. I wanted so badly to be with you and your Mommy... but we had to be apart for a little while. The good thing is, that's all over now. We can all be together, and we don't ever have to be apart again, yeah?"
"High five, little man." They clapped hands and smiled brightly.
"Mommy, how come you'we name's, not Munson?"
"It will be, wild child. Very soon. Mommy's gonna marry Daddy."
"That's right. Mommy's gonna be my wife, you're our little man, and we'll all be Munsons. And with any luck, you'll have some brothers and sisters."
"Really?! Wooooow!"
I leaned over, grabbed Eddie's face, and planted one on him.
"Ooooo, Mommy kissed Daddy."
Eddie and I laughed. He mussed Gage's hair, and I kissed him on the cheek. Still sleepy, Gage leaned into Eddie's chest.
"This has gotta be the best feeling in the fucking world. Oh! Sorry." Eddie screwed up his face and covered Gage's ears.
I chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Eddie. He's my kid. He's heard worse."
Eddie laughed and cradled Gage to his chest, kissing his head. "Daddy loves you, little man."
"I wuv you too, Daddy." He noticed Eddie's necklace and started playing with the guitar pick.
"Can we pway guitaw now?" Eddie laughed heartily.
"You bet, wild child. And I'll teach you all about the fantastic world of Dungeons and Dragons too."
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r0botic · 2 years
Friendships seen as something of less value than romantic relationships
I've always said this and I'll say it again, friendship isn't something "less" than a relationship and it shouldn't be viewed that way. I'm SO SICK of society's view on friendship and how it gets treated both in real life and on social media.
When it comes to family love, you don't say you love your family less than your romantic partner, you simply say that it's a different type of love, which it is, then why do so when it comes to your friends?
First of all, friendship love and romantic love are two completely different things, therefore they can't and shouldn't be compared. Let's not bring one type of love down in order to bring the other up.
Second of all, the sentence "he's more to me than just a friend" you just said about a person you have a crush on and barely ever talked to made you sound REALLY ungrateful. Why would they be "more than a friend"? Are they even your friend to begin with? What did they do to even get such a mark, what more could they possibly give you than your loyal friend who was by your side and let you cry on their shoulder for the past six years?
You either never had a genuine best friend who you loved, or you are way too obsessed with romance.
Seeing a healthy friendship and immediately assuming they are in love
This is also a weird thing a lot of people do, why would a person be in love with their best friend for writing an essay on how much they love and appreciate them? Or why would you even try to convince them that they are? Who are you to say that? You really think you understand their feelings better than the person who is feeling them? Let's normalize being grateful for your friends, shall we.
Friends elaborate on their platonic feelings for each other and yet people still laugh it off with "you will know in no time", "that's what they all say", "just kiss already" like what? How are you so ignorant? These two people just respectfully explained to you what they feel for each other and you are still forcing your romance ideals into them. Actual real people. Are you not considering the fact you might be making them feel really uncomfortable right now? Just stop and think.
Let's try this example of disrespect on another type of love, would you try to tell a couple "wow you are such good friends"? You wouldn't, right? Because they told you once they are a couple, so since they cleared it up for you, there's no need to keep telling them they are good friends, they would look at you weirdly if you did. Then why do that to two friends? It's also an unpleasant feeling to be told all the time that you and your best friend are in romantic love when it's not true, there are types of love, trying to prove to other people which one of them they are feeling for each other is disrespectful to say the least.
Strangers -> lovers & Friends -> lovers
I'm aware that two friends can become romantic partners later on, there's nothing wrong with that, but that still doesn't prove me wrong in what I'm trying to say. If two people love each other platonically and it's mutual, both knowing they aren't developing any romantic feelings, then you should respect it and shut up. You are not involved, why do you care so much?
When you and your friend fall in love and start dating, you can say you are friends and romantic partners, or just romantic partners, whatever you prefer. When you fall in love with a person before you even get the chance to be their friend and straight up start dating, I'd see you as romantic partners, without the friends label. Me personally, I think friendships are really important, you need your romantic partner to be also your friend, if they are not, you are most likely to break up later.
So yeah, that would be it, thanks for listening to my rant. Sometimes I just get angry and need to share my opinions.
All types of love are important and feel nice, making one seem better than the other is just illogical. Please appreciate everyone you love. Family, friends, partners and pets, they all make you happy and together make your life worth living, be grateful for them.
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magicalgirlagency · 9 months
Realizing that my first two lesbian ships was abusive in nature is so wild and weird. Lapidot and MadoHomu were the reasons why I came to be accepting toward same gender romance (no idea how that worked tbh). I can't remember how exactly my way of thinking change but It was from this base that I slowly became supportive of the LGBTQA+ community. I used to think being gay is something weird and bad, and I was so glad that I've dropped those homophobic ideas.
I didn't expect those ships to be predatory (Homura) nor abusive (Lapis). I feel so terribly guilty for supporting them when the realization hit me.
At least Lumity is able to avoid having those dangerous traits.
Look, I'm not saying that people shouldn't love toxic/doomed queers; in fact, I believe they do serve their purpose in and out of a story, since they add layers of nuance to a community that's reduced to one-dimensional fairytale sugary-sweetness and wholesomeness...
I just believe that if you think the things they do are justified because they are traumatized, I think you misunderstood their stories. Terribly.
Both Lapis and Homura have in common, is the fact that both are stupidly and severely stubborn. Both of them refuse to heal and evolve, and have horrible coping methods that hurts not just them, but everyone else around them.
They adamantly refuse to admit that they need help, and some external force (either the narrative or the fandom, most likely both) sugar-coats their misdeeds as if they're in the right to be menaces to society.
Also, funny thing about you being homophobic because of MadoHomu, because I used to think the same too. My first exposure to PMMM unfortunately was The Rebellion Story, and when I saw Homura boldly declaring her status as a demon, I was like: "Oh, wow! Gay people are evil!"
Thankfully, I grew up past that bigoted phase...
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annamillersthings · 2 years
TW : mention of sexual coercion, emotional abuse, SA
Literally came out of social media hibernation to say to some people: pls for the love of god don't say that prapai is romantic like what part did you see and thought "wow how romantic" cus if you did then we are seeing 2 completely different shows .
A) their first time was NOT a one night stand it was sexual coercion . And if there are people who don't understand then let me define it :
" one night stand: A one-night stand is a single sexual encounter in which there is an expectation that there shall be no further relations between the sexual participants and it happens with consent between the participants with no emotional pressure "
" sexual coercion: Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens when you are pressured, tricked, threatened, or forced in a nonphysical way. Coercion can make you think you owe sex to someone. It might be from someone who has power over you. "
The above link will give you more insight and understanding where i am coming from .
I don't know how anyone thought that was okay i literally saw someone here say "sky totally enjoyed that even if he felt shitty later " LIKE HELLO excuse me it is a deeply upsetting scenario and traumatic, he was literally emotionally pressured and manipulated he was acting on instinct to save his life he did not enjoy it . He did not give consent, prapai literally made it very clear either sky has sex with him or be left alone to the guards in an unknown shady place so sky did the one thing that could save him and sorry no that's not consent.
B) the way prapai pursued sky : Don't even get me started on that like apart from the flowers all the other stuff prapai did was TRASH calling sky from an unknown number being creepy , saying sexually suggestive things even when sky has made it abundantly clear he is not enjoying it and then the worst of all coming to his college and pressuring him AGAIN by blackmail so that sky comes with him in his car like nah bro that's not romantic that's traumatising. And he called sky rude the audacity he is the one stalking and being creepy but sky is rude stfup.
Sky my darling sky just ... I feel so bad for him he breaks my heart i just want to hug him in a blanket and tell him he is amazing. Sky is a character that should've been in the world of Alice oseman but somehow with a twisted unfortunate luck of fate he ended up in the world of mame .
Listen i am not policing ( it's not my place anyone can enjoy whatever they want ) and saying you shouldn't enjoy love in the air hell i myself enjoy love in the air but don't try to justify your enjoyment with false narratives okay just tell it as it is . When some of you say prapai is romantic you are insulting victims who have been "sky" once in their lives and you are also insulting actual romantics who are doing it right ( eg : someone like Lee junho from eaw , sky , nuea and intouch from scoy the series, Nick Nelson from heart stopper and many more) . I am sick and tired of this trend of defending toxic characters , saw exact stuff happen during kinnporsche and now with lita . I love kinnporsche but am i gonna justify it hell no that was wrong and the series itself acknowledged it . Do i like and enjoy prapai×sky hell yes i do i watched lita only because of them cus the actors have chemistry and i am here for it . But that is not my fantasy of ideal romance i would not wish that to happen even to my worst enemy cus i have been in sky's position and it hurts and make you feel pathetic. My problem is how they are glossing over this atleast kinnporsche showed how the victims felt and it didn't gloss over it but lita my god it is literally portraying sky as just a person with insecurities and not an actual person who is a SA survivor ( i read the novel and it hurts more knowing ) and prapai as the love of his life whose gonna "fix him " which is sooo enraging cus sky don't need any fixing whatsoever the only person who needs fixing and repentance is prapai but i know for sure i won't get either . And yes this is mame i knew what i was getting myself into but some of y'all reactions are disgusting. The amount of posts i have seen gaslighting sky and rain and worshipping payu and prapai is INSANE ( no payu and rain are not dom and sub atleast not what happened in the bathroom stall that was sexual assault plain and clear but i don't have the patience for that argument all I'll say BDSM relationships happens with full consent from all the parties involved) . Enjoying problematic media is fine but don't gloss over the problematic part please 🙏 . I enjoy lita i like both the couples and their dynamics but i am fully aware that's trash and i am okay with it cus i can separate fact and fiction unlike some people here .
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qianoir · 3 years
After Midnight 2 - Rhiannon
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college dropout!Ten (WayV) x fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, angst with fluff on top
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 13+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing (censored), lying, family problems, mentions death of reader's father, romance, this part determines the reader’s age but feel free to ignore
♡ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @staysstrays
Preview < 1 < 2
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𝟏𝟎:𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐌
Should I call him? No! What if it wasn't meant for me? Idiot, there was no one else in the café of course it was meant for you! What if it's a prank? It's probably the number to a McDonald’s or something. And if it's not..? What if he never comes into the café again?
You woke up in a freezing cold room with an acquainted boy named "Ten Lee" on your mind, contemplatively staring into his napkin before finally deciding to text him.
You typed the 11 digits into your phone.
Ok... now what do I say?
Hi Ten, this is Y/N from Décalcomanie.
Hi Ten, this is Y|
Why do I even care about this so much? It's just a text and for all I know this kid could be some kind of siren-vampire trying to seduce me with song lyrics at nighttime.. is that even possible?
Hi Mr. Lee this is Y/N from Décalcomanie.
Why so formal? Oh God I sent it..
It’s done.
You grabbed a towel and prepared a quick shower before continuing the rest of the morning. Intruding thoughts about Mr. Lee fill your mind under the water.. like.. why does he only visit the café at night? Your prior superstitious suspicions about him being a vampire fall back in mind.
At least if I get to be a vampire I can live this timeline as a doctor and make my mom happy, then be a dancer for eternity.
As much as you did not know about Ten, you still knew quite a bit about him. His favorite combination at the café is an iced Americano with pandan cake, his favorite color is black— you assume since it's the only color his outfits consist of, and he has a younger sister, which you found out after hearing him say 妹妹 over the phone one night.
The loud text notification sounds throughout the bathroom and you nearly slip trying to quickly finish your shower to check the new message.
Mom (Work)
My daughter! Your grandmother is sick, I am going to Incheon to bring her medicine and groceries so I need you to open the café today. I should be back to take over at 2 o’clock. Be careful on your own!
Unwrapping your body of your towel to dress into a nice outfit, you sighed knowing your Saturday would be another day spent on your sore feet. The café opens at 11 AM so you would only be working an extra few hours, but you hoped your mom would let you take a slice of delicacy home for the filial overtime.
Another loud notification tone beamed from your phone, forcing your name brooch to prick at your fingertip. The screen luminated with an unknown number.
Contact Not Found
hihi Y/N! no need to be so formal with me! I'm only from ‘96 :)
Contact ‘TEN’ Added
are you free today? I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee and ice cream, if you're not sick of the smell yet ;p
You frowned remembering the plans your mother made for your day.
I'm so sorry Ten my mom wants me to work opening for the café today :(
Figuring that was your ending, you packed a bag full of necessities for the day and walked to Décalcomanie.
why don't I come over there? the café serves bingsoo this time of year right? it’s barely the afternoon, not many people will be dining. we could still hang out if you’re down?
Butterflies soared in your stomach just like they do every night at 11:59 PM.
Yeah that sounds perfect :)
okk see you soon!
It felt so weird to think of seeing him in the daytime, especially after just mentally accusing him of being a bloodsucker.
Upon your entrance, the café was soon bright with morning light and you patiently awaited Ten’s arrival. Nearly an hour had gone by and there was no sign of him. You didn't think he would flake out, but you barely know each other so why wouldn't he?
Ten was right; it was pretty empty here this morning. You bent forward to hand one of the regular old women her tea in the Décalcomanie’s prettiest teacup upon your mother’s request of the best service for all of her regular customers.
The bell chimed with an open door. Your eyes blinked to the woman's upturned phone by her saucer.
𝟏𝟏:𝟓𝟗 𝐀𝐌
Could it be? You laughed at the irony in the thought, but when you looked up from the woman’s table, a rice cake cheeked boy stood across from you.
"I'm here!" He announced to the entire floor.
You bowed a greeting like you do for every customer and ushered him to the bar, "Sit down over here." where he sat in front of your standing form. "What type of bingsoo have you come in for, sir?" You teased.
"Coconut with vanilla ice cream! And.. two spoons?"
You blushed at the thought of sharing subtle intimacy with the fine young man before your eyes. You had only just met him, but you saw no harm in sharing a dessert with him as you would do with friends.. if you had them.
Nodding and running off to make the icy dessert, you heard the ripple of a writing pen. From the corner of your eye, peeked Ten orchestrating an English poem onto a stray napkin, his brown bangs falling on the bridge of his nose. These little actions made your heart jump; his passion for various styles of music felt so endearing to you.
You paid for the grandiose bowl of sugar and presented it to Ten. His phone lit up with a notification and you took notice of his wallpaper: Him with a disgusted looking boy that he was French kissing on the cheek. I'm not judging but.. whomst?
"Who's that?" You asked, handing him a spoon, taking another for yourself.
He glanced at his phone and blushed, breaking out in quiet giggles.
"That's my friend, Yangyang. We really enjoy our time together."
You hummed and smiled. They seem to have a good friendship, but you were still curious to know more about this Yangyang guy.
"So you attend university?" Ten asked before shoveling a high spoon of ice flakes into his mouth.
"I'm a sophomore at SNU." You replied, mirroring his bold eating style.
Ten spoke with surprised eyes, "Really!? That's a fancy school. Wow~ you must be really smart."
"Not really.. I'm studying dance. All I do is move my feet."
"I'm a dancer, too! It's a really hard and beautiful art, you shouldn't sell yourself short for being a part of it." He genuinely advised.
You looked down after thanking him for his kind words, suddenly feeling very bashful. "How old are you, by the way? You calling me Mr. Lee this morning is all I've been thinking about." You both laughed.
"I'm 20, turning 21 this year.” He nodded. "You're from ‘00? Yangyang is the same age as you!"  He exclaims.
"I’ve never met someone my age! How many friends do you have?"
"I have a few, but I’m closest to a specific six and we all live together."
"It must be nice to have so many friends. It’s been a little difficult for me to make friends this semester.." You stirred some melted ice cream around your side of the bowl, suddenly feeling very lonely in Ten’s personal presence.
"You should come over sometime! We love new friends!" He was pleading with his eyes for you to agree.
"Oh.. I don't want to intrude-" "No really! We would love to have your company. Here..." He flipped over the napkin he was previously writing on and scribbled a short address on it, sliding it over to you.
"You should come by tomorrow evening. 5 o'clock if it works for you." Ten says before finishing off the last bit of flavored dairy in the bowl.
You scanned over the inked napkin in your hand.
97 Saemunanro, Sinmunno 1 il-ga, Jongnogu, Seoul
"It's apartment number 117. Just call me when you get there because we may not be able to hear your knocks over the screaming." You looked at him in slight concern, but he only smiled in return.
Ten took out his card to pay for the bingsoo, but you stopped him. "Oh I already paid for the both of us!"
"Aww you didn't have to," Ten frowned, but handed me $20 anyways, "Here take this at least. A tip for my favorite barista." He winked and ran out of the café before you could protest.
Ten shouted, bumping into a man, who cursed at him, profusely bowing on the way out. You shook your head at his silliness and flipped the napkin over to a pretty poem.
She is like a cat in the dark and then
she is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark
and when the sky is starless
To Be Continued…
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
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ladyorlandodream · 3 years
Agentha Fältskog interview - English translation
In September, Agnetha Fältskog of ABBA agreed to grant Swedish radio presenter Carolina Norén an interview for the classic Swedish chart show ”Svensktoppen” on Swedish Public Service radio. The interview was broadcast September 19.
Carolina Norén: ”Don't Shut Me Down” by ABBA – and with me on the phone I have Agnetha Fältskog. Hello, Agnetha!
Agnetha Fältskog: Hello, Carolina!
C: And, of course, congratulations to entering the top of the chart, Agnetha!
A: Wow, what a surprise! That was amazing, really fun.
C: Let's just say that I wasn't that surprised, and neither was the rest of the world. However, ABBA.s last number one here on Svensktoppen was actually ”Waterloo”, back in 1974!
A: Was it that long ago? Well, there you go. It was about time, then.
C: It was about time! Exactly.
A: I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you how happy, grateful and moved everyone in the group is by the enormous reception. It feels very nice and warm inside.
C: I'm thinking, the first time you received a call like this from ”Svensktoppen”, and I don't know if you remember this, Ulf Elfving was calling. It was in 1968, you were 17 years old and ”Jag var så kär” (I Was So in Love), had reached number three.
A: Yeah, it's been quite a few years, ha ha.
C: What has Svensktoppen meant to you over the years?
A: It means a great deal. We're so used to charts, and have enormous success in several countries, but ”Svensktoppen” – it's our native country and the audience we have back here, and it obviously means a lot. We're very moved by the reception everywhere. I remember that first interview with Ulf, I was very nervous, and almost couldn't believe that I'd entered Svensktoppen, it's something you don't forget. This was also an enormous surprise, because you can never really know how it will turn out. One is never sure that something is going to be successful, and one is glad when it happens.
C: I was actually thinking about that a bit: I know that you love spending time in the studio working, and so on, but was there any point while working on this new material where you started to feel doubt or fear: what if it doesn't work?
A: Yes, we said that in the beginning: a long time had passed since we recorded, and you can never be sure that the voice is going to hold up – was it going to sound old? However, we heard pretty immediately – from both Frida's voice and mine – that it sounded more or less as it did back then. However, you may have to make another kind of effort, and give more, or how to put it, of your ability to tell a story, to empathise with the song. I always used to do that, but it's a lot more now that one has lived an entire life. You put more emotion into it.
C: I was thinking, whose idea was it to do this – who was the driving force behind the comeback?.I mean out of you? From the fans' point of view, it's always been a given.
A: Yes ... Well, one thing lead to another, somehow. We felt that we wanted to do a few new songs for the avatar project that will open in May next year, in London. So we said ”let's do a few songs and see how they turn out, how it sounds. One thing led to another with a few more songs, and then Benny kind of said ”why not make an entire album?”. Yes, and that's how it happened, and since we enjoy working in the studio, it's fantastically fun to be able to create and such.
C: Yes, and you have said that it's sometimes easy to ”tempt” you into doing things if they sound like fun.
A: Yes, that's true.
C: So you weren't hard to convince, when it came to doing this?
A: No, I don't think any of us were. Not doing this. The avatar project, I had to give it a think, since it meant a lot of work, as it were, on stage. Because I'm not a stage personality in that respect, but I can convey more feelings in the songs.
CN: Indeed. The rumours around this comeback started back in 2018. We got to know the song titles, and it feels like these two songs that we have heard, have been underway for a while. Have you polished the songs over the years? What has happened since we first heard of them in 2018?
A: Well, we have been at it. At first we worked on the avatars throughout February...let's see, was it the year before last? No, it was last year. We had just finished working with that, when the Corona situation appeared. Then, after a while, we started recording these songs and it's continued like that.
C: When the songs were released a little over two weeks ago, fans gathered around the world simultaneously. Björn and Benny participated in the live stream and you and Frida were part of the edited program. Björn and Benny said that you were following the broadcast from a distance. How did it feel watching it?
A: It was actually enormous. I've been watching our fans a little, when they're listening to the songs, and they're actually crying. It's quite enormous what a reach it had all around across countries. It's almost hard to take it in, actually.
C: I was present at Gröna Lund (in Stockholm), where fans had been invited, and there were many fans from other countries. I can really attest that emotions were enormously strong. It was, you know, almost sacred. Just like you said, they cried and were deeply moved. One thing many of them said, at least the ones I talked to, was that they missed you – ”the girls”, they said: Agnetha and Annifrid.
A: Yes.
C: Do you know when you will get together next time?
A: I don't really dare to say. We're a bit older now, and have our minor ailments, ha ha. But we struggle on. But I don't dare to say, because it's a bit uncertain. At the moment we feel happy that we got this together, and let's hope everything goes well in London, at the premiere over there.
C: Right, in May next year. The avatars. Incredibly cool, actually.
A: Right.
C: You touched upon the thing about the voice, whether it would hold up. When you released your solo album in 2013, you mentioned in an interview that you'd had the same worry, and had taken singing lessons – which turned out to be one lesson. How was it this time, Agnetha? Did it end up being any singing lessons?
A: Haha. No, it didn't. One knows this, that it has to do with support from the stomach, that you shouldn't ruin...so it doesn't become too much for the throat. Instead, you find support in the belly, and it just fits so well, once you're in the studio. You just, ”wow, it holds up!”. One has different … I like to sit down when I sing. Frida usually stands up. It varies a lot, how you feel that you get the power.
C: You are the one doing the main vocals – at least most of them – on the single ”Don't Shut Me Down”. I should add that ”I Still Have Faith in You” is also in the chart, at number four.
A: Yes, how fun!
C: How does it work when you divide it between the two of you? Do you choose your favourites, or is it directed by the respecive voice registers? Do tell.
A: Yes. It's probably the guys who are in charge of that. We get some lyrics, get to listen a bit, and try a little. It's also happened that one has felt ”this one I'd like to do”. There are no fights about anything. We try it out, but it's usually the guys, I think, who already know who is supposed to sing what. We're also part of each others'... Even if one of us sings the solo verses, we're always join together for the choruses, for the most part.
A: You have also a background as a songwriter, and ran your solo career in the beginning. These days, Björn and Benny usually end up talking about the project. How much are you able to go in a change things, or feel ”that doesn't work, let's try this”.
A: Back in the day it happen pretty regularly, but these days it doesn't. I can come up with a lot of ideas: ”could we add some finesse at this point in the song?” I'm also pretty good at harmonies, but the guys handle most of it. We do as they say, and it turns out well.
C: Another thing when one talks about ABBA and ABBA's music, your songs have been quite associated with you as people over the years. The most obvious example may be ”The Winner Takes it All”, which is about divorce. How about today – what do the songs say about you as people, and artists today?
A: It's probably mostly in the lyrics, and you should probably let Björn answer. One can read one thing or another into composers', songwriters' or lyricists' work, and of course you add a bit of ”it's about him, or me”. But it's general, how to say, relationships. Because it's often about love.
C: The two most recent songs, maybe a little more general. Now that we are talking about love, I've go to ask you: you have said that you're are a romantic person, Agnetha.
A: Yes, I am.
C: And you like romantic music.Will there be more romance on the album? More love?
A: Haha! Well, it's very varied. I can't say much about it now, but it's very varied. I can tell you this much: if you like these two songs, you will probably like the entire album. I do think so.
C: Right. That's good. I feel I need to scratch the surface a little more. What we have heard is a timeless ABBA sound. Can one imagine that it will continue with that sound as well?
A: What do you mean, on the CD?
C: Yes, on the album.
A: Ah, yes. It's very much the ABBA sound. We're not trying to sound different or letting ourselves be affected by other, current things, so to speak. We're trying to keep ... It becomes what it becomes – and it becomes very ABBA when Frida and I get together in the studio. It's almost like a marriage between our voices, and almost hard to tell them apart at times.
C: Now, I know that a lot of people are looking forward to the concert in London in May next year. First, there's the album, in November. The one we were talking about. We mentioned the avatars. What went through your head the first time you heard of the idea?
A: Haha. Well, yes, none of us probably really knew what to expect, but we've worked with it a lot, so you grew into it, eventually. We stand there, doing these songs, with– I don't know how many cameras and people. And then, somehow, it was technologically transferred, in some way that we don't even understand, to other people that are going to be on stage as us – but it's still us, haha! I can't really explain it, it's so hard, but there's a lot of technology and lights involved. But it felt great to do in the end. Because it was so different. Also, there was a vibe, one felt that ”maybe it's the last thing we do”. Same thing with this album.
C: Ooh, you can't say that, ha ha! We want more!
A: You can cut that out.
C: Jonas and I will cut that out! Solo album in 2013. I can reveal to you, here and now, that in the summer of 213, ”Dance Your Pain Away” was the only thing I listened to.
A: I see! That's nice.
C: I know it inside out, but I won't sing it!
A: Yeah, that was cool, actually.
C: Is there anything in the pipeline solo – another solo album from you, Agnetha?
A: Not at the moment, no. I think, and I feel, that I've done a lot now. So I can't promise you that. We have got to find joy in what we have, and all that awaits.
CN: Indeed. May I also add that I was very happy when I heard that you would be with us and share. Because I've learned that you are somewhat restrictive when it comes to doing interviews. What do you think, are there further public appearance from you ahead?
A: Not really. But, as you say, I've never really retired that way, but I am restrictive, and I feel that a lot of things are being written, and have been written, about us. We agreed to do, and have done, so many interviews. There's a risk that you ruin it by talking too much. You want keep a little something to yourself. Something private.
C: Agnetha, we respect that, and we are very happy here at Svensktoppen, and, I would imagine, that the listeners who haven't perhaps fainted from the surprise, and have stayed with us, are happy that you could join us. Once again, huge, huge congratulations to topping the chart.
A: Thank you. I also want to send greetings from the rest of the group. I know that they are all very happy about this. It means a lot to us.
C: Wonderful. I hope we can talk again. I almost get shivers suddenly doing the presentation here. So I say: new number one: ABBA and ”Don't Shut Me Down”. Thank you very much, Agnetha.
A: Thanks so much to you, too!
English translation by Anders Lundquist
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes : Reloaded
They're on a mission, chasing a lead in hopes of locating where The Shadow Company is situated.
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Vlad the Janitor
Chapter 20 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
forgive the piccrew
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Undying Admiration
Francine "France" Winters
Safe house 110197, Brazil
"Look at them two, you think we could do that too?" Soap asked France. They were both seated on Soap's side of the floor, the soft foam caught their asses as they crossed their legs while Soap spun around a water bottle.
"You and me? Sing and Dance? Never in a million years!" She denied looking at the poor guy's attempt to actually get her to like him. She thinks he already knew that she's already falling for him since day one. But she wanted to focus on other things at hand rather than distract herself with romance. Maybe if this was all over and he's still there, he'll finally get the answer he's looking for.
"Why not? I'm kinda okay with singing." He grinned. Francine giggled. Sure he is, his overconfidence was getting attractive for her. If they weren't soldiers in a war, they'd probably be making out again. What happened back at the Gulag was an impulse, she never saw it coming as she almost lost hope for his absence.
"Why don't you like… sing for me?" She dared her eyes stared intensely into Soap's eye-catching baby blue orbs. She made a mental note that staring for more than five seconds in those were already dangerous, so she always breaks it before the fifth.
"Why do you do that?" He asked, his voice was giving her ears a good time. Yes. She's falling for him. It felt like everything he does is attractive, but she shouldn't be too quick, life has taught her that the faster she falls in love, the faster they leave. So she had to test the guy's patience.
"Do what?" she asked as if she didn't know what he meant.
"Look me in the eyes then immediately break it as soon as I stare long enough…" His eyes squinted towards her as she evaded eye contact.
"I don't do that." She easily shrugged it off and got up.
"Well, good night. John. We have an early mission tomorrow." She got up as Soap trailed his eyes on her, the look of admiration was painted all across his face.
"Can you not look at me like that?!" She pleaded as her cheeks blushed. Her boyish appeal on the force always repelled attention and now this guy was admiring her for who she is and she felt happy.
"I won't do it if I get a good night's kiss." he pouted his wonderful lips. Lips she actually really wanted to taste again.
"Good Night John." She said as she closed the men's bedroom door and went to her bed.
When Price told her about a small recon mission, she never knew it was this small. The team only consisted of her and Ghost riding a rental truck to a village which was a few kilometers away from their safe house. The point person was an alleged nephew of a soldier that currently works for Shepherd. It was almost a dead lead but the intel being accessible enough was sort of worth it.
Rule of engagement is "Don't".
The village would most likely be unarmed, unprotected and peaceful. But Price advised to keep a side arm in case things go awry. It was a good call, and France noted to herself that she won't ever fire a shot for this mission as to not raise any sort of attention in addition to what Shepherd already gave them.
"Looks like it's time to go." Soap muttered as Ghost passed through them looking prepared.
Soap nodded goodbye to the man but he just continued walking.
"Maybe he had earphones on." he muttered as he pouted his lips. France softly reached for his cheek and shoved it sideways.
"In your dreams." She laughed as she waved goodbye.
"Every night." He winked as France made an almost disgusted face and followed Ghost. She was lucky enough that she quickly moved that Soap won't see her blushing cheeks.
France hoisted herself on the shotgun of the car and smiled at her partner, who looked serious. Without his mask, he was your average tough british soldier, and he looked like he wasn't in for some small talk while driving. France respected his privacy and trailed her eyes elsewhere, looking at the lush greenery and muddy tracks of tropical Brazil.
France wasn't a fan of quiet road trips, she tried humming to tunes from her playlist as the loud revving of the rental jeep overpowered her voice.
"Are you usually this quiet?" France asked, trying to break the silence between them.
"Yeah. You got a problem with that?" He replied, his eyes trailed on the road as it hit a bump. France actually felt shocked toward his reply and she started to worry about what she did wrong.
"You know you could always say no to Price's orders instead of regretting and wishing Roach would be here instead of me." She pouted, crossing her arms.
"Well that wasn't my case but now that you said it, maybe I should've asked for Roach instead!" He yelled. France couldn't help but shed a tear. She actually had no idea towards his hostility and the thought of not knowing any reason made her mad.
"Wow. Okay." she squirmed and unbuckled her seatbelt causing Ghost to slow down his driving.
"Where are you going? The village is still far from here!" he asked, France never bothered to talk to him as she simply walked away from the path.
Ghost immediately left the vehicle and followed her, catching her so she won't escape and run away.
"Why are you not replying?!" He asked, gripping her hands, restricting her movement. France used her strength to break free of his slightly weak grip and turned to him.
"You see now how it feels? To ignore someone without knowing why?!" She raised her voice. This seemed to make sense to Simon as he actually looked like he's sorry.
"I… " he sighed and looked at her, his eyes were lost and sad.
"I can't talk to you anymore… because I like you… but you've already set your eyes on someone else… so I just had to ignore you hoping that it'll make it less painful." he muttered. Complete silence filled the air.
France didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say. It may be true that she already had eyes on a certain Scottish cutie, but telling him the truth all over again would leave such mental scars.
It took her long enough to say something that Ghost already invited her back to the car, and her silence may leave no meaning, but to Ghost it meant a lot, at least he knew that he no longer had a chance on her and would finally move on.
The village was like any other typical village, the elder's house would always be on the highest point and the two opted to ask the village elder first to gather clues.
One clue led to another as they visited each house looking for one Fabian Alvarez, a nephew of an alleged Shadow Company soldier. Only a few were able to speak fluent english and they decided to help, until such time that Fabian decided to show up.
He looked like a five year old kid, holding a rubber ball and he looked at France and Ghost awkwardly before hiding back into his house. Fabian was far too young to know about his uncle's whereabouts and the lead went cold once again.
The ride home was quiet. France didn't want to say anything as she can't. Her heart was like inside a washing machine, swirling around as she thought of how Ghost liked her while she's clearly liking someone else. It must've been hella awkward and painful to see on a daily basis. She felt that once, when her best friend got together with her high school crush and continued to stay together up to this day… She knew how he felt.
The moment they got back, she was actually greeted by Soap, who already had his hands wide open for a hug. As usual, France would ignore his gesture and it now felt that she was already helping out Ghost from the pain. But now, she's the one feeling restricted.
It pained her to not get near Soap and he's already starting to notice the indifference. She was actually surprised when he cornered her, just as soon as she stepped out of the shower.
Her cheeks flushed as the idea of her, only wrapped with a towel, stood in front of Soap. She felt really vulnerable in this position.
"What happened out there?" he looked angry but the tone of his voice sounded concerned.
"Nothing, it's just … A dead lead. A waste of time." She replied as she attempted to cross over him.
"And how does that warrant an indifferent approach toward me?" he quickly moved to block her again. She sighed at her actions. He was right. He didn't deserve this treatment, he needed to learn something about the truth.
"We had a little fight with your friend over there…" She muttered, her voice was low enough so he couldn't hear.
"Who, Ghost?" he inched his face closer and his face lit up like a curious bystander who overhears conversations on a daily basis.
"Yeah… It was an unpleasant exchange." She said vaguely.
"Well, it'll all be resolved soon. I guess you're too carried away that you didn't want to talk to me as well…" he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. That gesture always made France happy, he may not notice it but she loves the way his muscles twitch when he scratches his nape. She found it satisfying and hot.
"Yeah… I'll go change." She said, as she frowned as soon as they parted. She knew she had to tell him the specific reason and the events that occured today, but she felt that it would create a domino effect that would lead the team to be uncooperative.
During bedtime, Alex requested France to swap sleeping spaces, meaning that she had to lie down beside Soap. She couldn't find the courage to say no as it might ruin the reunion they both longed for after a very long time.
France swung the door open and found out that they were already asleep, except for Ghost who was once again missing. She used this opportunity to actually wake Soap up and let him be aware that she'll be sleeping beside him. She planned to make both men comfortable by spacing herself between them, by only showing affection to Soap while Ghost's not around, until such time that Ghost would accept the inevitable truth.
"John." She whispered, as Soap lazily opened his eyes and reached out for her, wrapping her in his arms.
"I really like you. A lot. I hope you'll be patient enough for me." She whispered again. She knew he wouldn't hear it but the idea of her actually expressing her thoughts to him, put her at ease, as she slowly closed her eyes and drifted to sleep, wrapped by the arms of the man whom she really admired.
Next Chapter : If I Remember Correctly
Notification Squad my Beloved
@ricinbach @whimsywispsblog @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @beemybee
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obtusemedia · 3 years
Ranking Lady Gaga's albums, from worst to best
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Being a Lady Gaga fan can be an exercise in frustration.
Gaga is far more ambitious than most popstars — I doubt we’ll ever see Ariana Grande or Ed Sheeran make an album as left-field as Born This Way or ARTPOP. But she's also far less consistent, with numerous misbegotten projects.
Gaga's undeniably successful, with five #1 hits, an Oscar and multiple iconic music videos to her name. But her messy album rollouts and tradition of underperforming lead singles make her feel like an underdog compared to the more polished, precise careers of her contemporaries like Taylor Swift, Beyoncé or Bruno Mars.
Gaga is kind of a mess. But she's our mess. This album ranking will cover some records I can't stand — albums that make me constantly hit the fast-forward button, or albums I ignore altogether. But there isn't a single record on here that wasn't a bold move. Even the "back to basics" albums made strong aesthetic choices.
So let's dive into the career of the most fascinating Millennial popstar.
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#8: Cheek To Cheek (2014)
This really shouldn't count. It's a Lady Gaga album in name only. But, technically it's a Gaga album, so here we are.
I've got nothing against Gaga having fun playing Rat Pack-era dress-up with Tony Bennett. She's a theatre kid at heart, and I'm sure every theatre kid would kill to make a Great American Songbook covers record like this. It sounds like she and Tony enjoyed themselves, so I'm happy for them!
...but I'm sorry. I can't be objective about Cheek To Cheek, it's the opposite of my taste. There's only so many bland lounge ballads I can take.
BEST SONGS: I have to pick one? "Anything Goes" is cute, I guess.
WORST SONG: "Sophisticated Lady"
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#7: A Star Is Born (2018)
Let me first make this clear — A Star Is Born, the movie starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga? It's a masterpiece. It's electrifying and tragic and I'm still upset it didn't sweep the Oscars that year. There's even a cute dog! You won't hear me say a bad word about it.
But A Star Is Born, the accompanying soundtrack? It's extremely hit-and-miss.
Yes, it includes arguably Gaga's best-ever song and one of the greatest movie hits ever written, "Shallow." And there's plenty of other great tunes in the tracklist too — "Always Remember Us This Way," "I'll Never Love Again," the "La Vie En Rose" cover.
Even the country-rock songs from Bradley Cooper (who, reminder, is not a professional singer) are mostly good! "Black Eyes" RIPS, and "Maybe It's Time" feels like a long-lost classic.
But sadly, there are so many mediocre filler tracks on this thing. The second half of A Star Is Born's hour-plus runtime (Gaga's longest!) is padded with generic songs like "Look What I've Found," "Heal Me" and "I Don't Know What Love Is." The only good one out of the bunch is the silly, intentionally-bad "Why Did You Do That?"
In the movie, these filler tracks serve a point – they're meant to show Gaga's character selling out. They work in the movie when you hear them for a few seconds and see Cooper make a drunkly disappointed scowl. But I don't want to listen to them, and sadly, they make up half the album.
In other words — A Star Is Born would've made an incredible six or seven-song EP. But as an 63-minute-long record? It's a slog.
BEST SONGS: "Shallow", "Always Remember Us This Way," "Maybe It's Time"
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#6: Joanne (2016)
After Born This Way and ARTPOP, I get why Gaga needed to make a more lowkey, back-to-basics album. I also understand that many of these songs have extremely personal lyrics for her.
But is a down-to-earth album what I really want from our most outré popstar? Not really.
Luckily, Joanne is better than that description suggests. Yes, there are some bland acoustic ballads and awkward hippie-era throwbacks (two styles that are really not in Gaga's wheelhouse), but there's also some Springsteen-style heartland rockers! And those go hard in the paint.
Joanne works best when Gaga works the record's dusty aesthetics into her brand of weirdo pop, like on the sizzling "John Wayne," the winking "A-YO" or the delightfully extra Florence Welch duet "Hey Girl."
The record also has "Perfect Illusion" — a glorious red herring of a lead single that sounds nothing like anything else on Joanne. It's a roided-up mixture of woozy Tame Impala production and hair metal histrionics, and it rules. It might be Gaga's best-ever lead single! (at the very least, it's her most underrated.)
And there is one slow tune that's unambiguously great: "Million Reasons," another solid Gaga lighters-in-the-air power ballad pastiche.
Despite what some Little Monsters may tell you, Joanne isn't a disaster. There's some great stuff in there, and even the worst songs are just forgettable. But it's still far from her best.
BEST SONGS: "Perfect Illusion," "Diamond Heart," "Million Reasons"
WORST SONG: "Come To Mama"
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#5: Chromatica (2020)
When Chromatica was released near the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it had been seven years since Gaga had released music in her classic gonzo-synthpop vein. I can easily picture the record serving as an "ugh fine, I'll give you what you want" response to the many Little Monsters annoyed with Gaga's half-decade of folksy ballads and Julie Andrews cosplay.
I'll say this about Chromatica — outside of The Fame Monster, it's her most consistent record. There's not a single track that's a glaring mistake. And the three singles — "Stupid Love," "911" and the triumphant Ariana Grande duet "Rain On Me" — easily stand among her best tracks.
But although "all bangers, no ballads" album sounds rad in theory, it doesn't really succeed in practice. Chromatica is solid, but it's also a very same-y record. It feels like Gaga had one really great idea for the album ('90s club music with super-depressing lyrics) and repeated it over and over and over again to diminishing results.
There are some songs that are able to separate themselves: the three singles, of course, as well as the goofy "Babylon" and "Sine From Above," the Elton John duet that's the closest Chromatica gets to a ballad. But by the end of the album, you feel more worn out than electrified.
Also — and this is probably unfair, but still — Chromatica came out just a couple months after another retro-dance blockbuster pop album: Dua Lipa's magnum opus, Future Nostalgia. That's not a flattering comparison.
BEST SONGS: "Rain On Me," "Stupid Love," "911"
WORST SONG: "1000 Doves"
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#4: The Fame (2008)
Out of all of Gaga's records, The Fame is most like a time capsule. It REEKS of late '00s/early '10s pop — which isn't an entirely fair criticism, seeing as Gaga popularized that era's sleazy, synthy aesthetic. It's also not a bad thing! I don't mind a little nostalgia!
As you already know, The Fame's singles are masterworks. "Just Dance," "Poker Face," "Paparazzi" — these tracks have titanic legacies for good reason. And although it's probably the least-beloved of this album's hits, despite being a total banger, "LoveGame" should still be commended for having arguably the most Gaga lyric ever (you know, the "disco stick" line).
And even though those tracks are front-loaded on The Fame, there are some gems deeper in the tracklist. "Summerboy" is basically Gwen Stefani covering The Strokes (so obviously, it's great). "Eh, Eh" is adorable. "Starstruck" is the most 2008 song ever recorded, with aggressive Auto-Tune and Flo Rida showing up to make Starbucks jokes.
Sadly, The Fame still feels like Gaga before she became fully-formed at certain points. The back half has a number of songs that feel like generic club tracks forced by the label, and "Paper Gangsta" is one of the clunkiest songs in Gaga's catalogue.
But at the very least, the bad songs on The Fame at least serve as little nostalgia bombs for that era of pop. And the best songs are untouchable classics.
BEST SONGS: "Paparazzi," "Just Dance," "Summerboy"
WORST SONG: "Paper Gangsta"
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#3: ARTPOP (2013)
For much of Gaga's career, she's been ahead of the curve. She tries something, and a year or a few years later, other popstars try something similar to diminishing results.
That doesn't just apply to the successful stuff, like Gaga's extravagant music videos inspiring many copycats from 2010-2013. It also applies to the mid-late '10s trend of legacy popstars making a controversial record with risky aesthetic or lyrical choices that backfired: reputation. Witness. Man of The Woods.
Gaga did this first, with ARTPOP — arguably the most abrasive, and bizzare major label album released by a major modern popstar. And she did it better, because unlike Swift, Perry and Timberlake, Gaga's weirdness was for real. And it was in service of some prime, hyper-aggressive bangers.
ARTPOP isn't Gaga's best work — some of her experiments on it are major misfires, from the obnoxious "Mary Jane Holland" to the bland Born This Way leftover (and Romani slur-utilizing) "Gypsy."
But when ARTPOP is on, it's ON. The opening stretch in particular, from "Aura" to "Venus" to "G.U.Y." to "Sexxx Dreams," is chaotic synthpop at its finest. Those songs took Gaga's classic sound to an apocalyptic, demented extreme, and they're fantastic.
"MANiCURE" is a great glam-rock banger, "Dope" is another classic Gaga piano ballad, the title track is some sikly-smooth dreampop; even the misguided, clunky trap anthem "Jewels N' Drugs" is bad in a hilarious, charming way!
Trust me: ARTPOP will go down in history not as a flop, but as a gutsy, underrated record from a legend. Less Witness, more In Utero.
BEST SONGS: "G.U.Y.," "Venus," "Sexxx Dreams"
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#2: The Fame Monster (2009)
Objectively speaking, this is probably the best Gaga album.
It's her one record with no fluff, no filler — only 34 minutes and 8 tracks, all of them stellar.
It's the record that took Gaga from "wow, this new woman is a fresh new face in pop!" to "this woman IS pop."
It's the record with her signature track, "Bad Romance," which was accompanied by arguably the greatest music video of the 21st Century. (It also has my absolute favorite Gaga track, the relentlessly catchy "Telephone.")
I don't think I need to explain what makes mega-smashes "Bad Romance" and "Telephone" and "Alejandro" great, nor the accompanying legendary deep cuts "Speechless" and "Dance In The Dark." They speak for themselves.
However — the sleek, calculated perfection of The Fame Monster, while incredible, isn't something I return to often. It's just not the side of Gaga that's my favorite. That honor would have to go to...
BEST SONGS: "Telephone," "Dance In The Dark," "Bad Romance"
WORST SONG: "So Happy I Could Die" (but it's still pretty solid)
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#1: Born This Way (2011)
One of my favorite podcasts is Blank Check. The concept of the show is to analyze each movie by a famous director — in particular, those who had big success early on and then got a blank check to make whatever crazy passion project they wanted. Here's a great example: because Batman was a massive hit, Tim Burton got to make whatever Hot Topic-core movies he wanted to for decades, from Edward Scissorhands to a creepy Willy Wonka remake.
That long-winded tangent is just to say: Born This Way was Lady Gaga's blank check. By early 2011, she had conquered the pop universe, notching hit after hit after hit. Every other pop star was copying her quirky music videos. So the label let Gaga do whatever she wanted — and she didn't waste that opportunity.
Born This Way is wildly overproduced. It's both extremely trend-chasing (those synths were cutting edge at the time but charmingly dated now), but also deeply uncaring about what the teens want (I don't think Springsteen and Queen homages were big at the time). And I love every messy, overblown second of it.
From the hair-metal/synthpop hybrid opener "Marry The Night" to the majestic '80s power ballad "The Edge of Glory," Born This Way starts at an 11. And Gaga never takes her foot off the pedal for the album's entire hour-plus run time. Clanging electric guitars, thunderous synths and Clarence Clemons (!!!) sax solos collide into each other as Gaga champions every misfit and loser in the world. It's gloriously corny in the best way possible.
Born This Way is also the perfect middle ground of pop-savvy Gaga and gonzo Gaga. It doesn't go quite as hard as ARTPOP, but the hooks are stronger. And the oddball moments are tons of fun, from the sci-fi biker anthem "Highway Unicorn" to the goofy presidential-sex banger "Government Hooker" ("Put your hands on me/John F. Kennedy" might be the greatest line in pop history).
Born This Way will always be my favorite Gaga album. It's armed with nuclear-grade hooks, slamming beats, and soaring anthems. Although it's not as untouchably pristine as the Mt. Rushmore of '10s pop classics (for the record, that's 1989, EMOTION, Lemonade and, of course, Melodrama), Gaga isn't best served by meticulousness. She's proudly tacky and histrionic, and so that's what makes Born This Way an utter joy.
BEST SONGS: "The Edge of Glory," "You and I," "Marry The Night"
WORST SONG: "Bloody Mary"
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.7k
Warnings: swearing, angst, drunk, motion of death
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 2 Part 4
Part 3
In less than ten minutes, we had pulled up to Liam's house. Liam paid for the taxi too. I kind of argued this time, but he pointed out he asked me to his house. I didn't get too stubborn about it.
Liam was living in a four-story terrace house, recently renovated by the looks of it. It was painted white with black wrought iron lacework, and it was beautiful. The front door and windows were painted black. It appeared to be the twin of the house that shared its wall.
We entered through the dining room, and I realised it was actually the two houses renovated together. The inside was modern with original heritage touches. The floors were light timber, and the walls were white. The ceilings had plaster and cornice so beautifully ornate that restoration must have taken ages. The room had an imposing black marble fireplace and a deep brown, almost black wooden dining table set on a grey shag rug in the room's centre. A huge abstract painting of bright pinks, greens and grey hung on the wall.
"Wow, this must have cost a mint!" I quickly covered my mouth. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me."
"It's ok. I was pleasantly surprised by the house too. The studio got the house for me I...." Liam was interrupted by a massive dog bounding into the room.
Liam got down and roughhoused with the dog for a bit. Wow, he was a monster! I'd seen a picture of Cole before that "Will" had sent me, but I wasn't quite prepared for how big he was. He was almost completely black with some brown above his eyes and ears. His paws were brown too, and his belly was grey. He wasn't any particular breed, apparently a rescue dog. I thought of my bull terrier cross cattle dog at home. This dog would eat him for breakfast, and Perrin wasn't small.
Cole's pink tongue lolled, and he panted as Liam moved from side to side. Cole imitated Liam's actions jumping about. He barked a couple of times as he got excited by the play. The noise reverberated through the quiet house.
"Shhh, Cole, people are sleeping." Liam softly admonished. Then his voice became stern. "Sit," he ordered before patting him. Liam looked at me and said, "Lana, this is Cole. Cole, Lana."
"Hi, Cole. You're much bigger in person." I could hear the slight tremor in my voice. Liam must have sensed I was nervous and came over to stand near me. Cole padded over and sniffed at me. Gingerly, I put my hand by my side and let him approach me. Cole nuzzled my hand, and I gave him a pat on the side of his neck. I let out a sigh of relief.
"I was worried he wouldn't like me. I love dogs but always get nervous around new ones." Liam put his head to the side, asking a silent question. "I had a dingo go me one time, and I've never really gotten over it." I squatted down and gave Cole more pats. "I think this guy is ok, though."
"Yeah, he's a good boy. How is Perrin, by the way?"
"He's ok." I sighed, "he's just old. The poor little guy can't get onto my bed anymore and sleeps in my lounge room now. I kinda miss it, but I have slept a bit better."
Liam gave Cole some more pats and told him to go sit. "Come on. I'll make you a tea or coffee if you'd like." I agreed a coffee would be perfect right now. I needed something to sober me up.
I sat at the kitchen bench while Liam made coffees. Cole sat by my stool, and I patted his head while watching Liam. Liam had kicked off his shoes and was walking around in his bare feet. It was amazing to see him so much more relaxed here than while we were out. He really did appear to enjoy being at home.
As Liam made our coffee, he moved with a grace that surprised me. His movements seemed economical and rigid but hinted at the power beneath them. He seemed coiled and ready to explode at any moment. It was like he was dancing the pasodoble, his body moving to an invisible beat. Images of Strictly Ballroom came into my mind, and I found myself humming Love is in the Air. I was drunker than I thought.
When Liam was done, he led me over to his large L shaped lounge, and I sat. Liam flopped down next to me, casually laying back and popped his feet up on the coffee table. Cole sat on a mat that was clearly his.
I sipped my coffee, not knowing what else to do. Suddenly the quiet between Liam and I felt awkward.
Liam and I spoke at the same time, "What.." "So..."
We both laughed. Liam indicated I should proceed. "Well, I was going to ask what brought you out to Sydney, for real, not the Will answer."
"A new project. I'm going to be filming a television show." Liam proceeded to tell me about his project, working with some people from Netflix on a fantasy/sci-fi series adaptation. He was so animated when telling me that it was obvious that he loved his job.
It would be his first television series and was to be more romance heavy than anything he had done in years. Liam explained that he is filming here because the story was written and developed in Australia. "If it works out, I'll probably be based out of Australia for the next few years. I'll go home to England for a few months during breaks, maybe do some small film roles. It's hard with Cole, though, because every trip into Australia means 10 days quarantine for him."
"Oh yeah, and you don't want a Pistol and Boo situation." Liam looked confused, and I explained about Amber Heard and Johnny Depp smuggling their dogs into Australia.
"I thought you said you don't follow celebrity gossip."
"I don't, but that was big news, hilarious really. It was on every bit of media in Australia, and then they had to make this cringe video apology. I almost felt bad for them." Then I yawned, suddenly all the alcohol had lost its buzz, and I was just tired. "The coffee doesn't seem to be doing its job. What time is it?"
Liam looked at his watch, "11.30."
"Yeah, it's late. I should get home. I don't want to turn into a pumpkin." I cringed. Fuck.
"You don't have to go. You could stay here." I raised my eyebrows. "I do have more than one bed if that's what you want." Liam leaned over to me and placed a hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb against my skin.
I looked at my nearly empty coffee mug. I swirled the dregs around the bottom as if it were tea leaves, and they would tell me what to do. "I don't want to go home yet, but I don't want to go too fast, either."
"That's ok."
I didn't move. I wanted to stay. Ten years ago, I would have stayed, but Andy's face flashed into my thoughts. I knew it was ridiculous. Andy had been gone for over three years now. But every time I even contemplated being with someone, I couldn't stop thinking about him.
Liam was waiting for an answer, but I didn't know what to tell him. 'It's not you, it's me' is such a tired cliche, but sometimes it's true.
"Lana, it's ok. If you want to go home, that's absolutely fine. I'll even call you an Uber."
I felt my eyes sting, and I looked away from Liam. My bloody traitorous tear ducts giving me away. I shouldn't have drunk so much. Alcohol always makes me emotional.
"Fuck." I swore under my breath. I angrily wiped at my eyes, thankful I had used waterproof mascara. My eyeliner was a different story, though, and black streaked my fingers. I asked Liam where his bathroom was, and I got up, only half listening to his directions. I found it quickly. It was only through the doorway into a little enclave with a powder room, stairs and a lift. What kind of bloody house has a lift?
I closed the door and sat on the toilet seat. I knew enough not to try to stop the tears, so I just let them go. Bloody hell, Andy. Why did he fucking have to leave me? Why the fuck did you have to fucking die. Goddammit. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I do this to Andy? I wanted to scream, to punch something, to throw something. I needed another cigarette. Fuck you, Andy. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck Liam.
As I always did when I thought of Andy, I remembered the last time I saw him. His sweet face looked down at me as he kissed me goodbye. His deep brown hair fell like a curtain around us, hiding our kiss from the world. Cheekily I had slipped my tongue into his mouth, and he had groaned as he pulled away. He told me to save it for when he got back and would be as quick as he could be. I had thanked him for filling in for me. He winked and said to thank him later. Then he left.
When I was able to, I started to take deep breaths. In through my nose, out through my mouth. I could feel the tightness in my chest slowly ease. Breathing became more comfortable, and the tears stopped. I looked at my hands, and I was able to release the fists I was making. My nails hadn't broken the skin this time, but small red crescents remained etched into my palms.
I waited a few minutes longer to make sure the moment had passed. It wasn't Andy's fault he died, and I knew that. It's also not my fault that I wanted someone to love again. Sleeping with someone other than Andy felt like crossing the Rubicon, no going back.
The fact was there is no going back, no Andy to go back to, even if I wanted. In my head, it still felt like a betrayal. But it wasn't. And Liam wasn't just anybody. He was a guy I had spent weeks talking to, getting to know, and although he looks different, he is still acting as I had expected. I saw a potential future here. Did I really want to let my past ruin it?
I cleared my throat and stood up, preparing myself to see the horror that looked back at me. Ugh, it wasn't great. My eyeliner had given me panda eyes, and the tears had created streaks down my cheeks.
Getting a tissue and blew my nose, and decided there was nothing else for it, I washed my makeup off my face. I avoided washing my eye makeup off though, that was a mess I just didn't have the products for, so I just wiped under my eyes and cleaned it up. I binned my tissues, washed my hands, took a few more deep breaths and prepared myself to face Liam.
I opened the door and walked straight into something solid that made me bounce back into the bathroom like a tennis ball. Hands caught me before I hit the floor, and I found myself in Liam's arms.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked.
"No," I was flustered again. I spent all that time calming down to just be in a state two seconds later. "I just didn't expect you to be outside the door. Jesus, you're like a brick shit house."
Liam didn't laugh. "I was worried about you."
"I'm fine," I lied.
Liam didn't look convinced. He let me go and ran a hand through his hair. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not right now."
Liam nodded. "I'll get you that Uber." He pulled his phone out.
That's it then. All in all, it wasn't the worst date I'd been on since Andy died. Actually, it was probably the best. Liam, at least, was a guy I was attracted to and didn't appear to be a man child. He seemed to like me, even when I cried over another man. Although I doubt Liam knew that's why I was crying. I had told him I was married before and he had died, but that was only once and a long time ago, and we hadn't discussed it again.
The tears had done their job, and a calmness came over me now. I had said goodbye to Andy, and I was ready to take that last step to move on. That was why I started to date again; to open my heart, I was ready.
I put my hand on Liam's wrist, "if you still want me to, I'd like to stay."
"Are you sure? I probably shouldn't have asked in the first place. I let my other head think for me." Though I laughed at his candid admission, Liam's face was serious. "I'm not joking. I want you, and I didn't think about how you must be feeling. The whole fake profile thing must still be weighing on your mind. And all of the other problems that go along with being with me. You should have more time to think about it."
And my dead husband, let's not forget that. I didn't say that out loud, thank God. "I will have time to think about it. But right now, I want..." Shit. I've gone shy again. Just fucking tell him you want him too! "I mean, can't we just have a bit of a cuddle and a snog?"
Liam's lips twitched as he tried to suppress a smile, "a cuddle and a snog?"
I nodded.
Smiling, Liam put his phone back in his pocket. "I think I can arrange that."
Without further warning, Liam grabbed my wrists in one hand and pinned them to the wall above my head. His other hand snaked around my waist, holding me to him, his hips rolling into mine. His eyes were fierce and focused on mine. I  closed my eyes, the sensations too much, and my breath quickened.
I heard Liam say through gritted teeth, "It's taken everything I had not to do this to you since I saw you at the bar. I wanted to take you then and there." His voice seemed to ease, the words coming easier for him. "You don't know how much I've wanted to touch you. To know you are real." Then he whispered, "and you are. Real. You're as beautiful tonight as you were in your pictures."
I opened my eyes and found Liam staring at me, and his intensity was nearly frightening. He pulled me tighter against himself, his fingertips digging into me while he crushed me against his body. I felt his hardness against my hip, and I couldn't stop myself from rubbing against it. This time Liam closed his eyes, and I felt the rush of blood to my centre.
Liam opened his eyes, desire naked on his face, "Kiss me," he said.
I met his soft and warm lips. I felt Liam's groan rumble in his vast chest, and kissing him again, my lips scraped against his whiskers. Liam kissed me back now. His tongue pushed past my lips, and found mine. His tongue playfully danced in my mouth. Liam's hand left my arse and started to feel my hips, my waist and then my breasts. He cupped them and gently squeezed. My breath caught as his hand skimmed past my nipple. His palm created friction against the lace of my bra, and tingles radiated through my body.
His lips left mine and went to my neck. He kissed and sucked at me, moving down to the top of my breasts. I heard him take a deep breath into my chest as his cheeks rubbed against my skin. His kisses became harder against my chest and moved back up to my neck, his teeth nipping at me as he went. Even though he had me captured, I wriggled against him, my hips moved uncontrollably, my breath uneven and weak.
Liam pulled away, still firmly gripping one of my hands. "Come with me." Liam led me to the lift.
"Where are we going?"
"To my bedroom." I pulled against him, forcing him to stop. "Sweetheart, I promise I won't fuck you until you ask."
My legs turned to jelly. I wanted to fall to my knees and beg despite my reservations. I nodded and followed Liam into the lift.
Part 4
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My TotV AU: Changes and things kept
Note- Soneone took down the wiki so I may have to dig through archive sites to find my old CANON sources
What the hell is TotV : Tales of the Valkyr is an original story/fan fiction hybrid with a canon au (Scars) written by Canadian YouTuber Lily Orchard it also has ties to several fictional properties namely Family Guy, MLP:FIM, and WoW.
Why have an AU: I like some of the ideas just not how they were implemented
So if you're at least partially familiar with the source here are my biggest changes
-some characters have been cut from the plot. Namely Elethyn, Mags, Honey Crisp, Ellie, Ascentias's rapist, the cast of mlp, Megsalyn (basically meg from family guy) and Jehovah.
Elethyn-owner wants her to not be tied to the TotV plus I have much darker/more in line with character plans for the Ascentia romance plots. Mags- personal taste honestly I feel like an uwu babu sassy child whose colorful and quirky plot clashes with my themes. Plus I'm not a huge fan of writing this type of character . Honey Crisp-see Mags, Ellie-is it mean to say she's basically a pallette swapped Elethyn with less personality?, Ascentias's Rapist- a plot device that revolves around molestation yeah I'm going dark but I'm not the biggest fan of using that for shock value . The Cast of MLP-there will be unicorns but not these ones I replaced Twilight's being a war bride to Ascentia with a humanoid character however. Megsalyn- because she shouldn't be alone without her creek buddy no actually it's because its such a weird ass plot inclusion that clashes with my vision . Jehovah because that whole plot had super inconsistent holes and was overall a bit like a cringy reddit atheist screed (I say this as an atheist by the way lol )
-characters changes/kept ideas
Valkyr in general-theyre a authoritarian fascist totalitarian government not a monarchy (which they never showed traits of-Lily please fucking research politics ). They like many fascist cultures are obsessed with the idea of purity based on race something I didn't add it's in the original ) but there is a large resistance movement who distrusts Valithra and her ideas and policies . Forced military service is a facet of their society (including to altered prisioners of war), polygamy with war brides/husbands/partners is practiced amongst the "most pure" aka those closest to Valithra but is discouraged among the "commons". Marriage in general is discouraged and outright denied amongst the commons due to Valithra's eugenics mindset. Gay marriage is surprisingly legal but once again more encouraged to the "most pure". Religion is based on the idea of Valithra as a fallen goddess. You can executed on the whims of Valithra and to a lesser degree Ascentia. Most pures have the mysterious ability to regenerate and come back to life (along with bringing others back) Valithra claims it's due to genetic superiority but that seems oddly suspicious doesn't it? (not getting into spoilers), gender identity is only respected amonst the "most pure" sadly . Experimentation on prisoners of war and prisoners is commonplace. They are not Nomads and have several cities nations etc. The Capital of Auralvana (I changed the name) is the head and home of the mysterious ancient Citadel (forbidden to most). Killing and violence is taught in schools . Pro Valithra propaganda is common as Is media suppression. Economy is being worked out (I'll figure that out I swear but it's probably capitalist)
Valithra Ryder-im keeping her iteration as a cis woman to fit her new backstory. I actually brought back the dead wife plot too . I've also made her a bit less openly cruel when manipulating other nations and planets. She's also a bit more calculated instead of all brute to extend her threat level . She now also creates propaganda and has actual opposition amongst her people.
Ascentia-she is still highly treated like a prized baby by her upperclass "most pure" cohorts but fairly feared by the commons for her extremely violent blood lust nature even with violence being normalized . She is extremely beautiful and willingly models and acts for propaganda pieces . Her extreme love of violence was sadly groomed into her from childhood and war became a somewhat religion to her . Despite her brutal nature she's also intelligent and willingly helps Sunatu with her experimentation. She has the most war brides among her social class with a staggering 400. She is abusive towards some . She enjoys living the life of luxury and hates being challenged. She secretly fears the idea of one day being actually hurt by an enemy and thus losing her social status.
Sunatu- no longer Palestinian due to the racist implications of turning her into a demon (especially since she's the only real world POC) so she's just a spooky demon. An "honorary" Valkyr she lives in the squalor zone at the edge of the city but because of her willingness to go hard into the unethical human/humanoid experimentation sciences Valithra gives her a slightly nicer house and guards to kill any squalor dweller planning to off her. Her obsession with these inhumane sciences are what got her exiled from her demon home . Blind due to Valithra ripping her eyes out in rage (a horribly common punishment) but able to be meticulous in her work . Secretly fears Ascentia
Tolrah- defected from Valithra's military and faked her death in order to become a rebellion leader . I stripped her of her numerous bisexual stereotypes and killed the plot point about her neglecting to save Ascentia from her Rapist because of said stereotypes. I also decided that the Hebrew tattoo punishment idea was tasteless as fuck because how the hell did Lily not put two and two together and realize hmm this seems offensive because I reminiscent of the Holocaust . Which despite the Valkyr being race obsessed I won't allude to because actual people died and were tortured . Anyway she's brave intelligent and falls in love with the main character.
Edit: it's Xarlan
Phayaun- toned down her brutal nature. Tolrah's pupil who defects later on after seeing the true extent of Valithra's cruelty .was forced to give up her true love to be a bride for Ascentia (who killed her) so harbors resentment towards Ascentia.
OC shit
Main characters
Xarlan- a Valkyr soldier in training. Starts to question his loyalty towards Valithra after the Earth invasion and witnessing the numerous war crimes
Duskara- took Twilight's role. Former princess of a fairy kingdom sold to Ascentia as a war bride. Seeing her people massacred she formulated a plan to destroy the Valithra regime . Through manipulation and spying she discovers the secret that may even the odds against Valithra.
Eddy-a survivor of the attack on Earth. Eddy and his boyfriend must figure out a way to rally the other survivors and protect what is left and to contact those who were taken
Nightmare/Cait- Former human twisted into the form of a winged unicorn through magical experimentation for one of Ascentia's twisted ideas . When she finds the secret from Duskara she decides to wage war as a new type of monster on the regime
All for now
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