horrorvillaintourney · 4 months
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND ONE MATCH TWENTY-THREE: Eli (Let the Right One In) vs. Gervatter Todd (Godfather Death [folktale])
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"Canonically AMAB and castrated as a child, presents as a girl but seems to identify as agender or something similar. Being a vampire and also eternally a child probably also affects their relationship to gender. Anyway in theory not great trans representation perhaps but I like them and hope they went on to have a happy un-life. I liked when they murdered all those bullies"
"This is literally death. There’s several different versions of the story even by the Grimm brothers. In one version he kills his godson for cheating him but in the other it’s unclear if he was truly trying to spite his godson or trying to help him. The whole fairytale has an oddness to it that kinda feels haunting. Here he is straightforward a true believer in looking on everyone equally and it’s unknown if he truly cares about mortals or is just a passive participant in the lives of mortals. I’m not sure if this counts as horror as the story still predates it and other Grimm tales are actively scarier (Bluebeard the youth who went fourth to learn what fear wasor robber bridegroom and the one ghost story for example) but it’s got a very odd feeling to it that leans more towards horror than anything it’s like a page and a half long though so you may deem that for yourself"
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capricioustenets · 2 years
Grand ♤ Darkleer vs Grand ◇ Darkleer
Jube <3< Darkleer
1) pls N O | not shipping it | nah | maybe | I WISH it’d work | yasss | I ship it | wOW PLEASE!
2) Jube doesn't hate Darkleer in a sexy way, his current hatred of Darkleer is entirely platonic loathing. He sees what Darkleer did during the rebellion as a true betrayal of someone he considered his closest confidant and friend. They certainly griped at each other, but even back when they were close he never hated Darkleer enough for a black romance. It was far more pity-leaning, at least on Jube's side. I do love the shipping dynamics of Zahhak <3< Makara, but in this case? I don't think Jube has it in him to hate Darkleer in a romantic way.
Jube <> Darkleer
1) pls N O | not shipping it | nah | maybe | I WISH it’d work | yasss | I ship it | wOW PLEASE!
2) This on the other hand is almost what their dynamic was. The only person who, at the time, met him as an equal. Darkleer was his mentor and teacher but he was in a position of higher power, so they had a wonderful balance that led to a very strong (hee hee) friendship. Jube went to Darkleer with his doubts and worries and Darkleer always had advice for him. Darkleer wasore reserved, but Jube met him in the sparring ring to work off his anger when it became too much. Little shoulder pats and glances and wishing that Jube could take a quad while avoiding it because of impropriety...
The slow burn to end all slow burns. I ship this so hard, but...
Jube <3 Darkleer
1) pls N O | not shipping it | nah | maybe | I WISH it’d work | yasss | I ship it | wOW PLEASE! | This is the actual dream | I desperately crave this.
2) This is the ideal. All of the above plus sexual tension. Jube admiring the way Darkleer's muscles flex beneath his uniform. Darkleer watching Jube step into his own and grow into a powerful, capable, violent man. Looking disrespectfully. A servant so under the power of the one he serves he'd give everything and a leader so grateful for what the servant has done he wouldn't ask for anything.
This version of the ship makes me completely lose my mind.
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becoming-not-became · 9 months
I miss himthe him himnot the heor the hisbut the him not the hewho he wasor the histhat he had but the himthe him himthat one himthat will forever be with me
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blueskyscribe · 7 years
On them question thingies: DFUV. D is for LiGH. On a side note, I was rereading the most recent couple chapters of LiGH last night and caught Knock Out referencing KO Burger, and maybe I'm just slow on the uptake for this, but... do LiGH and With a Side of Rust happen in the same universe...?
I’ve never specifically thought about it, but I would say different universes for LiGH and WaSoR.  But Knock Out set up the KO Burger chain in both of them, because it was easier to buy cosmetics than to steal them.
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
There is!  It can mostly be derived from the epigraphs (song quotes) at the start of each chapter, LOL.  At some point I’ll compile them and post them on Tumblr.  Back when Grooveshark was still around I also had playlists for individual characters.  RIP Grooveshark.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“You know what I think?  I think you know you’re in deep slag if they figure out that the Autobots are like Decepticons here, and Decepticons are like Autobots.  So you waltz in here trying to convince me to back up your crazy story—”
“Listen, Autobot!” Knock Out shot to his feet so fast he almost knocked over the chair.  " I don’t have to be doing this!  I don’t have to be sneaking around in the dead of night trying to coordinate with you, trying to come up with something to save our chassis—"
“To save YOUR chassis!”
“To save OUR CHASSIS.” He gripped the side of the berth, the railing chained to his arm clanging against it.  "And you know what?  YOU’RE the one in deep slag here!  I look like their doctor, you look like some psycho who snuffed Dreadwing!  They put a handcuff on me and tied you down like a science experiment, what does that tell you?“
“Once they talk to me, they’ll realize—”
“What, Bumblebee?  What will they realize?  That you’re ‘good on the inside’?  Please!  They don’t have a cortical patch to turn your brain inside out and they’re scared of you, understand? If Shockwave turned up on your doorstep with a different color scheme, what would you do?”
“Shut up.”
“And if he was with Cliffjumper, which would you trust?”
“The truth hurts, doesn’t it, Bumblebee?” His fingers creaked with pressure as they gripped the berth.  "And the truth is I’m your best shot at freedom here.  And, Primus help me, I vouched for you, you ungrateful little wretch.  'Oh, Bumblebee, he’s harmless.’  'Not a real Autobot like Smokescreen.’  'No, I’ve never been afraid of him, he’s very sedate.’  I didn’t have to stick my neck out for you!  I could just as easily have said what they expected to hear!“
"Then why didn’t you?” Bumblebee shot back.  "Out of the kindness of your spark?  Oh wait, I know, it’s because I’m an ASSET, to keep in reserve until you need to push me into the line of fire!“
Knock Out straightened, his optics burning.
"That’s right, Autobot. You ARE just an asset to me.  Something to help me get home.  And, guess what? I’m an asset to you, too.”
Why I like this:
First, very basic reason: I love writing arguments.  I’m very non-confrontational in real life, so I find it cathartic, I guess.  This one in particular is intense.  They are both scared, trapped.  Everything is strange.  They hate each other, but … at least they are familiar to each other.  Knock Out is too much of a pragmatist to shun a potential ally based on a little thing like faction, and Bumblebee is horrified to discover that he is too.
I also like that this is secretly the first kind thing that Knock Out does for Bumblebee (and the first he’s done for anyone since Breakdown died). As Knock Out says, he could have told the SG ‘Cons any story about Bumblebee.  The reason he played up Bumblebee as harmless and nice is that he knows Bumblebee tried to help him when he was bleeding out and–although he would never admit it–he is trying to return the favor.
That’s why the full scene ends with Knock Out returning Bumblebee’s flask, which Bee gave him to keep him from going offline.  A gesture of karma.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@lizwuzthere [AO3 link] - I particularly enjoy her alternate timeline TFP fics!  Great character interaction, great dialogue, and logical progression of events.  Like, her fics aren’t just “Knock Out defected, so here is the rest of the season exactly like it was on the show, except with Knock Out on the Autobot side.”  Instead, his defection changes the dynamics of both factions and the events that follow.
@greyliliy [AO3 link] - Not only is she great to brainstorm with / bounce ideas off of, but her fics routinely make me cry.  She’s made me a Dreadwing/Yellowjacket shipper, which I never saw coming but now they are perfect and tragic.  *whispers* You monster.
@albawrites [AO3 link] This Scavengers fic is the best I’ve ever read.  Just amazing.  Especially Spinister’s characterization.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
This is a boring answer, but I don’t think I would!  I love reading fics, all kinds of fics.  But when it comes to writing, I like to do my own thing in my own universe.  (I mean, with Transformers it’s not exactly ‘my own’ universe, but it’s still a universe where all my headcanons, backstories, etc, are in place.)
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dreamwidegh · 3 years
Papah Amazing - Yesu Wasore ft. Lr Lucy (Prod By Sarpee Beatz)
Papah Amazing – Yesu Wasore ft. Lr Lucy (Prod By Sarpee Beatz)
Ikoli Music Production present this brand new song from Papah Amazing titled ”Yesu Wasore” The new song ”Yesu Wasore” features Lr Lucy. However, Production credit goes to Sarpee Beatz. Kindly listen to ”Yesu Wasore” by Papah Amazing featuring Lr Lucy and share your thoughts with us. Papah Amazing – Yesu Wasore ft. Lr Lucy (Prod By Sarpee Beatz)
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ballastmcgee · 7 years
We did it my dides. (Unless you're in a place where Summer break has yet to begin RIP you)
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State of the Fic
Some info on future priorities.  :)
“Life in Glass Houses” - This one and “With a Side of Rust” are what I mentally consider my “long fics”.  Right now LiGH is on hiatus while I focus on WaSoR;  after I finish “With a Side of Rust” then “Life in Glass Houses” will return to the rotation.  :)  Sorry folks, I know it’s been a long wait but I think in the long run this will be faster than if I was mentally wrangling WaSoR and LiGH at the same time.
“With a Side of Rust” - Getting near the end of it!  I’m so happy I returned to this fic, which was dormant for a looong time and which at one point I thought I’d never complete.  I had such bad writers block on it for so long, but the funny thing is now I can’t even remember which part gave me trouble??  Anyway, things are flowing smoothly on it now. 
“The One at the End” and “Forget-Me-Not” - Generally you’ll see a chapter of one of these in between chapters of “With a Side of Rust”.  I love bratty young Knock Out and evil!Rung, I just can’t stay away from them for too long.  <3  Plus, having fewer major characters, it’s easier to just GO FOR IT with them.
“The Hand That Mocked, The Heart That Fed” - I’m still figuring out where to go next with this one.  I write on it once in a while, but always end up rewriting.  Not exactly on hiatus, but not sure when I’ll have a new chapter.
Thanks for all your patience and support, my lovely readers! <3  KEEP WRITIN!
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counterpunches · 6 years
Lotus - a S7 BtVS W/T Genfic (18/?)
Rating: PG Pairing(s): Willow/Tara, Genfic Summary: Three months after ‘Grave’. We encounter our heroes who stumble brokenly, desperate to find a new path and heal. Posted on Ao3 and The Kittenboard
The afternoon light was heavy with gold as the hours slowly matured into early evening, saturating the air. Shadows stretched across the floor, reaching and crawling under furniture and up walls. Twilight was coming, and Spike was tired. The sun was sucking all the energy from his bones, he didn’t remember the last time he’d been awake with the sun and it was exhausting.
He sank deeper into the couch, absentmindedly flipping through a magazine that had been lying out on the table while Tara fussed about in the kitchen making lunch. It had been hours since either of them had eaten. Eventually Tara wiped her eyes dry at the stubborn insistence of their stomachs. Besides, the crying had to stop sooner or later.
For one thing, Spike had had enough emotion to last him for another two hundred years as far as he was concerned. But strangely it hadn't bothered him as much as he thought it would. He felt a strange calm settle upon him like fine silk at the mere recollection. He might not have known where he was—or, for that matter, why he was, but for now, he had a purpose: Hold Tara.
So hold her he did.
Keep Reading
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wearedailypoets · 3 years
Good night
Forgot what I was doing it was or was not sleeping...
Forgot what I was doingit wasor was not sleepingmight not ever sleep againgood night and goddamn
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alpha-yard · 3 years
Dream Walker
She was a fiery storm, she haunted his dreamsAnd stalked his actions, he yearned for herEven though he never knew herHer soul was perfect and shined with a raging flameUnknown to him, He knew two stages of lonelinessOne of the hearts, one of the soulsHis heart was broken for the love he had lostBut he knew she was always with himHis soul yearned for his companionUnknown to him where she wasOr…
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babyawacs · 3 years
@snowden @law .@law @laws @lawyer @law .@fisa @world @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 rescuemy kids always  always minors desperatemothers persons ofinterest allalongitis quelledinto daytime enforceprevention theywouldbe between agony of renounciation german smear of batshitnuts germancuring that or germancuring every angry emotion the confirmationofit then doomish hells mix tothat  internalising the anger ongermans and germany then desperate molest hate as the only relation doable setup by g ermans rescuethem thisis speculation but itis germany compared to protected and empowered itwouldbe near these things ///// by jewish morals it is hightreason to germany because their intel crime botch was nevercompensated but repeat added crimes to endangerlife and nutcoverup trick there on repeat because theygot away usually and itis solved itis quelled then youhate em and then evenmoreso itis germany //// repeat victimisation is euphemism repeated killtricks damages horrorshowtricks poisons mengeles arbitrary sexualassault thefinest 12000persons german intelswamp everhad hosted to aeh germantry something while authorities tryto reframe anything as trick to chainthe vic tim thengladly lettingothers more untilthey couldnt  a f t e r the damages //// therewas somuch cause tobe furious very but d e f i n i t e l y not atmykids?!? ididntknowtheyexist evennnow allihaveis atheme iwouldhave 39kids then40 thenthey killed two orso horrorstuff furious withgermanscums with a l o t of probablecause but not atmykids? wasor isthere a case ofinternalisation by minors? withoutme evenknowing ////
@snowden @law .@law @laws @lawyer @law .@fisa @world @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 rescuemy kids always  always minors desperatemothers persons ofinterest allalongitis quelledinto daytime enforceprevention theywouldbe between agony of renounciation german smear of batshitnuts germancuring that or germancuring every angry emotion the confirmationofit then doomish hells mix tothat  internalising the anger ongermans and germany then desperate molest hate as the only relation doable setup by g ermans rescuethem thisis speculation but itis germany compared to protected and empowered itwouldbe near these things ///// by jewish morals it is hightreason to germany because their intel crime botch was nevercompensated but repeat added crimes to endangerlife and nutcoverup trick there on repeat because theygot away usually and itis solved itis quelled then youhate em and then evenmoreso itis germany //// repeat victimisation is euphemism repeated killtricks damages horrorshowtricks poisons mengeles arbitrary sexualassault thefinest 12000persons german intelswamp everhad hosted to aeh germantry something while authorities tryto reframe anything as trick to chainthe vic tim thengladly lettingothers more untilthey couldnt  a f t e r the damages //// therewas somuch cause tobe furious very but d e f i n i t e l y not atmykids?!? ididntknowtheyexist evennnow allihaveis atheme iwouldhave 39kids then40 thenthey killed two orso horrorstuff furious withgermanscums with a l o t of probablecause but not atmykids? wasor isthere a case ofinternalisation by minors? withoutme evenknowing ////
@snowden @law .@law @laws @lawyer @law .@fisa @world @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 rescuemy kids always always minors desperatemothers persons ofinterest allalongitis quelledinto daytime enforceprevention theywouldbe between agony of renounciation german smear of batshitnuts germancuring that or germancuring every angry emotion the confirmationofit then doomish hells mix tothat internalising…
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deejkg1 · 3 years
[Audio + Video] Patience Nyarko - Wasore
[Audio + Video] Patience Nyarko – Wasore
Ghanaian all time gospel singer Patience Nyarko dashed us another brand new lovely single ahead of the death of Jesus Christ as Christians celebrate as easter. She entitled this track Wasore.Listen to this nice lovely tune below and enjoy. https://www.ndwompa.com.gh/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Patience-Nyarko-Wasore-NdwomPa.com_.gh_.mp3
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ibumojosari · 5 years
Jalan “Cinta” yang menghubungkan Desa Banjarsari dengan Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat, kembali jadi sorotan warga© Photo : Suherman/HR©
Berita Ciamis (harapanrakyat©com),- Jalan “Cinta” yang menghubungkan Desa Banjarsari dengan Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis , Jawa Barat, kembali jadi sorotan warga©
Pasalnya, jalan penghubung dua desa tersebut masih kerap dijadikan tempat untuk memadu kasih oleh para oknum pasangan remaja©
Hal itu diungkapkan Wasor, warga Desa Sukasari, saat menghadiri kegiatan kunjungan kerja Aang Multadi, salah satu Anggota DPRD Kabupaten Ciamis, di Aula Kantor Desa Sukasari, Jum’at (13/12/2019)©
Menurut Wasor, jalan yang dijuluki “jalan cinta” itu sudah semestinya mendapat perhatian khusus, mengingat
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officeboy1805 · 5 years
Jalan “Cinta” yang menghubungkan Desa Banjarsari dengan Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat, kembali jadi sorotan warga© Photo : Suherman/HR©
Berita Ciamis (harapanrakyat©com),- Jalan “Cinta” yang menghubungkan Desa Banjarsari dengan Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis , Jawa Barat, kembali jadi sorotan warga©
Pasalnya, jalan penghubung dua desa tersebut masih kerap dijadikan tempat untuk memadu kasih oleh para oknum pasangan remaja©
Hal itu diungkapkan Wasor, warga Desa Sukasari, saat menghadiri kegiatan kunjungan kerja Aang Multadi, salah satu Anggota DPRD Kabupaten Ciamis, di Aula Kantor Desa Sukasari, Jum’at (13/12/2019)©
Menurut Wasor, jalan yang dijuluki “jalan cinta” itu sudah semestinya mendapat perhatian khusus, mengingat
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blueskyscribe · 4 years
hello!! anonymous long time reader here, i’ve enjoyed WASOR for literally years and years now, and was OVER THE MOON when you picked it back up again. so excited to read the new chapter!! i’ve shared wasor with more people than i’ve shared anyone’s fic ever. i love it so so much!!! just wanted to send you a message to say how much your work means to me and inspires me. so excited to keep reading!!
Thank you so much anon!!  I had writers block on it for sooo long and honestly the reason I returned to it was the readers were so enthused that I clenched my fist and said, “I'm going to DO this, I’m going to WRITE!”  (Everyone has always been so nice about it too, I’ve never received a single rude comment about my procrastination.)
Thank you for reading WASOR, thank you for reccing it (that makes me feel lighter than air!), and thanks especially for letting me know!  I’m glad it inspires you, because you guys inspire me.  <3
My New Year’s resolution was to finish the fic by the end of the year, which should be easily doable.  <3
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ilyricsbuzz · 5 years
+α/あるふぁきゅん。 – Break Karma 歌詞
+α/あるふぁきゅん。(Alfakyun. )– Break Karma (Short Ver.) 映画『ダウト〜嘘つきオトコは誰?〜』主題歌 アルバム/ Album: Break Karma(Short ver.) – Single 作詞/ Lyricist: 小内喜文 作曲/ Composer: 小林正範 発売日/ Release date: 2019年10月4日 Language: 日本語/ Japanese 歌詞 | LYRICS 嘘をつくのがうまい奴は それだけクレバーってこと 頭いい人好きなアタシ 傷つく運命 都合のいいことばっか言って 周知(まわり)を振り回して でも何故か憎めない ズルすぎじゃない? 心の奥 見透かされそうで 目をそらしちゃうけど カルマ ぶっ壊してけ! 因果応報の夢の続きなんか もう見れなくていい カルマ 断ち切って 行け! 自分次第で未来は変わる 奇跡の連続 黒歴史も輝く 一度しかない人生 Music Video ローマ字 | ROMAJI uso o tsuku no ga umai yatsu wasore dake kurebā tte kotoatama ī hitozuki na atashi kizutsuku unmei tsugō no ī koto bakka itteshūchi( mawari) o furimawashitede mo naze ka nikumenai zuru-sugi ja nai? kokoro no oku misukasare sō deme o sorashichau kedo karuma bukkowashiteke!inga ōhō no yume no tsuzuki nankamō mirenakute īkaruma tachikitte ike!jibun shidai de mirai wa kawarukiseki no renzokukuro rekishi mo kagayakuichi do shika nai jinsei Click here to view full Lyrics
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