loop-hole-319 · 1 year
This is definitely the best fic I have read in quite some time, definitely going to reread the whole thing when my hyper fixation Loops back around.
Also Rumble and Frenzy were so dame cute
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sunderedstar · 5 years
Important question: how do you find your pre-chapter quotes? Do you have a stock of them that you've gathered over time and can pull from as the need arises, or do you go searching for them as you write each chapter, and if so, what do you search to find them?
I have a lot of random crap saved in my /words and /poetry tag! as well as 7 or so tabs from someone else’s poetry tag that have been open in the browser for like a year at this point, waiting for the right moment.
other than that, it’s a mix of IDW comic canon quotes, random pop song lyrics, and the occasional invocation of the Muses that I piece together into something suitably melodramatic and foreshadow-y for wheelfic. for example, Kenseo/Censere got namedropped the chapter before he appeared.
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perictione · 6 years
kanonkita replied to your photo “crimsonclad: The thing about Persuasion that just kills me is that...”
@perictione​ Ask and ye shall receive. ;)
*grabby hands* plzzzz
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blueskyscribe · 7 years
On them question thingies: DFUV. D is for LiGH. On a side note, I was rereading the most recent couple chapters of LiGH last night and caught Knock Out referencing KO Burger, and maybe I'm just slow on the uptake for this, but... do LiGH and With a Side of Rust happen in the same universe...?
I’ve never specifically thought about it, but I would say different universes for LiGH and WaSoR.  But Knock Out set up the KO Burger chain in both of them, because it was easier to buy cosmetics than to steal them.
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
There is!  It can mostly be derived from the epigraphs (song quotes) at the start of each chapter, LOL.  At some point I’ll compile them and post them on Tumblr.  Back when Grooveshark was still around I also had playlists for individual characters.  RIP Grooveshark.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“You know what I think?  I think you know you’re in deep slag if they figure out that the Autobots are like Decepticons here, and Decepticons are like Autobots.  So you waltz in here trying to convince me to back up your crazy story—”
“Listen, Autobot!” Knock Out shot to his feet so fast he almost knocked over the chair.  " I don’t have to be doing this!  I don’t have to be sneaking around in the dead of night trying to coordinate with you, trying to come up with something to save our chassis—"
“To save YOUR chassis!”
“To save OUR CHASSIS.” He gripped the side of the berth, the railing chained to his arm clanging against it.  "And you know what?  YOU’RE the one in deep slag here!  I look like their doctor, you look like some psycho who snuffed Dreadwing!  They put a handcuff on me and tied you down like a science experiment, what does that tell you?“
“Once they talk to me, they’ll realize—”
“What, Bumblebee?  What will they realize?  That you’re ‘good on the inside’?  Please!  They don’t have a cortical patch to turn your brain inside out and they’re scared of you, understand? If Shockwave turned up on your doorstep with a different color scheme, what would you do?”
“Shut up.”
“And if he was with Cliffjumper, which would you trust?”
“The truth hurts, doesn’t it, Bumblebee?” His fingers creaked with pressure as they gripped the berth.  "And the truth is I’m your best shot at freedom here.  And, Primus help me, I vouched for you, you ungrateful little wretch.  'Oh, Bumblebee, he’s harmless.’  'Not a real Autobot like Smokescreen.’  'No, I’ve never been afraid of him, he’s very sedate.’  I didn’t have to stick my neck out for you!  I could just as easily have said what they expected to hear!“
"Then why didn’t you?” Bumblebee shot back.  "Out of the kindness of your spark?  Oh wait, I know, it’s because I’m an ASSET, to keep in reserve until you need to push me into the line of fire!“
Knock Out straightened, his optics burning.
"That’s right, Autobot. You ARE just an asset to me.  Something to help me get home.  And, guess what? I’m an asset to you, too.”
Why I like this:
First, very basic reason: I love writing arguments.  I’m very non-confrontational in real life, so I find it cathartic, I guess.  This one in particular is intense.  They are both scared, trapped.  Everything is strange.  They hate each other, but … at least they are familiar to each other.  Knock Out is too much of a pragmatist to shun a potential ally based on a little thing like faction, and Bumblebee is horrified to discover that he is too.
I also like that this is secretly the first kind thing that Knock Out does for Bumblebee (and the first he’s done for anyone since Breakdown died). As Knock Out says, he could have told the SG ‘Cons any story about Bumblebee.  The reason he played up Bumblebee as harmless and nice is that he knows Bumblebee tried to help him when he was bleeding out and–although he would never admit it–he is trying to return the favor.
That’s why the full scene ends with Knock Out returning Bumblebee’s flask, which Bee gave him to keep him from going offline.  A gesture of karma.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@lizwuzthere [AO3 link] - I particularly enjoy her alternate timeline TFP fics!  Great character interaction, great dialogue, and logical progression of events.  Like, her fics aren’t just “Knock Out defected, so here is the rest of the season exactly like it was on the show, except with Knock Out on the Autobot side.”  Instead, his defection changes the dynamics of both factions and the events that follow.
@greyliliy [AO3 link] - Not only is she great to brainstorm with / bounce ideas off of, but her fics routinely make me cry.  She’s made me a Dreadwing/Yellowjacket shipper, which I never saw coming but now they are perfect and tragic.  *whispers* You monster.
@albawrites [AO3 link] This Scavengers fic is the best I’ve ever read.  Just amazing.  Especially Spinister’s characterization.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
This is a boring answer, but I don’t think I would!  I love reading fics, all kinds of fics.  But when it comes to writing, I like to do my own thing in my own universe.  (I mean, with Transformers it’s not exactly ‘my own’ universe, but it’s still a universe where all my headcanons, backstories, etc, are in place.)
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. hi im trying to find this fic i remember it being a hurt no comfort were instead of mxy sacrificing his like to bring wwx back its lwj who does it and lwj does it somewhere during those 13 years instead of after then theres this scene where wwx wakes up and lxc enters and said some similar to "he actually did it"
not FOUND 若有来世,你还愿意吗; if there is an afterlife, are you still willing? by luyepiaofeng (T, 5k, wangxian, major character death, hurt no comfort, angst, self-sacrifice, rituals)
FOUND! for you, all for you「 给你, 都给你 」 by headBONDmeLWJ (T, 3k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, major character death, canon divergence, angst, hurt/comfort)
not FOUND it's torture (being in love) by ryneisaterriblefan (Not rated, <1k, major character death, heavy angst, hurt no comfort, angst & feels)
2. Hi!I have been looking for this fic for forever and keep trying to back through tags and posts, but am having no luck! I know I read it from your tumble quite a long time ago, when I was first getting into reading in the fandom and going through the blog to find recs. It’s set before WWX comes back, and it is LWJ and JC getting in some kind of fight during a cultivation world conference or something?
I am 98% sure it was LSZ point of view, and what I remember most clearly is that JC makes some kind of comment and all of a sudden LWJ just straight up decks him or something along those lines? I remember that LSZ (and everyone else) was so shocked that LWJ would do something like that no one really knows how to react. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This blog is amazing and I cannot tell you how many wonderful fics I have found and loved because of it!
FOUND? Better than a Mouthful of Blood by mondengel (T, 1k, gen)
3. Hi, I'm looking for a fic whereby Wèi Wúxiàn and Jīang Chéng slowly reconcile and towards the end Wèi Wúxiàn was injured. They had a healer in training under an older Jīang healer which turns out to be Wen Qing. In the end there was a golden core transfer from Jīang Chéng to Wèi Wúxiàn and it becomes a shared golden core.
FOUND?💖 Twelve Moons and a Fortnight series by stiltonbasket (M, wangxian, 478k, Mojo’s post)
4. Hi i forgot to bookmark that one fic where wwx goes back in time and gives up his sight for a second chance, do any of you know it? Thanks mods you are the bestest
FOUND? The Darkness Before Dawn by PsycheStellata707 (M, 113k, WIP, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, BAMF WWX, Time Travel, Attempt at Humor, PTSD, Oblivious WWX, WWX-centric, Blind WWX, Sentient Burial Mounds, Self-Indulgent, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Except Those Who Deserves to Die, Oblivious Pining, Not Canon Compliant)
5. Heyo! If it's not too much trouble, I'm hoping the lovely mods and your detectives will be able to find two fics for me.
A) There's a part where WWX reminds LWJ of a point during the Sunshot Campaign where they all had to camp put in a brothel. LXC was fairly embarrassed, but NMJ pointed out there were no prostitutes there at the time (think the roof had come down or something).
B) At one point WWX remembers how as a child he once put a cushion up his shirt pretending to be pregnant and got told off by his teacher. At home Yu Ziyuan said something like 'Why can't Wei Ying be a mom?' and let he and Yanli play house. Jiang Fengmian also showed little WWX how to fold a blanket as a baby sling. Sorry for the rambling, and thank you all in advance!
FOUND! 🧡 Timing is Everything by Talayse (T, 17k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, canon levels of blood, soft, caretaker LWJ)
You Sing of Thanatos; I Hear Only Eros by kanonkita (E, 39k, WangXian, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Extremely Dubious Consent, Dark!LWJ, Mild Horror, Omorashi, Tentacles, Rope Bondage, Shibari, Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Oviposition, Non-Consensual Body Modification, soft pillow talk, Hurt/Comfort, non-consensual emotional healing, Panic Attacks, Wetting, Body Horror, Impotence, Magic, Anal Sex, PIV Sex, Mpreg, Mild Suicidal Ideation, Voyeurism, PWP, Angst, nonconsensual medical treatment) specifically in chapter 6. i hope it’s right cause it sounded super familiar and i’ve been looking for so long!!!
6. Hi~ I'm looking for a fic I read a while back, it was like a vampire au where wwx turns into a vampire as well as the wen sect remnants. I think I remember a part where wen chao pushes him into the burial mounds and to keep wwx alive, wen qing turned him. Pls help me find this one 🙏 I enjoyed it so much that I want to reread it! Thnx!
FOUND? blacked out sky by butchgoth (GremlinGirl) (M, 45k, wangxian, vampires, blood, family drama, hurt WWX, minor character death, romance, angst w/ happy ending, hallucinations, fluff, tragedy, revenge)
7. Hallo, I'm trying to find a fic and would be grateful for your help! It's simalar to: The Ribbon Incident (and how to fix it) by esk95, WWX finds out about the meaning of the forehead ribbon after he tore it off at the archery competition. The difference is that it wasn't LXC to tell him about the meaning, I can't exactly really remember who it was but I think it was either JYL or JC and he was at Lotus Pier when he foud out. I also remeber he was playing/swimming at the lake with his shidis/JC when this happened. Thank you!
FOUND? Changes by Duochanfan (Not Rated, 45k, WIP, WangXian, Drama, Mpreg, Shapeshifters, Sunshot Campaign, Baby LSZ, Angst with a Happy Ending, JGS is a warning unto himself, Past Miscarriage, Good YZY, injuries, Death of people ,Not anyone we like)
8. Hi I tried finding this fix for a week myself but I really can't. It's a fix about how wx is like an immortal or god and he met wj. They keep meeting/bumping outside cloud recess. The most notable I remember is wx is like part of the royal family cause he descended back with his family or idk that's the ending sorry if it's vague that's all I really remember. thank you @ladyxyraine
FOUND? cloudy autumn heaps the sky by anatheme (T, 23k, WangXian, Fantasy, Secret Identity, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Timeline What Timeline, wwx is a little older here, wwx piling gifts on lwj and encouraging hoarding tendencies, Sharing a Bed, Literal Sleeping Together, Arranged Marriage, of sorts) 
9. You guys do such wonderful work finding fics!
Thank you for everything you do!I’m looking for a fic I read that was complete by spring 2020. It was a longer fic, modern AU, in which wwx baked things and gifted them to people as part of his social media presence and to brighten people’s days. I think he got hired to teach either LXC or JGY how to bake so that they could bake something for the other one in order to ask him out? It also might have been a coffee shop au in which Lotus Pier was a coffee shop and the Wens were trying to buy it?
Thank you very much for everything you do!
FOUND? i swim in hollow lakes carved from memories by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 154k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, modern, coffee shop au, music, baking, social media, misunderstandings, fake dating, flashbacks, pining, angst w/ happy ending, vlogger WWX, musician LWJ, matchmaking, slow burn, second chances)
10. hello there's a good I've spent hours trying to find so it's a complete story what when wei wuxian comes from the burial mounds he is possessed and wei wuxian is dead but there's some demon in his body and will wuxian gets resurrected in mo xuanyus body and killed the demon... Thanks a lot @mybestfriendisacinnamonroll​
FOUND? Demon in the Blood by mondengel (M, 2k, JYL & WWX, major character death, angst, body horror, horror)
11. Hey! Can anyone please help me find the fic on ao3 where Lwj and wwx went to catch water ghouls and when lwj carried him out he performed a mouth to mouth on wwx which wwx he performed on other disciples too and wwx gets jealoused. And I guess they were betrothed so Can anyone please help? I lost it when I was reading.
12. I'm looking for a fic I read years ago where LWJ accidentally time travels back to student days and is trying to figure out what to do about the upcoming series of disasters. LXC takes one look at him and goes: what happened? it was that bad? how could something that bad have happened without me knowing about it too? was it time travel? it must have been time travel. At least we now know what needs to be fixed! And meanwhile LWJ hasn't said anything at all and LXC is just going off his unintentional micro expressions. @marbleglove​
FOUND! This tumblr fic by @robininthelabyrinth​  I don't know if it's on AO3 or not but it sounds a lot like this post here
13. There is a fic where the spirit/ghost/memories of one of the Lan sect founders possess each sect leader in turn through a ritual, and Lan Qiren and Lan Wanji figure it out because they don't want to lose Lan Xichen. I can't find it, please help! It was dark and angsty and probably AO3. @artemisdax
14. Need help. Literally the only thing I can remember is Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in a hot spring. For whatever reason they couldn't go to the cold springs because it was too cold or something and so they went to the secret natural hot springs that the Lan sect has further up the mountain. Truly can't remember anything else.
FOUND? i'd like to drown with you by vespertineflora (E, 7k, wangxian, post-canon, established relationship, smut, outdoor sex, PWP)
15. Looking for a fic where LWJ puts tracking talismans in WWX's shoes so he can find him when WWX is traveling without him. I read it a while ago and can't remember the name of it.TY in advance. :) @isilwath​
FOUND? Scars Where They Used to Be by CwythanWind (E, 58k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, rogue troublemaker WWX, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Cutting, Panic Attacks, Alcohol, switch rights!, Anal Sex, Combing Each Other’s Hair, Nightmares, Tender Body Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending)
16. Hi! I hope you are doing well :) I would like to ask for your help finding a story, I think you recommended it before, but don't remember enough to find it myself (could also be I read it on twt). It was a modern au, I just remember WWX was in love with LWJ since school, he even wrote a letter and hid it in one of LWJ's books, because he always checked what WWX gave hom back, but not that time, he actually never finds the letter. I think they meet in college as roomates. Do you know it?
FOUND! love letter threadfic by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 3k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, love letters, pining, misunderstandings, angst w/ happy ending)
17. Hello! I don’t remember much of the fic, but I do remember that it was a “watching the series” fic and that it featured CQL’s interpretation of Nightless City, wherein the cultivators were killing each other, and Sizhui was Very Not Happy. Sorry it’s so vague!
FOUND? Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it) The relevant passage is part of chapter 6, but it's a fairly brief mention and shows reactions from the entire junior quartet
18. I've been trying to find this wangxian (I'm pretty sure it was) where WWX for one reason or another had some sort of chronic pain, (i think it was from zidian), and hed have many flare-ups of pain and JYL and JC would help and take care of him.
I just remember this specific scene where theyre camping outside Cloud Recesses after being denied entry, and JYL and JC are worried about WWX's pain from sleeping outside overnight, and help him when he almost can't move from pain in the morning.
I would really appreciate your help in finding it! @shieldherostuffs
FOUND! The Untamed Retelling by DCandMARVELnerd (T, 68k, WIP, WangXian, Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Dysfunctional Family, Abuse, Retelling, Canon Rewrite, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Friendship, Developing Friendships, Love, Fluff, Angst and Feels, Selectively Mute WWX)
19. Hii!! Can you please help me find this fic where yu ziyuan was concubine of jin guangshan , jiang yanli and jiang cheng where his offspring and also thank so much for your hard work.
FOUND? Pretty sure this one is OOC! by A_flower_in_the_snow (T, 106k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, ooc LWJ, not Jiang friendly, protective LWJ, possessive LWJ, hurt WWX, rogue cultivator WWX, temporary amnesia, dark JYL) which has unfortunately been deleted.
20. Hello I was looking for a new wangxian fic on ao3. I don’t remember much except that at some point wei ying was accused of blinding jgy and as punishment had to give up his eyes to to jgy and lan wangji performed the operation. After wei ying woke up, he felt betrayed by lan wangji and jumped. I also think there was something going on btw jgy and nmj @nerdalert997
FOUND? Ten miles of Lotus Flowers by Yukirin_Snow (M, 273k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Romance, Slow Burn, Pain, Hurt/Comfort, True Love, Pregnancy, Humor, Eventual Smut, Angst, Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending) The particular scene is in chapter 28 Hope this is correct! 😁
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kanonkitastuff · 4 years
For the first time ever, I am dropping a completed multichapter fic in one go. This was my piece for the SongXueXiao exchange gifted to @conceptualblindspot. :)
Chapters: 10/10 (50,334 words) Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn/Xiǎo Xīngchén/Xuē Yáng | Xuē Chéngměi, Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán/Lán Jǐngyí/Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Other Background Relationships - Relationship Characters: Xiǎo Xīngchén, Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn, Xuē Yáng | Xuē Chéngměi, Lán Jǐngyí, Ā-Qìng (Módào Zǔshī), Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Wēn Qíng (Módào Zǔshī), Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Niè Huáisāng, Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo Additional Tags: Cyberpunk, Digital Cultivation, little dystopian, Cybernetics, Amnesia, Existentialism, Angst, not gonna tell you how it ends tho nice try, POV Outsider, for about half the time, Mystery, it's yi city so the juniors are here, Illustrated Fic, song lan cooks tasty food, xue yang wears slutty armor, xiao xingchen is very lost between the two of them, Urban Fantasy, Action, mild body horror Summary:
At least he knows that his name is Xiao Xingchen. He refuses to be shaken in this conviction, no matter what anyone says, because almost the only clear memories he does have are of that name, spoken over and over in a thousand different situations.
Xiao Xingchen, called in a playful, teasing tone.
Xingchen, murmured in tenderness.
Xiao Xingchen, screamed in horror…
It’s all he has to hold onto, and he’s not letting them take it from him.
Found unconscious at the scene of a brutal massacre, Xiao Xingchen has no memory of who he is, where he came from, or why this man called Song Lan seems to hate him so much.
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oneshotofdepresso · 6 years
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After @kanonkita said my last Darth Maul picture looked like a National Geographic cover, I thought it might be fun to make some of these
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jrtweetsindex · 6 years
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[twitter convo between Jason Armstrong, KanonKita and James Roberts @jroberts332 on 24 October 2018.
JA: Hey James to quickly jump on this. What actually happened to the In-Universe FC? I assumed they were killed by the cons?
JR: Yep. Those that survived the various prewar political convulsions were hunted down and assassinated, mainly by Starscream.
K: .... personal reasons or just Megatron's assassin of choice?
JR: Megs’ choice ]
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blushlouise · 6 years
Transformers Iacon Literature Fest: day 3, AU
I think I could rec half my bookmarks in this category. Instead I'm going to stick to two. Three. Hmm.
First, @kanonkita 's recently completed Of flesh and metal. The Decepticons are turned into humans and dropped into ultimate poverty, which causes no end of angst, trouble and realizations. The MegaStar is perfect.
Second, Flights of fancy by @dracoqueen22 . This is a series. Pretty pretty harpyformers, angsty Megatron/Hot Rod, the sweetest Shockwave/Optimus and Driftceptor, and a sassy Starscream. An amazing read.
Third, sort of, is more of an author rec. Because I'd love to recommend everything @adhesivesandscrap has done with merformers, and her Syngnath chronicles. Go read!
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I’ve realised now how literal tiny child Sue Faireborn may have actually been able to leave not only her home there but also the entire planet of Cybertron after an argument with her mom.
It was established with @kanonkita post that Thundercracker was definitely Dirk Manus and also therefore Sue’s dad.
Meaning that chances are Sue could have literally just asked Skywarp to teleport her to Earth, or somewhere that would allow her to get to Earth, and he would have agreed in a sparkbeat solely to mess with Thundercracker. 
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redseeker · 6 years
Thus far the megastar rec list is looking like this:
The Tyrant's Heir by Takashidaimao Enclosed by Devcon03 The Caring series by Cartoon Dragon Acid Rain by angelcakes19 various by DemonsDaughter I'll Follow You Forever by Darksidekelz Wheel of Misfortune by Zombieheroine The Ultimate Mate Hunt by thebrokencradle various by MetallicGirl Strange Divinity by 0fsilver Of Flesh and Metal by Kanonkita Insatiable by Acteon Carolsfield The Many Incidents of Courtship by Jane Lu No Longer Mine by Evoftg Dear Megatron by Scarlet Thorrn You Need Me by rainbowstarscream Culture Shock by Oni-Gil Scream My Little Seeker by LokiWaterDraca Overload by LittleMewLugia Sound and Fury by Mirage Shinkiro Carpe Diem by v2point0 Wicked by v2point0 Favoritism by TheCandyTerror Divine Intervention by ToniTheTerror Coming Together on the Throne by Darkeyes17 Effigy by Fierceawakening various by Spoon888 various by Supermoi various by Isu-sual Peace is Hell by navigatorsghost Diagnosis by amidoh Sensualism by amidoh Sickenly [sic] Sweet Stuff by EVyS pEt NeKo Tis the Season by Spoon888 Afterglow by itsu-sual Calm by Fierceawakening Divide by Three and Conquer by Lycaste Spike Witwicky Requires Expensive Therapy by saltedpin How the Decepticons Rocked the Stellarverse by eternityforflesh Dancing in the Dark by eternityforflesh Hunted Species by Megara Liancourt
Thank you everyone who sent me messages recommending stories. I put them all in a list so I can just work down them whenever I need something to read :P
I may make my own personal rec list once I’ve actually read more, and say what stories I particularly liked and why, etc. Watch this space!
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forgetthetimetravel · 3 years
4, 9, 21?
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Fun fact, for a while now even when I find writing I love it absolutely does not push me to create, I’m just like ‘wow it’s nice to find something I can enjoy.’ But there are so many wonderful writers in the world, large and small scale. Tomoyo Ichijouji, mangaka-chan, rookieking, kanonkita, some friends without tumblrs lol, another friend who has no writing on their tumblr, and more famous peeps like Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, oh and webtoons creators have captured me lately! Wendy from Castle Swimmer, speremint from Brimstone and Roses… I’ll stop for now.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
Answered earlier! Rue and Edel, for reasons listed in my last answers~
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
*chants* OT4 OT4 OT4 OT4
Plantonic, romantic, anything at all. Ahiru, Rue, Fakir, and Mytho all deserve to be happy together. They complement each other super well, and have an ever shifting balance that nevertheless they always get back into harmony, and just-- *GESTURES AT PTUTU* I LOVE THEM OKAY
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ao3feed-skystar · 5 years
Black and White https://ift.tt/2n8ejYH kanonkita
by kanonkita
Megatron's mostly kept himself to himself since he left the gladiator arenas three years ago (mostly), but one of his new neighbors seems determined to change that.
Words: 3216, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Shattered Glass
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Skyfire (Transformers), Thundercracker (Transformers), Skywarp (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers)
Relationships: Megatron/Starscream, Skyfire/Starscream, Skywarp/Thundercracker, Skywarp/Starscream/Thundercracker, Megatron/Skywarp/Starscream/Thundercracker, Megatron/Skywarp/Thundercracker
Additional Tags: Humanized, sort of shattered glass, sort of not, i'm not sure, Mpreg, gender means nothing in the face of giant robots, even when they're humans, Threesome, Immigration, Politics, a fic someone asked for written in a way that no one ever did, domestic abuse, Emotional Manipulation, formerly underage relationship, melancholy megatron, boy next door, neighbors to lovers, Open Relationships, Not Beta Read, lots of random worldbuilding details, Humanformers
September 25, 2019 at 12:42AM
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perictione · 6 years
Facts Meme
I was actually tagged in this by two people! @neveralarch and @kanonkita who are both phenomenal
Nicknames/pet names I chose Perictione for myself by looking through the list of women philosophers in Ancient Greece. Someone autocorrected ‘Peri’ to ‘Perish’ in a discord server recently and I changed my handle to it because I love it. 
Not really any interesting nicknames in IRL, though I did have a few friends who both called me by a particular pronunciation of a nickname, with permission. It felt special, from them, hearing a different set of sounds that still mean ‘you’. 
Zodiac sign Libra. I think.
Height 5′6″
Last movie I watched Bumblebee! I talked my significant other into going.
Last thing I googled "career art conservation”
Favorite musicians Broken Bells. Best concert I’ve ever been to.
Song stuck in my head Nothing atm, and I’m not going to try thinking of one!
Other blogs? Dreamwidth and Twitter, if those things count. I have got a much, much older tumblr which I haven’t been on in an age. I still have friends from college who are mutuals on that account. 
Do you get asks? Rarely! I’ve done a couple open mic type things that I really enjoyed, but anyone is welcome to say something anytime.
Following 121! No idea when that happened. 
Dream trip I really enjoy beautiful places, and also stargazing, and I would love to get to see the Northern Lights. Put those things into a trip!
Amount of sleep I spontaneously developed the ability to wake up with the sun last summer? My mom is like that too, so possibly I’m just getting old, or it’s a side effect of leaving my 9 to 5. Which is great, except it doesn’t really matter when I go to bed. So if I stay up til 2... I’m still waking up at 7. 
Lucky number 3, 7, and 21. It made sense to me as a child and it has stuck.
What I’m wearing Soft blue and white striped shirt, with jeans. 
Dream job Great question. The dream, dream job is being able to support myself as a working artist. But breaking into fine art painting is...a dream. 
Instruments I play Piano! I haven’t gotten to play in a while, but sometimes I do that thing where you practice memorized songs in your brain. 
Languages English, very rough French, Latin, and tiny amounts of Tagalog. I’m working on Spanish.
Favorite songs "Arms Open” by The Script is a top fave right now, as well as “Champion” by Barns Courtney. Then there’s the entire discography of American Authors. 
Random fact I’m trained as a ballet dancer.
Tag 5 people Are 5 people even still on here... Here goes, no obligations friends: @megatronwasright @harutemu @tfadi @borath86 @cydraulics
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kanonkitastuff · 4 years
New installment of Pretty Professionalism is up!
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo/Niè Míngjué, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Characters: Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo, Niè Míngjué, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Niè Huáisāng, Niè Zōnghuī, Sū Shè | Sū Mǐnshàn, Jīn Guāngshàn, Jīn Zǐxuān, Xuē Yáng | Xuē Chéngměi Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Mpreg, Family Dynamics, Family Feels, Pregnancy, Male Lactation, it's minor but it's definitely there, Intersex Anatomy, weird dystopian type shit, mostly plot, the slut-seeking meat missile that is Jin Guangshan, Jin Zixuan -- gucci brother extraordinaire, the general chaotic whirlwind that is Wei Wuxian, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Meng Yao overthinks everything part II, domestic life, a little bit of beta reading, as a treat Series: Part 3 of Pretty Professionalism Summary:
Lan Xichen's little brother and his awful husband have come to stay in the guest house. Meng Yao kind of wishes they wouldn't, but who is he to say anything about it?
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kanonkitastuff · 4 years
Hello, yes! I made a one shot sequel to Pretty Professionalism. This is kind of a transition chapter to act as a bridge of sorts in the timeline before the next multichapter fic for this series starts.
Chapters: 1/1 (7,160 words) Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo/Niè Míngjué Characters: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo, Niè Míngjué Additional Tags: Mpreg, Domestic Fluff, Early Relationship, Implied male lactation, Threesome - M/M/M, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Pregnancy Kink, lan xichen has one in this au, No beta we die like wei wuxian Series: Part 2 of Pretty Professionalism
If Lan Xichen could have had his way, everything would have been okay after that. Meng Yao would feel safe with them: he would tell them what's on his mind all those times when he stares into the middle distance, he would let them hold him when he's upset, and he would let them help him when he's unwell. But, as Mingjue has to remind his husband a good many times, Meng Yao is still his own person, still has a lifetime of abuse and mistrust that he's working through, and has still only known them for a little over a month, no matter what they may have done together in that time.
Time ticks on, and they start learning how to fit together.
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