#Wait actually if i do figure this out i soooo want to be in choir again this fall like i think ill take part time classes at the college i
raymend · 1 year
not being able to sing well anymore is like the one part of being on t that is making me sad. like i miss being in choir but there's no fucking shot i could do it with my crackly ass voice. like yesterday i was tryiong to sing and it was so so so so bad. granted i talk in a higher register at work all day and i was zonked but i just couldnt hit pitches like i used to. like i know it will settle eventually and be fine but like. Whimper
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rogue-bard · 4 years
If you are still taking characters:
Dara is a fire genasi that’s comes from a nomadic tribe of humans traders who worship the Eternal Flame.
Dara is an expert archer, who travels in tattered leathers that are accented by a deep crimson spider silk scarf wrapped around the head. The scarf and bow appear to be meticulously clean and maintained.
Very serious with strangers, Dara is actually very empathetic and is extremely warm with those viewed as family. Being well read, Dara is deeply appreciative of well written poetry and religious music.
Oooh, I’ve always wanted to play a fire genasi! They are so awesome! And Dara seems to actually even take that up a notch! :)
I kinda wanted to have a conversation with Dara with my wild mage Linny, but I don’t want to write too much direct speech for other people’s characters because I’ll inadvertently get the tone wrong... sooooooo, the formidable Ezra Fairytailor it is, again!
I don’t know why this got so long, I’m so sorry! But it’s super late and I don’t have time to trim it, so I’ll put their meeting underneath a read-more...:
It was Dara’s first day in the City of Towers and there was already nothing much to do, since the group of looters Dara came here to retrieve a crystal from, had been only too ready to part with it after they had made acquaintances with a couple of fiery arrows.
So while the rest of the party had dedicated themselves to the countless tourist napping attractions that this city held, Dara preferred to browse a few book- and scroll stores for a volume of local poems. Apparently, though, the lower one got in this city, the weirder the looks got when you asked for poetry. Once in a district where the wealthiest citizens probably lived in rat-holes and squeaked, mostly, there was no answer at all. That was, until some drunkard swaying his way home, said: “Poetry? Ooooh, you mean like that Fairytailor bloke back in the Boar?” Thankfully, that nonsensical sentence was followed by a finger pointed toward a tavern that read “To The Red Boar”, which made a little more sense now.
This didn’t seem like a place of fine poetry, but Dara definitely met enough people on countless journeys to know that the quality of art was rarely dependent on the smell of the street it arose from. And it was getting late, Dara’s group had no room for the night, and this seemed to be a tavern with rooms to let!
The Red Boar turned out to be as crammed on the inside as it had looked tiny from the outside. Dara politely shoves through a couple of people to the bar to ask the half-orc behind the counter for poetry by someone named Fairytailor.
To Dara’s dismay, the barkeep’s answer was a loud, full-body laugh; shaggy head thrown back and everything! “Fairytailor? Poetry? Oh, sure, kid! Sure!” He raised his voice over the general murmur of the crowd and shouted: “Hey, Formidable Lute-Torturer! How about some genteel poetry for our guests?”
Dara really did not like the way this was developing, especially after the half-orc’s first reaction, but leaving now would definitely be very rude... A halfling had already jumped onto a table with a flourish, and produced a lute.
With a heavy sigh on the inside and a courteous smile on the outside of Dara’s lips, Dara yielded to the fate that had apparently descended upon the innocent question for local poetry, and took a seat.
Hopefully, this was not going to be completely horrible!
The first song started not too bad... It wasn’t what Dara was looking for, but it a tale of heroes that had earned their names with their most heroic deeds, like “Kingslayer” or “Ironfist”, but all of them apparently paled in comparison to this town’s hero who... Oh no. Was called “Buttpoker”?!
The song was thankfully over, Dara clapped politely and got up, but the bard’s eyes immediately fixed on the fleeing guest. “Oh, I’m sorry, was this not to your liking? I have another one, which tells the tale of a duel between noblemen, if that is more to your liking!”
“No, I took up enough of your time already, thank you,” Dara tried, but failed to get out of another one of these songs. Well, at least that bard was having fun...! As the lute started to ring through the room again, Dara sat back down - the sigh made it through to the outside this time.
The next song was about someone called “Harold” who needed to defend his elven escort from insult. Once again, it certainly wasn’t the kind of art that Dara was looking for, but it wasn’t too bad. Until the chorus rolled around... “Well, Harold is not dragonmarked, or noble; but he’s just / And if he sees such injustice, he does just what he must. / He might not be a highborn knight. And MAYBE he’s a toad.....” ...and the whole song was apparently about a familiar who fought a crow over eating it’s worm.
Do not facepalm, Dara thought resolutely. You’re new to this city and these people are just trying to have some fun.
“So, how did you like my poetry?” The bard addressed the fire genasi directly, after the song had finished.
“It might not quite have been what I was looking for,” Dara admitted, still trying for politeness, but certainly not lying over a matter as trivial as this.
The grin on the bard’s face only grew wider, and if the genasi hadn’t been certain that the barkeep and this halfling were mocking Dara, their cover would have definitely been blown now.
That is why Dara simply raised an eyebrow and asked: “And as a bard, do you know any real poets in this city?”
The cocky grin dimmed somewhat on the halfling’s face. “Sure.” He made a sweeping gesture that indicated every single drunk or half-drunk person in the tavern. “Everyone’s a poet at the end of their glass.”
Yes, that was obvious from the way that this little experiment had gone. Dara decided, not to say that out loud (though the temptation was there!), throw the barkeep a coin for his troubles (though he probably hasn't had any), and say goodbye.
Thank the Eternal Flame that that tavern’s door was now closed behind Dara’s back! The rest of the group had hopefully found better accomodations by now...
Maybe tomorrow, Dara could visit the temple of a goddess called Dol’Arrah -- there was said to be a choir with very meditative voices there.
No sooner said than done, Dara found a quaint little temple with a golden roof one level above the group’s hotel, and went there, early in the morning (after the mess, of course!), to hear the choir sing.
In contrast to last night’s non-success, this was beautiful, their voices went really well together and the melody seemed to have been in this little church for many, many generations. And because Dara was rather attentive, it also didn’t slip by, that one particular choir-boy briefly choked when he saw the fire genasi standing behind the last bench. Figures! It was the pert halfling from yesterday night!
Just out of curiousity, Dara decided to wait for him after it was over.
“Soooo, you a follower of Dol’Arrah?”, he asked, a lot shyer now than he seemed to be capable of last night.
Dara smiled very faintly, but it was sincere. “The Eternal Flame, actually. I just came for the music. ...Since I didn’t have much luck with poetry so far, in this town.”
“Uh...” It was painfully apparent, that the little bard didn’t really know what to say, so Dara took pity on him:
“This is a beautiful temple.”
“Yeah,” he said, immediately, and rummaged around in his pocket all of a sudden. “Look, uh, I don’t actually know any poets from around here, because I’m also pretty new, but...” He produced a -- quite small, even for halfling sizes! -- volume of some sort that was bound in leather and a little tattered around the edges. “But this is from the Land of Mourning, if you want? You know, country of fine arts, and all, before...” He made a throw-away motion and shoved the book at Dara as far as he could reach (which was about Dara’s hip).
“Thank you! Are you sure...?” The fire genasi really did not want this stranger to part with some collection of poems from his youth, just because he was suddenly having a bad conscience for half an hour of wasted time.
“Yeah, I don’t need it anymore,” he answered, and sounded, at least now, a little surer of himself. “I’m a proud citizen of this city now, and all that. Just...”
“It’s just that I’m gonna be out of a good poetry collection now, to use as inspiration and all that,” he said and crossed his arms. “But you look like an adventurer who won’t get eaten by a griffin as soon as you step out of the city gates, so next time you come through, you can drop off a volume of poems from where ever you’re going next, or something.”
Dara smiled another sincere smile and gave a slight incline of the head. “I can do that.”
I hope that didn’t get too out-of-character for Dara! Sorry!!
It’s kind of hit and miss for a balance between not focussing on my own character but also not writing so much insight or behaviour into your character that I get Dara completely wrong.
I tried?
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Chapter 4: A slight hint of hope
In which the future looks brighter than you may think
*Your POV*
I found myself writing down a letter to the president, technically begging him to let monsters be truly free. Again. I was starting to ask myself why I even try. Again. This the seventeenth letter I've written to him, and yet, he won't listen.
Then I told myself that I shouldn't be thinking like this. That a lot of monsters had their hope on me, therefore, I should try harder.
I smiled, knowing that this was my inner dialogue every single day. And yet, I still have it, no matter what I'm doing. This is one of the few things that amaze me these days.
It's been a while since I have met them. Maybe a month or two; maybe even more. Ever since then, we've been talking for hours in my office every single day. I kinda like it. It gives me the feeling that I'm not alone in the world.
But then again, they'll probably leave once this is over. Or maybe not. Who knows?
They all have been awfully nice to me. Nicely than a lot of humans have ever been. This is one of the thousand reasons I keep writing to the president.
Maaaaaybe I should return to my cheery self. I'm being quite serious, haven't I?
No one can blame, though. I hate to admit it, but this issue is worrying me more than I expected. At first, the case was interesting, yes, but now it's kinda overwhelming, knowing that I'm dealing with a weak point; discrimination.
I just hope I don't end up like Rosa Parks after this. But that's just me being stubborn. Again.
Before my mind could get more depressive, though, I heard someone knock the door. I mentally groaned, with the feeling that I was gonna get a shitty opinion for the trillionth time.
"Come in"
"Wow, that's for sure the sourest answer you've given me, sweetie. That's quite the record!"
A smile crept onto my face. I recognize that voice anywhere!
She slammed the fricking door open like it was some sort of drama movie (which it's exactly what her life is) and posed dramatically. She was wearing sunglasses (even if it was cloudy outside), a fancy-yet-casual blouse, and some skinny jeans. Not to mention the usual high heels that make her bigger than a fucking tree. Oh, how not to miss her?
"Hello, beautiful!" She exclaimed before kissing my cheek on a french-greeting style "You look EXHAUSTED! But, hey, at least you are wearing makeup. Now THAT'S progress!"
"Mailey, I've been wearing makeup daily ever since I got this job"
"Wait..." she paused slightly, then let out a fake gasp. "YOU HAVEN'T BEEN WEARING IT VOLUNTARILY?!"
I giggled way louder than I wanted to, but I didn't mind. Mailey's has always managed to put me in such a good mood, all thanks to her cocky attitude. I haven't seen her for months, so I just really missed her. But I probably said that already. Oh well.
"Oh, (Y/N) darling!" She clapped her hands together in such a girly and unnatural way I almost lose it "Let's go to a café! I don't want to chat in such a sad and old place!"
"Uh, eh... you know what? A break would be great" I hesitantly answered, thinking that I just could clear my mind for a while. I actually haven't done that since I was a preteen, soooo... yeah...
"Wonderful! Let's get going! Just one thing... we will go to Starbucks!"
"You know I don't like Dunkin' Donuts, sweetheart. I don't tolerate that bitter taste you normally choose"
"And you know I don't tolerate that overwhelming sweetness you choose every time"
She took a pause and put down briefly her sunglasses, staring at me in fake shock. Oh, I know how much she hates Dunkin' Donuts, but Starbucks simply sucks!
"Well, I'll be the one paying, so I think it's fair" she teasingly added with a huge, goofy grin on her face.
Shit, she got me.
Oh well.
"Hmm. Guess you won this time, huh?" I answered, throwing my arms in defeat. She made a victory pose, and I silently giggled. I shouldn't be feeling this lonely since monsters visited today, right?
Well, guess what.
They didn't.
But I'm not complaining since I'm the one who told them not to come for today, arguing that they should take a break from leaving and coming. Some of them didn't think twice and accepted, which made me feel kinda bad. How stubborn have I been to actually keep them coming so often without a chance to take a breath?
...and that's why I also needed a break. Because I was about to become a fucking mess. Leave the tears for the night, (Y/N).
And so I left. Good thing I was doing extra hours, or else, I would have been crying after some time being all alone.
Sometimes I wonder if I can call myself a proper 20 years old adult. I mean, I'm quite mature at some things, but in others, I almost feel like I'm a 5 years old brat.
*Frisk's POV*
It feels kinda weird not meeting (Y/N) today. Sure, I was getting exhausted of the daily routine, but know... I feel like something's missing. And that something is (Y/N).
We actually haven't been doing much in this little house, since we are really crowded in here. Yes, it has two floors, but we are more than 10 people, and it's starting to get on my nerves. Not even the orphanage felt this crowded.
But, hey, at least I'm with my friends and family and not with some random kids pushing each other. I think this is pretty much ok, I guess.
Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. Excited, I quickly ran to get it, and a smile flashed on my face. Emily, the daughter of the kind owners, has come for her weekly visit. Even Sans seemed eager to receive her, noticing his white pinpricks turn brighter.
She's 10 years old, so her voice is quite soft and pretty. I think she's on her school's choir and musical group, which it's totally cool. She has golden, twirly hair that gets not too long below her shoulders, and tends to wear a lot of dresses.
We were friends in the orphanage, so I know a thing or two more than the monsters do.
"Hi, kind creatures!" she chirped happily, making all of us grin wider. We returned the greeting quickly, which just made her giggle.
"I brought some gifts for you!" she added, clearly excited. I couldn't help myself, so I ended up drawing a small smile upon my lips. I'm always happy with her. She's just too kind and innocent, like the cinnamon roll Papyrus. I really missed her when I went on my trip to the Underground.
We all gathered in a circle, and watch with awe the food she brought us.
"Finally something new!" Undyne exclaimed with joy, hugging the little girl.
She also brought action figures for Papyrus, some clothes for all of us, some beautiful earrings to Toriel, and a book for Sans. Oh, so that's why he was eager, huh? I just remembered that she gives Sans a book every week, which he normally ends in the night after her visit. Then he just keeps rereading it until Emily comes again. It's fun to see him stress over a single book, though. One day he almost broke down when he found out that it was an open ending. Or, how he calls them, a 'fuck-the-reader's-mind-and-soul' ending.
"thanks, kid" he muttered, trying to hide his excitement and failing miserably. I smirked quietly, and he shrugged it off with a shy smile. I don't get this guy; but that's fine, I guess.
She decided to stay with us for the night, clearly feeling bored at her house. I understand, though. When you live in an orphanage you are never lonely, but if they suddenly adopt you with no other kids, it feels weird.
And so, we ended up planning the perfect game for a sleepover: pillow fighting. I was teaming up with Flowey (I forced him to play) and Emily. The other team was formed by Papyrus, Undyne, and Sans... who was just lazily resting on a pillow. And, naturally, Papyrus groaned when he noticed.
"sorry, bro. guess my laziness-"
"-rattled your bones"
When I was about to protest, Asgore's cellphone started to ring.
And before he took it, I saw the ID caller...
And it was (Y/N)
*Your POV*
I was listening to Mailey's plans for the future. Apparently, her boyfriend has an apartment in San Diego, and she wants to go with him. She says that her future is better in there and blah blah blah. I certainly don't think that's the reason she wants to go, but hey, I can't judge.
I slowly took a sip from my coffee, being the bitterest I could find. And, somehow, it was still sweet. Goddamnit.
If Mailey goes away, then... my life will be pretty much the same, actually. Yes, I will miss her, but we are not best friends and we didn't see each other frequently in the past. Still, I will have fewer people to casually tell my secrets and some of my problems. Now I have less than half of the friends I had in high school. Great.
But, well, she has changed. A lot. Yes, she still makes me laugh with her self-security, but it's not the same. She has lost that... simpleness she had. Now she posts on Instagram every day, she wants to be an influencer, and hell, she even put herself some pink strips on her blonde hair. Maybe I miss seeing that dorky part of her. She's just, well... different. I shouldn't be thinking like that, but it's true.
I was about to hide my face so Mailey couldn't take a picture of me when I received a call. Wow, no one can have a break these days, right?
The number wasn't part of my contacts, which was weird, but I decided to answer anyway. Not for being a good person, but as an excuse to calm Mailey the fuck down.
"Hello, this is (Y/N) (L/N). How can I help you?"
"Hello, (Y/N)... may I have a word with you?" a rough and familiar voice answered, which immediately put me nervous. Who is this guy?
"...I'm sorry sir, but could you specify who are you? We may have talked before, but I just can't remem-"
"Of course we have talked, miss (Y/N)" he interrupted, and I silently gulped "Actually, you wanted to discuss something with me, isn't that right?"
No way-
"I'm the president, miss (L/N). You have caught my interest with your detailed arguments, saying that monsters deserve a chance to grow in society. Or did I just called the wrong person?"
I stood there in shock for a few seconds, then made my way out of Starbucks to hear better. Keep your cool, (Y/N), and everything will be alright.
"You are totally right, Mr. President. I'm the one who sent those letters."
"Great. Now, let's discuss a few things, ok?"
"Of course sir".
I listened carefully, searching for any hints of hatred or irony in his voice. Instead, I just heard interest in the way he mentioned my arguments.
Eventually, we gave each other a quick-yet-formal goodbye, and I immediately called Asgore.
This is a serious business.
*Asgore's POV*
My mind was thinking the worst when I saw (Y/N)'s ID on my phone. I saw that others were worried, too. Could this be the end? Are we going back to the Underground, after all those years of waiting?
I picked up reluctantly, watching the expectant reaction of my wi- Toriel, the expectant reaction of Toriel.
"Oh, hello (Y/N)!" I exclaimed, trying to keep my hopes high enough for everyone. "How has been your day?"
"It's been fine, thank you. How has been yours?" She bluntly answered, sounding like she was... distant.
Let's just hope it isn't what I'm thinking.
"It's been good, (Y/N). Anyways, how can I help you, young one?"
She didn't answer immediately. Actually, she remained still for a long time. The only thing I could hear was her breathing, and my positive smile was turning into a nervous one.
"Asgore, we have something we need to discuss"
And my smile dropped.
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sagemoderocklee · 5 years
apparently no one else needs to send me the otp asks for gaalee cause i gotta answer all of them now smh i love you
Who is the most affectionate? Lee is the most physically affectionate from the perspective of like other people seeing their relationship, but i think it’s cause all of gaara’s physical affection is very subtle but like he’s always reaching for Lee and casually touching him or trying to get close. i’d say lee is still the more physically affectionate, but it’s certainly not like Gaara isn’t also affection 
Big spoon/Little spoon? Lee is the little spoon and Gaara is the big spoon. you’re a coward if you think otherwise (the only exception is if gaara is like genuinely upset about something and then Lee holds him, but like full offense Gaara is the big spoon 110% of the time) 
Most common argument? Lee not being allowed to open the 8th gate
Favorite non-sexual activity? lee obviously loves sparring and he loves when he actually gets to spar with gaara, but his absolute favourite thing is lazy mornings when he gets to wake up a little later than usual (like instead of 5:30am he wakes up at 6am) and he gets to like watch the sunrise with his head in Gaara’s lap while Gaara cards his fingers through lee’s hair. just time spent together, quiet and soft and intimate. gaara’s favourite is also this, but he likes the before part too--when lee’s still asleep and snuggled against him and fully at peace. he likes watching lee sleep
Who is most likely to carry the other? Lee 
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Lee’s favourite is gaara’s eyes and his forehead because it’s perfect for pressing kisses against. gaara’s favourite is lee’s hands (he’s also a sucker for lee’s lil turtle mouth). 
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? for gaara, i think he’s terrified. like genuinely terrified because this is not like anything he’s ever experienced before and he doesn’t have any sort of frame of reference for it. so when gaara realises how he feels he kind of... goes inward, becomes really quiet and introspective in a way different from his usual quietness. i think he’s like terrified of lee rejecting him not as a romantic partner but as a friend more than anything and so he starts moderating his actions and the things he says around Lee even more than usual. like he’s already very careful and always very self-analytical but then he has these feelings (which is why i generally feel like he figures it out first), and suddenly he becomes even more so that way with Lee. like “would this be crossing a boundary? would this make him uncomfortable? would a friend say this?” becomes like so much MORE of a concern than it ever was and like it becomes obvious to Lee because he feels like Gaara is acting really distant with him and like maybe he’s done something to upset Gaara. gaara like shies away from touching him and lee is like convinced Gaara hates him because gaara didn’t used to do that, but in actuality gaara is just like “is it okay for me to touch him? will he misunderstand my intentions etc” when lee figures out his feelings he panics--like full on melt down because gaara’s the kazekage and what if he causes some sort of political scandal and also gaara’s never gonna like him back and he falls into this huge depressive slump because he’s never felt this way about anyone before. and everyone’s like “what is WRONG” because he’s soooo subdued and sad all of a sudden. eventually gai-sensei gets it out of him and tells him to follow his heart, besides kakashi won’t punish lee for his love and if he tried to be like “don’t because politics” gai-sensei would make him sleep on the couch forever.  
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? none. i can see lee being the type to come up with pet names, but i just can’t see gaara being the type and i feel like he wouldn’t want to be called by pet names.  
Who worries the most? i think it’s really pretty equal. i think gaara is always worried lee will overdo it, that lee won’t listen to him and will open the 8th gate; whereas lee is always worried that someday, something will happen and gaara will die protecting suna and he’ll be powerless to stop it
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? they both remember because they are both lowkey obsessed with each other--like healthy obssessed. like god i love you so much how did i get so fucking lucky im gonna remember every little detail i can about you so i can always make you as happy as possible 
Who tops? lmao these questions are so fucking funny to me but fully gaara’s a power bottom and lee’s a service top (he’s technically a verse, but like... for gaara he’s a service top) 
Who initiates kisses? they both do. 
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? it’s really situational. i think on like an average day, Lee does, but on his bad days it’s Gaara.
Who kisses the hardest? Gaara
Who wakes up first? i mean can you even answer this question when one never sleeps????? 
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? both of them if it’s a night gaara was able to come home to sit in bed and snuggle with Lee. 
Who says I love you first? i think Lee does. i think gaara has a lot of hang ups about the word love so he’s way more hesitant to say so at first. 
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Lee. he usually says things like “i hope you have a splendid day, my love. i cannot wait for you to return so i can kiss you and i will miss you most achingly while you are away” which is like hilarious cause if he’s not on a mission he can literally just... go to gaara’s office and see him.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? oof that’s so dependent on the situation i really don’t have a set headcanon for this. i think it can go either way and a lot of the times i think it’s less telling and more ppl just... observing it. 
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Temari like cries because she never thought Gaara would be in a place where he’d accept love like this from someone else; kankurou’s super supportive about it and teases lee a lot; Neji is like quietly concerned because of their past but trusts Lee to make this choice for himself; Tenten is fully supportive and kind of floored that someone like the Kazekage falls in love with Lee; Gai-sensei cries a lot. he doesn’t stop crying. he sees them together, so deeply in love, and he just bursts into tears and goes on about the springtime of youth and lee’s man of destiny 
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Lee
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Lee. Gaara cannot cook for shit and doesn’t have the time to. but sometimes when he does have time he like chops vegetables for Lee.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Lee
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Gaara. Deadpan. Nonpulsed. Monotone. they’ll be like at the grocery store and gaara will be like “hmm i think i want to have sex when we get home’ and lee like... breaks whatever he’s holding 
Who needs more assurance? that’s a hard one because they both need a lot of it early on for very different reasons. i think lee is the one who seeks it out more openly, but i think they are both equally in need of assurance in the first year of their relationship. but once they’re settled into it they don’t really need that reassurance anymore 
What would be their theme song? asdlfkasldfjaklsdf god this is SO hard because i have so many songs for them. right now i am really really into No Choir by Florence+the Machine as a gaalee song
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Gaara. Temari teaches him the song their mother used to sing to her and kankurou, a song from their mother’s home, and he would sing that if they ever had kids.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? i think they go about their days as usual. like they can exist separately from one another, they have a perfectly healthy relationship, so unless it’s like a really long time apart where lee might pine a little bit and gaara might start longing for lee’s kisses... they like aren’t out there being like “oh god my boyfriend is gone i can’t go on i need him back” 
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart i like... try really hard not to have like headcanons that are sad... which doesn’t mean i don’t have fics that are just.... i generally try to avoid headcanons that would upset me. that being said, lee would be the first one to die because he’d open the 8th gate to protect gaara 
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it i think they have the sort of love that transcends lifetimes, so no matter what they will always find each other (i have like a reincarnation fic idea but it’s like super loose lol) 
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captain-krazy · 5 years
Christmas in London - Chapter One AU!Tom Hiddleston Fan Fiction by Captain-Krazy Fluff 2566 Words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: There is no smut in this story. Summary: Tom and Jess are friends and Tom takes her to London for Christmas so she doesn’t spend it alone in her apartment, like she usually does. However, the more time they spend together they both realize they may actually have feelings for each other after all. But will either of them say anything to the other, or act on their feelings? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
‘Any plans for Christmas?’ Tom asked Jess as they sat on his sofa and watched a movie
‘Nah, just gonna hang around my apartment and binge watch those sappy greeting card channel movies. Maybe start looking for a new job’
'That sounds…. Fun?’
'Well, you know me…. I’m tons of fun!’ Jess replied as she popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth 'What about you, what are you doing?’
'Oh, I promised my parents I’d come home this year. I haven’t spent Christmas with them in a few years because I was traveling for work. My sister and brother and their families are all going to be there too’ Tom said with a smile on his face 'It’s the first time since my sister got married that the whole family will be together. Mum even got us all tickets to see the Nutcracker, it’s her favorite ballet’
'Wow…. Now that does sound like fun’ Jess said
'You should do something, go somewhere. You’re not working right now anyway’
'Yeah, it is, but I don’t have anywhere to go, no one to visit. Hence the sitting around my apartment’
'You could always go to a someplace warm and tropical. Lie on a beach, go swimming, meet a guy and have a holiday fling’ Tom suggested, wiggling his eyebrows on the last bit
'I’m not much of a ’tropical’ person and it wouldn’t feel like Christmas to me someplace like that. It would probably cost a small fortune to book a trip anyplace right now, and like you said, I’m not working right now’ Jess said with a sigh ‘Not to mention that I can’t even find anyone to have flings with here, what makes you think I’d find someone someplace else?’
Tom gave a half smile and then went back to watching the movie. Except for the occasional laugh, the two friends sat in silence for the rest of it. When it was over neither of them really wanted to get up so Tom put the TV on the channel Jess mentioned earlier. Some random movie about a girl getting stuck in an airport during a snowstorm while heading home for the holidays was on. When it was over Jess stretched her arms over her head before standing.
'I guess I should head home, it’s getting late’
‘Yeah, I guess it is’ Tom replied as he stood and walked toward the front door behind Jess.
After she had her coat and scarf on he gave her a hug and told her to drive safe, and let him know when she arrived home.
A little over a week later as she sat on her couch reading job postings online Jess received a text from Tom
*Hey…. Is your passport up to date?*
*I think so…. Why?* Jess replied, a little confused as to why Tom would be asking her that
*Go check and let me know*
*Why do you need to know?*
*Just humor me and check…. Please* Tom sent, along with the praying hands emoji
Jess let out a groan and wondered into her room to find her passport, once she did she saw that everything was up to date, and she didn’t need to renew for another 5 years.
*Yeah, it’s up to date…. Now why did you need to know?* she replied. A few minutes went by before she received a reply
*Because…. You are coming to London with me*
Jess reread the text a couple times to make sure she was actually reading what she thought she was, when it finally registered in her brain she hit the phone icon and dialed Tom’s number.
‘What do you mean I’m coming to London with you?’ Jess said as soon as Tom answered, not even giving him a chance to say hello ‘This better be a joke Hiddleston!!’
‘Um…. Hi…. And no, it’s not a joke. I just booked you a plane ticket’
‘What….. Wh- Tom, you CAN’T be serious! I can’t just drop everything and go to London with you!!!’
‘I’m 1000% serious, and yes you can! You’re not working, and you told me last week you had no plans for Christmas’
‘I have…. Plans’ Jess replied, a little sad at the fact that she really didn’t
‘Job searching and binge watching Christmas movies does not count as plans’
‘I… I can’t go, Tom. I could never afford a hotel on such short notice, they probably cost an arm and a leg this time of year! Not to mention paying you back for the plane ticket!!’
‘Okay, first; you do not have to pay me back for the ticket, I have a shit ton of miles from work, and its part of your Christmas present, you can pay back a Christmas present. And secondly; you don’t need a hotel because you’re staying at my parent’s house with me and the rest of my family’
‘Tom!! I can’t just show up at your parents’ house unannounced!’
‘You’re not showing up announced, I spoke to my Mum a couple days ago and they would love to have you’
‘NO BUTS JESS! YOU’RE COMING WITH ME!’ Tom said forcefully, a tone in his voice Jess had never heard before ‘Pack a suitcase, the flight leaves Thursday at 3:30pm, I’ll pick you up at noon!’
And with that Tom ended the call. Jess sat down on her bed and stared at her phone for a few moments before laying back and staring up at the ceiling as she tried to process the fact that she was going to London in a few days. She let out a sigh as she rolled over and buried her face in a pillow. The next morning when she woke up it took her a moment to realize she had fallen asleep in her clothes. She reached for her phone and noticed it was almost dead, as she plugged it in she saw that Tom had sent her a text while she was asleep,
*It’s very cold in there, make sure to pack warm*
She rolled her eyes before standing and heading into the bathroom. After she was showered she went back to into her room to get dressed and figure out what to pack. She drug her suitcase out from under her bed an flung it on top, when she opened it she discovered that she still had stuff in it from her last trip,  a couple pair of shoes, some jeans, some makeup, and the dress she wore to a friend’s wedding. She took the dress from the garment bag it was in and held it up to herself, running her hands over the soft deep blue fabric, she really did love the dress, it was one of the only times she actually felt pretty.
She debated for a moment about taking it with her, but in the end decided against it. She draped it over the chair in the corner as she started going through her closet and dresser, throwing what she was taking onto her bed. After a while she went into the bathroom and pulled out her travel toiletries and put them into a plastic bag. When she went back into her room she started folding her clothes and placing them nicely into the case, leaving her big winter coat out, still unsure as to whether she wanted to wear it to the airport, or just pack it and pull it out when she got to there, for now she just tossed it over to the chair in the corner of her room.
She still couldn’t believe this was happening, she was actually going to London, a place that she had always wanted to visit, especially at Christmas. Even though she was still upset at Tom for spending what she could only guess was a small fortune on a last minute plane ticket, she was also extremely excited. As she continued to pack her phone pinged, letting her know she had a text message, she decided to ignore it at first, but it pinged again a not even a minute later. When she grabbed her phone she saw that they were both from Tom, she also noticed there were a couple that she hadn’t seen. The first two had been sent when she was in the shower and the other two were the ones he just sent
*Want to grab lunch?* *Jess??* *Are you mad at me?* *I’m sorry I yelled on the phone last night*
*I’m not…. Mad* she sent in reply. Ever thought she was a tiny bit mad at him
*Are you sure? It usually never takes you that long to reply*
*I was in the shower when you sent the first 2 and then I started packing so I didn’t see them until now*
*Soooo, you’re really not mad I did this?*
*I am a little mad, but I’ll probably be over it by the time we leave…. lol*
*Great!! So food??*
*Yeah, food sounds good*
*On my way*
A couple days later it was time to leave for London, Jess was so excited she couldn’t sleep and when she finally did, she ended up sleeping through her alarm. When she woke up she was scrambling around, showering, getting dressed, and packing the last of her things. She decided not to wear her big coat since it wasn’t too cold and she just shoved it into her suitcase just as Tom sent her a text to let her know he was outside. Jess grabbed her suitcase and her purse, making sure she had her passport and headed out the door. As they drove Tom told Jess about a Christmas festival his Mom loved, and a few other events they could attend, less than an hour later they were at the airport waiting to go through security.
‘So, this Christmas festival you were talking about, what goes on at it?’ Jess asked as they settled into their seats for the long flight ahead
‘It’s a Christmas festival, Jess, what do you think goes on?’
‘I don’t know, I’ve never been to one. That’s why I was asking’
‘Well, I haven’t been to it in years, but as I recall there is a group of Carol singers in costume that walk around the grounds singing, there are booths selling wears, there’s a stand that sells hot cider and mulled wine, another that does roasted chestnuts’ Tom explained as the flight attendants started making their way down the aisles with refreshments ‘There’s a skating rink, and a pageant that the kids church choir puts on. My Mum said that they added a nightly light show year before last.’
‘That all sounds so fun’ Jess said with a huge smile on her face ‘Hey Tom, in case I haven’t yet, I just want to say thank you. I really, really do appreciate you bringing me with you’
‘You’re more than welcome, Jess’ he replied ‘Merry Christmas’
A few hours into the flight Jess fell asleep, she didn’t wake until Tom gently tapped her shoulder to let her know they were getting ready to land. When Jess was finally able to stand after landing her body was stiff and one of her feet was asleep, causing her to limp up the jet way, by the time they reached baggage claim her body had loosened up and her foot was awake.
‘Alright, they’ve really changed this airport since I was last here’ Tom said as he tried to figure out where to go to get a cab ‘Ah, its this way’ he said, pointing to where the sign hanging from the celling told him where the taxi stands were
‘TOM!!! TOM!!’ a man’s voice yelled through the terminal
Tom and Jess both turned and saw a man running in their direction, waving a hand over his head, Tom smiled and started walking toward him.
‘Owen!! Hey man, what are you doing here?’ Tom asked as he hugged the man
‘Mum asked me to pick you up’ he replied ‘It’s so good to see you! How’ve you been?’
‘I’m great! Oh, this is my friend Jess. Jess, this is my brother-in-law, Owen’
‘It’s nice to meet you Owen’ Jess said as she shook his hand
‘Come on, I’m parked this way. I promised everyone I’d have you home in time for tea’
As they made their way to the house Jess stared out the window with a smile on her face, amazed at how beautiful everything was. The trees and ground were covered in a light layer of snow, making everything sparkle. When they pulled into the neighborhood her smile got even bigger, every house had massive amounts of decorations, she couldn’t wait until it got dark and they were all lit up. The further they drove through the neighborhood the bigger the houses seemed to get, when Owen finally pulled into a driveway Jess’ jaw dropped even more, it had to be the biggest house on the block. Owen offered to help them with their luggage, but Tom and Jess both said they could handle it, so Owen headed in to let everyone know they were there
‘Tom…. this is your house? It’s HUGE!!!’ Jess said as they got out of the car ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were rich?!’
‘It’s my parents’ house, and I didn’t tell you I’m rich because I’m not’ Tom replied as he pulled their suitcases’ out of the trunk ‘My parents are’
‘That’s something that rich people say!’ Jess retorted as Tom closed the trunk, he let out a chuckle and they made their way into the house.
When they stepped inside Jess’ jaw dropped again as she looked around, there was a huge decorated fireplace the living room to her left, a staircase with lights and garland on the banister in front of her, to her right was a formal dining room with a huge table and more decorations everywhere.
‘Tom!!’ a woman said as she came out of the dining room, she had an apron around her waist, she walked over and threw her arms around him, giving him a tight hug ‘Welcome home darling!!’
‘Hi Mum, it’s so good to see you’ Tom replied as he hugged her back, after a few moments the hug broke and she took a step back and smiled up at him, she then looked over at Jess ‘And you must be Tom’s friend’
‘Yeah, Mum this is Jess. Jess, my Mum, Susan’
‘It’s really nice to meet you Mrs. Hiddleston, thank you so much for having me’ Jess replied as she held her hand out to Tom’s Mom, but Susan just wrapped her arms around Jess and hugged her tight
‘Oh, please, call me Susan’ she replied as she loosened the hug, but left her hands on Jess’ arms ‘and it’s a pleasure to have you here, dear’
‘Where is everyone?’ Tom asked
‘Your Father had to run into the city for a last minute meeting, he should be back soon, and everyone else is in the kitchen making cookies and getting tea ready’
Susan then motioned for everyone to follow as she headed back to help them, Tom wrapped his arm around his Moms shoulder and pulled her close as they rounded the corner and disappeared into the dining room. She smiled to herself and looked around as she followed them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next….
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