lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
It’s been a hot day here in the southern hemisphere of Midgard, so humid and sticky (and not the good kind). Could you tempt Jotunn Loki to cool things down (and maybe heat things up in a good way)?? 🥵😍
I hope its still hot today 🔥 I'm in a very wanky wankst mood this week I'm sorry.
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Jotun Loki x Reader Smutty - w/c 300
"Please let me suck it..." you whined, as Loki spread his thighs wider. You ran your palms up the naked blue muscles, every bulge in his jotunn enhanced femurs straining shades of cerulean as you shuffled closer. Hoping.
"Absolutely not." he gasped, his grip tightening around the gargantuan shaft. One hand stroked in devastating precision, the other grasped around a shimmering cube as he threw his head back, dark curls spread over tensed shoulders.
"You would be sealed to me in seconds-" he choked, making you whimper. You trailed your nose up his inner thigh, the biting chill making it tingle. "Is..is what you w-wish? To be inescapably, p-painfully, irrevocably...gods..fastened to my c-cock-"
You nodded coyly against his skin, fighting the chill. You knew he was right but fuck, right now you'd risk it.
"Maybe another...uhhh f-fuck..time... " he chuckled with difficulty, wide sapphire hips tilting upwards with every thrust as you hovered by the shuddering tip.
Loki's huge fist was merciless, his brow furrowing in desperate pleasure as you parted your lips. "Let's cool you dow- down, shall we?" he grunted through shortening breaths, low moans rumbling in his core as he edged himself across the final precipice.
Your tongue meekly lapped the tip of his cobalt shaft, feeling the saliva harden instantly against the frozen skin. You pulled it away with a wince. Loki released an animalistic groan at the sight, shuddering forwards with a clenched cry of your name.
The cool seed spattered your cheeks, flooding your tongue with force. You stilled, letting it drip from the corners of your mouth down your chin to your chest. There was always so much. Like soft sorbet on summer's hottest day. And he was always so obliging, such a benevolent god to his fragile mortal and her petty needs.
Your fingers traced the streams of his cum, rubbing swathes of the chilled liquid into your breasts with a moan of satisfaction. The relief would last for hours. Loki gaped, his stare smouldering through half lidded eyes.
"I will never tire of cooling you down, pet." he panted slowly, skin blossoming back to its paler form as he released his grip from the casket.
"Good thing you always make me so hot then..." you purred, rising and crawling into your god's wide lap. Loki groaned again.
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@gigglingtigger @skymoonandstardust @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @thedistractedagglomeration @123forgottherest @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @lokiprompts @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @xorpsbane @filthyhiddles @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @coldnique @maple-seed @currish-rosewolfe @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @springdandelixn @anonymousfiction211 @avengersalways @wheredafandomat @fruit-caught-on-camera
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muddyorbsblr · 8 months
circumstances of succumbency [kinktober 2023: bath/shower]
See the full Kinktober 2023 Collection here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: You and Magnus get stranded on the road while working a case and sought shelter at an inn that only had one room left. And one bed.
Pairing: older!Magnus Martinsson x Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: 18+ | smut (minors & pearl clutchers, kindly exit stage left I'll only ask nicely once); unprotected p in v sex; slight mention to masturbation/wankst; language; Magnus is her superior/boss so there's a bit of a power dynamic going on [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: coworkers to lovers; mutual pining; one bed only trope; translations in the Author's Notes
Dick-tionary (aka smut guide): When Magnus says "I won't have you apologizing", the smut starts. Proceed with caution.
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"We're not going to be of any use to this case sleep-deprived and dragging this car through a snowstorm, Y/L/N. We should find some shelter and start fresh in the morning, and hopefully the weather will be a bit more agreeable."
Those were the famous last words that hammered in several nails to your coffin. You were still about an hour's drive away from the residence of a person of interest in your current case, but with the current state of the weather, you were more likely to get stranded in the middle of the road with a broken down engine than actually make it to your destination if you two stubbornly kept on your drive.
That was how you two ended up at a cozy little inn, the lady at the front desk shamelessly checking out Detective Superintendent Martinsson while she tried to book two rooms for you. A disappointed scowl painted her face as she told you both that there was only one room left for the night. With one bed.
Of course this happens, you grumbled internally. One room, one bed, one horny Y/N.
He tried to be a gentleman and offered you the bed, clearly uncomfortable with the whole arrangement as well. But after you both realized that there was no other furniture that the towering older man could somehow pretzel-fold himself into and sleep in for the night, you simply agreed that you'd pick a side of the bed and put the entire situation out of your minds come morning.
You distinctly remembered putting a considerable effort to count sheep and make your mind shut off despite the biting cold, slipping into slumber a shivering curled up heap on your side of the bed, one wrong move away from falling off and flopping onto the hard wood floor. So why was it that when you opened your eyes, the morning sun barely shining through the heavy clouds, you were deceptively comfortable and warm, with an arm wrapped around you and holding you against the lean and muscular body of the man that had been invading your most vivid scandalous dreams on a nightly basis?
This isn't happening this isn't happening, you tried to tell yourself, trying not to lean in to his warm embrace despite every cell in your body literally screaming to do exactly that. You're still dreaming, Y/N, it's time to wake up. He shuffled even closer to you, his nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck, and let out a sigh that sounded like he was almost…contented. The feel had you putting your fist to your mouth and biting down on your skin to refrain from making a sound.
Much as this was exactly where you fantasized about being when you were in the safety of your own home, you knew you had to squirm out of his sleep-laden embrace. You slipped your hand into his and tried to guide his arm up and away from your waist, only to have him reflexively pull out of your hold and go right back to holding you, shuffling even closer and letting out a whining sound as if he was bargaining to stay asleep for a few more minutes.
Before you could try again, you froze in his embrace when you felt his lips press a kiss to the back of your neck, followed by a near-reverent whisper of your name. You bit harder into your skin in a desperate attempt to hold back a moan as he kept on kissing a trail to your shoulder in lazy movements, obviously being guided by his sleep-adled brain.
Which had a little voice in your head screaming the question: If he was moving and talking the way he did because of his dream, then why did he say your name?
You didn't give yourself the time to mull it over, not willing to risk staying a second longer and having him wake up and have the sight of his disgust and shame seared into your memory. As fast as you could manage, you lifted his arm off you and rolled away from him, situating yourself again on the very edge of the bed and pretending that sleep still had its hooks in you.
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Despite having slept in a bed that wasn't his own partnered with the undue stress of being stranded by means of a rather nasty snowstorm, Magnus had slept rather peacefully through the night. He was blessed with a rather blissful dream where by some miracle you didn't turn him away after he'd confessed his feelings for you. You even returned them.
And before you two headed off for work, he held you in bed and got to rouse you from your sleep with teasing kisses to your neck. The dream had felt so real that the image might stay with him to keep him company in the cold nights to come after closing this case with you.
When he woke in your shared room at the inn and saw you curled up at the edge of the bed, he wanted nothing more than to turn that dream into reality and pull you into his embrace. He was only stopped by the dreadful thought of how you could possibly react to such intimacy.
Probably with a right hook, a resignation letter, and a sexual harassment lawsuit in that order, you idiotic knob, he hissed at himself, sighing as he shrugged the covers off him and decided to check if the roads were clear enough to resume driving in a few hours.
He walked around the bed and couldn't resist the urge to take his covers and drape them over your own after seeing how you visibly shivered in your sleep. You let out an unintelligible sound while he was tucking the covers around you. "I'm up, I'm up," you mumbled, shifting around groggily.
"We don't have to leave yet," he spoke softly, doing his best not to wake you fully. "Just gonna check if it's safe to go back on the road." He moved your hair away from your face, a warmth spreading through his body upon seeing how serene you seemed in sleep. "You can rest a little while longer, sweet girl."
You let out a long exhale, a tiny contented smile playing at the corner of your mouth when you relaxed and leaned into his touch. He couldn't resist the urge to hold you just so for a few moments longer, nor the urge to press the lightest kiss between your brows before he stood and walked out of the room.
Mercifully the roads seemed much clearer and you two could probably resume your drive and your investigation in a few hours. Before that, though, he needed to go for a run. And hopefully keep all those intrusive thoughts of returning to your room and giving into his desires at bay. Sleeping in the same bed with you had blurred the lines of your relationship so dangerously that it took everything in him to remind himself that you deserved so much better than to have him shatter your trust in him by taking advantage of you and this situation.
"She deserves better than this. Better than you," he grumbled as he walked to his car to take out his running shoes.
With every pound of his feet on the pavement he tried to put it out of his mind the image of just how beautiful and peaceful you looked in bed. Tried to beat into submission the urge to crawl back under the covers next to you and roll the dice. The fantasy that perhaps if he pressed his body to yours your response would be to settle into his embrace. To press back.
Before he knew it three laps around the property turned into five. Then seven. Then ten. At the end of the tenth lap, Magnus somehow convinced himself that the distance he'd covered had placed a physical distance between him and the taunting image of you sleeping on the bed you two had shared last night.
He figured as well that enough time had passed and perhaps you'd woken up of your own accord, and you'd be alert and ready to get back on the road with him and get closer to cracking open the investigation.
There were two things that Magnus noticed once he'd returned to your shared room. First, you were out of bed, which only gave him the most temporary relief from the fantasies that were taunting him ever since he made the most foolish mistake of agreeing with you that you were both grown adults that could handle sharing a bed for the night while you were stranded.
The relief didn't last long because second, he heard the shower running. And now he struggled to even breathe knowing that mere feet away behind that closed bathroom door, you were naked and wet. And he wanted nothing more than to peel off the sweat-soaked layers of clothing on him and bring his daydreams to life.
"Stay where you are, Martinsson. If you give in, you'll lose her forever. Not to mention your badge," he grumbled to himself, burying his face his hands trying to put the mental image of what you might have looked like on the other side of the door well out of his mind.
That was until he heard a sound that seared itself into the darkest recesses of his most vivid fantasies. Whimpers that echoed off the tiles escaping through the bathroom door, followed by what sounded like a filthy variation of the talks he'd once heard you give yourself in the locker room before some of your more intimidating interrogations.
"Fuck's sake, Y/N, either think of someone other than Magnus Martinsson and get it over with so you can actually face him when you get back to the fucking car, or give up and turn the bloody shower on cold."
The air left Magnus' lungs once he heard the frustration that laced your tone. The words unraveling his restraint once it reached his ears. If knowing that you were on the other side of the door touching yourself already had his sanity and restraint hanging by a final thread, the realization that he was the subject of your fantasies snipped at that thread with the sharpest, most ostentatious shears known to man.
He never rushed to take his clothes off so fast in his life.
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As soon as you heard Magnus step out of the room you rushed to the shower, trying your damnedest to get the vivid horny daydreams out of your system before he returned. You got close the first time, but then your mind wandered to how his lips felt on your skin when he kissed your neck. And then how those same soft lips kissed your forehead before he left the room.
And with every attempt it was like that elusive climax slinked away farther and farther, taunting you that the only way you could actually get to it was if you surrendered to the fact that the only way was letting the fantasy that starred the devastatingly attractive older man play out in your mind.
Screw it, it's no use, you told yourself, closing your fingers around the lever to turn the shower into its coldest setting.
Before you could change the temperature, a large hand closed around yours, fingers deftly prying yours away from the lever. Your body froze at the feel of another, equally naked body pressing against your back.
You couldn't help the shiver that ran through you when Magnus whispered your name, tracing his fingers up your spine and across your shoulder. Fuck, why was he doing this? you screamed inwardly. It was a bad enough situation why is he making it worse?
"Look, I'll stay in the back and I won't make a sound," you choked out, barely audible over the sound of the water. "You'll have my badge on your desk the moment we get back--"
"You will do no such thing." His words came out husked, laced with a combination of conviction and desperation that you couldn't rationalize for the life of you. "Turn around, sweet girl. Look at me."
You could feel your entire body tremble and shiver despite the hot water coming down, your knees shaking with every shuffling step you took to face him, not even sure where to look once you have. Ultimately you decided to shut your eyes, refusing to look anywhere for fear that your eyes might travel too far South.
"Magnus I'm sor--"
"Shh shh, darling." He tilted your chin upward. "Look at me, please. Let me see those beguiling eyes of yours." His thumb gently pressed on your quivering lips, tracing along your bottom lip until he coaxed you into a pout. You took a breath before opening your eyes, gasping when you caught sight of a soft smile on his face, looking at you with a gleam in his eyes that had your knees shaking even more. "There you are, sweet girl," he rasped, before leaning in and giving you a soft, tentative kiss.
You let out a whimper once he pulled away, causing him to let out a guttural sound before he pulled you flush against him. His erection pressed against your stomach, warm and pulsing on your skin.
"I won't have you apologizing," he told you huskily, hands traveling down your sides, squeezing your hips for a moment before stopping at the backs of your thighs. "And I won't have you resigning, either." He smirked at the little squeak that came out of you when your feet left the tiled floor, pressing you against the wall. "I won't have any of that talk from those perfect lips of yours."
He captured your lips with his in a kiss that stole your breath away, letting out a guttural sound against your mouth when your fingers weaved into his dampening curls. Your other hand dug into his shoulder as if holding on to any last remaining shred of your sanity while he maneuvered you so that your hips were lined up. "Magnus what're you--Oh f-f-fuck," you whimpered, your body shuddering in his hold as you felt him brushing the tip of his cock up and down your folds, teasing your entrance.
"The only thing I will have from now on, sweet girl, is you." His lips latched on to a spot between your neck and shoulder, moaning into your skin as he slid into you in a single smooth motion, your walls more than slickened enough from your failed attempts just minutes ago to bring yourself to climax. "Fullkomlighet," he whispered into your neck. "Du känner dig som himlen."
The sounds of your combined moans filled the room as he moved in you, first in slow, measured thrusts and gradually getting more frantic until the sounds of your pleasure were cut through with the sharp wet snap as your hips met. Your mind in such a haze that you hadn't realized how close you were to the release you'd been chasing earlier until his hand went back down to where your bodies were connected, fingers quickly finding and flicking hurriedly at the underside of your clit.
"Let go. I need to feel you coming apart around me. Just let go with me. I've got you, min kärlek."
He muffled your high pitched screams slanting his mouth over yours, deliciously groaning into your mouth when your tongues met in a desperate tangle. His hand curled around the back of your neck, keeping you from breaking the kiss while your body completely weakened and surrendered to your climax.
The sound of the shower knob turning broke through your haze. "Hmm?" Your unarticulated question quickly turned into a squeal muffled by his mouth when he shifted his hold on you, his length still hard. Still throbbing. And still inside you.
He began to walk you out of the bathroom. He smirked against your lips when you began to whimper, every step he took making you bounce slightly on his cock.
It was only once he had you laid out under him at the center of the bed that he broke the kiss, giving you a soft peck and a nip at your bottom lip before pulling away, his face hovering a few inches above yours. "Breathe, min kärlek." He moved your hands above your head, capturing both your wrists in one large hand and pinning them down to the mattress. "We'll leave and get back on the road in a few hours."
Magnus started moving in you again, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss when you arched your back off the bed, feeling every ridge of him sliding against your walls. "Wait, Magnus what do you mean--"
"I'm going to need a little more time with you before I can even think of getting back in that car and enduring the rest of the day without touching you, sweet girl." He let out a sinful moan, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "And then when we finally finish this case, you're coming home with me. From now on you're mine, min kärlek. Are we clear?"
Your answer caused him to snap his hips into yours. "Yes, Sir."
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A/N: I've finally finished this piece and hopefully I can bang out (pun absolutely intended) another one this week for Conrad. Yes, I know October's done, but the initial goal stories aren't yet. And the stretch goal stories, as promised, are definitely still coming.
And while we're on the subject of biting off more than I can chew, I've made the decision to join NaNoWriMo again this year, so let's see if I can meet that bonkers goal of 50k words 🫡
Hope y'all liked this piece of older!Magnus spice 😏 Please do prepare yourselves for the next piece, 'slow & soft' with James Conrad because at the moment that is a chonky boi with 4k words…and I've only just gotten to the smutty bits.
Translations: Fullkomlighet – Perfection Du känner dig som himlen. – You feel like Heaven min kärlek – my love
And here's a gif for everyone that reads to the end:
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'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
Kinktober taglist: @azula-karai-27
213 notes · View notes
deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
Wankst: when you’re just trying to write porn, but you accidentally get caught up in torturing the characters instead.
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hablkunst-blog · 6 months
Was in deinem Gehirn passiert, wenn du betrunken bist #DryJanuary.
0 notes
Wenn das Gold aus dem blühenden Dunkel der Gärten winkt, Brunnen klingen in dem liebenden Schweigen der Nacht, Versinkst du, wie gern! in der Seele berauschenden Schacht, Bis Gold, Garten und Nacht in Seele ertrinkt.
Tauchst hinaus, es ist Tag, glanzübergossen Sind deine Scheitel, du träumst und bist dir verloren, Tag ist um dich, strahlend und junggeboren, Aber du bist noch vom Dufte der Seele und Nacht überflossen.
Aus deinen wirren Locken rieselt ein Schauer, Blind im liebenden Licht verschließt sich dein Blick, Lächelst, wankst, ohnmächtig still und gebannt.
Heißer strömt lauter Sonne in deine Trauer, Danke mit deinem Auge dem Lichte oder erschrick, Dass dir die Nacht nicht entschwand, die Nacht nicht entschwand.
— Salomon Friedlaender, in Der Kondor, hrsg. von Kurt Hiller, 1912
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startanewdream · 3 years
Into her sleep
This is me writing Hinny smut (or any kind of smut) for the first time, so, you know, be gentle?  Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
And because I can’t write pure happiness, it’s more of an wankst (wangst?) than anything else.
Summary: “...after a while Harry found himself taking it out simply to stare at Ginny's name in the girl's dormitory, wondering whether the intensity with which he gazed at it might break into her sleep, that she would somehow know he was thinking about her, hoping that she was all right.”
In which, unlike Harry thought, Ginny was not sleeping.
Rated M, so below the cut:
It’s well past midnight when Ginny finally finishes her shower and leaves the bathroom. For a few seconds, she just stands on the door, hearing the soft breaths of her sleeping friends, but her eyes are on the two empty beds. Anne and Janet didn’t return to Hogwarts this year. They are both Muggleborns; she hopes, as she does every time she sees their beds, that they just fled with their families.
The alternative is too painful to think about.
And if there is something Ginny’s been understanding lately is pain.
Not that she should be complaining today. By Alecto Carrow’s standards, her detention was easy, but then Alecto is much more smooth than her brothers. Alecto likes her venomous words and, unfortunately, she had finally heard more about Ginny’s relationship with Harry.
Ginny supposes she was lucky if there is such a thing in her life now. But she had three free months in Hogwarts without the Carrows knowing more of her connection with Harry than the fact that her family was close with him; why Snape didn’t mention it to them - or why he didn’t question her himself - she is too tired to guess.
She should’ve known there was something weird when she entered that room on the fifth floor and Alecto was waiting for her with a sweet smile. Ginny had faced other detentions with Alecto - she’d endured a few rounds of the Cruciatus Curse, had felt the pain of a quill cutting her skin, had blacked out once after being thrown in the room - but she had never feared Alecto as then, with that smile that did not fit the room with chains and spots of blood.
‘You’ll clean up today. Muggle style, since you love them so much’, Alecto had said, pointing to a bucket and a mop.
After so many detentions, Ginny just nodded. She knew that her silence annoyed the Carrows more than when she’d scream to them, so she just concentrated on her task, trying to stop her thoughts of who had been bloodied in that room. Not a pure-blood, sure, they were so protective of them. Maybe a First Year, someone who was as innocent as she'd been before the darkness had tried to wrap her…
‘I heard you used to date Harry Potter’, Alecto said then, and when Ginny didn’t answer, she snorted. ‘Maybe you forgot to mention early when I asked you about him’.
Ginny tried to control her breathing. She’d know a moment like that would come up sometime.
‘It was nothing’, she said without looking up. ‘We were just messing around. He dated other girls’.
The truth is far from it, but Ginny expects her apathy is enough to convince Alecto.
‘I see’, said Alecto and for a second Ginny thought she had believed. ‘So he just used you then he dumped you’.
That was low and they both knew it; there was no good answer for Ginny, so she just kept her head down, trying to clean the floor as fast as she could.
‘Boys are after one thing only, you should have known better’, Alecto continued, and Ginny could hear the mocking tone in her voice, could now understand her sweet smile. This was her real punishment. ‘You’ll be lucky if any Pureblood accepts you after you are… profaned’.
Ginny bit her lips to keep from screaming with so much strength she felt the iron taste of blood on her mouth. Alecto was talking as if Ginny was dirty and no matter the fact that she and Harry never had time to really be together, she knew that nothing she’d ever do with Harry would be stained.
But Alecto didn’t deserve to know anything about her relationship with Harry. That was one thing that nothing - not Tom, not that Dark Regime, not the Carrows - would take away from her. The memory of the way his  green eyes spark when he laughs. That dimple in his face when he’s smiling shyly. The way his hair is even messier after he lands from a flight. The determined expression on his face the first time they kissed. The way his eyes had darkened that night when she’d opened her shirt, had taken out her bra -
Perhaps it was the fact that it happened also in an empty classroom, a lifetime ago, but somehow this specific memory stayed with Ginny, protecting her almost as a Patronus against Alecto’s increasingly obscene comments. It was almost easy to turn off Alecto’s voice and after that, Alecto’s fun seemed to be dispersed. She discharged Ginny with a disdainful look, but Ginny didn’t notice for once; when she met Neville in the Common Room and he looked at her with concern (that’s the only kind of look they share these days), she’d been almost truthful when she told him she was okay.
‘I just need a bath’, said Ginny, and Neville nodded, understanding.
Ginny stayed under the hot water for a long time, as if the heat could clean away the filthiness that the Carrow’s presence always brought to her - it was worse than the blood that made her scrub her hands almost to raw skin, it was their evil dark magic. It reminded her of Tom’s diary and that’s the worst part for Ginny.
So she concentrated on her memories of Harry, letting the pure raw emotions she’d felt with him draw the heaviness of the day away.
It had worked for her shower, but as Ginny lays down on her bed, closing the curtains around her except for an opening where the moonlight enters, the stress returns as always.
She is tired and she feels tired. She can’t complain, though, because people look up to her to not give up. Neville and Luna are counting on her as much as she’s counting on them. Neither can fall.
But somehow Alecto Carrow’s voice still echoes in her mind and Ginny closes her fists, feeling her fingernails in her flesh, using the pain to draw away Alecto’s laugh that Harry used and dumped her.
‘No’, she whispers, hearing her voice. Her voice is real. Her relationship with Harry was - is - real. ‘He cares for me’.
She repeats it to herself as many times as she can, until Alecto’s voice is far away in her mind, no more than an annoying fly. Quietly, Ginny takes the Gryffindor scarf she always keeps by her bedside and hugs it close to her body, feeling  its scent.
Even after five months, the scarf still has Harry’s scent.
She sniffs it, letting that musky smell fill her nostril, until she shamelessly wraps the scarf around one of her pillows, hugging it, pretending it’s Harry she’s with. It’s only imagination, of course - she doesn’t have a memory of sleeping like this with Harry, but she wonders if he would cuddle her, if she would caress his hair until he falls asleep first, if he would wake her with soft kisses - she likes to think she would giggle them, marvelling at the fact they were together...
That’s what hurts her the most. All the questions that she doesn’t have an answer to only because there wasn’t enough time.
When these thoughts come, Ginny admonishes herself. Be grateful for what you had together, she says firmly, and waits for what will come in the future. She can do both.
She bits her lips carefully to not reopen her wound, and she hesitates just one second before grabbing her wand from below her pillow.
‘Muffliato!’, she whispers, pointing from one occupied bed then to the other one, her mind already remembering Harry casting the same spell after pushing her to that deserted classroom seven months ago. Her heart beats faster, just as it had then, thrilled by the fact that Harry was the one being bold then.
He’d been so innocent at first, so careful with her and with her boundaries that in the first weeks it was Ginny that had been the one to pull him into empty broom cupboards, who had coached him to wait for her in the Common Room so they could have a moment together alone on that couch in front of the fireplace.
But that night Harry was the one who had searched for her in the library and had called her for a night stroll. Ginny had accepted eagerly and it had been so worthy.
She touches her lips, feeling the ghost of Harry’s mouth over hers - the moment the door had closed, Harry had spent two seconds casting a protective spell on the door and then he’d kissed her as if he’d stayed away from her for years rather than since breakfast. His mouth had been hungry, demanding, and for once it was Ginny that was matching his excitement instead of the other way around.
‘I’ve missed you so much’, he’d whispered, his mouth inches from hers only enough so those words could slip away, and even then it had sounded more as groan than anything.
Their time together had been scarcely on these last few days, with her exams starting and Harry not wanting to disturb her in this final stage. They had barely a time together - other than a good morning kiss and a brush of lips before she went to bed, exhausted, and Harry had not once complained; he was too noble for that.
The fact that he was asking - almost demanding - a few minutes for them - of her - brought Ginny an elation she’d missed amongst all stress from her exams.
Ginny remembers how she had pressed herself even closer to Harry, and how he had lifted her until she was sitting in one of the tables, with him standing in front of her, their heads for once in the same level. It had been exhilarating, but she had wanted more back then and she wants more now.
Just like that day, her hand trembles slightly when she opens the button of  her shirt. With her eyes closed, she can visualize how Harry’s eyes had widened when she took off her shirt, then had darkened when she had removed her bra; he had seemed so torn between his evident desire and his nobility. He had already felt her up during their fumblings on broom cupboards, both above and below her blouse, but this was the first time he was really seeing her naked skin and Ginny would have hexed him mercilessly if he’d dared ruin the moment. Harry didn’t.
She takes off her shirt and the light breeze makes her nipples harden, just how it happened then - or maybe then it was the pure adoration in Harry’s eyes, how he seemed entranced beyond words seeing her naked chest. With an almighty effort, he’d looked in her eyes, asking silently, desperately, if he could touch her, and she had nodded in silence.
Her hand cups her breast, just like Harry did; her hand is less warm than Harry’s had been, but it doesn’t matter. She can reproduce how he’d touched her, carefully as if he thought he could break her - as if he couldn't see the shivers his touch was causing -, before his thumb caressed her nipple; just as before, she lets out a soft moan and the sound excites her now as much as it seemed to excite Harry. Now both of her hands are cupping her breasts, playing with the nipples, letting small waves of excitement flow through her.
She can’t reproduce what Harry did then - how he’d lowered his head until he was kissing her neck, then her collarbone, then the top of her breasts as he’d already done before, enjoying the cleavage of her summer top. But Harry had lowered his head even more, not stopping his kisses, until he’d taken her nipple in his mouth and pleasure had left her out of breath for a few moments, as if there wasn’t anything else in the world but the feeling of his tongue teasing her nipple, his mouth sucking it lightly then harder. She had moaned, not caring of how she had sounded, and Harry seemed to correctly take that as approval; his other hand had gone back to cup her breast, squeezing with the same amount of gentleness and roughness and -
And then they had stopped because there were sounds outside the door and they had thirty seconds - during which Harry thrown his Invisibility Cloak above them - before Filch had opened the door and looked around with mistrust.
But just as Ginny cannot reproduce Harry’s mouth on her nipples, she also doesn’t need to stop now. She wishes there were memories - she certainly tried on his birthday -, but if there aren’t, then she can let her imagination take over of what it would have happened if no one had interrupted.
She lowers her hand, below her waist that Harry had enjoyed holding while they kissed, until her hand slips under her panties. She is not as wet as she can be, but she imagines how Harry would be patient, how he’d be so gentlemanly touching her carefully until he was sure he wasn’t crossing any limits she wasn’t comfortable with.
She touches her more sensible spot, feeling another wave of pleasure, and she wishes it was Harry - with his calloused hands, long Seeker fingers - touching her now, making those gentle circles that make her want more. He wouldn’t know exactly what spot she liked most, but Ginny could show him - and Harry would be an eager student, a fast learner.
If they weren’t interrupted, she thinks she would let him touch her even more; perhaps she would touch him as well, would let him ease the tension and hardness she’d felt during their most passionate make-out sessions. Harry had wanted her, that she knew. She imagines she was still on that table, with Harry standing between her open legs; if she would move her body just a bit forward, she could rub herself on him - Harry would be the one moaning then - and Ginny pretends it’s this she is doing instead of using her fingers.
She slips her finger forward, inside, and now she’s wet, she’s ready for him. She doesn’t think they would go all the way then - Harry would want something far more special than a quickie in an empty classroom -, but she can pretend they are meeting there again, that this is just the umpteenth time that they are doing it, that they can lose themselves in each other. It can be rough, it can be desperate.
She can imagine Harry inside her, how he’d groan and how she’d be moaning with the feeling of him, alive and heart beating and thrusting into her, filling her. She can’t reproduce a feeling she’s only imagining how it would feel, but it doesn’t really matter. She slips out her finger, letting her attention focus on her clit, on that spot where she knows how to touch, how to make her come; for everything else, she and Harry will have time later, and anyway she thinks he wouldn’t mind seeing her giving herself some pleasure. He’d enjoyed it, because that’s who Harry is.
Her fingers move faster in that circle, her breath now coming in short intakes, unstable, and she presses her eyes even more, imagining Harry kissing desperately her lips while he too moves faster, how he’d warn her that he was so close and how she’d kiss him, looking at the desire in his face that matched hers, and say it was okay. She too was close.
For a second Ginny is so fixed on the image of Harry, his brows furrowed while he tries to last a bit longer waiting for her - he’d always wait for her -, that her coming almost surprises her. That final fatal wave of pleasure washes over her and she moans loudly his name - Harry, Harry, Harry - until she feels adrift in the space, as if the only thing connecting her to the world is her finger still touching her clit, pulsing - and Harry, who’d thrust once more and then he’d come, crying her name like a prayer, pleasure and bliss written all over his face.
He’d pressed his lips fervently to hers, unable to properly kiss her; they would hug, hearing each other’s heavy breathes, feeling their racing hearts slowly calming down, and she’d hear Harry whispering to her: Open your eyes, Ginny.
She obeys him without thinking, but all she can see is the canopy of her bed. Harry is not there with her and suddenly everything comes back to her.
She is alone and Harry is just in her imagination. They are even dating anymore. Harry is out there, lost or hurt - never dead, because that is a thought she never lets herself even conjure -, not knowing that Ginny is in Hogwarts dreaming about him, wishing he returns safe, missing him as if he took with him a part of her.
The last bit of that wondrous bliss leaves her and Ginny dries her moist eyes, hating the tears that doesn’t fall. She hugs the pillow with Harry's scarf, closing her eyes and letting herself pretend they are just cuddling, protected in each other's arms.
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edelaeris · 4 years
I hope I’m not late to the party! Here is my fic for the unofficial wankst discord challenge. Hope you enjoy! 
Warning: rated E.
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
I’m loving the Wankst collection💚 You have an incredible talent to write! Will there be more installments coming to join The Ceremony etc…?
My love!!! Thank you ❤️🤭The Wankst™️ Collection 😂👑well between friends, I do enjoy writing a good wank. So yes, there will definitely be more. 🤗
I love that shittttt
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Thank you for the enthusiasm!!! ☺️Xx
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
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28) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
There's so many of them it's madness for you to ask me to pick just three 🥴🥴 But fine…stabby to my throat, I'll have to say… @lokisgoodgirl – Every single one of her stories is a banger. Clandestine F*cks and Hostile F*cks are such iconic series that whenever I think about them my brain just goes brrrrr 🥴 The Delicious trilogy constantly finds its way into my daily thots to the point where the whipped cream piece may or may not have inspired the smut of the upcoming 'midnight cravings' 👀 And don't get me started on the wankst and thirst pieces all throughout her masterlist 😮‍💨 @mochie85 – The Language of Flowers and Creature Comforts have been and may always be at the top of the most adorable stories I've ever read in this community and honestly every time I think about those series I get all warm and fuzzy inside. And then on the other side of the fence, her smut?? Narratives and Pheromones have a chokehold on me 😮‍💨 @sarahscribbles – Where do I even begin…okay let's start with Moments of Magic, which literally had me feeling butterflies when I first read it because her Loki in that story was just so pure and adorable and I couldn't deal. And then we move to all her smut, and I mean all her smut. I constantly reread the 2nd part of Dancing with the Devil and also just everything in her 12 Days of Christmas list and her Kinktober 2022 list?? Iconic. And when I tell you nobody writes cockwarming and denial like Saz, I mean it. Nobody does it better 👏👏👏
29) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Answered here
38) Talk about a review that made your day.
Any review that gives me the lines that had the reader kicking & screaming & melting throughout the story, and goes into detail about what they loved throughout the chapter or the oneshot, those always make my day. The reviewers who go into the replies to give their thoughts throughout their read of the chapter also hold a special place in my heart. Basically either have a breakdown in my replies or give me a long review with your favorite parts and your reaction gifs and you move up to my favorite people list 💖💛
Thank you so much for these questions! I hope you had a lovely weekend!
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museenkuss · 2 years
If I remember correctly, you once mused about Bilderbuch's lyrics and their play on words (I don't find the post, though, so I might be wrong?)... Now I'm curious to know if you have any favorite songs by Bilderbuch? ✨
Ahhh sweetheart!!! you're not wrong!! I did talk about them a while ago while talking about German books(..?) I think? I'll try to find the post 🌹🌹
first of, I have to say that I still prefer the albums up to and including Magic Life. But now.. Favourite songs!
[I know this is a very German conversation, language-wise, but since we're having it in English, I added lyric translations as well (as well as I could, considering their writing style and my limited poetic abilities)...🍊✨]
Feinste Seide I can't put into words how sexy this song is to me. It's bubbling cool champagne on overheated skin, it's smoke and divans, it's a boudoir and Basil's studio/living room in the first chapters of Dorian Gray and a bar with sticky floors. Utter decadence with that hint of rot - & sie tanzen wie die Fliegen um das Fleisch. But again....breathtaking imagery: Heiße Luft, so flüssig wie Kristall. [and they dance like flies around the flesh. // hot air, liquid as crystal]
Schick Schock Incredibly sexy as well, in a subtly different way. It's less dangerous than Feinste Seide, more utter confidence. More sequins, less Baudelaire. Another song I'd love to pour into a glass, drink up and embody.
Jesolo it's so shrill, so fantastical. In einem Land in dem Milch und Honig dir die Augen verkleben, wankst du durch einen Wald aus Menschen [In a land in which milk and honey glue your eyes shut, you stumble through a forest of people] - incredible imagery. Breathtaking. I also think it has that particular Puppenspiel/Gauklerspiel vibe to it that in my opinion works really well here. It’s very Hoffmann, it’s very Ur-Faust.
Karibische Träume I know I talked about this one before, but it genuinely is one of my favourite songs. Poetic, intricate, lovely. Wenn ich träume, träum ich nur von Dir / Wenn ich träume, fallen mir die Zähne aus. [When I dream, I only dream of you / When I dream, I lose my teeth] Hypnotic! Freudian!! ICH SEH AUS WIE EIN GEMÄSTETER SCHWAN <- girlie I am LOSING it. absolutely incredible. I genuinely love that line so much. [I look like a fattened swan]
Die Kirschen Waren Toll Again. I wish I could stop saying that their songs are sexy and decadent to me but - sieben Schläge mit dem Stock auf das Knie und ich steh noch. [seven strikes with the stick to the knee and I'm still standing] The Venus in Furs vibes of it all. Du bist ein Kampf mit dem Teufel auf dünnem Eis. [You're a fight with the devil on thin ice] <- the hunger, the way he draws out that "Du"... Exquisite. And him comparing his flesh to cherries, something sweet that that stranger sinks their teeth into only to break their teeth on the pit...I'm growling.
Venezianischer Spiegel It's just another of those "sad relationship and we don't talk about it" songs, I suppose, but somehow, it's dripping with wine to me. The slow, almost languid misery, the cold afternoon..Lovely. Besides, I honestly just adore the term “Venetian mirrors” for two way mirrors. The atmosphere, the implications…And then — Blick ich in dein Gesicht / In einen venezianischen Spiegel [I look at (lit. “Into”) your face / In a Venetian mirror] , only to contrast that, the mirror (delicate, cold, breakable) in the next line with the breaking of a promise and the not-breaking of a silence.…very big cinema etc.
Babylon The ease, the cheek, the sequins and sparkling lights of it all. It's less the lyrics in this one, but, god. To me, it's one of those songs you drink sparkling wine with juice to, eyes closed, the summer evening seeping in through the open window if possible, and voilà - ich lebe in Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, Babylon
Rosen zum Plafond This one just won't let me go. I know I keep saying they're sexy but, wow. It just hooks me from the very beginning, no matter how often I listen to it? Bitte gib mir deine Chance / Sonst treib ich Unwesen vor dem Maison / Pflück den Pfirsich von deinem Baum / Kein gutes Wort, nichts hält mich im Zaum / Ja, ich flüster mich zu dir / Ich bin nicht laut, doch du kapierst [please give me your chance / or else I'll be up to no good in front of the apartment / pick the peach from your tree / no kind word, nothing will stop me / yes, I whisper my way to you / I'm not loud, but you understand] Baroque. Marzipan-sweet, dirty, forceful, charming. And then the girl, who pushes and pulls, moans and throws her hands over her head, throws his roses to the balcony and him out of the apartment, who screams. I love them, I love the energy. And from the sound of this one alone — you can hear them circling each other on polished wooden floors, you can hear the shoves and whispers and moans and screams, the shattered vases and the hands fisted in silk bedsheets. Exquisite.
Kitsch Eine Hand voll Zucker und ein Mund voll Wein [a handful of sugar and a mouthful of wine] - that's exactly the delicious, oppulent imagery I'd been missing from their newer stuff. GOD I love it. It reminds me of Babylon in that, what, Catholic-adjacent hedonism? But also: It's genuinely just a very fun song to me? Same as Sneakers4Free in that regard, I just enjoy listening to it. I remember taking one of my little walks on a summer evening while listening to it and a man stopping his car to to try and chat me up, which is something I 100% blame this song for, you can melt into it and just let that easy confidence lead and move you for a while. Très sexy. And of course -- Aber white jeans on und immer Eau de Cologne!
Bonus: Listening to I <3 Stress always makes me feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare rendition of Patrick Bateman's apartment. Endless white hallways and tasteful 80s decoration and that tan-skinned, bleach-teethed creature somewhere behind me. Also Checkpoint is...okay. Imo. It's very much a late night car drive song, but the video?! The Video???! Amazing. I love it.
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celestialdeth · 7 years
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this guy was mad because he was telling everyone their art was bad cause they didn’t understand anatomy and i pointed out that anatomy wasn’t everything and he mentioned he wanted to be a famous hentai artist and i made fun of him and he blocked me
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perfektunperfekte · 2 years
ich halte dich in meinen armen, halte dich immer zusammen
drücke die bruchstücke zusammen an denen ich kleber aufgetragen habe
denn wertvolles soll man halten, an guten wie an schlechten tagen, in guten wie in schlechten zeiten
lass dich fallen wenn du es zulassen kannst, ich fange dich, fange dich auf
ich verlange nichts, tu was gut für dich ist, was dir hilft, dich erfüllt, ich stütze dich
wenn du wankst greife ich mir deinen arm, unter den arm, du sollst nicht fallen, wenn doch, fang ich dich auf
wenn du träume hast, sag sie mir, ich träume mit dir, unterstütze dich, helfe sie wahr werden zu lassen
wenn du weinst, halte die tränen nicht zurück, lass sie laufen, befreiend, ich fange sie auf
wenn du lachst, teile deine freude, ich lache mit dir
in guten wie in schlechten zeiten, in guten wie in schlechten jahren, im guten wie im schlechten leben
allein sollst du dich nie mehr quälen
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breaniebree · 3 years
hi! i’m quite surprised that there’s no wankst/wangst in harry’s pov (dont rlly know the term for it).
dunno i think that it’s just something i think harry would do. i mean both he and ginny are rather active…
Hi, Anon!
Funny you should say that because its coming up soon 🤣🤣
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focusly · 4 years
My second ever piece of smut I’ve ever written, this time courtesy of wankst 2020! Special thanks to Jen, Dusk, and everyone else who participated on the Official Harry and Ginny discord! NSFW, obviously. Edit: RemedialPotions wrote a companion piece here! Check it out!
She missed him most in the quiet hours at night, that infinite stretch of time praying for sweet embrace of sleep. It was in these small hours that he had always been the most talkative, chattering on about anything that happened to cross his mind in the moment, before Hermione would remind him that she’s trying to sleep and rolled over to signal an end to the conversation. Now, though, Ron’s absence was deafening.
Harry was sitting outside tonight, keeping guard over their shared tent, and Hermione was relieved for that. He had been even more of a ruddy little wanker than usual since Ron left and she was not in the proper mood to deal with him right now. Sighing, she pulled out Ron’s old Cannons t-shirt from beneath her pillow. The logo on the front on the front was faded and peeling but she held it close to her face anyway. It smelled of sunshine and earth and his ginger hair - oh god.
She squeezed her eyes shut and imagined him in bed next to her, his soft pink lips whispering something in her ear as his long freckled arm grazed her stomach. She dreamed it was his fingers lifting the waistband of her knickers and not her own. It was his fingers finding her center of pleasure, touching her, as his breath curled hot on her neck. She turned her head to meet his clear blue eyes before he began to stroke her, fast and swirling and fluid. She arched her back, pressing harder against him in response. Her breathing became faster now, the familiar electricity starting in her stomach. By the time it reached the tips of her fingers and ends of her toes she threw her head back against the pillow and moaned his name out loud. She was filled with his lightness and energy, the musical peal of his laughter and his radiant smile coursed through her veins. The feeling ebbed away as quickly as it came, and as the weight of reality slowly creeped back into her consciousness she realized she is still in the tent, still alone, but now emptier than ever. She clutched Ron’s shirt close her, too numb to cry.
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thedistantdusk · 4 years
Hey! In a recent ask, you listed some whump stories (I didn't even know whump was a thing so thanks for that!) Have you got a list of just regular angst that has a happy ending? Maybe something like Harry getting hurt. I love your stuff!! :)
Haha! Yes, this one I’m more equipped to answer 😅
Here are some of my favorite angst fics that have a happier ending and/or have happier moments. Same disclaimer as before: This is just my opinion and not indicative of anything else, and you may or may not come across content with trigger warnings. I believe (?) they’re each tagged/summarized appropriately, but at this point, I’m just doing my best. Also... please note that I’m not deliberately leaving anyone off the list; these are just ones that come to mind from various authors. Thanks! Making Mistakes by Little0Bird Sharing Life Together by @keeptheotherone Put Your Curse in Reverse by @ellizablue (the whole series is spectacular but this fic in particular is 👌for Angsty!Harry) Slowly Spinning Redemption by EllieHigginbottom Foolish by Tonkaholic  Doom Days by @celtics534 Many stories by YellowWitchGirl, but in particular Bound and Quirks We can’t control (watch me unfold) by @annerbhp The Selkie’s Gift by @jenoramaca  Such a beautiful blank (but smooth it) by PocketFullOf An Endless Love by @reerox67 (super interesting series of fairy tale/mythological AUs) Vexed by @gryffindormischief (looove this author) Things You Shouldn’t Do at Christmas by akissinacrisis Inner Demons by Serendipity50 Ginny Weasley — the Girl Who Lived by @justmattycakes Off-Kilter and August by @remedial-potions Through Shadows by @hpfangal (an awesome WIP that’s super angsty so far!) Nexus by @gryffindorhealer (interesting crossover with Good Omens, if that’s your thing!) Grow Young With Me by @taliesin-19 (trust me, Harry is HURTING) Years to Talk by @ginisbetterthanfirewhiskey Realising by @floreatcastellumposts (HBP angst is my thiiiiing) And last but not least, here are some of the entries from the unofficial 2020 HG discord challenge that centered on the theme of wankst/wangst/sad wanking. ;) Hope this helps! :D
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avvocarlo · 6 years
angst more like uhhh wankst lol
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