#Water Mill NY
blueiscoool · 2 years
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Heaven in the Hamptons  
34 & 30 Cobb Isle Rd Water Mill, NY 11976 $43,000,000
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shipsi · 1 year
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Pond New York This is an illustration of a sizable, conventional, backyard concrete paver pond.
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saeruth · 2 years
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Traditional Landscape in New York
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BOGO: 2 homes for sale in Water Mill, New York, (also known as the wealthy area, "The Hamptons"), for $4.59M. Total of 4bds, 2ba. If you only want one, the realtor says that can be arranged, also.
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The first home is almost entirely glass. “The underlying principle of both homes is ‘open to light, hidden by trees,” the agent explains.
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Personally, I have a fear of glass houses like this, especially at night. You never know who could be watching or even busting thru the glass.
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This home is built on a slab with cement flooring and only has a kitchenette as part of the living room.
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There is a hallway on either side of the kitchenette. I could never walk down this thing in the middle of the night.
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This is the smaller of the 2 homes and has 1 spacious bedroom.
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It has a shower and a walk-in closet.
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There's a small outdoor area surrounded by tree stumps. I would say that this is more likely to be a short term rental in the summer.
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The larger home has a deck and is a bit off the ground, sort of like a treehouse, in one corner.
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This home is a bit larger, but it doesn't have the living room that the other home has. This one only has space for a chair and table in the corner of the kitchen.
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It has a larger kitchen, though.
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Since there's no living room area to speak of, this smaller bedroom is being used as a family room.
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The primary bedroom is spacious and has a low built-in shelf with drawers next to a closet.
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The bath is a good size with nice tile. Both of these homes are quite small, but the property is 5.8 acres (each house has its own 2.9 acre lot) and was purchased with the idea of building more homes to form a compound.
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On the ground floor is a private artist studio, that could be whatever the new owner wants it to be. There is also a main house on the property that the seller is keeping as his own home, so these houses were meant to be part of his vision of a compound.
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kpforpresident · 2 years
Can I have “graded exams get handed back to the wrong person and they have to swap” for 100 please. Bonus points for unrequited pining from a distance.
We all know I am a hoe for bonus point(s). 
In my brain this is how NY AU Clexa met. Love a good gen elective, amirite?
Clarke slumps forward in her tiny plastic seat, balancing her forehead on a stubby number two pencil. Around her other first year students mill around the large lecture hall, their laughter echoing off the vaulted ceilings. Despite the early hour of the day everyone was awake and bright-eyed, the tantalizing excitement of a long weekend well within grasp. While the intro level Ethics class wasn’t Clarke’s favorite subject, as a mandatory requisition for any first year she was just happy to be in a class with her friends with a professor who wasn’t a stick in the mud, like Pike was. 
Clarke groans slightly, twirling the writing utensil through her fingers as she glances around the large lecture hall. She mimes sticking it into her jugular, laughing when her best friend swatted away her hand with a disgruntled hiss. To her right Raven is hunched over, cradling a large coffee in between her hands, sleek dark ponytail falling carelessly around her shoulders as she takes a delicate sip from the steaming takeaway cup. 
“Why the fuck do we have an eight am Friday lecture?” Raven hisses to no one in particular, pulling her hoodie tighter around her face in an effort to block out a larger amount of the fluorescent light that buzzed overhead. On her other side Octavia grunts in agreement, unscrewing the metallic lid of her water bottle to chug more ice water, looking vaguely green as she did so. 
Clarke eyes them both, crooking an unamused eyebrow as she did. The professor burst through a side door, shoving an extremely disorganized stack of papers at a harried teacher’s assistant as she bustled towards the front of the room. The long suffering TA– Sarah- stood with a sigh, moving to start handing back their midterms as everyone slowly took their seats, the chatter dying down slightly. Clarke angles herself in her tiny desk to better look at her two best friends, who look like that had been murdered and reanimated shortly prior to the start of class. Clarke licks her finger and swipes amusedly at a smudge of mascara under Raven’s eye with her thumb, giving up when Raven swatts at her with a snarl. 
“If you two delinquents hadn’t decided to go shot for shot with the football team last night with a death wish and a mickey of tequila, you might’ve not been feeling so rough this morning,” Clarke says primly, tapping her pencil on the table smartly with a flourish. Raven leans over, picking up the pencil without breaking eye contact. Still staring directly into Clarke’s eyes, she snaps it in two before dropping the pieces in Clarke’s lap and facing forward again. 
“Lincoln’s hot as hell, Clarke,” Octavia snaps, holding her water bottle to her forehead as if she could ease her hangover through pure iron will alone. “I refuse to let those prissy cheerleaders out-drink me- I could snap those bitches in two.”
Clarke rolls her eyes as Sarah trudges by tiredly, shoving a stack of papers at them before moving on towards the next row. Clarke passes Octavia's and Raven’s exam down, ribbing Raven good naturedly on the 98% emblazoned in bed on her paper. She grimaces sympathetically at the 78% on Octavia’s as she flips her own copy, to be met with a perfect score. Her eyebrows draw together in confusion as she gapes at the score on top. 
Raven rips the paper out of her hand, eyes the size of dinner plates, hangover forgotten. 
“No fucking way Griffin got a perfect test score,” she hoots, flourishing the paper in the air. Clarke leaps to grab the paper before Raven jabs someone’s eye out, and sticks her tongue out at her friend before smoothing out the now-crumpled sheet of paper. 
“It’s not even my paper, guys- whose last name in this section is Woods?” Clarke whispers, disappointed as Profesor Indra dimmed the lights to boot up her old fashioned overhead projector- she claimed that it was superior to powerpoint slides. She was simply too terrifying to argue with. 
Raven quirks an eyebrow at her before she tilts her head towards the other end of the aisle, at the girl who sat alone at the end. Clarke leans over, curious, before slamming back in her seat, paper clutched in now-sweaty hands. 
“Lexa- Lexa’s last name is Woods?” Clarke stammers in a low voice, feeling a blush break over her face. Thankfully, in the now-darkened room Raven just tips a glance her way before she turns around to listen to Indra, who had launched into an impassioned tirade about gender equality in proportion to social race construct and did not seem to be in danger of derailment. 
The object of the secret crush that Clarke had harbored for the past two months sits in a far end seat, a curtain of dark hair obscuring her face as she leans over a piece of lined paper, painstakingly writing notes as Indra talked. A cream coloured knit sweater slouches around her slim frame, the sleeves pushed up over her elbows so she could write without fear of smearing lead. 
Clarke lets loose a little sigh as she stares at Lexa. How she angled towards her paper to write, glasses perched precariously on a freckled nose. Clarke had had a huge crush on her since the second day of class, when Clarke had tripped over a ripple in the decades-old carpet and had fallen face first into Lexa’s lap. Lexa had caught her, smiling softly, and Clarke had fallen head over heels. 
Clarke’s daydream was interrupted as a wad of paper bounces off of her face and falls softly into her lap. She blinks rapidly as Octavia’s unimpressed face swims into her field of vision. Clarke flips her off with both hands as Octavia rolls her eyes. 
“Clarke, stop drooling over that girl like the worthless bisexual you are, grow a pair, and talk to her,” Octavia hisses as she jerks a subtle thumb in Lexa’s direction. “I’m sick of hearing you moon over her with those big dopey eyes- go do something about it, Griffin!”
Clarke’s eyes widen in panic as she slaps Octavia’s hand down, ducking her head as Indra pauses mid sentence to sweep a disproving eye over the auditorium. Phones everywhere drop onto desks as dutiful faces turn back to the front of the room. Indra resumes lecturing as she flips transparent sheets on the projector screen, disruption quelled. 
Clarke traces her finger’s over the loop of Lexa’s name, thinking. She ducks Octavia’s glower, nodding her head decisively as she did so. 
“Yeah ok, I will,” Clarke mutters as she kicks a petulant leg against the desk in front of her. A redheaded guy turns around, shooting her a heavy glower as she did so. She throws up an apologetic hand as the boy turns back around, smoothing a thoughtful hand across her hair as Indra’s voice fades into the background.
Fifty agonizing minutes later, Indra flips the light back on, students blinking into the bright light as the door flies open, chatter creeping in from the hallway. Clarked sucks in a fortifying breath as she shoots up from her seat, promptly ignoring Raven and Octavia’s protests as she blows by them, test clutched in a sweaty hand. She pushes down the nerves churning in her gut as she shoves her way out of the throng of students waiting to exit the classroom. 
“Hey! Lexa!” Clarke cringes at the volume of her voice, moving forward to dodge her classmates as the object of her admiration pauses just outside the door, bright green eyes questioning as she trains her gaze on an obviously frazzled Clarke. She shoulders her backpack over a single shoulder, moving to the side as Lexa steps outside of the doorway to let her pass. 
“Sorry, just- they accidentally gave me your test,” Clarke manages to get out, practically feeling her heartbeat in her throat as it beats a tattoo against her ribcage. 
“Nice job, by the way,” she adds, handing over the perfect test with Indra’s impressed marks emblazoned on the top of the front page. Lexa smiles slightly as she extends a dainty hand to take the test back, tucking it into a side pocket as she shifts a heavy looking textbook to her other hand. 
 “Thanks, Clarke,” Lexa says quietly as she tucks a lock of hair behind a petite ear. Clarke smiles involuntarily at hearing this beautiful girl say her name, leaning against the brick wall and angling in to better catch Lexa’s soft speech. “Here, I got yours accidentally as well–”
Lexa pulls a neatly folded test from her back pocket and gives it to Clarke, Clarke taking it with a nod of thanks as she winces at the grade on top of her exam. A bold 76% stares back at her as she moves her hand to cover the offensive grade, in front of this beautiful girl who just single handedly destroyed the curve on this exam. 
Lexa shifts her weight as she stares at Clarke unsurely, worrying a dusky pink lip between perfectly straight teeth as she stares at Clarke. Clarke is trying very hard to communicate nonverbally with the floor that she’d like to be taken alive as a gentle cool hand touches her wrist. 
“Hey, Clarke- if you want to study together before the next exam, I usually study in the Wilson library on the corner of campus. I’m happy to go over things with you, if you’d like.” Clarke flicks her gaze down to that hesitant hand as her face warms slightly, the knot in her chest unclenching. 
“I’d love that, Lexa,” Clarke manages to stammer out as she meets Lexa’s kind gaze. Clarke jams her sweaty hands into her jeans pockets as they slowly start walking down the hallway together, towards what Clarke knows is Lexa’s politics class. Not that she knew her Monday schedule or anything. 
That would be weird. 
Lexa nods once as a gentle smile touches her mouth, slipping a scrap of paper into Clarke’s hand as she reaches for the doorknob of her next class. 
“That’s my number,” -she jerks her chin at the tiny slip of paper Clarke is now clutching as if it contains the coordinates to the lost Dead Sea Scrolls. “I accept payment in coffees from pretty girls- I take it black with honey in it.” 
Clarke stammers out some sort of an acceptance as she stands frozen outside of the door for a long moment. Snapping out of her daze as Lexa shoots her a small smile from the other side of the class. She does an exhilarated little wiggle as she skips off, practically floating as she heads to the arts building. 
Ethics was her new favorite class.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Timelne late july august early september revelutionary war reinactment explantions
1776 july late, augusst sept
August 27 - Battle of Brooklyn, NY ((tommy f took brooklyn fights trump constantly and has yet to occur))
September 15 - British occupy Manhattan ((trump moves in and stays for a month ruins the place and batman dark knight rises finishes him there true no but he is hit a lot loses positions is small))
August 6 - Battle of Oriskany, NY ((trump leaves nyc a bit more))
August 16 - Battle of Bennington, VT (Walloomsac, NY)((a pseudo empire fortress falls yes two of them justin is out leaves wont return and works with the rebels vs the swine says it always wrong abusive and no return no matter what says he is righ we re broken)) they make him pay
September 11 - Battle of Brandywine, PA ((this is huge they leave nyc no are hit. and it is the trumps and they are hit back for 2001 hard and all over nyc and ny and lose power fast)) are very small yes about two percent or so
September 19 - Battle of Saratoga, NY (Freeman’s Farm)((etrump loses this base and tons of stuff. our son gets things due to this. and really it is visible most are not)) and due to his loss to bja.
July 29–August 31 - French and American forces besiege Newport, RI ((tommy f moves in no loses to trump and makes him pay))
July 16 - Americans capture Stony Point, NY (( small but works and anala gous and pay to our son due to itfrom bja and mac proper and psuedo empire))
July 24 - August 14 - Penobscot Expedition (Castine, ME)(( vs trump who took the area no holds on with two fortresses lost most other sitll there due to bja being there sitting on it bja lights it up wins and our son collects)) mostly ss and no all. a scam but uses it not just sits broiling
July 28 - Battle of Fort Freeland, PA (( soon and it is over freeland and small tommy f loses retreats vs trump))
August 19 - Battle of Paulus Hook, NJ ((part of sandy hook and newtowna nd about nukes and jc and mary and they try to say our son did it had something to do with it. nope he says he used the propulsion in his ships salt water and ur and ok and hands down yes low too. later no but said it cant and msut not. still did this is huge and regarding trump trying to nuke the area held by psueod empire and he is stopped cold sent packing and his eaten up fully. tons of intel out and he is going to pay they say for the shooting and his own say it yes)) our son is paid. no.
August 29 - Battle of Newtown, NY
July 11 - French troops arrive at Newport, RI ((tomy f and lost))
August 6 - Battle of Hanging Rock, SC((huge and was psueod empire no trump vs all really and near scout motors nd all hit him he falls finally yes the say it too and soon))is aobut the ship and clay too
August 16 - Battle of Camden, SC(( nearby scout motors too and the battle revives the rivalry there over the positioning and biz and a jump point too a tunnel found after august 6th trump sees))
August 19 - Battle of Musgrove Mill, SC((turmp loses it finially and yes doesnt return until september 21 loses then too))
July 6 - Battle at Green Spring, VA
August 28 - Battle of Elizabethtown, NC ((huge battle bja takes hte area needs it and to research. trump is pushed out and forever some say not so but mostly is and falls after several attmepts))
July 13 - British/Indian raid on Hannahstown, PA ((tommy f this time and as indians and true british and is in the movie with mel gibson aka cheeseman. they fight hard. both lose. and hault when exhausted. use modern stuff too))
August 7 - Washington establishes the Badge of Military Merit, now known as the Purple Heart ((this is significant they have our son fashion a new award nad for bravery in Hutel operations. suggests several agents. and tons are surprised who. the two short fat mac morlock woman at house as they saw it all did not blame tommy f fully, tommy f, trump and son, terry c and for analziz of dangerous intel and more he is awarded a medal too. and monies tons see it did it. heard it looked and wow
August 19 - Battle of Blue Licks, KY ((two days after arnie disssapeared or worse. and tied to it. in ky yes. tons say it we battle them and true mac proper are tehre and over a car place no a mine. and attched to the ship and has stone and they look and it is red. tons ck and seeit ok tons. and a world wide revelutions starts yes))
September 3 - US and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris ((the day of Sarahs birth yes))((and mop yes and us and women as marines. but this is about the revelution ary war this year. and through the holiday and restarts yes. this ttreaty ended the war and due to the british backing off. and establishing relations. they did say this paris and paris isle y ou in first. and it was is the indicator of their jjobs huge importance on this one and due to our daughter mostly and he says damnit and good though and she laughs i know how he feels ok needsa point lol good my work ok))
the war iends sort mildly and keeps going yes. and moresoe the code about us and others here yes. clowns ok they say. and ohters . the olympics run to october and then the winter olymics begin and they are in the uk nope siwtzland yes and it is there they speak of this too yes. all over now. we shall review september mid , and october and november shortly
Thor Freya
wow this is rude and informative
Hera Zues
good we take it that way
we see horrid
rint printnow damnit
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openingnightposts · 2 months
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Swimming Pool Specialist
Are you searching for a general contractor in Stony Brook, NY, specializing in swimming pools? Look no further than Giovanni Contractor. They offer swift and effective pool repairs, ensuring minimal downtime so you can enjoy your pool all year round. Their services include one-time pool cleaning, water testing, and balancing to keep your pool in pristine condition, enhancing its longevity. With Giovanni Contractor, you can trust that your pool will be well-maintained and always ready for use. Their expertise and dedication to quality make them the top choice for pool care and maintenance in Stony Brook, providing reliable solutions that ensure your pool remains a refreshing retreat for years to come.
The Livability of Stony Brook, New York
Stony Brook, New York, is a wonderful place to live. It offers a blend of suburban charm and natural beauty. Residents enjoy peaceful neighborhoods, excellent schools, and convenient access to shopping and dining. The village is known for its historic sites like the Stony Brook Grist Mill and the vibrant cultural scene at the Long Island Museum. Nature lovers appreciate the nearby Avalon Park & Preserve with its trails and scenic views. Stony Brook University adds to the community's vibrancy with educational opportunities and events. With its welcoming atmosphere and diverse amenities, Stony Brook provides a great environment for families and individuals alike to call home.
Staller Center for the Arts in Stony Brook, New York
The Staller Center for the Arts, found at Stony Brook University, is a place where people can enjoy performances and events. It hosts various shows, including plays, concerts, and dance performances throughout the year. The center has modern theaters with comfortable seating and great acoustics, so everyone can have a good view and hear the music clearly. People from the community and university students often come together to watch talented artists and musicians from around the world. The Staller Center for the Arts provides a wonderful chance for everyone to experience the joy and beauty of live performances right in Stony Brook.
SBU Named an Innovation and Economic Prosperity University
A school can be named an Innovation and Economic Prosperity University by demonstrating its commitment to helping the local community and economy grow. These universities work closely with businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to create new ideas and technologies that can be used to find solutions to real-world problems. They also support entrepreneurship by providing resources and support to students and faculty who want to start their own businesses. By fostering innovation and economic development, these universities help create job opportunities and enhance the quality of life for people in their communities.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Staller Center For the Arts 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794, United States
Head east on John S. Toll Drive toward Stadium Rd 0.2 mi
Turn left onto Circle Rd 0.6 mi
Turn right onto Sheep Pasture Rd 0.1 mi
Turn left onto County Rd 97 N 0.1 mi
Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto N Country Rd Destination will be on the right 1.7 mi
Giovanni Contractor 1239 N Country Rd #9, Stony Brook, NY 11790, United States
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gameshowquickies · 3 months
J! Quickcap: 7/1/2024
Two New Yorkers in this first panel of the month -Zoe Strassfield, a park ranger & writer from Water Mill, NY -Matt Brooks, a healthcare IT analyst from Fredericksburg, VA New champ: Cat Pisacano (1-day: $11,500) Correct/Incorrect: 48/12 Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 4/5 Unplayed Clues ($ left on the board): 0 ($0) Coryat Score: an underwhelming $28,400 (+$6,200 vs. yesterday) Lach Trash: $13,200…
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cmns201blogportfolio · 4 months
Reflection + Bibliography
In the process of tracking and analyzing in detail the different aspects of my media consumption, I have learned a great deal about how various factors such as convergence, ownership and national identity have influenced my media diet. From tracking my use of media, I realized that I multitask a lot more than I thought I did. I use many different kinds of media at the same time and wasn’t as aware of it as I am now. Also, I’ve become more conscious of how much media I consume and how much time I spend using media. I would also say that I’ve become more discerning about the sites and sources I consult when looking for information on particular topics and the unwanted material that I am exposed to anyway through advertisers and algorithms. This project introduced me to a new way of looking at media. When writing my blog posts and trying to answer the question of media and Canadian identity, I struggled to tie the two concepts together. I don’t associate my national identity with my media consumption and wasn’t conscious of the way my national identity interacts with my media usage. Additionally, social media has watered down the amount of Canadian content I see which has contributed to my lack of association between my identity as a Canadian and the media I am exposed to. I see more international content because social media is available globally. I don’t know if this is good or bad, but it’s something I’ve noticed and it’s a difference between my generation and my parent’s generation. For this assignment I would like to nominate the following three blog posts to be evaluated: The blog post answering the question of convergence and my media experience, the post analyzing my experience of traditional media vs my experience of new media and the post responding to how this idea of Canadian-ness interacts with my media use.
Gasher, M., Skinner, D., Lorimer, R. (2016)a. Defining the field . In Mass communication in Canada (8th ed.) (pp. 2–31). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press 
Gasher, M., Skinner, D., Lormier, R., (2016)b. Mass Communication in the Digital Age In Mass communication in Canada (8th ed.) (pp. 336–361). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press 
Klein, R. 2017. CMNS 201. Introduction to Communication Studies. Study Guide. Edmonton: Athabasca University.
Sturken, M. Cartwright, L. (2009). Viewers make meaning . In Practices of looking: An introduction to visual culture (chapter 2). New York, NY: University of Oxford Press. 
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wutbju · 9 months
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John Quentin Wesley, age 93 of Morganfield, KY went home peacefully on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Quentin believed the promise of eternal life and that Jesus has prepared a home for him in heaven (John 14:2-4). He was born on October 29, 1929 at the very start of the Great Depression. Times were hard. He did not have an official birth certificate until 1964. With God’s grace, he and his 5 siblings endured a rural life in Sturgis, KY.
After graduating from Sturgis High School in 1948, Quentin attended Bob Jones University 1948-1949 in Greenville, SC. After one year, he transferred to Western Kentucky University where he was on the track team. He went on to law school at UK. While in Lexington, he met the love of his life, Hildegarde Taylor from Hardinsburg, KY. They married in 1955 and had 4 children. He served in the United States Air Force from 1954 until his honorable discharge in 1965 as Captain. While based at Wright Patterson, he worked on contracts for the B52 bomber.
Quentin practiced law for 50 years in a bustling office on Court St. across from the courthouse. Mr. Wesley represented the people of his community with honor and compassion. He was dedicated to his beloved community and answered the call to serve. Quentin utilized his popularity and his integrity to serve in many positions. Early in his professional years, he presided as Sturgis Kiwanis club president and served on the Henderson Community advisory board. He served as Morganfield City Attorney for 25 years and Union County Attorney. He represented the U.C. Board of Education for 50 years and the U.C. Water District. Quentin was selected Union County Judge Pro-Tem. In 1968 he was elected to the Kentucky House of Representatives and represented his constituents of the 7th district at the State Capital in Frankfort and served on the Executive Branch Ethics Committee. He was a Commonwealth Attorney. Quentin served on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway for 8 years. Mr. Wesley was a Charter Life Fellow of the Kentucky Bar Association.
Through his education, military service, community service, and career, he traveled and collected many friends along the way. He and Hildegarde loved to travel. Their destinations included China and Russia. He and Hildegarde enjoyed driving across the country to see the wonders of this country he so loved; always returning to realize his blessings in Union County. On many occasions he proudly drove around “to look at crops”. Quentin was devoted to his faith. He was an active member of the First Baptist Church in Morganfield, where he led an adult men’s Bible study class for 50 years. In recent years, he helped with children’s vacation Bible school and facilitated the construction of the steeple on the existing sanctuary in Morganfield.
Quentin enjoyed the game of golf and cherished his regular golfing buddies. He planted many of the trees, bushes, and flowers by hand at the Breckinridge Golf Club. He wanted to preserve the course’s beauty for future generations of golfers. Quentin was a fan of all sports. He followed the Union County Braves, UK Wildcats, Oakland Raiders, and the Cincinnati Reds. Uncle Quentin adored all of his nieces and nephews. He kept up with their lives and supported their interests. He was always proud of their many accomplishments. He appreciated that his family frequently came to visit to just catch up on current events and news of family members.
Quentin is preceded in death by his parents, Charles Ray Wesley and Roberta Wynn Wesley; 2 brothers, Bob Wesley and wife Ida and Bo Wesley and wife Lillian; 3 sisters, Mary Cowan and husband Fred, Kas Sprague and husband A.D., and Susie Davis and husband Bob.
Survivors include:
Wife of 68 years: Hildegarde Wesley of Morganfield, KY
2 Sons: Jeffrey Taylor Wesley of Morganfield, KY
John Quentin Wesley and wife Karen of St. Petersburg, FL
2 Daughters: Katherine Virginia “Kassie” DePaiva and husband James of New York, NY
Sara Lincoln Mills and husband Brad of Louisville, KY
5 Grandchildren: Lindsay Woomer and husband Keith
Rachel Mills
Kallie Lobel and husband Jordan
J.Q. DePaiva
Dreams DePaiva
3 Great Grandchildren: Ollie Lobel, Wes Lobel, and John Quentin Woomer
The service will be 2PM Sunday, May 28, 2023 at Whitsell Funeral Home in Morganfield. The burial will be in Pythian Ridge Cemetery in Sturgis. The visitation will be 12 Noon until service time on Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions can be made to the Gideons International, c/o Bob White, 1839 SR 270 East, Sturgis, KY 42459.
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millingroundireland · 11 months
John Mills the canal boat captain?
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Scenic view of the Glens Falls Feeder Canal pathway for biking, jogging and walking, courtesy of lakegeorge.com
Last fall, in an effort to learn more about John Mills, I emailed the historian of the city of Glens Falls, Wayne Wright ([email protected]). I told him that
I have been researching my family genealogy and know that my ancestors on my mom's side, who are part of the Mills family (headed by John R. Mills and his wife Margaret), lived in Warren County, NY from 1835 until 1876 (year of John's death). But, from the censuses and other records, it seems they only lived in Glens Falls from 1849 until possibly 1854, since the 1855 NY State Census shows the family in Bolton. Anyway, my great-great grandmother, Dora Mills, the daughter of John and Margaret, was born in Glens Falls in 1849 and married Cyrus Winfield Packard in November 1881 at the Methodist Episcopalian Church in your town. So, living in the town was an important part of the lives of the Mills family. I have already contacted the Warren County Records Center to request records for which I got a number of photocopied records for great expense, focusing on naturalization records, certain county histories, some census documents (1865 and 1875), and other assorted records. If there are any resources you have on the history of Glens Falls or the Mills family, however, unlikely, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.
What he told me was very interesting "I checked all of the sources that I have and the only reference I found to a John Mills was as a canal Boat Captain on a boat that traveled on the Glens Falls Feeder Canal.  The name simply appears on a list of Captains with no further information." If this was the case, what does it mean? Well, it is already clear that Irish immigrants participated in canal building, especially in Boston, New York, and New Orleans. In the case of John, due to the fact that he came to the U.S. in 1835, as noted on this blog before, he could have participated in the "enlargement of the feeder canal and dam in 1843-1845." Even so, he endured a level of discrimination, even in the 1830s and 1840s, but promoting development on its banks:
Mills and factories sprouted up along the Feeder Canal’s banks. There were six boat basins for loading, unloading and repairs. The bounty of the North Country – lumber, lime, marble, paper, clay, apples, and potatoes – was shipped to New York City and southern markets from Queensbury, Glens Falls, Hudson Falls, and Kingsbury and cargo, including coal, was shipped into the area. The Feeder Canal enjoyed prosperity for about 100 years until newer and more efficient transportation routes were established.
This post was originally published on WordPress in October 2018.
More than this, the feeder canal supplied "water to the summit level of the Champlain Canal since its its completion in 1828" with its main purpose to ensure that "the Champlain Canal's summit level had sufficient water even in times of drought. The feeder's water supply was directly from the Hudson River north of Fort Edward near Glens Falls. Locks were built along the canal which allowed boats to travel the length of the canal and enter the upper Hudson River." Interestingly, the same year that John came to the U.S., "the guard-lock at the northern end of the Glens Falls Feeder was rebuilt of stone" and the next year after that "the entire feeder canal was approved to be enlarged and have 12 of the 13 wooden locks rebuilt with stone," with the improvements not finished until 1839. So, he may have been working on this, without doubt. This is important since this feeder canal was "one of the first instruments of commerce in Glens Falls." The canal stands today as "the last remaining original canal in New York State and an integral part of the state's 524 miles of canals and offers a glimpse into the past" as claimed by the tourism department of Warren County. Additionally, not only was Glens Falls, a high point on the Hudson River, but it is "still used as a water source for the Champlain Canal and a local paper mill today"!
More than that, let us consider what the Warren County Historical Society said in their Rewind publication of October 15, 2017: that the first steamboat in the region was launched in 1824, in service until 1837 and that the feeder canal opened in 1832, and was widened "in 1845 to allow two canal boats to pass in opposite directions." Furthermore, let us recognize that, as another Rewind article noted earlier in 2017, that the "Feeder Canal carried logs, lumber, limestone, cement, coal and paper products in a thriving economy in Queensbury and Glens Falls. After 1930, the canal was no longer commercially viable." As such, it fits with what Charles F. Goss wrote in his biography of RBM I in 1912: "John R...Mills...was a miller by trade and engaged in his business for a number of years at Minerva, New York." It also fits with an upcoming post, later this year, on Warren County and the Adirondacks.
© 2018-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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hotbasement · 1 year
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SoHo, New York
Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, NY
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caseyneill · 1 year
The new Casey Neill & The Norway Rats CD/LP ‘Sending Up Flares’ is out on Fluff & Gravy Records! Your can order the LP here at Bandcamp and there are still some limited edition LPs on blue vinyl (and plenty in classic black) as well as CDs & downloads. It's a big year for us and this is only he beginning. Touring includes some acoustic shows, some full band, some opening for The Indigo Girls, and some special co-bills with Jerry Joseph down the West Coast. See you out there! xo, CN/NRs 3 SHOWS OPENING FOR THE INDIGO GIRLS! Sept 25 - PORT TOWNSEND, WA @ Fort Warden McCurdy Pavillion Sept 26 - OLYMPIA, WA @ Washington Center Sept 27 - EDMONDS, WA @ Edmonds Performing Arts Center CASEY NEILL & THE NORWAY RATS ALBUM LAUNCH TOUR OCT 1st - PORTLAND, OR at MISSISSIPPI STUDIOS. 7pm doors We'll be joined by Peter Buck & Scott McCaughey for a few numbers Oct 19 - TALENT, OR @ Talent Club Oct 20 - ARCATA, CA @ Arcata Playhouse Oct 21 - ALBANY, CA @ Ivy Room Oct 22 - HALF MOON BAY, CA @ Old Princeton Landing O Oct 25 - MILL VALLEY, CA @ Sweetwater Music Hall Nov 17 - Mt ADAMS, WA @ Trout Lake Hall Nov 18 - LONG BEACH, WA @ Peninsula Arts Center Dec 5 - LONDON, ENGLAND @ Water Rats Dec 7 - WINCHESTER, UK @ Hyde Tavern Dec 8 - BRIGHTON, UK @ Folklore Rooms Dec 15 - NEW YORK, NY @ Mercury Lounge
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int0design · 2 years
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georgianadesign: Restoration of Villa Maria in Water MIll, NY.... https://georgianadesign.tumblr.com/post/710612014537539584
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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