#We are used to celebrating Christmas on the 7th of January
Hey hey everyone, Merry Orthodox Christmas, if anyone celebrates 😊💕🎉
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dule-jebac · 1 year
10/10 would recommend being orthodox christian in a catholic country, we celebrate a lot of the same holidays but according to a different calendar so for me easter is actually this week but all Easter stuff is already 50% off in my local supermarket, stoinks
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drnikolatesla · 9 months
The Anniversary of Nikola Tesla's Death
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January 7th marks the anniversary of Nikola Tesla's death, who passed away on this date 81 years ago in 1943. He died in poverty, but his achievements, along with his hope and dreams for the future, place him among the greatest scientific icons in human history.
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January 7th in the Orthodox Christian Christmas calendar also marks the date when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It aligns with the Julian calendar, and for Orthodox Christians, this date is significant as the day to commemorate the nativity of Jesus, similar to December 25th in the Gregorian calendar used by Western Christianity. The choice of the date is rooted in historical and calendar differences between the Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
Coincidentally, this date also marks Nikola Tesla's last diary entry in his "Colorado Springs Notes." Apart from the usual description of photographs, Tesla writes about experiments he intends to carry out on his return from Colorado Springs. He qualifies the experiments to date as satisfactory, considering that his aim in Colorado was "to perfect the apparatus and make general observations." The apparatus, which he was then envisaging for future experiments, was to be an improved oscillator which would enable better results than any he had so far obtained. This improved oscillator would become his Magnifying Transmitter. It was meant to transmit signals via telephony, and most importantly power to any part on the globe, regardless of distance, providing the world with cheap and clean energy.
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On January 7th, 1905, Nikola tesla would also publish an article titled, “The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires As a Means for Furthering Peace.“ The article discusses Tesla's idea of transmitting electrical energy wirelessly as a means to advance global peace. Tesla believed that this technology could enhance accessibility to resources, fostering cooperation and harmony among nations. His vision was centered on using scientific advancements for the betterment of humanity and international relations.
Even though it has been 81 years since his death, the legacy of Nikola Tesla continues to live on in his achievements which are almost beyond calculation, and are a major integral part of the entire world as we know it. Today, we honor this great genius. We celebrate his extraordinary life, his triumph which is our triumph, a victory to everyone on earth. We celebrate his many contributions to our livelihood, and his visions of the future that we have yet to realize.
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“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
–Nikola Tesla
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little-lynx · 2 years
Happy Old New Year!
Here in Russia we have tradition to celebrate Old New Year ;) Russia adopted Gregorian calendar only in 1918 and we still are kinda nostalgic for Julian calendar (Russian Orthodox Church still uses Julian calendar and that’s why we celebrate Christmas on January 7th). So today is the day! Old New year! Woo-hoo!
We always leave all New Year decorations until this day (or even longer) and I remember my shock when I found out that in many countries it’s ok to get rid of Christmas tree on January 2nd lol.
Hope you are doing well, guys. Have a nice weekend!
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 08/01/2024
You Are Book Smart
Season 7 Featured on: Rips of Christmas Present
Ripped by circunflexo
Tentative rip name: You Are Book Smart
I'd like to wish a late happy Jay Eazy day to all who celebrate, I hope you spent your time together with your dogs like Mega Man fr fr
Okay, but, like, sincerely, I like many others have over the last year been completely enamored with all the edits and attention given to Jay Eazy, and the frankly hilarious promotions he does for his music. The guy's a rapper in a sea of others but is frankly a marketing genius - he attaches popular games and anime to his songs, such as Grand Theft Auto, Demon Slayer, or indeed Mega Man, and promotes them through TikToks that are so absurdly strange that your only logical reaction is to laugh. In 2023, he struck absolute gold, and Mega Man went absolutely viral - after, of course, it dropped on January 7th.
There's just something so inherently funny about Jay Eazy that's...hard to describe, especially if you haven't been down the rabbithole of edits people have done of the Mega Man promo video. Be it the setup of Jay Eazy dropping in on someone else's grief to promote his music whilst running away from them, The Very Perculiar Way That His Captions And Tweets Are Written‼️, or just the corny sound to the songs themselves - Jay Eazy is immensely fun to post about, and post about him SiIva did, just one day ago. January 7th, 2024, was dedicated entirely to the king of money smarts himself - and of all rips posted, You Are Book Smart became my favorite just about immediately.
The thing is, we've had a lot of rips, and even some events, kind of similar to Jay Eazy Day already. Rap mashup rips, from Yoshi's Cookie World to Loopdeloop Griddy, aren't exactly a rare sight on SiIvaGunner, and just earlier in Season 7 we received a sequel to Whip & Nae Nae Day, with amazing rips like Whip Fortress (coincidentally ALSO by circunflexo!). There's of course uniqueness to all of these rips due to the sheer personality and expressiveness inherent to rap as a music genre, but it does still mean that the rips that try to truly stand out from the crowd are the ones that end up sticking with me the most. And compared to a lot of the other hip hop rips on SiIva, the big benefit that Jay Eazy has enjoyed for me is that he's had a whole year to simmer in my mind - I know the bars to Mega Man completely off the top of my head through no choice of my own, at this point.
All that is to say, that Circunflexo's call to make a rip that specifically plays with the lyrics and flow of Mega Man, sentence mixing it into new bars entirely - is absolutely damn brilliant. You Are Book Smart, through the edits in the lyrics and the sheer whimsy in the original song's beat, transforms a song originally about bragging over riches and dames, into Jay Eazy proudly boasting about his intelligence in perhaps the funniest ways you'll have ever heard. The kind of monotone quality that Jay Eazy's vocals have lend themselves to absolutely fantastic, near seamless sentence mixing, and the jokes just write themselves from there.
"I'm book smart, I'm money smart - I'm more intelligent, Call me Mr. Smart Festival, I got hella books"
It has no right to work as well as it does - and yet, Jay Eazy, the king himself, pulls through. Even if I wasn't blown away by every rip of the event, it was absolutely fun the entire way through, and you can really tell the SiIvaGunner team loves Jay Eazy as much as the rest of us: the cherry on top being the edited opening, that persists in almost all rips of the event. Jay Eazy's typical introduction of spelling out "S-R-G", was across the entire event edited across all rips to say "S-G" - SiIvaGunner. Even for a meme this silly and dumb, the amount of effort put in was, frankly, admirable. What a start to 2024: and Season 8 is just around the corner!!
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entamesubs · 9 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 90 Sub Release
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Please make sure to read the FAQ if you have any questions.
There are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead.
ドッチ・ジャーニー・ショウ! Which Way the Book Turns!
This is a pun-laden name from Dudi again. It can be romanized literally as "Which Journey Shall/Shows!", but it is also a play on 書 (sho), which can sometimes be used to refer to a book - like the one Dudi is reading in the card art.
I just tried my best here; I'm sure there's a punnier name that makes me go "oh my god why didn't I think of that" once YGOrg puts their article out.
お前の中でこれがしの自我を保つのは難しそうだ "Your body is unable to sustain my ego."
Clarifying here that Kuaidul means this in the sense that if he merges with Yuudias, something disastrous will occur... to Yuudias. He is willingly undoing the fusion, or reversing it, so that it doesn't harm him.
He is "letting go" of Yuudias of his own volition.
種の寿命が尽きようとしている "Our species is approaching the limit of our lifespans."
More accurately, Kuaidul is trying to say "our species is going to exhaust our lifespan", as in "use up" or "run out", but I couldn't think of a way to word this that had the same finality as limit.
It is very much with a finality that Kuaidul says this. Interpret as you wish.
Some other easter eggs
In order for Shewbahha's card to activate, Yuudias had to send Leviaknight (Phaser's card) to the grave - kinda like giving Shewbahha something to eat!
Nyandestar's Cat Claw Girl is the last obstacle that everyone must overcome, which is fitting considering she was the first ever card created by Kuaidul
Similarly, the last people to give Yuudias the ATK boost he needs are some of the first people he ever met upon arriving on Earth... Yuamu and Yuuhi!
Dudi Nishaw, though he's part of the Dudi Ducasse, is in fact a Velgearian... due to how he's supposed to be one of the three "factions" fighting in the Velgear Star Cluster. You can sort of think of the term "Velgearian" as both a species identifier and a nationality. Dudi is a "Velgearian" species-wise, but he is Dudi Ducasse in terms of nationality. Hope that makes sense!
The "Andromeda-Milky Way collision" is a real thing that is projected to happen... in the next 4.5 billion years. According to Wikipedia, it's actually not going to cause much damage to either galaxy or the stars within it at all, due to how far apart each individual star is. In fact, by the time this happens, all life on Earth would've been wiped out about 3 billion years ago anyway due to the Sun's growing instability
In Mahayana Buddhism, which Japanese Buddhism is derived from, a "bodhisattva" is someone with "a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all" - does it sound familiar? It's Yuudias offering his body to Kuaidul even despite all of the wrongs he has committed.
I guess we now know why the ED is titled "Song of Departure"
Go Rush will be taking a break on New Years weekend and will not air an episode then! The next episode will be on January 7th.
As well, the entameSubs team will be on vacation for the next two weeks. I will be in Japan! That means episode 91 will be massively delayed until I get back.
There will be a dedicated announcement post of the vacation in a day or two, just so people are aware.
And that's a wrap!
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for Go Rush season 3, now that we know that's a thing that's happening! It has always been something I wanted because I adore this show to bits... but I was so convinced we would be moving onto the next series already.
But here we are! The voice actor of Yuudias, Arthur, said that this third year was only possible "with [the fan's] support" - so it's wonderful and heartwarming to know Go Rush is very well received.
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate! Happy Holidays otherwise!
This is one of my favorite episodes of all of Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole. I have not cried at a finale or even any episode like this since ZEXAL aired Nasch vs Yuuma ten years ago.
I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite games that applies word-for-word to this episode. Just replace "Ardbert" with "Yuudias".
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Yuudias chose love, and Kuaidul was undone.
Happy New Year.
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choicesflashfics · 10 months
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A few weeks ago I received an ask about doing another holiday prompt list this year, and it was suggested to use the same list from last year as there were so many prompts on it. So here is the list for the Choices Flashfics Holiday Prompt event, starting Sunday November 26th and running through January 6th.
The fic can be no more than 2500 words. Word count must be present.
The prompts must be used exactly as they are except if you need/want to change “Christmas” in any of the prompts to another winter holiday that you/your character(s) celebrate, you may do so. (some already give an option, but you can choose any winter holiday that fits your story, or just “the holidays” is fine too)
Any of the prompts used must be bolded. Please put in your A/N which prompt(s) you’re using and specify if they are from the holiday prompt list and/or the weekly prompt list. 
Use proper warnings/tags for the fics if they require any (nsfw, etc.)
Tag @choicesflashfics when you post and your fic will be reblogged. If your fic isn’t reblogged within 48 hours of posting (because we all know how tumblr tags are wonky sometimes), send a message with the link. 
Post your holiday fic(s) by Saturday, January 6th (11:59 EST)
You can post as many holiday fics using as many of the prompts from the holiday list as you want during the duration of the event. You can combine the prompts with the weekly flashfics prompts if you’d like and/or use them with other ongoing Choices events. Any fics submitted will be linked in that respective week’s weekly fics post, and a special post containing all submitted holiday fics will be posted Sunday, January 7th. I hope these lend some inspiration if needed! 
❄️happy holidays and happy writing❄️
Tags: @aallotarenunelma @ao719 @bebepac @blackcatkita @boneandfur @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @choicesfanaf @choiceskatie @choicesmonthlychallenge @dcbbw @deb-1106 @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @jerzwriter @katedrakeohd @kristinamae093 @leelee10898 @lolablackwrites @lucy-268 @mariemarieohcontrary @myglassesareinkansas @neotericthemis @niaellariious @peonierose @petiteboheme @phoenixrising0308 @polishchoicesfan @queenrileyrose @sfb123 @sincerelyella @socalwriterbee @starsarewithinme @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @writing-not @zaffrenotes
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1. “Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe.”
2. “That should be our Christmas card this year.”
3. “You’d make a cute elf.”
4. “I thought you were going home for Christmas/the holidays.” -> “Well, I couldn’t leave you all alone.”
5. “Who decorated your tree? A toddler?”
6. “See? I told you running in the snow at midnight was fun!”
7. “This is the first time I’m spending the holidays with someone I actually like.”
8. “Did you break into my house?” -> “You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?”
9. “I’m really nervous to meet your family …”
10. “You’re getting coal this year.”
11. “Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.”
12. “The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year.”
13. “My secret Santa got me a trash can.” -> “Mine got me a half-eaten bag of chips and a tube of chapstick.”
14. “You. Me. Snowman. Now.” 
15. “I’m a grown adult. I don’t want to take a picture with Santa Claus.”
16. “I dare you to run through the snow … naked.”
17. “Look, there’s mistletoe. We have to kiss, it’s the law.”
18. “If you throw that snowball, you’re declaring war.”
19. “You’re kidding, right? You’re not going out in that snowstorm!”
20. “You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas/New Year’s alone, did you?”
21. “It looks like Santa threw up in here.”
22. “Have I told you how much I hate Christmas shopping?”
23. “There’s a snowstorm. I guess we’re stuck in here together until it passes.”
24. “My only resolution is to love you even more next year.”
25. “There’s no need for gifts when your presence is already a present.” -> “That was adorably cheesy.” 
26. “Hey, if we don’t find someone by midnight … you and me … maybe?” -> “Ask me properly and I just might consider it.”
27. “But it’s Christmas/New Year’s Eve … you’re supposed to be here with me.”
28. “You’ve never been kissed under mistletoe?”
29. “Well, here I am. Making your Yuletide gay.”
30. “Look, couples Christmas sweaters!”
31. “Joke’s on you. I’m already on the naughty list.”
32. “Aw, look at you pretending to be Santa for the kids.”
33. “I made you some hot chocolate.”
34. “I’ll be home in time for Christmas, I promise.”
35. “Christmas brings up bad memories for me.”
36. “Looks like you got a little drunk off the eggnog, hm?”
37. “Let’s go sledding!”
38. “Christmas lost its special side to me a long time ago … but you’ve brought some of that magic back.”
39. “Don’t feel bad … you didn’t completely ruin Christmas dinner. There’s still this … Jell-o stuff.”
40. “Christmas is so close, I can almost smell the mistletoe I’m never going to get kissed under.”
41. “Parent hack: wrap empty boxes, and whenever your kid misbehaves, throw the box into the fire.”
42. “I cannot believe our car broke down in the middle of nowhere on Christmas Eve!” 
43. “My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on.”
44. “You are impossible to shop for!”
45. “What do you mean you don’t want to go sledding?”
46. “I swear to god if you sing another damn Christmas carol …” 
47. “You know, when you said ‘Christmas party,’ this isn’t what I was expecting.”
48. “Come on, just wear the Santa hat for a little bit. Please?”
49. “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than the gingerbread.”
50. “Should you ever need a family to spend the holidays with, there’s always room for one more in my/our house.”
51. “I never had any special tradition for the holidays while growing up.” -> “So, how about we start our own?”
52. “I don’t know if the champagne has me seeing stars, but you look more beautiful than ever right now.”
53. “Your nose is red from the cold. You look like a cute little reindeer.”
54. “I know you said you didn’t want any gifts, but I want to spoil you, so deal with it.” 
55. “You’re always welcome to stay at my place for Christmas if you can’t find a hotel.”
56. “Us cramming into your childhood twin bed is definitely not how I would have imagined spending Christmas Eve at your parents’ place.”
57. “What do you mean? I think this snowman looks exactly like you!”
58. “Lift me up so I can put the star on the tree.”
59. “Ice-skating? Do you seriously trust me with knives on my feet?”
60. “This gingerbread man is me. This one is you. And I know the house looks wonky, but I promise our future home will be better than this!”
61. “Ho, Ho … oh?”
62. “Did you get us matching PJs?”
63. “Are you eating cookies right now? It’s 3 am.” -> “If Santa can do it, so can I.”
64. “The roads are getting really bad. Maybe you should stay here tonight.” 
65. “Get inside before you freeze to death!”
66. “Let’s just stay in today and watch Christmas movies.”
67. “What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?”
68. “How about you, me, and some hot chocolate by the fireplace?”
69. “I kind of got too drunk at this Christmas/New Year’s party and I need you to come pick me up …”
70. “Someone bit all of the heads off of the gingerbread people!”
71. “Most wonderful time of the year, my ass.”
72. “Guess who signed us up to go Christmas caroling?”
73. “We’re not going anywhere. We’re snowed in.”
74. “That is the saddest looking tree I’ve ever seen.” 
75. “Look at all the couples using the cold as an excuse to cuddle. It’s gross.”
76. “Great! Now I have to re-hide your gifts.”
77. “Looks like there’s still one more present under the tree …” 
78. “I thought we agreed to not exchange gifts this year?”
79. “I’m freezing! Let me steal your warmth!”
80. “We cannot put this photo on our Christmas card!”
81. “The only thing I want for Christmas is you.”
82. “Are you even tall enough to put the star on the tree?”
83. “Well done. You just ruined Christmas.”
84. “You said not to buy you any gifts, so I made you one instead.”
85. “Hey! No peeking!”
86. “Wait, did you spike the eggnog/hot chocolate?”
87. “Seriously! I told you that you would get sick going out like that!”
88. “I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit, but this is ridiculous.”
89. “This has been the most memorable Christmas I’ve ever had.”
90. “Wait, you mean this whole time, you hated peppermint?”
91. “Tis the season, I guess.”
92. “What are you doing?” -> “Making a snow angel, duh.” 
93. “Would you stop eating all of the popcorn! It’s supposed to go on the tree!” -> “But I’m hungry! And who puts popcorn on a tree anyway?”  
94. “Don’t be such a grinch!” 
95. “New Year’s Eve was supposed to be fun! Instead, we ended up in a jail cell! And it’s all your fault!”
96. “Why do you get so grumpy during Christmas time?”
97. “Throw the snowball like you mean it!”
98. “It’s freezing out here! Please open the door!”
99. “Come play in the snow with me!”
100. “Almost everything that could have gone wrong did, but this was still the best Christmas ever.”
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skambigbang · 9 months
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To all who celebrate, a Merry Christmas to Skamily everywhere! May today be filled with love, acceptance, friendship and family! May Skam continue to bring us together and kindness and support bind us!
We are excited to get this years journey going. Consider signing up if you haven’t (link in our bio). Sign-ups close January 7th! DM us or email [email protected] with any questions.
Here we go!
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sarawritesx · 9 months
To everyone celebrating, Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas tomorrow! ♥
To those who don't, I hope you are having a good weekend and are being safe and sound. ♥♥
I don't celebrate because as an Orthodox Christian our Christmas is on January 7th, but I do feel the holiday season and I am reflecting on a lot of stuff from this year as we are getting ready to say goodbye to 2023!
Those who follow me for a long while now, those who became my friends over the years i've been roleplaying know I've lost my dad. Tomorrow marks one year since his death. And I took a long break from tumblr as I couldn't find it in me to actually write. But I'm very thankful for all of the support, all the messages just to check in with me. And thank you for sticking around and allowing me to safely return to writing after a long pause. Writing is a great outlet and I'm glad I found my will to write again. Life is really testing me since my dad passed away, I am still get used to life without him around. Surely the holiday season will never feel the same again for me. But life moves on and I am living it as best as I can. I am surrounded by family and friends and my tumblr community and I'm holding up better than I thought I would.
Sending everyone lots of love and keep safe. ♥
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jorvik-fashion · 1 year
Schedule for Outfit Contests
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Spring season: 30th march - 14th april Color themed: 17th-24th april Cosplay: 1st-8th may Fantasy: 29th may - 5th june Midsommar: 17th-24 june Summer Season: 3rd-10th july High fashion: 31th july - 7th august Cosplay: 21st-28th august Color themed: 11th-18th september Autumn season: 2nd-9th October Halloween: 24th-31th October Cosplay: 6th-13th November Fantasy: 27th November - 4th December Christmas: 17th-24th December New Year: 24th-31th December Winter season: 1st-8th January
There is a chance this schedual will change.
I put season themed contest at the first week of the second month of the season. This is mostly because the first contest was held in beginning of april. But might change it because I wanted to make sure the snow is present in the game for the winter themed contest but Im not sure when the snow will arrive and how long it will stay. So depending on the snow, season themed will either be held the first week of first month of the season or first week of the second month.
Holiday contests will be held so the results are finish on the day of the holiday. You might have notised that the results of the christmas contest will be finished on the 24th. I decided this both becuase we celebrate christmas the 24th here in scandinavia and it will also give you a whole week for the new year contest.
Im going to use a color generator to decide on what color will be used for the color themed contests.
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darcylewisbingohq · 2 years
Welcome fans and friends of Darcy Lewis to Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters and our 2023 bingo round!
2023 Darcy Lewis Bingo Challenge Signup Form: link
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2023 custom card (5x5 squares) requests open today, January 7th! Signups will remain open until February 14th.
Please carefully read through the bingo guidelines below before signing up. We made some fun changes this year to help you customize your card all year long.
2023 Darcy Lewis Bingo Guidelines
We’re making a few exciting changes this round!
To begin, four different types of bingo cards will be available for you to choose from in 2023:
Custom Bingo Cards: These are traditional 5x5 grid cards available to everyone who signs up early during the initial entry period in January. Prompts are assigned on these cards based on a simple questionnaire to determine the kinds of fanworks you like to create and your preferred types of prompts. Participants can choose to have 24 prompts + 1 free space or 25 prompts with no free space on these cards as part of the customization process.
Premade Bingo Cards: NEW FOR 2023—these 5x5 grid cards are available to anyone who signs up later in the year, after custom cards are delivered, when late signups open in the spring. (Early entrants may also choose a premade card in the spring to work from in addition to their custom card if a particular premade card theme appeals to their muse.) Each of these cards will have 25 prompts with no free spaces. Prompts available on these cards will be fandom typical, such as tropes, AUs, exclusively nsfw prompts, Darcy multishipper/rare pairs, etc. If there is a particular prompt you’d like to see, we’re open to suggestions for future premade, late entry cards.
Mega Bingo Cards: ALSO NEW FOR 2023—These are a new size card available to all bingo players on our Discord. Mega bingo cards will come in a 10x10 grid size. Every mega bingo card will be identical with 100 prompts total and no free spaces. Each square will have a one-word prompt that can be used to inspire fanwork creations like every other Darcy Bingo prompt—however a creator sees fit to use it or finds inspiration in it. Special reward badges are available to anyone who gets a bingo or a blackout on a 2023 mega bingo card.
Limited Edition Event Cards: UPDATED FOR 2023—These are another new size card for the 2023 round. Limited edition event cards will be premade 1x5 cards created for special occasions, such as Valentine’s Day, Marvel special occasions, Pride 2023, Halloween, and Winter Holidays. These premade cards will each have five prompts with no free spaces and will be made available 2-3 months before each holiday or event month. You’ll be able to choose your limited edition card from a group of 5-10 premade cards based on related themes. Special, limited edition reward badges will be issued to anyone who completes all five prompts on a limited edition bingo card in the 2023 calendar year.
Limited Edition event bingo card signups will be available exclusively to Darcy Bingo Discord server members. MCU special occasions may also be celebrated with limited edition cards. Halloween, Hanukkah, and Christmas, for sure, but maybe Anniversary of the Battle of New York or Steve Rogers’ red, white, & blue birthday, too…? Who knows?!
The link to invite your friends to Darcy Lewis Bingo can be found through the ‘invite’ link at the top of the list of channels on our Discord server.
Please feel free to share it amongst your Darcyland and MCU fandom friends who wish to join this bingo.
As always, creators may write or create as few or as many fics or pieces of artwork as you would like for each prompt. This bingo writing challenge and the prompts provided on each card are meant to inspire, never to stifle your creativity.
When to Begin: You are welcome to begin creating as soon as you receive your card(s). Custom bingo cards should be emailed to you within 30 days of signup, so if you signup on January 1st, you can expect to have your card in hand by February 1st.
Remember, all mega bingo cards will be identical with no customization at the start. Every mega bingo card will have the exact same prompts, but prompts can be traded and swapped during Discord bingo parties this round just like any traditional custom bingo card. The 2023 mega bingo card will be made available in our Discord for creators to save for your records and to work from all round long.
Only one custom card per person will be issued at the start of this bingo event round. If you blackout your 5x5 custom card or your 10x10 mega bingo card, you are welcome to choose one of our 5x5 premade cards to continue creating Darcy Lewis content. However, only one badge each will be issued for 2023 participation, and one each for both the 5x5 and 10x10 cards’ bingo and blackout challenges this round.
Additional badges may also be announced and awarded. Check out our Discord server for future announcements on additional 2023 reward badges.
Bingo Deadlines: There continues to be no deadline for completing a Darcy Lewis 5x5 bingo card or 10x10 mega bingo card for 2023. Creators may take as long as you like to finish a 5x5 or 10x10 bingo card for this round, even well into the following year.
Limited Edition 2023 cards must be completed by the deadline issued in Discord for the event and masterlists submitted by the end of calendar year 2023 to qualify for limited edition reward badges.
As long as this bingo exists, old 5x5 and 10x10 Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ cards completed with new creations will be honored.
Swaps: NEW FOR 2023 Because Darcy Lewis Bingo hosts monthly bingo parties on our Discord, where bingo players have a minimum of 4 opportunities every single month to swap, adopt, or earn additional prompt swaps during bingo party game play, there will be no instant swaps available immediately after custom cards are issued to bingo players.
Weekly Challenges: ALSO NEW FOR 2023 In fact, our Discord Weekly Challenge will present each bingo creator at least 4-8 additional opportunities every month for creators to swap prompts. If you create something for our Discord Weekly Challenge in the seven allotted days for that challenge, you may swap that creation and prompt in for any prompt square on any of your 2023 round cards: 5x5, 10x10, or limited edition 1x5 cards. But the creation must be posted by the end of that challenge week to qualify for a swap and the date of that challenge week swap should appear on your masterlist at the end of the 2023 bingo round to indicate you swapped it with a weekly prompt and when. Weekly Challenge fills can be banked all year and saved to use as swaps as needed until the end of calendar year 2023. Players are responsible for keeping track of their own banked Weekly Challenges. They may alternately be used immediately as swaps, if the creator chooses not to save them for later, once the challenge fill has been posted by the weekly deadline.
By our count, this means every creator has the opportunity to swap up to about 144 prompts in the 2023 round.
That’s a lotta swaps and opportunities to customize your bingo cards. 😉
How to Use Prompts: Remember that no prompt is required to be used exactly as it appears on your card. If you can justify how the prompt inspires the creation, that’s good enough for us.
Masterlists: You will need to provide a masterlist for completed bingo and blackout reward badges in the masterposts channel on our Discord or mention us @darcylewisbingohq on tumblr. Masterlists may be posted at any time for rewards in the 2023 round.
Returning Bingo Players: We ask that bingo players returning from the previous round complete at least one line of bingo on the previous round’s custom card before requesting a new custom card be created for them in 2023.
Requesting reward badges for completing earlier bingo rounds: If you have a custom card from an earlier round of Darcy Lewis Bingo that you never got to finish, but you’d like to keep creating for, we will also honor those rounds with new rewards for creators who complete a bingo line. (New rewards will not be issued for bingo lines of 5 prompts all completed entirely for Darcy bingo cards issued before June 21, 2022, however. This is when Grimey made the handoff of Darcy Bingo to new bingo management, Mods Turtles & ChrissiHR.)
Tags & Trigger Warnings: Please include trigger warnings when you publish your creations. Warning appropriately builds trust with your readers in the long term. Tagging accurately is important for this reason, as well. If trigger warnings are spoilers, put a warning in the tags that spoilers are in the end notes and then actually include the spoilers in the end notes. Tagging builds trust and encourages readers to return to read more of your work. Trust us on this and tag like you want readers to return.
How to Get Reblogged: Mention @darcylewisbingohq in the A/N on tumblr and use the tag #dlbingohq (all one word!) in the first five tags on tumblr to be included in our bingo roundups. Include any tags you’d like us to tag your work with, as well.
Posting Creations: Share your fill in one of the bingo fill channels on our Discord. A brief outline of what to include in your post is pinned in each of the fill and weekly challenge channels.
Don’t forget:
Please use the ‘keep reading’ feature on tumblr when possible to abbreviate lengthy fills if you’d like them reblogged by the Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters account.
What Counts as a Fill?: Aesthetics, drabbles, one-shots, multichaptered fics, series, drawings, paintings, sculpture, social media AUs, gif edits, video edits, music video edits, moodboards, coloring pages, and playlists are all accepted fills.
What’s that? You craft or crochet?
That counts, too.
ANY CREATION inspired by your prompt counts.
Poetry? Yes.
Sidewalk chalk drawing? Yes.
Soap sculptures? Yes.
Bullet journal theming? Yes.
Watercolor? Yes.
Haiku written in glitter calligraphy? YES.
Peed in the snow creatively? As long as it’s inspired by a prompt on your bingo card, it counts. So yes. (We’re not your mom. Be weird, make stuff!)
One square = one bingo fill. If you write a multi-chaptered fic, each chapter can be considered a fill using a different prompt, or you may use just one prompt to inspire all your chapters.
You may use one prompt square per chapter or fill from up to two different Darcy Bingo cards at a time. Using two Darcy Bingo cards’ prompts on a single fill is permitted, but only if the prompts originate from two different cards. This includes custom cards (early signups), premade cards (late entries), mega cards, and limited edition cards. You also may combine up to two squares as long as they’re from two different Darcy Bingo cards in a single chapter.
When using prompts from two different Darcy Bingo cards, fill requirements still must be met for each prompt, so a 100-word minimum becomes 200 words minimum when stacking your two prompts from different cards into one fill—just like you’d stack your prompts for cross-fills with other bingos.
All characters, ships, reader inserts, OC’s, actors, crossovers, and AUs are permitted as long as Darcy Lewis is a substantive character contributing to the story or creation or part of a main pairing or polycule in your creation.
Your creation may include characters from other MCU movies or even other fandoms. Just remember it must include Darcy as a substantive character to count as a prompt fill.
If you don’t know what a particular prompt means, you can @ a mod at any time on tumblr or Discord, or DM us directly. We’re happy to help.
All works created for this bingo should be new or previously unpublished. You may add new chapters to old works, however. You may not use previously published chapters of existing works or previously posted one-shots or creations to fill the prompts on your new card.
Minimum prompt fill requirements:
• 100 words for written works or word art, with the exception of poetry with a specific word or syllable count format (such as haikus)
• 1 image for artwork or handcrafts of any kind
• 6 images for social media AUs
• 6 elements or images for moodboards
• 10 songs for playlists
What Counts as a Fill (an addendum)
Just like writing a multichaptered fic, there’s more than one way to fill additional prompts on your bingo card without going down the rabbit hole and writing 25 different stories for every single prompt. (That sounds exhausting to us!)
If you’ve already written a fic you love, go ahead and make a playlist for it, too. Ten songs on a playlist counts as a fill! So does a moodboard! Or an aesthetic board. You can do a social media AU with two or three different IG account pages. Each mock IG page could count as a fill if it contains a minimum of 6 images. There are so many ways to use your prompts and world-build for your stories.
Still not sure if yours meets the minimum requirement? @ a mod on our Discord or message one of us on tumblr! We’re @ibelieveinturtles & @chrissihr here on tumblr.
We wish you all luck with each and every one of your prompt fills in 2023!
Regarding Completion Rewards: Turtles and I have recently discovered a mutual love of giving bingo players extra bonuses and rewards along with reward badges, so bingo players participating in future Discord Limited Edition events, Discord Weekly Challenges, and bingos may receive additional rewards and bonuses above and beyond bingo & blackout reward badges—as dictated by our whims and fancies. These bonuses may include more Wild Cards or Free Space Tokens for participation in particular challenge weeks, opportunities to revisit earlier events and finish unpublished works as instant swaps, surprise adoptable prompt weekends—you name it. More monthly bingo writing and moodboard games will also qualify for instant swaps this year.
Keeping this bingo fun and dynamic all year long for all of you is our goal, but it’s fun for us, too, so expect more of that this round, as well. 😉
The Darcy Lewis Bingo Mod Duo,
Turtles & Chrissi
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cookiescr · 2 years
Meh, it’s just the US which acts stupid (compared to deafault worker protecting laws in the western societies). We can’t get fired that easily anyways but many ppl just think it’s all good enough and we could have it worse, which just is the wrong mindset imo
Because of the new string ppl are getting rlly racist towards China again, I can’t listen to those covid „discussions“ anymore. And since I was forced to be in China for months during summer, I’d rather die than being locked up the Chinese way ever again. Mental health says hello
Man I once created the whole Kardashian clan and made them fight to death in a pit. Kourtney won HAHHAHA
Shouldn’t it be like high summer down there by now?
A colleague just came back from a month visit in curaçao and he told me it rlly is unusually cold, like 5°C colder than usual.
I think most ppl who are hyped about Xmas and everything are those who have a good family and friends time planned and are genuinely happy. So I wouldn’t say it’s a side effect of growing up and losing the spirit.
Imma try on Jan. 7th again with Xmas, because then I can go on the mountainside and see pretty trees and lots of snow. Best orthodox lifestyle, you always get to celebrate twice
Ohh dang ok now i realize where i heard the stories about people getting threats from the company if they wanna start a union are from yikes. Has someone like stepped up to try and make one or they just are still like “nah could be worse”
Dang sucks :/ idk much about how the lockdown still is on china tbh just some bits and pieces of hearing about people protesting because of how extreme some lockdown stuff is
Jsksjsks Out of boredom I am making atziri start beef with neighbors
Nah it’s like fake winter since we don’t have 4 seasons. Climate change maybe jdkdjjs
True and i think the pandemic might be like affecting everyone’s shit as well so it’s less cheery but more cheery than the last 2 years at least.
Yo hell ye no rule that u can’t celebrate christmas on january 7th
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It's been a busy year for Harrogate Railway Ladies and like many teams we're enjoying a well earned break before the league kicks off again in January. We asked the first team manager Rich Burns to give us his thoughts on the last year and what we can expect in 2024!
Hello Rich, how has 2023 been for Harrogate Railway Ladies?
"It’s been such a busy but enjoyable year. At the start of 2023 we had the challenge of finishing the 22/23 season, our first with two competitive teams in the West Riding County Divisions. That season for me was all about ensuring we fielded two teams every week with no cancellations & we should be proud as we did it.
The rest of 2023 including planning & starting the 23/24 season has been an absolute roller coaster.
Going from two teams to four by creating the U18 Ladies pathway to Senior football & our 1st ever Development Team has kept us busy!!
Then came small matters like recruitment, building our Social Media presence & squads that can compete & challenge at the top ends of leagues, all things we have achieved by the way.
So 2023 has been busy, challenging & ultimately enjoyable hopefully for all."
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What's been your highlight of the year?
"There are so many, seeing our Ladies Reserves & Development Teams topping tables, watching our U18s progress into Senior football, seeing players improve year on year, I could go on!
I suppose if I had to choose one thing it would have to be the Harrogate Railway Ladies Day event. To be able to celebrate ladies football for the first time ever as a club, whilst also raising funds for one of our own players Dee Swales for life saving treatment against Cancer. So many ladies taking part in football & the solidarity of us all in raising thousands for such a great cause. Personally that was an unforgettable moment to walk into a clubhouse packed to the rafters, all here for Ladies football & Dee, that was so special."
Yes it was a great day and really nice the local football community getting involved. You had some exciting news yourself this year - congratulations on being awarded your MBE. What was that like?
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"I found out in December 2022 that I had been awarded an MBE & needless to say I was shocked from the outset, but flattered I had been recognised for my day job as well as my time in community football.
Almost a year to the day of finding out I had been awarded an MBE I was invited to Windsor Castle for the Investiture (December 12th 2023). I have to be honest, I knew little about the process, what to expect or even Windsor - Endless help from ‘the google’!
I arrived the day before, managed to get my Christmas Windsor experience, which was amazing.
On the day I arrived suited & booted to Windsor Castle where I was told King Charles would be presenting my MBE. I waited in the Queens Gallery with others & surrounded by an amazing world of art - I’m thinking is this for real?
Eventually the moment came where I walked into a room with an orchestra playing, the King holding my medal & was invited to be presented with it.
He asked about my work & also how ladies football is progressing. I told him about the amazing growth of the ladies game & how Harrogate Railway Ladies are going from strength to strength & he said he was pleased for the club & also for the ladies game. So King Charles is a Railway Ladies fan (or at least in my eyes).
Overall the experience was surreal & something i’ll never forget, a proud moment for me, my family & hopefully all associated with Harrogate Railway Ladies."
Absolutely amazing and thoroughly deserved! Lastly the ladies are straight back into matches on the 7th of January what are your hopes for the upcoming year?
"After such a strong 2023 my hopes are for Harrogate Railway Ladies to continue to grow & maintain the momentum we have now.
All four teams (1st, Reserves, Development & U18s) are in great positions in their respective leagues. Being super selfish though I want the 1st team to realise the talent they have as they can & should beat anyone on their day. 
Bottom line my hopes are to continue to enjoy growing this club."
The ladies first team are straight back into League Cup action on the 7th of January at Republica Internationale and if you are reading this your majesty replica shirts are available through our friends at S66!
The club wish all our coaching staff, players, sponsors friends and fans a great new year and we hope to see you all soon!
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genieife · 9 months
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Welcome to the magical world of London’s enchanting Christmas trees! In this festive season, Geniefie Trip Planner App invites you on a captivating journey to discover the most dazzling and iconic Christmas trees in the heart of the city. Join us as we explore the enchanting holiday displays at St Pancras, Covent Garden, and Leadenhall Market, each offering a unique and unforgettable experience. From the grandeur of St Pancras to the charm of Covent Garden and the festive allure of Leadenhall Market, your ultimate holiday adventure awaits. Let Geniefie- Trip Planner guide you through the sparkling wonders of London’s Christmas celebrations, creating cherished memories and spreading the joy of the season. Get ready to immerse yourself in the festive magic with our curated trip planner!
Immerse yourself in the magic of literature at the 2024 Christmas display at St. Pancras International, a collaboration with Hatchards. This 12-meter-tall masterpiece is not just a festive centerpiece; it’s a celebration of timeless classics, featuring a whimsical design with 270 shelves adorned with over 3,800 hand-painted books.
Discover cozy nooks within the tree, each equipped with speakers for a five-minute audiobook excerpt, exclusively provided by Penguin Books. Wendy Spinks, Commercial Director, describes it as “an ode to the wealth of literature that transports us to exciting and novel worlds.”
This festive display encourages a break from screens, fostering a deeper connection with the joy of reading. St. Pancras International and Hatchards aim to inspire a return to the transformative power of books, making it the perfect start to the festive season.
In essence, the Christmas Tree is an immersive reading adventure, celebrating literature and inviting you to rediscover the joy of reading during the holidays.
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Get ready for the biggest and brightest Christmas in Covent Garden! Until January 7th, the iconic Piazza, Market Building, Neal’s Yard, Seven Dials, and surrounding streets come alive with festive magic. Explore the world-famous Christmas lights featuring over 40 gigantic bells, 12 giant baubles, and 8 spinning mirror balls.
Highlights include the Wonder Wood display, Festive Thursdays with late-night shopping, and the return of the Christmas Sleigh in West Piazza South Hall. Enjoy hourly snow showers from 1st to 31st December and festive treats at The Gingerbread Hut in East Piazza. Don’t miss live performances by London’s International Gospel Choir on Festive Thursdays. Plus, discover FREE festive activities, including the Covent Garden Swing Seat for the perfect Instagram moment. Celebrate the season until January 7th, 2024!
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The City of London’s Victorian shopping arcade, Leadenhall Market, transforms into a festive wonderland, adorned with garlands, mini Christmas trees, and twinkling lights. On November 16 at 6 pm, the Lord Mayor of London will illuminate the market’s Christmas lights, accompanied by music. The dazzling display continues until Twelfth Night.
Throughout December, Leadenhall Market offers a festive extravaganza with Christmas workshops, including wine tasting and wreath making. Experience guided festive walks delving into tales of Leadenhall Christmas past and present, and indulge in late-night shopping. Don’t miss the enchanting holiday atmosphere at this charming London destination.
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As the holiday lights twinkle and the festive spirit fills the air, your enchanting journey through London’s Christmas trees comes to a close. We hope Trip Planner App- Geniefie has added a touch of magic to your holiday season, guiding you through the iconic displays at St Pancras, Covent Garden, and Leadenhall Market. May these memories linger in your heart, and may the joy of the season continue to brighten your days.
From the bustling streets of Covent Garden to the historic charm of Leadenhall Market and the grandeur of St Pancras, London’s Christmas trees have woven a tapestry of holiday cheer. As you bid farewell to this festive adventure, remember that the magic of Christmas is not just in the lights and decorations but in the warmth shared with loved ones. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a happy New Year!
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 07/01/2024
Rippin'! Mashin'! High Quality Grand Prix
Season 2 No Album Release (Read More) Jumpin'! Dancin'! - PriPara Mezase! Idol Grand Prix #1
Ripper Unknown
Requested by oetaboy! (@oetaboy)
I'm immensely thankful that this rip ended up as a request in time for its 7th anniversary, because goodness - I'd almost forgotten all about it! And, like can you blame me? Rippin'! Mashin'! High Quality Grand Prix never got an album release, we still don't know who the ripper of it is, and the game its from never got any more rips after its upload way back in 2017. Frankly, its a bit of a miracle that it even has as many views as it does with all of those factors combined - yet, quality always finds a way.
(Also, sorry for the late post, everyone ^^;)
There was really something special about that period of time during and after December 2016 - the start of the Christmas Comeback Crisis, and what would eventually become labeled as the start of Season 2. The future was bright, there was so much to look forward ahead - and the SiIvaGunner team was firing on all cylinders with the ongoing storyline. There were just so many rips of that time that captured that excitement to a tee, most notably of course with the Patched Plains Fusion Collab - yet I remember overtime, as we moved from December to January, the excitement seemed to be less about the Christmas Comeback Crisis storyline itself, and more just...celebrating that SiIvaGunner was still going. There was a lot of genuine emotions in the air around when Season 1, and seemingly the entire channel was going to end, and though a lot of people felt betrayed by the sudden rug-pull of Season 2's premiere, a lot of others were overjoyed to know that SiIva wasn't truly going anywhere.
And yeah, I can't say there's much more to say on Rippin'! Mashin'! High Quality Grand Prix other than just that - excitement. The introduction from RelaxAlax was, at the time, such a perfect sign of respect from the team to the audience, an acknowledgement that the SiIvaGunner team knew how much the channel was loved by people all over the world - and that they were just as grateful for us as we were for them. The rip is simply a fantastic mashup medley of all sorts of jokes, common and uncommon, bound together by a magical chorus drop with We Are Number One - fresh off the news that the internet's collective love for the song had been the main driving force for Stefan Karl's fundraiser granting him the care he needed. All sealed together lovingly with the closing message, taken from one of Stefan Karl's own video messages - telling us all to "keep memeing".
The sheer joy that the rip exudes is infectious, and its one I'm always so happy to rediscover, a rip that I'm deeply nostalgic for despite only remembering that one emotion. Bittersweet as it may now be in retrospect, I'll never forget the happiness of those early Season 2 days.
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sharingstories · 11 months
December in the United States
December in the United States: A Month of Festive Traditions and Reflection
December in the United States is a magical time when the nation comes alive with festive traditions, celebrations, and moments of reflection. It's a month filled with a rich tapestry of events that encapsulate the spirit of unity, gratitude, and hope. Let's delve into the significance of December, a month that brings people together in the spirit of togetherness.
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1. Christmas: A Time for Giving and Celebrating
December is synonymous with Christmas, a holiday celebrated by millions of Americans. It's a time for giving, sharing, and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. For many, it's a season of joy, marked by the exchange of gifts, decorating homes with lights and ornaments, and the age-old tradition of the Christmas tree. In addition, the whimsical figure of the elf,  [Check out the History of the Elf on the Shelf Christmas tradition] known for its mischievous antics and helping Santa Claus in his workshop, adds a touch of enchantment to the holiday season.
One of the highlights of Christmas is spending time with loved ones, sharing meals, and creating cherished memories. The holiday serves as a reminder of the importance of family, kindness, and generosity. Choose the Right Item for You and Your Family for the Christmas.
2. Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights
For Jewish Americans, December marks the celebration of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights. This eight-day holiday commemorates the miracle of a small amount of oil that lasted for eight days in the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Families celebrate by lighting the menorah, exchanging gifts, and enjoying special foods, such as latkes and sufganiyot.
Hanukkah is a reminder of the resilience of the Jewish people and their commitment to preserving their faith and traditions, making it an essential part of December's cultural tapestry.
3. New Year's Eve: Welcoming the Future with Hope
As December comes to a close, New Year's Eve offers an opportunity for reflection on the year that was and anticipation of the year ahead. It's a time for parties, fireworks, and the famous ball drop in Times Square. For many, it's a moment to set new goals, make resolutions, and welcome the future with hope and optimism. Understand how the different parts of world  celebrate New Year in the 10 New Year Eve’s Traditions from Around the World
New Year's Eve signifies the power of renewal and the belief in the possibilities that lie ahead. It's a time when people come together to celebrate and look forward to a fresh start.
4. Winter Solstice: A Natural Phenomenon
December 21st marks the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. While not a holiday, this astronomical event has cultural significance and has been celebrated by various cultures throughout history. It serves as a reminder of the ever-changing seasons and the cycles of nature.
The winter solstice reminds us of the importance of adaptation and resilience, as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that each season brings.
5. Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: Honoring History
December 7th is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, a day to remember the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, which led to the United States' entry into World War II. It is a time to honor the memory of those who lost their lives in the attack and to reflect on the significance of historical events in shaping the nation's course.
This day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who served during World War II and the importance of vigilance in protecting the country's security and freedom.
6. Kwanzaa: A Celebration of African Heritage
Kwanzaa, celebrated from December 26th to January 1st, is a holiday that honors African heritage and cultural traditions. It was created in 1966 to provide African Americans with a unique opportunity to connect with their roots. Kwanzaa is celebrated through the lighting of seven candles, each representing a different principle, such as unity, self-determination, and creativity.
Kwanzaa is a reminder of the importance of heritage, community, and the shared values that bind people together.
In Conclusion
December is a month that encapsulates the spirit of unity, gratitude, and hope in the United States. It's a time when people come together with loved ones, celebrate their cultural and religious traditions, and reflect on the year that was while welcoming the possibilities of the year to come. Whether through Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's Eve, or other cultural celebrations, December showcases the rich diversity of American culture and the enduring values that bring people together. It's a reminder of the power of unity and the importance of gratitude, hope, and reflection in the American experience.
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