#We lived with a roommate
bolyde · 2 months
I am taking an unplanned trip back home! My flight leaves fairly early tomorrow. Due to a lot of issues with our land lord refusing to fix issues I’m going home to help my mother consolidate a bunch of my belongings just in case the apartment gets red tagged in the following months.
I intend to do some writing while away, but I genuinely don’t know how busy I’m going to be. There’s approximately 26 years worth of items to go through and while I cleaned a lot before moving cross country, there’s still a ton.
Upside: cat photos when I get home
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starcurtain · 11 months
One of my favorite things about the game's writing of Alhaitham and Kaveh:
The basic game text goes out of its way to convince us that the house is Alhaitham's--it is literally called "Alhaitham's Home" even during Kaveh's hangout.
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But in-universe, we never see Alhaitham in his house unless Kaveh is there.
Throughout Sumeru's archon quests, we run into Alhaitham practically everywhere: in Port Ormos, in Aaru Village, in the Akademiya, at the Grand Bazaar. But never, despite the fact that the story wants to sell him as a homebody, in his own home. In fact, the only references we have to Alhaitham's house at all throughout the entire lead up of the archon quests are mentions of Kaveh.
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Alhaitham doesn't suggest going there, doesn't ever go home himself (at least that we're explicitly told about) until the end of the archon quests, and has no cutscenes in his own house until Kaveh returns from the desert.
Then, all the sudden, Alhaitham literally can't wait to go home and walks off in the middle of a conversation.
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From that point on, every time we're permitted to enter Alhaitham's house, in story quests, the hangout, and the event, it's either when he and Kaveh are together or with Kaveh alone.
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Even during Alhaitham's birthday skit of all things, they went out of their way to tell us that Alhaitham's home, so of course Kaveh is there:
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The map tag tells us the building is Alhaitham's Home, but the story reinforces a different idea:
It's Alhaitham's home when Kaveh is in it.
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squidwithelbows · 2 months
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Underrated character growth throughout the sellswords trilogy is Artemis becoming weirdly smug about his unrequested makeover as soon as he can use it to be condescending at people he doesn't like.
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shima-draws · 10 months
I’ve watched FMAB a thousand times but Greed’s death STILL gets me every fucking time. 1. Him realizing that Ling is going to get hurt and possibly killed by Father if Greed doesn’t leave his body, 2. Greed coming to terms with the fact that he’s definitely going to get killed by Father but he’s willing to make the sacrifice for Ling, and 3. Greed discovering that what he wanted was what he had the entire time, and that was true friends who would stick with him through thick and thin, who would share the same experiences and failures and triumphs and still love him despite his homunculus status. I’m so.
Also I’m SO pissed at the fact that Pride got to live but Greed didn’t. In my brain I kept saying “Well yeah I guess it makes sense for all of the homunculi to die bc they came from Father and HE has to die” but then I remembered that Pride LIVES and that makes me so salty. Out of all the homunculi Greed deserved to live the MOST AND I JUST. FUCKIGN.
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An example of queercoding in Alhaitham and Kaveh's relationship: Madam Faruzan edition
Due to the rules in place for game development in China, the possibility for queer confirmation within Genshin Impact is denied, which therefore renders the usage of characters alluding to the potential romantic connection between two same-sex characters as impossible. However, the same insinuation can be made by omitting specific language which strictly conveys romantic sentiments, such as ‘couple’. Instead, the idea of secrecy or something unmentionable can be drawn upon as indicators, as this draws parallels to the taboo of homosexuality practiced within certain cultures and media forms, which the real world audience can identify.  
For example, Alhaitham and Kaveh as secret housemates. This can be used to convey an idea of ‘taboo’ as Kaveh desires to protect his reputation by concealing his shame of having to live with Alhaitham. In-game, the context here is that Kaveh wants to uphold his reputation of a successful architect, but within Alhaitham’s Story Quest, upon the player’s discovery of Kaveh living with Alhaitham, this context is omitted for some time. This prompts Paimon to question what exactly Alhaitham and Kaveh’s relationship is, with Kaveh denying that the two used to be friends but are not anymore: “I wouldn’t say ‘friends’ exactly”.
This tactic of double entendre can be seen again in A Parade of Providence when Paimon almost reveals Kaveh’s living situation to Faruzan.
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Faruzan’s can be observed to resort to a thinking pose, in comparison with Layla, when Alhaitham is mentioned in relation to Kaveh wanting to buy property, as Paimon almost ‘outs’ the truth, that Kaveh resides with Alhaitham.
She then seemingly dwells upon the subject, as she returns to it after Kaveh requests for a change of topic later in the conversation. Here, Faruzan follows up on whether Kaveh lives alone, which he fails to deny. 
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Here, it can be seen that she has already began associating Kaveh and Alhaitham, possibly speculating that the two live together. When Kaveh fails to supply an answer, therefore not denying her theory, she explicitly ties the two together, and asks if the two are “hiding” something.  
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This question evokes a physical reaction from Kaveh, as he denies this question out of fear of being revealed, with Paimon opting to leave in order to cover her role in revealing Kaveh’s predicament.  
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A deliberate potentiality has been created here in regard to what Faruzan has inferred, as her phrasing of “are you two hiding something from me?” is non-specific. Rather than asking: “are you two living together?”, she asks a question which holds multiple connotations. Due to the ambiguity of her meaning, her question can be observed as a non-explicit version of the: “are you two a couple?” question.
On the surface, this question is a reference to their situation as roommates, however, her phrasing is non-specific, and hints to another cause for “hiding” something. For Faruzan, Kaveh’s blatant evasion of the topic and dismissal of Alhaitham’s name, could easily be inferred as “hiding” a romantic connection – which is something that the player, too, can pick up on from her gesture of suspicion, her inquisitive questioning, and her excitement when piecing together the clues. The ambiguity of her question generates multiple meanings as to why she has surmised the two could be “hiding”.  
This overt secrecy in Kaveh’s living with Alhaitham, another man, prompts the player to generate associations between this in-game secrecy and real world queer shame. In this, there is an implication of the need for Kaveh to confirm the status of his relationship between him and Alhaitham. Not only does this scene connotate an ‘outing’, in which a queer character has their queerness forcibly revealed to a heteronormative audience, but this creates a sense of secrecy, which, again, can be interpreted by the player as ‘taboo’.  
Kaveh does not want to tell anyone of his living situation out of preserving his stellar reputation, however, Faruzan is missing this context. She relates Alhaitham and Kaveh together in the phrasing “you two”, coupling them together in a secret that they “hid[e]”. The player understands this as indicating to their living situation, however, this creates a separate context which Faruzan has interpreted and that, we, as the audience are not privy to, but can interpret based on her allusions to cohabitation between two men being a secret.
Whilst this is not explicitly romantic within Genshin’s world of nameless sexuality, Faruzan’s ambiguous questioning here draws parallels between real world understanding of sexuality and the connotations of queerness which stems from two men living together in secret. 
(Update: For more analyses like this, the essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
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yardsards · 11 months
i've always been team "taakitz adopts angus" and listening to imbalance did not change that (angus would be in his early 20s by then, it makes perfect sense that he's not home right now + empty nest syndrome fits in very well with taako's whole dissatisfaction deal)
what it did do, after seeing how kravitz interacts with taako's friends and family, is enlighten me to the fact that *kravitz* was actually the one to initially propose bringing out the adoption paperwork, rather than taako
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inspirational quote - winnie the pooh
"i am so hard -winnie the pooh"
submitted by @kricketskorner
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
I just wanna thank cc!Cellbit for fulfilling my personal Wishlist of Fuckery while he was rampaging with Baghera today
Fucking with each member of Fuga Impossível individually ✅️
Searching out Pac specifically with The Voice ✅️
Messing with Ljoga and Malena ✅️
Threatening Natalan ✅️
Generally having fun torturing his friends and strangers alike ✅️
And finally, murdering anyone he wanted ✅️
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high-voltage-rat · 1 year
something I do appreciate about red vs blue is its particular brand of “came back wrong”. you were brought back, but you’re just a memory of the person you’re supposed to be. you’re just the expectations of them. you’re just the pieces everyone else saw and remembered. you’re tough like the original, but you’ll always fail no matter how tough you are, because the original failed, too. you’ve got a personality like the original, but it’s not quite right because you didn’t actually live the life they did. there’s this person you love- who you would kill or suffer or die for- but you don’t know why, you just know you’re supposed to be together because that’s what you were made for.
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
i think i might be legit happy for the first time in my life.
i got out. i actually got out.
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alumirp · 5 months
Luffy and Law live togheter.
They started living together after Luffy's older brother, Ace, decided to go on a trip around the world with his friends. Luffy was left alone and besides being terrible at taking care of himself, he hates loneliness.but none of his friends had space for him, already having their own roommates or living with their parents. So, Law proposes that they live together, he lives in a huge house and has a huge crush on Luffy, it doesn't hurt to help the guy he likes, even if it can cause a lot of headaches. and hes right, in less than a week everything is already a mess, Luffy's friends come to visit, everything is noisy and so chaotic in the house that used to always be quiet and peaceful.
Still, he persists, determined not to go back on his decision and simply kick Luffy out of the house. That's when everything gets confusing; Luffy was always clingy and honest with how he felt, but since he moved in with Law, this has become more frequent and more intense.He hugs Law in the morning when he wakes up, kisses him on the forehead to thank him for the food, he carries Law when he decides that Law has to sleep no matter what, he sits on Law's lap when they are watching TV, he goes to the hospital to remember Law of eating and worst of all: he often, all the time, at any time, in any place, on any occasion, tells Law that he loves him. And it just drives Law crazy. He knows it's not a lie, Luffy doesn't lie. Luffy loves him, it's just not the love Law wants it to be
All of their domesticity, all of their intimacy, all of it drives Law crazy. He wants all of it, but he also wants more. He is in love with Luffy and has no idea what to do, after all he doesn't want to just ruin their friendship and lose it all because of his greed. So, after months of freaking out about all this, he decides that what's best for everyone is if he puts some boundaries between them, draws a firm line between them, friendship, something less intimate and less...suggestive. something that allows him to sleep properly at night.
Meanwhile, Luffy is confused, Torao has been acting strangely, moving away from him, not letting him touch him or kiss him, almost like in the beginning, when he moved in and Law was still shy. Could this be what people call problems in paradise? WILL TORAO FILE FOR DIVORCE? And suddenly Law has Luffy's friends calling desperately wanting to know what happened? Why are they getting divorced so soon? Why is Luffy depressed about the end of their marriage? Why is the marriage ending in the first place???
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mccoyquialisms · 2 months
Lapin x Aguefort was not in my bingo card but by god was it fucking funny
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skunkes · 5 months
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2 moods
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leafsfromthevine · 4 months
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my favorite bromance ever, actually (x)
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ghostradiodylan · 5 days
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Me every time someone asks if The Quarry fandom is dead.
Is it less alive than it once was? I’m sure it is. The numbers on old posts and fanfics tell me that it must be (although obviously they’re cumulative). But I wasn’t here for that part, I’m a late adopter. All I know is the brainrot is going strong for me (ten-ish months on?) and a core group of others and if you want in on that literally all you have to do is click the tag and interact. Reblog a post with some commentary. Send an ask. Everyone I’ve talked to in the Quarry fandom has been nice as hell and so stoked to talk about this stuff!
If I’m quiet for a day or two it’s not because the brainrot has passed. Some days it’s because I was up at 4 AM writing my silly gay stories. Yesterday it was because I played with the TQ counselors in The Sims for like ten hours (why is it so hard to make The Sims look like specific people?!). I have A Problem. You can make it your problem too. (Please I need the enrichment.)
We also have a very welcoming and active Discord server if that’s your thing. I actually didn’t think it was my thing but it turns out it’s very much my thing and now I basically live there and I miss the custom emojis when I talk to people anywhere else :3 https://discord.gg/eHSwHvpj
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fagtainsparklez · 5 months
rhett and link posted a clickbait-y “we’re over” video and my roommate fucking. propped up our giant signed and framed rhett and link poster on a chair so they could watch it with us. this household is a fucking nightmare
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