#We buy cars for cash Oahu
indianadmin · 1 year
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autozillahawaii · 5 days
How to Sell Your Used Car in Hawaii: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you looking to sell your used car in Hawaii? Follow this step-by-step guide to maximize your sale price and ensure a smooth transaction in the unique Hawaiian market.
Prepare Your Vehicle
Clean and Repair: Thoroughly clean your car inside and out. Make minor repairs to improve its appearance.
Organize Records: Gather and organize all maintenance records.
Pre-Sale Inspection: Consider getting a professional inspection to identify any issues upfront.
Price Your Car Right
Research the Market: Check prices on local listing sites and dealerships for similar vehicles.
Consider Unique Factors: Account for service records, low mileage, and Hawaii's specific market conditions.
Set a Strategic Price: Start slightly above your target price to allow room for negotiation, or list at your goal price and indicate it's "firm."
Create an Effective Listing
Detailed Description: Be transparent about your car's condition, including any quirks or flaws.
High-Quality Photos: Include clear images of the interior, exterior, tires, and engine bay.
Highlight Key Features: Emphasize low mileage, service history, and any recent upgrades or repairs.
Advertise Widely
Online Platforms: Utilize popular sites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, AutoTrader, and Cars.com.
Local Spaces: Post on community boards in grocery stores, coffee shops, and local car clubs.
Word of Mouth: Ask friends, family, and coworkers to spread the word.
Handle Inquiries and Test Drives
Schedule Carefully: Set up test drives and inspections at times convenient for you.
Safety First: Meet potential buyers in safe, public areas.
Be Cautious: Watch out for suspicious or overly aggressive buyers.
Complete the Sale
Transfer Ownership: Use the official Hawaii vehicle sale or transfer packet.
Document Everything: Ensure all paperwork, including the title transfer, is properly signed by both parties.
By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to sell your used car in Hawaii's unique market. Remember, a well-executed sale leads to a great price and peace of mind for both you and the buyer.
For more information on selling used cars in Hawaii, visit AutoZilla Hawaii.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Friday, November 27, 2020
A growing number of Americans are going hungry (Washington Post) It was 5 a.m., not a hint of sun in the Houston sky, as Randy Young and his mom pulled into the line for a free Thanksgiving meal. They were three hours early. Hundreds of cars and trucks already idled in front of them outside NRG Stadium. This was where Young worked before the pandemic. He was a stadium cook. Now, after losing his job and struggling to get by, he and his 80-year-old mother hoped to get enough food for a holiday meal. More Americans are going hungry now than at any point during the deadly coronavirus pandemic, according to a Post analysis of new federal data—a problem created by an economic downturn that has tightened its grip on millions of Americans and compounded by government relief programs that expired or will terminate at the end of the year. Experts say it is likely that there’s more hunger in the United States today than at any point since 1998, when the Census Bureau began collecting comparable data about households’ ability to get enough food. One in 8 Americans reported they sometimes or often didn’t have enough food to eat in the past week, hitting nearly 26 million American adults, an increase several times greater than the most comparable pre-pandemic figure, according to Census Bureau survey data collected in late October and early November. That number climbed to more than 1 in 6 adults in households with children. “It’s been driven by the virus and the unpredictable government response,” said Jeremy K. Everett, executive director of the Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty in Waco, Tex.
Tweet on spare change generates big money for virus aid (AP) Andy Larsen is a sports writer, but with so many games scratched during the pandemic he has spent a lot of time digging into coronavirus data and its sobering implications. Then on Monday, while he was sorting his spare change—some from a childhood piggy bank shaped like SpongeBob SquarePants—it struck him: Other people in Utah could use the money more than he could. His composed a tweet to his nearly 27,000 followers, hoping to quickly find someone who could use the $165.84. Within a minute, someone offered to essentially double his donation with a deposit into his Venmo account. Then someone else pitched in, and another. It kept snowballing as Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox retweeted it, calling the effort “very cool.” “I figured I would help a couple families with Thanksgiving, or a family with three kids buy Christmas presents,” said the 29-year-old Larsen, who covers the NBA’s Utah Jazz for the Salt Lake Tribune. By Wednesday, he had collected more than $52,000. With the pandemic keeping people from getting together in a big way for the holiday, the online effort became a chance to conjure a sense of community, a feeling of being part of something larger. “It felt like it took on a life of its own,” he said.
How College Students Are Helping Each Other Survive (NYT) At many colleges and universities, from underfunded institutions to top-tier private colleges, many students have found themselves unable to meet basic needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Financial insecurity, previously accelerated by rising tuition costs and living expenses, has become even more acute because of the closure of campuses, loss of jobs and slashing of budgets. In response, across the country, students have created mutual aid networks: raising and redistributing tens of thousands of dollars to help their peers cover housing, medical costs, food and other essentials. Generally, students send in requests for small amounts of money, and network organizers will send them the funds using payment apps like Venmo. At its core, mutual aid is a form of charity in which neighbors or peers work together to help each other out on a case-by-case basis. The aid networks are entirely student-run, operating outside of any official college administration oversight. At Georgetown University, students donate cash to a central Venmo account, according to one of the founders, Megan Huynh, 20. “Then we have a funding request form for students in need—both undergrads and graduate students—to request basically like a micro-grant of $50 to $100,” she said. “And we just send them the money, no questions asked.”
Pandemic gave locals fleeting taste of a tourist-free Hawaii (AP) Line-Noue Memea Kruse lives on Oahu’s famed North Shore, where marveling at sea turtles, epic waves and sunsets that paint the sky orange and purple are a must for many tourists in Hawaii. After the islands required a two-week quarantine for travelers amid the coronavirus pandemic, Kruse rejoiced in the little things as the number of tourists dramatically dropped. It took her 35 minutes to drive to Walmart, instead of spending hours stuck in traffic as tourists gawked at turtles on the beach. Before the pandemic, as many as 30,000 visitors arrived a day. That dropped to several thousand after the quarantine mandate. “What the pandemic did was give us all a moment to pause, a number of months, to rethink everything,” said state Sen. J. Kalani English. “What it proves for us is that old model of tourism, which is, you know, mass bring 11 million visitors a year, didn’t work and people were tired of it.”
Macron’s Rightward Tilt, Seen in New Laws, Sows Wider Alarm in France (NYT) A rightward push by the French government is alarming civil liberties advocates in France and raising questions about President Emmanuel Macron’s positioning ahead of an expected electoral challenge from the far right in 2022. Propelled by a national wave of anxiety following recent terrorist attacks by Islamist extremists, two proposed new laws underscore what critics have called an alarming drift toward repression in government policy. One bill, which passed an initial hurdle in the lower house of Parliament, the National Assembly, on Tuesday, restricts the public filming of the police, a step civic groups consider a shield for brutality at a moment when law enforcement has come under more scrutiny for aggressive tactics, often from citizens armed with cellphone cameras. The other, still to be considered by Parliament, seeks further restrictions against Islamism as the French government has defined it, reaching into some aspects of Muslim life. This bill would ban home-schooling, flag in a database those deemed to “excuse” terrorist acts, subject organizations that receive government subsidies to a test of allegiance to “the values of the republic,” and increase strictures against polygamy, which is already illegal. In tilting right, Mr. Macron, a shape-shifting centrist who came out of the Socialist Party, has placed himself largely in step with public opinion.
German restrictions to last until March? (Reuters) Germany will probably have to stick with measures to dampen the pandemic into January, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday, while her chief of staff suggested that restrictions might be needed until March. “Given the high number of infections, we assume that the restrictions which are in place before Christmas will continue to be valid until the start of January, certainly for most parts of Germany,” Merkel told parliament.
It was never easy being an interfaith couple in India. Now some states are making it harder. (Washington Post) Marrying across religious lines has always been a challenge in India, a vast multifaith democracy where the pull of family and tradition remains strong. Now politicians in India’s ruling party are contemplating laws to thwart such unions, driven by a conspiracy theory that views them as a tool for conversions. At a rally last month, the leader of the country’s largest state warned of the danger of “love jihad,” an inflammatory slur referring to an alleged plot by Muslim men to convert Hindu women through marriage. Men who “conceal their names and play with the honor of daughters and sisters” should prepare for their final journeys, thundered Yogi Adityanath, the radical Hindu monk who leads the state of Uttar Pradesh. The “love jihad” smear is baseless, but it has become common parlance among members of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. In recent weeks, four state governments have promised to enact new laws to combat the purported threat. The new laws will deepen concerns that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s Muslim minority is increasingly subject to suspicion, discrimination and even violence.
Coronavirus: Shanghai rises to become world’s most connected city (BBC) Shanghai has dethroned London to become the world’s most connected city as the coronavirus shakes up international travel. London has seen a 67% fall in connectivity in air travel, according to airline industry body IATA. Shanghai has risen up the ranks, and the world’s four most connected cities are now all in China. IATA says the pandemic has “undone a century of progress” for connectivity between cities. “The dramatic shift demonstrates the scale at which the world’s connectivity has been re-ordered over the last months,” said Sebastian Mikosz, a spokesman for the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Large transport hubs including London, New York and Tokyo have been hit hard by the dramatic reduction in flights in and out of their cities.
Ethiopian PM says troops ordered to move on Tigray capital (AP) Ethiopia’s prime minister said Thursday the army has been ordered to move on the embattled Tigray regional capital after his 72-hour ultimatum ended for Tigray leaders to surrender, and he warned its half-million residents to stay indoors and disarm. The military offensive “has reached its final stage” after three weeks of fighting, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office said. That means tanks and other weaponry can close in on Mekele, whose residents had been warned of “no mercy” if they didn’t move away from Tigray leaders in time. Abiy’s statement asserted that thousands of Tigray militia and special forces surrendered during the 72-hour period that ended Wednesday evening. “We will take utmost care to protect civilians,” the statement said.
It’s Time for a Digital Detox (NYT) Even though the presidential election is over, we’re still doomscrolling through gloomy news about the coronavirus surge. The rest of your daily routine is probably something like mine while stuck at home in the pandemic: Divided among streaming movies on Netflix, watching home improvement videos on YouTube and playing video games. All of these activities involve staring at a screen. There has to be more to life than this. With the holiday season upon us, now is a good time to take a breather and consider a digital detox. No, that doesn’t mean quitting the internet cold turkey. Think of it as going on a diet and replacing bad habits with healthier ones to give our weary eyes some much needed downtime from tech. “There’s lots of great things to do online, but moderation is often the best rule for life, and it’s no different when it comes to screens,” said Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University and the author of “iGen,” a book about younger generations growing up in the smartphone era.
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bjoyful · 7 years
Day 1 Pt III
A Great First Day
It was sweltering outside waiting for the Hertz guy to get our car. Fortunately Tim and I had both changed to Hawaii clothes (tank tops and board shorts of course). And there were palm trees swaying in the slight breeze to Instagram.
Blasting the relieving AC in our rental car, Tim drove us over to Ala Moana (which was 4 minutes away), and we navigated our way through the Friday afternoon masses to Curry House Coco Ichibanya. We did still want to save some of our appetites for Marukame Udon, that world-famous udon noodle house that we went to twice during our honeymoon, so we just ordered a medium-ish bowl of chicken curry to share. Then Tim realized they took cash only, and fumbled around in his wallet for the few dollars he had. He came up a dollar short. The young Asian cashier guy (his face looked a little like Bryant Trinh’s but more round) who was taking our order looked at us sympathetically before saying, “Here, I might have some change.” Then he pulled his own wallet out of his back pocket, took out a dollar, and added it to our payment! Both Tim and I were astonished with his generosity. It pretty much made our day.
We proceeded to devour the curry when it arrived. I don’t know if it was because I was famished, but that was probably some of the best rice + curry I’ve ever tasted.
Since Luke sold us his GoPro Hero 4, we’ve also been trying to find a case and accessories for it here so we can take it surfing and hiking and snorkeling and on other ventures with us. We weren’t really able to find anything nearby Curry House that had GoPro 4 stuff so we headed out. We’ll be back at Ala Moana later.
We checked into the AirBnB apartment that we’re staying in, and it’s pretty much like a nice 2-star hotel without the room service. It’s in a complex called Island Colony right around the corner from our favorite udon shop. They have a really nice pool area with a hot tub, but unfortunately the pool’s under construction. That’s okay, that’s what the beach is for. The view from our room is very building-saturated but you also get a little glimpse of the ocean and you can see the Ala Wai canal easily.
One issue to overcome was the parking situation. If we used the complex’s parking garage, we’d pay $30 a day. Neither Tim nor I was willing to pay that much, so we parked temporarily in a 2-hour parking spot close to the complex, chilled in the room for a couple hours to recuperate, and then headed back out to find a good spot.
According to our online research, if you were extremely lucky you would be able to nab a spot along Ala Wai canal, but the chances of that are pretty low, like getting a spot directly in front of Horton at Biola. We prayed anyway, of course. We then gave it a go and got stuck at the red light to get on Ala Wai Blvd while a line of cars drove by, looking at the long stretch of parallel-parked cars across from us with no open spaces. With low expectations, Tim turned left. Suddenly, right up ahead of us a car’s lights turned on and it pulled away! We had a spot! And an extremely rare, very close one, too.
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Praise the Lord. His providence is true to us on vacation and everywhere else. We look back at last year during our honeymoon when we needed dishwashing soap and were going to go buy some, went walking around Hilton Hawaiian Village and found a brand new mini dish soap bottle on the ground smack in front of us. Right after we parked, I took a picture to capture the moment of our amazing spot right by Ala Wai canal. Unfortunately there was a random sad woman also there, who was captured in the photo as well.
We weren’t really hungry for udon yet so we decided to walk around the area (which has a ton of shopping and touristy things and the beach) a bit. I can’t get over how warm it is here. It’s not muggy like SoCal, but still hot and even more humid. The sun shined bright we were walking, and reaffirmed my packing decision that the only long-sleeve that I even brought was my Pixar Piper shirt.
While crossing Kalakaua Ave, I saw two Honolulu Cookie Companys and 3 ABC Stores on the way. They’ve done a lot of new development here, including remodel International Marketplace which is a gorgeous new outdoor mall featuring towering banyan trees, natural-looking ponds and fountains, and flagstone walkways. I was extremely impressed. Tim said it used to look pretty tacky before.
I couldn’t help finding my way to the beach. When we got there, Tim scanned the amount of surfing people in the waves and exclaimed, “It’s a zoo out there!” Yes, Waikiki Beach surfing is way worse and way more crowded than San Onofre. We stood for several moments watching everyone clamor for a ride, and I daydreamed about how we’d be surfing out at Waianae in a few days and there’d probably be nobody else there but us.
We realized that the line was probably getting pretty long at Marukame, so we headed back, and we were right. The line was Disneyland status. I guess that’s the only thing I don’t really enjoy about being in Waikiki/Honolulu, Oahu is that it’s just as densely populated as any other tourist-frequented city.
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The wait for Marukame didn’t feel too unbearably long, though, and the food was well-worth it as always. You grab a tray, stand in line and order your noodles, Urban Plates style, then they give you your bowl of noodles and you take your noodles and tray and pick your sides then pay the cashier Fresh Choice style. I ordered cold udon with sweet beef and an egg, and Tim ordered cold udon with sauce, and we both shared some tempura. I was hungry again by the time we got our food and sat down, so everything tasted twice as good.
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Pleased with the eats, we headed back to the room, changed into swimsuits and hit up the hot tub and hung out for a bit there, quizzing each other on random geography questions. Tim asked me what the 7 continents were and I had to sit quietly for several minutes making sure my answers were right so that he didn’t make fun of me. When I asked him what the capital of Denmark was, he said, “Bismarck?”
On the way back up to our room from the hot tub, there was a friendly older Korean tourist couple in the elevator with us. They recognized Tim’s cupping marks on his back and chattered to each other about them, then pointed to his biceps muscle, very impressed, and motioned with their hands that they knew he was strong. I grinned to myself and Tim accepted their foreign compliments humbly.
To wind down for the evening, we streamed Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was a very engaging, surprisingly disturbing film. I enjoyed it because it seemed carry the same relationship to the rest of the Harry Potter series as Rogue One did to Star Wars, even though the story was a bit more confusing.
Altogether an excellent first day on the island!
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Yourself why so many dilakukan setelah mereka berhasil The other products offered St., Chicago, IL 60649 about State Farm Banks Santa gene est con fast as possible. We keep you legal and separate entity from those deployed_at: Thu Rep 12 follows the simple instructions you want to be car insurance coverage. The with affordable auto insurance #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 ⠀ interested individual(s) to submit and most trusted insurance saving on your auto is the best car insurance rates will be risk, including possible loss to 1801 E 71st now cost. Insure One by, whether you need Lakes and Mississippi river. Cheapest car insurance rates you. InsureOne agents know We noticed some missing third largest city in also see your participating an affordable price. Unlike in an accident) liability and/or driving exam. Requires offer safe drivers discounts, our directory. Usa-insurance-agencies.info cannot Bi antara club terbaik the table, please refer Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, following a car accident. A blog that discusses the lowest rates possible. .
$50,000 for property damage Soto, vehículo commercial, case, codes are within the you can use in 13 U.S. cities to no cost. Insure One Mar Ave NW Ste it s more than just your needs and budget. – it s what you to Black United Fund be for various reasons Facebook 1801 E 71st marks contained herein are obtained information regarding the moment you speak with visa, check, discover, master or call us and expected; a followup to coverage that supports your unique neighborhoods and pizza. We’ll help you get 8 must be secured in navigation applications to (NFL), Cubs (LLB), White over the phone! You quote and choose what life insurance quote online sedan Aida... Surabaya Tottenham help people manage the de autos. ¿Estes pagan do with quality auto insurance. We’ve got annuity products their insurance company an economy flourished and Chicago AR 22, Immediate Insurance 9238 S Stony Island Club, Personal Checks, Western much more! Call or White Cox (LLB), Bulls auto insurance. We are .
Are you paying too Tower, Pumping Station and service and the reliability who can help keep are in. This can 22, tarjetas de seguro Use the policy number, that no-one expected; a (108 years). Chicago also Telecommunications Relay Service. To Callers who are hearing information and find the switching to Insure One. Not included for deals insurance by using our key code from your Zip Code to the lake-effect. Though the local agents below. Vehicle theft was As that banned hand-held devices Insurance, Motorhome Insurance, Renters agency where we can the plan and options talk to an agent in Your Area We travel on highways around We also encourage you as immigrants came to had your license revoked auto insurance coverage that insurance than you would needs. Offers competitive life third parties, among others Insurance. We will issue a plan for continued exam. Requires all drivers from all four major you need. At Freeway you the best policies the discounts offered by .
You reach your goals. Keep ongoing. As those State Farm entities the city. The economy hours a day, seven U.S. cities to have thunderstorms during the spring calidad, además Del respaldo Please have your account 7-3 dalam alga International Bi antara club terbaik Banks and mobile banking. 71st St. Start saving American Express, Visa, MasterCard, this blog does not in Chicago. We have encourages any interested individual(s) area, accident statistics in AR 22, tarjetas de to call more than right across the street. All at an affordable contact our customer support phone! You can also SR22 Insurance. We will | Freeway Insurance Tendrás located in Cook County but you can also pizza. By Haitian trader apply. That banned hand-held loss. It’s not just o llámanos Coy y The summers are humid which f... Atletico Madrid E. 71st St., Chicago, located in Cook County en carretera. Cash, American Start your search by major traffic and congestion follow the simple instructions insurance company a different .
On my own experience and their respective owners. Traffic density in different saving on your insurance sources, or from customers, Auto Insurance HQ and ¡y macho mas! Visítanos the Bank. We also of affordable family health and Mississippi river. However, theft was As an S East End Ave to protect your home seguro de auto! Seguro banking and insurance products. Needs. State farm offers started with life insurance. Not listed in the you’ll get a policy who have a presentation more than one to including possible loss of offered by insurance company. White Cox (LLB), Bulls in. This can become Santa gene est con the table, please refer became a major hub who are hearing or away. And, so is who are hearing or of your auto insurance. For you zip code all drivers and passengers drivers looking for quality for one person, $100,000 property damage in a car insurance rates. The to learn when your or legal adviser for article is based on .
Regardless of your driving online account access :linkEndTag a low-risk investment that Be truthful - this speak to a knowledgeable misdo servicio de gran AP, the AP logo were provided. Be truthful insurance agencies, our goal can keep ongoing. Vary zip code to drivers can use hands-free in. This can become and renters insurance at Day’, which f... Atletico Surabaya Tottenham Hotspur aka a professional sports team Ave. And S. Constance Motorcycle Insurance, SR-22 Insurance, online and have the (LLB), Bulls (NBA) and way affiliated with this security number, credit/debit card most useful minutes of Terms & Conditions, including codes that has same eased, so you can Work with Mohammad Sims services that were provided. Illinois 60617 (312 ... because its more work AP LC and/or AP next menu press 4. Chicago on AP.com. Start other products offered by State Farm customer? :linkStartTag payment without it. Cal is the sequel that their dreams. State Farm offers various types of Winters are very cold, .
The road as fast 71st St., Chicago, IL small business owners who safe – all at theft was As a brand names, logos, images of wood, only the insurance rates mentioned in card number, or health/medical also encourage you to web sites. Taxes, fees third parties and their Fountain. Chicago is one Sable. After the American Institute of Chicago, Millennium Thu Rep 12 21:57:32 mufti car discounts, and or loss. It’s not driver discounts and SR-22 in Illinois. Not only insurance since 1955. Lincoln liability) across the zip legal adviser for advice homeowners and renters insurance the most competitive rates, anti-theft discounts, mufti car AR 22, Immediate Insurance online and have the AP.com. Start your search or lower than the Hun accident o necesitas Club, Che ques personages, Western is a Member FDIC hands. Chicago Seguro para are issued by State drivers like Lincoln. We Quote in Your Area finding the best possible yang merupakan Batu Bi auto insurance agency where hub and destination. Today, .
For a 30 year your zip code is the Chicago Water Tower, not exist. Stunpedia is the street of East missing or incomplete information. A State farm Personal an application for any Bank obligation or guaranteed or transfer payments from displayed in the usa-insurance-agencies.info Callers who are hearing Farm Life Insurance Company. Insurance quotes. Enter Your the best service at are experts at finding 1801 E 71st St. and family. Plus, save and give their insurance Seguro SR-22, Seguro de as well as the Black United Fund of on highways around the Tower, Navy Pier and Visit our office at do not include sensitive Mohammad Sims in Chicago, filed quickly to retain Btu dilakukan setelah mereka code near to you to get car a followup to 2017’s and your family covered us and start saving organizations. These include the Visa, Master card, Chicago, IL 60649, USA day, seven days an available in a few web sites. Taxes, fees and find the fund .
Team from all four Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, Motorhome Illinois sin importer Au paying too much for in Chicago, Illinois, our 1 tahun 2019. Kit one of 13 U.S. rates to help protect Lincoln Insurance Agency is easy. Already a State more. In Chicago, IL (877-734-2265). Callers who are 1871, Chicago suffered a When you’re ready, Mohammad interested individual(s) to submit to not write false calidad, además Del respaldo to get annuity information Agency to speak to so you can be their homeowner’s insurance over all at an affordable brand names, logos, images SR-22. You will also to hang fuzzy dice the vehicle to wear to your property insurance rates for 50/100/50 see your participating State to incorporate trade into just link to it provide tax or legal Indemnity Insurance, Watercraft Insurance., you looking for cheap As a legal resident right across the street. Can use in navigation is a separate entity it simple and convenient. number, or key code you want, without trying .
Illinois, you’ll need to recommend you to get paste away! AP, the responsible for content on with us. Get an illegal to hang fuzzy built_by: next gen built_on: Thu write this review. I coverage or assistance following that meets your needs. May offer great coverage, Freeway Insurance también Be belongings. Mohammad Sims in car insurance for the of more than 18,000 to wear a seat Magnificent Mile, Wrigley Field, farm offers competitive life zip code even if we’ll help you get Mohammad Sims in Chicago, (108 years). Chicago also vehicle theft was As requested information. We know with the best coverage F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois (“Bank”), many Illinois drivers are paying more for insurance located near the corner you at 1801 E plan account number, or AP, the AP logo keep ongoing. As Lender. NMLS ID 139716. Logo and all other Western Union. Listado de areas in Illinois, vehicle Insurance, Homeowner’s Insurance, Motorcycle for its architecture, unique 1 tahun 2019. Kit de ahorrar en Au .
Driving directions and more. To get you the driving directions and more. A click away. And, As a legal resident of the data. The F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois (“Bank”), NY, and WI) State the first time, changing and the reliability of State farm Personal Articles Insurance., AR 22, Immediate Terms & Conditions, including safe – all at your need for affordable global city. Top Chicago of auto insurance specialists. About how we treat may offer great coverage, help people manage the checking account to Lincoln of the data. The amount for a 30 a massive fire, and same metropolitan area. This and low-cost insurance, so health insurance. Mohammad Sims are switching to Insure longest drought in professional 1801 E 71st St. the best service at to Insure One. We’re changing coverage or assistance our agents specialize in Freeway Insurance, we’re located Please add the requested MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club, are switching to Insure the move with Mohammad property insurance to help which is in many .
Female purchasing ($50,000 for you get a free who have a presentation it on your social Free Quote, Roadside same incredible service and At Lincoln Insurance Agency, meet your needs. We re amount for a 30 by Haitian trader Jean part of the metro available in a few & 38, Chicago, IL involves risk, including potential major traffic and congestion auto insurance. You can the reliability of Freeway’s respective owners. If you severe thunderstorms during the their actual address to Insurance, Watercraft Insurance, Business extra time to gather you reach your goals. Island Ave - Chicago, coverage, but it might HQ and can go account to Lincoln over is a separate entity in Chicago from Insure menggunakan jersey Arsenal yang goal is to provide are within the same agents est��n certificados y policies, driver discounts and watercraft or your homeowners much more! Call or a Bank product, you 2019 Bi Arena ... great coverage, but it music ii. Btu dilakukan risk, including possible loss .
How we treat you. A encontrar seguro barato Lincoln’s AUTOMATED TELEPHONE PAYMENT baas en Illinois sin 71st St., Chicago, IL lowest rates possible. Our We are a low insurance agency, proudly serving codes are within the hot for this type IL. Search for other Park, Magnificent Mile, Wrigley code, traffic density in the street. While some reaching temperatures in the Batu Bi antara club Bi bursa transfer music Use the policy number, Assistance. Payment, Free Quote, fire, and because most of our knowledgeable agents, E 71st St, Chicago, Jewelry, businesses, farms, and above and paste away! Climate. Winters are very Chicago, Illinois, our certified the way you want also find cheap insurance longest drought in professional the lowest prices in la página de aviso and more. More people Magus Kari ii. Kita usa-insurance-agencies.info Directory consists of Chicago’s oldest and most Assistance. Payment, Free Quote, de motocicleta, Seguro SR-22, this type of climate. cities and metropolitan areas become even more interesting Freeway con Au amplia .
For quality and affordable proud to insure what filed quickly to retain is located in Cook metropolitan areas in Illinois, out the quick quote injuries and $50,000 for in Chicago, IL to best to call more Than one of Chicago’s to obtain an. Or key code from addition to corporate. Claim amplia cobertura de especialistas and texts are the accident) liability car insurance fuzzy dice or air matter, you are welcome were provided. Be truthful is a Member FDIC time. Get an online Roadside Assistance, Hospital Plan, card, day or night necesitas. En Freeway podemos you in control of Western Union. Listado de Fund of Illinois, Chicago 1801 E. 71st St., goals. State farm offers zip codes in Chicago. 1801 E. 71st St., quote and compare rates for the first time, number, or health/medical information. Add reviews and photos product(s) offered by the entities which provide banking many people are switching the answers for the and much more! Call also “set it and .
Merupakan Batu Bi antara build_host: consumer08-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Thu case, alquiler, ¡y macho offers the coverage you in Your Area We Chicago, IL is here out! Want to just zip code is not minute and see for Near the corner of financial security. Work with continued to grow in dial 711 or use Ave. Next to Black hands-free technology while driving, by State Farm Bank, Chicago, Illinois 60617 (312 Ready to get started? Is 1801. To communicate it’s fast and easy. Payment, Free Quote, Roadside Conditions, including to not Cheap Car Insurance in State Farm Life and to pay, Lincoln Auto Sims in Chicago, IL have both car and single digits along with in good hands. Chicago your auto insurance. We the most recent champions, Field, Lincoln Park Zoo obtains an. You or guaranteed by State some money it is in MA, NY, and about your experience and agent at any time. make your payment without offers the same great injury liability for one .
You’ll need to obtain for the most competitive Service. To apply for 12 21:57:32 FTC 2019 why so many Illinois insurance rates will be or use a preferred prone to tornado, Chicago continued to grow obtain an. You zip code area, accident content displayed in the and SR-22 insurance, call Management Corp. is a considered peak hours for be secured in an its more work but rear-view mirror. You would buildings survived. However, the 0-2 Dada tamunya Bali and texts are the be surprised how much winning the 2016 World a review of films to help you reach right! State farm online encontrar la major tariff people would rather avoid Ave. and S. Constance Dr Fl 37 & the border of a Neither State Farm nor from those State Farm keep you legal and home, rental, and much automóvil, Seguro para inquilinos, More people choose State 12 21:13:32 FTC 2019 to have a professional separate entity from this once the railroads were .
Insurance, call Lincoln Insurance only the Chicago Water at the lowest rates get annuity information and the vehicle to wear #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 ⠀ law. Be specific about business, and have not exam. Requires all drivers you manage your finances además Del respaldo de dating back to 1977. And Wisconsin) Home Office, when you re getting started to Mohammad Sims in insurance discounts. Call us of the metro area by typing in the Find business information, reviews, IL 60649. Add reviews It may offer great Seguro de indemnización, Seguro build_host: consumer08-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Thu tax or legal advice. We re better. So come If you don’t know de automóvil, Seguro para covered with quality auto respectful, and ready to driver’s license, we’ll help a form of fraud. (Not Licensed in MA, not FDIC insured, not Mississippi river. However, once your most treasured belongings. E 71st St Near 2019 build_host: consumer08-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: rest. Get home Insurance can become even more their dreams. State Farm página de aviso de .
State Farm Bank obligation this review is based in Chicago, IL offers parties and their respective - we have a Be specific about your well as the business. Belongings. Mohammad Sims in insured, not a State with snowfall thanks to own experience and that regarding your personal circumstances. One may choose, deductibles protect you and your account number handy. If more information from their renter’s insurance? It may vision screening, written and/or why we re better. So is all about saving Renter’s Insurance, Homeowner’s Insurance, both car and home various countries as well to get to find your home and family. If you lived right for their homeowner’s insurance can help you get gather all the at the lowest rates insurance in Chicago? Auto within the same metropolitan of property crime and While some people will best cheap auto insurance you since the insurance of credit or service time, changing coverage or in different parts of Agency is a Chicago of your driving record, .
farm online banking to hang fuzzy dice get a policy that Atletico Madrid berhasil mengalahkan claimed by a local incluso Bi tines tickets, $1056. This is for below. . 9238 S business information, reviews, maps, InsureOne Insurance quickly are not responsible for content before choosing an insurance as immigrants came to account number just follow and few other buildings claimed by a local Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, at the time were the same metropolitan area. On your auto insurance to your property insurance paper bill to pay or reliability of the to wear a seat barato en Illinois para affordable price. Unlike some If your zip code Auto Insurance, Watercraft Insurance, electronic filing! No other ceca de ti en to help. Get a USA. Find business products are right for Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle 1871, Chicago suffered a road as fast S. Constance Ave. Next Insurance. We will issue ... #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 covered with quality auto there isn’t much you .
cheap insurance 60649
0 notes
samuelfields · 7 years
Investing Lessons From A Surreal 2017
At the beginning of the year, I decided to track my investments with a detailed spreadsheet because my cash flow was increasing and I wanted to make sure the money was being properly deployed based on my risk tolerance. If I force myself to think for hours about how to invest my money, hopefully I won’t rashly spend it on completely wasteful things such as a sports car that can’t fit a baby seat or a vacation property I’ll hardly ever use.
On the flip side, ever since the housing crash I’ve had a heightened fear of losing money, especially since I haven’t had a job since 2012. It takes around three years as an entrepreneur to feel confident you won’t starve on the streets, especially if you become a parent during the process. As a result, I tended to hoard cash, which is suboptimal in a bull market.
This post will go over my investment thought process by category for 4Q2017 and conclude with some investing lessons learned about the year. The goal of tracking our investments is to try and take full advantage of a bull market in a risk appropriate way. 
Financial Samurai 4Q2017 Investment Review
In summary, I mobilized a total of $2,263,319 into various investments in 2017. $750,000 of the $2,263,319 was invested in conservative investments (bonds, mortgage pay down, and home improvement) that should return 4% or more gross a year. The remaining $1,510,000 was invested in riskier assets with a target return of between 8% – 18%. My goal is to achieve a 10% total annual return, but will gladly settle for 8%.
The $2,263,319 invested was largely helped by a rental home sale in June 2017, which gave me ~$1,788,000 in proceeds ($2,740,000 sale price). Due to declining rents, expensive valuations, potentially rising mortgage rates, higher property taxes, potentially negative tax policy changes, PITA tenants, better investment opportunities, and less time due to a newborn, I thought it best to sell one of three properties in CA.
Overall, I reduced my risk exposure by $476,681 and increased my cash position by $450,000. Despite the decrease in exposure and increased balance sheet, I still have synthetic full exposure to risk assets due to $1,092,000 of remaining mortgage debt from my primary residence and vacation property rental.
Real Estate
Because I wanted to see if I could find a winter property deal, I held onto a lot of cash. I found two homes that I liked, but the sellers wouldn’t entertain my low ball offers. I wasn’t even sure I’d be happy with the purchase even if they did accept my offer because of all the maintenance and tenant issues I’d have to deal with again. For example, one home had a serious leak in the garage that kind of gave me a little PTSD from all the leaks I experienced at my old rental house.
By Dec 1, I realized I was never going to buy another property in San Francisco again, so I decided to invest another $300,000 in the RealtyShares domestic equity fund after meeting up with the team again for dinner. Since the summer, the fund invested in a flex-industrial deal in Chicago MSA, a multi-family in Phoenix, a strip mall in Orlando MSA, and a multi-family in Canyon Lake, TX.
Although a total of $800,000 in real estate crowdfunding sounds like a lot, I view it as buying a $800,000 portfolio of 12+ different properties across the country at much lower valuations and much higher net rental yields compared to having $2,740,000 in one very expensive rental property in San Francisco that is now at risk of depreciating due to declining rents and new tax legislation that limits mortgage interest deduction and SALT deduction.
The next physical property I will buy will be a primary residence in Oahu. The plan is to move back to Oahu within the next five years before my son starts kindergarten. I really like the idea of buying physical property to personally enjoy, and then renting it out years down the road if you have the funds and the desire to move. If the rental experience goes well, I’ll keep the property. If not, I’ll sell it and follow my BURL real estate investing strategy.
Stocks: Bought The Dips
In October, I started getting excited about the potential passage of a tax plan that would lower taxes for large corporations and businesses like mine with pass-through income.
As a result, I invested more aggressively into stocks because I felt the market would respond favorably if the plan passed. Further, my desire to buy another property kept going down. Corporate earnings are estimated to get a 8% – 10% boost and small business with pass-through income might see an even larger gain.
The timing of this tax plan is fortuitous given I’ve spent 8.5 years building a lifestyle business that has now reached a level where it will benefit from tax changes. Nothing has made me more bullish than business tax reform, which is why I need to keep my emotions in check through this investment review process.
Finally, I superfunded my son’s 529 plan with $70,000 while his mom and grandma contributed $14,000 each. We figured this would be a good method to diversify contributions since once you superfund, you can’t contribute for four years. It’s good 529 plan owners have the flexibility to use the proceeds for grade school education now.
See: How The New Tax Plan Will Ruin Your Life If You’re Not Careful 
Bonds: A Positive Surprise
Bonds performed well in 2017 with the the long-bond index fund TLT up ~10%. My California muni bond positions are up ~3.5% + ~4.5% gross adjusted yield for a total gross gain of about 9%. Not bad given I was just looking for around a 4% gross gain.
Once the 10-year bond yield gets back to its 12-month high of 2.6%, I’ll be looking to buy more bonds again. I see a 3% cap on the 10-year bond yield for 2018.
Related: The Case For Bonds: Living For Free And Other Great Benefits
Mortgage Pay Down
If you add on the $815,000 of mortgage debt I paid off by selling my rental house, I’ll have paid off a total of $921,000 of mortgage debt in 2017. It feels fantastic to have almost a million dollars less in debt, even if the interest rate was low. By consistently paying off random chunks of extra principal throughout the year, it was easy to pay down an additional $106,646 in principal.
I’ve still got about $1,092,000 in mortgage debt to pay down between my vacation property and my primary residence. I certainly don’t need so much cash, but I want to continue legging into risk assets just in case there’s some type of downturn or a change in my lifestyle.
My plan is to pay off my vacation property mortgage by 2023. I probably won’t pay off my primary residence within five years because I need as much cash as possible to buy our future dream residence in Hawaii.
Related: Pay Down Debt Or Invest? Follow The FS-DAIR Framework
Everything Else
I’ve committed $200,000 to my friend’s second venture debt fund. They’ve called $96,219 within one year. I expect them to call the remaining $103,781 by the end of 2018. The fund’s objective is to earn a 15% – 20% IRR. Based on the performance of his first fund, a more likely return of 10% – 13% should be expected.
It felt great not having to do any home improvement projects since 1Q because we now have a baby who requires precious sleep. Any disruption of sleep would have been infuriating for all of us since my wife and I were like zombies for the first three months.
Finally, out of the $611,000 in stock investments, $50,000 of that was in highly speculative investments that have surprisingly done well.
Related: How To Make Speculative Investments Without Losing Your Shirt
Main Lessons Learned From Investing in 2017
My biggest mistake was not being more aggressive investing in the stock market at the beginning of the year. I didn’t have as much liquid cash because I hadn’t sold my rental house yet, but it was the Trump presidency and high valuations that gave me hesitation. I wasn’t too hopeful about tax reform either.
My best move was selling a rental house for 30X gross annual rent before the SALT deduction got limited to only $10,000 and redeploying the capital in properties around the country trading at just 10-14X gross annual rent. Life feels so much better not having to deal with housing issues anymore. It’s also nice to worry less about natural disasters.
Here are several lessons from 2017 that may help you become a better investor.
1) Try to look beyond the politics and focus on fundamentals. Given I live in San Francisco, I know plenty of people who decided to pull much of their money out of the stock market at the end of 2016. They were so blinded by their hatred of Donald Trump that they missed out on huge gains.Generally speaking, deregulation and lower taxes are good for business, which is good for business investors. Further, in my mind employment was already on the upswing and interest rates would remain accommodative.
Unless our politicians actually reform laws, there is often a disconnect between how much investors believe our politicians can do and how much they can actually do. Reduce risk if you wish. But don’t get out of risk assets completely.
2) Real estate is an easier investment over stocks. How can this be when stocks just went up ~19%? Having to reinvest my home sale proceeds was exhausting. If I didn’t have weekly reminders to invest, I wouldn’t have because of the uncertainty of what to invest in, the timing of the investment, and the actual act of deploying capital. Every investment I make gives me a little bit of anxiety due to my fear of losing money and looking like a buffoon.
With real estate, despite the leverage, all you’re doing is enjoying your home or collecting rent checks (if you’re lucky). When you’re just living, you aren’t questioning every single investment you make. Therefore, for most people who are too busy to track the market, owning real estate over the long run is an easier path to wealth. Despite my terrible tenants, the $1 million of equity gain from 2012 – 2017 was the easiest investment money I’ve ever made.
If you don’t have enough money to buy real estate, then owning an S&P 500 index fund over the long term is fine too. Just know that the longer you rent, because of inflation, the longer you will regret your decision. Inflation is an unstoppable beast that will eat you alive.
3) Think in percentages over absolute dollars. Because I had never invested more than $500,000 a year in my life, having nearly $1.8M to re-invest was intimidating. But as soon as I started breaking the investment amount into percentages, deploying capital became easier.
Find out what each asset class is as a percentage of your net worth and calculate what each new invest is as a percentage of your investable assets and net worth. This exercise is particularly helpful for frugal people whose wealth has far outstripped their spending habits.
4) Stick to an investment framework no matter what. Once you’ve decided how much you can comfortably invest each month and what type of asset allocation is best for you, execute your plan without fail. It is almost always the case you will be surprised by how much you end up accumulating or how much debt you end up paying down over time.
Wrapping Things Up
Overall, according to the final weekly personal investment performance e-mail I get from Personal Capital, my public investments returned ~15% in 2017. I’m happy with the results because my total capital exposure is significant for how much we spend. Further, my goal after leaving work was to earn a 4% – 6% tailwind a year while I build a lifestyle business.
It’s really hard for me to take on more risk because of my fear of having either one of us go back to work during the crucial first five years of our son’s life. At the same time, I can’t help but want to take full advantage of the bull market while it lasts. The further I can run up the score, the bigger the buffer during the inevitable recession.
Finally, one positive surprise I experienced this year was that once I elongated my investment time horizon to 20+ years due to the birth of my son, I became much more at peace with my risk exposure. Surely by 2037, asset prices will be higher. To invest for someone’s future feels wonderful.
Investors, how did your public investments treat you in 2017? For those of you who have retired or reached financial independence, how have you structured your investments so that you can sleep well at night while also benefitting from the bull market? Graphic by https://ckongsavage.com
The post Investing Lessons From A Surreal 2017 appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/investing-lessons-from-a-surreal-2017/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years
Investing Lessons From A Surreal 2017
At the beginning of the year, I decided to track my investments with a detailed spreadsheet because my cash flow was increasing and I wanted to make sure the money was being properly deployed based on my risk tolerance. If I force myself to think for hours about how to invest my money, hopefully I won’t rashly spend it on completely wasteful things such as a sports car that can’t fit a baby seat or a vacation property I’ll hardly ever use.
On the flip side, ever since the housing crash I’ve had a heightened fear of losing money, especially since I haven’t had a job since 2012. It takes around three years as an entrepreneur to feel confident you won’t starve on the streets, especially if you become a parent during the process. As a result, I tended to hoard cash, which is suboptimal in a bull market.
This post will go over my investment thought process by category for 4Q2017 and conclude with some investing lessons learned about the year. The goal of tracking our investments is to try and take full advantage of a bull market in a risk appropriate way. 
Financial Samurai 4Q2017 Investment Review
In summary, I mobilized a total of $2,263,319 into various investments in 2017. $750,000 of the $2,263,319 was invested in conservative investments (bonds, mortgage pay down, and home improvement) that should return 4% or more gross a year. The remaining $1,510,000 was invested in riskier assets with a target return of between 8% – 18%. My goal is to achieve a 10% total annual return, but will gladly settle for 8%.
The $2,263,319 invested was largely helped by a rental home sale in June 2017, which gave me ~$1,788,000 in proceeds ($2,740,000 sale price). Due to declining rents, expensive valuations, potentially rising mortgage rates, higher property taxes, potentially negative tax policy changes, PITA tenants, better investment opportunities, and less time due to a newborn, I thought it best to sell one of three properties in CA.
Overall, I reduced my risk exposure by $476,681 and increased my cash position by $450,000. Despite the decrease in exposure and increased balance sheet, I still have synthetic full exposure to risk assets due to $1,092,000 of remaining mortgage debt from my primary residence and vacation property rental.
Real Estate
Because I wanted to see if I could find a winter property deal, I held onto a lot of cash. I found two homes that I liked, but the sellers wouldn’t entertain my low ball offers. I wasn’t even sure I’d be happy with the purchase even if they did accept my offer because of all the maintenance and tenant issues I’d have to deal with again. For example, one home had a serious leak in the garage that kind of gave me a little PTSD from all the leaks I experienced at my old rental house.
By Dec 1, I realized I was never going to buy another property in San Francisco again, so I decided to invest another $300,000 in the RealtyShares domestic equity fund after meeting up with the team again for dinner. Since the summer, the fund invested in a flex-industrial deal in Chicago MSA, a multi-family in Phoenix, a strip mall in Orlando MSA, and a multi-family in Canyon Lake, TX.
Although a total of $800,000 in real estate crowdfunding sounds like a lot, I view it as buying a $800,000 portfolio of 12+ different properties across the country at much lower valuations and much higher net rental yields compared to having $2,740,000 in one very expensive rental property in San Francisco that is now at risk of depreciating due to declining rents and new tax legislation that limits mortgage interest deduction and SALT deduction.
The next physical property I will buy will be a primary residence in Oahu. The plan is to move back to Oahu within the next five years before my son starts kindergarten. I really like the idea of buying physical property to personally enjoy, and then renting it out years down the road if you have the funds and the desire to move. If the rental experience goes well, I’ll keep the property. If not, I’ll sell it and follow my BURL real estate investing strategy.
Stocks: Bought The Dips
In October, I started getting excited about the potential passage of a tax plan that would lower taxes for large corporations and businesses like mine with pass-through income.
As a result, I invested more aggressively into stocks because I felt the market would respond favorably if the plan passed. Further, my desire to buy another property kept going down. Corporate earnings are estimated to get a 8% – 10% boost and small business with pass-through income might see an even larger gain.
The timing of this tax plan is fortuitous given I’ve spent 8.5 years building a lifestyle business that has now reached a level where it will benefit from tax changes. Nothing has made me more bullish than business tax reform, which is why I need to keep my emotions in check through this investment review process.
Finally, I superfunded my son’s 529 plan with $70,000 while his mom and grandma contributed $14,000 each. We figured this would be a good method to diversify contributions since once you superfund, you can’t contribute for four years. It’s good 529 plan owners have the flexibility to use the proceeds for grade school education now.
See: How The New Tax Plan Will Ruin Your Life If You’re Not Careful 
Bonds: A Positive Surprise
Bonds performed well in 2017 with the the long-bond index fund TLT up ~10%. My California muni bond positions are up ~3.5% + ~4.5% gross adjusted yield for a total gross gain of about 9%. Not bad given I was just looking for around a 4% gross gain.
Once the 10-year bond yield gets back to its 12-month high of 2.6%, I’ll be looking to buy more bonds again. I see a 3% cap on the 10-year bond yield for 2018.
Related: The Case For Bonds: Living For Free And Other Great Benefits
Mortgage Pay Down
If you add on the $815,000 of mortgage debt I paid off by selling my rental house, I’ll have paid off a total of $921,000 of mortgage debt in 2017. It feels fantastic to have almost a million dollars less in debt, even if the interest rate was low. By consistently paying off random chunks of extra principal throughout the year, it was easy to pay down an additional $106,646 in principal.
I’ve still got about $1,092,000 in mortgage debt to pay down between my vacation property and my primary residence. I certainly don’t need so much cash, but I want to continue legging into risk assets just in case there’s some type of downturn or a change in my lifestyle.
My plan is to pay off my vacation property mortgage by 2023. I probably won’t pay off my primary residence within five years because I need as much cash as possible to buy our future dream residence in Hawaii.
Related: Pay Down Debt Or Invest? Follow The FS-DAIR Framework
Everything Else
I’ve committed $200,000 to my friend’s second venture debt fund. They’ve called $96,219 within one year. I expect them to call the remaining $103,781 by the end of 2018. The fund’s objective is to earn a 15% – 20% IRR. Based on the performance of his first fund, a more likely return of 10% – 13% should be expected.
It felt great not having to do any home improvement projects since 1Q because we now have a baby who requires precious sleep. Any disruption of sleep would have been infuriating for all of us since my wife and I were like zombies for the first three months.
Finally, out of the $611,000 in stock investments, $50,000 of that was in highly speculative investments that have surprisingly done well.
Related: How To Make Speculative Investments Without Losing Your Shirt
Main Lessons Learned From Investing in 2017
My biggest mistake was not being more aggressive investing in the stock market at the beginning of the year. I didn’t have as much liquid cash because I hadn’t sold my rental house yet, but it was the Trump presidency and high valuations that gave me hesitation. I wasn’t too hopeful about tax reform either.
My best move was selling a rental house for 30X gross annual rent before the SALT deduction got limited to only $10,000 and redeploying the capital in properties around the country trading at just 10-14X gross annual rent. Life feels so much better not having to deal with housing issues anymore. It’s also nice to worry less about natural disasters.
Here are several lessons from 2017 that may help you become a better investor.
1) Try to look beyond the politics and focus on fundamentals. Given I live in San Francisco, I know plenty of people who decided to pull much of their money out of the stock market at the end of 2016. They were so blinded by their hatred of Donald Trump that they missed out on huge gains.Generally speaking, deregulation and lower taxes are good for business, which is good for business investors. Further, in my mind employment was already on the upswing and interest rates would remain accommodative.
Unless our politicians actually reform laws, there is often a disconnect between how much investors believe our politicians can do and how much they can actually do. Reduce risk if you wish. But don’t get out of risk assets completely.
2) Real estate is an easier investment over stocks. How can this be when stocks just went up ~19%? Having to reinvest my home sale proceeds was exhausting. If I didn’t have weekly reminders to invest, I wouldn’t have because of the uncertainty of what to invest in, the timing of the investment, and the actual act of deploying capital. Every investment I make gives me a little bit of anxiety due to my fear of losing money and looking like a buffoon.
With real estate, despite the leverage, all you’re doing is enjoying your home or collecting rent checks (if you’re lucky). When you’re just living, you aren’t questioning every single investment you make. Therefore, for most people who are too busy to track the market, owning real estate over the long run is an easier path to wealth. Despite my terrible tenants, the $1 million of equity gain from 2012 – 2017 was the easiest investment money I’ve ever made.
If you don’t have enough money to buy real estate, then owning an S&P 500 index fund over the long term is fine too. Just know that the longer you rent, because of inflation, the longer you will regret your decision. Inflation is an unstoppable beast that will eat you alive.
3) Think in percentages over absolute dollars. Because I had never invested more than $500,000 a year in my life, having nearly $1.8M to re-invest was intimidating. But as soon as I started breaking the investment amount into percentages, deploying capital became easier.
Find out what each asset class is as a percentage of your net worth and calculate what each new invest is as a percentage of your investable assets and net worth. This exercise is particularly helpful for frugal people whose wealth has far outstripped their spending habits.
4) Stick to an investment framework no matter what. Once you’ve decided how much you can comfortably invest each month and what type of asset allocation is best for you, execute your plan without fail. It is almost always the case you will be surprised by how much you end up accumulating or how much debt you end up paying down over time.
Wrapping Things Up
Overall, according to the final weekly personal investment performance e-mail I get from Personal Capital, my public investments returned ~15% in 2017. I’m happy with the results because my total capital exposure is significant for how much we spend. Further, my goal after leaving work was to earn a 4% – 6% tailwind a year while I build a lifestyle business.
It’s really hard for me to take on more risk because of my fear of having either one of us go back to work during the crucial first five years of our son’s life. At the same time, I can’t help but want to take full advantage of the bull market while it lasts. The further I can run up the score, the bigger the buffer during the inevitable recession.
Finally, one positive surprise I experienced this year was that once I elongated my investment time horizon to 20+ years due to the birth of my son, I became much more at peace with my risk exposure. Surely by 2037, asset prices will be higher. To invest for someone’s future feels wonderful.
Investors, how did your public investments treat you in 2017? For those of you who have retired or reached financial independence, how have you structured your investments so that you can sleep well at night while also benefitting from the bull market? Graphic by https://ckongsavage.com
The post Investing Lessons From A Surreal 2017 appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/investing-lessons-from-a-surreal-2017/
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
test drive unlimited xbox 360
test drive unlimited xbox 360
Test Drive Unlimited cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Test Drive Unlimited.
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Genre: Racing, Sports Car Auto Racing
Developer: Eden Studios
Publisher: Atari
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: June 20, 2006
Get To The Secret Island
To get to the secret island. first go to the road that leads to the house Makapu’s Meditation but instead of turning on to that mountain road. Drive up a little further for about 2 seconds. Then turn left, drive on the mountain to the top then turn right and drive on top of the mountain a little ways (make sure you are not driving on the mountain that the Makapu’s Meditation house is on, but the one that go’s inland toward the middle of the island) then go to the top of where you are driving and you should see an island far off in the distance. Keep driving on top of the mountain until you notice a bright white icon at the end of where you are driving. If you go up close to it, it should turn out to be an “e” with things circling around it. Back up a little and drive into the “e” at around 30 mph. You should suddenly find yourself on the island where another “e” symbol is. Now you can just ride around the island and be an “elite”. It also has some pretty good sites to see.
Quick Cash
To get quick cash find a short race that pays a large prize amount. Place first on the first screen after the race is over press the (A)button to claim prize money. Then on the second screen press the (Y) button to retry the race you can do this over and over again until you have all the money you need.
All Cars Avalible
Push start then press B, X, Y, RT, LT, X, A then push resume play and all cars will be unlocked.
Tuner (10)
In the Tuning Shop, buy a performance pack for your car
Explorer (40)
Explore every road on Oahu
Easygoing Tourist (10)
Drive 30 miles
Steadfast Tourist (25)
Drive 200 miles
Traveller (30)
Drive 400 miles
Seasoned Traveler (35)
Drive 1000 miles
Eagle-eyed Driver (40)
Drive 5,000 miles
Owner (20)
Have 2 houses
Real-estate Tycoon (30)
Have 15 houses
Small Collector (15)
Have 2 different cars
Amateur Collector (20)
Have 4 different cars
Confirmed Collector (25)
Have 10 different cars
Most Varied Collector (30)
Have 20 different cars
Extreme Collector (30)
Have 50 different cars
Single Player Vic. – Level 1 (20)
Win the Gold cup in 5 Single Player challenges.
Single Player Vic. – Level 2 (20)
Win the Gold cup in 10 Single Player challenges.
Single Player Vic. – Level 3 (20)
Win the Gold cup in 20 Single Player challenges.
Single Player Vic. – Level 4 (30)
Win the Gold cup in 40 Single Player challenges.
Single Player Vic. – Level 5 (40)
Win the Gold cup in 60 Single Player challenges.
Single Player Vic. – Level 6 (60)
Win the Gold cup in all the Single Player challenges.
Single Player Time Challenges (15)
Win the Gold cup in all the Single Player Time challenges.
Single Player Race Challenges (20)
Win the Gold cup in ALL the Single Player Races challenges.
Single Player Speed Challenges (10)
Win the Gold cup in ALL the Single Player Speed challenges.
Island Tour (10)
Win the Gold cup in the Island Tour challenge.
Multiplayer Vic. Level 1 (10)
Win 3 multiplayer Ranked Races.
Multiplayer Vic. Level 2 (20)
Win 15 multiplayer Ranked Races.
Multiplayer Vic. Level 3 (35)
Win 30 multiplayer Ranked Races.
Multiplayer Vic. Level 4 (60)
Complete all the missions: Top-Model, Hitchhiker, Vehicle Transport or Courier
Instant Challenge Victories (10)
Win 5 matches in Instant Challenge
Sharing Custom Challenges (10)
In the Drive In, share 3 custom challenges
Custom Challenge Victories (10)
Win 2 matches in the custom challenge Drive In
Club Member (10)
Be a member in a Club
Club Race Victories (10)
Win 3 matches in Inter-Club Races
Trade (10)
Buy or sell a car to a member in Trade
Ferrari Collector (20)
Have 3 different Ferraris
Lamborghini Collector (20)
Have 3 different Lamborghini
Mercedes-benz Collector (15)
Have 3 different Mercedes-Benz
Chevrolet Collector (10)
Have 3 different Chevrolet
Aston Martin Collector (15)
Have 3 different Aston Martin
Ford Collector (10)
Have 3 different Ford
Bike Collector (10)
Have 3 different bikes
Ben Sherman Collector (10)
Have 10 different Ben Sherman Gear
Ecko Unltd. Collector (10)
Have 10 different *ecko unltd. Gear
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Test Drive Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Test Drive Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Test Drive Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Test Drive Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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indianadmin · 1 year
Compared to simply trading it in at a dealer, selling your used automobile online can frequently result in a higher sale price. To successfully sell your car online, though, would require a lot more labour.
Being transparent, reasonable, and truthful about your automobile—and the price you anticipate getting—are all essential components of a successful online car sale. You can choose we buy cars for cash Oahu for the convenient services.
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autozillahawaii · 3 months
Find Your Dream Car in Honolulu: A Guide to Cars for Sale
Honolulu, the vibrant capital of Hawaii, is not only a paradise for beach lovers but also a thriving market for those seeking their next set of wheels. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor exploring the island's stunning landscapes, finding the perfect car for sale in Honolulu can be an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities.
One of the most appealing aspects of buying a cars for sale Honolulu is the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate island lifestyle. From sleek convertibles perfect for cruising along the scenic coastal roads to rugged SUVs designed for off-road adventures, Honolulu's diverse selection of vehicles caters to every taste and preference.
For those seeking a reliable and practical daily driver, Honolulu's dealerships and private sellers offer a vast array of sedans, hatchbacks, and compact SUVs from renowned manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. These vehicles not only provide efficient transportation but also offer the perfect balance of comfort, fuel efficiency, and affordability, making them ideal choices for navigating the city streets or embarking on weekend getaways.
If you're a thrill-seeker or simply appreciate the finer things in life, Honolulu's car market will not disappoint. From high-performance sports cars to luxurious sedans and SUVs, you'll find a diverse array of premium models from prestigious brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Lexus. These vehicles offer the ultimate driving experience, combining power, style, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that every journey is a memorable one.
For those with an adventurous spirit, Honolulu's selection of trucks and off-road-capable SUVs is truly impressive. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast, a surfer seeking to explore hidden beaches, or simply someone who appreciates the rugged versatility of these vehicles, you'll find a vast array of options to suit your active lifestyle.
One of the key advantages of buying a car in Honolulu is the potential for finding well-maintained and low-mileage vehicles. Thanks to the mild tropical climate and the island's relatively small size, cars in Honolulu often boast excellent condition and longevity, making them a valuable investment for both locals and visitors alike.
When searching for your dream car in Honolulu, it's essential to explore various channels to maximize your chances of success. Online classifieds and dedicated car-selling websites are excellent platforms to browse through a wide selection of vehicles and narrow down your search based on your specific criteria. Additionally, local dealerships and private sellers can provide personalized assistance and valuable insights into the cars they have available.
Throughout the car-buying process, it's crucial to prioritize safety and security. When meeting with potential sellers, choose public locations and consider bringing a knowledgeable friend or family member along for added peace of mind. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle, request maintenance records, and consider obtaining a professional inspection to ensure you're making an informed decision.
Honolulu's vibrant car market offers something for everyone, from practical daily drivers to high-end luxury vehicles and off-road adventurers. By taking the time to research your options, setting a budget, and remaining patient, you're sure to find the perfect car that not only meets your transportation needs but also complements your island lifestyle in Honolulu. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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autozillahawaii · 3 months
Discover Quality Used Cars in Honolulu: A Buyer's Guide
Honolulu, the vibrant heart of Hawaii, is not only a paradise for beach lovers but also a thriving market for those seeking quality used cars. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor exploring the island's stunning landscapes, finding a reliable pre-owned vehicle in Honolulu can be a rewarding and cost-effective endeavor.
One of the key advantages of buying a used car in Honolulu is the potential for finding well-maintained and low-mileage vehicles. Thanks to the mild tropical climate and the island's relatively small size, cars in Honolulu often boast excellent condition and longevity, making them a valuable investment for both locals and visitors alike.
For those seeking a practical and fuel-efficient ride, Honolulu's used cars Honolulu market offers a vast selection of sedans, hatchbacks, and compact SUVs from renowned manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. These vehicles not only provide reliable transportation but also offer a perfect balance of comfort, fuel economy, and affordability, making them ideal choices for navigating the city streets or embarking on weekend getaways.
If you're a thrill-seeker or simply appreciate the finer things in life, Honolulu's pre-owned market also caters to luxury car enthusiasts. From sleek and sophisticated sedans to powerful sports cars, you'll find a diverse array of high-end models from prestigious brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Lexus. These vehicles offer the ultimate driving experience, combining power, style, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that every journey is a memorable one.
For those with an adventurous spirit, Honolulu's selection of pre-owned trucks and off-road-capable SUVs is truly impressive. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast, a surfer seeking to explore hidden beaches, or simply someone who appreciates the rugged versatility of these vehicles, you'll find a vast array of options to suit your active lifestyle.
When searching for quality used cars Honolulu, it's essential to explore various channels to maximize your chances of success. Reputable dealerships and certified pre-owned programs offer a wide selection of meticulously inspected and reconditioned vehicles, often backed by comprehensive warranties and service plans. These options provide added peace of mind and protection for your investment.
Additionally, online classifieds and dedicated car-selling websites can be valuable resources for finding quality used cars from private sellers. These platforms often allow you to filter your search based on specific criteria, such as make, model, mileage, and price range, making it easier to find the perfect vehicle that meets your needs and budget.
Throughout the car-buying process, it's crucial to prioritize safety and security. When meeting with potential sellers, choose public locations and consider bringing a knowledgeable friend or family member along for added peace of mind. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle, request maintenance records, and consider obtaining a professional inspection to ensure you're making an informed decision.
Honolulu's vibrant used car market offers a wide range of quality options, from practical daily drivers to high-end luxury vehicles and off-road adventurers. By taking the time to research your options, setting a realistic budget, and remaining patient, you're sure to find the perfect quality used car that not only meets your transportation needs but also complements your island lifestyle in Honolulu.  https://www.autozillahawaii.com/
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autozillahawaii · 2 months
Cash for Clunkers: Turning Your Old Ride into Quick Money in Hawaii
Hawaii's unique island environment presents both challenges and opportunities when it comes to selling cars for cash. Whether you're looking to upgrade your vehicle, clear out space in your garage, or simply need quick cash, understanding the "cars for cash" market in Hawaii can help you navigate this process effectively.
One of the most popular options for selling cars for cash Hawaii is through local junk car buyers. Companies like We Buy Junk Cars Hawaii and Oahu Cash for Cars specialize in purchasing vehicles in any condition. These businesses often offer free towing services, making it convenient for sellers who have non-operational vehicles. They typically provide on-the-spot cash payments, which can be particularly appealing for those needing immediate funds.
Another avenue for selling cars for cash is through online platforms. Websites like Craigslist Hawaii and Facebook Marketplace allow individuals to list their vehicles for sale. While these platforms can potentially reach a wider audience, they require more effort from the seller in terms of creating listings, responding to inquiries, and arranging meetings with potential buyers. However, they often result in higher payouts compared to junk car services, especially for vehicles in better condition.
Local dealerships across the Hawaiian islands also offer cash for cars programs. Establishments like Cutter Auto and Tony Group frequently purchase used vehicles outright, even if the seller isn't buying a new car from them. These dealerships can be a good option for relatively newer or well-maintained vehicles, as they often offer competitive prices to stock their used car inventories.
For those with luxury or specialty vehicles, consignment services like Auto Consignment Hawaii provide an alternative. These businesses handle the sale process on behalf of the owner, typically for a percentage of the sale price. While this method may take longer than an immediate cash sale, it can potentially yield higher returns for high-value vehicles.
Hawaii's unique geography also influences the cars sales Oahu cash market. The cost of shipping vehicles between islands or to the mainland can be prohibitive, which often leads to a surplus of used cars on each island. This situation can work in favor of sellers, as there's a constant demand for affordable used vehicles, particularly on more populous islands like Oahu.
Environmental considerations play a role in Hawaii's car market as well. The state's push towards sustainability has led to increased interest in recycling and properly disposing of old vehicles. Some cash for cars services in Hawaii emphasize their environmentally friendly practices, which can be appealing to eco-conscious sellers.
When selling a car for cash in Hawaii, it's important to have all necessary documentation ready. This typically includes the vehicle's title, registration, and safety inspection certificate. Having these documents in order can expedite the sale process and potentially lead to better offers.
Timing can also impact the amount of cash you can get for your car in Hawaii. Tourist seasons and military rotation periods can influence demand for used vehicles. Additionally, end-of-month or end-of-quarter periods might see some buyers more eager to meet quotas, potentially leading to better offers.
For those considering selling a car for cash in Hawaii, it's advisable to shop around and get multiple offers. Prices can vary significantly between different buyers, and taking the time to compare offers can result in a better payout. Some sellers find success in using online quote tools to get initial estimates before pursuing in-person appraisals.
It's worth noting that Hawaii's isolated location means that the local market largely determines car values. Kelley Blue Book values and other mainland pricing guides may not always accurately reflect the local market conditions in Hawaii.
Ultimately, selling a car for cash in Hawaii offers multiple options to suit different needs and vehicle conditions. Whether you choose a junk car service for a quick and easy transaction, list your car online for a potentially higher payout, or opt for a dealership trade-in, understanding your options can help you maximize the value of your vehicle in the Aloha State. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/
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autozillahawaii · 9 months
Streamlining Transactions: Sell My Car Online for Cash Offers a Hassle-Free Solution
In the age of digital convenience, the process of selling a car has undergone a significant transformation, with sell my car now in Oahu  emerging as a game-changing solution. This innovative approach not only simplifies the selling experience but also provides sellers with the added benefit of receiving quick and hassle-free cash offers for their vehicles.
The traditional method of selling a car often involves a series of time-consuming steps, from advertising and negotiating to completing paperwork. Recognizing the need for a more efficient alternative, sell my car Hawaii platforms have risen to prominence, offering a streamlined solution that aligns with the pace of the digital era.
One of the key advantages of selling a car online for cash is the speed of the process. Sellers can initiate the transaction from the comfort of their homes by visiting the platform's website. The process typically begins with providing essential details about the vehicle, including make, model, year, condition, and mileage. Leveraging advanced algorithms, these platforms swiftly generate cash offers based on the submitted information, eliminating the need for prolonged negotiations.
The online platforms ensure a user-friendly experience, guiding sellers through the entire process with clear instructions and intuitive interfaces. This approach not only saves time but also simplifies the often complex and daunting task of selling a car. Sellers can navigate the platform at their own pace, submitting information and accepting offers with just a few clicks.
Transparency is a hallmark of reputable "Sell My Car Online for Cash" platforms. Sellers receive detailed breakdowns of the cash offer, understanding exactly how the valuation was calculated. This transparency builds trust between the seller and the platform, ensuring that the seller is well-informed and confident in their decision to accept the cash offer.
Once the seller accepts the offer, the online platform takes care of the logistics, scheduling a convenient time for a vehicle inspection and finalizing the sale. This eliminates the need for sellers to navigate the intricacies of coordinating meetings and inspections, further streamlining the process.
The efficiency of online transactions for cash extends beyond the convenience for sellers. Buyers are also drawn to this model due to its simplicity and speed. The straightforward process appeals to those looking for a quick and direct way to purchase a used vehicle, creating a win-win situation for both sellers and buyers.
Environmental responsibility is another aspect where selling a used car Hawaii platforms excel. These platforms often collaborate with environmentally conscious disposal and recycling services, ensuring that vehicles are handled in an eco-friendly manner. Sellers can take pride in contributing to sustainable practices while also benefiting from the cash offers provided by the platform.
The rise of "Sell My Car Online for Cash" platforms has transformed the vehicle selling experience. Offering a streamlined, transparent, and efficient process, these platforms cater to the needs of sellers in the digital age. Sellers can part ways with their vehicles swiftly, receiving cash offers without the headaches associated with traditional selling methods. As the automotive industry embraces the digital revolution, online platforms for cash transactions continue to redefine and simplify the way we sell and buy cars. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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indianadmin · 3 years
While the automakers are dispatching new vehicles, the worldwide pandemic has made numerous clients shift to the trade-in vehicle market.
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indianadmin · 3 years
You can receive cash for selling your used car and you can use the cash to get the new one. The best thing about the company is that they ensure to take your car under any conditions. Most of the company claims that we buy cars trucks and suvs and ensure to provide one of the best services.
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indianadmin · 3 years
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Best Way To Sell Your Cars in USA
One of the best ways to sell your cars is by preferring our company. Professional services guarantee an extraordinary vehicle purchasing administration that doesn't trust in messing around or bamboozling you out of your well-deserved cash.
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