#Places that buy cars on Oahu
indianadmin · 1 year
What are the viable ways of selling a vehicle rapidly on the web?
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autozillahawaii · 3 months
Find Your Dream Car in Honolulu: A Guide to Cars for Sale
Honolulu, the vibrant capital of Hawaii, is not only a paradise for beach lovers but also a thriving market for those seeking their next set of wheels. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor exploring the island's stunning landscapes, finding the perfect car for sale in Honolulu can be an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities.
One of the most appealing aspects of buying a cars for sale Honolulu is the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate island lifestyle. From sleek convertibles perfect for cruising along the scenic coastal roads to rugged SUVs designed for off-road adventures, Honolulu's diverse selection of vehicles caters to every taste and preference.
For those seeking a reliable and practical daily driver, Honolulu's dealerships and private sellers offer a vast array of sedans, hatchbacks, and compact SUVs from renowned manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. These vehicles not only provide efficient transportation but also offer the perfect balance of comfort, fuel efficiency, and affordability, making them ideal choices for navigating the city streets or embarking on weekend getaways.
If you're a thrill-seeker or simply appreciate the finer things in life, Honolulu's car market will not disappoint. From high-performance sports cars to luxurious sedans and SUVs, you'll find a diverse array of premium models from prestigious brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Lexus. These vehicles offer the ultimate driving experience, combining power, style, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that every journey is a memorable one.
For those with an adventurous spirit, Honolulu's selection of trucks and off-road-capable SUVs is truly impressive. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast, a surfer seeking to explore hidden beaches, or simply someone who appreciates the rugged versatility of these vehicles, you'll find a vast array of options to suit your active lifestyle.
One of the key advantages of buying a car in Honolulu is the potential for finding well-maintained and low-mileage vehicles. Thanks to the mild tropical climate and the island's relatively small size, cars in Honolulu often boast excellent condition and longevity, making them a valuable investment for both locals and visitors alike.
When searching for your dream car in Honolulu, it's essential to explore various channels to maximize your chances of success. Online classifieds and dedicated car-selling websites are excellent platforms to browse through a wide selection of vehicles and narrow down your search based on your specific criteria. Additionally, local dealerships and private sellers can provide personalized assistance and valuable insights into the cars they have available.
Throughout the car-buying process, it's crucial to prioritize safety and security. When meeting with potential sellers, choose public locations and consider bringing a knowledgeable friend or family member along for added peace of mind. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle, request maintenance records, and consider obtaining a professional inspection to ensure you're making an informed decision.
Honolulu's vibrant car market offers something for everyone, from practical daily drivers to high-end luxury vehicles and off-road adventurers. By taking the time to research your options, setting a budget, and remaining patient, you're sure to find the perfect car that not only meets your transportation needs but also complements your island lifestyle in Honolulu. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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mcdonaldnuggies · 9 months
A Horrifying Beggining
Part 2 Part 3
My mother had always dreamed of owning a house, big or small; any house would do for her. Unfortunately, she never got to live out that scenario she so desperately replayed in her head, considering how many household members live in our apartment. With two parents, five children, and one dog—which is a large number of mouths to feed—my parents struggled to pay our rent. Let alone buying and renovating a house, which would cost us millions of dollars due to the place we live? Not only that, but me and my siblings are too young to get a job—my older half-brother doesn’t even care a penny for us anyway—so the only solution my mother could depend on was splitting our family.
My mother would take my younger sister and my youngest brother. While my father would take me, our dog, my youngest sister, and my younger brother. While the number of people in each household seems unfair, my parents would be sending money back and forth, and I would be the one caring for house chores and household members.
We drove in my father's tiny little car, which had five seats in total. My father was driving, my younger siblings were in the back, and I was in the passenger seat with my dog, looking out the window from my lap. As I watched my puppy's reaction to the first time being in snow, I began to think about how our living circumstances would be compared to before the move. Our plane tickets to Colorodo were definitely not cheap, and our 2-hour car ride doesn’t seem to be either.
I glance over at the little rats behind me, scanning their reactions to the snow. My little sister is passed out, her neck arched forward and everything, while my little brother is looking out the window in awe, occasionally muttering out a few words under his breath. To be honest, I’m also pretty amazed by even the sight of snow. I’ve never seen real snow other than pictures or ads, and the closest I've been to snow is ice packs. But even so, amazing or not, the cold I'm feeling is too much to bear compared to Hawaii’s sunny, tropical weather! To be more specific, in Oahu’s sunny, tropical weather, I try to radiate more heat onto my puppy, as it’s getting more chilly and he’s beginning to shiver. I wait for him to climb off the window ledge to roll up my window. I let him jump down into the back, cuddling with my little sister.
As I watch their short interaction, I glance back to the front, reading the sign ahead of us. The sign read,  ‘South Park’. Well, there go my fake little fantasies of the small possibilities of moving to the same place as an old friend. I don’t know where he lives or where South Park is, but I'm pretty sure this ain’t it.
As we drive by, I observe the houses we pass. All the houses we pass are practically copied and pasted in different colors and decorated slightly differently than the other houses. Gosh, who wasn’t creative on their copy of homework? I watched as the small, similar houses soon met shops and buildings. I think I see a mall, a few restaurants, and I think that’s a coffee shop. I take in my surroundings, trying to familiarize myself with the place to slow my nerves down. We pass by what seems to be a high school and an elementary school; we even pass by... wait, IS THAT A MANSION!?
I rub my eyes and take slow, long blinks to make sure I really am in reality. How can I be sure I’m not being fooled and what’s being shown in front of me isn’t the White House but with more money spent into it!? How much are the bills in this place? Can we even afford to live here? Please, God, don’t tell me we’ll live anywhere near that mansion. Not only would I look derpy compared to a goddamn mansion, but we would be kicked out before my father could even pay our bills!
I must have been zoning out from the shock I encountered because I flinched backwards from the sudden background change. Compared to those decently nice houses, this part of the town reminds me more of where I live. But more on the ghetto side than where I lived. Well, I’m sure we’ll at least be able to live here way longer than we could have near that mansion. I force myself back into reality as my father backs up in the driveway of what I guess is our new house. The house doesn’t look that different from the other houses I saw recently; it’s just a bit more worn out and moldy from the outside—and probably inside too.
Once my father parks the car in front of the house, I open and close my car door and walk over to the backside. I slightly crack the car door—to prevent a certain dog from running out—and ‘gently’ shake my little sister awake.
Soon after, we carry our belongings into the household. We set the bins of clothes and other bins onto the floor of the living room, making them all slowly stack up. Because the house is fenced all around, my dog is free to roam around and explore to his heart's desire while being safe and within our reach. Not too long, however, in this snow and compared to where we lived, he could freeze out here in any second! No matter the body fat he has gained!
While my dad and siblings are in the house trying to decide rooms and where to place everything, I walk outside to bring our fat puppy inside. As I'm walking towards the back of the house, I notice a little girl (maybe around my little brother's age?) kneeling down in the snow, sticking an arm out to our dog. She has light brown hair, tied into two short pigtails and held up in dark purple-pink bows. She wore a green jacket, black leggings, and black shoes on both feet. I can’t see her face that well from where I'm standing, but it looks like some dirt is scattered across her face, unlike her surprisingly clean clothing. I’m guessing she’s my neighbor from next door, judging from her appearance at least.
I took a few steps closer, watching the interaction between the little girl and my puppy. I kneeled down before getting too close to them and sat down on the snow. Shivering, I think about how to approach and interrupt the small girl because I don’t think I can handle staying out here for any longer.
I look at the girl’s face, take note of her wide smile, and listen to the small giggles she makes. I looked over at her eyes and also noted that she also had light brown eyes. Not as light as her hair, but not as dark as brown. Suddenly, my breath stopped. Probably from the cold once again. I should really hurry up and get inside.
Without thinking of what to say, my mouth blurts out the first thing I can think of: "Um, hi. The little girl flinches at the sudden realization of my presence. Suddenly, I feel embarrassed and don’t know what to say; the introduction I was preparing myself for is stuck in my throat. "I’m [name]." I force myself out, feeling stupid for worrying so much about a 7-10 year-old's opinion of me. I realize how awkward and straightforward I might’ve sounded and flash her a (hopefully not awkward) smile.
"My name’s Karen.” I heard the girl, Karen, shyly murmur out. She began fidgeting with her fingers, and my puppy ran over to me. She watched as I pulled my piggy-puppy into my arms and lifted him up, her entire focus on my dog. I rub my black jacket sleeves along my puppy’s fur in an attempt to warm him a bit. I walked over to Karen, her face showing she was taken aback by this gesture.
"Do you want to pet him?"
Karen looked up at me, her eyes sparkling and filled with life. I could practically feel her excitement and warmth radiating off of me. "Yes please!" She exclaimed, coming closer to our fence than she had before. I walk closer to the fence and slightly reach my puppy over the fence, him squirming in joy to be petted by the new stranger. Karen quickly reached the same arm out and petted my dog in delight. She had a big, soft smile plastered over her face. Seeing this, I couldn’t help but transform my forced smile into a genuinely happy smile. Karen seemed like a sweet kid after all; one day I might just kidnap her and make her my cute little sister.
"What’s his name? Karen asked me, still petting my puppy but giving me a toothy grin.
Karen gave me a questioning look, most likely wondering how ‘Oxford’ is relevant to anything about my dog. "Oxford is a shade of blue," I explained. "His eyes were blue but turned out to be hazel. My explanation must have made more sense to Karen because soon after, she let out an ‘Oh’ and began to scratch behind Oxford’s ear.
"Do you like dogs, Karen? I asked purely out of curiosity.
"Yeah, they’re really cute, and soft, and silly, and playful, and—, I listened to Karen’s rambling on why she loves dogs, almost completely forgetting about an upcoming cold that could happen to either of us. But before that, I waited for Karen to finish her rambling. I didn’t want to make her feel bad about the accident!
"Karen, me, and Oxford have to go now. We can come play with you tomorrow! I suggested it to Karen. Karen silently nodded, and her smile softened yet again.
"Bye bye then, [Name] and Oxford! See you tomorrow!", Karen waved.
I smiled at Karen and bid farewell, and I and Oxford walked back inside. As soon as we went through the door, I put Oxford down and went to grab a wipe to clean Oxford’s paws. I peek into a bin, pull out a pack of wipes, and begin to clean him down.
The rest of the day I spent cleaning the house and unpacking all of our belongings. So far, there was only one room that wasn’t assorted as the rest of the house, and that would be my room. Well, it doesn’t matter that much; I’ll just spend all of tomorrow cleaning my room. Plus, it’s not like I can do much tomorrow. I’ll be stuck at home since school doesn’t start until next week.
To get ahead of cleaning for tomorrow, I fold a few of my shirts and stack them on my dresser. I continue this until all of my shirts are on my dresser, saving the rest of the unfolded, messy clothes for tomorrow.
My phone suddenly goes off. I walk over to my drawer and turn my alarm off—a timer I set to let me when the food on the stove is done—then shove my phone into my front, right pocket. I walk out my bedroom and make my way into the front of the house, into the kitchen. I open the small pot that’s sat on the stove top and use the spatula placed beside the pot to stir the Kalua pig and cabbage. The  food looks good enough for something I merely googled for a recipe. What i’m mainly worried about is the after taste. 
I scoop a portion of the Kalua pig into three plates and scoop some rice to go along with it. I balance the three plates over to our tiny bit sized dining room table, setting the plates down—in front of three chairs. I bring out a pitcher of water and cup from the fridge and set it down onto the table.
“Dinner!” I call out, walking back to the Kitchen—digging out some raw meat and kibble. I cut and poured the raw meat and kibble into Oxford’s bowl and placed it down; besides his water bowl.
Washing the last plate, I set it down in the dishwasher and pressed ‘start’. I then made my way to my room to prepare for tomorrow.
When I got to my bed, I felt my eye-lids slowly close. I melt into my covers and pull my blanket over my head. Drifting asleep, I finally feel at peace.
As soon as I almost completely go unconscious, Oxford suddenly jumps on my stomach, leaving me there to lay down struggling to breath. When Oxford finally moves off my stomach—still not of me completely—I turned my head to my window, not fully processing everything due to still being half-asleep.
“Oxford, what-“, the words I had intended to voice out to my dog is suddenly stuck in my throat.
Standing outside my window; I see a medium-sized figure wearing what seems to be an orange jacket… or, parka? I’ve never been good at identifying clothes. Wait, no! That’s beside the point!
I instantly sit up and crawl on my knees over to my window. The boy outside my window waves at me causing me to flinch over so slightly. I merely stare at him form my bed, on my knees trying to process the situation I found myself in.
People looking at me from my window is nothing new, it’s happened to me even back at Oahu. But usually the people didn’t climb to the SECOND floor just to watch someone!
The boy points towards the window slider, gesturing me to open the window for him. Deeming him defenseless, I slowly slide the window open, scooting aside the window while a hand, my left hand, stays on Oxford’s back.
The boy leaps into my room, rolling on the ground of my floor, Oxford instantly goes hay-wire and jumps onto the poor boy, biting into his arm. I jump off my bed and pull Oxford into my arms, trapping him. Oxford must have wriggled out my grip and was now on the boy’s stomach, biting his right arm.
I reached for Oxford but I was too late. When I looked at the orange figure, my eyes bulged and I stood there frozen, horrified.
Oxford jumped out my arms and onto the—now dead—orange figure. My scream stuck in my throat, eyes trapped on his messed up, bloody face. God, I think i’m gonna be sick…
Finally coming back to reality, I dash to my phone on my drawer and dial 911. “Hello, what’s your emergency?”
“THERE’S SOMEONE DEAD IN MY ROOM” I uncontrollably shout, slightly shaking and holding in shaky breaths.
“Woah, woah, calm down will ya?” I hear the lady on the other line call, a slight sound of annoyance in her tone of voice.
Is this lady serious? How can she be so annoyed in this situation i’m in!? Suddenly I see a slight shift from the orange body, obviously still in a horrible condition. “Oh my god..” I mutter under my breath, my voice cracking and my throat stuffy. I feel this big lump in my throat, my eyes feel heavy and i’m slightly shaking. This is seriously not how bad I imagined this first day of my move to be, this is on WAY more extreme measures than I could have ever possibly thought..
“Alright, what do you need?” The lady on the other side sighed out, tiredly scoffing.
“An ambulance!”, I try my best to lower my voice for my father and siblings sleeping but this woman is being a real dick right now, I can’t help it.
I lean over to my bin of shirts and grab the first shirt on the top, a white Stitch and Angel shirt. Well fuck, desperate times come desperate measures I guess. I take the shirt into my fist and unzip the boys jacket. His chances of surviving at this rate may be 99% but hey, we still have that 1% worth fighting for! I internally pray to God that he has a shirt underneath and sadly my prayers weren’t answered. I mean, come on! He lives in a snowy hell-hole, are people from South Park indestructible when it comes to the chilly climate?
Gently sliding the jacket away from the boy, I take the conveniently placed water bottle near the ground of my bed and pour it on my favorite Stitch and Angel shirt. Squeezing the remaining water in the shirt onto my lap, I lightly dab the shirt onto the boy’s face. Flinching when he lets out a tired wince. Gosh, now that I think about it, isn’t this his fault anyways?
I look down at my hand clenching my shirt, noticing my knuckles are now white and shaking violently. Please, please, PLEASE don’t die in my house. Let alone my room, this is going to traumatize me enough! I set Oxford on the floor and push him out the room, closing the door behind him. I kneel down before the tangerine and gently dab the shirt on his face. Fuck, I don’t even know what i’m doing or what i’m supposed to be doing!
“Mm, alright, what’s your address?”
I look at my phone—that I put on speaker, across the room—my breath quickening. I didn’t know the address. I look at the tangerine laid before me but with the condition his face is in, I don’t think he can tell me. “I-I don’t know!”
“For fucksake, i’m sending an ambulance to you.” I hear the lady scoff, whispering something to someone near away from the phone call. Before I know it, she hangs up on me. Just great, am I right?
I regain my attention and pull it all towards the soon-to-be-smoothie in-front of me, soaking up any blood left on his face. The only thing I have is hope, hope that this stranger won’t die so that I can be seen as a hero and to make my life easier knowing that throughout all this trauma, I at least saved a person’s life.
“I am so, so, so sorry..” I whisper to the body of flesh apologetically. My vision blurring from the tears forming in my eyes. I don’t even know if this sack of blood and flesh is alive anymore, I don’t even know if i’m doing anything useful anymore. Looking back down to the body, my head begins spinning and I feel like I have to barf. With how much blood I cleaned, I can see the wound clearly now. And boy, it is not pretty. Where is the ambulance when you need it?
Eventually, I hear sirens, the sound coming closer and closer to the house. Past my door, I hear Oxford barking like crazy and my father’s footsteps running through the hall to the front door. God, how do I even explain this? Hearing multiple feet step into the doorway—which I am assuming is the people from in the car—I slowly stand up and head towards my phone. With just the reflection of my face from the black screen on my phone, I can see my red eyes and slowly red-turning nose and my tired-scared expression. As if i’m in a haze, everything goes black and I, temporarily, became blinded then my vision returning to me. My eyesight, still blurry from the tears crawling and scratching it’s way out my eyes.
Looking down at my phone screen—which is now for some reason lit—I stare at it in confusion. There are various pictures of the body in my photos, varying from various angles. How did this get in my phone? Gosh, am I becoming like those phone addicts who start taking millions of photos and videos without even acknowledging it?
I shove my phone into my front right pocket and walk out my door, eyeing the pair of people talking to my father who’s asking them millions of questions, blocking their way. I peek my head past the corner and knock on the wall, gaining the attention of the adults. “In here.” Gosh i’m going to be in so much trouble.
Speed walking back into my room, I lead the adults to the tangerine dying on the floor. Nervously looking back, I see the 2 men rush over to the boy and my father looking down at the boy in confusion, purely shocked. I glance back over to the boy laid out on my floor, following as the two adults rush him out the door and into the ambulance vehicle.
I watch at the front doorstep as the rashly drive away, almost hitting a curb. Closing and locking the door, I anxiously turn around. Fear overcoming me, I try to sneak past my father who seems to still be processing the situation. “[name].” I hear my father call out to me in a stern voice. He doesn’t sound sad or happy, but he doesn’t sound that far from angry either..
“Yes..?” I force out my throat, fidgeting with my fingers as I quickly turn around to face him.
“What happened?” He says, his eyes drilling holes into mine. I gulp, knowing he wants an explanation on who that boy was, why he was in my room with the door closed, and what happened to his face.
“W-well.. he just..”
“Oxford bit him and his face.. and..” I mumble out, the best I could. If my anxiety already reached it’s max before, it’s practically spilling out the bar now. I can hear my heart racing, my head is pounding so hard that I feel even more dizzy than I did looking at that kid’s face.
“How did Oxford bite him?” My father asks, this time his voice is raised a bit. With even more anger painted on his face and words.
“He jumped into my room from the window and Oxford bit hi-“
“How he get through the fucking window?!” My dad interrupts me, his voice raised way more than it had been before. He’s clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles are becoming white, I think I just might piss myself because of how scared I am.
I stop fidgeting with my fingers and grab a firm grasp of my wrist with my right hand, silently praying that I get out of this situation alive and deal with it tomorrow. My—once dry—eyes begin tearing up again, my hands fairly shaking. My father must have noticed this because his face softened not too long after this realization. Well, it didn’t soften a lot. But it did soften even just a bit! “Whatever, go sleep.” My dad sighs, stomping back into his room. He’s most definitely going to call my mother about this, I should expect a phone call sometime soon.
Walking back to my room, I see a shadow figure emerge. “[name], what’s going on?” My little sister asks, letting out a big yawn with her eyes lazily looking around the dark. Right, those sirens must have woken up everyone with how loud they are.
A/N: I accidentally deleted the looooong part of Y/N putting her sister (Harper btw) to sleep so… yeah! Also, this is a repost of this story from my other accounts on Wattpad and Quotev and my accounts are the same as this account’s name!
P.S. I’m new to this whole thing so I dunno how to do this stuff, please spare me 😭🙏
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Book Flights to USA From UK for Hawaii Vacation
The United States welcomes international tourists throughout the year from various places but they witness incredible traffic in Hawaii, one of the top attractions for beach lovers in the country. As the destination witnesses a huge rush of vacationers, you should pre-book the tickets for one of the best flights to USA from UK or anywhere else six months before.
The early birds also enjoy hot deals on their flight tickets and their hotels. You can also take one step forward by purchasing a customized packaged holiday to Hawaii that includes the conveyances, accommodation, local sightseeing tours, rental cars and water and beach activities. Choose a reliable OTA from where most people shop for their tickets for flights to South Africa from UK, Australia, USA and so on to avail of attractive deals.
You can never find a more exciting and fun destination than Hawaii beaches as your next vacation. Hawaii Beachescomprise six exotic beaches with extensive beaches and verdant landscapes. Each of the six islands here is uniquely beautiful and culturally enriched. This is a geographic magnificence surrounded by the Pacific Ring of Fire. These are usually volcanic islands. The six major islands, which comprise Hawaii, are Maui, Big Island, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu and Kauai. Each of these islands is bequeathed with unique natural beauties and exotic locations, that attract visitors across the world.
What are the things to do in Hawaii—
Adventurous beach activities from surfing to scuba diving
Hawaii is a surfer’s paradise. Depending on the high tides, the experts surf on these beaches. Here you can get multiple opportunities to learn surfing as loads of local experts offer these crash courses of learning sea surfing. If you want to board a flight to Australia from UK and learn surfing at the famous Bondi beach then you can learn sea surfing here and also in Hawaii. Moreover, you don’t have to literally buy a surfing board, while you are in Hawaii. You can easily rent a good board from the beach vendors.
Enjoy canoeing & learn sailing in Hawaii
Hawaii gives you the chance to learn and enjoy Canoeing, Kayaking, sailing, and windsurfing. If you always wanted to sail, then don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to sail a boat and within a few days, you can kayak as well as sail in a small boat and go for whale watching.
If you are lucky, then you might have a glimpse of the whale surfaces near the beaches. There are options of copters for tourists to have an aerial view of the incredible beaches.
Across Hawaii, there are innumerable beaches located here and there. But according to the traveller’s choice, two among these exclusive beaches are categorized as the best of all the Hawaii famous beaches. They are Hanalei Bay Beach on Kauai Island and Lanikai Beach on Oahu Island. If you are planning a trip to Bali, then before booking the flight to Bali from UK, compare the cost for the vacation in Hawaii. Though Bali is cheaper, however for the ultimate beach experience, Hawaii holds a higher position.
Learn & Play Golf
Explore the wonderful and exotic golf courses in Hawaii. Travellers are blessed to learn to golf and play their hearts out while touring here.
Witness volcanoes while on hiking trips
Hike to the volcanoes is among the top sights here in Hawaii. There is a gigantic volcano in the Big Island might awestruck you with its magnificent beauty and the active crater from which the magma is visible. If you have seen Kilimanjaro in Africa, Fujiama in Japan, and Vesuvius in Italy then you might not miss witnessing the magnificent Mount Mauna Loa in Hawaii.
You might be fascinated by the nightlife of Honolulu and any other destination while in Hawaii. Despite visiting the local restaurants, you shouldn’t miss out on the beach shacks at night for the live music, bonfire, great seafood and local ales that will increase your adrenaline for the next day’s adventure by sailing or hiking to the mountainous trails to get a glimpse of a new surprise waiting for you.
Start planning your Hawaii vacation by calling up your travel agency or you can DIY by logging into your favorite OTA.
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bonkerlon · 2 years
Bookends kailua
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Not the best place for wading, but it makes up in other ways. The beach here is still sandy, but smaller than the stretches below the channel barrier, and sometimes it’s even rocky. These very large and luxurious homes in Kaimalino take up the northernmost part of this coast, but are separated from the rest by the Channel. It collects the home above the Oneawa Channel as it curves to join the ocean and makai of Mokapu Rd. The one settled piece of land between Beachside and Kaneohe MCBH is the neighborhood of Kaimalino. It’s like a personal driveway that’s a private ramp onto one of the best collections of sand on Earth.
While everyone is down there, your beach is sparsely populated, free of vendors and no traffic to deal with – and if you have to walk 5 minutes to get there, it’s because you forgot something and had to go back to get it.Įach one of the brief, makai-bound avenues that make up Beachside are their own quiet, little neighborhood. The same celebrated sands and peerless views of Kailua Beach Park lie off the backdoors of these homes, with one distinct advantage. That means the conspicuous Beverly Hills style mansions are a No-No. All coexist peacefully and picturesquely due to a general unspoken agreement that structures fit in with the Kailua and Windward lifestyle.
Along with the residences on that side of N Kalaheo, the neighborhood consists of a series of short streets that run perpendicular to that main road, each ending close to, or at the coastline.įrom classic Plantation homes to vintage beach cottages to large luxury homes, you’ll find them all on these individual avenues. It can justly boast that its residents have a mere block or two between them and the cooling feel of the water lapping at their feet.īeachside homes are easy to map out, since they take up everything makai of N Kalaheo Ave, ending where it crosses the Oneawa Channel. As they say, ‘This is the Life.’īeachside is the other bookend to Kailua Beach Park, taking up the roughly northern side of that area, almost the entire way to Kaneohe Marine Corps Base. When the sun sets, the people of Lanikai watch the Pacific and listen to its lullaby, with little noise besides an occasional passing car or the sound of contented friends making their way back from the beach. With the hillside slant to the place, houses that sit more mauka can still have views of the water and the Mokes to drink in from their private retreats. The mostly luxury homes are on quiet streets, outside of the beach traffic, and the lifestyle focuses on one thing – the ocean. Within these streets you have something of an old-fashioned, yet exclusive, beach resort feel. You buy a house in Lanikai because it is its own special beachside community, separate from the rest of Kailua, yet fully part of it. Some can just step off their backyard or lanai. From anywhere in the neighborhood, you can stroll to the sands within 10 to 15 minutes at most. For Lanikai home owners, this attraction is part of their experience daily. Whatever it is, Oahu residents feel it unmistakably. Yes, the sand is luxuriously soft, the water crystal clear and the Mokulua Islands that sit off this coastline add something so visually satisfying, you wonder if the Hawaii Tourism Authority had them added to crown the scene. It’s difficult to say exactly what it is about Lanikai Beach that inspires such devotion. Locals can’t stay away and they always know the best places to go. So much so that it has had a very notorious issue with illegal parking and traffic on holidays and most weekends. Bhabha, Léuli Eshrāghi, Sarah Kuaiwa, Mari J.There’s obviously something VERY attractive about Lanikai. Pacific Century – E Hoʻomau no Moananuiākea will be an essential resource for critical exploration of contemporary art in Asia-Pacific.ĭrew Kahu‘āina Broderick, Melissa Chiu, Miwako Tezuka Participating HT22 artists are highlighted in a dedicated section with an original introductory text and images. Bhabha, illuminating his theoretical criticism, carves out a new discursive space where the marginalized find agency. Essays by HT22 co-curators lay out the critical approaches that shaped the framework of the Triennial around the fluid concept of a Pacific Century, while a newly commissioned conversation with Homi K. Published on the occasion of the Hawai‘i Triennial 2022 (HT22), Pacific Century – E Hoʻomau no Moananuiākea examines key art historical backgrounds and contemporary discussions on art, expanding the frame of reference for the Asia-Pacific region.
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Lisa Au
The story starts on Jan. 20, 1982. It was pouring on Oahu ― flooding rains ― when Au finished up work at the Susan Beers Salon in Kailua. Heading out the door into the bad weather, she told co-workers she was going to see her boyfriend, Doug Holmes, at his sister’s apartment in Makiki.
On her way, police reports show, she stopped to buy poke for the occasion. And after dinner, she headed home to Kailua. But she never got there and no one would ever see her alive again.
The next day, Au’s parents called Holmes at his University of Hawaii dorm. He told them he would go out to look for her, and it was Holmes who called police to report he’d found her car: A 1976 Toyota parked on the shoulder of the highway in Maunawili near the old Kailua Drive-in.
The driver's side window was rolled down about halfway, and the officer who met Holmes noted that there was about “2 to 3 inches of water” on the floor of the vehicle and that the seat was “soaked and drenched.”
But oddly, Au’s purse on the seat appeared to be completely dry.
The officer expressed concern that the purse may have been placed on the seat after the torrential rain had stopped. He also reported seeing scratches on Holmes’ face. Crime scene technicians would later determine that Au’s car had been “wiped clean” of any evidence.
And then, the worst was confirmed: On Jan. 31 1982, Au's nude, decomposing body was found in a ravine off Tantalus Drive. That was the day the case moved from the Missing Persons Unit to homicide detectives – and when the Honolulu Police Department’s Bert Corniel would get involved but nothing came of it.
Her murder is unsolved.
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Group Texts Are Ridiculous (Or, Five-0 Starts a Group Text)
Somehow I managed to post Chapter 2 on A03 a few days ago without posting on tumblr... I’m not sure how many people actually depend on tumblr for fic these days, but in case you do, here you go!
McDanno, T, A03
Summary:  After 10x22 when Steve leaves Oahu to go find himself, Five-0 starts a group text to keep in touch while Steve’s away.  Picks up after the end of Season 10. 
Chapter 2
May 20, 2020
SM:  Hey, where’s Danny?
LG:  With Tani, I think, heading to a crime scene on the north shore.  Sure glad to have him back.  Otherwise it would have been me getting up at the ass crack of dawn when Duke called.
SM:  Does Danny seem ready?
LG:  Ready to come back to work?  Sure.  Shirts are crisp, slacks nicely pressed, hair sprayed firmly in place.  Your boy looks great.
SM:  Ribs not hurting him anymore?
LG:  Maybe a little, but it’s not slowing him down much.
SM:  He hasn’t been answering my texts.
LG:  Did you do something to piss him off?
SM:  Probably.  I usually do. Not sure what this time, though.
TR:  Don’t stress, boss. Danny’s right here, looking sharp as always.  we’re in the car.
SM:  Tani, what have I said about no driving and texting?
TR:  I’m not - Danny’s driving.
SM:  Can I talk to him?  Put it on speaker.
TR:  That would require you to actually call him.  Maybe give it a few minutes though?  We’re a little busy right now.
SM:  What, he can’t drive and talk on the phone at the same time?
TR:  It’s the dodging of bullets that might make that challenging.  Not that Danny isn’t a great multi-tasker, but it seems like an unnecessary risk.
 SM:  Tani, what the hell is going on?
 LG:  Damn.  On my way.
 SM:  Tani, report, now.
 JR:  What just happened?
 SM:  Junior, why aren’t you with Danny?  And where’s Quinn?
 JR:  Day off, sorry sir.
 SM:  Someone call HPD, why don’t you have any back up?
 TR:  No worries, the perp’s not chasing us anymore.  His car flipped over and sort of slid down the dunes. Probably not good for the birds. But he definitely stopped shooting, so it’s all good.
 <i>DW has changed the name of the group text to</i> <b>My Camaro has another bullet hole and it’s Steve’s fault</b>
  <b>May 21, 2020 </b>
 SM:  We have to talk about yesterday.
 DW:  Everything’s fine, Steve.  
 SM:  It didn’t sound like it.  
 DW:  We had it under control.
 SM:  Why was Tani texting when people were shooting at you?  She should have been covering you, or calling for back up. She should have seen it coming. You should never have been in that position in the first place.
 DW:  One, Tani did nothing wrong, and two, mind your own beeswax.
 SM:  Mind my own – what’s that supposed to mean?
 DW:  Think about it for a minute, you’ll figure it out.
 SM:  Are you even recovered enough for active duty?
 DW:  Oh, now you’re interested in my health?
 SM:  Danny, Five-0 is still my team, my responsibility.
 DW:  Is it, now?  Funny, because I’m pretty sure the governor told me I’m in charge.
 SM:  Temporarily.
 DW:  Indefinitely.  Or have you booked a flight home that you haven’t told us about?
 SM:  Danny, we’ve been over this.
 DW:  Don’t I know it.
 SM:  I’m just concerned about all of you.  
 DW:  Great.  Come home and take your job back.  Otherwise keep your mouth shut.
 SM:  I’m not criticizing, it’s just that it doesn’t seem like yesterday went exactly according to plan.
 DW:  According to plan?  Since when have you ever done anything according to plan?  You are the head of not having a plan, the Czar of plan-less-ness, the President of who needs a fucking plan.
 LG:  You guys do remember this is a group text, right?
  <b>June 2, 2020</b>
 JR:  Do any of you know what was in the package Danny got today?
 TR:  You could just ask him.
 JR:  I would, but he opened it up and then locked himself in his office and he’s been on the phone for half an hour.
 QL:  Might be a sign that he wants some privacy.
 TR:  You think?
 JR:  So I shouldn’t ask him?
 TR:  No, you should definitely ask him.  But maybe bring him some malasadas when you barge into his office, it might soften the blow.
 LG:  Or distract him enough that he doesn’t hit your head when he throws something at you.
 DW:  It’s kind of late for malasadas, but I’d love a sandwich from Machete’s.  Turkey and salami, Italian dressing instead of mayo.
 JR:  Yes sir.
 LG:  You’re enjoying this boss thing, aren’t you, Danny?
 DW:  It’s good to be king.  At least where lunch is concerned.
 TR:  So are you going to tell us what was in the package?
 DW:  Will you do my paperwork for the week?
 TR:  Yesterday you said I was worse at paperwork than Steve.
 DW:  Good point.  Will you get Junior to do my paperwork?
 JR:  Hey, wait a minute, I’m getting the sandwiches.
 TR:  Deal.  Don’t worry Junes, I’ll make it worth your while.
 LG:  TMI, children.
 LG:  Tani, spill.  What was in the package?
 DW:  A stuffed squirrel.  A stuffed animal.  Not, like, a once was alive squirrel, like a toy.  
 QL:  Who sent it to him?
 TR:  Apparently that piece of information wasn’t part of the deal.  
 JR:  It’s from Steve.
 TR:  Danny told you?
 JR:  No, I looked at the return address.  He put the package in the recycle bin in the break room.
 DW:  At least someone here has some detective skills.
 LG:  Okay, I’ll bite.  Danny, why did Steve send you a squirrel?  Is it for Charlie?
 DW:  Nope, it’s mine.  And anyone who touches it is dead.
 JR:  So… who’s gonna grab it?
 LG:  Junior, I’d think twice.  Danny’s got the power to assign you to walking the beat for the rest of the summer.  I think that squirrel looks great right there where it is on Danny’s desk.
 TR:  He can be our honorary Five-0 mascot.
 DW:  Exactly.  The very first Hawaiian squirrel.
 DW:  But let me reiterate, you may not touch him.  If I see a tiny aloha shirt or a lei on my squirrel, heads will roll.
 TR:  I like this side of you, Danny.  Very authoritative.
 DW:  The children do not respect me, Lou.
 LG:  Didn’t the governor say he needed extra security at that concert Saturday night?
 DW:  The heavy metal battle of the bands?  The one that lasts for five hours, and features not just professional bands, but appearances from some of the most popular amateur head-banging groups around?  Hm, I think he did.  I was going to check with HPD to make sure it was covered.  Do you think they need personal attention from Five-0?
 TR:  Danny, you might notice that a note has just been slipped under your door. It’s from me and Junior, attesting to our sincere understanding that the squirrel is off limits.  Just in case you were wondering.
 DW:  And all is right with the world again.
 LG:  Amen, brother.
 TR:  But just out of curiosity, what are you going to name your apology squirrel?  Pineapple?
 DW:  Thin ice, my friend, thin ice.
 <i>TR has changed the name of the group text to</i> <b>First Hawaiian Squirrel Fan Club</b>
  <b>June 20, 2020</b>
  JR:  Anyone want to come over and watch Jurassic Park with me and Charlie?  We went a little overboard with the snacks.
 LG:  What kind of snacks?
 JR:  Primarily pretzels.  For some reason I had never really looked that closely at the pretzel aisle at Foodland before.  We got chocolate covered pretzels, pretzels stuffed with peanut butter, honey garlic pretzels, and probably some others too.
 TR:  What brought on this pretzel craving?
 JR:  Actually Charlie wanted pineapple pretzels.
 LG:  There is no such thing.
 JR:  That’s what I thought too, but it turns out I was totally wrong. The ABC store on my block has them.
 LG:  You are shitting me.
 JR:  They’re called Pretz.  Pineapple flavor.  They’re actually pretty good.
 LG:  Okay, I’m coming over just to taste those.  Renee’s out tonight anyway.
 TR:  You’ll have to save me some.  I’m hanging with Koa tonight.
 LG:  And what does our fearless leader think about pineapple pretzels?
 JR:  He probably won’t like them, but he’s not home.  
 TR:  Babysitting, Junes?
 JR:  Charlie’s my pal, he’s not a baby.  But yeah.
 TR:  Where’s Danny?
 JR:  On a date.
 TR:  That seems unlikely.
 JR:  That’s kind of harsh, isn’t it?  Danny’s a good looking guy.
 TR:  Of course he is, that’s not what I meant.
 DW:  Thanks.
 TR:  Fuck I keep forgetting we’re all on this text.
 JR:  Danny, how’s your date going?
 DW:  It would probably be going better if I wasn’t texting you guys.  
 SM:  Learned that lesson finally, did you?
 DW:  Steve, isn’t it a little late where you are?
 SM:  Never too late to help out a friend.  Are you wearing the French blue button-down?
 DW:  No, it got ruined.  I’m just wearing a black polo.
 SM:  Too bad, that’s a great shirt.
 DW:  I’m going to the mall tomorrow, there’s a sale at Lord & Taylor, I need new shirts.  For some reason mine keep getting blood stains on them.
 SM:  Wish I could go with you, you do better with a wingman.
 DW:  It’s true, you talked me into buying two of those slim fit dark blue ones, and those are some of my favorites.
 SM:  Don’t be afraid to try darker shades, Danny.  You resist it but in the end you look great.
 DW:  I did like the dark gray one you made me try on.  But not the purple one.  It made me look like a gigolo.  Anyway blue’s still my favorite.
 SM:  It’s true, nothing makes your eyes sparkle like a blue shirt.
 DW:  And good company, of course.
 LG:  I feel like this thread has been hijacked by aliens.  
 TR:  Aliens who like menswear.  Danny, isn’t your date annoyed that you’re spending all this time texting?
 DW:  Oh, she left.  I’ll be home soon, I’m just picking up some ice cream for the Jurassic Park marathon.
 JR:  I’m so confused.
 SM:  Don’t overthink it.  But make sure Danny tries the pineapple pretzels.
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indianadmin · 1 year
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autozillahawaii · 3 months
Discover Quality Used Cars in Honolulu: A Buyer's Guide
Honolulu, the vibrant heart of Hawaii, is not only a paradise for beach lovers but also a thriving market for those seeking quality used cars. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor exploring the island's stunning landscapes, finding a reliable pre-owned vehicle in Honolulu can be a rewarding and cost-effective endeavor.
One of the key advantages of buying a used car in Honolulu is the potential for finding well-maintained and low-mileage vehicles. Thanks to the mild tropical climate and the island's relatively small size, cars in Honolulu often boast excellent condition and longevity, making them a valuable investment for both locals and visitors alike.
For those seeking a practical and fuel-efficient ride, Honolulu's used cars Honolulu market offers a vast selection of sedans, hatchbacks, and compact SUVs from renowned manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. These vehicles not only provide reliable transportation but also offer a perfect balance of comfort, fuel economy, and affordability, making them ideal choices for navigating the city streets or embarking on weekend getaways.
If you're a thrill-seeker or simply appreciate the finer things in life, Honolulu's pre-owned market also caters to luxury car enthusiasts. From sleek and sophisticated sedans to powerful sports cars, you'll find a diverse array of high-end models from prestigious brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Lexus. These vehicles offer the ultimate driving experience, combining power, style, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that every journey is a memorable one.
For those with an adventurous spirit, Honolulu's selection of pre-owned trucks and off-road-capable SUVs is truly impressive. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast, a surfer seeking to explore hidden beaches, or simply someone who appreciates the rugged versatility of these vehicles, you'll find a vast array of options to suit your active lifestyle.
When searching for quality used cars Honolulu, it's essential to explore various channels to maximize your chances of success. Reputable dealerships and certified pre-owned programs offer a wide selection of meticulously inspected and reconditioned vehicles, often backed by comprehensive warranties and service plans. These options provide added peace of mind and protection for your investment.
Additionally, online classifieds and dedicated car-selling websites can be valuable resources for finding quality used cars from private sellers. These platforms often allow you to filter your search based on specific criteria, such as make, model, mileage, and price range, making it easier to find the perfect vehicle that meets your needs and budget.
Throughout the car-buying process, it's crucial to prioritize safety and security. When meeting with potential sellers, choose public locations and consider bringing a knowledgeable friend or family member along for added peace of mind. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle, request maintenance records, and consider obtaining a professional inspection to ensure you're making an informed decision.
Honolulu's vibrant used car market offers a wide range of quality options, from practical daily drivers to high-end luxury vehicles and off-road adventurers. By taking the time to research your options, setting a realistic budget, and remaining patient, you're sure to find the perfect quality used car that not only meets your transportation needs but also complements your island lifestyle in Honolulu.  https://www.autozillahawaii.com/
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Select the Most useful Kids Toys Online
Once we develop previous, our chosen toys or the ones that received to people changes, often they don't. It can vary greatly based on our age, gender, or our preference. Our parents give people initially with kids ' toys to capture our attention and obedience. Even as we development, they feature us important things such as love, care, and trust.
These specific things are much specific than any material items that we'd receive. The memories that kid's toys give people, nevertheless, can remain for such quite a long time in comparison with any gifts that individuals would receive.
Parents are extremely excited to search for their child even though the infant is not even born. During the time that the ultrasound shows the gender of the child , all the family is delighted to give the child the best thing they may give. Parents and caregivers often choose the proper kids toys to be wanted to children. If the child is below 12 months old, toys that might trigger possible choking are avoided.
Being fully a child , loaded toys , blocks, questions, cars, and dolls are the most common toys. Bicycles, blocks, color workbooks, and different components can get as the child grows older.
sklep z zabawkami
Funny how teenagers and adults may however end up pleased with the exact same kids toys provided in their mind when they certainly were small. Though their wants are now actually dedicated to issues that are of use and these common in the society, kids toys remain as crucial as the latest device or the newest fashion trends. Men still prefer to possess bike or vehicle toys in their closets as an ornament while girls are pleased looking and obtaining cuddly stuffed toys or dolls.
Cars are usually called " toys for the major guys ".A tiny child is very happy when his parents bought him car miniatures but as he reaches adulthood he wanted that little to be a true one. Having a vehicle is similar to a desire be realized for many adults.
Though actual vehicles are what large boys go after, many of them still love collecting toy cars and keeping them within their homes as designs, keep stakes, or just as toys they could however enjoy with. Many people continue to own fun having choices of these plaything. They even save money just to complete the variety since in one of the ways or yet another they are happy with what they are buying, or they only enjoy offering the kid in them.
Toys are usually given to kids or children for fun, enjoyment, and learning. The thoughts they bring along with them, however, would be the major causes why the same toys are liked and looked after by adolescents and adults. There is always a kid atlanta divorce attorneys adult. There is nothing incorrect with having toys, filled toys , puzzles, cars now that you're old. Many admit that kids ' toys are toys for several ages; oahu is the memories and the ease they provide that makes them wanted by children , youngsters, and people alike.
Toys are one of the things that kids need to spend their time with. They're their main source of pleasure and the parents can be happy to purchase their kids the toys. The toys give the kids an opportunity to get missing on the planet of produce belief. But, it is essential to think about whether that attachment compared to that toys and their earth eventually gain the kids in their way into the actual world. In fact, several kids ' toys are available in industry that takes care of this unique area. These toys make sure that playing with them can improve a kids abilities and understanding to manage the true world. Undoubtedly, these toys must certanly be preferred by the parents.
For instance, the Sylvanian Family has some kids ' toys that guide them the prices of a family. After all, these toys belong to various individuals and all of them stay cheerfully together in a place named Sylvania. On another give, the structure toys from Knex increase the clinical and scientific aptitude of the kids as they believe about creating structures from micro units. Naturally, enjoying with one of these toys makes a kid more educated and understanding.
There are many brands that manufacture children's toys. As a parent you have to be sure that you have acquired the right one for the kids. Among the factors that you have to remember for that's the information that the toy sends to the kid. Another very important element to take into account is whether the toy is acceptable for the age. In reality, some brands sort their toys in numerous age groups. This helps it be simpler to buy the right choice as it is possible to get the toys correct for age your kids. Properly, if you are perhaps not picking right up the right toy in line with the age, it could not interest your kids at all.
Nevertheless, security is still another essential issue that you've to be careful of. Recall, the kids are always very sensitive and vulnerable. They don't have a lot of a wise practice either. So, ensure that the toys are secure because of their sloppy uses. Ultimately, the youngsters' toys must certanly be manufactured from smooth or light resources so your kids do not get hurt by them. They ought to not have any sharp sides and things like that.
Also, you've to read the product used to really make the toy. It ought to be low toxic. Also, along with used in the kids toys must be safe. Also, make sure that the toy does not have small areas whilst the kids can take them.
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bee-kathony · 6 years
Curlsgetdemgurls Masterlist
In honor of reaching a personal follower milestone on this blog, I’ve decided to finally post a masterlist of all of my fanfiction! Thank you for following me and reading my silly stories! AO3 link
Tumblr media
Jamie & Claire - Outlander
The Oath - Reeling from a bad breakup, Claire finds comfort with a stranger, Jamie Fraser — owner of Fraser & Co. the newest Whisky company in Edinburgh. They share their pain, loss and dreams, after all… it was just supposed to be one night together.
Four Years - this follows Claire and Jamie over a period of four years, Modern au
Kneading Love - Months after WWII, Jamie Fraser meets new resident, Claire Beauchamp. He owns a bakery, she owns a garden shop. They both share their passions with each other and find something worth kneading along the way.
Allied | co-author @julesbeauchamp​ - Its WWII, France is under German occupation. Claire Beauchamp, french by marriage, must house a soldier named James Fraser, Scottish by birth, who finds himself fighting with the enemies.
Your Nose is Blue - “Your nose is blue,�� I remarked conversationally. I glanced downward. “And so are your feet.” He grinned and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. “So are my balls. Want to warm them for me?” 
Mrs. Beauchamp | co-author @julesbeauchamp - Claire is twenty years older than Jamie and a professor at his university. His feelings for her develop over time as he interviews her for a school project. 
Just Friends | co-author @julesbeauchamp​ - They live together.They sleep together...but they're just friends. modern au. 
Stay With Me - What if Claire stayed after Culloden? A glimpse into the Fraser's lives as Jamie struggles to hide in the Dunbonnet's Cave, provide for his family and see Claire with their unborn child...
Tales From Fraser’s Ridge - missing moments about life on Fraser’s Ridge
Formerly Fraser | co-author @julesbeauchamp - Claire and Jamie have been divorced for 10 years... will they find their way back to each other?
Midnight Kiss - Jamie and Claire meet on NYE 
On Your Knees - Jamie and Claire take advantage of the empty gym late at night (NSFW)
It’s been a long long time - Inspired by my own grandparents love story and how they met (one shot)
Glimmer in the Shadow | co-author @julesbeauchamp - Claire returns to the 18th century after twelve years to find Jamie married to Geneva Dunsany
McTavish & Beauchamp - a retelling of ‘Outlander’
Oxford Tales | co-author @julesbeauchamp - James Fraser has been in love with Claire Beauchamp since they both were seven years old but she’s been quite clueless about it. It’s the story of their lives intertwined, over the years, in the little town of Oxford. Modern au
Sèididh Ùine - Veil Of Time | co-author @julesbeauchamp - Set in 1946, Claire Beauchamp buys an estate in Scotland who’s previous owner comes looking for his family
I’ll Never Love Again - | co-author @julesbeauchamp - Love. The good, the bad, the unforgettable. A tale exploring a relationship at four crucial points in time.
Fraser Memorial - Claire helps a patient with dislocated shoulder, only to discover that his father is the owner of the hospital. 
Heartbeat - There were three times in Claire’s life after she left Jamie to his destiny on Culloden Moor that she thought her heart might one day beat again. Three times that she felt like she had something to give and something to take if only to remind herself to live.
One Hundred - wee drabble to celebrate Claire Fraser’s 100th birthday 
Casualties of War - Claire has a relationship during WWII with a female nurse, Emily Hampton (NSFW)
Teaching Mary a Lesson - with the help of Louise, Claire teaches Mary Hawkins a thing or two about matters in the bedroom (NSFW)
An Evening Joined by Annalise de Marillac - Claire invites Annalise to join her and Jamie in bed (NSFW)
It Was You All Along - John Grey is welcomed into Claire and Jamie’s bed (NSFW)
Glass of Whisky - Claire & Roger one shot. (NSFW)
Surrender - John Grey & Jamie Fraser one shot at Ardsmuir (NSFW)
Movie AUs
The Holiday - follows the lives of Jenny Fraser and Claire Beauchamp over the holiday season
Once Upon a Time | Cinderella
Call My By Your Name - John x Jamie (based on the movie by the same name)
Sam & Caitriona
Pancakes - Valentine’s Day 2018
That’s a Wrap - Season 4 wrap party
After Hours - After the season 4 wrap party
Glencoe - Sam & Cait take a weekend trip to Glencoe
The One for Me - part 2 of ‘Glencoe’
Ride of Our Lives - Sam gets his motorcycle
Stars Aligned - Sam & Caitriona parent au one shot
Like Before - Sam comes to Claire’s flat one night after the engagement
The Whole Lot - inspired by Sam’s birthday tweet ‘Had the whole lot done… love you!’
Away From Home: Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch.3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Love Like This: Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 
Meet Me In New York - Reunion in NYC... it takes place on Cait’s birthday 2018 
Pink Socks - It’s canon that Sam and Cait always get dressed together for events and at the SAVFF, Sam was wearing pink socks that matched a certain pink dress 
What Are You Doing New Years Eve? - Sam and Caitriona spend time together on NYE. 
Hawaii Fics: Oahu & Mahalo
Getaway Car - Sam and Cait take a drive... 
Lift Me Up - Sam and Cait get stuck in an elevator.
The Reckoning - What really happened while filming 1x09
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Los Angeles Travel Guide – Tips for Visiting New York
La is the second largest city at the Unitedstates and the largest city in California. Manhunter is really actually just a sprawling metropolis packed with celebrities, wannabe celebrities, musicians, musicians, surfers, and a great deal of traffic. Some of those subway areas which have Santa Monica and Venice have a tendency to be popular among travelers since they have been nearer to the shore and also have more economical accommodation. It’s really a love/hate city for the majority of people. You are going to require a car since there is no wide spread public transport that makes it hard to go around. The traffic is an average of the principal thing people despise the most, therefore if you’re able to get beyond this, you may find out exactly what makes manhunter this kind of distinctive city.
10 Tourist Attractions in Los Angeles
Hollywood Sign
Originally built to market property from the Hollywood Hills, the Hollywood sign has come to be a symbol of the excitement and glamour of the film market. Just about any visitor to LosAngeles would like to snap an image of this iconic Hollywood sign, however getting a closeup shot isn’t simple.
Now, the 14-meter high-profile sprinkled on Mount Lee are blocked off with barriers and shielded with a security technique. As the sign is visible from throughout Tinseltown, the very best places to park and shoot images have reached the Griffith Observatory, Lake Hollywood Park and the Hollywood and Highland Center retail center.
  La Brea Tar Pits & Page Museum
A pool of black blossom at the center of a green area park is also surprise sight in la, however the most renowned La Brea Tar Pits have given a treasure trove of archeological finds out for its neighboring George C. Page Museum.
Excavations of this ancient site have led in a few of the biggest collections of Ice Age fossils on earth. The earliest of this approximately 100 heaps of bones hauled outside from the pits back 38,000 decades.
Complete skeletons of creatures such as sabertoothed cats, dire wolves and mastodons are all on display from the memorial. From the Paleontology Laboratory, people can see scientists focusing to the latest finds.
  Rodeo Drive
Tucked off at a 16-square-bloock area called the Golden Triangle at the exclusive area of Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive is now L.A.’s most renowned shopping street.
While couple arrived at obtain the expensive designer accessories and clothing sold at the lavish shops, Rodeo Drive is still a tourist spot. Windowshopping is famous with this route of haute couture, and almost always there is the opportunity for seeing a star buying the most recent styles.
The minimall at 2 Rodeo Drive consistently brings attention. Together with its”faux-European” structure and cobblestone street, it seems as a theme park than a mall.
  Santa Monica Pier
The world-famous Santa Monica Pier is obviously two piers in one single. Together with its lure shop and pier-end restaurant, even the lengthier element integrated 1909 is feature of Southern California piers.
Oahu is the briefer adjoining dock built in 1916 that a lot of brings people. The raised plaza joining both piers is home into a oldfashioned entertainment park having a vintage rollercoaster, also a wooden carousel plus a few of L.A.’s most identifiable landmarks, even also a solar-powered Ferris Wheel that emanates using an estimated light emitting diode light show nightly. There exists a tiny tank, a trapeze faculty along with a range of tasty eateries at the dock also.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
The thought of memorializing actors with celebrities inserted in to sidewalks has been conceived from the 1950s as ways to continue to hold the charm of Hollywood living. More than 2,500 celebrities are inserted as the very first permanent installation at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Gower Street in 1960.
Developed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, this app continues to be a enormous success. Annually, approximately ten million people wander over the mile-long stretch of sidewalk seeking their favourite celebrity, singer, artist, manager or tv personality.
Closely associated and directly infront of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, may be the most popular Chinese Theatre, that has found a few of Hollywood’s most glamorous pictures celebrities and premieres.
  Universal Studios Hollywood
Home to a few of the earliest still-operating film studios, Universal Studios Hollywood is actually just a sprawling complex from the San Fernando Valley bestknown because of its family-friendly Themepark.
A number of the park’s rides and attractions are all predicated on blockbuster films, even offering a immersive adventure for most fans of films including”King Kong” into”Waterworld.” Behindthescenes studio tours can be purchased also. The complex also comprises Universal CityWalk, an outside shopping centre where individuals can capture live performances, watch a picture or see actors.
Located around One hour drive from Downtown Los Angeles in Orange County, Disneyland Has Been the Earliest of Walt Disney’s Series of parks. It has been the celebrity tourist attraction at the Town of Anaheim as 1955.
Welcome into the park would be your relatively new California Adventure, which includes rides and attractions inspired by the Golden State. “Park hopper” tickets provide people access to the parks.
The meticulously maintained entertainment parks have been presented in themed areas which range from Tomorrowland and Fantasyland into Hollywood Land and Cars Land. Costumed actors roam the parks, offering kiddies onceinalifetime experiences with their beloved Disney characters.
  Getty Center
The petroleum magnate Jean Paul Getty was believed among the wealthiest men on the planet when he created that the J. Paul Getty Trust at 1953. To day, the entire world’s weakest art establishment capital several associations, including the stunning billion-dollar Getty Center perched high atop L.A.’s Brentwood Hills.
A slick hover-train funicular whisks up visitors into the memorial by which an outstanding group of art from the dark ages to the gift expects, for example masterpieces including van Gogh’s”Irises,” Monet’s”Wheatstack” and also”The Abduction of Europa” from Rembrandt. Outdoor, sculpture-ornamented gardens provide you panoramic views of the Los Angeles Basin.
  Griffith Park & Observatory
Certainly one of the largest municipal parks in the USA, Griffith Park provides a welcome getaway in L.A. traffic. Along with acres of scenic paths and green spaces, the playground is also home to a wide selection of fun-filled attractions, ranging by the Los Angeles Zoo into the Greek Theatre.
Additionally it is the area of a few of those town’s most iconic landmarksbeneath the Griffith Observatory. Built in 1935, the exquisite Art Deco advanced boasts heaps of engaging exhibits, an outofthisworld planetarium and numerous telescopes designed for public usage.
A trip to the observatory at dusk offers opinions of celebrities appearing at the skies above as well as the twinkling lights of town below.
  Venice Beach
Tobacco magnate Abbot Kinney gets the credit for changing a massive stretch of coastline south of Santa Monica in to the”Venice of America.” Back in 1904, Kinney turned into a collection of drainage stations in to scenic canals and assembled a Venetian-inspired arcade to the shore.
As the canals remain one among those city’s greatest tourist attractions in la, many people go for the shore’s world-famous board walk where bizarre street actors compete together with shops, stalls and food represents attention. The shore’s volleyball courts, skating plaza along with body building Muscle Beach area are crowd-pleasers too.
  Typical Costs
Hostel prices- Normally, it is possible to come across a dorm with 4 8 beds starting around $25-35. It’s possible to get a personal room which sleeps two to get approximately $80-100. Hostels in LosAngeles on average consist of things like no cost linens, free towels, free freewi fi, and lots of them offer free breakfast.
Budget hotel prices- It’s possible to get a room at a budget hotel starting around $65 daily. Hotels at the pricepoint on average consist of private baths, airconditioning, and free wi fi. On Airbnb, it is possible to discover shared rooms starting approximately $20 each night and entire homes starting around $60 each night.
Average cost of foo- Any sort of food that you can imagine from anyplace on ground, la has it. Provided that you aren’t at the exact middle of Beverly Hillsyou can discover lots of sit restaurants meals are 20. Quick sandwiches and food will probably cost between $7 10. Manhunter houses many farmers niches to get some good fruit and veggies therefore you’re able to get lots of inexpensive eats at the marketplace. In the event that you cook your food, expect to pay for $60 a week to get groceries that’ll incorporate vegetables, pasta, poultry, along with other essential foods. Mid range sitdown restaurants may cost between $1015 for meals and beverage.
Transportation costs– Manhattan project is quite large and sprawling. Even though something looks close, spaces can be misleading as traffic is thick. Even though public transport is present, LA isn’t just a public transportation-friendly metropolis. Manhunter has a subway however, it will not go a lot of places. The bus system is much way better however it’s likewise at the mercy of this heavy traffic. One fare valid to the bus or the subway is 1.75 and also be purchased from ticket vending machines at the channels. Week long moves are available with the TAP card platform, a system that is rechargeable. If you would like to escape the city centre, you are going to require a vehicle. If you are not renting a vehicle, subsequently Uber or even Lyft are not too bad on the pocket if used responsibly. For shorter distances, you may utilize Lime or even Bird, two ride-sharing businesses which offer dockless scooter rentals round the metropolis. Simply download the program for Bird or Lime in order to locate a nearby scooter. They cost inch 83000 to rent after which fifteen pennies for each and each minute later. It’s really a fantastic budget-friendly means to go shorter distances from the metropolis.
Best Times to Visit Los Angeles
The very best days to go to LosAngeles are from March to May and between September and November, once the atmosphere is more breathable and the audiences tend to be somewhat less jarring. Average temperatures of those months include the low 50s to low 80s, making walking round and seeing outdoor draws a whole lot convenient. Throughout the summertime, ordinary highs delve to the mid-80s; heat combined with significant smog levels regularly drive residents and visitors alike into the crowded ocean-side areas . If you should be searching for bargains, then consider a chilly trip. Just be certain that you pack an umbrella, as you are bound to experience some rain in January and February.
  Money Saving Tips
Purchase a Go Los Angeles Card- If you’re planning to do plenty of sight seeing this will definitely provide you discounts on 40 greatest museums, tours, and attractions. It’s expensive to save money in comparison to buying tickets.
Rent a car- Since that which in LosAngeles is distributed out, you will need to lease a vehicle. The automobile rental places at the airport offer good improvement booking prices.
Avoid celebrity hangouts- Hollywood and Beverly Hills are the 2 are as you’ll start to begin to see the many actors but additionally the 2 areas where you may spend the maximum money.
Redeem hotel points- Make sure you register for hotel bank cards until you proceed and utilize those things whenever you’re travelling. That is particularly beneficial in big cities such as LA, where lodging is more high priced. For those who have a lot of things, then utilize them and receive free rooms! Be mindful that a lot of hotels charge parking fees in case you own a vehicle, and fix your budget accordingly.
Couchsurf- You’ll discover loads of hosts across the city who’ll reveal around and enable you to stay at no cost. I have used it a lot of times and have enjoyed it like a means to satisfy people. Within a costly and changing city such as L.A., acquiring a regional guide might be exceedingly beneficial!
Go on a free walking tour- This really is a superb method to master the foundation behind the regions you’re visiting and also in order to prevent overlooking any mustsee stops. Free manhunter Tour features a couple of enjoyable walking tours which may explain to you exactly what the city needs to offer you.
Get free water or free refills- In the event that you order a beverage, many restaurants allow totally completely free refills though you consume your meal or refills in a minimal price. In the event that you askwater is usually provided at no cost.
    Los Angeles Travel Guide – Tips for Visiting New York
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flowerfan2 · 6 years
Bound To Be Together - Ch. 18
McDanno, M, A03
A continuous story of Season 9 codas exploring the bond between Steve and Danny as they grow even closer.
Chapter 18:  9.18
Steve is frozen in place, standing at the door to the hotel room as Amanda leaves, her black evening wear glittering as she strides away.  She’s headed downstairs to meet Danny, who thinks that Steve is coming to join him for a well-earned drink after a long day of being berated by his ex-mother-in-law.  Instead, Danny is going to be ambushed by said ex-mother-in-law, who Steve has concluded is at least as dysfunctional as his own mother.
Steve hadn’t been all that surprised when Amanda (“call me Mandy”) summoned him back up to the room, on the pretense of having heard a strange noise coming from the balcony. She’s not the most subtle person in the world.  And the questions she fired at Steve about Danny weren’t entirely unexpected, not after Steve opened the door at dinner by making it clear that in Steve’s view, Danny did not deserve the shit Mandy was shoveling.
Mandy apparently already knew about the liver donation (although the way her lip twitched when Steve mentioned it seemed to indicate she thought Danny a fool for risking his health for Steve, which didn’t sit too well with him), and how much of a role Danny played in his children’s lives (soccer, scouts, cheer team, college search).  She tried to get Steve to agree that Danny’s job was unreasonably dangerous, and wondered if running a restaurant was still on the table.
Steve had promised to be quiet and look handsome, but he couldn’t help but defend Danny in the face of Mandy’s interrogation.  Frankly, he was all too close to confessing that what he felt for Danny was more than just friendship.  But then Mandy started asking him about how much time Danny had been spending with Rachel, and Steve realized with a sickening jolt where all this was going. Hell, it was probably the reason Mandy came to Oahu.
 By the time Mandy swiped Steve’s phone and texted Danny, Steve was spinning novel-length worst case scenarios in his head.  Spending all this time with Danny was bound to affect him in more ways than one.
 Steve retrieves his phone from the couch where Mandy had dropped it and blinks at the newest text, a message from the car service Mandy had ordered earlier.  Because of course even Danny’s Camaro, his pride and joy, isn’t good enough for her majesty.  
 A memory flashes before his eyes - another muscle car, in another place and time.  Two boys cruising with the top down on a deserted highway. The summer after Steve’s senior year in high school, one of his buddies had to return his uncle’s borrowed Ford Mustang, necessitating a road trip.  Marco proposed that Steve come along, just the two of them, driving cross-country.  For a high school kid, this was freedom.
 Marco was tall and lean, with curly hair and dark sparkling eyes.  Third generation Mexican-American, his father was a state congressman and military through and through.  Marco intended to follow in his father’s footsteps and pursue politics after a stint in the Army.  Steve had never met anyone quite like him, with his quick wit and his fierce love for his family.
 The first day on the road they blasted music and ate their weight in junk food, driving late into the night just to see how long they could stay awake on caffeine pills and coca cola. They slept in the car in a parking lot of a rest stop, blearily stumbling into a sticky diner in the morning for coffee that tasted like sludge but was the best cup of joe Steve had ever had.
 Thing is, you can’t go on a road trip on an island that you can drive across in an hour.  Road trips were something Steve had read about in books, seen in movies, but never experienced.  Turns out, the movies were right – road trips were awesome.
 Of course, he had no interest in ending his life in a dramatic Thelma and Louise moment, but drinking cheap beer in a bar where no one knew their names (or cared who their fathers were) and then sleeping it off in the back seat of the car was a pretty damn good time.
 Steve’s phone vibrates in his hand, and forces him to focus on the present.  He looks down to see a text from Danny.  Ha, ha, nice set up.  Heading out, see you tomorrow.
 Steve stares at the phone for a long moment, trying to read more into those ten words.  Why didn’t Danny suggest they get together now?  Is he headed to Rachel’s?  Should Steve respond, demand to know what’s going on?
 He sags forward, his head in his hands.  Steve has tried to be the friend that Danny deserves, the partner he deserves.  The boyfriend he wants him to be.  But he’s afraid it’s not enough.
 Steve’s been annoyed with Mandy all day long, but he realizes he’s been kind of ticked off at Danny, too, for letting Mandy treat him so poorly.  Mandy’s theatrics were over the top, but Danny seemed to accept it as his due.  Mandy clearly knows how to play into Danny’s insecurities, his long-standing doubt in himself that Rachel had only confirmed by leaving him for a rich, successful businessman.  
 Steve wanted to believe that Danny just allowed it to keep the peace, but he wonders if maybe Danny really buys into it.  
 Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Steve really did try to behave today, to stick to the script Danny had laid out.  But he should have known there was more to a day with Amanda Savage than Danny let on. For god’s sake, Danny was willing to trade bragging rights to saving Steve’s life for one day of babysitting, this should have raised a giant red flag.  But it didn’t, at least not until now, when it might just be too late.
 Steve’s eyes fall on the fancy box holding the cufflinks Mandy gave him, another deliberate snub to Danny.  What the hell is wrong with this woman?  She clearly came to Oahu to manipulate Danny into getting back together with Rachel, that much is clear to him now after their parting conversation.  Was beating Danny down for the past twelve hours – for the past decade or two – just part of her long game?  Does it somehow give her more power over him?
 And there is anything Steve can do about it?  
 Steve has been teetering on the edge of a precipice all day, watching Mandy toy with Danny like a spoiled dog in thousand dollar pumps.  When Mandy swiped his phone to text Danny, Steve felt himself falling over the edge.
 Another memory from his long ago road trip with Marco flashes through his mind.  
 After three nights of sleeping in the car, both of them are ready for a change, so when Marco suggests they veer off their path Steve readily agrees.  They stop at a state park and hike for a few hours, over and around dramatic rock formations, finally finding their way to a waterfall that rivals Hawaii’s finest.  
 He and Marco strip to their shorts and wade into the freezing cold water, staring up at the gorgeous cascade crashing down in front of them.  They swim for a little while, the area to themselves, and Steve can’t stop himself from staring at the way Marco’s wet curls cling to his forehead. Better that than examining how his thin cotton boxers cling to his ass.
 When Marco grabs him by the arm and drags him out on to the rocks to dry off, his hand lingering just a little too long on Steve’s skin, Steve knows Marco’s been watching him, too.
 They spend the night in a hotel that caters to vacationing familes in the area, a step up from most of the roadside places they drove by on their journey.  Marco insists that they order room service, and they laugh as they toss French fries to each other, each seated on one of the double beds. When Marco’s aim goes awry and a pile of fries land next to Steve instead of in the vicinity of his mouth, Marco brushes it off and says they’ll just share Marco’s bed.  To avoid sleeping in the grease spots.  Of course.
 The next day they resume their trip, and by nightfall, they reach Marco’s uncle’s house.  He treats them to dinner out at a local barbeque place and they feast on brisket and baby back ribs, cheesy corn and loaded potatoes. Marco drives Steve to the station the next day in the Mustang, now empty of soda cans and candy wrappers.  Marco waves goodbye as the train pulls away, his smile as bright as the summer sun.
 Steve hasn’t thought about Marco in a long time.  Hasn’t seen him since that road trip, either.
 Back in the here and how, in Mandy’s hotel room, Steve stands up slowly from the couch.  Time to leave.
 Steve wishes he could take a detour, put off the inevitable for a little bit longer.  But Amanda Savage has done what she came to do.  Steve fleetingly considers going to Danny’s house, making his case, demanding that Danny remember all the misery Rachel put him through. But he’s not going to.
 Because every road trip has an end, and maybe Rachel was the destination all along.
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indianadmin · 2 years
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weekendadventurer · 3 years
[Big Island Recap] Day 8 - 10/13/21 | Back to Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park!
After a slightly disappointing view of the volcano at night the other day, we decided to make another day trip to the Volcano park. But not before we fueled up with some breakfast from Hawaiian Style Cafe! We arrived around 7:30AM to find the place still closed. The hours online did not match what they had posted on the door; so there were also several cars parked outside waiting for the restaurant to open. They eventually opened at 8AM and we were one of the first ones in line, so we got seated quickly. We ordered Kalua hash and eggs and the Puna’ulu Sweet bread french toast.
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I enjoyed the Kalua has and eggs but though the french toast could've been sweeter! I actually liked the pancakes, that came on the side of the Kalua hash, a lot more. For a “side” of pancakes, they were huge!
The first hike we did was actually just outside the entrance of Volcano park. We hiked Kipukapuaulu trail (easy 1.5 mile round trip loop) and did a self-guided tour using the trail guide that you can buy for $2 at the trailhead. Parking was a little confusing since there were no signs, but you can park in the loop, right by the trailhead entrance. There are no bathrooms nearby, aside from an outhouse - so I would suggest stopping by the Visitor center first if you need the restroom.
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The main activity for the day was the Chain of Craters Road drive, which would take us all the way to the coast. We stopped by each point of interest guided by the NPS app. We saw multiple craters, evidence of lava flow, and expansive cooled lava fields. We stopped at Pu'uloa and hiked the 1.4 mile round trip to see some petroglyphs! It was amazing to see evidence of past inhabitants right before our eyes. Last on our stop was the Holei Sea Arch! Overall, it was fun to cruise across the park and all the way to the ocean.
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It took about 45 minutes to drive back to the visitor center. Here is where we heard a park ranger talking about where to view the volcano eruption. He mentioned that the only place to view visible lava would be at Keanakako’i Overlook. He also advised that from 4:00PM-7:00PM it can get pretty crowded. It was around 4:00PM when we heard this, so we left immediately for the overlook. To get to the outlook, you have to park at the Devastation Trail parking lot and walk about 1 mile. The parking lot was full when we arrived but after a little bit of waiting, we were able to grab a spot. When we got to the outlook, it was a bit foggy from the rain and steam but as it cleared up, we were able to see the lava!!! After a few minutes, it got even more vibrant and we witnessed some fountains. The volcanic activity we could see was pretty far in the distance, but I’ll take what I can get! I was very happy and satisfied that we actually got to see lava coming out of a volcano in real life!
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We finished our day with dinner at Testumen Ramen. I ordered miso chashu ramen and did not expect each slice of chashu to be so THICK. It came with 5 pieces and I struggled to eat even 3. It was very fatty and delicious.
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Trip Reports: Honolulu, Oahu Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 Kona/Hilo, Big Island, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9
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restorerjourney · 3 years
Remix so far
September 9, 2021
The first two weeks were rough. I was in Oahu about 6 years ago and it was one of the most relaxing places I’ve ever been to! So I was asking myself two weeks ago why I am so stressed now? it wasn’t easy feeling stressed with the unknown and having to deal with what I was going to do with my future. I would unconsciously clench my jaw and have jaw pain at the end of the day. My acne flared up to the worst it has been which made me more stressed and question why God was allowing this. We as a team had a lot of moments of miscommunication because of our living situation initially. I also felt I was having troubles with a different person each day. Living in close proximity with 15 people and one toilet...let me tell you, is truly sanctifying lol..but praise God we haven’t killed each other yet and our relationships as a family has gotten deeper than ever before.
In this season, God invited me to physically rest and enjoy this month which was very difficult because I was initially anxious. I was disappointed at first with my anxiety, because I felt all that I learned from DTS flew out the window, but by His grace, He walked with me to really enjoy my time here. It was a time I might not get to rest like this and one of the pastors here that we are affiliated with even lend his car to us for a whole month free of charge! This was.a blessing in disguise as a lot of us were getting low in our remaining funds. We mostly went to the beach, snorkeled, and hung out in cafes or at home. In the morning we had different speakers come and give us words of wisdom and their testimonies on how to transition back to our specific sphere of life God has placed us. Here are some gold nuggets that I compiled with the different speakers...
-try to understand your greatest weakness
-pursuing success is so different from pursuing obedience
*Who am I becoming by what I do today?..your future changes by what you do today.
-What am I going to bring from YWAM to the world?
-What is the biggest problem in the world? It is the lack of understanding who God is.
-The more you understand who God is, the more life make sense.
-The two greatest moment in your life. The moment you were born and the moment you know why.
-Did you know that God is fun?
-You are investing in yourself to invest others. 
-Every story in the bible is to teach you character.
-Your talents take you to the top but your character is what keeps you there. 
-If you see a reward for change, you will always change. It’s a mindset! 
-Only place you can grow in God is usually in discomfort
-God always rewards those who obey
-Delayed obedience = disobedience
-To hear God, obey God, and let Him deal with the consequences.
-It’s always right, to do what’s right, even if you don’t feel like it. Everyday we face this decision.
-Our generation wants the reward before obedience. Our reward for obeying God is more responsibility but our generation wants less responsibility.
-Am I living inside a box of comfort? the known? the dependent on self? Outside of the box is when we are truly depending on God and He is inviting you. It’s called faith. 
-How are you reshaping your lifestyle to follow Christ instead of fitting the traditional life style?
-Christ follower lifestyle is to follow Matthew 28:16-20 and 22: 37-40. 
-Am I worried about surviving? With the mentality of surviving, you stepped out of God’s hand and are trying to taking things in your control. 
-In my lifestyle, how do I feel and where does this come from? A lot of the times it is lack of rest.
-In my lifestyle, am I a new creation of God? 
-Did you know comparison is a sin? God never compares you with someone else.
-When we abide in Jesus, we get to live in so much freedom!
-Everything belongs to God. If you buy bread at the grocery store, did you create that bread? How could one say it is theirs when they didn’t create it? When you were born, could you claim and say it is your life? Did you make that decision while you were being born? When you harvest a crop, could you say it is yours? Did you make it grow or did you only plant the seeds and water it? All belongs to Him.
-God’s kingdom works like water...flowing from where there is abundance to the lowest place and it evens out. 
During this process of rest and spending time with God and community, He asked me one day what I would like to do after DTS. He also asked me what would make me happy? I thought of so many different choices but I realized in the end, I just wanted to follow Jesus. I want what’s best and I trust Jesus gives me the best so I’ll follow Him. I just honestly couldn’t imagine my life without Him and I want to live in the new freedom I’ve gained in Christ to the next chapter God is taking me. During that time, one of the speakers named Tom and Cindy Baeur came and left such a lasting impression on me. They are in their 70′s who started a ministry and non-profit organization called Surf the nations 10 years ago. Personally they are solid in Christ, truly exemplifying what a man and woman of godly character looks like, and their lifestyle is close to what I would like to do when I am at their age. Their obedience to God is evident by the fruits in their ministry. They felt that the Lord called them to market themselves as a nonprofit organization which has opened so many doors to those who do not know Christ and even other countries like North Korea. They got the opportunity there to develop relationships with them and share the gospel. They have a passion for investing in the youth and being a light into their communities locally and globally. They run a discipleship program similar to YWAM but it’s only 3 months long. Another fruit is the impact they made in their community locally. Through God’s supernatural provision and their “yes” to following Him, they were able to purchase a strip of buildings where it used to be part of the red light district here in Oahu. What was a porn shop became a self-sustainable coffee shop to support this organization. What was a strip club and liquor store, is now a boutique and surf shop where all proceeds goes to help the organization and empower other small businesses globally. This is just scratching the surface. 
Long story short, during my DTS and doing life with my team, I had the opportunity to learn more about my gifts and talents God has given me. I also have been walking in faith to what I believe God is leading me towards starting a business. Before DTS, business was the last thing I would want to do because my mom owns one and I saw how it robbed my mom’s attention from our family. I also couldn’t imagine what a Christian business would look like. I just knew if I were to do business, I would want it to be self-sustainable, to be a light in my community, and to impact globally either directly or indirectly by empowering the weak and marginalized communities. I just couldn’t imagine it was possible until I saw their organization and what God was doing. I also realized that when I am old, I could see myself so much happier impacting and discipling the younger generation and doing missions till the day I die. I felt like finally I made a realization to what truly makes me alive and flourish and it is to be in the mission field following Christ wherever He chooses to take me. 
That’s when I felt a pull in my heart from God to consider doing a leadership training program with Surf the Nations which consists of 15 months of missionary living. Three months are dedicated to training, and the 12 months is to activate what has been trained. Because they are a pioneering organization and they are launching a business ministry as well, I felt the timing couldn’t be more perfect. 
So for now I am saying “yes” to what I believe God is calling me to join the Surf the Nations Leadership Training Program here in Oahu for the next year and a half! 
Am I scared? Heck yea. But I’m just called to walk in obedience and allow God to confirm as I walk in faith. I’m still praying through the process and I believe God will clearly confirm it to me in His perfect time and He will open and close doors if this is from Him. 
Prayer request:
1) To enjoy the rest and community that we have with each other before we depart back to our homes
2) My mom is coming this Sunday and I believe God is using this time to help her experience possibly the next chapter in my life as I decide to move to Oahu.
3) To focus my eyes on Christ as He walks me towards the next chapter in my life.To not let fear, comparison, doubts, and other opinions hinder me from walking in obedience to Him.
Alicia Kim
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