#Cars For Cash Hawaii
autozillahawaii · 3 days
Discover the Best Used Car Dealerships on Oahu
When it comes to finding the perfect used car on the beautiful island of Oahu, navigating the sea of options can be daunting. However, there are a few standout dealerships that have consistently delivered exceptional service, quality vehicles, and unparalleled customer satisfaction. These are the best used car dealerships Oahu that deserve your attention.
Carly's Cars & Trucks Carly's Cars & Trucks has been a trusted name in the Oahu used car market for over two decades. With a wide selection of meticulously inspected and reconditioned vehicles, Carly's ensures that every car on their lot meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. Their knowledgeable and friendly staff are dedicated to helping you find the perfect ride that suits your needs and budget. Carly's also offers competitive financing options and a comprehensive warranty program, giving you peace of mind with your purchase.
Island Auto Mart Located in the heart of Honolulu, Island Auto Mart is a family-owned dealership that prides itself on its commitment to customer service. Their inventory boasts a diverse range of used cars, trucks, and SUVs, catering to a variety of preferences and lifestyles. What sets Island Auto Mart apart is their transparent pricing policy and their willingness to work with buyers to find the best possible deal. Additionally, their on-site service center ensures that your vehicle remains in top condition for years to come.
Honolulu Pre-Owned If you're seeking a luxury or high-end used vehicle, Honolulu Pre-Owned is the place to visit. This dealership specializes in premium and exotic cars, offering a curated selection of meticulously maintained models from top brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, and more. With their team of knowledgeable automotive enthusiasts, you can expect a tailored and personalized shopping experience that caters to your discerning tastes.
Kapolei Auto Group For those residing on the western side of Oahu, Kapolei Auto Group is a standout choice. This modern and well-stocked used Car Dealerships Oahu Hawaii boasts an impressive inventory of used cars, trucks, and SUVs from various makes and models. What sets Kapolei Auto Group apart is their commitment to transparency and their dedication to providing exceptional customer service. Their team takes the time to understand your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that you drive off the lot in a vehicle that perfectly suits your lifestyle.u
Aloha Auto Sales With multiple locations across Oahu, Aloha Auto Sales has become a beloved name in the local used car market. Their extensive selection of affordable and reliable vehicles caters to a wide range of budgets and needs. What truly sets Aloha Auto Sales apart is their commitment to community involvement and their unwavering support for local charities and organizations. When you purchase a vehicle from Aloha Auto Sales, you're not only getting a great deal but also contributing to the betterment of the Oahu community.
Regardless of your specific needs or preferences, these top used car dealerships on Oahu are sure to provide you with a seamless and satisfying car-buying experience. From their commitment to quality and customer service to their diverse inventories and unique offerings, these dealerships have earned their stellar reputations and continue to raise the bar in the Oahu used car market. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/auto-dealer-hawaii.htm
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Under cover(s) (1/3)
Steve and reader are on an undercover mission.
Characters: Steve McGarrett x female reader
Wordcount: 4631
Warnings: smut, fake dating trope
Author's note: This is my first fanfic, please be kind.
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It had been awfully quiet since you’d asked the hawaii 5-0 team for help on the case. The person of interest had been tracked to hawaii and it is clear that there is a huge deal about to take place.
You lean on the table behind you when you're finished explaining the situation at hand to Steve, Danny, Kono and Chin.
Steve crosses his arms in front of his chest. „I got a man on the inside. He could get us in there.“ That’s what you’d hoped. You stop yourself from letting out a sigh of relief.
„What? Have you lost your mind?“, Danny looks frantic. It makes you chuckle and you push yourself off the table.
„It could actually be our only chance to get Oguz.“, you concede, looking at Danny apologetically. He still has a casket on his left arm, so he wouldn’t be able to come with Steve on this undercover mission.
„It’s settled, then. Y/n and I will go undercover to find this guy, arrest him and shut this entire organization down.“, Steve concludes the short discussion and leaves the room with Kono beside him giving her instructions. Chin types something into the computer surface before him and Danny lets his arms sink in desperation.
„This man gets off at the prospect of potentially getting killed.“, he mutters to himself. „Hey, promise me to keep him from executing the stupid ideas that are eventually going to form in his stupid head, okay?“ You nod and try to hide the smile – unsuccessfully.
24 hours later, you stand next to Steve and the informer at the meeting spot in front of a supermarket. Two large, black vans arrive at the location and you notice Steve taking a step toward the men climbing out of the cars, blocking the view of you.
„Who are they?“ The man who seems to be the leader of the group of 6 men nods in your direction.
„Steve.“, he introduces himself.
„A friend that needs some cash.“, Farid, the infomer, adds as explanation. The leader nods.
„And her?“, he asks.
„I’m Steve’s partner. Y/n.“, you take matters into your own hands and take a step forward to look at the man more closely.
He eyes you, then looks back and forth between you and Steve a few times and frowns. Silence. Staring. You notice Steve moving beside you.
„She’s my partner, my girl. I’m not going without her. And I think you’re two men short.“, he declares and puts one arm around your shoulder. It startles you for a second. This was not part of the original cover story. You were supposed to be partners at work. Was that really necessary? Not only that, his arm confuses you. His touch tingles where it lays heavily on your shoulders. Is that one of the stupid ideas Danny had tried to warn you about? But it’d be only one day of hiking to that location where Oguz needs the men to monitor the transaction of the deal. One day pretending to be his girlfriend. That seems doable.
The leader smacks his lips and introduces himself as Mertan.
„Search them.“, he orders two of the men behind him. They step toward Steve and you. You tilt your head at the man approaching you with a rotten grin on his face.
„You touch her inappropriately and I’ll make you stop breathing in 30 seconds.“, Steve growls at him when he’s in reach for searching you, still not removing his arm from your shoulders. You shoot an angry glance at him and say to the man in front of you: „That meaning I haven’t already unalived you by then.“ The grin on the mans face dissappears and Steve takes his arm off you huffing a laugh.
It seems to have intimidated the man, Frank, enough to not search you thoroughly. He doesn’t notice to two knives you had hidden between your breasts and on the inside of your thigh. Frank and the other man go back to the vans once they’re finished searching you and Steve for weapons.
„I see you got your hiking stuff with you. Got enough supplies for the 3 day hike?“, Mertan asks and points behind you to your bags. Three days? You glance at Steve and your eyes meet. You thought the deal would be taking place tomorrow. Your entire plan had been set up to this information. The team would be tracking your location for 24 hours and then access. You‘d have to contact them and report that change of plans. Also, 3 days of pretending to be Steve’s girlfriend? That’s a different story… But it’s too late to back out now.
„We were told it was just a 1 day hike, so no.“, Steve admits.
„Good thing we’re in front of a supermarket. Get your stuff as fast as you can, then we’ll go.“, the leader goes back to the car.
„Let’s go.“, Steve says, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the store behind him. Inside he lets go of your hand and you pack enough to eat. At the cash register he turns toward you to shield you from the noisy eyes of the man that came into the store with you, so you can text Kono the change of plans. While typing the message he puts his arm around you in a seemingly intimate moment and you tumble toward him letting your forehead fall onto his chest. You hit send and pause. You look up at Steve and notice him observing you closely as you reach one hand into your cleavage to retrieve one of the blades you’ve hidden. When he realises what you’re handing to him, his curious gaze gives way to a grin. Steve pockets the knife and not much later he moves to pay the supplies.
When you return to the rest of the men outside and stow away your purchase, one of the men laughs. „You got enough tampons in case you get your period?“ The rest of the group smirks and you raise an eyebrow. You quickly glance at Steve and notice him laughing in delight, his arms crossed and looking at you. You turn to the man mocking you for being woman.
„You got enough first aid kits in case I break your nose?“, you ask and tilt your head with a smile as sweet as candy. The laughing guy freezes and swallows.
„She’ll kill you in a heartbeat, even when she’s on her period, believe me. Maybe even faster that time of the month.“, Steve backs you up with a hint of pride in his voice. You smile and he hands you your backpack.
A 40 minute drive later in a van packed with men who reek of testosterone and sweat the two vehicles park and you start the hike.
You hike for hours with only few breaks until Steve urges the group leader to set up camp. He’d been walking in front of you the whole time, looking back every 5 minutes, it seemed, to make sure you’re okay.
After camp is set up near a small river, people are drinking and happily chatting away around the campfire. Mertan is quietly staring at you and Steve. You had just told them about how you two had met and fallen in love. For making it up on the spot, it was a pretty believable story. The leader doesn’t seem to buy it, though.
„You don’t act like a couple. At all.“, he interrogates with a sharp tone.
Steve stiffly sits up a bit beside you. You take the beer out of his hand and make a cocky face.
„Well, what do you want to see? A kiss? Or do you want us to go inside our tent and get it on right now?“, you ask, nearly losing it at the pictures that arise in your head when thinking about Steve just touching you. To distract yourself you take a sip of Steve’s beer. The comment earns you laughter from the men around you. Your confident grin is instantly challenged, though, when you feel Steve‘s hand on your thigh. His touch sends an electric shock through your body, making it stiff, and suddenly you have the urge to swallow.
Mertan lets out a harsh laugh. „Just show me something in between.“
As if that was his cue, Steve grabs you by the waist and pulls you onto his lap. All of a sudden you’re sitting on his thighs, you hold back a gasp and look at him, clearly with a face of shock.
„What the-?“, you whisper so the group doesn’t hear you. But instead of answering, Steve grabs your chin with one hand, tilts your head to the side and starts kissing your neck. His grasp is tight, not allowing any protest. His kisses are tender but determined. You realize that you’re holding your breath as his hand starts to trail your curves up and down your side, and you force yourself to take in the oxygen.
„What are you doing?“, you try again whispering, but your voice doesn’t seem to follow your orders anymore and it sounds exilharated and out of breath.
„Sure would have been fun to shake the tent to make them believe we’re having sex.“ Steve’s raspy voice sounds darker than usual. „Not my style though.“ You hear a light chuckle from the crook of your neck. He uses his teeth to pull parts of your blouse over your shoulder, revealing your bare skin and the strap of your sports bra.
„I was just trying to negotiate ourselves out of that situation.“, you hiss quietly, careful not to blow your cover. „You got an idea, so you don’t have to kiss me?“
Steve freezes with his lips just above your skin. You kind of wish he hadn’t stopped kissing you.
„What do you mean, so I don’t have to kiss you?“ You feel your cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the second.
„I- uh, if it’s avoidable- I mean��“, you stutter and he most definitely picked up on you not having a damn clue, ‘cause he makes your thoughts foggy with his touch, his breath and his voice. You clear your throat as quietly as possible. „Well, it’s just that we’ve only known each other for 2 days.“ You pause trying to get your thoughts to be coherent. „It may be tough pretending to make out and make it seem real.“, you finally get out your – granted, foul – excuse.
„Oh, baby, that’s ridiculous.“ You hear Steve’s deep voice low right next to your ear. „It will be easy and convincing. Because you’ll do exactly what I tell you to, won’t you? ‘Cause you’re a good girl, right? Now. Stop being so stiff. Unbutton my shirt.“
You feel your cheeks getting hot with his raspy voice so damn near you and feel his breath on your neck. Involuntarily you wet your lips, when pictures start to arise inside your head.
„Y/n.“ His voice became a tiny bit louder, demanding.
Sweat, lust, hot breath, his naked body on yours. You try to shake it off quickly, to be able to assess the situation objectively. But his hand finds its way into your hair, pulling it lightly. And that’s all it takes for you to give in to him. Every bit of feminism leaves your body at this man demanding you to do as you’re told.
Your hands roam his upper body, finding the collar of his button down, opening one, two, three of them and spreading your fingers onto the warm skin on his shoulders, then his neck. His throat releases a growl. You force him to look at you, even though his kisses and hot breath on your neck were already driving you wild. For a brief moment you believe you can see a fire in his eyes, you’ve never seen in a man before. There are only inches between Steve’s face and yours.
He didn’t need to say it. The corners of his mouth twitch right before he presses his lips onto yours. Hard. His kiss feels desparate, hungry, like he’d been starving for days and your mouth is the first edible thing he found. His tongue strokes your lower lip demanding access. Your lips part ever so slightly and the tip of his tongue playfully greets yours. He tastes like the beer he’d been drinking, smells like the woods around you and feels… like you’re safe. Like you’re not in a camp deep in the woods with 7 other people who would slit your throat open if they knew you were a federal agent.
Steve’s arms are tight around you, protecting you – which sounds stupid, because you’re more than capable of keeping yourself safe. But there’s a wave of clearity that this man would do anything in his power to not get you hurt. And you can’t do anything but lean into it.
„Good.“, he praises you, his words muffled into your open mouth. „Straddle me.“ His voice is just a whisper, but it’s demanding to follow his orders.
You realize that you’d pulled him even closer, so there’s not even an inch of space between you and Steve, and your hands are buried in his hair. You sit up a bit to swing your leg over his lap and straddle him. He hums contentedly and pulls you closer with his hands tight around your waist, when you hear the voice of the group leader again.
„Okay.“, he says with an acknowledging tone. „Alright, I believe you. No need to eat each other up right here, you can do that later, alone.“
You lean back a bit, so you can see Steve’s face. The Commander looks agitated. He’s smirking, his hair messy from your hands.
„You’re clearly heating my people up for something they can’t have right now, so that’s entirely unhelpful.“, Mertan adds mumbling.
„Well, as you can see, once we start, it’s hard for us to stop. That’s why we try keeping it professional most of the time.“, Steve’s voice sounds strong whilst his chest is still rising and falling heavily. Yours is too and there’s not a sign of slowing your breath down, when Steve lowers his voice again only for you to hear. „Convincing, right?“ It’s not a question, so you just try to regulate your breathing again and stand up from his lap. His shirt is still unbuttoned at the top and your eyes can’t seem to focus on something else. You decide to ignore it when him not touching you makes you feel like something’s missing all of a sudden. You swallow and hurry to your – and Steve’s – tent. The night air is cool on your face and you welcome it to take the heat from your cheeks.
What was that? It didn’t feel like just a convincing action for a cover story. You take a deep breath when you reach the tent. But then you hear heavy foot steps behind you on the soft soil – the same ones that had walked in front of you the whole day on the hike.
You turn around before you can zip open the tent. Steve looks at you restlessly. The three buttons at the top of his shirt are still open, so you can see the chest you had caressed just minutes before. You still feel his touch on your waist, his lips on yours.
„What, Steve?“, you say trying to sound annoyed. „I need to sleep.“
„With me, yeah.“, he mutters under his breath, but you heard him. You’re still trying to decide how to react – if you should slap him or rip his shirt off – when he sighs. „Listen, I don’t want things to be weird, but he wanted proof. It’s part of the cover story. Sorry, that I didn’t give you a heads up.“ He brushes over his hair with his hand in a movement that makes it seem like he’s nervous. But that can’t be true, can it? I mean, he just straight up made out with you in front of 8 strangers.
You realize that you in fact haven’t pulled your own shirt back up your shoulder where Steve had exposed it while you were sitting on his lap earlier. Suddenly very aware of your exposed skin, you cover yourself with the fabric.
„Sure. I’m going to bed now.“, you rush turning away from him to get into the tent. Once you’re inside you hear a sigh and his footsteps toward the campfire.
You had just finished getting ready for bed and are snuggling into your sleeping bag, shutting your eyes, when you hear the zipper of the tent. You’re pretty sure it’s gonna be Steve, but just to be safe, your hand slides to your thigh and grabs the knife. Carefully, you open one eye and feel relieved to see Steve’s back as he zips up the entrance again. You close your eyes again and take a deep breath.
„Y/n?“, you hear his whispering voice. You hum pretending you’re half asleep.
„You can’t sleep yet, I’m sorry.“ He really doesn’t sound apologetic. The rasp in his voice reminds you of his commands at the campfire.
„What?“, you mumble into your sleeping bag and turn around to find him sitting next to you. There’s barely enough light for you to see his face looking at you with an expression you can’t quite read. It’s always like that with Steve. You just can’t tell what he’s thinking.
„They’re expecting us to… have sex.“, he explains haltingly in a low voice like they could be hearing him. „Well, I told them you’re pretty tired, but they’re expecting to hear… something.“
„So we’re shaking the tent after all, huh?“ Are you imagining his smirk? You sit up in your sleeping bag.
„Start moaning, baby.“ His commanding voice is back. You press your lips together tightly and hum.
„Louder.“, he orders.
You hesitate. Steve growls and somehow that gets you going and you let out a moan.
„Good girl. Show me what it’d be like fucking you right here in this tent.“ You inhale sharply through your mouth. Bastard. He moves closer and keeps eye contact.
„Oh.“ It slips out of your gaping mouth before you know it.
„Mmh. Make that noise again, I liked that.“ No! That can’t be true. This just can’t be turning you on! But you follow Steve‘s commands.
„Oh!“ You notice your breathing growing faster.
„Just like that, baby. You like how I order you around, huh?“ You can almost feel his breath on your neck again. You close your eyes to focus, but it doesn’t have any effect. Somehow his voice is closer to your ear now and it’s the only thing you can perceive.
„Answer me, y/n.“, he demands. You rush to nod.
„Use your words, baby.“ Where did this calling you baby come from?
„Yes, I like that…“, you say, but it sounds out of breath. „… a lot.“ The last part you mumbled and now you don’t dare to open your eyes. You’re pretty damn sure he heard it. When he hums again you can hear a smirk on his face. It makes you moan, louder this time.
„I wonder what I could do to make you moan even louder.“ Okay, now it actually feels like he‘s breathing right onto your skin. The more he talks dirty to you, the more you feel your center getting hot. „Tell me.“
„You could…“, you begin to whisper.
„Speak up, baby.“
„You could…“, you start again with a firmer voice. „uhm, grab my hair.“ The air hisses through his teeth.
„Oh, yeah. What else do you want me to do to you?“ You swallow hard. Shit. There’s no denying. You’re getting wet.
„You could kiss…“, you hesitate.
„What, baby? What do you want me to kiss?“ Steve sounds breathless.
„… my nipples.“, you utter hastly. This is turning into some kind of phonesex, only you’re less than 3 ft apart. And it’s turning you on, damn.
„Fuck.“ You press your lips together. „Open your eyes, baby. I need you to look at me and say that again like I’m inside you.“ His voice is so close, it’s just a whisper.
Your eyes fly open with shock and curiousity. He sits much closer to you now and watches your every move. Your eyes are used to the darkness now, so you can see his heated face clearly.
„I… want you to kiss my nipples.“ A fine line between his eyebrows appears and he moans with no sign of holding back. You stare at his open lips while wetting yours.
„I want you to suck on my fingers. Will you do that for me?“, he grumbles and seems to be holding himself back from actually doing it. You lick your lip and nod.
„Anything for you.“ That seemed to do it for him too. Steve moans with a frown of pleasure.
„What else do you want me to do?“, you ask with a husky voice.
„Put your hands above your head.“, he demands and shifts in his seating position.
„What are you gonna do? Pin me down?“, you tease and smile up at him.
„Oh, yes, baby. So I can make sure you stay put, while I eat you out.“ You can’t help but stare at him with your mouth open.
„Moan like I'm fucking your wet little pussy with my mouth.“, he orders with a low, sexy voice. And you do, fully lost in the moment.
„Oh… God, Steve!“, you cry out and hum. „I need you. Now.“
„And I need you to place that perfect ass right on my dick.“ You're not imagining this. There is a fire in his eyes that seems to light up the tent.
„Oh yeah.“ The constant eye contact is killing you slowly.
„Fuck, you’re so tight.“, he swears and breathes fast.
„Oh god, you’re so big inside me.“, you whimper. One of your hands find its way to your mouth and you bite your finger when you let out the moan that’s been building in your throat. He watches your thumb getting stuck between your teeth. „Grab my ass.“
„Like that?“
„Tighter.“, you plead and wish you could reach into your panties. And the groan that leaves Steve’s throat only intensifies that urge.
„Fuck! Can I slap your ass?“ You’re surprised he asks and let your thumb slip from your mouth. But then you notice his hand reaching for your sleeping bag, removing the fabric that had covered your thighs. He looks at you in anticipation. Quickly you nod and bite your lower lip, when he smacks the bare skin of your thigh below your shorts, above the holster for your blade. It makes you moan desperately. His hand remains on your leg and he rubs away the sting.
„Time for the finale.“, he whispers and moves closer to your ear. „I need you to moan louder.“ And you do. „Yes, baby, come for me.“
„Oh, god.“
„He’s not the one you should cry out for right now.“
You gasp. „Steve!“
„That’s right, baby. Good girl.“ You moan at his praise. „Tell me what I need to do to make you come for me.“
„Bite my neck.“, you whisper without thinking. Within the blink of an eye Steve is on you, grabbing your face, tilting it to the side and brushing his lips over the bare skin of your neck. You let out a whimper.
„Come. Now.“, he growls and it sends an electricity through your whole body. As he bites your neck, you wish you could reach down and really release the tension that had built up between your thighs. But the closest thing you can do is let it out vocally. So that’s what you do. You let out a crying moan and Steve joins you in the ecstatic sound.
Both of you become silent, catching your breath.
„Convincing, right?“, you say quietly, teasing intended, and Steve chuckles. Slowly, he pulls back from you.
„I guess we can sleep now.“, he huffs out while stripping his shirt and laying in his own sleeping bag. His abs were only revealed for so long, but the potential pleasure is so close that it frustrates you.
It takes longer than ususal for you to fall asleep, even though Steve's regular breath and occasional grunt calm you down.
You wake up in the middle of the night – you need to pee. When you open your eyes, you realize that Steve had moved closer to your sleeping bag, leaving only inches between his hand and your head.
Slowly, trying not to wake him up, you get out of the tent. The cold, fresh air makes you shiver for a moment. Then you make your way toward the river to find a quiet place. You think you‘d heard something behind you so you begin to walk at a slower pace. You could have imagined it or it could have been wild animals, so you tell yourself to not stop in your tracks and prepare to fight. Maybe you shouldn’t move any further away from the camp. That’s when you hear it again, it sounds like footsteps that are not meant for you to hear. Now that you’re sure about it, you do prepare to fight and slowly grab your knife. Once you pass a tree, you quickly duck behind it and press your back against the bark. You cling to your weapon tightly, regulate your breathing and wait… And wait. You’re getting nervous just as you hear Steve’s voice.
„Hey, man. You spying on my girl?“, he calls out from somewhere closer to the camp. He can probably see the person who’s following you. From behind the tree you can hear a deep voice mumbling something intelligible. You can’t tell who it is – definitely not Mertan, not Farid or Frank either.
„Yeah. Get the fuck outta here.“, Steve grumbles. Then there are footsteps walking away from you and back to the camp.
Once the footsteps are died away, you find Steve 20 ft away from you, grinning when he spots you coming out from behind the tree.
„That was not necessary, you know that.“, you hiss between closed teeth – parts because you’re angry at him and parts because you’re starting to be cold. His smirk fades and his expression becomes serious.
„I don’t want to imagine what that son of a bitch would have done if I wasn’t here.“ His eyes look seriously tormented and his voice grows louder. „I don’t expect you to thank me, I know you’re capable of ensuring your own safety. Just… I’m… I wanted to make sure you’re okay.“ He sighs. You swallow and nod slowly.
„Can you stay near? I just need to pee real quick.“, you try to remain curt, but you can tell this man cares about you. So you don’t want to push him away. He nods and the tension seems to leave his body.
A few minutes later, you walk back to your tent with Steve and settle into your sleeping bag. You register Steve sliding even closer to you, but you don’t care.
“You’re shivering.” Steve’s voice sounds worried.
“I don’t have to tell you how to warm up in a sleeping bag, do I?” Your answer is a huff. But after a second of thinking, you decide he’s right and take off your pants and sweatshirt. You close your eyes, but the shivering is not getting any better.
After a few minutes you hear a rustling from Steve’s sleeping bag, zipping, scooching closer. Before you drift off to sleep, you feel his warm body against your back heating you up until you’re no longer trembling.
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sadiri-castillo30 · 1 year
Haunted Hawaii
Finally reached Maui where I've found what I consider the most intriguing stories to write about in my quest to find first hand experiences in paranormal activities, being a foreigner (Hao'le) in these islands, getting the locals to talk you is a bit challenging, especially if it’s about beliefs and culture of these sacred islands, but my listings in the ads in local newspaper with the promise of cash incentive for their story got me some promising leads my name is Richard Jameson writer and author of many books of the paranormal but this will be my first which I will entitle "Haunted Hawaii".
Walking up Keoki's unpaved driveway in a place called Happy Valley felt eerie maybe it was my mixed emotions towards my phone call with before planning my visit, it was in his voice being that Keoki was a bit shaken up still from his encounter which was few weeks earlier. "White lady” he said it was name given by people who encountered her but it never restricted to Maui alone but throughout the Hawaiian island chain, she was never thought of a threat or harm to those met her but she gave a lasting impression to her stooges. It was a night no different from any other Keoki was driving home alone from Iao Valley around 11pm after dropping off a friend it was the usual being that he has done this countless times, till he saw her standing on the side of the road, kind of odd for a woman being out so late at night on a lonely road wearing a white dress or gown of all things with white hair and few strands of black mixed in, Keoki couldn't really see her face being her hair covered most of it, he slowly passed at first but being taught at young age to lend help to anyone who might need a hand especially a Kūpuna (elder) so he stop and circled back to asked if she was ok or needed a ride home, the nearest house in the area she was at least a ½ a mile away so it the logical thing to do for any concern citizen to another to give assistance. She got in the passenger seat, he tried to look at her face in subtle way maybe he would recognize her being that Maui is a small Island where locals tend to know one another, but to no avail so he tried to just focus on his driving, but she did ask for a cigarette which he gladly handed her one. The old lady lit her cigarette and began smoking but kept silent as if she savored every puff , Keoki tried to make small talk asking her name, family name , where she going? but still no answer, as Keoki paid more attention to road contemplating where to drop off his mysterious passenger, smoked filled the whole car she didn’t even bother in rolling her windows down and he was afraid of asking her to he didn’t want to offend her. But rolled the driver window side instead but as the smoke rushed out from the smoke filled car Keoki had felt a cold chill pass through him giving him (chicken skin) Goosebumps and as he thought to look back to talk more to her she was gone, vanished in thin air, she was gone! Keoiki tried to gather himself didn't know what to think of what he just experienced, was it a dream? Was she a figment of his imagination? Ghost? But one thing for sure he sped done out of there doing 90 miles per hour and he wished he could’ve gone faster if not for the winding roads. The following morning he tried to forget what happened the night before but can't seem to let it pass so he said told some of his friends and most of them laughed made fun of him saying he was lucky, and best explanation of it all had a familiar tone to it all he encounter madam Pelé (Hawaiian Fire Goddess, White Lady, Old Lady) and he was fortunate he took the time to entertain her because those who didn't met some unfortunate demise like an accident, sickness or death. I thank Keoki for taking the time to tell me his story of the infamous character giving me my first entry to my book, and asked if he had any other scary stories to tell beside the one he had just given but ended it, he left me hanging out to dry and I wanted more. I reluctantly walked down the driveway but I felt hopeful that I will get to listen and write about more stories on my short stay here, I say short because it’s costing me a fortune being in paradise.
Two days went by without a hitch mainly because the next story I was getting was coming from a group of teenagers and they weren't allowed by their parents to meet me unless it's over the weekend, because they didn’t want my interview to interfere with school work, it was ironic because these boys didn’t look the type of students who made the honor roll. The incident happened on a school night while these boys took a short cut at a Heiau(sacred temple/site) above a community called Hawaiian homes and the only reason they put themselves it that predicament was they were somewhat delinquents so I was told by one of their hanai(foster) parent, I'll disclose giving out their names simply acknowledging them as the boys( Hawaiian names are long anyway). Well they finally made it to our meeting which was at a park right across from the home of one of the boys, with the watchful eye of some neighbors. The story goes, It began with a late afternoon walk going home after playing hookie (truancy) all day which they often did as a group and losing track of time and seeing street lights come on was a bad sign of being in trouble they were already late and due for lickens( spanking) in Hawaiian. Well someone had the brilliant idea of instead of walking the normal route suggested they do a short cut through the Heiau(sacred area) in which everyone reluctantly agreed, even though it was forbidden to do so and that it’s the worst place to be at night mainly because out of respect of Hawaiian culture don’t ever walk in sacred areas, you might trample or stumble on sacred bones of kings that might has been buried in that area. They weren't even in 100 yards into this place till they heard it, beating drums, than they saw it, what looked like fire torches cared by above average sized human figures, which stopped all of them in their tracks each boy froze because they heard about it before but never in a million dreams they thought they would encounter the Hawaiian Night Marchers and they all knew what to do. Lie down and not look upon their faces and stay still till they pass because to look at these warriors who protect sacred land meant death it seemed like hours pass till their ordeal was over, they laughed at the incident mainly because most of them peed in their pants. I'm glad these boys made it home safely to give account of their experience but repeating their actions to cross through sacred land is no more, lesson learned the hard way. I asked if they had nightmares because of the incident but they said “not da kine that would you shi-shi your pants” (wet) and the laughed some more. Well I thank them and off I went to find my next story, it’s hard to believe the story leaving me a little skeptical the account but because my respect towards culture and beliefs of this sacred island maybe just maybe it did really happened but its good writing material I plan to still used it in my book anyways.
The next day I met Dave, not a local but a (Haole) foreigner like me, he contacted me through a friend of a friend with have them in common, and we are both from the Bay area, San Francisco to be exact. We agreed to meet over coffee and I can say MacDonald’s has better drinks than the over price coffee shops around and near my hotel. Dave sat across me and we had a quick introduction before we got started and it all did when he placed a shoe size box on the table. I didn’t know what to think at first, I began to ask myself what’s with the box? Is there bones in it? Is it some kind of old relic? I gave him that impression of being little frustrated guessing what is in it talking to myself so he blurted out “it’s a lava rock” but not just any other rock this one was cursed he explained. Where did you get? “On a tour up Haleaakala” he said as He began to give an account of where and how it came to in his possession. Dave and his wife Brenda signed up to watch the sunrise above the largest (sea level wise) longest dormant volcano in Hawaii or world, and their experience was breathtaking to see the sunrise was one of highlights on their trip. They were also allowed to take some pictures along the crater of the volcano walking around the area Brenda picked up a lava rock with a lots of holes running through it, the natural formation of the rock designed by nature made it alluring to her and she wanted it, then she remembered the rules given by their guide before there tour and that was not take anything rocks, flowers or anything that the stumble upon on the Volcano because its considered sacred to the Hawaiians, so basically you can look but no touching for that matter. Going down the mountain and back to hotel is where she confessed what she did and to Dave he admitted at that time it was no big deal it’s just a rock and it made a decorative paper weight for her home office, but boy was they wrong. The following day the couple got into a freak accident with the rental car when it slammed into a guardrail on the Pali road and the cause according to Dave is it simply ran out brakes, he couldn’t stop so he ran the car through the rail. Because of the accident their vacation was cut short and they went back home. Back in San Francisco Brenda was home a lot her office was there which she placed her precious as an addition to decorate her desk area and immediately weird things started happening she hear strange noises like chanting of some sorts language she couldn’t understand, books would fall from the selves, she felt like someone is in the room with her, it happened so often that every time she’d tell Dave about he would just tease her about it saying her mind is playing tricks on her. Brenda was so traumatized that it drove mad even to the point her health deteriorated lack of sleep, not eating and depressed because no one believed her, than it went after Dave next he said one night he stayed up late and saw the light in his wife’s office flickering so he went to see what was going on and the moment he stepped near her desk some kind of entity picked him up by throat and threw him across the floor and he realized none of this happened before until that rock came into their lives.
The next morning he called the tour company and confessed to their sin about taking the rock when forbidden to do so and asked what to do and they advised to bring the lava rock back because maybe Madam Pele (fire goddess) wants it back. At that’s the reason he is sitting across me that day he flew thousand miles to bring the rock back with an offering so that the curse would be lifted, but Dave said the moment he took the rock out from his home it’s like something was lifted no more voices or weird events it all stopped since. I think this was the first story sent chills down my back and I hope my readers will have the same experience reading it, but the downside it came from a haole (foreigner) it might lose credibility I wish it came from a local, again with all I gathered so far none really stood out except Dave’s story because it’s the only story that someone actually got hurt, maybe Hawaii paranormal are friendly if you play by their rules, do this or don’t do this you’ll live, I’m becoming a little skeptical if I should write this book based on Hawaii ghosts let alone giving it the title “Haunted Hawaii” if there is no real haunting not just friendly who hitch rides and beat drums.
That night I went back to my room tired hoping there were more real stories like Dave’s, so I laid down slept early, than I woke up to the hotel room door opening I opened my eyes to look seeing it a jarred I told myself maybe I forgot close it and I’ll shut it later, but then I saw her silhouette a dark shadowy figure and what seems like she was floating towards me, I wanted to shout but I couldn’t, I wanted to get up and run but I couldn’t, I couldn’t even move, trying my best move an inch but it felt like I was pinned by a strong entity I was desperate and I didn’t where she went my eyes scanned the room it was the only thing that could move looking for her she was gone, (so I thought) till I look towards the ceiling there she was hovering over me, eyes bloody red, mouth opened and not only couldn’t I not move this time I felt like she was sucking the life out of me I was having a hard time breathing I asked myself is this how I’m going to die? Killed by a entity? Did I ask for this? Was it because I said I don’t believe in Hawaiian ghost? Was she here to make herself real to me? I screamed in my mind okay I believe now please let me live! And suddenly just when I was about to give in to my demise, she vanished and whatever feeling had before like being tied down by a supernatural force was a all gone, I didn't sleep well after my trauma I couldn't wait till the sun came up to haul my ass out of my hotel room, jump on a plane and go back home, which it did.
My conclusion to my whole trip was this, I believe when you go chasing after the supernatural looking for ways to entertain your readers be careful! not only are inviting them into your presence but its like you've become their connection to our world, door way so to speak and have then you have audacity to deny they even exist, well your asking for trouble. What happened to me in my last night in Maui is as example of just that, all the demons i made connection with came to my room to make it clear they do exit and they are not to be messed with.
#ghoststories #goosebumps #chickenskin #nightmarchers #whitelady #madampele
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sellurbiz · 21 days
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Hawaii Junk Car Removal is locally owned and operated, and we’ve been servicing clients for a variety of automobile needs throughout the island of Oahu for a decade.
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maxlendmoney · 2 months
Preparing for a Natural Disaster With MaxLend
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The U.S. experiences a variety of natural disasters because of its geographical diversity. This means if you reside within the United States, you are likely to live in an area that could be impacted. When preparing for a natural disaster, there is no better time to start than now.
At MaxLend, we understand how to prepare for a natural disaster. It involves more than the foresight to know the steps you must take. Preparation also requires that you have the funding available to secure the necessary supplies. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has been surveying adults in America since 2013, asking about dealing with unexpected expenses. With these surveys, they found approximately 32% of those surveyed would not have the funding immediately available to cover the expense.1
If you want to know more about a natural disaster recovery plan and how MaxLend and its same-day cash installment loans can help, continue reading below.*
What State Has the Least Natural Disasters?
Determining the state with the least natural disasters can be challenging, as natural disasters can occur in different regions. However, some states are historically less prone to certain natural disasters.
For example, states in the northern parts of the United States, such as those in the Northeast, may experience fewer hurricanes than states along the Gulf Coast or Southeast. Similarly, states in the Midwest don’t experience coastal storm surges and typically only see the remnants of hurricanes. Still, they are more susceptible to tornadoes and severe winter weather.
States like Alaska and Hawaii may be less prone to certain types of disasters, such as tornadoes. Even so, they have unique risks, including earthquakes and volcanic activity.
Natural Disaster States
It’s essential to note that while some states may experience fewer natural disasters of a particular type, no state is entirely immune to natural hazards. Each region has risks, and preparedness is crucial regardless of location. Additionally, the frequency and impact of natural disasters can vary, making it vital for residents in any state to stay informed and be prepared for potential emergencies.
What Is Needed After a Natural Disaster?
When preparing for a natural disaster, regardless of the type, there are many things you will need before, during, and after the event. Of course, you need the basics – food, shelter, clothing, and clean water. You might also need money to repair your home, car, or other transportation. You may have unforeseen expenses, such as medical bills or insurance deductibles, that you didn’t realize you would need to pay. This is why you want to create a natural disaster recovery plan.
But what happens if you don’t have the money to cover the cost of these items? What options do you have? Many things may be needed as life starts to return to normal after a natural disaster. Fortunately, MaxLend offers personal installment loans online. These direct installment loans may help you pay for repairs and other unforeseen expenses that a natural disaster might have caused.
How to Prepare for a Natural Disaster
To help ensure you aren’t taken by surprise when a natural disaster is imminent, you can prepare yourself in advance. Preparing for a natural disaster is crucial to ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones.
Below are some general steps to prepare for a natural disaster. Following these steps will help make sure you have a natural disaster recovery plan and that you and your family will be ready.
Stay Informed
You should always be informed about potential hazards in your area, including the types of natural disasters that could occur. This includes regularly monitoring weather forecasts and warnings from local authorities.
Being prepared, aware, and informed are critical components of mitigating the impact of these events.
Create an Emergency Kit
Assemble a basic emergency supply kit that includes water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, medications, important documents, and other essential items. Customize the kit based on your family’s needs, including infants, elderly family members, and pets. Ensure you have an adequate supply of prescription medications, and include any necessary medical supplies and medicines in your emergency kit.
Make a Family Emergency Plan and Secure Your Home
Develop a family emergency plan that includes communication strategies, evacuation routes, and meeting points. Ensure all family members are aware of the plan and practice it regularly.
Take steps to secure your home, such as reinforcing windows and doors, securing heavy furniture, and making necessary structural improvements. Know how to turn off utilities like gas, water, and electricity.
Have an Evacuation Plan
Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and have a plan in place for where you will go in case of an evacuation order. Arrange transportation options in advance.
You may want to keep important documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance policies, etc.) in a waterproof and fireproof container. Know where these are located so that if you are evacuated, you can quickly grab them. Consider making digital copies and storing them securely online.
Practice Safety Drills
Regularly practice safety drills with your family, including evacuation procedures and other emergency actions. Remember that your steps for safety will depend on the type of natural disaster most likely to occur in your region. Always follow the guidance and recommendations of local authorities.
Financial Preparedness
You may want to keep some cash on hand, as ATMs and credit card systems may be unavailable during a disaster. Review your insurance policies to ensure they adequately cover potential damages.
But what happens if you don’t have cash in your account to withdraw? Regarding financial preparedness, MaxLend offers payday loan alternatives, and may be able to help.
Which of the Following Is Not True About Emergency Funds?
Have you been told you can borrow from retirement savings in an emergency? Or were you told that emergency funds should only be kept in a savings account? Did you hear that emergency funds should only cover job loss? The reality is that none of these statements are true. Not all retirement savings accounts allow for withdrawals, even in emergencies. Not everyone has a savings account or emergency funds available. And most importantly, covering the money you need due to a job loss isn’t the only thing that emergency funds are used for.
MaxLend knows that you might need to pay for many types of emergencies. Whether you are looking at a pet emergency fund, a house emergency fund, or a general emergency fund, it doesn’t matter if you are familiar with these if you don’t have the money to put in them. When you are faced with an emergency, you need help fast. MaxLend offers online unsecured installment loans that could be the help you need.
MaxLend Is Here to Help
If you are preparing for a natural disaster or need money to pay for unexpected expenses after one has affected you and want to apply for an unsecured installment loan, you’ve come to the right place. MaxLend offers cash installment loans online to get you the funding you need fast – sometimes as soon as the same day.* We offer direct online installment loans up to $3,750. You can easily apply online now to find out if you qualify.
For anyone interested in finding out how the process for applying for a MaxLend loan works or to read our frequently asked questions, you can visit our website. You can also call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 877-936-4336. Then, when you take out your first loan with MaxLend, you become a part of MaxLend Preferred Rewards.
Visit us online or call us today and let us help you. By choosing MaxLend, you empower yourself with a reliable solution for unexpected financial challenges. Apply confidently and efficiently, ensuring your preparedness for whatever nature may bring.
1 – Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System – https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/2022-economic-well-being-of-us-households-in-2021-dealing-with-unexpected-expenses.htm
*Same Day Funding is available on business days where pre-approval, eSignature of the loan agreement and completion of the confirmation call, if a call is required, have occurred by 11:45 a.m. Eastern Time and a customer elects ACH as payment method. Customers who complete this process by 1:30 p.m. Eastern on business days may still receive funds on the same day, but some banks may not disburse the funds until the next business day. Other restrictions may apply. Certain financial institutions do not support same day funded transactions. When Same Day Funding is not available, funding will occur the next business day.
The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not professional financial advice. MaxLend does not assume responsibility for information given. All information should be weighed against your own abilities and circumstances and applied accordingly. It is up to readers to determine if this information is safe and suitable for their own situations.
MaxLend, is a sovereign enterprise, an economic development arm and instrumentality of, and wholly-owned and controlled by, the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation, a federally-recognized sovereign American Indian Tribe. (the “Tribe”). This means that MaxLend’s loan products are provided by a sovereign government and the proceeds of our business fund governmental services for Tribe citizens. This also means that MaxLend is not subject to suit or service of process. Rather, MaxLend is regulated by the Tribe. If you do business with MaxLend, your potential forums for dispute resolution will be limited to those available under Tribal law and your loan agreement. As more specifically set forth in MaxLend’s contracts, these forums include an informal but affordable and efficient Tribal dispute resolution, or individual arbitration before a neutral arbitrator. Otherwise, MaxLend is not subject to suit or service of process. Nothing in this website is intended to waive or otherwise prejudice MaxLend’s entitlement to these protections. Neither MaxLend nor the Tribe has waived its sovereign immunity in connection with any claims relative to use of this website. If you are not comfortable doing business with sovereign instrumentality that cannot be sued in court, you should discontinue use of this website.
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autozillahawaii · 3 days
Find Your Dream Car in Honolulu: A Guide to Cars for Sale
Honolulu, the vibrant capital of Hawaii, is not only a paradise for beach lovers but also a thriving market for those seeking their next set of wheels. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor exploring the island's stunning landscapes, finding the perfect car for sale in Honolulu can be an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities.
One of the most appealing aspects of buying a cars for sale Honolulu is the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate island lifestyle. From sleek convertibles perfect for cruising along the scenic coastal roads to rugged SUVs designed for off-road adventures, Honolulu's diverse selection of vehicles caters to every taste and preference.
For those seeking a reliable and practical daily driver, Honolulu's dealerships and private sellers offer a vast array of sedans, hatchbacks, and compact SUVs from renowned manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. These vehicles not only provide efficient transportation but also offer the perfect balance of comfort, fuel efficiency, and affordability, making them ideal choices for navigating the city streets or embarking on weekend getaways.
If you're a thrill-seeker or simply appreciate the finer things in life, Honolulu's car market will not disappoint. From high-performance sports cars to luxurious sedans and SUVs, you'll find a diverse array of premium models from prestigious brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Lexus. These vehicles offer the ultimate driving experience, combining power, style, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that every journey is a memorable one.
For those with an adventurous spirit, Honolulu's selection of trucks and off-road-capable SUVs is truly impressive. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast, a surfer seeking to explore hidden beaches, or simply someone who appreciates the rugged versatility of these vehicles, you'll find a vast array of options to suit your active lifestyle.
One of the key advantages of buying a car in Honolulu is the potential for finding well-maintained and low-mileage vehicles. Thanks to the mild tropical climate and the island's relatively small size, cars in Honolulu often boast excellent condition and longevity, making them a valuable investment for both locals and visitors alike.
When searching for your dream car in Honolulu, it's essential to explore various channels to maximize your chances of success. Online classifieds and dedicated car-selling websites are excellent platforms to browse through a wide selection of vehicles and narrow down your search based on your specific criteria. Additionally, local dealerships and private sellers can provide personalized assistance and valuable insights into the cars they have available.
Throughout the car-buying process, it's crucial to prioritize safety and security. When meeting with potential sellers, choose public locations and consider bringing a knowledgeable friend or family member along for added peace of mind. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle, request maintenance records, and consider obtaining a professional inspection to ensure you're making an informed decision.
Honolulu's vibrant car market offers something for everyone, from practical daily drivers to high-end luxury vehicles and off-road adventurers. By taking the time to research your options, setting a budget, and remaining patient, you're sure to find the perfect car that not only meets your transportation needs but also complements your island lifestyle in Honolulu. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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oahujunkcar · 4 months
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Hawaii Junk Car Removal is locally owned and operated, and we’ve been servicing clients for a variety of automobile needs throughout the island of Oahu for a decade.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 1.13 (after 1940)
1942 – Henry Ford patents a soybean car, which is 30% lighter than a regular car. 1942 – World War II: First use of an aircraft ejection seat by a German test pilot in a Heinkel He 280 jet fighter. 1950 – British submarine HMS Truculent collides with an oil tanker in the Thames Estuary, killing 64 men. 1950 – Finland forms diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. 1951 – First Indochina War: The Battle of Vĩnh Yên begins. 1953 – An article appears in Pravda accusing some of the most prestigious and prominent doctors, mostly Jews, in the Soviet Union of taking part in a vast plot to poison members of the top Soviet political and military leadership. 1958 – The Moroccan Army of Liberation ambushes a Spanish patrol in the Battle of Edchera. 1963 – Coup d'état in Togo results in the assassination of president Sylvanus Olympio. 1964 – Anti-Muslim riots break out in Calcutta, in response to anti-Hindu riots in East Pakistan. About one hundred people are killed. 1964 – In Manchester, New Hampshire, fourteen-year-old Pamela Mason is murdered. Edward Coolidge is tried and convicted of the crime, but the conviction is set aside by the landmark Fourth Amendment case Coolidge v. New Hampshire (1971). 1966 – Robert C. Weaver becomes the first African American Cabinet member when he is appointed United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. 1968 – Johnny Cash performs live at Folsom State Prison. 1972 – Prime Minister Kofi Abrefa Busia and President Edward Akufo-Addo of Ghana are ousted in a bloodless military coup by Colonel Ignatius Kutu Acheampong. 1977 – Japan Air Lines Cargo Flight 1045, a Douglas DC-8 jet, crashes onto the runway during takeoff from Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, killing five. 1978 – United States Food and Drug Administration requires all blood donations to be labeled "paid" or "volunteer" donors. 1982 – Shortly after takeoff, Air Florida Flight 90, a Boeing 737 jet, crashes into Washington, D.C.'s 14th Street Bridge and falls into the Potomac River, killing 78 including four motorists. 1985 – A passenger train plunges into a ravine in Ethiopia, killing 428 in the worst railroad disaster in Africa. 1986 – A month-long violent struggle begins in Aden, South Yemen between supporters of Ali Nasir Muhammad and Abdul Fattah Ismail, resulting in thousands of casualties. 1988 – Lee Teng-hui becomes the first native Taiwanese President of the Republic of China. 1990 – Douglas Wilder becomes the first elected African American governor as he takes office as Governor of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. 1991 – Soviet Union troops attack Lithuanian independence supporters in Vilnius, killing 14 people and wounding around 1,000 others. 1993 – Space Shuttle program: Endeavour heads for space for the third time as STS-54 launches from the Kennedy Space Center. 1993 – The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is signed. 1993 – Operation Southern Watch: U.S.A.F., U.S.N., R.A.F. and French Air Force jets attack AAA and SAM sites in Southern Iraq. 1998 – Alfredo Ormando sets himself on fire in St. Peter's Square, protesting against homophobia. 2000 – A Short 360 aircraft chartered by the Sirte Oil Company crashes off the coast of Brega, Libya, killing 21. 2001 – An earthquake hits El Salvador, killing more than 800. 2012 – The passenger cruise ship Costa Concordia sinks off the coast of Italy due to the captain Francesco Schettino's negligence and irresponsibility. There are 32 confirmed deaths. 2018 – A false emergency alert warning of an impending missile strike in Hawaii causes widespread panic in the state. 2020 – The Thai Ministry of Public Health confirms the first case of COVID-19 outside China. 2021 – Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump is impeached for a second time on a charge of incitement of insurrection following the January 6 United States Capitol attack one week prior.
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Tales From A Self Check-out.
If I could possibly not spend over a 150 bucks on basic ass groceries, I might just keel over, and die from excitement. I'd really enjoy it a lot more, if it didn’t remind me of the shit on a stick state of the economy. Currently, I experience the weekly grocery run in a pool of flop sweats, deep breathing exercises, and a perpetual state of shock. They're charging 15 bucks for a slim bag of jerky?! It's a no for me, dawg. Though, I did pay 2.99 for one single purple onion recently.
On the average grocery run, it's also inevitable that you'll be exposed to the general public. I've actually been a lot more chill about this recently. Yes, my friends, you've heard it announced here, on the internet. For the very first time, I am embracing the general public. I may smile at strangers and say, "Hello there," when our shoulders pass and brush up against each other playfully. I may even strike up a conversation about the general state of banana ripeness in the fruit iles, because I'm very lonely.
The self check out is my holy grail. The final boss. I like the self check out. It makes me feel important, and in control. I'm earning these goddamn groceries. I also like to ring in my organic fruits and veggies under the non-organic prices. I'm under the impression that everyone else does this, too. We're all in silent agreement as we ring in items under their cheaper counterpart, together.
As I'm going through self check out, this dude comes over to the one next to me. He says hello to me, but in a weird elongated way that implies his attraction. "HelloOoooooO." I'm wearing giant obtrusive earmuff headphones. I'm not even listening to anything because my phone died in the car on the way here. Though I still wear them just in case a situation like this happens. I dont usually enjoy chatting with strange men. I know I said all that stuff earlier about embracing the general public. While this may be true, in this particular situation, the vibes were off. After I pretend not to hear him, he scoffs, and I hear him say "okaaayyyuuuuahhh". I go about my business, and he continues to talk out loud. "Wow, 22 dollars, not bad!" He's very proud of the monetary value of his purchases. I, however, have met a problem. I've never been good at estimating prices or basic 5th grade level math. I may look at my cart, and see a hundred dollars worth of items, but as I'm scanning them in I'm watching the number go way above the 170 dollars cash that I brought into the store tonight. I'd usually just use my debit card at a time like this, but I lost it about a week ago. The average normie might panic and block the card right away, thinking it could've been stolen. The ADHD in combination with the copious amount of weed smoking I did in my early 20s, shot my short-term memory to shit. Losing my debit card is a regular occurrence. In the meantime, I just survive off loose cash and wait for it to fall out of a random article of clothing. I just watched this documentary on the migration of whales from Hawaii to Alaska. It's the longest migration journey that a mammal takes. It fascinates me that they just KNOW where to go. They don't have a compass or Google maps. The documentary says that they tap into the Earth's natural magnetic field to help them navigate. Humans are mammals, too. So, with that being said, is it possible that I could reach the force that leads me to my lost debit card?
So, I'm there at the self check out. 200 dollars (worth?) of groceries, and only 170 to spare. The fluorescent lighting glares in my eyes a little bit sharper than it did before. I feel sweaty. I raise my hand like I'm a middle schooler desperate to ask for the bathroom. Not because I actually have to pee, but to exercise a little freedom from the educational prison and wander the halls. One time, in the fourth grade, I excused myself from math class and found a cozy closet in an empty special Ed room. I hid there for two hours until a random teacher opened it. "What are you doing?" She asked, naturally, in a sweet southern accent. I panicked, "uhhh, I'm looking for the bathroom." To this day, I kick myself for not coming up with a better excuse. She politely showed me the bathroom anyway, even though she totally knew I was full of shit. Then, I rejoined the kids at recess time, and nobody noticed I was gone.
The Safeway worker comes over to me, and I explain to him the situation. Just as I do, the dude from before starts making exasperated noises, as if he's suddenly insecure about his once joyful amount of grocery to price ratio. He alerts the Safeway worker that's in the middle of helping me. "Once you're done with that, I need your help. Though, it's not NEARLY as bad as her problem." Screw you, random strange man. Was he not just trying to get my attention 3 minutes ago? Now I'm the girl with the problem.
I take off some of my items to dwindle the price down to match the amount of scratch I hold in the zipper head of my pink teddy bear purse. "...And I'll take the beets off." It was my last request. My sweet ginger pickled beets. They were the hardest to see go. "Ahh. Beets." The random strange man comments from the sidelines. In a way, that didn't express cheer or disgust. It was more of a statement. The meer acknowledgement of beets existence. Finally, I turn my head to give this guy a look. His feature prove exactly how I pictured them in my head. A cross between a fast fashion version of Liam Nesson and one of those ginger kids on South Park. He gave me a twitchy smile that reminded me of the moment before my first kiss. I was thirteen, with my first boyfriend, in a dark theater watching the Blind Side. I remember feeling nauseous afterwards. As the random strange man smiles at me, I resist the natural urge to smile back. I read somewhere about a serial killer who would smile at women in public and then target the ones who would reciprocate the friendly gesture. Then, I feel a particularly wave of sadness that comes when you live in a society on the brink of a SiFi dystopia. One where kindness from strangers is lost, and I pay twice as much as I need to for basic ass groceries.
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (610): Fri 17th Nov 2023
My final week of shifts before we start doing mandatory overtime for the six week run up to Christmas. I’m going to be incredibly knackered and cranky by the time 2024 comes along but at least at the end of January I’ll have another week in the Gran Canaria sun to look forward to plus I’ll hopefully have a fuck ton of cash in my bank which I can put towards something cool, probably the trip to Hawaii with Dad. I really don’t understand why the Hell we have to do another fucking hour a day on top of the extra cunting day we’re already doing. They’ve basically said that us doing an extra day wasn’t QUITE going above and beyond for the customers so they’ve forced us into this extra hour a day too. I dread to think what the fuck they’ll get us to do next year. “Hey guys so this year in addition to doing an extra day and an extra hour a day you will also be personally driving every single package you process directly to the customers doors! And you have to pay for any additional petrol  you have to put in your car? Oh you don’t have a car? Well then you’ll have to take the bus. Oh the buses are on strike? Well you’ll have to take a taxi at your own expense. Oh the taxis are fully booked over Christmas? Well you’ve got feet don’t you? Merry Christmas”. 
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spoilertv · 9 months
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motorfestgames2023 · 9 months
The Crew: Motorfest - Igniting the Racing Scene in Hawaii
The Crew: Motorfest is like totally lit, you know? It's not about its success, but more about how it's following the same vibes as Forza Horizon. They've jacked all the dope stuff from Forza Horizon, from the menu setup to the intro, the banging music choices, and the storytelling style, down to the types of races and the actual gameplay itself. It's like, if a game series is fire, it's gonna get copied, and that's cool, but it's not getting a high score from them. Anyway, it's awesome that PlayStation players finally get a similar game to vibe with.
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Hawaii is where the biggest motor fest in the world goes down, with all the different races and scenes, from lush jungles to chill volcanoes, crazy cities, and untouched beaches. All those spots are gonna get messed up by racers doing their thing, whether it's off-road, on the streets, or at the tracks. And it doesn't matter if you're into cars, bikes, boats, or planes; they got it all, and that's just the beginning of what's in store in The Crew Motorfest, which they've been hyping up. It had to step up its game and give us a map that's as rad as the one in The Crew 2, which had a "condensed" version of the whole United States we could explore coast to coast, with all the iconic spots. Hawaii, while wild and diverse, doesn't have the same pull, like no Las Vegas to hit up, but it makes up for it with a massive landmass, with different vibes in every corner. Plus, thanks to the new consoles like the PS5, the visuals are next level, with stuff to smash everywhere, and the graphics are insane especially the lighting. So, if you're looking to enhance your gaming experience, you might want to consider where to buy PS5 games.
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Adrenaline Rush: The Ultimate Racing Experience on the Island
Inside the island, there are all these mini-games, just like the rival game. You got stuff like speed limits and photo ops. They even brought in this Slalom thing where you have to zigzag through points in a set area, which sounds hella fun. And there's a whole section for Formula cars that you can race on tracks. Aside from cars, boats, and planes, these Formula rides are a blast, with even pit stops. It's more arcade-style, not the hardcore sim stuff like Formula 1 games. They even threw in some Red Bull vehicles from back in the day. The real deal for a racing game is how the cars drive, right? Before, The Crew didn't do it for them, and they thought the driving in lots of Ubisoft games, like Watch Dogs 2 and Legion, was whack. So, they were mad skeptical about this game, wondering if it would be worth it to buy PS5 games like this. Like, more biased than cautious, for real.
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Customization and Legend Points: Unveiling Motorfest's Personalization Features
Now, let's talk about customization in Motorfest. First off, you get to pick a character, but it's kinda meh, not much to work with, so they didn't even bother making a character that looks like them. But you can customize your character's drip a bit, from gloves to shades. They also have animations for posing and celebrating, but here's the kicker – once you pick your starting gear at the beginning, you gotta spend in-game bucks or real cash for the rest. When it comes to the money stuff, they've been grinding for over a dozen hours and haven't felt the pressure to drop real dollars. What's more important than looks is those Legend Points (LPs). You earn 'em by playing, like when you're looking to buy PS5 games, and can use 'em to unlock perks like more nitro power or better drifting. LPs let you flex your style beyond just clothes, ya feel?
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indianadmin · 10 months
Are you ready to part ways with your car on the beautiful island of Oahu? Whether you're upgrading to a newer model, downsizing, or just need some extra cash, you have several options when it comes to selling your vehicle. In this blog, we'll explore some of the top places to sell your car on Oahu, and we'll shine a spotlight on one of the most trusted names in the business - Autozilla Hawaii.
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aesthetically0b5essed · 10 months
She had the balls to ask how I like to living with my grandparents. As if I had a fucking choice. As if I'm here because I'm so lazy or hopeless that I have to be here. I made a shit ton of money 6 years ago. And I've been sitting on top of it trading it while taking care of my family. I'm not fucking lazy I just don't brag about it. Fuck you you fucking trust fund baby. Who never worked. Ran out of money and then just ask their mom for $100,000 and then she just gave it to them. You do graphic design in Hawaii and you're married to a surfer. Don't fucking judge me. I could go out and buy a fucking car in cash but that would be stupid. Like all the things that you do.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
A lot of people think it's Trump especially since he's captured all those Max it's taking over a ton of businesses. Then they go back to Mac and they can't understand what's happening then they think it might be territory but they see Aaron or Joel or Trump forming up a northern line and it's kind of like halfway through Kentucky no it's a little further up almost to Hawaii Ohio 12 20 miles south of Cincinnati and people are running to the north very fast they're evacuating the cities very quickly there's a line of cars that goes from the cities all the way to the highways from every city in the Midwest yes they're going south they're going north out the gate and they are going very fast 120 mph and they pull off for gas and they fuel up and they don't they don't get paid mostly a lot of people pay them in cash and people have money pay them extra and they thank them and that's how it's going and they're ordering more and more fuel and they're getting it and tons of them are leaving and huge ships are going up there now it's not enough cars and trucks to take them out big trucks and now going and planes and jets a huge trucks are transporting them out to the rivers and up north as a road if they go off the road they get destroyed they have a device they get destroyed. They're moving very fast and the ships are going up and their ships coming down it's kind of craziness the building a lot of ships most of our ships are about a mile you have some that are two and we don't want to bring bigger ships out there kind of wreck the place until it drops and we have a lot of fast subs and their high tech very fast and efficient and there's simpler than most that they work very well and you can see visually this is happening now there are a lot of people who are watching now and trying to see and communications are being cut quite a bit people are evacuating and leaving and running the upper Midwest is evacuating and people are taking stuff if they can but not big stuff and The shield is up there and they don't have a shield that's complete over Virginia and Maryland they have one over New York City because of all the threats and the rest of New England for the most part it has people that shield is going to start moving actually I already have and we started to move are ships towards it and we tell them we're taking this area and they back up and they are moving to the east and this is the massive evacuation we told people about and it's working now
So happy Father's Day all
Thor Freya
Thank you I appreciate it. And I mean the comment and I also mean the sentiment and I mean the maneuver that is great
He means greatness too but no he means it's great like terrific and all will be coming here, sort of but you're saying it's cordoned off and the max are doing it with us some foreigners so that's good and that'll have to be bolstered big time
I meant to get up there and we have to bolster big time and put in heavy and everything we need ships out there we need tons of stuff and we have to we have to get it up there now and people are moving and they're trying to come this way and we don't want them to sway we don't want them from the West either and they're trying to do that so we're moving out right now
Mac daddy
They were buying your cars and we're buying the ATK and the guys looked out there and they saw all these ATK ripping it up and they're very fast and very powerful the tires are decent sized but boy these guys can move I mean these are big people and the bikes are bigger they're pretty big they're like 800 cc's and second adventure bike just like he said that people should have but here there's no air so you can't keep testing it around but still those things are kicking ass they are very fast and have armor on them and they're still carrying the load and boy you you'd be impressed if you saw what you're doing and they're good at it they're good writers not massively good but they're decent riders. ATK is not selling like hotcakes but yeah mostly in the United States and they have a smaller one that's in Enduro you'll probably get one and everybody on Earth will want one and they have a lot of them
Mac daddy
We have about 345 million ATK and today we're deploying a billion more it's not that many he says and it really isn't you don't want them driving all over the place making noise we use them for a certain purpose and really they're very effective it's like a Navy SEAL tool or a special forces and we can parachute in with them we do it often and there's tons of people who want to do that and they know they can handle it and Honda does it too they have a big motor it's like a 750 and it but it is on a adventure bike these are running dirt bikes these are rugged dirt bikes and they we have a bigger one and a adventure bike that's bigger too they're running a 1250 in one of the bikes it's monstrous it's for people who are large 8 ft or bigger and we have one that is an adventure bike and a bigger one too same configuration more or less the motor has more power on both there's a wonderful bike and a massively powerful make smaller ones for children but boy those things they smoke everybody is the way he decided the motor it's all of them liquid cooled.
We're moving out and we're going to take and hold the territory and we intend on taking the upper Midwest which is in disarray and a lot of it's wasteland and the guys doing the movies don't even want to be there it's a nightmare they say it's full of derelicts and sick people AIDS victims and zombies so we clear them all out and this movie is about it too coming up cuz they're still in the areas and you're trying to hold on to him everybody gets sick and dies especially after the freeze out that's going to happen up there we have all the gear in our vehicles for a freeze. It's true too we have drinks to make you warmer and keep you warmer and they're not alcohol and we have special bags that you seal yourself in and we put something on the floor. The hills and the heat is still in and the cold is outside but we don't plan to be out there when that happens just go down below
Thor Freya
Remember he said it too you need to have stuff for that and he's been working on things like that forever like an emergency blanket
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autozillahawaii · 1 month
Honolulu's Haven for Quality Used Cars: Unlocking Exceptional Value and Peace of Mind
When it comes to purchasing a pre-owned vehicle, finding the perfect balance between quality and affordability can be a challenging task. However, in the heart of Honolulu, a thriving community of reputable used car dealers has emerged, offering a wide array of high-quality options that cater to every budget and lifestyle. In this article, we'll explore the world of quality used cars in Honolulu, highlighting the key factors that set these dealerships apart and providing valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.
Honolulu's used car market is a vibrant and diverse landscape, with dealerships ranging from well-established names to hidden gems tucked away in unassuming neighborhoods. What unites these businesses is a shared commitment to providing their customers with reliable, well-maintained vehicles that have been meticulously inspected and reconditioned to meet the highest standards.
One of the hallmarks of a quality used cars Honolulu is transparency. These establishments understand the importance of building trust with their customers, and they go above and beyond to provide comprehensive vehicle histories, detailed condition reports, and accurate pricing information. This level of transparency not only fosters confidence in the buying process but also ensures that you have a clear understanding of the vehicle's past and its current condition.
Another key factor that sets quality used car dealerships apart is their dedication to customer satisfaction. These businesses understand that purchasing a pre-owned vehicle can be a significant investment, and they strive to make the experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. From knowledgeable and friendly sales staff to flexible financing options and comprehensive warranties, these dealerships prioritize your needs and provide the support you need to make an informed decision.
Honolulu's quality used car dealers also pride themselves on offering a diverse selection of vehicles to cater to every preference and lifestyle. Whether you're in the market for a reliable family sedan, a rugged SUV for outdoor adventures, or a fuel-efficient commuter car, these dealerships have you covered. Their inventories are carefully curated to include a range of makes, models, and price points, ensuring that you can find the perfect fit for your needs and budget.
In addition to the wide selection and exceptional customer service, many of these dealerships also offer added value through certified pre-owned (CPO) programs. CPO vehicles are typically late-model, low-mileage vehicles that have undergone rigorous inspections and reconditioning processes to meet the manufacturer's stringent standards. These vehicles often come with extended warranties, roadside assistance, and other benefits, providing an added layer of confidence and peace of mind for buyers.
Honolulu's quality used car dealerships understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving market. Many of these businesses have embraced cutting-edge technologies and innovative practices to enhance the buying experience. From virtual showrooms and online financing tools to contactless transactions and home delivery options, these dealerships are constantly adapting to meet the changing needs and preferences of today's consumers.
Whether you're a lifelong resident of Honolulu or a visitor seeking a reliable vehicle for your island adventures, the city's quality used car dealerships offer an exceptional opportunity to find the perfect pre-owned vehicle. With their commitment to transparency, customer satisfaction, and exceptional value, these businesses are redefining the used car buying experience, ensuring that you can drive away with confidence and peace of mind.  https://www.autozillahawaii.com/
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